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"Schopferische Selbstkritik in Wissenschaft und Kunst," Opening address, Salzburg Festival, Salzburg, Austria 1979 July 26.
German text
English text
Printed copy
"Uber die sogenannten Quellen der menschlichen Erkenntnis," Speech upon receiving an honorary doctorate from the Universitat Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria 1979 July 27.
"The Experiment (Argument) of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen and the Realistic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics," 1980
Preface to Winfried Moewes, Grundfragen der Lebensraumgestaltung 1980
"Uber den Zusammenprall von Kulturen," Speech, Austrian Expatriates Society, Vienna, Austria 1980 May 14.
"Falsifizierbarkeit" (essay for the Handlexicon fur Wissenschaftstheorie ) 1980 August
Letter to the editor, New Scientist, (in response to an article by L. Beverly Halstead) 1980 August 21
"The Present Significance of Two Arguments of Henri Poincare," Speech, European Academy of Arts, Sciences, and Humanities, Paris, France 1980 November 14.
Printed copy
Letter to the editor, New Scientist, Holograph, typescript, and printed copy. 1981 February 12.
"Toleration and Intellectual Responsibility," J. B. Morrell memorial address, University of York, York, England. See also "Duldsamkeit und intellektuelle Verantwortlichkeit," 1981 May 26, Draft 1981 March 13.
"The Importance of Critical Discussion: An Argument for Human Rights and Democracy," Speech, International Conference in Honor of Andrei Sakharov, New York City, New York 1981 May 1-2.
"Duldsamkeit und intellektuelle Verantwortlichkeit." Speech
Tubingen, Germany, (upon receiving the Leopold-Lucas Prize) 1981 May 26
Vienna, Austria 1982 March 16
English translation
"An Experiment to Interpret E.P.R. Action-at-a-Distance: The Possible Detection of Real De Broglie Waves" (with Augusto Garuccio and Jean-Pierre Vigier), Epistemological Letters, Printed copy. 1981 July.
"The Place of Mind in Nature," Speech (not read), Nobel Conference XVII, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minnesota 1981 October 6.
Offene Gesellschaft, offenes Universum: Franz Kreuzer im Gesprach mit Karl R. Popper 1982
"On Probabilistic Induction," 1982
The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism, 1982. See Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Final Version, Vol. II 1982-1983
Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery, (3 vols.) 1982-1983
Original version (meant to appear in 1959 as the sequel to The Logic of Scientific Discovery but not published)
Miscellaneous pages
Typescript 1950s 1960s
Miscellaneous pages
Final version
Vol. I ( Realism and the Aim of Science ) 1983
Holograph (in part typescript)
Vol. II ( The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism ) 1982
Vol. III ( Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics ) 1982
"Proposal for a Simplified New Variant of the Experiment of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen," Physik, Philosophie und Politik: Festschrift fur Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker zum 70. Geburtstag 1982
Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics, 1982. See Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Final version, Vol. III 1982 1983
"Can There Be Such a Thing as a Probabilistic Ampliative Induction?" 1982 January 20
"Les chemins de la verite: L'Express va plus loin avec Karl Popper," L'Express, Interview conducted by Sophie Lannes and Alain Boyer 1982 February 26.
"Erkenntnis und Gestaltung der Wirklichkeit," Paper, The European Forum Alpbach 1982, Alpbach, Austria 1982 August 25.
"A Critical Note on the Greatest Days of Quantum Theory," Foundations of Physics 1982 October
"Bucher und Gedanken," Speech, Opening of the 35th Austrian Bookweek, Wiener Hofburg, Vienna, Austria 1982 November 2.
English translation. Typescript
A Pocket Popper 1983
Realism and the Aim of Science, 1983. See Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Final version, Vol. I 1982 1983
"Is Determinism Self-Refuting?" Mind 1983 January
Typescript 1981
Speech, International Conference "Individuale-Collettivo," Club Turati, Turin, Italy 1983 January 13
Comments by the three discussants of Karl Popper's paper
"The Calculus of Probability Forbids Ampliative Probabilistic Induction," 1983 March 17
"Epistemological Speculations on the Sensory Motor Systems," Speech, International Symposium (held on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Sir John Eccles), Sensory-Motor Integration in the Brain, Max-Planck-Institut fur Biophysikalische Chemie, Gottingen, Germany. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Schmidt, Robert F. 1983 April 7.
Revised version entitled "Critical Remarks on the Knowledge of Lower and Higher Organisms, the So-Called Sensory Motor Systems," in Sensory-Motor Integration in the Nervous System 1984
"A Proof of the Impossibility of Inductive Probability" (with David W. Miller), Mind 1983 April 21
"Realism in Quantum Mechanics and a New Version of the EPR Experiment," Paper, Workshop on Open Questions in Quantum Physics, Bari, Italy 1983 May 4.
"Evolutionary Epistemology," Public lecture concluding the Workshop on Open Questions on Quantum Physics, Bari, Italy 1983 May 7.
Revised version for publication
In Evolutionary Theory: Paths into the Future 1984
In Open Questions in Quantum Physics 1985
Typescript 1984
"The Non-Existence of a Probabilistic Inductive Support," Conference paper, 7th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Salzburg, Austria 1983 July 11-16.
"The Probability Calculus Forbids Ampliative Induction," Speech, 7th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Salzburg, Austria 1983 July 11-16.
"Some Memories of Godel and Some Problems," Speech, Godel-Symposium, Institut fur Wissenschaftstheorie Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria 1983 July 13-15.
"Evolutionare Erkenntnistheorie," Discussion with Konrad Lorenz, The European Forum Alpbach 1983, Knowledge-Belief-Scepticism, Alpbach, Austria 1983 August 23.
"The Spirit of Science and the Spirit of Vienna," Speech, Duino Colloquium, The European Significance of 'Mitteleuropa,' Duino, Italy 1983 September 20.
"Criticism of the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics," Speech, Miramare International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy 1983 September 22.
"Probability Imposes the Properties of a Potential Lattice on its Arguments," 1983 November
"The Critical Attitude in Medicine: The Need for a New Ethics" (with Neil McIntyre), British Medical Journal 1983 December 24-31
Auf der Suche nach einer besseren Welt 1984
"Erganzungen zur Zeit: Pladoyer fur eine offene Gesellschaft: Philosophisches Streitgesprach mit Sir Karl Popper," Discussion for television broadcast, Fernsehen der deutschen und der ratoromanischen Schweiz, Zurich, Switzerland 1984 February 29.
Interview conducted by Tomas Rotstein in preparation for radio broadcasts, ? 1984 May
"The Search for a Better World," Paper, 1984: Comincia il Futuro, Locarno, Switzerland 1984 May 3.
"Science and Some of its Enemies," Speech, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Naples, Italy 1984 May 8.
"Thought and Experience, and Evolutionary Epistemology; Or, How the Lynxes Got Their Sharp Eyes," Speech, Academia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy 1984 May 9-11.
"The Impossibility of Inductive Probability: Popper and Miller Reply," Nature 1984 August 2
"Response Upon Receiving the Award of the Fondation Tocqueville," Speech, Fondation Tocqueville, Valognes, France 1984 November 5.
Die Zukunft ist offen: Das Altenberger Gesprach, mit den Texten des Wiener Popper-Symposiums 1985
Speech, The European Forum Alpbach 1985, Evolution and the Future of Mankind, Alpbach, Austria 1985 August 17-30
"Erkenntnistheorie und das Problem des Friedens," Speech 1985 September 19.
Birthday cards and telegrams
Christmas cards
Dispatches sent to Karl Popper while he was abroad, informing him of incoming and outgoing mail, telephone calls, visits, etc.
By his secretaries
Invitations (declined)
Speaking engagements (lectures, conferences, symposia)
Autographs and signed photographs (declined on principle)
Reproduction permissions
Agassi, Joseph and Judith
Albert, Hans and Gretl
Angelidis, Thomas D.
Armando, Armando. See Editore Armando Armando
Artisjus. See Bureau Hongrois pour la Protection des Droits d'Auteur
Austrian College. See Osterreichisches College
Bartley, William Warren, III.
Basic Books (Arthur Rosenthal, Charles Chestnut), re The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Conjectures and Refutations, and The Poverty of Historicism
Bayerischer Rundfunk (Willy Hochkeppel, Franz Stark), 1968-1983.
Boehringer Ingelheim. See C.H. Boehringer Sohn
Bouveresse, Renee, 1976-1985.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (Ronald F. J. Withers, Mary B. Hesse, John W. N. Watkins, Donald A. Gillies, John Worrall), 1957-1984.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist . See Shils, Edward
Bunge, Mario
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. See British Academy
City Universi