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Series 1. Books and Manuscripts
The beautiful contradictions - 69 [1 of 2]
The beautiful contradictions - 69 [2 of 2]
NT: A nowhere for Vallejo - 1971 [1 of 4]
NT: A nowhere for Vallejo - 1971 [2 of 4]
NT: A nowhere for Vallejo - 1971 [3 of 4]
NT: A nowhere for Vallejo - 1971 [4 of 4]
NT/JR: Alashka -79 [1 of 7]
NT/JR: Alashka -79 [2 of 7]
NT/JR: Alashka -79 [3 of 7]
NT/JR: Alashka-79 [4 of 7]
NT/JR: Alashka -79 [5 of 7]
NT/JR: Alashka -79 [6 of 7]
NT/JR: Alashka -79 [7 of 7]
NT: Seeing America first - 1986, file 2 [1 of 3]
NT: Seeing America first - 1986, file 2 [2 of 3]
NT: Seeing America first - 1986, file 2 [3 of 3]
NT: Multitude of one - 80s, file 1 [1 of 3]
NT: Multitude of one - 80s, file [2 of 3]
NT: Multitude of one - 80s, file 1 [3 of 3]
NT: Drafts, 1980s-1990s
NT: Drafts, 1990s
NT: Views from the weaving mountain (American Poetry Books with UNM Press), file 2
NT: Views from the weaving mountain (American Poetry Books with UNM Press), file 3 [1 of 2]
NT: Views from the weaving mountain (American Poetry Books with UNM Press), file 3 [2 of 2]
NT: Autobiographies [1of 2]
NT: Autobiographies [2of 2]
NT: "Ethnographies"
NT: Poetics
NT: "Pobiz" Montemora Issue
NT: Reviews By
NT: Reviews Of
NT: Interviews With [1 of 2]
NT: Interviews With [2 of 2]
NT: Articles about
NT: Translations of NT into French
NT/PN: Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda - 1970 [1 of 3]
NT/PN: Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda - 1970 [2 of 3]
NT/PN: Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda - 1970 [3 of 3]
NT: On Neruda
NT: miscellaneous translations
NT: Art Work
Reprints of Tarn/Mendelson journal articles
Photocopies of miscellaneous articles, announcements, correspondence regarding Tarn
Photocopies of journal articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, listings of radio and television appearances, etc., 1956-2000 [1 of 2]
Photocopies of journal articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, listings of radio and television appearances, etc., 1956-2000 [2 of 2]
NT: Work with Sh.[Shamoon] Zamir] (3)
Series 2. Literary Correspondence
Subseries A. American Authors Single Correspondence Files
Brandi, John
Eshleman, Clayton [1 of 2]
Eshleman, Clayton [2 of 2]
Irby, Kenneth [1 of 3]
Irby, Kenneth [2 of 3]
Irby, Kenneth [3 of 3]
Kelly, Robert
Mac Low, Jackson
Olson, Toby [1 of 2]
Olson, Toby [2 of 2]
Rothenberg, Jerome [1 of 3]
Rothenberg, Jerome [2 of 3]
Rothenberg, Jerome [3 of 3]
Schwerner, Armand [1 of 2]
Schwerner, Armand [2 of 2]
Snyder, Gary
Weinberger, Eliot [1 of 3]
Weinberger, Eliot [2 of 3]
Weinberger, Eliot [3 of 3]
Subseries B. American Authors Group Miscellaneous Correspondence Files
Miscellaneous [1 of 8]
Miscellaneous [2 of 8]
Miscellaneous [3 of 8]
Miscellaneous [4 of 8]
Miscellaneous [5 of 8]
Miscellaneous [6 of 8]
Miscellaneous [7 of 8]
Miscellaneous poets regarding readings, 1960s-1990s
Subseries C. British Authors Single Correspondence Files
MacDiarmid, Hugh
Wesker, Arnold [1 of 3]
Wesker, Arnold [2 of 3]
Wesker, Arnold [3 of 3]
Wevill, David, and Wevill, Assia.
Subseries D. Subseries D. British Authors Group Miscellaneous Correspondence Files
Miscellaneous British [1 of 3]
Miscellaneous British [2 of 3]
Miscellaneous British [3 of 3]
Subseries E. French Authors Single Correspondence Files
Breton, Andre
Subseries F. French Group Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous French [1 of 2]
Subseries G. European Authors Single Correspondence Files
Ten Berge, Hans (Netherlands) [1 of 3]
Ten Berge, Hans (Netherlands) [2 of 3]
Ten Berge, Hans (Netherlands) [3 of 3]
Subseries H. European Authors Group Miscellaneous Correspondence Files
Miscellaneous European
Subseries I. Latin American Authors Single Correspondence Files
Neruda, Pablo (Chile)
Paz, Octavio (Mexico)
Subseries J. Latin American Authors Group Miscellaneous Correspondence Files
Miscellaneous Latin American
Subseries K. Australian Authors Single Correspondence Files
Subseries L. Literary Critics: Individual and Group Correspondence Files
Bartlett, Lee (American Literature, UNM) [1 of 3]
Bartlett, Lee (American Literature, UNM) [2 of 3]
Bartlett, Lee (American Literature, UNM) [3 of 3]
Steiner, George (Modern Literature, Cultural Studies, Philosophy, U Geneva) [1 of 2]
Steiner, George (Modern Literature, Cultural Studies, Philosophy, U Geneva) [2 of 2]
Ziquing, Zhang (American Poetry, U of Nanjing)
Miscellaneous Critic Files
Subseries M. Individual and Group Correspondence Files
Digby, John (Collagist, previously self-proclaimed Pope of English Surrealism; one of NT's oldest friends) [1 of 4]
Digby, John (Collagist, previously self-proclaimed Pope of English Surrealism; one of NT's oldest friends) [2 of 4]
Digby, John (Collagist, previously self-proclaimed Pope of English Surrealism; one of NT's oldest friends) [3 of 4]
Digby, John (Collagist, previously self-proclaimed Pope of English Surrealism; one of NT's oldest friends) [4 of 4]
Jacno, Marcel (Typographer, Designer for Shell, Gauloises, Teatre National Populaire etc. etc. designer of NT's very first book "La Legende de St. Germain des Pres")
Miscellaneous Artist Files (1970s - Present)
Subseries N. Scholars Individual Correspondence Files
Miscellaneous Scholar Files (1960s - Present)
Subseries O. Orientalists Individual and Group Correspondence Files
Miscellaneous Orientalist Group Files (Mostly 1950s and 1960s)
Subseries P. Publishing Files: Working at Jonathan Cape, Richard Grossman, Cape, Cape Editions, and Cape Goliard Materials
Berrigan, Ted: Original proofs of Sonnets.
Blackburn, Paul: inscribed proofs of The Cities.
Blackburn, Paul: Galley proofs of In or About the Premises
Ginsberg, Allen: Galley proofs of T.V.Baby.
Hollo, Anselm: Galley Proofs of Treetop Hat.
Olson, Charles: First set of proofs before correction of Maximus Poems IV, V, VI
Reid, Alastair: Galley Proofs of AR's translations of Neruda.
Subseries Q-1. Other Publishers' Files and Literary Materials: Correspondence
American Poetry Books, eventually University of New Mexico Press
Coffee House Press [1 of 3]
Coffee House Press [2 of 3]
Coffee House Press [3 of 3]
Grenfell Press
Marsilio Publishers, File I
New Directions Publishers [1 of 2]
New Directions Publishers [2 of 2]
Correspondence with publishers & small presses [1 of 2]
Correspondence with publishers & small presses [2 of 2]
Subseries Q-2. Other Publishers' Files and Literary Materials: Radio Scripts
Subseries Q-3. Other Publishers' Files and Literary Materials: Other Scripts
Literary Ephemera & Greeting Cards, 1960s-90s [1 of 2]
Literary Ephemera & Greeting Cards, 1960s-90s [2 of 2]
Literary epehemera USA, 1960s and 1970s
US Literary ephemera, 1970s
History of the U.K. Meetings of "The Group" (successor to "The Movement,") 1962-1966 [1 of 2]
History of the U.K. Meetings of "The Group" (successor to "The Movement,") 1962-1966 [2 of 2]
Poetry and essays by others [1 of 2]
Journal articles by others
Subseries T. French Anthropologists Individual Correspondence Files
Group files
Subseries Q-4. Other Publishers' Files and Literary Materials: Newspaper and Periodicals Files
Conjunctions (New York) [1 of 7]
Conjunctions (New York) [2 of 7]
Conjunctions (New York) [3 of 7]
Conjunctions (New York) [4 of 7]
Conjunctions (New York) [5 of 7]
Conjunctions (New York) [6 of 7]
Conjunctions (New York) [7 of 7]
Courrier du Centre International de Poesie (Brussels)
Critique (Paris)
The Times (London)
Correspondence With Other Magazines [1 of 6]
Correspondence With Other Magazines [2 of 6]
Correspondence With Other Magazines [3 of 6]
Correspondence With Other Magazines [4 of 6]
Correspondence With Other Magazines [5 of 6]
Correspondence With Other Magazines [6 of 6]
Subseries Q-5. Other Publishers' Files and Literary Materials: Miscellaneous Files
NT: General correspondence, 1957-1962
NT: General correspondence, 1963 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1963 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1964
NT: General correspondence, 1965
NT: General correspondence, 1966
NT: General correspondence, 1967 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1967 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1968 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1968 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1969
NT: General correspondence, 1970
NT: General correspondence, 1971
NT: General correspondence, 1972 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1972 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1973 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1973 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1974
NT: General correspondence, 1975
NT: General correspondence, 1976 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1976 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1977 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1977 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1978
NT: General correspondence, 1979
NT: General correspondence, 1980
NT: General correspondence, 1981
NT: General correspondence, 1982
NT: General correspondence, 1983 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1983 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1984 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1984 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1985
NT: General correspondence, 1986
NT: General correspondence, 1987
NT: General correspondence, 1988
NT: General correspondence, 1989
NT: General correspondence, 1990 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1990 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1991 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1991 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1992 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1992 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1993 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1993 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1994 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1994 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1995 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1995 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1996 [1 of 3]
NT: General correspondence, 1996 [2 of 3]
NT: General correspondence, 1996 [3 of 3]
NT: General correspondence, 1997-1999 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1997-1999 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1998 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1998 [2 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1998-1999 [1 of 3]
NT: General correspondence, 1998-1999 [2 of 3]
NT: General correspondence, 1998-1999 [3 of 3]
NT: General correspondence, 1999 [1 of 5]
NT: General correspondence, 1999 [2 of 5]
NT: General correspondence, 1999 [3 of 5]
NT: General correspondence, 1999 [4 of 5]
NT: General correspondence, 1999 [5 of 5]
NT: General correspondence, 1999-2000 [1 of 2]
NT: General correspondence, 1999-2000 [2 of 2]
International Conference on Translation Theory, Bard College, 1992
A tribute to Octavio Paz, NY, 1999
[Miscellaneous poetry, essays and journal articles by others]
[Untitled folder contains photocopied ts and magazine interviews with several poets, possibly all by Lee Bartlett]
[Untitled folder contains correspondence, photocopied articles, essays about and by Paul De Man][1 of 2]
[Untitled folder contains correspondence, photocopied articles, essays about and by Paul De Man][2 of 2]
[Miscellaneous photocopied newspaper articles, greeting cards, correspondence, etc., 1997][1 of 2]
[Miscellaneous photocopied newspaper articles, greeting cards, correspondence, etc., 1997][2 of 2]
Revista, Chicano-requena: vol. XI, no. 2, Summer 1983; vol. XII, no.1, Spring 1984; vol. XII, Summer, 1984
Le Courrier du centre international d'etudes poetiques: no. 225, Janvier-Mars 2000; no. 226 Avril-Juin, 2000
Photographs taken to Stanford, 5/21/2001
[Art from sketch book for front cover of At the western gates, other material]
[Photographs and correspondence from Adelia Parker-Castro, 1980s]
Subseries Q-6. Other Publishers' Files and Literary Materials: Posters and Oversized Artwork
The Language Animal: George Steiner lecture announcement [color poster, 3/26/69, 44cm x 34cm]
No It: John Latham/Trigram Press publishing announcement [color poster, 1967, 75cm x 51cm]
International Times, the Invisible Generation #5.5 publishing announcement [Color poster, 1966, 75cm x 58cm]
International Times publishing announcement [2 copies, color poster, n.d., 75cm x 58cm]
Miracle Mouth [2 copies, color poster, n.d., 75cm x 58cm]
Afterthought [ color poster, Bob Masse, 1/6/67, 50cm x 36cm]
The Doors (and others)[color concert poster, Bob Masse, 7/20?/67, 51cm x 35cm]
The Yardbirds (and others) [color concert poster, Bob Masse, 7/31/67, 56cm x 37cm]
The Jefferson Airplane/ Trips Festival [color concert poster, Bob Masse, May 27/?, 51cm x 35cm]
The Grateful Dead (and others) [color concert poster, Bob Masse, circa 7/13/67, 54cm x 35cm]
Deacons [color poster, Bob Masse, 1967, 57cm x 34cm]
Nu-Dimensions [color poster, Bob Masse, 1967, 56cm x 35cm]
Canterbury Tales [color poster, Bob Masse, 1967, 58cm x 37cm]
Bob Northcutt [color poster, Bob Masse, n.d., 59cm x 39cm]
Congreso Cultural de la Habana [poster, 1/11/68, 100cm x 32cm]
Untitled portrait [Mendelson, 1956, 58cm x 45cm]
Untitled art, graphite on paper, 1956; ballet costume designs on back, 1948 [Nathaniel Tarn, 1954, 77cm x 56cm]
Che Guevera [Black and white photograph reproduction, poster, n.d., 85cm x 66cm]
Hasta la victoria siempre [Color poster, n.d., 75cm x 46cm]
Salon de Mayo, 29 de Julio, 9th aniversario [Color poster, n.d., 75cm x 46cm]
Cien anos de lucha 1868-1968 [Color poster, 1968, 60cm x 33cm]
Vietnam vencera, Vietnam will win, Vietnam vaincra...: Tricontinental Committee of Support to Vietnam December 20 [Color poster, no year, 55cm x 33cm]
Cleaver for President: Black Panther Party, Peace and Freedom Party [Black and white poster, Jamerson Printing, circa 1968, 56cm x 44cm]
I shall vote labor: Christopher Logue, Turret Books/Goliard Press publishing announcement [Color poster, no. 100/1000, March, 1966, 56cm x 44cm]
Live five [Color poster, Bob Masse, 1967, 56cm x 33cm]
Love [Color poster, Bob Masse, 1967, 59cm x 43cm]
Fisherwoman [Color poster, Bob Masse, 1967, 60cm x 37cm]
Musrum: Eric Thacker and Anthony Earnshaw, Jonathan Cape publishing announcement [Black and white poster, October 24, ?, 77cm x 49cm]
Beeton's Book of Household Management, Jonathan Cape publishing announcement [color poster, n.d., 73cm x 36cm]
Transatlantic Review, Issue 16 [Magazine publishing announcenment, black and poster, n.d., 45cm x 57cm]
My White Bicycle, by Tomorrow [Color poster, n.d., 75cm x 50cm]
UFO Coming [Color concert poster, Osiris Age[n?] 1967, 75cm x 50cm]
Alfred Stockham: Paintings, Drawings, Prints [NYC Art Gallery show announcement color poster 6/29/68, 75cm x 50cm]
Series 3. Anthropology and General Scholarship
Subseries R. U.S. Anthropologists Individual and Group Correspondence Files
Miscellaneous Group Files 1960s-1970s
Miscellaneous Group Files 1980s-1990s
Subseries S. British Anthropologists Individual Correspondence Files
SOAS [School of Oriental and African Studies] files (1959-1965): [1 of 2]
SOAS [School of Oriental and African Studies] files (1959-1965): [2 of 2]
Subseries V. Burma Files
Preparation and alternatives (ca 1957)
U.K. files (1958 - early 60s)
U.S. Files (1958- late 60s)
Asia Foundation correspondence (1950s-1960s)
SOAS Afrasian Files
Subseries Y.Miscellaneous Lecture Notes and Materials
Subseries W-1. General Correspondence Files: Anthropology Years
Correspondence, 1962
Correspondence, 1963
Correspondence, 1964
Correspondence, 1965 [1 of 2]
Correspondence, 1965 [2 of 2]
Correspondence, 1966
Correspondence, 1967
Correspondence, 1968
Correspondence, 1969