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Numbers 1900-2012
The 15 1900-2012
79-on Art Gallery 1900-2012
9 Dead Gay Guys (motion picture:2002) 1900-2012
A 1900-2012
AB 1 (California Assembly bill:1983)--Clippings 1900-2012
AB 1 (California Assembly bill:1983)--Veto 1900-2012
AB 101 (California Assembly bill:1991) 1900-2012
AB 185 (California Assembly bill:1982) 1900-2012
AB 2601 (California Assembly bill:1992) 1900-2012
AB 3825 (California Assembly bill:1992) 1900-2012
Abarbanell, Jacobs & Associates 1900-2012
Abbitt, Diane 1900-2012
Abbott, Berenice, 1898-1991 1900-2012
Abbott, Jack Henry, 1944-2002 1900-2012
ABC-TV 1900-2012
Abdoh, Reza, 1963-1995 1900-2012
Abe Lincoln Republican Club 1900-2012
Aborigines 1900-2012
Abortion 1900-2012
Abortion--Clippings 1900-2012
About Women (newspaper column) 1900-2012
Abse, Leo, 1917-2008 1900-2012
Absolutely Positive (documentary : 1991) 1900-2012
Abstracts [in 1976] 1900-2012
Abzug, Bella S., 1920-1998 1900-2012
Academia and academics--Lesbians in 1900-2012
Academy Awards (Academy of motion pictures) 1900-2012
Acanfora, Joseph, III, 1950- 1900-2012
Acceptance (Australia) 1900-2012
Acceptance House (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
ACCESS Line newsletter (Waterloo, Iowa) 1900-2012
Access Now for Gay and Lesbian Equality (ANGLE) 1900-2012
Ace Ventura, Pet Detective (motion picture:1994) 1900-2012
Aché 1900-2012
Achmat, Zackie (Abdurrazack), 1962- 1900-2012
Achtenberg, Roberta, 1950- 1900-2012
Acker, Kathy, 1948-1997 1900-2012
Ackerley, J. R. (Joe Randolph), 1896-1967 1900-2012
Ackerman, Forrest J., 1916-2008 1900-2012
Ackroyd, Peter, 1949- 1900-2012
Acremant, Robert James, 1968- 1900-2012
Activists and activism, Lesbian 1900-2012
Acton, Harold Mario Mitchell, 1904-1994 1900-2012
Actors--A-Z 1900-2012
Actors--African-American 1900-2012
Actors--Women/ Female 1900-2012
ACT-UP (AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power) 1900-2012
Adam, Margie, 1947- 1900-2012
Adams District and ONE Institute 1900-2012
Addiction 1900-2012
Adoption by gays or lesbians 1900-2012
Adoption--Women 1900-2012
Adult Children of Alcoholics 1900-2012
Adult video games 1900-2012
Adventure Company for Women (travel : Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (motion picture:1994) 1900-2012
Advertisements 1900-2012
Advertising 1900-2012
Advertising [LLC] 1900-2012
Advertising--AIDS 1900-2012
The Advocate 1900-2012
Aesthetic Realism 1900-2012
Affirmation (Methodists) 1900-2012
Affirmation (Mormons)--Los Angeles (Calif.) 1900-2012
Affirmative Action 1900-2012
Afghanistan 1900-2012
AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations) 1900-2012
Afriat, Steven C. 1900-2012
Africa 1900-2012
Africa--AIDS 1900-2012
African-American lesbians 1900-2012
African-American women 1900-2012
African-Americans and coming out 1900-2012
African-American churches and religion 1900-2012
African-American gay men 1900-2012
African-American gays and lesbians--1999 and before 1900-2012
African-American gays and lesbians--2000- 1900-2012
African-American History Celebration (LGBT) 1900-2012
African-American politics 1900-2012
African-American sexuality 1900-2012
African-American Studies and Education 1900-2012
African-American styles 1900-2012
African-descent, Lesbians of 1900-2012
African-descent, Women of 1900-2012
African expatriates 1900-2012
Afro-latinos 1900-2012
After Stonewall Collective 1900-2012
Against the Wall (Westfield, N.J.) 1900-2012
Agape (Torrance, Calif.) 1900-2012
Age of consent 1900-2012
Age of Consent (musical group:Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Agee, James, 1909-1955 1900-2012
Aging [LLC] 1900-2012
Aging and ageism 1900-2012
Aging and ageism--Gays and lesbians 1900-2012
Agnos, Art, 1938- 1900-2012
Aguilar, Laura, 1959- 1900-2012
Ahern, Steven Dale 1900-2012
AIDS and HIV 1900-2012
AIDS crimes 1900-2012
AIDS Healthcare Foundation 1900-2012
AIDS Ride 1900-2012
AIDS/HIV-General 1900-2012
AIDS/LifeCycle 1900-2012
AIDS-People Living with 1900-2012
Aileen: The Life and Death of a Serial Killer (motion picture:2004) 1900-2012
Aimee and Jaguar (motion picture:1999) 1900-2012
Ain't I A Woman (newsletter) 1900-2012
Airwaves, Charlie 1900-2012
Akhmatova, Anna Andreevna, 1889-1966 1900-2012
Akron (Ohio) 1900-2012
Akzent Printing & Grafix/Ad Male Marketing 1900-2012
Alabama--2000- 1900-2012
Alabama--To 1999 1900-2012
Alamo, Tony & Susan, Tony: 1934-, Susan: 1925-1982 1900-2012
Al-Anon for Gay Men & Women 1900-2012
Alaska 1900-2012
Alatorre, Richard 1900-2012
Albania 1900-2012
Albany (N.Y.) 1900-2012
Albany Trust 1900-2012
Albee, Edward, 1928- 1900-2012
Alberta (Canadian province) 1900-2012
Alberts, William 1900-2012
Albertson, Jack & Wally 1900-2012
Alcoholic Beverage Commission (ABC) 1900-2012
Alcoholics Anonymous, Boston--Gays 1900-2012
Alcoholics Together 1900-2012
Alcoholism [LLC] 1900-2012
Alcoholism Center for Women (ACW:Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Alcoholism Services for Homosexuals--Voice of ASH, Incorporated 1900-2012
Alcoholism--Gays 1900-2012
Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888 1900-2012
Alexander Hamilton Post 448 (American Legion) 1900-2012
Alexander the Great (motion picture:2003) 1900-2012
Alexander the Great, 356-323 B.C. 1900-2012
Alexander, Bill 1900-2012
Alfaro, Luis, 1963- 1900-2012
Al-Fatiha Foundation 1900-2012
Alger, Horatio, Jr., 1832-1899 1900-2012
Algeria 1900-2012
Algren, Nelson, 1909-1981 1900-2012
Alice B. Theatre (Seattle, Wash.) 1900-2012
Alice B. Toklas Memorial Democratic Club (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Alice Doesn't Day demonstration 1971-1974
Alimony 1900-2012
Alive and Kicking (motion picture:1996) 1900-2012
All Age Lesbians (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
All in the Family (television) 1900-2012
All My Children (television) 1900-2012
All People's Congress 1900-2012
All Saints Parish (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
All That Glitters (television) 1900-2012
All the Queen's Men (motion picture:2002) 1900-2012
All Together (organization : Chicago, Ill.) 1900-2012
Allain, Bill, 1928- 1900-2012
Allen, David 1900-2012
Allen, Peter, 1944-1992 1900-2012
Allen, Stephanie 1900-2012
Allen, Steve, 1921-2000 1900-2012
Allen, Woody, 1935- 1900-2012
Allerton, Robert, 1873-1964 1900-2012
Alliance for Gay Artists (AGA / AGLA) 1900-2012
Alliance for Gay Artists (AGA / AGLA)--Awards dinners 1900-2012
Alliance for Survival 1900-2012
Alliance of Massachusetts Asian Lesbians and Gay Men (AMALGM) 1900-2012
Allison, Dorothy (Dorothy E.), 1949- 1900-2012
Allred, Gloria, 1941- 1900-2012
Almodóvar, Pedro, 1951- 1900-2012
Alpert, Jane, 1947- 1900-2012
Alphabet Bomber Trial (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Alquin Images 1900-2012
Alta Loma Democratic Club 1900-2012
Alta, 1943- 1900-2012
Alternative Creations, Incorporated 1900-2012
Alternative healing 1900-2012
Alternative lifestyles 1900-2012
Alternative press 1900-2012
Alternatives 1900-2012
Altman, Dennis, 1943- 1900-2012
Alvarez, Walter 1900-2012
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater 1900-2012
Alyson Publishers 1900-2012
Amador, Don 1900-2012
Amador, Richard 1900-2012
Amassi Center 1900-2012
Ambassador College 1900-2012
Ambitious Amazons (East Lansing, Mich.) 1900-2012
Amebiasis 1900-2012
American Anthropology Conference (Mexico City) 1900-2012
American Armed Forces Association (AAFA) 1900-2012
American Association of Family and Marrige Therapy (AAMFT) 1900-2012
American Association of Religious Crusaders (AARC) 1900-2012
American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors & Therapists (AASECT) 1900-2012
American Ballet Theater (ABT) 1900-2012
American Baptists Concerned 1900-2012
American Bar Association (ABA) 1900-2012
American Christian Cause (Pasadena, Calif.) 1900-2012
American Cinematheque 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union--Lesbian & Gay Rights Chapter (ACLU-L&GRC) 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union--Northern California Gay Rights Chapter (ACLU-NCGRC) 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)--Awards Dinners 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)--Clippings 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)--Docket and Report of Counsel 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)--Gay Rights Chapter 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)--Lesbian Rights Committee 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)--Miscellaneous Chapters 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)--National Chapter 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)--Orange County (Calif.) 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)--San Francisco (Calif.) 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)-- Women's Rights Report 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California 1900-2012
American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California--News Releases 1900-2012
American Conservatory Theater (San Francisco, Calif.) (ACT) 1900-2012
American Dream, In search of the 1900-2012
American Eastern Orthodox Church 1900-2012
American Educational Gender Information Services 1900-2012
American Fabulous (motion picture:1991) 1900-2012
American Family Association 1900-2012
American Federation of Veterans (New York, N.Y.) 1900-2012
American Foundation for AIDS Research (AMFAR) 1900-2012
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) 1900-2012
American Gay and Lesbian Atheists (AGLA) 1900-2012
American history [LLC] 1900-2012
American Jazz Ballet 1900-2012
American Latin AllianceS (ALAS) 1900-2012
American Law Institute 1900-2012
American Legion 1900-2012
American Library Association (ALA) 1900-2012
American Library Association (ALA). Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Round Table. (GLBT RT) 1900-2012
American Library Association (ALA). Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) 1900-2012
American Medical Association (AMA) 1900-2012
American Musicological Society 1900-2012
American Orthodox Catholic Church 1900-2012
American Physical Therapy Association 1900-2012
American Psychiatric Association (APA) 1900-2012
American Psychiatric Association, Gay Caucus of Members of (GCMAPA) 1900-2012
American Psychological Association (APA) 1900-2012
American Public Health Association (APHA) 1900-2012
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) 1900-2012
Ammiano, Tom, 1941- 1900-2012
Amnesty 1900-2012
Amnesty International 1900-2012
Amsterdam, Netherlands 1900-2012
Amsterdam--AIDS 1900-2012
Amtrak 1900-2012
Amusement parks 1900-2012
Amyl nitrate, butyl nitrate 1900-2012
An American Family (television:1970) 1900-2012
Anal sex 1900-2012
Ananda Marga 1900-2012
Anarchy/Anarchists 1900-2012
Anatomy of a Hate Crime (televison:2001) 1900-2012
Anchor Ministries (San Diego, Calif.) 1900-2012
Anchorage, Alaska 1900-2012
And the Band Played On (televsion:1993) 1900-2012
AND/OR (organization : Los Angeles & San Francisco) 1900-2012
Andelson, Sheldon, 1931-1987 1900-2012
Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875 1900-2012
Anderson Prize Foundation--Stonewall Awards 1900-2012
Anderson, Donald J. 1900-2012
Anderson, Donald J.--ACLU Church/State 1900-2012
Anderson, Donald J.--Letters to Editor 1900-2012
Anderson, Jack 1900-2012
Anderson, John B., 1922- 1900-2012
Anderson, John Stuart 1900-2012
Anderson, Margaret C., 1886-1973 1900-2012
Anderson, Robert 1900-2012
Anderson, Sally 1900-2012
Anderson, Timothy 1900-2012
Andrews, John Alden ("Jack") 1900-2012
Andrews, Nancy 1900-2012
Andrews, Terry, 1929-1989 1900-2012
Androgyny 1900-2012
Andrunas, Michael 1900-2012
Angelo, My Love (motion picture:1983) 1900-2012
Angelou, Maya, 1928- 1900-2012
Angels in America (television:2003) 1900-2012
Angevine, Wayne 1900-2012
Angola 1900-2012
Anguilla murders--1978 1978/2012
Animal homosexuality 1900-2012
Animal Sexuality 1900-2012
Anita Bryant Ministries 1900-2012
Ann Arbor, Michigan 1900-2012
Annie's Mailbox 1900-2012
Anorexia 1900-2012
Another Country (motion picture:1984) 1900-2012
Another Country (play:1981) 1900-2012
Ant, Adam, 1954- 1900-2012
Antelope Valley (Los Angeles/Kern Counties, Calif.) 1900-2012
Anthony, Susan B., 1820-1906 1900-2012
Anthropological Approach to Study of Lesbianism 1900-2012
Anthropology 1900-2012
Anti Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Violence Fact Sheet 1900-2012
Anti-Abortionists 1900-2012
Anti-Communists 1900-2012
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (aka Anti-Defamation League) 1900-2012
Anti-Discrimination Ordinances 1900-2012
Anti-feminists 1900-2012
Anti-gay slang 1900-2012
Anti-nuclear movement, Gays in 1900-2012
Anti-pornography 1900-2012
Anti-Semitism 1900-2012
Antonovich, Mike, 1939- 1900-2012
Anubis (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Anus--Cancer 1900-2012
Anything That Moves (magazine) 1900-2012
Apollo Rising 1900-2012
Appel, Raoul (aka "Robbie") 1900-2012
Appleby, Kenneth A. 1900-2012
Applications 1900-2012
Apuzzo, Virginia, 1941- 1900-2012
Aquarius Club (bathhouse:Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Aquila Foundation 1900-2012
Arabic literature and poetry 1900-2012
Arabic studies 1900-2012
Arabs 1900-2012
Arafat, Yasser, 1929-2004 1900-2012
Araki, Gregg, 1959- 1900-2012
Aratin, Art 1900-2012
Araujo, Gwen, 1985-2002 1900-2012
Arbuckle, Roscoe "Fatty" 1900-2012
Arcadie 1900-2012
Archaeology 1900-2012
Architects and architecture 1900-2012
Archives-Lesbian & Gay 1900-2012
Archives & archivists 1900-2012
Archives for the Protection of Gay History and Literature (Saint John, NB) 1900-2012
Archives in general [LLC] 1900-2012
Archives, Recherches et Cultures Lesbiennes 1900-2012
Archives--Canada--Toronto 1900-2012
Archives--Canada--Toronto--Bibliographies 1900-2012
Archives--Great Britain 1900-2012
Arco (Atlantic Richfield Company) 1900-2012
Ardrey, Robert, 1908-1980 1900-2012
Arenas, Reinaldo, 1943-1990 1900-2012
Arendt, Hannah, 1906-1975 1900-2012
Arethe Truth Center of Nevada 1900-2012
Aretino, Pietro, 1492-1556 1900-2012
Argentina 1900-2012
Argentina--AIDS 1900-2012
Argonauts Club 1900-2012
Argonauts M/C 1900-2012
Arizona 1900-2012
Arizona Gay Rap 1900-2012
Arkansas 1900-2012
Arkansas Gay Rights, Incorporated 1900-2012
Armenia (Republic) 1900-2012
Armenians 1900-2012
Armistead, Howard 1900-2012
Arnebergh, Roger 1900-2012
Arpino, Gerald, 1923-2008 1900-2012
Arrabal, Fernando, 1932- 1900-2012
Arrest records--Los Angeles (Calif.) 1900-2012
Arriba Ski Club 1900-2012
Ars Nova (aka Coro Allegro) 1900-2012
Arson 1900-2012
Art 1900-2012
Art--Cards by Raphaella Vaisseau 1900-2012
Art--Lesbians 1900-2012
Art--Women 1900-2012
Art and AIDS 1900-2012
Art and Artist 1900-2012
Art museums 1900-2012
Art of Decadence (A.O.D.) 1900-2012
Art, Ethnic--General 1900-2012
Artemis Cafe 1900-2012
Artemis Society 1900-2012
Art--History 1900-2012
Arthur, Gavin, 1901-1972 1900-2012
Artificial insemination 1900-2012
Artists--A thru Z 1900-2012
Art--Mexico 1900-2012
Arts and crafts 1900-2012
Arzner, Dorothy, 1900-1979 1900-2012
As We Are (AWA) 1900-2012
Asexuals 1900-2012
Ashbery, John, 1927- 1900-2012
Ashburn, Roy, 1954- 1900-2012
Ashe, Arthur, 1943-1993 1900-2012
Ashley, April, 1935- 1900-2012
Ashlie, Jenell 1900-2012
Ashman, Howard, 1950-1991 1900-2012
Ashton, Frederick, Sir, 1904-1988 1900-2012
Asia 1900-2012
Asian Americans 1900-2012
Asian gays and lesbians 1900-2012
Asian Pacific Gays & Friends 1900-2012
Asian Pacific Islanders for Human Rights (APIHR) 1900-2012
Asian/Pacific Islander Lesbians 1900-2012
Asian/Pacific Islander Women 1900-2012
Asian/Pacific Lesbians and Gays (A/PLG) 1900-2012
Asians & Discrimination 1900-2012
Ask Beth 1900-2012
Ask Isadora 1900-2012
Askew, Reubin, 1928- 1900-2012
Asner, Edward, 1929- 1900-2012
Assemblies of God 1900-2012
Assimilation 1900-2012
Association for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues in Counseling (AGLBIC) 1900-2012
Association for Humanistic Psychology (AHP) 1900-2012
Association for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) (Sacramento, Calif.) 1900-2012
Association for Social Knowledge (Vancouver, B.C.) (ASK) 1900-2012
Association of Black Gays 1900-2012
Association of Gay Psychologists (AGP) 1900-2012
Association of Lesbian and Gay Asians (ALGA) 1900-2012
Association of Lesbian and Gay Psychologists (ALGP) 1900-2012
Association of Suburban People (ASP) (Detroit, Mich.) 1900-2012
Astor, Nancy 1900-2012
Astraea National Lesbian Action Foundation 1900-2012
Astrology 1900-2012
Asylum 1900-2012
At the Beach-Los Angeles (ATBLA) 1900-2012
Atascadero State Hospital--Pilot Project 1900-2012
Atheism 1900-2012
Atheneum Society 1900-2012
Athey, Ron, 1961- 1900-2012
Athos (Greece) 1900-2012
Atkinson, Hawley 1900-2012
Atlanta (Ga.) 1900-2012
Atlanta (Ga.)--Crime 1900-2012
Atlanta (Ga.)--Murders 1900-2012
Atlanta Clergy & Laity Concerned (ACLC) 1900-2012
Atlanta Gay Center (AGC) 1900-2012
Atlas Savings & Loan 1900-2012
Attica Prison 1900-2012
Attorneys 1900-2012
Atwater Club (bathhouse:Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Atwood, Margaret, 1939- 1900-2012
Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973 1900-2012
Audre Lorde Project (ALP) 1900-2012
Aunt Bee's Laundry (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Ausley, Richard Alvin, d. 2004 1900-2012
Austin, Alicia, 1942- 1900-2012
Australia 1900-2012
Australia--1990-1999 1900-2012
Australia--2000- 1900-2012
Australia--AIDS 1900-2012
Australia--Arts: art, dance, motion picture, television, and theater 1900-2012
Australia--Bars & businesses 1900-2012
Australia--Censorship 1900-2012
Australia--Crime 1900-2012
Australia--Gay marriage 1900-2012
Australia--Gay movement and gays 1900-2012
Australia--Gay Press 1900-2012
Australia--History 1900-2012
Australia--Law reform 1900-2012
Australian Gay Archives Incorporated (Melbourne, Vic.) 1900-2012
Australia--Snowtown Murders 1900-2012
Australia--To 1999 1900-2012
Australia--Writers 1900-2012
Austria 1900-2012
Authors 1900-2012
Autobiographies of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender persons (typed or handwritten) 1900-2012
Avatar 1900-2012
Aversion therapy 1900-2012
Avery, Chuck 1900-2012
Avery, Gwen 1900-2012
Aviators 1900-2012
Avoiding Heterosexual Bias in Language 1900-2012
Axios 1900-2012
Azucar y Crema 1900-2012
Azure Productions, Inc. 1900-2012
B 1900-2012
B-52s (rock group) 1900-2012
Baca, Judy 1900-2012
Bacanovic, Peter 1900-2012
Bachardy, Don, 1934- 1900-2012
Bachelor Magazine 1900-2012
Bachelors 1900-2012
Bachelors Anonymous (musical group) 1900-2012
Backbeat (motion picture:1994) 1900-2012
Backyard Press 1900-2012
Bacon, Francis, 1910-1992 1900-2012
Bacon, Francis, Sir, 1561-1626 1900-2012
Baez, Joan 1900-2012
Bagnato, Gene 1900-2012
Baha'i 1900-2012
Bahamas 1900-2012
Bahrain 1900-2012
Bailey, Jim 1900-2012
Bainbridge Island School District 1900-2012
Baitz, Jon Robin 1900-2012
Baker v. Wade 1900-2012
Baker, Blanche M. 1900-2012
Baker, Dan 1900-2012
Baker, Jack 1900-2012
Baker, Josephine 1900-2012
Baker, Russell 1900-2012
Baker, Sara J. 1900-2012
Bakersfield (Calif.) 1900-2012
Bakke v. Regents of University of California 1900-2012
Bakker, Jim, 1940- 1900-2012
Bakshi, Ralph 1900-2012
Bakst, Léon 1900-2012
Baldwin, Billy, 1903-1983 1900-2012
Baldwin, Gwenn A. 1900-2012
Baldwin, James, 1924-1987 1900-2012
Baldwin, Tammy 1900-2012
Ballet 1900-2012
Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, Les 1900-2012
Ballinger, Tom 1900-2012
Balls 1900-2012
Baltimore (Md.) 1900-2012
Bands 1900-2012
Bangladesh 1900-2012
Bank of Los Angeles 1900-2012
Bankhead, Tallulah, 1902-1968 1900-2012
Banking 1900-2012
Bannon, Ann, 1932- 1900-2012
Baptists 1900-2012
Bar Association for Human Rights (BAHR) 1900-2012
Bar Girls (motion picture:1994 ) 1900-2012
Bar raids 1900-2012
Baraka, Amiri 1900-2012
Barangay 1900-2012
Barazani, Ronald Ph.D. 1900-2012
Barbados 1900-2012
Barbara's Place 1900-2012
Barbary Coasters 1900-2012
Barber, Samuel, 1910-1981 1900-2012
Barebacking 1900-2012
Barker, Clive, 1952- 1900-2012
Barnacle Busters Scuba Club 1900-2012
Barnes, Billy 1900-2012
Barnes, Djuna, 1892-1982 1900-2012
Barney Magazine (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Barney, Jeanne 1900-2012
Barney, Natalie Clifford, 1876-1972 1900-2012
Barney's Beanery 1900-2012
Baron, Sandy 1900-2012
Barr, Roseanne, 1952- 1900-2012
Barrera, Ray David 1900-2012
Barrett, Ellen 1900-2012
Barrows-MacKellar (Homicide:1948) 1900-2012
Barry, Marion, 1936- 1900-2012
Bars 1900-2012
Bars--Gay 1900-2012
Barthes, Roland, 1915-1980 1900-2012
Bartley, Frank 1900-2012
Bartley, Ken 1900-2012
Baseball 1900-2012
Basic Car Plan 1900-2012
Basic Instinct (motion picture:1992) 1900-2012
Basil, Toni 1900-2012
Basketball 1900-2012
Basketball Diaries (motion picture:1995) 1900-2012
Baskett Case 1900-2012
Basquiat, Jean-Michel, 1960-1988 1900-2012
Bassey, Shirley 1900-2012
Bateman, Lane 1900-2012
Bates, Katharine Lee 1900-2012
Bates, Thomas H. 1900-2012
Batey, Brian 1900-2012
Bathhouses 1900-2012
Batman Forever (motion picture:1995) 1900-2012
Battcock, Gregory, 1937-1980 1900-2012
Battered Lesbians 1900-2012
Battle of V.I.P.s 1900-2012
Baum, Gregory 1900-2012
Bauman, Robert 1900-2012
Bawer, Bruce, 1956- 1900-2012
Baxter of California 1900-2012
Bay Area Career Women (BACW) 1900-2012
Bay Area Express (St. Petersburg, Fla.) 1900-2012
Bay Area Gay Liberation 1900-2012
Bay Area Gays and Lesbians in Science (BAGLIS) 1900-2012
Bay Area Men's Resource Catalog 1900-2012
Bay Area Municipal Elections Committee (BAYMEC) 1900-2012
Bay Area Network of G/L Educators (BANGLE) 1900-2012
Bay Area Physicians for Human Rights (BAPHR) 1900-2012
Bay Area Reporter ( BAR) (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Bay Times (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Bayh, Birch, 1928- 1900-2012
Bazelon, David C. 1900-2012
Bazillio 1900-2012
Be A Woman (documentary:2012) 1900-2012
Beaches, Public 1900-2012
Beachfront USA 1900-2012
Beam, Jeffery 1900-2012
Beam, Joseph 1900-2012
Bean, Billy 1900-2012
Bean, Carl 1900-2012
Beane, Jeff 1900-2012
Bearce, Dennis 1900-2012
Beardemphl, Bill (William E.) 1900-2012
Bears 1900-2012
Bearse, Amanda 1900-2012
Beat Generation 1900-2012
Beat writers 1900-2012
Beatles 1900-2012
Beaton, Cecil, 1904-1980 1900-2012
Beau Travail (motion picture:2000) 1900-2012
Beaumont, Charles 1900-2012
Beautiful Boxer (motion picture:2004) 1900-2012
Beauty and the Beast (motion picture:1991) 1900-2012
Beauty contests--2000- 1900-2012
Beauty contests--To 1999 1900-2012
Beauvoir, Simone de, 1908-1986 1900-2012
Beck, Christopher & Co. 1900-2012
Beck, Jerry 1900-2012
Bedoya-Morales, Martin Eduardo 1900-2012
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827 1900-2012
Before Night Falls (motion picture:2000) 1900-2012
Before Stonewall (documentary:1985) 1900-2012
Behavior modification 1900-2012
Behind the Orange Curtain 1900-2012
Beilenson, Anthony 1900-2012
Being at Home with Claude (motion picture:1992) 1900-2012
Bejart Ballet 1900-2012
Belgium 1900-2012
Bell, Alan P., 1932-2002 1900-2012
Bell, Arthur, 1939-1984 1900-2012
Bell, Vanessa, 1879-1961 1900-2012
Belle Epoque (motion picture:1992) 1900-2012
Bellevue Democratic Club 1900-2012
Belli, Melvin and Lia 1900-2012
Belt, Elmer 1900-2012
Ben Shalom, Miriam 1900-2012
Ben, Lisa, 1921- 1900-2012
Benitez, Guadalupe (Lupita) 1900-2012
Benjamin, Allan 1900-2012
Benjamin, Harry, 1885-1986 1900-2012
Bennett, Bobbie Lea 1900-2012
Bennett, Michael, 1943-1987 1900-2012
Bennett, William J. (Bill) 1900-2012
Bennison, Geoffrey 1900-2012
Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic), 1867-1940 1900-2012
Benson, Eugene Stanley 1900-2012
Bent (motion picture:1997) 1900-2012
Bent Webzine: Cripgay Journal 1900-2012
Bentham, Jeremy, 1748-1832 1900-2012
Bentley, Eric, 1916- 1900-2012
Bentley, Gladys, 1907-1960 1900-2012
Benton, Nick (Nicholas) 1900-2012
Benton, Thomas Hart 1900-2012
Berdache ("Two-Spirit") 1900-2012
Berg, Alban, 1885-1935 1900-2012
Berg, Stanley P. 1900-2012
Berg, Vernon E., 1951-1999 1900-2012
Bergamo (Marianist) 1900-2012
Berger, Helmut, 1944- 1900-2012
Bergler, Edmund 1900-2012
Bergman, Ingmar, 1918-2007 1900-2012
Berkeley (Calif.) 1900-2012
Berkeley Barb 1900-2012
Berkeley Citizens Action 1900-2012
Berkeley Free Clinic 1900-2012
Berkeley Gay Liberation 1900-2012
Berkeley Gay Rights Ordinance 1900-2012
Berkeley Revolution (circa 1965-1972) 1900-2012
Berkeley Women's Health Collective 1900-2012
Berkeley, Busby, 1895-1976 1900-2012
Berlandt, Konstantin 1900-2012
Berlin (Germany) 1900-2012
Berlin--AIDS 1900-2012
Berliner Business Report 1900-2012
Berling Trial, 1951 1900-2012
Berlitz Gallery Theater 1900-2012
Berman, Howard 1900-2012
Berman, Sanford, 1933- 1900-2012
Bermuda 1900-2012
Bernard, Frits, 1920- 1900-2012
Bernard, Ruth 1900-2012
Bernardi, Ernani 1900-2012
Bernardin, Joseph L. 1900-2012
Berner, Larry 1900-2012
Bernhard, Sandra 1900-2012
Bernstein, Abbie 1900-2012
Bernstein, Leonard, 1918-1990 1900-2012
Berrigan, Daniel 1900-2012
Bertolucci, Bernardo, 1941- 1900-2012
Bérubé, Allan 1900-2012
Berzon, Betty, 1928-2006 1900-2012
Best, Al 1900-2012
Bestiality 1900-2012
Bet Haverim (Atlanta, Ga.) 1900-2012
Bet Mishpachah (Washington, D.C.) 1900-2012
Beth Ahavah (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1900-2012
Beth Chai (Long Island, N.Y.) 1900-2012
Beth Chayim Chadashim (BCC) (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Beth El Binah (Dallas, Tex.) 1900-2012
Beth Simchat Torah (New York, N.Y.) 1900-2012
Beulahland (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Beuys, Joseph 1900-2012
Beverly Cinema Society 1900-2012
Beverly Hills (Calif.) 1900-2012
Beverly, Huey 1900-2012
Beyond Baroque 1900-2012
Bi & Gay Married Mens Group 1900-2012
Bianchi, Tom 1900-2012
Bible 1900-2012
Bibliographical Notes 1900-2012
Bibliographies 1900-2012
Bieber, Irving 1900-2012
Bienestar Latino AIDS Project 1900-2012
Bierce, Ambrose 1900-2012
Big Apple Softball League 1900-2012
Big Brothers / Big Sisters 1900-2012
Big Sky Resort 1900-2012
Bill of Rights (U.S. Constitution) 1900-2012
Billings, Bruce 1900-2012
Billy DeFrank Lesbian & Gay Community Center (San Jose, Calif.) 1900-2012
Bingham, Mark, d. 2001 1900-2012
Biology 1900-2012
Biorhythm 1900-2012
BiPOL 1900-2012
Birch, Elizabeth, 1956- 1900-2012
Birch, Robert 1900-2012
Bird, Rose E. 1900-2012
The Birdcage (motion picture:1996) 1900-2012
Biren, Joan E. 1900-2012
Birimisa, George 1900-2012
Birle, Robert 1900-2012
Birmingham (England) 1900-2012
Birth and pregnancy 1900-2012
Birth control 1900-2012
Bisexual Center (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Bisexual Center of Southern California 1900-2012
Bisexual Network of the USA (BiNet USA) 1900-2012
Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) 1900-2012
Bisexuality 1900-2012
Bisexuality (newsletter) 1900-2012
Bishop, Arthur 1900-2012
Bishop, Elizabeth, 1911-1979 1900-2012
Bi-Social Center 1900-2012
Bissonette, David 1900-2012
Bittaker, L.S. 1900-2012
Black and Tans 1900-2012
Black and White Men Together (BWMT)--Los Angeles, Calif. 1900-2012
Black Cat (bar:Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Black Cat (bar:San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Black Crime (LGBT related) 1900-2012
Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum (BGLLF) (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Black Gay Pride (Atlanta, Ga.) 1900-2012
Black Lesbian and Gay Pride Day, Incorporated (BLGPD, Incorporated) 1900-2012
Black Lizard (motion picture:1968) 1900-2012
Black Muslims (Nation of Islam) 1900-2012
Black Panthers 1900-2012
Black Pipe (bar:Los Angeles, Calif.)--Raid, 1972 1900-2012
Black, Frank, 1965- 1900-2012
Blackbeard, Bill 1900-2012
Blacklists 1900-2012
Blackwell, Mr. 1900-2012
Blair, Ralph (New York) 1900-2012
Blanding, Don 1900-2012
Blane, H. Rider 1900-2012
Blasingame-Bell Ax Case 1900-2012
Blasphemy (gay-related) 1900-2012
Blazing Redheads 1900-2012
Blechman, Burt 1900-2012
Blessit, Arthur 1900-2012
Bligh, William, Capt., 1754-1817 1900-2012
Blind 1900-2012
Blithe House Quarterly 1900-2012
Blitzstein, Marc, 1905-1964 1900-2012
Blixton, Sandy 1900-2012
BLK magazine 1900-2012
Blogs and bloggers 1900-2012
Blood Sister Blood Drive 1900-2012
Bloolips 1900-2012
Bloomberg, Michael 1900-2012
Bloomingdale, Alfred & Betsy (Mr. & Mrs.) 1900-2012
Bloomington Gay & Lesbian Alliance (BGA, BGLA) 1900-2012
Bloomsbury circle 1900-2012
Blue (motion picture:1993) 1900-2012
Blue Max Motorcycle Club 1900-2012
Blue Notes 1900-2012
Blue Ridge Lambda Press 1900-2012
Blueboy 1900-2012
Blue's Bar (bar:New York, N.Y.) 1900-2012
Blunt Quarterly 1900-2012
Blunt, Anthony, 1907-1983 1900-2012
Blush Entertainment (corporation) 1900-2012
Boarding schools--Homosexuality in 1900-2012
Boat Trip (motion picture :2003) 1900-2012
Bockman, Philip 1900-2012
Body building 1900-2012
Body Electric School (Oakland, Calif.) 1900-2012
Body Politic 1900-2012
Bogarde, Dirk, 1928-1999 1900-2012
Boggs, Richard 1900-2012
Bogus, S. Diane 1900-2012
Boise (Idaho) 1900-2012
Boise (Idaho)--Lesbian police fired, 1977 1900-2012
Boland, Bruce 1900-2012
Bolivia 1900-2012
Bomb threats 1900-2012
Bombings 1900-2012
Bombings--Britain 1900-2012
Bond, Pat, 1925-1990 1900-2012
Bondage 1900-2012
Bonin, Robert M. 1900-2012
Bonin, William George 1900-2012
Bono, Chaz 1900-2012
Book Adventures 1900-2012
Book reviews 1900-2012
Book reviews and press 1900-2012
Bookseller catalogs 1900-2012
Bookstores 1900-2012
Bookstores, Gay and lesbian 1900-2012
Boot Appreciation Society (BAS) 1900-2012
Booth, Colin 1900-2012
Boozer, Mel 1900-2012
Borden, Lizzie, 1860-1927 1900-2012
Borges, Jorge Luis, 1899-1986 1900-2012
Bork, Robert, 1927- 1900-2012
Born or Bred? 1900-2012
Bornstein, Kate, 1948- 1900-2012
Bosnia 1900-2012
Boston (Mass.) 1900-2012
Boston (Mass.)--Bars 1900-2012
Boston (Mass.)--Business 1900-2012
Boston (Mass.)--Crime 1900-2012
Boston (Mass.)--Otherfund, Incorporated 1900-2012
Boston (Mass.)--Police 1900-2012
Boston (Mass.)--Political 1900-2012
Boston Area Lesbian & Gay History Project 1900-2012
Boston Bisexual Men's Network 1900-2012
Boston Bisexual Women's Network (BBWN) 1900-2012
Boston Gay Business Association 1900-2012
Boston Gay Health Counseling Services 1900-2012
Boston Gay Men's Chorus 1900-2012
Boston Intercollegiate Lesbian & Gay Alliance 1900-2012
Boston Lesbian & Gay Political Alliance, 1983- 1900-2012
Boston Lesbian & Gay Pride (Mass.) 1900-2012
Boston marriage 1900-2012
Boswell, John, 1947-1994 1900-2012
Botswana 1900-2012
Bottini, Ivy 1900-2012
Bottoms, Sharon 1900-2012
Bouchard, Al 1900-2012
Boulanger, Nadia & Lili 1900-2012
Boulder (Colo.) 1900-2012
Bound and Gagged: A Love Story (motion picture:1993) 1900-2012
Bourbon, Rae 1900-2012
Bourne, Matthew 1900-2012
Boutilier, Clive Michael 1900-2012
Bouton, Jim 1900-2012
Bowen, Elizabeth, 1899-1973 1900-2012
Bowers v. Hardwick 1900-2012
Bowie, David, 1947- 1900-2012
Bowles, Jane, 1917-1973 1900-2012
Bowles, Paul, 1910-1999 1900-2012
Bowling leagues 1900-2012
Bowman, Karl 1900-2012
Bowne, Alan 1900-2012
Boxer, Barbara 1900-2012
Boxers 1900-2012
Boy George (George O'Dowd) 1900-2012
Boy love 1900-2012
Boy Scouts of America (BSA) 1900-2012
Boy Scouts of America (BSA)--2004 1900-2012
Boycotts--LGBT 1900-2012
Boyd, Malcolm, 1923- 1900-2012
Boyer, David 1900-2012
Boyfrank, Manuel (Monwell) 1900-2012
Boyle, Jim 1900-2012
Boyle, Kay, 1902-1992 1900-2012
Boylesque (revue) 1900-2012
Boys Aware (short:1973) 1900-2012
Boys Don't Cry (motion picture:1999) 1900-2012
Boys Life (short films:1994-2003) 1900-2012
The Boys of St. Vincent (motion picture:1992) 1900-2012
Boys on the Side (motion picture:1995) 1900-2012
Boys Town 1900-2012
Bradbury, Ray, 1920- 1900-2012
Bradley, Dan J. 1900-2012
Bradley, Marion Zimmer, 1930-1999 1900-2012
Bradley, Tom 1900-2012
Brady Bunch Movie (motion picture:1995) 1900-2012
Brady, Maureen, 1943- 1900-2012
Braille Institute for the Blind (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Brain 1900-2012
Brainard, Joe, 1942-1994 1900-2012
Brakhage, Stan 1900-2012
Brando, Marlon, 1924-2004 1900-2012
Branson, Richard 1900-2012
Braverman, Kate, 1950- 1900-2012
Brazil--1999 and Before 1900-2012
Brazil--2000-2009 1900-2012
Brazil--Anthropological 1900-2012
Brazil--Crime 1900-2012
Bread & Roses 1900-2012
Bread and Roses 1900-2012
Breast implants 1900-2012
Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-1956 1900-2012
Breckenridge, Bunny (John) 1900-2012
Brel, Jacques, 1929-1978 1900-2012
Bressan, Arthur J., Jr. 1900-2012
Brethren/Mennonite Council for Lesbian and Gay Concerns (BMC) 1900-2012
Brevities 1900-2012
Breweries (Beer) 1900-2012
Brewster, Lee 1900-2012
Brian's Song 1900-2012
Bricker, Eugene 1900-2012
Brideshead Revisited 1900-2012
Bridges, Harry 1900-2012
Bright, Susie 1900-2012
Brights--Website 1900-2012
Brill, David, 1955-1979 1900-2012
Brinnin, John Malcolm, 1916-1998 1900-2012
Brison, Scott 1900-2012
Britt, Harry 1900-2012
Brittain, Vera, 1893-1970 1900-2012
Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976 1900-2012
Broad Street Journal (BSJ) 1900-2012
Brokeback Mountain (motion picture:2005) 1900-2012
The Broken Hearts Club (motion picture:2000) 1900-2012
Broncos 1900-2012
Bronfman, Sam 1900-2012
Brongersma, Edward 1900-2012
Bronski, Michael, 1949- 1900-2012
Bronstein, Sidney 1900-2012
Brooke, Rupert, 1887-1915 1900-2012
Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) 1900-2012
Brooklyn College 1900-2012
Brooklyn Womens Martial Arts 1900-2012
Brooks, Betty Willis (Long Beach, Calif.) 1900-2012
Brooks, Romaine, 1874-1970 1900-2012
Broomstick 1900-2012
Brophy, Bill 1900-2012
Broshears, Raymond 1900-2012
Brother Outsider-The Life of Bayard Rustin (documentary:2003) 1900-2012
Brotherhood (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Brothers (television) 1900-2012
Brother's Keeper (documentary:1993) 1900-2012
Brothers Together (Boston, Mass.) 1900-2012
Brothers, Joyce 1900-2012
Broudy, Trev 1900-2012
Broughton, James (James Richard), 1913-1999 1900-2012
Broward County Coalition 1900-2012
Brown, Edmund G., 1938- 1900-2012
Brown, Eleanor 1900-2012
Brown, Helen Gurley, 1922- 1900-2012
Brown, Howard J. 1900-2012
Brown, John R. 1900-2012
Brown, Kathleen 1900-2012
Brown, Laura S. 1900-2012
Brown, Rita Darlene 1900-2012
Brown, Rita Mae, 1944- 1900-2012
Brown, Vivian B. 1900-2012
Brown, Willie, 1934-(politician) 1900-2012
The Browning Version (motion picture:1994) 1900-2012
Brownlee, Chris 1900-2012
Brownmiller, Susan, 1935- 1900-2012
Brownworth, Victoria 1900-2012
Bruce, Lenny 1900-2012
Bruce, Tammy 1900-2012
Bruins for Voluntary Parenthood & Sexual Liberty 1900-2012
Bryant, Anita, 1940- 1900-2012
Bryant, Anita--Editorials and letters 1900-2012
Bryant, Anita--Opposition--1977-1978 1977/1978
Bryant, Anita--Supporters 1900-2012
Bryant, Anita--Tucson Demonstration 1900-2012
Buchanan, James, 1791-1868 1900-2012
Buchanan, Pat (Patrick Joseph), 1938- 1900-2012
Buck Rogers' Happenings (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Buckle, Richard (Christopher Richard Sandford), 1916-2001 1900-2012
Buckley, Marguerite M. ("Marge") 1900-2012
Buckley, William F. (William Frank), 1925-2008 1900-2012
Budapest Z 1900-2012
Buddhism 1900-2012
Buddies (bar:Boston, Mass.) 1900-2012
Buddies (motion picture:1985) 1900-2012
Buddy Club (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Buechner, Frederick, 1926- 1900-2012
Buerckholtz, Henry 1900-2012
Buffalo (N.Y.) 1900-2012
Bugliosi, Vincent 1900-2012
Building Women, Incorporated 1900-2012
Bulgaria 1900-2012
Bulletin (Long Beach, Calif.) 1900-2012
Bullfighting 1900-2012
Bullough, Vern L., 1928-2006 1900-2012
Bullshot (bar:Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Bullying 1900-2012
Bunch, Charlotte 1900-2012
Buñuel, Luis, 1900-1983 1900-2012
Burbank (Calif.) 1900-2012
Burden, Chris 1900-2012
Burger, Warren E., 1907-1995 1900-2012
Burgess, Anthony, 1917-1993 1900-2012
Burgess, Guy, 1910-1963 1900-2012
Burke, Glenn, 1952-1995 1900-2012
Burke, Tara 1900-2012
Burke, Yvonne Braithwaite 1900-2012
Burkino Faso 1900-2012
Burlesque 1900-2012
Burner, Victor 1900-2012
Burnside, John 1900-2012
Burr, Raymond 1900-2012
Burroughs, John, 1837-1921 1900-2012
Burroughs, William S., 1914-1997 1900-2012
Burtchaell, James--Notre Dame "Sex Abuse" Scandal 1900-2012
Burton, Don 1900-2012
Burton, John 1900-2012
Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890 1900-2012
Burundi 1900-2012
Busch, Charles, 1954- 1900-2012
Busch, Joseph 1900-2012
Bush Report 1900-2012
Bush, George H. W. and Barbara 1900-2012
Bush, George W.--2001- 1900-2012
Bush, Harry 1900-2012
Bush, Jeb 1900-2012
Bush, Larry 1900-2012
Bush, Lee 1900-2012
Bush, Robert 1900-2012
Bush, Roy 1900-2012
Business women 1900-2012
Businesses 1900-2012
Businesses, Gay and lesbian owned-operated 1900-2012
Businesses, Non-gay--Relations with LGBT 1900-2012
Busting (motion picture:1973) 1900-2012
But I'm a Cheerleader (motion picture:2000) 1900-2012
Butch / Femme 1900-2012
Butel, Martin 1900-2012
Butler (aka Butler, Moss J.L.) 1900-2012
Butler, Lady Eleanor and Sarah Ponsonby 1900-2012
Butterfly Brigade 1900-2012
Button, Dick 1900-2012
Buttons-West 1900-2012
Byrd, David 1900-2012
Byrne, Jane 1900-2012
Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824 1900-2012
Byzantium 1900-2012
C 1900-2012
Cabaldon, Christopher, 1965- 1900-2012
Cabaret (musical:1966 & motion picture:1972) 1900-2012
Cable Car Awards and Show (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Cable television 1900-2012
Cable, Benjamin 1900-2012
Cadmus, Paul, 1904-1999 1900-2012
Caen, Herb, 1916-1997 1900-2012
Cage, John, 1912-1992 1900-2012
Cahan Decision 1900-2012
Cahling, Andreas 1900-2012
Cahun, Claude 1900-2012
Cain, James M. (James Mallahan), 1892-1977 1900-2012
Calander [sic] (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Calderone, Mary S., 1904-1998 1900-2012
Caldwell, Joseph 1900-2012
Calendars--Advertising (male) 1900-2012
Califia Community 1900-2012
Califia, Pat, 1954- 1900-2012
California 1900-2012
California--Legislature 1900-2012
California Alliance for Pride and Equality (CAPE) 1900-2012
California Assembly 1900-2012
California Association of Gay Student Organizations (CAGSO) 1900-2012
California Association of Human Rights Organizations (CAHRO) 1900-2012
California Association of Lesbian and Gay Elected Officials 1900-2012
California Association of Pride Incorporated 1900-2012
California Association of Private Societies 1900-2012
California Bar Association 1900-2012
California Christian Campaign Committee 1900-2012
California Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights (Calico, CCLGR) 1900-2012
California Coalition for Traditional Values (CCTV) 1900-2012
California Committee for Equal Rights (San Francisco) 1900-2012
California Committee for Executive Implementation of Gay Rights 1900-2012
California Committee for Sexual Law Reform 1900-2012
California Conference on Sexual Law Reform--1972 1972/1972
California Cyclemen M.C. 1900-2012
California Democratic Council 1900-2012
California Equal Rights Conference (Fresno, Calif.:1975) 1900-2012
California Family Study Center 1900-2012
California Fund for Human Dignity 1900-2012
California Gay Caucus 1900-2012
California Governor's Conference on Libraries and Information Services 1900-2012
California Governor's Task Force on Civil Rights 1900-2012
California Highway Patrol (CHP) 1900-2012
California Human Rights Advocate 1900-2012
California Human Rights Advocates (CHRA)--Mailing list--1978 1978/1978
California Institute for Human Sexuality 1900-2012
California Lavender Smoke Free Project 1900-2012
California Law Reform 1900-2012
California Legislature--Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Caucus 1900-2012
California Lesbian Feminist Federation (CLFF) 1900-2012
California Libertarian Alliance 1900-2012
California Magazine 1900-2012
California Men Enjoying Naturalism (CMEN) 1900-2012
California Mens Colony (San Luis Obispo) 1900-2012
California Men's Gathering-California 1900-2012
California Men's Gathering (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
California Motor Club 1900-2012
California Save Our Children 1900-2012
California Senate bills 1900-2012
California State Employees Association (CSEA) 1900-2012
California State Fair 1900-2012
California State Personnel Board. Sexual Orientation Project 1900-2012
California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) 1900-2012
California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) 1900-2012
California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA) 1900-2012
California State University, Northridge (CSUN) 1900-2012
California Supreme Court 1900-2012
California Teachers Association Gay & Lesbian Caucus 1900-2012
California Youth Authority 1900-2012
California--1950s 1900-2012
California--Assembly races 1900-2012
California--History 1900-2012
California--Legislation 1900-2012
California--Legislation--Brown, 1900-2012
Californians for Individual Rights and Civil Liberties (CIRCL) 1900-2012
California--Senate 1900-2012
Caligula (motion picture:1979) 1900-2012
A Call To Action (National Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1976) 1900-2012
Caltech Lesbian and Gay Students (CLAGS) 1900-2012
Camarillo State Hospital (Calif.) 1900-2012
Cambodia 1900-2012
Cameron Home (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Cameron, Paul 1900-2012
Cameroon 1900-2012
Cammermeyer, Margarethe, 1942- 1900-2012
Camp 1900-2012
Camp (motion picture:2003) 1900-2012
Camp Pendleton 1900-2012
Camp Sister Spirit 1900-2012
Campaign Against Moral Persecution (CAMP) (NSW) 1900-2012
Campaign for a Citizens' Police Review Board (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE) 1900-2012
Campaign for Military Service 1900-2012
Campaign for Moral Justice 1900-2012
Campaign to End Homophobia 1900-2012
Campbell, Jack 1900-2012
Campbell, Joseph 1900-2012
Campbell, Thomas 1900-2012
Campus revolution 1900-2012
Camus, Albert, 1913-1960 1900-2012
Canada 1900-2012
Canada--2001 and before 1900-2012
Canada--2002- 1900-2012
Canada--Crimes 1900-2012
Canada--Elected Officials 1900-2012
Canada--Gay Liberation/Rights 1900-2012
Canada--Law reform--2000- 1900-2012
Canada--Law reform--To-2000 1900-2012
Canadian Council on Religion and the Homosexual (CCRH) 1900-2012
Canadian Gay Activists Alliance 1900-2012
Canadian Gays--2001 and before 1900-2012
Canadian Gays--2002- 1900-2012
Canadian Liver Foundation 1900-2012
Cancer 1900-2012
Candy Darling 1900-2012
Cannibalism 1900-2012
Capacchione, Lucia 1900-2012
Capitol Forum (Oregon) 1900-2012
Capote, Truman, 1924-1984 1900-2012
Capp St. Foundation (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Caravaggio (motion picture:1986) 1900-2012
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, 1573-1610 1900-2012
Cardoza, Rafael 1900-2012
Careers 1900-2012
Carey, William (Bill) 1900-2012
Caribbean Cultural Center 1900-2012
Carlin, George 1900-2012
Carl's Jr. 1900-2012
Carlton, Lee 1900-2012
Carmichael, G. Elizabeth 1900-2012
Carmines, Al 1900-2012
Carolina Gay Association (CGA) 1900-2012
Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929 1900-2012
Carr, Allan, 1939-1999 1900-2012
Carriage Trade (restaurant:Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Carroll Avenue (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Carroll, Pat 1900-2012
Carry On... (television) 1900-2012
Carson, Rachel 1900-2012
Carstairs, Marion "Joe", 1900-1993 1900-2012
Carswell, G. Harold 1900-2012
Carter, Elliott 1900-2012
Carter, Jimmy, 1924- 1900-2012
Carter, Jimmy--Family 1900-2012
Carter, Jimmy--Opposition 1900-2012
Cartier, Marie 1900-2012
Cartoonists and cartoons 1900-2012
Cartoons--Addams, Charles 1900-2012
Cartoons-- Advocate 1900-2012
Cartoons--Barry, Lynda 1900-2012
Cartoons-- Bay Area Reporter (B.A.R., San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Cartoons-- Blondie 1900-2012
Cartoons--Buckshot 1900-2012
Cartoons--Capp, Al 1900-2012
Cartoons--Capp, Andy 1900-2012
Cartoons--Cathartic Comics 1900-2012
Cartoons--Cem 1900-2012
Cartoons-- Coast to Coast Times 1900-2012
Cartoons--Cobb, Ron 1900-2012
Cartoons--Cobean 1900-2012
Cartoons--Cruse, Howard (Wendel) 1900-2012
Cartoons-- Data Boy 1900-2012
Cartoons-- Dennis The Menace 1900-2012
Cartoons--Donelan 1900-2012
Cartoons-- Drummer 1900-2012
Cartoons--Erichson, Kurt (Murphy's Manor) 1900-2012
Cartoons--Feiffer 1900-2012
Cartoons--Forbes, Dennis 1900-2012
Cartoons-- Frontiers 1900-2012
Cartoons--Gay and Lesbian 1900-2012
Cartoons--General 1900-2012
Cartoons-- GPU News 1900-2012
Cartoons--Gregoire 1900-2012
Cartoons--Groening, Matt 1900-2012
Cartoons--Hachtman, T. 1900-2012
Cartoons--Hart, Johnny 1900-2012
Cartoons--Hollander 1900-2012
Cartoons-- In Touch 1900-2012
Cartoons--Interlandi 1900-2012
Cartoons--Jay A. 1900-2012
Cartoons--Jayson 1900-2012
Cartoons--Johnny Bunns 1900-2012
Cartoons--Johnson, Joe 1900-2012
Cartoons--King 1900-2012
Cartoons--Krohn 1900-2012
Cartoons--Mauldin, Bill 1900-2012
Cartoons--Mills, Jerry 1900-2012
Cartoons-- New York Native 1900-2012
Cartoons--Nico 1900-2012
Cartoons--Northstar 1900-2012
Cartoons-- Pacific Coast Times 1900-2012
Cartoons--Parker, Brad 1900-2012
Cartoons-- Peanuts 1900-2012
Cartoons--Reifel, Bruce 1900-2012
Cartoons-- San Francisco Voice 1900-2012
Cartoons--Scarfe, G. 1900-2012
Cartoons--Shawn 1900-2012
Cartoons--Silverstein 1900-2012
Cartoons--Sylvester T.O. 1900-2012
Cartoons--Trudeau, Garry 1900-2012
Cartoons--Underground 1900-2012
Cartoons-- Vector 1900-2012
Cartoons--Vicky 1900-2012
Carver, George Washington 1900-2012
Casa De Cristo 1900-2012
Casa de las Madres (Los Angeles & San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Case Center for Human Behavior 1900-2012
Casement, Roger, Sir, 1864-1916 1900-2012
Cass, Vivienne C. 1900-2012
Cassandra (William Neil Connor, 1909-1967) 1900-2012
Cassatt, Mary, 1844-1926 1900-2012
Cassidy, David 1900-2012
Castañeda, Carlos, 1925-1998 1900-2012
Caster, Paul 1900-2012
Castle-Charland lawsuit--1972 1972/1972
Castrati 1900-2012
Castration 1900-2012
Castro Lions Club 1900-2012
Castro Street (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Castro Street Bombings (San Francisco, Calif., 1977) 1900-2012
Castro Street Fair 1900-2012
Castro Theater 1900-2012
Castro Village Association 1900-2012
Castro, Rick 1900-2012
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (motion picture:1958) 1900-2012
Catalina Island 1900-2012
Catalyst(Pasadena, Calif.) 1900-2012
Catalyst(Scarborough, Ont.) 1900-2012
Catalyst, Clint, 1971- 1900-2012
Catch One Disco (bar:Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Cathedral of Hope (Dallas, Tex.) 1900-2012
Cather, Willa, 1873-1947 1900-2012
Catholic bishops 1900-2012
Catholic cardinals 1900-2012
Catholic Church 1900-2012
Catholic Church and AIDS 1900-2012
Catholic Coalition for Gay Civil Rights 1900-2012
Catholic Community of St. John the Beloved 1900-2012
Catholic gays 1900-2012
Catholic priests (pedophile) 1900-2012
Catholic priests, Gay 1900-2012
Catholic priests, Women as 1900-2012
Catholic religious (Monastic Men or Women) 1900-2012
Catholic Worker 1900-2012
Catholics for a Moral America (CMA) 1900-2012
Catholics for Human Dignity 1900-2012
Cathy, Cade 1900-2012
Caudillo, Richard ("Dick") 1900-2012
Caught in The Act 1900-2012
Cavafy, C. P. (Constantinos Petrou), 1863-1935 1900-2012
The Cave (theater:Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Cavelo 1900-2012
Cavett, Dick 1900-2012
Cawhern, Bob (aka Morrow, Bob) 1900-2012
Cayman Islands 1900-2012
CBS: Gay Power, Gay Politics (television) 1900-2012
CBS--Television 1900-2012
Celebrities 1900-2012
Celibacy (ecclesiastical) 1900-2012
Celibacy (secular) 1900-2012
Céline, Louis Ferdinand, 1894-19 1900-2012
The Celluloid Closet (book:1981 & documentary:1995) 1900-2012
Celtic Catholic Church 1900-2012
Cemeteries 1900-2012
Censors 1900-2012
Censorship--Obscenity 1900-2012
Censorship and libraries 1900-2012
Censorship--1920s-1950s 1900-2012
Censorship--1960s 1900-2012
Censorship--1970s 1900-2012
Censorship--1980-2000 1900-2012
Censorship--2001-2010 1900-2012
Census 1900-2012
Center (Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center of Orange County), The 1900-2012
Center For Applied Counseling, Los Angeles (Calif.) 1900-2012
Center for Applied Social Education (CASE) 1900-2012
Center for Biobehavioral Research (Minot, N.D.) 1900-2012
Center For Democratic Renewal 1900-2012
Center for Feminist Therapy (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Center for Homophobia Education 1900-2012
Center for Homosexual Education, Evaluation and Research (CHEER) 1900-2012
Center for Homosexual Equality (Manchester, England) (CHE) 1900-2012
Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS) 1900-2012
Center for Sexual Minorities (Anchorage, Alaska) 1900-2012
Center for Women Policy Studies 1900-2012
Center for Women's Studies & Services (San Diego, Calif.) 1900-2012
Central America 1900-2012
Central Ohio Mattachine 1900-2012
Centre de Culture et de Loisirs (Belgium) (CCL) 1900-2012
Centre du Christ Liberateur 1900-2012
Centurions M/C 1900-2012
Century Book Club 1900-2012
Century Plaza Police Riot 1900-2012
Cerminara, Gina 1900-2012
Cerra, Bob 1900-2012
Chad 1900-2012
Chain of Desire (motion picture:1993) 1900-2012
Chains of Brotherhood 1900-2012
Chalcedonian Institute 1900-2012
Chambered Nautilus 1900-2012
Chamberlain, Richard 1900-2012
Chambers, Jane, 1937-1983 1900-2012
Chambers, Marilyn 1900-2012
Changing Our Minds: The Story of Dr. Evelyn Hooker (documentary:1992) 1900-2012
Channell, Carl "Spitz" 1900-2012
Chanticleer, Raven 1900-2012
Chaos newsletter (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Chaplin, Charlie, 1889-1977 1900-2012
Charlebois, David, d. 2001 1900-2012
Chase, Richard 1900-2012
Chastity and virginity 1900-2012
Chateau Debris 1900-2012
Chatwin, Bruce, 1940-1989 1900-2012
Chávez, César, 1927-1993 1900-2012
Cheever, John, 1912-1982 1900-2012
Chelsea Gay Association 1900-2012
Cheney, Dick, 1941- 1900-2012
Cheney, Mary, 1969- 1900-2012
Chesler, Phyllis, 1940- 1900-2012
Chesley, Robert, 1943-1990 1900-2012
Chesser Report 1900-2012
Chessman, Caryl 1900-2012
Chester, Alfred 1900-2012
Chevalier Publications (Transvestism) 1900-2012
Chevrei Tikva 1900-2012
Chicago (Ill.) 1900-2012
Chicago (Ill.)--Bars 1900-2012
Chicago (Ill.)--Business 1900-2012
Chicago (Ill.)--Child Placemen 1900-2012
Chicago (Ill.)--Conferences 1900-2012
Chicago (Ill.)--Crime 1900-2012
Chicago (Ill.)--Gays 1900-2012
Chicago (Ill.)--Payoffs 1900-2012
Chicago (Ill.)--Politics 1900-2012
Chicago (motion picture:2002) 1900-2012
Chicago Filmmakers 1900-2012
Chicago Gay Alliance 1900-2012
Chicago Gay Alliance candidate quiz 1900-2012
Chicago Gay and Lesbian History Project 1900-2012
Chicago Gay Liberation 1900-2012
Chicago Gay Political Strategy Conference (Chicago, Ill.:1972) 1900-2012
Chicago Resource Center 1900-2012
Chicago Satirathon 1900-2012
Chicago Seven Trial (Chicago, Ill.:1969-1970) 1900-2012
Chicago Slaying of 3 Boys 1900-2012
Chicago, Judy, 1939- 1900-2012
Chicana Service Action Center, Incorporated 1900-2012
Chicanas 1900-2012
Chick Publications 1900-2012
Chicken case (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Chicken hawks 1900-2012
Chico Feminist Womens Health Center 1900-2012
Chicos Modernos 1900-2012
Chiefs (television) 1900-2012
Child abuse 1900-2012
Child abuse--Recovered memories and false accusations 1900-2012
Child custody 1900-2012
Child custody--Philadelphia 1900-2012
Child molestation 1900-2012
Child molestation--Literary hoax 1900-2012
Child molesters--Male [by decade of accusation] 1900-2012
Child molesters--Women 1900-2012
Child murders 1900-2012
Child, Julia 1900-2012
Children and sex 1900-2012
Children in pornography 1900-2012
Children of Gays (organization) 1900-2012
Children of the Night (organization) 1900-2012
Children, Care and raising of 1900-2012
Children, Rights of 1900-2012
Children's books 1900-2012
Chile 1900-2012
Chin, Vincent 1900-2012
China Queer Independent Films (CQIF) 1900-2012
China--1999 and before 1900-2012
China--2000- 1900-2012
China--AIDS 1900-2012
Chinese arts 1900-2012
Chinese-Americans 1900-2012
Chinese--Ancient views on homosexuality 1900-2012
Chippendales 1900-2012
CHIRHO (Christian Help & Interest in Rehabilitation of Handicapped & Others) 1900-2012
Chiropractic 1900-2012
Chisholm, Shirley, 1924-2005 1900-2012
Chlamydia 1900-2012
Chorlton, Tom 1900-2012
Chosen Books (Detroit, Mich.) 1900-2012
Choset, Charles 1900-2012
Chow, Bettina Louise ("Tina") 1900-2012
Christ Chapel (Long Beach, Calif.) 1900-2012
Christ Orthodox Episcopal Church of God (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Christian Advocate 1900-2012
Christian Aid & Counseling Clinic (Minn.) 1900-2012
Christian Churches--Fundamentalist--Views on homosexuality 1900-2012
Christian Churches--General--Views on homosexuality 1900-2012
Christian Churches--Roman Catholic--Views on homosexuality 1900-2012
Christian Coalition 1900-2012
Christian Community Association (Canada) 1900-2012
Christian Family Renewal 1900-2012
Christian Rights Defense Fund 1900-2012
Christian Science 1900-2012
Christian Voice 1900-2012
Christian, Meg 1900-2012
Christian, Paula 1900-2012
Christianity 1900-2012
The Christine Jorgensen Story (motion picture:1970) 1900-2012
Christopher Street (periodical) 1900-2012
Christopher Street Festival Committee (New York, N.Y.) 1900-2012
Christopher Street Financial 1900-2012
Christopher Street Liberation Day Committee (New York, N.Y.) (CSLDC) 1900-2012
Christopher Street Liberation (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Christopher Street West (CSW) (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Christopher Street West (CSW) (San Francisco, Calif.)--1970-1973 1970-1973
Chrysalis Tours 1900-2012
Chrysanthemum Ragtime Band (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Chrysler Corporation 1900-2012
Chrysler, Walter P., Jr. 1900-2012
Chubb, Ralph N 1900-2012
Chuck and Buck (motion picture:2000) 1900-2012
Church and state 1900-2012
The Church in Ocean Park (Santa Monica, Calif.) 1900-2012
Church of Christianity (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Church of Divine Love (Las Vegas, Nev.) 1900-2012
Church of England--2004- 1900-2012
Church of Jesus Christ (gay) 1900-2012
Church of Mind Awareness 1900-2012
Church of Spiritual Freedoms 1900-2012
Church of the Androgyne 1900-2012
Church of the Beloved Disciple (New York, N.Y.) 1900-2012
Church of the Followers of the Great Mother 1900-2012
Churches and congregations, Gay supportive 1900-2012
Churches of Christ (Campbellites) 1900-2012
Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965 1900-2012
Chutzpah (Toronto, Ont.) 1900-2012
Cicilline, David Nicola, 1961- 1900-2012
Cincinnati (Ohio) 1900-2012
Cincinnati Homophile Organization (Cincinnati, Ohio) 1900-2012
Cincinnati Men's Network (Cincinnati, Ohio) 1900-2012
The Cinema Guild 1900-2012
Cinemattachine 1900-2012
Circle of Friends (Dallas, Tex.) 1900-2012
Circumcision 1900-2012
Circumcision, Female 1900-2012
Circus Disco (disco:Hollywood, Calif.) 1900-2012
Circus performers 1900-2012
Circus Vargas 1900-2012
Cities on a Hill 1900-2012
Citizen newspaper (Flushing, New York) 1900-2012
Citizen's Action Committee (North Hollywood, Calif.) 1900-2012
Citizens Against Porno 1900-2012
Citizens Alert 1900-2012
Citizens' Commission on Police Repression (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Citizens for Constitutional Rights (Phoenix, Ariz.) 1900-2012
Citizens For Human Rights (Lawrence, Kan.) 1900-2012
Citizens for Reclamation of Hollywood--1975 1900-2012
Citizens Party 1900-2012
Citizens Police Review Board (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
City University of New York (CUNY) 1900-2012
Civil disobedience 1900-2012
Civil Rights Movement and gays 1900-2012
Civil Rights Movement and gays--Arrest cases 1900-2012
Civil Rights Movement and gays--Privacy 1900-2012
Civil rights of LGBT persons 1900-2012
Civil Service Commission (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Civil Service Commission (U.S.) 1900-2012
Civil Unions (Civil Partnerships)--United Kingdom 1900-2012
Civil Unions (Domestic partners) 1900-2012
Claire of the Moon (motion picture :1993) 1900-2012
Claremont (Calif.) 1900-2012
Clarenbach, David 1900-2012
Clark University 1900-2012
Clark, Don 1900-2012
Clark, Ed 1900-2012
Clark, Joanna (aka Michael) 1900-2012
Clark, Karen (State Rep.) 1900-2012
Clark, Larry 1900-2012
Clark, Michael (dancer) 1900-2012
Clavreul-Caviness Management Consultants (CCMC) 1900-2012
Clean Amendment (Calif.) 1900-2012
Clearing House (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Clearwater Hudson River 1900-2012
Clergy 1900-2012
Clergy for Homosexual Equality 1900-2012
Clergy Leadership Network 1900-2012
Cleveland (Ohio) 1900-2012
Cleveland, James 1900-2012
Clift, Montgomery, 1920-1966 1900-2012
Cline, Philip Bruce 1900-2012
Clinton, Bill, 1946- 1900-2012
Clinton, Bill--Post-Presidential 1900-2012
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 1947- 1900-2012
Clippers (men's grooming organization) 1900-2012
Clippings-- Christian Science Monitor 1900-2012
Clippings-- East/West Journal 1900-2012
Clippings-- The Great Speckled Bird newspaper 1900-2012
Clippings-- Hustler magazine 1900-2012
Clippings-- Lambda Book Report 1900-2012
Clippings-- Los Angeles Free Press 1900-2012
Clippings-- Mother Jones 1900-2012
Clippings-- Wall Street Journal 1900-2012
Clippings--Straight porn magazines 1900-2012
A Clockwork Orange (motion picture:1971) 1900-2012
The closet (as "in the closet") 1900-2012
The Closet (motion picture:2001) 1900-2012
Closet Ball (Long Beach & San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Club Baths 1900-2012
Club Frontiers (Southern California) 1900-2012
Club Verboten 1900-2012
Clubs, Lesbian 1900-2012
Clurman, Harold, 1901-1980 1900-2012
Coalition Against Supreme Court 1900-2012
Coalition Against Supreme Court Oppression 1900-2012
Coalition Against the Dehumanization of Children 1900-2012
Coalition For a People's Alternative In 1980 1980/1980
Coalition for Economic Survival (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Coalition for Gay Action 1900-2012
Coalition for Human Rights (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Coalition For Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights (Cambridge, Mass.) 1900-2012
Coalition of Concerned Christian 1900-2012
Coalition of Lesbian/Gay Student 1900-2012
Coalition of Older Lesbians (COOL) (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Coalition to Pass AB 1 (California Assembly bill:1983) 1983/1983
Coalition Together (Sioux Falls, S.D.) 1900-2012
Coast Guard 1900-2012
Coates, Paul 1900-2012
COC (Cultuur-en Ontspanningscentrum) 1900-2012
Cochrane, Charles H. (Sergeant-NYPD) 1900-2012
Cock rock 1900-2012
Cockettes 1900-2012
The Cockettes (documentary:2002) 1900-2012
Coctail Center 1900-2012
Cocteau, Jean, 1889-1963 1900-2012
Coffeehouses 1900-2012
Cohan, John 1900-2012
Cohen, Leonard 1900-2012
Cohn, Roy M., 1927-1986 1900-2012
Coit, Eleanor 1900-2012
Colbert, Chuck 1900-2012
Colegas = Pals (motion picture:1985) 1900-2012
Coleman, Bessie 1900-2012
Coleman, Jack 1900-2012
Coleman, Kate 1900-2012
Coleman, Lonnie, 1920-1982 1900-2012
Colette, 1873-1954 1900-2012
Collection Archives des Homosexualités 1900-2012
College activists 1900-2012
College of the Sequoias (Visalia, Calif.) 1900-2012
Colleges and Universities 1900-2012
Collier, Don 1900-2012
Collins, Pat 1900-2012
Colombia 1900-2012
Colony Studio Theater 1900-2012
Colorado--1999 and before 1900-2012
Colorado Amendment 2--1992 1992/1996
Colorado Gay Rodeo Association 1900-2012
Colorado--2000- 1900-2012
Colorado--Boycott--1992-1996 1992/1996
Colorado--Business 1900-2012
Colors United Action Coalition 1900-2012
Columbia University (New York, N.Y.) 1900-2012
Columbus (Ohio) 1900-2012
Columns Northwest 1900-2012
Come Out Fighting 1900-2012
Comedians 1900-2012
Comegys, Duke 1900-2012
Comfort, Alex 1900-2012
Comic Strips/Books 1900-2012
Comics 1900-2012
Coming out 1900-2012
Coming Out Study (Seattle, Wash.) 1900-2012
Commission on Personal Privacy 1900-2012
Commission on Status of Women (Calif.) 1900-2012
Committee Against Nazis 1900-2012
Committee for Homosexual Law Reform (CHLR) 1900-2012
Committee for Personal Freedom (Berkley, Calif.) 1900-2012
Committee for Sexual Freedon (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Committee for the Eradication of Syphilis, Inc. 1900-2012
Committee for the Rights of Children and Families 1900-2012
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) 1900-2012
Committee of Black Gay Men 1900-2012
Committee of Concern For Homosexuals (Berkeley, Calif.) 1900-2012
Committee of Lesbian and Gay Male Socialists 1900-2012
Committee of the Concerned 400 (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Committee on Homosexuality in History 1900-2012
Committee on Lesbian and Gay History (AHA) 1900-2012
Committee on Lesbian and Gay History (CLGH) 1900-2012
Committee on Moral Concerns 1900-2012
Committee on Religion and the Homosexual (Los Angeles, Calif.) (CRH) 1900-2012
Committee to Bridge the Gap (UCLA) 1900-2012
Committee to End Racism, Anti-Semitism, Sexism and Heterosexism (CRASH) 1900-2012
Committee to Fight Exclusion of Homosexuals from the Armed Forces 1900-2012
Committee to Preserve Our Sexual & Civil Liberties 1900-2012
Committee to Stop the S.O.S. & Fascism (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Committees of Correspondence (New York, N.Y.) 1900-2012
Committment Ceremonies--Lesbian 1900-2012
Common Bond (New Mexico) 1900-2012
Common Ground (television:2000) 1900-2012
Common Sense (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1900-2012
Communes 1900-2012
Communication in Relationships 1900-2012
Communication Ministries, Incorporated 1900-2012
Communication Works 1900-2012
Communist Party/USA and Gays 1900-2012
Community Arts Center 1900-2012
Community Business & Professional Guild (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Community Business Networkers 1900-2012
Community Council of Lesbian & Gay Organizations (New York, N.Y.) 1900-2012
Community Guild (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Community Health Network (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Community Legal Assistance Center 1900-2012
The Community of the Love of Christ 1900-2012
Community of St. John of Jerusalem 1900-2012
Community of the Resurrection (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Community Return Project 1900-2012
Community Softball League 1900-2012
Community Spirit 1900-2012
Community Thrift Store 1900-2012
Community United Against Violence (CUAV) 1900-2012
Community Yellow Pages 1900-2012
Community Youth Education Project 1900-2012
Community Youth Education Project--Group facilitation 1900-2012
Community Youth Education Project--High school outreach 1900-2012
Comoros 1900-2012
Comparable Worth 1900-2012
Compass House (New York, N.Y.) 1900-2012
Compass Magazine 1900-2012
Composers 1900-2012
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) 1900-2012
Compton-Burnett, Ivy, 1884-1969 1900-2012
Compulsion (motion picture:1959) 1900-2012
Computer bulletin boards (BBS) 1900-2012
Computer dating services 1900-2012
Computers and gays 1900-2012
Computers and women 1900-2012
Conal, Robbie 1900-2012
Concerned Americans for Individual Rights (CAIR) 1900-2012
Concerned Citizens for Stronger Legislation Against Child Molesters (SLAM) 1900-2012
Concerned Citizens of South of Market Coalition (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Concerned Women for America 1900-2012
Concord (Calif.) 1900-2012
Condoms 1900-2012
Conductors 1900-2012
Conferences 1900-2012
Conferences--Lesbians 1900-2012
Conferences--Women (including Lesbians) 1900-2012
Conferences, Gay and Lesbian Jewish 1900-2012
Confidential Trial 1900-2012
Congdon, A. Kirby 1900-2012
Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo)--Kinshasa 1900-2012
Congregational Church 1900-2012
Congress United For Rights & Equality (CURE) 1900-2012
Congressional Info Service (Bethesda, Md.) 1900-2012
Congressional Insight 1900-2012
Congressional Record 1900-2012
Congress--Sex scandals 1900-2012
Connect! 1900-2012
Connecticut--1999 and before 1900-2012
Connecticut--2000-2009 1900-2012
Connelly, Claire 1900-2012
Connexus Women's Center 1900-2012
Connexxus 1900-2012
Connolly, Cyril, 1903-1974 1900-2012
Conrad, Joseph 1900-2012
Consciousness Raising 1900-2012
Consenting Adult (motion picture:1985) 1900-2012
The Consequence (motion picture:1977) 1900-2012
Conservatives 1900-2012
Conservatives--Gays as 1900-2012
Consoli, Massimo (Luciano Massimo), 1945- 1900-2012
Conspiracy Law 1900-2012
Constantines (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Constitutional Liberty League South 1900-2012
The Consortium 1900-2012
Contemporary Guide 1900-2012
Continental Baths (bathhouse:New York, N.Y.) 1900-2012
Continental Theatres 1900-2012
Contra Costa County (CCC) 1900-2012
Contraceptives 1900-2012
Contributing to the delinquency of minors 1900-2012
Control Q 1900-2012
Conversion therapy 1900-2012
Cooper, Alice 1900-2012
Cooper, Dennis 1900-2012
Cooper, James Fenimore 1900-2012
Cooper, Kevin 1900-2012
Cooperman-Lam 1900-2012
Coors 1900-2012
Copland, Aaron, 1900-1990 1900-2012
Cops For Christ 1900-2012
Coptics (Coptic Orthodox Christians) 1900-2012
Coral Sands Hotel (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Cordova, Jeanne, 1948- 1900-2012
Corigliano, John, 1938- 1900-2012
Corinne, Tee, 1943-2006 1900-2012
Corinthian Foundation 1900-2012
Corll, Dean A.--Murders 1900-2012
Corll, Dean A.--Murders--Brooks Trial 1900-2012
Cornell Human Sexuality (Collection) 1900-2012
Cornell University 1900-2012
Cornerstone Publications 1900-2012
Corona, Calif. 1900-2012
Corona, Juan 1900-2012
Coroner's Office (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Coronet Theater (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Corps of Rangers 1900-2012
Corral Club (bathhouse:Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Corso, Gregory, 1930-2001 1900-2012
Corvo, Frederick Rolfe, Baron, 1860-1913 1900-2012
Corwin, Norman 1900-2012
Cosco Instant Printers 1900-2012
Cost Plus 1900-2012
Costa Rica 1900-2012
Costanza, Midge 1900-2012
Council of Presidents 1900-2012
Council of Southern California M 1900-2012
Council on Equality for Homosexuals 1900-2012
Council on Religion and the Homosexual 1900-2012
Council on Religion and the Homosexual (CRH)--San Francisco, Calif. 1900-2012
Council on Religion and the Homosexual (CRH)--Theological Consult 1900-2012
Counselors, Gay 1900-2012
Counter culture 1900-2012
Country & Western 1900-2012
Country Women 1900-2012
Couples 1900-2012
Couples--Organizations 1900-2012
Court Martial 1900-2012
Courts 1900-2012
Courts and Gays 1900-2012
Courts California 1900-2012
Covenant House 1900-2012
Covington, Bob (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Coward, Noël, 1899-1973 1900-2012
Cowboy Stud 1900-2012
Cowboys 1900-2012
Cowell, Roberta (Robert) 1900-2012
Coyle, Brian 1900-2012
COYOTE (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics) 1900-2012
Cozza, Steven 1900-2012
Cracker Barrel 1900-2012
Craft, Christine 1900-2012
Craig, Larry E., 1945- 1900-2012
Crane, Cheryl 1900-2012
Crane, Daniel B. 1900-2012
Crane, George 1900-2012
Crane, Hart, 1899-1932 1900-2012
Cranston, Alan 1900-2012
Crawford, Joan, 1908-1977 1900-2012
Creating Change 1900-2012
Creating Change West 1900-2012
Creative class--GLBTs 1900-2012
Creative Entertainment Co-Op 1900-2012
Crescent Heights United Methodist Church (West Hollywood, Calif.) 1900-2012
Crespin, Regine 1900-2012
Crew, Louie, 1936- 1900-2012
Crichton, Michael, 1942-2008 1900-2012
Crime & Civil Liberties 1900-2012
Crimes--General 1900-2012
Crime--Women 1900-2012
Criminal Code 1900-2012
Crisp, Quentin, 1908-1999 1900-2012
Crispo, Andrew 1900-2012
Cristo Life Council 1900-2012
Cristofer, Michael, 1945- 1900-2012
Criticism 1900-2012
Croatia 1900-2012
Crocker, Syd 1900-2012
Croft, Jay (Journalist) 1900-2012
Croft-Cooke, Rupert, 1903-1979 1900-2012
Cromey, Robert 1900-2012
Crompton, Louis, 1925-2009 1900-2012
Crones' Nest 1900-2012
Crosby, Mel (CPA) 1900-2012
Crossdressers Heterosexual Intersocial Coalition (Los Angeles, Calif.) (CHIC) 1900-2012
Crossroads Ranch (Hemet, Calif.) 1900-2012
Crowley, Aleister 1900-2012
Crowley, Mart, 1935- 1900-2012
Cruise Mag (Detroit, Mich. & Atlanta, Ga.) 1900-2012
Cruise Night 1900-2012
Cruising (activity) 1900-2012
Crumpley, Ronald 1900-2012
The Crying Game (motion picture:1992) 1900-2012
Cuba 1900-2012
Cuba--AIDS 1900-2012
Cuba--Gays 1900-2012
Cubans (Gay) 1900-2012
Cubans in America 1900-2012
Cukor, George, 1899-1983 1900-2012
Cults 1900-2012
Cultural News Service (Calif.) 1900-2012
Cunanan, Andrew Phillip 1900-2012
Cunningham, Joseph ("Joe") 1900-2012
Cunningham, Merce, 1919- 1900-2012
Cuomo, Mario 1900-2012
Curb, Mike 1900-2012
Cure claims 1900-2012
Curran, Charles S. 1900-2012
Curran, Timothy 1900-2012
Curry, John 1900-2012
Curtis, Jackie (aka John Holder) 1900-2012
Curtis, Walt 1900-2012
Cusick, Matthew 1900-2012
Custody of children 1900-2012
Cutsinger, Roger L. 1900-2012
Cycle Sluts (dance troupe) 1900-2012
Cyprus 1900-2012
Czech Republic 1900-2012
Czechoslovakia 1900-2012
D 1900-2012
Dachau Memorial Museum 1900-2012
Dade County (Fla.) 1900-2012
Dade County Coalition 1900-2012
Dade County Gay Rights Ordinance, 1977-1978 1900-2012
Dahir, Mubarak 1900-2012
Dahl, Ingolf, 1912-1970 1900-2012
Dahl, Mel 1900-2012
Dahl, Roald, 1916-1990 1900-2012
Dahlberg, Edward, 1900-1977 1900-2012
Dahmer, Jeffrey, 1960-1994 1900-2012
Daily Chronicle write ups 1900-2012
Dain, Steve, d. 2007 1900-2012
Dali, Salvador, 1904-1989 1900-2012
Dallas (Tex.) 1900-2012
Dallas (Tex.)--Gay Urban Truth Squad (GUTS) 1900-2012
Dallas (Tex.)--Prostitution 1900-2012
Dallas Gay Alliance 1900-2012
Dallas Gay Political Caucus 1900-2012
Daller, Richard 1900-2012
Dallesandro, Joe 1900-2012
Daly, James 1900-2012
Daly, Jo 1900-2012
Daly, Mary 1900-2012
D'Amato, Al 1900-2012
Damian House 1900-2012
Damien, John 1900-2012
The Damned (motion picture:1969) 1900-2012
Damron, Bob 1900-2012
Dana, Deane 1900-2012
Dance 1900-2012
Dance Kaleidoscope 1900-2012
Dance Lessons & Clubs 1900-2012
Dance Theater of Harlem 1900-2012
Dancers--A-Z 1900-2012
Dancers--Miscellaneous 1900-2012
Dances--Lesbian/women 1900-2012
Dandies 1900-2012
Dannemeyer, William 1900-2012
Dare (newspaper) 1900-2012
Data-Boy (magazine:Los Angeles) 1900-2012
Dateline (magazine:Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Datagay 1900-2012
Dating 1900-2012
Dating services 1900-2012
Daughters of Bilitis (DOB) 1900-2012
Daughters of Bilitis (DOB:Chicago, Ill.) 1900-2012
Daughters of Bilitis (DOB:New York, N.Y.)--1966 1900-2012
Daughters of Bilitis (DOB:Philadelphia, Pa.) 1900-2012
Dave's Villa Caprice (Palm Springs, Calif.) 1900-2012
David the MatchMater 1900-2012
David, Sorel 1900-2012
Davis (Calif.) 1900-2012
Davis, Alan E. (Lt) 1900-2012
Davis, Angela, 1944- 1900-2012
Davis, Bette, 1908-1989 1900-2012
Davis, Brad, 1949-1991 1900-2012
Davis, Carroll 1900-2012
Davis, Ed, 1916-2006--1969- 1900-2012
Davis, Grace 1900-2012
Davis, Gray, 1942- 1900-2012
Davis, Jack 1900-2012
Davis, Madeline 1900-2012
Davis, Sammy, Jr, 1925-1990 1900-2012
Davis, Tiny 1900-2012
Dawidoff, Robert 1900-2012
Day, Greg 1900-2012
Day of Silence 1900-2012
The Day of the Locust (motion picture:1975) 1900-2012
Dayspring Christian Fellowship (Nashville, Tenn.) 1900-2012
Dayton (Ohio) 1900-2012
De Cecco, John P. (John Paul), 1925- 1900-2012
De River, J. Paul 1900-2012
De Rome, Peter 1900-2012
De Rosa, Tony 1900-2012
De Wolfe, Elsie, 1865-1950 1900-2012
DeAcosta, Mercedes 1900-2012
Deaf gays 1900-2012
Deaf Liberation 1900-2012
Dean, Douglas 1900-2012
Dean, Howard, 1948- 1900-2012
Dean, Howard--Gay support network. 1900-2012
Dean, Howard--DFA--Democracy for America 1900-2012
Dean, James, 1931-1955 1900-2012
Dear Abby 1900-2012
Dear Boys (motion picture:1980) 1900-2012
Death and burial 1900-2012
Death in Venice (motion picture:1971) 1900-2012
Death In Venice, CA (motion picture :1994) 1900-2012
Death Penalty 1900-2012
Death Valley Junction 1900-2012
Debreta's (bar) 1900-2012
DeBrier, Samson, 1909-1995 1900-2012
Decadents 1900-2012
December Rose 1900-2012
Decency and indecency 1900-2012
Decorators 1900-2012
DeCrow, Karen, 1937- 1900-2012
Defamation suits 1900-2012
Defending women's clinics 1900-2012
DeGeneres, Ellen, 1958- 1900-2012
Deiter, Newt (Newton) 1900-2012
Deja Vu/5th Estate 1900-2012
Delancey Street Foundation 1900-2012
Delaware 1900-2012
Delay, Ted 1900-2012
Delia, Ellen Anne 1900-2012
Deliverance (motion picture:1972) 1900-2012
Dell, George M. 1900-2012
De-Lovely (motion picture:2004) 1900-2012
Delphic Fellowship 1900-2012
Delta Lambda Phi 1900-2012
DeMauro, Peter G. 1900-2012
Demers-Gray, Neil 1900-2012
D'Emilio, John D. 1900-2012
Democratic Farm Labor Party 1900-2012
Democratic Minority Coalition 1900-2012
Democratic National Convention (Miami, Fla.:1972) 1900-2012
Democratic National Convention (Miami, Fla.:1972)--Politics Survey 1900-2012
Democratic National Convention (New York, N.Y.:1980) 1900-2012
Democratic National Convention (San Francisco, Calif.:1984) 1900-2012
Democratic National Convention (Atlanta, Ga.:1988) 1900-2012
Democratic National Convention (Los Angeles, Calif.:2000) 1900-2012
Democratic party 1900-2012
Democratic party (California) 1900-2012
Democratic Socialists 1900-2012
Demonstrations 1900-2012
Demonstrations, Women's 1900-2012
Demophil Center (Boston, Mass.) 1900-2012
Denby, Edwin 1900-2012
Denmark 1900-2012
Denneny, Michael, 1943- 1900-2012
Dennis, Kay 1900-2012
Densen-Gerber, Judianne 1900-2012
Dentists 1900-2012
Denton, Jeremiah 1900-2012
Denver (Colo.) 1900-2012
Denver (Colo.) gay rights 1900-2012
Department of Health Services--California 1900-2012
Department of Mental Health--California 1900-2012
Depression--Mental health 1900-2012
Deprogramming 1900-2012
Der Kreis 1900-2012
Desert Adventures 1900-2012
Desert and Mountain States Lesbian and Gay Conference 1900-2012
Desert Business Association (DBA) 1900-2012
Desert Empire Business & Professional Association (DEBAPA) 1900-2012
Desert Hearts (motion picture:1986) 1900-2012
Desert Sanctuary Foundation (Ariz.) 1900-2012
Desert Women's Association 1900-2012
Desperate Remedies (motion picture:1994) 1900-2012
The Detective (motion picture:1968) 1900-2012
Detective Stories--Gays in 1900-2012
Detroit (Mich.) 1900-2012
Dettmar, Wilbur 1900-2012
Deukmejian, George, 1928- 1900-2012
Deviation (term) 1900-2012
Devlin, Patrick 1900-2012
DeVoto, Bernard 1900-2012
Dewson, Molly (Mary) 1900-2012
Dexter, John (realtor) 1900-2012
Diabetes 1900-2012
Diaghilev, Serge, 1872-1929 1900-2012
Dial-A-Model (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Dialog for Human Rights 1900-2012
Dialogue (Brethren/Mennonite Council, BMC)) 1900-2012
Dialogues With Madwomen (documentary:1994) 1900-2012
Diaman, N. A., 1936- 1900-2012
Diana Press 1900-2012
Diaz, Ruben 1900-2012
Dick, Philip K. 1900-2012
Dickey, James, 1923-1997 1900-2012
Dickinson, Emily, 1830-1886 1900-2012
Dictionary-Encyclopedia 1900-2012
Dietrich, Marlene, 1901-1992 1900-2012
A Different Beat 1900-2012
Different For Girls (motion picture:1997) 1900-2012
A Different Light (bookstore) 1900-2012
A Different Story (motion picture:1978) 1900-2012
Digital Queers (DQ) 1900-2012
Dignity 1900-2012
Dignity Twin Cities 1900-2012
Dignity/ L.A. 1900-2012
Dillard, Gavin Geoffery, 1954- 1900-2012
Diller, Barry, 1942- 1900-2012
Diller, Phyllis, 1917- 1900-2012
Dinah East (motion picture:1970) 1900-2012
Dinah Shore Weekend 1900-2012
Dinesan, Isak (Blixin) 1900-2012
Dinkins, David 1900-2012
Dionysus Society (Fullerton) 1900-2012
Diotima, Leigh 1900-2012
Diplomat Magazine 1900-2012
The Directory (Santa Monica/South Bay, Calif.) 1900-2012
A Dirty Shame (motion picture:2004) 1900-2012
The Disappearance of García Lorca (motion picture:1997) 1900-2012
Disciples of Christ 1900-2012
Disco 1900-2012
The Disco Years (short film:1991) 1900-2012
Discrimination 1900-2012
Discriminatory language 1900-2012
Disney, Walt; Disneyland; and Disney Studios 1900-2012
Disneyland and gays 1900-2012
Divine, 1945-1988 1900-2012
Divine Androgyne 1900-2012
Diving Clubs (SCUBA) 1900-2012
Dixon 1900-2012
Djibouti 1900-2012
Dobkin, Alix 1900-2012
Doctor Hi 1900-2012
Doctors-Lesbian 1900-2012
Documentaries (in general summaries) 1900-2012
Dodd, Westley Allan 1900-2012
Doffing, Larry 1900-2012
Dog Day Afternoon (motion picture:1975) 1900-2012
Dolan, Terry, 1950-1986 1900-2012
Dolin, Anton, 1904-1983 1900-2012
Dolores Street Baptist Church 1900-2012
Domestic 1900-2012
Domestic partner benefits 1900-2012
Domestic partner benefits--U.S.--California 1900-2012
Domestic partner benefits--U.S.--California--Los Angeles 1900-2012
Domestic partner benefits--U.S.--California--San Francisco 1900-2012
Domestic partner benefits--U.S.--Hawaii 1900-2012
Domestic partner benefits--U.S.--New York 1900-2012
Domestic partner benefits--U.S.--Texas 1900-2012
Domestic partners 1900-2012
Domestic violence 1900-2012
Domestic violence resources--Boston (Mass.) 1900-2012
Domestic violence--Gay and lesbian couples 1900-2012
Dominican Republic 1900-2012
Don Bosco Society of Hollywood 1900-2012
Doña Herlinda and her Son (motion picture:1985) 1900-2012
Donahue, Phil, 1935- 1900-2012
Donaldson, Herbert, 1927-2008 1900-2012
Donohoe, Amanda 1900-2012
Donohue, Pat 1900-2012
Donovan, Earl H. Duncan 1900-2012
Doo Dah Parade 1900-2012
Doodler Killings 1975 (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Doolittle, Hilda, 1886-1961 1900-2012
Doolittle, John 1900-2012
The Doom Generation (motion picture:1994) 1900-2012
The Doors (rock group) 1900-2012
Doran, Garry 1900-2012
Dorian Book Service 1900-2012
Dorian Group (Seattle, Wash.) 1900-2012
Dorian Men's Chorale 1900-2012
Dorn, William (Fr) 1900-2012
Dornan, Robert ("Bob") 1900-2012
Dos Passos, John, 1896-1970 1900-2012
Douglas, Alfred Bruce, Lord ("Bosie"), 1870-1945 1900-2012
Douglas, Angela Lynn 1900-2012
Douglas, Helen & Melvyn 1900-2012
Douglas, William O., 1898-1980 1900-2012
Dover Hotel (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1900-2012
Dover, Bill 1900-2012
Dowdy, John, 1912-1995 1900-2012
Downard, Stephen, 1948-2006 1900-2012
Downey, Morton, Jr. 1900-2012
Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930 1900-2012
Doyle, JD, 1947- 1900-2012
Doyle, Judith 1900-2012
Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde (motion picture:1995) 1900-2012
Drabble, Margaret, 1939- 1900-2012
Drabenstot, Wil 1900-2012
Dracula 1900-2012
Draft (military conscription) 1900-2012
Drag 1900-2012
Drag personalities--Los Angeles (Calif.) 1900-2012
Drag queens 1900-2012
Drag, Female-to-Male 1900-2012
Drago, Peter 1900-2012
Drags Re-United 1900-2012
Drake, Timothy E. ("Tim") 1900-2012
Drasin, Harry (Howard Efflin Case) 1900-2012
Dream Stream Ministries 1900-2012
Dreamgirls (musical) 1900-2012
Dress codes 1900-2012
The Dresser (play & motion picture:1983) 1900-2012
Dreva, Jerry, 1945- 1900-2012
Drifting (motion picture:1983) 1900-2012
Dronenburg, James L. 1900-2012
Drug abuse and gays 1900-2012
Drugs 1900-2012
Druks, Renate 1900-2012
Drum Magazine 1900-2012
Drummer 1900-2012
Drury, Allen, 1918-1998 1900-2012
Du Plenty, Tomata 1900-2012
Du Pont, John E. 1900-2012
Duane, Tom (Thomas K.) 1900-2012
Dubai (United Arab Emirates) 1900-2012
Dubay, William, 1934- 1900-2012
Duberman, Martin Bauml, 1930- 1900-2012
DuBois, W.E.B. and DuBois Clubs 1900-2012
Duer, Lillian 1900-2012
Dukakis, Michael 1900-2012
Duke, David 1900-2012
Duke, Doris 1900-2012
Dumanis, Bonnie 1900-2012
Dunbar, Jeffrey 1900-2012
Duncan, Robert, 1919-1988 1900-2012
Dungeon Master 1900-2012
Duplechan, Larry, 1956- 1900-2012
Duran, John J. 1900-2012
Durang, Christopher 1900-2012
Durant, Will and Ariel 1900-2012
Duras, Marguerite, 1914-1996 1900-2012
Dureau, George, 1930- 1900-2012
Durrell, Lawrence, 1912-1990 1900-2012
Dworkin, Andrea, 1946-2005 1900-2012
Dwortson, Dennis (San Francisco, Calif.) 1900-2012
Dyke Marches 1900-2012
Dyke Television 1900-2012
Dykes Against Racism Everywhere (DARE) 1900-2012
Dykes on Bikes 1900-2012
Dylan, Bob, 1941- 1900-2012
Dymally, Mervyn M., 1926- 1900-2012
Dynasty (television) 1900-2012
Dynes, Wayne R., 1934- 1900-2012
Dysart, Leroy 1900-2012
H 1900-2012
H.A.L. (Homosexual Action League) (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1900-2012
Hadleigh, Boze 1900-2012
Hafif, Herb 1900-2012
Haight-Ashbury (San Francisco, California) 1900-2012
Haines, William, 1900-1974 1900-2012
Hair (musical & motion picture) 1900-2012
Hair styles (including facial and chest) 1900-2012
Hair stylists 1900-2012
Haiti 1900-2012
Hal & David 1900-2012
Hall & Oates (rock group) 1900-2012
Hall, Camilla 1900-2012
Hall, Radclyffe, 1880-1943 1900-2012
Hall, Richard Walter, 1926-1992 1900-2012
Hall, Robert Duke 1900-2012
Hall-Carpenter Archives (United Kingdom) 1900-2012
Halliburton, Richard, 1900-1939? 1900-2012
Halloween 1900-2012
Halsted Street (Chicago, Ill.) 1900-2012
Halsted, Fred, 1941-1989 1900-2012
Halston, 1932-1990 1900-2012
Hamilton College Gay Issues Poll 2001 1900-2012
Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804 1900-2012
Hamilton, William 1900-2012
Hammarskjöld, Dag 1900-2012
Hampton, Christopher 1900-2012
Handel, George Frederick, 1685-1759 1900-2012
Hanky code 1900-2012
Hannan, Thomas 1900-2012
Hanover, Renee C., 1926-2012 1900-2012
Hansberry, Lorraine, 1930-1965 1900-2012
Hansen, Joseph, 1923-2004 1900-2012
Hard Times Conference (Chicago, Ill.:1976) 1900-2012
Hardcore (motion picture:1979) 1900-2012
Hare Krishna 1900-2012
Hargis, Billy James 1900-2012
Haring, Keith, 1958-1990 1900-2012
Harkin, Tom 1900-2012
Harlem (New York, N.Y.) 1900-2012
Harlem Renaissance 1900-2012
Harmer, John L. 1900-2012
Harris, Barbara 1900-2012