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Scrapbook (mountaineering clippings) 1902-06
Register for LeConte Memorial Lodge, Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1905-11
Scrapbook of printed ephemera (including announcements, pamphlets, songbook, dues notices, trip announcements, tickets and letterhead) ca. 1905-40
Scrapbook (re grazing in national parks: Kings and Kern Rivers, California) 1908-18
Scrapbook on Hetch Hetchy Valley (Calif.) 1908-18
Scrapbook on Hetch Hetchy Valley (Calif.) - San Francisco newspapers ca. 1909-10
Scrapbook on Hetch Hetchy Valley (Calif.) - non-San Francisco newspapers ca. 1909-10
Invitation to join the Sierra Club, LeConte Memorial Lodge, Yosemite National Park (Calif.) ca. 1990
Correspondence, 1957-1990
Correspondence 1957-88
Electronic mail 1984-85
Electronic mail 1985-88
Electronic mail 1988-90
Minutes and Agendas, 1906-1992
Board of Directors
Minutes 1906-22, 1925, 1928-60
Minutes 1961-91
Indexes 1946-63
Notices of meetings and agendas 1947-92
Board of Directors, Executive Committee
Minutes 1936-41, 1946-61
Minutes 1962-91
Notices of meetings and agendas 1948-82,1984
Reading (Mimeo) Files, 1938-1990
Subject 1948-50, 1957
D1-D439 1948-55
1-2640 1948-60
2650-3177 1960-63
Unnumbered 1938-58, Undated
Unnumbered 1958-64
Unnumbered 1964-68
Unnumbered 1968-71
Unnumbered 1971-73
Unnumbered 1973-75
Unnumbered 1975-76
Unnumbered 1978-82
Unnumbered 1982-85
Unnumbered 1985-87
Unnumbered 1988-90
Background Information, 1977-1987
Board of Directors meetings 1977-79, Undated
Board of Directors meetings 1979-82
Board of Directors meetings 1982-87
Board of Directors, Executive Committee meetings 1977-87
Office Files, 1896-1989
Annual dinners 1906-83
Bailey, Fisher C. - Property 1949-50
Bequests 1953-63
General 1953-1963
Juliet Abrahamson 1951-55
Olcott Haskell 1936-56
Caroline M. Leete 1959-62
Duncan and Jean McDuffie 1951-67
Marion Randall Parsons 1953-58
William E. Young 1955
Chronologies Undated
Clippings and articles 1896-1925
Condolence letters 1951-59
Conservation and Memorial Fund 1948-60
Diamond Jubilee Celebration 1967
Documentation Project Advisory Board 1980-83
Employee's Handbook 1980
Exhibits 1949-56
Goals and Objectives 1985-89
Honorary life memberships 1948-65
Honorary Vice Presidents 1951-53
Loosley, George M., property 1959-60
Membership 1953-59
Memorial Funds
Josephine Crane Bradley 1952
Ross J. Brower 1960
Julia Dearth 1959
Leonore Ginno 1959
Edwin H. Mauk 1956
Reginald F. Saunders 1957
David Simons 1961
Russell H. Varian 1959-60
Cedric Wright 1959-62
Office Newsletter 1962-65
Oral History Program 1977-85
Printed ephemera 1907-32
Property deeds 1912-58
Publicity 1950-58
Speakers 1950-53
Stewards 1982-87
"The Story of the Sierra Club: The First Decade," Holway R. Jones 1955
Weekly Report 1959
Student Environmental Confederation 1969-72
General 1969-1972
Board of Directors 1970
Clippings 1969-72
Southern California 1969
Visitors Register 1981-83
Bylaws 1905-68
Correspondence 1933-68, Undated
Special election of 1939 1939
Correspondence 1961-88
General 1961-1988
Brower, et. al., vs. Sierra Club 1985-86
Elections, 1907-1979 1907-81
Election, 1978 - Special election 1978-79
Elections, 1984-1986 1983-86
Election, 1987
Correspondence 1986-87
Ballot questions 1986-87
Candidate statements 1987
Miscellanea 1986-87
Elections, 1988-1990 1987, 1989
Cashbooks 1906-36
Audits, annual 1954-89
General 1954-1989
Correspondence 1968-69
Banquets and Awards - Correspondence 1967-68
Board of Directors and Executive Committee - Correspondence 1967-68
Book Order Department - Correspondence 1967-68
The Book Warehouse, Inc. - Correspondence 1967-68
Budgets 1956-78
General 1956-1978
Correspondence 1967-68
Cash flow 1963-82
Chronological file 1968
Clair Tappaan Lodge - Correspondence 1967
Committees - Correspondence 1967-68
Conservation - Correspondence 1967
Control Data Corporation - Correspondence 1967
Contracts 1966-67
Dues allocations and notices - Correspondence 1967-68
Financial Advisory Committee
Correspondence 1967-68
Minutes 1967-68
Financial Management Guide 1983, 1986
Financial statements 1963-71
Financial statements, general 1970-85
Financial statements - Correspondence 1967-68
Insurance - Correspondence 1966-69
Investment portfolios 1955-72
Investments and Donations - Correspondence 1967-68
Law and legislation - Correspondence 1967-68
Membership - Correspondence 1967-68
Memoranda 1967-77
Miscellaneous correspondence 1964-69
Outings - Correspondence 1967-68
New York Office - Correspondence 1966-68
Pacific Northwest Conservation Representative - Correspondence 1967
Pacific Telephone Company - Correspondence 1967-68
Pensions - Correspondence 1967-68
Personnel - Correspondence 1967-68
Printing - Correspondence 1967
Publications: Correspondence 1963-68
Publications: Sales and inventory 1962-88
Publications Committee - Minutes and Correspondence 1967-69
Receipt book 1917-36
Tax returns 1949-59
Treasurer's report 1908-1909
Correspondence, 1955-1986
Correspondence 1955-86
Subject Files, 1942-1991
Annual reports 1957-69
Budgets and financial statements 1956-78
Council committees 1956-1979
General 1956 1964-1979
Boundary Committee 1956-65
By-laws Committee and loyalty oaths 1960-68
By-laws Review Committee 1974
Chapter Publications Committee (including questionairres) 1956-69
Committee on Chapter Memberships in Other Organizations 1956-59
Committee on Defining Chapter and Club Conservation Responsibilities 1957
Committee on Scope, Policy, and Procedure 1955-64
Committee on Sierra Club Priorities 1973-74
Conservation-Education Coordination Committee 1956-58, 1966
Dues Allocation Study Committee 1958-73
Dues Subventions Committee 1964-65
Editorial Committee 1961-63
Executive Committee agenda, minutes and miscellany 1956-1986
Hiking and Riding Trail Committee 1964-65
Hospitality Committee 1956-58
Internal Communications Committee 1967-68
Internal Organization Committee (including surveys) 1968-76
Leadership Training Committee 1962-79
Library Study Committee 1956-59
Memorial Committee 1958-61
New Sierra Club Headquarters Committee 1957-61
Nominating Committee 1957-77
Outings Policy Committee 1973-77
Policy and Information Establishment and Review Committee 1965-66
Regional Groups Committee 1962-73
Safety Committee Undated
Wilderness Classification Study Committee 1965-67
Youth Activities Committee 1968-69
Council Handbook 1957-70
Fiscal and Tax Policy Guide for Sierra Club Chapters 1966
Handbook on Regional Groups 1966-77
Hospitality 1957-58
Information and Education Conference
1st 1956
2nd 1958
3rd 1960
4th 1961-62
5th 1963-64
6th 1966
7th 1968
8th 1970
Mailing lists 1957-59, 1966
Memoranda 1956-74
Memoranda 1975-91, Undated
Meeting announcements, agendas, and correspondence 1956-91
Mimeo files 1959-64, 1971-80, Undated
Minutes 1956-80
Miscellanea 1961-81, Undated
News releases 1957-59
Organization chart 1956-67
Reports 1961-79
Representatives 1956-79
Resignations 1958-68
Sierra Club Board of Directors 1959-62
Sierra Club Chapters 1956-68
Sierra Club Chapters - general 1956-1968
Budgets and financial statements 1957-63
Elections 1957
Financial support for headquarters 1957-58
Newsletters 1962-63
Outings 1957-61
Representatives 1956-70
Resolutions 1968
Cumberland Chapter 1968
Great Lakes Chapter 1959, 1968
Lone Star Chapter 1965-69
Los Padres Chapter 1965
Ohio Chapter 1968
San Francisco Bay Chapter 1953-59
Toiyabe Chapter 1964-65
Sierra Club Committees 1956-57
Sierra Club Committees - general 1956-1957
Clair Tappaan Lodge Committee 1957-65
Editorial Board Committee 1957-61
Fund Raising Committee 1957
Honors and Awards Committee 1964-74
Insurance Committee 1956-62
Investment and Accounting Committee 1956-57
Lodges and Lands Committee 1955-65
Membership Committee Undated
Morley Fund Committee 1957-58
Mountaineering Committee 1957-61
Outing Committee (including large groups) 1956-1971
Public Relations Committee 1942-58
Publications Reorganization Committee 1968
River Touring Committee 1961
Visual Education Committee 1956, 1960-61
Storage Space Coordinator 1956-57
Acidic Precipitation Task Force 1979-80
Administrative Task Force 1980-81
Agriculture Committee 1985-86
Air Quality Committee 1971-87
Alaska Task Force 1977-88
Appalachian Regional Conservation Committee 1972-84
Audit Committee 1982-85
Binational Great Lakes Committee 1988
Biotechnology Task Force 1988
Board Internal Committee Task Force 1984
Board Issue Committee Task Force 1984
Budget Committee 1973-86
Bulletin Policy Committee 1948, 1967-79
By-laws Committee 1955, 1958-71, 1978-84
California Condor Task Force 1979-83
California Himalayan Committee 1952-57
California Legislative Committee 1975-77
Campaign Steering Committee 1983-86
Canadian National Committee 1984-85
Catalogue Advisory Task Force 1982-83
Catalogue Committee 1983-88
Centennial Planning Task Force 1981-86
Chapter and Group Management Task Force 1983-85
Chapter Staff Committee 1983-86
Clair Tappaan Lodge Committee
Correspondence 1934-85
Agendas 1957-69
Annual report 1947-69
Attendance and collections 1935-36
Guest book 1934-39
Minutes 1949-72
Rosters 1964-84
Coastal Committee 1978-87
Committee for Effective Volunteer Organization 1978-79
Committee on Chapters 1955-56
Committee on Committees 1953-70, 1982-88
Annual reports 1956-69
Committee on Conable Option 1977-80
Committee on Organization 1950-55
Committee on Uniform By-laws for Chapters
Correspondence 1946-53
Chapter by-laws 1950-54
Reports and drafts 1952-53
Committee to Study National Assembly 1979
Computer Committee 1984-88
Conservation Administration Committee 1970
Conservation Committee
Correspondence 1951-71
Annual reports 1948-52
Forestry Subcommittee 1955
Marin Subcommittee 1963
Minutes 1946-62
Minutes 1963-66
Northern Great Plains 1972
Reports from chapters 1951-52
Rosters 1969
Southern Section
Correspondence 1953-64
Minutes 1949-66
Conservation Coordinating Committee 1986-87
Conservation Education Committee 1956-71
Conservation Oversight Committee 1978-79
Conservation Research Committee 1967-71
Development Committee 1984-86
Earthcare Network 1981-86
Environmental Research Committee on Survival 1971
Eastern Sierra-Nevada Task Force 1974
Economics Committee 1973-1987
Education and Communication Committee 1974
Elections Committee 1975-87
Elections Procedures Task Force 1987-88
Energy Committee 1972-1989
Energy Policy Committee 1972
Environmental Budget/Appropriations Campaign Steering Committee 1982
Environmental Education Committee 1973-85
Environmental Impacts of Warfare Committee 1981-83
Environmental Impacts of Warfare Committee 1985-90
General 1986-1990
Articles 1985-88
Mini-grant proposal 1986
News articles 1986-88
Rosters 1982, 1985
Executive Committee 1955-89
Field Office Task Force 1983-84
Film and Public Information Committee 1970-71
Finance Committee (including the Long-Range Financial Planning Subcommittee) 1963-87
Financial Advisory Committee 1965-75
Forest Practices Committee 1974-79
Forest Service Wilderness Steering Committee 1979
Forestry Committee 1980
Fund Raising Arbitration Task Force 1984
Fund Raising Committee 1981
Fund Raising Oversight Task Force 1985
Fund Raising Policy Task Force 1975-84
Funding Allocation Task Force 1984-87
Geographic Names Committee 1965-66
Glacier Study Committee 1946
Global 2000 Task Force 1981
Grassroots Effectiveness Task Force 1982-87
Grassroots Fund Raising Committee 1986-88
Great Lakes Committee 1983-87
Gulf Coast Regional Conservation Committees 1971-79
Gulf Coast Regional Conservation Commmittee 1972-1987
Hetch Hetchy Task Force 1987-88
History Committee
Correspondence 1953-87
Agendas 1979-85
Annual meetings 1974
Adams, Ansel Undated
Aiken, Ruth Elisabeth (Schubel) Undated
Albright, Horace Marden Undated
Bartlett, Louis Undated
Bernays, Philip Sherman Undated
Bradley, Harold Cornelius Undated
Brower, David Ross Undated
Christy, Cicely Undated
Clark, Nathan C. Undated
Colby, William Edward 1955
Crowe, Harold E. 1955
Denman, William 1955
Dickey, Randal Frank, Jr. 1961
Farquhar, Francis Peloubet 1955
Farquhar, Marjory (Bridge) 1955
Graves, C. Edward 1955
Henderson, Randall Thomas 1955
Hildebrand, Alexander 1955
Hildebrand, Joel Henry 1955
Hutchinson, James 1955
Jackson, Kathleen Goddard 1953
Jones, Edward Stanley 1955
Kehrlein, Oliver 1955
Kelley, Clinton Monroe 1956
Kimball, H. Stewart 1955
Leonard, Richard M. 1965
Leopold, Starker 1955
Lipman, Robert Lockwood 1955
McDuffie, Duncan 1951
Marshall, George 1959
Mauk, Charlotte Ellen 1955
Momyer, Joe Robert 1956
Olney, Warren 1955
Palache, Charles 1955
Robinson, Ned 1956
Sproul, Robert Gordon 1955
Starr, Walter Augustus 1952
Sumner, Lowell 1958
Tappaan, Francis Darling 1955
Youngquist, Clifford 1955
Zahniser, Howard Clinton 1955
Clippings 1954
Minutes 1978-81
Miscellanea Undated
Questionnaire, development of 1971-73
A-G Undated
H-Z Undated
Rosters 1970-85
Tindall, Frank 1977
Honors and Awards Committee
Correspondence 1963-89
Agendas 1976-88
Annual dinner 1985-88
Annual report 1984
Finance 1976-88
Minutes 1986-88
Rosters 1973-88
Awards - Award Nominations
Administrative Award 1977
Ansel Adams Award 1971-89
David Brower Award 1987-88
William E. Colby Award 1966-89
Chapter Service Award 1977-86
Citations and Testimonials 1975-84
Council Chapter Membership Award 1982-84
Distinguished Service and Achievement Award 1971-86
William O. Douglas Award 1979-89
Francis P. Farquhar Award 1969-83
First Class Skier Award 1969-70
Honorary Life Membership 1970-82
Honorary Life Membership (Azuma, Ryozo) 1977
Honorary Officers 1968-87
Oliver Kehrlein Award 1973-86
Susan E. Miller Award 1973-89
Miscellaneous awards 1971-75
John Muir Award 1969-89
Newsletter Award 1986-89
Raymond Sherwin Award 1983
Special Achievement Award 1966-89
Special Service Award 1989
Special Service Award (Sproul, John A., Jr.) 1988
Walter A. Starr Award 1969-82
Edgar Wayburn Award 1979-85
Denny and Ida Wilcher Award 1982-89
Correspondence 1980-86
Committee information Undated
Criteria for awards 1969-80, Undated
Profiles of persons for whom awards are named 1979, Undated
Proposed awards 1989
Roster of award winners 1988
Text of awards 1975-87
Insurance Advisory Committee 1976-80, 1984
Insurance Committee 1948-1975
General 1948-1975
Correspondence 1948-69, 1975
General 1948-1975
Accidents 1951-63
Insurance, surety and fidelity 1950-58
Volunteers 1951-56
Annual reports 1947, 1960-65
Insurance Task Force 1976-78
Interchapter Regional Committee 1967
International Assembly Task Force 1984-85, 1988
International Committee 1971-87
General 1971-1981
Annual reports 1972-76
Minutes 1972-86
Notices of meetings and agendas 1972-83
Rosters 1975-87, Undated
International Organization Advisory Committee 1967, 1971-72
Investment Committee 1954-86
Issue Caucus Committee 1982-87
Issues Committee 1979
Job Analysis Committee Undated
Labor Liaison Committee 1975-85
Land Use Committee 1972-83
Legal Committee 1953-86
Library Committee
Correspondence 1939-86
Advisors 1975
Annual reports 1936-69
Book dealer catalogues and publications 1942-68
Chairmanship 1959-70
Minutes 1958-84
Miscellanea 1959-82, Undated
Policy 1946-59
Rosters 1983-84, Undated
Lodges and Lands Committee 1920-1976
General 1920-1972
Annual reports 1946-68
Chairperson 1961-76
Charter 1959
Permits and leases 1957-62
Roster 1971
Audubon-Sierra Club (Proposed joint lodge) 1956-57
Benson Memorial Hut 1946-70
Bradley Hut 1955-57
Flora and Azalea Lakes (Calif.) 1947-68
Grubb Hut 1953-59
Guymon Cabin 1959-70
Harwood Lodge 1931-1971
Hutchinson Lodge 1934-58
Keller Peak Hut 1940-68
LeConte Memorial Lodge 1941-59, 1962-72, 1988, 1990
Ludlow Hut 1953-69
Muir Memorial Rest Hut 1930-55
Parsons Lodge 1923-69
General 1923-1969
Eloesser, Herbert 1956-57
Register 1941-71
Salt Marsh Lease 1955-56
Shasta-Alpine Lodge 1930-72
Ski huts, California 1945-71
Soda Springs 1890-41
General 1890-1941
Roster 1972
Subscribers 1913
Taxes, Tuolumne County 1912-16
Tahoe National Forest (Calif.) 1938-71
Zumwalt Meadow (Calif.) 1923-71
Major Gifts Committee 1984
Management Committee 1978-80
Members' Handbook Task Force 1987
Membership Committee
General 1953-1987
Annual reports 1948-66
Minutes 1974, 1976-78
Rosters 1965-85
Merchandising Task Force 1980-81
Midwest Regional Conservation Committee 1976-81
Morley Fund
Correspondence 1950-72
Annual reports 1951-69
Minutes 1951-53
Miscellanea 1957, 1960
MX Missile Basing Campaign Steering Committee 1980
MX Missile Task Force 1978-80
National Assembly Committee 1982-83
Native American Liaison Committee 1972-75
Native American Sites Committee 1987-88, Undated
Natural Resources Committee Undated
Natural Sciences Committee 1948-65
Nominating Committee 1952-87, Undated
Nomination and Election Procedures Advisory Committee 1961-67
Northeast Regional Conservation Committee 1974-82
Northern/Southern California Regional Conservation Committees joint meeting
Northern Plains Regional Conservation Committee 1973-80
Northwest Regional Conservation Committee 1972-86
Outing Committee
Correspondence 1901-87, Undated
Agendas 1956-1984
Camp fire songbook Undated
Equipment check lists 1951, Undated
Foreign Trip Subcommittee 1970-71
"History of the Sierra Club Outing Committee, 1901-1972," by H. Stewart Kimball 1988
Impact Study 1956-75
Inner City Outings Subcommittee 1976, 1979-87, Undated
Leadership Training Program 1961-74
Minutes 1946-87
Outing budgets 1946-74
Outing trip brochures 1968, Undated
"The Pioneer Years of Back-Country Camp, 1959 Through 1971," by Scudder Nash 1975
Policy and Procedure Guide 1958-1965
Press releases and clippings 1948-70
Research on competitive trips 1974
Rosters 1956-88
Edison, Alice M 1925
Youngberg, J.C. 1940-41
"Sierra Club Camps," by Scudder Nash Undated
Trip rosters, miscellaneous 1911-26
High Trips 1914-42
High Trips, 1946
Correspondence 1946
Roster 1946
High Trips, 1947
Correspondence 1947
Rosters 1947
High Trips, 1948
Correspondence 1948
Articles 1948
Rosters 1948
High Trips, 1949
Correspondence 1949
Roster 1949
High Trips, 1950
Correspondence 1950
Diary by Eleanor D. Breed 1950
Roster 1950
High Trips, 1951
Correspondence 1951
Roster 1951
High Trips, 1952
Correspondence 1952
Roster 1952
High Trips, 1953
Correspondence 1953
Roster 1953
High Trips, 1954
Correspondence 1954
Roster 1954
High Trips, 1955
Correspondence 1955
Commissary 1955
Glacier National Park (Mont.) 1955
Roster 1955
High Trips, 1956
Correspondence 1956
Budget 1956
Roster 1956
High Trips, 1957
Correspondence 1957
Commissary 1957
Food purchasing 1957
Roster 1957
High Trips, 1958
Correspondence 1958
Commissary 1958
Packing 1958
Roster 1958
High Trips, 1959
Correspondence 1959
Roster 1959
High Trips, 1960
Correspondence 1960
Roster 1960
High Trips, 1961
Correspondence 1961
Commissary 1961
Roster 1961
High Trips, 1962
Correspondence 1962
Expenses and log 1962
Roster 1962
High Trips, 1963
Correspondence 1963
Commissary 1963
Roster 1963
High Trips, 1964
Correspondence 1964
Commissary 1964
Roster 1964
High Trips, 1965
Correspondence 1965
Commissary 1965
Roster 1965
High Trips, 1966
Correspondence 1966
Commissary 1966
Roster 1966
High Trips, 1967
Correspondence 1967
Commissary 1967
Roster 1967
High Trips, 1968
Correspondence 1968
Expenses 1968
High Trips, 1969
Correspondence 1969
Roster 1969
High Trips - Miscellanea 1912-57
High Trips - Wilderness Outings 1961-69
Base Camps
East Lake 1940
Report to Directors 1940
Roster 1940
Garnet Lake 1941
Mono Creek 1946
Big Pine Creek
Book 1947
Report to Directors 1947
Rosters 1947
East Lake
Book 1948
Roster 1948
Mitre Basin
Book 1949
Roster 1949
Dingleberry Lake
Correspondence 1950
Book 1950
Report to Directors 1950
Roster 1950
Ediza Lake
Correspondence 1951
Roster 1951
Evolution Valley
Correspondence 1952
Report to Directors 1952
Roster 1952
Mono Recesses
Correspondence 1953
Roster 1953
Bear Creek
Correspondence 1954
Roster 1954
Minaret Lake
Correspondence 1955
Aides 1955
Commissary 1955
Condition of camp site 1955
Doctors 1955
Equipment 1955
Information 1955
Leaders 1955
Management 1955
Packers 1955
Report to Directors 1955
Rosters 1955
Emerald Lake
Correspondence 1956
Accounting 1956
Aides 1956
Book 1956
Commissary 1956
Doctors 1956
Equipment 1956
Insurance 1956
H. Stewart Kimball 1956
Leaders 1956
Scudder Nash 1956
Naturalists 1956
Packing costs 1956
Publicity 1956
Requests for one week stay 1956
Rosters 1956
U.S. Forest Service 1956
Iron Mountain
Correspondence 1957
Accounting 1957
Assistant Manager 1957
Commissary 1957
Doctors 1957
Equipment 1957
Kimball, H. Stewart 1957
Leaders 1957
Nash, Scudder 1957
Naturalists 1957
Packing costs 1957
Publicity 1957
Refunds 1957
Requests for one week stay 1957
Rosters 1957
U.S. Forest Service 1957
Mount Lamarck
Correspondence 1958
Accounting 1958
Budget planning 1958
Commissary 1958
Doctors 1958
Equipment 1958
Kimball, H. Stewart 1958
Leaders 1958
Manager 1958
Nash, Scudder 1958
Naturalists 1958
Packing costs 1958
Publicity 1958
Refunds 1958
Rosters 1958
Special reports 1958
Supplies 1958
U.S. Forest Service 1958
Piute Creek
Correspondence 1959
Accounting 1959
Budget planning 1959
Commissary 1959
Doctor 1959
Equipment 1959
Field Manager 1959
Field Manager, Assistant 1959
Holbrook, Wales R. 1959
Kimball, H. Stewart 1959
Leader 1959
Miscellanea 1959
Naturalists 1959
Packing costs 1959
Publicity 1959
Refunds 1959
Roster 1959
Special reports 1959
Supplies 1959
U.S. Forest Service 1959
Midnight Lake
Correspondence 1960
Accounting 1960
Budget planning 1960
Commissary 1960
Doctor 1960
Equipment 1960
Field Manager 1960
Field Manager, Assistant 1960
Wales R. Holbrook 1960
Insurance 1960
H. Stewart Kimball 1960
Leader 1960
Miscellanea 1960
Naturalists 1960
Packing costs 1960
Publicity 1960
Refunds 1960
Roster 1960
Special reports 1960
Supplies 1960
U.S. Forest Service 1960
Baboon Creek
Correspondence 1961
Accounting 1961
Budget planning 1961
Commissary 1961
Doctor 1961
Field Manager 1961
Field Manager, Assistant 1961
Holbrook, Wales R. 1961
Kimball, H. Stewart 1961
Leader 1961
Miscellanea 1961
Naturalists 1961
Packing costs 1961
Publicity 1961
Reports 1961
Roster 1961
Supplies 1961
U.S. Forest Service 1961
Margaret Lake
Correspondence 1962
Accounting 1962
Budget planning 1962
Commissary 1962
Doctor 1962
Field Manager 1962
Field Manager, Assistant 1962
Holbrook, Wales R. 1962
Insurance 1962
Kimball, H. Stewart 1962
Leader 1962
Miscellanea 1962
Naturalists 1962
Packing costs 1962
Publicity 1962
Refunds 1962
Reports 1962
Roster 1962
Supplies 1962
U.S. Forest Service 1962
Bear Creek Spire
Correspondence 1963
Accounting 1963
Budget planning 1963
Commissary 1963
Doctor 1963
Equipment 1963
Field Manager 1963
Field Manager, Assistant 1963
Holbrook, Wales R. 1963
Insurance 1963
Kimball, H. Stewart 1963
Leader 1963
Miscellanea 1963
Naturalists 1963
Packing costs 1963
Publicity 1963
Refunds 1963
Reports 1963
Supplies 1963
U.S. Forest Service 1963
Burro Trips 1941-61
Dinosaur Trips 1954-60
Hawaii Trip 1962-72
International Trips 1960-65
Knapsack Trip 1941-61, Undated
River Trips 1955-62
Service Trips 1958-60
Special Trips 1959-62
Wilderness Threshold Trips 1960-61
Outing Review Task Force 1986
Personnel Committee 1978-87
Phone Mail Solicitation Task Force 1983-84
Planning Committee 1966-87
Policy Review Committee 1957
Population Committee 1965-86, Undated
Power Policy Study Committee 1971
Public Affairs Committee 1980-81, 1987
Public Lands Campaign Steering Committees 1980-81, Undated
Public Lands Committee 1970-1989
Publications Committee 1961-87
General 1961-1987
Minutes 1960-74
Minutes, draft 1967-68
Notices of meetings and agendas 1962-71
Rosters 1971-85
Pyramid Lake Task Force 1975
Regional Fund Appeals Ad Hoc Task Force 1974-76
Reorganization Committee 1971
Revenue Sharing Task Force 1984
River Conservation Committee 1970, 1972, Undated
River Touring Committee 1954-71, Undated
Sierra Advisory Committee 1985-87, Undated
Sierra Club Committee on Political Education (SCCOPE) 1975-87, Undated
General 1975-1987
Budgets (FY 1984-1987) 1983-86
By-laws 1982
Campaign Manager's Manual Undated
Clippings 1976-82
Compliance guidelines 1984-85
Congressional elections (1985) 1984-86
"Election Action Bulletin" 1985-86
Fund raising requests 1981-84
Fund raising summary (FY 1985) 1984-85
Green Vote Handbook 1982
Mondale-Ferraro endorsement 1984-85
National Electoral Organizing Workshop 1986
Platform for the 1988 Election 1988
Republican Party 1984-85
SCCOPE-endorsed candidates 1984
SCCOPE Evaluation Task Force 1984
SCCOPE meetings 1982-86
SCCOPE option on dues renewal 1983-84
SCCOPE reception and dinner 1983-84
SCCOPE reception for Bruce Babbitt 1985
SCCOPE reception for Congress members 1985
U.S. Federal Elections Commission 1980-83
Use of Sierra Club mailing lists 1983-85
Washington, D.C. dinners 1985-88
Sierra Club Committees, general 1955-90, Undated
Sierra Club Council, Wilderness Classification Study Committee
Alaska 1967-74, Undated
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1970-71
Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve 1970
Kachemak Bay State Wilderness Park 1970
Kenai National Moose Range (proposed) 1970-71
Scenic and Wilderness Resource Study 1972
Tongass National Forest 1972
Arizona 1969-73
Kofa National Wildlife Refuge 1965-68
Arkansas 1971
Cache Creek Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Carson-Iceberg Wilderness 1965-73
Devil's Peak and Palisade Creek Undated
Eldorado National Forest 1972
Two Peaks Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Hoover Wilderness 1971-72
King Range National Conservation Area 1970-73
Klamath National Forest - Salmon-Scott Divide Wilderness (proposed) 1967
Lassen Volcanic National Park 1966-73
Clippings 1965-71
Indian claims (Indians of North America) 1972-73
Maps Undated
Los Padres National Forest
Bear Canyon Wilderness (proposed) Undated
Miller Canyon and Church Creek 1972
Mendocino National Forest 1972
Black Butte River Wilderness 1972
Forks Ridge Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Thomas Creek Wilderness (proposed) 1973
Minaret Summit Corridor Wilderness (proposed) Undated
Modoc National Forest
Buck Mountain Wilderness (proposed) Undated
Mount Hoffman Wilderness (proposed) 1972-73
Monarch Wilderness (proposed) 1971-73
Pinnacles National Monument 1966-73
Clippings 1967
San Joaquin Wilderness (proposed) 1968-73
Sequoia National Park 1965-73
Kern Plateau 1970-71
Mineral King 1966-77
Shasta National Forest - Mount Eddy Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Sierra National Forest
Chowchilla Wilderness (proposed) 1972-73
Grand Bluff Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Kaiser Peak Wilderness (proposed) 1972-73
Quadruple Divide Wilderness 1972
Six Rivers National Forest 1972
Castle Peaks Wilderness 1972
Castle Rock Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Elk Camp Ridge Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Stanislaus National Forest
Cascade Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Calaveras Dome Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Double Dome Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Jawbone Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Sando Meadow Wilderness (proposed) Undated
Tahoe National Forest 1972
Craycroft Ridge Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Stampede Reservoir Undated
Starr Ridge Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Webber Peak Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Trinity National Forest
Chancelulla Peak Wilderness 1972
Eagle Rock Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Hermit Rock Wilderness (proposed) Undated
Pattison Peak Wilderness (proposed) 1972
Ventana Wilderness 1964-71
Yolla Bolly-Middle Eel Wilderness 1971
Colorado 1970-73
Uncompahgre Wilderness 1970-74
Idaho 1973
Salmon River Breaks Primitive Area 1964-71
Weitas area 1972-73
Mammoth Cave National Park 1967-71
Montana 1970-73
Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness 1972
Beartooth Wilderness (proposed) 1966-69
Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge 1967-74
Maps Undated
Crazy Mountains Undated
Feather Woman Wilderness (proposed) 1973, Undated
Henry, Mount 1973
Hyalite Peak 1972
Pioneer Mountains 1971-73
Nevada 1972-73
Maps Undated
Santa Rosa Range 1972
Schell Creek 1973
Wildcat Peak 1974
New Mexico 1971-73
Oregon 1971-73
Mount Jefferson Wilderness 1966-69
Clippings 1966-68
South Carolina
Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge 1970-71
Southern Appalachian Slope National Recreation Area 1971, Undated
Utah 1966-73, Undated
Cedar Breaks National Monument 1966-68
High Uintas Primitive Area 1974
Zion National Park 1973
Shenandoah National Park 1966-67, 1973
Olympic National Park 1972-73
Wyoming 1972-73
Clippings 1966-67
Maps Undated
Stratified Wilderness (proposed) 1966-67, Undated
Sierra Club Regional Conservation Committees 1972-83, Undated
Regional Vice-Presidents Forum Report 1979-86
Sierra Nevada Task Force 1973-76, Undated
Sierra Ski Club and Winter Sports Committee 1955, 1961, 1968
Southern California Conservation Committee 1967
Southern California Regional Conservation Committee 1967-84, Undated
General 1967-1984
Minutes 1970-80
Notices of meetings and agendas 1971-80
Rosters 1968-72
Southern Plains Regional Conservation Committee 1974-86
Southwest Regional Conservation Committee 1971-86
Space Patrol Task Force 1984
Special Committee on Honoring Mr. Colby 1949
Special Committee to the President and Executive Committee 1945-46
Special Events Committee 1953-54
State Entities Task Force 1986-87
Survival Committee 1970-72
Trails and Guide Book Committee 1957, 1962-65, 1971, Undated
Training Program Consolidation Task Force 1985
Transportation Committee 1975-81
Urban Environment Committee 1977-87, Undated
General 1977-1987
City Care Conference 1979
Rosters 1982, 1984
U.S.-Canadian Task Force 1981-83
Visual Education Committee 1948-56, Undated
Volunteer Fund Raising Committee 1979-83
Volunteer Training Task Force 1986-88, Undated
Water Quality Task Force 1977-78
Water Resources Committee (including newsletter) 1970-86
Wilderness Committee 1972-81, Undated
Wildlife Administration and Pest Control Committee 1946, 1955
Wildlife Committee 1970-88
Winter Sports Committee 1938-74, Undated
General 1938-1974
Annual reports 1945-68
Avalanches 1951, 1953, Undated
Clippings 1937-54
Hunts 1935-56, Undated
Minutes 1946-59
Rosters 1952-71
Ski badges 1940-45, 1951
Ski mountaineers 1937-54, Undated
Ski patrol 1940-56, Undated
Skis and skiing - Accidents and injuries 1938-53
Women's Outreach Committee 1978
Yosemite Task Force
Correspondence 1972-77, Undated
American Indian Council of Mariposa County 1970-77
Badger Pass sewage disposal 1975-76
Badger Pass ski area 1972-75
Bears - Management 1974-75
Beverage containers deposit system 1976-77
Bus travel 1975-77
Camp sites - Reservations 1975
Concessions 1947-77, Undated
Conservation Foundation 1975
Curry Village 1974
Cycling paths 1974
El Portal sewage disposal 1974-75
Fish Camp 1976
Forest fires 1974-76
Friends of Yosemite 1974-76
Gold courses 1975
Hetch Hetchy Valley 1974-76
High Sierra Camps sewage disposal 1973-75
Karlinsky, Martin 1975
Law enforcement 1976
LeConte Memorial Lodge 1941, 1973-76
Floor plan 1974, 1990
Leonard, Richard M. 1968-75
Little Yosemite Valley 1973-75
Minutes 1972-75
Other environmental organizations 1974-75
Research projects 1974-76
Snowmobiles 1974-75
Soda Springs camp site 1972-77
Solar energy 1975
Stanford Research Institute visitor survey 1974
Transportation Study Summary 1974
Turnage, William 1974-75
U.S. National Park Service visitor use survey 1975
Water-Analysis in Yosemite National Park 1972-77
Wawona Hotel sewage disposal 1975-76
Western Regional Advisory Committee - U.S. National Park Service 1975-76
Williams, Chuck 1975
Yosemite Master Plan 1968-76
Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1970-75
General 1970-1975
Backcountry Management Plan 1973-77
Clippings 1974-77
Yosemite Park and Curry Company
Correspondence 1974-76
Clippings 1974-76
Contract with U.S. National Park Service 1963
Yosemite Planning Workbook 1977
General 1953-78
Inquiries re chapter and group formation 1969-78
Alaska 1968-77
American Samoa 1971-72
Angeles 1954-72
General 1954-1972
Conservation Committee 1954-68
Executive Committee 1954-71
Atlantic 1957-75
British Columbia 1969-77
Chattahoochee 1970-74
Connecticut 1972-75
Cumberland 1970-75
Dacotah 1972-76
Delta 1969-72
England 1972-74
Florida 1970-74
Grand Canyon 1963-74
Great Lakes 1958-78
Hawaii 1972, 1979
Hoosier 1975
Kansas 1970-75
Kern-Kaweah 1957-74
John Muir 1962-77
Joseph LeConte 1970-73
Loma Prieta 1941-76
Lone Star 1965-81
Los Padres 1952-77
Mackinac 1963-69
Mother Lode 1953-77
Nebraska 1970-76
New England 1970-76
New Jersey 1971-78
North Star 1960-75
Northern Rockies 1970-76
Ohio 1968-74
Oklahoma 1970-74
Old Dominion 1973-77
Ontario 1970-74
Ozark 1971-74
Pacific Northwest 1953-77
General 1953-1977
Executive Committee 1955-71
Membership 1958-65
Miscellanea and clippings 1956-67
Pennsylvania 1972-77
Potomac 1961-78
Puerto Rico 1971-76
Redwood 1957-75
General 1957-1975
"Economic Report for Mendocino County" 1965
Rio Grande 1963-67
Riverside 1946-67
Rocky Mountain 1965-71
San Diego 1959-67
San Francisco Bay 1949-72
Santa Lucia 1968
Southeast 1968, 1971
Southern California 1940-53
General 1940-1953
Sierra Club vs. W. E. Andrews 1947-50
Transcript 1949
Tehipite 1953-67
Toiyabe 1955-68
Ventana 1958-69
Accidents 1950-56
Action for a Regional Environmental Agency 1971
Adirondack Mountain Preserve (N.Y.) 1953, 1960-67
Admiralty Island (Alaska) 1956-57
Agua Tibia Wilderness (Calif.) (includes maps) 1957-65, 1971
Air - Pollution 1953-71
Alabama Hills (Calif.) 1953
Correspondence 1949, 1956-65
Memoranda and clippings 1961-63
Press releases 1957-61
Project Chariot 1960-61
Trans-Alaska Pipeline 1971-72
Allagash River Wilderness (Me.) (proposed) 1960-66
Alpine Lakes Wilderness (Wash.) 1959-63
American Association for Conservation Information 1966, 1968
Americans for Democratic Action, California Chapter 1965
American Forestry Association 1956-57
American Motors Company 1963
Angel Island (Calif.) 1948, 1951-53
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Calif.)
Correspondence 1948, 1952-65
Reports and Maps 1957-58
Appalachian Trail 1965-66
Assateague Island National Seashore (Md. and Va.) 1965
Beaches - Access 1965
Big Basin Redwoods State Park (Calif.) 1956-63
Big Bend National Park (Tex.) 1953-54
Billboards 1952-67
Bob Marshall Wilderness (Mont.) 1952-65
Bodega Bay (Calif.)
Correspondence 1958-65
Clippings 1958-65
Miscellanea 1958-67
Northern California Association to Preserve Bodega Head and Harbor 1962-64
Press releases 1963-64
Public Utilities Commission 1962-63
Bolinas Lagoon (Calif.) 1956-57
Boundary Waters Canoe Area (Minn.) - Correspondence 1960-65
Brewer, Mount (Calif). 1902
Bridge Canyon Dam (Colo.) 1953, 1957
Bridger Jack Mesa Wilderness (Utah) 1955-65
Bristlecone pine - White Mountains (Calif. and Nev.) 1953-62
Buffalo River (Ark.) 1960-65
Burning of land 1956-61
Butano Forest State Park (Calif.)
Correspondence 1947-58
Clippings 1945-55
Memoranda 1948-55
Calaveras Big Trees (Calif.)
Correspondence 1948-59, Undated
Clippings 1907, 1953-55
California Citizens Conservation Crusade Committee 1964
California Conservation Council 1948-72
California Department of Fish and Game
Correspondence 1953-59
Agendas, newsletters, and program report 1953, 1967
Minutes 1952-55
Press releases 1953-65
California Department of Natural Resources 1958
California Department of Water Resources 1953-61
California Division of Beaches and Parks
Correspondence 1950-52
Correspondence 1953-65
Agendas and minutes 1950-52
Clippings, press releases, and legislation 1951-66
Five year master plan 1957-65
Miscellanea 1950, 1961-66
California Division of Parks 1929-50
California Division of Recreation 1955
California Forest Practices Act 1960-65
California Parks and Recreation Bond
Correspondence 1962-65
Advertising 1962-64
Clippings 1961-64
Financial contributions 1964
Financial statements 1963-64
Memoranda and reports 1964
Miscellanea 1963-64
California poppy 1912
California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan Committee
Correspondence 1957-62
Minutes and agendas 1957-59
Miscellanea 1957-60
Statements 1958-59
California Recreation Commission 1950-57
California State Chamber of Commerce 1952-56
California State Legislature 1953-59
California State Park Commission
Correspondence 1952-65
Agendas 1953-65
Minutes 1960-65
California State Water Resources Board 1956-62
California Tomorrow 1961-62, 1971
California Water Plan 1956-65
California Water Pollution Control Board 1950-53
Camping - Equipment and supplies Undated
Canyonlands National Park (Utah) 1961
Cape Cod National Seashore (Mass.) 1961-64
Cape Lookout National Seashore (N.C.) 1965
Carpinteria State Beach (Calif.) 1957-58
Cartoons and caricatures Undated
Cassiar Primitive Area (B.C.) 1956-57
Castle Peaks Wilderness (Calif.) 1960-61
Cattle 1956
Cave preservation 1958-64
Central Arizona Project 1949-68
Central Valley Project (Calif.) 1954-56
Channel Islands National Park (Calif.)
Correspondence 1959-66
Clippings 1961-69
Chiricahua Wilderness (Ariz.) 1952-53
Chiwawa River (Wis.) 1965
Citizens' Committee for the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission 1963-65
Citizens' Committee on Natural Resources 1958-61, 1964
Citizens for Regional Recreation and Parks in the San Francisco Bay Area 1961-63
Claremont Conservation Conference, 2nd 1956
Clean camps
Correspondence 1948-55
Clippings 1952-54
Coastal zone management 1957-62
Colby, William Edward 1956-62
Coloma Reservoir (Calif.) (proposed) 1954-55
Colorado Mountain Club, The 1937, 1940
Colorado Open Space Coordinating Council 1965-67
Colorado River Basin Bill
Correspondence and press releases 1950-65
Clippings 1953-63
Columbia Basin Interagency Committee 1955-56
Columbia River Basin 1953-63
General 1953-1963
Clippings 1953-63
Dams, proposed (Clearwater River and McKenzie River) 1953-1963
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Or. and Idaho) 1953
Hydroelectric dams (proposed) 1953-57
Maps Undated
Reports 1955-56
Commonwealth Club of California 1950-62
General 1950-1962
Forests and Recreation 1955-62
Water Problems 1955-62
Conference on Man in California 1963
Correspondence 1953-59
Clippings 1953-59
Conservation campaigns 1954-57
Conservation Education Work Conference, 2nd 1954
Conservation - Law and legislation
Correspondence 1955-56
Clippings 1956
Conservation Law Society of America 1965-67
Cooperating publications 1955
Cougar Lakes Wilderness (Wash.) 1962-63
Council of Conservationists 1954-57
Crisler Program 1949-50
Cucamonga Wilderness (Calif.) 1954-55
Dally, Robert 1954-55
Dams 1931-66
Dams (Calif.) 1965
Dana, Mount (Calif.) (includes maps) 1939-68
Death Valley National Monument (Calif. and Nev.) 1957-64
Delta Region (Calif.) 1960-65
Desert Protective Council, Inc. 1964-65
Desolation Wilderness (Calif.) 1956-58
General 1956-1958
Sacramento Municipal Utility District 1954-56
Devils Postpile National Monument (Calif.) 1911, 1952-58
Diablo Canyon (Calif.) 1963-68
Dinosaur National Monument (Colo. and Utah) 1938-56
General 1938-1956
Correspondence 1950-1954
Correspondence 1954-1958
Correspondence 1959-62, Undated
Correspondence, This Is Dinosaur 1953-55
Correspondence, U.S. Congress and Eisenhower Administration 1950-59
Correspondence, U.S. Department of the Interior 1950-59
Correspondence, Wilderness River Trail (film) 1952-55
Articles 1949-56, Undated
Articles (drafts) ca. 1950s
Associations, and Administrative agencies 1950-55
General 1950-1955
American Association for the Advancement of Science 1954
Angrilantes, The 1955-56
Appalachian Mountain Club, The 1954
Associated Sportsmen of America 1954-55
California Conservation Council 1954
California Wildlife Federation 1955
Chicago Conservation Council 1954-57
Citizen's Committee on Natural Resources 1955-57
Colorado Citizens' Committee 1954-55
Colorado River Association 1954-55
Colorado Water Conservation Board 1954
Congress of Industrial Organizations 1953-55
Conservation News Service 1953-54
Council of Conservationists 1954-57
Emergency Committee on Natural Resources 1953-54
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1953-54
Izaak Walton League of America 1950-57
National Association of Manufacturers 1955
National Association of Soil Conservation Districts 1954
National Parks Association 1950-57
National Reclamation Association 1953-55
National Watershed Congress 1954
National Wildlife Federation 1954-57
Outdoor Writers Association of America 1954-55
Sierra Club
Memoranda 1950-57
Mimeo files 1950-57
Miscellanea 1955-57
Press releases 1954-55
Testimony 1955
Task Force on Water Resources and Power 1954
Trustees for Conservation 1955-56
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 1951-53
U.S. Chamber of Commerce 1955
U.S. Department of the Interior 1936-55
U.S. National Park Service 1950-61
Utah Committee for a Glen Canyon National Park 1954-55
Utah Water Users Association 1954-55
Utah Wildlife Federation 1955, Undated
Wilderness Society 1950-58
Wildlife Management Institute 1950-55
Bills, Legislative 1950-60
Clippings 1949-55
Clippings 1955-60, Undated
Colorado River Storage Project 1951-56, Undated
Congressional Record 1952-54
Congressional Record 1955-60
Echo Park Dam 1950-62, Undated
Evaporation 1954
Glen Canyon Dam 1955
Green River Canyons National Park (Colo. and Utah) (proposed) ca. 1953-55
Maps Undated
Miscellanea 1925-75, Undated
Outings 1953-57
Pamphlets 1954-56, Undated
Press releases 1951-56
Reclamation of land 1952-55
Requests for information 1954-55
Before U.S. Secretary of the Interior 1950
Before U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs 1954-55
Miscellanea 1954-55, Undated
U.S. Congress 1955
Wilderness River Trail (film) 1954
Dome Land Wilderness (Calif.) 1962-63
East Bay Municipal Utility District 1957-58
Eastern Wilderness Areas Act 1973
Correspondence and law and legislation 1955-65
Clippings 1964-65
Eleanor, Lake (Calif.) 1965
Elysian Park (Calif.) 1965
Emerald Bay State Park (Calif.)
Clippings 1953-59
Protests 1955-63
Emigrant Wilderness (Calif.) 1953-58
Endangered species 1963-67
Energy resources 1956
Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. 1972
Environmental education 1951-67
General 1951-1967
Articles 1963-67
Meetings 1953-55
Radio 1953-54
Schools 1948-56
Correspondence and clippings 1949-58
Catalogs Undated
Everglades National Park (Fla.) 1948-65
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs
Correspondence 1952-68
Minutes 1954-65
Miscellanea 1953-66
Proceedings of conference on Northwest Wilderness (Volume 1-2) 1962
Resolutions 1955-65
Fire control 1948, 1953-64
Fire Island National Seashore (N.Y.)
Correspondence 1962-64
Clippings 1962-65
Press releases 1962-65
Publications Undated
Firearms and Hunting 1955-65
Flat Tops Wilderness (Colo.) 1956-65
Flood relief 1965
Forests and forestry 1948-73
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Redwood Forest (Calif.) 1946
Freeways and Roads - Standards
Correspondence 1947-65
Clippings 1954-68
Memoranda and articles 1949-65
Friends of the Earth Undated
Giant Sequoia 1941, 1948-50
Gila Wilderness (N.M.) 1952-58
Glacier National Park (Mont.) 1948-64
Glacier Peak Wilderness (Wash.) 1956-61
General 1956-1961
Correspondence 1955-62
Clippings 1959-60
Maps Undated
Report 1959
Glacier View Dam (Mont.) (proposed) 1948-49
Glaciology 1942-62
Glen Canyon Dam (Utah and Ariz.) 1956-57
Goethe, Mount (Calif.) 1949
Golden Gate National Recreation Area (Calif.) 1959-62
Granby Dam (Colo.) 1953
Grand Canyon (Ariz.)
Correspondence 1948-65
Clippings 1956-65
Memoranda and brochures 1955-66
Grand Canyon National Park (Ariz.) 1948-68
General 1948-1958
Shrine of the Ages
Correspondence 1955-59
Clippings 1951, 1959
Grand Teton National Park (Wyo.) - Correspondence 1946, 1955-66
Grazing 1941-65
Great Basin National Park (Nev.)
Correspondence 1955-66
Clippings 1957-65
Maps Undated
Newsletters 1959-61
Great Salt Lake National Park (Utah) (proposed) 1960-64
Great Smoky Mountains National Park (N.C. and Tenn.) 1960-66
Green Mountains (Vermont) 1965
Guadalupe Mountains National Park (Tex.) 1964-65
Gunnison-Arkansas Transmountain Diversion Project 1952-53
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Hawaii) 1959-66
Hells Canyon Dam (Idaho and Or.) 1955-59
Hetch Hetchy Valley (Calif.) 1909-30
High Sierra Wilderness (Calif.) (proposed) 1961-64
Hiking 1946-51
Hooker Dam (N.M.) 1965
Hoover Wilderness (Calif.) 1956
Hudson River Highlands (N.Y.) 1964-67
Hunting - Parks
Correspondence 1953-55
Clippings 1953-63
Hyde, Philip J. 1950-1960
Ice Age National Scientific Reserve (Wis.) 1959-64
Idaho Primitive Area (Idaho) 1963-66
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Ind.) 1956-66
Indians of North America
Correspondence 1958-63
Clippings 1957-60
International conservation 1964-65
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1954-59
International Union for the Preservation of Nature 1948-55
Izaak Walton League of America
Correspondence 1952-59
Memoranda and press releases 1948-63
Jackson Hole National Monument (Wyo.) (proposed) 1947-49
John Muir Memorial Association 1956-61
John Muir National Historic Site (Calif.) 1952-64
Joshua Tree National Monument (Calif.)
Correspondence 1950-62
Clippings 1954-61
Katmai National Park and Preserve (Alaska) 1953-71
Kauai National Park (Hawaii) (proposed) 1964-66
Kern Plateau (Calif.) 1946-66
Kettle Moraine National Park (Wisc.) 1958
King Mountain Range (Calif.) 1961-65
Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1940, 1950-64
General 1940-1964
Correspondence 1903-65
Clippings 1912-65
Maps 1948, 1952
Three-Corner Round Pack Outfits 1951-59
Water resources development (including protests) 1948-59
Kings River Canyon (Calif.) 1901-1911
Lake Elsinore State Park (Calif.) 1955
Land and Water Conservation Fund 1963-65
Land use 1950, 1956
Lewis and Clark National Forest (Mont.) 1969
Lincoln Back Country (Mont.) 1965
Litter (Trash, etc.)
Correspondence 1957-59
Clippings 1957-59
Little Cumberland Island (Ga.) 1964-65
Lopez Canyon Wilderness (Calif.) 1965
Los Padres National Forest (Calif.)
Correspondence 1951-60
Clippings 1951
Lumber and Logging 1957-67
Mammoth Lake (Calif.)
Mono Waters National Monument (Calif.) (proposed)
Correspondence 1952-62
Clippings 1953
Deadman Creek 1950-57
Maps Undated
Deadman Creek Recreation Area (Calif.) 1956
Marble Mountain Wilderness (Calif.) 1952-53, 1961
Marin Headlands (Calif.) 1956-64
Marincello (Calif.)
Brochures, memoranda, and testimony 1965
Clippings 1965
Marshall, Robert 1953
Mesa Verde National Park (Colo.) 1956-59
Mexia, Ynez 1955
Military land withdrawals
Clippings 1955-57
Legislation, correspondence, and memoranda 1955-61
Minam River (Or.) 1960-63
Minarets Wilderness (Calif.) - Dana, Mount (Calif.) 1920-56
Mineral King (Calif.) 1947-66
Mines and mineral resources 1956
Mining industry 1954-67
Mining law 1951-55
Mitchell Caverns State Park (Calif.) (proposed) 1954-64
Mokelumne Wilderness (Calif.) 1958-63
Monument Valley (Utah) 1952-55
Morro Bay (Calif.) 1964-65
Moss Landing (Calif.) 1964-66
Mount Jefferson Wilderness (Or.) 1961-68
Mount McKinley National Park (Alaska) 1958-60
Mount Rainier National Park (Wash.)
Correspondence 1954-60
Clippings 1953-56
Testimony 1953-64
Mount Tamalpais State Park (Calif.)
Correspondence 1953-65
Clippings 1954-65
Mount Washington Wilderness (Or.) 1965
Mountain Home State Forest (Calif.) 1958
Mountaineering 1955-61
Muir, John 1912-56, Undated
General 1912-1956
Motion picture 1955-56
Muir Woods National Monument (Calif.) 1955-65
Multiple use 1955-61
Namekagon River (Wis.) 1953-54
National Association of Manufacturers 1964
National Audubon Society 1955-70
National Lumber Manufacturers Association 1958-60
National Parks and Conservation Association Undated
National parks and reserves (including clippings and maps) 1911, 1948-67
National Parks Association 1954-60, 1970
National Watershed Congress 1954-56
National Wildlife Federation 1956-58
Natural areas 1960-65
Natural resources 1953-65
Natural Resources Council of America 1948-65
General 1948-1968
Agendas 1959-65
Law and legislation 1958-65
Membership lists 1957-64
Minutes 1953-65
Nature Conservancy 1956-67
Neuberger, Richard L. 1955-60
New York State Forest Preserve (N.Y.) 1953-54
Nipomo Dunes (Calif.) (including protests) 1963-74
Noise control 1959
North American Water Power Alliance (NAWAPA) 1964-67
North Cascades (Wash.)
Correspondence 1956-65
Warth, John 1957-63
Advertising 1958-64
Clippings 1956-66
Miscellanea 1937-67
North Cascades Conservation Council
Correspondence 1956-66
Memoranda and brochures 1958-65
Minutes 1958-65
North Cascades National Park (Wash.) 1963
Northern California Planning Council 1960
Northwest Wilderness Conference 1956-58
Nuclear energy 1963-69
General 1963-1969
Correspondence 1959-65
Clippings 1956-67
Publications 1963-65
Oklawaha River Wilderness (Fla.) 1965
Olympic National Park (Wash.)
Correspondence 1947-57
Maps Undated
Memoranda and reports 1947-57
Press releases and clippings 1955-65
Onthank, Karl W. 1955-65
Open spaces 1961-65
Oregon Cascades Conservation Council 1960-66
Oregon Cascades National Park (Or.) (proposed)
Correspondence 1956-65
Clippings 1959-61
Miscellanea 1957-65
Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area (Or.) 1959-65
Ost, Warren 1955-58
Outdoor Writers Association of America 1952-57
Pacific West Trailway 1947-49
Pacific Southwest Water Plan 1963-65
Packhorse camping 1940-54
Padre Island National Seashore (Tex.) 1961-62
Palisade Glacier (Calif.) 1951
Parkways (Calif.) 1965
Pecos Wilderness (N.M.) 1954
Perlman, David 1953-54
Pesticides 1952-71
General 1951-1972
Correspondence 1958-67
Press releases and clippings 1955-68
Petrified Forest National Park (Ariz.) 1957-61
Petroleum in submerged lands - Revenue
Correspondence 1953-54
Clippings 1953-54
Petroleum industry 1958-67
Photographs and Photography 1956-59
Phreatophyte control 1965
Pinnacles National Monument (Calif.) 1953-58
Planning and Conservation League 1970-71
Point Lobos State Park (Calif.) 1947-53
Point Pinole Regional Shoreline (Calif.) 1971
Point Reyes National Seashore (Calif.)
Correspondence 1960-65
Clippings 1958-62
Law and legislation 1961-62
Maps and publications 1958-62
Miscellanea 1960-63
Press releases 1965-69
Pollution 1963-68
Correspondence 1957-65
Clippings 1958-70
Memoranda and reports 1958-65
Potomac River Basin 1963-64
Power-plants - Location 1965-68
Prairie National Park (Kansas) 1961-62
Correspondence 1953-61
Clippings 1953-54
Presidio (San Francisco) 1970
Public lands 1950-72
General 1950-1972
Correspondence 1950-54
Clippings 1950-53
Hearings 1953
Law and legislation 1950-53
Vehicles 1954-61
Pyramid Lake (Nev.) 1959
Quaking Aspen (Calif.) - Haiwee Pass Road 1965
Quetico-Superior Wilderness (Minn. and Canada) 1948-59
Radio relay systems 1954
Rainbow Bridge National Monument (Utah) 1955-63
General 1955-1963
Articles 1934-63
Clippings 1955-63
Rainier, Mount (Wash.) 1897, 1905
Rampart Dam (Alaska)
Correspondence 1963-65
Clippings 1961-66
Publications 1963-65
Range management 1925-26
Recreation 1957
General 1957
Correspondence 1958-65
Clippings 1956-62
Redwood 1967
Redwood Highway (Calif.)
Correspondence 1953-64
Clippings 1953-64
Maps Undated
Memoranda 1953-64
Redwood National Park (Calif.) 1950-67
Regional Park Association 1952
Reichle Dam (Mont.) 1965
Resorts 1948-49
Resources for the Future, Inc.
Correspondence 1956
Mid-Century Conference 1953
Reynolds, Richard 1957-58
Roads and parks 1936-56
Roadside improvements
Correspondence 1957-65
Clippings 1957-65
Memoranda 1957-65
Scenic Roads Project 1960-61
Rock Creek Park (Washington, D. C.) 1954-55
Rogue River (Or.) 1953-55
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta - Clippings 1968
Saguaro National Monument (Ariz.) 1952-65
Saint Croix River (Wis. and Minn.) 1965
Saint Helena, Mount 1911
Salmon-Trinity Alps Primitive Area (Calif.) 1948, 1957-64
San Franciscans for Clean and Quiet Transit 1970-72
San Francisco Bay fill (Calif.)
Correspondence 1961-65
Clippings 1962-65
Memoranda and testimony 1963-65
Save San Francisco Bay Association 1961-65
San Gabriel Mountains (Calif.) 1965
San Gorgonio Wilderness (Calif.) 1947-61
General 1947-1961
Correspondence 1949-65
Clippings 1950-66
Defenders 1963-65
Maps and reports 1948-65
San Jacinto, Mount (Calif.) 1945, 1947
San Jacinto Tramway (Calif.)
Correspondence 1941-65
General 1941-1965
California Division of Beaches and Parks 1945-64
Clinch, Nicholas B. 1961-62
Agreements (incuding Winter Park Authority) 1948-60
Clippings 1947-65
Construction access 1949-61
Ecology 1950-59
Exhibits for letters to Marshall Mayer and Governor 1941-61
Health 1960-61
Insurance 1950
Land 1949-61
Law and legislation 1945-55
Legal documents 1947-60
Maps Undated
Miscellanea 1950-64
Mount San Jacinto Winter Park Authority bonds 1949-61
Other trams 1938-62
Patronage 1960-61
Propaganda against the tramway 1949-55
Propaganda for the tramway 1960-65
Proposals 1945-59
Reports by Nathan C. Clark 1950, 1953
Snow conditions 1949-61
Swiss Tramway brochures Undated
Weather 1949-60
Wilderness agreements 1949-53
San Luis Drain (Calif.)
Clippings 1965
San Rafael Wilderness (Calif.)
Correspondence - Expansion 1963-66
Clippings 1965
Correspondence 1964-65
Clippings 1963-66
Memoranda and statements 1963-65
Memoranda and maps 1962-65
Santa Maria River Dunes (Calif.) 1965
Santa Monica Bay (Calif.) 1965
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (Calif.) 1965
Santa Ynez Watershed (Calif.) 1953
Sargent cypress 1965
Save San Francisco Bay Association 1970-72
Save-the-Redwoods League 1951-63
Sawtooth Wilderness (Idaho) 1960-65
Scenic Resources Review
Correspondence 1956-60
Clippings and reprints 1955-58
Memoranda and miscellanea 1954-59
Scotts Bluff National Monument (Neb.) 1954-55
Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (Idaho and Mont.)
Correspondence 1955-65
Clippings 1956-65
Maps Undated
Memoranda and articles 1955-65
Sequoia National Park (Calif.) 1891-52
General 1891-1952
Correspondence 1953-58
Clippings 1938-63
Cannell Meadows 1956-57
High Sierra Wilderness (Calif.) (proposed) 1936
Memoranda 1938-63
Proposed timber sales 1946-58
Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) 1945-49
Sespe Wildlife Area (Calif.) - Condors 1964-65
Shasta, Mount (Calif.) 1945-55
Ski resorts 1959-65
Sky Lakes Wilderness (Or.) 1962
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (Mich.) 1959-69
Snow surveys 1948-57
Soil conservation 1950, 1965
Solitude Lake (Wyo.) 1948, Undated
Sonoran Desert National Park (proposed) 1965-66
South Warner Wilderness (Calif.) 1964
Spirit Lake (Wash.) 1965
Squaw Valley (Calif.) Undated
Stanislaus River (Calif.) 1948-65
Steens Mountain (Or.) 1965
Student Conservation Program 1961-62
Sun Butte Dam (Mont.) 1964-67
Surveys (Nev.) 1963-65
Tahoe, Lake (Calif. and Nev.)
Parks (proposed) 1961-64
Memoranda and clippings 1962-65
Water, Pollution, and Roads 1948, 1960-67
Tamalpais Conservation Club 1956-58
Taxation 1965-67
Tehipite Remnant (Calif.) 1963-65
Temblor Range (Calif.) 1961-62
Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Commission 1958
Thousand Lakes Wilderness (Calif.) 1954
Three Sisters Wilderness (Or.)
Correspondence 1954-62
Clippings 1957
Memoranda 1955-57
Timber Exchange Bill
Correspondence 1953-54
Clippings 1954
Tioga Pass Road (Calif.) 1948-58
Tomales Bay State Park (Calif.) 1951-53
Torrey Pines State Reserve (Calif.) 1965-66
Tracy Arm-Ford's Terror Wilderness (Alaska) (proposed)(includes maps) 1956-58
Trailfinders, The 1953-54
Trails 1963-65
General 1963-1965
Clippings 1911-12
National System of Trails (proposed) 1960-68
Tramways 1951-68
Transportation, all-terrain vehicles 1947-1965
General 1958-1965
Clippings 1961-63
Helicopters 1947-65
Jeeps 1949-65
Power boats 1959-65
Tote-gotes, general, brochures, clippings 1950-66
Trans-Sierra Highway (proposed)
Correspondence 1961-65
Clippings, press releases, and maps 1957-65
Kings Canyon Road 1946-47
Mammoth Pass 1956-59
General 1956-1959
Clippings 1956
Memoranda and reports 1961-66
Trustees for Conservation
Correspondence 1951-59
By-laws and minutes 1955-58
Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (Calif.) 1953-70
Tuttle Creek Reservoir (Kansas) (proposed) 1953
Uncompahgre Wilderness (Colo.) 1963-65
United Conservation Fund, Inc. 1955
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1961-65
U.S. Bureau of Land Management
Correspondence 1953-65
Clippings 1954-65
Memoranda 1957-66
U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, general and press releases 1963-65
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 1953-54
U.S. Chamber of Commerce 1951-56
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives - Correspondence 1957
California representatives 1953-59
Senate - Correspondence 1957-61
Bills 1955-59
California representatives 1953-59
Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs 1956-59
U.S. Department of Agriculture 1953-59
General 1953-1959
Clippings 1953-61
Conference on Land and People 1962
National Association of Soil Conservation Districts 1953-54
U.S. Department of Natural Resources 1965-67
U.S. Department of the Interior 1948-64
General 1948-1964
Advisory Board on National Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings, and Monuments 1951, 1955-61
Advisory Committee on Conservation 1948-64
Clippings and press releases 1933-64
D'Ewart, Wesley 1955-56
McKay, Douglas
Correspondence 1953-55
Clippings 1953-56
U.S. Federal Power Commission 1949-65
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Correspondence 1956-65
Press releases 1953-62
U.S. Forest Service
Correspondence 1949-69
Appropriations - Baker Bill 1953
Clippings and press releases 1948-62
Law and legislation 1953-56
Maps 1939-54
McCulloch, W. F. 1953-64
Memoranda 1955-63
Propaganda 1947-62
Recreation 1952-59
Roads 1959-65
Wilderness 1953-61
U.S. Geological Survey
Correspondence 1953-54
Maps Undated
U.S. Mint (San Francisco) 1958
U.S. National Monument Commission 1954
U.S. National Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission, clippings and testimony 1957-59
U.S. National Park Service
Correspondence 1953-65
Alabama Hills (Calif.) 1962-63
Annual reports 1950-54
Correspondence 1953-54
Clippings 1953
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park 1956-61
Clippings 1938, 1948-62
Concessions 1948-64
Itinerary 1958-61
Law and legislation 1955
Mission 66
Correspondence 1955-58
Clippings and press releases 1956
Reports Undated
Mountaineering 1956-63
Press releases 1935-65
Publications and memoranda 1917-58
Roads 1949-62
Roving rangers 1953-54
Wirth, Conrad 1953-59
U.S. Public Land Law Review Commission 1963-67
Upper Priest Lake Area (Idaho) 1964-66
User charges 1965
Utility lines 1963-66
Valley of the Goblins National Monument (Utah) (proposed) 1955-58
Ventana Wilderness (Calif.) 1961-62
Vermilion Valley Reservoir (Calif.) 1953
Visual education 1952-57
Waldo Lake (Or.) 1958-62
Washoe Project 1954-56
Waste products 1956-65
Water conservation 1956-66
Water - Pollution
Correspondence 1952, 1957-68
Clippings and press releases 1945-67
Water resources 1966
General 1966
California 1923-55
General 1923-1965
Correspondence 1953-65
Clippings 1954-64
Rain and rainfall 1950-62
Richvale Irrigation District Project 1959-60
General 1959-1960
Correspondence 1957-64
Clippings 1955-63
Notices, reports, and statements 1960-63
Clippings 1954-56
Correspondence 1953-54
Clippings 1954
Federal policy
Correspondence 1953-64
Clippings 1955-65
Memoranda and reports 1953-65
Prohibiting construction of dams 1951-53
Research 1964-65
Saline waters 1955-57
Clippings 1950
Miscellanea 1942-60
Watersheds - Management 1950-64
Weather control 1956-63
West Elk Wilderness (Colo.) 1953-56
Wetlands 1956-66
Wheeler Peak Wilderness (N.M.) 1959
White House Conference on Natural Beauty 1965
White Mountain National Forest (N.H. and Me.) 1956, 1959
Whitney, Mount (Calif.) 1947-56
Clippings 1930-49
Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge (Okla.) 1953
Wild and scenic rivers
Correspondence 1963-65