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San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Stereographs, 1906

No. 1. The Ferry Building.

No. 2. The City Hall.

No. 4. Effects of Earthquake, City Hall.

No. 6. Commemoration Monument.

No. 7. Mission Street.

No. 8. Market Street.

No. 11. American Hotel.

No. 13. Hibernian Bank.

No. 14. Central Theatre.

No. 15. Interior of Bank.

No. 23. Gunt Building.

No. 24. Sutter Street.

No. 25. Market Street. Palace Hotel.

No. 25. [Duplicate No.] Market Street Bank.

No. 27. Hunter Hotel and Howard Church.

No. 28. Union Block.

No. 29. From Golden Gate Avenue.

No. 30. Chinese Camp Kitchen.

No. 31. Chinese at Dinner.

No. 32. Postoffice from Golden Gate Avenue.

No. 33. St. Dominici Church.

No. 35. City Lighting Co. -- Switchboard.

No. 38. Postal Telegraph Building.

No. 40. Schloss Building.

No. 45. Claus Spreckel's Residence.

No. 46. Interior Wells-Fargo Building.

No. 47. C.R. Winslow Building.

No. 50. Birdseye View of Refugees' Camp.

No. 51. Board of Trade Bldg.

No. 52. Emporium Bldg.

No. 54. St. Francis Hotel.

No. 55. Result of the Dynamite

No. 56. City from California St.

No. 57. Residence District from Van Ness Ave.

No. 58. Donner Lake, 110 miles from Sacramento. Eastern Summits 25 miles distant. Central Pacific Railroad, California. Photographer: Alfred A. Hart, no. 127

No. 59. Devil's Canyon. Geyser Springs, California, Photographer: Andrew Price

No. 60. Devil's Canyon. Geyser Springs, California. Photographer: Andrew Price