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Haverfield, F.

box 340, folder 16

Extract from Ancient Town-Planning. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913

Physical Description: 7 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of section on Pompeii, pages 63-68.

Heilprin, Angelo

box 340, folder 17

"Vesuvius and Pompeii: a Parallel." In Mont Pelée and the Tragedy of Martinique, 121-139. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1903

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 340, folder 18

"The Destruction of Pompeii as Interpreted by the Volcanic Eruptions of Martinique." National Geographic 15 (1904): 431

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies

Scope and Contents note

Abstract of paper delivered at the Eighth International Geographic Congress.

Henzen, G.

box 340, folder 19

"Intorno all'iscrizione puteolana de' Luccei." BdI (1851): 186-202

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (10 leaves)

Herbig, Reinhard

box 341, folder 1

"Zu den Wandgemälden der Villa Item." AA (1925): 261-266

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; annotated.
box 341, folder 2

"Fensterstudien an antiken Wohnbauten in Italien." RM 44 (1929): 260-321

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 341, folder 3

"Herakles im Orient." In Corolla Ludwig Curtius, 205-211. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1937

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Héron de Villefosse, A.

box 341, folder 4

"Le trésor d'argenterie de Bosco Reale." Gazette des beaux-arts 37 (1895): 89-104

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Herrlich, S.

box 341, folder 5

"Uber 'Sibyllinische' Weissagungen über den Vesuvausbruch von 79." Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift 23 (1903): 1149-1151

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 341, folder 6

"Die antike Überlieferung über den Vesuvsausbruch im Jahre 79." Klio 4 (1904): 209-226

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Herrmann, P.

box 341, folder 7

"Noch einmal die Wandbilder der Villa Gargiulo." Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift 31 (1911): 757-759

Physical Description: 1 leaf
box 341, folder 8

Extracts from Denkmäler der Malerei des Altertums. Munich: F. Bruckmann, 1934-1950

Physical Description: 18 leaves with photographs attached, 15 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copies of selected sections of text and images, as well as English translations.

Heukemes, Berndmark

box 341, folder 9

"Eine grünglasierte Gladiatorendarstellung von Karlsruhe-Grünwinkel." In Festschrift Wahle , 163-167. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1950

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy

Highbarger, E. L.

box 341, folder 10

"Theogonis and the Persian Wars." TAPA 68 (1937): 88-111

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Hill, G. F.

box 341, folder 11

"Appendix IV: The Imperial Families of the Western Empire to A.D. 476." Extract from Handbook of Greek and Roman Coins , 230-241. London: Macmillan, 1899

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Hoare, Mr.

box 341, folder 12

"Extract of a Letter, dated at Rome, Aug. 5, 1747, from Mr. Hoare, a young statuary, pursuing his studies there, to his brother Mr. Hoare, an eminent Painter at Bath, giving a short Account of some Antique Pictures found in the Ruins of Herculaneum at Portici, near Naples." PhilTrans Abridged 9 (1744-1749): 362-364

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (4 leaves)

Holton-Bechtolsheim, H.

box 341, folder 13

Bemoerkninger til Dekorationerne i Soro Skoles Hovedbygning. 5-48,

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (45 leaves)

Horedt, Kurt

box 341, folder 14

"Eine lateinische Inschrift des 4. Jahrhunderts aus Siebenbürgen." Anuarul Institutului de Studii Clasice 4 (1941-1942): 3-8

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated.

Horne, John Fletcher

box 341, folder 15

The Buried Cities of Vesuvius. London: Hazell, Watson and Viney, 1895

Physical Description: 2 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copies of title page and bibliography only.

Horstkotte, H.J.

box 384, folder 5

Review of J. Andreau, Les affaires de Monsieur Jucundus. Gnomon 49 (1977): 701-707

Physical Description: 1 bound typescript

Scope and Contents note

Translation into Italian.

Hülsen, Christian

box 341, folder 16

"Miscellanea epigrafica, XXI. Tessere lusorie." RM 11 (1896): 227-257

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Ippel, Albert


"Pertica pompeiorum." RM 46 (1931): 198-304

box 342, folder 1

Offprint of article

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 384, folder 6

Translation into English and synthesis

Physical Description: 1 bound typescript, 7 leaves
box 342, folder 2

Review of Erich Pernice, Pavimente und figürliche Mosaiken. Gnomon 15 (1939): 556-567

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; annotated; includes page of notes.

Ivanoff, Sergio

box 342, folder 3

"Varie specie di soglie in Pompei ed indagine sul vero sito della fauce." AdI 31 (1859): 82-108

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Aus Pompeji. Architektonische Studien. Heft 2 mit Erläuterungen von August Mau. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1895

box 581, folder 12

"Nachtrag zu Pompeji"

Physical Description: 1 signature

Scope and Contents note

Section from original publication.
box 602, folder 11


Physical Description: 40 frames; 35 mm.

Jacono, Luigi


"Osservazioni su i viridarii pompeiani." Rassegna nazionale 175 (1910): 575-586

box 342, folder 4

Copies of article

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 1 typescript copy

Scope and Contents note

Original (?) typescript.
box 602, folder 12


Physical Description: 15 frames; 35 mm.
box 342, folder 5

"Note di archeologia marittima." Neapolis 1 (1913): 353-371

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 342, folder 6

"Della cochlea di Archimede nella descrizione Vitruviana e in un dipinto pompeiano." NSA (1927): 84-89

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Jahn, Otto

box 342, folder 7

"Über eine auf einem Thongefäss befindliche lateinische Inschrift." BerVerhLeipz 9 (1857): 191-205

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 342, folder 8

"Über Darstellungen antiker Reliefs, welche sich auf Handwerk und Handelsverkehr beziehen." BerVerhLeipz 13 (1861): 291-374

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 342, folder 9

"Über Darstellungen des Handwerks und Handelsverkehrs auf antiken Wandgemälden." AbhLeipz 5 (1870): 265-318

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Jashemski, Wilhelmina

box 342, folder 10

"The Flower Industry at Pompeii." Archaeology 16 (1963): 112-121

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 342, folder 11

"A Pompeian Copa." ClJ 59 (1964): 337-349

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 342, folder 12

"Pompeii." Natural History 73 (1964): 30-41

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel; entire fascicle.
box 342, folder 13

"The Discovery of a Market-Garden Orchard at Pompeii: The Garden of the 'House of the Ship Europa'." AJA 78 (1974): 391-404

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note


Johannowsky, W.

box 342, folder 14

"Relazione preliminare sugli scavi di Cales." BdA 3 (1961): 258-268

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the collection of Martin Frederiksen.
box 342, folder 15

"Gli Etruschi in Campania." Klearchos 19 (1963): 62-75

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 342, folder 16

"Un corredo tombale con vasi di bronzo laconici da Capua." RendNap 49 (1974): 3-20

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the collection of Martin Frederiksen.

Johnston-Lavis, H.J.

box 342, folder 17

"The Eruption of Vesuvius in April, 1906." Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society 9 (1909): 139-200

Physical Description: 1 bound offprint

Jongman, Willem

box 342, folder 18

"Pompeii: een stad in onderontwikkeling." Hermeneus 60 (1988): 263-271

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Also includes letter from Jongman.

Kähler, Heinz

box 343, folder 1

"Der Augustus von Primaporta." Gymnasium 63 (1956): 345-350

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Kelsey, Francis W.

box 343, folder 2

"The Stage Entrances of the Small Theatre at Pompeii." AJA 6 (1902): 387-397

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 343, folder 3

"A Waxed Tablet of the Year 128 A.D." TAPA 54 (1923): 187-195

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; annotated.

Kepartová, Jana

box 343, folder 4

"Zu dem Begriff 'pupa'." Listy filologické 106 (1983): 187-188

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 343, folder 5

"Kinder in Pompeji." Klio 66 (1984): 192-209

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 343, folder 6

"Eine epigraphische Untersuchung zu den Gladiatorenspielen in Pompeji." Klio 66 (1984): 320-322

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Offprint also includes "Eine Studie zum Skulpturenschmuck pompejanischer Häuser," 323-325.
box 343, folder 7

"Die Arbeiten an Bd. IV. des Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum." Listy filologické 108 (1985): 164-167

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 343, folder 8

"Ein Katalog der Antiken im Stadtbild von Chiusi." Klio 67 (1985): 356-357

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 343, folder 9

"Ein Katalog der Steininschriften aus Concordia." Klio 67 (1985): 358-359

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 343, folder 10

"Ein Einführung in die Epigraphik." Klio 67 (1985): 609-611

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 343, folder 11

"Ehrenstatuen in Rom." Klio 67 (1985): 612-613

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 343, folder 12

"Zu Inschriften aus Italien." Klio 67 (1985): 614-617

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Klein, Wilhelm

box 384, folder 7

"Pompejanische Bilderstudien I," ÖJh 15 (1912): 143-167

Physical Description: 69 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Translation into English: annotated typescript and two carbon copies.
box 384, folder 8

"Pompejanische Bilderstudien II," ÖJh 19-20 (1919): 268-295

Physical Description: 30 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Translation into English: annotated typescript.
box 384, folder 9

"Pompejanische Bilderstudien III," ÖJh 23 (1926): 71-115

Physical Description: 49 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Translation into English: annotated typescript.

Klinkert, Walter

box 343, folder 13

"Bemerkungen zur Technik der pompejanischen Wanddekoration." RM 64 (1957): 111-148

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Knapton, George

box 343, folder 14

"Extract of a letter to Mr. Charles Knapton, on the same subject [Herculaneum]." PhilTrans Abridged 8 (1740): 437-439

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (4 leaves)

Koch, Heiner

box 381, folder 3

"Pompeji." Schöne Vohnen (1961): 108-127

Physical Description: 1 bound offprint

Kockel, Valentin

box 343, folder 15

"Archäologische Funde und Forschungen in den Vesuvstädten I." AA 1985: 495-571

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 343, folder 16

"Archäologische Funde und Forschungen in den Vesuvstädten II." AA 1986: 443-569

Physical Description: 212 leaves, 1 visiting card

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy presented to Vander Poel by Jos de Waele. Also includes copy of "Vesuvstädten I".
box 343, folder 17

"Im Tode Gleich? Die sullanischen Kolonisten und ihr kulturelles Gewicht in Pompeji am Beispiel der Nekropolen." In Römische Gräberstrassen, 183-198. Munich, 1987

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 343, folder 18

Review of Verena Gassner, Die Kaufläden in Pompeji. Gnomon 59 (1987): 539-543

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Kockel, Valentin and Berthold F. Weber

box 343, folder 19

"Die Villa delle Colonne a Mosaico in Pompeji." RM 90 (1983): 51-89

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel from Kockel.

Koepp, Friedrich

box 344, folder 1

Review of Ernest Pfuhl, Die Anfänge der griechischen Bildniskunst. Göttingischen gelehrten Anzeigen (1927): 373-381

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 344, folder 2

Review of Heinrich Fuhrmann, Philoxenos von Eretria. Göttingischen gelehrten Anzeigen (1932): 89-104

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; annotated.
box 344, folder 3

Review of Ulrich Wilcken, Zu den impensae der res gestae Divi Augusti. Gnomon 9 (1933): 312-320

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Köhler, Walter

box 344, folder 4

"Zur Geschichte des Täufertums in der Reformationszeit." Pädagogisches Zentralblatt 2 (1933): 92-101

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Tatiana Warscher.

Körte, G.

box 344, folder 5

"August Mau." Nachrichten der K. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 1 (1909): 1-6

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Kornemann, Ernst

box 344, folder 6

"Das 'Hellenentum' der Makedonen in Aegypten." Aegyptus 13 (1933): 644-650

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Kraemer, Casper J., Jr. and Naphtali Lewis

box 344, folder 7

"A Divorce Agreement from Southern Palestine." TAPA 69 (1938): 111-148

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Kraus, Theodor

box 344, folder 8

"Reinhard Herbig." RM 69 (1962): 1-13

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 344, folder 9

"Die Basis des Epistrategen Fidus Aquila aus Antinoopolis." RM 69 (1962): 128-15

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Pietro Soprano.

Kretzschmer, Fritz

box 344, folder 10

"La robinetterie romaine." Revue de l'Est et Centre-Est 11 (1960): 89-113

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Krischen, Fritz

box 344, folder 11

Extract from Die Stadtmauer von Pompeji und griechische Festungsbaukunst in Unteritalien und Sizilien . Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1941

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of pages 7-18.

Kroker, E.

box 344, folder 12

"Die neuesten Ausgrabungen in Pompeji." PhilWSchr 5 (1885): 218-224, 250-254

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note


Kroll, W.

box 344, folder 13

Review of Bertil Axelson, Zum Alexanderroman des Iulius Valerius. Gnomon 13 (1937): 287-288

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 344, folder 14

"Lateinisch: Syntax, Sprachgeschichte, Metrik." Glotta 26 (1937): 71-84

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Krüger, Emil

box 344, folder 15

"Die römischen Mosaiken in Deutschland." Forschungen und Fortschritte 9 (1933): 296-297

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

La Condamine, Charles Marie de

box 344, folder 16

"Extrait d'un journal de voyage en Italie." Histoire de l'académie royale des sciences (1757): 336-410

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (39 leaves)

Lamboglia, Nino

box 344, folder 17

"Ceramica 'presigillata' a Ventimiglia, a Minorca e in Sicilia." Archivo español de arqueología 83-84 (1951): 1-7

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 344, folder 18

"Per una classificazione preliminare della ceramica campana." In Atti del I° Congresso internazionale di studi liguri , 139-206. Bordighera, 1952

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 344, folder 19

"La ceramica iberica negli strati di Albintimilium e nel territorio ligure e tirrenico." Rivista di studi liguri 20 (1954): 83-124

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 344, folder 20

"Bolli ampuritani su 'Campana C'." Rivista di studi liguri 21 (1955): 51-56

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 344, folder 21

"Sulla cronologia delle anfore romane di età repubblicana (II-I secolo A.C.)." Rivista di studi liguri 21 (1955): 241-270

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 344, folder 22

"Concetto e metodi dell'archeologia in Liguria." Rivista di studi liguri 21 (1955): 289-297

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Lamer, Hans

box 344, folder 23

"Zwei metrische Grabinschriften aus Lucanien." PhilWSchr (1927): 542-543

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated.
box 344, folder 24

"Wilhelm Dörpfeld." Roland-Blätter (1928): 108-110

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 344, folder 25

"Historisch-literarische Schriftreihe der Deutsch-Griechischen Gesellschaft." PhilWSchr (1931): 1582-1590

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Langlotz, Ernst

box 384, folder 10

"Zur Überlieferung der sitzenden Aphrodite-Olympias." In Festschrift Andreas Rumpf, 101-106. Krefeld: Scherpe, 1952

Physical Description: 62 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Translation into English: annotated typescript of early draft, typescript of final draft and three carbon copies.

Latapie, François

box 344, folder 26

"Description des fouilles de Pompéii (a. 1776)." RendAcANap 28 (1953): 3-28

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One copy heavily annotated.

Lauter, Hans

box 344, folder 27

"Zur Siedlungsstruktur Pompejis in samnitischer Zeit." In Neue Forschungen in Pompeji, 147-152. Recklinghausen: Bongers, 1975

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.

Lauter-Bufe, Heide

box 344, folder 28

"Entstehung und Entwicklung des kombinierten lakonischen Akroters." AM 89 (1974): 205-230

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.

Leclercq, Henri

box 344, folder 29

Extract from "Graffites." DACL 6.2 (1925): col. 1453-1542

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of cols. 1481-1484.

Ledeen, Michael

box 344, folder 30

"The Unknown Catacombs." Commentary 64 (1977): 64-66

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (4 leaves)

Lee, Robert Emmons

box 344, folder 31

"Ancient Roman Curb Bits." HSCP 11 (1900): 151-157

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Lehmann-Hartleben, Karl


"Ein historisches Gemälde in Pompeji." Forschungen und Fortschritte 4 (1928): 1-2

box 344, folder 32

Offprint of article

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 385, folder 1

Translation into English

Physical Description: 4 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated typescript of early draft, typescript of final draft.
box 344, folder 33

"The Imagines of the Elder Philostratus." ArtB 23 (1941): 16-44

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 344, folder 34

"Some Ancient Portraits." AJA 46 (1942): 198-216

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 344, folder 35

"Thomas Jefferson, Archaeologist." AJA 47 (1943): 161-163

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Lentini, Gerlando

box 345, folder 1

"Dal 'De amore coniugali' nenie." Annuario del R. liceo-ginnasio 'Umberto I' di Palermo (1932-1935): 3-12

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentaion copy.

Leonhard, Walther

box 345, folder 2

"Mosaikstudien zur Casa del Fauno in Pompeji." Neapolis 2 (1914): 42-152

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies

Lepore, Ettore

box 345, folder 3

"Orientamenti per la storia sociale di Pompei." In Pompeiana, 144-166. Napoli: G. Macchiaroli, 1950,

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Oscar Onorato.
box 345, folder 4

Review of R.E.M. Wheeler, Rome Beyond the Imperial Frontiers. ParPass 41 (1955): 140-154

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 345, folder 5

"Classi e ordini in Magna Grecia." In Recherches sur les structures sociales dans l'antiquité classique , 43-62. Paris: Éditions du CNRS, 1970

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Leppmann, Wolfgang

box 385, folder 2

"Goethe und die pompejanische Tradition," German Quarterly 37 (1964): 219-229

Physical Description: 42 leaves, 9 bound copies

Scope and Contents note

Translation into English of Leppmann's article, done in 1987: heavily annotated early typescript and notes; corrected typescript; 5 photocopies of original article; 4 copies of final translation.

Lerici, C. M. and E. Carabelli

box 345, folder 6

"Apparecchiatura fotografica per ricerche archeologique." Quaderni di geofisica applicata (1956): 3-11

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Levi, Alda

box 345, folder 7

"Un tipo Apollineo del V secolo avanti Cristo." Dedalo 10 (1929-1930): 591-616

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Levi Della Vida, G.

box 345, folder 8

"Ugo Monneret de Villard (1881-1954)." RivStOrient 30 (1955): 172-188

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte, signed presentation copy.

Ling, Roger

box 345, folder 9

"Pompeii and Herculaneum: Recent Research and Future Prospects." In Papers in Italian Archaeology I, 153-174. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 1978

Physical Description: 1 bound offprint, 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel; includes letter from Ling.

Little, Alan M. G.

box 345, folder 10

"A Series of Notes in Four Parts on Campanian Megalography. C. The Boscoreale Cycle" AJA 68 (1964): 62-66

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Liversidge, Joan

box 345, folder 11

"Wall-Painting in Roman Britain: A Survey of the Evidence." Antiquity and Survival 2 (1958): 373-386

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 5 photographs, 1 card

Long, Charlotte R.

box 345, folder 12

"The Pompeii Calendar Medallions." AJA 96 (1992): 477-501

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy.

Lugli, Giuseppe

box 345, folder 13

Review of Armin von Gerkan, "Die republikanische Stadtmauer Roms zwischen dem Kapitol und Quirinal." Athenaeum 20 (1942): 138-140

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 345, folder 14

"Pomerio." In EncIt (1949), 794-795

Physical Description: 10 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Three corrected typescript copies.
box 345, folder 15

"La terminologia dei sistemi costruttivi usati dai Romani" RendLinc 5 (1950): 297-306

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 345, folder 16

"Axel Boëthius." StRom 6 (1958): 260-263

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 345, folder 17

"Opus Incertum" RendLinc 14 (1959): 321-330

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel, includes note from Vander Poel.

Lumisden, Andrew

box 345, folder 18

Extract from Remarks on the Antiquities of Rome and its environs. London: Bulmer, 1797

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Appendix on Herculaneum, pages 466-478.

Macchioro, Vittorio

box 346, folder 1

"Una basilica orfica in Pompei." Extract from Zagreus. Studi sull'Orfismo, 11-68. Bari: G. Laterza, 1920

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

MacMechan, A. M.

box 346, folder 2

"The City of the Dead." Dalhousie Review 12 (1933): 454-460

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Magaldi, Emilio

box 346, folder 3

"Intorno a un errore tradizionale e alla dimora di Druso a Pompei." MousNap 3 (1927): 5-16

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Heavily annotated.
box 346, folder 4

"De inscriptione parietaria pompeiana picta." MousNap 3 (1927): 145-148, n.d.

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 346, folder 5

"Il male di Filottete." AttiAccPontaniana 57 (1927): 5-19

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 346, folder 6

"Di Proculo, principe dei panettieri pompeiani, e studioso anche." Nuova cultura 8 (1928): 5-15

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 346, folder 7

"Il significato del 'Paradeisos' sul plinto del Toro Farnese." RendAcANap 11, part 1 (1929-1930): 89-98

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 346, folder 8

"Le inscrizioni parietali pompeiane con particolare riguardo al costume." RenAcANap 11, part 2 (1929-1930): 3-148

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 346, folder 9

"Il commercio ambulante a Pompei." AttiAccPontaniana 60 (1930): 5-15

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One offprint is signed presentation copy to Vittorio Spinazzola.
box 346, folder 10

"Le abbreviature nelle iscrizioni parietali pompeiane." Bollettino della accademia italiana di stenografia 7 (1931): 66-69

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 346, folder 11

"'Venus Plagaria' in un graffito pompeiano." Atti del II° Congresso nazionale di studi romani Roma, (1931): 3-12,

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 346, folder 12

"Pubblicazioni di Antonio Sogliano." In Onoranze ad Antonio Sogliano, 28-37. Napoli: Tipo.-Lit. F. de Luca, 1931

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies, 11 leaves
box 346, folder 13

"Di un particolare ignorato e strano del culto della dea Fortuna." Il folklore italiano (1932): 97-110

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 346, folder 14

"Un precursore dei moderni metodi di scavo usati a Pompei." Il mondo classico 3 (1933): 141-148

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 346, folder 15

"Note storico-archeologiche sulla Lucania romana." Atti del V Congresso nazionale di studi romani Roma (1940): 3-8

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Magalotti, Lorenzo

box 346, folder 16

"Come si scaldavano gli antichi." La lettura 19 (1919): 912

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Maier, H.

box 346, folder 17

"Aufdeckung von Gräbern in Pompeji." Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung 6 (1886): 451-452

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Maiuri, Amedeo

box 347, folder 1

"Bollettino bibliografico di epigrafia greca (1909-1911)." Ausonia 6 (1911): 41-94

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 347, folder 2

Miscellaneous articles: Cuma, Napoli, Ceprano, S. Giovanni Incarico, Minturno, Teano, Pietrabbondante, Boiano, NSA (1913)

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 347, folder 3

"Fuso di bronzo e Askos a decorazione geometrica di Sala Consilia (Salerno)."

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 1 envelope

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; no publication information.
box 347, folder 4

"La raffigurazione del 'placentarius' in quattro bronzetti pompeiani" BdA 19 (1925): 268-275

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 347, folder 5

"Armille di bronzi preromane dell'Italia meridionale" Bullettino di paletnologia italiana 46 (1926): 3-9

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 347, folder 6

"La ripresa degli scavi di Ercolano" RendNap 41 (1927): 3-10

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 347, folder 7

"Pompei: Relazione sui lavori di scavo dal Marzo 1924 al Marzo 1926" NSA (1927): 3-83

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

box 347, folder 8

"Soprintendenza alle antichità della Campania. Tutela e restauro dei monumenti." BdA 21 (1928): 373-382

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 347, folder 9

"Una necropoli arcaica presso Salerno e tracce dell'espansione etrusca nell'Agro Picentino." Studi etruschi 3 (1929): 91-101

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 347, folder 10

"I vecchi ed i nuovi scavi di Ercolano" NuovAnt 343 (1929): 3-15

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 347, folder 11

"Contributi allo studio dell'ultima fase edilizia pompeiana" Atti del I Congresso nazionale di studi romani Roma, (1929): 161-172

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 347, folder 12

"Regione IV, Sabina et Samnium" NSA (1929): 207-223

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; includes reports on Faicchio, Sepino and Benevento.
box 347, folder 13

"Pompei: Relazione sui lavori di scavo dall'aprile 1926 al dicembre 1927" NSA (1929): 354-438

Physical Description: 73 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of selected figures and plates.
box 381, folder 4

"Studi e ricerche sulla fortificazione di Pompei." Monumenti antichi 33 (1929): 116-286

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 347, folder 14

"Statua marmorea con ritratto di Livia dalla Villa dei Misteri a Pompei" BdA 10 (1930): 3-16

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 347, folder 15

"Pompei - Restauri ai monumenti (a. 1929-1930)" BdA 10 (1930): 563-572

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 347, folder 16

"Aspetti e problemi dell'archeologia campana" Historia 4 (1930): 50-82

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 347, folder 17

"A proposito di un problema di archeologia campana" Historia 4 (1930): 274-279

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 347, folder 18

"Postille ad una replica" Historia 4 (1930): 714-725

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 347, folder 19

"Pompei: Saggi nella 'Casa del Chirurgo' (Reg. VI, Ins. I, n. 10)." NSA (1930): 381-395

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 348, folder 1

"Monumenti e luoghi della Campania nell'epopea Virgiliana." Studi Virgiliani 1 (1931): 3-19

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated.
box 348, folder 2

"Commemorazione di Giulio De Petra" AttiAccPontaniana 61 (1931): 3-11

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 348, folder 3

Discorso pronunziato il 7 giugno 1931 per l'inaugurazione del Museo Civico di Venafro. Napoli, 1931

Physical Description: 1 pamphlet

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte, signed presentation copy.
box 348, folder 4

"Il ritratto di Menandro nella Casa dell Argenterie a Pompei." BdA 25 (1931-1932): 241-251

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 348, folder 5

"Pompei. Nuovi saggi di esplorazione nella Terme Stabiane" NSA (1932): 507-516

Physical Description: 7 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Multiple prints of first page and plan.
box 348, folder 6

"Pompei: Studi e ricerche intorno alla 'Casa del Criptoportico' sulla Via dell'Abbondanza (Reg. I, Ins. VI, n. 2 e 4)." NSA (1933): 252-276

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy, 5 photographs
box 348, folder 7

"Brevi note sulla vita di Augusto a Capri." RendAcANap 13 (1933-1934): 211-226

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; one copy extensively annotated.

"Pompei." EncIt 27 (Roma, 1935): 823-837

box 348, folder 8

Copy of article

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 602, folder 13


Physical Description: 15 negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in.
box 348, folder 9

"Le ultime vicende dell'anfiteatro di S. Maria Capua Vetere." RendNap 17 (1937): 3-9

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 348, folder 10

"Gli studi di antichità a Napoli nel Sette e Ottocento." RendAcANap 17 (1937): 33-59

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (29 leaves)
box 348, folder 11

"Restauri a Pompei" Le arti 1 (1938-1939): 72-74

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 348, folder 12

"Statuette eburnea di arte indiana a Pompei." Le arti 1 (1939): 111-115

Physical Description: 2 offprints, 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

One offprint is signed presentation copy from the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated.
box 348, folder 13

"Pompei: Scavo della 'Grande Palaestra' nel quartiere dell'Anfiteatro (a. 1935-1939)." NSA (1939): 165-238

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note


"'Picturae ligneis formis inclusae'." RendAccIt 1 (1940): 140-160

box 348, folder 14

Copies of article

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 18 photographs

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; annotated by Della Corte and Vander Poel. Also includes one photographic copy and a second, partial photographic copy.
box 602, folder 14


Physical Description: 13 frames; 35 mm.
box 348, folder 15

"'Fulgur conditum' o della scoperta di un 'bidental' a Pompei" RendAcANap 21 (1941): 55-72

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 7 photographs

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated by Della Corte and Vander Poel.

"Pompei. Saggi nell'area del Foro." NSA (1941): 371-404

box 348, folder 16

Copy of article

Physical Description: 1 bound photographic copy
box 602, folder 15


Physical Description: 35 frames; 35 mm.

"Pompei. Saggi negli edifici del Foro." NSA (1942): 253-320

box 349, folder 1-2

Copies of article

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 68 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Offprint is signed presentation copy from the library of Matteo Della Corte; also includes a photographic copy.
box 602, folder 16


Physical Description: 71 frames; 35 mm.
box 385, folder 3

Translation into English

Physical Description: 318 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Typescript and two carbon copies.

"Pompei. Saggi nella 'Casa di Trittolemo'." NSA (1942): 404-415

box 349, folder 3

Copies of article

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy, 12 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Includes a photographic copy.
box 602, folder 17


Physical Description: 14 frames; 35 mm.
box 385, folder 4

Translation into English

Physical Description: 20 leaves, 1 bound copy

Scope and Contents note

Early typescript draft, later draft bound.
box 349, folder 4

"Geologia ed archeologia ad Ercolano ed a Pompei." RendNap 22 (1942): 5-30

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 349, folder 5

"Venere pompeiana." Bollettino S.I.F.C.A. 10 (1942): 1-15

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 349, folder 6

"Fanciullo erote da Ercolano." Le arti 5 (1943): 175-179

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 349, folder 7

"Greci ed Etruschi a Pompei." MemAccIt 4 (1943): 121-149

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Oscar Onorato.
box 349, folder 8

"Pompei. Isolamento della cinta murale fra Porta Vesuvio e Porta Ercolano." NSA (1943): 275-314

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Oscar Onorato; annotated.
box 349, folder 9

Extract from Introduzione allo studio di Pompei (Magistrature pompeiane). Napoli, 1944

Physical Description: 1 partial offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Oscar Onorato; section on "comune italico e romano", pages 101-117.

"Pompei. Saggi nella 'Casa della Fontana grande' e in altre case pompeiane." NSA (1944-1945): 130-159

box 349, folder 10

Copies of article

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 30 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Includes a photographic copy.
box 602, folder 18


Physical Description: 32 frames; 35 mm.
box 385, folder 5

Translation into English

Physical Description: 177 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Three copies of early typescript draft, one annotated; typescript of later draft.
box 349, folder 11

"Pompei e la guerra." Rassegna d'Italia 1 (1946): 134-140

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies

Scope and Contents note

box 349, folder 12

"Problemi di archeologia italica." ParPass 1 (1946): 22-32

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 602, folder 19

Gli studi pompeiani nel II centenario degli scavi. Roma: Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 1948

Physical Description: 15 frames; 35 mm.

Scope and Contents note

Negatives only.
box 349, folder 13

"La parodia di Enea." BdA 35 (1950): 108-112

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Tatiana Warscher; signed presentation copy.
box 349, folder 14

"Pompei. Scoperta di un edificio termale nella Regio VIII, Insula 5, nr. 36." NSA 4 (1950): 116-136

Physical Description: 7 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Multiple photographic copies of first page and plan.
box 349, folder 15

"Aspetti e problemi della ricerca archeologica in Magna Grecia." ParPass 16 (1951): 5-21

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 349, folder 16

"Pompei. Saggi e ricerche intorno alla Basilica." NSA (1951): 225-260

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 349, folder 17

"Gli 'Oeci' vitruviani in Palladio e nella casa pompeiana ed ercolanese." Palladio 2 (1952): 1-8

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Pietro Soprano.
box 349, folder 18

"Nuove pitture di giardino a Pompei." BdA 37 (1952): 5-12

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

box 350, folder 1

"Sulla datazione del 'Quadrato Magico' o criptogramma cristiano a Pompei." RendAcANap 28 (1953): 3-13

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One offprint is a signed presentation copy to Pietro Soprano.
box 350, folder 2

"Fontana monumentale in bronzo nei nuovi scavi di Ercolano." BdA 39 (1954): 193-199

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 350, folder 3

"Ginecèo ed 'Hospitium' nella casa pompeiana." MemLinc 5 (1954): 449-467

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One copy from the library of Matteo Della Corte is annotated.
box 350, folder 4

"Il restauro della cavea nei teatri di Pompei." BdA 39 (1954): 264-267

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 350, folder 5

"Nascita e ratto delle 'Nove Muse' a Pompei." Napoli 80 (1954): 1-4

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 350, folder 6

"Fedro a Miseno." ParPass 46 (1956): 32-37

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 350, folder 7

"Una nuova pittura nilotica a Pompei." MemLinc 7 (1957): 65-80

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 350, folder 8

"I nuovi scavi d'Ercolano." NuovAnt 92 (1957): 335-342

Physical Description: 1 bound photographic copy
box 350, folder 9

"Navalia Pompeiana." RendAcANap 33 (1958): 7-34

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One offprint from the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; annotated
box 350, folder 10

"Pompei e Nocera." RendAcANap 33 (1958): 35-40

Physical Description: 3 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One offprint is a signed presentation copy from the library of Matteo Della Corte; another offprint is a signed presentation copy to Oscar Onorato.
box 350, folder 11

"Portali con capitelli cubici a Pompei." RendAcANap 33 (1958): 203-218

Physical Description: 2 offprints
box 350, folder 12

"Pompeii." Scientific American 198 (1958): 68-78

Physical Description: 1 bound offprint
box 350, folder 13

"Orrizonti storici della Campania antica."

Physical Description: 1 pamphlet

Scope and Contents note

Text of speech delivered at the Accademia Aeronautica Militare, 10 Dec 1958.
box 350, folder 14

"La casa di Marco Lucrezio a Pompei in un curioso e raro opusculo di un erudito bolognese." In Il pensiero e l'opera di Guido Della Valle , 196-206. Napoli: Libreria scientifica Editrice, 1958

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

One offprint from the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; annotated.
box 350, folder 15

"Note di topografia pompeiana." RendAcANap 34 (1959): 73-88

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One offprint is a signed presentation copy from the library of Matteo Della Corte; the other is a signed presentation copy to Pietro Soprano.
box 350, folder 16

"Sul De Nola di Ambrogio Leone." In Studi in onore di Riccardo Filangieri II, 261-271. Napoli: L'Arte tip., 1959

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One offprint from the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; annotated.
box 350, folder 17

"Pompei. Sterro dei cumuli e isolamento della cinta murale" BdA 45 (1960): 166-179

Physical Description: 3 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One offprint is a signed presentation copy from the library of Matteo Della Corte; one a signed presentation copy to Pietro Soprano; one a signed presentation copy to Oscar Onorato.
box 350, folder 18

"L'archeologia in Campania." In La ricerca archeologica nell'Italia meridionale , 33-36. Napoli: F. Fiorentino, 1960

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 350, folder 19

"Due pannelli vitrei figurati da Pompei." BdA 46 (1961): 18-23

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Oscar Onorato.
box 350, folder 20

"La Campania al tempo dell'approdo di San Paolo" StRom 9 (1961): 1-13

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 350, folder 21

"A proposito di una recente scoperta pompeiana." RendAcANap 36 (1961): 151-153

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 350, folder 22

"Aspetti ignoti o poco noti di Pompei." StRom 10 (1962): 636-644

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 351, folder 1

"Pompei ispiratrice di scrittori." Capri segreta 9 (1963): 3-5

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

"Pompei." EAA 6 (1965): 308-356

box 351, folder 2-3

Photographic copy

Physical Description: 64 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Also includes article by H. G. Beyen on "Stili pompeiana."
box 602, folder 20


Physical Description: 66 frames; 35 mm.

Majak, E. L.

box 351, folder 4

Review of E. Peruzzi, Aspetti culturali del Lazio primitivo. VesDrevIstor 3 (1980): 200-215

Physical Description: 1 bound offprint

Malkiel-Jimounsky, Myron

box 351, folder 5

"La Villa des Mistères." L'amour de l'art 16 (1935): 205-211

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Malladra, Alessandro

box 352, folder 1

"Il fondo del cratere vesuviano." RendNap (1912): 1-11

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 352, folder 2

"Il impianto sismico dell'osservatorio vesuviano." Bollettino della società sismologica italiana 18 (1914): 3-33

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 352, folder 3

"Sopra l'attività del Vesuvio nell'Aprile 1917." Bollettino della società dei naturalisti in Napoli 30 (1917): 37-45

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 352, folder 4

"L'attività del Vesuvio nell'anno 1918." Bollettino della società dei naturalisti in Napoli 34 (1921): 69-127, n.d.

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 352, folder 5

"Sulle temperature di una corrente lavica nel cratere del Vesuvio, misurate il 28 febbraio 1922 e sull'attività del volcano nello stesso mese." RendNap 28 (1922): 3-12

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 352, folder 6

"Studi recenti sul Vulcanismo." Atti della Società italiana per il progresso delle scienze (1926): 1-11

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Mallardo, Domenico

box 352, folder 7

"Ordo ad ungendum infirmum." Rivista di scienze e lettere 8 (1937): 5-59

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 352, folder 8

"La vite negli antichi monumenti cristiani di Napoli e della Campania." RACrist 25 (1949): 3-33

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Marcello, Alessandro and Domenica Tomasello

box 352, folder 9

"Un uragano nell'antica altino." AttiVenezia 108 (1958-1959): 133-145

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Marconi, Momolina

box 352, folder 10

"Melissa dea cretese." Athenaeum 18 (1940): 1-15

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Mariani, Valerio

box 352, folder 11

"Emilio Lavagnino." StRom 11 (1963): 320-322

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (5 leaves)

Mariotti, Stanislao

box 352, folder 12

"L'origine del 'tablinum' e uso della parola 'mensa'." RendNap 16 (1902): 399-405

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Marouzeau, J.

box 352, folder 13

"Archéologie romaine et romanique." In Dix années de bibliographie classique, 716-788. Paris: Société d'édition "Les belles lettres," 1928

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Marriott, H. P. FitzGerald

box 352, folder 14

"The New House in Pompei." The English Illustrated Magazine 14 (1896): 449-457

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 352, folder 15

"The Five-storied Cliff Houses of Pompei." The Antiquary 33 (1897): 20-25

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 352, folder 16

"On Family Portraits at Pompeii." Athenaeum no. 3620 (1897): 352

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (2 leaves)
box 352, folder 17

"The Study of Pompei." The Antiquary 36 (1900): 206-208

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Marucchi, Orazio

box 352, folder 18

"Una rarissima statua della dea Epona." AdI (1881): 239-248

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Marzullo, Antonio

box 352, folder 19

"Il collegium juvenum e le benemerenze dei Tullii a Paestum." Atti del 3º Congresso nazionale di studi romani (1934): 1-8

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; annotated.

Matteucci, R.V.

box 353, folder 1

"Iodio e bromo nei prodotti delle fumarole dell'eruzione vesuviana del 1895." Rend. della R. accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche di Napoli (1897): 1-2

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 353, folder 2

"Sul periodo di forte attività esplosiva dal Vesuvio." Boll. della Soc. Sism. Ital. 6 (1901): 5-110

Physical Description: 1 bound offprint

Matz, Friedrich

box 353, folder 3

"Ein hellenistisches Bild." MarbWPr (1947): 9-12

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Mau, August

box 602, folder 21

"Osservazioni sulla rete stradale di Pompei." BdI 1881: 108-112

Physical Description: 3 frames; 35 mm.

Scope and Contents note

Negatives only.
box 353, folder 4

Review of Domenico Comparetti and Giulio de Petra, La villa ercolanese dei Pisoni. BdI (1883): 87-96

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy to M. Ruggiero.
box 353, folder 5

"Su certi apparecchi nei pistrini di Pompei." RM 1 (1886): 45-48

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 353, folder 6

"Storia degli scavi di Ercolano." RM 1 (1886): 57-58

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (3 leaves)
box 353, folder 7

"Scavi di Pompei 1884-85." RM 1 (1886): 141-157, 203-213

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies
box 353, folder 8

"Scavi di Pompei 1885-86." RM 2 (1887): 110-138

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 353, folder 9

"Sul significato della parola 'pergula' nell'architettura antica." RM 2 (1887): 214-220

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 353, folder 10

"Scavi di Pompei. Sepolcri della Via Nucerina." RM 3 (1888): 120-149

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 353, folder 11

"Scavi di Pompei 1886-88. Insula VIII, 2." RM 3 (1888): 181-207

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 354, folder 1

"Statua di Marcello nipote di Augusto." RendAcANap 15 (1890): 1-19

Physical Description: 1 bound offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte, signed presentation copy to M. Ruggiero.
box 354, folder 2

Extract from "Scavi di Pompei 1891-92. Insula V, 2." RM 8 (1893): 3-61

Physical Description: 7 mounted photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of pages 14-18.
box 354, folder 3

"Ausgrabungen von Boscoreale." RM 11 (1896): 131-140

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 354, folder 4

"Das Capitolium und der Tempel des Zeus Meilichios in Pompeji." RM 11 (1896): 141-149

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 354, folder 5

"Die Statuen des Forums von Pompeji." RM 11 (1896): 150-156

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 354, folder 6

"Der Tempel der Fortuna Augusta in Pompeji." RM 11 (1896): 269-284

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 354, folder 7

"Der staedtische Larentempel in Pompeji." RM 11 (1896): 285-301

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 354, folder 8

"Fulcra lectorum. Testudines alveorum." Nachrichten der K. Gesellschaft der WissenGottingen Phil.-hist. Klasse 1 (1896): 1-7

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy to G. de Petra; annotated.
box 354, folder 9

"Ausgrabungen von Pompeji. Insula VI, 15." RM 13 (1898): 3-59

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 354, folder 10

"Ausgrabungen von Pompeji." RM 16 (1901): 283-365

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Maurel, André

box 355, folder 1

"Les nouvelles fouilles de Pompéi." In Mélanges Bertaux, 214-220. Paris: E. De Boccard, 1924

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy.

Melucco Vaccaro, Alessandra

box 355, folder 2

"The Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius." In The Art of the Conservator, 108-121. London: British Museum Press, 1992

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (15 leaves)

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix

box 355, folder 3

Extract from Letters from Italy and Switzerland. London: Longman, 1862

Physical Description: 5 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of pages 144-147.

Mercalli, G.

box 355, folder 4

"I terremoti napoletani del secolo XVI." Boll. della società geologica italiana 10 (1891): 3-19

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 355, folder 5

"Sul Vesuvio e nei Campi Flegrei." Appennino meridionale 2 (1900): 1-6

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 355, folder 6

"Sulla forma di alcuni prodotti delle esplosioni vesuviane recenti." Atti della società italiana di scienze naturali 42 (1903): 3-9

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Merkelbach, Reinhold

box 355, folder 7

"Der Isiskult in Pompei." Latomus 24 (1965): 144-149

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy.

Meyboom, Paul

box 355, folder 8

"Un monument énigmatique 'dusari sacrum' à Pouzzoles." In Hommages à Maarten J. Vermaseren II, 782-790. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1978

Physical Description: 1 offprint.

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.

Michaelides, Demetrios

box 355, folder 9

Review of Catalogue des mosaïques romaines et paleochrétiennes du Musée du Louvre. JRS 70 (1980): 230-232

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 1 card

Scope and Contents note

Includes Christmas card.

Micheletti, Pietro

box 355, folder 10

Extract from Storia dei monumenti del reame delle Due Sicile. Napoli: Fibreno, 1846

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy.

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of sections on Herculaneum and Pompeii, pages 319-361.

Michelucci, Giovanni and Roberto Papi

box 355, folder 11

"Lezione di Pompei." Arte mediterranea 2 (1934): 23-32

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy.

Mielsch, Harald

box 355, folder 12

"Hadrianische Malereien der Vatikannekropole 'ad circum'." RendPontAcc 46 (1973-1974): 79-87

Physical Description: 1 offprint.

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 355, folder 13

"Neronische und flavische Stuckreliefs in den Vesuvstädten." In Neue Forschungen in Pompeji, 125-128. Recklinghausen: Bongers, 1975

Physical Description: 1 offprint.

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.

Miller, Walter

box 355, folder 14

"Necrology: Overbeck." AJA 11 (1896): 361-370

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies.

Mingazzini, Paolino

box 355, folder 15

"Regione I (Latium et Campania)." NSA (1931): 346-360

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; section on Positano annotated.
box 355, folder 16

"Sul sito dell'Apragopoli menzionata da Suetonio." Atti di R. Accademia archeologia lettere e belle arti 13 (1933-1934): 61-67

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 1 visiting card

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; heavily annotated; includes visiting card of Mingazzini; repurchased by Vander Poel May 1970.
box 355, folder 17

"Un criterio di datazione della Villa di Diomede a Pompei." ArchCl 1 (1949): 202-203

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 355, folder 18

"De pictura quadam Pompeis reperta et de fabula ab ea nobis tradita." RM 60/61 (1953-1954): 150-152

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One offprint is a signed presentation copy from the library of Matteo Della Corte and includes a copy of a letter from Della Corte.
box 355, folder 19

"Una copia dell'Alexandros Keraunophoros di Apelle." Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen 3 (1961): 7-17

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 355, folder 20

"Fulgur conditum e bidental nonché l'etimologia del nome bidental." In Gli archeologi italiani in onore di Amedeo Maiuri , 317-334. Cava dei Tirreni: Di Mauro, 1965

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Miola, Alfonso

box 356, folder 1

"Giulio Minervini." AttiAccPontaniana 23 (1893): 1-8

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy.

Mommsen, Theodor

box 356, folder 2

"Die pompeianischen Quittungstafeln des L. Caecilius Jucundus." Hermes 12 (1877): 88-141

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy.
box 356, folder 3

"Attische Gewichte aus Pompeii." Hermes 16 (1881): 317-320

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy.
box 356, folder 4

"Tre iscrizioni puteolane." BdI 3 (1888): 78-83

Physical Description: 1 offprint.

Monaco, Domenico

box 356, folder 5

Extracts from A complete Handbook to the National Museum in Naples. Napoli: E. Pietrocola, 1893

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy.

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of selected pages with antiquities from Pompeii.

Monahan, Michael

box 356, folder 6

"The Lure of Pompeii." The Catholic World 137 (1933): 715-719

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy.

Moormann, Eric M.

box 356, folder 7

"Die Wandmalereien in der Casa del Mobilio Carbonizzato in Herculaneum." In Pictores per provincias, 127-134. Avenches: Association Pro Aventico, 1987

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 356, folder 8

La pittura parietale romana. Assen: van Gorcum, 1988

Physical Description: 1 brochure

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy of publication announcement.
box 356, folder 9

"Zwei Landschaftesdarstellungen in der Casa Sannitica in Herculaneum." Kölner Jahrbuch für Vor- und Frühgeschichte 24 (1991): 11-17

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One is a signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.

Morel, Jean-Paul

box 356, folder 10

"Céramique à vernis noir de Pompéi." RCRF 7 (1965): 81-103

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 356, folder 11

"L'atelier des petites estampilles." Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire 81 (1969): 59-117

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 356, folder 12

"Sondages sur l'acropole de Vélia." ParPass 130-133 (1970): 131-145

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the collection of Martin Frederiksen.
box 356, folder 13

"Les Phocéens dans l'extrême occident, vus depuis Tartessos." ParPass 130-133 (1970): 285-289

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the collection of Martin Frederiksen.

Morton, Friedrich

box 357, folder 1

"Ein neuer Tragsack für Salz aus Halstatt." Wiener prähistorische Zeitschrift 26 (1939): 157-166

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Müller, Valentin

box 357, folder 2

"The Roman Basilica." AJA 41 (1937): 251-261

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 357, folder 3

Review of F. Noack and K. Lehmann-Hartleben, Baugeschichtliche Untersuchungen am Stadtrand vom Pompeii . AJA 41 (1937): 347-348

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (1 leaf)

Murolo, Mario

box 357, folder 4

"Il cosiddetto 'odeo' di Pompei ed il problema della sua copertura." RendAcANap 34 (1959): 89-101

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Murray, John

box 357, folder 5

Extract from A Handbook for Travellers in Southern Italy, 7th edition. London: J. Murray, 1873

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Section on Pompeii, pages 208-257.

Musella, Elena

box 357, folder 6

"Concerti musicali e danze nella pittura pompeiana ed ercolanese." AttiAccPontaniana 2 (1948-1949): 223-238

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Museo della civiltà romana

box 603, folder 1

Catalogo Roma: Colombo, 1958

Physical Description: 36 frames; 35 mm.

Scope and Contents note

Negatives only of selected images.

Mustilli, D.

box 357, folder 7

Review of A.D. Trendall, Paestan Pottery. Archivio storico per la Calabria e la Lucania 8 (1938): 191-192

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 357, folder 8

"Gli scavi italiani di Butrinto." Romana 4 (1940): 3-11

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 357, folder 9

"Il busto di Augusto scoperta a Fondi e i problemi dell'iconografia Augustea." MemNap 6 (1942): 5-22

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 357, folder 10

"La villa pseudourbana ercolanese." RendAcANap 31 (1956): 3-23

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Oscar Onorato.

Mygind, Holger


"Die Wasserversorgung Pompejis." Janus 22 (1917): 294-351

box 357, folder 11

Copy of article

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 386, folder 1

Translation into English

Physical Description: 51 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Typescript with corrections.

"Hygienische Verhältnisse im alten Pompeji." Janus 25 (1921): 251-355

box 357, folder 12

Copies of article

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy, 1 bound offprint

Scope and Contents note

Offprint is only of last section of article, pages 325-355.
box 386, folder 2-3

Translation into English

Physical Description: 98 leaves, 1 bound typescript

Scope and Contents note

Heavily annotated early draft, bound corrected draft.

Napoli, Mario

box 358, folder 1

"Ritratto di fanciullo da Pompei." RendLinc 1 (1946): 314-322

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One is a signed presentation copy from the library of Matteo Della Corte; the other is a signed presentation copy to Pietro Soprano.
box 358, folder 2

"Il capitello ionico a quattro facce a Pompei." In Pompeiana, 230-265. Napoli: G. Macchiaroli, 1950

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Oscar Onorato.

Neppi Modona, Aldo

box 358, folder 3

"Vecchiano (Pisa). Ruota antica in località 'Troncolo'." NSA (1935): 196-197

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Neugebauer, K. A.

box 358, folder 4

"Zur Datierung pompejanischer Funde." Geistige Arbeit 1 (1934): 9

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Nicole, Georges

box 358, folder 5

"Les dernières fouilles de Pompéi." Gazette des beaux-arts 53 (1911): 21-33

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Nicolini, Fausto

box 358, folder 6

"I manoscritti dell'Abate Galiani." ArchStorNap 33 (1908): 3-26

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 358, folder 7

"Della Società di scienze, lettere e arti di Napoli, e di altre accademie che la precederono." Accademie e biblioteche d'Italia 25 (1957): 3-33

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 358, folder 8

L'accademia pontaniana: cenni storici. Napoli, 1957

Physical Description: 1 pamphlet

Niebling, Georg

box 358, folder 9

"Der Tempel und Altar des Vespasian in Pompeji." Forschungen und Fortschritte 31 (1957): 23-29

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Nieuwboer, F.

box 358, folder 10

"Notities in verband met mijn onderzoekingen over de technieken van de Pompejaanse Fresco's." Mededelingen Vereniging van Vrienden van het Allard Pierson Museum 55 (1972): 1-4

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

Nissen, Heinrich

box 386, folder 4

Extract from Das Templum. Berlin: Weidmann, 1869, 1986

Physical Description: 123 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Translation into English of Chapter III, pages 54-100 by Helle Constance Levinsen. Photocopy of German text, lightly corrected typescript, photocopy of typescript, note and letter from Levinson, notes.

Extracts from Pompeianische Studien zur Städtekunde des Altertums. Leipzig: Karl W. Hiersemann, 1877

box 386, folder 5

Translation into English of pages 30-70, 271-274, 426

Physical Description: 57 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Lightly corrected typescript.
box 386, folder 6

Translation into English of Register I, pages 669-680

Physical Description: 96 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated early typescript; two copies of later typescript, one annotated.

Noack, Ferdinand

box 358, folder 11

"Vom alten Pompeji." AA (1930): 558-590

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

box 358, folder 12

"Neue Arbeiten und Untersuchungen in Pompeji." Forschungen und Fortschritte 7 (1931): 333-334

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Nock, A.D.

box 358, folder 13

"Seviri and Augustales." L'annuaire de l'institut de philologie et d'histoire orientales 11 (1933-34): 627-638

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated.

Nogara, Bartolomeo

box 358, folder 14

"Nuovi incrementi dei musei e delle gallerie pontificie." Atti del V Congresso nazionale di studi romani (1938): 1-8

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Nowotny, Eduard

box 358, folder 15

"Groma." Germania 7 (1923): 22-29

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 1 partial fascicle of journal, 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Fascicle from the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 358, folder 16

"Die 'Groma', das Vermessungsinstrument der Römer." Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (1925): 311-314

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 358, folder 17

"Römische Hufeisen aus Virunum." JOAI 26 (1930): 217-230

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Nunziante-Cesàro, Carlo

box 358, folder 18

Ernesto Cesàro. Torre Annunziata, 1950.

Physical Description: 1 pamphlet

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Olsen, Erling C.

box 358, folder 19

"An Interpretation of the Hephaisteion Reliefs." AJA 42 (1938): 276-287

Physical Description: 1 bound offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Tatiana Warscher; annotated.
box 381, folder 5

"Two Roman Portrait heads in the Museum of the American Academy in Rome." MAAR 15 (1938): 82-86

Physical Description: 1 offprint.

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Tatiana Warscher.

Omodeo, Adolfo

box 359, folder 1

"La croce d'Ercolano e il culto precostantiniano della croce." La critica 38 (1940): 45-61

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Onorato, Giovanni Oscar

box 359, folder 2

"La data del terremoto di Pompei 5 febbraio 62 d.C." RendLinc 4 (1949): 644-661

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One is signed presentation copy from the library of Matteo Della Corte; other is signed presentation copy to Bianca Maiuri.
box 359, folder 3

"La partecipazione di Cicerone alla guerra sociale in Campania." RendAcANap 24-25 (1949-1950): 3-12

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 359, folder 4

"La sistemazione stradale del quartiere del Foro Triangolare di Pompei." RendLinc 6 (1951): 250-264

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 359, folder 5

"Pompei 'municipium' e colonia romana." RendAcANap 26 (1951): 115-156

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Onorato's copy.
box 359, folder 6

"La Mostra Archeologica Irpina." Corriere dell'irpinia (1954)

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Pietro Soprano.

Orsi, Paolo

box 359, folder 7

"Le belle monete siracusane." Dedalo 4 (1923): 67-87

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Overbeck, Johannes

box 387, folder 1-4

Pompeji in seinen Gebäuden, Alterthümern und Kunstwerken. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1884

Physical Description: 743 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Translation into Italian: annotated typescript.

Paderni, Camillo

box 359, folder 8

Extracts of three letters to Thomas Hollis on Herculaneum PhilTrans 48 (1755), 49 (1756): 634-638; 821-825, 110-112

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy, 4 leaves
box 359, folder 9

"On the Late Discoveries of Antiquities at Herculaneum." PhilTrans 50 (1757): 79-80

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (3 leaves)

Pais, Ettore

box 359, folder 10

"A New Discovery at Pompeii. A Fresco Representing the Origin of Rome" The Century 69 (1904-1905): 597-601

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 359, folder 11

"A proposito della palafitta della Valle del Sarno." RendLinc 19 (1910): 3-12

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Pallottino, Massimo

box 359, folder 12

"Axel Boëthius." StEtr 37 (1969): 569-571

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies

Palmieri, Luigi

box 359, folder 13

"L'atrio del cavallo." Strenna napoletana (1883): 167-170

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (6 leaves)

Scope and Contents note


Paolini, Roberto

box 359, folder 14

Extract from Memorie sui monumenti di antichità e di belle arti, ch'esistono in Miseno, in Baoli, in Baja, in Cuma, in Pozzuoli, in Napoli, in Capua antica, in Ercolano, in Pompei, ed in Pesto . Napoli: Monitore delle Due Sicile, 1812

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Section on Herculaneum and Pompeii, pages 260-349.

Pappalardo, Umberto

box 359, folder 15

"Beobachtungen am Fries der Mysterien-Villa in Pompeji." Antike Welt 13 (1982): 10-20

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.

Parascandola, Antonio

box 360, folder 1

"Il Monte del Pericolo nei Campi Flegrei." Bollettino della Società dei naturisti in Napoli 48 (1936): 67-79

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 360, folder 2

"Sull'attuale bradisismo puteolano." Le scienze 4 (1975): 216-226

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

From the collection of Martin Frederiksen; signed presentation copy; also includes letter from author.

Paribeni, Roberto

box 360, folder 3

"Pompei." NSA (1902): 207-213, 274-276, 369-381, 399-401, 468-469, 512-515, 564-578

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies

Scope and Contents note

Various reports on Pompeii for 1902; annotated.
box 360, folder 4

"Commemorazione del Socio Nazionale Felice Barnabei." RendLinc 31 (1922): 364-367

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Pascal, Carlo

box 360, folder 5

"Un graffito di Pompei." RendIstLomb 53 (1920): 493-496

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Patroni, Giovanni

box 603, folder 2

"La colonna etrusca di Pompei nella storia dell'archtettura antica e l'origine della 'domus'." RendLinc 12 (1903): 367-384

Physical Description: 14 frames; 35 mm.

Scope and Contents note

Negatives only.
box 360, folder 6

"La pretesa palafitta del Sarno." RendLinc 18 (1909): 265-270

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 360, folder 7

"Gl' insomnia di Didone e la pittura pompeiana Helbig 974." RendIstLomb 53 (1920): 281-289

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 360, folder 8

"La porta del tempio che stava edificando Didone." Athenaeum 5 (1927): 77-100

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 360, folder 9

"Di alcuni criteri archeologici e della loro applicazione a Pompei." Historia 4 (1930): 507-536

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 360, folder 10

"Porticus." RendIstLomb 64 (1931): 1-14

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 360, folder 11

"Ad conlegas mediolanenses salutatio." RendIstLomb 72 (1938): 1-2

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 360, folder 12

"Plastica." RendAccIt 2 (1940): 1-14

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Paulovics, Stefano

box 360, folder 13

"Il Campidoglio di Savaria (Szombathely)." Corvina (1940): 1-14

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Pellegrini, Carlo

box 360, folder 14

"L'Italia di Madame de Staël." Le vie d'Italia (1966): 670-679

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Pellegrino, Camillo

box 360, folder 15

Extract from Apparato alle antichità di Capua o vero discorsi della Campania Felice, nuova edizione. Napoli: G. Gravier, 1771

Physical Description: 14 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of section on Herculaneum and Pompeii, pages 331-343.

Pelzel, Thomas

box 360, folder 16

"Winckelmann, Mengs and Casanova: A Reappraisal of a Famous Eighteenth-Century Forgery." Art Bulletin 54 (1972): 301-315

Physical Description: 1 bound offprint

Pemp, Rudolf

box 387, folder 5

Drei Wasserhebewerke Pompejis. Würzburg, 1940.

Physical Description: 107 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Translation into English.

Penta, Francesco

box 361, folder 1

"Confronto fra lava vesuviana (Vesuvite) e altre rocce ignee adoprate per pavimentazione stradale di Napoli." Bulletin volcanologique 7 (1930): 71-116

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Pernice, Erich


Die hellenistische Kunst in Pompeji. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1925

box 388, folder 1

Translation into English

Physical Description: 56 leaves, 2 bound copies

Scope and Contents note

Typescript and six photocopies.
box 388, folder 2

Translation into Italian

Physical Description: 72 leaves
box 361, folder 2

Review of Bogdan D. Filow, Die archaische Nekropole von Trebenischte am Ochridasee. Göttingischen gelehrten Anzeigen (1929):439-446

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy.
box 361, folder 3

"Pompejanische Mosaiken." Die Antike 13 (1937): 43-60

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Peters, W. J. T.

box 361, folder 4

Review of Karl Schefold, Vergessenes Pompeji. Gnomon 36 (1964): 411-415

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 361, folder 5

"Roman Mural Painting in the Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam." BABesch 39 (1964): 143-148

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 361, folder 6

"Roman Mural Painting in the Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum." BABesch 40 (1965): 84-89

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 1 bound photocopy

Peters, W.J.T. and Eric M. Moormann

box 361, folder 7

"I pittori della Casa di Marcus Lucretius Fronto a Pompei. Riflessioni un anno dopo." MededRome 54 (1995): 167-175

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Peterse, C. L. J.

box 361, folder 8

"Notes on the Design of the House of Pansa (VI,6,1) in Pompeii." MededRome 46 (1985): 35-55

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Petersen, Walter

box 361, folder 9

Review of Christian Huelsen, The Forum and the Palatine. CJ 24 (1928): 57-60

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Pietrangeli, Carlo

box 361, folder 10

"Frammento dei fasti del collegio romano dei fabri tignarii." BCom 67 (1939): 101-107

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Pilla, Leopoldo

box 361, folder 11

"Osservazioni intorno à principali cangiamenti e fenomeni avvenuti nel Vesuvio nel corso dell' anno 1832." AnnCivSic (1833): 155-160

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (6 leaves)
box 361, folder 12

"Relazione de' tremuoti che afflissero la città di Sangermano ed il monastero di Monte-Casino nella primavera del corrente anno 1837." AnnCivSic (1837): 91-105

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (15 leaves)

Pinto, Mari

box 361, folder 13

"Iter Bithynicum." Certamine Capitolino 4 (1953): 5-51

Physical Description: 1 bound offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Pisapia, Maria Stella

box 361, folder 14

"Il mosaico di Frisso ed Elle." RendAcANap 53 (1978): 215-225

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 361, folder 15

"L'area ercolanese dopo l'eruzione del 79." RendAcANap 56 (1981): 63-74

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.

Plommer, Hugh

box 361, folder 16

Extract from Ancient and Classical Architecture. London: Longmans, 1956

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Section on Pompeii, pages, 238-242.

Pohl, Alfredo

box 361, folder 17

"Le iscrizioni cuneiformi del Museo Vaticano." RendPontAcc 19: 247-254

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (11 leaves)

Polacco, Luigi

box 361, folder 18

"Il trionfo di Tiberio nella tazza Rothschild da Boscoreale." Atti e memorie della Accademia Patavina di scienze lettere e arte 67 (1954-55): 3-20

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Ponsich, Michel

box 361, folder 19

"Les lampes romaines de la collection Ingres." Revue archéologique du centre 2 (1963): 100-132

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

Scope and Contents note

Presentation copy to Pietro Soprano, signed by Max Vauthey, editor.

Portigliotti, Giuseppe

box 361, folder 20

"Come funzionavano gli oracoli antichi." La lettura 11 (1911)

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Pozzi, Enrica

box 361, folder 21

"Exedra funeraria pompeiana fuori Porta di Nola." RendAcANap 35 (1960): 175-186

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Presuhn, Emil

box 388, folder 3

Pompeji. Die neuesten Ausgrabungen von 1874 bis 1878 für Kunst-undAltertumsfreunde. Leipzig: Weigel, 1878

Physical Description: 6 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Translation into English: Typescript of translation of pages 4-6.

Price, Thomas D. and A.W. Van Buren

box 381, folder 6

"The House of Marcus Loreius Tiburtinus at Pompeii." MAAR 12 (1935): 151-153

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One offprint is signed presentation copy from the library of Matteo Della Corte; second copy is from the library of Tatiana Warscher.

Pugliese Carratelli, Giovanni

box 361, folder 22

"Tabulae ceratae herculanenses." ParPass 1 (1946): 373-385

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (14 leaves)

Puglisi, S. M.

box 361, folder 23

"Le culture dei capannicoli sul promontorio Gargano." MemLinc 2 (1948): 3-57

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Quaranta, Bernardo

box 362, folder 1

"Origini, vicende e scavazioni di Ercolano e Pompei." AnnCivSic 1 (1833): 52-64

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 362, folder 2

"Poche parole sul gran musaico pompeiano." AnnCivSic 1 (1833): 67-77

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 362, folder 3

"Le visioni dileguate." AnnCivSic 1 (1833): 134-154

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 362, folder 4

"Di una fontana a musaico disotterata in Pompei." AnnCivSic 3 (1833): 57-65

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 362, folder 5

"De' Papiri Ercolanesi." AnnCivSic 7 (1835): 19-26; 20 (1839): 153-157; 21 (1839): 119-124; 22 (1840); 49-54, 147-153; 23 (1840): 57-61, 162-166; 24 (1840): 27-32, 109-112; 25 (1841): 62-68

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 362, folder 6

"Sopra un dipinto pompeiano che rappresenta la Carità Greca." AnnCivSic 7 (1835): 73-77

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 362, folder 7

"Dichiarazione di alcuni particolari notati nel gran musaico pompeiano." AnnCivSic 7 (1835): 78-87

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 362, folder 8

"La favola di Zefiro e Glori." AnnCivSic 8 (1835): 45-52

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 362, folder 9

"Arianna abbandonata dipinta sopra un intonaco disotterrato in Pompei nella casa de' Capitelli Figurati." AnnCivSic 8 (1835): 53-60

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 362, folder 10

"Imeneo dipinto sopra una parete di Pompei." AnnCivSic 9 (1835): 34-38

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 362, folder 11

"Vaso bacchico dipinto del Real Museo Borbonico." AnnCivSic 9 (1835): 42-49

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 362, folder 12

"Di quattordici vasi d'argento dissotterrati in Pompei nel MDCCCXXXV." AnnCivSic 11 (1836): 5-32

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 363, folder 1

"Di un gran vaso fittile dipinto che rappresenta i funerali di Archemoro e si conserva nel Real Museo Borbonico." AnnCivSic 15 (1837): 52-72

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 363, folder 2

"Degli antichi monumenti venuti non ha guari nel Real Museo Borbonico." AnnCivSic 17 (1838): 49-55

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 363, folder 3

"Viaggio archeologico nella parte meridionale d'Italia." AnnCivSic 19 (1839): 33-45

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 363, folder 4

"Cure filologiche." AnnCivSic 27 (1841): 20-31, 138-144 and 33 (1843): 105-114

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 363, folder 5

"Intorno ad un antico vaso greco di creta pitturata scoverto a Ruvo e rappresentante Teseo ed altri greci combattitori contro le Amazzoni." AnnCivSic 29 (1842): 129-143 and 31 (1843): 51-64

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 363, folder 6

"Dedalo con Icaro, Proteo e Menelao, Perseo con Medusa e le altre Gorgoni rappresentati sopra un vaso greco pitturata che si conserva nel Real Museo Borbonico." AnnCivSic 30 (1842): 70-74

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 363, folder 7

"I libri di medicina di A. Cornelio Celso..." AnnCivSic 44 (1847): 169-186

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (19 leaves)
box 363, folder 8

"L'esequie di Perdice ucciso da Dedalo." MemErcol 7 (1851): 169-191

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 363, folder 9

"Gli scheletri cerocefali trovati in un antico sepolcro di Cuma nel dicembre del MDCCCLII." AnnCivSic 51 (1854): 120-130

Physical Description: 13 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy and notes.

Quirini, Angelo Maria

box 363, folder 10

Extract from Epistolae Angelimariae Quirini.. Venice: S. Coleti, 1756

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Epistola LIII: Jo. Matthiae Gesnero, pages 450-453.

Rakob, Friedrich

box 364, folder 1

"Ein Grottentriklinium in Pompeji." RM 71 (1964): 182-194

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy.

Rea, Salvatore

box 364, folder 2

"I Campi Flegrei." Le vie d'Italia 11 (1964): 1318-1329

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Rebuffat, Orazio

box 364, folder 3

Sulla natura e l'uso di alcune fibre vegetali rinvenute in Pompei. Napoli, 1915

Physical Description: 1 pamphlet

Recchia, Olga

box 364, folder 4

"Una scatola di ricordi." Strenna dei romanisti18 (Apr 1987), 527-544

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Renan, Ernest

box 364, folder 5

Review of B. Aubé, Histoire der persécutions de l'Église jusqu'à la fin des Antonins . Journal des savants 1876: 696-704

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (6 leaves)

Ribezzo, Francesco

box 364, folder 6

"Universalismo ed umanesimo nella storia dello spiritualismo ebraico-cristiano delle Origini." La repubblica universale 30-31 (1956): 3-13

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Riccio, L.

box 364, folder 7

"Nuovi documenti sull' incendio vesuviano dell'anno 1631." ArchStorNap 14 (1889): 489-555

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies

Scope and Contents note

Second copy is bibliography only, pages, 538-555.

Richard, Jean-Claude

box 364, folder 8

Review of Pierre Grimal, Les jardins romains, Latomus 29 (1970): 574-575

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (3 leaves)

Richardson, Lawrence, Jr.

box 364, folder 9

Review of Jean-Michel Croisille, Les natures mortes campaniennes. AJA 70 (1966): 206-207

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 364, folder 10

"Nola." In Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, 627-628. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976

Physical Description: 1 photocopy ( 3 leaves)
box 364, folder 11

"Nuceria." In Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, 634-635. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976

Physical Description: 1 photocopy ( 3 leaves)
box 364, folder 12

"'Honos et virtus' and the Sacra Via." AJA 82 (1978): 240-246

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 364, folder 13

"The Curia Julia and the Janus Geminus." RM 85 (1978): 359-369

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 364, folder 14

"Concordia and Concordia Augusta: Rome and Pompeii." ParPass 181 (1978): 260-272

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 364, folder 15

"Basilica Fulvia, modo Aemilia." In Studies in Classical Art and Archaeology, 209-215. Locust Valley, N.Y.: J.J. Augustin, 1979

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 364, folder 16

"The Approach to the Temple of Saturn in Rome." AJA 84 (1980): 51-62

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 364, folder 17

"Two Topographical Notes." AJP 101 (1980): 53-56

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 364, folder 18

"The City-Plan of Pompeii." In La regione sotterrata dal Vesuvio, 341-351. Napoli, 1982

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 11 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of typescript of article; both typescript and offprint are signed presentation copies to Vander Poel.
box 364, folder 19

"A Contribution to the Study of Pompeian Dining-rooms." Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabiae 1 (1983): 61-71

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 364, folder 20

"A Note on the Architecture of the Theatrum Pompei in Rome." AJA 91 (1987): 123-126

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.

Richter, Gisela M. A.

box 364, folder 21

"Two recent acquisitions by the Metropolitan Museum of Art." AJA 43 (1939): 1-9

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Incomplete, page 9 missing.

Rizzo, G. E.

box 364, folder 22

"Copie romane della statua di bronzo scoperta a Pompei." BCom 53 (1925): 3-44

Physical Description: 1offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to A. W. Van Buren.
box 364, folder 23

"L'Eneide e l'arte antica." Bollettino dell'associazione internazionale per gli studi mediterranei 1 (1930): 6-18

Physical Description: 1offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Robertson, Robert H. S.

box 364, folder 24

"Fuller's Earth from Pompeii." Scottish Journal of Science 1 (1967): 59-65

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Robinson, David M.

box 364, folder 25

"A new Marble Bust of Menander, Wrongly called Vergil." ProcPhilSoc 83 (1940): 465-477

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Rocco, Anna

box 364, folder 26

"Di una classe di vasi del Museo Nazionale di Napoli." MemNap 6 (1938): 3-13

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Bears property stamp of Pietro Soprano.
box 364, folder 27

"La ceramica di Gnathia." MemNap 6 (1940): 9-30

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Bears property stamp of Pietro Soprano; signed presentation copy.

Rocco, N.

box 364, folder 28

"La croce scoperta ad Ercolano." Bollettino del Santuario del Gesù Vecchio 7-8 (1941): 2-8

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Rochette, Desiré


Choix de peintures de Pompéi. Paris: Labitte, 1867

box 364, folder 29

Photographs of text related to Plate 18.

Physical Description: 1 leaf, 20 photographs
box 603, folder 3


Physical Description: 36 frames; 35 mm.
box 603, folder 4


Physical Description: 23 slides; 35 mm.

Rodenwaldt, G.

box 388, folder 4

Extracts from Die Komposition der pompejanischen Wandgemälde. Berlin: Weidmann, 1909

Physical Description: 7 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Typescript of translation into English of pages 161, 250-252, 216, 234-237.
box 365, folder 1

Review of Joseph Hazzidakis, Tylissos, villas minoennes. Gnomon 11 (1935): 329-332

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Rolfe, John C.

box 365, folder 2

"On the use of Alius in Ju. Capit. Vit. Ant. PII V. 4." ClassPhil 23 (1928): 60-62

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated.

Romanelli, Pietro

box 365, folder 3

"Amedeo Maiuri." StRom 11 (1963): 317-319

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Rostovtzeff, M.I.


"Postelniye otkrytiya v Pompeyi [On the new excavations at Pompeii]," Zurnal Ministerstva Narodnago Prosvehcheniya 291 (1894): 45-101

box 388, folder 5

Copy of article

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy of offprint
box 388, folder 6

Translation into French by Raissa de Chirico,

Physical Description: 2 bound copies, 49 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopies of typescript translation bearing the property stamp of DAI Rome; one copy annotated by Vander Poel.
box 388, folder 7

Revised translation into French

Physical Description: 92 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Heavily annotated photocopy of portion of de Chirico's translation; typescript of revised version and three copies.
box 365, folder 4-5

"Pompeyi za 1893-1895." Zapiski Imperatorskago Russkago archeologiceskago obscestva 8 (1896): 307-393

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies of offprint
box 365, folder 6

"Pompeianische Landschaften und römische Villen." JdI 19 (1904): 103-126

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 365, folder 7

"Die hellenistisch-roemische Architekturlandschaft." RM 26 (1911): 1-185

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 388, folder 8

[The House of Homer in Pompeii]

Physical Description: 6 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Typescript of translation into English of Russian newspaper clipping.

Ruesch, A.

box 366, folder 1

Extract from Illustrated Guide to the National Museum in Naples. Napoli, 1908

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Index of catalog and inventory numbers, pages 207-223.

Ruggiero, Michele

box 366, folder 2

Sopra un masso di pomici trovato in Pompei." RendAcANap 8 (1877-1878): 195-207

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 603, box 5

Plates from Degli scavi di Stabia dal MDCCXLIX al MDCCLXXXII. Napoli, 1881

Physical Description: 15 negatives; 9 x 12 cm.

Scope and Contents note

Negatives only of selected plates.
box 366, folder 3

"Impronte pompeiane." RendAcANap 15 (1890): 1-3

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Rumpf, Andreas

box 366, folder 4

Review of Mabel Gabriel, Masters of Campanian Painting. AJA 68 (1954): 346-347

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (3 leaves)

Ruocco, Domenico

box 366, folder 5

"I Campi Flegrei." Memorie di geografia economica 11 (1954): 5-99

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the collection of Martin Frederiksen.

Rusconi, A. J.

box 366, folder 6

"I nuovi scavi di Pompei." Emporium 65 (1927): 78-92

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 366, folder 7

"La Villa dei Misteri a Pompei." Emporium 65 (1927): 286-299

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; noted as having been repurchased from the widow of Pietro Soprano.

Russo, Ferdinando

box 366, folder 8

"La città morta che revive." La lettura 12 (1912): 385-391

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Säflund, Gösta

box 366, folder 9

"Ancient Latin Cities of the Hills and the Plains." OpArch 1 (1935): 1-23

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 366, folder 10

Extract from Heraklidernas återkomst. Stockholm: Bonniers, 1963

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Chapter entitled "När askan begravde Pompeji," pages 106-114.

Salvaneschi, Nino

box 366, folder 11

"La contrada delle sirene." La Lettura (1921): 468-476

Physical Description: 1 article removed from fascicle.

Sambon, A.

box 366, folder 12

"Bronze latin trouvé à Pompéi." Le Musée 2 (1905): 298-299

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Sambon, A., Georges Toudouze and Jean de Foville

box 366, folder 13

"La banlieue de Pompeï." Le musée 3 (1906): 159-212

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Sanders, Henry A.

box 366, folder 14

"The Birth Certificate of a Roman Citizen." ClassPhil 22 (1927): 409-413

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated.
box 366, folder 15

"The Kalendarium Again." ClassPhil 23 (1928): 250-257

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Sanford, Eva Matthews

box 366, folder 16

"Political Campaigns in Roman Municipalities." CJ 25 (1930): 453-463

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Sapper, K.

box 367, folder 1

"Die Vorgänge am Mont Pelé und der Untergang Pompeji's." Die Umschau 9 (1905): 21-28

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Sarfatti, Margherita

box 367, folder 2

"Pompei risorta." Dedalo 4 (1924): 663-689

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Savignoni, Luigi

box 367, folder 3

"Un bassorilievo del Palatino e una pittura di Ercolano." BCom 25 (1897): 73-102

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Sawyer, Robert Walker

box 389, folder 1-5

"An analysis of the political, economic and social influence of select families of colonial Pompeii," Ph.D. Diss, 1972, Univ. Mich.

Physical Description: 1095 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Translation into Italian: typescript and two carbon copies; includes photocopies of sections of original English text.

Scharten, Carel

box 367, folder 4

"Een nieuw Pompeji." De Gids (1913): 143-154

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (8 leaves)

Schauenburg, Konrad

box 367, folder 5

"Herakles und Omphale." RheinMus (1960): 57-76

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Schefold, Karl

box 367, folder 6

"Der vespasianische Stil in Pompeji." BABesch 23-26 (1949-1951): 70-75

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Schlenker, Walter

box 367, folder 7

"Geschäftsreklame in Pompeji." Forschungen und Fortschritte 5 (1929): 193-195

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies

Schmidt, Otto Eduard

box 367, folder 8

"Ciceros Villen." NJbKlAlt 2 (1899): 1-62

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy of offprint

Schmiedt, Giulio

box 367, folder 9

Maps from "Contributo alla riconstruzione della situazione geotopografica di Velia nell'antichità." ParPass 130-133 (1975): 65-92

Physical Description: 2 maps

Scope and Contents note

From the collection of Martin Frederiksen.

Schneider, Edouard

box 382

"Les fouilles de Pompéi et le professeur Vittorio Spinazzola." L'illustration n. 4234 (26 Apr 1924): 373-384

Physical Description: 1 bound copy

Scope and Contents note


Schneider, Gisela

box 367, folder 10

"Eine Reliefvase aus dem Cabinet des Médailles und ihr Duplikat." BABesch 14 (1939): 10-15

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Tatiana Warscher.

Schneider, K.

box 367, folder 11

"Lusus Troiae." RE 13 (1926): cols. 2059-2067

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated.

Schooneman, W.

box 367, folder 12

"Het kruiswoordraadsel van Pompeii." Hermeneus 21 (1949-1950): 27-30

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Schreiber, Th.

box 390, folder 1

"Artemis." In Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie, col. 558-608. Leipzig, 1884-1890

Physical Description: 154 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Typescript of English translation and carbon copy.

Schubring, Konrad

box 367, folder 13

"Bericht über das Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum." In Actes du deuxième Congrès International d'épigraphie grecque et latine , 80-84. Paris, 1953

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated
box 367, folder 14

Review of A. A. M. van der Heyden, Bildatlas der klassischen Welt. Deutsche Literaturzeitung 82 (1961): 795-799

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Schulz, Heinrich Wilhelm

box 367, folder 15

"Rapporto intorno gli scavi pompeiani negli ultimi quattro anni." AdI 10 (1838): 148-201

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note


Semmola, E.

box 367, folder 16

"Il Vesuvio nel maggio 1900." Rendiconti della R. Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche di Napoli (1901): 1-6

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Sergejenko, Maria

box 390, folder 2-3

Extracts from Pompeji, 3rd ed. Leipzig: Koehler, 1955

Physical Description: 1 bound copy, 89 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Translations into English: "Wasserversorgung" section, typescript and carbon copy; "Die Häuser und ihre Einrichtung" section, typescript.

Sgobbo, Italo

box 368, folder 1

"La città campana delle 'Saturae' di Petronio." RendLinc 31 (1922): 354-406

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 368, folder 2

"Frammenti del libro XIV delle 'Saturae' di Petronio." RendLinc 6 (1930): 355-361

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 368, folder 3

"Terme flegree ed origine delle terme romane." Atti del I Congresso nazionale di studi romani (1929): 186-194

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 368, folder 4

"I nuclei monumentali delle terme romane di Baia per la prima volta riconosciuti." Atti del III Congresso Nazionale di Studi Romani (1934): 294-309

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 368, folder 5

"Un complesso di edifici sannitici e i quartieri di Pompei per la prima volta riconosciuti." MemNap 6 (1938): 5-29

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

Copy from the library of Matteo Della Corte is heavily annotated; the other is a signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 368, folder 6

"Thespis l'Auleta raffigurato in un bronzo di Ercolano." RendAcANap 45 (1970): 139-158

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 368, folder 7

"Panyassis il poeta riconosciuto in un ritratto della 'Villa dei Papiri' di Ercolano." RendAcANap 46 (1971): 115-142

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the collection of Martin Frederiksen; signed presentation copy.
box 368, folder 8

"I templi di Baia." In I Campi Flegrei nell'archeologia e nella storia, 1-46. Roma: Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 1977

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the collection of Martin Frederiksen; signed presentation copy.
box 368, folder 9

"Il maggior tempio del foro di Cuma e la munificenza degli heii cumani in epoca sannitica." RendAcANap 52 (1977): 231-264

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the collection of Martin Frederiksen; signed presentation copy.

Shelley, Percy B.

box 368, folder 10

"Letter to Thomas Love Peacock." In The Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley, 71-76. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Sichtermann, Hellmut

box 368, folder 11

Review of E. Kirsten, Nordafrikanische Stadtbilder. Gymnasium 72 (1965): 276-277

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 368, folder 12

Review of M. Hertl, Laokoon. Gymnasium 77 (1970): 137-138

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 368, folder 13

Review of H. Althaus, Laokoon. Gymnasium 77 (1970): 352-354

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 368, folder 14

Review of S. Stucchi, Cirene 1957-1966. Gnomon (1971): 524

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 368, folder 15

" Ein ungewöhnlicher mythologischer Sarkophag." RM 78 (1971): 181-202

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 368, folder 16

Review of R. Hampe, Sperlonga und Vergil. Gymnasium 80 (1973): 461-467

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 368, folder 17

"Sarkophag — Miszellen." AA (1974): 308-323

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Signorelli, Olga

box 368, folder 18

"Madama Helbig." L'osservatore politico letterario 21 (1975): 41-52

Physical Description: 1 fascicle, 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

Includes note from daughter to Vander Poel.

Silliani, Tomaso

box 368, folder 19

"Un tesoro etrusco." La lettura 14 (1914): 1121-1128

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Simon, Erika

box 368, folder 20

"Das Pompejanum in Aschaffenburg und seine Vorbilder in Pompeji." Aschaffenburger Jahrbuch 6 (1979): 423-438

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (29 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy sent to Vander Poel by Jos de Waele.

Six, J.

box 368, folder 21

"Een wandschildering uit Boscoreale." BABesch 1 (1926): 3-7

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Skutsch, F.

box 368, folder 22

"Vom pompejanischen Strassenleben." Glotta 1 (1909): 104-113

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Skydsgaard, J.E.

box 368, folder 23

"The Disintegration of the Roman Labour Market and the Clientela Theory." In Studia romana in honorem Petri Krarup septuagenarii , 44-48. Odense: Odense University Press, 1976

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Small, Alistair

box 368, folder 24

"The Villa Rustica of the Hellenistic Period in South Italy." In Papers in Italian Archaeology I, 197-201. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 1978

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Sogliano, Antonio

box 369, folder 1

"La coltura letteraria dei Pompeiani." Giornale napoletano 2 (1876): 3-11

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 369, folder 2

"Di alcuni pesi recentemente scoperti in Pompei." RendAcANap 14 (1889-1890): 75-80

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 369, folder 3

"Di due epigrafi anforarie pompejane recentemente scoperte." RendNap 5 (1891): 1-7

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 369, folder 4

"Michele Ruggiero e gli scavi di Pompei." RendAcANap 16 (1891-1893): 225-234

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

"L'origine del 'tablinum' secondo Varrone." RendAcANap 19 (1897): 1-7

box 369, folder 5

Copy of article

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy with annotations.
box 390, folder 4

Translation into English

Physical Description: 13 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated typescript and carbon copy.
box 369, folder 6

"La 'gens Maccia' in Pompei." RendNap 12 (1898): 3-8

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 369, folder 7

"Sul dipinto pompeiano rappresentante il Vesuvio." RendNap 13 (1899): 3-8

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 381, folder 7

"Didone ed Enea in dipinti pompeiani." AttiNap 21 (1899): 5-16

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Giulio de Petra.
box 369, folder 8

"Elenco delle pubblicazioni." RendNap 16 (1902): 373-380

Physical Description: 8 leaves of photocopy
box 369, folder 9

"La pittura murale campana e la traduzione classica sulla pittura." RendNap (1903): 3-15

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 369, folder 10

"Del preteso influsso della poesia alessandrina sulla pittura murale campana." RendAcANap 23 (1903): 5-23

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated.
box 369, folder 11

"Gli scavi di Pompei dal 1873 al 1900." In Atti del Congresso internazionale di scienze storiche, 295-349. Roma, 1904

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

box 369, folder 12

"Di una salutazione imperatoria in una epigrafe graffita pompeiana." In Miscellanea Ceriani, 251-253. Milano: Hoepli, 1910, undated

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 369, folder 13

"Probing Pompeian Politics and Art." Nash's Magazine (1912): 700-706

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 369, folder 14

"La necropoli preromana di Pompei." MemNap 2 (1913): 209-229

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated.
box 369, folder 15

"Volfango Helbig." Rendiconto della adunanze e lavori delle R. Accademia di archeologia, lettere e belle arti di Napoli 29 (1915): 3-7

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 369, folder 16

"'Silacei Cunei' e 'appagineculi Striati'." RendAcANap 5 (1916): 219-231

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 369, folder 17

"Porte, torri e vie di Pompei nell' epoca sannitica." RendAcANap 6 (1918): 155-180

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 28 leaves

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; also includes a photocopy.
box 369, folder 18

"Cavedio e famedio." AttiAccPontaniana 49 (1919): 3-8

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 369, folder 19

"La nostra vittoria e l'Ara Pacis Augustae." AttiAccPontaniana 49 (1919): 3-7

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 369, folder 20

"'Pompeii' e la 'gens Pompeia'." RendAcANap 8 (1920): 17-42

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

box 369, folder 21

"Sulla facciata della villa antica di Lusso e sulla villa detta di Diomede in Pompei." RendAcANap 8 (1920): 125-147

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; heavily annotated with pages of notes tipped in.
box 369, folder 22

"I 'fabri subaediani'." AttiAccPontaniana 51 (1921): 3-6

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 369, folder 23

"Anagrafe e catasto nell'antica Pompei." Nuova rivista storica 5 (1921): 3-26

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 369, folder 24

"Il primitivo ludo gladiatorio di Pompei." RendLinc 30 (1921): 1-13

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; heavily annotated with pages of notes tipped in.
box 369, folder 25

"Tabella opisthographa." In Solemne praeconium Januario Asprenati Galante, 25-35. Napoli: D'Auria, 1921

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

"La scuola in Pompei." AttiAccPontaniana 53 (1923): 118-124

box 369, folder 26

Copies of article

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies
box 603, folder 6


Physical Description: 4 frames; 35 mm.
box 370, folder 1

"Il foro di Pompei." MemLinc 1 (1925): 221-272

Physical Description: 2 offprints, 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

One offprint is signed presentation copy with annotations from the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 370, folder 2

"Il 'suggestum' nel Foro di Pompei." RendAcANap 9 (1926): 301-341

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 370, folder 3

"Sunhodus Decumianorum." Mouseion 3 (1927): 5-11

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 370, folder 4

"Intorno al 'cavum aedium' varroniano." RendAcANap 12 (1931-1932): 285-292

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Solin, Heikki

box 370, folder 5

"Pompeiana." Epigraphica 30 (1968): 105-125

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy, 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

Includes page of notes.
box 370, folder 6

Review of Matteo Della Corte, CIL IV Suppl. pars 3, Lfg.3-4. Gnomon 45 (1973): 258-277

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Offprint is signed presentation copy to Veikko Väänänen with annotations.

Soprano, Pietro

box 370, folder 7

"Via Nucerina. Sepolcri di età romana." NSA (1961): 189-200

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Spano, G.

box 370, folder 8

"Pompei." NSA (1910): 253-282, 315-332, 377-418, 437-486, 555-570

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies

Scope and Contents note

box 370, folder 9

"Pompei." NSA (1911): 331-335, 372-377

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies

Scope and Contents note

One copy annotated.
box 370, folder 10

"L'origine degli archi onorari e trionfali romani." Neapolis 1 (1913): 144-164, 329-352

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

"L'Hekatonstylon di Pompei e l'Hekatonstylon di Pompeo." AttiAccPontaniana 49 (1919): 157-210

box 371, folder 1-2

Copies of article

Physical Description: 1 bound offprint, 1 offprint, 2 bound photocopies

Scope and Contents note

Bound offprint is signed presentation copy with annotations from the library of Matteo Della Corte
box 603, folder 7


Physical Description: 28 frames; 35 mm.
box 603, folder 8

"La illuminazione delle vie di Pompei." RendAcANap 7 (1919): 1-128

Physical Description: 66 frames; 35 mm.

Scope and Contents note

Negatives only.

"Bronzi di Siria in Pompei." AttiAccPontaniana 52 (1922): 151-211

box 371, folder 3

Copy of article

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 603, folder 9


Physical Description: 32 frames; 35 mm.

"La pacificazione dell'Armenia per opera di Germanico e gli archi onorarii del Foro di Pompei." AttiAccPontaniana 53 (1923): 125-144

box 371, folder 4

Copies of article

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies
box 603, folder 10


Physical Description: 11 frames; 35 mm.
box 371, folder 5

"Le rappresentazione di Artemis e Aktaion e l'Aphrodite di Doidalses." RendAcANap 10 (1926): 3-82

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 371, folder 6

"Le origini e la evoluzione della casa italica." Bollettino dell'Università di Perugia 7 (1935): 589-596

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 372, folder 1

"Porte e regioni pompeiane e vie campane." RendAcANap 17 (1937): 269-359

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 372, folder 2

"Peculiarità architettoniche del tempio pompeiano d'Iside." In Studi di antichità classica offerti da colleghi e discepoli a Emanuele Ciaceri , 288-315. Genova, 1940

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 372, folder 3

"La tombe dell'edile C. Vestorio Prisco in Pompei." MemLinc 3 (1942-1943): 237-315

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Oscar Onorato.
box 372, folder 4

" Il 'Pompeianum' di M. Tullio Cicerone e lo 'Stabianum' di M. Mario." Antiquitas 1 (1946): 55-88

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 372, folder 5

"Osservazioni intorno al 'theatrum tectum' di Pompei." Annali dell'Istituto superiore di scienze e lettere S. Chiara di Napoli 1 (1948-1949): 111-139

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies
box 372, folder 6

"Abitanti di Pompei chiedenti protezione ai pianeti." Annali dell'Istituto superiore di scienze e lettere S. Chiara di Napoli 2 (1950): 207-221

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies
box 372, folder 7

"Alcune osservazioni nascenti da una descrizione dell'anfiteatro di Pompei." Annali dell'Istituto universitario di magistero di Salerno 1 (1949-1950): 355-419

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies
box 373, folder 1

"Paesaggio nilotico con pigmei difendentisi magicamente dai coccodrilli." MemLinc 6 (1955): 335-368

Physical Description: 2 offprint
box 373, folder 2

"Nuove osservazioni intorno ai bassorilievi pompeiani ricordanti il terremoto del 63 d. Cr." In Studi in onore di Riccardo Filangieri , 7-19. Napoli: L'Arte tip., 1959

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 373, folder 3

"L'edificio di Eumachia in Pompei." RendAcANap 36 (1961): 5-35

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Spinazzola, Vittorio

box 373, folder 4

"Di alcuni scavi e trovamenti nelle necropoli reggine." NSA (1911): 3-14

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 373, folder 5

"Di un rinoceronte marmoreo nel Museo Nazionale di Napoli." BdA 7 (1913): 1-4

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 373, folder 6

"Di due grandi trofei e di una sala decorata con vittorie volanti." NSA (1916): 429-450

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 373, folder 7

"Pompei. Continuazione degli scavi in via dell'Abbondanza." NSA (1917): 247-264

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Spinelli, D.

box 373, folder 8

"Ricerche intorno all'età dell aes flatum comunemente denominato aes grave." AnnCivSic 34 (1844): 60-71

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Staab, Franz

box 373, folder 9

"Ostrogothic Geographers at the court of Theodoric the Great." Viator 7 (1976): 27-64

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (21 leaves)

Stazio, Attilio

box 373, folder 10

"Sul culto di Vejove in Roma." RendAcANap 23 (1947): 5-15

Physical Description: 1 bound offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy from the library of Pietro Soprano.
box 373, folder 11

"Bigati e argentum oscense." Numismatica (1947): 3-8

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy from the library of Pietro Soprano.

Sticotti, Piero

box 373, folder 12

"Bona Dea." Aquileia nostra 10 (1939): 28-33

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; annotated.
box 373, folder 13

"Da Sebatum a Julium Carnicum." Atesia Augusta 1 (1939): 25-27

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 373, folder 14

"Pago." In Hoffillerov zbornik, 179-181. Zagreb, 1940

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Strocka, Volker Michael

box 373, folder 15

"Zur Datierung der Celsusbibliothek." In Proceedings of the Xth International Congress of Classical Archaeology , 893-899. Ankara, 1978

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy.
box 373, folder 16

"Antikenbezüge des Braunschweiger Löwen." In Der Braunschweiger Burglöwe, 65-87. Göttingen: Goltze, 1985

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 373, folder 17

"Neubeginn und Steigerung des Principats. Zu den Ursachen des claudischen Stilwandels." In Die Regierungszeit des Kaisers Claudius (41-54 n. Chr.) , 191-220. Mainz: von Zabern, 1994

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 373, folder 18

"Grabungen in Ephesos von 1960-1969. Wandmalerei." JOAI 50 (1972-1973): 470-494

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy.

Studniczka, Franz


"August Mau (1840-1909)." RM 23 (1908): 269-274

box 373, folder 19

Copy of article

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 390, folder 5-6

Translations into Italian and English

Physical Description: 36 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Italian: typescript and photocopy. English: two annotated typescript drafts, final typescript.

Stuhlfauth, Georg

box 373, folder 20

"Christen in Pompeji?" Pfälzisches Pfarrerblatt 38 (1938): 113-115

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 373, folder 21

"Christen in Pompeji?" Pfälzisches Pfarrerblatt 39 (1939): 14-15

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Sulze, Heinrich


"Der Decumanus Maximus des ältesten Pompeji." Forschungen und Fortschritte 17 (1941): 377-379

box 373, folder 22

Copy of article

Physical Description: 1 fascicle
box 390, folder 7

Translation into English

Physical Description: 16 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Two typescript copies.

"Zum Stand der Forschung über die städtebauliche Entwicklung Pompejis." Forschungen und Fortschritte 26 (1950): 33-39

box 373, folder 23

Copy of article

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 390, folder 8

Translation into English

Physical Description: 18 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Partial typescript, begins with page 16 of the translation.

Tandy, F.

box 374, folder 1

"'Groma': The ancient land-surveying instrument." Archaeological Journal 77 (1920): 33-39

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

One offprint from the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Tanucci, Bernardo

box 374, folder 2

"Lettere inedite di Bernardo Tanucci a Ferdinando Galiani." ArchStorNap 29 and 30 (1904-1905)

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Excerpts of letters numbered from LXXXII to XCVIII, pages 665-699, 42-43.

Tarallo, E.

box 374, folder 3

"Intorno al donario del pompeiano Marco Fabio Secondo." RendLinc 21 (1912): 69-78

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated.

Tazieff, Haroun

box 374, folder 4

"Man bassa su Pozzuoli 1970."

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (6 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

From the collection of Martin Frederiksen; chapter (?) copied from Italian edition of L'Etna et les volcanologues (Paris, 1972), p. 27-32.

Tenore, M.

box 374, folder 5

"Di alcune piante effigiate nel gran musaico pompeano." AnnCivSic 3 (1833): 111-116

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Thompson, Mary Lee

box 374, folder 6

"The Monumental and Literary Evidence for Programmatic Painting in Antiquity." Marsyas 9 (1960-1961): 36-77

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 374, folder 7

"A Pompeian Painting of a Samothracian Myth?" In Essays in Memory of Karl Lehmann, 329-343. New York, 1964

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Torraca, Luigi

box 374, folder 8

"...rumpantur ut ilia Codro." RendAcANap 19 (1939), 5-8

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Toynbee, J. M. C.

box 603, folder 11

Review of Karl Schefold, Pompejanische Malerei, JRS 45-46 (1955-1956): 192-196

Physical Description: 5 negatives; 9 x 12 cm.

Scope and Contents note

Negatives only. Also includes review of P. W. Lehmann, Roman Wall Paintings from Boscoreale in the Metropolitan Museum of Art by W. I. Brown.

Traversari, Gustavo

box 381, folder 8

Extract from L'arco dei Sergi. Padova: CEDAM, 1971

Physical Description: 10 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of pages 48-69.

Trendelenburg, Adolf

box 390, folder 9

"Scavi di Pompei," BdI 1871: 171-182

Physical Description: 6 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Translation into English of small portion of text: annotated typescript and corrected typescript.

"Die Gegenstücke in der campanischen Wandmalerei." AZ 34 (1876): 1-8, 79-93

box 374, folder 9

Photographic copy of second part of article, pages 79-93

Physical Description: 15 photographs
box 603, folder 12


Physical Description: 19 frames; 35 mm.
box 390, folder 10

Translation into English

Physical Description: 42 leaves, 4 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Annotated typescript.

Väänänen, Veikko

box 374, folder 10

"A propos de l' s final dans les langues romanes." In Miscelânea de filologia, literatura e história cultural , vol. II, 33-40. Lisboa, 1950

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 374, folder 11

"L'apport de Pompéi à la préhistoire des langues romanes." In VII. Congreso internacional de lingüística románica , vol. II, 379-384. Barcelona, 1955

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Van Buren, A. W.

box 374, folder 12

"The Geography of Ancient Italy. Part II." ClJ 8 (1913): 327-340

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (15 leaves)
box 381, folder 9

"Studies in the Archaeology of the Forum at Pompeii." MAAR 2 (1918): 67-76

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 374, folder 13

"The Past Decade of Pompeian studies." ClJ 15 (1920): 404-416

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 381, folder 10

"Further Studies in Pompeian Archaeology." MAAR 5 (1925): 1-11

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 374, folder 14

"Further Pompeian Studies." MAAR 10 (1932): 7-54

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

"'Pinacothecae', with special reference to Pompeii." MAAR 15 (1938): 70-81

box 374, folder 15

Copy of article

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 603, folder 13


Physical Description: 4 negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in.

Scope and Contents note

Plates 5-8.
box 374, folder 16

Review of Helen Tanzer, The Common People of Pompeii, Gnomon 17 (1941): 19-22

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (5 leaves)
box 374, folder 17

"Osservazioni su alcuni testi letterari ed epigrafici." RendPontAcc 19 (1942-1943): 181-204

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 374, folder 18

"War-Time Productivity in Italy." AJPhil 68 (1947): 1-20

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; annotated.
box 374, folder 19

"Pompeii." RE 21 (1952): col. 1999-2038

Physical Description: 1 bound offprint, 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Offprint from the library of Matteo Della Corte, signed presentation copy, annotated.
box 375, folder 1

"News Letter from Rome." AJA 57 (1953): 211-218

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; annotated.
box 375, folder 2

Review of Vittorio Spinazzola, Pompeii alla luce degli scavi nuovi di Via dell'Abbondanza. AJA 57 (1953): 404-416

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; annotated.
box 375, folder 3

"Alexander Willem Byvanck." BABesch 29 (1954): 2

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 375, folder 4

"Recent Finds at Hadrian's Tiburine Villa." AJA 59 (1955): 215-217

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 375, folder 5

"Alcune osservazioni riguardanti materiale pompeiano." RendPontAcc 28 (1954-1955): 31-43

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 375, folder 6

Review of Giovanni Oscar Onorato, Inscriptiones pompeianae. AJA 62 (1958): 345-347

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (4 leaves)
box 375, folder 7

"Some Campanian Revelations." Archaeology 12 (1959): 241

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Van Essen, C. C.

box 375, folder 8

Review of L. Richardson, Pompeii: The Casa dei Dioscuri and its Painters, AJA 62 (1958): 121-123

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (4 leaves)

Vargas Macciucca, M.

box 375, folder 9

Extract from Dell'antiche colonie venute in Napoli ed i secondi furono gli euboici. Napoli, 1773, n.d.

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Section on Pompeii, pages 364-366.

Ven, Paul van den

box 375, folder 10

"Notes sur les fouilles de Paestum, Pompéi et Herculanum." Académie Royale de Belgique. Bulletin de la classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques 47 (1961): 381-399

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Venturi, Lionello

box 375, folder 11

"Studi radiografici sul Caravaggio." MemLinc 5 (1952): 37-46

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Venuti de Dominicis, Teresa

box 375, folder 12

"Marcello Marchese Venuti." In I Venuti, 22-37, 98-99. Roma, 1889

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Vilain, Charles Hippolyte, XIV

box 390, folder 11

"Sur une fouille récemment faite à Pompéi. Lettre de M. -- à M. le Baron de Stassart," Bulletins de l'Academie royale de Bruxelles 10 (1843): 508-516

Physical Description: 22 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Translation into English: two typescripts.

Villari, E., E. Scacchi and F. Bassani

box 375, folder 13

"Relazione sulla Memoria del dottor G. de Lorenzo." Rendiconti dell'Accademia di scienze fisiche e matematiche di Napoli 6-7 (1899): 1-4

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Vitti, A. M.

box 375, folder 14

"Parole del risorto." La civiltà cattolica (1941), 13-24

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Waele, F.J.M. de

box 375, folder 15

"Het Christendom en het oude Pompeii." Studia Catholica 2 (1926): 203-210

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies
box 375, folder 16

"Het oudste Graffito over de Christenen in Italie." Studia Catholica 3 (1927): 89-93

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies

Waele, J. A. de

box 375, folder 17

"De 'Dorische' tempel op het Forum Triangulare te Pompeii." Hermeneus 54 (1982): 27-35

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 375, folder 18

"Der römische Fuss in Pompeji: der Tempel des Juppiter Capitolinus." BABesch 59 (1984): 1-5

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 375, folder 19

Heel wat voeten in de aarde. Nijmegen, 1986

Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
box 375, folder 20

Reviews of Karin Braun and Andreas Furtwängler, Studien zur klassischen Archäologie, Thanassis Kalpaxis, Hemiteles , Nicola Boncasa and Antonino Buttitta, La statua marmorea di Mozia e la scultura di stile severo in Sicilia , and Veder Greco. BABesch 65 (1990), 157-161, 184-185

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 375, folder 21

"I grandi templi." In Agrigento e la Sicilia greca, 157-205. Roma: L'Erma di Bretschneider, 1992

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.
box 376, folder 1

"The 'Doric' Temple on the Forum Triangulare in Pompeii." Opuscula pompeiana 3 (1993): 105-118

Physical Description: 1 offprint; 14 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Offprint is signed presentation copy to Vander Poel; also includes photocopy of corrected proofs for the article.
box 376, folder 2

"Das Schiffsarsenal des Philon im Piräus (IG II² 1668)." BABesch 68 (1993): 107-120

Physical Description: 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copies to Vander Poel.
box 376, folder 3

"De klassieke Grieskse tempel." In Bouwkunst. Studies in vriendschap voor Kees Peeters, 581-595. Amsterdam: Architectura & Natura Pers, 1993

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 376, folder 4

"Wondering about a World Wonder. Phidias' work in Olympia." Kodaibunka 46 (1994): 15-28

Physical Description: 21 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of corrected manuscript, sent to Vander Poel by the author.
box 376, folder 5

Review of Christoph Höcker, Planung und Konzeption der klassischen Ringhallentempel von Agrigent. Gnomon 68 (1996): 245-252

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.

Walton, Francis R.

box 376, folder 6

Reviews of Martin Nilsson The Minoan-Mycenaean Religion and its Survival in Greek Religion, Pierre Amandry, La mantique apollinienne à Delphes and Photeine Bourboulis, Apollo Delphinios . ClPhil 47 (1952): 43-47

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Tatiana Warscher.
box 376, folder 7

Reviews of Anthologia lyrica Graeca, Euripides: Helena,and Euripides: The Alkestis. ClPhil 47 (1952): 124-126

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Tatiana Warscher.
box 376, folder 8

Review of Bengt Hemberg, Die Kabiren. Gnomon 24 (1952): 258-262

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Tatiana Warscher.
box 376, folder 9

"Athens, Eleusis, and the Homeric Hymn to Demeter." Harvard Theological Review 45 (1952): 105-114

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Tatiana Warscher; signed presentation copy.
box 376, folder 10

Review of W. K. C. Guthrie, The Greeks and their Gods. Phoenix 6 (1952): 22-25

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Tatiana Warscher.

Waltzing, J. P.

box 376, folder 11

Extracts from Étude historique sur les corporations professionnelles chez les romains. Louvain: C. Peeters, 1899

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Sections on Pompeii and Campania, pages 115-118, 428-454.

Ward-Perkins, J.

box 376, folder 12

"The Early Development of Roman town-planning." In Acta Congressus Madvigiani, 109-129. Copenhagen, 1957

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Signed presentation copy to Vander Poel.

Webster, Graham

box 376, folder 13

"A Note on Romano-British Pottery with Painted Figures." Antiquaries Journal 39 (1959): 91-95

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte (?); signed presentation copy.

Weinstock, St.

box 376, folder 14

"Mundus patet"

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy; no publication information.

Welles, C. Bradford

box 376, folder 15

"Rhetoric and the Law." Seminar 13 (1955-1956): 1-16

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 376, folder 16

"Michael I. Rostovtzeff." In Architects and Craftsmen in History, 55-73. Tübingen: Mohr, 1956

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.
box 376, folder 17

"Bibliography — M. Rostovtzeff." Historia 5 (1956): 358-381

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 376, folder 18

Review of Louis Jalabert and René Mouterde, Inscriptions Grecques et Latines de la Syrie, Tome IV. AJPhil 78 (1957): 221-223

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Westermann, William L.

box 376, folder 19

Extracts from The Slave Systems of Greek and Roman Antiquity. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1955

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Pages 90-91, 106-107.

White, K. D.

box 376, folder 20

Extracts from Roman Farming. London: Thames & Hudson, 1970

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Pages 422-423, 428-431, 436-445.

Wick, F. C.

box 376, folder 21

"L'epigramma pompeiano su Perona e Micone" and "Anora di Perona e Micone." Atene e Roma 8 (1905): 211-219, 381-386

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 376, folder 22

"La fonetica delle iscrizioni parietarie pompeiane specialmente in quanto risenta dell'osco e accenni all'evoluzione romanza." RendAcANap 23 (1905): 325-373

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Copy belonged to Spinazzola and S. Aurigemma.
box 376, folder 23

"Vindiciae Carminum Pompeianorum." RendAcANap 26 (1907): 5-36

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Wiesinger, Ferdinand and Friedrich Morton

box 377, folder 1

"Die römische Siedlung in der Lahn bei Halstatt." Weiner Jahresheft 33 (1941): 85-122

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte; signed presentation copy.

Willems, P.

box 377, folder 2-4

"Les élections municipales a Pompéi." Bulletins de l'Academie royale de Belgique 12 (1886): 3-142

Physical Description: 2 bound offprints, 2 bound photocopies

Scope and Contents note

One offprint from the library of Matteo Della Corte (a gift from Luigi Iacono); both offprints annotated. Also includes photocopies of pages 92-109, 122-123.

Wiseman, T. P.

box 377, folder 5

"Vesuvius. The Giant's Revenge." History Today 29 (1979): 790-794

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

Wittmack, Marx Carl Ludwig

box 377, folder 6

"Die in Pompeji gefunden pflanzlichen Reste." Beiblatt zu den botanischen Jahrbüchern 73 (1903): 38-63

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Wolters, Paul

box 377, folder 7

"Das Chalcidicum der pompejanischen Basilica." RM 3 (1888): 47-60

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Zancani Montuoro, Paola

box 377, folder 8

"Un aryballos italocorinzio." RendAcANap 39 (1965): 245-247

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Zottoli, Giampietro

box 377, folder 9

"Publio Paquio Proculo." RendLinc 17 (1908): 555-572

Physical Description: 2 offprints, 1 bound photocopy

"Bibliografia ercolanese." BIASA 2 (1928): 47-81

box 378, folder 1

Copies of the article

Physical Description: 2 offprints, 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

One offprint is a signed presentation copy from Amedeo Maiuri to Oscar Onorato; the other offprint is from the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 603, folder 14


Physical Description: 59 frames; 35 mm.

Zuckermann, Léa

box 378, folder 2

Review of Attilio Degrassi, "Epigraphica III," Latomus 27 (1968): 728-729

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (2 leaves)

Zumpf, C. G.

box 378, folder 3

"Ternite's Fac-similes of the Paintings on the Walls of Pompeii and Herculaneum." Classical Museum 3 (1846): 448-452

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Zuntz, G.

box 378, folder 4

"On the Dionysiac Fresco in the Villa dei Misteri at Pompeii." Proceedings of the British Academy 49 (1963): 177-201

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Zuretti, C. O.

box 378, folder 5

"Per gli scavi di Ercolano." Atene e Roma 8 (1905): 33-53

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy


box 378, folder 6

Various brief notices on Pompeii, Kunst-Blatt 82 (1824): 328; 36 (1825): 141-142; 2 (1827): 8

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies
box 378, folder 7

"Recovery of Lost Writings. Papyri-Ancient Tachygraphy-Palimpsest." Edinburgh Review 48 (1828): 348-389

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (23 leaves)
box 378, folder 8

"Necrology — Francesco Carelli." AnnCivSic (1833): 83-86

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Signed with initials R. L.
box 378, folder 9

"Curiosità naturali. Eruzione del Vesuvio dal di XXX Maggio al di V Giugno XDCCCXXXIII." AnnCivSic (1833): 185-186

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (2 leaves)
box 378, folder 10

"Pomoerium." The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Vol. 18 (1840): 380-381

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (4 leaves)
box 378, folder 11

"Inaugurazione del reale osservatorio meteorologico alle falde del Vesuvio." AnnCivSic (1845): 125-141

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (17 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Signed with initials R. L.
box 378, folder 12

"Un incendio sconosciuto del Vesuvio." ArchStorNap 15 (1890): 642-646

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 378, folder 13

"The Latest Excavations at Pompeii: 'The House of the Covered Passage'." Journal of the British Archaeological Association 28 (1922): 282-285

Physical Description: 6 photographs, 6 leaves, 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of article with notes and two photocopies.
box 378, folder 14

Meisterwerke der Kunst im National-Museum zu Neapel. Florenz, 1927

Physical Description: 1 partial copy

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Tatiana Warscher; many images cut out.
box 378, folder 15

Review of Domenico Mallardo, 'La questione dei Cristiani a Pompei'." RACrist 13 (1936): 370-371

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 378, folder 16

"Mosaics representing the seven philosophers." AJA 41 (1937): 135-136

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (3 leaves)
box 603, folder 15

Bicentenario degli scavi di PompeiNapoli, 1948

Physical Description: 29 frames; 35 mm.

Scope and Contents note

Negatives only.
box 378, folder 17

"Deux pionniers a Pompei: Winkelmann et Hamilton." Archeologia 54 (1973): 15-16

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 378, folder 18

"Della costruzione degli antichi moli nel seno occidentale del nostro cratere" AnnCivSic: 127-132

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (6 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Signed with initials V. D. R.
box 378, folder 19

Review of R. T. Guenther, Pausilypon, the Imperial Villa near Naples: 127-132

Physical Description: 1 photocopy (3 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Signed with initials V. M.; source not identified.

Various authors

box 379, folder 1

Extracts from Napoli e i luoghi celebridelle sue vicinanze. Napoli: G. Nobile, 1845

Physical Description: 8 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of text and plates relating to Pompeii.
box 379, folder 2-3

Neapolis 1 (1913) and 2 (1914)

Physical Description: 272 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of numerous articles from the journal.
box 381, folder 11

Napoli nobilissima 2 (1921)

Physical Description: 2 fascicles

Scope and Contents note

Fascicle 1-2 and fascicle 6.
box 379, folder 4

Le vie d'Italia, 1925-1965

Physical Description: 19 articles

Scope and Contents note

Various articles on Campania removed from the magazine.
box 379, folder 5

Atti della reale accademia di archeologia, lettere e belle arti 12 (1931-1932)

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.
box 379, folder 6

"Notizie bibliografiche." Rivista di studi pompeiani 1 (1934-1935)

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 379, folder 7

Bollettino della Società dei naturalisti in Napoli 55 (1944-1946)

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

Scope and Contents note

From the collection of Martin Frederiksen; includes several articles on Vesuvius.
box 380, folder 1

Rivista CIBA 7 (1953)

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

Scope and Contents note

Issue on Roman medecine; from the library of Matteo Della Corte; annotated.
box 380, folder 2

Pompei 1 (1957)

Physical Description: 1 fascicle
box 380, folder 3

ICOM News 20 (1967)

Physical Description: 2 fascicles

Scope and Contents note

Numbers 4-5 and 6.
box 380, folder 4

"Schöner Wohnen in Pompeii," Kunstschrift 35, no. 4 (1991)

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

Scope and Contents note

Given to Vander Poel by de Waele.
box 380, folder 5

Il gazzettino, 6, no. 1 (1993)

Physical Description: 1 fascicle

Unpublished sources, Series VII.A.2. 1750-1972, undated

Physical Description: 6.9 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents note

Vander Poel assembled a variety of unpublished sources for the study of Pompeii and Campania. These include reproductions of manuscripts from Italian archives, such as that of the Museo archeologico nazionale di Napoli and the Biblioteca Marucelliana in Florence, as well as individual manuscript works, both originals and reproductions, by various travelers and scholars relating to the early history of the excavations.
Of particular interest are the photographic copies of the original excavation reports from Pompeii held in the archive of the Museo archeologico. The original reports, most of which remain unpublished, take a variety of forms and have varying titles. Vander Poel's copies of these reports provide access to an important scholarly resource, but present certain difficulties for the researcher. Many photographs are blurry and difficult to read, and most have not been identified. The various groupings presented below reflect the arrangement of the photographs as found, but they may not reflect the structure of the original documents. Often groups of photographs have an image of a title page at the front, but it appears that not all the photographs in the group belong with that title page.

Documentation from the archives of the Museo archeologico nazionale di Napoli, 1750-1900, 1964-1972, undated

Scope and Contents note

The identified documents are arranged chronologically, followed by unidentified documents, notes and photographic negatives.
box 391, folder 1

Notizie e rapporti sugli Scavi di Pompei, 1750-1813

Physical Description: 77 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Two sets of photographs labeled 9-37.
box 391, folder 2

Various early documentation, 1813-1848

Physical Description: 70 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Two sets of photographs labeled 0-33.
box 391, folder 3

Giornale di Scavi, 1828-1830

Physical Description: 51 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Brief daily reports.
box 392, folder 1

Giornali degli Scavi di Pompei, Apr-Sep 1829

Physical Description: 58 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Detailed entries on excavations and finds, signed by Bonucci. This material was transcribed and published by Fiorelli in PAH, vol II, p. 221-230, entry 30.
box 392, folder 2

Giornale di Scavi, Oct-Dec 1829

Physical Description: 23 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Detailed entries on excavations and finds, signed by Bonucci. This material was transcribed and published by Fiorelli in PAH, vol II, p. 230-234, entry 31.
box 392, folder 3-4

Reports and letters from Bonucci, 1829-1837

Physical Description: 84 photographs
box 393, folder 1

Giornale di Pompei, Jan-Mar 1830

Physical Description: 11 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Detailed entries on excavations and finds, signed by Bonucci. This material was transcribed and published by Fiorelli in PAH, vol II, p. 234-236, entry 32.
box 393, folder 2-3

Misure degli Scavi di Pompei, 1832-1833, 1836-1837

Physical Description: 106 photographs
box 393, folder 4

Misura ed apprezzo di disterramento, trasporto, fabbriche la certi ed altro eseguito dall' Appaltatore D. Giuseppe dell' Aquila nall' antica Citta di Pompei in tutto il mese de Luglio corrente anno 1842, 1842

Physical Description: 25 photographs
box 394, folder 1-3

Misure e certificate per Pompei, 1846

Physical Description: 168 photographs
box 395, folder 1-2

Material relating to Fiorelli and others, 1847-1853

Physical Description: 117 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Two sets of photographs labeled 3-76 and 17-36.
box 396, folder 1-2

Misure e certificate per Pompei, 1854

Physical Description: 167 photographs
box 396, folder 3

Report from Antonio Ferrari, circa 1858

Physical Description: 7 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Nineteenth-century copy of Ferrari's report relating to the published records of the finds in Giornale degli scavi di Pompei . Also includes transcription notes by Vander Poel.
box 396, folder 4

Report on the statuette of Abbondanza found in IX 7, 20, 1880

Physical Description: 3 photographs
box 396, folder 3

Reports from Antonio Palumbo, 1885-1886

Physical Description: 11 photographs
box 397, folder 1-4

Inventario generale di Pompei, anno 1900, 1900

Physical Description: 142 photographs, 5 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes topographical index.
box 397, folder 5

Notizie del Marchese Galliani, undated

Physical Description: 5 leaves

Scope and Contents note

box 397, folder 6

Unidentified manuscript, undated

Physical Description: 72 photographs
box 398, folder 1

Various unidentified manuscript pages, undated

Physical Description: 19 photographs
box 398, folder 2

Research by Vincenzo Esposito in the archives, 1972

Physical Description: 16 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Brief transcriptions of documentation.
box 398, folder 3

Partial photograph log and notes on manuscripts in the archives, 1964

Physical Description: 17 leaves
box 604, folder 1

Negatives of documentation in the archives, 1964, undated

Physical Description: 1401 frames; 35 mm.

Scope and Contents note

Also contains negatives of sections of publications in the Biblioteca of the Museo archeologico.

Documentation from archives in Naples, probably from the Museo archeologico, 1824-1849, undated

box 398, folder 4

List of persons permitted to excavate, 1824-1831

Physical Description: 4 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of original document.
box 398, folder 5

Trovamenti, 1840-1846

Physical Description: 14 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of original document.
box 398, folder 6

Letters/reports from Bozzelli, 1848-1849

Physical Description: 16 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopies of two original reports
box 398, folder 7

Unidentified document, undated

Physical Description: 3 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of original document.
box 398, folder 8

Lists of manuscripts, undated

Physical Description: 6 leaves

Documentation in the Biblioteca Marucelliana, Firenze, 1974, undated

Scope and Contents note

Transcriptions and notes on material, primarily letters of Ridolfino, Marcello and Filipp Venuti.
box 398, folder 9-10

Transcriptions and notes on material, 1974, undated

Physical Description: 126 cards, 61 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Primarily letters of Ridolfino, Marcello and Filipp Venuti.
box 643, folder 3-5

Microfilms of Marucelliana material, undated

Physical Description: 3 reels

Scope and Contents note

Labeled as Ms.B.VIII.7, Ms.B.VII.18 and A54.

Manuscripts, journals and letters, 1774-1967, undated

Scope and Contents note

Combination of original material and reproductions of material held by various libraries and archives arranged alphabetically by author.
box 399, folder 1

Berry, Duca di. Letter to the Marchese di Circello in Naples, 16 Feb 1805

Physical Description: 1 leaf

Bianchi, Pietro

box 400, folder 1

Report submitted to the Accademia ercolanese, 20 Nov 1831

Physical Description: 2 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Original manuscript of report on finds from the Casa del Fauno. Includes notes by Vander Poel.
box 400, folder 2

Misura ed apprezzo de' lavori di disterramento, trasporto ed altro eseguito dall' Appaltatore D. Giuseppe dell' Aquila nall' antica Citta di Pompei in tutto il Mese de Febbrajo 1842: Locale alle Spale delle Case di Meleagro e del Laberinto accosto le mura pubbliche, 21 Mar 1842

Physical Description: 3 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Original manuscript of report on details of the work and the cost of work carried out near the Casa di Meleagro; includes notes by Vander Poel.

Bogsch, Walter

box 399, folder 2

"Vademecum für Pompeji," 1964

Physical Description: 1 bound copy, 3 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of unpublished typescript held by the DAI in Rome.
box 399, folder 3

"Nachweis der Sagenmotive der Wandgemälde Pompejis," 1965-1967

Physical Description: 1 bound copy

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of unpublished typescript held by the DAI in Rome. Also includes notes.

Bonucci, Carlo

box 400, folder 3

Pel posto di guardia degli Scavi di Pompei, 1 Sep 1828

Physical Description: 1 leaf, 1 photograph

Scope and Contents note

Original manuscript and photographic copy.
box 399, folder 4

Inventory of finds from Herculaneum submitted to Michele Arditti, 9 Nov 1829

Physical Description: 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

Cover letter only.
box 399, folder 5

Cockran papers. Journal entry, 1838-1840

Physical Description: 2 mounted photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of journal entry from the National Library of Scotland, Mss. no. 2598.
box 399, folder 6-7

Gamurrini, G. F. Inscriptiones Antiquae Arreti Scriptoribus et Monimentis Exceptae, 1860

Physical Description: 1 bound volume, 4 leaves, 1 envelope

Scope and Contents note

Notebook compiled by Gamurrini with drawings and notes on inscriptions from the area of Arezzo. A note on the title page indicates that Bormann drew on this collection for his volume of CIL XI. Also included here are two manuscript letters from the author to Prof. Lignana and notes by Vander Poel.
box 399, folder 8

Henderson, Patrick. Journal entry, undated

Physical Description: 5 mounted photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of journal entry from the National Library of Scotland, Mss. no. 7183.
box 399, folder 9

Hill. Notebook of a tour on the continent, 1867

Physical Description: 4 photographs, 10 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy and 2 typescript copies of extracts concerning Pompeii, pages 140-144. Oxford University, Bodleian Library, M.S. Top. gen. e 77.
box 399, folder 10

Latapie, François. Description de Pompeii, 1776

Physical Description: 31 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of manuscript held in the Bibliothèque municipale de Bordeaux, Fonde Lamontaigne, Mss 1696,31,15. Also includes photocopy of cover letter from researcher, Liliane Ziegel.

Leroi, Alice

box 399, folder 11

Letter to Amedeo Maiuri, 2 Oct 1956

Physical Description: 2 photographs, 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of letter concerning "Venereum" in VI 15, 1.
box 604, folder 2

Negatives of letter

Physical Description: 3 frames; 35 mm.
box 399, folder 12

Lloyd, R. W. Journal of a continental tour, 1840-1841

Physical Description: 13 mounted photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of journal entry from the National Library of Scotland, Mss. no. 6340.
box 399, folder 13

Lowth, G. T. Diary, 18 Nov 1849 - 29 Jun 1850

Physical Description: 1 bound volume

Scope and Contents note

Journal of an artistic tour through Italy, describes visits to Florence, Perugia, Rome, Naples and Pompeii.
box 399, folder 14

Pocock, W. W. Letter to his wife, 2 Jan 1872

Physical Description: 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

Handwritten copy of extract from the letter, describing trip to Pompeii.
box 399, folder 15

Shillington, D. F. Letter to Mrs. W. W. Pocock, 13 Oct 1877

Physical Description: 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

Handwritten copy of extract from the letter to his mother-in-law, describing trip to Pompeii.
box 401, folder 1

Stevens, Edward. Letter to Sir William Hamilton, 22 Oct 1774

Physical Description: 1 bound copy

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of letter concerning a plan of the Temple of Isis. Original letter held by the Royal Institute of British Architects, London.
box 401, folder 2

Tyrwhitt, Thomas. Letter to Lord Amherst, 19 Jun 1809

Physical Description: 2 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of draft of letter communicating the Prince's request that John Hayter cease work on the Pompeian manuscripts and return to England; Osborn Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
box 401, folder 3

Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. Articles on Pompeii for Encyclopédie d'architecture, 1873-1874

Physical Description: 8 mounted photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of handwritten extracts, held by University of Birmingham.


box 401, folder 4

Catalogo di lucidi e disegni delle pitture di Pompei ed Ercolano, undated

Physical Description: 1 notebook
box 400, folder 4

Giornale de Soprastanti di Pompei, del Mese di Decembre 1831, Dec 1831

Physical Description: 1 leaf (3 pages)

Scope and Contents note

Brief daily notes.
box 402

"Some account of Mount Vesuvius and its eruptions from the year 79 to 1817." and "A brief history of Herculaneum and Pompeii." circa 1820

Physical Description: 1 bound volume

Scope and Contents note

Two unpublished manuscripts, bound together. Signed by an unidentified "S. T."
box 400, folder 5

"Sull' opera di Winckelmann in dilucidazione de i ritrovamenti fatti in Ercolano. Si avvertono alcune cose più considerabili e specialmente gli equivoci presi da tale autore.", Naples undated

Physical Description: 2 leaves (8 pages), 8 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Includes photographic copy.
box 401, folder 5

"Treatment for preservation of ancient materials," undated

Physical Description: 3 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of original manuscript in Chetham's Library, Manchester.
box 604, folder 3

Unidentified manuscript, undated

Physical Description: 32 slides

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of section of larger manuscript dealing with Region VI; possibly by Della Corte (?).

Visual documentation of Pompeii, Series VII.B. 1767-1975, undated

Physical Description: 38.2 linear feet, 20 flat file folders, 1 roll

Scope and Contents note

As a complement to his textual sources, Vander Poel also collected visual documentation of Pompeii. This visual documentation is separated by medium into three further subseries: photographs, postcards and photobooks, and prints, drawings and paintings.

Photographs, Series VII.B.1. circa 1881-1906, 1959-1975, undated

Physical Description: 19.1 linear feet, 2 flat file folders

Scope and Contents note

In conjunction with the photographs in the preceding series, this subseries provides a comprehensive visual record of the archaeological remains of Pompeii. Vander Poel was interested in photography as a medium for recording both the past and present states of preservation at Pompeii. To this end, he collected a small number of original early photographic prints, but he primarily commissioned copy work photography of large numbers of early photographs of the site. As for the current state, he commissioned new photographic campaigns, such as the detailed documentation of facades.

Arrangement note

The organization of the photographs presented in this subseries is somewhat confusing, but it reflects the different ways in which Vander Poel sorted his material. The subseries is arranged in the following sections: early photograph albums, site photographs, object photographs, copy work from archival collections and miscellaneous photographs. The site documentation is further divided into groups organized by location, thematic groups and then miscellaneous site photographs. The confusion arises from the fact that although Vander Poel generally used these categories, he did not strictly adhere to them. For example, many of the copy work photographs from a given archival collection will be grouped intact, but a portion will have been dispersed into the other categories.

Photograph albums, circa 1881-1900

box 403

Giorgio Sommer, Napoli, circa 1881

Physical Description: 1 album (60 photographic prints) : albumen; 31 x 39 cm., prints 20 x 25 cm. or smaller

Scope and Contents note

This album contains images of Naples and environs. Neighboring sites illustrated include Ischia, Capri, Pozzuoli, Caserta, Amalfi, Salerno, Sorrento, Paestum, Vesuvius, San Sebastiano and Pompeii.
The album has an elaborate binding and it was noted by Vander Poel as "legatura particolare per F. Niccolini Editore." The red leather album cover bears a title and framing element in high relief with brass bosses at the corners. The edges of the mounts are also colored red and decorated with gold stars.
box 404

Michele Amodio, Pompei, circa 1882

Physical Description: 1 album (99 photographic prints) : albumen; 23 x 15.5 cm., prints 16 x 10.5 cm. or smaller

Scope and Contents note

The images in this album are primarily architectural views of the site, but it also includes details of wall paintings, mosaics, statues and household goods, as well as plaster casts of bodies found in the excavations. Some photographs are labeled with the year of excavation; the latest date is 1881. Vander Poel has added annotations on the mounts.
This album is related to two other Amodio albums of Pompeii held by the Getty Research Institute (see Special Collections accession numbers 91.R.2 and 93.R.111).
box 405

Pompei, circa 1890-1900

Physical Description: 1 album (48 photographic prints) : albumen; 22 x 17.5 cm., prints 14 x 11 cm. or smaller

Scope and Contents note

The images in this album are primarily architectural views of the site, but it also includes details of wall paintings and mosaics, as well as plaster casts of bodies found in the excavations.

General documentation of the site of Pompeii by location, 1960-1962, undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes photographs of the site of Pompeii collected from a variety of sources. Some photographs were purchased from vendors such as Alinari, Anderson, Brogi and the DAI in Rome. Others are copy work photographs of originals held by various archives, including the Society of Antiquities, London, the British Museum and the Biblioteca in the Museo archeologico nazionale di Napoli. Most of these copies were made in the period from 1960-1964. And finally, there is original photography carried out under Vander Poel's aegis in the period from 1960-1962. The images include general views of structures, details of paintings and occasional finds associated with houses.
box 406, folder 1-3

Region I, 1961-1962, undated

Physical Description: 50 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of I 3, 3; I 3, 30; I 4, 5; I 5,2; I 6, 2; I 7; I 7, 1; I 7, 7; I 8; I 8, 1; I 8,8; I 8, 18; I 9; I 10, 4; I 11; I 11, 10; I 11, 15; I 18, 3.
box 406, folder 4

Region II, undated

Physical Description: 10 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of II 2, 2; II 2, 11, II 4, 3 and II 6.
box 406, folder 5

Region III, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 16 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of III 4, 3 and III 4, B(?).
box 406, folder 6-7

Region V, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 59 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of V 1, 7; V 1, 18; V 1, 26; V 2, 1; V 2, 4; V 2, h; V 2, i; V 3, 9; V 4, 11; V 5, 3.
box 407, folder 1

Region VI, Ins. 1, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 20 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VI 1, 4; VI 1, 5: VI 1, 6; VI 1, 7; VI 1, 10.
box 407, folder 2

Region VI, Ins. 2, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 21 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VI 2, 4; VI 2, 5; VI 2, 6; VI 2, 15.
box 527*, folder 1

Region VI 2, 4 and 5, undated

Physical Description: 1 photograph

Scope and Contents note

Enlarged copy print from photograph in the British Library.
box 407, folder 3

Region VI, Ins. 3-7, 1961-1962, undated

Physical Description: 47 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VI 3; VI 3, 1; VI 4, 4; VI 4, 7; VI 4, 8; VI 5, 4; VI 5, 17; VI 6, 1; VI 7, 6; VI 7, 18; VI 7, 19; VI 7, 20; VI 7, 21; VI 7, 23.
box 407, folder 4

Region VI, Ins. 8, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 44 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VI 8, 5; VI 8, 13; VI 8, 20; VI 8, 22; VI 8, 23; VI 8, 24.
box 407, folder 5

Region VI, Ins. 9, 6 1962, undated

Physical Description: 38 photographs
box 408, folder 1

Region VI, Ins. 10, undated

Physical Description: 21 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VI 10, 2; VI 10, 7; VI 10, 11.
box 408, folder 2

Region VI, Ins. 11-13, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 31 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VI 11, 6; VI 11, 10; VI 12, 2; VI 13; VI 13, 19.
box 408, folder 3

Region VI, Ins. 14, 1961-1962, undated

Physical Description: 37 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VI 14, 5; VI 14, 20; VI 14, 22; VI 14, 28; VI 14, 34; VI 14, 39; VI 14, 43.
box 408, folder 4

Region VI, Ins. 15, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 47 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VI 15, 1; VI 15, 8; VI 15, 12; VI 15, 23.

Scope and Contents note

Includes photographs of display of reproductions of decoration from VI 15, 1.
box 408, folder 5

Region VI, Ins. 16 and Ins. Occ., 1962, undated

Physical Description: 27 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VI 16, 7; VI 16, 8; VI 16, 28; VI 16, 36; Ins. Occ. 2, 3, 4, 13.
box 409, folder 1

Region VII, Ins. 1, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 15 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VII 1, 8; VII 1, 43.
box 409, folder 2

Region VII, Ins. 2-3, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 20 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VII 2; VII 2, 16; VII 2, 18; VII 2, 22; VII 2, 24; VII 2, 25; VII 3, 29.
box 409, folder 3

Region VII, Ins. 4-6, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 30 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VII 4, 1; VII 4, 16; VII 4, 31; VII 4, 48; VII 4, 51; VII 4, 56; VII 4, 57; VII 4, 59; VII 4, 62; VII 5, 2; VII 6, 38.

Region VII, Ins. 7-8, undated

box 409, folder 4

Photographs, undated

Physical Description: 24 photographs
box 605, folder 1

Negative, undated

Physical Description: 1 negative; 9 x 12 cm.
flatfile 91**

Posters, undated

Physical Description: 2 posters
box 409, folder 5

Region VII, Ins. 9, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 24 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VII 9, 2; VII 9, 7/8; VII 9,47; VII 9, 67; VII 10, 3; VII 12, 17; VII 12, 26; VII 12, 28; VII 15, 2; VII 15, 12, VII Ins. Occ.
box 409, folder 6

Region VIII, Ins. 1-7, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 32 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VIII 1; VIII 2, 16; VIII 2, 23; VIII 3, 14; VIII 4, 4; VIII 4, 14; VIII 7, 16; VIII 7, 30.
box 409, folder 7

Region VIII, Ins. 8, undated

Physical Description: 11 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of VIII 8, 16; VIII 8, 17; VIII 8, 28.
box 410, folder 1

Region IX, Ins. 1-2, 1960-1962, undated

Physical Description: 30 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of IX 1, 5; IX 1, 7; IX 1, 20; IX 2, 7; IX 2, 17; IX 2, 24; IX 2, 26.
box 410, folder 2

Region IX, Ins. 3-4, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 16 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of IX 3, 5; IX 3, 10; IX 3, 18; IX 3, 20; IX 4, 5.
box 410, folder 3

Region IX, Ins. 5, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 33 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of IX 5, 2; IX 5, 9; IX 5, 11; IX 5, 14/16; IX 5, 18.
box 410, folder 4

Region IX, Ins. 6-14, 1961-1962, undated

Physical Description: 29 photographs, 2 photocopies

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of IX 6, 8; IX 7, 20; IX 8, 6; IX 9, 6; IX 10; IX 12, 6; IX 13; IX 14.
box 410, folder 5

Villas, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 14 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Contains images of the Villa di Diomede, the Villa di Cicerone and the Villa dei Misteri.
box 410, folder 6

Walls and tombs, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 10 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Includes contact sheets.
box 605, folder 2

Negatives of various formats, 1960-1962, undated

Physical Description: 89 negatives; 9 x 12 cm. or smaller

Scope and Contents note

Group of miscellaneous negatives identified by location.

Thematic groups of site photographs, 1961-1972, undated

Scope and Contents note

Photographs grouped by building element or structure type.

Facades, 1972

Scope and Contents note

This photographic campaign, executed by John House, was commissioned by Vander Poel as part of a projected work documenting the facades of each insula. This work was discontinued before completion and the coverage is sporadic. As well as facades, occasional interior photographs of structures are also included.
box 411

Regions I-II

Physical Description: 205 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Coverage of Region I begins with insula 6 and ends with 13.
box 412

Regions III-IV

Physical Description: 171 photographs
box 413

Regions V-VI

Physical Description: 155 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Coverage of Region V begins with insula 4 and ends with 7. Coverage of Region VI begins substantively with insula 15 and continues with the Ins. Occ.
box 414

Regions VII-IX

Physical Description: 177 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Substantial coverage of Region VII only for insula 6, 15 and Ins. Occ.
box 415

Extra moenia

Physical Description: 163 photographs
box 410, folder 7

Contact sheets

Physical Description: 15 photographs
box 605, folder 3


Physical Description: 999 frames; 35 mm.
box 416, folder 1

Streets, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 17 photographs
box 416, folder 2

City walls and gates, 1961, undated

Physical Description: 15 photographs

Lararia, undated

box 416, folder 3-4


Physical Description: 40 mounted photographs
box 606

Glass negatives

Physical Description: 28 glass plate negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in.

Scope and Contents note

Copy work negatives.
box 416, folder 5

Palaestra privata, undated

Physical Description: 19 mounted photographs
box 416, folder 6

Wall construction, undated

Physical Description: 32 mounted photographs
box 416, folder 7

Water supply, undated

Physical Description: 19 mounted photographs
box 416, folder 8

Tombs, 1962, undated

Physical Description: 16 photographs
box 417

Miscellaneous site photographs, 1961-1966, undated


Images from Spinazzola, Pompei alla luce..., undated

box 417, folder 1

Copy prints

Physical Description: 9 photographs, 3 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Copy work photographs of selected plans and images; notes about photographs in book.
box 607, folder 1


Physical Description: 64 negatives; 5 x 7 in. or smaller

Sets of site photographs from unidentified sources, undated


Set of older photographs

Scope and Contents note

Negatives show mounts and may help identify.
box 417, folder 2


Physical Description: 8 photographs
box 607, folder 2


Physical Description: 7 negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in.
box 417, folder 3-4

Set of mounted photographs

Physical Description: 34 photographs
box 417, folder 5

Partial set of numbered photographs

Physical Description: 15 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Numbers 1-8, 10-15, 18-19.
box 417, folder 6

General unidentified black-and-white site photographs, undated

Physical Description: 48 photographs
box 607, folder 3

Negatives for general unidentified black-and-white site photographs, undated

Physical Description: 5 negatives; 9 x 12 cm. or smaller
box 607, folder 4

Unidentified color site photographs, undated

Physical Description: 11 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Includes contact sheets.
box 607, folder 5

General slides of site, undated

Physical Description: 72 slides

Scope and Contents note

Some identified on the mount.
box 607, folder 6

Color transparencies of site, undated

Physical Description: 5 tranparencies

Unidentified negatives of site photography 1961-1966, undated

box 607, folder 7


Physical Description: 34 frames; 35 mm.
box 607, folder 8


Physical Description: 161 frames; 35 mm.
box 607, folder 9


Physical Description: 104 frames; 35 mm.
box 607, folder 10


Physical Description: 436 negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in. or smaller
box 607, folder 11

Color negatives, undated

Physical Description: 11 frames; 120 film
box 608, folder 1

Glass negatives, undated

Physical Description: 2 glass plate negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in.
box 613

Damaged glass negatives, undated

Physical Description: 8 glass plate negatives; 10 x 15 cm. or smaller.

Scope and Contents note

Negatives with varying amounts of damage.

General photographic documentation of objects from Pompeii and area, 1961-1965, undated


Collections of the Museo archeologico nazionale di Napoli, undated



box 418, folder 1-5


Physical Description: 218 photographs
box 609, folder 1


Physical Description: 49 frames; 120 film or smaller
box 608, folder 2

Glass negative

Physical Description: 1 glass plate negative; 9 x 12 cm.
box 614

Damaged glass negatives, undated

Physical Description: 5 glass plate negatives; 9 x 12 cm. or smaller.

Scope and Contents note

Negatives with varying amounts of damage.

Bronze objects

box 419, folder 1


Physical Description: 77 photographs
box 609, folder 2


Physical Description: 4 negatives; 9 x 12 cm.
box 608, folder 3

Glass negative

Physical Description: 1 glass plate negative; 2.5 x 3.5 cm.
box 419, folder 2

Marble objects

Physical Description: 8 photographs
box 419, folder 3

Various materials

Physical Description: 5 photographs

Objects in the Antiquarium at Pompeii, 1961-1962, undated

box 419, folder 4-5


Physical Description: 50 photographs
box 609, folder 3


Physical Description: 19 frames; 35 mm.
box 419, folder 6

Objects in various magazines at Pompeii, 1965, undated

Physical Description: 17 photographs
box 420, folder 1-5

Copy work photographs of Spinazzola, Arti decorative in Pompei e nel Museo nazionale di Napoli , undated

Physical Description: 109 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Partial set of photographs correlating to Spinazzola's plates.

Unidentified paintings, unknown location, undated

Scope and Contents note

The location of these paintings, that is whether they are in situ or in the museum, is not identified.
box 419, folder 7


Physical Description: 22 photographs, 11 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of photographs.
box 609, folder 4


Physical Description: 70 negatives; 9 x 12 cm. or smaller
box 608, folder 4

Glass negatives

Physical Description: 2 glass plate negatives; 9 x 12 cm.
box 609, folder 5


Physical Description: 27 slides
flatfile 92**


Physical Description: 3 posters
box 419, folder 8

General unidentified photographs, undated

Physical Description: 5 photographs

Site and object photographs held by various archives and collections, 1890, 1959-1962, undated

Scope and Contents note

The photographs are primarily copy work reproductions and are arranged alphabetically by collection.

Alma-Tadema Collection, undated

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copies of the collection of photographs, paintings and drawings assembled by Lawrence Alma-Tadema as reference works for his paintings. The collection is now held by Birmingham University. Arranged by Birmingham accession numbers.

Scope and Contents note

No Subnote Content
box 421, folder 1-3

Photographs and notes

Physical Description: 31 leaves, 174 photographs
box 610, folder 1


Physical Description: 297 frames; 35 mm.
box 610, folder 2

Color photographs

Physical Description: 13 photographs
box 610, folder 3

Color negatives

Physical Description: 15 frames; 35 mm.
box 421, folder 4

Archivio fotografica degli Scavi di Pompei, 1959-1962, undated

Physical Description: 28 mounted photographs

Scope and Contents note

Primarily excavation shots, but also some objects.
box 421, folder 5

Chetham's Library, Manchester, undated

Physical Description: 15 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copies of photographs and clippings related to Pompeii.

DAI photographic archive, circa 1890, undated

box 422, folder 1

Photographs, undated

Physical Description: 29 photographs, 4 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photographs with DAI negative numbers, but precise location not identified; includes contact sheets.
box 610, folder 4

Negatives, undated,

Physical Description: 54 negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in. or smaller
box 527*, folder 2-3

Enlargements of Vasari photographs, circa 1890

Physical Description: 10 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Copies of Vasari photographs, circa 1890, held in the DAI. Includes views of VI 12, 5; VI 15, 2; VII 1, 8; VII 8; VIII 4, 15; VIII 7.
box 422, folder 2

Mitchell Library, Glasgow, undated

Physical Description: 2 photographs, 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copies of photographs related to Pompeii.

Scope and Contents note

No Subnote Content
box 610, folder 5

Museo archeologico nazionale di Napoli, Bibliotheca, undated

Physical Description: 36 frames; 35 mm.

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copies of photographs of Pompeii; negatives only.

Society of Antiquaries, London, undated

box 422, folder 3-4


Physical Description: 57 photographs

Scope and Contents note

The photographs in Folder 4 are reversed.
box 610, folder 6


Physical Description: 286 frames; 35 mm.
box 422, folder 5-6

"Vatican," undated

Physical Description: 33 mounted photographs, 2 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Copy work photographs of mostly commercial photographs; includes identification key.

Miscellaneous research photographs, 1906-1975, undated


Photographs of other sites, 1906-1975, undated


Herculaneum, 1906-1960, undated

box 423, folder 1

Photographs, undated

Physical Description: 33 photographs
box 610, folder 7

Slides, 1960

Physical Description: 18 slides
box 610, folder 8

Negatives, 1960, undated

Physical Description: 93 frames; 35 mm.
box 608, folder 5

Glass negative, 1906

Physical Description: 1 glass plate negative; 8.5 x 10 cm.

Vesuvius, 1962-1975

box 423, folder 2

Photographs, Jun 1962

Physical Description: 21 photographs
box 610, folder 9

Negatives, circa 1962

Physical Description: 27 frames; 35 mm.
box 528*

Aerial photograph, 1975

Physical Description: 1 color photograph, mounted on wooden support.

Paestum, undated

box 423, folder 3


Physical Description: 24 photographs
box 610, folder 10


Physical Description: 14 frames; 35 mm.
box 608, folder 6

Glass negatives

Physical Description: 7 glass plate negatives; 2.5 x 3 .5 negatives

Scope and Contents note

Copy work photographs of Alinari prints of the temples.
box 423, folder 4

British dig at Capua (Francolise), Aug 1962

Physical Description: 2 photographs
box 423, folder 5

Palestrina, undated

Physical Description: 8 photographs
box 423, folder 5

Baia, undated

Physical Description: 5 photographs
box 423, folder 6

Pozzuoli, undated

Physical Description: 3 photographs
box 423, folder 7

Greek vases in the Museo di Salerno, undated

Physical Description: 40 mounted photographs

Portraits of archaeologists, undated

Scope and Contents note

Primarily Italian and German archaeologists connected with Pompeii.
box 423, folder 8-9


Physical Description: 107 photographs
box 610, folder 11


Physical Description: 18 negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in.
box 615

Undeveloped film cartridges, undated

Physical Description: 6 cartridges; 110 film

Scope and Contents note

This film may not be exposed.

Postcards and photobooks, Series VII.B.2 circa 1900, undated

Physical Description: 0.4 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents note

Postcards and photobooks of Pompei and other sites in Campania comprise this subseries. The postcards bear both photographic images and artists' renderings of the site. Of particular interest is the Fischetti set with its reconstruction drawings of Pompeii.
box 424, folder 1

Luigi Fischetti, Pompei com' era e com' è, circa 1900

Physical Description: 14 postcards and 1 pamphlet of text with original enclosure
box 424, folder 2

Pompei, undated

Physical Description: 22 postcards with original enclosure

Scope and Contents note

Set of postcards (originally 24) produced by C. Cotini, Napoli.
box 424, folder 3

Miscellaneous postcards of Pompeii and Herculaneum, undated

Physical Description: 46 postcards
box 424, folder 4

Postcards of Vesuvius, undated

Physical Description: 2 postcards, 1 business card

Scope and Contents note

Includes card of Antonio Somma.
box 424, folder 5

Ricordo di Capri, circa 1910

Physical Description: 1 photobook
box 424, folder 6

Ricordo di Caserta, undated

Physical Description: 1 photobook

Scope and Contents note

From the library of Matteo Della Corte.

Prints, drawings and paintings, Series VII.B.3. 1767-1882, undated

Physical Description: 18.7 linear feet, 18 flat file folders, 1 roll

Scope and Contents note

Vander Poel also collected prints, drawings and paintings as part of the visual documentation of Pompeii. Although they provide less reliable documentation than photographs, these formats often have the advantage of documenting earlier stages in the excavations. Prints form the majority of the material in this subseries. They include a combination of original prints and photographic reproductions. The original prints are primarily isolated images removed from larger suites or publications or they are recent restrikes.

Arrangement note

The material is presented roughly chronologically.
box 426, folder 1

Drawing of crater of Vesuvius, 29 Dec 1767

Physical Description: 2 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of drawing and cover letter sent to Lord Morton. From the Osborn Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.

Jean Claude Richard de Saint-Non, Voyage pittoresque où déscription du Royaume de Naples et de Sicilie . Paris: Clousier. 1781-1786

box 529*, folder 1

Vue de l'entrée de Pompeïa & de la rue principale de cette ville, 1782

Physical Description: 1 etching

Scope and Contents note

This image was incised by Berthault from a design by Jean Louis Desprez and is plate 173 from the section "Les antiquités de Pompeii..." which was published in 1782.
box 427, folder 1

Ausbruch des Vesuvs von 1771, undated

Physical Description: 1 aquatint

Scope and Contents note

After print by P. Jacques Volaire, Eruption du Mont Vésuve du 14 Mai 1771.
box 611, folder 1

Selected plates and binding of Vander Poel's copy, undated

Physical Description: 12 slides; 4 frames; 35 mm.

Scope and Contents note

Negatives only of selected plates; slides of binding.
box 608, folder 7

Hackert prints of Pompeii, circa 1793-1794

Physical Description: 4 glass plate negatives; 12 x 18 cm.

Scope and Contents note

Negatives only.

Domenico Cuciniello and Lorenzo Bianchi, Viaggio pittorico nel regno delle due Sicile dedicato a sua maestà il re Francesco Primo. Publicato dai ss. ri Cuciniello e Bianchi , 1828-1834

Scope and Contents note

Selected plates and text removed from Viaggio pittorico. Each print is accompanied by two pages of explanatory text. All plates appear to come from Part I, volume I of the publication.
box 530*, folder 1

Anfiteatro campano

Physical Description: 2 leaves, 1 lithograph

Scope and Contents note

Pages 27-28.
box 530*, folder 2

La Via de' sepolcri all' ingresso di Pompei

Physical Description: 2 leaves, 1 lithograph

Scope and Contents note

Pages 53-54. F. Hörner dis.
box 530*, folder 3

Forno e mulino in Pompei

Physical Description: 2 leaves, 1 lithograph

Scope and Contents note

Pages 65-66. Rod. Müller dis.
box 530*, folder 4

Quartiere di Soldati in Pompei

Physical Description: 2 leaves, 1 lithograph

Scope and Contents note

Pages 83-84. R. Müller dis.
box 530*, folder 5

Il Teatro Tragico di Pompei

Physical Description: 2 leaves, 1 lithograph

Scope and Contents note

Pages 89-90. Fr. Wenzel dis.; M. Gigante dip.
box 530*, folder 6

Il propilei del Portico annesso al Teatro Tragico di Pompei

Physical Description: 3 leaves, 1 lithograph

Scope and Contents note

Pages 101-102. G. Fiorino dis.; M. Gigante dip. Also includes 1 page of notes.
box 530*, folder 7

L' Anfiteatro di Pompei

Physical Description: 2 leaves, 1 lithograph

Scope and Contents note

Pages 107-108. Fr. Wenzel dis.; M. Gigante dip.
box 530*, folder 8

Il Tempio d'Iside in Pompei

Physical Description: 2 leaves, 1 lithograph

Scope and Contents note

Pages 119-120. F. Horner dis.

Luigi Canina, Architettura antica descritta... Sez. III. L'architettura romana, 1830-1840

box 529*, folder 2-8

Original prints

Physical Description: 7 etchings

Scope and Contents note

box 426, folder 2

Photographic copies of selected plates relating to Pompeii

Physical Description: 14 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographs annotated.
box 611, folder 2


Physical Description: 15 negatives; 9 x 12 cm.

Luigi Rossini, Le antichità di Pompei delineate sulle scoperte fatte sino a tutto l'anno MDCCCXXX ed incise dall'architetto , 1831, undated

Scope and Contents note

The collection holds three incomplete, assembled sets of prints from this publication. The various prints are different sizes and use different paper stocks. The majority of the prints appear to be recent restrikes.

Large scale set

flatfile 93**

Plates 1, 3, 5, 6

Physical Description: 4 etchings
flatfile 94**

Plates 7, 8, 10, 11, 12

Physical Description: 5 etchings
flatfile 95**

Plates 13-17

Physical Description: 5 etchings
flatfile 96**

Plates 18, 21, 23, 24, 25

Physical Description: 5 etchings
flatfile 97**

Plates 26-30

Physical Description: 5 etchings
flatfile 98**

Plates 31-35

Physical Description: 5 etchings
flatfile 99**

Plates 36, 37, 39, 41, 42

Physical Description: 5 etchings
flatfile 100**

Plates 43-47

Physical Description: 5 etchings
flatfile 101**

Plates 50, 52, 53, 54, 56

Physical Description: 5 etchings
flatfile 102**

Plates 57-61

Physical Description: 5 etchings
flatfile 103**

Plates 63, 65, 68, 69, 70

Physical Description: 5 etchings
flatfile 104**

Plates 72-74

Physical Description: 3 etchings

Small scale set

flatfile 105**

Plates 7, 11, 14, 17, 18, 21

Physical Description: 6 etchings
flatfile 106**

Plates 23, 24, 26, 32, 36

Physical Description: 6 etchings

Scope and Contents note

Two copies of Plate 24.
flatfile 107**

Plates 39, 44, 47, 52, 54, 56

Physical Description: 6 etchings
flatfile 108**

Plates 61, 63, 65, 70, 72

Physical Description: 5 etchings
flatfile 109**

Miscellaneous prints

Physical Description: 5 etchings

Scope and Contents note

Plates 2, 4, 9, 19, 31.
box 426, folder 3


Physical Description: 5 leaves
box 425

Sketchbook by Sir William Gell, circa 1830

Sketchbook by Sir William Gell

Physical Description: 1 sketchbook (58 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Part of Gell's research for the 1832 revised edition of Pompeiana, this sketchbook includes pencil, ink and watercolor site views, architectural details and frescoes, as well as notes. The focus is on material found during the excavations conducted between 1826 and 1829.
box 531*, folder 1

Disci marmorei figurati, circa 1833

Physical Description: 3 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Drawings of five marble discs (oscilla) found in the peristyle of the Casa dei bronzi (VII 4, 59) on October 31 1832. They were used as illustrations for F. M. Avellino, MemErcol 3, 1843, pages 199-242 and Pl. IV-V. Drawn by Andrea Russo; incised by Raffaele Estevan. Original scaled drawing in pencil, and final delineation in ink.

Père Louis Eustache Audot, L'Italie, la Sicile les îles Éoliennes, l'île d'Elbe, la Sardaigne, Malte, l'île de Calypso, etc. , 1834-1837

box 427, folder 2

Original prints

Physical Description: 2 etchings

Scope and Contents note

Contains Plate 41, Vesuvio. Lava d'Ottobre 1751 and Plate 64, Pompei. Teatro tragico and Piccolo teatro .
box 426, folder 4

Photographic copy of Audot plate

Physical Description: 1 photograph

Attilio Zuccagni-Orlandini, Atlante illustrativo ossia raccolta dei principali monumenti italiani antichi... , 1844-1845

box 427, folder 3

Strada dei sepolcri a Pompei

Physical Description: 1 etching

Scope and Contents note

Tavola XX, no. I; L. De Vegni inc.
box 427, folder 4

Casa privata a Pompei

Physical Description: 1 etching

Scope and Contents note

Tavola XXII, no. II; G. Maina inc.
box 427, folder 5

Ultimi scavi di Ercolano nella Provincia di Napoli

Physical Description: 1 etching

Scope and Contents note

Tavola XXIV, no. II; L. De Vegni inc.
box 426, folder 5

Alfred Guesdon, Pompéi. Vue prise au dessus de l'Odéon et du Théâtre tragique, 1849

Physical Description: 1 photograph, 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of original in Bibliothèque nationale, DC 265.

Johannes Overbeck, Pompeji in seinen Gebäuden, Alterthümern und Kunstwerken, 1856


Ansicht von Pompeji aus der Vogelschau

Scope and Contents note

Print is frontispiece of the book.
roll 26**


Physical Description: 2 reprographic copies
box 611, folder 3


Physical Description: 2 negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in.

Figures from section on grave monuments

box 426, folder 6

Photographic copies of Figures 198-223

Physical Description: 43 photographs
box 611, folder 4


Physical Description: 22 frames; 35 mm.
box 426, folder 7

John Henry Middleton notebooks, 1856, 1892

Physical Description: 11 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of entries relating to Pompeii. His notes are heavily illustrated with drawings of architectural features, grafitti and other finds. The original notebooks are held by the Museum of Classical Archaeology, Cambridge University.
box 611, folder 5

Plates from Thomas Henry Dyer, Pompeii: its history, buildings and antiquities, 1867

Physical Description: 5 negatives; 9 x 12 cm. or smaller

Scope and Contents note

Negatives only of selected plates.

Plates from August Mau, Geschichte der decorativen Wandmalerei in Pompeji, 1882

box 426, folder 8

Copy prints

Physical Description: 21 photographs, 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

Includes list of plates with identifications and notes.
box 611, folder 6


Physical Description: 21 frames; 35 mm.
box 611, folder 7


Physical Description: 14 slides

Miscellaneous original prints, drawings and paintings, undated

box 427, folder 6

Set of prints of Pompeii

Physical Description: 3 etchings

Scope and Contents note

Views of the Via de' Sepolcri, Tempio d' Iside and Avanzi del Tempio di Venere.
box 531*, folder 2

Pen and ink drawings after wall-paintings from Pompeii

Physical Description: 3 drawings on vellum
box 531*, folder 3-4

Eruption of Vesuvius

Physical Description: 2 gouache paintings
box 426, folder 9

Artistic Pictures of Pompei

Physical Description: 10 chromolithographs (?) with original enclosure

Scope and Contents note

Figures of scantily clad women derived from wall paintings.

Reproductions of prints, drawings and paintings held by various institutions, undated

box 426, folder 10

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Rome

Physical Description: 28 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copies of drawings and paintings held by the DAI.

Museo archeologico nazionale, Naples

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copies of drawings and paintings held in the archives of the Museo archeologico; primarily Marsigli material.
box 532*


Physical Description: 12 photographs, 1 photocopy
box 611, folder 8

Color photographs

Physical Description: 32 photographs
box 611, folder 9


Physical Description: 11 slides
box 611, folder 10


Physical Description: 26 frames; 35 mm.
box 611, folder 11

Color negatives

Physical Description: 35 frames; 35 mm.

Royal Institute of British Architects

Physical Description: 28 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copies of drawings and paintings held by RIBA.
box 428


Physical Description: 28 photographs
box 611, folder 12

Color photographs

Physical Description: 18 photographs
box 426, folder 11

Society of Antiquaries, London

Physical Description: 28 photographs

Victoria & Albert Museum, London

box 426, folder 12

Drawings of Thomas Henry Longfield

Physical Description: 2 photographs
box 426, folder 13

George Wardle Young, Pocket-books containing notes on classical and mediaeval architecture

Physical Description: 59 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copy of notes and sketches dealing with Pompeii, includes notes by Vander Poel.
box 426, folder 14

Drawings from the Wilde Collection

Physical Description: 22 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copies of drawings dealing with Pompeii, especially VI 8, 3.
box 426, folder 15

List of slides

Physical Description: 5 leaves
box 612, folder 1-2

Slides and negatives of Victoria and Albert material

Physical Description: 99 slides; 35 frames; 35 mm.

Drawings of mosaics, undated

Scope and Contents note

Scaled drawings of unidentified mosaics.
box 533*, box 534*


Physical Description: 50 reprographic copies
flatfile 110**

Oversize drawing

Physical Description: 1 reprographic copy

Paintings of Pompeii by antecedant of Olivier Lefuel, undated

Scope and Contents note

Copy work photographs by Beatriz de Andia.
box 429, folder 1


Physical Description: 21 photographs, 1 envelope
box 612, folder 3

Color photographs, slide and color negatives

Physical Description: 13 photographs; 1 slide; 13 frames; 35 mm.

Unidentified sets of paintings, undated

box 612, folder 4

Set of paintings

Physical Description: 13 color photographs; 9 frames; 127 film
box 612, folder 5

Set of paintings

Physical Description: 19 slides
box 612, folder 6

Set of watercolors

Physical Description: 11 slides

Scope and Contents note

Possibly in DAI in Rome; box labeled "German Institute (Zurich Inst.)". Also includes images of fresco fragments.

Miscellaneous unidentified prints, drawings and paintings, undated

box 429, folder 2-4


Physical Description: 74 photographs
box 612, folder 7


Physical Description: 15 slides
box 612, folder 8


Physical Description: 107 negatives; 9 x 12 cm. or smaller
box 612, folder 9

Color negatives

Physical Description: 27 frames; 35 mm.
box 608, folder 8

Glass negatives

Physical Description: 2 glass plate negatives; 9 x 12 cm. or smaller
box 616

Damaged glass negatives

Physical Description: 5 glass plate negatives; 13 x 18 cm. or smaller

Scholars' papers, Series VII.C. 1837-1914, 1950-1967, undated

Physical Description: 6.7 linear feet, 2 flat file folders, 1 roll

Scope and Contents note

In addition to the papers of Matteo Della Corte and Tatiana Warscher, which form the core of this archive, Vander Poel acquired smaller collections of material belonging to three other Campanian scholars. Pietro Soprano and G. Oscar Onorato were archaeologists who worked at Pompeii and other Campanian sites in the mid-twentieth century. H. J. Johnston-Lavis was one of the leading authorities on southern Italian volcanoes in the late nineteenth century.

Pietro Soprano papers, Series VII.C.1. 1881, 1959-1967, undated

Physical Description: 3.7 linear feet, 2 flat file folders, 1 roll

Scope and Contents note

Materials related to Pietro Soprano's research at Pompeii and Stabiae comprise this subseries. Soprano served as Area Head of the excavations at Stabiae from 1962 until his death in 1968, and had previously worked with the Pompeii excavations.
Soprano also acquired a portion of Matteo Della Corte's papers and library after his death. Vander Poel appears to have felt that he came by them unfairly and purchased many of these items after Soprano's own death in order to reassemble Della Corte's material (see Box 40, Folder 5 and Box 83, Folder 7).
Included here are photographs of the Stabiae excavations, plans of the site, bibliography on Pompeii and Herculaneum and notes on various Campanian topics.

Photographs of the Stabiae excavations, 1962-1967, undated

box 430, folder 1

23 Aug 1962

Physical Description: 6 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Gragnano and Varano: Archivio fotografico degli Scavi di Pompei, negs. 2716-2719, 2721.
box 430, folder 2

Dec 1962

Physical Description: 2 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Soprintendenza alle antichità della Campania - Napoli, negs. 2353-2354.
box 430, folder 3

21 May 1963

Physical Description: 15 photographs

Scope and Contents note

"Scavo Varano, Villa della Venditrice di Amorini": Archivio fotografico degli Scavi di Pompei, negs. 2896-2901, 2903, 2906-2910.
box 430, folder 4

30 Jul 1965

Physical Description: 36 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Soprintendenza alle antichità della Campania - Napoli, negs. D235-D270.
box 430, folder 5

18 Oct 1965

Physical Description: 8 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Soprintendenza alle antichità della Campania - Napoli, negs. D271-D278.
box 430, folder 6

18 Jan 1966

Physical Description: 21 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Soprintendenza alle antichità della Campania - Napoli, negs. D301-D306, D308-D321.
box 430, folder 7

20 Jan 1966

Physical Description: 18 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Soprintendenza alle antichità della Campania - Napoli, negs. D322-D338.
box 430, folder 8

13 Feb 1967

Physical Description: 21 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Soprintendenza alle antichità della Campania - Napoli, negs. D363-D374.
box 430, folder 9


Physical Description: 29 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Soprintendenza alle antichità della Campania - Napoli, negs. D206-D221, D223-D228, D230-D234 and Archivio fotografico degli Scavi di Pompei, negs. 739-740.
box 430, folder 10

Object photographs, undated

Physical Description: 35 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Material from the Stabiae (?) excavations, primarily pottery.

Plans, 1881, 1959, undated

box 535*, folder 1

Plans of Stabiae from Michele Ruggiero, Degli scavi di Stabia dal MDCCXLIX al MDCCLXXXII , 1881

Physical Description: 13 reprographic copies

Scope and Contents note

Copies of plates 1 and 8-19.
flatfile 111**

Comune di Castellammare di Stabia, 1959

Physical Description: 1 reprographic copy

Scope and Contents note

Scale 1:5000.
box 535*, folder 2

Estratto dalla mappa, Comune di Castellammare di Stabia, undated

Physical Description: 1 reprographic copy

Scope and Contents note

Annotated; scale 1:2000.
box 535*, folder 3

Stabia, Località S. Marco, undated

Physical Description: 1 reprographic copy

Scope and Contents note

Annotated; scale 1:200.
roll 27**

Villa rustica rinvenuta in località: Carmiano (Gargano), undated

Physical Description: 1 reprographic copy

Scope and Contents note

Plan and two sections by A. Uliano.
flatfile 112**

Progetto di fabbricato per abitazioni da costruirsi in Castellammare di Stabia alla via Grotta S. Biagio, 1:1000, undated

Physical Description: 1 reprographic copy

Scope and Contents note

Plan and section.

Bibliography, undated

Scope and Contents note

Entries by region, insula and structure, with limited references added
box 431, folder 1

Pompeii, Region I

Physical Description: 1 notebook
box 431, folder 2

Pompeii, Regions II and III

Physical Description: 2 notebooks
box 431, folder 3

Pompeii, Region V

Physical Description: 1 notebook
box 431, folder 4

Pompeii, Region VI

Physical Description: 3 notebooks
box 431, folder 5

Pompeii, Region VII

Physical Description: 3 notebooks
box 431, folder 6

Pompeii, Region VIII and IX

Physical Description: 5 notebooks
box 431, folder 7

Pompeii, Tombs

Physical Description: 1 notebook
box 431, folder 8


Physical Description: 1 notebook
box 432, folder 1-2

Notes on names, undated

Physical Description: 3 notebooks, 9 leaves
box 432, folder 3

Ceramica pompeiana, undated

Physical Description: 1 notebook (now unbound)
box 432, folder 4

List of lectures on Pompeii, undated

Physical Description: 1 leaf
box 432, folder 5

Construction periods, undated

Physical Description: 1 notebook
box 432, folder 6

Building phases of Pompeii, undated

Physical Description: 1 notebook
box 432, folder 7

Stabiae, undated

Physical Description: 1 notebook
box 432, folder 8

Pompei in 60 immagini, undated

Physical Description: 1 notebook
box 432, folder 9

Daybook, 20 Aug 1966-29 Aug 1966

Physical Description: 1 partial notebook
box 432, folder 10

Structures, undated

Physical Description: 1 notebook

Scope and Contents note

Structure numbers and identifications keyed to unidentified numbering system.
box 432, folder 11

Letter from Lamberto Lamberti, 13 Feb. 1964

Physical Description: 5 leaves, 1 photograph

Scope and Contents note

Regarding the piscina in a villa at Stabiae.
box 432, folder 12

Miscellaneous photographs, undated

Physical Description: 18 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Objects, copy work photographs, views.
box 432, folder 13

Miscellaneous materials, undated

Physical Description: 5 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes publication brochure.

Giovanni Oscar Onorato papers, Series VII.C.2. 1950-1962, undated

Physical Description: 0.2 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents note

Materials related to Oscar Onorato's research at Pompeii and other sites comprise this subseries. Onorato served as a member of the administration of the excavations at Pompeii and the Museo archeologico in Naples.
box 433, folder 1

Notes on Regio VI, Ins. xv, circa 1950

Physical Description: 8 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopies from NSA(1897) and RM(1898) with annotations by Onorato and notes.
box 433, folder 2

Notes on Regio IX, Ins. ix, circa 1950

Physical Description: 5 pages

Scope and Contents note

Photocopies from NSA(1888-89) and RM(1889-90) with annotations by Onorato.
box 433, folder 3

Sculpture from Taranto, 1962

Physical Description: 2 leaves, 6 photographs, 1 envelope

Scope and Contents note

Two letters from an unidentified correspondent (Fernando) regarding sculpture.
box 433, folder 4

Etruscans at Pompei, undated

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 23 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Assembled material relating to Etruscans at Pompeii. Includes notes and charts as well as an offprint of Italo Sgobbo, "Gli Etruschi in Pompei alla luce di un nuovo documento," RendNap 31 (1956): 3-42 (a presentation copy to Domenico Mustilli with annotations and notes added by Onorato).
box 433, folder 5

Population of Pompei, undated

Physical Description: 1 offprint, 18 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Assembled material relating to the population of Pompeii. Contains notes and manuscript elements stapled into an offprint of Antonio Sogliano, "La popolazione di Pompei," Memoria Accademia pontaniana nella Tornata (1911): 1-14.
box 433, folder 6

Pozzuoli, Schede popolazione, undated

Physical Description: 4 leaves
box 433, folder 7

Notes on painting, undated

Physical Description: 3 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Notes on Rizzo and Bianchi-Bandinelli, "Studi sulla pittura pompeiana" removed from Onorato's copy of Elia "Nota per lo studio...", (Box 335, Folder 10).
box 433, folder 8

Bibliographic notes, undated

Physical Description: 1 leaf

Henry James Johnston-Lavis papers, Series VII.C.3. 1837-1914, undated

Physical Description: 2.8 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents note

Born in Britain in 1856, Henry James Johnston-Lavis became interested in geology as a boy. Although he went on to pursue a medical degree at University College, London, he never abandoned his early interest in geology. In 1880 he moved to Naples as a consulting physician, where his geologic interests turned to Vesuvius and volcanoes. To the extent that, in 1893, Johnston-Lavis became Professor of Volcanology at the Regia Università. He was a prolific author producing over 200 works, the majority of which were on volcanology. In 1895, Johnston-Lavis moved to France, where he wrote on his twin interests of geology and medicine until his death in a car accident in 1914. Upon his death, the majority of his collection, including geological and volcanological specimens, photographs, books, paintings and engravings, went to University College, London, where they today form the Johnston-Lavis collection.
As part of his volcanic research, Vander Poel acquired a smattering of Johnston-Lavis material. This subseries contains correspondence, manuscripts on volcanological, medical and general topics, offprints of his articles and miscellaneous material.

Correspondence, 1874-1899, undated

Scope and Contents note

The Johnston-Lavis correspondence is presented chronologically.
box 434, folder 1

Geologists' Association of London, 9 Mar 1874

Physical Description: 1 letter (1 leaf)

Scope and Contents note

Letter received by Johnston-Lavis with notification of his election as a member.
box 434, folder 2

Geological Society of London, 11 Feb 1875

Physical Description: 1 letter (1 leaf)

Scope and Contents note

Letter received by Johnston-Lavis with notification of his election as a member.
box 434, folder 3

Le Havre (France). Le mairie de la ville, 4 Aug 1877

Physical Description: 1 letter (1 leaf)

Scope and Contents note

Invitation received by Johnston-Lavis to a congress of the Association française pour l'avancement des Sciences.
box 434, folder 4

United States Geological Survey, 18 Mar 1887

Physical Description: 1 letters (1 leaf)

Scope and Contents note

Letter received by Johnston-Lavis acknowledging receipt of offprints.
box 434, folder 5

Armstrong, Mitchell and Co., 1889

Physical Description: 2 letters (2 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Letter received by Johnston-Lavis ending his appointment; letter suggesting that he could retain an honorary title with the company.
box 434, folder 6

Scottish Geographical Society, 1889-1899

Physical Description: 3 letters (3 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Letters received by Johnston-Lavis concerning his membership in the Society.
box 434, folder 7

Council of the Anglo-American Institute of Naples, 14 Apr 1890

Physical Description: 1 letter, 1 note, 1 visiting card, 1 envelope

Scope and Contents note

Copy of a letter of regret sent by Johnston-Lavis for missing meeting; visiting card of Dr. M.W. Gardner with congratulations; note with lists of acceptances and refusals.
box 434, folder 8

British Museum (Natural History), 8 Aug 1890

Physical Description: 1 letter (1 leaf)

Scope and Contents note

Letter received by Johnston-Lavis acknowledging receipt of an offprint.
box 434, folder 9

Italy. Ministero dell'istruzione, 1890-1892

Physical Description: 4 letters (4 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Letters received concerning his election as a member.
box 434, folder 10

Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti degli zelanti di Acireale, 9 Apr 1891

Physical Description: 1 letter (1 leaf)

Scope and Contents note

Letter received with notification of election as a member.
box 434, folder 11

Regia Università di Napoli, 1892

Physical Description: 2 letters (2 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Letters received by Johnston-Lavis concerning his appointment.
box 434, folder 12

Congresso medico internazionale, 4 Jul 1893

Physical Description: 1 letter (1 leaf)

Scope and Contents note

Letter received with notification of election as member of the organizing committee of the eleventh congress.
box 434, folder 13

Edinburgh Geological Society, 1893

Physical Description: 2 letters (2 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Letter received with notification of election as a member; the Society's Transactions Vol. VI have been sent.
box 434, folder 14

Directeur du concours médical, 27 Oct 1896

Physical Description: 1 letter (2 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Draft of letter sent by Johnston-Lavis protesting the editing of his article, "Medecins étrangers."
box 434, folder 15

Cyclists' Touring Club, 14 Dec 1899

Physical Description: 1 letter and enclosure (3 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Letter received by Johnston-Lavis with clarification of his role as Consul for Beaulieu.
box 434, folder 16

Geological Magazine, undated

Physical Description: 1 letter (2 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Draft of letter sent by Johnston-Lavis justifying his use of the metric measurements.
box 434, folder 17

Unidentified, undated

Physical Description: 1 letter (3 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Draft of letter sent by Johnston-Lavis replying to Prof. Lobley's letter criticizing one of his reviews.
box 434, folder 18

Unidentified, undated

Physical Description: 1 letter (2 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Draft of letter sent by Johnston-Lavis replying to criticism of an earlier letter in a publication, concerning a Dr. Allinson.
box 434, folder 19

List of letters, undated

Physical Description: 2 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Listing of letters in archive.

Manuscripts, 1886, undated

Scope and Contents note

Included in the Johnston-Lavis papers are several manuscripts. They vary from fairly complete drafts of published articles to pieces of unidentified work. They also vary as to topic, covering volcanology and geology, medical matters and social and political issues. The manuscripts are arranged roughly according to subject matter and then chronologically.

"De la relation existant entre l'activité du Vesuve et certains phenomènes meteorologiques et astronomiques, 1886

Scope and Contents note

Lecture read before the Royal Society of London in 1886, later published as an article.
box 434, folder 20


Physical Description: 26 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Text in French written on back of announcements for lecture in Nice, "On the History and the Late Eruption of Vesuvius."
box 535*, folder 4


Physical Description: 1 leaf
box 434, folder 21

"Richerche petrografiche e geologiche sulla Valsesia by E. Artini and G. Melzi," undated

Physical Description: 2 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Review written in English
box 434, folder 22

Translation into English of "I travertini e le Acque Albule nei dintorni di Tivoli" by Signor Pietro Lezi [?], undated

Physical Description: 10 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes Italian manuscript.
box 434, folder 23

Chapter summaries for work on earthquakes, undated

Physical Description: 2 leaves

Scope and Contents note

One page written on verso of "Subscription list to Notices on the Earthquakes of Ischia and 1881 and 1883. "
box 434, folder 24

Description of the structure of a volcano, undated

Physical Description: 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

Incomplete, page 3 only.
box 434, folder 25

"Descriptions des regions volcaniques," undated

Physical Description: 2 leaves
box 434, folder 26

Notes prepared for paper of Tamborini [?] on the mineralogy of Vesuvius, undated

Physical Description: 8 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Text in Italian with English title and annotations in French.
box 434, folder 27

Notes or draft of article on volcanology, undated

Physical Description: 11 leaves
box 434, folder 28

Bibliography for volcanology and geology, undated

Physical Description: 4 leaves
box 434, folder 29

Bibliography on earthquakes and volcanology, undated

Physical Description: 13 leaves
box 434, folder 30

"The destruction of ancient glass," undated

Physical Description: 4 leaves
box 434, folder 31

"Analyse d'une série de cas d'hypertension et d'hypotension traités à Vittel," undated

Physical Description: 13 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript and incomplete typescript with carbon copy.
box 434, folder 32

"Sources de déséquilibre physiologique," undated

Physical Description: 3 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Two versions in French and English.
box 434, folder 33

"Autres exemples illustrant des cas de toxémies chroniques à Vittel," undated

Physical Description: 6 leaves
box 434, folder 34

"Further examples illustrating cases of chronic toxaemias at Vittel," undated

Physical Description: 54 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Multiple typescript drafts with annotations and corrections; includes cases not in the British Medical Journal publication.
box 434, folder 35

Cacodylate of soda, undated

Physical Description: 2 leaves

Scope and Contents note

His experiences with and opinions of.
box 434, folder 36

"A few facts of physiology in plain words," undated

Physical Description: 7 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Early draft in English and a cleaner version in French.
box 434, folder 37

"La question des médecins étrangers en France," undated

Physical Description: 8 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Text in English and French; addition/different draft on back of circular.
box 434, folder 38

"The Decline of British Patriotism in Medecine: its disastrous results," undated

Physical Description: 20 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscript versions and an incomplete typescript.
box 434, folder 39

Untitled work on "the future of mankind," undated

Physical Description: 3 leaves
box 434, folder 40

Untitled work on "the vast strides that the world has made along the road of civilization," undated

Physical Description: 9 leaves
box 434, folder 41

Untitled work on "the scientific discoveries modifying the social facies of civilization," undated

Physical Description: 2 leaves
box 434, folder 42

"A Constitution and Government based on Natural Laws," undated

Physical Description: 3 leaves
box 434, folder 43

"A Natural Constitution and Government," undated

Physical Description: 34 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Three versions with slightly varying titles.
box 434, folder 44

Report on the Third Annual Dinner of the British Chamber of Commerce for the Alpes Maritime and the Principality of Monaco, undated

Physical Description: 4 leaves

Offprints, 1892-1914

box 435, folder 1

Harrogate as seen by an Outsider. Harrogate, 1892

Physical Description: 1 pamphlet

Scope and Contents note

Reprinted from the Harrogate Herald.
box 435, folder 2

"The Basic Eruptive Rocks of Gran (Norway) and their Interpretation. A criticism." Geological Magazine 4 (1894): 252

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 435, folder 3

"The Highwood Mountains of Montana and Magmatic Differentiation. Report of the Liverpool Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1896

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 435, folder 4

"Su una roccia contenente leucite trovata sull"Etna." Bollettino della Società italiana dei microscopisti 1 (1889): 26-29

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 435, folder 5

Notes on the Eruption of Vesuvius, April 1906

Physical Description: 1 pamphlet

Scope and Contents note

Compilation of three short articles from 1906.
box 435, folder 6

"De la rélation éxistant entre l'activité di Vésuve et certains phénomènes météorologiques et astronomiques." Bulletin de la Société belge de géologie 21 (1907): 303-324

Physical Description: 2 offprints
box 435, folder 7

"Note sur le remarquable volcan de Tritriva au centre de l'ile de Madagascar." Bulletin de la Société belge de géologie 22 (1908): 103-115

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Written with Alexandre Bourdariat.
box 435, folder 8

"On Chlormanganokalite, a new Vesuvian mineral." Mineralogical Magazine 15 (1908): 54-61

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Written with J. L. Spencer.
box 435, folder 9

"Mécanisme de l'activité volcanique." Compte rendu des travaux du neuvième congrés international de géographie (1908): 1-14

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 435, folder 10

"The Mechanism of Volcanic Action, being the opening address to section III (Vulcanology) of the International Geographical Congress." Geological Magazine 5 (1909): 433-443

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 435, folder 11

"The Mechanism of Volcanic Action." Smithsonian Report for 1909 : 305-315

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Reprinted from the Geological Magazine.
box 435, folder 12

"Renal Calculi and Calcium Metabolism." British Medical Journal 10 Jun 1911

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 435, folder 13

"Hypertension, Blood Viscosity, and Capillary Spasm." British Medical Journal 15 Jul 1911

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 435, folder 14

"Physiological Disequilibrium or Chronic Toxaemias and the Principles of their Treatment." American Journal of Physiologic Therapeutics 2 (1911): 84-91

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 435, folder 15

"Sphygmomanometry and Pachon's Oscillometer." British Medical Journal 13 Jan 1912

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 435, folder 16

"Further Examples Illustrating Cases of Chronic Toxaemias at Vittel." British Medical Journal 3 Feb 1912

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 435, folder 17

"Zonal Structure in Colloids." Nature 19 Feb 1914

Physical Description: 1 offprint

Miscellaneous material, 1837-1906, undated

box 435, folder 18

"Elenco di titoli del Dottore Enrico Giacomo Johnston-Lavis, undated

Physical Description: 6 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Handwritten list of Johnston-Lavis' degrees, affiliations and publications up to 1887.
box 435, folder 19

Legal document, 2 Mar 1837

Physical Description: 2 leaves
box 435, folder 20

List of errata from unidentified work, undated

Physical Description: 3 leaves
box 435, folder 21

Seating chart for banquet in honor of of Sir Joseph Lister, President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1896

Physical Description: 1 leaf
box 435, folder 22

Address by the Marquis of Salisbury to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1894

Physical Description: 1 reprint
box 435, folder 23

Address by Sir William Crookes to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1898

Physical Description: 1 reprint
box 435, folder 24

Announcement of class in animal physiology, 1876

Physical Description: 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

On Michaelmas Term, Evening Class schedule for the Royal Polytechnic College.
box 535*, folder 5

Announcements for lectures on Vesuvius, 1903-1906, undated

Physical Description: 3 leaves
box 436

Scrapbook, 1876-1891

Physical Description: 1 notebook

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, offprints, lecture announcements, covering the period from 1876-1891, primarily concerned with Johnston-Lavis' geological activities.
box 437

Journal, 1884-1901

Physical Description: 1 notebook

Scope and Contents note

Diary of Johnston-Lavis' wife, Antonia.

Bibliographic projects, Series VII.D. 1902-1985, undated

Physical Description: 4 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents note

A variety of bibliographies compiled by Vander Poel and his RICA staff for his research on Pompeii comprise this subseries. These bibliographies should be seen in conjunction with the CTP bibliography volume (Boxes 233-247 above). The material includes general bibliography, bibliographies on specific topics or those drawn from specific sources, as well as lists of abbreviations and indices.

General bibliography, undated


Early draft

Scope and Contents note

Typescript, with extensive handwritten revisions and additions; signed on first page by Laurentino García y García.
box 439, folder 1


Physical Description: 30 leaves
box 439, folder 2


Physical Description: 69 leaves
box 439, folder 3


Physical Description: 45 leaves
box 439, folder 4


Physical Description: 51 leaves
box 439, folder 5


Physical Description: 63 leaves
box 439, folder 6


Physical Description: 86 leaves
box 439, folder 7


Physical Description: 50 leaves
box 439, folder 8


Physical Description: 141 leaves
box 440, folder 1


Physical Description: 124 leaves
box 440, folder 2


Physical Description: 74 leaves
box 440, folder 3


Physical Description: 157 leaves
box 440, folder 4


Physical Description: 120 leaves

Partial later draft

Scope and Contents note

Typescript incorporating additions from first draft; minor annotations.
box 441, folder 1


Physical Description: 44 leaves
box 441, folder 2-3


Physical Description: 238 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes carbon copy.
box 441, folder 4


Physical Description: 64 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated typescript.
box 441, folder 5


Physical Description: 83 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes carbon copy.
box 441, folder 6


Physical Description: 82 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes carbon copy.
box 441, folder 7


Physical Description: 101 leaves
box 441, folder 8


Physical Description: 124 leaves
box 441, folder 9


Physical Description: 9 leaves

Scope and Contents note

box 441, folder 10


Physical Description: 22 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes carbon copy.
box 441, folder 11


Physical Description: 68 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes carbon copy.
box 442, folder 1


Physical Description: 63 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes carbon copy.
box 442, folder 2


Physical Description: 58 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Incomplete; includes carbon copy.
box 442, folder 3


Physical Description: 198 leaves

Bibliographies by topic, 1970-1980, undated

box 443, folder 1-2

Mosaics, 1970-1980

Physical Description: 200 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated bibliography including sections on Herculaneum and Stabiae.
box 443, folder 3-4

Villae rusticae, 1972-1973, undated

Physical Description: 203 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated bibliography.
box 443, folder 5

Classical authors, undated

Physical Description: 22 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated bibliography.
box 443, folder 6

Early geographic writers, undated

Physical Description: 10 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated bibliography.
box 443, folder 7

Various topics, undated

Physical Description: 92 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Signed on first page by Laurentino García y García.
box 443, folder 8

Topical annotated bibliography, undated

Physical Description: 41 leaves

Bibliography by source and format, 1978-1981, undated

box 444

Entries from Mau, "Bibliografia pompeiana," undated

Physical Description: 183 index cards, 1 leaf
box 445, folder 1

List of articles by Amedeo Maiuri in Corriere della sera , undated

Physical Description: 29 leaves
box 445, folder 2

Lists of articles in BullNap, undated

Physical Description: 8 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of handwritten list.
box 445, folder 3

Materials in Vatican Library, 1978

Physical Description: 3 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Handwritten list.
box 445, folder 4

Lists of materials in the DAI in Rome, undated

Physical Description: 25 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of handwritten list.
box 445, folder 5

Bibliographic research, 1978-1981, undated

Physical Description: 141 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Generally sorted by location, most by García y García, in green folder.
box 446

Newspaper articles, undated

Physical Description: 1286 index cards

Scope and Contents note

By author, by title (F-P), by subject, by date.
box 445, folder 6

Miscellaneous bibliographic material undated

Physical Description: 113 leaves

Abbreviations of journals and publications, 1904-1985, undated

box 447, folder 1-2

List of abbreviations assembled by RICA, undated

Physical Description: 203 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated bibliography.

Lists of abbreviations from publishers, 1904-1985

box 447, folder 3

American Journal of Archaeology 8 (1904): 135-136

Physical Description: 1 photocopy
box 447, folder 4

American Journal of Archaeology 62 (1958): 1-8

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 447, folder 5

British Union bibliography abbreviations

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 447, folder 6

Deutsches archäologisches Institut, Abkürzungen, from JdI 1930

Physical Description: 2 bound photocopies
box 447, folder 7

Deutsches archäologisches Institut, Abkürzungverzeichnis der Zeitschriften, 1932

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy
box 447, folder 8

Deutsches archäologisches Institut, Abkürzungverzeichnisse, from AA 1985

Physical Description: 1 offprint
box 447, folder 9

Other lists, undated

Physical Description: 11 leaves

Indices, 1902-1941, undated

box 448, folder 1

Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, "Bibliographie," undated

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Entries for Pompeii for the years 1913-1928.
box 448, folder 2

London Library, Subject-Index, undated

Physical Description: 15 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Photographic copies of pages of entries relating to Pompeii from various volumes.

Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts. Römische Abteilung, 1902-1941

box 448, folder 3

Register zu Band I-X. Rome, 1902

Physical Description: 31 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Incomplete photocopy, pages 1-25, 43-47.
box 448, folder 4-6

"Register zu Band I-XXX." RM 31 (1916):

Physical Description: 295 leaves, 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Loose photocopy is complete; bound photocopy is partial and annotated by Vander Poel.
box 448, folder 7

"Sammelregister zu Jahrgänge 32 bis 55 (1917 bis 1940)." RM 56 (1941)

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy, 5 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Partial photocopy, pages 43, 108-109, 200-203, 249, 269, 285, 323-326.
box 448, folder 8

Notizie degli scavi di antichità. Indici generali, 1876-1900, 1904

Physical Description: 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Partial photocopy with entries for Boscoreale, Castellammare di Stabia, Ercolano, Pompeii, Scafati and Torre Annunziata.

Miscellaneous research, Series VII.E. 1853-1923, 1958-1993, undated

Physical Description: 8.8 linear feet, 3 flat file folders

Scope and Contents note

A wide range of miscellaneous research on Pompeii and Campania is presented in this subseries. From the identification of Pompeian materials in museums around the world to general newspaper clippings, from general reading notes to research on the bomb damage during World War II, these materials demonstrate the breadth of Pompeian research conducted by Vander Poel and RICA.

History of excavations at Pompeii, undated

box 449, folder 1

List of visitors to Pompeii from 1764-1923

Physical Description: 44 leaves
box 449, folder 2

List of visitors to Pompeii compiled from P.A.H.

Physical Description: 36 leaves
box 449, folder 3

List of bodies and skeletons found 1818-1976

Physical Description: 12 leaves
box 449, folder 4

Lists of artists who worked in Pompeii from October 1829 to February 1831

Physical Description: 3 leaves
box 449, folder 5

Research on officials and directors of the Scavi

Physical Description: 24 leaves, 1 envelope
box 449, folder 6

General historical background

Physical Description: 8 leaves

Documentation of objects excavated at Pompeii and currently held in various museums, undated

box 449, folder 7

Antiquarium at Pompeii

Physical Description: 46 leaves, 17 photographs
box 449, folder 8


Physical Description: 9 leaves, 2 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Includes material in Palermo, Venice and Rome.
box 449, folder 9


Physical Description: 5 leaves, 6 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Includes material in Berlin, Bonn, Frankfurt, Dresden.
box 449, folder 10


Physical Description: 14 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes material in Paris and Amiens.
box 449, folder 11


Physical Description: 11 leaves, 19 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Includes material in London and Newcastle-on-Tyne.
box 449, folder 12

Netherlands and Belgium

Physical Description: 10 leaves, 3 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Includes material in Amsterdam, the Hague, Brussels and Mariemont.
box 449, folder 13


Physical Description: 1 leaf

Scope and Contents note

Includes material in St. Petersburg.

United States

Scope and Contents note

Includes material in Chicago, Minneapolis, Malibu, Richmond, Princeton, Boston, Providence and New York.
box 449, folder 14

Notes and photographs

Physical Description: 31 leaves, 6 photographs
box 617, folder 1

Negative of triclinium from Boscoreale

Physical Description: 1 negative; 2.5 x 3.5 in.

Notes on excavations at Pompeii and neighboring sites, undated

box 449, folder 15

Casa del Fauno (VI 12, 5), Rakob excavations of 1961

Physical Description: 19 photographs, 12 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photographs acquired from the DAI in Rome.
box 450

Ville di Stabia

Physical Description: 23 leaves with 32 photographs attached

Scope and Contents note

Original drawings of plans and elevations.

Research on bomb damage at Pompeii, 1958-1985, undated


Notes on bomb damage, 1958-1985, undated

box 438, folder 1

General research

Physical Description: 68 leaves with 3 photographs attached, 15 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Includes photographic copies of various newspaper articles and Amedeo Maiuri, "Restauri di guerra a Pompei," Vie d'Italia 53 (1947): 215-221.
box 617, folder 2


Physical Description: 6 frames; 35 mm.
box 438, folder 2

Photographs of bomb damage, undated

Physical Description: 14 photographs

Pompeii: Bomb-damage 1943, undated

Scope and Contents note

Plan of city with dots marking damage; dots on plan are numbered, but there is no key.
box 536*

Photographs of plan

Physical Description: 2 photographs mounted on board
box 617, folder 3


Physical Description: 1 negative; 6 x 9.5 cm.

Research on building forms and structural elements, undated

box 451, folder 1-6


Physical Description: 110 leaves, 171 photographs, 2 mounted photocopies

Scope and Contents note

Photocopies, translations and notes relating to windows, including notes by Tatiana Warscher. Extensive photographic documentation of windows at Pompeii, with many photographs identified.
box 452, folder 1

Public fountains

Physical Description: 6 leaves
box 452, folder 2

Walls, towers and gates

Physical Description: 4 leaves
box 452, folder 3


Physical Description: 10 leaves
box 452, folder 4

Vici and pagi

Physical Description: 10 leaves
box 452, folder 5


Physical Description: 76 leaves
box 452, folder 6


Physical Description: 1 leaf
box 452, folder 7-8

General identifications, 1958, undated

Physical Description: 131 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Notes on structures in Regions VI and VII, keyed to unidentified source.

Research on paintings, undated

box 452, folder 9

Notes on paintings, extracted from Ruggiero works on Herculaneum and Stabiae

Physical Description: 26 leaves
box 452, folder 10

Miscellaneous notes on paintings

Physical Description: 6 leaves
flatfile 115**

Draft of form for research on paintings, undated

Physical Description: 1 pencil on vellum chart

Research on mosaics, undated

box 452, folder 11

Notes and photographs

Physical Description: 7 leaves, 5 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Includes notes on mosaics in the Museo archeologico di Napoli and photographs of unidentified mosaics.
box 617, folder 4


Physical Description: 9 negatives; 5 x 7 in. or smaller
box 618

Glass negatives of drawings of mosaics

Physical Description: 3 glass plate negatives; 5 x 7 in.

Research on names/prosopography, undated

box 452, folder 12


Physical Description: 72 leaves
box 454, folder 1

Alphabetical list of names and house numbers

Physical Description: 1 leaf
box 452, folder 13-18

Winckelmann/B. Galiani controversy, working papers undated

Physical Description: 102 leaves, 5 bound photocopies

Scope and Contents note

Short sections of text draft, notes and photocopies of original articles and later secondary works.
box 438, folder 3

Research on the eruptions of Vesuvius from 62-1944, undated

Physical Description: 48 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes notes, chronology and bibliography.

Notes on publications [reading notes], undated

box 453, folder 1

Adams, Pompeii and Herculaneum

Physical Description: 2 leaves
box 453, folder 2

Aoyagi, La casa della nova Europa a Pompeii

Physical Description: 2 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of notes; deals with I 15.
box 453, folder 3

Baldi, La Pompei giudaico-cristiana

Physical Description: 1 leaf
box 453, folder 4

Blümner, Technologie und Terminologie der Gewerbe und Künste bei Griechen und Römern

Physical Description: 3 leaves
box 453, folder 5

Clarke, Pompeii

Physical Description: 7 leaves
box 453, folder 6

Corti, The Destruction and Resurrection of Pompeii and Herculaneum

Physical Description: 16 leaves
box 453, folder 7

D'Arms, Romans on the Bay of Naples

Physical Description: 2 leaves
box 453, folder 8

D'Avino, La donna a Pompei

Physical Description: 4 leaves
box 453, folder 9

Della Corte, Case ed abitanti

Physical Description: 11 leaves
box 453, folder 10

Della Corte, "Iscrizioni scoperte nel quinquennio 1951-1956," NSA 1958: 77-180

Physical Description: 7 leaves
box 453, folder 11

Frank, "The Economic Life of an Ancient City," Classical Philology 13 (1918): 225-240

box 453, folder 12

Jahn, "Über Darstellungen des Handwerks und Handelverkehrs auf antiken Wangemälden," AbhLeipz 5 (1870): 263-318

Physical Description: 2 leaves
box 453, folder 13

Jashemski, The Gardens of Pompeii, Herculaneum and the Villas Destroyed by Vesuvius

Physical Description: 6 leaves
box 453, folder 14

Jongman, The Economy and Society of Pompeii

Physical Description: 7 leaves
box 453, folder 15

Leppmann, Pompeii in fact and fiction

Physical Description: 3 leaves
box 453, folder 16

Mackenzie, Pompeii

Physical Description: 1 leaf
box 453, folder 17

Maiuri, Bicentenario degli scavi di Pompei

Physical Description: 1 leaf
box 453, folder 18

Monod, La cité antique de Pompéi

Physical Description: 7 leaves
box 453, folder 19

Neville-Rolfe, Pompeii Popular and Practical

Physical Description: 4 leaves
box 453, folder 20

Overbeck, Pompeji in seinen Gebäuden, Alterthümern und Kunstwerken

Physical Description: 5 leaves
box 453, folder 21

Pesce, I rilievi dell'Anfiteatro Campano

Physical Description: 1 leaf
box 453, folder 22

Ragghianti, The Painters of Pompeii

Physical Description: 2 leaves
box 453, folder 23

Scotti, Three Hours in Pompeii

Physical Description: 3 leaves
box 453, folder 24

Vinci, Descrizione delle ruine di Pompei

Physical Description: 1 leaf
box 453, folder 25

Pio IX a Pompei

Physical Description: 4 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes invitation to the exhibition and notes for Baldassare Conticello.
box 453, folder 26

Rediscovering Pompeii

Physical Description: 2 leaves

Research on Giornale degli scavi di Pompei, undated

box 453, folder 27-28

Indexing of Giornale degli scavi di Pompei articles

Physical Description: 4 notebooks

Scope and Contents note

Organized by regions and insulae, extra portam and streets. Some other articles added.
box 453, folder 29

Notes on section of Giornale degli scavi di Pompei for the years 1871-1872

Physical Description: 24 leaves
box 453, folder 30

Notes on Eituns inscriptions, undated

Physical Description: 6 leaves

Research on letter forms, undated

box 454, folder 2


Physical Description: 5 leaves, 4 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Letter form charts taken from Ruggiero, Gli scavi di Pompei.
box 617, folder 5


Physical Description: 5 frames; 35 mm.
box 537*, folder 1

Clippings on Pompeii and Herculaneum, 1853-1923, 1980-1993, undated

Physical Description: 33 clippings

Scope and Contents note

Most are photocopies.
flatfile 113**, flatfile 114**

Posters from Pompeii-related exhibitions, 1981

Physical Description: 6 posters

Inquiries for Pompeian material, 1963-1965

Scope and Contents note

Much of the correspondence is in the name of Vander Poel's research assistant at the time, David Jeffreys.
box 453, folder 31

Responses to advertisements requesting nineteenth-century Pompeian material placed in British newpapers and magazines, 1963-1965

Physical Description: 97 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes copies of letters to publications placing the advertisements, various responses and Vander Poel's replies. Several responses includes extracts from letters and journals.
box 453, folder 32

Inquiries sent to British museums and galleries 1963-1965

Physical Description: 87 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes copies of original inquiry letter and responses.
box 453, folder 33

Inquiries sent to American museums and galleries 1963

Physical Description: 5 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes copies of original inquiry letter and responses.

Research from trips to Britain, 1962-1973, undated

box 453, folder 34-35

General research

Physical Description: 27 leaves, 23 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Includes notes, photographic copies and photocopies of material relating to Pompeii held by various British institutions.
box 617, folder 6


Physical Description: 604 frames; 35 mm.

Resources for photographs, undated

box 455, folder 1

Lists of DAI negatives

Physical Description: 73 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Also contains list of DAI call numbers for various journals.
box 455, folder 2

Addresses of photographic sources

Physical Description: 4 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes negative numbers he wished to order.

Lectures, 1979, undated

box 455, folder 3

"Irreverent History of the Campania 1748-1765," 8 Jun 1979

Physical Description: 18 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Talk at the Commonwealth Club. Includes text of talk, handouts and list of invitees/attendees. Labeled "first talk on Pompeii."
box 455, folder 4

"The Alexander Mosaic in Pompeii. Goethe's last reflections on this work of art," undated

Physical Description: 5 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Typescript of DAI address.
box 455, folder 5

Text of talk [?] on Gell, undated

Physical Description: 11 leaves

Correspondence relating to Pompeian research, 1962-1993, undated

box 455, folder 6

Letters from Lawrence Richardson, Jr., 1972-1973

Physical Description: 9 letters (12 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Letters discussing Richardson's architectural research at Pompeii; most of the letters are photocopies.
box 455, folder 7

Miscellaneous correspondence, 1962-1993, undated

Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Primarily includes letters received by Vander Poel, but also has a few copies of outgoing letters. Correspondents include Bernard Andreae, Marisa Conticello, John D'Arms, Laurentino García y García, David Jeffreys, Eric Moormann and others.
box 455, folder 8

Reader's tickets from various libraries, 1969-1973

Physical Description: 4 items

Research on amphora forms, undated

box 454, folder 3


Physical Description: 4 leaves
box 617, folder 7


Physical Description: 3 frames; 120 film
box 617, folder 8

Drawings of Greek vases, undated

Physical Description: 3 negatives; 5 x 7 in.

Scope and Contents note

Drawings of Greek vase decoration copied from BullArchNap; negatives only.
box 454, folder 4

Natural scale indicator, undated

Physical Description: 1 copy on vellum, 1 copy on plastic
box 454, folder 5

Material related to Axel Boethius, 1969

Physical Description: 1 clipping, 2 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes clipping given to Vander Poel by Boethius and Vander Poel's observations on an afternoon visit.
box 455, folder 9-10

Miscellaneous notebooks, undated

Physical Description: 7 notebooks

Scope and Contents note

Notebooks, mostly spiral bound, with various entries, including general notes, reading notes, drafts of letters, expenses, itineraries.
box 455, box 11-12

Miscellaneous notes and research materials, 1964, undated

Physical Description: 84 leaves, 8 photographs
box 617, folder 9

Miscellaneous negatives, undated

Physical Description: 241 negatives; 9 x 12 cm. or smaller

Scope and Contents note

Primarily strips of 35 mm. negatives with mixtures of images; copy work of plans, photographs, rare books, drawings, general reference works, etc.

Objects in the Campanian collection, Series VIII. 1960-1977, undated

Physical Description: 17 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents note

Large objects related to Pompeii comprise this series. Of particular interest in this series are the bronzes commissioned by Vander Poel, reflecting his personal involvement in Pompeii: the portraits of his mentors and the plans of the area in Pompeii where he excavated.

Bronze portrait heads by A. Harris, circa 1960

Scope and Contents note

Vander Poel's Pompeian mentors are represented in this set of bronze portraits mounted on black marble bases. An extra unmounted head of Della Corte is also included.
oversize-box 645**

Set of portrait heads

Physical Description: 3 bronze sculptures with bases

Scope and Contents note

Portraits of Matteo Della Corte, Tatiana Warscher and Axel Boethius.
oversize-box 646**

Extra portrait of Matteo Della Corte

Physical Description: 1 bronze sculpture

Bronze plans of Pompeii, undated

oversize-box 647**

Region VI, insula 9

Physical Description: 1 bronze plaque mounted on wood base
oversize-box 648**

Casa di Meleagro, VI 9, 2

Physical Description: 1 bronze plaque mounted on wood base
oversize-box 649**

Casa del Centauro, VI 9, 5/10-11

Physical Description: 1 bronze plaque mounted on wood base

Replica silver cups, undated

Scope and Contents note

Replicas of two-handled cups decorated with ivy leaves and corymbs found at Herculaneum. The replicas may be eighteenth century. See also Box 617.
box 626, box 627

Cups and notes

Physical Description: 2 silver cups with marble stands, 1 leaf of notes
box 617, folder 10


Physical Description: 3 negatives; 4 x 5 in.
box 628

The Treasures of Pompeii, circa 1977

Physical Description: 12 silver medals in wooden box

Scope and Contents note

Set of commemorative medals issued by the Franklin Mint.
oversize-box 650**, oversize-box 651**

Display and storage materials, undated

Physical Description: 1 wood box, 2 wood stands

Scope and Contents note

These materials do not appear to belong with the Campanian collection, but with Vander Poel's antique collection.

Administrative materials, Series IX. 1980-1992, undated

Physical Description: 0.8 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents note

Various administrative materials relating to the maintenance and transferal of the Campanian collection form this series. Included are photocopies of two inventories of the collection, with provenance information for some items, as well as shipping lists.

"The Vander Poel Collection of Campanian Archaeology Catalogue," Oct 1980, undated

box 629, folder 1


Physical Description: 96 leaves
box 629, folder 2


Physical Description: 61 leaves
box 629, folder 3


Physical Description: 58 leaves
box 629, folder 4


Physical Description: 39 leaves
box 629, folder 5


Physical Description: 83 leaves
box 629, folder 6


Physical Description: 60 leaves
box 629, folder 7


Physical Description: 77 leaves
box 629, folder 8

Campi Flegrei, Pozzuoli and Vesuvius

Physical Description: 33 leaves

Inventory in black notebooks, undated

box 630, folder 1


Physical Description: 109 leaves
box 630, folder 2


Physical Description: 88 leaves
box 630, folder 3


Physical Description: 157 leaves
box 630, folder 4


Physical Description: 135 leaves
box 630, folder 5


Physical Description: 56 leaves
box 630, folder 6


Physical Description: 159 leaves
box 630, folder 7


Physical Description: 156 leaves
box 630, folder 8


Physical Description: 114 leaves
box 630, folder 9


Physical Description: 115 leaves
box 629, folder 9

Shipping and transfer lists for portions of the Campanian collection, 1982-1992

Physical Description: 128 leaves

Non-Campanian materials, Series X. circa 1570-1996, bulk, 1932-1992 1932-1992

Physical Description: 28.1 linear feet, 36 flat file folders, 5 rolls

Scope and Contents note

A variety of non-Campanian materials accompanying the Campanian collection comprise this series. They reflect the broader range of Vander Poel's interests, and their distance from the Campanian focus of the collection varies. On the one hand, there are papers of two archaeologists, Friedrich-Wilhelm von Hase and Margaret Murray, not involved in Campania, as well as material relating to the archaeology of other areas of Italy and the world. Other material moves farther afield documenting elements of Vander Poel's art and antique collection or his interest in armaments.

Arrangement note

The non-Campanian materials are arranged in seven subseries, by topic.

Friedrich-Wilhelm von Hase papers, Series X.A. 1963-1995, undated

Physical Description: 3.3 linear feet, 1 flat file folder

Scope and Contents note

Friedrich-Wilhelm von Hase studied Classical Archaeology, Prehistory and Etruscology in Göttingen, Perugia and Rome. He is best known for his long tenure at the Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum in Mainz from 1983 until his retirement as chief conservator in 2002.
Production materials, from manuscript to offprint, for many of Hase's publications form the bulk of this subseries. Also included is a small amount of correspondence and lecture material.

Correspondence, 1977-1993

box 456, folder 1

Fulvio Canciani, 1978-1979

Physical Description: 3 letters (3 leaves)
box 456, folder 2

Filippo Delpino, 1978-1979

Physical Description: 6 letters (6 leaves)
box 456, folder 3

Massimo Pallottino, 1979

Physical Description: 4 letters (6 leaves)
box 456, folder 4

David Ridgway, 1978-1979

Physical Description: 3 letters (4 leaves)
box 456, folder 5

Vander Poel, Halsted B., 1977-1993

Physical Description: 11 letters (14 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Primarily letters sent from von Hase to Vander Poel.

Manuscripts of publications, 1970-1995, undated


"Zwei etruskische Gürtelschliessen." Neue Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in Niedersachsen 6 (1970): 41-45, 1970

box 456, folder 6


Physical Description: 13 leaves, 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of annotated typescript, photocopy of published article.
box 619, folder 1

Negatives of illustrations

Physical Description: 2 negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in.

"Gürtelschliessen des 7. und frühen 6. Jahrh. v. Chr. in Mittelitalien." JdI 86 (1971): 1-59, 1971

box 456, folder 7


Physical Description: 9 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated typescript.
box 619, folder 2

Negatives of illustrations

Physical Description: 25 negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in.

"Zum Fragment eines orientalischen Bronzeflügels aus Vetulonia." RM 79 (1972): 155-165, 1972

box 456, folder 8


Physical Description: 10 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of annotated typescript.
box 619, folder 3

Negatives of illustrations

Physical Description: 2 negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in.

"Zerstörungsfreie RF-Analyse frühetruskischer Goldfunde mit einer Radionuklid-Röntgenquelle." Kerntechnik 15 (1973): 565-569, 1973

box 456, folder 9


Physical Description: 101 leaves, 2 photographs

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of typescripts and published article.
box 619, folder 4

Negatives of illustrations

Physical Description: 2 negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in.
box 456, folder 10

Entry included within Juliette de la Genière, "À propos de quelques mobliers funéraires d'Amendolara." MEFRA 85 (1973): 7-53, 1973

Physical Description: 2 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Typescript of entry on silver jewelry, pages 26-27.
box 456, folder 11

"Die frühetruskische Goldschale aus Praeneste im Victoria und Albert Museum." AA (1974): 85-104, 1974

Physical Description: 50 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes two photocopies of the complete annotated typescript, a small portion of the original annotated typescript and corrected proofs.
box 456, folder 12

"Eine unbekannte etruskische Sitzstatuette in Massa Marittima." MarWPr (1974): 16-23, 1974

Physical Description: 53 leaves, 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Includes three annotated typescripts, and a photocopy and offprint of the published article.
box 456, folder 13

"Zur Problematik der frühesten Goldfunde in Mittelitalien." HambBeitrA 5 (1975): 99-182, 1975

Physical Description: 81 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated typescript.
box 456, folder 14

"Satricum." In Civiltà del Lazio primitivo, 213-249. Rome, 1976, 1976

Physical Description: 2 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated typescript.
box 456, folder 15

Review of Jürgen Borchardt, Homerische Helme. Gnomon 49 (1977): 288-297, 1977

Physical Description: 40 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes annotated typescript, corrected proofs and photocopy of the published article.
box 456, folder 16

"Zum östlichen Einfluss auf deie Goldarbeiten des späteren 8. und frühen 7. Jahrh. v. Chr. in Mittelitalien." In Proceedings of the Xth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, 1101-1110. Ankara, 1978, 1978

Physical Description: 14 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes annotated typescript and photocopy.
box 456, folder 17

Review of Hermann Müller-Karpe, Beiträge zu italienischen und griechischen Bronzefunden. Praehistorische Zeitschrift 53 (1978): 284-289, 1978

Physical Description: 33 leaves, 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Includes two annotated typescripts, and a photocopy and offprint of published article.
box 456, folder 18

La tomba Bernardini di Palestrina. Rome, 1979 1979

Physical Description: 163 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes original annotated typescripts and photocopies.
box 456, folder 19

"Zum Beginn des Fernhandels von und nach Etrurien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der frühesten mittelitalienischen Funde in Griechenland." In Die Aufnahme fremder Kultureinflüsse in Etrurien und das Problem des Retardierens in der etruskischen Kunst , 9-24. Mannheim, 1981, 1981

Physical Description: 18 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated typescript.
box 456, folder 20

"Der urnenfeldzeitliche Bronzeschwertgriff aus dem Hortfund von Mannheim-Wallstadt." Archäologischen Nachrichten aus Baden 27 (1981): 3-12, 1981

Physical Description: 66 leaves, 2 offprints

Scope and Contents note

Includes text of original paper, annotated typescript, photocopies and offprints of the published article.
box 457, folder 1

"Mykenische Keramik in Italien. Erläuterungen zu einer Verbreitungskarte." In Beiträge zur ägäischen Bronzezeit , 13-28. Marburg, 1982, 1982

Physical Description: 39 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated typescript and photocopy.
box 457, folder 2

Review of Stefania Quilici Gigli, Blera. BJb 182 (1982): 679-682, 1981-1982

Physical Description: 27 leaves, 1 fascicle

Scope and Contents note

Includes manuscript, annotated typescript, two annotated typescripts and photocopy, photocopy of corrected proofs and fascicle of journal with the published review.
box 457, folder 3

"Ein unbekannter apulisch-korinthischer Helm im Reiss-Museum in Mannheim." Mannheimer Hefte (1982): 99-108, 1982

Physical Description: 21 leaves, 1 fascicle

Scope and Contents note

Includes annotated typescript with carbon copy and fascicle of journal with the published article.
box 457, folder 4

"Alle origini della statuaria etrusca." Studi Etruschi 52 (1984): 13-59, 1979-1985

Physical Description: 137 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes manuscript, several annotated typescripts, photocopy of Colonna section and photocopy of corrected proofs, as well as correspondence relating to the publication.
box 457, folder 5

"Die goldene Prunkfibel aus Vulci, Ponte Sodo." JbRGZM 31 (1984): 247-302, 1984

Physical Description: 126 leaves, 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Includes annotated typescript, corrected proofs and offprint of the published article.
box 457, folder 6

Review of Luciana Aigner Foresti, Der Ostalpenraum und Italien. Germania 64 (1986): 621-624, 1986

Physical Description: 10 leaves, 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Includes annotated typescript, corrected, proofs and offprint of the published review.
box 457, folder 7

"Die ägäisch bronzezeitlichen Importe in Kampanien und Mittelitalien im Licht der neueren Forschung." In Ägäische Bronzezeit, 257-273. Darmstadt, 1987, 1987

Physical Description: 38 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of annotated typescript.
box 458, folder 1

"Früheisenzeitliche Kammhelme aus Italien." In Antike Helme, 195-211. Mainz, 1988, 1988

Physical Description: 105 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes manuscript, annotated typescripts, corrected proofs, photocopy of published article.
box 458, folder 2

"Etrurien und das Gebiet nordwärts der Alpen in der ausgehenden Urnenfelder-und frühen Hallstattzeit." In Atti del secondo Congresso Internazionale Etrusco 1031-1061. Rome, 1989, 1985-1989

Physical Description: 158 leaves, 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Includes manuscript, annotated typescripts, corrected proofs and final article.
box 459, folder 1-2

"Der etruskische Bucchero aus Karthago." JbRGZM 36 (1989): 327-410, 1989

Physical Description: 260 leaves, 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Includes annotated typescript, corrected proofs, offprint of published article.
box 457, folder 8

"Ägäische Importe im zentralen Mittelmeergebiet in späthelladischer Zeit (SH I - SH III C)." In Orientalisch-Ägäische Einflüsse in der europäischen Bronzezeit, 80-108. Bonn, 1990, 1990

Physical Description: 78 leaves, 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Includes annotated manuscripts, annotated photocopy of typescript, corrected proofs and photocopy of published article.
box 459, folder 3

Review of Michel Gras, Trafics tyrrhéniens archäiques. HambBeitrA 15-17 (1988-1990): 347- 364, 1990

Physical Description: 81 leaves, 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Includes manuscript, annotated typescript, photocopies of corrected proofs, and offprint of published article.
box 458, folder 3

"Storia delle esplorazioni archeologiche nella Magna Grecia." In Un secolo di ricerche in Magna Grecia , 53-84. Taranto, 1990, 1990

Physical Description: 146 leaves, 1 bound photocopy

Scope and Contents note

Includes manuscript, annotated typescript, corrected proofs and photocopy of published article.
box 458, folder 4

"The ceremonial jewelry from the Regolini-Galassi tomb in Cerveteri. Some ideas concerning the workshop," in Prehistoric Gold in Europe, 533-559. Dordrecht, 1995, 1993-1995

Physical Description: 52 leaves, 1 offprint

Scope and Contents note

Includes annotated typescript, corrected proof and offprint of published article.
box 459, folder 4

Catalog entry from unidentified work on "urne a capanna," undated

Physical Description: 23 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Includes manuscripts, annotated typescripts and photocopies of images.

Lectures, 1981-1983

box 459, folder 5

"Mykenisch-ägäische Einflüsse in Kampanien und Latium im Lichte der neuen Grabungen von Vivara (Procida)," 1981

Physical Description: 20 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Presented to the members of the Deutschen Archäologen Verband auf der Tagung im Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz, 4 Apr 1981.
box 459, folder 6

"Zur Arbeit als Archäologe an einem kommunalen Museum," 1982

Physical Description: 31 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Presented at the 12. ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung der Deutschen Archäologen Verband in Freiburg i. Br., 2.-4. Apr 1982.
box 459, folder 7

"Spätmykenische Funde in Italien - zum gegenwärtigen Forschungsstand," 1983

Physical Description: 28 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Presented at the Kolloquium "Forschungen zur ägäischen Vorgeschichte in Deutschland" veranstaltet vom Deutschen Archäologen Verband in Freiburg i. Br., 11.-13. Feb 1983.
box 459, folder 8

"Die etruskischen Wandmalereien von Tarquinia und ihre Probleme," 1983

Physical Description: 33 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Presented on Archaeological Institute of America, West coast lecture tour in April 1983.
box 459, folder 9

Untitled lecture, 1983

Physical Description: 22 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Presented at the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz, 11 and 13 Dec 1983.

Miscellaneous materials, 1963-1983, undated

box 460, folder 1

Seminar exercises, 1963-1964

Physical Description: 15 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Annotated typescripts of "Die Grundlagen der absoluten Chronologie der Hallstatt- und Latènezeit" and " Der thrako-kimmerische Horizont in Ungarn."
box 460, folder 2

Photocopy of review of "Die Trensen der Früheisenzeit in Italien," circa 1970

Physical Description: 3 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Copied from Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae 22 (1970): 427-429.
box 619, folder 5

Illustrations from "Unbekannte frühetruskische Edelmetallfunde mit Maskenköpfen." HambBeitrA 3 (1973): 51-64, 1973

Physical Description: 9 negatives; 2.5 x 3.5 in.

Scope and Contents note

Negatives only.
flatfile 116**

Clippings, 1977-1983

Physical Description: 7 items
box 460, folder 3

Photocopy of annotated typescript of Harald Mielsch, "Funde und Forschungen zur Wandmalerei der Prinzipatszeit von 1945," circa 1980

Physical Description: 134 leaves

Scope and Contents note

Article appeared with slightly variant title and with added material in ANRW II, 12.2, 157-264.
box 460, folder 4

Various materials, 1975-1983, undated

Physical Description: 19 leaves, 2 pamphlets

Margaret Murray papers, Series X.B. 1905-1954, undated

Physical Description: 0.4 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents note

Margaret Alice Murray was born in India in 1863 to British parents. She returned to England in 1886 and in January 1894 enrolled in University College, London for classes in Egyptology with the recently appointed professor, W. M. Flinders Petrie. Trained by Petrie and his assistants, Murray would become the first woman to work full-time as an Egyptologist. She remained at University College, where she was appointed as a junior lecturer in 1898 and progressed through the academic ranks becoming an Assistant Professor in 1924. She was awarded an honorary doctorate in 1931.
While Petrie spent his time in the field, Murray's role was to remain in London, teaching the classes, which would prepare students to be sent out to Petrie in Egypt, running the administrative end of the Department of Egyptology and maintaining the Petrie Museum. This meant that the author of over eighty books and articles on ancient Egypt was only able to excavate with Petrie in Egypt for one season, at Abydos in 1902. Still, Murray found other outlets for her interest in field work, excavating in the summers in Malta, Minorca and Petra, as well as in England. Murray also had other interests in addition to Egyptology. She was an early suffragist and may be best known to the general public for her numerous publications on folklore and witchcraft. A gifted teacher, Murray retired from University College, London in 1935, having trained two generations of Egyptologists. She led an active retirement, remaining connected to the University until her death in 1963.
The majority of Margaret Murray's papers are held by University College, London. The material held by Vander Poel is limited, including a small selection of letters, lecture texts, and drawings for publication. The letters documenting the conflicts of the 1932 excavation season at Tell el Ajjul are especially important for the insight they provide on the late career of Sir Flinders Petrie.

Letters, 1924-1953, undated


Letters relating to excavations at Tell el Ajjul, 1932

box 463, folder 1

Colt, H. Dunscombe, 30 Jan 1932

Physical Description: 1 letter (4 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

General report: Lady Petrie interfering less, but still a problem; excavations in the cemetery going well, but not so on the tell; illnesses of the staff.
box 463, folder 2

Corbett, C. K., 6 Apr 1932

Physical Description: 1 letter (1 leaf)

Scope and Contents note

Forwarding letters from Mrs. Petrie; problems at excavation, but since one can't change the Petries, one must change the staff.
box 463, folder 3

Petrie, Flinders, 31 March 1932

Physical Description: 1 letter (4 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Response to a letter from Murray urging "self-control": Colt is the source of the discord and is trying to drive him out.

Petrie, Hilda, 1932

box 463, folder 4

20 Mar 1932

Physical Description: 1 letter (6 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Complaints about unnamed person [Colt] corrupting the staff with cocktails and jazz. He is trying to drive out the Petries and wants to take over the dig. Also complaints about the rest of the staff, including J. L. Starkey, G. L. Harding and Olga Tufnell.
box 463, folder 5

7 Apr 1932

Physical Description: 1 letter (2 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Excavation over and now wrapping up the season; problems with the staff not leaving.
box 463, folder 6

Alford, Violet, 23 Feb 1953

Physical Description: 1 letter (1 leaf)

Scope and Contents note

Letter regarding canonisation of Joan of Arc.
box 463, folder 7

Benson, E., undated

Physical Description: 1 letter (1 leaf)

Scope and Contents note

Enclosing translation(?).
box 463, folder 8

Davies, Norman de Garis, 26 May 1935

Physical Description: 1 letter (1 leaf)

Scope and Contents note

Acknowledging Murray's retirement and sending her a copy of his latest book on the Tomb of Rekhmire.
box 463, folder 9

Eason, H. L., 31 May 1939

Physical Description: 1 letter (2 leaves)

Scope and Contents note

Forwarding letter from the Foreign Office requesting that Murray not travel to Yemen.
box 463, folder 10

H. M. Queen Mary 1924-1939

Physical Description: 13 letters (13 leaves, 11 envelopes)

Scope and Contents note

Letters written on Queen Mary's behalf by various private secretaries regarding her acceptance of copies of books sent by Murray.
box 463, folder 11

Richardson, Albert E., 4 Jan 1942

Physical Description: 1 letter (1 leaf)

Scope and Contents note

Response to Murray's query about cobb walls.
box 463, folder 12

Seaford, _____, 1939

Physical Description: 1 letter (1 leaf)

Scope and Contents note

Thank you for the gate-leg table.
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