5 of 5 pages |
Spotlight (incomplete) 1952-1960
World Congress 1951-1959
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions - Asian Regional Organization
Asian Labour News, 1965 July 15
ICFTU-ARO Bulletin (incomplete) 1956-1958
Newsletter, 1965 September 4
United Front Ministry and Trade Unions in West Bengal 1967
International Congress on Mental Health 1948
International Credit Bank, Geneva, Quarterly Review, No. 1 1973
International Documentation and Information Centre (INTERDOC)
Activities of the Communist World Organizations, 1968
Africa in the Light of Soviet-Russian Publications 1969 July-September
East-West Contacts, 1968 June 1969 April-June
East-West Contacts in Practice, 1965 April
National Views on Neutralism and East-West Detente 1969
Notes on Communist and Communist-Sponsored Activities as Reported By Communist Sources, 1968 May June October 1969 May
The Position of Women in the Soviet Union, 1969
Processes of Consolidation and Destruction in Czechoslovakia, 1969
The Psychological Situation in East Germany, 1969
Red China 1969 March-April
Religion and Church in the Communist Orbit, 1966-1969
The Union of Polish Pioneers, 1969
International Federation of Petroleum and Chemical Workers, Discord, 1967
International Institute for Peace, Economic Aspects of Disarmament, 1963
International Journal, 1958 Winter-1959
International Juridical Association, Curbing the Courts 1937
International Labour Conference, Delegations and Secretariat, 1963
International Labour News, 1965 January
International Labour Office (ILO)
Activities of the ILO, 1968
Approaches to Social Security, 1942
The Compensation of War Victims, 1940
Forced Labour, 1968
Industrial Safety Survey, 1942
Little Stories of Other Countries, 1924
Manual on Procedures Relating to International Labour Conventions and Recommendations, 1965
A New Era, 1944
Provisional Record, 1969
Reports, 1945-1974
War Time Transference of Labour in Great Britain, 1942
International Labour Review, 1960 July 1970 January
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU)
American Labor Faces the Future, undated
Campaign Liberature - Presidential Election, 1944
A Democratic Foreign Policy for the United States, 1947
A Fighting Program for the Dressmakers, undated
Handbook of Trade Union Methods, 1937
How to Start Classes, 1937
Justice, 1956 February 1 1975 October 15-November 1
Mooney and Billings Must be Freed!, 1936
1919-1944, Local 89 ILGWU Jubillee, 1944
The Position of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union in Relation to CIO and AFL, 1934-1938, 1938
Reports, Proceedings
Twenty-First Convention 1932
Twenty-Sixth Convention 1947
Twenty-Seventh Convention 1950
Twenty-Eighth Convention 1953
Thirtieth Convention 1959
Thirty-Second Convention 1965
Thirty-Third Convention 1968
Thirty-Fourth Convention 1971
Thirty-Fifth Convention 1974
The Story of the I.L.G.W.U., 1935
The Structure and Functioning of the I.L.G.W.U., 1934
Win the Cold War, Preserve the Peace, 1950
International Ladies' Handbag, Pocketbook and Novelty Workers Union, Reports to the Fourth and Fifth Conventions 1942 1946
The International League for the Rights of Man, The Rights of Man and the Wrongs of States, 1965
International Longshoremen's Association
The President Reports, 1971
Report and Recommendations of Special Mission to Nigeria, 1970
International Metalworkers' Federation, Resolutions, 1974
International Organizations, 1959 1961
International Peasant Union, 1956 March 1958 April
International Peasant Union, The Failure of Communist Agriculture, 1963
International Press Correspondence, Material on the Russian Question, 1926
International Rescue Committee, Annual Report, 1963
International Review Service, Representation of China in the United Nations, 1957
The Arms Race, 1957
Representation of China in the United Nations, 1957
International Security: The Military Aspect, 1958
International Service of Information Foundation, General Report, 1951
International Trade Union Conference, European Recovery Programme, 1948
International Transport Workers' Federation, Press Reports 1944 November 1946 May 1974 March 1951 December
International Transport Workers' Journal, 1944 September-October 1958 March
International Union of Food and Allied Workers' Association, News Bulletin (incomplete) 1968-1972
The International Union of Socialist Youth, Communist-Trained Youth Revolts Against Communism, 1957
International Union United Automobile Workers of America, Proceedings, 1939
Internationale Arbeiter-Hilfe, 1925
International Vereinigung kommunistischer Opposition
Internationale Nachrichten, 1931 July
Der Krieg und die kommunistische Internationale, 1937
Zur Krise in der Sowjetunion, 1937
Der Zusammenbruch der Weimarer Republik und was weiter?, undated
Internationale Nachrichten, 1931 July
Internationaler Bund freier Gewerkschaften, Die tschechoslowakischen Gewerkschaften, 1870-1970, 1970
The Interpreter
Iraq News Agency, 1963
Ireland, Ireland's Right to Unity, undated
The Iron and Steel Trades Confederation, Report of Delegation to the U.S.S.R., 1945
Ise, Joh, Our Vanishing Oil Resources, 1929
The Islamic Center, Islam and Humane Tenets, undated
Embassy, Washinton, D.C., Policy Background, The "Imminent War" Thesis and the Mideast Reality, 1969
The Histadrut: The General Federation of Jewish Labor in Israel, circa 1958
Information Services, The Record of Aggression, 1967
Policy Statements, 1970
Israel Digest, 1955 December 23
Israel Labor Bulletin, 1956
Israel Labour News, 1949 October 5
Israel Labour Party, What Mapai Stands For, 1959
Issues and Answers, UN Membership for Mao, 1966
Issues and Studies, 1965 February
Italian Affairs, 1954 September
Italian-American Labor Council, Celebration Luncheon 1958 December 20
Italy. Federazione Italiana dei Sindacati Postelgrafonici, Il Congresso, 1944
Italy Against Fascism, 1942
Italy's Struggle for Liberation, 1944
Izuka, Ichiro, The Truth About Communism in Hawaii, 1947
JTA Daily News Bulletin, 1968 March
JTUC Report (incomplete) 1956-1963
J. Henry Schroder and Company, Quarterly Review of International Conditions, 1931 May August
Jaffe, Grace M., Le mouvement ouvrier a Paris, undated
Jain, Girilal, Chinese "Panchesheela" Chinese, 1956
Janes, George Milton, The Control of Strikes in American Trade Unions, 1916
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Japan of Today, 1963
Working Conditions in Japan, 1960
Ministry of Labor
Japanese Women Today, 1964
Labor Administration of Japan, 1964
Japan, 1964
Japan as an Export Market, 1972
Japan Federation of Employers' Associations
Conditions of Labour Economy in Japan, 1970
An Outline of the Japan Federation of Employers' Association, 1970
The Japan Institute of Labor
Directory of National Unions in Japan, 1965
Japan Labor Bulletin (incomplete) 1962-1975
Japan's Labor Statistics, 1967
Labor Relations in the Asian Countries, 1967
Japan Labour Movement, 1973 January
Japan Productivity Center
Productivity Drive in Japan, 1962
The Productivity Movement in Japan, 1964
Japan Report (incomplete) 1960-1975
Japanese Communist Party, The Program and Contract of the Japanese Communist Party, undated
Constitution, 1964
Democratic Trade Union Movement in Japan, 1964
Japanese Economic Mission to the United States, Report, 1964
Javits, Benjamin A., and Leon H. Keyserling, The World Development Corporation, 1959
Jenks, M., The Communist Nucleus, What It Is--How It Works 1928
The Jerusalem Post, 1970 July 27
Jewish Labor Committee, Jews Behind the Iron Curtain, 1949
Jewish Newsletter, 1958 September 22 1961 August 7
Jews and the Jewish People, Collected Materials From the Soviet Daily and Periodical Press 1963
Jews in Eastern Europe, 1968 March
Jobs for Veterans Report (incomplete) 1975-1976
Joensson, Algot, Organized Labor and Democracy in Germany 1949
Joffe, Ellis, Party and Army, Professionalism and Political Control in the Chinese Officer Corps, 1949-1965
John XXII, Pope, Pacem in Terris, 1963
The John Birch Society, Bulletin, 1965 July
John Herling's Labor Letter (incomplete) 1965-1974
Johnson, Alvin, and Ernest Hamburger, The Economic Problem of Germany, 1946
The Johnson Foundation, Viet Nam, 1964
Johnson, Lyndon B., Public Order Based on Equal Justice 1967
Johnson, Priscilla, The Regime and the Intellectuals: A Window on Party Politics, circa 1963
Jordanian Operational Orders for the Destruction of Israeli Settlements and Killing All Persons in Them, 1967
Joshua, Wynfred, Soviet Penetration Into the Middle East 1970
Jukic, Ilija, Tito Between East and West, 1961
Jutro Polski, 1958 February 22
K.D.K. Information (incomplete) 1972-1976
Kaganowitsch, L. M., Der organisatorische Aufbau der RKP 1925
Kalandra, Zavis, O Spanelskou Revoluci, 1936
Kalnins, Bruno, Ist die Sowjetunion ein sozialistischer Staat?, 1948
Kamath, H. V., Communist China Colonizes Tibet, Invades India, 1959
Kamp, Joseph P., Join the C.I.O and Help Build a Soviet America, 1937
Kampfgruppe Gegen Unmenschlichkeit, Die Jugend der Sowjetzone in Deutschland, 1955
Kantor, Harry
The Development of Accion Democratica de Venezuela 1959
The Development of Democratic Government in Latin America, 1960
Governing Our Metropolitan Communities, 1958
Public Finances Parties, 1958
Kardelj, Edvard, The International Scene and the Yugoslav Position, 1950
Karsh, Bernard, Kawada, Hisashi, and Levine, Solomon B., Comparative Research in Industrial Relations: Three Papers, 1966
Katz, Amrom H., The Myth of Overkill, 1964
Kavanagh, Denis, J., Answer to Skeptics, 1943
Kavcic, Stane, Self-Government in Yugoslavia, 1961
Keating, Charles H., Jr., The Report That Shocked the Nation, 1971
Kelley, Douglas C., Africa in Paperbacks, 1960
Kennan, George F., Japanese Security and American Policy 1964 October
Keracher, John
Crime, Its Causes and Consequences, 1937
Economics for Beginners, 1935
The Head-Fixing Industry, 1935
How the Gods Were Made, 1929
Producers and Parasites, 1935
Proletarian Lessons, undated
Why Unemployment?, 1935
Kerala Liberation Movement, Tempest In Kerala, undated
Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee, True Picture of the Situation in Kerala, 1958
Kerala School Managers' Association, Kerala, The Present Textbooks Memorial, 1958
Kerr, Clark, and Siegel, Abraham, The Interindustry Propensity to Strike: An International Comparison, 1954
Keys, Donald F., Human Rights: Present and Future, 1968
Keyserling, Leon H., Taxation of Whom and For What, 1969
Khatib, M. A., I.C.F.T.U. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Asian Regional Conference, Bread, Fredom, Peace, 1951
Khrushchev, N. S.
Disarmament--The Way to Secure Peace and Friendship Between Nations, 1960 January
Expose the Manoeuvres of Reaction, 1960
Freedom and Independence for all Colonial Peoples, 1960
Verbatim Report of Two Interviews Granted to American Newspaper Men, 1957
Kingdon, Frank, That Man in the White House, 1944
Kintner, William R., The Prudent Case for Safeguard, 1969
Kintner, William R., and Robert L. Pfaltzbraff, Jr., Soviet Military Trends: Implications for U.S. Security, 1971
Kirshbaum, Louis, Justice for Organized Workers, undated
Kiselev, K. V., Certain Results of the Work of the United Nations Organizations, 1946
Kissinger, Henry
Coalition Diplomacy in a Nuclear Age, 1964
For an Atlantic Confederacy, 1961
Strains on the Alliance, 1963
The Unsolved Problems of European Defense, 1962
Kithima, A. R., La doctrine generale du syndicalisme congolais, 1960
Kleczkowski, Stefan, Poland's First 100,000, undated
Kleinpaul, Rudolf, Deutsches Fremdworterbuch, 1937
Klotzner, Ottoman, Sowjet-Russlands wahres Gesicht, undated
Kloosterboer, W., Involuntary Labour Since the Abolition of Slavery, 1960
Klutznick, Philip, The Middle East: What Next?, 1967
Knauth, Oliver D., U.S. Foreign Policy in a Changing World 1960
Knebel, Fletcher, Who's on the Far Right?, 1962
Knorr, Klaus, The Crisis in U.S. Defense, 1957
Koch, Fred C., A Business Man Looks at Communism, 1961
Koczkar, Erno, Innovation Movement in Hungary, 1950
Kohlberg, Alfred, Memo by Alfred Kohlberg, 1957 June 1
Kohlrausch, E., Young Plan and Gemeindepolitik, 1930
Kommunistische Agitation, 1958 December 1959 April 1962 April 1963 January
Kommunistische Betriebszeitungen, 1956
Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands, Alle Macht den Raten Spartakusbriefe, 1921
Die kommunistische Internationale, 1926 December
Die kommunistische Internationale, Protokoll des 6. Weltkongresses, Volumes III and IV 1928
Komor, I., Ten Years of the Commmunist International, 1929
Korbel, Josef, Trouble in the Satellites, undated
Kovac, Pavle, Development of Self-Government in Yugoslavia 1961
Kozlov, Frol R., The Development of Economic and Cultural Cooperation, 1959
Kramer, Hans, and Horst Pfalzgraf, Worth Knowing About the FDGB, 1967
Kreisky, Bruno, Austria Draws the Balance, 1959
Krieg und Gewerkschaften, 1939
Kripalani, Acharya J. B., Which Way to Victory, Indians for Victory 1962
Kristol, Irving
"Civil Liberties," 1952--A Study in Confusion, 1952
What Business Is a University In?, 1970
Der Kurier 1955 March 29
Kutt, Aleksander, Price Changes and Price Discrimination in Soviet-Captive Countries Trade in 1965-1966, 1968
Kuusinen, Aino, Madame Kuusinen Begins to Tell Her Story 1966
Kuznets, Simon, Shares of Upper Income Groups in Income and Savings, 1950
LO, Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions 1968 August
Labin, Suzanne
Embassies of Subversion, 1965
Offener Brief and Lord Bertrand Russell, undated
The Unrelenting War, undated
Labor, International Federation of Christian Trade Unions (incomplete) 1957-1962
Labor, Standard Railroad Labor Organizations (incomplete) 1926 1928 1940-1942
Labor Action, 1940 May 27
Labor and Industry in Britain, 1949 December
Labor Bureau, Inc., Labor's Share in the Late Lamented Prosperity, 1930
Labor Chest for Relief and Liberation of Workers of Europe
Labor Under Hitler, 1935
Persecution of European Labor, 1935
The Truth, undated
Labor Committee to Release Imprisoned Trade Unionist and Democratic Socialist, Newsletter, 1962 February 28 April 30
Labor Digest, 1973 September 17
Labor in Exile (incomplete) 1958-1966
Labor in Israel, 1956 April 1963 February
Labor Journal, 1942 January 29
Labor Letter, The Federated Press (incomplete) 1926-1928
The Labor Magazine, 1941 September
The Labor Monthly, 1928 April 1932 January-February
Labor Power, 1941 February
Labor, Press and Information (incomplete) 1968-1972
Labor Reports, 1957 July-August
Labor Research Institute, Soviet Colonialism, undated
Labor Unity, 1927 February 1 1930 May 3
Labor's Economic Review, 1960 July 1961 February
Labor's League for Political Education, Minutes of the National Committee, 1950 September 23
Labor's Non-Partisan League, National Bulletin, 1940 December 20
Labour (incomplete) 1948-1975
Labour and Socialist International, Documents and Discussions (incomplete) 1936-1938
The Labour Book Service Bulletin, 1940 November 1941 February-March
Labour Bulletin, 1965 October-December
Labour Chronicle, 1972 January 1976 July-September
Labour Discussion Notes (incomplete) 1941
Labour News, 1966 February 1968 September-October
Labour Party (Great Britain)
Britain and the Common Market, 1962
British Transport, undated
China and the West, 1961
Facing Facts in the Colonies, 1955
Help Us to Win a Better Future, 1938
Labour Party Bulletin, 1939 December 8 1941 December
Labour, The War, and the Peace, 1940
Labour's Fight for the Old Folk, 1942
Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy Have Invaded Spain, 1938
The Social Services, 1941
Labour Press Service, 1939-1941
Labour Research Department
Britain's Wealth and Profits, undated
British Imperialism in East Africa, 1926
The Coal Crisis: Facts From the Samuel Commission, 1925-26, 1926
The Federation of British Industries, 1923
Labour and Capital in the Engineering Trades, 1922
The Politics of Oil, 1924
What Is the Economic League?, 1937
Labour's Call, 1949-1963
Lafargue, Paul, The Right to Be Lazy, 1883
LaFollette's Magazine, 1923 May July
Laidler, Harry W.
How America Lives, 1924
Putting the Constitution to Work, 1936
Toward a Farmer-Labor Party, 1938
Unemployment--and Its Remedies, 1929
Laidler, Harry W., Consumers' Cooperation, and Campbell, Wallace J., The Cooperative Movement, 1937
Lamb, Marjorie, The Promise and the Peril, 1964
Land and Work, 1959
Landau, Katia, Le stalinisme en Espagne, undated
Landauer, Carl, and Robert Pickus, Peace Politics, the New Left and the Pity of It All, 1966
Lane, Thomas A., Vietnam, Observations on America Policies 1967
Lane, Winthrop D., The Denial of Civil Liberties in the Coal Fields, 1924
Lang, Nicolas, Le Colonialisme Chinois au Tibet, 1962
Phoukout Stronghold, 1967
The Wood Grouse, 1968
Laski, Harold J.
Is This an Imperialist War?, undated
The Labour Party, the War and the Future, 1939
Lassale, F., Elementarbucher des Kommunismus, 1923
Latin America: A Positive View, 1963
Latin America Report, 1966 June 1970 August
Lattimore, Eleanor H., Labor Unions in the Far East, 1945
Latvian Information Bulletin, 1958 May - 1959 November 1963 March 1977 January
Lauck, W. Jett, The Fundamental Significance of Our Present Day Labor Movement, 1941
Il lavoratore, 1925 May 16
Il lavoratore del mare, 1970 January
Law and Labor, 1927 December
Lazarus, Herman, and Joseph P. Goldberg, Collective Bargaining, 1949
Le Duan, Forward Under the Glorious Banner of the October Revolution, 1967
League for Industrial Democracy
Socialism's New Beginning, 1934
The State of the Student Movement-1970, 1970
Leber, Georg, Parteien und Gewerkschaften im Aufbau einer demokratischen Gesellschaft, 1966
Lecht, Leonard A., Changes in National Priorities During the 1960s: Their Implications for 1980, 1972
Leder, Z., Das Reparationsproblem, 1924
Leers, Johann
Adolf Hitler, 1932
Juden sehen Dich an, undated
Left, 1940 October
Lehman-Wilzig, Sam N., Enemy at the Gate?, 1975 October
Leichter, Otto, Was will der Marshall-Plan?, 1948
Leiserson, William M., Labor's Right to Organize, 1939
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ich
Imperialism: The Latest Stage in the Development of Capitalism, 1924
The Infantile Sickness of "Leftism" in Communism, 1920
Kautsky the Renegade and the Proletarian Revolution 1920
"Left" Communism: An Infantile Disorder, 1920
"Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder, revised translation 1934
Lenin on Organization, 1926
The New Facts About Laws of Capitalism Development in Agriculture, 1918
On the Eve of October, undated
Preparing for Revolt, undated
The Proletarian Revolution, 1918
Que faire?, 1925
Religion, undated
Die Revolution von 1905, 1931
Revoluntionary Lessons, 1929
Staat und Revolution, 1929
The State and Revolution, 1917 (1921)
Uber den Krieg, Volumes I and II 1926
Uber die Judenfrage, 1932
Uber die nationale Frage, 1930
Uber die Pariser Kommune, 1931
Uber Organisations-Fragen, 1924
Uber Religion, 1931
The War and the Second International, 1932
What Is to Be Done?, 1929
Zur Agrarpolitik der Bolschewiki, 1921
Lenin, Wladimir Iljitsch Uljanow, 1925
Lenzner, N., Die chinesische Revolution und die Opposition in der KPSU, 1927
Lepeshinsky, A., Lenin and Britain, undated
Lerner, Max, World of the Great Powers, 1947
Leskes, Theodore, The Civil Rights Story...1958, 1959
Letter of an Old Bolshevik, The Key to the Moscow Trials 1937
Lettre aux militants, 1951 September
Levi, Maxine, The Communists and the Liberation of Europe 1945
Levine, Isaac Don, Soviet Intervention in Hungary, undated
Levine, Solomon B.
Labor in a Prosperous Japan, 1964
The White-Collar, Blue-Collar Alliance in Japan, 1966
Lewis, John, Marxism and Modern Idealism, 1944
Lewis, John L.
Labor and the Nation, 1937
A Plea for Labor Unity, 1951
Lewis, Joseph, Jefferson the Freethinker, 1925
The Liberal, 1925 August
Liberal Democratic Union of Central Eastern Europe in the United States of America, Bulletin, 1957 January-April
Liberal Party, New York
Declaration and Platform, 1944
For Victory and Lasting Peace, 1944
The Four Dewey Years, undated
The Liberal Party Selects its Good Government Ticket for the City of New York, 1945
State Legislative Program for 1945
Liebaers, Frans, URSS-USA, 1951
Lieberman, Elias, The Trade Unions in the Soviet Union, 1962
Liebstein, A. M.
The Modern Medical and Prophylactic Treatment of Diabetic Gangrene, 1943
The Value of a Vegetarian Diet in Therapeutics, 1943
Lifshitz, Mikhail, The Philosophy of Art of Karl Marx, 1938
Liga fur Volkerfreundschaft der DDR, Current Documents from the German Democratic Republic, 1963
Lillienthal, Philip E., and John H. Oakie, Asia's Captive Colonies, 1942
Limb, Ben C.
Korea and the United Nations, undated
Korea and World Peace, undated
Korea, Test and Symbol, undated
Korea, Time for Action, undated
The Pacific Pact: Looking Forward or Backward?, 1951
Lincoln, Murray D., American Business and World Leadership 1958
Lindholm, Rolf, The Perfect Factory, undated
Lithuanian Bulletin, 1949 April-June
The Lithuanian Roman Catholic Priests' League of America, The Church in the Shadows, undated
Liu, Shih Shun, Extraterritoriality: Its Rise and Its Decline, 1925
The Living Age, 1924 September 1931 September-October 1932 February
Living Marxism, 1941 Spring
Lloyd, Jessie, Gastonia: A Graphic Chapter in Southern Organization, 1930
Lloyd George, David, Spain and Britain, 1937
London, Jack, The Dream of Debs, undated
London Busmen's Rank-and-File Movement, London Busmen Demand the Right to Live a Little Longer!, 1937
Looking Ahead (incomplete) 1967-1973
Losowsky, A.
Kommunisten und Gewerkschaften, 1926
Paris, Breslau, Scarborough, 1925
Lozowski, Jerzy, Poland, 1964
American Labor and the World Crisis, undated
The Government-Strikebreaker, 1923
New Frontiers for Labor, undated
1928: The Presidential Election and the Workers, 1928
The Party Organization, circa 1925
People's Front Illusion, undated
Soviet Foreign Policy and the World Revolution, 1935
What Next for American Labor?, 1934
Lubin, Isador, and Forrest D. Murden, Jr., Our Stake in World Trade, 1954 July-August
Lugano Review, 1975
The Lumbering Industry, 1960 January 9
Luxemburg, Rosa
Eglise et socialisme, 1937
The Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Union, undated
"The Proletariat on Its Knees" in Soviet Russia 1921 January 22
Reform or Revolution, 1937
Die russische Revolution, undated
Lynching Goes Underground, 1940 January
Lyons, Eugene
Operation Suicide, 1967
Workers' Paradise Lost, 1967
M.I.S., Middle-East Intelligence Survey (incomplete) 1974-1976
McArthur, Dan, We Carry On, Our Tribute to Bob Smillie, undated
MacDonald, Lois, Gladys L. Palmer, and Theresa Wolfson, Labor and the N.R.A., 1934
McGee, Gale W., and Frank E. Moss, Study Mission to Central and Southeast Asia, 1966
The Machinist, 1963 January
Mackie, Albert (trans.), A Call from Warsaw, 1944
McKinney, Robert, The Red Challenge to Technological Renewal in the West, 1960
McMillen, S. I., None of These Diseases, 1963
MacVane, John
Embassy Extraordinary, 1961
The House that Peace Built--The United Nations, 1964
This House Divided--Issues Before the United Nations 1964
Madden, Carl H., Clash of Culture: Management in an Age of Changing Values, 1972
Mae, Jhalmar, Dritter Weltkrieg droht?, 1955
Magnani, Valdo, and Aldo Cucchi, Dichiarazioni e documenti 1926
Malenkov, G. M.
Speech at a meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. 1953
Speech at the funeral of Joseph Vissarionivich Stalin 1953
Malik, Charles, Will the Future Redeem the Past?, 1960
Malinowski, Wladyslaw R., Toward Polish-Soviet Understanding, 1943
Malkosh, Noah, Cooperation in Israel, 1961
Malmgren, Harald B., Trade Wars or Trade Negotiations?, 1970
Malansi, Edmund, After Disengagement, 1963
The Manchester Guardian Weekly (incomplete) 1950 1956-1957 1961 1963
Mangone, Gerard, How Can We Better Educate Americans to Work and Study Abroad?, undated
Mankind, 1939 March
Mannoni, Eugene, Moi, General De Gaulle, 1964
Manuilsky, D. Z.
Social Democracy--Stepping Stone to Fascism, 1934
The World Communist Movement, 1939
Mao Tse-tung
The Autobiography of Mao Tse-tung, 1938
The New Stage, 1938
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung, 1966
Mao Tse-tung, Wang Ming, Georgi Dimitroff, and others, China: The March Toward Unity, 1937
Marcantonio, Vito, Labor's Martyrs, 1937
Marcy, Mary E., Shop Talks on Economics, 1911
Marianetti, Benito, La conquista del poder, 1932
Markham, R. H., The Wave of the Past, 1941
Marlio, Louis, A Short War through American Industrial Superiority, 1941
Martin, L. W., Ballistic Missile Defense and the Alliance 1969
Marwick, W. H., Scottish Local Government, 1939
Marx, Karl
Der Burgerkrieg in Frankreich, 1920
The Civil War in France, 1933
Die Klassenkampfe in Frankreich, 1920
The Paris Commune, 1917
Wage-Labor and Capital, 1917
A Workers' Enquiry, undated
Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels, Uber historischen Materialismus, 1930
Marxist Study Courses, Political Economy, Lessons 2-7 undated
Masani, M. R., India's Answer to the Chinese Bomb, 1964
Masnata, Albert, U.S.A., 1958
Masses - Information, 1951 June
Matteo, Johan, Democracy or Revolution in Spain?, 1937
Matthews, J. B., Traffic in Death, 1934
Maurer, Ion Gheorghe, The Inviolable Foundation of the Unity of the International Communist Movement, 1963
Maurin, Joaquin, Das Fiasko des Anarcho-Syndikalismus, 1937
Maximov, G., Bolshevism, 1935
Mazey, Emil, Report, 1970
Meacham, Steward, Labor and the Cold War, 1959
Mead, Lucia Ames, Washington and the French Bolshevists 1922
Meany, George
American and Soviet Economy, 1958
Foreign Aid, undated
The ICFTU: Estimate and Perspective, 1965
Internationale wirtschaftliche und soziale Aufgaben der Gegenwart, 1953
The Last Five Years, 1951
Not in Our Image, undated
Trade Union Delegation Exchanges with Dictatorship Countries, 1960
Meany, George, and R. J. Tomas, Cost of Living, 1944
Meet Germany, 1962
Meet the Press
Adenauer, Konrad 1960 March 20 1961 April 16
Brzezinski, Zbigniew 1969
Bush, Vannevar 1959 May 24
Casuso, Teresa 1960 October 30
Flemming, Arthur S. 1960 August 28
Jagan, Cheddi 1961 October 15
Kennedy, John F., Lyndon B. Johnson, and Stuart Symington 1960 July 10
Mikoyan, Anastas, I. 1959 January 18
Mehring, Franz, The Lessing Legend, 1938
Melder, F. Eugene, State Trade Walls, 1939
Melman, Seymour (ed.), A Strategy for American Security 1963
Memoiren einer Friedens-Taube, 1955
Menne, Bernhard
Armistice and Germany's Food Supply, 1918-19 1944
German Industry on the Warpath, 1860-1939 1942
Menon, A. K., The Defense Debate, 1961
Meraat-Ul-Gharb, 1928 November 16
Meshel, Yeruham, Workers' Interest in Economic Problems, 1972
Metall, 1952 March 19 1966 August 23 1967 July 25
Metcalf, Arthur G. B., Salt II--Some Principles, 1973
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Industrial Development in the United States and Canada, 1926-1927, undated
Mexican Labor News, 1945 February 15
Mexican Revolutionary Party
The Second Six-Year Plan, 1939
The Second Six-Year Plan and Avila Camacho, undated
Mexico, Frente Popular Anticomunista de Mexico, Mensaje a los amigos y simpatizadores, undated
Michael, Donald N., Cybernation: The Silent Conquest?, 1962
Michael, Franz, Communist China and the Non-Committed Countries: Motives and Purposes of Communist China's Foreign Policy, 1962
Michigan, State Welfare Department, Old Age Assistance in Michigan, 1933-1937, 1938
Middle East and Maghreb, 1969 June
The Middle East Institute, American Interests in the Middle East, 1969
Middle East Press Review, 1959 March-April
Midland Bank Limited, Monthly Review (incomplete) 1925-1931
Mikesell, Raymond F., Promoting United States Private Investment Abroad, 1957
Mikulina, E., Socialist Competition of the Masses, 1932
Miller, Arthur S., Private Governments and the Constitution 1959
Millikan, Max F., American Foreign Aid: Strategy for the 1970s, 1969
Miltenberg, Weigand von, Adolf Hitler, Wilhelm III, 1931
Milwaukee Journal, "Wounded Soldiers Come Home...What Then?," Vols. 1 and 2 1943
Minorities, Italian Americans, Building America, undated
Mirsky, D. S., A History of Russia, 1927
Missile Sites Labor Commission, Success Before Countdown undated
Mitchell, Wesley C., The National Bureau Enters Its Twentieth Year, 1939
Modern China Studies, International Bulletin, 1970
Modern Monthly, 1935 December 1937 September
The Modern Quarterly, 1939 Winter
Modern Review, 1948 June
Moffett, Carol Willis, More for Your Money, 1942
Molnar, Thomas, Spotlight on Southwest Africa, 1966
Molotov, V. M.
The Communist Party of the Soviet Union, undated
At an election rally in Molotov electorial area, Moscow 1946 February 6
At the funeral of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin 1953
On Armed Forces of the United Nations in foreign territory 1946 November
On general reduction of armaments 1946 November-December
On the Soviet Union and international cooperation 1946 October 29
Stalin's Policy of Peace and Democracy, 1948
Mongolian Record (incomplete) 1966-1968
Monro, William L., Our Need for Post-War Foreign Trade Program, 1941
Monsieur Berlin, 1973
Montana Labor News, 1942 January 22
Monthly Economic Letter, 1965 May
Monumenta nipponica, 1956
Moody's Investors Service (incomplete) 1925 1929
Mooney, Tom
Moorer, Thomas H., United States Military Posture, 1974
Morals in Politics, 1945
Moreell, Ben, Religion in American Life, 1955
Morgan, Dwight C., The Foreign Born in the United States 1936
The Morgan Guaranty Survey, 1971 January
Morgenthau, Hans J., The Crisis of American Foreign Policy 1960
Moroccan News Bulletin, 1953 May 15 June 5
The Moroccan Question and the United Nations, 1952 November
Morris, George, What I Saw in..the Soviet Union Today, 1959
Morris, W. D., Education and the Industrial Revolution, undated
Moscow Free Press, 1966 July 11
Moscow News (incomplete) 1931 July-December 1959 September 1961 October
Moseley, Alexander, An Exposé of Russian Hypocrisy, circa 1961
Mosely, Philip E., The Changing Soviet Challenge, 1964
Moskalenko, Andrij, Khmel'nyts'kyi and the Treaty of Pereyaslav in Soviet Historiography, 1955
Moslems in the Soviet Union and China, 1958 February
Moss, James A., Riot Duty, 1917
Moss, Robert, Urban Guerrilla Warfare, 1971
Motherwell, Hiram, Germany, 1944
Motilyov, A., U.S.S.R.: A Great Industrial Power, undated
Mouilleseaux, Louis, Corporatisme et reforme de l'etat, 1935
Al Moustakbal, Organe de la J.O.M. undated
Le mouvement communiste international, Rapports addresses au deuxieme congres de l'Internationale Communiste, 1920-1921
Movimento Lavoratori Italiani, Manifesto programma, 1951 March
Mowrer, Edgar Answell, Germany Puts the Clock Back, Chapter XVIII, "Perish the Jew," 1933
Muchmeyer, A. D. L., Marxisten Als Morder am deutschen Volke, 1931
Munchner Arbeitsgruppe, Wie sie die Freiheit verloren, undated
Mund, Vernon Arthur, Prosperity Reserves of Public Works 1930
Municipal Advocate, Chicago 1931
Murden, Forrest D., Underdeveloped Lands, 1956
Murderers at Large in West Germany, 1958
Murdock, Curt, Winning the Battle for Production, undated
Murphy, Charles J. V., Chiang, Our Embattled Ally, undated
Murphy, Robert D., Security and Power, 1961
Murray, Philip, Technological Unemployment, 1940
The Murray Sentinel, Detroit, Michigan 1942 December 10
The Muslim Students' Federation, Life in Algeria, 1959
Mussatti, James, Constitutionism, 1935
Muste, A. J.
The A.F. of L. in 1931, undated
The Opposition's "Why," undated
Why a Labor Party, 1929
Mutual Security Agency, Fuel for the Good Dragon, 1953
The Mutual Security Program, 1952 December 31
Myers, Charles A., Lessons from Abroad for American Management, 1960
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
NATO Information Service
Aspects of NATO, 1969
The Atlantic Alliance and the Warsaw Pact, undated
Declaration on Atlantic Relations, 1974
The NATO Handbook, 1963
NATO Letter, 1969
NATO Letter Reprint, "The Hard Tasks of the Alliance," 1969
Second Declaration of Atlantic Unity, 1964
NATO Turns Twenty, undated
Vigilance: The Price of Liberty, 1960
Narayan, Jayaprakash, Presidential Address, 1959
The Nation, 193? April 29 June 24 November 18 1939 October 23
La nation socialiste, 1970 January
National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity, Continuity and Change, 1969 March
National Alliance of Russian Solidarists, Underground Activity in Soviet Russia, undated
National Association of Manufacturers
Legal Aspects of the "Sit-Down" Strike, 1937
Open Shop Encyclopedia, 1922
National Citizens' Committee for the Protection of Civil Rights in the Automobile Industry, The Trial that Shocked a Nation, 1937
National Committee for a Free Europe, Unconquered, 1951
National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Newsletter 1976
National Committee on United States-China Relations, undated
National Council for a Permanent FEPC, Answer the Critics undated
National Council of American-Soviet Friendship
Constitution of the U.S.S.R., undated
Facts, 1964
National Council of Churches, News, 1962 August
National Council to Combat Communism, Johannesurg, The Communist Party in International Affairs, undated
National Defense Advisory Commission
Labor Speeds Defense, 1941
Suggested Emergency Fair Rent Legislation, 1941
The National Emergency Council, Report on Economic Conditions of the South, 1938
National Foreign Trade Council, Private Enterprise and the Point IV Program, 1949
National Guardian, 1963 April 25
National Industrial Conference Board
Economic Comparisons, USA, USSR, 1958
Management Record, 1945 September 1946 May
The Pattern of Inflation, 1945
Productivity and Progress, 1946
Sourcebook of Union Government Structure and Procedures, 1956
Trends in Collective Bargaining and Union Contracts 1946
Wages During the Transition Period, 1945
National Institute of Health, National Health Survey, 1935-1936, 1938
National-Komitees Freies Deutschland, Deutsche, Wohin?, 1944
National Labor Service
Let's Be Human, 1957
The People Take the Lead, 1956
National Maritime Union of America
NMU Health, Training and Recreation Center, undated
Post-War Shipping, 1944
The Target Is You, 1968
National Planning Association
Center for Economic Projections, Projection Highlights 1970 May-September
Food for Europe After Victory, 1944
The Nth Country Problem and Arms Control, 1960
Policies and Practices of United States Subsidiaries in Canada, 1960
Recent Canadian and U.S. Government Actions Affecting U.S. Investment in Canada, 1964
Strengthening the Free World Through Steps Toward Atlantic Unification, 1966
Strengthening the Government for Arms Control, 1960
UNRRA: Gateway to Recovery, 1944
National Postwar Conference 1947 March 14-15
The National Refugee Service, Pilgrims in Our Time, 1946
National Safety Council
More Plans, More Tanks, More Guns...More Ships to Carry Them, 1942
The Safe Worker, 1942
Service Guide, 1941
Shop Safety Illustrated, 1939
National Strategy Information Center
The First Interprofessional Forum on Priorities for Peace, 1966
Major Sources of Films, Videotapes, and Film Series on "Communist Ideology, Objectives, Capabilities, Strategy and Tactics," undated
Soviet Political Warfare Techniques, 1972
A Summary of Activities, 1969
National Union of Railwaymen, Visit of Delegation from National Union of Railwaymen to the Soviet Union, 1946
Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte, 1932 June
Nationalsozialistische Reichstagfraktion, Adolf Hitler und seine Kampfer, 1933
Nation's Security, 1963 September 26
The Nazi-Soviet Pact: August 23, 1939, 1969
Neal, Fred W., U.S. Foreign Policy and the Soviet Union 1961
Near East Report (incomplete) 1959-1970
Nearing, Scott
The American Empire, 1921
The Decisive Year, 1931, undated
Must We Starve?, undated
The Rise and Decline of Christian Civilization, undated
Why Hard Times?, undated
The Negro Voice (incomplete) 1935-1936
Nepakarat, 1956 November 1
The Network, 1945 November-December
Das neue Deutschland, 1931 December
Das neue Tage-Buch, 1936 April 25
Die neue Welt, 1931 July 20 1932 January 5 February 20
Die neue Weltbuhne, 1934 February 5
Neuerscheinungen, 1931
Neues Echo, 1968 March 22 29 August 2
Neufeld, Maurice F.
Day In, Day Out, 1955
The Italian Labor Movement in 1956: The Structure of Crisis, 1957
Neumann, Heinz
Marx and Engels on Revolution in America, undated
Was ist Bolschewisierung?, 1925
Neumann, Sigmund, Germany, Promise and Perils, 1950
New China Information Committee, How the Eighth Route Army Fights in North China, undated
New Democratic Coalition, First National Dinner 1969 May 24
New England Letter (incomplete) 1964-1965 1970-1971
New Leader (incomplete) 1947 1951 1956 1958-1960 1968
The New Left, 1968
The New Republic, 1938 August 10 1944 March 27
The New Statesman and Nation, 1931 August 29 September 19 September 26
New Times (incomplete) 1946 1960-1961 1963-1964 1969
New York Herald Tribune, Front Page History of the Second World War, 1946
New York City, Report of Mayor La Guardia's Committee on Unemployment Relief, 1935
New York State
An Equal Chance, undated
The Nego Integrated, 1945
Report of Commission of Housing and Regional Planning 1924
New York State Federation of Labor Bulletin, 1941 September 10
New York State Independent Citizens for Nixon-Lodge, Here's What They Say About Kennedy!, 1960
The New York Times (incomplete) 1936 August 2 1956 February 26 March 4 1960 May 8
The New York Times
"The One with the Horns is Called 'Gertrude,'" undated
"We Are Not Helpless," 1950
The New Zealand Labour Review, 1959 June
News Bulletin of the National Bureau of Economic Research 1924 June 16 1926 August 1 1927 February 21
News Chronicle, Europe and the Spanish Crisis, 1936 August
News From AFSCME, 1973 August
News From Central Europe, 1948 May-June
News From Germany (incomplete) 1951-1964
News From Libertarian Spain, 1977
News From the German Embassy (incomplete) 1962-1968
News From Tunisia, undated
News Front, 1963 September October 1966 January
News of Greece, 1968 July
Newsfront International, 1976 September
Newsletter,G.C.G.L., Athens 1959 April
Newsletter From Behind the Iron Curtain (incomplete) 1948-1970
Newsletter on Contemporary Communism (incomplete) 1946-1947
News-Weekly, 1952 April 30
Nguyen Duy Thanh, My Four Years With the Viet Minh, 1950
Nguyen Van Vinh, The Vietnamese People, On the Road To Victory, 1966
Nigeria, 1966, undated
Report on the O.A.U. Consultative Mission to Nigeria undated
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun (incomplete) 1964-1965
Nitze, Paul H.
U.S. Foreign Policy, 1945-1955, 1956
U.S. Foreign Policy: Ideals and Realities, 1959
Nolan, William A., Why People Go Communist, 1951
Norden, Albert, Dragons' Teeth, undated
North Atlantic Assembly, Report of the Committee of Nine undated
Norton, Augustus R., Moscow and the Palestinians, 1974
Norwegian National Trade Union Delegations, Norwegian Labor Looks at...the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, undated
Notes From Cuba, 1969 October
Notes From the Communist "Ideological Front," undated
Notts Communist Party, Harworth Men Make History, undated
Notizie sindacali, 1974 May
Nouveaux cahiers, 1939 August
Nouvelles d'URSS, 1937 May
Novikov, N. V., speech at Plenary Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations 1946 December 13
Novosti--News Agency or Cloak for Espionage?, undated
Nugent, Rolf, Guns, Planes, and Your Pocketbook, 1941
O.R.I.T. (Organizacion Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores)
Comunicado de Prensa, 1961 September 28
The Cuban Trade Union Movement, 1960
Facts & Figures, 1951 January 1952 December
Instituto Interamericano de Estudios Sindicales ORIT-CIOSL, undated
Inter-American Labor Bulletin, 1958 January 1965 May 1966 August
Noticiero sindical, 1972 August September 1973 January
Los problemas de la mujer trabajadora, 1956
Lo que olvide decir en el XXII congreso, 1962
Report on the 5th Continental Congress of the Inter-American Regional Organization of Workers 1961
Trade Unions and People of Cuba Against Despotism, 1961
O'Dwyer, Greg, The Truth About Conditions in Communist China, undated
Oertzen, F. W., Das ist Polen!, 1932
Official Bulletin of the Polish Socialist Party, 1965 January
Ogg, Elizabeth, and Harold Sandbank, Homes to Live In, 1942
Ohlin, Goran, Foreign Aid Policies Reconsidered, 1966
Ohio CIO-PAC, Operation Bricker, undated
Okinawa Under U.S. Occupation, 1962
Oliver, Eli L., Labor Problems of the Transportation Industry, 1960
Onacewicz, Wlodzimierz, and Robert Crane, Soviet Materials on Military Strategy, 1963
Oneal, James, Why Unions Go Smash!, 1930
O'Neill, The Non-Producing Class, 1940
L'opinion en 24 heures, 1963 May 11
Ordentlicher Bundeskongress Berlin 1966 May
Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development
Acceptance and Resistance, 1965
Development Assistance Efforts and Policies in 1961 1962
Germany, 1967
Japan, 1964
United States, 1966
Organization of American States, Special Consultative Committee on Security, 1971
Die Orientierung, Vietnam in Frage und Antwort, 1967
Osgood, Robert E., The Case for the MLF: A Critical Evaluation, 1964
Osinski, N., Is America Threatened by an Economic Crisis?, 1927
Ost-Kurier, 1962 December
Ostspiegel, 1956 June
The Other India, 1946 August
Outlook, 1959 May
L'ouvrier algerien, 1960 March 1962 November December
Overseas Development Council, Communique on Development Issues, undated
PRB Press Release, 1968 March May
Pacific Research, 1975 November-December
Padley, Walter, Sequel to Djilas, 1958
Padover, Saul K.
France, Setting or Rising Star?, 1950
Understanding Foreign Policy, 1959
Paine, Thomas, Selections from His Writings, 1937
Pakistan, Indian Aggression Against Pakistan--American Reactions, 1965
The Palestine Arab Refugee Newsletter, 1959 October
Palestine Digest, 1975
Palmer, Frank L., Spies in Steel, 1928
Pan-African Organizations, 1967
The Pan-Pacific Worker, 1929 January 15
Papanek, Gustav F., Pakistan: The Development Miracle, 1965
Papp, Laszlo, Five Years in Exile, 1962
Parikii, G. D., Planning and Freedom, 1948
Parsons, D. J. F., Electricity, 1926
Parsons, J. Graham, The American Role in Pacific-Asian Affairs, 1960
Parti Social Francais, Une mystique, un programme, undated
Partisan Review, 1950 July-August
Partito Comunista D'Italia, Salviamo il nostro paese dalla catastrofe!, undated
Passow, H., Ja aber...was sagt Hitler selbst?, 1931
Patch, Buel W., Responsibility of Labor Unions, 1937
Paukert, Felix, Social Security and Income Redistribution: A Comparative Study, 1969
Peace Courier, 1970 December
The Peking Informers (incomplete) 1960-1962
Peking Review, 1960 May 10 1967 November 10
Ad Interim Report, 1937
Bootlegging or Illegal Mining of Anthracite Coal in Pennyslvania, 1937
People's China Supplements (incomplete) 1954
Peoples Section, 1949
Pepper, John
American Negro Problems, 1928
The General Strike and the General Betrayal, 1926
Der Generalstreik und der Generalverrat in England 1925
Perkins, Frances, The Way of Security, 1934
Perlo, Victor, Marines in Santa Domingo!, 1965
Perspective, 1968 June
Perspective of Germany, 1957
Perspectives, 1967 April-May
Peterson, Peter G., A Foreign Economic Perspective, 1971
Petrowski, D., Das anglo-russische Komitee und die Opposition in der KPSU, 1927
The Philippine Independent News, 1924 March 1
Philippine Islands, Associated Labor Union, AWWFI, undated
Photo-History, Labor's Challenge, 1937
The Phyllis Schlafly Report, 1972 August
Piatnitsky, O., The Present Situation in Germany, 1933
Pickus, Robert, The ABM and a World Without War, 1969
Pifer, Alan, Foundations at the Service of the Public, 1968
Pike, Douglas, The Viet-Cong Strategy of Terror, 1970
Pineau, Christian, The Algerian Problem, 1957
Pioneers of Labor, 1949
Pistolakis, Stelios, The Truth About Greece, 1944
Pittsburgh Citizens United, A Creed for Americans (advertisements) undated
Pius XII, Pope, Pius XII and Democracy, 1944
Plainfield Joint Defense Committee, Speak Out!, undated
Planes, 1954 June
Points at Issue, Handbook of Comment on Soviet and Communist Behaviour and Propaganda 1951 May
Polajnar, A., The Enterprise and National Income Distribution, 1963
Polier, Isadore, and Frank J. Donner, Status and Rights of Injured Relief Workers, 1936
Polish Affairs (incomplete) 1956-1963
Polish T.U. News, 1958 July November-December 1962 June
Polish Trade Unions, The Situation of the Working Woman in People's Poland, 1963
Pollitt, Harry, I Accuse Baldwin, undated
Political, Economic and Cultural Trends in Captive Czechoslovakia (incomplete) 1959-1960
The Population Bomb, undated
Population Bulletin (incomplete) 1946-1970
Population Reference Bureau
Annual Report, 1959
People, 1962 Fall 1970 May
Population Profile, 1968 February 26 1969 July 28
Report, 1964-1966, 1967
Possony, Stefan T., Resistance or Death?, 1963
Poznanski, Czeslaw, The Flaming Border, undated
Prakash News, 1959 November
Preis, Art, Stalinists on the Waterfront, 1947
Presse- und Funk-Nachrichten, 1971 June
Presse-Dienst des Landes Berlin, 1963 June 26
Prieto, Indalecio, Como y por que sali del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, 1940
Princeton University, Industrial Relations Section, Collective Bargaining in the Steel Industry: 1937, 1937
Pringle, Henry F., Why, 1941
Pritt, D. N., War Criminals, undated
Pritt, D. N., and Ellis Smith, They Helped Hitler, 1936
Problems of Communism, 1954 September-October
Problems of the Peoples of the USSR, 1962 September
Productivity, 1964 December 1
The Progressive, 1969
Progressive Labor, 1964 March
Le proletaire, undated
Prosterman, Roy L., Land Reform as Foreign Aid, 1972
Protokoll der erweiterten Exekutive der kommunistischen Internationale 1926 November-December
The Public Pulse, 1969 July
Die psychologische Lage in der SBZ, 1968 July-September
Public Affairs Committee, Farm Policies Under the New Deal 1938
Public Education Association, Let's Close the Schools, undated
Public Ownership of Coal Is Imperative, 1946
Puttkamer, Jesco V., Irrtum und Schuld, 1948
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1930 August
Die Quelle, 1967 July-August
Questions and Answers on the German Peace Treaty, undated
Quiz Yourself, undated
Quotations from Eastern Europe (incomplete) 1956-1958
RCDA, Religion in Communist Dominated Areas 1975
R.I.L.U. Magazine, 1931 May 1 15 June 1 circa 1932
R and S Information, 1972 October
Radek, Karl, Proletarian Dictatorship and Terrorism, undated
The Radical Humanist, 1960 September
Radio Liberation, The Khrushchev School Reform by Albert Boiter undated
Radio Liberty
Dispatch (incomplete) 1967-1969
Document, to the Soviet Troops, 1968 August
The Most Important Job in the World, undated
News releases undated
Notes on Soviet attitudes 1959-1960
Research Papers, 1967-1969
Translation, The Career of George F. Kennan: A Soviet View, 1967
The Week in Soviet Propaganda (incomplete) 1960-1961
Railway Labor Executives' Association, The Move Toward Railroad Mergers, 1962
Raushenbush, Carl, Fordism, 1937
Raushenbush, Hilmar S., The Anthracite Question, 1923
Raushenbush, Joan, Look at Latin America, 1940
Raushenbush, Stephen, Our Conservation Job, 1949
Rechtsradikalismus und Rechtsexttremismus in der Bundesrepublik, 1968
Rednerdienst zum deutsch-sowjetischen Vertrag 1970 October
Reichek, Morton A., Labor in Africa, 1965
Reichenberger, Franz, Osterreichs Freiheitskampf und die Friedenswacht in den Sudeten, 1938
Die Reichsleitung der Hitler-Jugend, Liederbuch der Hitler-Jugend, undated
Reid, Charles F., Overseas America, 1942
Reischauer, Edwin O., Toward a New Far Eastern Policy, 1950
Reischauer, Edwin O., and Yoshizane Iwasa, Japan, Asia's Economic Miracle, undated
Relations industrielles, le role social des syndicats aux Etats-Unis by Leon Dale 1963 July
Relay from Bonn (incomplete) 1971-1975
Renaud, Jean
La republique judeo-maconne des gangsters, undated
La solidarite francaise attaque... 1935
Rencontres mediterraneennes, 1962
Renz, Otto, Der Marxismus, 1931
Report of the Committee on International Affairs, 1966 April
The Reporter, 1952 April 15 29 1963 October 24 1964 March 26
Republic of the Sudan News, 1962 September
Republican National Committee
Campaign Text-Book, 1920 1924 1928
Our North Atlantic Alliance, 1967
The Roosevelt Record in Red, 1932
Research and Education Committee for a Free World, The Facts about Salt Water Conversion, 1960
Research Institute of America, An Assessment of Soviet Policy Today, 1953
Resistance algerienne, 1957 May
Reuther, Walter P., Report to the CIO, 1955 December
Review, 1966 April-June
Review of Hong Kong Chinese Press, 1954 March 31 July 1958 January 29
The Review of Politics, 1957 January 1962 January
Review of Shirer, William L., The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 1961
Revolution et Travail, 1964 January 9 June 4
The Revolution in Medicine, Look, 1967 March 21
Revolutionare Sozialisten Deutschlands, Der Weg zum sozialistischen Deutschland, undated
Revolutionary Socialist Review, 1934 November
Revue d'histoire economique et sociale, 1955
Revue syndicale suisse, 1967 April
La revue syndicaliste, 1953 January
Rezler, Julius
Admission Policy of American Trade Unions Concerning Immigrant Workers, 1960
Current Issues of Labour Economics in the United States of America, 1961
Rhodesia, Radar, 1961
Rhodesia or Zimbabwe, No Middle Ground in Africa, 1969 September
Rielly, John E., American Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy 1975, 1975
Rimlinger, Gaston V., International Differences in the Strike Propensity of Coal Miners: Experience in Four Countries, 1959
Rischin, Moses, Our Own Kind, 1960
The Rising Tide, 1972 February 13
Robert, Pierre, Spain Calling!, 1937
Robertson, J. M., Fiscal Fraud and Folly, 1929
Robson, R. W., What Is the Communist Party, undated
Rochester Association of the United Nations, Wanted: Firm, Flexible Foreign Policy; What We Think Should Be Done about China, 1948
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Accelerated Economic Growth, 1960
Great Design for Freedom, 1960
The 1960s: Decade of Danger, 1960
Rocker, Rudolf, The Tragedy of Spain, 1937
Rockford Labor News, Rockford, Illinois 1942 January 22
Rodes, Marjorie, The Real Ruler of Morocco, undated
Rodo Pacific, 1954 November 4 6
Rogaly, Joe, Rhodesia: Britain's Deep South, 1962
Roig de Leuchsenring, Emilio, La ocupacion de la Republica Dominicana por los Estados Unidos y el derecho de las pequellas nacionalidades de America, 1919
Rolfe, Sidney E., and Damm, Walter, The Multinational Corporation in the World Economy, 1970
Romanian Communist Party, Materials on 5-6 October Plenum 1967
Romanian National Committee, Comments on the Study: "Economic Development in Rumania," 1961
Romualdi, Serafino, The Latin Labor Leader--Democratic and Dedicated, 1964
Rosenbaum, David, Domestic Crude Oil Deliverability, 1971
Rosenberg, Ludwig, The Co-Determination Rights of Workers in Germany, undated
Rossides, Zenon, The Problem of Cyprus, 1957
Der rote Aufbau, 1932 July
Die rote Fahne, 1924 September 6 1936
Die rote Gewerkschafts Internationale, 1931 May
Roter Morgen, 1967 November
The Round Table, 1931 September December
Rovere, Richard H., Dewey: The Man in the Blue Serge Suit 1944
Rowe, David N., Walter H. Judd, Franz Michael, and George E. Taylor, Four Against the Red China Lobby, 1966 May
Rowntree, Jennie E., This Problem of Food, 1939
Roy, Claude, Paris Uprising, undated
Roy, Manabendra Nath
I Accuse, 1932
Indiens politische Zukunft, 1923
Royal Bank of Canada, 1931 June September
Royal Institute of International Affairs
Anglo-American Trade Relations, 1938
Defense in the Cold War, 1950
Europe under Hitler, 1941
The Publications of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1947
Rubinstein, M., Science, Technology and Economics under Capitalism and in the Soviet Union, 1932
Rubottom, Roy R., Jr., The People Who Wage the Peace, 1958
Rudolf, Dr., Nationalsozialismus und Rasse, 1931
Rudolph-Spinner, Lucy, Reise in Russland, 1961
Rumyantsev, P., Technical Institutes in the Factory, 1932
Rusk, Dean, The United States and China, 1951
Five Years of Collective Leadership, 1958 March
Report of Court Proceedings, The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre, 1936 August 19-24
Russia After Ten Years, 1927
Soviet Russia, 1959
Victory over Germany, 1945 May 9
Russian Affairs, 1945 January
Rustin, Bayard
"Black Power" and Coalition Politics, 1966
Education in a Changing Society, 1968
Ruth Fischer Newsletter on Communism, 1947 March
Ruthenberg, Charles E.
From the Third through the Fourth Convention of the Workers (Communist) Party of America, undated
Speeches and Writings of Charles E. Ruthenberg, 1928
Ruttenberg, Harold J., The Fruits of Industrial Peace, 1940
SA-Sturmlieder, undated
SAIS Reviews, 1960
SIS, Smoloskyp Information Service 1975 September 15 1976 January 15
SK, Sozialistische Korrespondenz undated
SPX Research Associates, Handbook for "Summit," 1960
SRI (Stanford Research Institute), National Strategy in a Decade of Change, 1972
Saar Arbeiter-Tribune, 1929 October 26
Safeguard, What Are the True Answers? undated
Sakarov about Himself, 1974
Samizdat, 1974-1976
Sane World (incomplete) 1962-1965
Saran, Mary, Willi Eichler, Wilhelm Heidorn, and Minna Specht, Re-Making Germany, 1945
Sass, Johannes, Die 27 deutschen Parteien 1930 und ihre Ziele, 1930
Saturn, 1958
Saudi Arabia Today, 1965 March
Savary, Alain, Nationalisme algerien et grandeur francaise 1960
Sax, Karl, The Population Explosion, 1956 November-December
Scheer, Robert, How the United States Got Involved in Vietnam, 1965
Scherman, Harry, The Real Danger in Our Gold, 1940
Schiffer, Hubert F., Basic Data of Japan's Labor Economy 1956
Schlegelberger, Franz, Rechtsvergleichendes Handworterbuch 1930
Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, The New Deal in Action, 1933-1938, 1939
Schlossberg, Joseph, The Rise of the Clothing Workers, 1921
Schluter, William C., The Pre-War Business Cycle, 1907 to 1914, 1923
Schmidt, Helmut, Hope for the West--And a Warning, 1975
Schultz, Theodore W., The Economic Test in Latin America 1956
Schultze-Raumburg, Paul, Kampf und die Kunst, 1932
Schumacher, Kurt, Die Rolle der "Volkspolizei" in der Sowjetzone, undated
Schumacher, Kurt, Erich Ollenhauer, and Carlo Schmid, Das Programm der Opposition, 1949
Schweizerischen Gewerkschaftsbundes, Gewerkschaftliche Rundschau, 1939 May June
Scott, F. R., Cooperation for What?, 1944
Scott, John
Africa, World's Last Frontier, 1959
How Much Progress?, 1963
The Middle East at War, 1970
Peace in Asia, 1968
Scott, Robert, Major Theatre of Conflict, 1968
Scott, S. W., Retreat from Moscow, 1957
Scottish T.U.C., Impressions of Our Visit to Russia, circa 1955
The Searchlight, The Old Guard and Their Tax Bill, 1922
Seidman, Joel, Sit-Down, 1937
Selections from China Mainland Magazines, 1960 October 10
Seligman, Eustace, and Richard L. Walker, Should the U.S. Change Its China Policy?, 1958
Seminaris, Jo, War and Its Effects on Labor, 1939
Senat of Berlin Report, Refugees Flooding the Island of Berlin, 1953
Senate Republican Memo, 1961 June 29
Senator fur Inneres, Ostliche Untergrundarbeit gegen Westberlin, 1959
Senior, Clarence, Self-Determination for Puerto Rico, 1946
Senturia, Joseph J., Strikes, 1935
Serge, Victor, From Lenin to Stalin, 1937
Service d'Archives (incomplete) 1938-1939
Service de Presse, 1969 April 28
Service d'Etudes et d'Information de la Federation Americaine du Travail, Comment vit l'ouvrier de presse americain, 1947
Service Hebdomadaire de Documentation Politique, Les informations politiques et sociales, 1968 June 6 7 8 10
Der 17. Juni, der Tag der Volkserhebung, 1953
Shelepin, Alexander, Report of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions to the 15th Congress of Trade Unions of the USSR, 1972
Shevchenko, Taras, Europe's Freedom Fighter, 1960
Shibley, Fred W., The Banker's Relation to Industrial Reconstruction Since 1920, 1924
Shifrin, A., How Aliya Is Being Killed, 1975
Simmons, E. H. H., The Principal Causes of the Stock Market Crisis of Nineteen Twenty Nine, 1930
Sinclair, Upton
The Flivver King, 1937
Immediate Epic, circa 1934
We, People of America, circa 1934
Sinclair, Upton and Eugene Lyons, Terror in Russia? Two Views, 1938
Sindicalismo en Espana, 1972 November-December
Der Sinn des Zusammenbruchs!, 1930
The Sino-Indian Conflict, 1963
The Sino-Japanese Crisis, 1937, 1937
Slessor, J. C., Air Power and Armies, 1936
Smith, Bruch L. R., The Governance of Berlin, 1959
Smith, Edwin S., Organized Labor in the Soviet Union, 1943
Smith, Rennie, Peace Verboten, 1943
Smogorzewski, Casimir, About the Curzon Line and Other Lines, 1944
Smole, Joze, Yugoslav Views on Coexistence, 1961
Social Action, 1940 April 15 1946 December 15
Social Democrats, U.S.A.
America and the World Crisis, 1975
Bloodbath!, undated
The Social Economic Foundation, A Labor Party for the United States, 1936
Social Science Research Council
Research in Employer-Employee Relations in the Public Service, 1940
Studies in Administration, undated
Social Service Outlook, 1970 November
Socialism and Peace, 1936
Socialist Alternative for Eastern Europe, 1959
Socialist Appeal, 1936 October 1
Socialist Clarity Group, Discussion Notes (incomplete) 1939-1940 1942
Socialist Commentary, 1956 February
Socialist Correspondence (incomplete) 1937-1939
Socialist International Information (incomplete) 1953-1968
Socialist Leader, 1951 January 6
Socialist Party, Bombay, Labour College, 1947
Socialist Party of the United States
The Intelligent Voter's Guide, 1928
A Political Guide for the Workers, 1920
Socialist Hand Book, 1916
Towards a Militant Program for the Socialist Party of America, 1934
Unions Face the Depression, 1938
What Socialism Will Really Mean to You, undated
Le socialiste, 1965 March 25
Society for the Prevention of World War III, Press Digest 1969 Fall
Sohns, Hansfritz, Kampf und Aufstieg des Nationalsozialismus zum Dritten Reich, 1933
Sohyo News (incomplete) 1953-1967
Sokolov, V. L., Soviet Use of German Science and Technology, 1945-1946, 1955
Solidaridad, 1941 April-May
Solidaritat, 1964 November 1965 July
Solidarity, 1936 April
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, Nobel Lecture, 1973
Some Facts and Figures about the United States, 1959
Sonne, H. Christian, Our Achilles Heel: World Liquidity 1967
Sonter, R., Der neue deutsche Imperialismus, 1928
Souchy, Augustin, The Tragic Week in May, 1937
Soule, George, The Accumulation of Capital, 1924
Source List of International Relations Materials, 1969-1970 undated
Sources of Power in the U.S.S.R., 1958
Soustelle, Jacques, The Wealth of the Sahara, 1959
South Africa Information Service, The Truth that Hurts, 1961
South Viet Nam in Struggle, 1972 May 8
South Viet Nam National Front for Liberation, Documents 1968
Southeast Asian Perspectives, 1971 December
Soviet Analyst, 1973 January 4 February 1
Soviet and Communist Attitudes Toward Islam, undated
Soviet Periodical Abstracts, 1962 October December
Soviet Plan and Budget: 1974, 1974
Soviet Survey, 1958 October-December 1959 January-March October-December 1960 October-December
Soviet Trade Unions, 1917-1967, 1967
Soviet World Outlook, 1976 June 15
The Sower Press, The Catholic Worker Stand on Strikes, 1938
Sozial-okonomische Arbeiter-Rundschau, 1928 September
Sozialistische Arbeiter Bibliothek, Die Internationale in Amerika, 1918
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
Auslandsbrief (incomplete) 1955-1968
Basic Programme of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, 1959
Bonner, Depesche, 1963 January
Deutschland Plan der SPD, 1959
Dokumentation der Unmenschlichkeit gegenuber Deutschen..., undated
Entschliessungen des SPD-Parteitages in Saarbrucken 1970
Germany, Monthly Reports (incomplete) 1939-1940
International Socialist Conference, 1950
Die Neuordnung Deutschlands, 1956
Pressedienst, 1962 March 28 April 17 27
Protokoll, SPD Parteitag Hannover 1960 November
Querschnitt durch Politik und Wirtschaft, March 1950
Remers trojanische Pferde, undated
Ruhr Statute and Security, undated
Sopade Informationsdienst, 1948 April
Tatsachen - Argumente, 1967
Wie die Sowjets URAN gewinnen, undated
Willy Brandt antwortet, undated
Wir und der Vietnam-Konflikt, undated
Wort gehalten, 1969
Sozialpolitischer Ausschuss des ADGB, Die Sozialrenten, undated
Spaethen, Rolf, Was hat der Westen dem Kommunismus entgegenzusetzen?, undated
Buenaventura Durruti, 1936
Report on Higher Education in Spain, undated
Spain, undated
Spain-Anarchism, undated
Spain Today, 1962 June
Spanish Committee on Liberation, Appeal to the San Francisco Conference, 1945 April
Spanish Newsletter, 1968 December 31
The Spanish Revolution (incomplete) 1937 January-April
Spanish Workers' Party of Marxist Unity, A Lead to World Socialism, 1936
Spartacist, 1968 May September-October
Spartacus, 1937 May 1939 June
Special Information Note, 1964 April 1 3
Special Survey Reports, 1956 July-August
The Spectator, 1931 September 26 1961 May 5
Spectator Germaniae, Hindenburg in Wahlkampf, 1925-1932, undated
Spingarn, Jerome, H., New Approaches to Disarmament, 1962
Spiro, Jacob S., and John Milton, Gist of the Fair Labor Standards Act, 1941
The Spivack Report (incomplete) 1967-1970
Spotlight, 1965 July
Spotlight on Africa, 1968 May
Sprague, Robert C., ABM--Deterrence and the Impact of a Technical Breakthrough in the Nuclear Age, 1969
Spratt, Philip
The Communist Peace Appeal, 1951
Morality and Political Practice, 1948
Sprecher, William M., World-Wide Defense Expenditures and Selected Economic Data, 1964 1966
Sprenger, Rudolf, Bolshevism, undated
Staatsburgerliche Informationen, 1958 October
Stajner, R., Distribution of Income in Enterprises, 1961
Stalin, Joseph
Building Collective Farms, 1931
Fragen und Antworten, 1925
Der Oppositionsblock und die Fragen der Revolution in der UdSSR, 1927
Politischer Bericht des Zentralkomitees an den 16. arteitag der KPdSU, 1930
Questions & Answers to American Trade Unionists, 1927
The Road to Power, 1937
Speech at an Election Rally in Stalin Electoral Area 1946 February 9
Stalin's Speeches on the American Communist Party, 1929
The Theory and Practice of Leninism, 1925
Unterrendung mit der Ersten, 1927
Stamp, L. Dudley, The Face of Britain, 1940
The Standing Committee on Education about Communism and Its Contrast with Liberty under Law, Liberty under Law Anarchy Totalitarianism--This Is the Choice, 1969
Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Research for Industry, 1962 September-October
Stanley, Timothy W., A Conference on European Security?, 1970
Star, 1971 September 1
Stark, J., Zentrumsherrschaft und Jesuitenpolitik, 1932
Stark, Johannes, Adolf Hitlers Ziele und Personlichkeit 1932
Starobin, J., Viet-Nam Fights for Freedom, 1953
Starr, Mark, Labour Politics in the U.S.A, 1949
Steel Labor, 1943 January 30
Steel Workers Organizing Committee
Industrial Training, undated
Organized Labor and Management, undated
Production Problems, undated
Steibel, Gerald L.
Detente: Dilemma or Disaster?, 1969
How Can We Negotiate with the Communists?, 1972
Steinbuch, Pladoyer fur eine liberale Zukunft, 1975
Sternberg, Fritz, In Order to Survive, 1941
Stevenson, Adlai E.
Red China and the United Nations, 1961
Survival & Freedom, undated
Stewart, Maxwell S.
America's Factories, 1941
Debts--Good or Bad?, 1939
How Shall We Pay for Defense?, 1941
How We Spend Our Money, 1938
Industrial Price Policies, 1938
A New Look at Our Crowded World, 1966
Our Taxes--And What They Buy, 1939
Readjustments Required for Recovery, 1937
Saving Our Soil, 1937
Security or the Dole?, 1938
Steel--Problems of a Great Industry, 1937
That No Man Shall Hunger!, 1960
Youth in the World of Today, 1938
Stimme der Freiheit, 1955 April-May
Stimmen aus Deutschland, 1940 February
Stimson, Henry, The Challenge to Americans, 1947
Stoedtner, Gerhard, Frieden Wiedervereinigung Sicherheit 1959
Stoessinger, John G., Financing the United Nations, 1961
Stolz, Otto, Wenn zwei das Gleiche tun..., 1952
Stone, William T., America Rearms, 1941
Stone, William T., and Ryllis Alexander Goslin, Billions for Defense, 1937
Strachey, John, The Pursuit of Peace, 1960
Strategic Review, 1975 Fall
Streit, Clarence K., Where Iron Is, There Is the Fatherland!, 1920
Strike Newspaper, Yale University 1970 April 27
Strong, Anna Louise, The Rise of the Chinese People's Communes, 1959
The Struggle in Spain, 1937
Strzelwica, W., Die russische Revolution und der Sozialismus, 1956
Student Unrest in Eastern Europe, 1969
Studies on the Soviet Union, 1962
Sturm, Organ der revolutionaren SA der Saar, undated
Sturmthal, Adolf, The Workers' Councils in Poland, 1961
Sullivan, John, The Reform of the Rating System, 1939
Sullivan, William C., Freedom Is the Exception, 1965
Summaries of Selected Japanese Magazines, 1964 November 2 9
Summary of Labor Press, 1960 November-December 1961 February-March
Summit County Labor News, 1942 January 23
Summit Diplomacy, 1958 October
Supreme Court of the United States, Communist Party of the United States of America, Petitioner, v. Subversive Activities Control Board, 1961 June 5
Survey, 1963 April 1968 July
Survey of China Mainland Press (incomplete) 1954-1968
Survival, 1965 January-February 1966 November
Labor Peace and Full Employment in Sweden, 1964
Social Benefits in Sweden, 1962
Swiss Review of World Affairs (incomplete) 1958-1976
Sword over Europe, undated
Syme, Adjingboru A., Ghanaians Salute Israel, 1958
Symes, Lillian
Communism--World Revolution to Red Imperialism, undated
Our American Dreyfus Case: A Challenge to California Justice, 1935
Le syndicaliste exile, 1951 February May December 1965 October 1966 July
Syndicalisme, 1968 June 10
Sztaray, Zoltan, Two Books on the Hungarian Revolution, 1960
Szulc, Tad, News Trends in Latin America, 1960
Szumski, Romuald, Labor and the Soviet System, undated
T.G. Masaryk, Champion of Liberty, 1960
TUCSA Newsletter, 1964 May 1965 June
The Tablet, South America Reds Plan Overthrow of the Church 1944
Tactics, 1971 May 20
Taft, Philip
The Bisbee Deportation, 1972
On the Origins of Business Unionism, 1963
The Responses of the Bakers, Longshoremen and Teamsters to Public Exposure, 1960
Tamiment Institute Public Forum, Is Co-Existence Possible?, 1955
Address by His Excellency the Governor to Legislative Council 1957 September 17
Sauti Ya Tanu, 1958 February 13
Tanganyika Federation of Labour, Trade Union Suppression in Sisal Industry, 1957 September 28
Tannous, Izzat
The Expulsion of the Palestine Arabs from Their Homeland, 1961
Failures of the United Nations in the Palestine Tragedy, 1959
Towards Better Understanding between the Arab World and the United States, 1960
Tasks for the Free World Today, 1964
Tast, E., Ce que l'on vous cache, undated
Taylor, Paul S., Adrift on the Land, 1940
Taylor, Wayne Chatfield, The Firestone Operations in Liberia, 1956
Technology and the American Economy, 1966 February
Tele-Control, 1972 October
Terre Haute Advocate, 1942 January 23
Terre Nouvelle, 1936 June
Terry, J. William, American Labor and the Trade Agreements 1939
Textile, 1974 Spring
Thalheimer, August (Lambda)
On Dialectics, 1933
The Truth about the Barcelona Events, 1937
The "Thaw" in Eastern Europe, 1966 June
Thiokol Chemical Corporation, 1958 Annual Report, 1959
Thomas, Norman
Democracy versus Dictatorship, 1937
The Plight of the Share-Cropper, 1934
Thomson, George G., Problems of Strategy in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, 1970
Thought (incomplete) 1953-1970
338 News, 1941 February
Thude, Guenter, The Workers and Their Social Insurance, 1961
Tibet: A Few Facts, Committee for Solidarity with Tibet undated
The Times, The Dollar Gap, 1949
Tisma, Tosa, Management of Social Property, 1961
Tito, Josip Broz
President Tito's Visit to Friendly African Countries 1961
Speech by President Josip Broz-Tito 1961
With Friends in Africa, 1961
Today in France, 1966 October December 1967 January February
Together, The Atlantic Union Bulletin 1974 June
Toledano, Nora de, Time Marches on McCarthy, 1952 February
Tong Cong Doan Viet-Nam, 1965 November 22 1966 January 6
Topalovich, Zivko, Les usines aux ouvriers, 1952
Tractor AFL Worker, 1942 January 22
Trade and Aid to the Developing Countries, 1971
The Trades Union Congress
Agenda of the 1957 Congress
Agenda for the 1971 Congress
Free Trade Unions leave the W.F.T.U., 1949
Interim Report on Public Ownership, 1953
1952 Congress
Preliminary Agenda and Final Notice of Annual Congress 1968
The Trades Union Congress, 1962
Trades Union Congress Economic Review, 1970
What the TUC Is Doing, 1951 Spring 1952-1953
Trade Union Correspondence, 1968 April 15 1970 April 5 1976 July
Trade Union Council of South Africa, Why TUCSA Opposes Boycotts and Sanctions, undated
The Trade Union Educational League
Needle Trades Left Wing Program, 1926
Trade Unions in America, undated
Trade Union News Bulletin from Norway, 1967 June
Trade Union Press, 1961-1970
Trade Unions, undated
Trade Unions and Productivity, undated
Trade Unions in Sweden, 1961
Trade Unions of Romania, 1969
Trade Winds, 1929 February
Trans-Atlantic, 1948 September
Transinformations, 1968 June
Translations from Kommunist
Transport & General Workers' Union, Chairman's Address, 1953 July
The Treaty of August 12, 1970 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1970
Trends of Communist Propaganda (incomplete) 1961-1962
Trezise, Philip H., Our Two Countries, 1972
The Trial of Freedom, 1962
Tribune, 1941 December 19 1943 October 8 1946 August 23
Trotskii, Lev
The Draft Program of the Communist International, 1929
From October to Brest Litovsk, 1919
Die neue Etappe, 1921
The Soviet Union and the Fourth International, 1934
Trumbull, Robert, India since Independence, 1954
Tsamerian, I. P., and S. L. Ronin, Equality of Rights between Races and Nationalities in the USSR, 1962
Tsiang, Tingfu F., The Charter of the United Nations and the Package Deal, 1955
Tunisia, Aspects de la vie sociale tunisienne, 1957
Turk-Is News Bulletin, 1977 May-June
The Twentieth Century (incomplete) 1952-1960
Two Months of Malenkov, 1953
U.D.A. (Union for Democratic Action)
Action Leaflet No. 2, Stop Price Rises Now!, undated
London Letter (incomplete) 1950
UE (United Electrical), Radio and Machine Workers of America
All of Us Built America, 1968
How Foreign is "Foreign" Competition, undated
UE News, 1946 October 5
UNESCO, Educational Studies and Documents, New Trends in Youth Organizations, 1960
U.S.A., 1958 February 28
USDAW Visits Russia, Shops and Catering in the U.S.S.R. undated
USSR Exhibition, New York 1959
Uganda Peoples Congress, Policy Statement, 1960 December
Ukraine Farming and Machinery Corporation undated
The Ukrainian Bulletin (incomplete) 1955-1961
The Ukrainian Quarterly, 1960 Spring
Ulbricht: A Danger to Peace, undated
Ulmer, Hans, Wollen wir den Klassenkampf?, 1973
Umoh, Umoh James, Before Darkness Falls, undated
Uncensored, 1941 March 29 July 12
Union, Organ of the Philippine Civic Union 1941 March 15
Union General De Trabajadores, Boletin 1949 September
l'Union Generale des Travailleurs d'Afrique Noire, Resolutions, 1959 January
Union Herald, 1962 April
Union of Democratic Control
Patriotism, Ltd., 1933
The Secret International, 1934
Union Research Service
United Asia (incomplete) 1959-1960
United Automobile Workers of America
Agreements, 1937
Constitution, 1966 May 1970 April
Ford Facts, 1970 April 13
News from UAW, 1968 July 23 1970 October 23
Public Review Board, 1971
Reports and Resolutions (incomplete) 1957-1972
Sane, 1971 Eleanor Roosevelt Peace Award, 1971
Solidar Report, 1965 May-June
UAW Administrative Letter, 1956 May 21 1966 August 29 1967 August 1
UAW Solidarity, 1960 June 1962 January
United Automobile Worker, 1937 December 18 1956 March
United Construction Workers Organizing Committee, Rules and Regulations, 1939 August 1
The United Farmer, 1928 May 16
United Farmers' Educational League, Statement, undated
The United Front that Failed, 1966
United Kingdom Council of the European Movement, Summary of Reports, 1949 April
United Kingdom Overseas Investments, 1938 to 1948, 1950
United Labor Conference, Equal Sacrifice for the Defense of America, 1951 March
United Mine Workers of America, Minutes, reports, and resolutions of the Thirtieth Consecutive Constitutional Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana 1927
United Nations
Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank, 1965
Agricultural Mechanization, 1959
Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice, 1963
China, the United Nations and United States Policy 1966
The Chronicle of United Nations Activities, 1955 December 23
The Economic and Social Consequences for Disarmament 1961
General Assembly minutes
Index to the United Nations Review, 1958 July - 1959 June
Introduction to the Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization, 1973
Press Services, 1965 February 24
A Program on United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation 1944
Report of the International Law Commission, 1949
Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization, 1973
Restrictive Business Practices, 1972
Security Council, Statement by the Soviet Government on Cuba, 1962 October 23
Technical Assistance Committee, 1959
Tenth Anniversary of the Signing of the United Nations Charter, 1955
Toward the Reconciliation of Europe, 1969
UNRRA, Organization, Aims, Progress, 1944
The United Nations: What You Should Know About It, 1957
United Nations Work for Human Rights, 1961
United Nations Trade and Development Conference, 1964
The United Nations, 1946 March 1 April 1
The United Nations and Red China, circa 1967
United Shoe and Leather Workers Union, For Better Wages, Hours and Conditions, Organize!, undated
United States
Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs, International Educational and Cultural Exchange, 1966
Agency for International Development
An Act for International Development, 1961
Information Bulletin, 1971 June
The Other War in South Vietnam, 1965
Primer on Title IX, 1969
U.S. Foreign Aid and the Alliance for Progress 1969
U.S. Foreign Aid in East Asia, 1969
Why Foreign Aid, undated
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Agenda Item-Peace, 1964
Arms Control and National Security, 1970
Review of International Negotiations on the Cessation of Nuclear Weapon Tests, 1966
World Military Expenditures, 1969-1970
Central Intelligence Agency, Soviet Manpower, 1960-1970, 1960
Joint Economic Committee
American Productivity: Key to Economic Strength and National Survival, 1972
Automation and Technology in Education, 1966
Comparisons of the United States and Soviet Economies, Parts I, II, III 1959
Economic Aspects of Military Procurement and Supply, 1960
Economic Policies and Practices, 1963
Economic Programs for Labor Surplus Areas in Selected Countries of Western Europe, 1960
Hearings, 1963 July 29-30
A New Initiative to Liberalize International Trade, 1973
A New Look at Trade Policy Toward the Communist Bloc, 1961
Notes, 1975 July 1
Subsidy and Subsidylike Programs of the U.S. Government, 1960
Public Law 831, International Security Law 1950
H.R. 9546 1921 December 14
H.R. 3471 1935 January 9
Committee on Appropriations
Departments of State, Justice and Commerce, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1971 1970
Safeguard Antiballistic Missile System 1969
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Membership and Participation by the United States in the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, 1946
National and International Political Movements, 1947
Plants and Part Plants, 1947
Tension and Detente: Congressional Perspectives on Soviet-American Relations, 1973
United States Policy Toward Asia, 1966
Committee on Un-American Activities
The Communist Conspiracy, 1956
Communist Infiltration of Vital Industries and Current Communist Techniques in the Chicago, Ill. Area 1959
The Crimes of Khrushchev, 1959
Documentary Testimony of Gen. Izyador Modelski, 1949
Hearings on American Aspects of the Richard Sorge Spy Case, 1951
International Communism, 1957
Report of the Subcommittee on Legislation of the Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Un-American Activities in the United States, 1948
The Shameful Years, 1951
Committee on Ways and Means, Revenue Revision 1948, 1947
Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Campaign Expenditures, 1944
House document, Communism in Action, 1946
House resolutions
Special Committee on Postwar Economic Policy and Planning, Postwar Economic Policy and Planning, 1945
Freighan, Michael A., Let's Look at Russia Honestly, 1955 August 2
Judd, Walter H., How and Why Did We Get into War in Korea?, 1950 July 18
Luce, Clare Boothe, American Military Aid to Chinese Communist Armies, 1946 July 26
Tinkham, George Holden, Nullification of the Fourteenth and the Fifteenth Amendments, 1928 February 28
Wright, James A., Mr. Dies and "Citizens for Victory," 1943 February 3
Bill, S. 754 1945 March 16
Committee on Appropriations, Inventory Report on Federal Real Property in the United States, 1953 December 31
Committee on Armed Services, The Limitation of Strategic Arms, 1970
Committee on Education and Labor, Violations of Free Speech and Rights of Labor, 1937
Committee on Foreign Relations
Changing American Attitudes Toward Foreign Policy, 1967
Chemical-Biological-Radiological (CBR) Warfare and Its Disarmament Aspects 1960
The Crisis in NATO, 1966
Europe Today, 1966
Follow-Up Review of Activities under Contracts with the American Institute for Free Labor Development, 1970
The Gulf of Tonkin: The 1964 Incidents, Part II 1968
Postscript to Reports on Czechoslovakia, NATO, and the Paris Negotiations 1968
Survey of the Alliance for Progress 1967-1968
Treaties of Peace with Italy, Rumania, Bulgaria, and Hungary, 1947
United States Foreign Policy, 1960
United States Relations with Peru, 1969
Wintry Days in Prague and Moscow, 1969
Yugoslavia, 1964-1965
Committee on Government Operations
The Atlantic Alliance, 1966-1967
International Negotiation, 1969
Organization of Federal Executive Departments and Agencies, 1961
The Soviet View of NATO, 1967
Committee on the Judiciary
The Amerasia Papers: A Clue to the Catastrophe of China, Volumes I and II 1970 January 26
Aspects of the Intellectual Ferment and Dissent in the Soviet Union, 1968
Attempts of Pro-Castro Forces to Pervert the American Press, 1963
Beware! Tourists Reporting on Russia 1960
Castro's Broken Pledges, 1970
Castro's Network in the United States 1961 1963
The Church and State under Communism 1965
Communist and Workers' Parties' Manifesto Adopted November-December 1960, 1961
The Communist International Youth and Student Apparatus, 1963
A Communist Plot against the Free World Police, 1961
Communist Political Propaganda and Use of United States Mails, 1961
Communist Threat to the United States through the Caribbean, 1960 1962 1969 1970
Contradictions of Communism, 1959
Documentation of Communist Penetration in Latin America, 1964-1965
Extent of Subversion in Campus Disorders, 1969
Extent of Subversion in the "New Left," 1970
Education for Survival in the Struggle against World Communism, 1962
Export of Strategic Materials to the U.S.S.R. and Other Soviet Bloc Countries, 1963
Gaps in Internal Security Laws, 1966-1967
Ghana Students in United States Oppose U.S. Aid to Nkrumah, 1964
The Human Cost of Soviet Communism, 1970
Interlocking Subversion in Government Department, 1955
Nature of Communism in Occupied China 1957
Organization of American States, Combined Reports on Communist Subversion, 1965
Protection of Defense Communications 1960
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 1964
Red Chinese Infiltration into Latin America, 1965
Report of the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws, 1958 1974
The Revival of the Communist International and Its Significance for the United States, 1959
Safeguard Communications Facilities 1961
Scope of Soviet Activity in the United States, 1956 1957
The Soviet Empire? Prison House of Nations and Races, 1958
Soviet Intelligence in Asia, 1959
State Department Security--The Otepka Case, 1963-65; 1966: The Wieland Case Updated, 1965
A Study of the Communist Party and Coalition Governments in the Soviet Union and in Eastern European Countries, 1966
The Techniques of Soviet Propaganda 1965
Testimony of a Defector from Communist China, 1962
Testimony of Karl Dietrich Wolff, 1969
Testimony of Lawrence Britt, 1971
Threat to U.S. Security Posed by Stepped-Up Sino-Soviet Hostilities 1970
The Tricontinental Conference of African, Asian, and Latin American Peoples, 1966
Wordmanship: Semantics as a Communist Weapon, 1966
Study Mission to Central and Southeast Asia, 1966
Tensions within the Soviet Union, 1951
Report, West Virginia Coal Fields, 1922
Select Committee on Communist Aggression, Treatment of the Jews under Communism 1954
Special Committee on Aging
Health Aspects of the Economics of Aging, 1969
Income Tax Overpayments by the Elderly 1970
Douglas, Paul H., Our Foreign Policy in the Present International Crisis 1951
Dodd, Thomas J., Saigon Summary, 1964
Temporary National Economic Committee, Investigation of Concentration of Economic Power, 1941
Special Study Mission to Europe, 1957
Special Study Mission to Southeast Asia and the Pacific, 1954
Congressional Record
Department of Agriculture
Cotton, Land, and People, 1940 July
The Real Facts about Food, 1974
Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, 1927
Department of Commerce
Americans at Mid-Decade, 1966
Annual Report of the Secretary of Commerce, 1927
Brazil, undated
Chile, undated
Estimated National Wealth, 1922
Foreign Aid, 1952
Guatemala, undated
Manufactures?, 1929 1931
New York, Unemployment Bulletin, 1931
The Soviet Statistical System: Labor Force Recordkeeping and Reporting, 1960
Survey of Current Business, 1955
Department of Defense
Armed Forces Talk, undated
Directive, 1975 February 14
Fact Sheet, 1975
Proposed Consumer Representation Plan, 1975
Department of Health, Education and Welfare
Civil-Service Retirement Program, 1959, 1959
Health Insurance under Social Security, 1966
A Report on Social Security Programs in the Soviet Union, 1960
Department of the Interior
Information Service, 1942 January 19
Mining Industry of the United States of America 1922
Department of Justice, The National Registration of Aliens, Form, undated
Department of Labor
Brief History of the American Labor Movement, 1951