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box 114, folder 10


box 114, folder 11

New York State Board of Social Welfare

box 114, folder 12

Siddique, Kaubab (editor)

box 114, folder 13

Strong, Marianne (publicity)

box 114, folder 14

Taylor-Walker Associates

box 114, folder 15

United States. Postmaster General

box 115, folder 1

Financial statements. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Anaf Foundation


Form letters

box 115, folder 2


box 115, folder 3

(first appeal for subscriptions) 1968, May

box 115, folder 4


box 115, folder 5


box 115, folder 6


box 115, folder 7

- "What Kind of an Israel?" (written in February). Includes mailing lists, correspondence, and responses 1983, April 4

box 115, folder 8

Founding documents

box 115, folder 9




box 116, folder 1-8

Printed copies 1968-1986


Drafts and research material

box 117, folder 1-8


box 118, folder 1-7


box 119, folder 1-4


box 119, folder 5

Mailing lists

box 119, folder 6


box 119, folder 7-9

Minutes of board of directors annual meetings. Includes list of board members

box 120, folder 1

Political philosophy

box 120, folder 2-5

Publicity material. Includes a description of Middle East Perspective by Charles W. Carruth


Subject file

box 120, folder 6-8

Anne Frank diary - Controversy over Robert Edwards' article in the issue. See also CORRESPONDENCE, British Anti-Zionist Organization; Greenstein, Tony; Ghilan, Maxim January 1981

box 120, folder 9

Dissolution. Includes interview of Lilienthal upon publication of last issue 1985

box 120, folder 10

Incorporated status

box 120, folder 11


box 121, folder 1-6

Myth-information (campaign exposing inaccuracies, bias, and misinformation in the media)

box 121, folder 7

Organizational activities

box 121, folder 8

Patxot, I. M.

box 121, folder 9

Penetration of Lilienthal's office



box 121, folder 10


box 121, folder 11




box 121, folder 12


box 121, folder 13

Correspondence with Darryl Hickman

box 121, folder 14

World Composition Services


Writings of Lilienthal

box 122, folder 1-12

General 1971-1982


"Book and Perspective" column

box 123, folder 1


box 123, folder 2

1973, December-1974, February



box 123, folder 3


box 123, folder 4


box 123, folder 5

1974, October-1975, January



box 123, folder 6


box 124, folder 1


box 124, folder 2


box 124, folder 3




box 124, folder 4


box 124, folder 5


box 124, folder 6


box 125, folder 1




box 125, folder 2


box 125, folder 3


box 125, folder 4


box 125, folder 5

1977, December-1978, June

box 125, folder 6

1978, June-December

box 125, folder 7

1979, January-May



Scope and Contents note

Journals, magazines, newsletters, and newspapers, arranged alphabetically; and clippings, arranged chronologically. In English and Arabic.

Journals, magazines, newsletters, and newspapers, arranged alphabetically

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box 127


box 128


box 129


box 129


box 130


box 131


box 132


box 133


box 134


box 135


box 136


box 137


box 138



Clippings, arranged chronologically. Mainly in English

box 139


box 140


box 141


box 142


box 143


box 144


box 145

. Includes clippings on "Arabs, Israelis, and World Jewry," 1956- 1983-


CARD FILE 1957-1978

Scope and Contents note

Calling cards and index cards of readers' responses to Goes the Middle East(1957), The Other Side of the Coin (1965), and The Zionist Connection (1978).
box 146

Calling cards


Index cards of readers' responses to There Goes the Middle East (1957), The Other Side of the Coin (1965), and The Zionist Connection (1978)



Scope and Contents note

13 scrapbooks of clippings mentioning Lilienthal, press releases, and correspondence. In English and Arabic.
box 147

Oversize Material 1936-1981

Scope and Contents note

13 scrapbooks of clippings mentioning Lilienthal, press releases, and correspondence. In English and Arabic.
box 148

Oversize Material

Scope and Contents note

13 scrapbooks of clippings mentioning Lilienthal, press releases, and correspondence. In English and Arabic.
box 149

Oversize Material 1936-1981

Scope and Contents note

13 scrapbooks of clippings mentioning Lilienthal, press releases, and correspondence. In English and Arabic.
box 150

Oversize Material 1936-1981

Scope and Contents note

13 scrapbooks of clippings mentioning Lilienthal, press releases, and correspondence. In English and Arabic.
box 151

Oversize Material 1936-1981

Scope and Contents note

13 scrapbooks of clippings mentioning Lilienthal, press releases, and correspondence. In English and Arabic.

Audiovisual Materials 1954-1991, undated


Arranged by tape number provided by donor.

Scope and Contents

Sound tape reels, sound cassettes, and videocassettes of Lilienthal's speeches and interviews.

Audiovisual File 1973-1985

box 187, folder 5

Lists of tape contents 1973-1985

box 187, folder 6

Transcriptions of tapes 1980


Sound recordings 1954-1991, undated

box 205

Tape 1 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Conditions Governing Access

Access copy reference number: 82070_a_0000079

Scope and Contents

Side A: Sound recording of letter to Anthony Lewis ( New York Times). Side B: Dictation re: sabotage of The Zionist Connection by Dodd Mead
box 205

Tape 2 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with Sidney Zion on TV program "Advise and Dissent"

Part I. Side B: Part II
box 205

Tape 3 1983 February 15

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech at UC Berkeley, CA
box 205

Tape 4 1976 May

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Conditions Governing Access

Access copy reference number: 82070_a_0000078_a

Scope and Contents

Side A: Sound recording of Spiro Agnew on Zionism
box 205

Tape 5 1976 June 6

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Spiro Agnew on "Kup's show," Ch.31, UHF
box 205

Tape 6 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Phone conversation re Camp David on "As It Happens," CBC Radio Network
box 205

Tape 8 1971

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Appearance on Barry Farber's show, WMCA
box 205

Tape 7 1981 May 13

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: CJAD Montreal
box 205

Tape 9 1973 April 15

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Talk on Deir Yassin Day at American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon. Side B: Question and answer period
box 205

Tape 10 1981 February 12

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, Ohio University, Athens, OH
box 205

Tape 11 1980 March 13

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Braden-Buchanan show, WRC Radio
box 205

Tape 12 1979 May 4

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Reply to CBS editorial
box 205

Tape 13 1979 January 4-29

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview by press syndicate, Midweek #608, WTJX TV, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands (1/4/1979). Side B: Hamilton Fish re Israel on John Collins' "Night Line," WVWI -CBS affiliate (1/29/1979)
box 205

Tape 14 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: John Cooley - Trip I
box 205

Tape 15 1975 November

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Answer to CBS editorial (Sue Cott). Side B: Debate with Martin Abend re Zionism, Metromedia
box 205

Tape 16 1969

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Crossfire - Rochester
box 205

Tape 17 1978 February 12

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Moshe Dayan on "Meet the Press,"
box 206

Tape 18 1970 March 1

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Coast-to-coast broadcast to 17 cities of speech "Where Goes the Middle East?" from Islamic Center in Detroit, MI
box 206

Tape 19 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Same as Tape 18, but better recording (except short of 5 minutes). Side B: Khankhan interviews; Mrs. Sirhan
box 206

Tape 20 1980 October 29

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Former Israeli ambassador Simcha Dimitz on BBC, London, UK, Led to equal time demand appearance of Lilienthal on "The World Tonight": "Israel and World Opinion," 10/30/1980
box 206

Tape 21 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Conditions Governing Access

Access copy reference number: 82070_a_0000082

Scope and Contents

Side A: Sound recording of telephone conversation with Salsbury ( New York Times), who refused to publish Lilienthal's article re Einstein and Israel. Side B: Calif and Mohamed Mehdi letter - Kowity on Mohamed Mehdi
box 206

Tape 22 1979 June 4

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Barry Farber, WMCA AM, New York City
box 206

Tape 23 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Frustration re media; ad in New York Times (double standard). Side B: Ad (9/14)
box 206

Tape 24 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Ted Furey ( New York Times): controversy over ad (3/17). Side B: Executor Nathan re Einstein's attitude toward Israel
box 206

Tape 25 1979 November 13

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Phone interview from room in Hotel Nova Scotia with CBC Radio for "Information Morning Program" of Don Donelly and Don Tremain, Halifax, Canada
box 206

Tape 26 1979 March 9

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Promotion of The Zionist Connection on Don Harron's "Morning Side," CBC, Toronto, Ontario
box 206

Tape 27 1977 November 14

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, American Humanist Association, New York City
box 206

Tape 28 1974 March 17

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: I. L. Kennen, editor of Middle East Report, Washington, D.C., answer to 3/10/1974
box 206

Tape 29 1978 May 8

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Jack Jayes defends Dodd Mead
box 206

Tape 30 1979 January 18

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Defense of Larry King (who cancelled Lilienthal's appearance on his show) by Joan S. of Dodd Mead (1/18/1979). Side B: Dictation re Tannenbaum and Soviet Jewry
box 206

Tape 31 1979 April 7

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

News 8, "Probe," ABC TV, Dallas, TX
box 206

Tape 32 1976 July 25

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech on Zionism and Racism, Tripoli, Libya. Side B: End of speech; Gotfried Newburger
box 206

Tape 33 1976 May 4

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech at Consumnes River College, Sacramento, CA
box 206

Tape 34-36 1979 April 15

Physical Description: 3 Compact sound cassettes

Scope and Contents

Larry King Show on The Zionist Connection, Mutual Network
box 206

Tape 37 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: George Ball [from 209 to 256 only]
box 206

Tape 38 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Conditions Governing Access

Access copy reference number: 82070_a_0000081

Scope and Contents

Side A: Sound recording of Menuhin (tape #5)
box 206

Tape 39 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Joseph Harsch; Ashraf Ghorbal; Quandt; Platt; Harold Michaels ( Christian Science Monitor). Side B: Harold Michaels: controversy re the Christian Science Monitor's review and discussion of the CIA
box 206

Tape 40 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Harold Michaels re the Christian Science Monitor
box 206

Tape 41 1980 October 8

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Debate with Sol Stern on "Midday," Ch.5., New York
box 213

Tape 42 1958

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Side A: Middle East diary and interviews of Nuri Pasha, Jamali, King Hussein, Mahmoud Younes. Side B: Hassan Heikal, Samir Rifai, and Prince Mashur of Saudi Arabia singing
box 206

Tape 43 1976 May 6

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Appearance on Mark Miller's show "In Depth," KCBS, San Francisco, CA, (aired 5/15 on the 28th anniversary of Israel). See also Tape 136
box 206

Tape 44 1975 November

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: TV Guide; Moise; Time; Journal; argument over ad and with William F. Buckley, Jr. at time of UN Resolution equating Zionism with Racism (11/1975). Side B: Debate with Martin Abend re Zionism, Ch.5, New York City, ?/75 (8/15)
box 206

Tape 45 1971

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Nantucket interviews I (Summer 1971)
box 206

Tape 46 1971

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Conversation at Nantucket with Mrs. Rand and Marta Davies re Zionism (Summer 1971)
box 206

Tape 47 1979 November 22

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview by Nobile, (or 78). Side B: Nantucket
box 206

Tape 48 1971

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Nantucket. Side B: Conversation with Bud Gifford, president of Providence Bank and director of Nantucket Bank re Berger and Hellers, Nantucket (Summer 1971)
box 206

Tape 49 1979 May 1

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech and question and answer period, New York State University, New Paltz, NY
box 206

Tape 50 1979 March 25

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, Phoenix Club, AZ
box 206

Tape 51 1977 October 30

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Conversation with Pomerantz re Lilienthal's letter to the New York Times, c.
box 206

Tape 52 1979

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Conversation with Butler, public affairs VP of Mutual Broadcasting, re cancellation of Lilienthal's appearance on the Larry King Show
box 206

Tape 53 1979 March 5

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Press conference, Montreal, Canada. Side B: The Zionist Connection: recitation of monstrous activities of Dodd, Mead
box 206

Tape 54 1976 May 4

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview for radio workshop, Sacramento, CA
box 206

Tape 55 1979 April 9

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Kay Radke of Dodd Mead and Joan S. the next day. Side B: Phone conversation with Siegel ( New York Times) about Lilienthal's letter to the editor
box 206

Tape 56 1979 February 9-10

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Kay Radke: pressures from Dodd Mead, which refuses to pay promotion expenses for Lilienthal's book (1979 February 9-10). Side B: Kay Radke; Jack Jayes; Peter Taylor (1979 February 15-16)
box 206

Tape 57 1976 May 13

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, Sacramento College, CA, aired on AM and FM radio on
box 207

Tape 58 1970 October 15

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, Mormon Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah
box 207

Tape 59 1979 March 16

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, Holiday Inn, San Francisco, CA
box 207

Tape 60 1976 May

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech and question and answer period, UC Santa Barbara, CA
box 213

Tape 61-62 circa 1972

Physical Description: 2, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Short spots, CBS: Kotch, Hellstrom Chronicle
box 207

Tape 63 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Kathy Telch ( New York Times) (1/24). Side B: [unknown]
box 207

Tape 64 circa 1973

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Harding Bancroft ( New York Times)
box 207

Tape 65 1969 November 26

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Debate with Morris Levinson, National Vice Chairman of ZOA, University of Texas at El Paso, TX
box 207

Tape 66 1979 June 27

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, 18th Annual Unitarian Universalist General Assembly, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, (with an introduction by John N. Booth)
box 207

Tape 67 1980 November 19

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, "Where Goes the Middle East?" Library Associates, University Club, Washington, D.C., (after Ronald Reagan's election)
box 207

Tape 68 1980 November 19

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: End of question and answer period for "Where Goes the Middle East?" Library Associates, University Club, Washington, D.C., (after Ronald Reagan's election)
box 207

Tape 69 1974 November 13

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Debate with Bob Grant, WMCA Radio Metromedia, New York City. Side B: Debate with Martin Abend (1974 November or December).
box 207

Tape 70 1975 October 26

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: UJA program, WOR
box 207

Tape 71 1973 October 25

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Press conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, ; and debate with S. G. Rich of the University of Utah, Provo, 10/25/73
box 207

Tape 72 1975 August 15-September 5

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with Martin Abend, Metromedia TV, Ch.5, New York City, re the Sinai, 9/5/75, and re Zionism
box 207

Tape 73 1974 October 29

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with David Schoenbrum re the PLO on WPIX TV, New York City, ; and with Martin Abend, Metromedia TV, Ch.5, New York City, 11/14/74
box 207

Tape 74 1974 November 14- 19

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: General Brown at Duke University Law School, ; debate with Martin Abend, Ch.5, and with Elmer Berger, Ch. 11. (11/14/1974) Side B: Bob Grant's phone retraction (11/19/1974)
box 207

Tape 75 undated

Scope and Contents

Lilienthal in Bahrain: questions and answers re Arab public relations and education
box 207

Tape 76 1975 November 12-13

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Reply to CBS editorial on UN Resolution equating Zionism with Racism, repeated 5 times (distributed as UN document A/10363 of November 17). Side B: Bachwan
box 207

Tape 77 1975 November 14

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: CBS editorials, TV - Radio
box 207

Tape 78 1972 March 12

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, "Where Goes the Middle East?" Columbia University, International Law Society, NY
box 207

Tape 79 1975 May 15

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech on "Palestine Day," Damascus, Syria, (substituted for Yasir Arafat)
box 207

Tape 80 1975 June 10

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, Information and Foreign Affairs Committees of the People's Assembly, Cairo, Egypt. Side B: Departure from Cairo; arrival in Libya; comments in New York City
box 207

Tape 81 1976 December 27-29

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Martin Abend's comments, 12/16+17+21+27/76; Clark Clifford on CBS TV, 12/27/76; Jimmy Carter re Palestine. Side B: McNeil-Lehrer Report: "Mideast" year end (12/29/76).
box 207

Tape 82 1976 December 5-6

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with Martin Abend re oil, the Middle East, and other topics
box 207

Tape 83 1974 February 19

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with Martin Abend, Metromedia TV
box 207

Tape 84 1974 June 8

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with Martin Abend, Metromedia TV
box 207

Tape 85 1978 March 20

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with Martin Abend, Ch.
box 207

Tape 86 1976 November 22-December 25

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: TV capsules: Martin Abend re the Middle East (1976 December 22-25). Side B: Tom Snyder: "Neo-Nazis," NBC TV (1976 November 22)
box 207

Tape 87 1980 December 2

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Debate with Martin Abend, Women's National Republican Club, New York City
box 207

Tape 88 1976 February 9-20

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Dave Marash: "Middle East Journal," CBS TV, (interviews of Rashid Hussein and others)
box 207

Tape 89 1975 November 14

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: I. F. Stone re Arabs on McNeil-Lehrer Report
box 207

Tape 90 1976 December 23-1977 January 7

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Agronsky and Company re Anwar Sadat, NET TV (12/23/76). Side B: Agronsky and Company re Yitzhak Rabin, NET TV (1/7/1977)
box 207

Tape 91 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Martin Abend re Egypt, 1/77; Walter Cronkite re the Middle East
box 207

Tape 92 1975, 1977

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Anwar Sadat's press conference, Blair House, Washington, D.C. Side (4/6/1977) B: Speech, "Zionist Manipulations to Induce Immigration to Israel," Libya (1975)
box 207

Tape 93 1977 May 12

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Lilienthal, Horowitz, and Van Zile on "Accent On" re the Arab Boycott
box 207

Tape 94 1976-1977

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Arab Boycott program, Part II, (without Lilienthal); debate with Mohamed Mehdi on "Accent On" (11/14/1977). Side B: Felicia Langer, WBAI (1976 October)
box 207

Tape 95 1974 November 8

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: News debate with Bob Grant, WPIX TV, Ch.5, New York City, ; debate with Martin Abend, Metromedia, Ch.5, Nw York City, 11/11/74 (11/8/1974). Side B: Yasir Arafat on "Issues and Answers," (11/9/1974)
box 207

Tape 96 1974 November 13

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with Bob Grant re the PLO, WMCA Radio, New York City, ; Yasir Arafat and General Brown on CBS TV. Side B: Yasir Arafat on World Council of Churches panel, Metromedia TV, Ch.
box 207

Tape 97 1974 October 16

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with Bob Grant, WPIX TV, New York City
box 207

Tape 98 1974 November 17-18

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Bob Grant's apology to Lilienthal, WMCA Radio, 11/18/1974; Isaacs on Jews in American Politics. Side B: Yasir Arafat on "Perspective," ABC Radio (11/17/1974)
box 208

Tape 99 1974 January 1

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with Bob Grant, WPIX TV
box 208

Tape 100 1974 November 1

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Debate with Arnold Forster, former president of the ADL, on Barry Gray's show, WMCA, New York City
box 208

Tape 101 1974 March 10

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Headliner, Sunday Morning, WMAL TV, Washington, D.C.
box 208

Tape 102 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Holliday (of Brown), Monday after Easter; John Lythe, ABC; problems re ad; letter to Fulbr. Side B: April 3.
box 208

Tape 103 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Struggle over costs; Holliday. Side B: Summary of (April 17)
box 208

Tape 104 1975 March 25

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: CBS TV special "Death of a King" on King Faisal's assassination
box 208

Tape 105 1975 March 25

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

King Faisal's assassination, 3/25/1975: debate with Bob Grant, WPIX, New York City; debate with Martin Abend, Metromedia, Ch.5., New York City; Lilienthal's comments, WPIX; CBS/NBC/ABC TV news; Martin Abend and Mohamed Mehdi re King Faisal
box 208

Tape 106 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview of Abu Nadel, Hotel Vendome, Beirut, (just before Ma'alot - also used on BBC and ITV in London) (May 1974). Side B: Departure for the Middle East, ; first visit to Qatar (April 1974)
box 208

Tape 107 1974 November 10

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Lilienthal with Ted Furey and Steve Flanders on "Let's Find Out," WCBS, New York City
box 208

Tape 108 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Ted Cavenau: blackmail re Martin Abend column. Side B: Elmer Berger rebuts Cavenau
box 208

Tape 109 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Robert Paradise ( Wall Street Journal); Bob Grant; Petroleum Week. Side B: Crisis over ad; Robert Paradise; R. Henry; Jack Jayes; Kircher
box 208

Tape 110 1975 February 5

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with Martin Abend, Metromedia, WPIX TV
box 208

Tape 111 1975-1976

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Martin Abend, c. Side B: Conversation with Nobile; talk-show with Tobin (of Continental Oil)
box 208

Tape 112 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Chester Pozey: fears of running ad in Wall Street Journal. Side B: Wall Street Journal; Ted Phillips re USJ; Village Voice
box 208

Tape 113 1974 December 20

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Conversation with Harris Schnawi, WINS, Ch.11, re answer to Rabbi Tannenbaum, used four times c. (12/20/1974). Side B: Conversation with Pat Tobias
box 208

Tape 114 1974 October 29

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: News debate re with David Schoenbrun, WPIX TV, New York City
box 208

Tape 115 1970 September

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Mrs. Sirhan
box 208

Tape 116 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Promises by Tobin to hold a roundtable. Side B: Visit to Tarrytown library: comments on book
box 208

Tape 117 1974 November 26-27

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Ted Furey's editorial on WCBS, and Lilienthal's answer, 12/2/74
box 208

Tape 118 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Phone conversation with Don Walker
box 208

Tape 119 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Wall Street Journal: no help from Bill Rogers, Sue Reid. Side B: Wall Street Journal refuses to run ad; Higgins; Wayne (February 5-6)
box 208

Tape 120 1975 February 27

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: "Ford and the Boycott," WPIX TV, New York City, ; and various Lilienthal commentaries centering on Saudi Arabia
box 208

Tape 121 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Claudia Wright's comments in Riyadh re pressures on Australia
box 208

Tape 122 1981 February 12

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, Ohio University, Athens. Side B: End of speech; question and answer period
box 210

Tape 123 1981 October 22

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: The Zionist Connection discussed with Moshe Kagan and Sheldon Ranz, WBAI (Producer, Valerie Van Isler)
box 210

Tape 124 1977 December 9, 1978

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Dictation (1977 December 9, 1978). Side B: (September 17)
box 210

Tape 125 1980 May 29

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Baghdad, Iraq, V: interview of Saad Hamadi; conversation at Beach Club in Kuwait with editor Chehouri of Al Qabas (5/29/1980). Side B: Kuwait ; VIP Lounge in Bahrain (Lilienthal predicts the assassination of Anwar Sadat [at 275]) (May 29-June 27)
box 210

Tape 126 1983 February 18

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, "There Goes the Middle East," Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
box 210

Tape 127 1980 May 15-18

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Talks with Gabby Baromky, acting president of Bir Zeit University; the former Governor of Jerusalem, in his law office; and refugees at a camp
box 210

Tape 128 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview on student radio station, Carleton University, Ottawa
box 210

Tape 129 1981

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Phone interview, WKPA, New Kensington, Pittsburgh, PA (Fall 1981)
box 210

Tape 130 1981 October 6

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview with call-in questions on Bob Grant's show, WMCA, New York City
box 210

Tape 131 1976 May 6

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, College of Marin, Kentfield, CA. Side B: End of speech; question and answer period
box 210

Tape 132 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: End of question and answer period of Tape 131: Speech, College of Marin, Kentfield, CA (disruption by Jews for Jesus)
box 210

Tape 133 1976 May 1

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA. Side B: End of speech; question and answer period
box 210

Tape 134 1976 May 1

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Same as Tape 133: Speech, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA. Side B: End of speech; question and answer period
box 210

Tape 135 1976 May 6

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech and question and answer period, San Francisco State University, CA. Side B: End of question and answer period
box 210

Tape 136 1976 May 15

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: "Sunday's Best," KCBS, San Francisco, CA, See also Tape 43
box 210

Tape 137 1975 May 1

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, Army Navy Club dinner, Washington, D.C.
box 209

Tape 138 1977 January 13-19

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Reply to WCBS editorial
box 209

Tape 139 1969 March 29

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Lilienthal in Amman, Jordan: voices of Palestinian refugees
box 209

Tape 140 1977 January 16

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Discussion with Mohamed Mehdi on "Accent On" program entitled "An American Perspective on the Arab Boycott," WABC TV. Side B: Martin Abend; Kennan (January 1977)
box 209

Tape 141 1980 October 30

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Appearance on "The World Tonight," BBC, London, UK: "Israel and World Opinion,"
box 209

Tape 142 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Same as Tape 141: Appearance on "The World Tonight," BBC, London, UK: "Israel and World Opinion,"
box 209

Tape 143 1981 May 15

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, "Where Goes the Middle East?" Windsor Hotel, Montreal, Canada, (meeting disturbed by Maronites)
box 209

Tape 144 1984 July 9

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Baghdad interview with editor Simawi of Al Baaf Magazine
box 209

Tape 145 1982 September

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: CBC after Israel's invasion of Lebanon
box 209

Tape 146 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Mid 70's, comments on Israeli pressure in Washington, D.C. on Capitol Hill - Scott vs. Percy, and leakage to Israel re Hawk sale to Jordan through Case and Bingham Zionist assistants
box 209

Tape 147 1974 May 31-June 1

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with Martin Abend, Metromedia TV
box 209

Tape 148 1980 May 13

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Phone interview with Tass (5/13/1980). Side B: Speech, Dutch Treat Club, New York City, ; Harry Steiger (3/17/1981)
box 209

Tape 149 1983 March 18

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Phone interview by Terry Gross, WHYY, Philadelphia, PA
box 209

Tape 150 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

box 209

Tape 151 1983 March 30-31

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Appearance on TV Forum, Ch.6, San Juan, Puerto Rico, (with an introduction by Mrs. Santiago) (3/30/1980). Side B: Speech, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan (3/31/1983)
box 209

Tape 152 1981 December 16

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Doug Carrick's show, WAVI, Dayton, OH
box 209

Tape 153 1977 January

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Dictation re Henry Kissinger
box 209

Tape 154 1983 February 4

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Grand Junction, CO; phone add-on from Phoenix, KREX Radio
box 209

Tape 155 1982 May 25

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: "Chez Ottawa," FM
box 209

Tape 156 1982 April-May

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Discussion with Mohamed Mehdi on AP to AP (Arab People to American People) TV, New York City, (aired 4/22, 4/24, and in May)
box 209

Tape 157 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Dictation in Palestinian camp re Wachs
box 209

Tape 158 1982 April 27

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Call-in show, WTAR, Norfolk, VA
box 209

Tape 159 1981 October 28

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Coverage of AWACS sale, News Center 4, WNBC TV
box 209

Tape 160 1986 March 21

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: "Inquiry," CFPL TV, London, Ontario
box 209

Tape 161 1980 December 15

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Interview by Bob Grant, WMCA Radio, New York City
box 209

Tape 162 1977

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Menachem Begin on "Meet the Press,"
box 209

Tape 163 1980 April 2

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview by Janet Langhart, WMCA Radio, New York City (4/2/1980). Side B: Khaled Fahoum, former chairman of the Palestinian National Committee, in Damascus, Syria; and assorted conversations at Israeli Airport with soldiers en route to West Bank
box 209

Tape 164 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Phone calls after ad appears in the New York Times
box 209

Tape 165 1986 March 26

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, "Middle East Terror," McGill University, Montreal, Canada
box 209

Tape 166 1980 July 19

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, "Where Goes the Middle East?" Dumbarton Town Hall, N.H., at Captive Nations Day Ceremony
box 209

Tape 167 1982 December 8

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Interview for "Middle East in Focus," KPFK Radio, Los Angeles, CA
box 209

Tape 168 1982 June 24

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: "Newsmakers," WTMJ TV, Milwaukee, WI
box 209

Tape 169 1982 May 18

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Appearance on "Day by Day," hosted by Andy Rapp, Ch.19, Delta College, University City, MI
box 209

Tape 170 1983 February 14

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, Monterey Institute of International Studies, CA
box 209

Tape 171 1980 September 23

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview by Pia Lindstrom re Iraq-Iran War on "Live at Five," NBC, New York City
box 209

Tape 172 1982 May 19

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Answer to Lilienthal by R. P. Lochman of Detroit on "Day by Day," Ch.19, Delta College, University City, MI
box 209

Tape 173 1982 March 10

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, Princeton University, PA. Side B: Lilienthal and two young lawyers on Ch.10, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
box 208

Tape 174 1983 February 15

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, UC Berkeley, CA
box 208

Tape 175 1981 October 19

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Interview by Janet Reid on "People Talk," KDKA, Pittsburgh, PA
box 208

Tape 176 1982 September 8

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview by Rob Michaels on "Open Line," WBSM. Side B: AWB and Al Green
box 208

Tape 177 1981 December 7

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, "How the Palestinians Can Win," An-Najah University, Nablus (12/7/1981). Side B: Translation of speech, and question and answer period
box 208

Tape 178 1983 February 2

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: KOY TV, Phoenix, AZ. Side B: Questions
box 208

Tape 179 1983 February 3

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, University of Arizona State, Phoenix, AZ
box 208

Tape 180 1983 February 9

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Press conference, University of Arizona, Tucson, (filmed by WGON TV; Tucson TV used part of it that evening) (2/9/1983). Side B: Interview by Bert Sass, News Center 9, ABC; Carol Karsch, Tucson JCC secretary
box 208

Tape 181 1981 December 19

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Interview by J. Watson, WYIS, Phoenixville, PA, and call-in
box 208

Tape 182 1983 February 20

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview by Prof. Dwight Simpson at San Francisco State University, ; KQED, San Francisco, CA
box 208

Tape 183 1982

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Michael Anthony Hoffman II's comment on "Zionism and Racism, and the Beirut Massacres" (leading to his dismissal from Ithaca radio station)
box 208

Tape 184-185 1982 January 13

Physical Description: 2 Compact sound cassettes

Scope and Contents

Bill Smith's program, WIOD, Miami, FL
box 208

Tape 186 1981 November 18

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, Glasgow University, Scotland, UK
box 208

Tape 187 1983 June 3

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Phone interview from Mobile, AL, for "Open Line" with Christina Bowers, WKRG, New York City
box 208

Tape 188 1979 May 31

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech and question and answer period, New York City (5/31/1979). Side B: End of question and answer period
box 208

Tape 189 1982 July 6

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

"Rapline," WKPA, Pennsylvania
box 212

Tape 190 1982 January 6

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, Stetson University, Deland, FL
box 212

Tape 191 1982 December

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Phone interview, WINZ, Miami
box 212

Tape 192 1982 January 12

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, Dade Community College, Miami, FL
box 212

Tape 193 1982 January 25

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

WSTV Radio, Steubenville, OH
box 211

Tape 194 1977 May 29

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Prince Saud on "Issues and Answers," ABC TV (5/29/1977). Side B: Middle East
box 211

Tape 195 1982 April 29

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.
box 211

Tape 196 1983 February 22

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Appearance on Mike Seigel's talk show, WGBS, Miami, FL
box 211

Tape 197 1982 July 25

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: CBC Sunday Morning re the Middle East
box 211

Tape 198 1986 March 24

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, "Roots of the Middle East Conflict" (Part II), University of Ottawa
box 211

Tape 199 1973 May 16

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Prof. Geo Lenczkowski and Lilienthal at Libyan Youth Conference, Tripoli, Libya
box 211

Tape 200 1980 June 5

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Dictation from Bahrain
box 211

Tape 201 1983 February 9

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Branden-Buchanan show, WRC, (phone-in from Washington, D.C. to Tucson, AZ)
box 211

Tape 202 1983 March 8

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Terry Gross program, WHYY, Philadelphia, PA
box 211

Tape 203 1983 September 30

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview with call-in questions, "Talk of Houston," KPRH Radio, Houston, TX
box 211

Tape 204 1984 April 21

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, 14th American Atheists Convention, Lexington, KY (4/24/1984). Side B: Speech, "Zionism, the Occupying Power," IPO Conference, Vienna, Austria (5/13/1984)
box 211

Tape 205 1984 July

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview of Samawi, editor of Al-Baaf Magazine, Baghdad, Iraq; recording of chanting
box 211

Tape 206 1984 July 9

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Conversation/interview of Samawi
box 211

Tape 207 1984 July 19

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: YMCA Jerusalem: Beit Sahour speech
box 211

Tape 208 1984 July 31

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview in Cairo, Egypt (later used on Cairo Radio)
box 211

Tape 209 1984 September 18

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Remarks, Sabra & Shatila Memorial, Washington, D.C., (includes Clovis Maksoud's remarks)
box 211

Tape 210 1984 September 18

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Remarks, Sabra & Shatila Memorial, Arab American groups, Washington, D.C.
box 211

Tape 211 1984 December 7

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Part of interview, WORT Radio, Madison, WI (12/7/1984). Side B: Part of press conference on 2nd visit to Prag, Czechoslovakia (5/28/1985)
box 211

Tape 212 1985 March 10

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview by Abdul Salem Y. Massarueh for Arab newspapers at Foundry Restaurant
box 211

Tape 213 1985 May 2

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, Organization of Arab Students, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
box 211

Tape 214 1985 May 5

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: NAAA Convention - Authors' Roundtable
box 211

Tape 215 1985 May 10-13

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Dictation for lectures at University of London, UK, and at Institute on Strategic Studies (5/10/1985). Side B: In discussion at Institute on Strategic Studies (5/13/1985)
box 211

Tape 216 1985 June 4

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, "Wanted: A New Middle East Policy," Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, PA
box 211

Tape 217 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Same as Tape 216: Side A: Speech, "Wanted: A New Middle East Policy," Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, PA
box 211

Tape 218 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Same as Tape 216: Side A: Speech, "Wanted: A New Middle East Policy," Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, PA
box 211

Tape 219 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Master copy of Tape 216: Side A: Speech, "Wanted: A New Middle East Policy," Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, PA
box 211

Tape 220 1985 September 10

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, Cornell Club of Washington luncheon, Washington, D.C.
box 211

Tape 221-222 1985 October 14

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview by John McCullouch on his call-in show, WWWE Radio, Cleveland, OH, (9:30-10:00)
box 211

Tape 223 1985 October 14

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Dictation of letter to the New York Times on the Achille Lauro highjacking
box 211

Tape 224 1985 November 25

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview by Steve Dion, WGUN TV, Tucson, AZ
box 211

Tape 225 1985 December 5

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: "Crossfire" with Tom Braden, Congressman Dornan, and David Bar-Ilan, CNN
box 211

Tape 226 1981 June 17

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Debate between Hyman Bookbinder (ADL) and Said Areikat (Palestinian Congress of North AmericSide A: re Israel's raid on Iraq on John Cigna's show, KDKA Radio, Pittsburgh, PA, (Lilienthal was cancelled out of the show, but was interviewed two days later after protesting)
box 211

Tape 227 1980

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Mark Schreiber, KQV, Pittsburgh, PA, (sabotage SS) (Fall 1980)
box 211

Tape 228 1985 December 10

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with Hal Saunders and Wolf Blitzer re the Middle East Conflict on BIZNET "Ask Washington," U.S. Chamber of Commerce, (studio copy)
box 211

Tape 229 1985 December 10

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Lilienthal's recording of Tape 228: Side A: Debate with Hal Saunders and Wolf Blitzer re the Middle East Conflict on BIZNET "Ask Washington," U.S. Chamber of Commerce
box 210

Tape 230-231 1986 January 7

Physical Description: 2 Compact sound cassettes

Scope and Contents

Interview by Merle Pollis, Radio 11, WWWE Cleveland
box 210

Tape 232 1986 May 8

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Cornell teach-in about Libya
box 213

Tape 233 1984 July 20

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Side A: Interview by Charles Metropolis, Radio Jordan
box 210

Tape 234 1988

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Interview from Athens, Greece, of recent deportees; background on Al-Awdah ship (2/11 or 12/1988)
box 210

Tape 235 1988 February 15

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Comments from Jerusalem on the Intifadah
box 210

Tape 236 1988 February

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Further comments from Jerusalem on Soviet Jewry, universalism, the Holocaust, and Elie Wiesel
box 210

Tape 237-238 1988 February

Physical Description: 2 Compact sound cassettes

Scope and Contents

Lilienthal in Gaza: interview of Abu-Rahmed; visit to Mrs. Nassar's home; hospital; reception at National Hotel
box 210

Tape 239-240 1988 March 6

Physical Description: 2 Compact sound cassettes

Scope and Contents

Press conference at PLO Office in Tunis, Tunisia
box 210

Tape 241-242 1988 February 29

Physical Description: 2 Compact sound cassettes

Scope and Contents

Side A: Conversation with Hassan Ahmed Khalil and family at Jalazone refugee camp (2/29/1988). Side B: Ecumenical service and other events at Athens; Al-Awdah ship happening. Side A: Continuation of Tape 241; report on the arrival of George Shultz in Jerusalem on the day of the attack on Lilienthal at Ramallah and struggle over tear gas canister. Side B: Beginning of Tape 241 (talk with Palestinian family at Jalazone)
box 210

Tape 243 1965 April 11

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Talk with Sullivan, Ch.5, WNBC Radio?, ?; threat on Lilienthal's life; Jeffrey Kolbrook, Rabbi Rappoport, Wellborn
box 210

Tape 244 1980 June 5

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Dictation from Bahrain
box 210

Tape 245 1974 November 4

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Debate with Bob Grant on "Newsmaker," (11/4/1974). Side B: Nobile (1st tape): heated conversation over media distortions
box 210

Tape 246 1982 March 10

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, "Where Goes the Middle East?" Princeton University, PA
box 210

Tape 247 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Call from anonymous protester re ad in the New York Times [up to 232]
box 210

Tape 248 1982 June 7

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

News of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon [starts at 465]; Lilienthal on Counterpoint, Station CF, Montreal, ; undetermined conversation
box 210

Tape 249 1980 June

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Dictation re Saudi psychosis following luncheon for Lilienthal at the Equestrian Club, and refusal of young Saudi leaders to participate in anti-Zionism campaign
box 210

Tape 250 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Phone conversations with various people at WABC re Lilienthal's demand for equal time on "Accent On," in particular with Douglas Land, attorney for WABC, re obligation to present both sides. Side B: Conversations with Skinner and Warren Richardson re the press
box 210

Tape 251 1978 August 31

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Press conference, National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
box 212

Tape 252 1986 March 24

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, "Roots of the Middle East Conflict" (Part I), University of Ottawa
box 212

Tape 253 1986

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Libyan memorial service and press conference sponsored by the USA Holy Land State Committee, c. (Spring 1986)
box 212

Tape 254 1985 October 16

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech and most of the question and answer period, Phi Beta Kappa Association, Washington, D.C.
box 212

Tape 255 1986 March 21

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Question and answer period, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
box 212

Tape 256 1988 December 1

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Phone interview, KPFK Los Angeles, with Pacifica upon return from Palestine National Council meeting in Algiers
box 212

Tape 257 1988 March 22

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Dialogue with Quebec Jewish community leader Stephen Lipper, Rick Moffat Show, CJAD Radio, Montreal, Canada
box 212

Tape 258 1988 January 26

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, "What Price Middle East Peace?" George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
box 212

Tape 259 1983 September 30

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Interview, "A.M." LBC Radio, London, Great Britain, 11/22/88, re significance of Algiers conference and statement by the Palestine National Council
box 212

Tape 260 1988 November 22

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Interview with call-in questions, "Talk of Houston," KPRH, Houston, Texas
box 212

Tape 261 1980 October-1981

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous dictation with media and personalities at time of Unitarian Church speech (40 to 79)
box 212

Tape 262 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Call for Middle East dialogue [from only]
box 213

Tape 263 1965 March 24

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

appearance on Radio Baghdad, Iraq
box 213

Tape 264 1970 January 8

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

7th Annual Asian Institute, Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa, Idaho
box 213

Tape 265 undated

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Interview by Bob Grant, WMCA, New York City, 2/72 (day after ad in New York Times)
box 213

Tape 266 1974

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

appearance on Radio Kuwait
box 213

Tape 267 1966

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

appearance on Barry Farber's show, WOR, New York City
box 213

Tape 268 1971 December 17

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Rebuttal to Jim Branch's commentary of on WRFM, New York City, 12/17/71 (12/2)
box 213

Tape 269 1973 May

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Ceremony by children at Palestinian Red Crescent, Tripoli, Libya
box 213

Tape 270 1957 May 15

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

appearance on Barry Gray's show, WMCA, New York City
box 213

Tape 271 1974 May 16

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Appearance on "The World Tonight," BBC, London, UK, (after Ma'alot and meeting Abu Nidal). This appears to be part II
box 213

Tape 272 1954

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Interview on Radio Jordan, Amman
box 213

Tape 273 1971 July

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, Unitarian Church, Nantucket, MA, ("War Comes to Nantucket"). Question and answer period only
box 213

Tape 274 1956 April 4

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, Los Angeles Breakfast Club, CA
box 213

Tape 275 circa 1963

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Appearance on Radio Baghdad, Iraq (1963 or 1965 June)
box 213

Tape 276 1956 April 9

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, "Middle East: Friend or Foe?" Marine Memorial Building, San Francisco, CA
box 213

Tape 277 1974

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Debate with Martin Abend re ad in the Wall Street Journal, Metromedia TV, Ch.5, New York City (Fall 1974)
box 213

Tape 278 1970 October 15

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Devotional address, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
box 213

Tape 279 1974 February 7

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Debate with Martin Abend, Metromedia TV, Ch.5
box 213

Tape 280 1957 June 11

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Appearance on "Night Beat," WNBC Radio, with host John Nebel, Kevin O'Dougherty, Mr. Karash, and Rabbi Silver
box 214

Tape 281-282 1965 April 11

Physical Description: 2, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Debate with Rabbi Silver re Arab Boycott on John Nebel's show, WNBC Radio
box 214

Tape 283 1968 February 26

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, Middle East Center, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
box 214

Tape 284 1969 April 28

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, "A Jew Looks at Zionism: The Other Side of the Middle East Coin," SUNY, Albany, NY
box 214

Tape 285 1973 May 15

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, Youth Conference, Tripoli, Libya, (25th anniversary of Israel)
box 214

Tape 286 1975 May

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Appearance, Radio Damascus, Syria, (at time when substitued for Yasir Arafat to give a speech on "Palestine Day," May 15)
box 214

Tape 287 1974 March 10

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Interview on "Headliner," WMAL TV, Washington, D.C.
box 214

Tape 288 1967 November 30

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, "Where Goes the Middle East?" Student Center, University of Houston, TX. Side B: Apperance with Reverend Anis Shorosh on "Anything Goes," KTRH, Houston, TX
box 214

Tape 289 1963 July 17

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, "Arabs, Israelis, Oil, and Trouble," Rotary Club, Nantucket, MA
box 214

Tape 290 1970 April 25

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Radio interview on Libyan Broadcasting Service, Tripoli, Libya
box 214

Tape 291 1969 January 26

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Press Conference, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
box 214

Tape 292 circa 1978

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Debate with Sidney Zion and call-in period on "Advise and Dissent: The Community Response to McNeil-Lehrer," New York City TV
box 214

Tape 294 1985 May 29

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Press conference, Prague, Czechoslovakia
box 212

Tape 295 1985 June 22

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

appearance on Arab-American radio program, Tom Shire and Linda Simon, 3 callers
box 212

Tape 296 1986 March 25

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, Lebanese Syrian Canadian Association, Montreal, Canada
box 212

Tape 297 1986 March 25

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Same as Tape 296: Speech, Lebanese Syrian Canadian Association, Montreal, Canada
box 212

Tape 298 1986 April 22

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Memorial service for the victims in Lybia, Washington Hotel, and press conference organized by the Holy Land State Committee (HLSC), with Lilienthal and others speaking
box 212

Tape 299 1986 September 19

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

W. W. Baker on "Bob Grant Show," WABC-770 AM
box 212

Tape 300-301 1987 January 20-21

Physical Description: 2 Compact sound cassettes

Scope and Contents

Comments, Forum on Terrorism, 1987 Student Symposium on International Terrorism, Millsaps College, Jackson, Mississippi
box 212

Tape 302 1988 January 26

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, "What Price Middle East Peace?" George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
box 212

Tape 304 1988 July 10

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Phone interview by Judith Gabriel of Pacifica Radio, CA
box 212

Tape 305 1989 March 28

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Speech, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA. Side B: Question and answer period
box 212

Tape 308 1989 June 14

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech and post-address conversations, Rotary Club of Washington, D.C.
box 212

Tape 309 undated

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Meir Kahane's speech followed by question and answer period, National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
box 212

Tape 310 1988

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Lilienthal meeting with Mr. Shen and Mr. Zhand from China, c. (Spring 1988)
box 214

Tape 311 1966 January 19

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Interview by Bob Dalton and call-in on "For Your Information," WTOP, Washington, D.C., re The Other Side of the Coin
box 214

Tape 312 1958

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Middle East Voices
box 214

Tape 313 undated

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Same as Tape 312 [not as good a recording]
box 214

Tape 314-315 1976 February 3

Physical Description: 2, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

"Empathy," WWDC, Washington, D.C.
box 214

Tape 316 1956

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Press conference at Republican National Convention, San Francisco, (question of nationalization of Suez Canal)
box 214

Tape 317 1973 October 28

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

"Middle East Crisis" on Face to Face, CBS, Salt Lake City, Utah
box 214

Tape 318 1966 July 18

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Panel discussion on Brad Crandell's show, NBC, followed by a telephone poll, - Lilienthal, Ben Davidson (Liberal party of New York State), Jacques Torzyner (president of ZOSide A:, and Professor Robert Hirshfeld discussing whether "Mayor Lindsay and Governor Rockerfeller were right to snub King Faisal"
box 214

Tape 319 1966 July 18

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Same as Tape 318: Panel discussion on Brad Crandell's show, NBC, followed by a telephone poll, - Lilienthal, Ben Davidson (Liberal party of New York State), Jacques Torzyner (president of ZOSide A:, and Professor Robert Hirshfeld discussing whether "Mayor Lindsay and Governor Rockerfeller were right to snub King Faisal"
box 214

Tape 320 1966 July 18

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Same as Tape 318: Panel discussion on Brad Crandell's show, NBC, followed by a telephone poll, - Lilienthal, Ben Davidson (Liberal party of New York State), Jacques Torzyner (president of ZOSide A:, and Professor Robert Hirshfeld discussing whether "Mayor Lindsay and Governor Rockerfeller were right to snub King Faisal"
box 215

Tape 321 1957

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Interview by Haikal in Cairo
box 215

Tape 322-323 1956 April 3

Physical Description: 2, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, Freedom Club, Los Angeles, California
box 215

Tape 324 undated

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Interview by Tom Reeky on "Background," ABC, Michigan, on Lilienthal's speech at the University of Michigan two days earlier; and excerpts of Shimon Peres who spoke a week earlier
box 215

Tape 325 1966

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Colonel Mahmoud Younes, chairman of Suez Canal Authority, at luncheon of American-Arab Association, New York City, (introduced by General Wheeler)
box 215

Tape 326 1963 October

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech "The Road to Victory," Assuit University, Assuit, Egypt
box 215

Tape 327 1968 March 13

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Side A: Wooster College, Wooster, Ohio. Side B: Question and answer period
box 215

Tape 328-329 1967 November 14

Physical Description: 2, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
box 215

Tape 330 1954 January 29

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, "Middle East: Friend or Foe?" City Auditorium, Colorado Springs, Colorado
box 215

Tape 331 1970 January 13

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, "The Middle East: Another Vietnam?" State University of Washington, Pullman, Washington
box 215

Tape 332 1953 May

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

arrival of John F. Dulles in Cairo, Egypt
box 215

Tape 333 1967 May 16

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, "The Middle East: Another Vietnam?" University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
box 215

Tape 334 1970 March 1

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, "A Jew Demands Justice for the Arabs," and telephone tie-up to 15 cities, Islamic Center, Detroit, Michigan
box 215

Tape 335 1968 November 21

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, "Where Goes the Middle East?" University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
box 215

Tape 336 1955 February 10

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, "Where Goes the Middle East?" Hamilton College, Clinton, New York
box 215

Tape 337 1973 May 15

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Interview by Ezzidin Sirag, Libyan Broadcasting Service, Tripoli, Libya, on Palestine Day
box 215

Tape 338 undated

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Interview on Radio Cairo [questions in French - Lilienthal's answers in English]
box 215

Tape 339 1968 February 13

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Morning Chapell Call Requiem, "Poposal for a New Middle East Prophecy," Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem
box 215

Tape 340 1969 April 14

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Speech, "Where Goes the Middle East?" Women's Society of Scarsdale, Community Baptist Church, Scarsdale, New York
box 215

Tape 341 undated

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous dictation, including on Saul Bellow (after '67)
box 215

Tape 342 1974 December 2

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

answer to CBS editorial on U.S. Middle East policy, New York City
box 215

Tape 343 undated

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous dictatation
box 215

Tape 344 1976 April 27

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Radio announcement of Lilienthal's speech "The Middle East Crisis: What Should America's Role Be?" at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California
box 215

Tape 345 1977 April

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous dictation, including open letter to Mohammed Ali (Cassius Clay), c.
box 212

Tape 346 1979 March 26

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech, "Where Goes the Middle East?" American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird), Glendale, Arizona
box 212

Tape 347 1991 November 7

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Speech and question and answer period, UNO group, Tokyo, Japan
box 212

Tape 348 1991 November 7

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Question and answer period Kywa Kyokai, Diet Building, Tokyo, Japan
box 212

Tape 349 1985 June 12

Physical Description: 1 Compact sound cassette

Scope and Contents

Side A: Press conference, National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
box 205


Physical Description: 25 Compact sound cassettes

Moving Image 1985-1990

box 216

Tape 293 1985 May 28

Physical Description: 1 Betamax videocassette

Scope and Contents

Prague, Czechoslovakia, (or December 1988) [bad quality]
box 216

Tape 303 1988 March 28

Physical Description: 1 VHS videocassette

Scope and Contents

Operation "Shining Sun," a major offensive of the National Liberation Army of Iran, (may include Lilienthal's commentary)
box 216

Tape 306-307 1989 April 13-16

Physical Description: 2 VHS videocassettes

Scope and Contents

ADC National Convention, Washington, D.C., XII: "Eyewitness Israel" (includes Lilienthal's comments)
box 216


Physical Description: 1 Betamax videocassette
box 216


Physical Description: 2 VHS videocassettes
box 216


Physical Description: 1 film reel (16mm)


film shelf

"The Turbulent Middle East," 2 reels


Use copy reference number: 82070_f_0003791


Scope and Contents note

2,313 prints, 37 negatives, 146 negative strips, 13 contact sheets, and 13 slides depicting Lilienthal and others in the United States and in various countries of the Middle East.
envelope mA

24 prints depicting Lilienthal, including 1 dressed as a Saudi prince at Nantucket and 1 behind the wheel of boat belonging to Parade Magazine editor Motley

envelope B

7 prints depicting Lilienthal during speaking engagements and interviews undated

envelope C

5 prints depicting books written by Lilienthal and clippings mentioning Lilienthal

envelope D

15 prints depicting Lilienthal and other members of United Youth for Defense, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., General Hershey (head of draft), and former Midwest Governor Paul McNutt, as well as with Jackie Cooper and Alice Marble 1941

envelope E

3 prints depicting Lilienthal in uniform in San Francisco as a consultant to the U.S. Delegation at the UN Conference April 1945

envelope F

1 print depicting Lilienthal with members of the One World Club in Washington, D.C. 1946

envelope G

4 prints and 1 negative depicting Lilienthal in Egypt interviewing Gamal Abdel Nasser for NBC, ; with Prime Minister Mohamed Naguib, U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, and Harold E. Stassen, 11 May 1953; and with Mahmoud Younes 7 May 1953, undated

envelope H

21 prints, 13 contact strips, and 4 negatives depicting Lilienthal visiting refugee camps in Gaza with Colonel Salah Gohar (before being stranded there for one month) 1953

envelope I

1 print depicting Lilienthal in Jerusalem with Rabbi Benjamin of Neturei Karta 1953

envelope J

4 prints depicting Lilienthal in Lebanon at a press conference of Adlai Stevenson and John Foster Dulles at the American University of Beirut Alumni Club, print depicting Stevenson's son Borden 1953; and 1

envelope K

5 prints and 7 slides depicting Lilienthal visiting refugee camps with Adlai Stevenson and Wilton Wynn in the Bakaa Valley 1953

envelope L

5 prints depicting Adlai Stevenson with Camille Chamoun and Saab Salaam at the dedication of a hydroelectric plant in the Bekaa Valley; and 2 prints depicting Lebanese foreign minister George Hakim or Emile Boustany and Izzat Tannous 1953

envelope M

2 prints depicting Lilienthal with U.S. ambassador to Lebanon Harold Mino 1953

envelope N

6 prints and 1 negative depicting Lilienthal in Syria with President Adib Shishakly July 1953

envelope O

1 print depicting Lilienthal at the British Empire Club, Providence, Rhode Island 15 January 1954

envelope P

1 print depicting Lilienthal in Iraq in playing water polo with Prime Minister Fadhil Jamali at the Alwiya Club in Baghdad; and 4 prints of Babylon 1954,

envelope Q

1 print depicting Lilienthal at the Jordan Hospital with head of hospital Dr. Dejani 29 August 1954

envelope R

10 prints depicting Lilienthal arriving in Beirut in met by Mrs. Khartabil, Ludwig Tamari, and Izzat Tannous; and at a reception at the Alumni Club after addressing the Palestinian Arab Women League August 1954,

envelope S

20 prints depicting Lilienthal in Lebanon with Camille Chamoun, Saab Salaam, and Sami Solh; and at a reception in Beirut given by the Minister of Information Ezzedine N'Souli, with Permanent Undersecretary Fouad Amoun and Wilton Wynn of AP September 1954

envelope T

3 prints depicting Lilienthal visiting refugee camps in Lebanon 1954

envelope U

20 prints and 2 negatives depicting Lilienthal in Egypt in 1954, including with Mohamed Naguib, Wilton Wynn, and Kennett Love during the celebration of the first anniversary of Egyptian Revolution outside of Alexandria; addressing the Rotary Club at the Nile Hilton in Cairo on ; and at a press conference given by Gamal Abdel Nasser October 12

envelope V

9 prints depicting Lilienthal during his first visit in Saudi Arabia, including with Sheik Khalid Abdul Walid, Sheik Yousuf Yasin, and Minister of Information Abdullah Bulkair 1954

envelope W

21 prints depicting Lilienthal in Syria in 1954, at a press conference in Aleppo and at the opening of the Damascus Fair, where copies of What Price Israel? are on display

envelope X

3 prints depicting Lilienthal in Rome November 1956

envelope Y

8 prints depicting Lilienthal with Gamal Abdel Nasser at his home, Minister of Economy Abdul Mouneim Kaissouny, and Minister of the Interior Zakharia Mohieddine 1956

envelope Z

5 prints depicting Lilienthal giving two different press conferences, one at the Semiramis Hotel in Cairo, with Wilton Wynn and Ibrahim Izzrat in the audience 6 December 1956,

envelope AA

11 prints depicting Lilienthal visiting Lebanon President Camille Chamoun in his summer residence at Beit Eldin 1956

envelope AB

51 prints depicting Lilienthal in Lebanon, including with Izzat Tannous, at various functions and at Baalbek on after a reception at the US Embassy 1956-1957, 4 July 1956

envelope AC

18 prints depicting Lilienthal in Egypt, including with Anwar Sadat, with Egyptian Jews visiting a synagogue, with journalist Dorothy Thompson; smoking a narguilla; and with famed belly-dancer Nadia Gammal. Includes an autographed picture of Anwar Sadat 1956-1957,

envelope AD

20 prints depicting Lilienthal speaking at the Propeller Club in Beirut, and at the airport leaving for Amman, where the plane was held for him as he was visiting King Hussein 7 January 1957,

envelope AE

1 print depicting Lilienthal after a lecture in the Midwest Fall 1957?

envelope AF

16 prints of Lilienthal in Cologne, Germany, with UN armed forces before leaving for Cairo; and in Jerusalem attending an Easter service with General E. L. M. Burns, and at unidentified locations in the Middle East 1958

envelope AG

142 prints of Lilienthal in Jerusalem at Easter and in Jordan, including at the opening of Parliament; with King Hussein and his Circasian guard; and at Mandelbaum Gate and Church of the Holy Sepulchre 1958,

envelope AH

39 prints of Lilienthal at Kalandra and other refugee camps in Jordan and among ruins of Israeli raid 1958

envelope AI

52 prints of Lilienthal at Ismailia, Egypt, with Suez Canal Co. president Mahmoud Younes and with children of Ismailia, and on a visit to the Sphinx. Includes prints of ships in the Canal and of new housing in Suez after the war, as well as of Lilienthal with Egyptian military, and at al Gamma en route to Alamein 1958,

envelope AJ

9 prints of Lilienthal with Gamal Abdel Nasser 11 June 1958

envelope AK

37 prints of Lilienthal in Iran 1958

envelope AL

19 prints of Lilienthal in Iraq, including with King Faisal in his garden with Prime Minister Nuri es-Said and with Foreign Minister Fadhil Jamadi. Includes prints of last celebration of National Development Week and of Saudi and Kuwaiti princes, in particular Saudi Prince Hishal May-June 1958,

envelope AM

21 prints of Lilienthal in Lebanon, including with Mrs. Charles Malik and U.S. ambassador to Lebanon and Mrs. Donald Heath. Includes prints of Baalbek 1958,

envelope AN

24 prints of Lilienthal in Saudi Arabia, including at Nassiryah Palace with water deliverers, and with U.S. ambassador to Lebanon Donald Heath 1958

envelope AO

31 prints of Lilienthal visiting refineries, ministries, and Saudi Arabia's Prince Mashur's school (called the King's Sons School) in Riyadh 1958

envelope AP

21 prints and 6 slides of Lilienthal with Prince Mashur, (one of these was reproduced in Life Magazine) 1958

envelope AQ

32 prints of Lilienthal in Syria in including with President Kuwathy and army officers on Syrian National Day 1958,

envelope AR

4 prints of Lilienthal at the University of Kansas in Lawrence for a symposium on foreign affairs, Includes group picture and 1 with Harry Truman August 1958

envelope AS

4 prints of Lilienthal signing autographs after his lecture at a high school in Ridgewood, New Jersey 2 December 1955

envelope AT

24 prints of Lilienthal in Israel (including talking with workers), Lebanon, and Cyprus 1960

envelope AU

1 print of Lilienthal at the Rotary Club in Cairo 15 January 1960

envelope AV

2 prints of Lilienthal at Oxford University where he lectured 9 November 1960

envelope AW

5 prints and 1 negative of Lilienthal in Iraq with Chief Rabbi Khedouri Sasoon December 1960

envelope AX

8 prints of Lilienthal in Kuwait, including with Emir Abdullah Sabah and the British Governor General December 1960,

envelope AY

1 print of Lilienthal in Spokane, Washington 9 February 1961

envelope AZ

3 prints of Lilienthal at an Arab Oil Conference in Beirut, including Abdullah Tariki, Minister of Petrol of Saudi Arabia, and Joe Ellinger of ARAMCO c. 1961-1962,

envelope BA

15 prints of Lilienthal in Saudi Arabia, including with King Saud and his sons, Sheik Abdullah Sabah of Kuwait, and Gunnar Jarring 1962,

envelope BB

11 prints of Lilienthal in Egypt in at a luncheon honoring him at the Mohamed Ali Club with Vice-Premier Abdul Khader Hatem, Minister of Education Abdel Aziz El-Sayed, and Mohamed El-Bahey; speaking at the University of Assuit; and at the Nile Hilton with Tab Hunter 1963

envelope BC

1 print of Lilienthal in Damascus with Syrian President Mamoun Kousberri, prints of Lilienthal in Baghdad with Iraqi President Aref; and 1 print of Lilienthal in Beirut with his favorite taxi driver, (?) 1965; 2 1965

envelope BD

4 prints of Lilienthal with Gamal Abdel Nasser, prints of Lilienthal giving a press conference in Amman, (Jordanian Ministry of Information forbad it to be publicized) June 1965; and 2 17 June 1965

envelope BE

2 prints of Lilienthal with Adlai Stevenson at a meeting of the American Arab Association of Commerce and Industry in New York City 1965

envelope BF

1 print of Lilienthal visiting the Eisenhower home in Abilene, Kansas, on a lecture tour in the mid 1960's

envelope BG

2 prints depicting bomb damage in Port Said during the War 1967

envelope BH

13 prints depicting shelled refugee camps in the Gaza strip and East Jordan during the War 1967

envelope BI

1 print of Lilienthal dancing at the Rockefeller Debutante Party 24 November 1967

envelope BJ

2 prints of Lilienthal speaking at Wake Forest University, 13 February 1968; and 1 of Lilienthal showing his book The Other Side of the Coin to members of the Oklahoma Women's Club 14 February 1968

envelope BK

6 prints of Lilienthal addressing the Freedom Club at the First Congregational Church in Pasadena, California, with Ed Delaney listening 11 March 1968,

envelope BL

30 prints depicting victims and destruction near Salt and other places after the Israeli air raids of March-April 1968

envelope BM

11 prints of Lilienthal at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, to debate W. Cleon Skousen 18 April 1968

envelope BN

13 prints depicting Lilienthal at his office on 5th Avenue and 36th Street after it had been broken into 1969

envelope BO

34 prints and 9 strips of negatives of Lilienthal on trip in Cairo, Beirut, Jerusalem, and in Jordan (in particular addressing the Lions Club of Amman), including with Jordanian Foreign Minister Musa Nassir and Bishop Stephen E. Bayne of St. George's Cathedral in Jerusalem. Includes prints of the Allenby Bridge 1969

envelope BP

3 prints of Lilienthal with Sheik Abdullah Salem, Emir of Kuwait, at a reception at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City in the early print of Lilienthal at a session of the Kuwait Assembly in the early 1970's; and 1 1970's

envelope BQ

8 prints of Lilienthal in Amman, including with Prime Minister Abdel Moneim Rifai and at a PLO parade 15 May 1970

envelope BR

8 prints of Lilienthal in Tripoli, visiting school children and with Major Hamza of the Libyan Revolutionary Council June 1970

envelope BS

1 print of Lilienthal with Marion Hewitt Wells and her husband in Reno, Nevada 7 March 1971

envelope BT

4 prints of Lilienthal in Egypt being interviewd for Cairo TV October 1971

envelope BU

21 prints of Lilienthal in Qatar 1972

envelope BV

11 prints of Lilienthal laying a wreath on Nasser's tomb on the second anniversary of his death September 1972

envelope BW

1 print of Lilienthal in Bahrain; and 4 of Lilienthal in Israel with Black Panther leaders 1973

envelope BX

15 prints of Lilienthal in Lybia visiting ruins; participating in the Extraordinary International Conference for Political Movements of European and Arab Countries Youth, with Nigerian Muslim Youth leader 15 May 1973; and 2

envelope BY

3 prints of Lilienthal marching in Tripoli on Palestine Day 15 May 1973

envelope BZ

7 prints of Lilienthal at Muammar Qaddafi's press conference 1973

envelope CA

18 prints of Lilienthal participating in a protest march, with Muammar Qaddafi looking on 1973

envelope CB

14 prints of Lilienthal with Muammar Qaddafi 1973

envelope CC

1 print of Lilienthal in Beirut with members of the Indian Embassy 1973

envelope CD

3 prints of a car wreck on some Lebanese road 1974

envelope CE

14 prints of Lilienthal in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Libya(?) June 1974

envelope CF-CH

139 prints of Lilienthal in Qatar, including with the Emir, Sheik Al-Thani, and with the Minister of Information, Mahmoud Sherif 1974

envelope CI

6 prints and 1 negative of Lilienthal with Yasir Araft after his speech to the United Nations, and other PLO representatives. Includes U.S. Senator James Abourezk and Arab League ambassador Clovis Maksoud November 1974,

envelope CJ

5 prints and 4 negatives of Lilienthal addressing a Libyan reception at the Biltmore Hotel in New York City 1975

envelope CK

2 prints of Lilienthal in Damascus with the head of the Baath Party 1975, 1976, or 1978

envelope CL

51 prints of Lilienthal in Saudi Arabia with King Khalid, in UAE with ruler Qassimi, in Libya with the Shiite Sheikh al-Sadr who disappeared, and in Kuwait 1975

envelope CM

7 prints and 1 negative of Lilienthal in Syria, including with Hafez Assad 1975

envelope CN

3 prints of Lilienthal in Egypt with Saed Marei 1975

envelope CO

33 prints of Lilienthal in Tunisia with Palestinian orphans, and in Bahrain at time of the visit of Saudi Prince Sultan and Prince , Includes prints of Lilienthal with Sheik Issa Khalifa and photographing the Ardah dance with swords 1975

envelope CP

8 prints of Lilienthal in Qatar 1975

envelope CQ

3 prints of various personalities at the funeral of King Faisal, including King Khalid, Saudi Minister of Defense Prince Sultan, Anwar Sadat, Hafez Assad, Sheik Al-Thani of Qatar, Sheik Salami of Kuwait, and Algerian President Houari Boumedienne 1975

envelope CR

1 print of Lilienthal on Channel 5 News 5 September 1975

envelope CS

1 print of Lilienthal with William F. Buckley, Jr. and the crew of Firing Line, (or 29 November 1975 February 1976?)

envelope CT

4 prints and 1 negative of Lilienthal participating in a press conference in New York by the PLO observer to the United Nations, Zehdi Labib Terzi 23 January 1976

envelope CU

2 prints of Lilienthal testifying before New York City's Council against its proposal to change the name of UN Plaza to Zion Square February 1976

envelope CV

8 prints of Lilienthal in Syria, including with Hafez Assad February 1976

envelope CW

47 prints of Lilienthal in Qatar, including visiting the National Museum, Includes possibly earlier prints 1976

envelope CX

35 prints and 2 strips of negatives of Lilienthal in UAE, including lecturing in Abu Dhabi 1976

envelope CY

49 prints and 14 strips of negatives of Lilienthal on lecture tour in California, including with King Fahd's son at the University of California at Santa Barbara, and with Moshe and Marutha Menuhin April-May 1976

envelope CZ

3 prints of Lilienthal in Syria, at a dinner with friends 1977

envelope DA

6 prints of Lilienthal appearing with Mohamed T. Mehdi on Accent On, WABC-TV 16 January 1977

envelope DB

5 prints of a parade in New York City on Palestine Day 15 May 1977

envelope DC

77 prints, 12 negatives, and 4 strips of negatives of Lilienthal in Iraq, including with Foreign Minister Sadoon Hamadi, Said Hammoudi, Saddam Hussein, and Vanessa Redgrave 1978

envelope DD

26 prints of Iraq 1978

envelope DE

39 prints and 9 strips of negatives of Lilienthal in Lebanon, including at a PLO training camp 1978

envelope DF

6 prints of Lilienthal with Al-Quassimi, Emir of Sharja, UAE, and in New York with UAE Foreign Minister Ahmed Khalifa al-Suwaidi 1978

envelope DG

3 prints of Lilienthal launching The Zionist Connection at a UN press conference in New York with PLO observer Zehdi Labib Terzi 29 November 1978

envelope DH-DI

98 prints of Lilienthal greeting various ambassadors at a party launching The Zionist Connection at the Libyan Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York, including with Libyan ambassador Mansur Kikhia, PLO observer Zehdi Labib Terzi, and Saudi ambassador Jamil Baroody, honoring the members of the delegation of the "Libyan People-to-People" diplomacy, including Billy Carter, Kurt Waldheim, and Egyptian ambassador Esmat Abdul Negrid 29 November 1978 Spring 1979

envelope mDJ

7 prints of Lilienthal at a Waldorf Astoria reception in New York honoring the members of the delegation of the "Libyan People-to-People" diplomacy, including Billy Carter, Kurt Waldheim, and Egyptian ambassador Esmat Abdul Negrid, Spring 1979

envelope DK

10 prints of Lilienthal at a Women's National Republican Club dinner honoring him and his book April 1979

envelope DL

1 print of Lilienthal with Father Berrigan at Michigan State University in East Lansing for the 18th Annual Unitarian-Universalist Assembly 27 June 1979

envelope DM

8 prints and 3 strips of negatives of Lilienthal participating in a protest march in New York City in behalf of Palestinian Sami Esmail Fall 1979

envelope DN

2 prints and 1 negative of Lilienthal with Victor Lasky and Alice C. Plaisted at the National Press Club's Annual Book Party 15 November 1979

envelope DO

22 prints and 5 strips of negatives of Lilienthal in Iraq; and 1 print of Lilienthal in Jordan speaking on Radio Amman 1980

envelope DP

37 prints, 2 negatives, and 6 strips of negatives of Lilienthal, mostly in Bahrain, including with Emir Issa Khalifa; at in Kuwait with Al Qabbas J ; with Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky; with a Qatari editor; and with Mayor of Nablus and Mrs. Bassam Shakaa in London after the attempted assassination in a West Bank car bombing in which he lost his leg 1980,

envelope DQ

42 prints and 15 strips of negatives of Lilienthal in Saudi Arabia, mostly at ARAMCO installations and at the University of Dahrain 1980

envelope DR

12 prints of Lilienthal in Vienna, Austria, speaking at the International Progress Organization Conference on Palestine November 1980

envelope DS

57 prints and 18 strips of negatives of Lilienthal in Prague, Czechoslovakia, including at famed Jewish cemetery, Includes prints of drawings done by Jewish children 1980

envelope DT

16 prints of Lilienthal in Dundee, Scotland, receiving a medal from the Lord Mayor, October 1980; in Lebanon, including with Yasir Arafat; in Jerusalem with Rabbi Hirsh; in Iraq, including with the Vice President Tarek Aziz; and lecturing on the West Bank January 1981

envelope DU

2 prints of Lilienthal with Stephen J. Solarz at William Buckley's Firing Line 20th anniversary celebration 1981?

envelope DV

2 prints of Lilienthal speaking at the Windsor Hotel in Montreal, Canada, on Palestine Day, (talk broken up by the Maronites) 15 May 1981

envelope DW

2 prints of Lilienthal with Mohamed T. Mehdi on AP TO AP (Arab People to American People) TV April 1982

envelope DX

74 prints and 23 strips of negatives of Lilienthal on a lecture tour in California, Arizona, and Oregon February 1983

envelope DY

1 print of Lilienthal in Geneva, Switzerland, for the European Regional Preparatory Meeting of the International Conference on the Question of Palestine July 1983

envelope DZ

21 prints and 3 strips of negatives of Lilienthal in Tunis, including with Yasir Arafat and Tunisian ambassador to the UN Mohammed Mestieri July 1983

envelope EA

2 prints of Lilienthal in Baghdad, Iraq, for the International Conference on the Impact of the Gulf War on World Peace and Security July 1984

envelope EB

1 print of Lilienthal at the Egyptian Mission in New York celebrating Egypt's National Day 14 July 1984

envelope EC

2 prints of Lilienthal with Senator James Abourezk and Michael Saba

envelope ED

1 print of Lilienthal with Mohamed Ali in Chicago, (?) 1960

envelope EE

2 prints of Lilienthal with Fathi Arafat, President of the Red Crescent

envelope EF

2 prints of Yasir Arafat

envelope EG

1 print of Lilienthal with Saudi Foreign Minister Suqqaf and Jamil Baroody, Saudi ambassador to the UN

envelope EH

7 prints and 2 strips of negatives of Lilienthal in Jerusalem with Bishop Hilarion Capucci

envelope EI

4 prints of Lebanese President Fouad Shehab

envelope EJ

2 prints of Lilienthal at the Cairo Film Festival with actress Faye Emerson, Egyptian Minister of Education Abdel-Aziz es-said and journalist Ibrahim Ezzat

envelope EK

1 print of Lilienthal with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismael Fahmy

envelope EL

1 print of Lilienthal in Damascus, Syria, with Khaled Fahoum, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian National Council

envelope EM

4 prints of Lilienthal in Washington, D.C. and Saudi Arabia with King Faisal

envelope EN

1 print of Lilienthal with Asia Halaby in front of her home in Jerusalem

envelope EO

5 prints of UN troops and Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold in the Middle East 1956-1957

envelope EP

1 print of Lilienthal with Heikal Mohammed Hassanein Richard Nixon, and Robert F. Kennedy

envelope mEQ

13 prints of King Hussein of Jordan, including with Lilienthal, Richard Nixon, and Robert F. Kennedy

envelope ER

1 print of Gunnar Jarring (of the UN Jarring Mission) in Beirut with Wilton Wynn of AP

envelope ES

1 print of Pope John Paul II

envelope ET

1 print of Iraqi Abdul Karim Kassim

envelope EU

2 prints of Austrian chancellor Bruno Kreisky

envelope EV

2 prints of Archbishop Makarios in Qatar with the Emir, Sheik Al-Thani, at a luncheon attended by Lilienthal

envelope EW

2 prints of Lebanese Patriarch Paul Meouchie, Lebanese Foreign Minister George Hakim, and Cardinal Spellman 1958?

envelope EX

1 print of Lilienthal in Nantucket talking with U.S. Secretary of Navy William Mittendorff

envelope EY

1 print of Lilienthal in Jordan with Prime Minister Hazza Majali three days before his assassination

envelope EZ

7 prints and 1 negative of Gamal Abdel Nasser, including with Lilienthal and Mahmoud Riad visiting Gaza

envelope FA

2 prints of Lilienthal with Mr. Noaman of Yemen

envelope FB

1 print of Merle Oberon getting of the same plane Lilienthal was in 1955

envelope FC

1 print of Lilienthal with Abdullah Philby 1959

envelope FD

9 prints of Muammar Qaddafi, including with President Numeiry

envelope FE

2 prints of Lilienthal with Kamal Abdul Rahman

envelope FF

1 print of Anwar Sadat

envelope FG

3 prints of King Saud, and 1 print of Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud bin Faisal shaking hands with Lilienthal

envelope FH

1 print of Zehdi Labib Terzi holding a press briefing at the UN 19 December 1977

envelope FI

8 prints depicting Lilienthal with foreign dignitaries at various UN receptions, including Jordanian Ambassador Hazem Nusseibeh; Kuwaitian ambassador Abdullah Bishara; PLO representative Farouk Kaddoumi; Iraqi ambassador Adnan Padachi and his wife; and the Tunisian ambassador to the UN Mohammed Mestieri introducing the Tunisian Foreign Minister

envelope FJ

2 prints depicting Lilienthal at a UN reception put on by the Sudanese delegation

envelope FK

2 prints depicting Lilienthal at a UN reception put on by the Omani delegation, for Omani National Day in and at some other time 1981

envelope FL

2 prints depicting Lilienthal at the UN with Jordanian ambassador Abdel Moneim Rifai; British member of parliament Margaret McKay; Archbishop Philip Saliba; and Yemeni ambassador Noaman

envelope FM

2 prints depicting Lilienthal at the UN with Libyan ambassador Mansour Kikhia; foreign minister Ali Treiki; Secretary of the Arab League Chadli Klibi; Clovis Maksoud; for Libyan National Day in and at some other time 1980

envelope FN

3 prints depicting Lilienthal at the UN with UAE ambassador; Madelyn Mallouf; Mrs. Roshan O. Pedder; in and at some other time 1978 or 1979

envelope FO

3 prints of Lilienthal at the UN with UAE Ambassador Saif Ghorbash, Qatar Ambassador Jassim Jamal

envelope FP

1 print depicting Lilienthal at the UN with the Saudi consul general

envelope FQ

1 print of Lilienthal with Saudi Oil Minister Ahmad Zaki Yamani

envelope FR

3 prints of Lilienthal in Egypt at night clubs and at the Auberge des Pyramides

envelope FS

3 prints and 1 negative of Lilienthal in Kuwait dancing at the home of businessman Bader Mulla, and being interviewed by Kabussi of Al Qabas

envelope FT

3 prints of Lilienthal in Lebanon at party honoring him

envelope FU

11 prints of unidentified people and 1 one of Lilienthal with Algerian ambassador and Mrs. Benhima

envelope FV

29 prints depicting Egypt

envelope FW

15 prints depicting Israel

envelope FX

4 prints depicting Kuwait

envelope FY

10 prints depicting Lebanon and Jordan, including the Middle East shelf at the American University of Beirut Library

envelope FZ

9 prints depicting various pro-Israel demonstrations in New York City

envelope GA

4 prints depicting Saudi Arabia, including 1 of a convicted Saudi with hand severed

envelope GB

6 prints depicting Syria

envelope GC

3 prints depicting the Tunisian Trade and Tourist Office in New York City

envelope GD

1 print depicting a scene from the film Lawrence of Arabia

envelope GE

8 prints depicting Ingrid Bergman in the film Golda

envelope GF

19 prints depicting Anthony Quinn and others in the film Mohammad, Messenger of God

envelope GG

4 negatives and 42 strips of negative


Incremental materials 1939-2002


Incremental materials are organized into subseries that mirror the series arrangement of the rest of the collection.

Processing Information

In 2018 Archivist David Jacobs partially processed this increment of materials. In 2023 Archivist Devin McGeehan Muchmore completed the final arrangement and description of the series.

Scope and Contents

Materials are related to the original accession of materials.

Biographical File 1949-1999

Scope and Contents

Address lists, biographies, correspondence, research files, schedules, clippings, and other printed matter, arranged alphabetically by physical form.
box 188, folder 1

80th birthday party materials 1993 November-December

box 154, folder 1-2

Address Lists 1949-1989

box 154, folder 3

Affidavit 1989 February 20

box 188, folder 2

Apartment security notes circa 1990s

box 154, folder 4

Biographies circa 1970s-1990s

box 188, folder 3

Biographies circa 1990s

box 188, folder 4

Christmas card address lists 1994-1995

box 154, folder 5-6

Indexes circa 1980s

box 154, folder 7

Itineraries and Schedules 1955-1986

box 188, folder 5

Kent Jarrett documents circa 1980s

box 188, folder 6

Lottye Lilienthal memorial materials 1983

box 154, folder 8

"Zionist Connection" promotion 1978

box 154, folder 9

Event flyers 1974-1994

box 154, folder 10

Lists of interviews, lectures, and speeches circa 1990s

box 154, folder 11

Lists of interviews, lectures, and speeches circa 1970s-1980s

box 154, folder 12

Lists of interviews, lectures, and speeches circa 1970s-1980s

box 154, folder 13

Programs and testimonials 1992-1999

box 188, folder 7

USSR trip mementos 1985


Correspondence 1950s-2000, undated


Arranged chronologically 1938-2000 undated

box 156, folder 8


box 188, folder 8


box 188, folder 9


box 156, folder 3


box 156, folder 4


box 188, folder 10


box 156, folder 5


box 189, folder 11-12


box 156, folder 6


box 188, folder 11


box 188, folder 12


box 156, folder 7


box 188, folder 13

1984 November-December

box 188, folder 14

1985 January-February

box 188, folder 15

1985 April-September

box 189, folder 1

1985 July-1986 April

box 189, folder 2

1985 October

box 189, folder 3

1985 December-1986 January

box 189, folder 4


box 189, folder 5


box 189, folder 6

1986 February

box 189, folder 7

1986 July-October

box 189, folder 8

1986 November-1987 January

box 157, folder 1


box 157, folder 2


box 157, folder 3


box 189, folder 9


box 157, folder 4


box 189, folder 10


box 157, folder 5


box 190, folder 1


box 157, folder 6



Arranged alphabetically 1947-1999

box 158, folder 10

Abdel-Meguid, Ahmed Esmat 1973-1992

box 158, folder 11

Abdin, Jerry 1970 October 24

box 158, folder 12

Abe, Masao 1976 October

box 158, folder 13

Abukhater, Lesley 1988 April

box 158, folder 14

Abu Su'ud, Fatima 1980 September 23

box 159, folder 1

Adda, Georges 1987-1998

box 190, folder 2

Adda, Georges 1986-1988

box 159, folder 2

Adler, Frank J. 1978 December 5

box 159, folder 3

Afzal, Omar 1986 October-1987 September

box 159, folder 4

Agius, Chris 1989 May 9

box 159, folder 5

Ahmad, Eqbal 1990 October 4

box 159, folder 6

Aini, Mohsen el- 1987 March 2

box 159, folder 7

Alaiban, Bandar 1987 September 28

box 159, folder 8

Allen, Paul Shearman 1987 July-October

box 159, folder 9

Amad, Adnan El- 1989 January 20

box 159, folder 10

Ambrose, William 1982 January-April

box 159, folder 11

Ameen, Mike 1974 March 26-27

box 159, folder 12

Arab American Affairs Council 1982 July-November

box 159, folder 13

American Civil Liberties Union 1990 May 2-1991 December 3

box 159, folder 14

American University of Beirut 1972, 1994

box 190, folder 4

American University of Beirut 1993-1994

box 159, folder 15

Americans for Justice in the Middle East 1972-1979

box 159, folder 16

Amerling, Saram 1972 May-June

box 159, folder 17

Anani, al-Jawad 1994 April 10

box 159, folder 18

Anderson, John B. 1991 January 16

box 159, folder 19

Anderson, Roy 1964 January 20

box 159, folder 20

Anthony, John Duke 1989, 1998

box 159, folder 21

Antonelli, Judith 1992 April 2

box 159, folder 22

Arabian American Oil Company 1970-1982

box 159, folder 23

Arafat, Yasser 1978-1997

box 190, folder 3

Arafat, Yasser 1984 August 18

box 159, folder 24

Arons, Lud 1990 October

box 159, folder 25

Ashrawi, Hanan 1992, 1999

box 159, folder 26

Assad, al-Hafez 1972, 1991

box 159, folder 27

Attiga, Ali 1968-1978

box 159, folder 28

Awad, Amir A. 1990 January 13

box 159, folder 29

Azzam, Abddul Rahman 1975 April 17

box 159, folder 30

Baabaki, Rouhi 1994 July 9

box 159, folder 31

Bader, Salem 1966 July 5

box 159, folder 32

Baker, Harold D. 1977 November 1

box 159, folder 33

Baker III, James A. 1989-1994

box 159, folder 34

Baker, William W. 1983 December 28

box 159, folder 35

Bakry, Tawfik el 1964 May 27

box 159, folder 36

Baldwin, Donald 1975-1992

box 159, folder 37

Ball, George 1985, 1988

box 159, folder 38

Ballew, William V., Jr. 1979 May 29

box 159, folder 39

Bandar, Prince 1985 December 21

box 159, folder 40

Bakarat, Amin 1993 September 23

box 159, folder 41

Barber, Silas E. 1956 June-July

box 159, folder 42

Barnes, Michael D. 1979 May 25

box 159, folder 43

Barody, Jamil M. 1964 October 29

box 159, folder 44

Batal, James 1970 November 17

box 159, folder 45

Bayne, Marmaduke 1987-1993

box 159, folder 46

Bayoud, Munir 1979 May 21

box 159, folder 47

Bedford, Andy 1988 May 21

box 159, folder 48

Begin, Menachem 1978 September 25

box 159, folder 49

Beltagui, Mamdouh El- 1988 April 7

box 159, folder 50

Berger, Elmer 1947-1978

box 159, folder 51

Bernazani, Paul J. 1985 March

box 159, folder 52

Bertelsen, Hans 1970 July 28

box 159, folder 53

Bigley, Tom 1998 June-August

box 159, folder 54

Bird, Eugene H. 1993 July 1

box 159, folder 55

Bishara, Abdulla 1978-1986

box 159, folder 56

Bite, Rogers H. 1957 November 7

box 159, folder 57

Black, Eugene R. 1960 July 7

box 159, folder 58

Blais, J. Herbert 1987-1989

box 159, folder 59

Blake, Dianne 1979 March-April

box 159, folder 60

Blank, David E. 1999 October

box 159, folder 61

Blumert, Burt 1992 January 27

box 159, folder 62

Bondareff, Esther 1989 November

box 190, folder 5

Book World 1993 May 27

box 159, folder 63

Booth, John Nicholls 1974-1993

box 159, folder 64

Borelli, Nelson 1987, 1990

box 159, folder 65

Bosco, Philip 1999 August 26

box 159, folder 66

Boustany, Nora 1998 August 25

box 159, folder 67

Boutros-Ghali, Boutros 1991, 1995

box 159, folder 68

Brannaman, O.L. 1982

box 159, folder 69

Breech, Alan 1985 August 20

box 160, folder 1

Brokaw, Tom 1991 February 19

box 160, folder 2

Brown, Jack C., Mrs. 1985 December 4

box 160, folder 3

Brown, Mary C. 1996 September 11

box 160, folder 4

Brown, Philip Marshall 1957 February 27-March 7

box 160, folder 5

Buch, Edith 1986 October 20

box 160, folder 6

Buchanan, Pat 1988-1991

box 160, folder 7

Buchen, Philip W. 1987 June 27

box 160, folder 8

Buckley, William F. 1970-1986

box 160, folder 9

Burns, E. Lee 1964 April 30

box 160, folder 10

Bush, George H.W. 1990-1991

box 160, folder 11

Callaway, Bill 1979 February 1

box 160, folder 12

Calleja, Reno 1988 April-1990 June

box 160, folder 13

Cameroth, Elisabeth circa 1980s

box 160, folder 14

Campbell, T.J. 1986, 1988

box 160, folder 15

Canadians for Peace in the Middle East circa 1980s

box 160, folder 16

Capucci, Hilarion 1993, 1999

box 160, folder 17

Carter, Jimmy 1980, 1987

box 160, folder 18

Chanderli, Abdelkader 1964 February 18

box 160, folder 19

Chapin, William 1977 February 6

box 160, folder 20

Chichakly, Mark 1961 October

box 160, folder 21

Chomsky, Noam 1981-1991

box 160, folder 22

Christopher, Warren 1994 March

box 160, folder 23

The Chronicle 1976 August 11

box 160, folder 24

Clark, Ramsey 1988-1991

box 160, folder 25

Cline, Bill and Betsy 1982, 1998-1999

box 160, folder 26

Clinton, William J. 1992, 1995

box 160, folder 27

Cohen, Richard 1996 January 17

box 160, folder 28

Cohen, Ran 1987 June 20

box 160, folder 29

Cohn, Werner 1987 November-1989 November

box 160, folder 30

College of Democracy 1996 May 23

box 160, folder 31

Constable, Trevor James 1987 March 1

box 160, folder 32

Conwell, Allyn B. 1988 June 6

box 160, folder 33-37

Cornell University 1985-1996

box 161, folder 1

Cornell University 1986-1990

box 161, folder 2

Cornell University 1985-1989

box 190, folder 6

Cornell University 1987-1989

box 161, folder 3

Corrigan, Edward C. 1986 April

box 161, folder 4

Cottam, Howard 1985 February 23

box 161, folder 5

Council on American-Islamic Relations 1994 November 28

box 161, folder 6

Counten, Bob 1987 November 27

box 161, folder 7

Countess, Robert H. 1987, 1990

box 161, folder 8

Cousins, Norman 1987 February-March

box 161, folder 9

Crane, Philip 1979 March 1

box 161, folder 10

Creamer, Anna L. 1987 May-June

box 161, folder 11

Crockett, George W., Jr. 1987 July 20

box 161, folder 12

Crowley, Dale, Jr. 1990 June 7

box 161, folder 13

Cullen, George 1973 February-March

box 161, folder 14

Culler, Jonathan 1992 January 17

box 161, folder 15

Cupich, Blase J. 1996 May 8

box 161, folder 16

Curry, W.A. 1983 May 14

box 161, folder 17

Curtis, Charlotte 1975 May 7

box 161, folder 18

Curtis, Richard 1989 August 31

box 161, folder 19

Dabrowski, Stanislaw 1972 October-November

box 161, folder 20

Dacey, Norman F. 1992 July-September

box 161, folder 21

Dagilaitis, J.S. 1978 November 12

box 161, folder 22

Dallal, Shaw J. 1985-1996

box 161, folder 23

D'Amato, Alfonse 1983 October 24

box 161, folder 24

Darragi, R. 1988 September 6

box 161, folder 25

Dattelbaum, David 1987 November 20

box 161, folder 26

David, Warren W. 1985 November 5

box 161, folder 27

Davis, Uri 1983 July 9

box 161, folder 28

Daw, Richard W. 1979 January 20

box 161, folder 29

DeBarr, John A. 1956 April-May

box 161, folder 30

DeCamp, John W. 1981 September 3

box 161, folder 31

De Greene, John 1968 January 24

box 161, folder 32

Denton, Charles R. 1981, 1990-1991

box 161, folder 33

Denton, D.E. 1970 July 13

box 161, folder 34

DesLauriers, Mary S. 1982 March

box 161, folder 35

Dobbs, Audrey 1991 April 20

box 161, folder 36

Dodd, Jonathan 1978 December 1

box 161, folder 37

Dodd, Mead and Company 1977-1980

box 161, folder 38

Dole, Robert 1971, 1987

box 161, folder 39

Doll, Eugene E. 1993, 1995

box 161, folder 40

Dönhoff, Marion Gräfin 1986 January 20

box 161, folder 41

Dorney, Cathryn L.K. 1972 January-March

box 161, folder 42

Doubleday and Company 1980 April 23

box 161, folder 43

Downs, Hugh 1987 April 18

box 161, folder 44

Doyle, Denis 1988-1989

box 161, folder 45

Dudicqs 1991 February 16

box 161, folder 46

Duncan, Pope A. 1985 March

box 161, folder 47

Dunlop, David R. 1987 September 23

box 161, folder 48

DuPlain, Jan 1987

box 161, folder 49

Eddy, William 1950 July 14

box 161, folder 50

Edwards, Colin 1987 October 21

box 161, folder 51

Edwards, Kim V. 1991

box 161, folder 52

Egolft, James E. 1979 April

box 161, folder 53

Eilts, Hermann Frederick 1975 September 29

box 161, folder 54

Eldean, Roy 1982 August 29

box 161, folder 55

Eldridge, Charles 1985 December 4

box 161, folder 56

Elhindi, Ahmed 1980 March 31

box 161, folder 57

Elhouderi, Ali Ahmed 1993 December-1994 January

box 161, folder 58

Ellet, Jean circa 1980s

box 161, folder 59

Ellis, Patrick 1994 June-July

box 161, folder 60

Ellsworth, Terry 1990-1991

box 161, folder 61

Ennes, James M., Jr. 1980-1983

box 161, folder 62

Ennifar, Azzouz 1995 February 8

box 161, folder 63

Ennis, Morris L. 1964 August 19

box 161, folder 64

Estes, Carol K. 1973

box 161, folder 65

Evans, Rowland, Jr. 1990 August 26

box 161, folder 66

Fahmy, Mustafa 1959 June 30

box 161, folder 67

Fakhro, Ali 1973 May 9

box 161, folder 68

Farid, Abdel-Majid 1987 April 18

box 161, folder 69

Faurisson, Robert 1993 May-June

box 161, folder 70

Federal Bureau of Investigation 1968, 1990-1991

box 190, folder 7

Federal Communications Commission 1982 September 8

box 162, folder 1

Felisone, Henry A., Jr. 1982 July 7

box 162, folder 2

Ferguson, Charles W. 1959 July 1

box 162, folder 3

Fetner, P. Jay 1990 January-February

box 162, folder 4

Findley, Paul 1979-1997

box 162, folder 5

Finkelstein, Norman G. 1984 November-December

box 162, folder 6

Firzli, Nicola 1985 February-March

box 162, folder 7

Flynn, Patrick F. 1983-1997

box 162, folder 8

Folger, Nancy M. 1988 April 19

box 162, folder 9

Follett, Ken 1995 September 27

box 162, folder 10

Fonda, Lois and Doug 1987 May 20

box 162, folder 11

Ford, Glenn undated

box 162, folder 12

Forsch, Linda 1982 November-December

box 162, folder 13

Forthofer, Ronald 1994 July 16

box 162, folder 14

Fortune 1976 December

box 162, folder 15

Fox, Dan 1980 July 14

box 162, folder 16

Franco, Enrico 1980 January-May

box 162, folder 17

Franz, Delton 1987 October 20

box 162, folder 18

Frazier, William M. 1987 February 6

box 162, folder 19

Freedman, Ben H. 1958 November 28

box 162, folder 20

Freiji, Musa 1994 October 8

box 162, folder 21

Friedman, Thomas J. 1992 April 29

box 162, folder 22

Fulbright, J.W. 1978 September 15

box 162, folder 23

Gabriel, Judith 1997 June 12

box 162, folder 24

Garrity, Devin A. 1978 September 21

box 162, folder 25

Gejdenson, Samuel 1986 December 3

box 162, folder 26

Geogheghan, James P. 1990 August-September

box 190, folder 8

"Germany correspondence" 1965

box 162, folder 27

Ghaffar, Muhammad-Abdul 1998 August 25

box 162, folder 28

Ghani, Hatim Abdul 1978, 1982

box 162, folder 29

Ghilan, Maxim 1981 February-March

box 162, folder 30

Gilsey, Peter Ladd 1988 January 10

box 162, folder 31

Gibbs, Jody 1990 September 26

box 162, folder 32

Glubb, Faris 1978 February 10

box 162, folder 33

Golden, George 1988 October 17

box 162, folder 34

Goldman, Dave 1990-1991

box 162, folder 35

Gordon, Jesse 1977 November

box 162, folder 36

Gose, Emory E., Jr. 1959-1981

box 162, folder 37

Gordon, Michael 1994 June 5

box 162, folder 38

Graham, John F. 1970-1971

box 162, folder 39

Grant, Bob 1995 June 15

box 162, folder 40

Grant, David M. 1980 September

box 162, folder 41

Greanville, David P. 1981 September 21

box 162, folder 42

Greenhouse, Bertram I. 1972 September 28

box 162, folder 43

Greensmith, F.D. 1985 March-April

box 162, folder 44

Greenwood, Davydd 1988 April 14

box 162, folder 45

Griffin, James 1987 July 23

box 162, folder 46

Griffiths, Eldon 1991 August

box 162, folder 47

Griggs, Lawrence 1987 July 25

box 162, folder 48

Gross, Terry 1995 November 14

box 162, folder 49

Grove, Brandon H. 1961 October

box 162, folder 50

Gubser, Peter 1999 November

box 162, folder 51

Guggenheimer, Elinor 1993 July 28

box 162, folder 52

Gunn, Alan 1985 November-December

box 162, folder 53

Gunther, Robert F., Mrs. 1979 March 2

box 162, folder 54

Guterman, John 1985

box 162, folder 55

Hababi, Abdullah 1964 January

box 162, folder 56

Haberman, Clyde 1995 May 17

box 162, folder 57

Habib, Mohamed 1957 February

box 162, folder 58

Haddad, Robert M. 1994 January 13

box 162, folder 59

Hafiz, Falal K. 1987 September 24

box 162, folder 60

Hagan, Joseph H. 1987-1989

box 162, folder 61

Hagopian, Elaine 1978 February 17

box 162, folder 62

Haikal, Yusuf 1959 November

box 162, folder 63

Halabi, Naim N. 1983 February 23

box 162, folder 64

Halaby, Asia and Sophie 1987 September 23

box 162, folder 65

Halaby, Najeeb E. 1987 October 2

box 162, folder 66

Halaby, S.G. 1978 November 27

box 162, folder 67

Hale, William 1981 February 3

box 162, folder 68

Hallow, Ralph 1987 April 18

box 162, folder 69

Halsell, Grace 1996 June 29

box 162, folder 70

Hamadi, A. 1986 October

box 162, folder 71

Hamill, Pete 1988-1989

box 162, folder 72

Hamilton College 1955 March 23

box 162, folder 73

Hanania, Marwan 1997

box 162, folder 74

Hani, Nasir 1965-1966

box 162, folder 75

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1985 February 27

box 162, folder 76

Hardesty, Michael 1985-1991

box 162, folder 77

Harris, Dora and Arthur 1957 July

box 162, folder 78

Harsch, Joseph C. 1978, 1989

box 162, folder 79

Hartke, Vance 1988 January-April

box 162, folder 80

Hartung, John 1994 January 21

box 162, folder 81

Hass, Willard C. 1985 November 2

box 162, folder 82

Hatfield, Mark O. 1960-1995

box 162, folder 83

Havel, Václav 1990 May 25

box 162, folder 84

Hazbun, Edward 1987 September 28

box 162, folder 85

Hedlund, Finn I and Eleanor 1983, 1990

box 162, folder 86

Heuer, Earl 1981 April

box 162, folder 87

Henderson, Loy 1973-1978

box 162, folder 88

Herman, Peter 1980 October

box 162, folder 89

Herman, Klaus 1987-1992

box 162, folder 90

Hickman, R. Nelson 1957 March-May

box 162, folder 91

Hicks, Godfrey 1984 March 11

box 162, folder 92

Hill, Vernon 1983 February 19

box 162, folder 93

Hilli, Hashim 1977 November 11

box 162, folder 94

Hinai, Salem Bader Al- 1987 March 2

box 162, folder 95

Hirst, David 1979 April 7

box 162, folder 96

Hishmeh, George 1967

box 163, folder 1

Hoagland, Jim 1995 February 9

box 163, folder 2

Hoch, Frank W. 1985 March

box 163, folder 3

Hoess, Friedrich 1992 May 29

box 163, folder 4

Hoffman, Sandra 1987 January-February

box 163, folder 5

Holland, James R. 1972 February 18

box 163, folder 6

Holloway, Lee 1980 August 26

box 163, folder 7

Hollstein, Walter 1985 July 25

box 163, folder 8

Hooper, Ibrahim 1994 November 23

box 163, folder 9

Hoover, J. Edgar 1970 November

box 163, folder 10

Hoover Institution 1981-1994

box 163, folder 11

Hoover Institution 1982-2001

box 163, folder 12

Hopkins, Garland Evans 1956 January 27

box 163, folder 13

Hopkins, Paul A. 1992 February 29

box 163, folder 14

Houghton Mifflin Co. 1985 April 8

box 163, folder 15

House, Adrian 1979 December 17

box 163, folder 16

House, Edwin B. 1975 January 18


Howe, Russell Warren 1988 October-January

box 190, folder 9

Howe, Russell 1989 January 25

box 163, folder 18

Howell, Margaret J. 1972-1982

box 163, folder 19

Humaidan, Ali 1978 September-October

box 163, folder 20

Hummel, Richard S. 1974 November 5

box 163, folder 21

Hunter, Jane 1985, 1988

box 163, folder 22

Hutchins, Robert M. 1974 May 31

box 163, folder 23

Ibrahim, Ezzudin 1978 October 5

box 163, folder 24

Ignatius, David 1989 January 24

box 163, folder 25

Institute for Historical Review 1981-1994

box 163, folder 26

Institute for Palestine Studies 1968-1986

box 163, folder 27

Internal Revenue Service 1985 December-1986 February

box 163, folder 28

Irish Arab Society 1982 September

box 163, folder 29

Ivanov, Yuri 1971 November 17

box 163, folder 30

Iwanicki, Robert 1980 October-1981 January

box 163, folder 31

Jabara, Abdeen 1987-1993

box 163, folder 32

Jabara, Omar 1988 April-May

box 163, folder 33

Jackson, Bruce 1990 October

box 163, folder 34

Jackson, Jesse 1988 April 30

box 163, folder 35

Jacob, Paul 1987 April 21

box 163, folder 36

Jadidah, Afaq 1985 February 28

box 163, folder 37

Jalloud, Abdul Salam 1973 June 20

box 163, folder 38

Jamal, Abdul-Karim Ismail 1978

box 163, folder 39

Jamel, Arfaoui 1988 June 1

box 163, folder 40

Janssen, Guthrie E. 1989 April 20

box 163, folder 41

Jasey, Sidney 1987 February-May

box 163, folder 42

Jayne, Hilton 1991 April 17

box 163, folder 43

Jeddah, Ali M. 1990 January 27

box 163, folder 44

Johnson, Joseph 1977 June 13

box 163, folder 45

Johnson, Nicholas 1972 March 21

box 163, folder 46

Jones, Enoch and Elizabeth 1987 April 18

box 163, folder 47

Jones, Esther 1978 September-November

box 163, folder 48

Joyce, Anne 1995 July-October

box 163, folder 49

Judge, Evelyn K.S. 1983-1997

box 163, folder 50

Kafieh, James J. 1983 August 12

box 163, folder 51

Kaliff, Edward M. 1973 December 28

box 163, folder 52

Kamal, Mohamed 1988 July 5

box 163, folder 53

Kamel, Mostafa 1964 January-May

box 163, folder 54

Kanafani, Marwan 1985 November 8

box 163, folder 55

Kane, Robert J. 1991-1992

box 163, folder 56

Karjawally, Khalil 1988-1989

box 163, folder 57

Kaseem, Casey 1993 October 22

box 163, folder 58

Kawari, Issa al- 1990 January 13

box 190, folder 10

Kawari, Mohammed Al- 1986 September 19

box 163, folder 59

Kawash, Alice 1990 December 13

box 163, folder 60

Keedick Lecture Bureau, Inc. 1968-1969

box 163, folder 61

Keene, J. Calvin 1983, 1985

box 163, folder 62

Kemp, Jack 1987 June 10

box 163, folder 63

Kennedy, John F. 1951-1960

box 190, folder 11

Kennedy, John F. 1952

box 163, folder 64

Kesich, Miro A. 1980 December 22

box 163, folder 65

Ketchum, Sanford B. 1991 March

box 163, folder 66

Khalil, Ahmad H. 1989 October-November

box 163, folder 67

Khartabil, Marwan 1961 December-1962 January

box 163, folder 68

Khemlani, Neeraj 1992 January-February

box 163, folder 69

Kholy, Hassan Sabry El 1967 December 22

box 163, folder 70

Khouri, Linda 1987 September-December

box 163, folder 71

Kikhia, Mansur Rashid 1973-1978

box 163, folder 72

Kiang, John 1987 June 24

box 164, folder 1

King, Larry 1988 May 3

box 164, folder 2

King, Victor E.C. 1988 October 10

box 164, folder 3

Kirsdassi, David 1987 September 24

box 164, folder 4

Kirka, A. Coşkun 1981 December-1982 January

box 164, folder 5

Kissinger, Henry undated

box 164, folder 6

Klein, Morton A. 1994 January 29

box 164, folder 7

Klibi, Chedli 1985 April 26

box 164, folder 8

Kling, J.J., Mrs. 1987 March 14

box 164, folder 9

Kneider, Raymond 1988 January 18

box 164, folder 10

Kobacker, Arthur J. 1980 September 10

box 164, folder 11

Koechler, Hans 1982-1993

box 164, folder 12

Kolecko, Jiri 1990 May-September

box 164, folder 13

Kombargi, Shafiq W. 1979, 1995

box 164, folder 14

Koontz, Alan 1987 March 23

box 164, folder 15

Korn, Richard 1966 June 14

box 164, folder 16

Koussa, Elias N. 1956-1957

box 164, folder 17

Kraus, František 1989 September 7

box 164, folder 18

Kravets, Vladimir A. 1983 May

box 164, folder 19

Kropt, Stanford S. 1994 November 13

box 164, folder 20

Krunim, Richard C. 1985 March 13

box 164, folder 21

Kupka, Steven M. 1995-1996

box 164, folder 22

Lacey, R. Kevin 1990-1994

box 164, folder 23

Ladgham, Bahi 1966 February 16

box 164, folder 24

Lakeland, William C. 1959 October-November

box 164, folder 25

Lamb, Franklin 1982 April 11

box 190, folder 12

Lamb, Franklin 1984

box 164, folder 26

Langford, Yonna 1987 October-December

box 164, folder 27

Langlois, Donald H. 1994 July 16

box 164, folder 28

Larkin, Leo 1987 November 6

box 164, folder 29

Larson, H. Peter, III 1989 December 4

box 164, folder 30

Lassner, Frank G. 1988 June-July

box 164, folder 31

Lawrence, Ruddick C. 1983 March

box 164, folder 32

Lazzati, Virginia 1988-1989

box 164, folder 33

Lerner, Michael 1987 June

box 164, folder 34

Leslie, Victor A., Jr. 1971, 1985

box 164, folder 35

Lesseps, Tauni de 1987-1997

box 164, folder 36

Levin, Harry S. 1978 July 12

box 164, folder 37

Levin, Jerry 1985 November 21


Levy, Arnold 1982 September-February

box 164, folder 39

Levy, Bernard 1989 June

box 164, folder 40

Lewis, Anthony 1972 September 16

box 164, folder 41

Li, Hu 1985 February-April

box 164, folder 42

Liberty Lobby 1987 July 6

box 164, folder 43

Lilienthal, Lottye undated

box 164, folder 44

Lilienthal, Philip H. 1987 April 21

box 164, folder 45

Lilienthal, Roberto 1979-1988

box 164, folder 46

Lipson, Paul S. 1982 December 21

box 164, folder 47

Little, John H. 1985 November 5

box 164, folder 48

Livingstone, Neil 1983 January 18

box 164, folder 49

Loeb, William 1980 August 26

box 164, folder 50

Long, Linda E. 1987 May

box 164, folder 51

Loughran, Clayton D. 1972 March 3

box 164, folder 52

Love, Kennett 1985, 1989

box 164, folder 53

Lundberg, George A. 1956 January-February

box 164, folder 54

Lynn, Barry W. 1987 September-1988 January

box 164, folder 55

MacArthur, Douglas, II 1988 July 29

box 164, folder 56

Mackey, Sandra 1990 June-July

box 164, folder 57

Macron, Mary H. 1979 January 22

box 164, folder 58

Macy, Thomas L. 1980 September 24

box 164, folder 59

Mahoney, John 1992-1995

box 190, folder 13

Mahoney, John F. 1992 March 24

box 164, folder 60

Maksoud, Clovis 1985 March 15

box 190, folder 14

Maksoud, Clovis 1983-1984

box 164, folder 61

Malik, Charles 1972 February 14

box 164, folder 62

Malik, Lilian 1983 May 5

box 164, folder 63

Maltzman, Jonathan Z. 1989 December 7

box 164, folder 64

Marberger, Hans 1994 June-July

box 164, folder 65

Marcellus, Tom 1987 April 27

box 164, folder 66

Marcus, Stanley 1995 May 27

box 164, folder 67

Maria, Frank 1963, 1968

box 164, folder 68

Marin, Roberto 1992 April 2

box 164, folder 69

Marlow, Tony 1988

box 164, folder 70

Marshall, Rachelle 1995 February 21

box 164, folder 71

Martin, Jean 1985 March

box 164, folder 72

Marton, Louis 1972 March

box 164, folder 73

Mason, Daniel 1970 October

box 164, folder 74

Massarueh, Abdul Salam 1986 September-December

box 164, folder 75

Matthews, Ruth S. 1972 March

box 164, folder 76

Maverick, Jr., Maury 1996 February 23

box 164, folder 77

Maxwell, Genevieve 1985 March 14

box 164, folder 78

Mayer, Milton 1982 September 28

box 164, folder 79

Mayhew, Christopher 1971 November

box 164, folder 80

Mazarella, John 1985 March

box 164, folder 81

McCloskey, Pete 1981-1993

box 164, folder 82

McConnell, Mitch 1987, 1993

box 165, folder 1

McCullough, Doris 1985 March

box 165, folder 2

McGovern, George 1988-1995

box 165, folder 3

McGowan, Daniel A. 1999 August

box 190, folder 15

McGrath, Donna 1992

box 165, folder 4

McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. 1964 February 4

box 165, folder 5

McKeever, Fergus 1988 October-November

box 165, folder 6

McKinney, Gwen 1982 July 2

box 165, folder 7

McIntosh, Gordon 1981 February 2

box 165, folder 8

McMullen, Horace M. 1991 March-May

box 165, folder 9

McNally, Arthur 1963 July 8

box 165, folder 10

McTigue, George J. 1989 September 22

box 165, folder 11

Meena, James C. 1976 June 2

box 165, folder 12

Mehdi, Mohamed T. 1977 March 21

box 165, folder 13

Meir, Golda 1971 September 24

box 165, folder 14

Melton, Isaac 1991 March-July

box 165, folder 15

Mendoza, Nancy circa 1970s

box 165, folder 16

Menuhin, Moshe and Marutha 1970-1983

box 165, folder 17

Menzel, Southard 1985 March-April

box 165, folder 18

Merick, Anne Morrisy 1985 November 5

box 165, folder 19

Mestiri, Mahmoud 1983 August 8

box 165, folder 20

Miari, Suhail M. 1990 October

box 165, folder 21

Middle East International 1979 July 5

box 165, folder 22

Middle East Justice Network 1993 August 22

box 165, folder 23

Middle East Perspective 1979-1983

box 165, folder 24

Miller, James F. 1985 November

box 165, folder 25

Miller, Mark Hugh 1979 March 2

box 165, folder 26

Milligan, Melvin Lee 1976 January 6

box 165, folder 27

Mills, Sheldon T. 1960 March-April

box 165, folder 28

Mitchell, G. 1980 July 1

box 165, folder 29

Mitchell, George J. 1990 November 29

box 165, folder 30

Moen, John V. 1983 January 15

box 165, folder 31

Moghrabi, Nabil 1989

box 165, folder 32

Mokhiber, Ethel 1972 December 11

box 165, folder 33

Moler, John C. 1971 December

box 165, folder 34

Møller-Rasmussen, Lars 1973 July 1

box 165, folder 35

Mokkarab, Ahmed S. al- 1987 April 5

box 190, folder 16

Mokarrab, Ahmed Al- 1987 April 5

box 165, folder 36

Montanon, Hazel K. 1987 November 4

box 165, folder 37

Montayne, James A. 1998 April-1999 June

box 165, folder 38

Morgenstern, Edwin 1998 April-May

box 165, folder 39

Morley, Felix 1976 April 26

box 165, folder 40

Mostofi, Khosrow 1973 October 25

box 165, folder 41

Motley, Arthur 1972-1982

box 165, folder 42

Al-Moukaddam, Assad 1980 October 25

box 165, folder 43

Moullaem, Walid 1973, 1992

box 165, folder 44

Mourad, Lena 1988 December 14

box 165, folder 45

Moyer, Harrison 1996 January 23

box 165, folder 46

Murphy, Michael G. 1973 November 19

box 165, folder 47

Murray, John W. 1970, 1972

box 165, folder 48

Murray, Nancy 1993 August 27

box 165, folder 49

Musa, Imad 1989 February 19

box 165, folder 50

Mutlag, Nasser Al- 1982 November

box 165, folder 51

Nader, George A. 1981, 1985

box 165, folder 52

Nagher, Katherine 1979 April 23

box 165, folder 53

Nahayyan, Abdulla Zayed Saqr al- 1990 February 8

box 165, folder 54

Naifeh, George 1985 November 8

box 165, folder 55

Najar, Afif 1995 August 17

box 165, folder 56

Nakah, Hamada 1979-1984

box 165, folder 57

Nakah, M.A.E. 1982 July-1983 October

box 165, folder 58

Nakhleh, Issa 1986 August

box 165, folder 59

Namej, Marcus 1978 September 22

box 165, folder 60

Nason, John W. 1957 July 8

box 165, folder 61

Nasser, Gamal Abdel 1955, 1957

box 165, folder 62

National Association of Arab Americans 1979-1990

box 165, folder 63

National Council on Canada-Arab Relations 1989 July 11

box 165, folder 64

NBC News 1968, 1974

box 165, folder 65

Najjar, Kamal 1994

box 165, folder 66

Nelson, Dave 1982 May 13

box 165, folder 67

Neff, Donald 1994 May-June

box 165, folder 68

Neusner, Jacob 1980 July 1

box 165, folder 69

Nierengarten, William J. 1979 March 6

box 165, folder 70

Nixon, Richard M. 1989 August 21

box 165, folder 71

Noontide Press 1987 February 14

box 165, folder 72

Norberg, Robert L. 1999 November 7

box 165, folder 73

Norton, Augustus R. 1984 September-November

box 165, folder 74

Norton, Daniel M. 1981 March 6

box 165, folder 75

Novick, Peter 1999 August-October

box 165, folder 76

Nowfell, Camille 1993 September 23

box 165, folder 77

Nystrom, J.W. 1972 February 2

box 165, folder 78

Obenzinger, Hilton 1981 August 4

box 165, folder 79

Oldham, Gip, Jr. 1977-1997

box 165, folder 80

Oliver, Anne Marie 1987 June 10

box 165, folder 81

Ombargi, Shafiq W. 1974 September 17

box 165, folder 82

Omron, Jameel J. 1957 January 30

box 165, folder 83

O'Reilly, Leonard 1997, 2000

box 165, folder 84

Overton, E.W., Jr. 1960

box 165, folder 85

Pachachi, Adnan 1965 January 5

box 166, folder 1

Palestine Liberation Organization 1988-1994

box 166, folder 2

Palestine Solidarity Committee 1991 October 24

box 166, folder 3

Palumbo, Michael 1991 February 16

box 166, folder 4

Papazian, William S. 1982 August-September

box 166, folder 5

Pappas, Theodore 1992 March

box 166, folder 6

Patrick, Jim 1993 November-December

box 166, folder 7

Patterson, Thomas L. 1991 July

box 190, folder 17

"Peace talks" 1991

box 166, folder 8

Pendleton, Edmund E., Jr. 1968, 1982

box 166, folder 9

Percy, Mark C. 1990 November 8

box 166, folder 10

Perot, Ross 1993 March 24

box 166, folder 11

Peters, Jim 1976-1991

box 166, folder 12

Peters, John M. 1981 November

box 166, folder 13

Philbin, Joseph J. 1957 July 30

box 166, folder 14

Phillips, Christopher 1987 July 11

box 166, folder 15

Pohl, Friedrich Karl 1996 July-1997 June

box 166, folder 16

Porter, Tom 1992 March 10

box 166, folder 17

Portz, LaVonne J. undated

box 166, folder 18

Posner, Steve 1985 March

box 166, folder 19

Preparatory Committee for a Model International Conference on the Middle East 1988 July-December

box 166, folder 20

Primakov, Evgeni 1988 February-June

box 166, folder 21

The Progressive 1992 February-November

box 166, folder 22

Purcell, Robert M. 1989 June 12

box 166, folder 23

Pusey, Merlo J. 1979 July 12

box 166, folder 24

Putnam Publishing Group 1980 July 14

box 166, folder 25

Qaddafi, Mu'ammar 1993 December 27

box 166, folder 26

Qasimi, Bin Mohamed Al- 1986 September-1987 October

box 166, folder 27

Quinlan, Mary Kay 1986 December-1987 January

box 166, folder 28

Quinn, Paul S. 1987 July 25

box 166, folder 29

Rabb, William 1980 September 30

box 166, folder 30

Rachlis, Kit 1985 October 28

box 166, folder 31

Rahmy, Ali 1982 January 18

box 166, folder 32

Rajhy, Saleh M. 1987, 1992

box 166, folder 33

Ramsden, Frances 1960 July 19

box 166, folder 34

Randel, Don M. 1992, 1995

box 166, folder 35

Rantisi, Audeh G. 1994 June 23

box 166, folder 36

Rapaport, Dov 1983 April

box 166, folder 37

Rask, Paul J. 1989 December

box 166, folder 38

Rausch, Doris 1993 June 3

box 166, folder 39

Rawi, Usama 1994 June 7

box 166, folder 40

Reach, Robert F. 1982 October-November

box 166, folder 41

Reagan, Ronald 1983 April 14

box 166, folder 42

Redgrave, Vanessa 1999 October 2

box 166, folder 43

Regnery, Henry 1967 August-1968 February

box 166, folder 44

Reiner, Irene 1972 February-March

box 166, folder 45

Reston, James 1972 August 12

box 166, folder 46

Riad, Maged 1992 September 30

box 166, folder 47

Richards, Frederick H. 1979-1987

box 166, folder 48

Richardson, Elliot L. 1995, 1997

box 166, folder 49

Richardson, John P. 1983 February 3

box 166, folder 50

Richman, Sheldon L. 1983 April 19

box 166, folder 51

Rifai, Samir al- 1960 April 15

box 166, folder 52

Riley, Brent 1987 December 15

box 166, folder 53

Ristom, Juliet R. 1974 April

box 166, folder 54

Robbins, Melvin C. 1977, 1979

box 166, folder 55

Robertson, William R. 1999 September-October

box 166, folder 56

Robinson, William A. 1972 March 8

box 166, folder 57

Romano, Ralph 1987 May

box 166, folder 58

Romert, Lars 1995 November 3

box 166, folder 59

Ross, Vardis M. 1972 January 3

box 166, folder 60

Rosenwasser, Arnold R. 1972 November 29

box 166, folder 61

Rothbard-Rockwell Report 1991 July 9

box 166, folder 62

Rothmann, John F. 1983, 1987

box 166, folder 63

Ruderman, Kurt 1988 April 14

box 166, folder 64

Rusk, Dean 1977, 1988

box 166, folder 65

Sabagh, Mohammed Omar 1978 October-1979 October

box 166, folder 66

Sadd, David 1985, 1987

box 166, folder 67

Saeed, Mohammed 1967 June 26

box 166, folder 68

Safty, Abdel 1993 April-May

box 166, folder 69

Said, Edward 1980-1995

box 166, folder 70

Said, Muhammad Hassan 1980 July 1

box 166, folder 71

Said, Said 1990 June

box 166, folder 72

Saidy, Anthony circa 1990s

box 166, folder 73

Salamon, Aaron undated

box 166, folder 74

Saleh, Sameer 1980 March 31

box 166, folder 75

Saliba, Philip 1979 June 19

box 166, folder 76

Salmaweh, Mohammed 1988 April 7

box 166, folder 77

Sanders, Claire 1992 August 24

box 166, folder 78

Sapiro, Aaron 1952, 1989

box 166, folder 79

Satterthwait, Arnold Chase 1988 July 8

box 166, folder 80

Saud, Faisal al- 1974 June 20

box 166, folder 81

Sawabini, Victor 1959 February-March

box 166, folder 82

Sawyer, Ann 1981 August 20

box 166, folder 83

Scaman, Howard W. 1994 October

box 166, folder 84

Schaetti, Rachel 1981 February-April

box 166, folder 85

Schell, Felis 1983 May 31

box 166, folder 86

Schenkar, Joan 1983 September 25

box 166, folder 87

Schlafer, Leonard S. 1982 April-1983 January

box 166, folder 88

Schleck, Robert