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Washington Office, Administrative/Legislative Files
Administrative memos
Advisory Committees
International trade
Natural resources
Africa trip 1982
Archivist/Disposition of SIH papers
ASEAN trip August 1982
Big Sur
Briefing Book
August 1979
August 1979
July 1980
Fall 1980
April 1981
Briefing cards 1981
Bruinsma for Senate
Constituency Councils
Energy/95th Congress
Federal Judge Selections
Foreign Relations
Foreign Relations/Panama Canal
Guest Workers
Hayakawa Involvement Program
Human Resources, 95th Congress
Kennedy, Edward M.
Legal cases
Legislative Agenda 1982
Legislative Initiatives and Accomplishments
95th-97th Congresses
Legislative Reports
Two Year 1977-1978
Three Month
(for see Daily Legislative Reports and Congressional Record Fact Sheets) October-December 1982
Memos to state offices
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
97th Congress/legislative procedure
Legislative Department Organization/job descriptions
Staff travel
Position papers/speeches 1979
Pro/Con SIH letters
Recommendation letters
Regulatory Accomplishments
Relocation of Civilians
Republican Conference
Ruppert, Michael C.
School/student groups
Senate/House Selected Activities 1982
Senatorial Campaign Committee
Senior Citizens
Small Business
Small Business/96th Congress
Staff Weekly Reports
State offices
Daily Legislative Reports
S. 49 - Small Business Administration Review Court
S. 126 - Earthquake Hazards Reduction
S. 196 - Excise Tax; Aeronautics in Agriculture; Gasoline Tax
S. 274 - Prohibit Armed Forces Unionization
S. 297 - Imported Meat Tests
S. 373 - To Amend Maritime Mammal Protection Act (tuna fishing industry)
S. 503 - The Youth Employment Act of 1977
S. 730 - Amend Internal Revenue Code Rate - reductions for individual taxes
S. 731 - Amend Internal Revenue Code - tax credit for creation of new jobs
S. 732 - Amend Internal Revenue Code - reduce tax for small business corps.
S. 733 - Amend Internal Revenue Code - increase amount of dividend exclusion
S. 734 - Amend Internal Revenue Code - exclusion from tax on limited savings
S. 735 - Amend Internal Revenue Code - permit depreciation of property
S. 736 - American Stock Ownership Plans for those of modest income
S. 737 - Amend Internal Revenue Code - Tax incentives for energy conservation
S. 961 - Amendment to opportunities for Adoption Act
S. 972 - Small Business Develpoment Center Act
S. 1010 - National Consumer Cooperative Bank Act
S. 1011 - Sex Crimes; Children; Pornography, photography, etc.
S. 1034 - Saccharin Bills
S. 1034 - Study effects of saccharin
S. 1040 - Child Exploitation Prevention Act
S. 1051 - Federal Grain Inspection
S. 1276 - To permit expended amount re pollution control facilities
S. 1303 - Amend legal services Corp Act
S. 1307 - Military Discharges; Veterans
S. 1328 - The Career Education Implementation Act of 1977
S. 1358 - The San Luis Unit, Central Valley Project
S. 1361 - Academic Freedom Act
S. 1382 - Capital Punishment
S. 1495 - Construction of Bikeways
S. 1503 - Reimbursement of Tris
S. 1552 - To Amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act
S. 1585 - The Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation Act of 1977
S. 1614 - To Establish the Western States Conservation Program
S. 1632 - Amend Fed. Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act
S. 1644 - Tax deductions f/ heads of households
S. 1689 - Private bill for relief of Jenny Forbes
S. 1706
S. 1719 - Alien SSI payments attribution of sponsor's income
S. 1726 - Amend Small Business Act declare national policy
S. 1767 - Federal Officials Anti-defamation Act
S. 1780 - Improved administration of education
S. 1860 - Tax Relief Act
S. 1868 - A bill to expedite movement of Alaskan crude oil
S. 1872 - A bill to provide price support for sugar
S. 1894 - A bill for relief of California Canners and Growers
S. 1897 - Auth. grants of developing inst. to establish endowments
S. 1924 - Relief for Mark Charles Mieir & Liane Maira Mieir
S. 1950 - Foreign Surveillance Protection Act
S. 1967 - Social Security; Accounting; Social Security- States
S. 1974 - Regulatory Flexibility Act
S. 2020 - Longshoremen and Harbor Workers' Compensation
S. 2032 - Relief for Ionica Moldoveanu Nicolaica
S. 2036 - To promote amateur athletic activity in the U.S.
S. 2042 - Amend Rehabilitation Act of 1973
S. 2107 - Amend Emergency Petro. Act of 1973
S. 2142 - Internal Revenue Code (1954)
S. 2169 - To name the South Portal Fed. Off. Bldg of HEW the Hubert Humphrey Bldg.
S. 2204 - Amend Sec. 4940 of IRS code reduce excise tax on invested income
S. 2218 - Establishing a national aquaculture policy, assessing status and establishing a strategy promotion of Aquaculture
S. 2304 - To require Hungarian relics remain in custody of U.S. Gov. unless Congress provides otherwise
S. 2305 - A Bill to Amend the Securities Act of 1933
S. 2343 - A Bill to Ensure the Quality of Imported Meat
S. 2351 - To name the new VA Hospital in Little Rock after John McClelan
S. 2360 - Reimburse States for certain social service costs u/Social Security
S. 2369 - Dutch Elm Disease Control Act
S. 2385 - Agricultural Trade Expansion Act of 1977
S. 2388 - Amend IRC - exclusion from gross income employer educational assistance programs
S. 2400 - National Alcohol Fuels Commission Act
S. 2405 - Intermediate Term Agricultural Export Credit Act
S. 2437 - Assistance for dam safety programs
S. 2462 - IRA Deductions for Individuals Already Participating in Retirement Plans
S. 2481 - Opportunities for Parity Pricing
S. 2483 - Directions to the Secretary of Agriculture re: exports
S. 2505 - Handicapped eligible for Social Security Assistance
S. 2534 - Health Maintenance Organizations Act Amendments
S. 2578 - To amend the Water Resources Planning Act
S. 2590 - Amend law relating to land claims in Riverside County, CA
S. 2627 - Deferred Compensation Plans
S. 2677 - For the Relief of Ching Wu Wang
S. 2685 - Youth Employment Incentive and Social Bonus Act 1978
S. 2690 - Emergency Agricultural Assistance
S. 2711 - Revise and extend community education programs
S. 2727 - To promote and coordinate amateur athletic activity
S. 2738 - Tax Indexation Act
S. 2733 - To amend the Public Health Service Act - Rural Health
S. 2759 - Domestic Violence
S. 2778 - PCP criminal laws and procedures act
S. 2791 - Renegotiation Abeyance Act
S. 2843 - Gold Medallion Act
S. 2895 - Quotas on imported beef
S. 2990 - Implement International Sugar Agreement
S. 3007 - Tax treatment of individuals as employees
S. 3065 - Amend Internal Revenue Code to provide pre-1969 tax treatment for capital gains
S. 3093 - To provide for seizure, forfeiture, and disposition of vehicles used to illegally transport persons into US
S. 3111 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
S. 3138 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
S. 3147 - Taxation of fringe benefits
S. 3151 - Approp. for Department of Justice
S. 3205 - Amend the Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act
S. 3217 - To exempt white water river running boats from requirements of Act requiring inspection and certification
S. 3245 - Boundary of Los Angeles National Forest
S. 3262 - Regulation of Federal Executive Departments
S. 3264 - Matching funds and assistance for states who reduce property taxes
S. 3285 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
S. 3288 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
S. 3300 - To amend Public Law 480
S. 3344 - For the relief of Rolf Erik Tibblin
S. 3350 - To maximize employment opportunities for all Americans...
S. 3360 - To amend the Urban Mass Transportation Act - increase minority opportunities in employment
S. 3414 - Amend IRC - non-resident aliens taxable gains on farming or undeveloped land at capital gains rates
S. 3422 - Establish Congressional Award program
S. 3471 - Fair Labor Standards Act
S. 3471 - Inflation Reduction and Job Protection Act
S. 3484 - Conveyance of certain public lands in San Bernardino County to the town of Red Mountain
S. 3530 - "Space Policy Act of " 1978
S. 3527 - Funds for Robert A. Taft Institute of Government
H.R. 7769 - to authorize creation of a record of admission for permanent residence in the cases of refugees
S. 503 Amendment No. 39 - The Youth Employment Act of 1977
Johnston Amendment No. 60
Packwood Amendment No. 62
Amendment No. 136 to H.R. 4876
Amendment No. 191 to the First Concurrent Budget Resolution FY 1978
Amendment No. 247 To S. Con. Res. 19
No. 293 to S. 725 to extend certain programs of Ed. of the Handicapped Act
No. 300 to H.R. 5262 against any loans for the benefit of Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia
Amendment No. 310 to S. 275 Barring food stamps for college students
Roth Amendment No. 340 Prohibiting sexual exploitation of children
Amendment No. 344 to S. 961 for a nationwide study of adoption codes
Amendment No. 365 to S. 252 to exempt grain elevators from dust emission control devices
Amendment No. 396 to S. 252 exempting grain elevators from air pollution control devices
Amendment No. 451 proposed to S. 957 The Consumer Controversies Resolution Act of 1977
Amendment No. 452 proposed to S. 957 The Consumer Controversies Resolution Act of 1977
Amendment No. 468 calling for no diplomatic relations with Cuba & no lifting of the trade embargo
Amendment No. 470 no fund made available to students in form of loans
Amendment No. 473 to H.R. 7555, barring use of funds to administer HEW affirmative action programs: hiring, promotions, admissions
Amendment No. 494 to S. 9 to delete section requiring mandatory disclosure of data interpretations
Amendment No. 698 to S. 926, supra.
Amendment No. 699 to S. 926, supra.
Amendment No. 700 to S. 926, supra.
Amendment No. 764 to increase funding for Agric. function from 5.6 bil. to 6.3 bil.
S. Res. 18, Amnesty Resolution (Allen)
S. Res. 38, President Ford Resolution
S. Res. 40, Amnesty Resolution (Allen)
S. Res. 76, Unilateral regulations by the European Economic Community
S. Res. 81, expulsion of George Krimsky by USSR
S.J. Res. 159, national water resources
S. Res. 168, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 50 Years
S. Res. 182, relations with Cuba; sense of Senate
S. Res. 219, establish a senior citizen intern program
S. Res. 225, to refer S. 1894 to Chief Commissioner of Claims
S. Res. 242, express Senate views on Ad. policy changes of IRS
S. Res. 271, establish a Commission of Domestic & International Hunger and Malnutrition
S. Res. 284, express Senate views on National Water Resources Man. Pol.
SR 302 to reorganize HUD
SR 311 that a moritorium be placed on grazing fee increases until opp. to hold hearing on proposal by Congress
SR 335 honoring W. C. Handy & proclaiming Memphis as the "Home of the Blues"
SR 336 proclaiming Memphis Slim as ambassador at large for goodwill
S. Res. 394, Commonwealth Club Commemoration
S. Res. 402, Antibiotics in animal feed
S. Res. 416, disapproving HEW standards relating to welfare provisions of SSA
S. Res. 442, commending Lee Williams for service to the Senate
S. Res. 457, congratulations to Taiwan on newly elected government
S. Res. 461, emigration visas for John and Lorraine Jodwalis
S. Res. 493, relative to the death of Rep. Ketchum of California
S. Res. 512, expressing the support of the Senate for the nomination for the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize
S. Res. 519, expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to selecting another site for the 1980 summer Olympics
S. R. 547, Rhodes Tavern preservation, District of Columbia
S. Res. 569, Direct Architect of Capitol to eliminate items in Hart SOB
S. Res. 593, Bartlett
S. Con. Res. 5, missing in action in Vietnam
S. Con. Res. 26, declaring war against amytrophic lateral schlerosis
S. Con. Res. 37, auto safety standards Congressional oversight
S. Con. Res. 38, to disapprove of the President's action: 5/4/77
S C R Res. 41 to promote effective treatment of epilepsy
S. Con. Res. 45, support U.S. Olympic city nomination before International Committee
S. Con. Res. 65, resolution of federally-owned roadless areas
S. Con. Res. 68, expressing sense of the Senate on Baltic States question
S. Con. Res. 69, endorsing Rhodesian settlement
S. Con. Res. 73, import fees on crude oil
S. Con. Res. 79, disapproving proposed regulations regarding Firearms
S. Con. Res. 85, dismissal of indictments against FBI agents
S. Con. Res. 91, Cuban military intervention in Africa
S. Con, Res. 95, condemning the trials of Anatoly Shcharansky, Viktoras Petkus, and Aleksandr I. Ginzburg
S. Con. Res. 109, separation of powers between legislative and executive branch in termination of treaties
S.J. Res. 28, to limit the members of both Houses to 12 years service
S.J.R. 93, relating to the excess land provisions & residency requirements of the federal reclamation laws
S.J.R. 96, to postpone the effective date of final regulations relating to Fed. reclamation law until 12/31/78
S.J.R. 110 - "Sun Day"
S.J.R. 129, Halt construction of the Phillip A. Hart Building
S.J.R. 135, designating weekend of or preceding April 29, 1979, as "Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust"
S.J.R. 147, designating July 18, 1979, "POW-MIA Recognition Day"
S.J.R. 159, procedures for Congressional disapproval of national water resources policies
Printed amendments
Unprinted amendments
S. 2 - "Sunset Act of " 1979
S. 12 - Cost of living adjustments
S. 29 - Davis Bacon Act repeal
S. 33 - To provide for permanent tax rate reductions for individuals
S. 34 - "Spending Limitation Act of " 1979
S. 43 - To promote safety and health in skiing and other winter activities
S. 46 - Extending diplomatic privileges and immunities to officials representing the People's Republic of China in U.S.
S. 100 - Internal Revenue Code of amend to provide deduction for expenses - reforestation 1954
S. 102 - Postpone increase in minimum wage and adjustment to tip credit under the Fair Labor Standards Act
S. 103 - "Save Our Schools Act"
S. 104 - Establish a uniform procedure for congressional review of agency rules
S. 105 - To prohibit and remedy the interstate restraint of children in violation of custody and visitation
S. 106 - Amend Social Security Act to provide for attributions of sponsor's income and resources to aliens for a period of 3 years
S. 110 - To amend Internal Revenue Code for small business
S. 114 - Death penalty
S. 117 - Raoul Wallenberg
S. 143 - Preservation of historic places in Washington, D.C.
S. 159 - Disapproving Pres. action re fee on oil imports, etc.
S. 176 - National Port Week
S. 186 - 200th Anniversary of American victory at Yorktown, VA
S. 192 - National Ministers Day
S. 195 - Medicare-Medicaid in teaching hospitals
S. 202 - Italian-American Heritage Week
S. 208 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of - foreign visitors 1954
S. 211 - Indexation of Individual Income Tax Brackets
S. 212 - Declaration of Policy
S. 219 - Amend Internal Revenue Code of 1954
S. 221 - Congressional Award Program Act
S. 223 - International Trade Laws
S. 224 - Act to Prohibit Issuance of Regulation on Taxation of Fringe Benefits
S. 244 - To establish national space policy and program direction
S. 265 - Equal access to Justice Act
S. 323 - Repeal of National Speed Limit of 55 Miles Per Hour
S. 326 - "Taxpayers' Bill of Rights Act"
S. 336 - To amend IRC
S. 343 - International School of Islamabad
S. 386 - Family Farm Liberation Act
S. 388 - Small Business Employee Ownership Act
S. 399 - Federal Crop Insurance Act of 1979
S. 401 - Model Adoption Legislation, disapproving certain aspects
S. 412 - Rescue attempt for American hostages in Iran
S. 414 - Federal patent procedure for Small Business and Non-profit Organizations
S. 432 - Taxing Social Security benefits
S. 449 - Charitable Organizations Preservation Act
S. 460 - Energy Efficient Cooling
S. 538 - U.S. trade practices
S. 576 - Private bill for Larry Grathwohl
S. 577 - Private bill for Jenny Flores
S. 587 - Food Additive Safety Amends.
S. 589 - Tax deductions for certain Mexico and Canada conventions
S. 598 - Soft drink bottlers permitted rights
S. 603 - More Medicaid services for severely disabled
S. 604 - Small Business Act amend.
S. 631 - Gold Medal for John Wayne
S. 633 - Possible Revision of the Reclamation Act of 1902
S. 642 - Reduced mail rates for U.S. Olympic Committee
S. 710 - Interstate trucking
S. 791 - Angeles National Forest
S. 813 - Designate certain land in Shasta National Forest
S. 816 - Social Security and aliens receiving benefits
S. 818 - Prohibit banning of use of nitrites
S. 873 - IRC - Residency requirements for living abroad
S. 887 - Redbank and Fancher Creeks, CA
S. 955 - Taxpayers Bill of Rights Act
S. 982 - Amend Food Stamp Act
S. 1052 - Bi-lingual ballots
S. 1070 - 3 year residency requirement for aliens
S. 1107 - 85% of minimum wage for 16-20 year olds
S. 1121 - Saccharin
S. 1158 - Amend the Clean Air Act Amendments
S. 1163 - Carryover Basis Provisions
S. 1173 - Time-Sensitive Business Communications
S. 1176 - Limit Pres. in Designation of National Monuments under Antiqu. Act
S. 1198 - SOHIO
S. 1287 - Repeal earnings ceiling for Soc. Sec. Act
S. 1200 - Alcohol Fuels Regulatory Simplification Act
S. 1301 - A bill to amend the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act
S. 1330 - Omnibus Geothermal Energy Development Act of 1979
S. 1357 - Reimburse CA for Work on Suisun Marsh
S. 1361 - Feasibility Study for Shasta Dam
S. 1382 - Soc. Sec. & AFDC Program
S. 1400 - Trucking Competition & Safety Act
S. 1427 - U.S. Mexican Good Neighbor Act of 1979
S. 1435 - Capital recovery for investment in plant and equipment
S. 1465 - Farm Credit Act Amendments
S. 1481 - Creation of Small Business Participating Debenture
S. 1486 - Exemptions from the Occupat. Safety/Health Act of 1970
S. 1572 - Family farms and OSHA
S. 1597 - Economic stimulation of economy
S. 1598 - Social Security coverage of state and local employees
S. 1615 - Relief of James Thronwell
S. 1619 - Tax credits
S. 1645 - Credit for interest received on savings
S. 1647 - JACL
S. 1650 - Aquaculture
S. 1660 - Civil Defense Program
S. 1680 - Western Lands Distribution and Reclamation Equalization
S. 1711 - Santa Ana River Flood Control Project
S. 1735 - Congressional Pay Cap
S. 1741 - Preservation of American Antiquities
S. 1775 - Dev. Energy from Ag. Commodities
S. 1792 - Strike Gold Medal for Simon Wiesenthal
S. 1860 - Small Business Innovation
S. 1862 - Federal Firearms Laws
S. 1866 - Indochina Migration & Refugee Assistance Act of 1975
S. 1913 - Wine Taxation
S. 1914 - Urban Mass Transport
S. 1964 - Rollover accounts
S. 2007 - RARE II
S. 2027 - Relief of James Daniel Bronson
S. 2077 - California Pacific Fishery Management Council
S. 2104 - Increase export opportunities for small businesses
S. 2149 - Amend Ag. Adjustment Act
S. 2153 - OSH Improvements Act
S. 2179 - Definition of artificial bait
S. 2216 - Improve the intelligence system of the U.S.
S. 2221 - Amend IRC re net capital gain
S. 2224 - Amend. Sm. Bus. Act re solar energy
S. 2226 - Amend IRC marriage tax
S. 2239 - Amend IRC re income tax treatment of incentive stock option
S. 2247 - Small and Rural Laboratory Protection Act
S. 2304 - Relief of Alex Mensah Akoto & Grace Owusu Akoto
S. 2307 - Harvey's Fishing Hole
S. 2325 - Amend Fed. Elect. Campaign Act
S. 2360 - Reduce overlap between food stamp & school lunch programs
S. 2376 - Food Stamp Accountability Act of 1980
S. 2437 - American Sovereignty Protection Act
S. 2521 - Windfall profit tax, equitable treatment of royalty owners
S. 2532 - Oil and gas leases
S. 2545 - Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act
S. 2547 - Amend IRC re beverage container facilities
S. 2580 - Date of birth for naturalized citizens
S. 2596 - Educational assistance for service personnel
S. 2606 - Office of Strategic Trade
S. 2620 - Small Business participation in exporting
S. 2523 - Incorporate US Submarine Vets of WWII
S. 2641 - Housing & Cty Dev. Act amend.
S. 2696 - Ridesharing programs
S. 2718 - Exporting
S. 2722 - Disability Insurance Benefits
S. 2732 - DMSO as a painkiller for arthritis
S. 2763 - Foreign Corrupt Practices Act amend.
S. 2773 - Establish National Export Policy
S. 2791 - Palo Verde Irrigation District Diversion Dam
S. 2799 - Amend National School Lunch Act & Child Nutrition Act
S. 2835 - Sacramento Valley Canals, Central Valley Project, CA
S. 2848 - Royalty Owners Under Windfall Profits
S. 2871 - Conveyance of certain lands in Mammoth Lakes
S. 2875 - Amend Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act
S. 2878 - Permanent Tax Reductions
S. 2886 - Amend U.S. Grain Standards Act
S. 2890 - Resident status to Soviet Pentacostal in American Embassy, Moscow
S. 2899 - Orange Coast National Urban Park
S. 2918 - U.S. citizenship to Leopoldine Schmid
S. 2924 - Amend Internal Revenue Code re increased investment by individuals (tax rollover)
S. 2926 - Engineerig feasibility of magnetic confinement fusion
S. 2927 - Interest rate differential
S. 2928 - Charter for FBI
S. 2929 - Establish intelligence community
S. 2981 - Tax incentives for small businesses participating debentures
S. 2983 - Tax on capital gains
S. 3017 - Water resources developments
S. 3030 - Income tax credits re transportation
S. 3160 - Debt collection
S. 3189 - Peter & Hannah Emilie Pipim
S. 3199 - Herman Miller; Congressional Medal of Honor
S. 3200 - Periodic inspection & testing of motor vehicles
S. 3204 - Election reform/9 PM closing
S. 3205 - Election reform/8 PM closing
S. 3206 - Election reform/Sunday, 12-9 PM
S. 3207 - Election reform/embargo of votes 'til all polls close
S. 3227 - Relief of Benjamin Bane
S. 3245 - Clinical investigations involving prisoners
S. Res. 12 - Continued commitment of US to security of Taiwan
S. Res. 13 - Continuing relationship of the US with the Republic of China
S. Res. 15 - Concerning Mutual Defense Treaties
S. Res. 17 - Relative to death of Rep. Leo J. Ryan of California
S. Res. 50 - Saltenstall-Kennedy funds - fishing industry improvement
S. Res. 71 - Strong and independent Department of Agriculture
S. Res. 83 - Water Policy
S. Res. 87 - Allocation of necessary energy sources to the travel & tourism industry
S. Res. 99 - War Crimes statute
S. Res. 106 - Ambassador to Afghanistan
S. Res. 216 - Construction of buildings for the US Senate
S. Res. 277 - Human suffering in Cambodia
S. Res. 292 - Re release of US personnel in Iran
S. Res. 304 - Commending Great Britain on peace in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia
S. Res. 315 - American hostages in Iran
S. Res. 318 - American hostages in Iran
S. Res. 333 - Re summer Olympics in Moscow
S. Res. 340 - Regarding Andrei Sakharov
S. Res. 344 - Canada & escape of Americans from Iran
S. Res. 380 - Limit federal budget outlays to 21% of GNP
S. Res. 391 - National Mime Week
S. Res. 407 - 2nd Olympic Winter Games for Physically Handicapped
S. Res. 411 - Withholding Tax on Certain Interest and Dividends
S. Res. 417 - 8 American Servicmen killed in Iranian rescue attempt
S. Res. 448 - Select Cte on Indian Affairs made permanent
S. Res. 453 - Hostages in Iran & enforcement of Logan Act
S. Res. 456 - Logan Act violations
S. Res. 461 - EPA grants for waste
S. Res. 472 - Withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan
S. Res. 473 - Deploring politicization of Mid-Decade Women's Conference
S. Res. 477 - Credit controls
S. Res. 484 - Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security with Japan
S. Res. 503 - Printing compilation of essays
S. Res. 562 - Opposition to any attempt by Soviet Union to invade Poland
S. Con. Res. 7 - Nonenforcement of sanctions against Zimbabwe-Rhodesia
S. Con. Res. 8 - Observers for Rhodesian elections
S. Con. Res. 24 - Nonenforcement of sanctions against Zimbabwe-Rhodesia
S. Res. 37 - 1980 Olympic Games
S. Res. 50 - Urge Soviet Union to allow Ida Nudel to emigrate to Israel
S. Con. Res. 52 - Sanctions against Zimbabwe-Rhodesia
S. Con. Res. 60 - Treatment of Christians in Soviet Union
S. Con. Res. 62 - Allow Irina Astakhova McClellan to emigrate to US from USSR
S. Con. Res. 70 - Move Moscow Olympics
S. Con. Res. 72 - Thailand & Cambodia
S. Con. Res. 73 - International Year of Disabled Persons
S. Con. Res. 89 - Overthrow of government of Liberia
S. Con. Res. 92 - Congress does not favor withholding income tax on interest and dividends
S. Con. Res. 111 - Human rights violations
S. Con. Res. 120 - Conclusion of Poland's strike
S. Con. Res. 137 - Authorize changes in enrollment of HR 7765
S.J. Res. 3 - Termination of any mutual defense treaty
S.J. Res. 25 - Limiting terms for Senator and Representatives
S.J. Res 31 - Peace, prosperity and welfare of the people of Taiwan
S.J. Res. 77 - Congratulating Apollo Program on 10th anniversary of moon landing
S.J. Res. 94 - National Mime Week 1980
S.J. Res. 99 - National Lupus Week
S.J. Res. 106 - National Mobile Home/Mfc Housing Week
S.J. Res. 119 - Vietnam Vets Memorial Fund
S.J. Res. 132 - National Medic Alert Week
S.J. Res. 142 - Walt Disney
S.J. Res. 146 - National Small Business Week
S.J. Res. 158 - Iwo Jima reunion
S.J. Res. 164 - Relating to Human Rights in Iran
S.J. Res. 201 - National Lupus Week
S.J. Res. 205 - National Agriculture Day
Legislative Activities of S.I. Hayakawa
Printed amendments
Unprinted amendments
S. 1 - Cost of living adjustments in individual tax rates and amount of personal exemptions
S. 2 - Amend IR Code of 1954
S. 3 - Amend Davis Bacon Act
S. 19 - Royalty owners under crude oil windfall profit tax
S. 25 - Educational assistance for vets
S. 52 - Periodic inspection & testing of motor vehicles
S. 53 - Bilingual ballots requirements
S. 54 - Repeal 55 mph speed limit
S. 55 - Day & time of for elections of electors for Pres. & V.P.
S. 56 - Same as S. 55
S. 57-58 - Same as S. 55
S. 63 - Compliance date extensions for steel-making facilities on a case-by-case basis, modernization
S. 66 - American Sov. Protection Act
S. 144 - Export trading companies
S. 195 - To incorporate US submarine veterans of WW II
S. 232 - Public utility property taxes
S. 233 - Congressional Medal of Honor for Herman Miller
S. 239 - Income tax credit for purchase of commuter highway vehicle
S. 259 - Repeal earnings ceiling of Soc. Sec. Act for benef. 65 & older
S. 287 - Capital recovery for investment in plant & equipment
S. 304 - Establish national tourism policy
S. 312 - Relief of Chmykhalov & Vashcenko families
S. 360 - Promote capital investment in small business
S. 391 - Secrecy of intelligence relationships and personnel
S. 395 - Estate & gift tax equity for family enterprises
S. 398 - Ten-hour day w/four-day work week
S. 410 - Reform Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act
S. 451 - Losses of US agricultural land
S. 468 - Health-care benefits for former POWs
S. 505 - Improve quality of table grapes for marketing in US
S. 506 - Reinstate and validate US oil and gas leases
S. 509 - Delete req. for support price of milk adjusted semiannually
S. 521 - Relief of Benjamin Bane
S. 522 - Create new CA Pacific Council with authority over fisheries in Pacific Ocean
S. 539 - Prohibit use of fund for 9 digit zip code
S. 569 - Investment tax credit for soil & water conservation expenditures
S. 580 - Establish program levels for SBA Polution Control Bond Program
S. 591 - Debt collection for debts owed the US
S. 599 - Amend IRC of to provide for a definition of "artificial bait" 1954
S. 657 - Herbert Clark Hoover Department of Commerce Building
S. 682 - Moratorium on decisions of FTC re shared monopoly proc.
S. 683 - Reduce tax rates for indiv. & accel. of capital cost recovery for plant equip. & real property
S. 700 - Re Fed royalties from WFP tax
S. 708 - Amend & clarify Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
S. 734 - Export Trading Companies
S. 736 - Provide control of illegally taken fish and wildlife
S. 753 - Exemp. of state and local govts & windfall profit tax
S. 842 - To provide for stability and certainty in planning and management of certain National Forest lands
S. 875 - Auth. the gen. of elec. power at Palo Verde Irr. Dis. Div. Dam, Calif.
S. 881 - Small business innovation
S. 883 - Redbank and Fancher Creeks improvements
S. 890 - Improve procedures for issuance of agency rules
S. 922 - Amend Farm Labor Contractor Reg. Act of 1963
S. 930 - Guest Worker Act of 1981
S. 940 - Donation of historical film & tax deductions
S. 941 - Draza Mihailovich monument
S. 1018 - Protect & conserve fish and wildlife
S. 1030 - Protect firearms owners const. rights & civil liberties
S. 1080 - Improve effectiveness and decr. compliance cost-govts
S. 1117 - Mt. Shasta Wilderness
S. 1131 - Interest on overdue payments & discounts on early payments
S. 1230 - LA commemorative Olympic coin
S. 1242 - El Dorado National Forest
S. 1245 - Cession and conveyance of federal land to states
S. 1249 - Collection of debts owed US
S. 1277 - Regulation of vitamin and mineral products
S. 1278 - Saccharin Study & Labelling Act Amendment of 1981
S. 1310 - Tax incentives in depressed areas
S. 1329 - Relief of Samuel Joseph Edgar
S. 1330 - Relief of Jose Garcia-Nunez and Maura Garcia-Nunez
S. 1331 - Relief of Florence Louis Barry
S. 1347 - Credit agst tax for employment of members of targeted groups
S. 1363 - Saccharin Study and Labelling Act
S. 1389 - Deep-draft commercial ports
S. 1412 - Travel expenses of State legislators
S. 1414 - Clear title to land on CA-Nev border
S. 1422 - Donation of surplus property to states
S. 1424 - Investment Company Act of 1940
S. 1442 - Food Safety regulations
S. 1448 - Girl Scout 70th anniversary postage stamp
S. 1504 - Provide greater protection against plant pests
S. 1506 - Same as S. 1504
S. 1550 - Compulsory union dues - use for political purposes
S. 1581 - Choice of tax credit or deduction for dependent 65 years or older
S. 1616 - Floraboard
S. 1657 - Uniform Science and Tech Research and Development Utilization Act
S. 1676 - Motor Vehicle Theft
S. 1697 - Delay price support increase for milk, etc.
S. 1698 - Preferential treatment to certain children of US Armed Forces Personnel
S. 1701 - Identification of deceased indiv. & in location of missing children
S. 1748 - Fixed contribution multi-employer pension plans
S. 1782 - Contract progress payments made by agencies
S. 1803 - Relief of Dick Shan Ng
S. 1814 - Req. Secy to comply w/court orders re uniformed service
S. 1867 - Reclamation law
S. 1947 - Improve sm. bus. access to Fed. procurement information
S. 1951 - Penalties for possession of contrld. substances
S. 1958 - Coverage of hospice care under Medicare
S. 2002 - Bilingual education
S. 2020 - Individual income tax rate reductions
S. 2005 - Relief of Vottoria Givone
S. 2061 - Conservation, rehabilitation, and improvement of national and cultural resources
S. 2101 - Relief of Jacquelin Ann Kaufman
S. 2125 - Relief of Crescencio Antonia Folgar
S. 2126 - Relief of Oscar Renetiz
S. 2130 - Development of drugs for rare diseases and conditions
S. 2174 - Recog. organ. of American Ex-Prisoners of War
S. 2191 - Relief of In Hon Song & Sung J. Park
S. 2199 - Coops participation in DISCs
S. 2202 - Amend Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act
S. 2226 - Emergency interest reduction payments - housing
S. 2278 - Promoting public sector proc. of goods & svcs from profit making business concerns
S. 2298 - Enterprise Zone Tax Act of 1982
S. 2309 - Auth. funds for Endangered Species
S. 2393 - Amend Legal Services Corp Act
S. 2412 - Bilingual education
S. 2418 - Lease of land to Indians
S. 2420 - Protect victims of crime
S. 2446 - Procurement for small businesses
S. 2480 - Amend Food Stamp Act
S. 2507 - Warrant for entrance to ag operation
S. 2514 - Removal of OASI, DI, HI trust funds from Soc. Sec.
S. 2522 - Amend food stamp act of 1977
S. 2572 - Strengthen law enforcement in area of violent crime & drug enforcement
S. 2620-2621 - FIFRA
S. 2632 - Bonds to American Samoa
S. 2684 - Construct, operate and maintain the Santa Margarita Project
S. 2741 - Excess business holdings prov. to private foundations
S. 2742 - Capitol Page Board
S. 2750 - Relief of You-xing Zhou Ling
S. 2773 - To amend Export Admin. Act of 1979
S. 2792 - Ocean and Coastal Develop. Impact Assist. Fund
S. 2808 - Trinity River
S. 2811 - Tuolumne River
S. 2822 - Academic Standards for Assistance Under Higher Ed. Act
S. 2855 - Amend Federal Seed Act re lawn and turf
S. 2907 - Relief of Hisato Diozake
S. 2909 - Financial Assistance for Continuing Ed. Programs
S. 3060 - Amend Wild & Scenic Rivers Act
SCRes 4 - Int'l Year of Disabled Persons
SCRes 5 - Imprisonment & treatment of Dr. Viktor Bailovsky by USSR
SCRes 9 - Revise Cong. Budget for US for FY 1981 2 3
SCRes 10 - Express sense of Senate re continue permanent conversion productive ag lands to non ag uses
SCRes 12 - re Reagan's Economic Recovery Proposals
SCRes 15 - Grain embargo to USSR
SCRes 21 - Sense of Cong re Baltic States question
SCRes 29 - Disapproving certain Coastal Zone Mgmt Fed. Consist. Regula.
SCRes 46 - Mutual security efforts of US and Japan
SCRes 47 - Imprisonment of Alexander Paritsky & family
SCRes 53 - Policies of USSR re anti-Semitism
SCRes 69 - Ida Nudel
SCRes 73 - Condemn Iranian persecution of Bahai community
SCRes 76 - Express sense of Cong re families seeking refuge in US Embassy in Moscow
SCRes 84 - Centennial of establishment of diplomatic relations between US & Korea
SCRes 90 - Declaration of UN of Int'l Year Against Drug Abuse
SCRes 98 - Thailand's bicentennial
SCRes 114 - Space Shuttle
SCRes 126 - Material assistance to Afghanistan
SCRes 131 - Missing & unaccounted for in Southeast Asia
SCRes 133 - National security policy of US
SJRes 25 - Const. amendment limiting number of terms for Senators & Congressmen
SJRes 28 - Women's History Week
SJRes 40 - National Recognition Day for Vets of Vietnam era
SRJes 42 - National Ministers Day
SJRes 47 - National Small Business Week
SJRes 58 - Jt. res. proposing amnd. to Const. altering Fed. fiscal dec.-making proced.
SJRes 60 - Autho. & req. the Pres. to des. the week as "National Physical Fitness & Sports Week" May 3-9, 1981,
SJRes 61 - African Refugee Relief Day
SJRes 65 - Making Raoul Wallenberg an honorary US citizen
SJRes 72 - Const. amend re English as official language
SJRes 73 - Management Week in America
SJRes 80 - U.S.O. Week
SJRes 91 - National Peach Week
SJRes 92 - Older Americans Employment Opportunity Week
SJRes 93 - Clarify govt use of private enterprise system
SJRes 103 - National Port Week
SJRes 114 - Hungarian Freedom Day
SJRes 123 - National Disabled Veterans Week 1982
SJRes 124 - Playing of taps at Vietnam Vets Memorial
SJRes 131 - National Theatre Week
SJRes 141 - National Crime Prevention Week
SJRes 142 - Afghanistan Day
SJRes 143 - National Physical Fitness and Sports for all Week 1982
SJRes 148 - National Agriculture Day
SJRes 153 - Baltic Freedom Day
SJRes 158 - Policy of US re Cuba
SJRes 159 - White House Conference on Aging
SJRes 160 - POW/MIA Recognition Day
SJRes 177 - Reduction of nuclear weapons by US & USSR
SJRes 180 - National Small Business Week
SJRes 181 - Jewish Heritage Week
SJRes 184 - Native American Day
SJRes 201 - Baltic Freedom Day
SJRes 202 - Expeditious development of magnetic fusion energy
SJRes 207 - National Purple Heart Week
SJRes 209 - National Adult Day Care Center Week
SJRes 213 - ERA
SJRes 215 - Woman's History Week
SJRes 227 - National Firefighters Week
SJRes 232 - National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Week
SJRes 233 - National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Week
SJRes 235 - National Agriculture Day (1983)
SJRes 236 - National Water Resources Week
SJRes 239 - National Newspaper Carrier Appreciation Day
SJRes 241 - National Drunk & Drugged Driving Awareness Week
SJRes 258 - National Close-Captioned Televison Month
SJRes 264 - National Children & Television Week
SJRes 265 - National Year of Voluntarism
SRes 21 - Commending James duMaresq Clavell for contributions to literature
SRes 28 - Release of American hostages held captive in Iran
SRes 98 - American History Month
SRes 100 - Honor Joseph Rosenthal photographer
SRes 101 - Change stat. of commm. on small bus. to a stand. comm. & other purposes
SRes 106 - Com. Agts. McCarthy & Parr & Off. Delahanty; courage, patriotism re saving Reagan
SRes 115 - Collision of US submarine & Japanese freighter
SRes 116 - Merger between Texas Intl Airlines & Continental Airlines
SRes 131 - Imprisonment of Anatoly Shcharansky
SRes 133 - Concern over attack on Pope John Paul II
SRes 138 - Solidarity Sunday
SRes 139 - Access of farmer-owned refining businesses to crude oil at reasonable prices
SRes 155 - 50th anniversary of Radio City Music Hall
SRes 161 - Impact Aid
SRes 167 - Commending disabled indiv. who climbed Mt. Rainier
SRes 198 - Release of Benedict Scott
SRes 199 - National Productivity Improvement Week
SRes 220 - Food Crisis in Poland
SRes 221 - Sale of Defense Articles to Saudi Arabia
SRes 232 - Tax incentives re energy conserv. & sources
SRes 299 - International Franchise Day
SRes 330 - Imposition of martial law in Poland & release of L. Walesa
SRes 335 - Death of Hon. Clifford P. Case
SRes 337 - Invest. & report by Rules Cte re ABSCAM-type procedures
SRes 338 - Invest by standing or select cte re ABSCAM-type procedures
SRes 355 - Fed. fund for energy conserv. and renewable energy
SRes 381 - Solidarity Sunday
SRes 442 - Georgia Day
SRes 451 - Asylum for Hu Na
SRes 453 - National Productivity Improvement Week
SRes 500 - Commending govt of Zimbabwe
SRes 501 - Solidarity w/Poland
Western State Conservation Act of 1977 8/3/77
Article on Undocumented Aliens 1/30/80
S. 2376, Food Stamp Accountability Act 3/4/80
Food Stamp Conference Report 5/14/80
Reclamation Editorial 6/12/80
Mechanically Deboned Meat 8/1/80
Walnut and Olive Legislation 10/2/80
Ag. Approp., $500,000 for germ plasm 11/25/80
U.S. Grain Embargo to Soviet Union 2/5/81
S. 505, amends Agriculture Marketing Act of 1937 to include grapes 2/19/81
Immigration Law Reform 3/2/81
"Farmers, We Salute You," 3/19/81
S. 509, casein statement 3/24/81
Introduction of John B. Crowell, Asst. Secy. of Ag. for Nat. Res. 5/19/81
H.R. 3991, Cash-out program, Food Stamp Program 6/25/81
S. 1506, Medfly 7/20/81
S. 1616, "Floral Research and Consumer Information Act," 9/11/81
H.R. 4416, Eradication of plant pests and contagious or infectious animal and poultry diseases 9/11/81
S. 884, the Farm Bill, Elimination of peanut acreage allotments 9/16/81
S. 884, the Farm Bill, Floraboard amendment 9/17/81
Amendment to give Secy. of Ag. the authority to take action in infestations such as Medfly in CA 9/17/81
S. 884, the Farm Bill, sugar price supports 9/17/81
S. 884, the Farm Bill, Elimination of Target Prices 9/18/81
S. 884, the Farm Bill, Ag. Export Credit Revolving Fund
- Wine: In Quality and Quantity California Leads the Way for the USA 9/30/81
- Conference Committee on Farm Bill 12/10/81
- Marking Orders 3/2/82
- Malnutrition 3/11/82
- In Celebration of American Agriculture 3/18/82
- S. 2507, requiring warrants to enter farm fields 5/6/82
- Amend the Food Stamp Act of 1977 5/12/82
- S. 2621, FIFRA 6/10/82
- Amnesty is no solution to illegal aliens 6/17/82
- S. 1867, Reclamation 7/15/82
- S. 2774, milk price supports amendment 8/5/82
- S. 2222, Guestworker program amendment 8/13/82
- S. 2222, Immigration bill 8/13/82
- S. 2222, Immigration Reform and Control Act 8/17/82
- S. 2855, Federal Seed Act amendment 8/18/82
- Public Lands to Outlaws (marijuana) 9/22/82
- Marijuana cultivation in the US 9/23/82
- Ag. Appropriations, FY 1983 9/28/82
- S. 505, table grapes 9/29/82
- Marijuana cultivation 9/30/82
- Food stamps and Jesse Helms 10/1/82
- Marijuana farmers 12/3/82
- Immigration ignorance 12/16/82
- Welfare Programs 12/16/82
- Credit controls 3/25/80
- Ineffectiveness of credit controls 6/30/80
- Cash Discount Act 3/12/81
- LA Olympic Commemorative Coins 5/20/81
- National Consumer Cooperative Bank 5/21/81
- S. 1424, high yield mutual funds 6/24/81
- Fidelity Savings & Loan vs. De La Cuesta 7/22/82
- Budget 5/4/77
- Revenue figure adjustment in budget 9/9/77
- Budget 4/25/78
- Response to President Carter's budget 1/30/80
- S. Res. 380 Budget - limit federal spending 3/25/80
- Alternative to budget resolution 5/6/80
- Comments regarding budget resolution 5/12/80
- H.J. Res. 610, Omnibus Budget Resolution 9/29/80
- S. Con. Res. 448, against budget 11/19/80
- S. Con. Res. 9 - Budget Reconciliation Resolution 3/25/81
- Extension of debt limit 9/28/81
- H.J. Res. 368, temporary continuing resolution 11/23/81
- S.J. Res. 58, Balanced budget 8/3/82
- SIH questions Sen. East during filibuster on cont. res. 12/18/82
Commerce, Science, Sports
- S. Con. Res. 68, moving 1980 Olympics 1/24/80
- H.C. Res. 249, moving 1980 Olympics 1/28/80
- S. 598, bottling bill 5/17/80
- H.R. 2313, FTC Conference Report 5/21/80
- Space Week, 1980 6/27/80
- Commerce/Intervenor 9/22/80
- Don't curb car imports 12/12/80
- NASA appropriations 7/30/81
- Responsible advertising, contraception 3/17/82
- B-1 Bomber 10/4/77
- U.S. Defense Posture 6/26/78
- S. 870, amendment regarding Vietnam Vets 1/23/80
- S. 870, amendment to veterans education 2/4/80
- S.J. Res. 119, Vietnam Veterans War Memorial 3/12/80
- H.J. Res. 521, Draft Registration 6/11/80
- DOD Authorization, cutting Army Active Duty Strength 7/1/80
- Defense budget 9/4/80
- S. 3199, Herman Miller, Congressional Medal of Honor 11/14/80
- S. 233, Herman Miller, Congressional Medal of Honor 1/22/81
- AWACS, Arms sales to Saudi Arabia 7/9/81
- MIA/POW, "Our Missing Americans" 7/29/81
- AWACS 9/30/81 10/5/81
- S. Res. 221, AWACS Resolution 10/14/81
- AWACS letter 10/28/81
- S.J. Res. 123, National Disabled Veterans Week 11/10/81
- Disabled American Veterans, They Paid for Peace 11/17/81
- START, Nuclear Defense 11/19/81
- National Disabled Veterans Week 12/11/81
- National POW/MIA Recognition Day 5/5/82
- S. 2248, denying student financial benefits Amendment #1441 5/12/82
- 747s vs. C-5 5/13/82
- No Federal Aid for Students Scofflaws 7/15/82
- Amendment #1441, Selective Service and Educational Benefits 8/18/82
- Benjamin Sasway and Selective Service evasion 9/23/82
- S. Con. Res. 131, MIA/POW 12/3/82
- Selective Svc. Reg. 12/16/82
- President Reagan's Program for economic recovery 2/19/81
- Inflation article from Washington Post 6/11/81
- New economic growth with onset of October 1 9/30/81
- Enterprize zones 3/30/82
- S. 2142, Tuition Tax Relief Act 3/8/78
- Bilingual Education 5/1/79
- Opposition to student & parent loan programs 12/11/80
- Bilingual Education, "Reagan & Two Tongues" 3/24/81
- Quotas and numerical ratios in higher education admissions 5/21/81
- Bilingual Education hurts not helps 10/14/81
- PTA membership month 1/26/81
- City schools get a lesson in China's history 12/11/81
- Abilities demonstrated by the disabled 2/11/82
- Immigrants desire to learn English 4/1/82
- Bilingual Education Improvements Act 4/21/82
- Proposed cuts in Student Loan Programs 4/27/82
- Bilingual Justice 7/22/82
- Bilingual Education, Part I 9/23/82
- Bilingual Education, Part II 9/27/82
- Bilingual Education, Part III 9/30/82
- Bilingual Education, Part IV 9/30/82
- Bilingual Education, Part V 10/1/82
- S. 2224, Solar Energy Bill 1/25/80
- H.R. 3919, Windfall Profits Conference Report 3/26/80
- S. 2532, reinstate oil leases 4/2/80
- S. 2224, Solar energy 5/20/80
- S. 2791, Palo Verde Electrical Power 6/5/80
- Solar Plant near Barstow 6/27/80
- Supplemental Appropriations, Amendment re DOE 6/28/80
- Magnetic fusion 9/23/80
- H.R. 5769, Energy Committee 12/12/80
- H.R. 5769, Pauley roup, Santa Barbara 12/12/80
- S. 506, Oil and gas leases 2/19/81
- S. 700, amends Windfall Profits Tax Act 3/12/81
- Outer continental Shelf 6/9/81
- Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project 11/5/81
- U.P. Amendment #674, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance 11/19/81
- Solar Energy in California 4/28/82
- S. 2773, Alaska Oil Bill 7/26/82
- Big Sur and offshore leases 12/14/82
- H.R. 3757, Channel Islands amendment re Santa Rosa Island 2/18/80
- H.R. 3757, Channel Islands, SIH and Sen. Cranston 2/18/80
- H.R. 3757, Channel Islands, and Santa Barbara Channel 2/18/80
- Porpoises/Man killed by shark 8/25/80
- S. 3200, amendment to Clean Air Act 11/14/80
- CA Rivers to National Wild and Scenic Rivers System 11/14/80
- H.R. 7306, Lake Tahoe Basin 12/4/80
- Congressional review and approval of proposed Wild and Scenic Rivers 12/10/80
- S. 52, amend Clean Air Act, repeal requirement for inspection of automobiles 1/6/81
- S. 522, CA Pacific Council 2/20/81
- S. 842, RARE II Review Act of 1981 3/31/81
- S. 875, Palo Verde Irrigation District 4/2/81
- Article regarding Sierra Club 5/11/81
- Treaty w/Canada on Pacific Coast Albacore Tuna Vessels 7/20/81
- Santa Margarita 6/28/82
- Trinity River 8/4/82
- Tuolome River 8/5/82
Foreign Relations
- SALT Negotiations 3/3/78
- Lifting sanctions on Rhodesia 6/28/78
- Rhodesia 7/26/78
- Japanese Defense Policy 7/26/78
- S. Res. 340, Andrei Sakharov 1/28/80
- S. Con. Res. 72, UN Observers, Thailand & Cambodia border 1/31/80
- S. Con. Res. 72, UN and Cambodian border 2/19/80
- S. Res. 340, Andrei Sakharov 2/19/80
- Flow of Iranians to US 3/26/80
- S. Con. Res. 89, Liberia 4/28/80
- S. Con. Res. 89, Liberia Resolution 6/11/80
- S. 2727, Department of State authorization 6/16/80
- S. 2422, International Development Cooperation 6/16/80
- Human rights 8/1/80
- Deportation of Iranians 8/5/80
- Foreign Relations Article 8/18/80
- S. 2437, American Sovereignty Protection Act 8/19/80
- Iran Rally 8/27/80
- Fuel to Iran 9/24/80
- American Sovereignty Protection Act 9/30/80
- Problems of Southern Africa 9/30/80
- Treatment of Christians in Soviet Union 11/25/80
- H.R. 6942, International Security Development Assistance Conference Report 12/3/80
- Southern Italy earthquake 12/3/80
- S. Res. 562, Poland 12/13/80
- Scuttled masses; refugees 12/16/80
- S. 66, American Sovereignty Protection Act 1/6/81
- Alexander M. Haig for Secretary of State 1/21/81
- Comparison of Kirkpatrick to Sir K. Popper 1/29/81
- Dr. J. Kirkpatrick as Ambassador to UN 1/29/81
- S. 312, Soviet Pentacostals 1/29/81
- Wm. Clark to be Deputy Secy. of State 2/24/81
- S. Res. 103, Poland 3/27/81
- International Military and Training Programs 4/1/81
- "Trivialization of Human Rights" 4/1/81
- Dr. Chester Crocker - A Good Choice 4/2/81
- Ernest Lefever, "A New Human Rights Champion" 4/8/81
- Ernest Lefever, "The Cambodian Blood Bath and the Great Silence" 4/9/81
- S. Res. 115, Collision of US sub and Japanese freighter 4/9/81
- Dr. Lefever & the Administration's position on human rights 5/11/81
- John H. Holdridge, Asst. Sec. of State for E. Asian Pacific Affairs 5/19/81
- Nomination of Chester Crocker, Asst. Secy of State for African Affairs 6/9/81
- Mr. Palmer to be Ambassador to Malaysia 6/10/81
- Nomination of Charles Wick, Director, US International Communications Agency 6/11/81
- Southeast Asian Aid - Thailand 6/24/81
- Potential for Widespread Conflict 7/15/81
- Standard deduction for charitable contributions 7/20/81
- "The Source of Terrorism in Turkey 7/30/81
- "What Can the Asia-Pacific Reg. Expect from the Nairobi Conference?" 7/30/81
- Address by Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser of Australia, "The Third World and the West" 8/3/81
- Business with China 9/15/81
- ASEAN 14th Anniversary 9/15/81
- The Peace Corps 9/22/81
- ASEAN and Kampuchea 9/25/81
- "America Looks to Asia with Moderate Interest" 9/30/81
- Death of Anwar Sadat 10/7/81
- Soviet problems in Afghanistan 10/14/81
- Arab Gulf Program 10/19/81
- El Salvador 11/5/81
- Cancun Summit Meeting 11/21/81
- Consular Convention (PRC) 12/11/81
- Somalia 3/15/82
- S. Con. Res. 84, relations between US and Korea 4/29/82
- On Communicating with the Soviets 5/12/82
- Thai Bicentennial 5/21/82
- Peace Corps Volunteers 6/17/82
- Letter from West Africa 6/24/82
- Nomination of George Shultz, Secy. of State 7/15/82
- Introduction of Korean Delegation of Parliament to Senate 7/27/82
- President Chun's plan for Pacific summits 9/27/82
- S. 1698, Amerasians 9/28/82
- S. Res. 500, Zimbabwe Kidnapping 12/3/82
- Polish Solidarity Day 12/8/82
- S. Con. Res. 46, Mutual Security/US and Japan 12/20/82
- Membership on Foreign Relations Committee 12/23/82
Government Regulations
- Regulatory Reform 7/27/77
- D.C. voting rights 8/22/78
- Sunset legislation 10/4/78
- S. 3204-07, election results 11/18/80
- S. 55-58, provisions governing election of electors for President and Vice President 1/6/81
- Nine digit Zip Code 2/24/82
- The Regulatory Reform Act of 1981 5/21/81
- Projecting Outcomes too soon (elections) 6/9/81
Health, Aging
- Saccharin Extension 6/9/80
- Budget Reconciliation/day care 6/30/80
- Teenage sex 3/23/81
- National Physical Fitness and Sports For All Week 4/1/81
- Prohibition Against Government Ban on Saccharin 5/21/81
- S. 1377, refugee assistance 6/25/81
- "Shriners Burn Prevention" campaign 7/28/81
- Housing for the Elderly 7/30/81
- Older Americans Opportunity Week 9/11/81
- Older Americans Act 11/2/81
- Voluntary Vitamins Act of 1981 12/8/81
- Supplemental Appropriations - refugees 8/10/82
- Housing Stimulus amendment 5/27/82
- Lugar Housing amendment 6/14/82
International Trade
- W. Brock as Special Trade Representative 1/21/81
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation 9/30/81
- S. 2199, DISCs 3/11/82
- S. 1647, Japanese-American Reparation 5/22/80
- S. 2377, Department of Justice authorization 6/18/80
- S. 2918, Leopoldine Schmid 7/1/80
- Busing 11/12/80
- Citizenship for Benjamin Bane 11/25/80
- Busing amendment 12/10/80
- Otay Mesa inspection station 12/11/80
- S. Res. 21, commending James du Maresq Clavell 1/6/81
- S. 53, Bilingual Ballots, amend voting rights act 1/6/81
- "A Ballot Box Albatross" 1/27/81
- S. 521, private bill for Benjamin Bane 2/20/81
- S. 930, Guest Worker Act of 1981 4/8/81
- S. 930, Guest Worker Act of 1981 4/9/81
- S.J. Res. 72, English as the official language 4/27/81
- Pardoning of ex-FBI agents Felt and Miller 4/30/81
- Wartime Relocation for civilians 8/1/81
- Sandra O'Connor to be Associate US Supreme Court Judge 9/21/81
- We All Lose This One (S.J. Res. 72) 10/14/81
- Adequate Prison Housing 11/5/81
- Angel Island 12/2/81
- S. 391, Intelligence Identities Act 3/1/82
- "I'm Not Pregnant" (abortion) 4/1/82
- Litigiousness 5/3/82
- American Youth Hostel Week 5/6/82
- English Language Const. Amendment, S.J. Res. 72 6/17/82
- Sex is not a spectator sport 6/17/82
- Bilingual ballots 6/18/82
- Vote against voting rights act extension 6/18/82
- S. 1676, Motor Vehicle Theft Law Enforcement Act 7/22/82
- Contributions of Japanese-Americans during World War II 7/27/82
- Search warrant for INS 8/13/82
- Immigration men must have warrant 8/13/82
- English as official language, amendment #2019 8/13/82
- S. Res. 451, Asylum for Hu Na 8/18/82
- Public Debt Limit, abortion statement 9/13/82
- S. 2572, crime 10/1/82
- Hamburger crisis 10/1/82
- Japanese-American reparations 12/7/82
- Minimum Wage 10/7/77
- Racism in American trade unions movement 6/9/78
- Minimum wage increase 8/25/78
- Lubbers nomination, NLRB 4/16/80
- Lubbers nomination, NLRB 4/17/80
- Zimmerman nomination 8/5/80
- Minority firms 9/25/80
- Affirmative Action 9/30/81
- ERISA 12/16/81
- Republican vs. Democratic parties 7/28/77
- Sen. Moynihan's tribute to Sen. Hayakawa 2/28/77
- National Mime Week 3/29/79
- Tribute to Don Walsh 1/23/80
- National Mime Week 3/26/80
- S. 2337, Legal Services Corporation amendment 6/13/80
- Award to Clifford Evans 6/24/80
- Senior Citizens Internship Program 7/28/80
- Tribute to Beatrice W. Hawkins 8/20/80
- H.R. 7631, amendment #32, FEMA 12/3/80
- S. Res. 100, honoring Joseph Rosenthal 3/17/81
- "Creativity - the Human Resource" 5/11/81
- International Order of St. Hubert 6/10/81
- A Sword, Legend are Going Home 11/5/81
- Legal Services 11/13/81
- Mr. Lyle J. Moore 11/19/81
- Bill Muncey 12/10/81
- Katela High School 12/10/81
- Bruce T. Kaji 2/3/82
- Trailside Murders solved 2/11/82
- Steadfast service 5/11/82
- "Ulysses" Goes Home 6/17/82
- National Orchestra Week 6/17/82
- New Baby Marks 6th Generation 8/4/82
- Commendation of Myron Lee 9/22/82
- Ross Davidson 12/8/82
- Tribute to SIH 12/82
Small Business
- S. 2221, Small Business Capital Gains Reduction Act 1/24/80
- SBA (a) Program, government contracts 9/25/80
- H.R. 6626, amendment regarding loan guarantees 12/2/80
- Business Opportunity Fraud 12/16/80
- Omnibus Small Business Capital Formation Act of 1981 2/3/81
- S. 580, pollution control financing 2/26/81
- Small Business Innovation Research Act 4/8/81
- National Small Business Week 5/10/81
- S.J. Res. 93, Competitive Enterprise System 6/22/81
- "When Uncle Sam Goes into Business for Himself" 8/3/81
- H.R. 4169, Pollution Control Program Amendment 11/12/81
- Small Business Representative on Federal Reserve Board 12/8/81
- SBA Pollution Control Program 12/10/81
- Small Business Procurement Act 4/29/82
- Small Business Week 5/11/82
- S. 1947, Small Business access to federal procurement info. 5/27/82
- Life and death of Paul R. Boucher, SBA 7/19/82
- Small business innovation development act of 1982 7/22/82
- Government relations and small business 9/30/82
Social Security
- H.R. 3236, SSI - Aliens amendment, social security disabilities 1/30/80
- H.R. 4331, restoring minimum social security benefits 10/15/81
- S. Res. 411, 15% withholding tax 4/28/80
- H.R. 3317, wine amendment 10/1/80
- H.R. 6806, public utilities 12/16/80
- S. 232, amends IRS Code with respect to public utilities 1/22/81
- S. 599, amends IRS Code by defining "artificial bait" 2/27/81
- Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 7/16/81
- Commodity Straddle 7/23/81
- S. 232, public property taxes 7/27/81
- Tax vote 8/1/81
- S. 2741, Ahmanson Foundation Tax Bill 7/15/82
- H.R. 4961, UP 1155 mailing costs saving - H.R. 4961, interest withholding provisions - H.R. 4961, tax bill - H.R. 4981, fuel tax provisions 7/22/82
- CA Utility Tax Amendment 12/20/82
MPH speed limit 2/1/79-55
- S. 2696, National Ridesharing Act 5/14/80
- S. Res. 101, Auto Industry resolution 6/18/80
- H.R. 1197, Tonnage Measurement 8/21/80
DOT Approp/Ridesharing
DOT Approp/55 MPH
"Road and Track Report, May 1980"
S. 54, repeal National maximum speed limit
- San Francisco cable cars 9/23/82
- NHTSA authorization and tire registration 10/1/82
- DOT Santa Clara Project 12/2/82
- 55 MPH 12/8/82
- Temporary Matching Fund Waiver 12/23/82
Advisory Council
Advisory Council, Fresno Constituency Council
Ag. Conference
Ag. Farm Mechanization
Appropriatons, Agriculture
Beekeeper Indemnity Program
Block, John R.
Cash Out
Census of Agriculture
Child Nutrition
Cotton Dust
Cotton Disaster
Dairy Standards
Department of Agriculture
Dietary Guidelines
Dutch Elm Disease
East Yolo Water District FmHa Application
Family Farm Liberation Act
Farm Bill
Meat Labeling
Farm Credit Act Amendments
Farmers Home Administration
Farm Income
Farm Labor Contractor Act
Farm Protection Legislation
Federal Crop Insurance
Floral Research and Consumer Information Act
Food Stamps
Food Stamps
97th Congress
Fruit and vegetable farms
Forest Service
Bill Gillespie Base
Grain Embargo
Grain Standards Act
Good Letter File
Grape Standards, S. 305
Gypsy Moth
Illegal Aliens
Guest Worker Act of S. 930 1982
Immigration, S. 2222
Lacey Act
Miscellaneous communications
Mexican American Good Neighbor Act
McAfee Case
National Agriculture Day
Nutrition Labeling
Oranges Marketing Order
Pilot Program
Predator Control
Reconsituted milk
Revolving Fund
Rice sale to Korea
Rural Electrification Administration
Trade with Japan
Transition, Reagan Administration
Wine Grape Growers
Budget, Taxes
SIH reaction to "Program for Economic Recovery," 2/18/81
SIH legislation package 1918
S. 599, Artificial bait
Fed. Vice Chair
Program for Economic Recovery 4/18/81
Budget Act Process
Budget Statistics
Flat Tax Rate
CPI, general
Miscellaneous economy/inflation
Rep. Jack Kemp
David Stockman
S.J. Res. 58, Balanced Budget
FY Budget 1983
Tax Bill 1982
H.J. Res. 370, Further continuing appropriations FY 1982
S. Con. Res. 50, Second Concurrent Resolution 1982
H.J. Res. 520, Debt Limit
Debt limit extension
H.J. Res. 265, Debt Limit
S. Con. Res. 119/H. Con. Res. 448, 2nd Concurrent Budget Resolution
H.R. 6211, Highway/gas tax bill
Pacific Telephone Utility Tax Normalization
California Utility Tax Bill
Enterprise Zones
Franzia Stock options
Pollution Control
Ingredient Labeling, alcohol
Budget Advisory Council
International Trade
Miscellaneous special projects
S. 734, Exporting Trade Co.
SIH statements, international trade
Advisory Committee correspondence
IT/Export Caucus
TR/MFN, Romania
Roses, import tariffs
S. 408, Foreign Earned Income
S. 31. Armstrong, Home Deduction
Members' tax deductions
Finance Committee, 97th Congress
S. 1406, Usury
S. 578, Moynihan, "Thor"
S. 626, Moynihan, commodity tax straddles
Tuition tax credits
S. 655, Unitary tax
S. 850, Taxpayer's Bill of Rights
S. 889, 1162, Long, ESOP
Jensen, Laxalt, Family Protection Act
S. 1607, D'Amato, 200/400
S. 2281, Danforth, Apple Comp.
Agricultural withholding
Continental Development Building, S.F. Ferry Building
Disabled Employees Rehabilitation Inc.
Four Phase
Gordon Enterprises
Dan Belknap
Richard Putney
W. Clement Stone Insurance
Misc. special projects
Soule Steel
S. 1619, Film Tax Credits - Training
S. 2, Mathias "Marriage Tax"
S. Con. Res. 12, Action on Reagan Econ. Plan by May 31
S. 287, Heinz, Capital Cost Revovery Act
S. 360, Small Business Tax Bill
S. 395, Wallop Estate/Gift Tax
S. 683, Administration Tax Package
S. 940, Thurmond, UCLA, Film, Fox, U South Carolina
Roth-Kemp II (S. 33 & 34)
S. 100 - Reforestation
S. 103 - IRS regulation of private schools
S. 208 - Internal Revenue - Foreign investors and capital gains
S. 224 - Regulations on the taxation of fringe benefits
S. 589 - Foreign conventions
S. 873 - Overseas Residency Taxes
S. 326, 955 - Taxpayer's Bill of Rights
S. 1163 - "Carryover" repeal
S. 1597 - Economic stimulus
S. 2226 - Heads of households
S. 2547 - Bottling
S. 1964, 2924 - Rollover accounts
S. 2221, 2983 - Capital gains
S. 2878 - Tax package
S. 1695 - Generation-Skipping
S. Res. 411
S. 1645 - Tax Credit for Interest
S. 2239 - Stock options
Electronic Fund Transfer
Emergency Banking Deregulation
Fairness Doctrine
F.I.R.E. Group
Financial Institutions Reform
Federal Reserve Membership
Banks Foreign Ownership
DIDC, Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee
S. 1424, Money Market Mutual Fund Bill
Reverse Mortgages
Monetary Control Act
Interstate Branching
Interest rates
Due-on-Sale clauses
Mutual funds
Advanced earned income credit
Agricultural withholding
Tax deductions - auto
Hansen-Steiger, S. 3065 Capital gains
Above the Line Charitable Contributions Deduction
Commodity Straddle
Debt-Equity Regulations
Double Taxation of Dividends
Dividend reinvestment - utility
Earned income abroad
Mortgage subsidy bonds
Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981
Excise taxes
Tax exempt organizations - churches
Tax exempt bonds
Foreign conventions
Taxation of fringe benefits
Independent contractors
Dole, indexing
Inheritance taxes
Interest deductions for indebtedness
Small business participating
IRS private schools and labor
IRS regulations on lobbying influence
Tax exempt mortgage bonds
Proposition 13
Sick pay regulations
S. 1412, D'Amato State Legislators
Taxation of interest/deductions
Tax cut package H.R. 5829
Travel deductions, mileage
Underground, economy
Windfall profits
Value-added tax
S. 1913, wine excise tax
S. 207, Bank Holding Company Act
S. 1230, Olympic Gold Coin Act
Consumer Coop Bank correspondence
National Consumer Coop
C.T. Conover, Comptroller of Currency
Susan B. Anthony dollar
Credit cards
Federal Reserve Board
S. 414, Cash Discount Act
Banking consumer credit
Central banking
Credit - general
Savings and loans issues
H.R. 1539, underwrite municipal revenue bonds
S. 1720/1721, Banking revisions and FDIC consolidation
S. 2226, Emergency Mortgage Interest Payment Act
Savings and loans acquisitions
S. 1720/1721/1703, Financial Restructuring Acts
S. 2465, Appropriations for Securities and Exchange Commission
Securities and Exchange Commission
U.S. Bonds
Savings Bonds and marketable securities
Credit unions
Repurchase agreements
Renegotiations Board
Regulation Q
Regulation D
New York Stock Exchange
National Development Bank
Mortgage Revenue Bonds
Mortgage loans
Federal Reserve Policy
Federal Reserve accountability
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Federal Reserve Board
EPAC development
Credit unions
CAL-VET/Mortgage Subsidy Bonds
Yamaha - Brunswick
Commerce, Science, Transportation
Airline deregulation
Comments in support
Comments in opposition
L.A.-London, Bermuda 11
Bottle Bill
BUY AMERICAN ACT - letter to Administrator Bowers
H.R. 11733, Federal aid to surface transportation
Communication television
Brake standard
Pro 55 mph speed limit
Con 55 mph speed limit
55 mph speed limit
S. 3073, The Federal-Aid Highway Act 1978
ICC Van regulations
Mass transit
Mass transit
Metric Board, nominations
Syncom IV
University of California, Alameda/Berkeley/NASA
FY 79
Taxi data for cities
Responses on Jitney amendment
Jitneys - mass transit
Trucking Deregulation, Description/Analysis/Publication
Weather, general
California World Fair 1988
Shared monopoly legislation
Lawnmower regulations
1984 Summer Olympics
FTC used car rules
Close captioning
FCC & ICC Commissioner re-education
International Record Carrier Act
HITEL network
Goldwater Cable Bill, S. 2172
Weather, fruit frost
Transportation: Air, Auto, Highway, Rail
Airline deregulation
Bakersfield Kern City Airport
Drunk Driving
Passive Restraint Systems/Airbags
Motor vehicle cost savings authorization
Century Freeway
55 MPH
Roger Johnson on "55"
Alaska RR giveaway
Senate Rail Caucus
France, US Rail Congress
Southern Pacific RR
Uniform Motor Vehicle Standards Act
S. 1390, Trucking Safety
Mass Transit
Mass Transit S. 2720
Cable Cars
S. 2696, Hayakawa Ridesharing
S. 1914, Hayakawa Sabotage Bill
Environment memos
S. 18, Orange Coast Park
S 705, small tracts
S. 842, RARE II
S. 842, RARE II
National Release Language, wilderness
S. 1117, Mt. Shasta
S. 1187, boundary lines
S. 1242, El Dorado National Forest
S. 1584, Cranston, California Wilderness
S. 2061, Moynihan-Mathias
S. 2418, Luiseno Indians
S. 2684, Santa Margarita Dam
S. 2801, oil and gas leases
S. 2805, timber leases
S. 2811, Tuolumne
HR 2475, Mono County Land Exchange
Air Quality, Vehicle Inspection Maintenance (S. 52)
Clean Air Act
Clean Water Reauthorization
Hazardous wastes
Noise pollution
Railroad regulations
Oil spill liability
Otay Mesa Border Station
Fish and Wildlife
Wild and scenic rivers
Convention on Trade and Endangered Species
Endangered Species
Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
Klamath River Fisheries
Marine Mammal Protection Act
New Hogan Fisheries
Pacific Fishery Management Council
Rough Fish
Tuna problem
National Resources Advisory Committee
Public Lands
Alaska lands
Big Sur
Big Sur
California wilderness
Channel Islands
Harvey's Fishing Hole
Los Angeles Juniper Hills
Los Padres oil leases
Mineral King
Mono Lake
Orange Coast National Urban Park
Plumas Forest
Redwood National Park Employee Protection Plan
Redwood Park Program
Redwood articles, LA Times
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
Redwoods (General)
Redwoods National Park
Shasta/Trinity National Forest
Sweeney Ridge
Policy & Management - Lands
Land use
Timber contracts
Economic Development Administration
Environmental Protection Agency personnel
FEMA - Imperial Country
Indians of California
Ocean Policy
National Ocean Policy Review
Water Policy
Acreage limitation
Family Farm Liberation Act
California Water Commission, flood control
Water quality
Drinking water
Water policy
Water rights
Water Projects
Contra Costa
Lake Almanor
Oceanside Beach erosion
Redondo Beach, King Harbor
San Jacinto River Levee
S. 506, Pauley
S. 506, Pauley
S. 326, Divorcement, Metzenbaum
S. 498, Passive Solar Tax Credits
S. 750, Industrial Energy Security Tax Incentive
S. 875, Palo Verde
S. 1280, Emergency Partnership Act
S. 1288, Commercial Business Energy Tax Credit Act
S. 1503, Standby Petroleum Allocation Act
S. 1662, Nuclear Waste
S. 2773, Alaskan oil exports
S. 2773, Alaskan oil exports
Energy Advisory Committee
Coal synfuels
Allocation system
Poor people, gas
Natural Gas
Home heating oil
Natural Gas Decontrol - ban 1990
Natural Gas Incremental Pricing
Canadian Gas Pricing
Clinch River
Diablo Canyon
Rancho Seco
Edward Teller
Three Mile Island
Export oil residual oil from California
Heavy oil
Elk Hills
Import fee
Outer Continental Shelf Five Year Plan
OCS Sale #48
OCS Sale #53
OCS Sale #68
OCS Sale #73
Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Windfall profits tax
Monticello Power Plant
California Power Companies & Special Projects
Hoover Dam
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Palo Verde Irrigation Hydro Project
Environment - Early Years
Endangered species
Energy and natural resources, Endangered AM Wilderness Act of 1977
H.R. 3454, Endangered Wilderness Bill
Foreign Relations
SIH Africa trip, cables, letters 1978 1982
Letters from SIH
Letters to SIH
Liberian Coup - SIH letter to Secretary Vance
S. Con. Res. 98 - Liberia
S. Con. Res. 8 - Rhodesian Observers
Lifting sanctions on Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, SIH letters
Foreign Relations Committee background
SIH statements, columns, letters
S. Res. 500 - Zimbabwe resolution 1982
Mungazi case - Zimbabwe
East Asia
East Asia trip proposal 1982
Asian trip, SIH letters, memos, cables, remarks 1981
East Asian trip 1980
Aid to Cambodia
China Claims Project 1979-1980
China Seminar - SIH chairman, committee report 4/82
SIH testimony chair East Asia Subcommittee
S. 1668 - SIH/Cranston IRAP amendment 11/79
Japan trade issues, SIH letters 1980
SIH Japan trip 11/78
Japan defense - committee hearings 1982
Japan sub accident 1981
Treaty of Kiribati - SIH letter/background
Korea - SIH meeting with Korean ambassador 1981
Robert Palmer, Ambassador to Malaysia - SIH comments, remarks
Indochina refugees - SIH/Committee 1980
S.E. Asia drug hearings 1982
South Korea centennial 1982
SIH letter to President Reagan - F-5E sales to Taiwan
Taiwan resolutions, SIH/background 1979-1980
Taiwan arms sales 1981
Taiwan/US relations, SIH/Committee report 1979
Taiwan Relations Act - SIH/Committee 1979
Soviet dissident letters consigned 1980
H. Con. Res. 200 - Baltic States Resolution
NATO troop reductions - Foreign Relations Committee 12/82
SALT II - overview of SALT process, Foreign Relations Committee
SALT II; Moscow trip, SIH; Soviet dissident letters, 1979-1980; Soviet Jews letters, 1982; Soviet gas pipeline, State response, 1981
Western Hemisphere
Alaska Oil bill 1982
Caribbean Basin Initiative - SIH/Committee 1982
Chile - SIH letter on inter-American naval exercise
S.J. Res. 158 - Symms letter on Cuba
Cuba - educational exchange letter from SIH
El Salvador certification, Committee 1982
Falklands - Vicar of Bray 1982
Illegal aliens - letter and committee 1970-1980
SIH letters, columns - trade/aliens 1980/1981
Ambassador Nava background - Committee
Background on establishing a bi-national commission
Committee background
Foreign Assistance hearings/Committee, SIH letters
Panama Canal 1979
Panama Canal 1979
Radio Marti 1982
Middle East
S. Con. Res. 45 - Rights of Afghan people, SIH letter to the President
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 1980
S. Res. 142 - "Afghanistan Day", SIH cosponsor 1982
Egypt - letter to SIH from Deputy PM and Minister of Defense 11/82
Iran - SIH letter to PM Bazargan 3/79
American Sovereignty Protection Act, background, SIH papers
Camp David Accords, SIH/Committee 1979
Jordan - letter from Hussein and background report 3/82
Lebanon - SIH letter to President, Foreign Relations Comm. 1981
International Organizations
AID - SIH letters
ICA - SIH letters
IMET - SIH amendment, Fulbright
Law of the Sea Treaty
Sugar Agreement
Foreign Assistance Appropriations
Supplemental Appropriation - For. Assistance 1983
For. Assistance Approp., SIH committee 1981
For. Assistance Approp., SIH committee 1979-1980
Miscellaneous Legislation
Dr. Bracker memos
Briefing materials
Committee agendas
Committee Budget 1980
Correspondence with Percy
Daily News Summary
East Asia Subcommittee agendas
Foreign income tax
Foreign Missions Act
Foreign Relations Authorization
Jurisdiction with Armed Services Committee
State Department Authorization
US/UK Tax Treaty
US/UK Tax Treaty
Foreign Relations/Defense Files
Special Projects/Cases
Americans in Cuba
Bahai cases
Bishop Tutu
Yuri Bodzyo
Viktor Brailovsky
Otto Burgdorf
California Nickle Corporation
Henry Chang
Coalition for Peace Through Strength
Michael Coyne
Dr. Dary
Ralph DePaul
Bill Devitt
Foreign Claims
Fort Ord
Alex Guttman
Rikizo Hirano
Bruce Hopping
International Order of St. Hubert
Jean Kirkpatrick/UN
Dick Lupton
LA World Trade Annex
Marcu Case
Vasile Matei
John McManis
Eugene Miller
Herman Miller
National Semiconductor Corporation
National University NROTC
Natori case
Naval Hospital, San Diego
Nemoianu case
Nikita case
Ida Nudel
PRC cases
Harry Pascal referals
Peace Corps cases
Pieptea case
Project Concern
Replies to Bucks
Romanian cases
Joe Rosenthal
Rus case
Sakharov, Andrei
Salvation Army Grant
Benedict Scott
Sivov case
Vladimir Slepak
Michael Smith
Soviet Jewry cases
Soviet cases
State buck replies
Maria Tiemkin
Vasile cases
Raoul Wallenberg
Willard Company
World Affairs Council
Defense Files
FY82 Military Construction Authorization
Appropriation 1982
Authorization 1982
Military Construction Authorization and Appropriation FY 1981
FY81 Military Procurement Authorization
DOD Procurement Appropriations FY 81
Defense Policy Issues
Use of bacteria in San Francisco area by US Army
Bilateral Nuclear Arms Freeze
Chemical warfare
Defense jobs
MBFR negotiations
Navy Five Year Shipbuilding Plan
Navy Ship Repair in the Bay Area
Reagan Defense program
FR Hearings Reagan Strategic Package
Reagan TNF offer
Arms sales
Middle East Arms Sales
F-16's to Pakistan
Arms sales to Jordan
Arms sales to Venezuela
Arms sales to Saudi Arabia
Arms sales to Taiwan
Armitage Hanoi visit
DOD information
Laos cases
SIH Laos resolutions 10/82
SIH Laos trip 8/81
House action
Interagency group
Johnny King case
League factbook
League newsletter
POW/MIA Recognition Day
Staff working group
TAM of the Month - Ann Griffith
The draft
Fire fighters/sec.
Handicapped in military physical standards
McCarty vs. McCarty, S. 1453
Military pay
Military Traffic Management
National Youth Service
H.J. Res. 51, Registration bill
Women in the service
Defense Systems
Ammunition M509 ICM 811
B-1 (Y 77 Recission on 5/6)
B-77 (FUFO bomb)
Battleship Iowa
C-5B/747's Jackson amendment
C-17 Airlift (Airforce)
F-16 (AF fighter)
F-18 (Navy)
KC-10 Tanker (AF)
Minuteman III
MRASH (Med. range air to surf.)
Multiple launch Rocket Systems (Army)
Neutron bomb
S-3A Navy Lockheed
Surface effects ship (Navy)
Tactical Command and Control Air Force
TAK-X- Navy
V-STOL Harrier
Military Branches
Air Force
Defense Logistics Agency
National Guard
Naval Reserves
California bases
Beale Air Force Base
City of Bell - Land purchase
China Lake Naval Weapons Center
Defense Language Institute (DLI)
Mare Island Naval Shipyard
McClellan Air Force Base
Navy housing - Long Beach, LA
Norton Air Base
San Diego County
Tierrasanta Naval Housing
Vandenberg Air Force Base
Defense contractors
Applied Technology
Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
C & R
DWR - Small Business
Garret Corporation
General Dynamics
McDonnell Douglas
Norris Industries
Rohr Industries
Todd Shipyard
Governmental Affairs
Consumer Protection Agency
Marketing orders
Contract Awards
Hamilton Air Force Base
Santa Clara County Jail
Yerba Buena
Intervenor Funding
Department of Education
S. 991
District of Columbia
Convention Center
Home Rule Charter
Lobby Reform
Lobby Disclosure Act
Lobby reform bills
Federal Assistance Reform
Rules and Administration
Hart Resolution #44
Museum: African Art
Presidential Nominating Process Commission
Senate Rules changes
Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Campaign contribution reform
Public Finance S. 926
Universal Voter Registration S. 1072
National Right to Work
Major issues
Beginners wage
Social Bonus
Polling bills
Early Media Projections S. 55-58
Simultaneous Voting Hours
DOL: Surplus labor areas
EEOC: Slate nomination
PL 96-364
Hughes, Laddie
Gallant Eagle #82
S. 1182 (hearing)
Truesdale nomination
Van de Water nomination
National Mediation Board: Republic Air
Railroad Retirement Act Amendments
Right to Work
Training for Jobs S. 2036
Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
Bishop Indian
Giant Step
Holden Street
Japanese American Heritage Center
Lutheran Center
Orange County
Environmental Management
Sakkis vs. Oakland
Victoria Gardens
Walnut Ranch
American Sovereignty Protection Act S. 66
Davis-Bacon S. 3
Debt Collection S. 1249
ERISA S. 1748
GSA: Criminal Justice Facility S. 1422
Page Board: S. 2742
Polling Bills S. 55-58
Regulatory Reduction S. 890
A-76 S. 2278
Retainage S. 1782
Small Business Sec. 8 (a) S. 1947
White House Conference on Productivity
Appropriation bills
Appropriation bills
Commission for More Effective Government
D.C.: Sexual Assault
Delinquent Payments
Farmland Protection
Training for Jobs S. 2036
Railroad Strike
Human Resources - 95th Congress
Dr. Backer memos - human resources
Human Resources Committee - Aging
Aging Sub. 1170, Commodities Program
Education Subcommitte Testimony
Education Subcommittee
S. 602
S. 778
CETA, Employment Subcommittee
Employment Subcommittee, S. 50, Humphrey-Hawkins
Labor Subcommittee
S. 995
S. 717, Mine Safety
S. 1871, Fair Labor Standards Act
Labor Law Reform
Aging, Refugees, Miscellaneous Issues, Social Security
Affirmative Action
SIH comments - aging
Aging-Housing demos - SIH statement
Elderly as victims of crime (violent)
Aging - OAA 1981
Older American Employment Week 1981
OAA 1981
Aging - pensions 1981
Aging - Western Gerontological Society
Aging employment hearing - SIH testimony 4/82
Crime 1981
Briefing book 1980
Aging - White House Conference
Day care
National Closed Caption TV Month
Domestic violence
Prevention and Services Act
Conference report
California Refugee Shortfall
Refugee Ed.
Hearing - SIH testimony 3/82
Funding cut '81
Impact Aid 1979
- SIH amendment to ESEA July 1978
Amendments to extend Indochinese Refugee Children Assistance Act authorization
Indochinese refugees
Settlement and benefits statistics
Cash and medical assistance extension - committee amendment 1978
Budget increase, SIH statement 6/81
Merit Youth Awards by Congress - SIH co-sponsor, 95th Congress
Shriners - SIH statement 1981
San Bernardino Civic Light Opera
Special Projects, El Centro
Social Security
SSI/Food stamp cash-out
Medicare deductible
Medicare - mental health benefits
Home Health Care
Hospice Care 1982
Health Maintenance Organizations
Alien abuses
General information
Co-sponsorship of Heinz Amendment to remove Social Security from the Budget
Percy S.S.I. abuses by aliens
Title IVD Social Security proposal
S. Res. 432 Taxing SS
Unemployment offset
Benefits to dead people
S. 2722 Prisoners on SS
Social Security H.R. 4331 Minimum Benefit
Advisory Committee
Batten's Disease
DMSO, 96th Congress
El Arca Handicapped project in E. Los Angeles
Emergency Medical Services
FDA CA state toxic substances proposal 1982
FDA drug lag 1981
Food Safety Revision, S. 1442
Education 1982
Pilots, ADD 11/81
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO)
Health Manpower Amendment, S. 2159
Hospitals, rural, overregulation
International Year of Disabled Persons
Koop nomination 1981
National Health Insurance (NHI)
Prisoners, research
Rigsbee, case, home health care
Teenage Pregnancy Bill, S. 2910
Wine labels
Memoranda to Amy, Mike and Press
Letters to co-sign or did co-sign "Dear Colleagues"
Dr. Wueschner
Meetings of the week
Berkeley Fulbright India Program
Film at Library of Congress
Rural community health care centers
Livingston Lysate Scott A-510
Indian Health Services
Title X: Notification
Alcohol and drug abuse
Batten's disease
Dr. Taub's cruelty to animals
Office of Community Services
Health and HHS fact sheets
HHS appropriations 1982-1983
HHS block grant
Health issues
Heroin for cancer
Dogs being eaten
Health Care Financing Adm.
Medical Ethics and Cost Containment
Mental Health and Care
Runaway and youth services
Urgent appropriations supplement