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box 801, folder 4

General 1941-1983

box 801, folder 5

Communist Party publications 1944-1976

Scope and Contents note

Includes Thornton, Ernest, Soviet Workers and their Unions, 1946.
box 802, folder 1

Common Cause/Common Cause Bulletin 1953-1967

box 802, folder 2

East-West Digest 1971-1974

box 802, folder 3

The Reasoner 1956

box 802, folder 4

Conservative Party 1950-1986


Trade unions

box 802, folder 5-6

General 1943-1983

Scope and Contents note

Includes British Labor and Zionism, 1945; Shub, David and Robert J. Alexander, What Do You Know about British Labor?, 1946; A Giant's Strength: Some Thoughts on the Constitutional and Legal Position of Trade Unions in England, 1958; Weiner, Herbert E., British Labor and Public Ownership, 1960; Schur, Val, Labour in Britain and the Six, 1962; The Trades Union Congress, 1963; and Gennard, John, Multinational Corporations and British Labour, 1972.
box 802, folder 7

Industrial Research and Information Services publications 1963-1979

Scope and Contents note

Includes The British Mining Industry, circa 1972; A.U.E.W.(E) Postal Ballots, 1973; The Revolutionary Left, circa 1973; The International Socialists, 1974; and Industrial Democracy, 1975.
box 803, folder 1

Trades Union Congress publications and press releases 1946-1981

Scope and Contents note

Includes Amalgamated Engineering Union, Report of the Union Delegation to the U.S.S.R., 1946; Trade Union Structure and Closer Unity, 1947; The Tactics of Disruption: Communist Methods Exposed, 1948; Trade Unionists Stand Firm for Peace, 1950; and Trade Unions and Wages Policy, 1950.
box 803, folder 2

The Garment Worker (publication of National Union of Tailors and Garment Workers) 1984-1985

box 803, folder 3

ISTC Banner (publication of Iron and Steel Trades Confederation) 1983-1985


T & G Record (publication of Transport and General Workers' Union)

box 803, folder 4


box 803, folder 5


box 803, folder 6


box 803, folder 7

Greece 1945-1981

Scope and Contents note

Includes Pallis, A. A., The Greek Trade Unions Question, 1949.
box 803, folder 8

Guyana 1963-1981

box 804, folder 1

Hammer, Julius and Armand 1920-1986

box 804, folder 2

Health 1959-1989


Human rights (international)

box 804, folder 3-4

General 1956-1984

box 804, folder 5

Amnesty International publications 1978-1984



box 805, folder 1

General 1943-1988

box 805, folder 2

National Committee for a Free Europe publications 1952

box 805, folder 3

Hungarian Quarterly 1961-1962

box 805, folder 4

The Review (publication of Imre Nagy Institute for Political Research) 1959-1962


Revolution 1956

box 805, folder 5

General 1956-1978

box 806, folder 1

Bain, Leslie B., The Reluctant Satellites: An Eyewitness Report on East Europe and the Hungarian Revolution (unbound copy) 1960

box 806, folder 2

Hungary under Soviet Rule (publication of American Friends of the Captive Nations and Assembly of Captive European Nations) 1957-1961

box 806, folder 3-4

United Nations Special Committee on the Problem of Hungary, Report 1957

Scope and Contents note

Includes advance release copy.
box 806, folder 5

La vérité sur l'affaire Nagy 1958

box 806, folder 6

Labor 1953-1967

Scope and Contents note

Includes Varga, László, The Legal Aspect of Forced Labor in Hungary, circa 1953; Communist Fronts in Focus, 1958; and Hungarian Trade Union News, 1967.


box 807, folder 1

General 1942-1985

box 807, folder 2

Eastern Economist 1958-1959

box 807, folder 3

Communism 1949-1983



box 807, folder 4

General 1948-1979

box 807, folder 5

All-India Trade Union Congress pamphlets by S. A. Dange 1952 1958 1959

Scope and Contents note

On the Indian Trade Union Movement, General Report at Ernakulam, and Crisis and Workers.
box 807, folder 6

Indian National Trade Union Congress publications 1958-1972

box 807, folder 7

Arbiter (publication of Industrial Relations Institute of India) 1984-1986

box 808, folder 1

Labour Chronicle (publication of Institute of Workers Education, Bombay) 1977-1980

box 808, folder 2

Oceanite (publication of Maritime Union of India) 1984-1985

box 808, folder 3

Indonesia 1967-1977



box 808, folder 4

General 1972-1987

box 808, folder 5

Iranian publications 1973-1982

Scope and Contents note

Includes émigré publications and compilations of translations from the Iranian press.
box 808, folder 6

Iraq 1961-1987



box 808, folder 7

General 1951-1988

box 809, folder 1

Israeli publications 1949-1983

Scope and Contents note

Includes Rolbant, Samuel, Mapai: Labor Party of Israel, 1949; Becker, Aharon, Histadrut in Changing Times, 1964; and compilations of translations from the Israeli press.


box 809, folder 2

General 1949-1988

box 809, folder 3

Italian press translations transcribed by the United States Foreign Broadcast Information Service 1955-1982

box 809, folder 4

Italian Affairs 1954

box 809, folder 5

Communism 1954-1983



box 810, folder 1

General 1970-1981


Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani publications


Azioni sociale

box 810, folder 2


box 810, folder 3


box 810, folder 4


box 810, folder 5


box 810, folder 6

Emigrazione 1982-1984

box 810, folder 7

Informazioni sociali del patronato ACLI 1982-1985

box 811, folder 1

Confederazione Generale Italiana Lavoro bulletins 1962

box 811, folder 2

Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori publications 1951-1981

Scope and Contents note

Includes Note on the Political Emergency, 1951; and La situation syndicale en Italie, 1956.
box 811, folder 3

Unione Italiana del Lavoro bulletins 1981-1982



box 811, folder 4

Pre-World War II period 1941-1968

box 811, folder 5-6

General 1955-1989


K. D. K. Information (publication of K. D. K. Kojimachi Institute, Tokyo)

box 811, folder 7


box 811, folder 8




box 811, folder 9

General 1970-1988

box 812, folder 1

Hitsubashi Journal of Economics 1983-1986

box 812, folder 2

Nippon Export Times 1984



box 812, folder 3

General 1954-1983

Scope and Contents note

Includes The Labor Union Movement in Postwar Japan, 1954; and Hoynden, Yoshio, Labour Banks in Japan, 1978.

Japan Institute of Labour publications

box 812, folder 4

Japan Labor Bulletin 1963-1986

box 812, folder 5

Japanese Industrial Relations Series 1979-1983

box 812, folder 6

Nihon Rodo Kumiai Sohyogikai (General Council of Trade Unions of Japan [Sohyo]) publications 1957-1964

Scope and Contents note

Includes Struggle of Japanese Workers for the Establishment of Guaranteed Minimum Wage System, 1957.
box 812, folder 7

Zenro-kaigi (Japanese Trade Union Congress) publications 1955-1960

Scope and Contents note

Includes Zenro Speaks Out, 1960.
box 812, folder 8

Jews 1941-1987

Scope and Contents note

Material about Jews in the United States and Jews in general.
box 813, folder 1

Kenya 1944-1960



box 813, folder 2

General 1943-1988

box 813, folder 3

South Korean government publications 1953-1984

Scope and Contents note

Includes International Renegades: North Korean Diplomacy through Terror, 1983; and An International Terrorist Clique: North Korea, 1983.

Labor (international)


International Center of Free Trade Unionists in Exile publications

box 813, folder 4

Labor in Exile 1954-1964

box 813, folder 5

Pamphlets circa 1956

Scope and Contents note

El Coloniaje Soviético and Trade Unions in Eastern Europe.

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions publications

box 813, folder 6

Preparatory conference and first congress reports 1949

Scope and Contents note

Includes Free Trade Unions Leave the W.F.T.U.
box 813, folder 7

Congress reports and constitutions 1955-1959

Scope and Contents note

Includes 4th, 5th and 6th congresses.

Economic and Social Bulletin

box 813, folder 8


box 813, folder 9


box 814, folder 1


box 814, folder 2


box 814, folder 3

Free Labour World 1954-1985

box 814, folder 4

Information Bulletin 1952-1962


International Trade Union News

box 814, folder 5


box 814, folder 6


box 814, folder 7


box 815, folder 1


box 815, folder 2


box 815, folder 3

Internationale Gewerkschaftsnachrichten (German version of International Trade Union News) 1980-1983

box 815, folder 4

Monde du travail libre (French version of Free Labour World) 1983-1984

box 815, folder 5

Mundo del trabajo libre (Spanish version of Free Labour World) 1960

box 815, folder 6

Nouvelles syndicales internationales (French version of International Trade Union News) 1979-1984

box 815, folder 7

Miscellaneous bulletins 1952-1964

box 815, folder 8

Press releases and miscellany 1953-1983



box 816, folder 1

Jahn, Hans, A Look Behind the "Iron Curtain"; Stalin's Slave Camps; Peron Unmasked; Workers' Fists against Soviet Steel; Workers' Participation in Industry; and The Spanish People Strike Back at Franco 1951-1954 1956

Scope and Contents note

A Look Behind the "Iron Curtain", Stalin's Slave Camps, Peron Unmasked, Workers' Fists against Soviet Steel, Workers' Participation in Industry, and The Spanish People Strike Back at Franco.
box 816, folder 2

The Cuban Trade Union Movement under the Regime of Dr. Castro; Hammerton, Albert, The College on the Equator; Riddell, John, Free Trade Unions in the Fight for African Freedom; Trade Unions and People of Cuba against Despotism; International Trade Secretariats; and Khrushchev, Nikita, Lo que olvide decir en el XXII Congreso 1960-1962

box 816, folder 3

The Czechoslovak Trade Unions, 1870-1970; Asplund, Christer, Some Aspects of Workers' Participation; 1981 Überblick über die Weltwirtschaftslage; and Annual Survey of Violations of Trade Union Rights, 1983-84 1970, 1972, 1981, 1984


International Labor Organization publications

Scope and Contents note

Mainly publications of the International Labour Office of the Organization.

International Labour Conference reports and proceedings

box 816, folder 4

29th (1946) and 46th (1962) sessions

box 816, folder 5

57th (1972) and 58th (1973) sessions

box 816, folder 6

59th (1974) and 66th (1980) sessions

box 816, folder 7

International Labour Review 1961

box 816, folder 8

Official Bulletin 1978

box 816, folder 9

Press releases and miscellany 1962-1981



box 817, folder 1

Labour Problems in Bolivia; Richard, René, Productivity and the Trade Unions in France; Workers' Management in Yugoslavia; and Labour Education 1943, 1953, 1962, 1964

box 817, folder 2

Forced Labour; Agenda for Asia: The Social Perplexities of the Second Development Decade; Freedom of Association: An International Survey; and Employment, Growth and Basic Needs: A One-World Problem 1968, 1971, 1975, 1976

box 817, folder 3

International Metalworkers' Federation publications 1973-1979

box 817, folder 4

International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation publications 1979-1986

Scope and Contents note

Mainly Voz of its Interamerican region.
box 817, folder 5

International Transport Workers' Federation publications 1946-1982

Scope and Contents note

Includes constitutions.
box 817, folder 6

Labor Committee to Release Imprisoned Trade Unionists and Democratic Socialists pamphlets 1956, 1961

Scope and Contents note

Shub, Anatole, Labor in the Soviet Orbit; and Quesada, Carlos Rodriguez, David Salvador: Castro's Prisoner.
box 817, folder 7

Red International of Labor Unions pamphlets by A. Lozovskii 1920, 1924, 1926

Scope and Contents note

The International Council of Trade and Industrial Unions, Der grosse Stratege des Klassenkrieges, and Kommunisten und Gewerkschaften.

World Federation of Trade Unions publications

box 817, folder 8

World Congress, 6th, proceedings 1965

box 817, folder 9

General Council proceedings 1970

box 818, folder 1

World Trade Union Movement 1950-1986

box 818, folder 2

Miscellaneous publications 1947-1979

box 818, folder 3

Pamphlets 1950 1967 1971 1985

Scope and Contents note

Working Class in the Struggle for National Liberation, The October Socialist Revolution and the International Trade Union Movement, International Crisis of the Capitalist Monetary System, and The World Federation of Trade Unions, 1945-1985.
box 818, folder 4

Bulletin (publication of International Federation of Trade Unions) 1943

box 818, folder 5

ICF Bulletin (publication of International Federation for Workers employed in the Chemical, Atomic Energy, Cement, Ceramic, Glass, Paper, Rubber, Service and Miscellaneous Industries) 1972

box 818, folder 6

Labor (publication of International Federation of Christian Trade Unions) 1962

box 818, folder 7

Labor (publication of World Confederation of Labor) 1982-1983

box 818, folder 8

United States government publications 1947-1970

Scope and Contents note

Includes U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, Conquest of World Labor: A Report on the World Federation of Trade Unions, 1956; and U.S. Comptroller General, U.S. Participation in the International Labor Organization Not Effectively Managed, 1970.
box 818, folder 9

Busch, G. K., Political Currents in the International Trade Union Movement, Volume I, Europe and North America (Economist Intelligence Unit publication) 1980

box 819, folder 1

Schevenels, Walther, Forty-five Years: International Federation of Trade Unions, 1901-1945 1956

box 819, folder 2

Windmuller, John P., printed articles 1954-1976

Scope and Contents note

Includes Labor Internationals, 1969.
box 819, folder 3

Pamphlets 1958 1960 1965 1979

Scope and Contents note

Donahue, George R., Focus on a Communist Front: The Truth about the World Federation of Trade Unions; Fernbach, Alfred P., Soviet Coexistence Strategy: A Case Study of Experience in the International Labor Organization; Vela, Carlos, Crisis in the International Labor Organization; and Greig, Ian, The Ultra-Left Offensive against Multinational Companies: Moscow's Call for World Trade Union Unity.
box 819, folder 4-5

Miscellany 1946-1988

Scope and Contents note

Includes clippings and printed articles.

Labor—United States


AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations) publications

box 820, folder 1

Constitutions 1955-1979

box 820, folder 2

Lists of affiliates 1956-1984


Convention proceedings and resolutions, especially foreign policy/international resolutions

box 820, folder 3

1st 1955

box 820, folder 4

2nd 1957

box 820, folder 5

3rd 1959

box 820, folder 6

4th 1961

box 820, folder 7

5th 1963

box 821, folder 1

6th 1965

box 821, folder 2

7th 1967

box 821, folder 3

8th 1969

box 821, folder 4

9th 1971

box 821, folder 5

10th 1973

box 821, folder 6

11th 1975

box 821, folder 7

12th 1977

box 821, folder 8-9

13th 1979

box 821, folder 10

14th 1981

box 822, folder 1

15th 1983

box 822, folder 2

16th 1985

box 822, folder 3

AFL-CIO American Federationist 1978-1983



box 822, folder 4


box 822, folder 5


box 822, folder 6


box 823, folder 1-4


box 824, folder 1-3


box 824, folder 4


box 825, folder 1


box 825, folder 2-3


box 825, folder 4


box 826, folder 1


box 826, folder 2


box 826, folder 3

Platform proposals to Democratic and Republican national conventions 1964-1972



box 826, folder 4

The Greater Danger: The Post-Stalin Pattern for Communist World Conquest and Meany, George, American and Soviet Economy: Contrast and Comparison 1956 1958

box 826, folder 5

Questions and Answers on American Labor and World Affairs 1960

box 826, folder 6

Labor Fights the Enemies of Democracy; American Labor and World Affairs: Excerpts from Convention Resolutions and Executive Council Statements; and The AFL-CIO and World Affairs circa 1963 1966 1971


Who Is the Imperialist? 1971

box 826, folder 7

English text

box 827, folder 1

Arabic, Chinese, German and Spanish translations

box 827, folder 2

American Labor and World Affairs; Watergate: A Story of Money and Politics; Solzhenitsyn: The Voice of Freedom; AFL-CIO Centennial Anthology; and A Short History of American Labor, with supplementary article reprints 1973 circa 1975 1981

box 827, folder 3-4

Bulletins, newsletters, reports, brochures, leaflets, broadsides and miscellany 1955-1988

box 827, folder 5

AFL-CIO Committee on Public Education publications 1971-1984

Scope and Contents note

Mainly Memo from COPE and AFL-CIO Legislative Alert!

AFL-CIO Department of Information press releases

box 828, folder 1


box 828, folder 2


box 828, folder 3


box 828, folder 4



AFL-CIO Department of International Affairs publications

box 828, folder 5

AFL-CIO International Affairs Bulletin 1956-1957

box 828, folder 6

Bulletin 1986

box 828, folder 7

Pamphlets 1960 1963

Scope and Contents note

For World Peace and Freedom: Proceedings of the AFL-CIO Conference on World Affairs; Entschliessungen über internationale Angelegenheiten; and Foreign Aid for Peace and Freedom.
box 828, folder 8

AFL-CIO Department of Legislation pamphlets 1964, 1975-1978, 1981, 1983

Scope and Contents note

Labor Looks at the 88th Congress; Labor Looks at the 93rd Congress; Labor Looks at Congress, 1975; Labor Looks at the 94th Congress; Labor Looks at Congress, 1977; The People's Lobby: An AFL-CIO Report on the 96th Congress; and The People's Lobby: An AFL-CIO Report on the 97th Congress.
box 829, folder 1

AFL-CIO Department of Research pamphlets 1963, 1966

Scope and Contents note

Shorter Hours: Tool to Combat Unemployment and Labor Looks at Automation.
box 829, folder 2-3

AFL-CIO Executive Council statements, reports and supplementary reports 1957-1985

Scope and Contents note

Includes To Clear the Record: AFL-CIO Executive Council Report on the Disaffiliation of the UAW, 1969.

AFL-CIO Industrial Union Department publications

box 829, folder 4

Labor and Investments 1981-1983

box 829, folder 5

Pamphlets 1957 1971 1984

Scope and Contents note

A Taft-Hartley Case Study; Needed: A Constructive Foreign Trade Policy; and Deindustrialization and the Two Tier Society: Challenges for an Industrial Policy.

AFL-CIO National Organizing Committee publications

box 829, folder 6

Report on Union Busters 1982-1983

box 829, folder 7

Statistical and Tactical Information Report 1982

box 829, folder 8

AFL-CIO Polish Workers Aid Fund press releases and miscellany circa 1981

box 829, folder 9

The Builders (publication of AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Department) 1982-1985

box 829, folder 10

Maritime Newsletter (publication of AFL-CIO Maritime Trades Department) 1979-1983

box 829, folder 11

Reagan Economics: Behind the Rhetoric (publication of AFL-CIO Department of Economic Research) 1981


American Federation of Labor publications


Convention proceedings, reports and resolutions

box 830, folder 1

63rd 1943

box 830, folder 2

66th 1947

box 830, folder 3

67th 1948

box 830, folder 4

68th 1949

box 830, folder 5

70th 1951

box 830, folder 6

71st 1952.

Scope and Contents note

American Labor and the World Crisis (international report).
box 830, folder 7-8

72nd 1953.

Scope and Contents note

Includes For Peace and Freedom (international report).
box 830, folder 9

73rd 1954.

Scope and Contents note

Towards a Reappraisal of American Foreign Policy and a Program of Action (international report).
box 830, folder 10

AFL News-Reporter 1952-1955

box 830, folder 11

American Federationist 1955

box 830, folder 12

Pamphlets 1936 1946 1947 1949 1951

Scope and Contents note

American Federation of Labor; An International Bill of Rights; Comment vit l'ouvrier de presse américain; Histoire d'un métallurgiste américain; The Great Tax Fraud; and Meany, George, The Last Five Years: How the American Federation of Labor Fights Communism around the World.
box 830, folder 13

Reports, brochures, articles, leaflets, press releases and miscellany 1946-1955

box 831, folder 1

American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers Centennial Committee pamphlets 1950


Congress of Industrial Organizations publications

box 831, folder 2

CIO News 1946-1955

box 831, folder 3

Pamphlets circa 1945 1954

Scope and Contents note

You and the WFTU: The Story of the World Federation of Trade Unions and Official Reports on the Expulsion of Communist Dominated Organizations from the CIO.

Free Trade Union Committee publications

Scope and Contents note

The Free Trade Union Committee was superseded by the AFL-CIO Department of International Affairs in 1958. Holdings of serials begun under the auspices of the former organization and continued by the latter are combined here.
box 831, folder 4

Free Labor 1945

box 831, folder 5

Special Bulletin/International Free Trade Union News 1946


International Free Trade Union News

box 831, folder 6


box 831, folder 7


box 831, folder 8


box 831, folder 9


box 831, folder 10


box 831, folder 11


box 831, folder 12


box 831, folder 13


box 832, folder 1


box 832, folder 2


box 832, folder 3


box 832, folder 4

International Free Trade Union News/AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News 1958


AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News

box 832, folder 5


box 832, folder 6


box 832, folder 7


box 832, folder 8


box 832, folder 9


box 832, folder 10


box 832, folder 11


box 832, folder 12


box 832, folder 13


box 833, folder 1


box 833, folder 2


box 833, folder 3


box 833, folder 4


box 833, folder 5


box 833, folder 6


box 833, folder 7


box 833, folder 8


box 834, folder 1


box 834, folder 2


box 834, folder 3


box 834, folder 4


box 834, folder 5


box 834, folder 6-7

Reprints and photocopies of selected articles from the above


French edition

Scope and Contents note

Successively titled Bulletin spécial, Nouvelles internationales du mouvement syndical libre, A.F.L.-C.I.O. nouvelles du mouvement syndical libre, and A.F.L.-C.I.O. nouvelles des syndicats libres.
box 835, folder 1


box 835, folder 2


box 835, folder 3


box 835, folder 4


box 835, folder 5


box 835, folder 6


box 835, folder 7


box 835, folder 8


box 835, folder 9


box 835, folder 10


box 836, folder 1


box 836, folder 2


box 836, folder 3


box 836, folder 4


box 836, folder 5



German edition

Scope and Contents note

Successively titled Sonder-Bulletin, Internationale freigewerkschaftliche Nachrichten, and AFL-CIO freigewerkschaftliche Nachrichten.
box 836, folder 6


box 836, folder 7


box 836, folder 8


box 836, folder 9


box 836, folder 10


box 837, folder 1


box 837, folder 2


box 837, folder 3


box 837, folder 4


box 837, folder 5


box 837, folder 6


box 837, folder 7


box 837, folder 8


box 837, folder 9



Italian edition

Scope and Contents note

Successively titled Notiziario internazionale del movimento sindacale libero and Notiziario del sindacalismo libero.
box 838, folder 1


box 838, folder 2


box 838, folder 3


box 838, folder 4


box 838, folder 5


box 838, folder 6


box 838, folder 7


box 838, folder 8


box 839, folder 1


box 839, folder 2


box 839, folder 3


box 839, folder 4


box 839, folder 5

Portuguese edition, AFL-CIO noticiario do sindicalismo livre 1977

box 839, folder 6

Russian edition, Spetsial'nii biulleten' 1946


American Labor Looks at the World (pamphlet series)

box 839, folder 7

Volumes I-IV 1947-1950

box 839, folder 8

Volumes V-VI 1951-1952

box 839, folder 9

Volumes VII-IX 1953-1955



box 840, folder 1

The A. F. of L. at Work towards Democracy in Germany: The Voices of Free German Labor; What Happened to the Trade Unions behind the Iron Curtain; Dubinsky, David, Auf dem Wege zur Neugruppierung der internationalen Gewerkschaftsbewegung and Scissione e nuovo schieramento nel campo sindacale mondiale (translations); Woll, Matthew, Slavery Old and New; Die A. F. of L. und die deutsche Arbeiterbewegung; Deverall, Richard L-G., Collective Bargaining, The Democratic Revolution: Free Trade Unionism, Grievance Machinery and the Shop Steward System, and Collective Bargaining Principles; Stalin vs. Sun Yat-sen: The Truth about Life in Communist China 1947-1951

box 840, folder 2

Slave-Labor in the Soviet World, with French, Greek, Italian and Spanish translations circa 1951

box 840, folder 3

Soviet Imperialism Plunders Asia; Deverall, Richard L-G., The Communist Gospel of Peace: According to Marx, Mao Tze-tung, Lenin and Stalin; La A.F.L., la revolución guatemalteca democrática y los comunistas; Wei Chen, Who's Who in Communist China: A Study of Russian Domination; Why Communist China Should Not be Admitted to the United Nations; Wittfogel, Karl A., Mao Tse-tung: Liberator or Destroyer of the Chinese Peasants?, with Spanish translation; The Rights of Labor: Democracy vs. Totalitarianism; pamphlet in Arabic 1951-1955

box 840, folder 4

Press releases, broadsides and miscellany 1944-1958

box 840, folder 5

George Meany Center for Labor Studies publications 1978-1988

Scope and Contents note

Mainly catalogs.
box 840, folder 6

International Association of Machinists publications circa 1949-1983


International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union publications

box 840, folder 7

Constitutions 1977-1980


Convention proceedings, reports and resolutions

box 840, folder 8

26th 1947

box 840, folder 9

27th 1950

box 840, folder 10

30th 1959

box 840, folder 11

31st 1962

box 840, folder 12

33rd 1968

box 840, folder 13

35th 1974

box 841, folder 1

37th 1980

box 841, folder 2

38th 1983

box 841, folder 3

Pamphlets and reprints 1949-1951 1980

Scope and Contents note

Dubinsky, David, "Rift and Realignment in World Labor" and "World Labor's New Weapon;" Rosten, Leo and J. B. S. Hardman, How the Politburo Thinks, and Letter to a Confused Liberal; and Chaikin, Sol Chick, A Labor Viewpoint: Another Opinion.
box 841, folder 4

Brochures, serial issues and articles, and miscellany 1956-1983

box 841, folder 5

Labor's League for Political Education publications 1950

box 841, folder 6

National Labor Federation leaflet 1970s

box 841, folder 7

Seafarers International Union publications 1968-1983


United Automobile Workers Union publications

box 842, folder 1

Constitution 1974


Convention proceedings, reports and resolutions

box 842, folder 2

2nd 1936

box 842, folder 3

16th 1957

box 842, folder 4

20th 1966

box 842, folder 5

25th 1977

box 842, folder 6

Pamphlets 1950 1964 1971

Scope and Contents note

Reuther, Walter P., A Total Peace Offensive and First Things First; and Woodcock, Leonard, Beyond the Nation State.
box 842, folder 7

Press releases, brochures, serial issues and articles, and miscellany 1959-1983

box 842, folder 8

United Electrical Workers Union pamphlets 1945 circa 1970

Scope and Contents note

Fitzgerald, Albert J., At the World Labor Conference; and Labor Unity.
box 842, folder 9

Butcher Workman (publication of Butcher Workmen Educational and Benevolent Association) 1955-1978

box 842, folder 10

News of World Labor (publication of Committee for A. F. of L. Participation in the World Federation of Trade Unions) 1947


TWU Express (publication of Transport Workers Union)

box 842, folder 11


box 842, folder 12


box 843, folder 1


box 843, folder 2

UFCW Action (publication of United Food and Commercial Workers International Union) 1982-1985

box 843, folder 3

Bread and Roses: A Special Report (publication of District 1199, National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees) 1979

box 843, folder 4

Collective Bargaining or Monopoly (publication of United Steelworkers of America) 1959

box 843, folder 5

Fleischman, Harry, and James Rorty, We Open the Gates: Labor's Fight for Equality (publication of National Labor Service) 1958

box 843, folder 6

Hoffman, Miles E., A Contemporary Analysis of a Labor Union (publication of Glass Bottle Blowers Association) 1959

box 843, folder 7

Moreschi, Joseph V., "The Laborer Is Worthy of His Hire" (publication of International Hod Carriers, Building and Common Laborers' Union) 1947

box 843, folder 8

Myerscough, Tom, The Name is Lewis—John L. (publication of National Miners Union; photocopy) circa 1933

box 843, folder 9

Russia after Ten Years (publication of American Trade Union Delegation to the Soviet Union) 1927

box 843, folder 10

American Institute for Free Labor Development publications 1970-1982

Scope and Contents note

Includes Douglas, William A., Fundamentos de la democracía: educación sindical, 1976.

United States Department of Labor publications

box 843, folder 11

Pamphlets 1937 1953 1957 1977

Scope and Contents note

Pidgeon, Mary Elizabeth, Women in the Economy of the United States of America; The Status of Women in the United States; Brief History of the American Labor Movement; and Labor Firsts in America.
box 844, folder 1

Directories, brochures, manuals and miscellany 1950-1980

box 844, folder 2

United States Department of State field bulletins to labor attachés 1979

box 844, folder 3

United States government publications (miscellaneous) 1942-1978

box 844, folder 4

A. I. Labor Letter 1982-1983

box 844, folder 5

Galesburg Labor News 1986-1987

box 844, folder 6

Industrial Relations 1961-1986


John Herling's Labor Letter

box 844, folder 7


box 844, folder 8


box 845, folder 1-2

Labor History 1961-1969

box 845, folder 3

"Inside Labor" column by Victor Riesel 1954-1983


Pamphlets, reprints and serial issues

box 845, folder 4

Carskadon, T. R., Labor in the Defense Crisis; Laidler, Harry W., Our Changing Industrial Incentives; Brown, Emily Clark, National Labor Policy; Handbook of Union Government, Structure and Procedures; and American Labor's Role in Less Developed Countries 1941 1949 1950 1955 1958

box 846, folder 1

Neufeld, Maurice F., A Bibliography of American Labor Union History; Taft, Philip, Corruption and Racketeering in the Labor Movement; Barkin, Solomon, The Decline of the Labor Movement and What Can Be Done about It; Jacobs, Paul, Old Before Its Time: Collective Bargaining at 28; Windmuller, John P., "Labor: A Partner in American Foreign Policy?"; and Lime, Maurice, Les syndicats américains dans un tournant 1958 1961 1963 1966

box 846, folder 2-3

Taft, Philip, Defending Freedom: American Labor and Foreign Affairs (page proofs photocopy) 1973

box 846, folder 4

The Worker and the Job; Gershman, Carl, The Foreign Policy of American Labor; Godson, Roy, "American Labor's Continuing Involvement in World Affairs;" Industrialism and Industrial Man Reconsidered; and Selvin, David F., Sky Full of Storm: A Brief History of California Labor 1974-1975

box 846, folder 5

Hirsch, Fred and Richard Fletcher, CIA and the Labour Movement (photocopy) 1977

box 846, folder 6

American Labor and World Affairs: A Bibliography; Douglas, William A. and Roy Godson, Labor and Defense Spending; and Gould, William B., A Primer on American Labor Law 1978 1980 1982

box 847, folder 1

Miscellaneous 1950-1984

box 847, folder 2-4

Clippings, articles and miscellany 1931-1989

box 848, folder 1

Clippings, articles and miscellany 1931-1989

box 848, folder 2

Foreign press clippings and articles 1950-1982


Latin America

box 848, folder 3-4

General 1958-1987

box 848, folder 5

Labor 1947-1978

box 849, folder 1

Latvia 1948-1978

box 849, folder 2

Lebanon 1982-1985

box 849, folder 3

Libya 1979-1986



box 849, folder 4

Lithuanian Information Center (Brooklyn) press releases 1981-1987


Lithuanian National Foundation (Washington) publications


ELTA Information Bulletin

box 849, folder 5


box 849, folder 6


box 849, folder 7

ELTA-Press 1982-1984

Language of Material: Italian.
box 849, folder 8

Vaitekunas, Vytautas, A Survey of Developments in Captive Lithuania in 1963-1964 (Committee for a Free Lithuania publication) 1964

box 849, folder 9

Miscellany 1948-1981

box 850, folder 1

Malaysia circa 1951-1986

box 850, folder 2

Malta 1966-1986


Middle East

box 850, folder 3

Foreign Affairs Research Institute bulletins 1976-1981

box 850, folder 4

Great Britain Foreign and Commonwealth Office bulletins 1978-1987

box 850, folder 5

National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations reports 1986-1987

box 850, folder 6

Crossroads (publication of Youth Institute for Peace in the Middle East) 1982-1986

box 850, folder 7

Middle-East Intelligence Survey 1976-1980

box 850, folder 8

New Middle East 1971-1973

box 850, folder 9

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs 1982-1983

box 850, folder 10

Pamphlets and serial issues 1948-1985

Scope and Contents note

Includes Beling, Willard A., Pan-Arabism and Labor, 1960; Islam and Communism, 1960; Arab-Israel Conflict and the United Nations, 1962; and Ba'ath Party Ministry of Information, The Socialist Arab Ba'ath: A Profound Belief, 1970.
box 851, folder 1

Pamphlets and serial issues 1948-1985

box 851, folder 2-3

Clippings, articles and miscellany 1951-1988

box 851, folder 4

Morocco 1951-1980

Scope and Contents note

Includes Le Maroc au travail, 1957.
box 851, folder 5

Mozambique 1971-1984

box 851, folder 6

Namibia 1977-1987



box 852, folder 1

Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen bulletin 1956

box 852, folder 2

FNV News (publication of Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging) 1979-1984

box 852, folder 3

Miscellany 1964-1979

box 852, folder 4

Nicaragua 1978-1988

box 852, folder 5

Nigeria 1960-1983



box 852, folder 6

Magasinet for Fagorganiserte 1986

box 852, folder 7

Vi i Bekledning (publication of Bekledningsarbeiderforbundet) 1984-1985

box 852, folder 8

Miscellany 1949-1977

Scope and Contents note

Includes The Trade Union Movement in Norway, 1962.


box 852, folder 9

Palestinian liberation bulletins 1977-1982

box 852, folder 10

General 1937-1988

box 853, folder 1

General 1937-1988

box 853, folder 2-3

Peace movements 1951-1986

box 853, folder 4

Peru 1952-1983

box 853, folder 5

Philippines 1950-1988

Scope and Contents note

Includes Marcos, Ferdinand E., Today's Revolution: Democracy, 1971.


box 853, folder 6

World War II period 1939-1944

box 853, folder 7

Polish press translations transcribed by the United States Foreign Broadcast and Information Service 1956-1982

box 854, folder 1

Labor 1945-1961

Scope and Contents note

Includes Szumski, Romuald, Labor and the Soviet System, circa 1950; and Trade Unions in People's Poland, 1961.
box 854, folder 2

General 1948-1986

Scope and Contents note

Includes Gliksman, Jerzy, Powiedz zachodowi, 1948; and Revolutionary Marxist Students in Poland Speak Out, 1968.

Solidarnosc movement

box 854, folder 3

Solidarnosc bulletin photocopies 1980

Language of Material: Polish.
box 854, folder 4

Bulletin Solidarnosc/Solidarity Bulletin 1982

box 854, folder 5

Great Britain Foreign and Commonwealth Office bulletins 1981-1985

box 854, folder 6

Miscellany 1980-1987

Scope and Contents note

Includes Frankel, Dave, DeAnn Rathbun and Ernest Harsch, Poland: Workers in Revolt, 1981; and Schaufele, William E., Jr., Polish Paradox: Communism and National Renewal, 1981.


box 854, folder 7

General 1952-1984

box 855, folder 1

General 1952-1984


International Migration

box 855, folder 2


box 855, folder 3


box 855, folder 4

Portugal 1975-1979



box 855, folder 5

General 1941-1987

box 856, folder 1

Blessings of Liberty 1980-1987



box 856, folder 2

General 1945-1982

box 856, folder 3

Goma, Paul, Le tremblement des hommes: Peut-on vivre en Roumanie aujourd'hui? 1979

box 856, folder 4

Scandinavia 1975-1980

Scope and Contents note

Includes United States Department of the Army, Scandinavia: A Bibliographic Survey of Literature, 1975.
box 856, folder 5-6

Science and technology 1952-1988

box 857, folder 1

Scientology, Church of 1985-1986


Socialism (international)


Marxistische Arbeiter Schulung publications (Karl Wittfogel co-publisher) 1930s

box 857, folder 2

Geschichte der internationalen Arbeiterbewegung

box 857, folder 3

Politische Öonomie


Socialist International publications

box 857, folder 4

Socialist Affairs 1979-1983

box 857, folder 5

Socialist International Information 1953-1957

box 857, folder 6

Press releases 1982-1983

box 857, folder 7

Press reviews 1979-1982

box 857, folder 8

Miscellany 1962-1983

box 857, folder 9

Feuer, Lewis, articles by 1964-1983

box 858, folder 1

Feuer, Lewis, articles by 1964-1983

box 858, folder 2

Marx, Karl 1921-1983

box 858, folder 3

Wolfe, Bertram D. 1958-1978

box 858, folder 4-5

Miscellany 1912-1987

Scope and Contents note

Includes Pannekoek, Anton, Marxism and Darwinism, 1912; Eastman, Max, The Last Stand of Dialectic Materialism: A Study of Sidney Hook's Marxism, 1934; Schneider, Hans, Socialist Strategy on the Economic Front, 1938; and Kautsky gegen Lenin, 1981.

Socialism—United States

box 858, folder 6

Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee publications 1973-1979


Social Democrats, U.S.A., publications

box 858, folder 7

New America 1983-1985

box 858, folder 8

Miscellany 1980-1985

box 858, folder 9

Miscellany 1972-1982

box 859, folder 1

Somalia 1959-1977


South Africa

box 859, folder 2

General 1960-1988

box 859, folder 3

Labor 1964-1985

Scope and Contents note

Includes United Nations Office of Public Information, Infringement of Trade Union Rights in Southern Africa, 1970.

Soviet Union

box 859, folder 4-6

Soviet pamphlets 1918-1978

Scope and Contents note

Includes Litvinov, Maxim, The Bolshevik Revolution: Its Rise and Meaning, 1919; Rykov, A. I., Ten Years Struggle and Constructive Effort, 1927; Kaganovich, L. M., Purging the Party, 1933; Zhdanov, A. A., Organizational Problems of the Communist Party, 1937; The Truth about Katyn, 1944; Moscow Trial of 16 Polish Diversionists, 1945; and Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic, 1950.
box 860, folder 1

Soviet serial issues 1945-1982

box 860, folder 2

Soviet articles and miscellaneous publications 1921-1986


Soviet press translations

Scope and Contents note

Mainly transcriptions by the United States Foreign Broadcast Information Service.
box 860, folder 3


box 860, folder 4


box 860, folder 5


box 861, folder 1


box 861, folder 2


box 861, folder 3


box 861, folder 4


box 862, folder 1-3


box 862, folder 4


box 862, folder 5-6


box 863, folder 1


box 863, folder 2


box 863, folder 3


box 863, folder 4



Politics and general conditions

box 863, folder 5

Pre-1917 Revolution period 1945-1978

box 864, folder 1-2

Revolution of 1917 and Leninist period 1921-1988

Scope and Contents note

Includes Kollontai, Alexandra, The Workers Opposition in Russia, 1921; Berkman, Alexander, The Kronstadt Rebellion, 1922; and Martov, Julius, The State and the Socialist Revolution, 1938.
box 864, folder 3-4

Stalinist period 1936-1981

Scope and Contents note

Includes Bukharin, Nikolai, Les problémes fondamentaux de la culture contemporaine, 1936; Adler, Friedrich, The Witchcraft Trial in Moscow, 1937; Letter of an Old Bolshevik: The Key to the Moscow Trials, 1937; Yvon, M., What Has Become of the Russian Revolution, 1937; and Madame Kuusinen Begins to Tell Her Story, 1966.

Khrushchev period

box 864, folder 5

General 1953-1966

box 865, folder 1

General 1953-1966

Scope and Contents note

Includes Bericht über den XX Parteitag der KPdSU Februar 1956, circa 1956; and Helmer, Martin, Stalins Verbrechen: Chruschtschows Geheimbericht und die historischen Tatsachen, circa 1956.
box 865, folder 2

Khrouchtchev en France 1960


Brezhnev period

box 865, folder 3

General 1966-1982

box 865, folder 4

Soviet World Outlook 1976-1980

box 866, folder 1

United States Central Intelligence Agency, Biographic Report: USSR Institute of the United States of America and Canada 1976

box 866, folder 2

Andropov period 1982-1984

box 866, folder 3

Gorbachev period 1985-1989

box 866, folder 4-5

Détente and peaceful coexistence policies 1945-1985


Dissidents and human rights

box 867, folder 1-2

General 1957-1988

box 867, folder 3

Sazimdat Bulletin 1974-1977

box 867, folder 4

Domestic conditions 1938-1987

box 868, folder 1-2

Domestic conditions 1938-1987

Scope and Contents note

Includes Sinclair, Upton and Eugene Lyons, Terror in Russia? Two Views, 1938; Scott, John, The Soviet World, 1966; and Arrigoni, Enrico, The Totalitarian Nightmare, undated.
box 868, folder 3-4

Economy 1947-1988

box 868, folder 5

Foreign economic relations 1954-1988

box 869, folder 1-3

Foreign relations 1943-1985.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Ciliberti, Charles, Backstairs Mission in Moscow, 1946.
box 869, folder 4

Jews 1949-1983



box 869, folder 5

General 1942-1986

box 870, folder 1

General 1942-1986

Scope and Contents note

Includes McAvoy, Clifford T., The Trade Unions of Our Soviet Ally, 1942; Bishop, Reginald, Wages and Prices in the U.S.S.R., 1946; Gewerkschaften und Sozialpolitik in Sowjet-Russland, 1948; and Godson, Roy, Labor in Soviet Global Strategy, 1984.
box 870, folder 2

Soviet publications 1927-1975

Scope and Contents note

Includes Tomsky, M., The Trade Unions, the Party and the State, 1927; Constitution of the Trade Unions of the U.S.S.R., 1951; Doldobanov, G. I., The Soviet Trade Unions Advance the Welfare of the Working People, circa 1959; Trade Union Life in the USSR, 1961; Rules of the Trade Unions of the U.S.S.R., 1964; and Svetsov, Nikolai, We Are 3,500,000 Strong, 1975.
box 870, folder 3

United States Department of Labor publications 1954-1969

Scope and Contents note

Includes Labor Conditions in the Soviet Union, 1955; Soviet Attitudes and Policies toward Increasing Output of Workers, 1957; Principal Current Soviet Labor Legislation, 1962; Labor Developments in the U.S.S.R., 1966; and Labor in the U.S.S.R., 1969.
box 870, folder 4

Forced labor 1947-1983

Scope and Contents note

Includes Mora, Silvester, Kolyma: Gold and Forced Labor in the USSR, 1949; United States Department of State, Forced Labor in the Soviet Union, 1952; and Forced Labour in Building the Gas-Pipeline Siberia-Europe, 1982.
box 870, folder 5

Merchant marine 1963-1987


Military forces and policy

box 871, folder 1-2

General 1949-1989

box 871, folder 3

United States Department of the Army, USSR: Analytical Survey of Literature 1976

box 871, folder 4

Muslims 1958-1987

box 871, folder 5

Nationalities 1952-1984

box 872, folder 1

Naval forces 1969-1986

box 872, folder 2

Propaganda 1952-1987

box 872, folder 3

Religion 1951-1983

box 872, folder 4

Secret police 1973-1987

box 872, folder 5

Miscellany 1951-1983



box 872, folder 6

Spanish press translations transcribed by the United States Foreign Broadcast Information Service 1959-1978

box 872, folder 7

News from Libertarian Spain 1977-1979

box 872, folder 8

General 1945-1984

box 872, folder 9

Civil War 1936-1986

Scope and Contents note

Includes Fischer, Louis, The War in Spain, 1937; Spain's War of Independence, 1937; and Wolfe, Bertram D., Civil War in Spain, 1937.
box 873, folder 1

Labor 1960-1985

Scope and Contents note

Includes Megias, Pedro Lamata, Trade Union Theory, 1963.


box 873, folder 2

General 1947-1983



box 873, folder 3

General 1953-1982

Scope and Contents note

Includes Modern Swedish Labour Market Policy, 1966.
box 873, folder 4

Landsorganisationen publications 1952-1983



box 873, folder 5

General 1947-1971

Scope and Contents note

Includes Weckerle, Eduard, The Trade Unions in Switzerland, 1947.

Il Lavoro (publication of Organizzanione Cristiano Sociale Ticinese)

box 873, folder 6


box 873, folder 7


box 874, folder 1

Swiss Review of World Affairs 1953-1986



box 874, folder 2

General 1950-1989

box 874, folder 3

East Asia Quarterly 1984-1985

box 874, folder 4

Chinese Federation of Labour pamphlets circa 1955 1956

Scope and Contents note

Blood and Tears of Slave Labour on the Chinese Mainland and The System of Forced Labor on Mainland China.
box 874, folder 5

Free China Labor League pamphlets 1950-1952

Scope and Contents note

Voice of Free China; The Persecution of Chinese Workers under the Communist Rule; Mao's Slave Camps; and pamphlet in Chinese.
box 874, folder 6

Terrorism 1973-1986

Scope and Contents note

Includes Romerstein, Herbert, Soviet Support for International Terrorism, 1981.
box 875, folder 1

Tibet 1959

box 875, folder 2

Tunisia 1951-1974

box 875, folder 3

Turkey 1977-1981


U.S. Labor Party/National Democratic Policy Committee.

Scope and Contents note

Includes other organizations associated with Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
box 875, folder 4

General 1977-1988


LaRouche-associated publications

box 875, folder 5

New Solidarity 1980-1984

box 876, folder 1

Pamphlets 1977-1984

box 876, folder 2

Press releases and articles 1978-1987



box 876, folder 3

General 1951-1981

box 876, folder 4

Smoloskyp 1980-1986

box 876, folder 5

Ukrainian Quarterly 1984


United Nations

box 877, folder 1

General 1942-1987

box 877, folder 2-3

United Nations publications 1948-1980


United States


Economic conditions

box 877, folder 4

United States government publications 1971-1982

Scope and Contents note

Includes Peterson, Peter G., The United States in the Changing World Economy, 1971.
box 878, folder 1-2

Business publications 1963-1986

box 878, folder 3

Clippings 1960-1989

box 878, folder 4

Pamphlets and booklets 1934-1985

box 879, folder 1

Pamphlets and booklets 1934-1985

box 879, folder 2

Miscellany 1971-1987


Foreign relations


United States government publications

box 879, folder 3-4

Congressional publications 1954-1982

box 879, folder 5

Department of State publications 1948-1986

box 880, folder 1

Department of State publications 1948-1986


Mission to the United Nations press releases

box 880, folder 2


box 880, folder 3


box 880, folder 4


box 880, folder 5

Miscellaneous 1983


American Security Council publications

box 881, folder 1

Washington Report 1962-1985

box 881, folder 2

Miscellaneous 1962-1987


Atlantic Council of the United States publications


Atlantic Community Quarterly

box 881, folder 3


box 881, folder 4


box 881, folder 5

Issues and Options reports circa 1980-1988

box 882, folder 1-2

Policy Papers reports circa 1976-1987

box 882, folder 3

Miscellaneous circa 1974-1986


Committee for the Free World publications

box 882, folder 4

Contentions 1982-1987

box 882, folder 5

Miscellaneous 1982-1986


Committee on the Present Danger publications

box 883, folder 1

Alerting America: The Papers of the Committee on the Present Danger, edited by Charles Tyroler II 1984

box 883, folder 2

Miscellaneous 1976-1986


Council on Foreign Relations publications


Annual reports

box 883, folder 3


box 883, folder 4


box 884, folder 1

Pamphlets and booklets 1974-1987

box 884, folder 2

Foreign Affairs journal articles 1979-1988

box 884, folder 3

Miscellaneous 1982-1989

box 884, folder 4

Foreign Policy Association publications 1946-1977

box 884, folder 5

George C. Marshall Foundation publications 1982-1988

box 884, folder 6

Lee H. Hamilton Foreign Affairs Newsletter 1982-1985

box 885, folder 1-2

Serial issues 1953-1989

box 885, folder 3

Journal articles 1968-1987

box 885, folder 4

Clippings 1960-1989

box 886, folder 1-3

Pamphlets and booklets 1953-1987

Scope and Contents note

Includes Hunebelle, Danielle, Dear Henry, 1972; and Sanders, Jerry W., Peddlers of Crisis: The Committee on the Present Danger and the Politics of Containment, 1983.
box 886, folder 4

Miscellany 1957-1986


Politics and government

box 887, folder 1

"National Whirligig" newspaper column by Ernest Cuneo 1971-1981

box 887, folder 2

National Review 1984-1985

box 887, folder 3

Newark Star-Eagle 1932


Policy Review

box 887, folder 4


box 888, folder 1


box 888, folder 2


box 888, folder 3-4

Serial issues 1951-1989

box 889, folder 1

Serial issues 1951-1989

box 889, folder 2

Journal articles 1952-1987

box 889, folder 3-4

Clippings 1959-1989

box 890, folder 1-2

Pamphlets and booklets 1927-1978

box 890, folder 3

Miscellany 1960-1987

box 890, folder 4

Race relations 1941-1989




North Vietnamese pamphlets

box 891, folder 1-3

General 1960-1975

box 891, folder 4-5

Vietnamese Studies series 1965-1972

box 891, folder 6

South Viet Nam National Front for Liberation publications 1968-1971

box 891, folder 7

South Vietnamese government pamphlet, Postwar Development of Viet-Nam 1969

box 892, folder 1

United States government publications 1965-1973

box 892, folder 2

Great Britain Foreign and Commonwealth Office publications 1979-1989

box 892, folder 3-4

General 1950-1983




Vietnam Federation of Trade Unions (North Vietnam) publications

box 892, folder 5

Pamphlets 1965 1974

Scope and Contents note

Second Conference of the International Trade Union Committee for Solidarity with the Workers and People of Vietnam against the U.S. Imperialist Aggressors and Third National Congress of Vietnamese Trade Unions.
box 893, folder 1

Trade Union Correspondence 1975-1978

box 893, folder 2

Vietnamese Trade Unions 1977-1978

box 893, folder 3

Vietnamese Confederation of Labor (South Vietnam) publications 1964-1968

Scope and Contents note

Includes The Vietnamese Confederation of Labor (CVT) Speaks to the Free World, 1966.
box 893, folder 4

Miscellany 1973-1974


World politics

box 893, folder 5

United States government publications 1945-1975

box 893, folder 6

Great Britain Foreign and Commonwealth Office publications 1978-1986

box 893, folder 7

Foreign Affairs Research Institute publications 1976-1982

box 893, folder 8

Bulletin of the International Commission of Jurists 1964-1967

box 893, folder 9

South 1982

box 894, folder 1

The World Today 1956-1970

box 894, folder 2

Bullitt, William C., The Great Globe Itself: A Preface to World Affairs, photocopy 1946

box 894, folder 3

Fleming, D. F., The Cold War and Its Origins, Vol. I, 1917-1950, extensive typed excerpts 1961

box 894, folder 4-5

Serial issues 1951-1986

box 895, folder 1-2

Serial issues 1951-1986

box 895, folder 3

Journal articles 1960-1988

box 895, folder 4

Clippings 1945-1988

box 896, folder 1-2

Pamphlets and booklets 1949-1977

box 896, folder 3

Miscellany 1954-1986

box 896, folder 4

Yemen 1978-1981



box 896, folder 5

Yugoslav press translations transcribed by the United States Foreign Broadcast Information Service 1952-1982


Yugoslav publications


Socialist Thought and Practice

box 896, folder 6


box 897, folder 1


box 897, folder 2

Serial issues 1953-1962

box 897, folder 3

Pamphlets 1946-1967

box 897, folder 4

General circa 1943-1987


Dissidents and human rights

box 897, folder 5

General 1966-1988

Scope and Contents note

Includes considerable material by and about Mihajlo Mihajlov.
box 898, folder 1

Committee to Aid Democratic Dissidents in Yugoslavia. Bulletin 1980-1986




Savez Sindikata Jugoslavije (Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia) publications

box 898, folder 2

Yugoslav Trade Unions 1957-1986

box 898, folder 3-4

Pamphlets and miscellany 1948-1969

Scope and Contents note

Includes Salaj, Djuro, Les syndicats yougoslaves dans la lutte pour le socialisme, 1951; The Truth about Yugoslav Trade Unions, 1952; Yugoslav Trade Unions under New Conditions, 1959; Deleon, A., The Yugoslav Worker: Who Is He? What Does He Think? What Does He Aspire to?, 1962; Romac, P. and J. Franic, Workers' Self-Management in Factories, 1962; and The Living Standard and Social Position of the Worker, 1964.
box 898, folder 5

Miscellany 1950-1970

Scope and Contents note

Includes Tito, Josip Broz, Workers Manage Factories in Yugoslavia, 1950; Topalovich, Zivko, Les usines aux ouvriers: l'expérience yougoslave, 1952; and Vukmanovic, Svetozar, Problems of Unity in the International Trade Union Movement, 1966.
box 898, folder 6

Zimbabwe 1969-1982

box 899


Scope and Contents note

Convention badges and miscellany.


Scope and Contents note

Formerly security-classified records of the U.S. government, released in full or in part. Includes some interfield records determiend by the government to be unclassified. Arranged chronologically by date of release by Hoover.
box 900, folder 1-2

2015 November release of records 1927-1939 1953-1972

Scope and Contents note

1927-1939: Includes meeting minutes, statements, correspondence, financial documents, and speeches related to the Communist Party, U.S.A./Communist Party (Opposition), particularly the split between them resulting from differences related to the Communist International.
1953-1972: Includes memoranda, reports, correspondence, and summaries related to international labor movements and communism in the United States.


Scope and Contents note

Arranged alphabetically by title or author.
box 1

A la lumiere du marxisme, Essais - Sciences Physico-Mathematiques, Sciences Naturelles, Sciences Humaines 1935

box 1

AALC Reporter, a publication of the African-American Labor Center 1971 January 1974 April

box 1

The ABM and the Changed Strategic Military Balance, U.S.A. vs. U.S.S.R., study prepared by the National Strategy Committee of the American Security Council 1969 May

box 1

ABN Correspondence, monthly bulletin of the Antibolshevik Bloc of Nations 1960 July-August

box 1

ACI bulletin quotidien de l'Agence Cooperative D'Information (Daily Bulletin of the Cooperative Information Agency) 1961 June 4

box 1

A.I. Labor Letter, American Income Life Insurance Company 1975 January

box 1

ASC Broadcast Briefs, a publication of the American Security Council 1969 March

Scope and Contents note

See also: listing under American Security Council.
box 1

ASC Newsletter, a publication of the American Security Council (incomplete) 1962 January 31 - 1963 January 31

Scope and Contents note

See also: listing under American Security Council.
box 1

A.S.O. (Alianza Sindical Obrera de Espana) 1964 August October 1968 January

box 1

Abbott, Charles C., The International Position and Commitments of the United States, No. 449 in the series "National Economic Problems," 1953

box 1

Absolute Truth, The (photographs of World War I)

box 1

Academy of Political Science, Proceedings, "The Soviet Union Since Khrushchev--New Trends and Old Problems," 1965 April

box 1

Accord, "The European Syndicalist Student Movement," 1968 March

box 1

Acheson, Dean, Fifty Years After 1961

box 1

Adams, James Truslow, An American Looks at the British Empire, 1940

box 1

Adams, John Clarke, A Report on the Semester in Italy, 1960

box 1

L'Adunata dei Refrattari, 1928 December

box 1

Advance, The, published by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America 1937 October 1966 June

box 2

Africa, The World Today Series 1968

box 2

Africa League, A New American Policy Toward Africa, 1960

box 2

Africa Opinion (incomplete) 1961 July - 1962 May

box 2

Africa South, 1956 October-December

box 2

Africa Today, 1959 January-February

box 2

Africa Weekly, 1959 May

box 2

African-American Labor Center, publications (incomplete) 1965-1970

box 2

African Comment (incomplete) 1963-1966

box 2

African Labour News (incomplete) 1963-1964

box 2

African Review (incomplete) 1968-1976

box 2

African Survey, 1963 June

box 2

Afro-Asian Institute for Labour Studies and Co-operation undated

box 2

Afro-Asian Labour Bulletin, 1966 April 1973 May

box 2

Air-Terre-Mer (Air, Land, Sea) 1951 May

box 3

Der aktuelle Osten, Kommentare und Nachrichten aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Technik der UdSSR und der Ubrigen Lander des RGW (COMECON) (incomplete)

box 4

Der aktuelle Osten, Kommentare und Nachrichten aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Technik der UdSSR und der Ubrigen Lander des RGW (COMECON) (incomplete)

box 4

Aktuelle Probleme des Imperialismus, 1970

box 4

Alba, Victor, La America Latina y los Congresos del Partido Comunista Ruso, circa 1959

box 5

Alexandrov, K., China's Independent Foreign Policy, 1960

box 5

Alexandrow, Dimitriji, Kommunismus in der Krise, undated

box 5

Algeria, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Information Bulletin, 1964 May 1

box 5

Algeria, Questions and Answers, The Algerian Office 1960

box 5

Algerian Delegation, What is Algeria?, 1955 September

box 5

Algerian Front of National Liberation Delegation, The Question of Algeria, Background Document, The European Minority circa 1957

box 5

Aliber, Robert Z., Choices for the Dollar, National Planning Association 1969

box 5

Allen, Frederick Lewis, Only Yesterday, 2 vols. 1931

box 5

Allen, Harland H., The Businessman's Stake in American-Soviet Friendship, undated

box 5

Alliance for Labor Action, To Find Answers to the Urgent Problems of Our Society, 1968

box 5

Alliance for Progress, Latin American Growth Trends: Seven Years of the Alliance for Progress, 1968

box 5

Allnut, E. F., and Gerhard Leibholz, Re-Educating Germans?, 1944

box 5

Almanac, 1961

box 5

Almanach des Verlages der Kommunistischen Internationale 1921

box 5

Alsop, Joseph, and Robert Kinter American White Paper, 1940

box 5

Alternative, Sozialistische Zeitschrift fur Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur 1966 June

box 5

Alternative, The, 1972 March 1975 August-September

box 5

Amalgamated Engineering Union, Report of the Delegation to the U.S.A., 1949 March April

box 5

Amalgamated Journal, The, Official Organ of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers 1942 January 22


Ambassade de France, Service de Presse et d'Information, New York

box 5

France Aid and Cooperation, 1962 December

box 5

France and Its Armed Forces, 1964 December

box 5

France at the European Summit Conference, The Hague 1969 December 1-2

box 6

America in Cifre, 1951

box 6

America United, a radio forum conducted by the American Federation of Labor on "Should America Open Its Doors to Displaced Persons of Europe?," 1947 April 6

box 6

American-African Affairs Associations, Red China in Africa undated


American Assembly

box 6

Black Economic Development, 1969 April

box 6

Land Use in America, 1974 April

box 6

Law and a Changing Society II, 1975 June

box 6

The Multinational Corporation, 1974 December

box 6

The United States and Eastern Europe, 1967 April


American Association for Economic Freedom

box 6

Problems of the National Labor Relations Board, undated

box 6

Unemployment Must Be Abolished! 1940 June


American Association for the United Nations

box 6

The Economic and Political Security of the New States of Africa and Asia, 1961 February

box 6

Strengthening the United Nations, 1957

box 6

We, the Peoples... A Brief History of the United Nations, 1945 October

box 6

American Bar Association, Brief on Communism: Marxism-Leninism, Its Aims, Purposes, Objectives and Practices, undated

box 6

American Bar Association, Section on International and Comparative Law, The Rule of Law in the United States, A Statement By the Committee to Cooperate with the International Commission of Jurists 1958 February

box 6

American Bulletin, The, published by the Czechoslovak National Council of America (incomplete) 1965 November - 1976 November

box 6

American Cause, 1976 January-February


American Civil Liberties Union

box 6

Black Justice, 1931 May

box 6

Justice--North Carolina Style, 1930 May

box 6

American Committee for a Free Spanish Republic, Franco - War Criminal Allied with Hitler and Mussolini, undated


American Committee for Liberation

box 6

Communicating with the People Behind the Iron Curtain 1957

box 6

Peaceful Co-Existence, What it Means to Khrushchev, circa 1960

box 6

Traditional Goals of Labour Movement Obliterated by Measures of Red China, undated

box 6

U.S. Is Dictatorship, Constitution a Fraud, USSR Population Told, undated


American Committee on Africa

box 6

Portugal in Africa, 1968 December

box 6

A Summary Report on the Bank Campaign, circa 1969

box 6

American Committee on United Europe, Euratom and the Common Market, 1956 December

box 6

American Council for Nationalities Service, American Abroad: Spokesman for the United States, 1959 February

box 6

American Council for Public Affairs, Total Defense, 1940 June

box 6

American Economic Review, The, 1929 September

box 6

American Employers and the International Labor Organization undated


American Federation of Labor

box 7

The A.F. of L. at Work: Towards Democracy in Germany 1947

box 7

La A.F.L., La Revolucion Guatemalteca Democratica y Los Communistas, 1954

box 7

A.F.L. News-Reporter, 1952 August 22

box 7

Die A.F. of L. Und die deutsche Arbeiterbewegung, 1952

box 7

America United, a radio forum conducted by the American Federation of Labor on "More TVAs?," 1945

box 7

American Federation of Labor Weekly News Service (incomplete) 1942 September - 1950 March

box 7

American Labor and the World Crisis, 1952


American Labor Looks at the World

box 7

1947 October

box 7

[No. II] 1948 November

box 7

[No. III] 1949 October

box 7

[No. IV] 1950 September

box 7

[No. V] 1951 September

box 7

[No. VI] 1952 September

box 7

[No. VII] 1953 September

box 7

[No. VIII] 1954 September

box 7

[No. IX] 1955 December

box 8

Consumer Cooperatives, 1944

box 8

Directory of Affiliates and Constitution, 1954

box 8

For Peace and Freedom, 1953

box 8

Fur Freiheit, Arbeit und Frieden, undated

box 8

Great Tax Fraud, The, 1951

box 8

Here's the Answer, Fact Book on Key Legislation, 1950

box 8

Eine internationale Erklarung der Grundrechte, undated

box 8

Labor and Education in 1939

box 8

Labor League of Human Rights, Special Bulletin, 1946

box 8

Labor's Monthly Survey, 1939-1951

box 8

National Association of Manufacturers Exposed, Report of the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor to the Seattle, Washington, Convention 1913


Pacific Labour Proceedings

box 8

Convention 1940

box 8

Convention 1941

box 8

Convention 1943

box 8

Convention 1947

box 9

Convention 1948

box 9

Convention 1949

box 9

Convention 1951

box 9

Convention 1952


Report of the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor

box 9

Fifty-Sixth Annual Convention 1936 November 16

box 9

Sixty-First Annual Convention 1941 October 6

box 9

Sixty-Third Annual Convention 1943 October 4

box 9

Research Report, 1948 October

box 9

The Rights of Labor, Democracy vs. Totalitarianism 1947 October


Samuel Gompers Centennial Committee

box 9

The Gompers Story

box 9

Samuel Gompers' Credo

box 9

Stalin vs. Sun Yat-sen: The Truth about Life in Communist China, undated

box 9

Subsidized Industrial Migration, the Luring of Plants to New Locations, 1955

box 9

Toward a Reappraisal of American Foreign Policy and A Program of Action, 1954

box 9

We Saw Israel: A Report of a Visit by American Trade Unionists, undated

box 9

What Happened to the Trade Unions Behind the Iron Curtain, 1948

box 9

Who's Who in Communist China, by Wei Chen 1954

box 9

Why Communist China Should Not Be Admitted to the United Nations, 1954


American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)

box 10

The AFL-CIO and World Affairs, 1970

box 10

AFL-CIO News (incomplete) 1956-1970

box 10

The AFL-CIO Platform Proposals to the Republican and Democratic Conventions 1964 1968

box 10

American Federationist (incomplete) 1942 January - 1976 April

box 10

American Labor and World Affairs, undated

box 10

America's Health Needs, the Government's Role, undated

box 11

America's Responsibility for the Preservation of Human Freedom, 1959

box 11

Automation, undated

box 11

Building and Construction Trades Bulletin, 1961 May

box 11

The Case for the Union Shop, undated

box 11

Civil Rights, in the AFL-CIO, 1961

box 11

Codes of Ethical Practices, 1958

box 11

Collective Bargaining Report, 1959 July 1960 December

box 11

Constitution, 1965

box 11

Dedication of the Home of American Labor, 1956 June 4

box 11

The Disaffiliation of the UAW, 1968

box 11

Documents on Arms Control, undated

box 11

Economic Trends and Outlook, 1958 March November 1960 November

box 11

Education News and Views, 1956 June

box 11

Fact vs. Propaganda: The Truth about "Right to Work" Laws, 1958

box 11

For World Peace and Freedom, 1960 April

box 11

Foreign Aid for Peace and Freedom, 1963

box 11

Free Trade Union Committee, Slave Labor in the Soviet World, undated


Free Trade Union News

box 11


box 12


box 13


box 14


box 15


box 15

The Greater Danger, 1956

box 15

Handbook on Hospital Insurance for the Aged through Social Security, 1963

box 15

Handbook on the Industrial Security Program of the Department of Defense, 1955

box 15

The History of 14 (b) and What It Means, undated

box 15

The House of Labor, 1957

box 15

IUD Agenda, 1965 November

box 15

I. U. D. Bulletin 1959 July 1960 January 1972 November-December

box 16

The Industrial Union Department, undated

box 16

International Affairs Resolutions, 1967 1969

box 16

Labor and Medical Care, undated

box 16

Labor and Politics, undated

box 16

Labor Fights the Enemies of Democracy, 1964

box 16

Labor Looks at Congress, 1967

box 16

Labor Looks at the 85th Congress, 1958

box 16

Labor Looks at the 86th Congress, 1960

box 16

Labor Looks at the 87th Congress, 1962

box 16

Labor Looks at the Nation's Economy, 1963

box 16

Labor's Economic Review (incomplete) 1956 April - 1960 August

box 16

Los Angeles Citizen, 1962 December 7

box 16

Memo to Congress: A Positive Program for America, 1960

box 16

The Merger of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1955

box 16



News from the AFL-CIO

box 16


box 17


box 18

News from the Industrial Union Department, 1960

box 18

The Nixon Economic Program, 1972

box 18

Noticiero Obrero Norteamericano (North American Worker News) 1965 June 15

box 18

An Open Letter from the Executive Committee of the Union of African Students in the Soviet Union

Language of Material: Arabic.
box 18

Policy Resolutions, 1961 1971

box 18

Policy Resolutions on International Affairs, 1959 1961 1963 1965 1967 1969

box 18

Political Memo from COPE (incomplete) 1959-1977

box 18

Power for What?, undated

box 18

Preguntas y Respuestas: El Movimiento Obrero Norteamericano y Los Asuntos Interamericanos, 1959



box 18

Convention 1955

box 18

Convention 1961

box 18

Convention 1963

box 18

Convention 1965

box 18

Convention 1967

box 19

Convention 1973

box 19

Convention 1975

box 19

Program, International Affairs Conference 1965 March 11-12

box 19

Questions and Answers on American Labor and World Affairs, 1960

box 19

Report of the AFL-CIO Executive Council, 1957 1961 1963 1967 1975

box 19


box 20

Resolutions on Collective Bargaining and Related Issues, 1955

box 20

Resolutions on Foreign Policy, 1955

box 20

Samuel Gompers Centennial Committee 1950

box 20

Security in Time of Need, 1969

box 20

Shorter Hours to Create Jobs, 1964

box 20

Speakers' Handbook, 1966

box 20

Staff Retirement Plan, 1958

box 20

Statements and Reports Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, 1970

box 20

Ten Years of Progress: A Report on Israel, 1958

box 20

Tent City...Home of the Brave, undated

box 20

To Meet the People's Needs, 1966

box 20

Untitled articles (possibly galleys)

box 20

Viewpoint, 1975

box 20

Voici l'A.F.L.-C.I.O. (Here Is the A.F.L.-C.I.O.) undated

box 20

Who Is the Imperialist?, circa 1951 1971

box 20

The World's Refugees: A Challenge to America 1959

box 21

The American Forum, "What Can We Accomplish by the Khrushchev Visit?," "The Khrushchev Visit," "The Effects of the Khrushchev Visit," "The Controversy Over Our Space Program," 1959 September October

box 21

American Friends of the Captive Nations, Questions and Answers on the Berlin Crisis 1959 July

box 21

The American Heart, published by the American Heart Association 1950


American Institute for Free Labor Development

box 21

The AIFLD Report, 1967 March

box 21

The American Institute for Free Labor Development, undated

box 21

Industrial Training Center, Georgetown, British Guiana 1965 September


Progress Report

box 21

circa 1965

box 21

circa 1966

box 21


box 21


box 21


box 21

Report on Activities, 1965 September

box 21

Report on Examination of Financial Statements, 1964 December 31

box 21

Social Action Projects, circa 1962


American Jewish Committee

box 21

Jews Behind the Iron Curtain, 1950 April

box 21

The Middle East Ferment, 1956 May

box 21

News from the Committee, 1973 October

box 21

Questions People Ask about Israel and America's National Interest, 1975 July

box 21

To the Counsellors of Peace, 1945 March

box 21

A World Charter for Human Rights, undated

box 21

American Jewish Congress, Law and Social Action, 1947 May-June

box 21

American Labor, 1969 December

box 21

The American Labor Monthly, 1924 February

box 21

American Labor News, 1949 May

box 21

American Labor Services for the U.N., Press Service, 1957 October

box 21

American Labor Weekly, 1927 July

box 21

American Labor's Role in Less Developed Countries, 1958 October

box 21

American Labour, 1968 June


American-Russian Institute

box 21

The U.S.S.R. at War, 1942

box 21

The U.S.S.R. in Reconstruction, 1944

box 21

American Security Council, undated

box 21

American Society for Russian Relief, USA-USSR: A Story of Friendship and Aid, 1941-1946, circa 1946

box 21

The American Tariff League, Monthly Bulletin 1940 September-October

box 21

American Tract Society, Seven Red Soldiers Go Singing to Heaven, undated

box 21

American Workers Look at the Soviet Union, Impressions of the American Trade Union Delegation That Visited the Soviet Union in June and July, 1951, 1951

box 21

The American Workers Party, Toward an American Revolutionary Labor Movement, 1934

box 21

Americans United for World Organization, Here Comes Your Last Chance, undated

box 21

Amidon, Beulah, Jobs After Forty, 1939

box 21

Amory, Cleveland, Israel in Siege, 1970

box 21

Amter, Israel, The Truth About Finland, undated

box 22

Analysis of Current Chinese Communist Problems, Institute of International Relations, Republic of China (incomplete) 1962-1963

box 22

L'Analytique hebdomadaire de la presse communiste (incomplete) 1963-1964

box 22

Anderson, Dewey, Water and Growth, New Factors - New Action 1960 September

box 22

Andrew, A. Piatt, Our Prearmistice Loans, 1926 January 13

box 22

Ang Bantay, Official Organ of the Strikers, Honolulu 1924 April

box 22

Anglo-Polish Review, 1951 October November

box 22

The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1963 November 1972 September

box 22

Annals of the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo 1969

box 22

An Annotated Guide to Modern China, 1967 April

box 22

An Appeal to the Membership of the Socialist Party by the Revolutionary Policy Committee, 1934 March

box 22

Arbeit und Freiheit, 1961 December

box 22

Arbeiter-Zeitung, 1931 October 5

box 22

Arbeits - und Sozialrecht, 1948 July

box 22

Arendt, Hannah, The Ex-Communists, 1953 March 20

box 22

Armstrong, Hamilton Fish, Neutrality: Varying Tunes, reprinted from Foreign Affairs, 1956 October

box 22

Aron, Raymond, The Meaning of Hungary, undated

box 22

Asher, Robert E., International Development and the U.S. National Interest, 1967 July

box 22

Asian Analysis (incomplete) 1972-1977

box 23

Asian Analyst (incomplete) 1959-1971

box 23

Asian Labour, 1952 March

box 24

Asian Notes (incomplete) 1964-1971


Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League, Republic of China

box 25

Charts Concerning Chinese Communists on the Mainland 1966

box 25

Communist Tyranny and People's Resistance on the Chinese Mainland During 1954, 1955

box 25

The Current Strategy and Tactics of International Communism, 1955

box 25

Escape from Hell by Jen Shan-hsueh 1958

box 25

A General Survey of Chinese Communist Rule, 1962

box 25

How to Combat Communism, 1955

box 25

Hunger in Communist China - An Estimate of 1961 Food Production by Cheng Hsueh-chia 1962

box 25

Is the Chinese Communist Regime Stabilized? by Chang Ching-wen 1966

box 25

Problem of the Second Generation and Successors of Chinese Communist Regime by Ting Chu-yuan 1966 October

box 25

The Tibet Revolution and the Free World, 1959

box 25

Asian Trade Unions, Friendly Discussion Meeting of Asian Trade Unions, Peking 1954 May 5-8

box 25

Aspects of Peace: A Study in Soviet Tactics, 1952 October

box 25

Aspects of the Algerian Revolution, The National Liberation Front, The National Army of Liberation circa 1957


Assembly of Captive European Nations

box 25

Albania, 1964

box 25

Bulgaria, 1964

box 25

The Captive Nations and the Freedom of Europe, 1961

box 25

Captive Nations Awards Dinner, 1964

box 25

Czechoslovakia, 1964

box 25

East-Central European Papers, 1962-1963

box 25

East-West Trade and Industrial Trends in the Soviet Area by Aleksander Kutt 1965

box 25

A Few Facts on the New Colonialism, 1960

box 25

Hungary Under Soviet Rule, 1957

box 25

International Agreements and Pledges Concerning East-Central Europe, 1960

box 25

Prices and the Balance Sheet in Soviet-Captive Countries Trade in 1962 by Aleksander Kutt 1964

box 25

Report on the Assembly of Captive European Nations and the National Committees or Councils in Today's World, 1972

box 25

The Second Thaw: Hungary Under Soviet Rule, 1962

box 25

Soviet Objectives at the Geneva Conferences, 1955

box 900

A Survey of Recent Developments in Nine Captive Countries, 1957 October - 1958 March

Scope and Contents note

Formerly in Box/Folder 25 : 17.
box 26

Assembly of Western European Union, Security in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, 1969

box 26

Associated Student Governments, The Case for Responsible Student Government, undated


Association of Hungarian Students in North America

box 26

Example in Solidarity, 1961

box 26

Hungarians in Latin America, 1962

box 26

Association of Pattern Makers and Allied Craftsmen, 1872-1972, A Pattern of Progress, 1972

box 26

Atlantic Alliance, the Story of NATO, 1954

box 26

Atlantic Community News, 1968 April October 1975 July

box 26

The Atlantic Community Quarterly, 1965

box 26

Atlantic Council of the United States, Policy Statement undated


The Atlantic Institute

box 26

Atlantic Cooperation and Economic Growth, 1965

box 26

Beyond Alliance, undated

box 26

Crisis Management, 1966

box 26

The Dollar Crisis and Europe, 1971

box 26

Military Forces and Political Conflicts in the Mediterranean, 1970

box 26

Atlantic Treaty Association, Final Resolution, 1976

box 26

Atlantik-Brucke e.V., Newsletter (incomplete) 1960-1977

box 26

L'Atlantique, 1927 January 7

box 26

Atlas of World War II, 1943

box 26

Attack, 1974 August

box 26

Attlee, C. R., Labour's Peace Aims, undated

box 26

Aurelius, Marcus, Am I My Brother's Keeper?, undated

box 26

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 1965

box 26

Der auslanddeutsche Beobachter, 1932 October

box 26

Australian Council of Trade Unions, Decisions of the Australian Congress of Trade Unions, 1959

box 26

Australian Mission to the Union Nations, 1961

box 26

Australian Workers' Union, The "Worker's" First Seventy Years, 1960

box 26

Austria, Memorandum by the Austrian Federal Government Concerning the Termination of the Occupation of Austria and the Re-Establishment of Her Full Sovereignty, 1952

box 26

Austrian Freedom Front, Documents, 1944

box 26

Automation, 1964 April

box 26

Avery, Andrew, The Communist Fifth Column, What's the Truth about It--and What Isn't, Reprints of a Series of Articles Appearing in the Chicago Journal of Commerce, 1946 June 24 July 11

box 26

Ayres, Leonard P., The Progress of Preparedness, 1940

box 26

Ayub Khan, Mohammed, Pakistan's Domestic and Foreign Policies, undated

box 27

B.E.I.P.I., Bulletin de L'Association D'Etudes et D'Informations Politiques Internationales 1950 July

box 27

Babson's Reports, 1931 May June October

box 27

The Bache Review, 1925 February 1928 January February March

box 27

Baczkowksi, Wlodzimierz, Russian Colonialism, The Tsarist and Soviet Empires, 1958

box 27

Bader, W., Civil War in the Making, 1963 October

box 27

Bagger, H. S., Eisenhower Speaks, 1946

box 27

Baker, Helen, Joint Consultation in England -- An American's Comments, 1951

box 27

The Bakers' and Confectioners' Journal 1942 January 31

box 27

Balinky, Alexander S., The Proclaimed Emergence of Communism in the USSR, 1961

box 27

Ball, Joseph, and others, Issues Facing the Republican Party, 1944 June 25


Ballon, Robert J.

box 27

Japanese-Like Industrial Relations, 1973

box 27

The Labor Movement in 1961, 1962


Ballon, Robert J., and Hideo Inohara


Business Glossary

box 27

I. The Japanese Enterprise

box 27

II. Employment in Japan

box 27

III. Wage Administration and Collective Bargaining in Japan

box 27

Japan's Salary System: Monthly Allowances

box 27

Ballon, Robert U., Makoto Sakurabayashi, and Ichiro Tsunekawa, Wage Survey of Male Blue-Collar Workers, 1967

box 27

Balthazar, Desider, and others, Die Gefahrdung des Christentums durch Rassenwahn und Judenverfolgung, 1935

box 27

Barash, Zeev, From Sharecroppers to Shareholders, 1969

box 27

Barbados Employers' Confederation, Supervisors, Shop Stewards, and Communism, 1961

box 27

Barker, Sara, How the Labour Party Works, 1955

box 27

Barkin, Solomon, Collective Bargaining Provides the Best Framework, 1956

box 27

Barnett, Frank R., Let's Start Grading America on the Curve 1970

box 27

Barron's, The National Financial Weekly, 1924 September 1 15 1927 December 19

box 27

Barton, Paul, Misere et revolte de l'ouvrier polonais, 1971

box 27

La bataille sociale, 1968 June

box 27

Bauer, Raymond A., and Mark G. Field, Ironic Contrast: US and USSR Drug Industries. Reprinted from Harvard Business Review, 1962 September-October


Baxter, William J.

box 27

America Faces a Complete Breakdown of Government and Business, 1934

box 27

How to Survive the Coming Breakdown of Markets-Business-Government, 1939

box 28

Bealle, Morris A., Guns of the Regressive Right, 1964

box 28

Beaton, Leonard, The Strategic and Political Issues Facing America, Britain, and Canada, 1971

box 28

Bechtel, S. D., Jr., An Engineer's Approach to the Energy Situation, undated

box 28

Beer, M., Allgemeine Geschichte des Sozialismus und der sozialen Kampfe, 1921-1922

box 28

Beguin, Bernard, ILO and the Tripartite System, 1959

box 28

Behind the Communist Line (incomplete) 1955 September - 1958 August

box 28

Beimler, Hans, In the Hands of the Nazi Murders, 1933

box 28

Beirne, Joseph A., Union's Role in Helping Productivity 1958

box 28

Beitrage zur psychopolitischen Lage der europaischen Ostblocklander, Der polnische Verband sozialistischer Jugend (ZMS), 1968 April

box 28

Bell, Tom, British Communist Party: A Short History, 1937

box 28

Benabdallah, A., M. Oussedik, and J. Verges, Nuremberg pour l'Algerie, 1961

box 28

Benitez, Jaime, The U.S., Cuba, and Latin America, 1961 August

box 28

Benson, Allan L., The Usurped Power of the Courts, 1911


Benton, William

box 28

Should We Do Business With Khrushchev?, 1960 April 2

box 28

The Voice of Latin America--and Its Significance Today's World, 1961

box 29

Berdiajew, Nikolai, Das Schicksal des Menschen in unserer Zeit, 1935

box 29

Berenz, Horst, Gewerkschaften im offentlichen Leben der USA 1950


Berg, Elliot J.

box 29

Backward-Sloping Labor Supply Function in Dual Economies--The Africa Case, 1961

box 29

Socialism and Economic Development in Tropical Africa 1964

box 29

Bergsten, C. Fred, Reforming the Dollar: An International Monetary Policy for the United States, 1972

box 29

Berl, Emmanuel, Mort de la pensee bourgeoise, 1929

box 29

Berle, A. A., Jr., What's Wrong with the Proposed Treaty of Peace with Italy, undated



box 29

Berlin, August 13, 1961

box 29

Berlin: Crisis and Challenge, undated

box 29

Berlin, Fate and Mission, 1959

box 29

Berlin, the German Cosmopolis, undated

box 29

The Berlin Wall: A Defiance of Human Rights, 1962

box 29

Die Flucht aus der Sowjetzone und die Sperrmassnahmen des kommunistischen Regimes, vom 13. August 1961 in Berlin, 1961 September

box 29

It Began August 13th, undated

box 29

Others See Berlin, undated


Bernard, Viola W.

box 29

Detection and Management of Emotional Disorders in Children, 1942

box 29

Education for Community Psychiatry in a University Medical Center, 1964

box 29

Bernstein, Meyer, Labor and the European Communities, 1961

box 29

Berufshilfe, Stiftung der Industriegewerkschaft Bau-Steine-Erden, 1963

box 29

Bethmann, Erich W., The Fate of Muslims Under Soviet Rule 1958

box 29

Bevan, Aneurin, Democratic Values, 1950

box 29

Beveridge, William, Social Insurance and Allied Services 1942


Bevin, Ernest

box 29

Labor's Achievements and the Goal, 1941

box 29

The War and the Workers, 1940

box 30

Beyer, Achim, Analysen und Berichte aus Gesellschaftswissenschaften, 1968 August

box 30

Bildungsarbeit, 1939 May

box 30

Biographic Information: Supplementary Report to the Directory of Chinese Communist Leadership, 1961

box 30

Bisson, T. A., Shadow Over Asia, The Rise of Militant Japan 1941

box 30

Bizerte, Flash syndical regional, Publication de l'Union Regionale de Bizerte 1974 October 20

box 30

Black Panther Party, New Haven Connecticut Branch circa 1969

box 30

Blaisdell, Donald C., Government Under Pressure, 1942

box 30

The Blessings of Liberty (incomplete) 1961 October - 1974 October

box 30

Bliven, Bruce, The Jewish Refugee Problem and Hall, Gover C., The Egregious Gentile Called to Account, 1939 April

box 30

Bloomfield, Lincoln P., The U.N. and Vietnam, 1968

box 30

Boas, Franz, Arier und Nicht-Arier, 1934

box 30

Bochenski, F., The Economic Structure of Poland, circa 1944

box 30

Bogosavljevic, Milutin, The Economy of Yugoslavia, 1961

box 30

Boiter, Albert, Major Trends in Soviet Developments Since Khrushchev, 1965

box 30

Bolte, Charles G., and Louis Harris, Our Negro Veterans 1947

box 30

Bonn-Threat to European Security, 1969

box 30

Bonnichon, Andre, Law in Communist China, circa 1955

box 30

Book News Letter, 1972 February-March

box 30

Borchardt, Julian, Deutsche Wirtschafts-Geschichte, 1922

box 30

Borsky, G., and others, Enemy Within: German Minorities as a Weapon of German Policy, undated

box 30

Boulding, K. E., and others, The U.S. and Revolution, 1961

box 30

Brailsford, H. N., and others, The Future of Germany, 1943


Brandt, Willy

box 30

German Policy Toward the East, 1968

box 30

A Programme for Government, 1961

box 30

Brant, Irving, The New Poland, 1946

box 30

Braunbuch uber Reichstagsbrand und Hitlerterror, 1933

box 30

Brazil, Election Factbook, October 7, 1962, 1962

box 30

Brewery Worker, Cincinnati, Ohio 1941 February 5

box 30

Brezhnev, L. I., Decisions of the 24th CPSU Congress--A Programme of Action for the Soviet Trade Unions, 1972

box 30

Britain in Brief, 1961 September 1963 January

box 30

Britain Today, 1940 December

box 30

British Atlantic Community, The Battle for the Minds of Men 1961

box 31

British Communist Activities, 1972 April 19 - May 25

box 31

British Labour Party, European Unity, 1950 May


British-North American Committee

box 31

An Assessment of the Economic Relations Between North America and the European Community Before and After Enlargement by Christopher Cope 1971 November

box 31

An International Grain Reserve Policy by Tim Josling 1972 September

box 31

Man and His Environment by Harry G. Johnson 1972 October

box 31

The Problem of Volatile Capital Flows During the Interim Period by Harry Travers 1972 October

box 31

Prospective Changes in the World Trade and Monetary Systems--A Comment, 1972 June

box 31

Recent Developments in Canada by Howard Ross, Recent U.S. Developments Affecting Anglo-American Relations by William Blackie 1972 June

box 31

Selections from the Williams Commission Report 1971 September

box 31

British Press Service, 1942 February 11 28

box 31

The British Society for International Understanding, Annual Reports, 1958 1960 1962

box 31

The British Survey (incomplete) 1958 April - 1964 June

box 31

British Trades Union Congress, Trade Unionists Stand Firm for Peace, circa 1950

box 31

The Broadsheet, issued by the China Policy Study Group 1965 July


Brockway, Fenner

box 31

The Truth About Barcelona, undated

box 31

The Way Out, 1942 July

box 31

Brookings Bulletin, China Between Two Eras, 1974 Winter

box 31

The Brookings Institution, Problem Paper on Dealing with the Soviet Threat, 1952 August 1

box 31

Brooks, Robert R. R., Labor on New Fronts, 1938


Broughton, Philip S.

box 31

Behind the Syphilis Campaign, 1938

box 31

Man Meets Job--How Uncle Sam Helps, 1941

box 31

Browder, Earl, America's Decisive Battle, 1945 March

box 31

Browder, Earl, and Bill Lawrence, Next Steps to Win the War in Spain, 1938 January

box 31

Brown, Earl, and George R. Leighton, The Negro and the War 1942

box 31

Brown, Emily Clark, The Local Union in Soviet Industry: Its Relations with Members, Party and Management, 1960 January

box 31

Brown, Harrison, and James Real, Community of Fear, 1960

box 31

Brown, Irving, Les Syndicats europeens et americains unis pour le Plan Marshall, undated

box 31

Brown, J. Douglas, The Genesis of Social Security in America, 1969

box 31

Brown, Stuart Gerry, Memo for Overseas Americans, 1960


Brown, William Montgomery

box 31

The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, 1928

box 31

Communism and Christianism, circa 1926

box 31

Brunner, Emil, Europe and America, a Contribution to Mutual Understanding, 1952 June


Brupbacher, Fritz

box 32

Erinnerungen eines Revoluzzers, 1927

box 32

Zurich wahrend Krieg und Landes-Streik, 1928

box 32

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, Meeting Moscow's "Limited Coexistence," 1968 December

box 32

Buhler, Neal, and Stanley Zukowski, Discrimination in Education in the People's Democracies, 1955

box 32

Bukharin, N., Die internationale und innere Lage der Sowjetunion, 1927


Bulganin, N. A., and N. S. Khrushchev

box 32

Visit to Burma and Afghanistan, 1956 February

box 32

Visit to India, 1956 February

box 32

Visit to India, Burma, and Afghanistan, 1956 February

box 32

The Bulletin, A weekly survey of German affairs issued by the Press and Information Office of the German Federal Government (incomplete) 1956 August - 1976 April

box 32

Bulletin du militant, Confederation Generale de la Metallurgie 1968 January

box 32

Bulletin of the International Commission of Jurists, 1963 April

box 32

Bulletin of the World Council of Peace, 1958 May 1964 April 1965 January

box 32

Bulletin on German Questions with Contemporary Archives (incomplete) 1955 January - 1970 June

box 32

The Bundeswehr - Spearhead of Revanchism, circa 1970

box 32

Bureau des Liaisons Sociales, Trois aspects du mouvement syndicaliste international, 1946 February


Bureau of National Affairs, Washington, D.C.

box 32

The Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947, 1947

box 32

Primer of Labor Relations, 1938


Burns, Emile

box 32

Difficulties Facing Peace, undated

box 32

The People's Front, 1936 July

box 32

Spain, 1936

box 32

Burrows, I., The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany 1936

box 32

Burt Franklin, Bookseller and Publisher, Catalogue No. 6 circa 1938

box 33


box 33

CBS News Special Report, Vietnam Perspective, 1965

box 33

CBS News Public Opinion Survey, The People of South Vietnam: How They Feel about the War, 1967 March 13

box 33

CCF Newsletter, Congress for Cultural Freedom, Paris, France 1960 May 9

box 33

CGIL News Bulletin, Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro 1966 January


CIAS, International Committee for Information and Social Activity

box 33

Bolshevization Through Peace Treaty, 1960

box 33

The East of Today, 1961 January 20 - 1967 January 20

box 33

Leading Men in the Soviet-Occupied Zone of Germany 1960

box 33

The People's Right to Self-Determination, from the Archives of International Bolshevism, by W. de Kohout-Dolnobransky 1960

box 33

CILACC, Documentation sur le Communisme (Documentation on Communism) 1959 1961 1964 1966

box 34

C.I.S.L., Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori (incomplete) 1952 May 2 - 1968 February 9

box 34

CLASC News, The Voice of Revolutionary Trade Unionism in Latin America (incomplete) 1969 June - 1970 August

box 34

CMNL, The Common Market News Letter 1972 May 24

box 34

CVT News, issued by the Vietnamese Confederation of Labor (incomplete) 1966 June - 1970 June

box 34

Les Cahiers d'information du militant, 1935 September


Cahiers du Communisme, Revue theorique et politique mensuelle du Comite Central du Parti Communiste Francais

box 34

Essai sur la nation algerienne, 1958 August

box FH12

Gaullisme et democratie, 1963 October


Box FH12 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.

Separated Materials

Box 34:7 was removed and placed in Box FH12 for mold remediation treatment.
box 34

Les cahiers rouges, Revue theorique du Parti Socialiste Ouvrier et Paysan 1939

box 34

Cahnman, Werner J., Frontiers between East and West in Europe, 1949

box 34

California Labor League for Political Education, You and Politics, undated

box 34

Calmer, Alan, Labor Agitator: The Story of Albert R. Parsons, 1937

box 34

Caltofen, Rodolfo, Im Reich der Anden, 1962

box 34

Calverton, V. F., For Revolution, 1932


Campbell, J. R.

box 34

Peace--But How?, undated

box 34

Spain's "Left" Critics, 1937

box 34

Camus, Albert, Neither Victims nor Executioners, 1968

box 34

Can Politics Stop at the Water's Edge?, 1944



box 34

House of Commons Debates 1966 July 8 11

box 34

Political campaign literature - Buhay, Michael, "This is Where I Stand"

box 34

Canada Today, 1974 November


Canadian-American Committee

box 34

The Growth of Soviet Economic Power and Its Consequences for Canada and the United States, 1959

box 34

A New Trade Strategy for Canada and the United States 1966

box 34

Canham, Erwin D., La vera rivoluzione, undated

box 34

Capital Gains Research Bureau, A Capital Gains Report 1956 January 16

box 34

Carib, Caribbean Anti-Communist Research and Intelligence Bureau 1959 March

box 34

Carlson, Sevinc, The United States and China: Implications for the Soviet Union and Japan, 1971 October 15

box 34

Carmichael, Joe, The Eichmann Case--Reactions in West Germany, 1961

box 34

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, List of Publications, 1927

box 34

Carskadon, Thomas R., and Rudolf Modley, U.S.A. Measure of a Nation, 1949

box 34

A Case for Asian Plantation Workers' Federation, compiled by the Indian National Plantation Workers' Federation 1950 January

box 34

Castle, Eugene W., Danger Ahead! More "Cultural" Exchanges 1959 November

box 34

Centre de Documentatin Ouvriere, La Verite sur la desertion de Maurice Thorez, undated


The Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

box 35

The Gulf: Implications of British Withdrawal, 1969

box 35

NATO after Czechoslovakia, 1969

box 35

New Trends in Kremlin Policy, 1970

box 35

Soviet Sea Power, 1969

box 35

United States-Japanese Political Relations, the Critical Issues Affecting Asia's Future, 1968

box 35

The Centre for Labour and Social Studies, Rome, Italy, Socialism: The First 100 Years, 1963 November 7

box 35

Centre International des Syndicalistes Libres en Exil, Le Drame tchecoslovaque, l'occupation et les realites syndicales, 1968 September 2

box 35

Chalamov, Varlam, Recits de Kolyma, 1969

box 35

The Challenge, Bulletin of the Association of Former Political Prisoners of Soviet Labor Camps 1951 October 1952 November-December


Chamber of Commerce of the United States

box 35

Communists Within the Labor Movement: The Facts and Counter-Measures, 1947

box 35

How American Businessmen Abroad View the Communist Economic Offensive, 1960

box 35

Chang, C. M., Communist China in Asian Affairs, 1958 April 26

box 35

Charlesworth, James C. (ed.), Leisure in America: Blessing or Curse?, 1964 April

box 35

The Chase Economic Bulletin, Issued by the Chase National Bank of the City of New York (incomplete) 1924 August 4 - 1931 June 12

box 35

The Chase Manhattan Bank, Outlook for Energy in the United States to 1985, 1972


Chase, Stuart

box 35

One Billion Wild Horses: The Challenge of the Machine 1930

box 35

Rich Land, Poor Land, 1937 September

box 35

Technocracy: An Interpretation, 1933

box 35

What the New Census Means, 1941

box 36

Chen Shao-yu (Wang Ming), Old Intrigues in New Clothing and Chin Po-Ku, On the Development, the Difficulties and the Future of the National Anti-Japanese United Front, New China Information Committee, Chungking, China 1939

box 36

Cherne, Leo, Bretton Woods: A Cornerstone of Lasting Peace undated

box 36

Childs, Marquis W., and William T. Stone, Toward a Dynamic America, 1941



box 36

All-Round "Cartographic Aggression" by China, 1962 December 18

box 36

Peking's Dream of Empire, Documentary Evidence of Chinese Expansionism, circa 1962

box 36

China Defence League, Newsletter, 1939 April 15

box 36

China Institute in America, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Dinner 1951 May 18

Scope and Contents note

Speakers: Henry R. Luce, Charles Edison, John Foster Dulles, Dean Rusk, Paul H. Douglas, and Edwin N. Clark.
box 36

China News, Issued by the Chinese Embassy, Canberra, Australia (incomplete) 1961 January 25 - 1963 February 13


China News Analysis, Hong Kong (incomplete)

box 37

1954 September 24 - 1968 December 6

box 37

1969 January 3 - 1970 November 20

box 37

China, 1960, 1960 September 29


China, People's Republic

box 37

Chinese Women in the Great Leap Forward, 1960

box 37

The Draft Constitution of the People's Republic of China, 1954

box 37

Press Communique on the Growth of China's National Economy in 1959, 1960

box 37

Women in the People's Communes, 1960

box 37

The China Quarterly, 1961 January-March 1962 October-December

box 37

China Reconstructs Special Supplement, Against the U.S.-Japanese War Alliance, 1960 June

box 37

China Record (incomplete) 1962 September - 1977 January

box 37

China Today, 1937 January


China Topics (incomplete)

box 38

1962 March - 1963 December

box 39

1964 January 6 - 1965 December 21

box 40

1966 January 4 - 1967 August 18

box 41

1967 September 18 - 1968 December

box 42

1969 January 8 - 1976 September

box 42

China Trade Facts, published by Far East Reporter, circa 1954

box 42

Chinese Association for the United Nations, News Letter, Taipei, Taiwan 1954 August 1958 February


Chinese Delegation to the United Nations

box 42

China Fights for Peace and Freedom, 1951 February

box 42

China Presents Her Case to the United Nations, 1949 December

box 42

Information on Forced Labour in Communist China 1955 February 10

box 43

Chinese Interference Abroad, "Continuous Revolution" as Major Objective, 1966 April

box 43

Chinese News Service (incomplete) 1951 November 27 - 1963 October 22

box 43

Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, Oppose the Revival of Japanese Militarism, Peking 1960

box 43

The Chinese Trade Unions (incomplete) 1962 January-November

box 43

Chiume, Kanyama, Nyasaland Demands Secession and Independence: An Appeal to Africa, 1959 July

box 43

Christian Democratic Review, 1960 December

box 43

Christian Democratic Union, Dokumentation zum Vertrag, 1970 August 12

box 43

Christlabor News Bulletin, International Federation of Christian Trade Unions, Utrecht, Holland 1951 May

box 43

Christopherson, Kathryn, In China, reprinted from The National Voter, 1973 October-November

box 43

Chu, Valentin, China: A Monster Devours Itself, 1963

box 43

Churchill, Winston, The Atlantic Charter, 1941 August 24


Citizens Committee for Peace with Freedom in Vietnam

box 43

The Choice in Vietnam, 1969 October 29

box 43

Vietnam Revisited, 1970 April

box 43

Citrine, Walter, The T.U.C. in War-Time, 1942 January

box 43

City Affairs Committee Bulletin, New York, Those Aldermen 1933 January

box 43

Clabaugh, Samuel F., U.S.-Communist Trade, reprinted from Ordance, 1967 July-August

box 43

Claessens, August, and Rebecca E. Jarvis, ABCs of Parliamentary Law, 1936

box 43

Clark, John M., How to Check Inflation, 1942

box 43

The Class Struggle, Devoted to International Socialism 1919 August

box 43

Clegg, Hugh, Labour in Nationalised Industry, Fabian Society 1950 July


Cleveland, Harlan

box 43

The American Public Executive: New Functions, New Style, New Purpose, 1968 October

box 43

NATO After the Invasion, 1969 January

box 43

The Promise of World Tensions, 1961

box 43

Cobb, Robert S. (comp.), Third Biennial Report of the Missouri Negro Industrial Commission, "Greater Missouri" Number 1923-1924

box 43

Cohen, Stephen D., Successes and Strains in U.S.-Japan Trade Relations, 1972 September

box 43

The Cold War, 1954


Cole, G. D. H.

box 43

Capitalism in the Modern World, 1957 October

box 43

Economic Prospects: 1938 and After, 1938 February

box 43

What Is Wrong With the Trade Unions?, 1956

box 43

Cole, Margaret, The New Economic Revolution, 1937 April

box 44

Colean, Miles L., Can America Build Houses?, 1940

box 44

Colm, Gerhard, and Fritz Lehmann, Economic Consequences of Recent American Tax Policy, 1938


Comite de Vigilance des Intellectuels Antifascistes

box 44

Les Croix de Feu, 1935

box 44

Le Fascisme et les paysans, 1935

box 44

Commanders Digest (incomplete) 1975 October 16 - 1976 January 22

box 44

Commentary, 1960 November

box 44

Commerce and Industry, New Delhi 1956 June 20

box 44

Commerce Monthly, A Journal of Commerce and Finance, published by the National Bank of Commerce in New York 1924 August

box 44

Commission on the Democratic Selection of Presidential Nominees, The Democratic Choice, 1968

box 44

Commission to Study the Organization of Peace, The Problem of the Far East, 1940 March 9

box 44

Committee for a Free Asia, Prospectus, 1951 May

box 44

Committee for a National Trade Policy, Industrial Development Abroad--Threat or Opportunity?, 1959 July

box 44

Committee for American Irish Defense, No Blarney from Hitler!, undated


The Committee for Economic Development

box 44

The Problem of National Security, 1958 July

box 44

Toward More Production, More Jobs, and More Freedom 1945 November

box 44

The United States and the European Community: Policies for A Changing World Economy, 1971 November


Committee for Industrial Organization

box 44

Convention Call, 1937

box 44

Daily Proceedings of the First Constitutional Convention, 1938 November 15

box 44

Your Rights under the National Labor Relations Act 1937 December


The Committee for International Economic Growth

box 44

A Glance at a Global Program, Mutual Security 1958-1959

box 44

India, 1960

box 44

To Widen the Circle, undated

box 44

Committee for the Preservation of Honesty and Integrity in the IATSE, Is Your Face Red, D'Inzillo?, circa 1972

box 44

The Committee for World Development and World Disarmament, Monthly Bulletin, 1959 September

box 44

Committee of Anti-Fascist Resistance Fighters in the German Democratic Republic, All Out Against Fascism, Peace to the World, 1969 September 14


The Committee of One Million Against the Admission of Communist China to the United Nations

box 44

The American Role in Pacific-Asian Affairs, by J. Graham Parsons 1960 February 19

box 44

Bulletin, 1958 February 14

box 44

Memorandum on the Conlon Report, by Geraldine Fitch, reprinted from Free China and Asia, undated

box 44

Committee on Economic Security, Security, 1934 December

box 44

Committee on Fair Play in Sports, Preserve the Olympic Ideal, 1933

box 44

Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, Organized Labor's Stake in the War, 1941 April

box 44

Committees of Correspondence, Council for Community Action, Hunger Makes History, undated

box 45

Common Cause (incomplete) 1953 October - 1959 December

box 45

The Commonweal, 1944 August 11


Communications Workers in America

box 45

Statement on Foreign Policy to the 30th Annual Convention, 1968 June 17-21

box 45

Teamsters Coloring Book, undated

box 45

Communism as Conceived by Marx, Engels, V.I. Lenin, Josef Stalin, and Mao Tze-tung, interpreted by Richard Deverall, Karachi 1952 May

box 45

Communism and Africa, 1961 July - 1966 November

box 45

Communism and African Socialism, 1965 July

box 46

The Communist (incomplete) 1919 September 27 - 1937 October

box 46

Communist Activities in Africa (incomplete) 1963 December - 1965 March

box 46

Communist Affairs, 1966 March-October

box 46

Communist China and Asia, 1961 April 3

box 46

Communist External Propaganda, 1974 February

box 46

The Communist Fifth Column, What's the Truth About It -- And What Isn't, 1946

box 46

Communist Front Organizations, 1959 November - 1961 July


Communist International

Arrangement Note

Reports arranged chronologically.
box 46

The Second Congress, Report of Proceedings, 1920 July 23-August 7

box 46

Theses and Statutes of the Third (Communist) International, adopted by the Second Congress 1920 July 17-August 7

box 47

Theses and Resolutions adopted at the Third World Congress of the Communist International 1921 June 22-July 12

box 47

Fourth Congress of the Communist International, Abridged Report of the Meetings Held at Petrograd and Moscow, 1922 November 7-December 3

box 47

Fifth Congress of the Communist International, Abridged Report of Meetings Held at Moscow, 1924 June 17-July 8

box 47

Sixth Session of the Enlarged Executive Committee of the Communist International, International Press Correspondence, 1926 February-March

box 47

Sixth World Congress of the Communist International, International Press Correspondence, 1928 July-August

box 47

Die kommunistische Internationale, Protokoll des 6. Welt-Kongresses (The Communist International, Minutes of the Sixth World Congress) 1928

box 48

Resolution of the Sixth World Congress, The Struggle Against Imperialist War and the Tasks of the Communists, 1928 July-August

box 48

Thesis on the International Situation and the Tasks of the Communist International, adopted at the Sixth World Congress of the Communist International, Communism and the International Situation, 1928 1929

box 48

Thesis and Resolutions of the Twelfth Plenum of the Executive Committee of the Communist International, Capitalist Stabilization Has Ended, 1932 September

box 48

Resolutions, Seventh Congress of the Communist International 1935

box 48

The Communist International Between the Fifth and the Sixth World Congresses, 1924-1928, 1928

box 48

The Communist International, Organ of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (incomplete) 1919 May 1 - 1928 April 1

box 48

Communist International, Provisional Bureau in Amsterdam, Bulletin, 1920 February

box 48

Communist Labor, 1920 May 15

box 48

Communist League of America, International Bulletin of the Communist Left Opposition, 1931 March 1

box 48

Communist Party of China, Resolutions and Telegrams of the Sixth Plenum, Central Committee 1938 November 6


Communist Party of Great Britain

box 48

Catering Scandal! The Case for Workers and Customers 1937

box 48

Clydeside Apprentices Strike: Full Story, 1937

box 48

Communism and the Railways, undated

box 48

Draft Resolutions, 14th National Congress, Communist Party of Great Britain 1935

box 48

The Errors of Trotskyism, 1925 May

box 48

How Is the Empire?, 1937

box 48

Report of the Central Committee to the 14th National Congress, Communist Party of Great Britain 1935

box 48

Where Is Trotsky Going?, 1928


Communist Party of India

box 48

Facts and Fiction About Kerala, undated

box 48

Questions of Ideology in the Internatinal Communist Movement, 1963

box 48

Communist Party of Massachusetts, A Confession of Faith 1937

box 48

Communist Party of New York, Proceedings, 10th Convention 1938 May 20-23


Communist Party of the Soviet Union

box 49

Forty Years, 1917-1957, 1957

box 49

Report of the XV Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union


Communist Party, U.S.A.

box 49

The Crisis in the Communist Party, U.S.A., 1930 February

box 49

Ohio Historical Commission, Ohio Marches Toward Peace and Progress, 1937

box 49

Proceedings, 16th National Convention, Communist Party, U.S.A. 1957 February 9-12

box 49

What Kind of Party?, undated


Communist Party, U.S.A. (Opposition)

box 49

For Unity of the World Communist Movement, 1934 March

box 49

German Fascism and the Workers, 1933

box 49

The Election Campaign and the Position of the Communist Party U.S.A. (Opposition) 1936

box 49

Where We Stand, Volumes I-IV 1934

box 49

Why? A Labor Party, 1934 December 31

box 49

Communist Planning--Success and Failure, 1959 November

box 49

Communist Political Association of New York State, What New York State Needs, 1945


Communist Quotations

box 50


box 51


box 51

Communist Relations with Africa, 1967 July 1968 February

box 51

Conant, James B., The Defense of Freedom, 1960


Confederation of Free German Trade Unions

box 51

MC96 Will Not Take Place, 1961

box 51

The Right-Wing Leaders of the I.C.F.T.U. and D.G.B.: In the Service of Imperialism, 1962

box 51

Trade Union Enemies in Judges' Robes, undated


Confederation Generale du Travail, Force Ouvriere

box 51

Cercle D'Etudes pour l'Emancipation Politique, Economique et Sociale des Travailleurs, 1961 August

box 51

Les Syndicats Polonais sous la Botte, circa 1951


Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori

box 51

Azione sindacale e speculazioni politiche, undated

box 51

Le elezioni di Commissione Interna, 1956

box 51

Iscriviti alla CISL, 1957

box 51

Notiziario internazionale, 1953

box 51

Una polemica sulla CGIL che interessa tutti i lavoratori, undated

box 51

Il sindacato di partito: Strumento di divisione, 1957

box 51

Conference at Eschwege, Active Policy of Peace, undated

box 51

Conference on Economic Progress, Wages and the Public Interest, 1958

box 51

Conference on the Atlantic Community, 1963

box 52

Conference to Plan a Strategy for Peace, Final Report, 1961 1964 1965

box 52

Confidential Intelligence Report of the Herald of Freedom 1974 April

box 52

The Congo Rebellion, edited by the Press Service of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Leopoldville 1964 December

box 52

Congress for Civil Rights and Freedom in Russia, Analysis and Report, 1957 April

box 52

Congress for Disarmament and International Cooperation, 1958 May

box 52

Congress of American Industry, Report and Recommendations 1926


Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)

box 52

The CIO News, 1953 April

box 52

CIO's Tax Program, 1941 June

box 52

Economic Outlook (incomplete) 1941

box 52

New York CIO, 1944 August 21



box 52

Sixth Constitutional Convention 1943 November

box 52

Seventh Constitutional Convention 1944 November

box 52

Twelfth Constitutional Convention 1950 November

box 52

Religion Speaks to Labor, 1955

box 52

Report of Resolutions Committee, Constitutional Convention 1954 December

box 52

Union News Service, 1940 September 20

box 52

What Is the CIO?, undated

box 52

Why the Wagner Act Should Not Be Amended, 1938

box 52

Congressional Intelligence, War and Labor Voting Records, U.S. Congress, 1937-1941, 1942

box 52

Conquiste del lavoro, 1969 December 7

box 52

Conservation of Public Education, Save Our Schools, Some Facts in the Case for Free Public Education, circa 1933

box 52

Consumers' Cooperative Services, Our Cooperative House, 1931

box 52

Consumers' Research, Annual Handbook of Buying, 1934 September

box 52

Contemporary Review, 1961 July

box 52

Cook, Alice H., and Agnes M. Douty, Labor Education Outside the Unions, 1958 June

box 53

Cooke, Paul P., Civil Rights in the United States, 1966

box 53

The Co-Operative Pyramid Builder, 1927 August December 1928 March

box 53

Costigan, Giovanni, Co-Existence, A Historian's View, 1960

box 53

Council Against Communist Aggression (incomplete) 1968 October - 1975 October

box 53

Council for American-Italian Affairs, The Report, 1946 February 28


Council for Improved United States-Japanese Trade Relations

box 53

Japanese Textiles Sold Here, circa 1956

box 53

Japan's Textile Labor--The Real Story, 1956 July

box 53

Southern Cotton and Japan, 1956 July

box 53

Council of Free Czechoslovakia in Great Britain, Information, 1956 May December


Council on Foreign Relations

box 53

The American Public's View of U.S. Policy Toward China 1964

box 53

Program and Purposes, Studies on Foreign Policy 1969-1970

box 53

Council on World Tensions, The Journal, 1964

box 53

Counterattack (incomplete) 1947 August 15 - 1967 April 7

box 53

Counter-Spy, 1974 Fall


Counts, George S.

box 53

Labor's Stake in the Defeat of the Axis Powers, 1941

box 53

Meeting the Soviet Challenge, 1958

box 53

The Schools Can Teach Democracy, 1939

box 53

Coyle, Albert F., The Cooperative Movement, 1925

box 53

Crapouillot, 1933 October

box 53

Crawley, Aidan, The Hidden Face of British Communism, 1962

box 54

Critica Social, 1945 December

box 54

Cross, Samuel H., and Ernest J. Simmons, Alexander Pushkin, His Life and Literary Heritage, 1937

box 54

Crossman, R. H. S., Labour in the Affluent Society, 1959

box 54

Crossman, R. H. S., and Kenneth Younger, Socialist Foreign Policy, 1951

box 54

Crossroads, Monthly Bulletin of the Youth Committee for Peace and Democracy in the Middle East (incomplete) 1970 April - 1976 April

box 54

Crosswaith, Frank R., and Alfred Baker Lewis, Black and White Workers Unite for True Freedom, circa 1941

box 54

The Crusader Newsletter, 1965 August 1967 January October

box 54

Cuban Block for Peace and Democracy in America, To the Free Peoples of the Americas, 1960 June

box 54

Cuban Economic Research Project, University of Miami, Labor Conditions in Communist Cuba, 1963

box 54

Cuban Institutional Defence, Letter to a U.S.A. Senator 1960 July 15

box 54

Cuban Labor, Informative Bulletin of F.O.R.D.C. 1965 May 1

box 54

Cuneo, Ernest, The Application of Science to History, undated

box 54

Curie, Adam, Problems of Professional Identity: An Examination of Training for Human Resource Development and Educational Planning, 1968

box 54

Curran, Joseph, Our Visit to the U.S.S.R., undated

box 55

Current Abstracts of the Soviet Press, 1968 April

box 55

Curent Background (incomplete) 1954 May - 1964 April

box 55

Current Digest of the Soviet Press (incomplete) 1949 October - 1969 March

box 56

Current Events Bulletin, 1936 September 9

box 56

The Current Weekly, Bombay 1961 September 6 November 18

box 56

Cushman, Robert E., Safeguarding Our Civil Liberties, 1940

box 56

Czechoslovak Trade Unions, CTU (incomplete) 1961 March - 1969 April

box 56

DAP, Documenti di attualita politica 1967 July 6


DGB (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund)

box 56

Antrage und Entschliessungen an den 8. ordentlichen Bundeskongress des deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes 1969 May

box 56

Auslands - Nachrichten des DGB

box 56

Co-Determination: A Contemporary Demand, undated

box 56

Declaration of the Reunification of Germany, undated

box 56

The Economic Research Institute of the Trade Unions (WWI) by Heinz Markmann undated

box 56

Grundsatz Programm des DGB, 1963

box 56

Informationsbrief (incomplete) 1969-1972

box 56

Kommunisten urteilen uber Stalin, 1956

box 56

Nachrichtendienst (News Service) (incomplete) 1956 June - 1972 November

box 56

Newsletter (incomplete) 1950 December - 1964 December

box 56

Ordentlicher Bundeskongress, Berlin, Tagesprotokoll

box 56

Presse Information, 1955 February 16

box 56

Report (incomplete) 1967-1975

box 56

Wirtschafts- und Steuerpolitik, 1954 October

box 57

DPA, Deutsche Presse-Agentur GHMB

box 57

Dahlmann, Fritz, Das Arbeitsrecht der Ostzone in Paragraphen, undated

box 57

Daily Herald, 1924 September 17

box 57

Daily Mail, 1927 January 3

box 57

Daily Telegraph Supplement 1957 July 22


Daily Worker

box 57

The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti in Cartoons, 1927

box 57

Red Cartoons, 1928

box 57

Dan Smoot Speaks, 1976 August 26

box 57

Dandavate, M. R., Three Decades of Indian Communism, undated

box 57

Danish Labour News, 1967 April 1970 May

box 57

Daryalov, Anatoli, Only A Sensation?, 1967

box 57

Das, S. R. Mohan, Ho Chi Minh, Nationalist or Soviet Agent?, 1951

box 57

Davar, Newspaper of Workers of Israel 1967 June 26

Language of Material: Hebrew.
box 57

Davidson, Basil, Look Back Again in Anger ... After Nine Years of Adenauer: What Kind of Peace?, circa 1958

box 57

Davies, A. Powell, Communist Dynamics and the Hope of Peace 1946

box 57

Davies, Harold, Why N.A.T.O.?, 1960 March

box 57

Davies, Natalie R., Ten Years' History of the Chelsea Open-Air Nursery School, 1929-1939, circa 1939

box 57

El Debate, Manila 1923 November 11

box 57

Debs, Eugene V., Voices of Revolt, 1928

box 57

The Defense Monitor, 1973 May 15

box 57

Deist, Heinrich, 20 Fragen, 20 Antworten, 1963 October

box 57

Delaisi, Francis, La Banque de France aux mains d