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Ring, A. C. 1935
Ring, Ruth Farrington 1940
Ringer, Walter M. 1931
Ripley, Edwin 1896
Ritchie-Moore, Anita (Mrs. George Ritchie-Moore) 1935
Rittenhouse, Jessie Belle 1916, undated
Rives Wheeler, Hallie Erminie 1937
Robb, Ellis D. 1917
Roberts, Martin A. 1938
Roberts, Mary B. (Mrs. Kenneth S. Roberts) 1935
Roberts, Mary Fanton 1913-1917, undated
Roberts, William Carman 1928
Robertson, Donald 1909-1911, undated
Robins, Raymond 1924
Robins, Thomas Ellis 1908
Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt 1917-1921, undated
Robinson, Johan LeRoy "Doane" 1891-1916
Robinson, Edith Elizabeth Garland 1927
Robinson, Edna circa 1936
Robinson, Edward 1925
Robinson, Edwin Arlington 1927
Robinson, Joseph 1907
Robinson, Louis Sydney Bassford 1903
Robinson, Oscar D. 1897
Robinson, Theodore 1894-1895
Roche, Martin 1909, 1914
Rockwell, Kenneth 1937, undated
Rodabaugh, Edna H. 1940
Rode, A. M. 1916
Roderick, Stella Virginia 1919
Roderick, Stella Virginia 1919
Rodin, Bernard 1939
Roe, Mr. (of Oklahoma) 1902
Rogers, Mrs. Frederick R. 1935
Rogers, John 1898
Rogers, Malcolm Jennings 1936, 1939
Rogers, William Penn Adair "Will"
Garland to Rogers 1929-1934, undated
Rogers to Augustus Thomas undated
Rogers to casting directors, introducing Hardesty Johnson undated
Rølvaag, Ole Edvart 1927
Romer, F. undated
Romm, Charles 1919
Rood, Hosea W. (Hosea Whitford) 1920
Rooke, Irene undated
Roos, Allan J. 1922
Roosevelt, Archibald Bulloch "Archie" 1928
Roosevelt, Belle Willard circa 1928
Roosevelt, Edith Kermit Carow 1902-1921, undated
Roosevelt, Kermit 1917
Roosevelt, Theodore
Letters between Roosevelt and Garland 1896-1918, undated
Roosevelt to the Cliff Dwellers, Chicago 1908
Roosevelt, Theodore, III 1926, 1938
Root, Elihu 1910-1925
Rosalina, Sister Mary 1939
Rose, Algernon 1926
Rose, Edward Everett 1913
Rose, Heloise Durant 1925
Rosebault, Charles Jerome 1917
Rosenquist, J. W. 1902
Rosenthal, Rose 1916
Rosmer, Milton undated
Ross, A. C. 1924
Ross, W. A. 1926
Rossiter, Ehrick Kensett 1920
Rothschild, M. M. 1922
Rouland, Minnie Dwight 1921, undated
Round, C. R. 1915
Rouse, Kenneth 1935
Row, Elizabeth 1913
Rowland, Earl 1939
Rowley, Louis A. 1896
Royle, Edwin Milton 1911-1925, undated
Ruckstuhl, Fred Wellington 1916-1917
Rudolf, Curtis D. 1938
Rudyard, Charlotte 1910-1916, undated
Ruess, Christopher G. 1937
Ruess, Stella Knight 1935-1937
Rugg, Harold G. 1924
Rugh, Arthur 1938
Rule, Lucien V. 1898
Rush, N. Orwin 1939
Russell, Charles Wells; 1917
Russell, J. Almus
Garland to Russell 1939
Russell to Constance Garland Harper 1940
Russell, Virgil Yates 1934
Sabin, Ellen C. 1921
Sabine, Lillian K. 1919, undated
Sage, Frank W. 1919, 1922
Sage, William 1919
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus 1903
Saint-Gaudens, Homer Schiff 1907
Salisbury, William 1937
Salmon, Lucy Maynard 1922
Sanders, Franklyn B. 1911
Sandford, M. E. 1923
Sanford, Albert H. 1926-1938
Santayana, George 1910
Sappington, Thomas J. 1896
Sarett, Lew 1924
Sargent, John Singer 1921-1923, undated
Sargent, Ruth E. 1936-1937, undated
Sarre, Olive B. 1920-1935
Saturday Review of Literature, Editor 1939
Saul, John C. 1914
Savage, Minot Judson 1914
Savage, Ruth 1931
Sawyer, Cynthia Mason 1927
Sawyer, George H. 1939
Saxton, Eugene F. 1914-1921, undated
Scales, Jane 1931
Scarborough, Dorothy undated
Scarborough, Mary Greer 1939
Schad, Robert O. 1936
Schafer, Joseph
Letters between Schafer and Garland 1922-1937
Schafer to Lucius C. Porter 1938
Schelling, Ernest Henry undated
Schenck, Casper 1914
Schenck, Eunice Morgan 1921
Schenk, Elizabeth 1931
Schenk, William A. 1937
Schiller, Ferdinand Cannon Scott 1935
Schimek, Jan 1938
Schlesinger, Arthur Meier 1922
Schlichter, Norman C. 1921
Schmalz, Julia Moody 1927
Schneller, Eldon M. 1935
Schores, May Isabel 1937
Schrack, Flora 1932
Schreiber, Hazel Snell 1937, undated
Schuler, Eric 1914-1921, undated
Schulte, F. J. 1913
Schultz, A. R. 1936
Schultz, James Willard 1907-1917
Schussman, Kenneth L. 1940
Schuyler, William circa 1906
Schweitzer, B. 1939
Scorer, John G. 1911-1914
Scorer Lyceum Bureau, Philadelphia 1916
Scott, Almere L. 1921-1938
Scott, Bancroft & Stephens, Chicago 1907
Scott, Catherine Amy Dawson undated
Scott, Charles Thomas 1927
Scott, Ernest Kilburn 1919
Scott, Frank Hall 1900-1901
Scott, Leroy 1916
Scott, Walter Dill 1933
Scudder, A. B. 1937
Scudder, Horace Elisha 1891
Seaman, Flora James 1934
Seaman, Frank 1920-1936
Seaman, Louis Livingston
Seaman to Hamlin Garland 1916
Seaman to Mary Isabel Garland 1906
Seaman to Zulime Taft Garland 1906
Seaman, Louise H. 1921
Seaman, Olive Brown Sarre 1935-1937
Seaman, William Grant 1914
Seamans, A. J. 1937-1939, undated
Searson, J. W. (James William) 1922
Seaton, R. E. 1927
Seaver, Charles H. (Charles Hill) 1922
Sebastian, John 1901
Sedgwick, Ellery 1913-1920
Sedgwick, Henry Dwight, III 1913-1927, undated
Seebach, Julius F., Jr. 1931
Seger, Jessa Miles 1902-1926
Seger, John H. (John Homer) 1901-1922, undated
Seger, Neatha Homer 1905
Selden, Mr. (of West Salem, Wisconsin) 1912
Selig, William Nicholas 1914
Senger, Louis C. 1900
Senour, Frank C. 1921
Seton, Ernest Thompson
Letters between Seton and Hamlin Garland 1897-1937, undated
Seton to Zulime Taft Garland 1914
Seton, Grace Gallatin
Seton to Hamlin Garland 1901, undated
Seton to MacDowell Club, New York 1921
Seubert, E. E. 1937-1939
Severance, Frank Hayward 1917
Severance, Lena Lillian 1932
Seymour, George Steele
Letters between Seymour and Garland 1917-1940
Seymour to A. Gaylord Beaman 1939-1940
Shaffer, George J. 1917
Shambaugh, Benjamin Franklin 1920-1937
Shambaugh, Bertha M. H. (Bertha Maude Horack) undated
Shankar, Vrinda 1922
Shanklin, William Arnold 1916-1921
Shannon, Angus Roy
Letters between Shannon and Garland 1916-1937
Shannon to Lorado Taft 1934
Shannon to Hugh Woody 1920
Sharp, Thomas 1897
Shatto, Charles R. 1896
Shaw, Albert 1926, 1931
Shaw, Ernest Wakefield undated
Shaw, Frank L.
Shaw to Harry Lloyd Hopkins 1934
Shaw to Henry Matson Waite 1934
Shaw, G. Arnold 1913
Shaw, G. M. 1921
Shaw, Charlotte Frances 1922
Shaw, George Bernard 1898-1933, undated
Shaw, Mary 1890-1912, undated
Shay, Edward Felix 1917
Shearer, Mrs. Thomas R. 1911
Shedd, Alfred O. 1934
Sheehan, Murray 1921
Sheffield, Rena Cary circa 1930s
Sheldon, Addison Erwin 1913
Sheldon, Edward Brewster circa 1930s
Shell, Mantie 1917, undated
Shellenberger, Grace 1921
Shepardson, Francis Wayland 1913
Sheperd, Isabel M. 1908
Sherman, Mrs. E. E. 1922
Sherman, Edwin A. 1908
Sherman, Leila W. 1939
Sherman, Philip D. (Philip Darrell) 1922, undated
Sherman, Stuart Pratt 1921-1925, undated
Sherry, Laura 1913
Shields, Elise Trigg 1897
Shields, Peter J. 1917
Shiels, J. Wilson 1908
Shillaber, Benjamin Penhallow 1890
Shipley, Miriam Allen de Ford 1936
Shipp, Thomas Roerty 1917
Shippey, Lee 1936-1939, undated
Shiras, George E. 1931-1932
Short, William Harrison 1918
Showerman, Grant 1916-1919