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Bear bones, Paleontology 1973/12/27
Engineering ORS; laser 1974/1/8
Streetcar Named Desire publicity 1974/1/8
Streetcar Named Desire publicity, with Dan Smith 1974/1/8
Verne Stadtman 1974/1/14
500mm lens; Sather Gate, Evans Hall over South Hall, misc. Scenes 1974/1/17
Cal in Sacramento; Cissy Croslund 1974/1/18
Golden Gate swimmer, Leland Faust 1974/1/20
Streetcar Named Desire 1974/1/28
Women's Center, Paleontology 1974/1/31
Women's Center 1974/1/31
Corlett; Centennial Medal 1974/1/25
Starr Johnson, Alumni Association staff 1974/1/29
Barbara Wilms, Alumni Association staff 1974/1/29
Dance concert publicity, with Camille Howard, Benji Willi 1974/2/4
Dance concert publicity 1974/2/4
Vernon de Mars; rebuilt Wheeler Auditorium 1974/2/5
Ralph Anspach, Anti-Monopoly game inventor 1974/2/6
Clark Kerr 1974/2/4
Development Office; Campanile and Stephens Hall 1974/2/5-6
Development Office 1974/2/5-6
Campanile from hill (200mm) 1974/2/12
Sather Gate (500 mm lens), some taken from ground level 1974/2/13
Assyrian Lyre, with R. Crocker, R.R. Brown, A. Kilmer 1974/2/25
Legislative reception, Sacramento 1974/2/20
Legislative reception, Sacramento; includes Ronald Reagan 1974/2/20
Campanile and bay 1974/2
Clark Kerr 1974/3/6
Naval Biomedical Research Lab, cell culture lab 1974/3/8
Boxing Club 1974/3/4
Dance concert 1974/3/3-5
Naval Biomedical Research Lab, cell culture lab 1974/3/13
C. Muscatine, P.D. Scott, H. Dreyfus, C. Sellers, Strawberry Creek College 1974/3/18
Pesticide study, Richmond Field Station 1974/3/19
Pesticide study, Richmond Field Station (fisheye lens) 1974/3/19
Charter Day and Banquet, Berkeley and Palace Hotel 1974/4/4
Charter Day and Banquet, Berkeley and Palace Hotel, incl. Roger Traynor 1974/4/4
Charter Day and Banquet, Berkeley and Palace Hotel, incl. George Stewart 1974/4/4
Charter Day and Banquet, Berkeley and Palace Hotel, incl. group of chancellors 1974/4/4
Charter Day and Banquet, Berkeley and Palace Hotel, incl. Barbara Tuchman 1974/4/4
Charter Day and Banquet, Berkeley and Palace Hotel, incl. Harold Bradley, class of 1900 1974/4/4
Miller and Wellmore; Nemea? 1974/3/28
Development Office: Raymopnd Tang and Chinese scrolls 1974/3/4
Development Office: unid staff, meeting 1974/3/4
Development Office: Raymond Tang; port of unid male 1974/3/4
Charles Wilkie 1974/4/5
Fire-proof car, with engineering students 1974/4/25
Career fair, Alumni House 1974/4/17,22,19
Career fair, Alumni House; Nader press conference 1974/4/17,22,19
Chinese alumni dinner; musicians on Sather Bridge 1974/4/17,22,19
Career fair, Alumni House 1974/4/25
Sidewinder publicity 1974/5/2
Sidewinder publicity, with Lynn Ellen Goldhaber, Danny Smith 1974/5/2
"Mass" rehearsal 1974/5/16
Eli Bower and Robert Biller, Health Sciences Program 1974/5/22
Una's Gift portrait 1974/5/7
Law School: students in courtyard of Boalt Hall 1974/5/10
Chemistry brochure: Graduate Chemistry at Berkeley; chemistry library; Joel Hildebrand 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: William Gelbart; Paul Bartlett 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Andrew Streitwieser, William Washburn, William Dauben 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Andrew Streitwieser 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: William Washburn; William Dauben; student in lab 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: William Gelbart; Paul Bartlett; library 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Andrew Streitwieser; William Gelbart; library 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Herbert Strauss; Frederick Jensen 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: James Smart; Richard Powell 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Henry Schaefer 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: William Miller; Chester O'Konski; Campanile from Hildebrand Hall 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Clayton Heathcock; making glass equipment 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: William Jolly 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: James Smart; Richard Power; teaching assistant and student 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: James Wang; Donald Noyce 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Rollie Myers; William Giauque; Harold Johnston 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Wayne Hubbell; Clayton Heathcock; Henry Schaefer 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Ignacio Tinoco; Chester O'Konski; William Miller; exterior shots 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Joseph Cerny; Luciano Moretto 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: George Pimentel; Leo Brewer, Analytical Laboratory 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Kenneth Sauer, George Pimentel, classrooms 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: George Pimentel 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Kenneth Sauer 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Luciano Moretto; David Shirley 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Joseph Cerny; Glenn Seaborg 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: David Shirley; John Rasmussen; David Templeton 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Glenn Seaborg; Alexander Pines 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Samuel Markowitz; Kenneth Pitzer 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Normal Phillips, C. Bradley Moore 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Clayton Heathcock; William Jolly 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Norman Phillips; Kenneth Pitzer (?); William Gwinn 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Kenneth Raymond; teaching assistant and student 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Herbert Strauss; Frederick James 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: James Wang; Donald Noyce; class 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Rollie Myers; students 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Joel Hildebrand; library 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Clayton Heathcock; exterior views; library; students 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: Clayton Heathcock; Ignacio Tinoco; equipment construction 1974/5-6
Chemistry brochure: William Giauque; Harold Johnston 1974/5-6
Alumni wine and cheese, Lawrence Hall of Science 1974/6/5
Mass rehearsal 1974/5
Operation Sidewinder 1974/5
Black Alumni reception, Alumni House, incl. Rodney Reed, Ramona Maples 1974/6/9
Black Alumni reception, Alumni House 1974/6/9
Chemistry: Charles Harris 1974/6/13
Chemistry: Melvin Calvin 1974/6/13
Commencement luncheon 1974/6/15
Chemistry: Yuan T. Lee; Kenneth Pitzer 1974/6/15
Chemistry: Yuan T. Lee; Kenneth Pitzer; commencement 1974/6/15
Chemistry: Gabor Somorjai; Neil Bartlett
Prof. Cunningham, engineering, with wheelchair
Chemistry: students in lab; sychrocyclotron (bevatron?) (fisheye exp)
Chemistry: details of glass equipment; Neil Bartlett lab
Chemistry: synchrocyclotron (bevatron?); Neil Bartlett lab
Chemistry: nuclear magnetic resonance lab; details of lab work (fisheye lens)
Hyde Street Pier, San Francisco; Berkeley Yacht Harbor; Transamerica Pyramid
Hyde Street Pier, San Francisco; Berkeley Yacht Harbor
Prof. Earl R(?) Parker, Physics 1974/7/16
Bodega Marine Laboratory 1974/7/16
Roderic Park; painter 1974/7
Roderic Park 1974/7
Botanical garden 1974/7
Letters and Science personnel 1974/7
Letters and Science personnel; Humphrey-Go-Bart 1974/7
Letters and Science: Botanical garden; Roderic Park; painter 1974/7
Chemistry; Pimentel seminar; laboratory 1974/7/26
Chemistry; Pimentel seminar; record store 1974/7/26
Chemistry; Pimentel seminar; Bancroft and Telegraph 1974/7/26
Chemistry; Pimentel seminar 1974/7/26
Orientation, Kentfield, CA 1974/8/25
Alumni Council, Bear's Lair 1974/9/1-2
Dance Studio 1974/9/9
Jerry Brown and Houston Flournoy, Sacramento CA 1974/9/10
Smilodon dedication; ASUC jazz band 1975/3/18
Engineering ORS: George S. Maslach; Ernest Kuh; Frederick Sherman 1974/9/19
Engineering ORS; ski binding; computer 1974/9/19
Business Administration: portraits, including Ewald T. Grether(?) 1974/9/16
Business Administration: portraits 1974/9/16
Bacchae 1974/10/3
Engineering ORS: unid portrait; lab shots 1974/9/25, 10/4
Engineering ORS 1974/9/25, 10/4
Engineering ORS: unid portrait; cardiovascular measuring 1974/9/25, 10/4
Engineering ORS: unid portrait 1974/9/25, 10/4
Alumni scholars reception - portraits 1974/10/8
California Monthly staff 1974/10/8
"Rehearsal" publicity 1974/10/16
"Rehearsal" publicity, with John Warren Tyson, Barbara Lehman 1974/10/16
Colette Seiple 1974/10/16
Dating story, with Karen Leong, Dallan Clancy 1974/10/21-22
Dating story 1974/10/21-22
Dating story, with Cissy Crosslund, Kerry Effegenio, Holly Zamzow 1974/10/21-22
Alumni Council 1974/10/26
Cal Monthly staff, etc. 1974/10/29
Cal Monthly staff, etc., incl. Russell Schoch, Dick Corten 1974/10/29
The Rehearsal 1974/11/12
Engineering ORS: Garrison 1974/11/21
Engineering ORS: Clough 1974/11/21
Engineering ORS: microscopic photo of concrete 1974/11/21
Paleontology: Bruce and Joann Welton examining fossil 1974/11/27
Richard O'Hanlon and Sun sculpture, San Rafael CA 1974/12/22
Art Museum reception, including Albert Bowker 1975/1/3
Space Sciences Laboratory 1975/1/6
Great Lengths, haircutting story 1975/1/16
Harry Cohen, Center for Learning in Retirement 1975/1/17
Glenn T. Seaborg, A. Ghiorso, K.Street, 25th anniversary of Berkelium and Californium; A.M. Sessler 1975/1/20
Andrew M. Sessler 1975/1/20
Great Lengths, haircutting story 1975/1/21
Hitch dinner, Blake House 1975/1/30
Stern Hall; student garden with Pat Peterson 1975/1/4
Stern Hall, student garden 1975/1/4
Richard II publicity 1975/1/5
Richard II publicity, incl. Erin Lanagan, Alexandra Kinney; Women's Basketball 1975/2/12
Women's Basketball 1975/2/12
Women's Basketball, incl. Andrea Seyffert 1975/2/12
Legislative reception, incl. G. Brown, C. Perino 1975/3/3
Legislative reception, incl. C. Hitch, D. Saxon, G. Link, W. Riles, J. Mills 1975/3/3
Legislative reception 1975/3/3
Legislative reception, incl. D. Saxon 1975/3/3
Legislative reception, incl. H. Hoppe, D. Arnett, C. Seiple 1975/3/3
Smilodon sculpture and Trader Vic Bergeron 1975/3/5
Prof. Sherwood Washburn 1975/2
Richard II 1975/3/4
Campus from Hill, late afternoon 1975/3/15
Snow at Lawrence Hall of Science 1975/3/15
Campanile Club brochure 1975/3/14
Career(?) seminar 1975/3/3
Herbert Laws, flute 1975/3/17
Watson Laetsch 1975/3/20-21
Watson Laetsch; Jerrold Ballaine, UC art museum director; Indian game (Lowie Museum) 1975/3/20-21
Watson Laetsch, John M. Dillon, DIGS; UC art museum director; Indian game (Lowie Museum) 1975/3/20-21
Jerrold Ballaine, UC art museum director; Indian game and basket (Lowie Museum) 1975/3/20-21
Doug Lawson, paleontology, with fossil 1975/4/3
Charter Day and reception, Palace Hotel; Edward Kennedy 1975/4/11
Charter Day and reception, Palace Hotel; Edward Kennedy, George Link 1975/4/11
Richard Erickson, Development Office 1975/4/10
Robert Wilson, TIES 1975/4/10
Wisteria on old Student Observatory; Campanile 1975/4/10
Campus scenes with Campanile in background; Wurster Hall, South Hall (some telephoto) 1975/4
Campus scenes; Sather Gate and Campanile 1975/4
Campus scenes:Campanile, Wheeler Hall, Library; trees on Esplanade 1975/4
Alumni Association career fair, Alumni House 1975/4/16
Bear's Lair in snow; Botanical Garden: cactus close-ups 1975/4/19
Richard Dougherty, University librarian 1975/4/21
Una's gift portrait 1975/4/23
Drew Elizabeth Ranney, Lowie Museum registrar, with Australian art works 1975/4/23
Drew Elizabeth Ranney, Lowie Museum registrar; Robert Karplus; Margaret Mitchell, Botanical Garden 1975/4/23
Margaret Mitchell, Botanical Garden with children 1975/4/23
Robert Karplus, Margaret Mitchell, Botanical Garden 1975/4/23
Campus from hill, mainly Campanile; also Wurster Hall and Calvin Lab 1975/4/25
Campus from hill, mainly Campanile, through eucalyptus trees, with bay in background; some telephoto 1975/4/25
Campus from upper floor or roof of Dwinelle Hall; some telephoto 1975/4/29
Michael Lorimer, performer and music editor, with Steve Berman 1975/5/4/
Michael Lorimer, performer and music editor; Stephen Blum, UC police 1975/5/4/
Campus from hill; Sather Gate from Ridge Road; Campanile; telephoto 1975/5/5
Drama Dept costume room 1975/5/3
Drama Dept costume room, with Shan Otey 1975/5/3
Library book sale 1975/5/3
Lowie exhibit: carved animals from Sulawesi 1975/5/3
Marc Goldstein, Work Study Program 1975/5/9
Laser experiment; James Wolfe, C. Kittel, R.S. Markiewicz, C.D. Jeffries 1975/5/13
Ray de la Torre master class, Unitarian Fellowship 1975/5/14
Alumni wine and cheese 1975/6/3
Alumni wine and cheese; elevator simulator 1975/6/9
ASUC co-presidents: P. Horowitz, S. Vinluan, B. Duffy; A. Kolling 1975/6/11,14
Stephen Blum, UC police 1975/6/11,14
Old Blues look back: G. McLennan, M. Fowler, A. Kolling 1975/6/11,14
Old Blues look back: A. Kolling, L. Sells 1975/6/11,14
Old Blues look back: G. McLellan, M. Fowler 1975/6/11,14
Old Blues look back: D. Ellison 1975/6/11,14
Old Blues look back: S. Ottenbreit 1975/6/11,14
Centennial luncheon; Alumni councillors; Alumni Association president E. Willens 1975/6/11,14
Commencement 1975/6/11,14
Centennial luncheon; Pauley Ballroom 1975/6/11,14
Pres. Hitch, receiving Leningrad Polytechnic Medal from Russian Consul 1975/6/16
Intercampus Library Facility, Richmond 1975/6/20
Chinese Ambassador and visitors, Chancellor Bowker, Prof. Kallgren 1975/6/28
Personnel brochure 1975/7/28
Bowles students; Physicists (P. Buford Price); Student solar collector, etc., Constance Miller. 1975/7/31
P. Buford Price; Pete Cutino 1975/8/6
Ray Collins; Spiro Kostof 1975/8/6
Dan Mote, in laboratory; Ray Collins 1975/8/6
Spiro Kostov, Ray Collins, Dan Mote 1975/8/6
Ray Collins 1975/8/6
Marian Diamond; some of unid person 1975/8/6-7
Marian Diamond 1975/8/6-7
Robert Raabe; some of unid person 1975/8/6-7
Robert Raabe 1975/8/6-7
Leon Litwack 1975/8/12
Campus Lair 1975/8/11
Campus Lair 1975/8/12-14
Garff Wilson in High Tor 1975/8/12-14
Personnel brochure 1975/8/26
Cal Band 1975/8/27
Camp Gold, Pinecrest CA 1975/9/4
Camp Gold, Pinecrest CA; Earl Williams 1975/9/4
Engineering; Prof. Finney lab 1975/9/3
Ira Heyman 1975/9/23
Rodolfo Garza 1975/9/26
ASUC mall remodeling and repairs, incl. Fred Warnke, V. DeMars 1975/9/26
ASUC mall remodeling and repairs 1975/9/26
Lama (?); with Lewis Lancaster 1975/9/30
Lama (?); on campus and inspecting leaf manuscripts 1975/9/30
Lowie Museum: Turkish textiles; Sather Gate; Lower Sproul Plaza; bicycle registration at Powerhouse 1975/10/3
Lowie Museum: Australian aboriginal art, games; Cal Band; 1975/10/3
Lowie Museum: Australian aboriginal art, games, with A. Elsasser; Cal Band 1975/10/3
Cal Band practice; Bike registration 1975/10/3
UC Davis 1975/10/8
Alumni scholars 1975/10/14
Women's crew; Irene Moran, Bancroft Library; sundial 1975/10/23
Women' Gymnasts: Jan Garfinkle and coach Debbie Bailey 1975/10/23
Women's crew; Loan Hall restored ceiling, Library 1975/10
Bicycle repair shop 1975/10
Betty Connors 1975/10
Bicycle repair shop; jazz band, Lower Sproul Pl.; pretzel stand, Sather Gate; Loan Hall, Library 1975/10
Egg drop, Engineering 1975/10
Garff Wilson; Ralph Edwards 1975/10
Garff Wilson; Ralph Edwards; High School Band Day; stadium 1975/10
Mstislav Rostropovich 1975/10/30
Mather Grove, with Anton Crist; Botanical Garden with Annie Hannan
Botanical Garden; Wayne Roderick; T. Machlis 1975/11/7
Greil Marcus, music critic for Rolling Stone 1975/11/4
Moore room dedication, Cory Hall 1975/11/18
Football: Big Game, Stanford CA: stadium, fans, cheerleaders 1975/11/22
Football: Big Game, Stanford CA: stadium 1975/11/22
Football: Big Game, Stanford CA: pre-game, parking, ticket taking 1975/11/22
Football: Big Game, Stanford CA: pre-game, parking; picnicking, band 1975/11/22
Football: Big Game, Stanford CA 1975/11/22
Forefront: Social Service volunteers, cluster advising in journalism 1975/12/10
Forefront: Social Service volunteers, cluster advising in chemistry 1975/12/10
Forefront: Social Service volunteers, cluster advising 1975/12/10
Forefront: Ernest S. Kuh; McLaughlin Hall, details of Davis Hall and Hearst Mining 1975/12/10
Forefront; Social Service volunteers, cluster advising 1975/12/10
Forefront; Albert Bowker 1975/12/15-17
Forefront: Albert Bowker; laboratory 1975/12/15-17
Forefront: laboratory with plants (fisheye) 1975/12/15-17
David Gray, co-founder of Klezmorim, and Mark Simos, later musicologist, at Oxford St. apt. 1975/12/22
Forefront: Hearst Mining atrium roof from inside; Davis and McLaughlin Halls; computer lab(?)
James Elliott, Art Museum director 1976/1/5
Roger Heyns room plaque, Faculty Club; unid man in office 1976/1/8
Harry Lyman, Campanile; Bowker and Canadian ambassador, Jack Warren 1976/1/8
Faculty teaching awards: Lowery, Collier, Bony, Duffy; legislators; John K. Galbraith; BBC filming 1976/1/9, 11
Sacramento legislators; Jacques Yves Cousteau 1976/1/9, 11
Sacramento legislators 1976/1/9, 11
Bruce Ames 1976/1/26
Forefront 1976/2/2
Jon Harris, Williams College, Berkeley - guitarist and teacher 1976/2/12
Open House publicity 1976/2/12
Open House publicity: includes Oski in Campanile 1976/2/12
Open House publicity: motorized cable car at Sather Gate 1976/2/12
Open House publicity: pom pon girls, motorized cable car, Sather Gate 1976/2/12
Tiddlywinks champ, Scott Hirsch 1976/2/12
Oakland ballet; Ron Guidi 1976/2/21
Band raffle publicity 1976/2/24
Band raffle publicity; includes Oski 1976/2/24
Band publicity 1976/2/26
Jon Harris, Williams College, Berkeley - guitarist and teacher 1976/3/7
Alumni meeting 1976/3/6
Forefront: Bart train 1976/3/11
Forefront: San Francisco airport 1976/3/11
Forefront: K.C. Sockalingam 1976/3/11
Cal Band reception 1976/3/17
Flower stand; Lowie Museum masks, with Marta Roberts 1976/3/17
Cal Band reception; Pomodoro sculpture 1976/3/17
International House entrance, dining room scene 1976/3/26
International House unid portrait 1976/3/26
International House dining room scene 1976/3/26
Mexican consul; Lowie Museum 1976/3/26
Open house: Cable Car; Lowie Museum: A. Nicoloff; fossil in Earth Sciences 1976/4/1-3
Open house: Cal Band on Sproul Hall steps 1976/4/1-3
Open house: Smilodon 1976/4/1-3
Open house: Cable Car, Martial Arts, Organ in Hertz Hall, with L. Moe 1976/4/1-3
Charter Day, incl. Oliver Frank, Arthur Schlesinger 1976/4/1-3
Open house, incl. D. Saxon, A. Bowker, G. Wilson 1976/4/1-3
Open house 1976/4/1-3
Charter Day spectators, incl. Margaret Murdock 1976/4/1-3
Mather Grove dedication; Open house, incl. Jessamyn West, G. Wilson, T. Bogard 1976/4/1-3
Mather Grove dedication 1976/4/1-3
Mather Grove dedication, incl. Newton Drury, Horace Albright 1976/4/1-3
Charter Day, incl. Ellis Crane ('03), C. Seiple; Mather Grove dedication 1976/4/1-3
Charter Day; Mather Grove dedication; Open house 1976/4/1-3
UC Davis 1976/4/20
Una's gift portrait 1976/4/22
Irish Music; Sharon Devlin's house 1976/4/26
Unidentified portrait 1976/4/21
Paragon Music; David Gray, Jon Harris, Clare Weinraub, Mike Stannis, Sue Haas 1976/5/13
Engineering alumni, Spengers, Berkeley CA 1976/5/14
Campus aerials 1976/6/2
John K. Galbraith 1976/6/4
Jacques-Yves Costeau 1976/6/4
Martha Cook, harpsichordist; Clay seals 1976/6/9
Martha Cook, harpsichordist 1976/6/9
Richard Rodriguez running at Edwards Field 1976/6/16
Richard Rodriguez running on Oxford Street 1976/6/16
Edwards Field baseball diamond 1976/6
Development Office 1976/6/15
Engineering commencement 1976/6/19
Agnes Robb 1976/6/30
University Art Museum; Japanese woodblocks 1976/7
Folk music, Harbin Hot Springs, Lake County CA 1976/7/17-18
Klezmorim band, KPFA live broadcast; Lev Leiberman, David Gray, David Skerce(?), Laurie Chastein 1976/8/10
Leonard Pitt, mime, in Wheeler Hall 1976/8/21-22
Theatre Arts Festival; Leonard Pitt, mime, in Wheeler Hall 1976/8/21-22
Theatre Arts Festival 1976/8/21-22
Troika, at KQED 1976/8/20
Summer session 1976/8
Summer session; Troika 1976/8
Theater Festival 1976/8/28
Contact improvisation; Cat's Paw Theater 1976/9/6
Contemporary music, Mills College 1976/9/15
Portraits: Robert A. Gordon; Berkeley One Act Co. 1976/9/17
Portraits: Robert A. Gordon, Lincoln Constance; Berkeley One Act Co. 1976/9/17
Portraits: Robert A. Gordon, Lincoln Constance, Kingsley Davis; Berkeley One Act Co. 1976/9/17
Portraits: Lincoln Constance, Kingsley Davis 1976/9/17
Portraits: T.Y. Lin 1976/9/17
Vanya Marpungo(?); "Orchid Sandwich"; June Harris 1976/10/6
Paul Seabury, "All Buttoned Up" exh.; Distinguished Teaching: M. Covington, R.Rader, D.Kaplan,J.Stone 1976/10/5
Library building details; Sather Gate with long shadows 1976/10/5
Indian dance; K.P. and Katherine Kunirahman, 1976/10/16
Berkeley Stage Co.; Winter Scene, Drury Pifer 1976/10/14
Forefront: Earthquake test structure 1976/10
Forefront: Seawater Conversion Lab; Hugo Sephton; Sanitary Engineering 1976/10
Forefront: 1976/10
Forefront: Earthquake testing 1976/10
Forefront: Seawater Conversion; Sanitary Engineering 1976/10
Drury Pifer, Berkeley Stage Co. 1976/11/1
Clare Weinraub 1976/11/4
Mort Sahl, San Francisco 1976/11/23
Disabled students: Judy Taylor 1976/11/10
East Bay Review staff, group photo 1976/11/7
Lee Ashford, Oakland CA 1976/11/12
Disabled students: Brian Kelly 1976/11/18
Tightwad Hill, Big Game 1976/11/20
Forefront: J.R. Singer, Electronic Research Lab; Operations Research Center, Howard Lambert 1976/11/18
Forefront: Howard Lambert 1976/11/18
Lori Belilove, Margaret Fisher 1976/11/23
Lori Belilove, Margaret Fisher, Leslie Scalapino 1976/11/23
Leslie Scalapino 1976/11/23
Suzanne Chartroo, Dwight House 1976/12
Berkeley Community Chorus 1976/12/11
Klezmorim at the Freight 1976/12
Lawrence Hall of Science 1976/12/10
Angela Paton, co-founder of Berkeley Stage Co. 1977/1/22
Music Department: Alan Shearer, Michael Senturia, Elizabeth ... 1977/1/12
Leeches 1977/1/25
Michael Liebert (Berkeley Rep founder); Peter Tripp, Mikel Clifford 1977/1/28
Art Museum preview 1977/2/8
Forefront: George Maslach, Frederick Sherman 1977/1
Forefront: Frederick Sherman 1977/1
Forefront: Ernest S. Kuh 1977/1
Forefront: Frederick Sherman; Electronics Research Lab student Michael Farrier 1977/1
Forefront: George Maslach 1977/1
Forefront: Albert Bowker 1977/1
Elizabethan Trio; Laurette Goldberg, Rella Lossy, Anna Carol Dudley 1977/2/4
C.K. Ladzekpo (Ghanian drummer) at La Peña 1977/2/12
Karl Schnabel 1977/2
Trioka Balalaika, San Francisco 1977/2/14
Dance Etc., Oakland CA: Katy Haber; 1977/2/26
East Asian Studies; NASA award 1977/3
East Asian Studies; NASA award, with G. Smoot, K. Andrews, W.L. Pope 1977/3
Robert Strizick, Catherine Liddell-Strizich
Garff Wilson, Marian Murdock 1977/4/14
Marion Diamond 1977/4/13
Jazzmouth 1977/4/23
Glenn T. Seaborg 1977/5/2
Una's Gift: Alice Schulman 1977/5/4
Wayne Doba, clown
Radiation Laboratory 1977/5
Olly Wilson; electronic music 1977/5/12
Up in the Air Band 1977/5/19
Association of Science and Technology Centers, Lawrence Hall of Science 1977/5/27-28
Romeo and Juliet publicity; William Doonan, Kathleen Amerose 1977/6/5
Charles Jones, UC Engineering, Oakland CA 1977/6
Leonard Pitt on "Dope" 1977/6/18
Peter Hallifax, Holly Alonso 1977/7/2
Peter Hallifax, Holly Alonso, Roger Sharon 1977/7/2
Old Chestnut Theater 1977/7
Romeo and Juliet, John Hinkel Park 1977/7
Jan Munroe, stilts 1977/7/30
Klezmorim, Freight Salvage 1977/8/3
Party, Lew Harrison's house 1977/8/4
Carter Jeffries 1977/8
Lee Shaklee and Cal Band 1977/8/29
Donald Pippin 1977/8
Newman Center: Dialogue of the Carmelites 1977/9/6
La Corte musical 1977/9/13
Ruth Zaporah 1977/9/15
Jazzmouth 1977/9/24
Ron Thompson, Oakland Ensemble Theatre, Oakland CA 1977/10/3
International House: unid. Recital 1977/8
Klezmorim, Freight Salvage 1977/10/6
Oakland Ballet; Eugene Loring 1977 summer
Lost and Found Office 1977 oct
Minor Hall addition; Law(?) library; joggers 1977 oct
Prince Charles visit 1977/10/28
Monday Paper
Angene Feves, Legion of Honor, San Francisco; baroque dance reconstruction 1977/11/6
Class of 1917; Peggy Hayes 1977/11/18
Radiation Laboratory 1977/11/22
Oakland Symphony, Paramount Theater, Oakland CA 1978/2/2
Student Learning Center; many unidentified portraits 1978/2/17
Chemistry: R. Mathies; Robert Connick 1978/3
Chemistry: C. Hill; K. Raymond(?) 1978/3
Chemistry: K. Raymond; J. Winn 1978/3
Chemistry: K. Raymond 1978/3
Pre-enrollment: bicycles, lecture hall, sundial 1978/3/30
Pre-enrollment: Sproul Plaza and Sather Gate scenes; bicycle parking 1978/3/30
Pre-enrollment: Lecture hall; bicycles; Terrace 1978/3/30
Pre-enrollment: Sproul Plaza and Student Union 1978/3/30
Charter Day 1978/4/6
School of Education; mainly unidentified portraits 1978/4/11
School of Education; mainly unidentified portraits; incl. L. Marascuilo 1978/4/11
School of Education; mainly unidentified portraits; incl. G. Clifford 1978/4/11
Una's Gift portrait 1978/4/12
Cal Band spring show publicity 1978/4/13
Botanical Garden sale; plant pathology 1978/4/20
Chemistry: R. Anderson; W. Miller 1978/4/19
Chemistry: J. Hearst 1978/4/19
Chemistry: W. Miller 1978/4/19
Cal Band spring show publicity 1978/4/28
United Way campaign; van pool 1978/5/3
Business Administration award; incl. Earl Cheit 1978/5/12
Lawrence Hall of Science - Strawberry Canyon Run 1978/5/13
Michael Lampton, Space Sciences Lab 1978/5/12
Chevy Chase, Boalt Hall commencement 1978/5/19
Lawrence Hall of Science 1978/5/13
Lawrence Hall of Science: 10th anniversary celebration 1978/5/13
Art class 1978/5
Chemistry: I. Tinoco 1978/5
Chemistry: E. Mutterties 1978/5
Chemistry: R. Bergman 1978/5
Chemistry: glassworking; R. Bergman 1978/5
Campus from Latimer Hall; incl. views toward Campanile; Old Chem Building Cupola 1978/5/28
Teaching awards: R. Bagozzi, G. Mendelsohn, J. Miles, G. Oxley, S. Chan, D. Lyon; laser sample 1978/5/26
School of Social Welfare 1978/6/6
Bösendorfer piano; Sylvia Park 1978/6/6
Prime Minister Desai of India, with Albert Bowker 1978/6/10
Prime Minister Desai of India 1978/6/10
Chris Hammer 1978/6/11
Engineering commencement 1978/6/17
Engineering Center dedication (Bechtel); incl. L. Kuh 1978/6/29
Engineering Center dedication (Bechtel) 1978/6/29
Engineering Center groundbreaking (Bechtel Canter), incl. E. Trefethen, S. Bechtel, A. Bowker 1978/6/29
Holt dedication, Lawrence Hall of Science 1978/7/6
Alumni Association:. S. Sherman 1978/5/24
Chemistry: P. Vollhardt 1978/8
Chemistry: J. Rasmussen; A. Pines 1978/8
Chemistry: A. Pines 1978/8
Chemistry: J. Rasmussen 1978/8
Chemistry; runners in Strawberry Canyon 1978/8
Eye training apparatus 1978/8/17
Typing center 1978/9/19
Sproul Plaza views 1978/9/19
Ludwig's fountain; photomural in Sproul Hall, with J.R.K. Kantor, A. Dubovsky, R. Bailey 1978/9/19
Lawrence Hall of Science, CB radio exhibit 1978/10/4
United Way: Herrick Hospital Disabled Community Health Clinic, with G. Maslach; Optometry Clinic 1978/10/12
United Way; Optometry Clinic 1978/10/12
Lawrence Hall of Science classes 1978/10/25
Margaret Burbridge 1978/10
Barbara Christian 1978/11/6-7
Garff Wilson (Dickens reading); Barbara Christian 1978/11/6-7
Garff Wilson (Dickens reading) 1978/11/6-7
Olly Wilson composing at piano 1978/11/7, 12
Olly Wilson; Richard Felciano 1978/11/7, 12
Engineering alumni, with Dean Kuh 1978/12/4
Lawrence Hall of Science shuttle van - computers for schools 1979/2/7
Lawrence Hall of Science shuttle van; Spring Hill School 1979/2/7
Calvin Simmons, Oakland Symphony, Oakland CA 1979/2/7
Sunstones: moving, assembling sculpture by O'Hanlon 1979/3
Sunstones: moving, assembling sculpture by O'Hanlon; dedication 1979/3
College of Engineering: lab shots; incl. L. Kuh 1979/4/19
College of Engineering: egg toss; Campanile Esplanade 1979/4/19
Cal Band publicity 1979/4/29
College of Engineering; classroom and lab shots 1979/4/30
College of Engineering; lab shots 1979/4/30
College of Engineering; surveying class; lab shots 1979/4/30
College of Engineering; surveying class; lab shots; eucalyptus grove 1979/4/30
College of Engineering; weight lifting; martial arts class 1979/4/30
College of Engineering; Wheeler Auditorium; lab shots 1979/4/30
College of Engineering; Wheeler Auditorium 1979/4/30
College of Engineering; Dwinelle Hall entrance; musicians in Lower Sproul Plaza 1979/4/30
College of Engineering; musicians; Wheeler Hall steps 1979/4/30
College of Engineering; campus scenes, incl. details of metal work on Sather Gate 1979/4/30
Campus scenes, incl. Wheeler Hall steps; Lawrence Hall of Science promotional; LBL News Mag 1979/5/5
Campus scenes; Lawrence Hall of Science promotional; LBL News Mag 1979/5/5
Una's Gift 1979/5/7
Campus scenes: runners on track 1979/5
Campus scenes: tennis players 1979/5
Campus scenes: softball game; cactus in botanical garden; Nobel prize medal 1979/5
Campus scenes: softball game; bicycles; South Hall; Library (north entrance) 1979/5
Campus scenes; Lawrence Hall of Science promotion 1979/5
Engineering; Industry Liaison meeting, incl. L. Kuh, G. Maslach 1979/6/8
Engineering; Industry Liaison meeting 1979/6/8
Engineering; Industry Liaison meeting, incl. D. Mote 1979/6/8
Engineering; Industry Liaison meeting, incl. G. Maslach 1979/6/8
Engineering commencement; incl. Ben Gerwick speaking 1979/6/16
Engineering commencement 1979/6/16
Engineering commencement, incl. Max Hauser, Steve Blumenkranz 1979/6/16
Naval Architecture, Richmond Field Station: Jeff Dillingham 1979/8
Luis Alvarez, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1979/8/31
International House coffee hour 1979/10/10
Engineering fellowship winner: Ivana Juricic 1979/10/23
International House dinner 1979/10/28
Albert Bowker in office 1979/11/20
Albert Bowker on Student Union balcony 1979/11/20
Richard Bolles (What Color is Your Parachute?) 1980/1/14
Engineering: Bechtel Center(?)
Women's Engineering conference 1980/2/2
Women's Engineering conference, incl. Gail McCarthy 1980/2/2
Industrial Liaison Meeting, College of Engineering, incl. A. Bowker addressing group 1980/2/5
Industrial Liaison Meeting, College of Engineering 1980/2/5
Linus Pauling, Menlo Park CA 1978?
International House 50th Anniversary 1980/4
Charter Day; Kenneth Taylor; John Galbraith 1980/4
International House; Alumni Reunion 1980/4/19
International House alumni 1980/5/10
Carl Djerassi, Palo Alto CA 1980 Spring
International House alumni 1980/7/13
Lawrence Hall of Science, classes, Laetsch party 1980/7/28-29
Watson Laetsch - party 1980/7/28-29
Lawrence Hall of Science, classes 1980/7/28-29
Watson Laetsch - party(?) 1980/7/28-29
International House 1980/8/23
Lawrence Hall of Science 1980/10/23
Lawrence Hall of Science 1980/12/5
Lawrence Hall of Science 1981/2/5
Lawrence Hall of Science 181/2/20
Chemistry group 1981/9/11
André Kitaev, Paul Ong; Larry Blake's Rathskeller 1981/10/5
Katha Kali Danders, San Francisco 1981/10/25
Lawrence Hall of Science wind organ 1982/2/24
Lawrence Hall of Science wind sculpture 1982/4/8
Lawrence Hall of Science wind sculpture 1982/4/12
College of Chemistry: L. Moretto 1982/8/26, 30
College of Chemistry: C. O'Konski; E. Mutterties; exterior views 1982/8/26, 30
College of Chemistry: E. Mutterties, R. Bergman 1982/8/26, 30
College of Chemistry: E. Mutterties, R. Bergman; C. O'Konski 1982/8/26, 30
College of Chemistry: L. Moretto; students 1982/8/26, 30
College of Chemistry: L. Pratt; students 1982/9
College of Chemistry: M. Majda; W. Maier 1982/9
College of Chemistry: W. Dauben; C.B. Moore 1982/9
College of Chemistry: H. Strauss; G. Somorjai; I. Tinoco; P. Armentrout 1982/9
College of Chemistry: N. Phillips 1982/9
College of Chemistry: J. Hearst; R. Mathies 1982/9
College of Chemistry: K.P.C. Vollhardt; J. Cerny 1982/9
College of Chemistry: W. Lester 1982/9
College of Chemistry: R. Connick; building and students; G. Pimentel? 1982/9
College of Chemistry: W. Dauben; S.H. Kim; C.B. Moore 1982/9
College of Chemistry: S.H. Kim; H. Schaefer 1982/9
College of Chemistry: P. Bartlett; C. Heathcock 1982/9
College of Chemistry: J. Cerny; R. Saykally 1982/9
College of Chemistry: I. Tinoco; H. Strauss, P. Bartlett, G. Somorjai 1982/9
College of Chemistry: A. Streitwieser 1982/9
College of Chemistry: W. Miller; R. Mathies(?); G. Pimentel 1982/9
College of Chemistry: C. Kayalar; Y.T. Lee 1982/9
College of Chemistry: R. Harris; C. Heathcock 1982/9
Baroque Philharmonia, Berkeley and San Francisco 1982/10/13, 17
College of Chemistry: students; J. Clark 1982/10
College of Chemistry: A. Falick 1982/10
College of Chemistry: H. Rapaport; I. Tinoco; research group 1982/10
College of Chemistry: A. Pines; teaching assistant C. Bushe and students 1982/11/4
College of Chemistry: K. Raymond; I. Tinoco 1982/11/4
College of Chemistry: lecture hall 1982/11/4
College of Chemistry: students; Sather Gate; around Hildebrand Hall 1982/11/4