2 of 8 pages |
"Education versus Common Sense," Commencement speech, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado 1966 June 10.
"The Paradox of Zero Information," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1966 August
"Quantum Mechanics without 'The Observer,'" in Mario Bunge, ed., Quantum Theory and Reality (volume two of Studies in the Foundations, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science ) 1967
"The Mysteries of Udolpho: A Reply to Professors Jeffrey and Bar-Hillel," Mind, See also "On Carnap's Version of Laplace's Rule of Succession," 1962, and "A Comment on Miller's New Paradox of Information," 1966 May 1967 January.
"Time's Arrow and Feeding on Negentropy," Nature, Reply to Wolfgang Buchel 1967 January 21.
"Epistemology without a Knowing Subject," Speech, Third International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Amsterdam, Holland 1967 August 25.
First version
"Time, Probability and Determinism," Speech, Oxford University, Oxford, England 1967 October 20.
"The Distributivity of Lattices with Unique Complements," 1968
"Plato," International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 1968
"Remarks on the Problems of Demarcation and of Rationality," in Imre Lakatos, ed., Problems in the Philosophy of Science 1968
"Theories, Experience and Probabilistic Intuitions," in Imre Lakatos, ed., The Problem of Inductive Logic: Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science 1968
"A Revised Definition of Natural Necessity," British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Reply to G. C. Nerlich and W. A. Suchting 1968 February.
"Birkhoff and von Neumann's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics," Nature, See also "Reply to Ramsey and Pool," 1969 May 1968 August 17.
Contributions, 1968 Salzburg Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, Salzburg, Austria 1968 August 29-31
Correspondence and clippings. See Contributions, 14th International Congress of Philosophy 1968 September 2-9
"The Moral Responsibility of the Scientist" (paper actually read in Vienna)
English version
German version
Italian version. See CORRESPONDENCE, Edizioni della Nuova Antologia
Contributions, 14th International Congress of Philosophy, Vienna, Austria 1968 September 2-9
"On the Theory of the Objective Mind"
English version
German version
"Quantum Theory, Quantum Logic and the Calculus of Probability"
"A Pluralist Approach to the Philosophy of History," in Erich Streissler, ed., Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of F. A. von Hayek, 1969 (based on a speech delivered at Oxford University Science Society, Oxford, England 1967 November 3)
Early version
Lecture no. 5 April 22
"Plato, Timaeus 54e-55a," The Classical Review 1970 March
"Induction," Drafts for books (unpublished) 1970 April.
"Eine Objektive Theorie des historischen Verstehens," Schweizer Monatshefte 1970 June
"The Philosophy of Russell: II," Radio broadcast, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, England (participants included Peter Strawson, Geoffrey Warnock, and Bryan Magee) 1970 April 4.
"Conversation with Karl Popper" (on natural selection and the emergence of mind), Radio broadcast, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, England 1970 December 13.
"Conjectural Knowledge: My Solution to the Problem of Induction," Revue internationale de philosophie 1971
"Particle Annihilation and the Argument of Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen," in Wolfgang Yourgrau and Alwyn van der Merwe, ed., Perspectives in Quantum Theory: Essays in Honour of Alfred Lande 1971
Correspondence 1969-1971
"Revolution oder Reform?" Radio broadcast, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich, Germany 1971 January 5.
Printed copy
"Conjectural Knowledge: My Solution of the Problem of Induction," 1971 June 7. James Scott Lecture, Royal Society of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland (lecture based on version appearing in Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed., The Philosophy of Karl Popper ; revised lecture version published in Objective Knowledge 1972)
"Some Philosophical Comments on Tarski's Theory of Truth," Speech, Tarski Symposium, University of California, Berkeley, California. See also "Some Philosophical Comments on Tarski's Theory of Truth," 1972 May 4 1971 June 30.
Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach 1972
German version 1973
"On Reason and the Open Society," Encounter, 1972. Interview (translated and reworked version of Norddeutscher Rundfunk broadcast of 1971 November)
"Wissenschaftstheorie," Radio broadcast, Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Hamburg, Germany 1972 March 16.
"Was ist Liberal?" Radio broadcast, Osterreichischer Rundfunk, Vienna, Austria 1972 May.
"Aufklarung-Gegenaufklarung," Speech, Dusseldorf, Germany 1972 May 2.
"Bemerkungen eines Realisten uber das Leib-Seele Problem," Speech, Mannheim, Germany 1972 May 8.
"Scientific Reduction and the Essential Incompleteness of All Science," Speech, Serbelloni Conference, Chance and Creativity in Evolution, Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio, Italy 1972 June.
English version
"Indeterminism Is not Enough," Speech, Mont Pelerin Society Anniversary Meeting, Montreux, Switzerland 1972 September 6.
First version. "Problems of Matter and Life"
Second version. "Three Worlds"
Final version. "On the Problem of Body and Mind"
"Zur Theorie der Politik: Bemerkungen zu einer Arbeit von Heiner Flohr," Rechtstheorie: Zeitschrift fur Logik Methodenlehre, Kybernetik und Theorie des Rechts 1973
"Some Notes on Early Greek Cosmology," Henry Dan Broadhead Memorial Lecture, Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand 1973 May 8.
"Historical Prophecy as an Obstacle to Peace," Sonning Prize Lecture, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 1973 May 25.
"The Rationality of Scientific Revolutions," The Herbert Spencer Lectures, Oxford, England 1973 November.
Notes 1973
English version
"Autobiography of Karl Popper," in Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed., The Philosophy of Karl Popper, Vol. I 1974
Typescript (in part holograph)
Miscellaneous pages
Carbon copy
Complete set
"Replies to My Critics," in Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed., The Philosophy of Karl Popper, Vol. II 1974
Copy 1
Copy 2
Copy 3
Miscellaneous chapters
Miscellaneous chapters
Corrections 1974
Reviews (for both volumes)
Chapters (Section I: Introduction. 1. "Aristophanes and the Socratic Legend." 2. "The Popper Legend." 3. "The Background of the Legend: Criterion of Demarcation versus Criterion of Meaning." 4. "Kraft on My Relation to the Vienna Circle"). Note: the numbers given here are the ones assigned in the final version, and not the ones often used in the manuscript 1-4
Chapter 4 ("Kraft on My Relation to the Vienna Circle")
Chapter 9 ("Kneale on My Alleged Exclusion of Non-Universal Hypotheses")
Chapter 10 ("Quine on My Avoidance of the 'Paradoxes of Confirmation'")
Chapter 11 ("Putnam on 'Auxiliary Sentences,' Called by Me 'Initial Conditions'")
Chapter 12 ("Lakatos on the Equal Status of Newton's and Freud's Theories")
Imre Lakatos' contribution
Proofs (in part typescript)
Chapters (Section III: The Problem of Induction. 13. "My Solution of Hume's Problem of Induction." 14. "The Psychological and Pragmatic Problems of Induction." 15. "Objective and Subjective Knowledge") 13-15
Chapter 16 ("Medawar on Hypothesis and Imagination")
Chapter 17 ("Maxwell on Demarcation and Induction")
Chapter 18 ("Levison's Critique of My Solution of the Problem of Induction")
Chapter 19 ("Bar-Hillel on the Compatibility between Static and Dynamic Theories of Science")
Chapter 21 ("Eccles on World 3 and the Mind-Body Liaison")
John C. Eccles' contribution
Chapter 22 ("Watkins on Indeterminism as the Central Problem of My Philosophy")
Comments on the Watkins-Salmon controversy on induction and corroboration
Chapter 23 ("Campbell on the Evolutionary Theory of Knowledge")
Chapter 24 ("Freeman and Skolimowski on Peirce's Anticipations of Popper")
Chapter 25 ("Feigl and Meehl on the Determinism or Completeness of World 1")
Chapter 26 ("Musgrave on My Exclusion of Psychologism")
Chapter 28 ("Bernays' Plea for a Wider Notion of Rationality")
Chapter 29 ("Bronowski on the Impact of Logik der Forschung and on Tarski's Theory of Truth")
Chapter 30 ("Lejewski's Axiomatization of My Theory of Deducibility")
Czeslaw Lejewski's contribution
Chapter 31 ("Schlesinger on My Paper on Self-Reference and Meaning")
Chapter 32 ("Ayer on Empiricism and against Verisimilitude")
Chapter 33 ("Agassi on a Modified Conventionalism")
Chapter 35 ("Settle on Induction and the Propensity Theory of Probability")
Chapter 36 ("Margenau on Empiricism, Probability, and Quantum Mechanics")
Chapter 37 ("Suppes' Criticism of the Propensity Interpretation of Probability and Quantum Mechanics")
Chapter 38 ("Grunbaum on Time and Entropy")
Chapter 39 ("Kuhn on the Normality of Normal Science")
Chapter 40 ("Wisdom on the Similarity between Kuhn and Popper")
Chapter 42 ("Lord Boyle on the Dualism of Facts and Decisions in The Open Society ")
Chapter 43 ("Wild on The Open Society ")
Chapter 44 ("Acton on the Part Played by Repression in Karl Marx")
Chapter 45 ("Winch on The Open Society ")
Chapter 46 ("Donagan on The Poverty of Historicism ")
Chapter 47 ("Gombrich on Situational Logic and Periods and Fashion in Art")
"Falsifiability and Freedom," in Fons Elders, ed., Reflexive Water, Discussion between Karl Popper and John C. Eccles, led by Fons Elders 1974.
"Radical Philosophers: The Frankfurt School," Contribution to a British Broadcasting Corporation radio program recorded on January 18. See also "Reason or Revolution?" 1960 1974 January 27.
Broadcast January 27
Paper written in preparation for that interview, but not actually broadcast in this form
Short version
Contributions to the C.H. Boehringer Sohn Symposium, The Creative Process in Science and Medicine, Kronberg, Taunus, Germany 1974 May 16-17
"Wissenschaft und Kritik," Speech, The European Forum Alpbach 1974, Die Geistige und Wissenschaftliche Entwicklung der Letzten 30 Jahre, Alpbach, Austria 1974 September 5.
Letter to the editor, The Times 1974 December 5
"Die Aufgabe der Wissenschaft," "Utopie und Gewalt," "Was Ist Dialektik?" in Georg Luhrs, Thilo Sarrazin, Frithjof Spreer and Manfred Tietzel, ed., Kritischer Rationalismus und Sozialdemokratie, Typescript or annotated printed copy. 1975.
"How I See Philosophy," 1975
Version for publication in Charles J. Bontempo and S. Jack Odell, ed., The Owl of Minerva: Philosophers on Philosophy 1975
Version for publication in Andre Mercier and Maja Svilar, ed., Philosophers on Their Own Work 1977
German translation
For radio broadcast on Bayerischer Rundfunk 1976 October 8
For publication in Georg Luhrs, Thilo Sarrazin, Frithjof Spreer and Manfred Tietzel, ed., Theorie und Politik aus kritisch-rationaler Sicht, (translation of shortened version) 1978
New impression, in Johann Christian Marek, ed., Osterreichische Philosophen und ihr Einfluss auf die analytische Philosophie der Gegenwart 1978
Abbreviated version
Printed copy
"Gesprach mit Sir Karl Popper," 1975 June 1. Interview conducted by Conceptus staff (not published)
"Schlussel zur Kontrolle der Damonen," Die Presse, 1975 September 6-7. Interview. Typescript, corrections, printed copy, and correspondence with Hans Haider.
"A Note on Verisimilitude," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1976
Typescript (in part holograph)
Unended Quest: An Intellectual Autobiography 1976
English version
First edition 1976
Manuscript (annotated printed copy of the "Autobiography of Karl Popper," in The Philosophy of Karl Popper, The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. I, 1974, of which Unended Quest is a revised version)
Corrections to the proofs and printed copy for forthcoming translations
Sixth edition 1982
Italian version 1976
German version
First edition 1979
Second edition 1982
French version 1981
"The Death of Theories and of Ideologies," Speech, 2nd International Symposium on Philosophy, Sparta, Greece 1976 April 14.
"Time, Potential Infinity, and Actual Infinity," 1976 July 9
The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism (with John C. Eccles) 1977
English version
First edition 1977
Typescript (in part holograph)
Part I (Karl Popper's contribution)
Miscellaneous pages