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Unidentified writings undated
Essay volumes (apparently projected compilations of selected writings) 1970s 1980s undated
Untitled volumes
Of Clouds and Clocks; A Realist View of Logic, Physics, and History; Evolution and the Tree of Knowledge; Epistemology Without a Knowing Subject; On the Theory of the Objective Mind; Professor Popper's Seminar On Seeing Red, 1969 January 7; The Myth of the Framework; Models, Instruments, and Truth
"How I See Philosophy"
"In Search of Enlightenment: Essays in the Philosophy of Science and of Politics." Preface; Science: Problems, Aims, Responsibilities; Optimist, Pessimist, and Pragmatist Views of Scientific Knowledge; Physics and Philosophy; The Bucket and the Searchlight; In Search of Enlightenment; The Status of Science; A Note on the Cold War; The Open Society and the Democratic State; Einstein's Influence on My View of Science; Julius Kraft, 1898-1960; Epistemology and Industrialization; Historical Explanation: An Interview; Models, Instruments, and Truth: The Rationality Principle in the Social Sciences
"Lady Popper's Essay Volume"
"The Myth of the Framework" (also entitled "Emancipation through Knowledge" and "On History and Society")
"Philosophy and Physics" (also entitled "Realism and Physics")
Appendices: On the Probabilistic Theory of Induction. Probability Magic or Knowledge out of Ignorance; On Carnap's Version of Laplace's Rule of Succession; The Mysteries of Udolpho: A Reply to Professors Jeffrey and Bar-Hillel; A Comment on Miller's New Paradox of Information; A Paradox of Zero Information; On Rules of Detachment and So-Called Inductive Logic; Theories, Experience, and Probabilistic Intuitions; Creative and Non-Creative Definitions in the Calculus of Probability
Appendices: On the Probabilistic Theory of Induction. Probability Magic or Knowledge out of Ignorance; On Carnap's Version of Laplace's Rule of Succession; The Mysteries of Udolpho: A Reply to Professors Jeffrey and Bar-Hillel; A Comment on Miller's New Paradox of Information; A Paradox of Zero Information; On Rules of Detachment and So-Called Inductive Logic; Theories, Experience, and Probabilistic Intuitions; Creative and Non-Creative Definitions in the Calculus of Probability
"A Pluralist Approach to (the Philosophy of) History." Theories of Knowledge: The Bucket and the Searchlight; Three Idols of Empiricism: Precision - Definition - The Senses and Their Data; A Pluralist Approach to the Philosophy of History; Eine objektive Theorie des historischen Verstehens; Historical Explanation; Die Logik der Sozialwissenschaften; Models, Instruments, and Truth; Epistemology and Industrialisation; In Search of Enlightenment; The Status of Science; The Open Society and the Democratic State; A Note on the Cold War; Reason or Revolution. Outline for a suggested volume sent to Arne F. Petersen on 1971 May 21
"Social Science/Social Philosophy" (also entitled "Philosophy of Science and of Politics")
"Wie ich die Philosophie sehe" (intended for publication in Reclam ). Das Sokratische Nichtwissen; Wie Ich die Philosophie sehe; Wissenschaft und Kritik; Der Einfluss philosophischer Probleme auf die Physik der Materie; Wissenschaftliche Reduktion und die essentielle Unvollstandigkeit der Wissenschaft; Die Rationalitat wissenschaftlicher Revolutionen; Der relativistische Mythos; Woran glaubt der Westen?; Utopie und Gewalt; Selbstbefreiung durch das Wissen
While developing a theory of natural deduction, holograph and typescript notes and fragments 1940s
"On the Power of the Probability Calculus to Solve the Problem of Induction" undated
"A Refutation of Determinism" undated
"Ein Kriterium des empirischen Charakters theoretischer Systeme," Erkenntnis 1932-1933
German version
Logik der Forschung 1934
German version
First edition 1934
Second edition 1966
Third edition 1969
Fourth edition 1971
Seventh edition 1982
Eighth edition 1984
English version
First edition 1959
Reviews 1959-1960
Second edition 1968
Third edition 1972
Tenth impression, revised 1980
Spanish version 1962
Japanese version, correspondence 1971
French version 1973
Chinese versions
"Zur Kritik der Ungenauigkeitsrelationen," Die Naturwissenschaften 1934
"What is Dialectic?" Mind, German version, 1965 1940
"The Changing Bases of Society: Trends Likely to Influence the Future," two radio broadcast scripts, National Broadcasting Services, Christchurch, New Zealand (other participants in the discussions were Colin G. F. Simkin, Hugh N. Parton, P. Percival), typescript 1941 July 23
"The Poverty of Historicism," Economica1944-1945 [See: The Poverty of Historicism] 1957
The Open Society and Its Enemies 1945
English version
First edition 1945
Braunthal, Alfred
Hellin, Frederick
Second edition 1950
Third edition 1957
Fourth edition 1962
Fifth edition 1966
Dutch version 1950
German version
First edition 1957-1958
French version 1979
Greek version 1980
Papadaki, Irene
"Why are the Calculi of Logic and Arithmetic Applicable to Reality?" Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1946
"Methods in Philosophy," speech, Cambridge University Moral Science Club, Cambridge, England 1946 October 25
"The Propositional and Functional Logic of Derivation and of Demonstration," 1947
"Logic without Assumptions," Speech, Aristotelian Society, London, England 1947 May 5.
"Utopia and Violence," Speech, Rencontres Philosophiques de Bruxelles, Institut des Arts, Brussels, Belgium 1947 June.
English published version 1948
Japanese version, Correspondence 1963.
German published version 1968
"On the Theory of Deduction," Speech, 10th International Congress of Philosophy, Amsterdam, Holland (published in Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Wetenscappen: Proceedings of the Section of Sciences 1948 August 11-18. 1948)
"Prediction and Prophecy and the Significance for Social Theory," 1948 August 11-18. Speech, 10th International Congress of Philosophy, Amsterdam, Holland (published in Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Philosophy 1948)
English version
"The Trivialization of Mathematical Logic," Paper, 10th International Congress of Philosophy, Amsterdam, Holland 1948 August 11-18.
"Naturgesetze und theoretische Systeme," 1948 August 24. The European Forum Alpbach 1948, Alpbach, Austria (published in Gesetz und Wirklichkeit 1949)
English versions. Typescript
"Indeterminism in Quantum Physics and in Classical Physics," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1950 (expanded version of paper read before the British Society for the History of Science 1948 November 15)
"The Study of Nature and Society," The William James Lectures, Department of Philosophy, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Holograph (consists primarily of notes and outlines) 1950 February 16-April 27.
"The Classical Conditional," 1952
"Humanism and Reason," The Philosophical Quarterly1952. Review of E. Grassi and T. von Uexkull, Von Ursrpung und Grenzen der Geistwissenschaften und Naturwissenschaften 1950
"The Role of the Scientist in Society Today," Speech, The English Speaking Union of the British Commonwealth, London, England 1952 September 26-28.
"Complementarity and the Two-Slit Experiment," 1953
"Philosophy of Science: A Personal Report," 1953 July 30. Speech, Peterhouse, Cambridge, England. Typescript for publication in British Philosophy in Mid-Century 1957
"Language and the Body-Mind Problem: A Restatement of Interactionism," Speech, 11th International Congress of Philosophy, Brussels, Belgium 1953 August 20-26.
Miseria dello storicismo1954. See The Poverty of Historicism 1957
"The Construction of Shortest Random-Like Sequences of Degree n" (with L. R. B. Elton) 1954-1955
"Immanuel Kant: Philosopher of the Enlightenment," 1954 February 5. Radio broadcast, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, England (published in The Listener 1954 February 18)
"Self-Reference and Meaning in Ordinary Language," Mind 1954 April
"Degree of Confirmation," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1954 August
"Die Philosophie und die Wissenschaften," Speech, The European Forum Alpbach 1954, Alpbach, Austria 1954 August 19.
German version
English version
"On a Proposed Solution of the Paradox of the Liar," Speech, Association for Symbolic Logic, Amsterdam, Holland 1954 September 1.
"Towards a Liberal Theory of Public Opinion," Speech, Mont Pelerin Conference, Venice, Italy 1954 September 6-11.
Versions for publication
English 1955-1956
"A Note on Tarski's Definition of Truth," Mind 1955
"A Paradox of Measure Theory," 1955
"Two Autonomous Axiom Systems for the Calculus of Probabilities," British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1955
Typescript and holograph
"Adequacy and Consistency: A Second Reply to Dr. Bar-Hillel," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1956
Misere de l'historicisme1956. See The Poverty of Historicism 1957
"Three Views Concerning Human Knowledge," Contemporary British Philosophy 1956
English version 1956
"The Arrow of Time," Nature, For replies and counterreplies, see "Irreversibility and Mechanics," 1956 August 18; "Irreversible Processes in Physical Theory," 1957 June 22; "Irreversibility, or Entropy since 1905," 1957 August; "Irreversible Processes in Physical Theory," 1958 February 8; "Time's Arrow and Entropy," 1965 July 17; "Time's Arrow and Feeding on Negentropy," 1967 January 21; "Structural Information and the Arrow of Time," 1967 April 15 1956 March 17.
"Reason and Tradition: Problems of the Open Society," Lecture series, Conference on Social Theory, Department of Sociology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Typescript and holograph (consists primarily of notes and outlines) 1956 June 25-July 6.
"Irreversibility and Mechanics," Nature, Reply to Richard Schlegel 1956 August 18.
"Entropy since 1905," Speech, Annual Conference of the Philosophy of Science Group, Manchester, England 1956 September 21-23.
"The Non-Existence of Scientific Method," Autumn? Speech, Stanford, California 1956
"The Riddle of Experience," Radio broadcast, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, England 1956 October 1.
"The History of Our Time: An Optimist's View," Sixth Eleanor Rathbone Memorial Lecture, University of Bristol, England 1956 October 12.
"The Aim of Science," Ratio 1957
English version
German versions
The Poverty of Historicism 1957
English version
Journal edition, as published in Economica 1944-1945
Book edition
First edition 1957
Second edition 1960
Second edition, corrected 1963
Italian version 1954
French version 1956
German version
First edition 1965
Third edition 1971
Fifth edition 1979
Japanese version 1965
"The Propensity Interpretation of the Calculus of Probability and Quantum Theory," Speech, Colston Research Society of Bristol, University of Bristol, England 1957 April 1-4.
"Irreversibility; or Entropy since 1905," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1957 August
"Probability Magic, or Knowledge out of Ignorance," Dialectica, 1957 September 15-December 15. Abridgement of chapter from the early manuscript of Postscript to the Logic of Scientific Discovery
"On Mr. Roy Harrod's New Argument for Induction," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1958
"A Third Note on Degree of Corroboration or Confirmation," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1958.
"Irreversible Processes in Physical Theory," Nature, Reply to R. C. L. Bosworth 1958 February 8.
"Remarques critiques sur la philosophie analytique," Speech, Fourth International Seminar on Analytical Philosophy, Royaumont, France 1958 April 7-13.
"On the Status of Science and Metaphysics: Two Radio Talks," 1958 July 2. Radio broadcasts entitled "Experience and Logic" and "The Problem of the Irrefutability of Philosophical Theories," Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany (first published in Ratio 1958).
"Zum Thema Freiheit," 1958 August 25. Speech, The European Forum Alpbach 1958, Alpbach, Austria (subsequently published in Die Philosophie und die Wissenschaften: Simon Moser zum 65. Geburtstag 1967)
"Philosophy and Physics: The Influence on Physics of Some Metaphysical Speculations on the Structure of Matter," 1958 September 12-18. Paper, 12th International Congress of Philosophy, Venice, Italy (published in Atti del XII congresso internazionale di filosofia 1958)
English version
"Interpretation of Indeterminacy Formulae," 1959?
"A Note on Logically False Evidence Statements," 1959?
"A Note on the Tunnel Effect," 1959?
"Some Comments on Heisenberg's Principle of Indeterminacy," 1959?
Untitled, Relates to indeterminism and Heisenberg's formula 1959?
"Woran glaubt der Westen?" 1959. Speech, Zurich, Switzerland (published in Erziehung zur Freiheit 1959)
"The Propensity Interpretation of Probability," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, " 1959 May
"Epistemology and Industrialization: Remarks on the Influence of Philosophical Ideas on the History of Europe," Speech, School of Economics, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland 1959 June 13.
Published version (English) 1975-1979
"Die Philosophie in den Grundentscheidungen," Speech, Handels-Hochschule St. Gallen, Switzerland 1959 June 23.
"Probabilistic Independence and Corroboration by Empirical Tests," British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1960
"Reason or Revolution?" 1960
"On the Sources of Knowledge and of Ignorance," Speech, British Academy. See also "On the Sources of Our Knowledge," 1959 1960 January 20.
Lecture version 1960
Published versions
Proceedings of The British Academy 1960
Encounter 1962
Studies in Philosophy: British Academy Lectures 1966
German 1975
"Some Comments on Truth and the Growth of Knowledge," 1960 August-September. Paper, International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Stanford, California (condensed version of the original draft entitled "The Idea of Truth and the Empirical Character of Scientific Theories," subsequently published as "Truth Rationality, and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge," Chapter 10, Conjectures and Refutations 1962)
"Selbstbefreiung durch das Wissen," Radio broadcast, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich, Germany 1961 February.
German version
Broadcast version
Published version, in Der Sinn der Geschichte, edited by Leonhard Reinisch 1961
English version, in Humanist Outlook, edited by Alfred J. Ayer 1968
"Die Logik der Sozialwissenschaften," Speech, Symposium on the Logic of the Social Sciences, Tubingen, Germany 1961 October.
German version
Lecture version 1961
Published version 1962
English version 1976
"Evolution and the Tree of Knowledge," The Herbert Spencer Lecture, Oxford, England 1961 October 30.
"Science and the Growth of Knowledge," The Shearman Memorial Lectures, University College, London, England 1961 November 21-30.
Conjectures and Refutations 1962
English version