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EWG refers him to Caso


Bullock's Department Store


1953, requests loan of Etruscan art




Bumpas, Hermon C.


1924, [unsigned] sends map of Santa Cruz Island and endorses plan to make it a National Park


Bunker, James Grant


1936 and undated, letters of recommendation


Bunker, John W.M.


1947, ALK endorses Movius application for grant to survey and translate Russian literature on the paleolithic


Bunker, Nancy


1949, TDMcC explains disputed course grade


Bunnell, Jean


1931, re possible graduate work


Bunney, Curtis


1954, re his work on Dolores Papago material


Bunow, M.A.


1954, TDMcC reply re Chinese blood groups


Bunzel, M.


1947-1948, with RHL in German


Bunzel, Ruth


1925-1940, See also Laboratory of Anthropology


Buoncristiani, John


1942, maker of map for Yurok Legends requests copies


Burch, Dean


1938, inquires about class trip to Guatemale


referred to Tulane


Burch, Tom, and son John


1941-1943, president of the Conchological Club of Southern California with EWG


Burd, William Whittlesey




Burdell, James B.


1913, ALK supplies meaning of name of his ranch near Petaluma


Bureau of American Ethnology


1950, telegrams protesting budget cuts


Bureau for Intercultural Education


1945, invitation to submit materials for publication


Burg, Jack


1947, RLO letters of recommendation


Burgess, E.W.


1936-1945, with RHL re publications


Burke, John


1945, EWG sends references on Micronesia and Melanesia to Navy lieutenant


Burkill, I.H.


1938, RHL asks him about South American occurance of the yam




undated announcement of talk by the ambassador


1947, DGM requests publications from the government


Burndy Library


1955, RHL thanks for publication


Burney, Ethel


1953, re visit of Hazel Hanson


Burns, Donald


1951, re Inca dialects


Burns, Michael


1930, 1932, Indian informant for EWG, Camp McDowell, Arizona


Burrill, A.C.




Burrill, Josephine


1941, seeks museum position to support summer session work


no funds


Burroughs, C.A., Mrs


1944, seeks lingusitic maps


EWG refers to other institutions


Burrow, Trigant


1925-1949, with ALK and TDMcC


Bushnell, John


1953-1956, re PhD. candidacy and employment


Busick, Charlotte


1966, WB letter of recommendation


Bushwell, George


1918, [unsigned] asks him for more information about a footprint and remains of fire seen in Deer Creek country


Buskirk, Philip


1948, to photograph Yurok house planks for California Redwood Association


Busto, Gumersindo


1914, in Spanish, apparently a request for publications for Biblioteca America, Madrid


Butte County Coroner


re identification of skeletal remains


Butts, Peter H.


1944, EWG compliments him on "Arts and Crafts of the Cook Islands"


Buyssens, Paul


1937, RHL thanks for his book on the races of Europe


Byce, Malcolm


1937, EWG letter of recommendation


Byers, Douglas S.




Bynam, Lindley


1937, EWG sends papers




invitation to ALK to join the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies



Box 38

Cabasaan, Alfredo


1941, re exchange of shells with collector in the Philippines


Cabot, O.C.


1950, asks for list of abbreviations used in U.C. publications and offers to review some in South American Journal (British)


Cabrera, William


1939, EWG sends reference to Boas paper on Mexican pottery


Cachot, Rebeca Carrion


1945, ALK inquires if she received a publication


Caddoan Archaeological Area, First Symposium




Cadman, Doris


1936, re articles on shellmounds and Ghost Dance for Five Star Weekly


Cadwallader, Bernard


1927, with ALK re speech mechanisms


Cairns, Huntington


1931, sends RHL his article on Law and Anthropology


1940, re finding a position for Leonhard Adam

Box 39

University of Calcutta


Calcyanide Company


1929, description of fumigation cabinet


Caldwell, Raymond M.


1966, inquires about pottery repair


ABE reply


Caldwell, Wallace Everett


1947, RHL thanks for his book "The Ancient World"


Caldwell, Warren W.




Calendar stone

see Newell, J.C.


Calhoun, George


1940-1941, Professor of Classics


Calhoun, Howell V.


1947, TDMcC explains policy on graduate students who lack the undergraduate major


California Academy of Sciences




California Association for Adult Education


1931, re introductory book on anthropology


California Book Company


re textbooks


California College of Arts and Crafts


1951, invites EWG to see studies made at the museum by art history students


California Graduate School of Design




California Historical Society




California Institute of Technology


1952,1953, re RFH contributions to a publication


California Palace of the Legion of Honor


1931, ALK supplies bibliography on prehistoric gold


1945, re loan and copying of slides


California State Automobile Association


1947, RLO requests maps


California, State of




Contra Costa Adoption Agency


1956, asks TDMcC to identify race of baby


Kern County Coroner


1951, TDMcC identifies skeletal remains


Monterey County Coroner


1955, TDMcC identifies human remains


Napa County Sheriff


1952, TDMcC identifies skeletal remains


Santa Clara County


1955, TDMcC identifies remains


Sonoma County Coroner


1952, TDMcC identifies skull


Yolo County Coroner


1955, TDMcC identifies remains


California- misc.


re possible archaeological survey


Alcoholic Rehabilitation Survey


1955, asks if any relevant research is being done


DGM says not at present


Division of Beaches and Parks




Division of Beaches and Parks, Riddell, Francis A., archaeologist




Chamber of Commerce


1946, survey of early California collections


Civil Service Commission




Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation


1951, re law regarding found human remains


Board of Education


1916, re high school credential for W.D. Wallis


Department of Education


1940, re photographing museum specimens for school use


1956, DGM asked to review section on anthropology of a report on social sciences, suggests changes


Fish and Game Commission, Ernest Schaeffle




Fish and Game Commission






1954, GMF invited to conference on children and youth




California State Historical Society




State Commissioner of Horticulture


1918, re mention of ground squirrels in Indian legends


Immigration and Housing




State Library


1913, with ALK re Indian place names


Department of Mental Hygiene


1948, DGM thanks for help to McFeeley


Division of Mines




Division of Parks




State Prison, San Quentin


1913, ALK asks if a friend may send magazines to Indian prisoners


1923, re ALK visit to Indian prisoners


Department of Public Health


1950, RFH provides map of races


1950, request for Wong's study of Chinese


Department of Public Works


1926, re loan of maps


Department of Social Welfare


1955, secretary acknowledges Welfare News sent to GMF


Division of Water Resources


1948, RFH thanks for index to topographic maps


California State Employees Association








Calkins, Robert D.


1938, returns memo giving anthropologists views on establishment of a Department of Sociology


1945-1947, re his chapter for book on Carl Alsberg, typescript in folder


Call, C.A.


1942, re rock carvings below high tide level at Fort Ross


Callaway, Bobbie


1951, orders photos of Pre-Columbian Peruvian fabrics


Calsoyas, Athena


1945, EWG recommendation for a scholarship


Calver, W.L.


1939, re identification of military buttons

Box 40

Cambridge University


1948, re RHL lectures there


1953-54, annual report of archaeology and anthropology


1956, DGM requests photos of new Clare College entrance gateway


1956, DGM orders photocopy of book from Haddon Library


Cammann, Schuler


n.d., thanks EWG for showing museum


Camp, Charles L.


1947, re EML and wife joining African expedition


1951, EWG letter of recommendation for his son


Camp, Charles M.


re graduate work


Camp, J.H.


1928, reports large human tracks in New Mexico


referred to Spier at Oklahoma


Campbell, Angus


1949, DGM asks if he thinks Guetzkow suitable for India project


Campbell, Archie


1955, EWG invited to seminar and lecture




Campbell, Donald T.


1941, RHL letter of recommendation


Campbell, Douglas Gordon


1939, asks ALK to review Deveraux's material, ALK agrees


Campbell, Edith


1930-1931, with RHL re Hidatsa myths


Campbell, Elizabeth W.C.


1932-1937, re archaeological work near Twenty-Nine Palms


Campbell, W.S.




Campbell, W.W.




Campbell, William H. & Mrs. (Mrs. is Elizabeth listed above)


1941-1951, re work in Nevada


Campbell, William I.


1951, JHR sends work on Inca language


Campus Textbook Exchange


1940, 1942


Campus Cooperative Committee for Refugee Students




Canada - misc.


1952, JHR to Kidd re Mary Herman's work


1953, re photocopy of Drucker's thesis for Duff


1953, RHL thanks Rousseau for reprints


1954, re RLO transportation to Prince Rupert


Canada, Geological Survey


1913, 1943


Royal Society of Canada


1941, 1952, announcement of scholarships and fellowships


Canadian Bookman


1922, asks ALK to review Sapir's "Language"


ALK already reviewing it for Dial, suggests Lucy Freeland


Canadian Hydrographic Service


1931, ALK requests length of shoreline of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador




Canals Frau, Salvador


1955, secretary acknowledges reprint sent to GMF


Candela, P.B.


1943, ALK thanks for reprints and comments on his views on origin of Group B in Europe


Cane, Melville


1932, lawyer asks for Paul Radin's address


ALK reply


Canepa, Domingo


1925, three letters to ALK in Spanish


Canney, Rosalie C.


1939, RHL gives reference to von Humboldt book on Peru


Cannon, Herbert D.


1930, with RHL re ruins at Fort Apache Indian Reservation, includes description, diagram and snapshots


Cantine, Holly R.


1942, asks RHL to contribute to his magazine Retort




Cantor, Nathaniel


1923, arranges to discuss his proposed work with Diegueños with ALK


Capart, Jean


1931-1932, re photo of wooden statue from Giza for publication


Cape Archaeological Society


1945, (South Africa)


Cappanari, Stephen




Carbon 14 research


1949, RFH's participation in Libby's project


Carew, Harold


1929, re article on ALK and his work in June issue of Touring Topics


Carey, E.J.


1915-1916, with TTW re femoral bones


Carey, Henry A.


1944, seeks job


ALK reply


Carley, Addison


1950, re photo of skull from Moaning Cave


Carlson, E. Leslie


1946-1947, theology professor seeks material for an archaeological handbook


Carlson, Gustav G.


1938, wants publications for University of Cincinnati


ALK reply


Carmel, James H.


1956, seeks material for manual on traveling exhibitions


GMF says we can't help since we haven't had any


Carmichael, Leonard


1954, re publication arrangements with Smithsonian


Carmody, Francis


1934-1942, professor of French


Carnegie Corporation of New York


1940, 1948


Carnegie Institution of Washington




Carneiro, Robert


1956, seeks job


DGM reply


Caro, Conception


1954, EWG thanks for hospitality to Paiges and sends paper


Caro, Baroja


1956, memo says he will not join staff


Carpenter, C.R.


1941-1944, re primate research


Carpenter, Elmer T.


1940, EWG gives references on Indian use of plants


Carpenter, James


1932-1935, RHL's letters to a Crow Indian


his replies not in file


Carr, Denzel


1948, DGM to Boodberg re funds for his honorarium


Carr, Elizabeth




Carr, Malcolm


1939, ALK comments on paper on Navajo Mt.


Carrasco, Pedro


1949, EWG sends him Beals paper on Mixe


First International Conference of Archaeologists of the Carribbean


Carriere, J.M.


1947, informs of folklore conference to be held in France


Carril, Roberto del


1942, 1944, request for RHL papers


Carrion, Francis


one undated letter to RHL, in French


Carrol, Thomas D., S.J.


1952, tells secretary of his work in Manila


Carter, Albert C.


1928, ALK to Congressman asking appropriation for Congress of Americanists




Carter, Dudley C.


1934, EWG gives references to the myths of the Indians of the south central California coast region


Carter, G.S.


1952, from RHL re symposium


Carter, George F.




Carter, William E.


1952, 1953, re possible graduate work here


Cartler, Robert A.


1938, sends photos of petroglyphs near Little Lake


EWG thanks and says they will be included in new edition of Steward's paper


Cartmell, Stanley E.


1930, wants announcements of Extension lectures


Cartwright, Mary C.


1947, ALK describes Washington Matthews Navajo manuscripts and how they came to be here


Cartwright, Willena D.


1956, re subscription to Clearinghouse for Southwestern Museums Newsletter and fumigants




1947, RHL suggests translation and publication of the work of Ludwig Mach

Box 41

Casagrande, Joseph B.


1962, seeks programs of AAA meetings


Casanova, P. Gonzales


1924, one letter to ALK in Spanish


Caso, Alfonso




Caspar, Franz


1950, JHR comments on Tupari manuscript


1954, RHL recommends him to Galvão in Brazil


Casper, Frank


1939, asks about circles of stones in Arizona


EWG reply


Cassell, A.B.


1947, inquires about stone llama cups


ALK says we have none


Cassidy, Appolonia H.


1942, re exhibition of playing cards


Castells, J. Martinez


1946, invites ALK to conference in Cuba




Castetter, E.F.


1940, with ALK re agriculture of the Mohave


Castro, Baron


1945, ALK thanks for book


Castro, Daniel F., Mrs.


1966, FAN identifies Mexican artifacts


Catchpool, Adriana


1965, asks how to preserve ancient Egyptian wood statues


FAN reply


Catholic Welfare


1955, GMF can't supply copy of his talk at National Conference of Social Work


Caton, A.


1956, re picture for French publication


Cattell, J. McKeen




Cattell, Ware


1935, 1943


Caudle, Mary


1965, with FAN re appraisal of Chiriqui pottery


Caughey, John




Cavanaugh, Billy, Jr.


1945, EWG recommends book on Indians by Irmagarde Richards


Cave, R.C.


no date, statement for his PhD. candidacy




1940, ALK vouches for authenticity of children's book on Piyuck


Instituto do Ceara


1941, re ALK and RHL membership


Cetone, S.


1945, wants pictures of Indian art


EWG reply


Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences




Central Park Zoo


1946, ALK asks height, weight and age of their gorillas


Centro de Estudios de Ciencias Naturales




Chabot, Maria


1939, re proposed publication on indigenous art


Chace, Fenner A., Jr.




Chaffee, John W.


1955, wants info on courses in scientific illustration


EWG reply


Chaffin, Lenore E.


1965, with ABE re cast of skull found in Idaho


Chakravorti, J.


1934-1935, copies of Mitra book sent to ALK, RHL, EWG




Chalfont, W.A.


1913, re finds near Bishop


Chamberlain, B. Rhett


1956, wants info on L.M. Loomis


EWG reply


Chamberlain, Lucy


1947, re job available at NYU


RHL suggests Mishkin


Chambers, Roberta


1941, re possible graduate work


Chambers, Thomas


1963, re loan of paleolithic tools


Chamlee, William F.


1932, asks laws about excavating graves


ALK reply


Chancellor, Paul G.


1933, permission granted to reprint Dawn Boy's Song in an anthology


Chandler, Stewart


1928, ALK identifies Peruvian pin and gives info on Indian Jumping Dance


Chandler, Tertius




Chaney, J.W., Mrs.


1934, with EWG re Indian use of gourds


Chaney, Ralph W.


1930-1942, Professor of Paleontology


Chaney, Robert H.


1941, RLO recommends temporary draft deferment


Chao, Yuen Ren




Chapin, Helen B.


1939-1940, re Leaves from a Western Garden


Chapman, Charles E.


1925, praises ALK's work on California Indians


Chapman, Kenneth M.

see Kidder, A.V. 1933; Laboratory of Anthropology


Chapman, E.G.


1939, TDMcC identifies skull


Chapman, Grace


1933, EWG identifies obsidian blade found in Modoc Lava Beds


Chapman, W.M.


1947, unable to find time to identify Fiji fish skeletons for EWG


Chappel, H.G.


1928, congrats to ALK on Faculty Research Lectureship


1937, EWG thanks for publications


Chapple, Eliot D.


1942, RHL thanks and comments on "Principles of Anthropology"


Character and Personality


1939, re ALK article


Chard, Chester




Charkravarti, N.P.


1949, DGM tells him he is coming to India


Charlie, Philip


1924, WES sends book to Indian


Charsberg, E.


1922, ALK asks him to recruit a Hat Creek Indian informant


Chase, N.D.


1913-1921, rock with carvings sent for opinion of Merriam and Louderback


Chase, Pearl


1923, ALK suggests that Indian songs be published


Chavez, Ezequiel A.


1929, ALK thanks for monograph


Check, M.S.


1950, re possible graduate work


Cheney, George A.


1950, wants to join Micronesian project


Chevalier, Iuc. F.


1953-1956, with EWG from New Caledonia


University of Chicago




University of Chicago, Bookstore


1948, orders


University of Chicago Press




Chicago Tribune


1922, requests photo of ALK


Chickering, Allen L.




Chico State College


1956, skeletal material for teaching purposes sent

Box 42

Chilcote, C.G., Mrs.


1929,1935, secretary


Society for Research in Child Development


1935, election and membership list


Childe, V. Gordon




Childers, O.


1933, EWG thanks for hospitality at Camp McDowell Indian Reservation



see Munizada






Chinnery, E.W.P.


1930, re visit here


Chipp, Herschel B.


1955, re slides for Art department


Chiriboga, Carlos Eduardo


1954, biographical data on visitor


Chitwood, E.C., Mrs.


1947, sends notes on races from old history course


TDMcC says long outmoded


Chivers, Walter R.


1945, to ALK on effect of discrimination on personalities of Negro men, reprint


Chretien, Douglas




Christen, D.G.


1912, turns down museum job


Christensen, Bodil


1947, LMO's papers on Peruvian textiles sent


Christensen, C.L.


1937, asks ALK and RHL opinion of her pamphlet on people of prehistory




Christensen, James B.


1959, 1961, 1962


Christensen, Ross T.




Christy, Arthur E.


1944, asks RHL to contribute to a book


too busy


Churchill, Beth


1944, asks permission to study museum textiles for thesis




Churchward, C.M.


1940, EWG advises where he might have work on Rotuman published


CIBA Review




Cid Loureiro Netto, Antonio


1955, re possible graduate work


Ciencia Nueva (Argentina)


1951, re exchange


Ciencias Sociales


1954, ALK acknowledges




[reference note says almost everything on this is under Riesenberg, Saul]


Cincotta, Rowene


1950, EWG letter of recommendation


Circe, William J.


1919, ALK sends him Waterman's Paiute papers


Clark, Andrew H.


1940, re PhD. in Geography


Clark, Arthur [publishing company]


1930, 1941


Clark, Bonnie Jean


1948, re return of possessions left in LMO's office


Clark, Bruce L.


1930-1943, with EWG re shells


Clark, Charles U.




Clark, Cora


1929-1931, re book on Pomo myths


Clark, Donald W.


1948, RFH sends papers and asks if he knows of Alaskan sites


Clark, Edward H.

see Hearst, Phoebe A.


Clark, H. Walton


1939, with EWG re identification of salmon species in shellmounds


Clark, J.A.


1928, re rock markings near Yankee Hill


Clark, John G.D.


1952, RHL asks what topics he plans to discuss at symposium


Clark, Kenneth W.


1937, asks what material the museum has for study of Hellensitic Religion


HRWS reply


Clark, Margaret


1945, a proposal for a museum of the Pacific


Clark, S.T.


1914, seeks museum work


Clark University


1923, RHL asked to contibute to Dunning memorial volume




1924, librarian sends misaddressed journal


Clarke, Carl F.


1944, ALK identifies Peruvian mask


Clarke, E.W.


1926-1931, Examiner Sunday editor


Clarke, Louis C.G.


1935, RHL sends prints to give to Haddon


Clausen, Roy E.


1940-1943, Professor of Genetics


Clawson, W.S.


1925, editor of Exeter Sun re archaeology of the San Joaquin Valley


Claxton, Roger


1966, asks list of archaeological sites in California


FAN says whole state is one grand site


Clay, A.T.


1923, RHL asks him to review paper by Lutz


Cleanso, Tom


1929-1931, ALK sends book to Indian informant


Cleland, H.F.


1929-1930, visits here and sends book


Clément, Pierre


1956, re position


Clements, Forrest




Clendenning, C.R.


1916, sends photos taken in caves


TTW reply


Clerx, Lily E.


1954, wants info on displays


EWG refers to Bishop


Cleveland Public Library


1942-1944, requests Sino-Tibetan Linguistics


ALK explains only four typed copies exist


Clifford, W.E.


1924, sends news and Herbal smoking mixture to ALK


Climatic Research Lab


1950-1951, TDMcC with Russell W. Newman


Cline, C.W.


1924, WES seeeks info on sites near Delano


Cline, Walter B.




Clinton, H.G.


1920, sends photos of Nevada rock carvings


Coale, George L.




Coats, R.H.


1941, request for RHL paper


Cobb, John N.


1928-1929, with EWG re methods of fish poisoning


Coblentz, Stanton A.


1944, asks ALK comments on outline of book on war




Coca Cola


1955, staff wants machine


Business Manager will not allow machine in hall


Cochisi, George


1928, ALK introduces Julian Steward to Hopi Indian


Cochrane, W.W.


1915, with TTW re similarity of myths of India and N.A. Indians


Cockrell, Robert A.


1959, WB thanks for advice on preservation of totem pole


Cocks, Ruth E.


1946, wants works on Indians, M.A. Whipple reply


Codman, Winifred




Cody, Patricia


1943-1953, graduate student


Coffeen, Henry A.




Coggins, Cy


1946, re petroglyphs


Cohen, Felix S.


1936, thanks RHL for comments on paper


Cohn, Margaret


1938, re loan of her collection to GGIE




1946, attempt to identify

Box 43

Colcord, Ralph M.


1945, with ALK on comparison of Chinese and Japanese lapidary art


Coldren, Robert L.


1955, wants brass goblet identified


EWG suggests he try Oakland Public and DeYoung first


Cole, Arthur H.




Cole, Fay-Cooper




Cole, James E.


1934-1935, re Indians of Yosemite


Cole, W.C.


1931, re possible sites at Sunnyvale Air Base


Coleman, Frederick D.


1943, RHL letter of recommedation


Coleman, James


1960, 1961, 1962


Coleman, Lawrence Vail




Coleman stoves


1947, RFH orders from company as dealers are unable to supply


Colmore, C.A.


1931, EWG invites author of "Need for a school museum" to visit when classes are at museum


Colgan, William


1957, wants pamphlets on archaeology


referred to public library


Colgate University


1948, 1953, re positions


Collantes, Angel Gómez


1954, info and references sent on Grayson and Everman expeditions to Socorro Island in Revillagigedo Archipelago


Collier, Donald




Collier, John

see Indian Affairs, U.S. Interior, John Collier


Collier, John M., Jr


1960, re research project


Collier's Encyclopedia


1947, 1949, DGM contributions


Collins, Henry B., Jr.




Collins, Leah Frances


1937-1938, re artifacts and archaeology of Dalles Deschutes Region


Collins, Lloyd R.


1950, wants to participate in Micronesia project


Collins, Luraine G.


1946, museology student asks for catalog


Collocott, E.E.V. Rev.


1920-1950, Australian clergyman with EWG




undated from JHR to Thomas J. Price, Jr.


Colorado Academy of Sciences

see Bethel, Elsworth


Colorado Archaeological Society


1953, RFH re California survey


Colorado Conference on Social Studies


1948, no one here able to attend planning meeting


University of Colorado


1925-1955, re positions and publications


University of Colorado Library


1914, request for publications


Colorado Geographic Board


1915, 1917, with ALK re Arapahoe language


Colorado State College of Education


1950, re position


Colton, Grace


1944, RLO recommendation for scholarship


Colton, Harold S.


1938-1948, Director, Museum of Northern Arizona


Columbia University




Columbia University Press



Box 44

Comas, Juan




Comfort, Howard


1941, thanks for seeing museum specimens






Committee for Free Asia




Committee for the Scientific Study of Religion




Committee on International Cooperation in Anthropology




Committee on International Exchange of Persons




Committee on Latin America Studies

see Haring, C.H.


Commonwealth Club of California


1923, 1928, 1945


Commonwealth Fund


1954, DGM re project of Margaret Clark


Community Chest [discarded]


Condliffe, J.B.


1942, tells RHL that Felix Keesing may be available


Condon, Edward U.


1948, RHL invited to testimonial dinner


Conference Board of Associated Research Councils


1950, 1955


Conference on Cultural Relations with Latin America




Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion




Congreso Indigenista Interamerican del Cusco




Congress for the History of Religion(s)




Congresso de Historia Comemorativo do 4.o Cenrenário da Fundacão da Cidade de São Paulo




Conklin, Harold C.




Conlan, A.E.


1943, informs of pioneer who knows sites and chant


EWG reply


Connecticut State College




Connolly, Naomi M.


1928, ALK letter of recommendation


Conrad, Fred


1952, seeks advice on Sociology project


EWG refers to Goldschmidt at UCLA


Conrad, R.E.


1947, tells of site in El Dorado County


Conseil International de la Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines




Conseil Internationales des Sciences Sociales




Consumer's Research


1930, ALK asks what legal liability is involved with membership


Contreras, Eduardo S.


1956, re research appointment


Cook, Mary Manning


1938, RHL supplies references on Indian individual religious ideas


Cook, S.F.


1936-1955, Professor of Physiology


Cook, T.W.


1930, ALK tells Bishop Museum that he would like to do work in Oceania


Cook, Thos. and son


1931, place open in expedition to Abyssinia


Cooke, Anne M.




Cooke, Jean C.


1966, wants museum course


MJH refers her elsewhere


Cooley, Hal


1949, requests info on museum for magazine article


EWG reply


Coolidge Foundation

see Coolidge, Harold J.


Coolidge, Harold J.




Coolidge, Mary Roberts


1929, ALK appreciation of her book


1937, EWG identifies elkskin apron


Coon, Carleton S.




Cooney, Jane


1935, ALK sends book on Walapai to Indian informant


Cooper, Condrey


1927, EWG with Indian informant at Yuma


Cooper, George H.


1929-1930, says petroglyphs are charts of contellations


ALK skeptical

Box 45

Cooper, J.C.


1931, re Spier's Klamath Ethnography and manuscript on Uba


Cooper, Jessie


1965, reports petroglyph sites


FAN reply


Cooper, John M.








Cooper, W.S.


1942, requests info on sand dune sites


EWG reply


Co-operative Community Project for Newcomers


1953, request for job for foreign archaeologist


Coover, J.E.


1914, Stanford psychologist wants to consult ALK on methods of recording speech


Cope, Leona




Copeland, Lewis C.


1942, request for RHL reprint


Copeland, Margaret


1955, inquires about Modoc basketry


S.A. Barrett reply




permissions to reprint, 1915-1938


Corben, Mulaika Barclay


[undated], to RHL re her work in Fiji linguistics


Corbett, John


1947-1952, requests for publications


Corbett, Peter E.


1956, HRWS tells GMF of his impending visit


Corbett, Robert H.


1966, arranges museum visit for Sunday School class


Corbusier, C.K.


1914, re site in Marin County


Corbusier, F.A.


1930, EWG asks to see his specimens


Corcoran, Bernard V.


1929, ALK seeks pictures of Philippine natives


Cordoba University


1951, request for publication


Cordova, Pedro E. Zvillar


1939, ALK thanks him for book


Cordrey, Donald B.


1955, request for textile publications


Corlew, C.C.


1918, reports site near Sugarpine


EWG plans to visit


Cornego, F.


1921, re loan of exhibit items to Art Association


Cornell, B. Dean


1934, asks ALK's opinion of Allport's theory of "group fallacy"




Cornell University




Cornwall, P.B.




Coronado, Marcos


1937, ALK gives references to Seris


Coronet Research


1946, wants info on Seris


referred to Southwest Museum


Corporon, G.W.


1951, asks "what is a Jew?"


TDMcC reply


Corpus of Ancient Near Eastern Seals




Corrigan, Joseph


1939, RLO to contribute to semicentennial volume of Catholic University of America


Corson, Edward F.


1944, with RHL about Crow chief, Long Hair


Cortazzi, Theodore


1953, asks RHL's help on book of Hindu and Buddhist miracles


RHL says "not well posted"


1959, says book is half done and sends booklet on reincarnation


Cosenza, Mario E.


1931, to RHL re reunion of Class of 1901 of CCNY


1938, RHL congrats on becoming acting president


Cosgrove, C.B.


1929, requests Lovelock Cave paper and tells of work in New Mexico


Cossuto, Philip


1946, RFH thanks for allowing visit to site on his property


Cosat, Joseph L.


1953, JHR thanks for photos of Keros and comments


Costigan, George P., Jr


1927, law professor provides RHL with Pound's Outline of Lectures on Jurisprudence


Costo, Juan M.


1931, ALK says what he wrote on his people is in Handbook


Cosulich, Gilbert


1930, Papago language papers supplied to District Probation Officer of the U.S. District Court of Arizona


Cotter, Aline


1965, asks what Palestinian cities were conquered by Thutmost III


FAN reply


Cottingham, Clive, Jr.


1948, recommends movie set in Australia


Coudy, Robert


1944-1945, writes articles on Ishi, wants pictures


Coulborn, Rushton



see Redfield, Robert


Coult, Allan D.


1965, Harber invited to participate in conference on the Implications of the Psychedelic Experience for Anthropology




Coulter, John Wesley


1921, with ALK re tree burial and Indian words

Box 46

Council for Democracy




Council for Indian Languages


1940, ALK agrees to serve as collaborator


Council for Old World Archaeology


1955, prospectus


Council on Intercultural Relations


1943, RHL requests paper on Greek village life


Count, Earl W.




Courreges, John


1941, going to Mexico to take pictures of Inca and Aztec ruins


ALK gives references and practical advice


Courville, C.B.


1951, with TDMcC re traumatic injuries to prehistoric man


Covarrubias, Miguel


1944, ALK personal


1946, invited to teach summer session


Covici Friede


1937, asks RHL to review book


declines and recommends others


Covington, Maud E.


1941, permission to photograph specimen for article on Alaska


Cowan, J.M.


1945-1948, re Joint Committee on Native American Languages


Cowell, Olive Thompson


1934, re Frantichek Pospisel


Cox, Lena


1913-1915, with EWG re kinship terms


Cox, Quentin


1962-1963, ABE's courteous replies to almost unreadable letters


Cox, Valerie


1965, grade schooler asks info on Ishi


referred to Mrs. Kroeber's juvenile book


Crabtree, Don


1938, U.C. Museum of Paleontology


Craddick, Eva


1941, RLO letter of recommendation


Craib, Ralph G.




Craig, Donald M.


1939, with RHL re Master's thesis on Yaqui


Craighead, John


1949, re survival on desert coast of Sonora


Crampton, C. Gregory


1934, EWG unable to appraise Eskimo pipe


Cranbrook Foundation


1939, Peru textile paper sent


Crane, H.R.


1952-1954, with EWG re Carbon 14 dating


Crane, Phillip


1933, high school boy brings shell mound specimens for identification and is shown museum collection


Crane, Robert T.


thank you letter to the Executive Committee of the Social Science Research Council for gift of ship's clock and barometer


Cranford, James


1938, wants info on Cahuilla


EWG gives references


Craw, Julia


1965, re prehistoric animals


1966, re Indian use of cat-tails


Crawford, Malcolm M.


1925, Strong tells him to fill the "holes we dug at Spedis"


Creel, H.G.


1944, ALK sends copies of his review on Newspaper Chinese


Crenshaw, Nancy


1945, re career as archaeologist


1950, re scholarship


Crepeau, Philip C.


1966, wants to visit Ishi's caves


ABE advice


Crequer, Vincent J.


1921, with EWG re Maori place names


Cressman, L.S.






Creveling, Keith M.


1946, re possible study here


Creydt, Oscar




Crimmins, John


1953, brings specimens from Virgin Valley, Nevada


Grosscup examines, records and asks permission to do a paper on them


Crittenden, Charmian


1947-1956, departmental secretary, includes some issues of The Tracer


Croft, Allen N.


1953, RFH writes to him at Fort Ord


Crook, Delsie


1966, seeks info on Coptic textiles for thesis


FAN says our collection is meager


Crooks, Georeg H., Mrs.


1949, EWG thanks for appreciation of book


Crosby, Bing


1946, sorry, can't support African Expedition (copy)


Cross, Ira B.


1936, re allocations of funds


Cross Cultural Survey


1949, RHL to Sproul asking funds for participation


Crow Indians


miscellaneous, 1934-1953


Crowley, Barbara Gage


1948, TDMcC asks info on her


Crowley, Mary B.


1940, questions about Jews


TDMcC reply


Cruxent, Jose M.


1948-1954, Director of the Museum of Natural Sciences, Caracas, Venezuela

Box 47





Cudabac, Jacqueline


1965, wants Campfire Girls to "dig"


FAN informs of law against it and suggests alternatives


Culleton, James H.


1941, with ALK re scraps of Indian manuscripts found at Carmel Mission




definitions of, 1950


Culture Element Survey




Culture History Group




Culver, Kenneth Leon


1931, re PhD


Cummings, Marian E.


1939-1940, patron-helper of Isabel Kelly


Cummins, Marjorie Whited


1951, returns book to EWG and tells news


Cunningham, Thomas F.


1938, with ALK on the question of whether the whole human race could have sprung from two individuals


Curley, Richard


1965, re collecting specimens in Uganda


Curo, Rocindo


1913, San Diego Indian with ALK


Curry, Charles A.


1949, RLO advises as to Bella Bella informants


Curtin, Jeremiah, Mrs.


1915, wants to publish Indian myths


ALK says U.C. published only the work of its own staff


Curtis, Charles C.




Curtis, Edward S.


1914, 1921, about his work, not from him


Curts, C. Jane


1937, 1938, re museum positions


Cusenberry, J.D.


1944, man in Navy thanks ALK for suggested readings


Cuthrell, Carl E.


1966, survey of mummies


Cutter, Donald




Foundation for the Study of Cycles




Czainerorki, L.


undated, thanks EWG for work on Miwok ceremonies


Czekanowski, Jan





Box 47

Daggett, Stuart


1946, sends RHL Justice Holmes's comment on "Primitive Society"


Dailey, Gardner A.


1959-1960, architect, re Exhibit Hall in Kroeber Hall



Daly, Edward H.


1918, ALK says no rock carvings near Round Valley


D'Amico, Angelo


1953-1954, re manuscript on the canines


Damkroger, Dorothy


1915-1916, re recording of Indian stories at North Fork


Damon & Co.


1933, EWG orders cast of Sinanthropus


Dane, G. Ezra


1937-1941, EWG helps with his book, "Ghost Town"


Dangberg, Grace


1919-1940, re Washo work and letters to Jack Wilson


Dangel, Richard


1927, with ALK re Indian death


Daniel, J.F.


1939-1941, Professor of Zoology


Daniels, Gert L.




Daniels, Helen Sloan


1938, sends photos of pre-basketmaker skulls


Daniels, R.S.


1937, re petroglyphs near Tule Lake


Daniells, Gordon P.


1953, re Melanesian potsherds


Danubian Review


1945, asks list of Balkan staff


RHL reply


Danysh, Joseph


1937, EWG requests photos of pictographs from WPA project


Danzel, Theodr-Wilhelm


1919-1935, in German, Museum fur Volkerkunde, Hamburg


d'aquin, G.J.M.E.

see Jones, Philip Morris


Dare, Ann


1934, re bones of Dalai Lama


Dark, Philip J.C.


1962-1965, re research assistantship and Benin bronze/brass


Dark, Raymond A.


booklet, "Tools...Creator of Civilization"


Darlington, H.S.


1929-1940, RHL comments on his manuscript on tobacco


Darrah, William C.


1946, asks ALK's appraisal of John Wesley Powell's contributions to anthropology




Das, Gopi N.




Das, Tarak Chandra


1938, sends paper to RHL


Daugherty, Lyman


1949, EWG asks him to identify charcoal fragments


Dave, Captain


1913, [unsigned] thanks Asbury for securing him as informant


Davenport Academy of Sciences


Davenport, C.B.


1918, re anthopometry in the Army


Daveron, S. Alexander


1939, sends photos and info on Barbados Indians of Brazil


Davidson, D.S.




Davidson, Ellinor


1929, re shellmounds


Davidson, M.B.


1935-1937, ALK gives advice on excavation to be done for Lake County Museum


Davidson, Marion


1961-1962, re appraisal of Southwest pottery


Davidson, W.S.


1939, to ALK from Australia


Davie, Maurice R.


1942, ALK assessment of Leo Simmons for Yale


Davies, D.C.


1925-1928, Director, Field Museum of Natural History


Davies, David


1956, re possible graduate work


Davies, Elton M.


1950, re loan of skeletal material to California College of Arts and Crafts


Davis, A.R.


1939-1942, 1955, Professor of Botany and Chairman, Board of Research


Davis, D.T.


1947, re his Napa Valley archaeological collection


Davis, Emma Lou


1965, arranges visit to see Farmington Reservoir material


Davis, E.H.




Davis, Faurest


1938-1939, re Seri film


Davis, Gilbert


1933-1936, Yavapai Indian informant with EWG


Davis, Gladys


1945, EWG identifies coin and pipe excavated in Antioch


Davis, J.S.




Davis, James Thomas


1953, certificate of candidacy for M.A.


Davis, Kingsley




Davis, W.F.


1927, EWG thanks for reporting sites near Tulare


Davis, William H.


1944, ALK opinion on Briggs's "Ancient Khmer Empire"


Davis, W.L.


1943, re language of Indians at Kalispel reservation

Box 48

Dawson, Edgar


1927, RHL sends references


Dawson, Elmer J.


1924-1953, excavotor and collector


Dawson, Leroy


1936, reports site in southwestern Colorado


Day, Dorothy


1941-1942, graduate student


Day, John, publishers


1944, 1946


Dazey, Betty


1947, to DGM from Chiloquin, Oregon


Deakins, Duane


1945, ALK and RHL recommendations to medical school


de Angulo, Jaime




de Angulo, Mrs. Jaime (Lucy Freeland, also called Nancy)




Dearmore, Roy


1942, EWG asks for skeletons he excavated near Red Bluff


reply that Indians took them for reburial


De Busk, Charles R.


1965, requests for publications


DeCamp, Rod


1942, RLO writes former student in Navy


de Cardi, B.


1945-1946, asks for job with Fiji expedition


Decker, O.L.


1931, re mace or club


Deetz, James J.F.


1966, ABE requests his gravestone seriation show


de Forest, H.


1930, EWG explains use of flowers by Miwok


Degener, Otto


1947-1949, re book on Fiji


DeGrange, McQuilken


1927, re publication of ALK's "Superorganic"


de Huszar, George B.


1944, with RHL re his book on Balkans


de Jong, J.P.B. Josselin


1919-1921, with ALK


1952, with JHR re Wenner Gren Foundation grant


de la Sota, Jésus


1952, prospective student


reply not in file


University of Delhi


1950, DGM inquires of possibilities for Fullbright fellow


de Laguna, Frederica




de las Alas, Dolores


1949, requests free copies of RHL's book




Dellenbaugh, Frederick S.


1917, 1934


del Río, Pablo Martinez




de Mendizabal, M.O.


1939, EWG plans to attend International Congress of Americanists


Demers, A.L


1934, reports pictographs in cave near Panamint


Demetracopolou, Dorothy




Denhard, Frederick


1949, letter of thanks to retiring Inventory employee


Denicke, E.H.


1937, ALK gives reference for Indian language of Marin County


Denize, Raymond M.


1954, re Tuamotuan expedition


Denlinger, Elmer


1946-1947, prospective student


Denman, Elizabeth


1942, former secretary, employed at embassy in Mexico


Denman, Leslie

see Golden Gate International Exposition


Denman, William, Mrs.




Dennes, William R.


1942-1948, Professor of Philosophy


Dennis, William H.


1948, DGM gives references on Jews in China


Denny, Grace G.


1954, request for O'Neale papers


Densmore, Frances




Denton, Robert


1943, RLO letters of recommendation to medical schools


de Pastoret, Pierre


1931, asks ALK opinion on Atlantis manuscript


ALK says not proved and unprobable


DePew, Lillian Brooks


1937, reports trilithon in California


Dep, Wilson


1948, re course requirements


Depue, J.E.


1921, re skull and specimens from Bakersfield


DePue, F.H.


1924, re mounds


deRelles, Katja Birmann


1956, re visit here


Derrick, L.A.


1951, thanks EWG for book on Fiji and tells news


Desert Protective Council, Inc.

see James, Harry C.


de Terra, H.


1939, 1950, re possible lectures here


Deuel, Thorne


1956, re possible visiting professorship


D'Evelyn, Frederick




Devereux, George


1932-1956 Dobo [?]


de Vries, Annette


1940, EWG letter of recommendation

Box 49

Dew, Elder LaMar Owen


1949, RFH gives reference for Paiute myths


Dewar, John


1947, re Indian masks


Dewey, John


1949, RHL declines to contribute to ninetieth birthday celebration


DeWind, Henry A.


1946, with ALK re orders of phenomena


deWitt, Clinton


1938, with RHL re affidvit for Eduard Rebhan


Dexter, Ralph W.


1963, biographer inquires after correspondence of Frederic Ward Putnam


WB reply


Deyoe, G.P.


1951, wants picture of prehistoric corn


de Young


1938-1953, re possible graduate work and gift of Siamese pottery




1932, one letter in French


d'Harnoncourt, Rene




Dhrangadhra, Maharaja of


1956, re possible graduate work here


Dial, Earl


1924, EWG asks him to work on site at the Dalles


The Dial


1919, typescript of review of "Anthropology Up-to-date" by George Winter Mitchell


Dias, A. Jorge


1951, Christmas card and address


Dibble, Charles E.




Dibner, Bern


1955, RHL thanks for publication


Dick, Henry J.B.


1962, re gift of which there is no record


Dick, Hugh G.


1946, RHL and TDMcC report work in progress to Survey of Humanistic Work in Progress on the Pacific Coast


Dickerson, Mary C.


1917, solicits articles from ALK


Dickerson, Roy E.


1920, reports site on upper Klamath River


Dickey, Herbert Spencer


1936, re expedition to Ecuador


Dickinson, A.B.


1942, re Indian words


Dickinson, Edwin D.


1939, 1946, Dean of the School of Jurisprudence


Dickson, Deirdrelln


[unsigned], undated letter of recommendation


Dictionary of American Biography


1941, ALK helps with article on Roland Burrage Dixon


1955, RHL declines to write article on Goldenweiser


1955, DGM writes article on Edward Sapir


Dictionary of the Social Sciences


1941, RHL declines to be contributing editor


Dictionary of World Literature


1943, RHL declines to contribute


Dieseldorff, E.P.




Dietschy, Hans


re RHL contribution to Felix Speiser festschrift


Dietzgen Co.


re tracing paper


Dille, Fred M.


1944, offers RHL remaindered book


referred to publisher


Dillon, T.B.


1947, re degree requirements


Dillon, Wilton S.


1956, from DGM


Di Maggio, Frances


1947, TDMcC gives references on ancient man


Dimmick, Ann E.


1939-1940, seeks museum job


Dingler, Hugo


1954, notice of his death


Dingman, R.E.


1943, EWG gives advice on becoming an archaeologist


Dinsmore, Clara S.


1940, asks questions about Indians


reply not in file


Dodds, John W.


1943, from ALK re program of training administrators for the War Department


d'Irsay, Stephen


1930, asks RHL contribution to new quarterly




Distribution studies




Dix, H.P.


1954, EWG thanks for help in New Caledonia


Dixon, James


1931, clipping about giant race


Dixon, Keith


1952, re cotton textiles


1955, seeks job


Dixon, Lawrence


1924, re sites near Bakersfield


Dixon, Roland B.




Doane, Betsey I.


1941, RLO and EWG letters of recommendation


Dobie, J. Frank


announcement of lecture


Dobo, George

see Devereux, George


Dodds, John W.


1947, re DGM participation in Santa Barbara conference


Dodge, R.E.


1924, re sites in Kings, Tulare, Kern Counties


Doherty Fellowships


1952, re application of Thomas McCorkle


Doll, A.


1952, inquires about Kashia Indians


reply not in file


Dollard, John


1941, re visit with ALK


Dolores, Juan







Box 50

Donahue, Emily L.


1939, from EWG re work in Eureka


Donaldson, Jessie Louise




Donovan, M.


1953-1956, re baskets


Donson, Jerome


1952, EWG letters of recommendation


1954, re his museum job


Doob, Leonard W.


1962, WB re nominations (for what?)


Doran, Edwin Beale


1948-1948, re PhD.


Dordick, I.


1946, re possible graduate work here


Dorfman, Eugene


1955, asks RHL for info for Gladys Reichard obituary








Dorsey, George A.




Dosquellas, Garcia


1943, request for publication


Dosser, W.E.


1920, Ifugao papers sent to Lieutenant Governor of Luzon, P.I.


Doubleday publishers


1944, 1947, 1952


Doughty, George




Douglas, Frederick H.




Douglas, Walter


1938-1939, ALK thanks for help to Isabel Kelly


Douglass, A.E.


1929-1931, re dendrochronology


Dowd, Mary


1924, re site near Santa Cruz


Downs, Francis


1930, seeks appraisal on Chinese bowl and shawl


referred to Laufer


Downs, James


1965, re Washo photos


Downs, Richard E.


1953, re job here


Downs, Robert B.


1941, ALK gives opinion on best anthropology libraries to American Library Association


Doyle, Joseph


1947, ALK helps with biography of George Edward Woodbury


Dragoiu, Irene A.


JHR answers questions about Roumanian language and race


Drake, F.S.


1955, EWG plans to visit him in Hong Kong


Drake, Grace E.


1938, tells EWG of employment at De Young Museum


1939, RLO letter of recommendation


Drake's Bay




Drake, Robert J.




Drake, St. Clair


1947, wants to join African expedition


Drake University


1946, 1947


Draper, Lawrence, Mrs.


1938, wants EWG to catalog a basket collection


referred to Jane Curts


Dreidemie, Oscar J.


1953, request for publications


Drew, Ernest R.


1950, to EWG re plans


Drews, Robin A.


1939, re Kus baskets


Drian, Jacqueline


1940, asks ALK about career opportunities for women in Archaeology




Driver, Harold




Drucker, Philip





Box 51

Druhe, David


1943, RHL comments on his Master's thesis


Drury, Newton B.


1940, with ALK re preservation of pictographs in state parks


Dube, Shrimati Leela


1953, RHL declines to judge thesis


Dublin, Louis


1947-1948, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.


Duboc, Jessie L.


1955, asks RHL about Crow


reply not in file


DuBois, Cora




DuBois, W.E.B.


1935, re Encyclopaedia of the Negro


du Bourguet, P.


1953, re visit here


Ducey, Paul R.


1954, JHR asks if he is interested in position here


Ducke, Adolfo


1941, RHL asks about Brazilian yams


Dudycha, George


1931, asks for paper on Kamia


referred to Smithsonian


DuFay, R.


1963, sends objects for identification


Duff, Roger F.


1953-1954, with EWG re work in New Zealand


Duffy, James


1925, offers information on Peru


Duggan, Lawrence


1947, ALK letter of recommendation for Gabriel Escobar


Duggan, Stephen


1941, RHL introduces TDMcC


1946, re City College Centennial Fund


Duke University




Duke University Press


1939, re publication of ALK's "Psychosis or Social Sanction"


Dumas, A.


1945, EWG reports on trip home from Sonora


Dumas, Mary A.


1962, re promotion


Dunbar, Maygene


1942, re possible graduate work here


Dunbar, S.B.


1932, EWG thanks for photos of Russian River petroglyphs


Dundes, Alan

see Bascom, personal and misc.


Duniway, David C.


1947, one letter from RFH


Dunlap, Helen


1947-1950, re Master's thesis


DuPont Co.


1929, re protective coating


Dupouy, Walter


1951, re students from Venezuela


Durall, Jack L.


1946, seeks job


Durant, Richard


1965, FAN gives references on a number of questions


Durkee, Carleton F.


1944, RLO letter of recommendation


Dutton publishers




Duval, Richard


1935, Annapolis Library asks for picture of museum


Dwinger, Norah


1942, seeks job


Dyckman, Robert A.


1947, asks ALK about his new theory on origin of man


ALK has none


Dyen, Isidore


1948, re Barton manuscripts


Dyer, Dorothy


1934, re petroglyphs


Dyk, Walter





Box 51

Eaglewing, Chief


1933, ALK letter of recommendation to S.F. schools

See also Sanderson


Eakin, Richard M.


1942, re RLO's class in history of biology


Earl, Guy C.


1927, sends pictures of petroglyphs


Earle, Elizabeth


1939, with ALK re huacos showing disease


East and West Association




East Indies Institute of America




Eastern World


1947, DGM requests sample copies


Eastman, Don


1948, EWG inquires about dugout canoe


Eastwood, Alice


brochure about her published for her eightieth birthday


Eberhard, W.




Eberhardt, R.L.


1952, sends bulletin which identifies fish bomes


Eberle, David F.


1954, EWG offers to review book on Fiji


Eckman, Kay


1949-1953, museum typist, newsy letters to EWG


Ecuador, Universidad Central


1948, announcement


Edel, B.C.


1942-1944, secretary for the estate of Franz Boas


Edel, May M.


1939, to ALK and RHL re anthropology at Brooklyn


Edelstein, Lorraine


1945, RLO answers question about racial odors


Edgell, George Harold


1940, ALK asks if he can identify Oriental porcelain found at Drake's Bay


Edgerton, Franklin




Edinger, Tilly


1948, notice of lecture on European museums


Éditions Payot


1950, re translation of RHL's "Social Organization"


Edmundson, W.T.


1942, re his excavations in Oregon


American Council on Education


1926, 1947


Educational Art Service Co.




Educational Film Laboratory


1950, DGM wants to rent film


Educational Testing Service




Edwards, Francis L.


1948, asks about Indian dental folklore


EWG reply


Edwards, James B.


1933-1935, re collecting in Honduras

Box 52

Effman, Nicholas


1939, Indian thanks ALK for paper


Egbert, Warren


1936, permission to excavate mounds near Knight's Landing


Eggan, Fred




Eglar, Zekiye


1947, request for syllabus




1952, U.C. denies charges of keeping historic objects


Ehlers, Lois


1943, asks about Indian reservations in California


EWG reply


Eichorn, Arthur P.


1947, wants info on Indians near Weed


EWG reply


Eiseley, Loren




Eisen, Gustav




Eisenstadt, S.N.


1956, re loan of papers


Ekholm, Gordon F.




Ekvall, Robert B.


1939, letters and typescripts of "Permission to Live" and "The Night of Butter Images"




1953, memo informs RHL of his presence in Berkeley


Elbert, Samuel H.


1953, ALK compliments on Polynesian article


Paul Elder book store


1929, RHL asked to speak at Author's Afternoon


Elems, Homer


1952, thanks for locating Long Tom Larson


Elias, Norbeort


1939, RHL thanks for books


Eliot, Thomas D.


1929, with ALK re pictographs


Elisséeff, Serge


1937, re Oriental Languages Department


Elkin, A.P.


1940, exchange of papers with RHL


1949-1951, re EWG work in New Caledonia


Elkins, Ethel C.


1938, ALK thanks for info on Heine-Geldern's tour


Elkins, J.C.


1922, sends work on relationship of Japanese and Indian languages


ALK criticism


Elkintom, A.C.




Elkus, Albert


1939, re recordings of Indian music


Elkus, Charles




Eller, A.V.


1925, re pictographs


Elliott, C.E.


1937, EWG supplies locations of petroglyphs in Sonoma County


Ellis, Arthur M.


1925-1926, ALK writes foreword for privately printed republication of Reid's Account of the Indians of Los Angeles County


Ellis, E.S.


1947, ALK thanks for book


Ellis, Florence Hawley

see Hawley, Florence M.


Ellis, H. Holmes


1939, re possible graduate work


Ellis, Howard S.


1943, re Pacific Area program


Ellis, Thomas H.

see Gifford, E.W. 1912-1932


Ellis, W.T.


1940, RLO thanks for his book on Yuba County


Elliott, Douglas


1943, thanks ALK for arranging for him to study sherds


Ellsworth, Mary Catherine


1949, 1955, re Bolivian mummy appurtanences


Ellwood, Charles A.




Elmendorf, William




El Salvador, Consulate


1936, thanks for hospitality to Dr. Zepeda


Elsasser, Albert B.


1952, 1961-1962, A-K


1961-1962, L-Z

Box 53

Elsasser, Albert B. (cont.)


1962-1963, A-O


1962-1963, P-Z


1963-1964, A-L


1963-1964, M-Z


1964-1965, A-W


Elsasser, Erich




Elsasser, William


1945, 1950


Elsner, Nancy


1955, wants training for research position at a museum


GMF reply


Elwin, Verrier


1947-1949, re Man in India


Elwood, C.F.


1919, re return of bones


1933, re artifacts excavated near Concord


Embree, Edward R.


1938-1940, ALK helps with book


Embree, John F.




Emeneau, Murray




Emerson, Alfred


1922-1940, includes draft of "The Comparative Study of Societies"


Emerson, Dorothy


1930, request for publication


Emerson, Edwin


1925, 1955


Emerson, Mark L.


1945, sends map to EWG


Emerson, W. Otto


1931, re EWG visit to see his collection


Emerson, William K.


1956, request for reprint


Emig, Chris


1939-1940, museum news to EWG


Emmons, G.T.


1913-1954, re his collection and notes


Emory, Kenneth




Empire Cotton Co.


1953, re 2000 year old Peruvian cotton




1946, re recording cylinders electrically


Emsheimer, Ernst


1940, from RHL to refugee

Box 54

Encyclopedia Americana


1953, JHR re map


Encyclopaedia Britannica




Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences






1946, ALK appreciation


Enderlein, Max W.


1924, WES requests map of Alpaugh


Enders, R.G.


1942, re drawing of pictograph not made by Indians


Endert, Joseph F.


1963, with ABE re dentalium money


Endo, Katsuhiro


1942-1944, relocated Japanese American student asks advice on where to resume studies


ALK reply


Engsberg, Robert M.


1941, seeks job


Engerrand, George C.




Engle, Nancy L.


1954, seeks job


English, Frank


1935, with ALK re races


Enke Verlagsbuchhandlung


1937, [unsigned] says he will review Thurnwald's book for Journal of Folklore


Enright, Laurence


1951, EWG answers question on Costanoans


Erasmus, Charles




Erdis, E.C.


1932, re mortar found in Texas


Erdman, H.E.


1939, re subcommittee on membership of Social Science Research Conference


Erikson, Erik H.




Erkes, Edward


1946-1947, re postwar positions at University of Leipzig


Erlich, Vera Stein




Erwin, A.T.


1933, borrows specimen of Huamachuco corn


Escobar, Gabriel


1942, wants info on ethnological methods, ALK reply


Escomel, Edmundo

see Judd, Neil M.


Escuela Nacional de Antropologia, Mexico


1942, announcement


Eskins, Sam


1951, re loan of recordings


Espina A., Beaunoni


1957, re Philippine folk music


Essene, Frank




Essig, E.O.


1927, ALK looks over his manuscript on insects and Indians


Estel, Leo Arthur




Estep, Margaret Cartlich


1935, 1940


Estes, M.B.


1931, sends photos of rock basins in Sequoia National Park


Ethridge, Homer, Mrs.


1940, EWG answers questions about Pueblo Bonito


Eubank, Earle


1932, tells ALK and RHL that they are referred to in his "The Concepts of Sociology"


Eubanks, Thomas H.


1946, re site in North Carolina


EWG refers to Gillin at Duke


Eugene Field Society


1941, EWG notified of honorary membership




1925, RHL protests his position on pygmies is misrepresented in journal of Eugenics Education Society


1952, TDMcC nominates student


Euler, Robert C.


1954, 1963


Evans, A. Grant


1913, request for publications


Evans, Cecilia


1937, seeks job


Evans, Clifford


1953, seeks Jalisco pictures


EWG refers to Isabel Kelly


Evans, Ernestine


1928-1941, editor at Coward-McCann, later at Lippincott


Evans, Herbert M.


1945, Professor of Biology


Evans, H. Sylvester


1946, from EWG re plans for Fiji


Evans, S.C.




Evans, W.R.


1934, EWG thanks for reporting mound near San Simeon


Evans-Pritchard, E.E.



Box 55

Ewers, John C.




exchange student


1950, offer from Paris


Exploratory Committee on World Affairs




Eyed, John


1946, planning field work in California, mail being sent here


Ezell, Paul




Ezra, Lady


DGM sends paper on Jews of Cochin



Box 55

Fackenthal, C.S.


1912-1919, re Ishi, arrowpoints and Indian words


Fackenthal, Frank D.


1936-1937, RHL serves on jury for Loubat prize


Fackenthal, Stuart


1947, re loan of specimens excavated at Monterey Customs House


Fagg, W.B.


1948, re RHL visit to Britain


Fahs, Charles, B.


1947, ALK's appraisal of Wittfogel work


1950, TDMcC comments on Fahs paper


Fairbanks, H.W.


1943, EWG gives references on Pitt River Indians


Fairbanks, Ruby


1929, EWG supplies Pomo word for fire


Fairchaild Publications


1948, request for O'Neale bibliography


TDMcC refers to Carnegie Institution


Falconer, Eric A.




Family Study Center


1953, memo that Foote is director


Farber, Seymour M.


1943, re measuring patients in tuberculosis ward


Far Eastern Quarterly


1953, announcement


Far Eastern Prehistory Association

see Movius, Hallam, 1954


Far Eastern Survey






1947, ALK can give no info


Farfán, J.M.B.


1942, seeks job with Andean Research Institute


Farmer, Malcolm F.


1947, 1950


Farmer, W.H.


1953, re Crow publications


Farnsworth and Ruggle drayage


1928, estimate for moving cases from S.F. to Berkeley


Farrand, Livingston


1914-1936, 1954


Farrar, C.B.


1946, re RHL review of Burgess and Locke "The Family" for American Journal of Psychiatry


Farrar & Rinehart




Farrar, Straus


1948-1949, re RHL comments on books


Farrell, Robert


1950, re field work in Micronesia


Farson, Allan


1942, ALK gives advice on proposed work with Seri


Farwell, W.A., Mrs.


1965. re excavations at Palowan, Philippine Islands


Fast, Alger


1925, re identification of stone articles found near Merced


Fathauer, George H.


1951, ALK asks permission to use portions of his thesis on Mohave


Fay, George


1954, re archaeological survey of Sonora, Mexico


Fay, Jean Bradford


1949, re order for slides for Anna Head School


Fay, Richard


1957, re pictures of Ishi for publication


Faye, Paul Louis




Febre, Lucien


1951, ALK memo says U.C. ought to get book edited by him, "Civilisation: Le Mot et L'Idée"


Feer, Ellis


1955, memo of marriage to Devereux


Fejos, Paul


1945-1947, Director of Research, The Viking Fund


Felis, Bob


1919, job offer to Indian informant withdrawn


Fellowships and scholarships




Fenenga, Franklin




Feng, Han Yi


1937, 1940, ALK thanks for kinship study


Fenstermaker, G.B.


1926, asks if arrowheads are authentic


ALK reply


Fenton, William N.


1937, 1949


Féré, Ernest


1952, to EWG from Canala, in French


Ferdon, Edwin N.


1951, from JHR


Fernstrom, Karl, Jr.


1948-1950, seeks job


Fewkes, Vladimir J.




Fick, Bernice


1941, re application to Newark Museum training course


Field, Clark


1943-1944, re baskets


Field, Henry




Field, N.J.


1942, sends paper to RHL


Fiji Society




Filipović, Mil S.


1955, secretary sends reading list


Fink, Colin S.


1942, re article on sherds and spikes


Fink, Lois


1954, thanks for loan of Southwest artifacts for Sierra Club program


Fink, Peter


1935, re shell mounds


Finkelstein, Louis


1945-1947, with RHL re Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion


Finkle, Byron


1940, reports sites in Nevada


Finley, David E.


1944, re exhibit of Indian art in Mexico


Finley, Richard S.


1948-1950, seeks job


Finnsson, Dorothea


1934, seeks job

Box 56

Fire Prevention, S.F. Bureau of


1931, report on condition of museum


Firth, Raymond




Fischel, Hans


1932-1939, 1953


Fischer, H. Th.




Fischer, J.L.


1961, WB thanks for reprints and tells news


Fish, Charles J.


1930, requests autographed photo of ALK for Buffalo Museum


Fisher, Burcard


1936, EWG calls his attention to article on Navaho


Fisher, Edna M.


1934-1938, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology


Fisher, Galen


1942, ALK reports on Margaret Lantis


Fisher, H. Calvin


1962, asks questions about the museum


WB reply


Fisher, J.C.M.


1932, re loan of terra cotta figurines for study


Fisher, K.A.


1940, request for publications


Fisher, Leeana


1939-1940, re visit to museum of class for San Jose State


Fisher, Sydney M.


1965, WB advises on purchase of Turkish puppets


Fisher, Walter


1944, re Lindgren


1954, thanks RHL for paper


Fisk University


1946, RHL has library order their publications


Fitch, Frank B.


1936, EWG's favorable opinion of his work on Sierra Miwok


Fitzpatrick, Dorothea


1938, requests reading list on Mexico and Peru


EWG reply


Fitzsimons, E.D.


1924, re sites and artifacts near Reedley


Fitz Water, J.E.


1935, offers to make casts in return for experience


EWG reply


Fladmark, Reidar


1950, offers to lecture on Maya chronology


Flamm, Ray


1939, wants appraisal of carved ivory


EWG refers to Lessing


Flannery, Helen


1929, ALK approves her thesis


Flannery, Monica


1919, recommendation to Bryn Mawr


Flannery, Regina




das Flechtwerk


1955, re pictures of baskets


Fleishhacker, Herbert


1927, ALK authenticates gold artifacts form Colombia


Fleishhacker Zoo


1941, 1946, re visit by museum class


Fleming, A.L.


1914, thanks ALK for papers on Eskimo


Fleming, Mike


1965, re publications and antiquity law


Fleure, H.J.




Flinn, Catherine


1940, copy of letter to Sproul suggesting that the university acquire Sotomeyer tile map of the Pacific Basin from the GGIE


Flinn, Marjorie


1938, seeks bones from Southwest


EWG reply


Flint, Chester


1938, reports rock carvings in Trinity County


Flint, R.F.

see Gifford, 1950


Flores, Ruth




University of Florida




Florida State University




Florida State College for Women


1935, re student who seeks museum work


Flowers, Thomas E.


1924, thanks for help to Strong


Flynn, John E.


1945, from EWG re Biological Abstracts


Fodor, A.


1923, re phonograph records


Foley, John P., Jr.


1943, to RHL on Boas as a social psychologist


Foley, U.V.


1953, asks TDMcC to examine her to determine if she is part Negro


he explains why he can not




1947, 1953


Folklore Institute of America




Follett, W.I.


1934-1956, re fish material


Follmer, R.W.


1944, re Moro boat


Fondo de Cultura Economica




Fong, Albert


1939, to EWG re his grade


Fontana, Bunny and Hazel


1956, newsy letter to the secretary from Tucson


Foote, Nelson


1953, memo identifies him as director of Family Study Center


Forbes, Ernest


1929, ALK authenticates his collection of gold specimens


Force, Roland W.




Ford, Clellan S.


1947, 1955


Ford, Guy Stanton




Ford, James A.


1940-1941, re his and Willey's paper on eastern prehistory


1951, re paper for American Antiquity


Ford Foundation




Forde, C. Daryll



Box 57

Foreign Language Information Service


1932, summary of legislation


Foreign Missions Conference


1950, RHL letter of recommendation for Earl Count


Forkner, Mary Jane


1933-1936, letters of recommendation




1956, Academia Sinica requests publications


Fortes, Meyer




Fortney, W.G.


1948, EWG identifies Mexican figurine




1933, RHL supplies account of the work of the department


Fortune, Reo




Foskett, John M.


1938, re his thesis


Foster, George




Foster, L.


1932, asks ALK to contribute a chapter for a history of civilization


Foundation for the Study of Cycles


awards for 1943


Foundation Press


1943, sends book to ALK


Foundations, fellowships, miscellaneous, 1951-1955


Fourt, John


1948, TDMcC answers questions about chewing activities of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon


Fowler, Henry W.


1952-1957, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia


Fox, Constance


1939, letters of recommendation


Fox, John S.


1941, re manuscript on mining in the West Indies


Fox, Lucille


1941, EWG letter of recommendation


Fox, Ralph Olen


1960, re The Order of the Arrow


Fox, Robert B.


1940, re possible graduate work


Foxwell, Ernest D.


1939, prospective undergrad


Frachtenberg, Leo J.




France, Embassy of


1946-1947, re publications


Franciscan Fathers


1937, sends Catechism in Navaho


Franco, Asela B.


1951, with EWG re shells


Franco, E.


1934-1935, re exhibition and sale of his Esmeraldas collection


Francsek, Paul


1919, with ALK re "Jewish race"


Frank, Lawrence K.




Frank, W.


1920, to ALK from Indian in Trinidad


Frank, Waldo


1922, with ALK, exchange of opinions on books by Wissler and Parsons


Frankenstein, Alfred


1940, arranges visit with ALK


Frankl, Viktor


1938, two letters in German


Franklin Institute


1949, sends journal to RHL


Franzen, A.H.


1928, re Arctic expedition


Frau, Salvador Canals


1946, re publications


Frazer, Hattie


1930, re pot found near Woodlake


Frazeur, Jean


1929-1933, museum employee, newsy letters to EWG


Frazier, Captain


1929, supplies information about dugout canoes used by Indians near Lakeport


Frazier, W.T.


1916, re pictographs in Nevada


Frederiksen, Svend


1955-1956, seeks job


Free, L.R.


1927, re pictograph near Phoenix


Free Press


1949, DGM orders book


Freed, J.A.


1953, announcement of marriage to Nancy Laubach


Freeland, Helen


1916, re credit for work done at Santa Fe


Freeland, Lucy

see d'Angulo, Mrs. J.


Freeman, Frank N.


1946, gives book to library


Freeman, M. Joann


1951, seeks museum job


The Freeman


1923, 1930, re RHL contribution


Freeston, C. Brian


1952, thanks EWG for report on New Caledonia


Fresno Morning Republican


1924, EWG inquires about pictographs near Fresno


Fried, Morton H.


1953, RHL appreciation of his paper on Chinese society


Friedlander, Walter J.


1939, re study of archaeology


Friedmann, Herbert


1942, asks ALK about folklore concerning storks


referred to Stith Thompson and Archer Taylor


Freidmann, Otto


1945, seeks job


RHL suggestions


Freire-Marreco, Barbara


thanks EWG for shellmound paper

See also Aitken, Barbara


Friel, G.C.


1932, re slave killers


Frink, H.W.


1932, arranges to meet ALK in New York


Fritz, Emanuel




Frizzi, Romilda


1951, one letter in German, not answered


Frizzell, Don L.


1933, re fossil shell identification




1951, to EWG in German


Frost, Florence M.




Frum, W. Gene


1946, with EWG re bats


Frusetta, Pat


1941, EWG identifies shell beads


Fry, Samuel


1924, re photographs of his collection

Box 58

Fuchs, Stephen


DGM review of his "The Children of Hari"


Fuhrmann, Ernst


1937, re exchange of publications


Fujii, Mary




Fujii, Sally


1940, LMON letter of recommendation






Fuller, William


1913-1939, with EWG re Miwok kinship terms


Fulton, D.I.


1931, reports mound near Buttonwillow


Fulton, Eleanore Jane


1932, ALK makes suggestions for field work


Fulwider, L.E.


1939, reports cave in Mendocino County


Fund for the Advancement of Education


1951, DGM recommends J.D. Lewis for fellowship


Funk, Peter


1953, re possible RFH participation in producing illustrated handbook


Furer-Haimendorf, Cristoph von




Fybate Lecture Notes


1947-1948, RFH and TDMcC asks that notes not be taken in their courses



Box 58

Gabain, C.G.


1945, something written by him in German


Gabbert, Jane




Gabel, Norman E.




Gabel, W. Creighton


1956, seeks job


Gabrielsen, Wilfred


1947, permission granted to publish decoration on a chest


Gaddis, W.P., Mrs.


1943, seeks info on Solomons for her son who is stationed there


EWG replies


Gaffney, William, Mrs.


1928-1930, re archaeology near Bodega Bay


Gai, G.S.


1956, DGM gives his schedule so that they may meet


Gaines, Barbara Mae


1945, RHL suggests literature on archaeology


Gaines, Ruth




Gainor, Dan


1923, [unsigned] sends photos


Gale, Beatrice


1939, RLO letter of recommendation


Gale, Maurice


1941, RFH gives references on Miwok


Gale, Thorn P.


1951-1952, EWG helps with Indian name for cabin


Gale, W.A.




Galenson, Sameline


1946, inquires about career opportunities


RHL reply


Gallagher, Orvall




Gallet, Harry W.


1920, ALK says no evidence that stone walls in Contra Costa hills were built by aborigines


Galligan, Alice


1943, with RHL re Gê


Gallos, George P.


1939, ALK explains PhD. requirements


Gallimard, Gaston


1935-1937, re RHL publications in French


Galloway, John C.


1955, re stone art


Galvan, Luis E.

see Outhwaite, Leonard, 1932


Galvão, Eduardo


1954, RHL letter of recommendation for Franz Caspar


Gam, Charles


1940, re possible study here


Gambastiani, A.J.


1942, EWG thanks for loan of abjects from Drakes Bay region


Gamble, John I.


1952, seeks job


Gamio, Manuel




Gamst, F.C.


1965, WB letters of recommendation


Gannett, Lewis S.




Garcia, Godofredo


1942, ALK acknowledges receipt of diploma of election to National Academy of Physical and Natural Sciences (Peru)


Garcia, Joseph


1943, RLO letter of recommendation


Garcia, Raymundo


1935, re shipments made by Isabel Kelly


Gardner, Ben


1962, re finds in Oregon


Gardner, Emelyn E.


1941, seeks info for Modern Language Association on persons collecting folklore


ALK and EWG replies


Gardner, N.L.


1926-1929, Botany professor identifies plants


Gardner, Martin


1941, re Fiftieth Anniversary symposia, University of Chicago


Garfield, Sam


1925, [unsigned] to Indian at Tule River reservation


Garfield, Viola E.


1960-1961, with ABE re totem poles


Garner, Hope


1927, seeks work for room and board position for friend


ALK reply


Garnot, Jean Sainte Fare


1950, thanks for photos of Egyptian objects


Garrick, Godfrey


1947, EWG thanks for bone from Fiji


Garrido, Eulogio


memo, ALK's Peruvian Archaeology in 1942 sent


Garrison, F. Lowell


1947, from RFH re his son's interest in archaeology


Garrison, Webb B.


1956, EWG re turtle belonging to Queen of Tonga


Garrod, D.A.E.


1935, to ALK, praising TDMcC's work with Keith


Garth, John S.


1953, EWG seeks someone to work on crustacean remains from New Caledonia


Garth, Thomas




Garvan, J.M.



Box 59

Gast, Patricia E.


1944, EWG letter of recommendation


Gates, Charles M.


1945, EWG declines to review a book


Gates, R. Ruggles


1940-1941, re blood grouping of California Indians


Gates, TDMcC


re review of something written by him


Gates, William


1923, to ALK re his work in Guatemala


Gates, William E.


1913, ALK invites him to scientific meeting; declines


Gatty, Harold


1947, EWG to Fiji


Gaudio, Athlio


1950, JHR unable to help him arrange lecture tour


Gauld, Charles A.


1946, reports death of Nimeundaju


typescript, "Brazil Honors its Indians"


Gaul, James H.


1940, seeks job


Gavan, James




Gavin, Eugene


1930, Cherokee asks how to study archaeology by mail


RHL refers to Smithsonian


Gayley, C.M.

see Bourn, W.B.


Gayton, Anna




Gebhard, David


1963, 1965


Gebhardt, Charles L.




Geddes, Arthur


announcement of lecture


Geers, G.J.


1919, thanks ALK for review of his work on Blackfoot


Geertz, Clifford


1962, WB sends abstract of paper to be given at AAA meeting


Gehring, P.


1955, RHL declines to donate book


Geiger, J.C.


1935, EWG seeks publication


Gekeler, W.R.


1926, seeks publication on work near The Dalles


Gelys, F.L.


1929, re find of Indian skeleton


General Federation of Women's Clubs


1927, RHL declines and ALK accepts being listed in their file of available speakers


General Steamship Corporation


1946, re Gifford trip to Fiji


General Systems Society


1955, re meeting




1951, secretary says RHL unable to attend meeting


Gengerelli, J.A.


1939, with ALK re measuring height of individuals


Genness, Diamond


1948, DGM asks his advice on grant for Osborne to work in Yukon


reply not in file


Gentry, Howard Scott




Geographia Map Co


1938, wants info on museum for a guide to S.F.


EWG says it is now in Berkeley


Geographical Review


1921, sends ALK review of his "Peoples of the Philippines"


Geological Society of America


1950, TDMcC orders publications


George, Dorsey


1913, EWG sends photo to Indian


George, Harry L.




George, Ray


1961, ABE asks to photograph his collection


George Washington Memorial Library (Stuttgart)


1953, asks donation of books


George Washington University


1954, RFH recommends Richard Howell for graduate work


Georgeley, Frank E.


1915,1919, re EWG visit and possible trip here as informant


Gerbrands, A.A.




Gerling, George F.


1939, re Latin American Studies


Gerlough, L.S.


1929, teacher sends EWG list of questions in California History


German Consul, S.F.

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