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Correspondence between Eugene Kayden and Gleb Struve 1959-1966
Translations of Russian poetry, galley proofs and reprints 1971-1975
Kerenskii, Aleksandr
Correspondence Between Aleksandr Kerenskii and Gleb Struve 1940-1956
Clippings 1936-1981
Khlebnikov, Velimir. Miscellaneous printed matter 1977-1978
Khodasevich, Vladislav
Correspondence between Vladislav Khodasevich and Gleb Struve 1930-1935
Writings, "Mednyi vsadnik", typescript article corrected by hand n.d.
Struve, Gleb. Bibliographies of Khodasevich poetry, typescript n.d.
Clippings from newspapers and journals
Articles re Khodasevich 1936-1983
Writings by Khodasevich 1925-1936
Writings by "Gulliver" 1932-1937
Khomiakov, Gennadii
Correspondence between Gennadii Khomiakov and Gleb Struve
Clippings 1948-1984
Khovin, Victor. Printed matter. Includes poems and other writings by Khovin, photocopies n.d.
Khrisagonov, Mikhail
Correspondence between Mikhail Khrisagonov and Gleb Stuve 1970-1980
Printed matter. Includes clippings and reprints of articles 1922-1976
Klenovskii, Dmitrii
Correspondence between Dmitrii Klenovskii and Gleb Struve
"Predgor'e", typescript copy. Includes poetry from 1918-1958
"Sel'skie i bozhestvennye igry", translation of A. de Renier, holograph n.d.
Miscellaneous poetry, typescript n.d.
Clippings 1956-1982
Klimov, Evgenii. Clippings 1952-1985
Kliuev, Nikolai
Correspondence between Ettore Lo Gatto and Gleb Struve 1947-1968
Biographical material. Lo Gatto, Ettore, reminiscences re Kliuev. Includes typescript copy in Italian and typescript and printed copy of Russian translation 1953
Typescript copy given by author to Lo Gatto 1931
Draft of translation by John Glad, typescript n.d.
"Serdtse edinoroga", title page with handwritten dedication to Lo Gatto, photocopy 1929
"Zaozerie", same as above
Knorring, Irina. Clipping, miscellaneous poetry n.d.
Kochetov, Vsevolod. Clippings 1958-1970
Kondratiev, Aleksandr
Correspondence of Aleksandr Kondratiev
General 1960
Aseev, Aleksandr 1953-1954
Rudneva, Ekaterina 1955-1957
Struve, Gleb 1925-1936
Correspondence of Gleb Struve
General 1926-1970
Andreeva, Elena 1969-1971
Aseev, Aleksandr 1969
Poems, short story, and reminiscences, manuscript n.d.
Miscellaneous material, typescript and photocopies n.d.
Konstantinov, Fr. Dimitrii. Clippings 1963-1985
Kontinent. Miscellaneous material, includes clippings of reviews and publisher's introduction 1975-1984
Koriakov, Mikhail
Correspondence betwee Mikhail Koriakov and Gleb Struve 1953-1975
Clippings 1950-1976
Clippings 1950-1976
Korzhavin, Naum. Clippings 1974-1985
Kozlovskii, Prince Petr
Printed matter
Dorrow, Wilhelm, Furst Kosloffsky, Druck und Verlag von Philip Reclam jun., Leipzig, photocopy 1846,
Clippings, photocopies and typescript copies of excerpts from books and articles 1917-1963
Biographical material
Typescript excerpts from secondary sources
Kozlovskii in the correspondence and memoirs of contemporaries, typescript excerpts 1803-1927
Correspondence of Prince Petr Kozlovskii. Holograph (photocopy), Original in Restricted Series 1810.
Rumiantsev, Count 1810
Varshavskii , Kniaz'(?) 1839
Correspondence related to Prince Petr Kozlovskii
Typescript copies 1810-1817
Photocopies 1818-1821
Archivio di Stato, Torino, handwritten copies 1814-1817
Archives Etrangeres, Affaires de Sardaigne
typescript copies 1815-1818,
handwritten copies 1816-1819,
Correspondence related to Prince Petr Kozlovskii
Barante a Thiers, handwritten copies of printed correspondence 1836-1837
Berry Papers, handwritten copies 1789-1803,
Custine and Varnhagen, printed copy 1840-1848
Liverpool Papers, handwritten copies 1799-1803,
Naval Papers and Letters of Admiral Mitchell, handwritten copies 1799-1803,
Nelson Papers, same as above
Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, typescript copies. Includes correspondence of Hill, Canning and Kozlovskii 1807-1810,
Correspondence of Gleb Struve
General. Includes correspondence with libraries and archives re research material used 1950-1957
Kennan, George 1969-1971
"Kozlovskii o Nikolae I", typescript excerpt from Russkaia Starina June 1896
Posner, S., "Les Lettres du Prince Pierre Koslovsky a Chateaubriand et a Madame de Stael", typescript article n.d.
Struve, Gleb, notes n.d.
Miscellaneous typescript material
Iakovlev, Senator Lev
Lieven, Princess Sophie
Krachkovskii, Dmitrii. See Klenovskii, Dmitrii
Kremnev, Ivan
Writings. "Puteshestvie moego brata Alekseiia v stranu krest'ianskoi utopii", clipping 1976
Smith, R., "Introduction", typescript n.d.
Struve, Gleb, miscellaneous notes n.d.
Clippings 1955-1982
Kriger, Mary. Writings, holograph and printed copies 1948
Krymov, Vladimir. Clippings 1949-1982
Kuchelbecker, Wilhelm. Struve, Gleb, miscellaneous typescript and handwritten notes n.d.
Kuprin, Aleksandr. Clippings 1947-1983
Kuskova, Ekaterina
Correspondence between Ekaterina Kuskova and Gleb Struve 1938-1958
Clippings 1930-1957
Kutepov, Aleksandr. Clippings 1928-1981
Kuz'min, Mikhail. Printed matter 1975-1979
Kuznetsov, Anatolii
Correspondence between Anatolii Kuznetsov and Gleb Struve 1967-1979
Clippings 1969-1972
Larionov, Mikhail
Correspondence of Gleb Struve
General 1968
Larionova, A. 1968-1971
Larionov, Mikhail, Includes originals and typescript copies 1952-1953.
"Les Amis de Gontcharova and Larionov" 1962-1966
Writings. "Pochemu my raskrashevaemsia. Manifest Futuristov", photocopy of printed original n.d.
Clippings 1979
Lebedev, Viacheslav
Correspondence between Gleb Struve and Viacheslav Lebedev 1959-1967
Writings, typescript drafts of poetry, See also Aleksei Eisner, "O poterianykh poetakh" 1929-1967.
Leonov, Leonid
Struve, Gleb, miscellaneous notes n.d.
Gorbachev, G., "O 'Vore' Leonida Leonova", photocopy of printed material n.d.
Miscellaneous clippings and reprints 1964-1983
Lermontov, Mikhail. Printed matter. Reprints of scholarly articles 1956-1964
Leskov, Nikolai. Printed matter. Reprints of scholarly articles 1954-1982
Levitskii, Sergei. Clippings 1956-1983
Limonov, Eduard. Clippings 1975-1984
Litvinskii, V. Clippings 1948-1964
L'vov, Andrei. Clippings 1982-1985
Lukacz, Georges. Clippings 1950-1976
Lukash, Ivan
Correspondence between Ivan Lukash and Gleb Struve 1924-1934
Writings, "Sozhzhennyi serafim", typescript draft 1935
Clippings 1930's-1981
Maiakovskii, Vladimir. Clippings 1939-1984
Makovskii, Sergei. Clippings 1948-1974
Maksimov, Vladimir. Clippings 1963-1985
Mandel'shtam, Nadezhda
Correspondence of Nadezhda Mandel'stam
Ivask, Iurii, photocopy 1976,
Shakhovskoi, Bishop Ioann, photocopy 1979,
Struve, Gleb 1966
Correspondence about Nadezhda Mandel'shtam. Letter by unknown author, typescript copy n.d.
Biographical material. Reck, Vera, "Nadezhda Yakovlevna Mandel'shtam", article describing the death and funeral of Nadezhda Mandel'shtam, typescript n.d.
"Zhylploshchad' v nadstroike". Printed copy with handwritten translation by Gleb Struve n.d.
Typescript excerpts from her memoirs n.d.
Critical material
A. K., annotations to Vospominaniia, typescript n.d.
Filippov, Boris, review of Vospominaniia, typescript n.d.
Clippings 1970-1983
Mandel'shtam, Osip
Correspondence of Osip Mandel'shtam. "Pis'ma k V. I. Ivanovu". Typescript draft for Struve, Gleb, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii n.d.
Bibliography. Miscellaneous material, photocopies and typescripts n.d.
Biographical material
Anonymous, translation into English of reminiscences re Osip Mandel'shtam, holograph n.d.
Miscellaneous typescript material, Includes reminiscences re Mandel'shstam n.d.
Photocopies, R. Thomson and Harvard University material 1930-1937
Miscellaneous typescripts n.d.
Clippings and photocopies of published work 1924-1980
Typescript copies n.d.
"Chetvertaia proza"
"Pushkin i Skriabin"
"Razgovor o Dante"
Photocopy, Shary, illustrated by N. Lapshin, printed copy n.d.
Handwritten copies n.d.
"Gosudarstvo i ritm"
"Poet o sebe", Chitatel' i pisatel', No. 46 1928
Critical material
Ivask, Iurii
"O Mandel'shtame", typescript n.d.
"Some Aspects of Mandel'shtam's Poetry", typescript n.d.
Freidin, Gregory, "Osip Mandel'shtam: The Poetry Of Time", typescript 1976, n.d.
Ronen, Omri, "Leksicheskii povtor, podtekst, i smysl v poete Osipe Mandel'shtame", typescript n.d.
Miscellaneous typescript material n.d.
Printed matter
Scholarly journals 1964-1982
Scholarly journals 1964-1982
Newspapers 1913-1984
Translation. Miscellaneous typescript and printed translations of Mandel'shtam's work n.d.
Margolin, Iurii. Clippings 1950-1976
Markov, Vladimir
Correspondence betwen Vladimir Markov and Gleb Struve
Writings. Miscellaneous articles, typescript and printed copies 1978
Maslov, Georgii
Biographical material. Miscellaneous printed matter n.d.
Critical material. Gumilev, Nikolai, "Arion", typescript article n.d.
Writings, poetry
Handwritten copies of poems received from Iulian Oksman n.d.
Miscellaneous typescripts, photocopies and clippings 1922-1934
"Put' vo mrake, doroga Omsk-Krasnoiarsk, ianvar'-fevral', ". Includes Civil War poetry compiled from Nikolai Iakovlev's archive, 1920, typescript 1920
Matskevich, Josef
Correspondence between Josef Matskevich and Gleb Struve 1957-1975
Clippings and miscellaneous material 1963-1985
Medvedev, Roy
Writings. Qui a ecrit "Le Don Paisible", Christian Bourgeois ed., Paris, photocopy 1975,
Clippings 1983-1985
Meier, Iurii. Clippings 1981-1985
Merezhkovskii, Dmitrii. Clippings 1934-1979
Merimee, Prosper
Correspondence between Gleb Struve and M. Parturier 1931
Miscellaneous material. Includes Gleb Struve's notes n.d.
Clippings 1929-1936
Milosz, Czeslaw. Clippings 1968-1984
Miranda, Francisco de
Correspondence of Gleb Struve re Miranda archival material 1946
Correspondence from Miranda's archive, typescript copies 1790-1815,
Correspondence re Miranda, typescript copies 1787-1815,
Correspondence between Samuel Bentham and Admiral Mordvinoff, Includes Mordvinoff's project for a Russian Constitution, typescript copy 1830-1884
Miscellaneous material. Includes clippings and notes 1950
Mochalova, Ol'ga, "Literaturnye Vstrechi", typescript copy n.d.
Morkovin, Vadim
Correspondence between Vadim Morkovin and Gleb Struve 1960-1971
Untitled reminiscences, manuscript n.d.
"Obshchestvo dostoevskogo v Prage", Ceskoslovenskaia Rusistika XVI, offprint 1971
Morshen, Nikolai
Correspondence between Nikolai Morshen and Gleb Struve 1957-1985
Writings, typescript drafts of poetry n.d.
Mozhaiskaia, O. Writings, poetry, typescript n.d.
Nabokov, Vladimir
Correspondence of Gleb Struve
General 1936-1939
Auslander, Andrei 1974-1975
British publishers re publication of Nabokov's early work 1930-1937
Nabokov, Vera 1949-1985
Nabokov, Vladimir, typescript copies
(Jan., May 1948 and April 1975, original) 1936-1975
Writings, handwritten poem 1923
"Bratiia Kruglogo Stola", protocol of meeting. Includes pencil caricatures of members 1923
Bibliographies, typescript and handwritten n.d.
Miscellaneous typescript and handwritten material. Includes poetry 1974-1981
Struve, Gleb, handwriten notes n.d.
Untitled manuscript for book re Nabokov, typescript draft n.d.
Printed matter
Articles from scholarly journals 1936-1983
Clippings from newspapers 1923-1984
Narokov, Nikolai (Marchenko). Clippings 1952-1969
Nartsyssov, Boris. Clippings 1954-1980
Nedobrovo, Nikolai
Correspondence of Nikolai Nedobrovo
Anrep, Boris, Photocopies. Originals in Restricted Series 1910-1914.
Pestovskii, V. A., typescript copies of published material 1913-1915
Znamenskaia, Vera 1913-1918
Typescript copies
Excerpts from miscellaneous correspondence collected by V. Znamenskaia 1967
Correspondence between Iu. Sazonova and Gleb Struve 1952
Biographical material. Clippings and photocopies of published material 1923-1954
Iudif'. Tragediia v stikhakh, printed copy with holograph annotations, (?) 1922
Leatherbound book of poetry, Holograph (photocopy). Original in Restricted Series 1904.
N. V. Nedobrovo. Stikhotvoreniia, tearsheet n.d.
Photocopies of published material 1904-1914
Typescript copies n.d.
Prose. Photocopies
Published material 1910-1914
Typescript excerpt of critical article re Akhmatova with holograph note from Akhmatova to Znamenskaia 1964
Critical material. Struve, Gleb
Bibliography, typescript n.d.
Commentaries on correspondence of Nikolai Nedobrovo, typescript n.d.
Excerpt from Anna Akhmatova, pp. 63-126, photocopy of proof copy
Miscellaneous notes n.d.
Nekrasov, Viktor. Clippings 1962-1985
Nicolaevsky, Boris
Correspondence between Boris Nicolaevsky and Gleb Struve 1937-1965
Clippings 1947-1982
Nikonov-Smorodin, M. Z. Miscellaneous writings re Solovki concentration camp, typescript 1935
"Novaia Russkaia Kniga". Clippings, typescript fragments and notes 1922
Novyi Zhurnal
Correspondence 1952-1972
Clippings of reviews and articles re journal 1944-1984
Obituaries. Clippings from emigre newspapers 1928-1982
Odoevtseva, Irina
Correspondence between Irina Odoevtseva and Gleb Struve 1960-1978
Clippings 1961-1985
Ofrosimov, Iurii. Clippings 1935-1967
Oksman, Iuliian
Correspondence of Iuliian Oksman
Stender-Petersen, Adolf 1963
Struve, Gleb 1963
Typescript copies
"K istorii izucheniia biografii i tvorchestva Osipa Mandel'shstama. Pis'ma Iu.G. Oksmana k G.P. Struve", published by G.P. Struve with commentary by L. Fleishman, typescript n.d.
"Biblioteka A.N. Ostrovskogo", typescript article n.d.
"Memorandum", holograph, typescript copy, English translation and typescript version of text sent to Sots-Vestnik n.d.
Material re Osip Mandel'shtam and G.V. Maslov sent to Gleb Struve n.d.
Miscellaneous notes with literary information included in correspondence with Gleb Struve n.d.
Published articles. Clippings and offprints 1956-1959
Obituaries, printed copies 1970-1971
Olesha, Iurii
Struve, Gleb. Handwritten notes and typescript bibliography n.d.
Clippings 1932-1985
Orwell, George
Correspondence of Gleb Struve
Angus, Ian 1963-1981
Crick, Bernard 1972
Orwell, George 1944-1949
Writings, author's preface to Ukrainian edition of Animal Farm 1947
Osipov, N. Clippings 1956-1963
Osorgin, Mikhail. Clippings 1935-1981
Ostrogorskii, Viktor. Obituary, Mir Bozhyi, photocopy May, 1902,
Otsup, Nikolai
Correspondence between Nikolai Otsup and Gleb Struve 1923-1961
Writings, clipping n.d.
Paisiello, Giovanni. Miscellaneous research material 1953-1971
Paradise, John. Miscellaneous material, includes clippings, typescript copies of printed matter, handwritten notes and correspondence re publication of this material
Parnok, Sofiia. Poetry, miscellaneous typescript and printed copies 1911-1916
Pasternak, Boris
Correspondence of Boris Pasternak
Excerpts from letters to Jacqueline de Proyart, typescript 1959
Photocopies and typescript copies of published correspondence
General 1926-1978
Margvelashvili, G., "Pis'ma druz'iam", Literaturnaia Gruziia 1966
Pasternak, E. V., "Chudo poeticheskogo voploshcheniia", Voprosy Literatury, No. 9 1972
Proffer, Ellendea, "Four Letters of Boris Pasternak" n.d.
Spasskaia, V., "Iz pisem B. Pasternaka k S. Spasskomu" 1927-1949
Correspondence of Gleb Struve
Pasternak, Aleksandr 1962-1964
Pasternak, Josephine 1940-1985
Pasternak Slater, Lydia 1960-1982
Pasternak Slater, Nicolas 1960
Correspondence related to Boris Pasternak
General 1958-1959
Letters to the editor re R. Payne's, The Three Worlds of Boris Pasternak 1961
Biographical material
Fleishman, Lazar, "Iz Pasternakovskoi perepiski", photocopy of typescript n.d.
Pasternak, Boris, "Avtobiograficheskii ocherk", typescript excerpt and photocopy of printed version 1956-1957
"Radio Liberation Presents Boris Pasternak", excerpts from broadcasts to the Soviet Union 1958
Shveitser, Renata, "Druzhba s Borisom Pasternakom", Grani, No. 58 1965
Skorbina, Nina, "Vstrechi i pis'ma", excerpts from reminiscences and correspondence, typescript 1973
Clippings re Pasternak family 1960-1982
Bibliography. Frank, Victor, "Spisok proizvedenii B. Pasternaka", typescript n.d.
Miscellaneous photocopies, typescript copies and clippings Russian 1922-1983
Translations of Boris Pasternak's poetry, mostly by Eugene Kayden, typescript n.d.
"Odnotomnik", photocopy with handwritten annotations n.d.
Typescript copies
"Chopin". Typescript text with photocopy, ; translation by Paul Schmidt; clipping 1945 n.d.
"Slepaia krasavitsa", photocopy n.d.
Photocopies and clippings of published material: "Gramota"; "K kharakteristiki Bloka", ; "Novogodnee pozhelanie", "On Translating Shakespeare", (autobiography and odnotomnik, "Zametki perevodchika" 1972 1965; 1956);
Critical material. Includes essays by Michael Berman, Victor Frank, Alexander Gershenkron, Olga R. Hughes, Guy de Mallac, Dale Plank and Edmund Wilson, typescript 1959-1966
Printed matter
Scholarly journals
American and West European 1958-1980
Russian emigre 1962-1984
Soviet 1927-1974
American and West European 1958-1985
Russian emigre press 1955-1985
Soviet. Includes Literaturnaia Gazeta 1932-1936
Paustovskii, Konstantin. Miscellaneous clippings and reprints 1963-1981
Pawlikowski, Michal
Correspondence between Michal Pawlikowski and Gleb Struve
Clippings 1954-1968
Agnivtsev, N., "Blistatel'nyi Sankt-Peterburg", manuscript sent for publication to Pawlikowski
Pereleshin, Valerii
Correspondence between Valerii Pereleshin and Gleb Struve
"Arsenii Nesmelov", typescript draft n.d.
Poetry. Miscellaneous typescript drafts 1935-1975
Miscellaneous printed articles 1969-1970
Clippings 1970-1980
Pervushin, Nikolai
Correspondence between Nikolai Pervushin and Gleb Struve 1969-1983
Clippings 1966-1984
Pletnev, R.
Writings, "Konspekt lektsii po normativnoi stilistike", Parts I and III, bound typescript text 1960
Printed matter
Miscellaneous articles 1972
Clippings 1953-1984
Pomerantsev, K.
Correspondence between K. Pomerantsev and Gleb Struve 1969-1980
Clippings 1952-1983
Poremskii, V.D. Writings, "Politicheskaia missiia rossiiskoi emigratsii", printed copy n.d.
Posledniia Novosti, miscellaneous issues Jan.-March 1926 and Jan. 1929
Pushkin, Aleksandr
Pushkin in contemporary English criticism. Typescript and handwritten copies 1821-1829
Pushkin centenary celebration in London 1937
Correspondence re organization of celebration
Miscellaneous material. Includes programs and announcements
Printed matter
Scholarly journals
General 1946-1976
General 1946-1976
Soviet 1935-1937
Clippings from emigre newspapers 1937-1985
Rafal'skii, Sergei. Clippings 1922-1981
Rannit, Aleksis
Correspondence between Aleksis Rannit and Gleb Struve
Scholarly articles, typescript and printed copies 1959-1985
Clippings 1983-1985
Reisner, Larisa. Clippings. Includes biographical material and short story n.d.
Remizov, Aleksei
Correspondence between Aleksei Remizov and Gleb Struve 1923-1957
Holograph (photocopies). Originals in Restricted Series
Typescript copies
Autobiographical sketch, Nash Ogonek, No. 12, printed copy n.d.
"O besnovatoi Solomonii", printed copy with holograph introduction, Paris 1929
"Ognennyii stolp", printed copy n.d.
"Venets", photocopy n.d.
Vzvikhrennaia Rus', Izd. Kair, Paris, pp. 338-340. Typescript excerpt 1927,
Clippings of his work published in periodical press 1914-1981
Miscellany including bibliographies of his work compiled by Gleb Struve, typescript n.d.
Printed matter
Reprints from scholarly articles 1966
Clippings 1947-1980
Reshetovskaia, Natal'ia. Writings, "Iz vospominanii", typescript excerpt n.d.
Reuter's, Ltd.
Correspondence related to Gleb Struve's work at Reuter's 1941-1945
Miscellany 1942-1944
Reznikov, M. Clippings 1982
Rilke, Rainer-Maria
Correspondence between Ia. Malkiel and Gleb Struve 1930-1931
Correspondence of Rainer-Maria Rilke
Copies of letters to Rainer-Maria Rilke (?) 1926
Copies and translations into Russian of letters from Rilke 1902-1926
Writings. Miscellaneous material. Includes clippings of poetry in German and in translation, typescripts and notes by Gleb Struve 1902-1972
Printed matter
Scholarly articles, photocopies and reprints 1938
Newspapers 1926-1984
Roginskii, Arsenii
Bibliography of his work, typescript n.d.
Letter of protest upon his arrest, signed Evgeny Beshenkovsky et. al. n.d.
Clippings 1981
Romanovich, Vera
Correspondence between Vera Romanovich and Gleb Struve 1967-1975
Poetry, miscellaneous holographs and typescripts 1915-1974
"Vstrechi s Gumilevym", holograph n.d.
Rossiia. Miscellaneous poetry from its archive, typescript and handwritten 1929
Rossiia i Slavianstvo. Clippings n.d.
Rozanov, Vasilii
Correspondence of Vasilii Rozanov
Gippius, Zinaida 1906-1907
Holograph (photocopies). Originals in Restricted Series
Typescript copies
Struve, Petr, photocopy, and typescript excerpts 1914
Writings. Photocopies of miscellaneous printed articles 1918-1928
Critical material. Stammler, Heinrich. Miscellaneous writings re Rozanov, typescript and printed copies 1965-1973
Russia. Miscellaneous typescript material, clippings and reprints from scholarly journals
Autobiography. Miscellaneous clippings from emigre press 1967-1980
Biography. Miscellaneous clippings from emigre newspapers 1930-1960
General. Includes art, thought, politics
19th century 1954-1967
20th century
General 1947-1963
Emigre 1939-1980
Dissent 1968-1974
Kiev-18th century 1952-1973
18th.-19th century 1948-1980
century 18th-19th
Russian-American contacts 1947-1955
20th century
General 1949-1970
S. F., "Iz-za zheleznogo zanavesa", handwritten memoir n.d.
Repatriation of D. P.'s. Includes open letter from camp inmates to Eleanor Roosevelt 1946
Leaflets, programs, open letters 1925-1930
Linguistics 1954-1975
Criticism, general 1953-1970
Miscellaneous poetry sent to Gleb Struve for critical evaluation, typescripts 1948-1972
Clippings from newspapers and articles from scholarly journals 1925-1981
Clippings from newspapers and articles from scholarly journals 1925-1981
Clippings from newspapers and articles from scholarly journals 1925-1981
Early Russian 1944-1975
18th century 1959-1976
19th century 1951-1982
Creative writing, miscellaneous typescripts 1937-1974
Scholarly articles 1972-1978
Clippings from newspapers 1920's-1950's
Reviews of books about Soviet literature 1963-1973
Theater 1964
Underground songs 1974-1978
Scholarly articles
Clippings from newspapers 1929-1954
Map, "Karta zheleznykh dorog evropeiskoi Rossii 1910-1911"
Newspapers, miscellaneous, printed copies 1926-1944,
General 1980-1985
Civil rights in the U.S.S.R. 1976
Russian Orthodox Church affairs 1927-1947
Russian Orthodox Church in Alaska 1970-1972
Russian Studies and Sovietology 1958-1980
Russian National League in Great Britain
Baikalov, P., "War, the Soviets and a National Russiia", typescript 1939
Memoranda, typescript copies 1940 1942
Russkaia Akademicheskaia Gruppa v SShA. Printed matter, miscellaneous, See also CORRESPONDENCE, Konstantin Belousov 1967-1969.
Russkaia Mysl'
Material submitted for publication
Poetry, holograph and typescript copies 1919-1926,
Poetry, holograph and typescript copies 1919-1926,
Turkish War, Includes A. Kizevetter, A. Kurbanov, holograph 1878. n.d.
World War I, N. Epanchin, holograph n.d.
Civil War. Includes V. Davats, O. Samoilenko, V. Levitskii, R. Iartsev, S. Militsyn, typescript and holograph copies n.d.
History and philosophy
Arseniev, Nikolai
"Pessimizm i mistika v drevnei Gretsii", galley proof 1927
"Prosvetlenie mira i zhizn' v mistike", typescript draft n.d.
Gorchakov, Nikolai, "Sovetskaia tsenzura stalinskikh vremen", typescript copy n.d.
Il'inskii, Dimitrii, "Zakony zhiz'ni", typescript n.d.
Lukash, Ivan, "Evangilie prostykh liudei", holograph n.d.
Vernadskii, Georgii, "Pushkin kak, istorik", holograph n.d.
Zubow, Graf Valentin, "Kaiser Paulus Ende", typescript n.d.
Prose, holograph and typescript copies 1922-1927,
Literary criticism, holograph and typescript 1924-1932
Articles submitted for issue, holograph and typescript 1927
Table of contents for issue, printed copy 1924
Notebooks listing articles submitted in 1921-1923
Books submitted for review May 1923-1924
Manuscripts submitted for publication n.d.
Book I, printed copy 1927,
Russkii Natsional'nyi Komitet. Protocol of meeting, typescript copy March, 1925,
Russkii Zagranichnyi Arkhiv pri Ministerstve Inostrannykh Del Chekhoslovatskoi Respubliki
Correspondence with Gleb Struve 1937-1939
Printed matter
Annual report
Otdel Dokumentov Russkogo Zagranichnogo Istoricheskogo Arkhiva v Prage, pamphlet 1935
Rzhevskii, D. Clippings 1953-1981
Sabaneev, L. Clippings 1953-1979
Sakharov, Andrei. Writings, "Razmyshleniia o progrese, mirnom sosushchestvovanii i intelektual'noi svobode", typescript copy n.d.
Samarin, Vladimir
Correspondence between Vladimir Samarin and Gleb Struve
Clippings 1959-1982
Savitskii, Petr
Correspondence between Petr Savitskii and Lev Gumilev, typescript copies 1956-1957,
Correspondence of Gleb Struve
Savitskii, Petr
Typescript excerpts from above 1957-1960
Suvchinskii, Petr 1957-1961
Clippings 1926-1956
Pamphlets 1928
Miscellaneous typescript material. Includes poetry, essays and excerpts from correspondence 1947-1957
Miscellanious material re Eurasianism. Includes index of articles re Eurasianism in Vozrozhdenie n.d.
Schweitzer, Viktoria
Correspondence between Viktoria Schweitzer and Gleb Struve 1978-1982
Writings, "Spustia pochti polveka", typescript n.d.
Scott, Sir Walter
Correspondence of Sir Walter Scott with Russian friends. Includes letters of Anna Bunina, Denis Davydov, A. Izmailov and A. Meyendorff, typescript and handwritten copies 1815-1830,
Correspondence of Gleb Struve
General correspondence re Sir Walter Scott letters 1943-1947
Letters received in reaction to Gleb Struve's article on Sir Walter Scott and his Russian friends. Includes letters from Walter Maxwell Scott and Ernest J. Simmons 1950-1951
Miscellaneous material, notes and clippings n.d.
Sedykh, Andrei
Correspondence between Andrei Sedykh and Gleb Struve 1950-1982
Clippings 1950-1985
Segodnia, miscellaneous issues March and April 1926
Serebriakova, Galina. Clippings 1967
Shakhovskoy, Bishop Ioann
Correspondence with Gleb Struve 1922-1983
Clippings 1926-1981
Shimanov, Gennadii. Letters to the editor of Vestnik R.S.KH.D., Nikita Struve, Transferred from correspondence of Alexandra Zuckermann 1972.
Shingarev, Andrei. "Kak byl opoznan odin iz ubiitsev Shingareva", holograph writing signed, inzh. tekhn. A. V. Sh.
Shklovskii, Viktor. Writings. Includes, "Iz vospominanii", Iunost', printed copy; "Ob ocherke i romane", Literaturnyi Kritik, printed copy; "O stile mirooshchiushchenii", Krasnaia Nov', printed copy 1965, 1935, n.d.
Shmelev, Ivan
Correspondence of Ivan Shmelev
Struve, Gleb 1930-1931
Zurov, Leonid 1928-1929
Writings, "How I Visited Tolstoy", translated by Olga Sorokin, The Literary Review, printed copy Fall 1980,
Clippings 1932-1963
Sholokhov, Mikhail. Printed matter. Reprints from scholarly journals
Shoumatoff, Alex. Struve, Gleb, letter to the editor of Novoye Russkoye Slovo n.d.
Shul'gin, Vasilii
Correspondence of Vasilii Shul'gin
Lazarevskii, Vladimir, photocopy 1926,
Struve, Petr
holograph 1927,
photocopies 1926-1928,
typescript copies 1926-1928,
Dni. Poslednie dni "Konstitutsii", tearsheets, printed copy n.d.
"Gindenburg-Pitirim", photocopy of holograph n.d.
Typescript drafts, corrected and signed in author's hand
"Pamiatka dobrodushnym rossiianam"
"Russkii kolokol"
"Sidney Reilly"
"Zigfrid i drakon"
Untitled writing. Relates to "Trest"
Biographical material
"V. V. Shul'gin", unsigned writing, probably by Shul'gin, typescript n.d.
Author unknown, reminiscences re Shul'gin, tearsheets from book 1973
General 1938-1983
Rossiia, Nos. 9, 10 Oct. 22, 29, 1927
Material related to Vasilii Shul'gin
Ladnov, Evgenii, "Trotskii-messiia. V. V. Shul'gin o V. V. Shul'gine. Kontrabandisty i 'Trest'. Kniga 'Tri stolitsy'", typescript n.d.
Voitsekhovskii, S. et al., "Tri pis'ma V. V. Shul'ginu", printed copy
Simonov, Konstantin. Clippings 1944-1970
Original typescript copies of Sintaksis No. 1, 2 and 3 Dec. 1959-April 1960
Printed copy, Grani 1959
Slonim, Mark
Correspondence between Mark Slonim and Gleb Sruve 1950-1976
Clippings 1944-1976
Soiuz Mladorossov. Party program, printed copy n.d.
Solntsev, K. Clippings 1949-1961
Sologub, Fedor
Writings, "Rech' v pamiat' V. I. Briusova", typescript copy 1924
Clippings 1947-1968
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Correspondence of Gleb Struve
Shabad, Ted 1974
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 1974-1980
Solzhenitsyna, Natalia 1981
Alexander Solzhenitsyn Society for Freedom and Justice, flyers 1976
Printed matter
Writings by Solzhenitsyn in Russian emigre periodical press 1962-1982
Writings about Solzhenitsyn in Russian emigre periodical press. Includes articles about Solzhenitsyn, his work and topics related to themes in his work. Also includes polemics concerning Solzhenitsyn and his work
Miscellaneous typescript and printed material 1968-1978
Sovet Obshchestva Poetov. Photocopies of invitations to lectures 1914
Stavrov, P. Clippings 1949-1953
Stepun, Fedor
Correspondence between Fedor Stepun and Gleb Struve 1957-1961
Stammler, Andrei, biography and obituary, printed copies n.d.
Struve, V. V. Writings. Vospominaniia o Sibiri, 1848-1854, St. Petersburg, Tipografiia Tovareshchistva "Obshchestvennaia Pol'za", photocopy 1889,
Sviatopolk-Mirskii, Prince Dimitrii
"Ob Aleksandre Bloke", printed copy n.d.
"O sovremennom sostoianii russkoi poezii", typescript draft, Includes holograph letter to Peter Struve 1922.
Photocopies of printed articles 1922-1932
Bibliography of his works, typescript draft n.d.
Tyrkova-Williams, Ariadna, review of Prince D. Sviatopolk-Mirskii, Russkaia Lirika, typescript draft 1924
Miscellaneous clippings and handwritten notes by Gleb Struve 1972-1984
Tager, Elena
Correspondence. Excerpt from letter of Elena Tager to Iuliian Oksman 1963
Biographical material
Anonymous, "Iz vospominanii ob E. M. Tager", typescript article n.d.
Struve, Gleb, biographical notes. Includes Elena Tager n.d.
Clippings. Includes clippings from Russkaia Mysl' 1965-1966
"Blok v ", Uchenye Zapiski Tartuskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Tartu Includes introduction by Z. G. Mints 1915 1961.
"O Mandel'stame", Leningrad, typescript 1962,
"Popad'ia", Zvezda, No. 12, photocopy 1928,
Poetry, miscellaneous, typescripts and photocopies 1943-1957
Tarsis, Valerii
Correspondence between Valerii Tarsis and Gleb Struve 1966-1967
Miscellaneous typescript material
Clippings 1956-1981
Teffi. Clippings 1947-1985
Terapiano, Iurii
Correspondence between Iurii Terapiano and Gleb Struve 1949-1979
Ivask, Iurii (?), biography, typescript n.d.
Clippings 1947-1980
Tiutchev, Mikhail. Printed matter 1976-1982
Tolstoy, Aleksei K.
Correspondence of Alexei Tolstoy
Gagarin, Aleksandr, Holograph (photocopy). Original in Restricted Series 1861-1874.
Katia, surname unknown, Holograph (photocopy). Original in Restricted Series 1859?-1865.
Photocopies and typescripts of miscellaneous correspondence, Also includes notes of Gleb Struve 1864-1869.
Clippings 1944-1965
Tolstoy, Lev
Scholarly articles 1937-1982
Emigre newspapers 1949-1983
Toporov, V. N.
Correspondence between V. N. Toporov and Gleb Struve 1974-1980
Printed matter, tearsheets of scholarly articles 1970
Trubetskoi, Grigorii. Writings, typescript excerpts from memoirs. Includes clippings of reviews of memoirs 1983-1984
Trubetskoi, Iurii
Correspondence between Iurii Trubetskoi and Gleb Struve 1953-1971
Clippings 1935-1974
Tsurikov, Nikolai
Correspondence between Nikolai Tsurikov and Gleb Struve
1924-May 1931
June-Dec. 1931
"Ideinaia otrava", typescript n.d.
"Osnovy nashei neprimerimosti", printed copy of speech 1948,
"Sovetskoe pravitel'stvo, inostrantsy, voina i pozitsiia emigratsii", Izdanie 'Vestnika O-va Gallipoliitsev", Sophia 1936
Clippings, 1932-1957. See also Rossiia i Slavianstvo, (La Russie et le Monde Slave)
Tsvetaeva, Marina
Correspondence of Marina Tsvetaeva
Andronikova-Halpern, Salomeia. Photocopies
Includes letter of Ariadna Efron, 1932 1931-1932.
Typescripts of above
Bunina, Vera. Holograph (photocopies). Originals in Restricted Series
Typescript excerpts from originals above 1934-1935
Kantor, Mikhail, Photocopy. Original in Restricted Series n.d.
Sviatopolk-Mirskii, Dimitrii, photocopies 1925-1926,
Pasternak, Boris
Photocopies of typescripts. Received from Vadim Morkovin, Prague 1922-1927. 1968
Photocopies with introduction and commentaries by Gleb Struve 1922-1928. n.d.
Photocopy of typescript with introduction by Viktoria Schweitzer 1923. n.d.
Struve, Gleb, Holograph (photocopies). Originals in Restricted Series 1923-1925.
Struve, Iuliia, Holograph (photocopies). Originals in Restricted Series 1923.
General, photocopies and typescripts 1925-1983
Correspondence of Gleb Struve re Marina Tsvetaeva
Eleneva, E. 1957-1958
Morkovina, M. 1973
Single sheets, Includes excerpts from "Lebedinyi stan", holograph (photocopy). Originals in Restricted Series n.d.
Clippings, Russian and in translation 1967-1983
"Lebedinyi stan", photocopy of manuscript in the University of Basel Archive 1917-1921
"Perekop", same as above 1926,
Miscellaneous, typescripts and photocopies 1913-1941
"Dva lesnykh tsaria",typescript 1933
"Tvoia smert'", Bellevue, typescript 1927,
"Staryi Pimen", Clamart, Holograph (photocopy). Original in Restricted Series 1933.
"U starogo Pimena", typescript copy. See also correspondence between Gleb Struve and L. Zurov
Photocopies of miscellaneous published prose and correspondence
Biographical material
Efron, Ariadna, "Stranitsy bylogo", Zvezda, photocopy 1975,
Footnotes for correspondence of Marina Tsvetaeva prepared by Gleb Struve for Marina Tsvetaeva. Neizdannye Pis'ma, Y.M.C.A. Press, Paris 1972
Miscellaneous typescript material 1937-1960
Critical material
Articles, typescript n.d.
Kemball, Robin. Miscellaneous material re Marina Tsvetaeva
Schweitzer, Viktoria. "Bratskaia mogila"
Smith, G. S., "Marina Tsvetaeva: Additions to the Canon" and "Marina Tsvetaeva and D. S. Mirsky"
Gorodetskii, Sergei, "Zhenskoe Rukodelie", Rech' Apr. 30, 1912
Khodasevich, Vladislav, Vozrozhdenie June 19, 1928
Printed matter
Articles from scholarly journals, photocopies and reprints 1923-1982
Book reviews of works re Marina Tsvetaeva 1962-1983
Clippings 1925-1984
"Moskovskaia gorodskaia organizatsiia dobrovol'nogo obshchestva liubitelei knigi RSFSR ... Khronoka 25 tematicheskikh vstrech, posviashchennykh zhizni i tvorchestvu Mariny Ivanovny Tsvetaevoi", photocopy 1978-1985,
Symposium, Lausanne, miscellaneous material 1982
Lists of published poetry and prose composed by Gleb Struve
Miscellaneous typescript material n.d.
Tuck, Robert
Correspodence between Robert Tuck and Gleb Struve 1967
"Influencing Political Change By Broadcasting to the Soviet Union", speech delivered at the annual meeting of The American Political Science Association 1966
Turgenev, Aleksandr Ivanovich
Correspondence. Typescript copies of printed material and handwritten notes by Gleb Struve n.d.
Anonymous, "A. N. Turgenev i ego sem'ia", typescript draft n.d.
Struve, Gleb, miscellaneous notes n.d.
Printed matter. Clippings from scholarly journals 1899-1967
Turgenev, Ivan
Biographical material. Semenoff, E., "La vie douloureuse d'Ivan Tourgeneff", Mercure de la France, section I, IV,VIII Nov. 15, 1931-June 1, 1932
Printed matter
Scholarly articles 1966-1984
Clippings from emigre newspapers 1944-1983
Tvardovskii, Aleksandr. Clippings 1945-1985
Tvorchestvo, printed copy June 1918,
Ul'ianov, Nikolai. Clippings 1959-1978
Vagin, Evgenii. Clippings 1980-1981
Valentinov, Nikolai, see Vol'skii, Nikolai
Vestnik krest'ianskoi Rossii June-July 1931-Feb. 1932
Vestnik RSKhD. Clippings 1927-1984
Viazemskii, Prince Petr
Letters to unidentified correspondent, (?). Holograph (photocopies). Originals in Restricted Series 1866-1876
"Sovremennyia zametki", Holograph (photocopy). Original in Restricted Series 1854.
Bound notebook including miscellaneous printed matter by and about Prince Peter Viazemskii
"Pervyi sneg" 1817
Sviataia rus', Sankpeterburg 1848
Pesn' na den' rozhdeniia V. A. Zhukovskago, 29-go Ianvaria 1849
Obed dannyi v Moskve, Oktiabria 21-go dnia, v chest' kniazia P. A. Viazemskago 1850
Piat' stikhotvorenii kniazia P. A. Viazemskago 1958
Shest' stikhotvorenii, kn. Viazemskago 1855
Stikhotvorenie kn. Viazemskago 1856
Za granitseiu, korrekturnye listy 1859
Grafu Dmitriiu Nikolaevichu Bludovu, 8-go Ianvaria 1851 goda, holograph (?)
Osviashchenie novosooruzhennoi nadgrobnoi Eia Imperatorskago Vysochestva Gosudaryni Velikoi Kniagini Elizavety Mikhailovny, 1855
Pis'mo V. A. Zhukovskago k kniaziu P. A. Viazemskomu n.d.
Gleb Struve, miscellaneous handwritten notes n.d.
Vinogradov, Igor'. Clippings 1976-1984
Vishniak, Mark
Correspondence between Mark Vishniak and Gleb Struve
Lenin's Democracy and Stalin's, printed copy 1946
"Pravo ubezhishcha", galley proof and offprint 1955
Untitled typescript n.d.
Struve, Gleb, miscellaneous notes and typescript excerpts from Mark Vishniak's archive 1927-1931
Clippings 1947-1976
Voinovich, Vladimir. Clippings 1982-1985
Voloshin, Maksimilian
Correspondence of Gleb Struve about Voloshin 1965-1979
"Avtobiografiia", photocopy of typescript 1925
Anno Mundis Ardentes, Izdatel'stvo "Zerna", Moscow photocopy 1915, 1916,
Stikhotvoreniia MCM-MCMX. Gody stranstvii. Amori amara sacrum. Zvezda polyn'. Altari. V pustyne. Corona astralis. k-vo Grife, photocopy of printed work
"Vliublennyi d'iavol", draft of scenario, typescript n.d.
"Vospominaniia o Cherubine de Gabriiak", typescript n.d.
Miscellaneous poetry, typescript and clippings 1922-1951
Critical material
Avinova, M., "Vstrecha s Maksimilianom Voloshinym", typescript draft n.d.
Russov, Aleksei, "Poeziia Maksimiliana Voloshina", typescript draft 1947
Clippings. Includes biographical material and memoirs 1932-1985
Vol'skii, Nikolai
Correspondence between Valentinov-Vol'skii and Gleb Struve 1954-1961
Drafts, typescript n.d.
"Blok i 'Russkoe Slovo'"
"Dva goda sredi simvolistov"
"Evropeizm i russkie polia"
Untitled writing, relates to "Vekhi"
Clippings of his newspaper articles 1952-1970
Aronson, Grigorii, "Nikolai Vol'skii" (obituary), Novoye Russkoye Slovo Oct. 2, 1964
Vorontsov, Count Simon
Correspondence related to Gleb Struve's work on Vorontsov 1945-1957
Miscellaneous research material and notes compiled by Gleb Struve. Includes typescript excerpts of correspondence n.d.
General 1927
Struve, Gleb 1969-1973
Miscellaneous clippings including anniversary issues with photographs of staff and contributors 1927-1935
Weidle, Vladimir
Correspondence between Vladimir Weidle and Gleb Struve 1935-1979
Writings, "Peterburgskaia poetika", typescript draft n.d.
Clippings 1927-1976
Yakobson, Roman
Correspondence between Roman Yakobson and Gleb Struve 1948-1968
Obituaries, printed copies 1984
Zabelin, Ivan. Dva iubileiia ucheno-literaturnoi i sluzhebnoi deiatel'nosti Ivana Egorovicha Zabelina 1910
Zabolotskii, Nikolai. Miscellaneous typescript material n.d.
Zaitsev, Boris
Correspondence between Boris Zaitsev and Gleb Struve 1933-1971
Clippings 1926-1972
Zaitsev, Kirill
General 1925-1926
Amfiteatrov, A. 1920-1926
Chelishchev, V.N. 1925
Davats, V. KH. 1925
Elenev, N. A. 1925-1926
Gornyi, S. (Otsup) 1925
Hoeffding, W. (Geffding, V.) 1925-1926
Kuprin, A. n.d.
Lazarevskii, B. A. 1925-1926
Makovskii, S. K. 1925-1926
Mukshtein, L. n.d.
Shul'gin, Vasilii 1925
Struve, Gleb 1924-1956
Struve, Petr B., typescript copies 1925-1928,
Teffi, N. n.d.
Tsurikov, N. A. 1925
Varshavskii, V.S. n.d.
"Le regime du servage agraire en Russie avant la reforme de ", typescript with holograph annotations 1861 1932
Miscellaneous printed matter 1931
Zamiatin, Evgenii
Correspondence of Gleb Struve
General. Includes correspondence re publication of Zamiatin's We 1946-1947
Zamiatina, Liudmila 1946-1955
Clippings 1932-1983
Autobiographical sketch, Rul', typescript copy April 9, 1922,
Obituary of Anatole France in Russkii Sovremennik, Typescript copy 1924
"The Nursery", translated by R. Norman typescript n.d.
Short stories, typescript copies, Includes "Chekhov", "M. Gorkii", "Morbus Russica", "Vospominaniia o Bloke", "Vstechi s B. M. Kustodievym", "Zontik" n.d.
Synopsis of film scenario for the novel We n.d.
Miscellaneous material. Includes photocopies of articles re Zamiatin 1966-1976
Clippings 1937-1973
See also correspondence of Gleb Struve and George Orwell
Zapiski nabliudatelia. Literaturnyi sbornik, printed copy, Restricted Series 1924.
Zavalishin, Viacheslav. Clippings 1958-1983
Zavalishin, Viacheslav. Clippings 1958-1983
Zinoviev, Kirill. Clippings 1980-1984
Znamia, printed copy 1921,
Zoshchenko, Mikhail
Miscellaneous typescript material n.d.
Clippings 1956-1983
Zurov, Leonid
Correspondence between Leonid Zurov and Gleb Struve 1935-1971
Excerpts from reviews of his book, typescript 1928-1949
University of London. Lectures 1933-1934
Typescript drafts
Dostoevsky, Fedor, Notebook I and II, holograph 1937
Leontiev, Konstantin, handwritten and typescript drafts 1933
B.A. examinations for honors, printed copies 1939-1946
Harvard University
"Russian Literature Outside Russia", typescript copies of lectures n.d.
"Recent Developments in Soviet Literature", seminar notes, Russian Research Center, Harvard University, typescript copy 1968
University of California, Berkeley
"The Nature of Culture", Anthropology 118A, typescript and handwritten notes n.d.
"19th Century Russian Literature", Slavic 130, typescript notes n.d.
"Recent Russian Literature", Slavic 131, typescript notes n.d.
"Russian Literature Since ", Slavic 132, typescript notes 1917 n.d.
"Russian Literature and Folklore", Slavic 134, typescript notes n.d.
"Modern Russia", Slavic 138, typescript notes n.d.
"Polish Romantic Poetry", Slavic 152, typescript and hanwritten notes n.d.
"Dostoevskij in Literary Criticism and Scholarship", Slavic 290Q, typescript bibliographies n.d.
"Gogol' in Russian Literary Criticism", miscellaneous course material, typescript n.d.
"Russian Versification", Slavic 187, miscellaneous typescript material 1961
"Studies in Early Soviet Prose", Slavic 290 reading list, typescript copy n.d. 1950's?)
Student recommendations and examination reports, typescript copies 1949
Miscellaneous typescript bibliographies n.d.
Unsorted typescript and holograph notes n.d.
Unsorted typescript and holograph notes n.d.
Gumilev, Nikolai
Personal documents
Documents relating to Gumilev's mission to London
Official order for mission
Russian Military Agent in Great Britain
Otravlennaia tunika
"Veselye brat'ia"
Kozlovskii, Prince Petr. Writings
Nedobrovo, Nikolai
Remizov, Aleksei
Tolstoy, Aleksei. Correspondence
Tsvetaeva, Marina
Viazemskii, Prince Petr
Prints, drawings, and painting
Album of photographs taken at professional conferences attended by Gleb Struve. 1951-1977
Clippings of articles by Gleb Struve 1950-1959
Honorary Degree from University of Toronto 1971
Epaulettes from military uniform of Nikolai Gumilev
Unsorted index cards undated
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
Unsorted index cards
CLIPPINGS 1930's-1980's.
Material re Russian art, music, literature, and history, including pre-Revolutionary, Soviet and emigre periods. Also includes correspondence of Peter Soskice
Material re Russian art, music, literature, and history, including pre-Revolutionary, Soviet and emigre periods. Also includes correspondence of Peter Soskice
Miscellaneous letters
General 1965-1981
Alekseev, A. 1965-1978
B., A. N. 1979
Baboreko, Aleksandr 1967-1969
Chukovskaia, Lydia Feb. 1981
Kagan-Kans, Eva 1965-1966
Kralin, Mikhail 1973-1974
Leikina-Svirskaia, Vera, Includes miscellaneous writings, 1981-1983 1981-1983.
Lubiannikova, Ekaterina, Includes Marina Tsvetaeva programs 1981-1985.
Meilakh, Mikhail 1976-1977
Pasternak, Eugene 1975-1976
Pinskii, L. 1973
Vitkovskii, E. 1978
Mandel'shtam, Osip
Akhmatova, Anna
Struve, Gleb
Sound recording of Gleb Struve speech "Boris Pasternak and Doctor Zhivago" 1958 December 1
Sound recording of Gleb Struve speech "The Trial Ends -- What Next?" 1966 March 18
Sound recording of Gleb Struve speech about Anna Akhmatova (?) 1967
Sound recording of Gleb Struve lecture "Akhmatova i N. V. Nedobrovo" 1971 April 4
5 prints related to Nikolai Nedobrovo, includes portrait prints of Nedobrovo, his wife and a group photograph; 3 negatives and 2 prints of portraits of Nikolai Gumilev; 1 negative and 4 prints related to Boris Anrep; 4 portrait prints of Vera Znamenskaia. undated
6 prints related to Brois Pasternak, includes informal snapshots and group photograph with Ehrenburg, Blok and Tikhonov; 1 print of portrait of Salomeia Andronikova-Halpern; 5 prints of Marina Tsvetaeva, including print of portrait, 1922; 1 portrait print of Fedor Sologub; 1 portrait print of Aleksei Remizov.
3 portrait prints of Osip Mandel'stam, 1930-1906. 1 print of Mandel'shtam;s identity card; 1 group of portrait of Akhmatova with the Mandel'shtam family, 1930; 1 group portrait of Akhmatova, Chulkov and Mandel'shtam; 1 group portrait of Akhmatova, Chulkov and Mandel'shtam's portrait by Lev Bruni; 2 photocopies of pencil portraits of Mandel'shtam; 1 portrait print of Nadezhda Mandel'shtam inscribed to Bleb Struve; 4 negatives.
1 print of unidentified drawing by Maksimil'ian Voloshin; 2 group portraits including Voloshin; 2 prints of Voloshin's study; 1 print of a watercolor signed Moreiko, 1973; 3 prints of portraits of Prince Petr Kozlovskii; 2 portrait prints of R.M. Rilke.
1 group portrait including Bezimenskii, Kamenskii, Efimov and kukreniks; 1 print of Nekso chatting with Tretiakov; 1 print of Serafimovich; 1 print of A.S. Novikov-Priboi; 1 print of Mayakovskii; 1 print of L. Leonov; 4 prints and 2 negatives of IU. Oksman; 2 prints of E. Evtushenko; 3 prints of A. Solzhenitsyn; 2 portrait prints of I. Brodskii, 3 prints of D. Klenovskii; 2 prints of V. Morkovin; 10 prints of paintings by M. Khrisagonov; 1 print of V. Romanovich; 5 prints of IU. Dobkevich; 9 prints related tot he Fr. Ewshliman group; 1 print of A. Ginsburg; 1 print of memorial to Sir Bernard Padres. undated
circa 140 prints related to Gleb Struve's literary correspondents and colleagues, including A. Boem, S. L. Frank, V. Pereleshin, L.L'vov and V.L. Burtsev and the editorial board of "Za svobodu" undated
30 prints related to miscellaneous political figures active before the revolution and in emigration, including members of the Duma, the Imperial Family, V. V. Shul'gin and P. Savitskii. 1890's-1970
circa 65 prints and 6 negatives related to Russia. undated
Pamphlets and booklets written by or including writing by Struve 1929-1998
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