3 of 5 pages |
Office of War Information (OWI)
Peace Corps
Politics and government
Social conditions
Supreme Court
War Department
War Production Board
Works Project Administration (WPA)
Youth Council
United Steel Workers
United Student Alliance
United Textile Workers of America
Upholsterers' International Union of North America
Utley, Freda
Vanguard Press
Varga, Eugene, "Testament of Varga"
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Foreign relations - Cambodia
Geneva Accords
Conflict 1961-1975
Protest movements against the war
Ho Chi Minh
Land reform
Politics and government
Trade unions
Vilfan, Joza
Voice of America
Volman, Sacha
Wainwright, Jonathan M.
Wallace, George
War Resisters League
Wedemeyer, Albert C.
Week, The
Weiner, Herbert, "British Trade Unionism and Nationalization"
Weinstock, Louis
Weir, Ernest, "Survey of The Road to Peace"
West, James
Whaley-Eaton Service
Wheeler, Burton K.
White, Harry
White House Conference on Youth 1977
White House "People to People" Conference 1956
Wicks, Harry M.
Wilekin, J.
Williamson, John
Willkie, Wendell
Wilson, Charles
Wilson, Edmund
Windmuller, John
Winitsky, Harry M.
Wolfe, Bertram D.
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Woodcock, George
Workers International Front Against War
Worker's Progressive Educational Council
"The Workers Movement in Paris during the French Civil War, " 1789-1791
Worker's Voice
World Affairs Council
World Council of Peace
World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)
Meeting notes
Press releases
Printed material
Congresses and conventions
World ORT Union
World Peace Foundation
World politics 1945-
World War 1939-1945
World War Veterans - Minutes of meeting 1920 March 24
Wu, K. C.
Yalta Conference 1945
Young Americans for Freedom
Young Liberals
Young Peoples Socialist League
Printed material
Adria Airways
Description and travel
Economic conditions
Foreign relations
Politics and government
Tito, Josip Broz
Trade unions
Zagoria, Sam
Zimmerman, Charles
"ABM Controversy," 1 carbon copy undated
Address on the Seventh Anniversary of the Soviet Republic, 1 carbon copy 1924 November 7
"L'Affaire You Too," 1 carbon copy 1960 May 9
"A.F. of L. and World Crisis," 1 handwritten draft undated
"The A.F. of L. Fight for World Peace," 1 carbon copy undated
"A.F. of L. Rift Deepens as Convention Backs Suspension of C.I.O.," 3 printed copies 1936
"African-American Labor Center," 1 typewritten and handwritten draft undated
"After Prague - What?," notes, research materials undated
"After Six Momentous Months," 1 carbon copy undated
"After the Elections-1940," 1 handwritten draft, research materials 1940
"Against the Revision of Leninism for the Line of the Sixth World Congress of the Comintern Against Opportunist Sectarianism," 1 typewritten draft undated
"Aggressive Role of American Imperialism, the War Danger, and the Tasks of the Workers (Communist) Party," 1 handwritten outline circa 1925
"Algeria," 1 handwritten draft undated
"All in a Day," 1 handwritten draft, research materials undated
"America: A Wonderful Country," 1 handwritten outline circa 1925
"America as a World Power," 1 handwritten draft, research materials circa 1926
"America - Face the Facts!," 2 typewritten and handwritten drafts undated
"America Facing Europe," 1 mimeographed copy undated
"America in the Crisis," 1 handwritten draft, research materials circa 1933
"America Prepares the Next War," 2 printed copies 1928
"America Today," 1 typewritten copy 1926 July 23
"American Capitalism," 2 typewritten copies, correspondence circa 1927
"American Communist Movement Examines Itself, The," 1 handwritten draft, research materials circa 1932
"American Economic and Political Situation," 1 handwritten outline circa 1928
"American Federation of Labor and World Affairs, The," 1 handwritten draft, notes undated
"American Imperialism," 1 mimeographed draft, 4 printed copies undated
"American Imperialism - America Today," 1 carbon draft undated
"American Labor," 1 handwritten outline undated
"American Labor and Foreign Affairs," 1 handwritten outline 1962 Janaury 27
"American Labor and the International Situation," 2 carbon copies undated
"American Labor and the World Crisis," 3 printed copies, 2 carbon copies circa 1956
"American Labor and the World Struggle for Freedom," undated
"American Labor Looks at the World," various chapters and sections, typewritten and carbon copies undated
"American Labor Movement, The," 2 printed copies undated
"American Labor Today," 1 handwritten draft circa 1931
"American Legion Convention," speeches prepared for Legion conventions, carbon copies, handwritten drafts, notes 1959 October undated
"American Party Situation," handwritten outline circa 1925
"American Policy Regarding Foreign Loans," 1 typewritten draft undated
"America's Fight for World Hegemony and the War Danger," 1 mimeographed draft undated
"Anglo-American Relations," 1 handwritten draft, research materials circa 1926
"Another 'New Line' for the Kremlin," 3 carbon copies undated
"Answer to Khrushchev," 3 carbon copies undated
As We See It (radio program), "Soviet About Face," 1 typewritten copy 1958 June 28
"At First Glance," newspaper column in Workers Age (incomplete), printed copies, typewritten and carbon excerpts 1935 1938-1939
"At the Summit - Paranoiac or Pyromaniac?," 2 carbon copies undated
"At the Summit - Rubble and Reality," article in AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 2 printed copies 1960 June
"Atlantic Alliance," 1 carbon copy undated
"Auto Workers and Depression," 1 handwritten draft, notes, research materials circa 1937
"Balance Wheel of the Party Controversy to Date, The," 1 carbon copy circa 1925
"Basic Distinctions Between the Soviet Economy and American Economy," 1 carbon copy undated
"Basic Import of Summit," 1 typewritten outline undated
"Behind the Headlines," newspaper column for Workers Age (incomplete), printed copies, typewritten copies, typewritten excerpts 1939-1940
"Bibliography on the Latin American Relations of the United States, 1 carbon copy undated
"Big Bubble Bursts, The," Typewritten copy, 1 carbon copy undated
"Big Smile, The," by Matthew Woll and Jay Lovestone, 2 printed copies; review in Freedom's Facts Against Communism, 1 printed copy 1955 October December
"Bitter Fruits," 1 handwritten copy, 1 carbon copy undated
"Blood and Steel: An Exposure of the 12-Hour Day in the Steel Industry," published by the Workers Party of America, 1 printed copy undated
"Blueprint for Surrender," 1 carbon copy undated
"Bogey of 'Big Labor,'" 1 typewritten copy undated
"Brandler-Thalheimer Against Unity," 1 typewritten draft, handwritten notes, research materials undated
"British Commonwealth of Nations," 1 handwritten draft, research materials circa 1936
"The British Elections of 1931," 1 handwritten outline, research materials 1931
"Can Communist Parties be 'Independent from Moscow?,'" article in AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 1 printed copy, 1 photocopy 1956 August
"Capitalist Chaos - The Unsolvable Contradictions of American Capitalism," 1 typewritten draft, research materials circa 1931
"Capitalist 'Planning' and Socialist Planned Economy," articles in Workers Age, printed copies 1932 February
"C. E. Ruthenberg," article in Workers Age, 1 printed copy 1932 March 5
"C. E. Ruthenberg," article in Workers Age, 1 printed copy 1937 March 6
"Characteristics and Perspectives of German Fascism," 1 handwritten draft
"Chasm is Unbridgeable, The," article in AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 5 printed copies, 1 carbon copy 1969 February
"Chicago and the Revolution," 1 carbon copy undated
"China," 1 handwritten draft undated
"Chinese Revolution," 1 carbon copy undated
"CIO-AFL," handwritten outline, notes, research materials 1938
"CIO and AF of L," handwritten outline, notes, research materials 1939 February
"Class Divisions in the United States," 2 carbon copies circa 1922
"Class Relations in the U.S.," 1 handwritten draft, research materials 1933
"Co-Existence," handwritten notes undated
"Colonies and Imperialist War," chapter from larger work, 1 carbon copy, notes undated
"Coming-The Bread Line," article from The Liberator, 1 printed copy 1924 August
"Comments on State Department Memorandum," 1 typewritten copy, 1 typewritten and handwritten draft undated
"Communism or Reformism," 1 handwritten draft undated
"Communist Catechism, A," by Max Bedacht and Jay Lovestone, article in The Daily Worker, 1 printed copy 1924 December 20
"Communist China," 1 typewritten and handwritten draft undated
"Communists and the Trade Union," 2 typewritten copies, 3 carbon copies undated
"Communists Strong Factor in Defeat of Mexican Reactionary Rebellion," article for The Daily Worker, 1 handwritten copy 1924 April 26
"Communists Will Not Defend Italy if Soviet Bloc Attacks Her," 1 handwritten copy undated
"Complete Fraud, A," 1 typewritten and handwritten draft undated
"Consequences and Significance," 1 handwritten draft, research materials circa 1936
"Consequences of the World Crisis," articles for Workers Age, printed copies 1932 June 4 11
"Coolidge Program, The," 2 printed copies 1927 December 15
"C.P.O. at Work," 1 handwritten draft, notes undated
"Creed for Americans, A," 1 typewritten copy undated
"Crisis in the Communist International, A," 1 handwritten draft undated
"Crisis in the Communist Party, U.S.A., The," 2 printed copies 1930 February
"Crisis in the Soviet Union, The," 1 typewritten copy undated
"Crisis: Its Social and Economic Consequences, The," 1 typewritten copy, 1 handwritten draft, research materials 1932 March 1
"Crisis We Face -- What We Can Do About It, The," speech at All-American Conference to Combat Communism, 12th Annual Meeting, 2 typewritten copies 1961 November 4
"Critique of Capitalist Planning, A," 1 handwritten draft undated
"Czechoslovakia," 1 typewritten and handwritten draft 1969
"Dangerous 'Disinterestedness,'" 1 printed copy, 1 carbon copy 1925 August 5
"Day of Hope and Determination," 1 typewritten copy 1960 May 1
"Decay and Decline," 1 handwritten outline undated
"Declaration by A.F. of L. on Menace of Slave Labor," 1 carbon copy, notes undated
"De Gaulle Counter-Revolution Against Atlantic Unity, The," 1 handwritten copy, 1 photocopy undated
"Democracy and Fascism as World Forces Today," 1 handwritten draft, research materials circa 1933
"Department of International Relations," 1 carbon copy undated
"Dialogues With Totalitarian Labor Fronts?," article for AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 1 printed copy 1966 June
"Did We 'Hide' the Crisis?," article for Revolutionary Age, 1 printed copy 1930 September 1
"Dissent to East-West Trade Statement," 1 carbon copy undated
"Distribution of Income Among the Factors of Production," paper for Political Science 57, 1 handwritten and typed copy 1917 December 13
"Does the Morbidity of Stalinism Inevitably Lead to Collapse of Communist Dictatorships?," 1 typewritten copy undated
"Dollar Devaluation and 'New Deal,'" article for Workers Age, 1 printed copy 1934 January 1
"'Dollarizing' a World," 1 carbon draft undated
"East-West Trade," 2 typewritten and handwritten drafts, notes, research materials undated
"Economic and Political Situation and Party Tasks," 1 handwritten copy 1930
"Economic and Political Situation in the U.S., The," 1 handwritten draft undated
"Economic Consequences of Unemployment," 1 handwritten outline, research materials circa 1931
"Economic Questions," 1 handwritten draft undated
"Economic Situation, The," 1 typewritten draft undated
"Economics of the 'New Deal,' The," article for Workers Age, 1 printed copy 1933 August 15
"Eighth Year of Soviet Triumph, The," 1 carbon draft circa 1925
"Elections...," 1 carbon copy circa 1940
"Essense of a New Line," 1 handwritten draft undated
"Euro-Communism - Roots and Reality," 1 photocopy undated
"Europe Near the Abyss," 1 handwritten draft, research materials undated
"European Notes," 1 carbon copy 1955 May
"Events in the Eastern Mediterranean," 1 handwritten and typewritten draft, 1 photocopy circa 1974
"Excerpts from Jay Lovestone's Written Reports," 1 photocopy undated
"Export of Production and Jobs," 1 photocopy 1971 May 3
"Facts for Workers," 1 printed copy circa 1924
"Farewell, Comrade Ruthenberg; Farewell, Our Leader," 1 printed copy circa 1927
"Fascism in France," 1 handwritten draft, research materials circa 1937
"Features of the Constitution," 1 handwritten draft undated
"Few Words About Lenin, A," 6 handwritten outlines circa 1925
"Finnish Language Factions Convention Opens," article for The Daily Worker, 1 handwritten copy 1925 November 29
"First Mass Protest, The," 1 typewritten copy undated
"First Requirement for Good Labor-Management Relations," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy undated
"For a Just and Lasting Peace in the Middle East," 2 carbon and handwritten copies undated
"For Freedom and Peace! Smash the Aggressors in Korea!," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy undated
"For Peace and Freedom," 1 typewritten copy, 1 carbon copy undated
"For Peace in the Middle East," 1 typewritten copy, 5 carbon copies; same title with different text, 1 typewritten draft, notes undated
"Forced Labor in the Soviet Union," 1 handwritten draft undated
"Forces and Currents in the Present Political Situation," article for Workers Monthly, 2 printed copies 1926 April
"Foreign Aid," 1 typewritten and handwritten draft undated
"Foreign Relations," 4 carbon copies undated
"Formation of the C.P., The," 1 handwritten outline, research materials undated
"Free Labor Cannot Be 'Neutral,'" 1 carbon copy undated
"From Gompers to Lewis," 1 carbon copy 1938
"Full Circle," 1 carbon copy undated
"Future of American Labor, The," 2 carbon copies undated
"Future of Communism in the U.S.," handwritten notes, research materials undated
"Future of Labor-Management Relations, The," 1 typewritten copy undated
"Germany-1923," 1 handwritten draft, research materials undated
"Germany Today," article in AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 1 printed copy 1962 July
Government Strikebreaker, The, typewritten and printed reviews 1923
"Great Negro Migration, The," article for The Workers Monthly, 1 printed copy 1926 February
"Hands Across the Seas: The ILGWU and World Affairs," 1 carbon copy undated
"Highlights on the Trade Union Situation in the C.T.C. of Cuba," 1 carbon copy 1959 November 12
"Historic Declaration," 1 carbon copy undated
"Hitler," handwritten outline undated
"Hokum on Parade," article for The International Class Struggle, 1 printed copy 1936 Winter
"How Not to Accept a Communist International Decision," 2 carbon drafts undated
"How the 'N.L.' Defends the Soviet Union," 1 handwritten and typewritten draft, research materials 1931 May 25
"How the Polcom Is Revising Leninist Line of Sixth Congress," 1 handwritten draft undated
"How to Build Soviet-American Friendship," 1 typewritten outline, 1 carbon outline, notes, research materials undated
"Human Rights for Political Prisoners," 1 typewritten copy, 6 carbon copies undated
"Hungary," 1 typewritten copy undated
"Hungary and German Reunification," 1 carbon copy undated
"ICFTU and Communism," 1 carbon and handwritten draft, notes undated
"Ideals and Aspirations of American Labor," 1 carbon copy undated
"Ideological," 3 carbon copies, 1 typewritten and handwritten copy undated
"I.L.G.W.U. Role in American Labor," 1 carbon copy undated
"Illinois Industrial Situation Getting Gloomy," 1 typewritten copy 1925
"Imperialism and the American Working Class," article for Workers Monthly, 1 printed copy 1926 March
"Imperialism and the Revolutionary War Today," 1 carbon copy undated
"Implications of the Sit-Down," article for Workers Age, 4 printed copies 1937 April 17
"In Re Bertrand Russell," 1 carbon copy undated
"In the Heart of Europe," 1 handwritten outline circa 1936
"Independencia Filipina, La," article for Boletin del Cigarrero, 1 printed copy undated
"Inflation or Currency Legislation," 1 handwritten draft, research materials circa 1933
"International Communist Summit Conference, The," article for AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 2 printed copies, 1 typewritten copy, 2 carbon copies, 1 typewritten and handwritten draft; slightly different version read before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1 mimeographed copy 1961 January 26 February
"International Confederation of Free Trade Unions," 1 handwritten copy undated
"International Contradictions," 1 handwritten draft undated
"International Crisis, The," 1 typewritten and handwritten draft, 1 carbon and handwritten draft undated
"International Labor Movement," 1 handwritten copy undated
"International Labor Organization," 1 carbon copy undated
"International Proletariat and the World Crisis, The," 1 handwritten draft, research materials undated
"International Proletariat and the World Crisis, The," 1 handwritten draft, research materials undated
"International Situation, The," 1 handwritten outline, 1 typewritten and handwritten draft, 2 carbon copies undated
"International Situation and our Position," 1 handwritten draft, research materials 1938
"International Trade Rivalries," typewritten notes undated
"International Working Class Movement and Our Task, The," 2 carbon drafts, handwritten notes undated
Interview with Jay Lovestone, Sun-Herald, Sydney, Australia 1957 April 9
"Kautsky," 1 handwritten draft undated
"Keep America Out of the War," 1 handwritten draft, notes undated
"Khrushchev Visit," 3 carbon copies, 1 carbon draft, notes undated
"Khrushchev's Downfall," article for AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 1 printed copy 1964 November
"Khrushchev's Real Intentions," 2 carbon copies undated
"Konrad Adenauer," 1 handwritten draft undated
"Kremlin Offensive Against the U.N. and the New Nations," 1 carbon copy undated
"Labor and National Defense," 1 typewritten copy, 1 carbon draft, research materials 1940 December
"Labor 'Battle of the Century,' The," article for Workers Age, 2 printed copies 1937 March 27
Labor Day messages, 1 carbon copy; 1 carbon copy, 1 handwritten and typewritten draft 1964 undated
"Labor, Efficiency, and the Market," 1 typewritten copy undated
"Labor Lieutenants of American Imperialism, The," 1 mimeographed copy, 2 printed copies undated
"Labor Moves to New Property Concepts," article for Workers Age, 2 printed copies 1937 April 24
"Labor's Stake in Democracy: American Labor Looks Ahead," proposal for a book, 1 typewritten copy, 5 carbon copies, 3 carbon drafts, 1 typewritten draft, research materials, correspondence applying for a fellowship 1940 September 21
"LaFollette 'Illusion,' The," 2 printed copies 1924 September 1
"Latin America," 1 handwritten draft, 5 carbon drafts undated
"Leaders in Peking," 1 handwritten copy undated
"Leftist Confusion and Opportunist Illusions in Official 'Analysis,'" 1 handwritten copy undated
"Lenin on War," 1 handwritten draft, 1 printed copy, research materials undated
"Lessons - New Realities," 1 typewritten outline undated
"Little Thaw - Big Flaw," article for AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 1 printed copy; 3 printed copies (2 in English, 1 in Spanish), 2 photocopies; reprinted in Thought, 1 printed copy 1960 January 1966 August October 1
"[Lovestone] Group Today," 1 handwritten and typewritten draft circa 1936
"Lovestone Points Out Growth of State Power in U.S., Calls Cal Coolidge Strikebreaker-in-Chief," title for first installment of Report of the Political Committee by Jay Lovestone, published in The Daily Worker, 1 printed copy; summary of report in The Daily Worker, 1 printed copy 1927 September 12-22 circa 26-30
"Make it a Peace Conference," 1 handwritten copy undated
"The March of the Russian Workers and Peasants," 1 carbon copy, research materials, notes circa 1931
"Marxian Theory of Crises and the Communist Way Out, The," 1 handwritten draft, research materials circa 1933
"Marxism Today," 1 handwritten draft, research materials 1933 April 23
"May Day 1932," handwritten notes 1932
"Meaning of the Soviet 'Purges,' The," article for Workers Age, 1 printed copy 1937 July 3
"Memo for Post-War Conference," 1 carbon copy undated
"Memo on Fulbright," 1 carbon copy, research material undated
"Memorandum on Caracas Conference," 1 carbon copy 1960 April 11
"Memorandum on Crisis in Middle East," 2 handwritten copies 1974 November 18
"Memorandum on Wages and Hours Law as Reported by House Committee," 2 carbon copies, 1 handwritten draft undated
"Menace of Factionalism, The," 1 handwritten draft undated
"Mexican Communists Open Convention: Agrarian and Election Problems Chief Tasks Before Delegates," 1 handwritten copy 1924 April 25
"Mexican Workers Prepare Giant May Day Demonstrations," 1 handwritten copy 1924 March 28
"Middle Class and the Crisis, The," 1 handwritten draft, notes, research materials circa 1931
"Modesty, Always in Order," 3 carbon copies undated
"More About the First American Revolution," article for Workers Monthly, 1 printed copy 1927 January
"More Communist Strongholds," article for The Workers Monthly, 1 printed copy 1925 October
"Moscow Gave Green Light for PCI and PCF Line," 1 handwritten copy undated
"Moscow Trials, The," 1 typewritten draft, research materials circa 1936
"Moscow's Aim and Game," 2 carbon and handwritten copies undated
"Moscow's 'New Look' at the World Crisis," 1 typewritten copy undated
"Muddle on an American Scale, A," 1 carbon copy 1928 July 28
"Mutual Obligations," 1 handwritten copy undated
"National Defense vs. Social Progress," 1 typewritten copy undated
"National Independence and Freedom for the Polish People," 1 carbon and handwritten copy undated
"National Security, ABM and Human Needs," 1 typewritten copy undated
"Nature of the Opposition Bloc," 1 handwritten draft, research materials circa 1927
"Nazi Promotion Machine, The," 1 carbon copy, notes, research materials undated
"Negro and the American Labor Movement, The," 1 handwritten outline circa 1926
"Neuland fur die Arbeiter Bewegung," 1 mimeographed copy undated
"New America: The American Empire, The," article for The Workers Monthly, 3 printed copies, 1 carbon and handwritten draft 1926 July
"'New' American Capitalism, The," 1 handwritten draft, research materials 1936 October 30
"New Course - An Old Curse, The," 1 typewritten and handwritten draft undated
"'New Deal' and the Workers, The," Part III - "Economics and Politics of the 'New Deal,'" article for Workers Age, 1 printed copy 1933 July 1
"New Frontiers for Labor," article for The Social Frontier, 1 printed copy, 1 typewritten copy, 1 carbon copy, 1 handwritten copy, 2 reprints 1938 November
"The New International Situation," for International Free Trade Union News, 4 printed copies 1957 December
"New Myths and Old Realities," article for AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 2 printed copies, 2 photocopies, 1 typewritten and handwritten copy, 1 handwritten draft, research materials 1967 May
"New Stage in International Crisis," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy undated
"Newest Developments in the International and Economic Situation and the Comintern," 1 handwritten draft, notes, research materials circa 1931
"1928 Elections, The," 1 carbon copy, 1 handwritten outline circa 1929
"1928: The Presidential Election and the Workers," 3 printed copies 1928 February
"No Free Trade Union Exchanges With State Company Unions!," article for AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 3 printed copies, 1 carbon copy 1966 May
"No Return to Isolationism - For Firm Commitment to World Peace and Freedom," 2 handwritten and typewritten drafts undated
"No Time to Let Down Our Guard," 2 typewritten and handwritten drafts undated
"Noise That Congress Makes, The," article for The Liberator, 1 printed copy 1923 December
"Note on Soviet Efforts to Downgrade the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Peoples to the Status of Minorities in the USSR and to Annihilate Their National Identity," 1 carbon copy circa 1962
"Notes on Colombia and Venezuela," 1 handwritten carbon copy undated
"Notes on French Colonialism," 1 carbon copy undated
"Notes on Moscow Summit," 1 carbon and handwritten copy undated
"Notes on President Carter's Address at the Notre Dame Commencement Exercises, South Bend, Indiana, 1 handwritten copy 1977 May 22
"Notes on the TUC Memorandum on African Trade Unions," 1 carbon copy undated
"Offensive Against the American Labor Movement, The," 1 typewritten draft 1927
"On Religion and the Churches in the Nine Captive Countries," 1 carbon copy undated
"On the Crisis in Berlin, Germany and Western Europe," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy undated
"Open Letter to Brother Iwai," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy, 1 carbon and handwritten copy undated
"Opening Remarks," Worker's Party, 1 handwritten outline 1928 May 25
"'Order' in Wall Street," 5 mimeographed copies 1929 November
"Organization," 1 handwritten outline undated
"Organization, Objectives, and Tactics of International Communism," speech to the National War College, 1 carbon copy 1960 December 20
"Organization of Despair - Revolutionary 'Unionism,' The," 1 handwritten draft 1938 November
"Organizational Problems," 1 carbon copy undated
"ORIT Statement Concerning the Crisis in the Dominican Republic," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy undated
"Our Basic Tasks," 1 handwritten draft, notes, research materials circa 1930
"Our Changing Economy - The Challenge to Labor," 1 handwritten copy, research materials circa 1938
"Our Foreign Policy and World Peace," 1 handwritten, typewritten, carbon draft undated
"Our Organization - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow," 1 handwritten draft, notes 1940 September 1
"Our Party," 1 handwritten outline circa 1926
"Our Responsibility and Opportunity," 1 carbon copy undated
"Pages From Party History," 8 printed copies circa 1929
"Party Organization, The," 1 printed copy circa 1926
"Party's Development and Growth, The," 1 carbon draft circa 1929
"Peace and Freedom," 1 typewritten and handwritten outline undated
"Peace! It's Wonderful," one-act play, 1 typewritten draft, 1 typewritten copy circa 1938
"'Peace' Moves Collapse as A.F.L. Ends Hope of Lifting Suspensions," 3 printed copies circa 1936
"Period of Right Wing Orientation," 1 handwritten outline, notes, research materials circa 1925
"Periods of American Foreign Policy," 1 handwritten outline undated
"Perspectives for Our Party," 2 mimeographed copies circa 1927
"Plan of a Program of Action Based on Economic Partial Demands, The," 1 handwritten copy undated
"Planning," 1 handwritten and typewritten copy, research materials circa 1933
"Platform Proposals - Foreign Policy and Defense," 1 handwritten copy, 1 carbon copy undated
"Plowing the Sands of Capitalist 'Peace,'" article for Revolutionary Age, 1 printed copy 1930 January 15
"Plus and Minus at Yalta," 1 handwritten outline undated
"Policies Toward East Europe," 2 carbon copies undated
"Political Dilemma, The," 2 typewritten copies, 2 carbon copies 1957 March
"Political Prospects for 1928," 1 handwritten outline 1928
"Politics of the 'New Deal,' The," article for Workers Age, 1 printed copy 1933 September 15
"Prairie Fire in the Heart of Industry - The CIO, A," 1 handwritten draft undated
"Present and Future of American Labor" ("Some Specific Features of Labor Movement in America," "The Economic Crisis and the Labor Movement"), series of articles for Workers Age, 1 printed copy undated
"Present and Future of American Trade Unionism, The," 1 handwritten and typewritten draft, research materials undated
"Present Conditions," 1 handwritten outline circa 1924
"Present Economic Situation, The," 1 handwritten copy 1928
"Present International Situation, The," various writings with the same title, 2 typewritten copies, 4 carbon copies undated
"Present Moment in Life of CI and Its American Sections," 1 handwritten draft, research materials undated
"Present Situation and Tasks in France," 1 handwritten outline, 1 handwritten copy, 1 typewritten copy, research materials circa 1936
"Present World Situation, The," writings with same title, 1 handwritten copy, 1 typewritten copy, notes circa 1936 circa 1955
"Price of Freedom, The," article for AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 4 printed copies 1967 September
"Problems of CIO Consolidation," 1 printed copy 1937 April 3
"Problems of Democracies," 1 handwritten outline undated
"Profiteering in Armaments," 1 typewritten copy, 1 carbon copy undated
"Prologue to Progress," 1 carbon copy undated
"Prosperity Blows Up," article for The Liberator, 1 printed copy 1924 July
"Questions for Mollet," 1 typewritten copy, 1 carbon copy undated
"Rationalization Rainbows Bring a New Storm," 1 handwritten draft, notes undated
"Re: Casey Revolt in the CP," handwritten notes undated
"Re: New Union Developments," 2 carbon copies undated
"Re: Road to Communist Unity," 1 handwritten draft, notes, research materials circa 1935
"Reaction Takes a Holiday - and Goes to Tampa," 3 printed copies circa 1936
"Rebuild and Strengthen the Atlantic Community," 1 carbon copy undated
"Recent Changes in Administration of Soviet Economy," 1 typewritten and handwritten draft undated
"Regarding Strikes," 1 typewritten copy undated
"Relation of Wages to Consumption," handwritten notes undated
Report by Jay Lovestone, Secretary, on Behalf of A.F. of L. Delegation to E.R.P. (European Recovery Program), Trade Union Conference, London, 3 mimeographed copies; "Report on Germany," 5 mimeographed copies 1948 July 29-30
Report of Jay Lovestone to the Fifth National Convention of the Communist Party (Opposition), 1 typewritten copy 1935
Report on the Midwestern Situation, 1 typewritten copy circa 1937
"Resolution on Anti-Semitism and Persecution of Minorities in the U.S.S.R.," 1 handwritten copy undated
"Resolution on Trade Union Work," 1 typewritten copy undated
"Results of the 1928 Election Campaign," speech by Jay Lovestone at the Workers Forum, 1 typewritten draft 1928 November 11
"Return to Appeasement? A," editorial for George Meany in American Federationist, 5 printed copies, 1 typewritten and handwritten copy, 4 carbon copies 1964 May
Review by Jay Lovestone entitled "The Confessions of A Counter-Revolutionist of 1776," of Reminiscences of An American Loyalist, 1738-89, edited by Jonathan Bouchier, 1 carbon copy undated
Review by Jay Lovestone entitled "Salesmanship and Sabotage," of Absentee Ownership and Business Enterprise in Recent Times: The Case of America, by Thorstein Veblen, review printed in The Liberator, 1 printed copy 1924 March
Review by Jay Lovestone of Why America Wants to Conquer Europe by Eugene Paul, 1 carbon copy undated
"Revolution and Evolution," handwritten notes undated
"Road to Freedom Is Thru the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, The," debate with Bertrand Russell, notes, questions, leaflet, research materials 1931 November 27
"Role of Free Trade Union Committee," 1 carbon copy undated
"Roots, Causes, and Aims of Latest Shift in Soviet Foreign Policy," 1 carbon copy 1953 April 6
"Ruthenberg," 1 typewritten copy 1930
"S.O.S. From Austria!," 2 printed copies undated
"Seven Years of Communism in the U.S.A.," 1 handwritten outline 1926
"Seventh World Congress," 1 handwritten draft, notes, research materials 1935
"Shortcomings of American Foreign Policy," 1 carbon copy undated
"Significance of the Auto Workers Strike," article for Workers Age, 2 printed copies 1937 March 13
"Social and Economic Consequences of the Unemployment Crisis in the U.S.A.," 1 typewritten copy, 1 carbon copy undated
"Socialism, Fascism and the Outcome of the War," article for Workers Age, 4 printed copies 1940 October 26
"Socialist Party, The," article for Workers Age, 1 printed copy 1934 December 15
"Some Achievements and Mistakes and Problems Ensuing," 1 handwritten draft, notes, research materials circa 1935
"Some Achievements of This Convention," 1 handwritten outline undated
"Some Forgotten History," 1 typewritten copy, 1 carbon copy, 1 handwritten copy undated
"Some Immediate Party Problems," summary of remarks to the meeting of the Central Committee on May 30, 1928, printed in The Communist, 1 carbon copy, 1 printed copy, notes, research materials 1928 July
"Some Larger Aspects of the New Deal," 1 handwritten draft, notes, research materials circa 1933
"Some Lessons from the Sacco-Vanzetti Case," 1 mimeographed copy 1927
"Some Problems of Capitalist 'Planning,'" 1 handwritten draft, notes, research materials circa 1932
"Some Thoughts on the Economic Recession," 2 carbon copies undated
"Some Vanishing Differences," 1 handwritten copy circa 1939
"Source of Tragic Error," handwritten outline undated
"Soviet Economic Challenge - Its Meaning and Menace, The," 1 carbon copy, 1 typewritten copy undated
"Soviet Foreign Policy and the World Revolution," 4 printed copies 1935 August
"Soviet Home Front, The," 1 carbon copy undated
"Soviet Purge and World Labor," 1 handwritten draft, research materials circa 1937
"Spirit of the First American Revolution, The," article for Workers Monthly, 1 printed copy 1926 November
"Stabilizing Democracy," 1 carbon copy undated
"Stalinization of Russia," typewritten notes undated
"Statement on New York Times' Publications," 1 carbon copy undated
"Status of the Jews in the Soviet Union, The," 1 carbon copy undated
"Stock Market, The," 1 handwritten copy undated
"Struggle for Freedom Behind the Iron Curtain, The," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy, notes undated
"Suggested Guiding Lines for United States' Overseas Economic Aid and Military Assistance Programs," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy, 1 carbon and handwritten copy undated
"Summary Remarks by Jay Lovestone," 1 typewritten copy, 3 mimeographed copies undated
"Tatsachen und Illusionen," 1 printed copy undated
"Tax Reform," 1 typewritten copy undated
"Teapot Dome," article for The Liberator, 1 printed copy 1924 March
"Ten Years of Communism in the U.S.A.," 1 typewritten and handwritten draft circa 1929
"Ten Years without Stalin," article for AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 2 printed copies 1963 April-May
"Tenth Anniversary of Wall of Shame," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy, 1 carbon and handwritten copy, 1 handwritten copy circa 1971
"There Is no Substitute for Freedom," 1 carbon copy undated
"Thesis on the Chinese Situation," 1 mimeographed copy undated
"Third Anniversary," 1 carbon copy undated
"Through Freedom to Peace and Social Progress," 1 typewritten copy, 1 carbon copy undated
"To All Lithuanian Organizations of America," 1 handwritten copy undated
"To Meet Soviet Economy's Political Threat," article for AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 3 printed copies 1959 December
"Tom Mooney, Hero of Labor, Speaks," article for Workers Age, 1 printed copy 1936 July 25
"Tomorrow's War," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy, notes, research materials circa 1939
"Towards a Fundamental Examination of the Crisis of the Burocratic Regime in the U.S.S.R.," 1 handwritten draft, research materials circa 1937
"Towards a World Bolshevik Party," article for The Workers Monthly, 1 printed copy 1925 December
"Towards Another Wave of Revolutionary Struggles," 1 typewritten draft undated
"Towards Bolshevization - The Struggle Against Open Opportunism in the American Communist Party," 1 handwritten outline circa 1928
"Towards Common Sense," 1 carbon copy undated
"Trade Unionists, Socialists, and Communists," 1 carbon copy undated
"Trade Unions in Africa," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy, notes, research materials undated
"'Trade Unions' - Rumanian Style," article for AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 3 printed copies 1970 April
"Trade Unions - Soviet Style," article for AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 3 printed copies 1970 April
"Trotsky's Position on War," 1 typewritten copy undated
"Trusts and the Workingman," 1 carbon copy, bibliography undated
"'T.U.' in Red China," 1 handwritten copy undated
"Turbulent Flux and Polarization," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy circa 1977
"Twenty-Two Years of the Soviet Union," 1 handwritten draft, notes, research materials 1940
"2 1/2 Tendency in Our Party, The," 1 typewritten draft circa 1925
"U.A.W. Convention," 1 carbon copy undated
"U.S. Foreign Policy," 2 carbon copies undated
"Unions in Russia," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy, notes circa 1967
"Unite Against Wage Cuts!," article for Revolutionary Age, 3 printed copies 1930 June 15
"Unity and Strength for the Western World," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy undated
"Unknown Political Prisoner," 1 typewritten draft, 2 carbon copies 1960 November 7
"Urgency of Sound Labor-Management Relations," 1 typewritten and handwritten copy undated
"Utterly False," 2 carbon copies undated
"Veterans of Foreign Wars," 4 carbon and handwritten drafts 1959 August 31
"Vienna Congress - Background and Outlook, The," article for International Free Trade Union News, 1 printed copy, typewritten notes 1955 August
"Vietnam," 1 handwritten and typewritten copy undated
"War and the Communist International," 1 typewritten and handwritten draft undated
"War and Proletariat," 1 typewritten copy 1940 January
"We're with You, England," 1 handwritten copy undated
"Weshalb Amerika Europa erobern will?," 1 printed copy 1925
"What Are the Real Issues Confronting Us?" article for Workers Age, 4 printed copies 1940 October 12
"What Has Happened to the Russian Revolution," 1 typewritten copy 1939 January 14
"What Is Going on in the International Communist Movement?," 1 typewritten copy, 1 carbon copy undated
"What Is New in the 'New Look?,'" article for International Free Trade Union News, 1 printed copy 1955 October
"What Is New in the Present World Crisis?," article for Workers Age, 4 printed copies 1940 September 28
"What Is Really New in the Twentieth Congress," 1 carbon copy undated
"What Next for American Labor?," article for Modern Monthly, 2 printed copies 1934 May
"What Next for Europe?," written for Matthew Woll, 1 carbon copy, notes, 1 handwritten copy undated
"What Next in the Labor Movement and a Program of Action," 1 handwritten outline, research materials circa 1931
"What the Bosses' Congress Wants to Do Against the Workers," 3 articles for The Daily Worker, 1 printed copy circa 1927
"What the Communist Opposition Stands for," 1 handwritten draft, notes, research materials 1932
"What to Do with Germany," 1 handwritten outline, notes, research materials circa 1944
"What's Ahead for American Labor?," 1 handwritten draft, research materials, notes circa 1934
"What's Doing in the Party and What the Party Is Doing," 1 handwritten outline undated
"What's Happening in the Comintern," 1 handwritten draft, notes, research materials circa 1934
"What's What about Coolidge?," 1 printed copy undated
"Where the Danger Is," 1 carbon copy undated
"Where to Find the Moral Force," 1 carbon copy undated
"Who Is Ruthenberg?," handwritten notes undated
"Who Is the Imperialist?," 5 photocopies, reviews, notes, research materials 1971
"Why? a Labor Party," 2 printed copies 1934 December 31
"Why and Wherefore of Leninism, The," 1 typewritten copy, 1 handwritten draft undated
"Why Are the French Fighting in Morocco?," 1 carbon draft undated
"Why Communist China Should Not Be Admitted to the United Nations," article for International Free Trade Union News, 2 photocopies; reprinted in AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 2 printed copies, 2 photocopies 1954 September 1961 September
"Why Issue Revived?," 1 handwritten copy, 1 carbon copy (copy of speech by Nikita Khrushchev?) undated
"Why Moscow Seeks 'Cultural Exchanges,'" article for AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 2 printed copies 1959 July
"Why Moscow Woos the Neutralists: 20th Congress Unfolds Soviet Pattern," article for International Free Trade Union News, 1 printed copy 1956 May
"Why the Iron Curtain," 1 carbon copy undated
"Why the Trend Towards a One-Party System," 1 carbon copy undated
"Why the Trend Towards Close Relations Between Governments and Trade Unions," 1 carbon copy undated
"Workers Must Learn the Truth," 1 typewritten draft undated
"Workers - Your America, What Are You Going to Do with It?," 1 carbon copy undated
"The World Crisis," 2 carbons, research material undated
"World Events," article for Justice, 1 printed copy 1955 January 1
"You Cannot Hide from Struggle," 1 typewritten copy undated
Alliance for Progress
American Federation of Labor
American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations Conference
Atlantic Unity
Australian Communist Party
Automobile industry
Strike 1937
Campaign speech 1928
Cold War
Communist International
Communist Party
circa 1926
Communist Party (Opposition)
circa 1930
circa 1931
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
Democracy and totalitarianism
Democratic Party Convention 1936
Duranty, Walter
Economic conditions
European Recovery Program
Fascism in Italy
Federated Farmer-Labor Party
Forced labor
Fulbright, William
Fur industry
Gold question
Great Britain
Harrison, George
Hoover, President Herbert C.
Human rights
Independent Labor League of America
International conditions and Communist opportunity
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)
International labor movement
International labor activities
International Labour Office (ILO)
International relations
International relations
International trade unions
Labor Day speeches
circa 1927
Labor Day symposium 1936
Labor legislation
Lewis, John
Lore, Ludwig
Maritime industry
Medical education
Miscellaneous - Handwritten notes, research materials, parts of speeches and writings, lists
National Industrial Recovery Act - Supreme Court Decision 1935
Near East
Notebook of clippings from articles by Jay Lovestone
Notebook of excerpts, quotations from various sources
Popular Front
Postwar industry
Quill convention
Economic conditions
Foreign relations
Russo-German Treaty 1939
Sit-down strikes
Smoot, Reed
Socialist Party
Speech at Boston Committee on Foreign Relations 1953 January 19
Speech at Boston, Lexington Day undated
Speech at the International Peasants Union Congress 1952 April 28
Speech on Israel undated
Speech on the Seventh Anniversary of the Soviet Republic 1924 November 7
Speech to a Union Meeting (ILGWU?) 1946
Speech to American Institute for Free Labor Development undated
Speech to Danish Trade Union Congress undated
Speech to German Federation of Labor undated
Speech to Hungarian refugees undated
Speech to Italian-American Labor Council undated
Speech to the Liberal Party 1946
Speeches probably written by Jay Lovestone for George Meany
Theory of evolution
Toy industry
Trade unions
circa 1931
United Automobile Workers
Convention 1936
United Nations
United States
Central Intelligence Agency
Economic assistance
Economic conditions
Foreign relations
Asia (probably by Jay Lovestone)
National defense
Politics and government
Social conditions
Trade unions
Woll, Matthew
World Jewish Congress
World trade unionism circa 1946
American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial
Organizations (AFL-CIO)
Arbeiterpolitik, Alsace
Arbeiterpolitik, Czechoslovakia 1935-1938
Arbeiterpolitik, Leipzig 1929
Arbeiter-Zeitung, Switzerland 1931-1932
Arbeitgeberverband (employers' organization), Hamburg, e.V.
Berlin (Germany)
Christlich Demokratische Union/Christlich-Soziale Union (CDU/CSU)
"Daily European Observations," 1936-1939
Deutsche Angestellten-Gewerkschaft (German employees' union)
Deutsche Briefe, 1936-1937
Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (German trade union confederation)
Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund
Europe, Eastern
German reunification question
Germans in France
Social conditions 1945-1946
Soviet Zone
Politics and government
Germany (East)
Germany (West)
Industriegewerkschaft Bau-Steine-Erden (construction industry union)
Industriegewerkschaft Chemie Papier Keramik (chemistry, paper and ceramics union)
Industriegewerkschaft Metall (metal industry union)
Internationaler Bund freier Gewerkschaften (international confederation of free unions)
Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (Opposition) and Internationale Vereinigung kommunistischer Opposition
Minutes, international conference, Berlin 1930
Minutes, international conference 1932
Korrespondenzblatt illegaler deutscher Gewerkschaftsgruppen (newsletter of illegal German union groups) 1935-1936
National Socialism
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD)
Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED)
Spain - History - Civil War 1936-1939
Spanish workers in Germany
United States
Newspapers, magazine clippings, and photocopies of clippings not yet described
Newspapers, magazine clippings, and photocopies of clippings not yet described
Newspapers, magazine clippings, and photocopies of clippings not yet described
Newspapers, magazine clippings, and photocopies of clippings not yet described
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Newspapers, magazine clippings, and photocopies of clippings not yet described
Newspapers, magazine clippings, and photocopies of clippings not yet described
Newspapers, magazine clippings, and photocopies of clippings not yet described
Award to Jay Lovestone from the Council Against Communist Agression 1975 September 13
Business record book 1929-1932
Chart, "Results of Reorganization in the Workers (Communist) Party of America, " 1925-1926
Delegate badge to National Farmer-Labor-Progressive Convention, St. Paul, Minnesota 1924 June 17-20
Delegate badge to Workers Communist Party of America, National Convention 1929 February
Folder of charts and graphs entitled "To Catch Up With and Overcome in Technical-Economic Aspects the Leading Capitalist Countries in Ten Years"
Plaque made of Russian range finder plate taken from equipment used by Syrian Forces on Golan Heights, awarded to Jay Lovestone by Histadrut, Israel 1973 October
Scrapbook of clippings of newspaper column by Jay Lovestone entitled "At First Glance," from Workers Age, 1938 October 8 - 1939 October 27
Forced Labour Camps and Mass Deportation Areas
Lovestone, Jay, speech circa 1952 April 28
12 prints of Jay Lovestone; 1 print of Charles Zimmerman; 5 prints of Jay Lovestone and others; 3 prints of David Dubinsky; 3 prints of Jay Lovestone and Luigi Antonini; 4 prints of Jay Lovestone and David Dubinsky; 3 street scenes; 1 print of Jay Lovestone and others circa 1910 1925-1935
8 prints at political picnic (5 with Jay Lovestone as speaker); 2 prints of Max Bedacht, Ann Damon, C. E. Ruthenberg, William Z. Foster, and Jay Lovestone; 1 print of Jay Lovestone and Ella Wolfe; 2 prints of a Sacco-Vanzetti Demonstration circa 1924-1925 1930 August 22
12 prints of Jay Lovestone and others circa 1932
1 print of Workers School (Jay Lovestone, Jack Stachel, William Weinstone, Bertram Wolfe, Herbert Zam, Ben Davidson, Rose Goldberg, Minnie Lurie, and Miriam Zam); 1 print of Jay Lovestone, Bertram Wolfe, and others circa 1929
20 prints of Jay Lovestone; 3 negatives circa 1925-1935
1 print of Jay Lovestone, William Munger, Irving Brown, Bertram Wolfe, and Ben Davidson; 1 print of Jay Lovestone, William Munger, Irving Brown, and Ben Davidson; 1 print of William Munger; 8 prints taken of street scenes in Berlin by Nicholas Dozenberg; 1 print of Ellis Chryssos; 1 print of early Bolshevik leaders in Russia including V. I. Lenin and Iurii Martov circa 1931 1936
3 prints of Irving Brown, Jay Lovestone, and others; 5 prints of Irving Brown; 1 print of Irving Brown and Guilio Pastore; 1 print of Irving Brown, Michael Ross, J. H. Oldenbroek, Elmer Cope, and George Meany; 1 print of Irving Brown, George Meany, and Arthur Deakin; 2 prints of Irving Brown and others
3 prints of Jay Lovestone, Harry Goldberg, and Middle Eastern labor leaders; 8 prints of Jay Lovestone and others at the American Institute for Free Labor Development; 3 prints of Jay Lovestone and others 1962 1971 1974
3 prints of Jay Lovestone, President and Mrs. Richard M. Nixon, and others; 2 prints of Jay Lovestone and others; 1 print of Jay Lovestone, David Dubinsky, and others; 15 prints of Harry and Rose Goldberg, Mr. and Mrs. George Meany, David Dubinsky, and Italian labor leaders; 5 prints of Harry and Rose Goldberg; 2 prints of Harry Goldberg 1955 June
56 prints of and by Elfriede Thiemann
14 prints of Jay Lovestone; 2 prints of Jay Lovestone and others aboard the Queen Mary; 4 prints of Jay Lovestone and others aboard the Queen Elizabeth; 8 prints of meeting of labor leaders, London (Jay Lovestone, George Meany, Matthew Woll, William Green, David Dubinsky, and others); 1 print of George Meany; 1 print of Jay Lovestone and others circa 1955 1960
2 prints of Jay Lovestone and others at International Confederation of Trade Unions Congress in Stockholm; 1 print of Averell Harriman and others at ICFTU Congress; 1 print of Jay Lovestone, Averell Harriman, and others; 1 print of Jay Lovestone and others, Tokyo; 6 prints of Jay Lovestone and Ludwig Rosenberg, Berlin; 1 print of Jay Lovestone, Georg Leber, and others, Berlin; 1 print of Jay Lovestone 1949 1953 July 1966 1968
3 prints of Jay Lovestone; 1 print of Jay Lovestone and George Meany; 2 prints of Jay Lovestone, George Meany and Konrad Andenauer, Germany; 2 prints of Ludwig Erhardt; 1 print of Jay Lovestone, Klaus Dohrn, and Pope Pius XII; 1 print of Jay Lovestone, David Dubinsky, and Irving Brown at the Vatican 1955 1965 1966 1971
1 print of Jay Lovestone and George Meany; 1 print of Jay Lovestone, George Meany, and others; 5 prints of Jay Lovestone and others; 1 print of Jay Lovestone, George Meany, Dean Rusk, and others; 1 print of Jay Lovestone, George Meany, and Willy Brandt; 1 print of Jay Lovestone and others, Los Angeles; 1 print of Jay Lovestone 1963 1971
8 prints of a political gathering with Jay Lovestone, Louis Fraina, Charles Zimmerman, and others; 5 prints of Jay Lovestone and others; 4 prints of Jay Lovestone and John Brophy; 1 print of John Brophy and unidentified man; 2 prints of union meeting circa 1935
10 prints of Jay Lovestone (proofs)
2 prints of Norman Tallentire; 1 print of Norman Tallentire and others; 9 prints of scenes of Lansing, Michigan, "Labor Holiday;" 1 print of Jay Lovestone and others; 1 print of Jay Lovestone and Norman Thomas 1937 June 7
4 prints of Tom Mooney; 1 print of Warren Billings; 1 print of Tom Mooney with police; 1 print of Eugene Debs on "Debs for President" train; 3 prints of Tom Mooney on "Debs for President" train, possibly campaign 1908
1 print of Alexandra Kollontai and large gathering (possibly Russian political meeting); 11 prints of Jay Lovestone; 1 print of C. E. Ruthenberg; 1 print of Alexander Bittelman, William Z. Foster, and James P. Cannon circa 1924-1925
9 prints of Esther Mendelssohn; 7 prints of unidentified woman
4 prints of Jay Lovestone and others; 2 prints of Jay Lovestone and others at United Nations Tunisian reception; 2 pages of proofs of Jay Lovestone and others; 5 prints of Jay Lovestone and others; 2 prints of Jay Lovestone and others at Armed Forces Information School 1953 1957
3 prints of Phan Quang Dan; 2 prints of Matthew Woll, Jay Lovestone, and others; 1 print of Yerucham Meshel and Jay Lovestone; 2 prints of Jay Lovestone and others; 1 print of Seiji Amaike and George Meany; 4 prints of Jay Lovestone, Willy Brandt, street scene of Berlin, Jay Lovestone addressing crowd in Berlin; 1 print of Jay Lovestone addressing convention breakfast 1962 1964 1969
7 prints of Jay Lovestone and others; 1 print of Jay Lovestone and others; 1 print of General George C. Marshall, Chou En-lai, Chu Teh, Chang Chi-chung, Mao Tse-tung, and Lin Tsu-hau; 2 prints of Harry Bridges and others; 1 print of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and others; 1 print and caption of Ghanian prisoners
9 prints of recipients of CARE packages; 1 print of map of China; 11 prints of scenes in Russia; 9 negatives of scenes in Russia circa 1946
36 prints of Jay Lovestone; 1 print of Dean of Canterbury Hewlett Johnson and Jay Lovestone; 1 print of Hewlett Johnson and others; 1 print of Rafael Carrillo; 1 print of Diego Rivera and others; 11 scenes of Mexico; 1 print of wrecked airplane; 3 prints of Ella Wolfe; 1 print of Jay Lovestone and others circa 1923
15 unidentified prints; 4 prints of Elsie Ruak and others, Hamburg; 1 print of Natalie Davies; 1 print of Edna Brand Mann; 1 print of Johannes Mihkelson; 2 prints of Jay Lovestone and unidentified man 1946
34 postcards
16 prints of scenes in Romania
3 slides of Jay Lovestone; 1 print of Jay Lovestone; 1 negative of Jay Lovestone; 1 print of unidentified group of people (possibly taken in Moscow of Communist Youth Group)
26 prints (possibly Moscow)
28 unidentified prints
2 prints of Charles Hueber(?) 1929
1 print of Francis Biddle; 1 print of Lansing, Michigan, "Labor Holiday;" 2 prints of unidentified woman 1937 June 7 1942
1 print of Jan Masaryk
1 print of Nicolai Bukharin
1 unidentified print (family portrait)
1 print of Summer Labor Institute, World Labor Co-Operation, (Jay Lovestone and others) 1938 June 23
12 prints depicting scenes of daily life in Germany 1947
2 prints of AFL meeting 1951
3 prints of Harry and Rose Goldberg at a cultural conference in Bombay, India, also depicting Bombay mayor S. K. Patil, Wystan Hugh Auden, Mr. and Mrs. Burnham, S. R. Mohan Das, Salvador de Madariaga, Julius Margolin, M. R. Masani, Asoka Mehta, Denis de Rougemont, Stephen Spender, and Norman Thomas 1951 March 28-31
2 prints of Harry and Rose Goldberg at a meeting of the Automobile Workers Union, INTUC, Bombay, India 1951 April 13
2 prints (and 4 duplicates) of Harry and Rose Goldberg at the headquarters of the P.B.K.A. Workers Trade Union, Bandung, Indonesia 1951 November 3
5 prints (and 9 duplicates) of Anna Kethly and others undated
[Material received after completion of register to Boxes 1-695]
1980s, undated
AFL-CIO 1956-1987
Abdelali, Abderrahman B. 1955-1964
Abramovich, Rafail 1951
Acheson, Dean 1960-1961
Adenauer, Konrad 1955-1966
Alexander, Robert J. 1978-1983
All Pakistan Confederation of Labour 1952
Allen, Will 1945
Allott, Gordon 1960
Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers 1973
American Federation of Labor 1951-1955
American Foundation for the Blind 1967-1982
American Institute for Free Labor Development 1973-1978
Amnesty International 1978
Andrews, Richard H. 1962
Andrews, Sarainne 1955-1977
Angleton, James and Cicely 1978-1988
Arden House Conference on Science and Labor 1983
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish 1958
Army War College 1952
Ashton, D. L. W. 1972
Asian-American Free Labor Institute 1973-1974
Atlantic Council 1972-1989
Aulnay, Jacques and Sheila d' 1976-1987
Australian Association for Cultural Freedom 1969
Ba Tun 1961
Balfour, Natalie 1984-1988
Bang-Jensen, Helen 1959-1960
Barth, Heinz 1974-1979
Barton, Paul 1969-1973
Barwald, Helmut F. 1973
Beichman, Arnold 1981-1982
Berman, Paul 1988
Bernard, Viola W. 1938-1965
Bill, James A. 1978-1979
Billick, Anita C. 1981-1988
Bluestein, Abe 1976
Bolcsfoldi, Andor 1978
Borochowicz, Elly 1953-1986
Borochowicz, Leo 1952
Brandel, Kuno 1963
Brandt, Willy 1936-1966
Brentano, Heinrich von 1955-1963
Brewer, Roy M. 1977-1978
Brod, Mario Emmanuel 1972
Brombart, David 1978-1985
Brophy, John 1937
Brown, George 1955-1956
Brown, Irving 1947-1981
Brown, William Montgomery 1930
Bruce, David 1952
Bruegel, John W. 1958-1978
Bryant, Farris 1962
Buckley, William F. 1955
Bunche, Ralph J. 1967
Bundy, William P. 1966-1977
Burke, Arleigh 1952-1969
Business Week 1956
Caffery, Jefferson 1948-1951
Callesen, Gerd 1987
Carney, Jack 1952-1955
Chaikin, Sol C. 1977-1985
Chakravarty, B. N. 1962
Chelli, Zouhaier 1956
Chen Chih-mai 1954-1955
Cherne, Leo 1961
Chudnovsky, David and Gregory 1979-1984
Ciolkosz, Adam 1972
City College of New York 1961-1989
Clark, Mark W. 1945-1960
Clay, Lucius D. 1949-1977
Cleveland, Harlan 1982
Cole, Helen Grady 1963-1971
Colson, Charles W. 1970-1972
Committee for the Free World 1980-1986
Committee on the Present Danger 1976-1988
Conte, Silvio O. 1960
Correll, John Franklin 1974
Coste, Brutus 1968-1979
Council on Foreign Relations
Cramer, Ernst 1976-1978
Cuito, Amadeo 1966
Cuneo, Ernest L. 1955-1986
Curtis, Thomas B. 1959
Das, S. R. Mohan 1958-1980
Davies, Natalie R. 1947-1951
Dennen, Leon 1951
Deutsche Angestellten-Gewerkschaft 1960
Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund 1955-1981
Deutschkron, Inge 1979
Deverall, Richard L. G. 1950-1957
Dodd, Thomas J. 1961
Dohrn, Klaus 1953-1979
Donahue, Thomas R. 1980-1987
Donovan, William J. 1955
Dorn, William Jennings Bryan 1960
Douglas, Paul H. 1949-1960
Dozenberg, Nicholas 1925-1931
Driscoll, John J. 1978
Dubinsky, David 1952-1970
Dulles, Allen W. 1954-1963
Durbrow, Elbridge 1977-1978
East-West Round Table 1982-1986
Eban, Abba 1964
Economist 1956-1977
Eiran, Amos 1974-1982
Emmet, Christopher T. 1955
Erler, Fritz 1959
Ernst, Robbi G. W. 1980-1981
Euler, F. 1978
Feuer, Lewis S. 1978-1982
Fiester, Kenneth 1955-1963
Fisher, John M. 1961-1984
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 1935
Flannery, Harry W. 1954
Fontaine, André 1977
Force Ouvrière 1973-1974
Foreign Affairs Research Institute 1977-1979
France, Ministère de la Justice 1959
Freedoms Foundation 1978-1982
Frey, John P. 1942-1955
Friedel, Samuel N. 1960
Friedman, Robert I. 1987
Front de Libération Nationale (Algeria) 1956-1963
Fulbright, J. William 1966
Fulton, James G. 1955-1956
Gaitskell, Hugh 1958
Gallois, Pierre M. 1963
Gehlen, Reinhard 1951-1977
Geissler, Eva undated
Geissler, Lu 1925-1936
General Motors Corporation 1981
George Meany Center for Labor Studies 1979-1987
Germany (West) Botschaft, United States 1961-1974
Gershman, Carl 1978-1979
Gilbert, Robert W. 1955
Godson, Joseph 1969
Godson, Roy 1975
Goldberg, Arthur J. 1942-1961
Goldberg, Harry 1951-1967
Good, Dale E. 1969-1985
Gorman, Patrick E. 1974
Gottschalk, Ellen 1956
Gould, Richard 1977
Gould, William B. 1982
Graham, Philip L. 1955
Gruenther, Alfred M. 1947-1956
Guttenberg, Karl Theodor, Prinz zu 1970-1971
Habsburg, Otto von 1962
Hagnauer, Roger 1955
Haig, Alexander M. 1972-1982
Hallstein, Walter 1963
Halpern, Seymour 1960
Hammarskjöld, Dag 1956
Hapgood, Powers 1930
Harriman, W. Averell 1948-1963
Haskins, Loyd A. 1965-1967
Haya de la Torre, Victor 1958
Heine, Fritz
Hemphill, Robert W. 1960
Henderson, Loy W. 1956
Herling, John 1955
Hillenkoetter, R. H. 1955-1974
Histadrut 1963-1974
Hochberg, Isadore 1923-1926
Hoover, J. Edgar 1954-1956
Humphrey, Hubert H. 1955-1968
Huyn, Hans, Graf 1978-1982
Ilan, Ben-Zion 1964
Independent Labor League of America circa 1937
Industrial College of the Armed Forces 1976-1978
Industrial Relations Research Association 1956-1957
Institute for Plural Societies 1978
International Confederation of Arab Trade-Unions 1960-1961
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions 1961-1970
International Conference in Honor of Andrei Sakharov 1980-1981
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union 1947-1986
International Rescue Committee 1977
Italian American Labor Council 1977-1984
Italy. Consolato Generale (New York, N.Y.) 1962
Jackson, C. D. 1951
Jackson, Henry M. 1971-1980
Jakstas, Virginia 1981
Japanese Confederation of Labor 1960-1969
Javits, Jacob K. 1959-1972
Jessup, John K. 1960
Jewish Daily Forward 1974-1977
Johnson, Lyndon B. 1962
Judd, Walter H. 1955
Kahn, Tom 1976-1981
Keat, Stephen K. 1981
Keating, Kenneth B. 1960
Kennedy, Robert F. 1963-1966
Kersten, Otto 1970-1974
Kethly, Anna 1959-1974
Khan, Zafulla 1961-1962
Kiesinger, Kurt Georg 1970
Kirkland, Lane 1978-1986
Kirsch, Henry 1967
Kissinger, Henry A. 1958-1977
Klehr, Harvey 1980
Knowland, William F. 1955
Koevago, Joseph 1957
Kreindler, Hannah 1977-1979
Kreisky, Bruno 1961-1963
Krock, Arthur 1956
Labin, Edouard 1952
La Dany, L. 1963
Larkin, Anne 1955
Lash, Joseph P. 1979
Leber, Georg 1963-1982
Lecoeur, Auguste undated
Lee, Ernest S. 1956-1984
Lewis, David Levering 1979-1980
Lewis, Flora 1987
Lewis, Marx 1969
Liebstein, A. Morris 1959
Limb, Ben C. 1952
Lindblom, Olavi 1956-1974
Livingston, Sidney 1970-1980
Lodge, Henry Cabot 1960-1964
Loeb, William 1959
Lombardo, Ivan Matteo 1961
Lübke, Heinrich 1964
McDowell, Arthur G. 1955
Magnuson, Don 1960
Makarios, Archbishop 1964
Maluleke, J. T. 1960-1961
Mandel, Benjamin 1954-1969
Mann, Edna Brand 1920-1975
Mann, Harvey T. 1945
Markus-Verlag 1970
Martin, David 1955-1978
Matis, Esther 1923-1930
Matis, Nina 1966
Matis, Robert 1976
Matthews, J. B. 1956
Mboya, Tom J. 1961
Meany, George 1951-1979
Mendelssohn, Esther
Mihajlov, Mihajlo 1972-1988
Mihkelson, Johannes 1948-1980
Montana, Vanni 1977-1979
Mooney, Thomas J. 1933
Moore, Walden 1971
Morris, Louise Page 1950-1986
Morris, Robert 1948
Morris, S. P. 1952
Morrissey, Francis Xavier 1984-1985
Moynihan, Daniel P. 1975-1980
Mundt, Karl E. 1955
Murphy, Robert D. 1952-1957
Naguib, Mohammed 1954
Nagy, Ernest A. and Helen 1962-1984
Nasser, Gamal Abdel 1955
National Committee against the Treaty of Moscow 1963
National Planning Association 1976
National Strategy Information Center 1973-1979
National War College 1952-1966
Negotiation Institute 1979
Nehru, B. K. 1962
Nehru, Jawaharlal 1956
Nelson, Roger B. 1970
Nishio, Harry 1953
Nixon, Richard M. 1958-1973
Norstad, Lauris 1960
Novik, M. S. 1955-1979
Observer (London) 1979
Occidental Petroleum Corporation 1982
O'Connor, Harvey 1926
O'Konski, Alvin E. 1960
Ollenhauer, Erich 1959
Ontario Educational Communications Authority 1977-1979
Orfila, Alejandro 1974
Ormandy, Eugene 1958
Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund 1957
Pachachi, Adnan 1961
Parker, Dean 1987
Peretz, Martin 1978
Perlman, Mark undated
Phan Quang Dan 1964-1988
Pipes, Richard 1980
Pissas, Michael N. 1960
Policy Review 1977-1984
Polier, Justine 1938-1942
Poole, Harry R. 1978
Pope Generoso 1943-1978
Proxmire, William 1960
Pumpkin Papers Irregulars 1979
Putz, Karl Heinz 1977-1978
Radford, Arthur W. 1961-1962
Reader's Digest 1973
Reagan, Ronald 1982-1987
Riordan, J. M. 1961
Rivera, Diego 1940-1941
Robinson, Archie 1977
Rodino, Peter W. 1960
Romualdi, Serafino 1953
Rostow, Eugene V. 1977-1980
Rostow, W. W. 1966
Rowny, Edward L. 1974-1981
Roy, Samaren 1983
Rozek, Edward J. 1976-1985
Ruane, Rosemary 1964-1987
Ruhnau, Heinz 1977-1978
Rusher, William A. 1956-1978
Rusk, Dean 1962
Russell, Richard B. 1960
Rutz, Henry 1968
Sanders, Sol W. 1977-1982
Schiller, Leonard and Natasha 1979-1985
Schlesinger, James R. 1977-1979
Schurr, Sam H. and Beatrice 1930-1986
Seewald Verlag 1973
Sevela, Ephraim 1978
Shadduck, Glenn 1936
Shakrani, Ali 1967
Shanker, Albert 1979
Silver Crater Mines 1956
Singh, Ram 1959-1973
Sironi, Luigi 1973-1974
Slienger, Carl 1982
Social Democrats, U.S.A. 1977-1982
Sociedadas Hispanas Confederadas 1962
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 1977
Soustelle, Jacques 1956
Southern African Freedom Foundation 1978
Sparkman, John 1951
Springer, Axel 1978
Springer, William L. 1960
Springer-Kemp, Maida 1961-1977
Stack, W. B. 1969
Stahl, Walter 1962
Stevenson, Adlai E. 1955-1963
Stolt, Richard G. 1959
Storti, Bruno 1966
Stulberg, Louis and Bebe 1971-1977
Sullivan, William C. 1969
Symington, Stuart 1960
Szelig, Imre 1957
Taft, Philip and Theresa 1970-1977
Tamiment Institute 1956
Tanzer, Lilli 1983
Tehas, Virginia 1961-1984
Thiemann, Elfriede
Thomas, Norman 1931-1956
Tiro, Hasan M. di 1955
Tochitch, Desimir 1969
Tripathi, S. K. 1977
Truman, Harry S. 1959-1962
Tsiang, Tingfu F. 1953-1964
Tütsch, Hans E. 1977-1985
Tyler, Gus 1955-1979
Tyson, James L. 1979
Ulam, Adam B. 1978
Unidentified (surnames unknown)
Alleyne 1931
1940-1944 September
1944 October-December
1945 January-April
1945 May - 1947 undated
Joan 1938
Nellie 1926-1931
Union General de Trabajadores 1986
Unione Italiana del Lavoro 1966
United Nations 1963-1976
United States, Department of Labor 1964-1979
United States, Department of State 1949-1984
United States, Federal Bureau of Investigation 1955
United States, Immigration and Naturalization Service 1978
United States, Selective Service System 1942
United States Information Agency 1956-1984
Utechin, S. V. 1962
Vance, Cyrus 1978
Vietnamese Confederation of Labor 1974
Walsh, F. P. 1959
Walter, Francis E. 1959
Ware, Chris 1923
Weiner, Herbert E. 1961-1985
Weissel, William 1959-1974
Williams, Harrison 1955
Wilson, Harold 1963
Windmiller, Marshall 1956
Windmuller, John P. 1955-1974
Wittfogel, Karl A. 1954
Wittgenstein, Casimir, Prince 1973
Wolfe, Bertram D. 1971-1977
Wolfe, Ella
1929-1985, undated
Woll, Matthew 1951
Workers Defense League 1957
Worthington, Peter 1981
Yaker, Mary 1981
Young, Milton R. 1960
Zimmerman, Charles S. 1961-1978
Zimmerman, Paul undated
Notes re philosophy and political economy 1910s
College papers re statistics, City College of New York, holographs 1917 October
"Forty Years with Gompers," outline notes 1930s
"The Program of the National Socialist German Labor Party (the Nazis)," outline notes 1930s
Speech re Diego Rivera, outline notes 1930s
The American Labor Movement: Its Past, Its Present, Its Future (pamphlet), printed copy 1932
Soviet Foreign Policy and the World Revolution (pamphlet), printed copy 1935
"Some Notes on the New Labor Situation," outline notes 1938 September 12
Notes re world situation and outbreak of World War II 1939
"Agents of the Stalin-Hitler Block," Workers Age, typescript 1939 September 30
"Stalin Absolves Hitler," Workers Age, typescript 1939 December 16
"Growth of American Interest and Participation in World Affairs," outline notes 1940s
"The Impact of Recent Developments in Russia and England on American Life," outline notes 1940s
Notes re course of World War II 1940s
Notes re post-World War II outlook 1940s
"Propaganda and Counter-Propaganda in Total War, and the Role of Labor," outline notes 1940s
Speech re International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, typescript 1940s
"Stalinism and the Present World Situation," Workers Age, typescript 1940 April 27
"Towards a Genuine American Democratic Socialism!," draft declaration of Independent Labor League of America, typescript 1940 December 29
"Hitler on Trial by American Public Opinion," outline notes circa 1941
"Mid-West Section of Labor Division [of Committee to Defend America]," outline notes circa 1941
Memorandum re German invasion of Soviet Union, typescript 1941 June 23
"Draft of Plan for a New Orientation and New Perspectives," typescript 1941 December 10
"Labor, Defense and Production," typescript circa 1942
"Local No. 22 [of International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union] Victory Mobilization," outline notes 1942 January 10
Memorandum re closed shop, typescript 1942 February 25
"National Labor Division, Citizens for Victory: A Program of Labor Action for Victory," outline notes 1942 March 3
"How Helicopter Can Help Win the War," typescript 1942 June 17
"American Labor and the Post-War World," outline notes and typescript 1942 July 18
"American Labor and the War Effort," outline notes and typescript 1942 July 18
Article re Hearst press, typescript 1942 August 17
"Memorandum in re India," typescript 1942 August 21
Memorandum re Latin America, typescript 1942 August 26
Draft speech for Matthew Woll re strikes in Luxembourg, typescript 1942 September 11
Memorandum re Latin America, typescript 1942 September 12
"Some Suggestions for Practical Work," typescript 1942 September 14
"Manpower Memorandum," typescript 1942 October 6
"Survey of Italy: Situation and Problems," typescript 1942 November 9
Memorandum re Italy, typescript 1942 November 10
Memorandum re Italy, typescript 1942 November 13
"Memorandum on History of U.S.S.R., Volume 3, 1941 Edition," typescript 1942 November 24
"Why Italy Must Break the Axis and Quit the War in Order to be Free and Democratic," typescript 1942 December 1
Outline notes re Il Progresso 1942 December 14
"Some Suggestions for National Safety Drive in Labor Ranks," outline notes 1942 December 17
Memorandum re Edo Fimmen, typescript 1942 December 22
"The A.F. of L. and Some Post-War Tasks," typescript circa 1943
"Forward to Unity for Freedom and Democracy" [re Italy], typescript 1943 January 6
"The Real Issue" [re Italy], typescript 1943 January 14
Memorandum re Italy, typescript 1943 January 21
Draft speech for David Dubinsky re United Mine Workers of America, typescript 1943 January 25
"The Darkest Decade," typescript 1943 January 28
"A New Deal for Italy," typescript 1943 February 3
"A New Day for Italy," typescript 1943 February 4
"The C.I.O. and National Defense," typescript 1943 February 9
Article re World War II, typescript circa 1944
"General Aims of [Political] Department [of International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union]," outline notes circa 1944
"Facing the Issues" column, [International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union Local] 338 News, printed copy 1944 June
"Facing the Issues" column, 338 News, printed copy 1944 July
"Meet the Republicans," 338 News, printed copy 1944 August
"Will There Be a Last Ditch Fight in Germany?," 338 News, printed copy 1944 September
"The Nonsense about 'Free Enterprise,'" 338 News, printed copy 1944 October
"Ten-Point Program for Reorganization of Germany," 338 News, printed copy 1944 October
Memorandum re general election results, typescript circa 1944 November
"Will Russia Help Us Beat Japan?," 338 News, printed copy 1944 November
"The Meaning of the General Election," 338 News, printed copy 1944 December
"Evaluation of the World Trade Union Federation," typescript circa 1945
"How United Is World Labor?," typescript circa 1945
"Remarks on Report N. 1, Delegation to Italy, ITF," typescript circa 1945
"Yalta: Plus and Minus," outline notes 1945
"Allies Must Discard Power Politics," 338 News, printed copy 1945 January
"It Is Not too Late to Heed the Danger Signals of Europe," 338 News, printed copy 1945 February
"Yalta Conference Lays Foundation for Defeat of Germany," 338 News, printed copy 1945 March
"The End of the War Will See New Forces at Play in America," 338 News, printed copy 1945 April
"Minimum Requirements for a Democratic World," 338 News, printed copy 1945 May
"Differences between U.S., Britain and Russia Mounting at San Francisco," 338 News, printed copy 1945 June
"Truman's First 60 Days in the White House," 338 News, printed copy 1945 July
"Who Is 'Left Wing' and Who Is 'Right Wing'?," 338 News, printed copy 1945 August
"National and International Aspects of the British Labor Victory," 338 News, printed copy 1945 September
Article re world situation, typescript circa 1946
"What Warning Does the Latest Soviet Propaganda Line Hold for Americans?," typescript 1946
Speech re world communism, outline notes circa 1947
"Who Is a Progressive? What Is Reactionary?," outline notes circa 1947
"The Great Swindle: Stalin's 'Workers' State,'" typescript circa 1948
Speech re international role of American Federation of Labor, outline notes circa 1948
Speech re world situation, typescript circa 1948
Article re World Federation of Trade Unions, typescript 1948 May 11
"Report...in Behalf of A.F. of L. Delegation to E.R.P. Trade Union Conference," mimeograph circa 1948 August
"Report on Germany," mimeograph circa 1948 August
"Quickest Method of Undermining Soviet Influence in France," typescript 1948 November 17
Article re American defense policy, mimeograph 1949
"Memorandum on New Stalin Biography [by Isaac Deutscher]," typescript 1949
"The Role of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions," typescript 1949
Article re world situation, typescript 1950s
"Blood and Gold," typescript 1950s
"Communist Totalitarianism," outline notes 1950s
"Communists and the Trade Unions," outline notes 1950s
Draft letter to Habib Bourguiba for George Meany, typescript 1950s
Draft speech for David Dubinsky, outline notes 1950s
"Memorandum on Daniel Benedict after His Return from Europe," typescript 1950s
Memorandum re Central Intelligence Agency, typescript 1950s
Memorandum re Germany, typescript 1950s
Notes re foreign policy for labor 1950s
Outline notes re Central Intelligence Agency 1950s
"Proposed Agreement between KMLAPPER and BGLEADER [re Central Intelligence Agency]," typescript 1950s
"Report on Free Trade Union Committee," outline notes 1950s
Review of book by Salomon Schwarz, typescript 1950s
"Security for Freedom and Peace," typescript 1950s
Speech re Free Trade Union Committee, outline notes 1950s
Article re Yugoslavia, typescript circa 1950
Outline notes re Korean War 1950
Speech re Korean War, outline notes 1950
"Draft of Program for Establishment of A.F. of L. Training School in International Affairs," typescript circa 1951
Memorandum re Eastern Europe, typescript circa 1951
Memorandum re Germany, typescript 1951
Article re ex-Communists, typescript 1952
"Hearing on Slave Labor in U.N. Economic and Social Council Commission on Forced Labor," holograph 1952
"Communism: Its Meaning and Menace," typescript 1952 April 11
Notes re American Federation of Labor International Committee meeting 1952 June 18
"America, China, Russia," outline notes circa 1953
"The 'New Look' in War Atrocities," typescript 1953
Review of Karl Gruber, Zwischen Befreiung und Freiheit, typescript circa 1953
"Roots, Causes, and Aims of Latest Shift in Soviet Foreign Policy," typescript 1953
"Communist Tactics and Errors in the Far East and How We Can Capitalize on Them," typescript 1953 March 13
"The German Political Situation," typescript 1953 April 27
"Moscow's Aim and Game," International Free Trade Union News, printed copy 1953 June
Notes re meeting of American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations leaders 1953 July 4
Memorandum re World Federation of Trade Unions, typescript 1953 November 4
Draft letter to Ramon Magsaysay for George Meany, typescript 1954
Memoranda re Joseph McCarthy, notes and typescripts 1954 April
Affidavit in loyalty-security hearings re Max Tischler, printed copy of proceedings 1954 April 27
Letter to the editor, Washington Star, re coexistence, typescript 1954 August
Letter to the editor, Washington Post, re coexistence, typescript 1954 August 10
Speech, Special Committee on Public Education in Indiana meeting, typescript 1954 November 22
"Ad Heine's Letter of April 18, 1945 [sic]," typescript 1955
"The Chancellor and the Cherub Man," typescript 1955
"The Cherub Man and the Lake Man," typescript 1955
"Confidential Memo Which Caused Adenauer to Change His Plans and to Rush to the United States," typescript 1955
Draft letter to Walter F. George for George Meany, typescript circa 1955
Draft statement re North Africa for Free Trade Union Committee, typescript circa 1955
Memorandum re exchanges with Soviet Union, typescript circa 1955
"Notes on Latest Soviet Foreign Policy Maneuvers," typescript circa 1955
"Shop Steward Elections in Germany," typescript circa 1955
Speech, trade union meeting in Germany, typescript circa 1955
Speech re 4th Congress of International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, typescript 1955
"Towards Furthering the Unity of Free Europe," typescript circa 1955
"Underdeveloped Countries," typescript circa 1955
"[Herbert] Wehner Article," typescript circa 1955
Notes re trip to Europe 1955 February 27-March 7
Notes re trip to Europe 1955 March 18-31
Notes re trip to Europe 1955 March 26
"Report on Visit to Germany," typescript circa 1955 April
"Meeting of Representatives of ICFTU Affiliates," typescript 1955 April 5
Notes re trip to Europe 1955 May 11-June 16
Draft joint message to Konrad Adenauer for George Meany and Walter Reuther, typescript 1955 June
"European Notes," typescript circa 1955 June
Memorandum re United Automobile Workers Union, typescript 1955 June 22
Memorandum re Congress of Industrial Organizations, typescript 1955 July 19
"Memorandum on Geneva Conference," typescript 1955 July 26
"U.S. Labor's Teamwork Sparked ICFTU Congress," Justice, printed copy 1955 August 1
Article re Walter Lippmann, holograph circa 1955 September
"The Russian Formula: The German Democratic State," typescript circa 1955 September
Draft letter to James T. Shotwell for George Meany, typescript circa 1955 October
"Memorandum of Meeting with Phil Delaney," typescript 1955 October 10
"Notes on General Section [of draft AFL-CIO merger agreement]," typescript circa 1955 November
"Memo on Work in the United Nations," typescript circa 1956
Memorandum re Free Trade Union Committee, typescript circa 1956
Outline notes re Hungarian Revolution 1956
"Plan for Reorganization of International Work, AFL-CIO," typescript 1956
"Some Notes on Walter Reuther's Letter of March 23, 1956 to Secretary of State Dulles," typescript circa 1956 April
Memorandum re Walter Reuther, typescript 1956 May 18
Letter to the editor, Economist, re India and Yugoslavia, typescript 1956 May 24
"Can Communist Parties Be 'Independent from Moscow?,'" AFL-CIO American Federationist, printed copy 1956 August
"Khrushchev's Secret Speech and Declaration of Communist Party of Soviet Union: An Analysis and Evaluation," typescript and mimeograph 1956 August 10
Draft letter to Dwight D. Eisenhower for George Meany, typescript 1956 September
Memorandum re Indonesia, typescript 1956 September 24
Memorandum re Organización Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores, typescript 1956 September 24
Memorandum re American Committee on the Middle East, typescript 1956 September 26
Memorandum re international labor, typescript 1956 October
"Memorandum on Conference with William Schnitzler," typescript 1956 October 1
Notes re AFL-CIO International Affairs Committee meeting 1956 October 15
"Memorandum re Dave Beck," typescript 1956 October 17
Speech re Hungarian Revolution, outline notes circa 1956 December
"An Awakened America or a Weakened America?," typescript circa 1957
"Bad Business and Worse Patriotism," typescript circa 1957
"Communism and Anti-Communism," typescript circa 1957
"Cultural Exchanges," typescript circa 1957
"Dulles Asks Eden to Help France and He Refuses," typescript circa 1957
"For Peace and Freedom," typescript circa 1957
"Sputnik on the Scene," typescript 1957
"Technical Progress and Dictatorship," typescript circa 1957
"Where the Danger Is," typescript circa 1957
"The Present Situation in Africa," outline notes 1957 July 18
Memorandum re Jimmy Hoffa, typescript 1957 September 18
"Session with Marie Watson," typescript 1957 September 18
"The New International Situation," International Free Trade Union News, printed copy 1957 December
"Memorandum on Algeria," typescript circa 1958
"Some Thoughts on the Economic Recession," outline notes circa 1958
Speech to Histadrut, typescript 1958
"The Present Conflict between Moscow and Tito," typescript 1958 May 15
"The French Debacle," typescript 1958 May 27
"Let the Facts Speak: More Comments on the Tito-Khrushchev Rift," typescript 1958 June
Memorandum re United States Labor Attachés Conference, typescript circa 1958 June
Memorandum re Israeli legation, typescript 1958 June 5
Draft message to Abdel el-Kassem for George Meany, typescript 1959
Draft speech to Veterans of Foreign Wars for George Meany, typescript circa 1959
"Draft Statement on Khrushchev Visit," typescript 1959
"International Situation," typescript 1959
"Labor Fights for Freedom," typescript 1959
Memorandum re Soviet Union, typescript circa 1959
"Memorandum on Situation in the I.C.F.T.U.," typescript 1959
Questions and answers re relations with Soviet Union, typescript circa 1959
Memoranda re Ruth Fischer and Denis Healey, typescripts circa 1959 January
"Memorandum on Luncheon Given by James B. Carey to A. Mikoyan," typescript 1959 January 9
"Memorandum on Meeting with Yaacov Herzog of Israeli Legation, Washington, D.C.," typescript circa 1959 January 16
"The DGB and Contacts with the Communist Trade Unions of the Soviet Zone," typescript circa 1959 February
"Answer to Fritz Erler," AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, printed copy 1959 March
"Memorandum on Conference with Alfred Mozer," typescript 1959 March 9
"Why Moscow Seeks 'Cultural Exchanges,'" AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, printed copy 1959 July
Memorandum re Nikita Khrushchev, typescript 1959 October 13
"Basic Distinctions between the Soviet Economy and American Economy," 1959 November
"Memorandum on Hungary and the United Nations, 1959," typescript 1959 November
Article re communism, typescript 1960s
Article re international role of AFL-CIO, typescript 1960s
Article re Soviet Union, typescript 1960s
Article re world situation, typescript 1960s
"Co-Existence," typescript 1960s
Draft joint statement for George Meany and André Bergeron, typescript 1960s
Draft speech to American Legion for George Meany, typescript 1960s
"Encirclement," typescript 1960s
"An Estimate of General Charles de Gaulle by a Well-Known French Observer," typescript 1960s
"Expanding Role of Free Trade Union Movement," outline notes 1960s
"Hands across the Seas: The ILGWU and World Affairs," typescript 1960s
"Ideals and Aspirations of American Labor," typescript 1960s
"International," typescript 1960s
Memorandum re nuclear weapons inspection, typescript 1960s
"Program of Action for World Peace and Freedom," typescript 1960s
Speech re Bulgaria, outline notes 1960s
Speech re labor movement, typescript 1960s
Speech re Leninism, typescript 1960s
"Strikes in Spain," typescript 1960s
"Trade Unions in Africa," outline notes 1960s
"'Unions' in Totalitarian Countries," typescript 1960s
"Why the Trend towards a One-Party System," typescript 1960s
"Why the Trend towards Close Relations between Governments and Trade Unions," typescript 1960s
"Will Shelepin Be Arrested When He Visits West Germany as Guest of the DGB?," typescript 1960s
"The AFL-CIO and the World," typescript circa 1960
Article re International Labor Organization report on Soviet trade unions, typescript circa 1960
"Co-Existence," typescript 1960
"Ideological," typescript circa 1960
"Questions on Communist China," outline notes 1960
"Re Inevitability of War," typescript 1960
Notes re Soviet foreign policy 1960 April
Draft speech for George M. Harrison, typescript 1960 April 11
"The Changes in the Soviet Leadership," typescript circa 1960 May
"At the Summit: Rubble and Reality," AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, printed copy 1960 June
"Commemoration: Unknown Political Prisoner," outline notes 1960 November 7
"America, Face the Facts!," typescript circa 1961
Article re Soviet foreign policy, typescript circa 1961
"Human Rights for Political Prisoners," typescript circa 1961
Memorandum re anniversary of American Federation of Labor, typescript 1961
Speech re admission of China to United Nations, typescript circa 1961
"Memorandum on Interim Measures in re Berlin Crisis," typescript 1961 August 21
"Why Communist China Should Not Be Admitted into the United Nations," AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, printed copy 1961 September
Memorandum re Germany, typescript 1961 September 27
Memorandum re anniversary of American Federation of Labor, typescript 1961 December 11
"American Labor and the World Crisis," speech, Industrial Relations Research Association, outline notes and printed copy circa 1962
Draft speech to International Confederation of Free Trade Unions for George Meany, typescript 1962
"Luncheon Meeting with Ambassador, Republic of Iraq," typescript 1962 January 13
Notes re trip to Europe 1962 April 29-May 11
"Germany Today," AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, notes and printed copy 1962 July
"International Labor Movement and Communism," outline notes 1963
"Khrushchev's Boasts," typescript 1963
Speech re world situation, outline notes circa 1963
Memorandum re France, typescript circa 1963 November
Speech re international role of AFL-CIO, Hollins College, outline notes 1963 December 4
"Ho Chi Minh: The Untold Story," typescript circa 1964
Notes re communism circa 1964
"The Sino-Soviet Rift," typescript circa 1964
Speech re North Atlantic Treaty Organization, typescript 1964
"Some Suggestions," 1964 January 2
"Memo on George L. Weaver's Proposal for U.S. and Yugoslav Exchange of Labor Experts," typescript 1964 July 20
Draft speech to Trades Union Congress for David Sullivan, typescript 1964 September
"An Open Letter to Brother Akira Iwai," AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, typed transcript 1965 January
Speech re American labor movement, outline notes 1965 October 20
"No Free Trade Union Exchanges with State Company Unions!" AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, printed copy 1966 May
"China's Trade Unions Give Priority to the Cultural Revolution," typescript circa 1966 June
"Dialogues with Totalitarian Labor Fronts?" AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, printed copy 1966 June
Memorandum re International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, typescript 1966 June 1
"Interview with Chancellor Erhard, Tuesday, May 17, 1966," typescript 1966 June 2
"Little Thaw, Big Flaw," AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, notes and printed copy 1966 August
"Moscow Makes the Turn," typescript circa 1967
Notes re Soviet trade unions circa 1967
"The Party and the Trade Unions," typescript 1967
"American Labor and the International Crisis," outline notes 1968
Questions re Vietnamese War, holograph circa 1968
"Right to Invade Germany," notes and typescript circa 1968
Speech, National War College, Washington, D.C., incomplete outline notes 1968 January 12
"Political Changes in the Italian Communist Party," typescript 1968 April 25
"Quotations in Confirmation," typescript circa 1968 May
"[Ludwig] Rosenberg Mission to Moscow," typescript 1968 June 17
Article re trade unions in communist countries, typescript 1969
"The ICFTU and Communism," typescript circa 1969
Summary of telephone conversation re International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, typescript 1969 January 22
"The Chasm Is Unbridgeable," AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, printed copy 1969 February
"'Trade Unions,' Rumanian Style," AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, printed copy 1969 March
"Memorandum on Conversation with DBG President Heinz Vetter," typescript 1969 July 30
Memorandum re Sino-Soviet relations, typescript 1969 October 29
Memorandum re Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund mission to Soviet Union, typescript circa 1969 December
"Adian's Visit to the U.S.A. (Tentative)," typescript 1970s
"Can Social-Democratic Parties Collaborate with Communist Parties?," typescript 1970s
"The Enemy Is Total," outline notes 1970s
"Every 'Peace Program' Is a Deception," typescript 1970s
"The Friends of the Soviet People," holograph and typescript 1970s
"From Summit to Abyss," outline notes 1970s
"Kissinger's 'Achievements,'" outline notes 1970s
Memorandum re Central Intelligence Agency, typescript 1970s
Memorandum re Henry Kissinger, typescript 1970s
"Points for a Resolution on Terrorism and Air Hijacking," typescript 1970s
"Science and Society: The Third Dimension of the Atlantic Alliance," holograph 1970s
"Six Reasons for Labor's Interest in World Affairs," outline notes 1970s
Speech re international role of AFL-CIO, outline notes 1970s
Speech re world situation, outline notes 1970s
"Wolfgang Leonhard," outline notes 1970s
"DGB International Activism," typescript circa 1970
"Memo on AID Problems," typescript circa 1970
"Polish Developments Cloud Projected Joint Activities of Polish-West German Labor Organizations," typescript circa 1970
"What Is Role of [Soviet] 'Unions' Today?," holograph circa 1970
"Trade Unions, Soviet Style," AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, printed copy 1970 April
Speech to Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, outline notes 1970 April 10
Speech, International Trade Secretariats Conference, outline notes 1970 April 15
Speech, United States Labor Attachés Conference, outline notes 1970 April 16
Speech to United States Foreign Service group, outline notes 1970 April 17
"Draft Statement on New York Times' Publications [of Pentagon Papers]," typescript 1971
Memorandum re Soviet-German relations, typescript circa 1971 September
Article re history of International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, typescript circa 1972
"Basic Imports of [Nixon-Brezhnev] Summit," typescript circa 1972
"Mao Tse-tung's Thoughts for Summit Talk with Nixon," typescript circa 1972
"No Return to Isolationism: For Firm Commitment to World Peace and Freedom," typescript circa 1972
Notes re Asia circa 1972
Notes re Soviet-American detente circa 1972
"Our Country's Commitment to World Peace and Freedom," typescript circa 1972
"Soviet Economy," outline notes circa 1972
Draft platform proposals on foreign policy and defense for AFL-CIO, typescripts 1972 April 11
"Official North Vietnamese Statements in Support of Arab Liberation Movements," typescript 1972 September
"Report on Meetings of Executive Committee and Central Committee of International Metal Trades Federation," typescript circa 1972 December
Speech, International Trade Secretariats Conference, outline notes 1972 December 6
"European Confederation of Free Trade Unions," typescript 1972 December 22
"America's Stake in the Middle East," typescript 1973
"For Detente with Freedom," typescript 1973
"International Trade Secretariats," typescript circa 1973
"No Free Trade Union Exchanges with Totalitarian Labor Fronts," typescript 1973
Notes re Soviet-American detente circa 1973
"The Residual Effect of the October War," typescript circa 1973
"Restore Democracy in Chile," typescript 1973
"The Saudi Arabia-U.S. Commissions," typescript 1973
Speech re world situation, outline notes circa 1973
"Strong America and NATO: Pillars of World Peace," typescript 1973
"Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights," typescript 1973
"Swedish Aid to North Vietnam," typescript circa 1973 January
Corrections to unidentified biographical sketch of Lovestone, typescript 1973 January 22
"Strong Doubts about ECTU and Its Future," typescript 1973 February
"Foundation of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)," typescript 1973 February 13
"Conference with H[enry] K[issinger] at His Office," typescript 1973 April 25
"American Labor and World Affairs," outline notes 1973 October 8
Draft speech for George Meany, typescript 1973 December
"Memorandum on International Situation," typescript circa 1974
"Soviet Advocacy of the Oil Weapon," typescript 1974
"Twenty-five Years of NATO," outline notes 1974
"American Labor's Role in International Affairs," typed summary of speech 1974 April 24
"Labor's Interest in World Affairs," outline notes 1974 May 8
Speech, International Trade Secretariats Conference, outline notes 1974 September 19
"Memo on Co-Determination in Germany," typescript 1974 October
Speech, German-American Forum, outline notes 1974 October 8
"Conference with DGB Editors," typescript 1974 October 30
"Explanation and Justification of New CPI-CPF Tactics," typescript circa 1975
"Moscow Gave Green Light for PCI and PCF Line," typescript circa 1975
Notes re American economy circa 1975
"Roots of New Strategy for Communists," notes circa 1975
"Sino-Soviet Attitudes and Actions," outline notes circa 1975
"Post-Vietnam Asia," typescript 1975 June 24
Speech, AFL-CIO Labor Study Center, incomplete outline notes 1975 July 22
Notes re Eurocommunism circa 1975 November
"The Hegemonic Class," holograph and typescript circa 1976
Notes re Eurocommunism circa 1976
"Soviet Explanation and Justification of New CPI, CPF., etc. Strategy," holograph circa 1976
"Justification and Support of PCI-PCF Course," holograph and typescript circa 1976 March
"PCI: Solid with CPSU Internationalism," typescript circa 1976 March
"Nearer My Heart to Thee: PCI Love Russia First," typescript circa 1976 April
Speech, American Institute for Free Labor Development meeting, outline notes 1976 April 20
"Communists Will Not Defend Italy if Soviet Bloc Attacks Her," typescript circa 1976 May
Interview by Archie Robinson, typed transcript 1976 September 16
Interview by Archie Robinson, typed transcript 1976 October 15
"Notes for Meeting...on 'The U.S. and China after Mao,'" holograph and typescript 1976 November 30
"Keys to Leninist (Communist) Strategy," holograph and typescript 1977
Memorandum re Harold Brown, typescript 1977
Memorandum re world situation, holograph and typescript 1977
"Soviet Inflation," notes circa 1977 January
"Turbulent Flux and Polarization," holograph and typescript 1977 February
International report to International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union General Executive Board, outline notes 1977 February 11
"Notes on President Carter's Address at the Notre Dame Commencement Exercises, South Bend, Indiana, May 22, 1977," typescript circa 1977 May
"'Euro-Communism': Roots and Reality," Journal of International Relations 1977 Summer
Notes and fragments
Preliminary drafts, holograph and typescript
Final draft, typescript
"The Ides of March, 1978," outline notes and typescript 1977 September 21
International report to International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union General Executive Board, notes and holograph 1978
"Relations Worsen between Jusos and SPD Leadership," typescript circa 1978
Report on international resolutions submitted to International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union convention, holograph and typescript circa 1978
"DGB Youth Undermined by Communists," typescript circa 1978 January
Draft speech for Sol C. Chaikin in Egypt, typescript 1978 January 15
"Georg Leber's Resignation as Defense Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany," typescript circa 1978 February
"The New Chairman of the Jusos, an 'Anti-Revisionist,'" Ladies' Garment Workers' Union General Executive Board, outline notes 1978 February 9
"Towards a Balanced Defense Strategy," holograph and typescript 1978 February 9
"Eurocommunism and the Present Crisis," typescript 1978 March
"The Disarmament Conference of the Socialist International," typescript circa 1978 April
"The Convention of the Austrian Socialist Party (SPÖ)," typescript circa 1978 May
"The Eleventh DGB Congress and Related Issues," typescript circa 1978 June
Draft speech for Sol C. Chaikin, holograph and typescript 1978 June 6
Tribute to Fritz G. A. Kraemer, holograph and typescript 1978 July 21
"Detente's Triple Threat," typescript 1978 November 21
"The Great Debate: Defense, SALT II," outline notes circa 1979
Report on international resolutions submitted to International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union convention, holograph circa 1979
"Iran: The Witches' Broth," 1979 February 5
Notes and preliminary drafts
Final draft, typescript
Draft speech for Lane Kirkland at Drexel Institute, holograph and typescript 1979 June 2
Autobiographical notes 1980s
"Detente: Its Why and Wherefore," typescript 1980s
"International Situation," outline notes 1980s
"Notes on Russia's Old New Right by Alexander Yanov," holograph and typescript 1980s
Speech re communism, incomplete typed transcript 1980s
"The German LaRouche Organization (EAP)," typescript 1980s
"Detente: Turmoil and Torment," holograph and typescript 1980 February 8
Memorandum re Poland, holograph and typescript circa 1980 September
Draft letter to Lech Walesa and Anna Walentynowicz for Sol C. Chaikin, holograph and typescript 1980 September 10
"The Gdansk Charter: Lights On in Poland?," holograph and typescript 1980 December 1
"Two Internationals," typescript 1980 December 16
"The People Wonder Why," holograph and typescripts 1980 December 18
"The Campaign against the Stationing of NATO Medium-Range Missiles in West Germany," typescript circa 1981
"DGB President Vetter and the 'Peace Campaign,'" typescript 1981
Notes re Poland circa 1981
Notes re criticisms of American labor movement circa 1981 May 31
Draft speech for AFL-CIO representative at Trades Union Congress meeting, holograph and typescript 1981 June
"West German Teachers' Union Supports 'Peace Campaign,'" typescript circa 1981 October
"Bavaria against the 'Enemy States' Articles in the U.N. Charter," typescript circa 1981 November
"Communist Infiltration of the DGB," typescript 1981 December 12
"Lights Out: From Kronstadt to Warsaw," holograph and typescript 1981 December 31
"America's World Responsibility," holograph and typescript circa 1982
"German Uncertainties," notes and typescript circa 1982
Notes re Germany circa 1982
Notes re Poland circa 1982
"[Heinz] Vetter's Successor," typescript circa 1982
Memorandum re Germany, typescript 1982 February 26
"Ernst Breit, Successor-Designate of DGB President H. O. Vetter," typescript circa 1982 March
"The SPD Congress," typescript circa 1982 April
Memorandum re Andrei Kistiakovsky, typescript circa 1983
"Scientists and AFL-CIO" (typescript) circa 1983
"The American Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Atomic Arms and the Nuclear Debate in Germany," typescript circa 1983 April
Speech, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union Committee on International Affairs meeting, outline notes 1983 May 30
Message to memorial service for Charles S. Zimmerman, holograph and typescript 1983 June
"Some Proposals," holograph and typescript 1983 July 22
"In Reply to Mrs. Massie's Plea that We Should Realize that the Russians Are 'Human Beings,'" holograph 1985 October
Notes and fragments
Notes and fragments
AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations)
AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News audit reports 1963-1973
Third-party correspondence
Executive Council statements and resolutions
Internal documents
International Affairs Department - Internal documents
Minutes 1956-1958
Public issuances