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Series 1. Books and Manuscripts

Scope and Contents note

Included are drafts of Tarn's full-length books, The Beautiful Contradictions, A Nowhere for Vallejo, Lyrics for the Bride of God, Atitlan/Alashka (with Janet Rodney), Seeing America First, and other titles. Drafts of his translations of Pablo Neruda's Heights of Macchu Picchu and shorter works for anthologies, Rabinal Achi from the Quiche Maya for Jerome Rothenberg's anthology Shaking the Pumpkin, and other works by Spanish and French poets. Transcripts, drafts, and copies of interviews of Tarn singularly, or in a group, as well as those conducted by Tarn can be found in this series, along with reviews of, and by, Tarn.
box 1, folder 1

Juvenalia 1953-1963

Scope and Contents note

Over 80 poems, mostly ts with some carbon and mimeographed copies, some with corrections; listed as rejects or possibles for Old savage/young city (1964)
box 1, folder 2

Old savage/ young city - 64

Scope and Contents note

Original ts of some 50 plus pages with two pp of ms, corrected, proofs corrected by NT;corrected galleys with additions by NT; advanced issue review copy in wrappers. (Jonathan Cape, Random House)
box 1, folder 3

Drafts: Old savage/ young city

Scope and Contents note

Original ts of several drafts, some corrected.
box 1, folder 4

Thirteen to bled 1965

Scope and Contents note

Original ts of some 20+ pages, corrected; NT's copy of booklet (a few copies homemade for distribution at Bled PEN Conference) with his notes.
box 1, folder 5

Penguin modern poets no. 7

Scope and Contents note

11 page photocopy with notes; second copy; NT is on pp. 77-111, sharing the book with J.Silkin and R.Murphy [Paperback sent to RBC]
box 1, folder 6

Where Babylon ends: 1968

Scope and Contents note

Original TSP of some 29 pages, corrected; another original typescript; 30 pp. of unpublished poems; wrappers'proof; illustrations; letters from Cape. (NT's first book with Cape Goliard & Richard Grossman)
box 1, folder 7

The beautiful contradictions - 69 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript of research materials for the book of some 18 pages; 58 pp. carbon typescript of early draft with extensive corrections; 34 pp. transcript of another version; 30 pages of notes for the work; 13 pp. of corrected galleys; 40 pp. photocopy of a third version, corrected; 20 pp. of notes ms or ts and unused material; 13 pages of galleys; yet another fourth version, 33 pp. and a fifth, 16 pp.; other materials (Cape Goliard/Random House)
box 2, folder 1

The beautiful contradictions - 69 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript of research materials for the book of some 18 pages; 58 pp. C typescript of early draft with extensive corrections; 34 pp. transcript of another version; 30 pages of notes for the work; 13 pp. of corrected galleys; 40 pp. X of a third version, corrected; 20 pp. of notes H or TSP and unused material; 13 pages of galleys; yet another fourth version, 33 pp. and a fifth, 16 pp.; other materials (Cape Goliard/Random House)
box 2, folder 2

NT: October - 1969

Scope and Contents note

Original 14 page carbon copy of ts; 2 sets of corrected galley proofs (Trigram Press in 3 variants)
box 2, folder 3

NT: A nowhere for Vallejo - 1971 [1 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

Small book containing 42 pages of manuscript; original ts of 40 pp., corrected; 69 pages of originalpaste-ups; 100 pp. of ts with copies and corrections; four sets of galleys, all corrected by NT; one version completely rejected (RandomHouse/Jonathan Cape)
box 2, folder 4

NT: A nowhere for Vallejo - 1971 [2 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

Small book containing 42 pages of manuscript; original ts of 40 pp., corrected; 69 pages of originalpaste-ups; 100 pp. of ts with copies and corrections; four sets of galleys, all corrected by NT; one version completely rejected (RandomHouse/Jonathan Cape)
box 2, folder 5

NT: A nowhere for Vallejo - 1971 [3 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

Small book containing 42 pages of manuscript; original ts of 40 pp., corrected; 69 pages of originalpaste-ups; 100 pp. of ts with copies and corrections; four sets of galleys, all corrected by NT; one version completely rejected (RandomHouse/Jonathan Cape)
box 3, folder 1

NT: A nowhere for Vallejo - 1971 [4 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

Small book containing 42 pages of manuscript; original ts of 40 pp., corrected; 69 pages of originalpaste-ups; 100 pp. of ts with copies and corrections; four sets of galleys, all corrected by NT; one version completely rejected (RandomHouse/Jonathan Cape)
box 3, folder 2

NT: The persephones 1974

Scope and Contents note

11 pp. corrected typescript; corrected proofs. (This small book illustrated by NT was published by Christopher Press and destroyed by fire.)
box 3, folder 3

NT: LBG [Lyrics for the bride of God]: The artemesion - 73

Scope and Contents note

original corrected ts of 20 pages; 40 pp. of early drafts and ms research notes; other material. (A part of Lyrics for the Bride of God published by Christopher Press)
box 3, folder 4

NT: Lyrics for the bride of God-1975

Scope and Contents note

First draft given to New Directions: 35 page copy of transcript
box 3, folder 5

NT: Lyrics for the bride of God

Scope and Contents note

final ts of approximately 125 pp. (New Directions/Jonathan Cape)
box 3, folder 6

Lyrics for the bride of God [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

Some 375 pp. with additional materials of several drafts of several sections
box 3, folder 7

Lyrics for the bride of God [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

Some 375 pp. with additional materials of several drafts of several sections
box 4, folder 1

Lyrics for the bride of God [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

Some 375 pp. with additional materials of several drafts of several sections
box 4, folder 2

The house of leaves - 76 [1 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

Approximately 375 pages ts of original materials, many not used, unpublished.
box 4, folder 3

The house of leaves - 76 [2 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

Approximately 375 pages ts of original materials, many not used, unpublished.
box 4, folder 4

The house of leaves - 76 [3of 4]

Scope and Contents note

120 pp. corrected galley proofs (Black Sparrow Press); 3 original NT drawings made when drawings prepared for de luxe edition
box 4, folder 5

The house of leaves - 76 [4 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

130 pp. photocopy of final version
box 4, folder 6

The microcosm - 77

Scope and Contents note

20 page photocopy (Membrane Press).
box 4, folder 7

Birdscapes with seaside

Scope and Contents note

19 page clean ts [some carbon] plus unbound [proof]sheets (Black Sparrow Press)
box 4, folder 8

NT/JR: Alashka -79 [1 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

A combined Selected Poems of NT (Atitlan) and a joint work with Janet Rodney (Alashka). 140 page photocopied ts; later version; carbon copy version; another version 150 pp. ts corrected; 90 pp. photocopied draft; 200 pp. photocopied proof with holograph corrections (Brillig Works Press, Boulder CO)
box 5, folder 1

NT/JR: Alashka -79 [2 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

A combined Selected Poems of NT (Atitlan) and a joint work with Janet Rodney (Alashka). 140 page photocopied ts; later version; carbon copy version; another version 150 pp. ts corrected; 90 pp. photocopied draft; 200 pp. photocopied proof with holograph corrections (Brillig Works Press, Boulder CO)
box 5, folder 2

NT/JR: Alashka -79 [3 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

A combined Selected Poems of NT (Atitlan) and a joint work with Janet Rodney (Alashka). 140 page photocopied ts; later version; carbon copy version; another version 150 pp. ts corrected; 90 pp. photocopied draft; 200 pp. photocopied proof with holograph corrections (Brillig Works Press, Boulder CO)
box 5, folder 3

NT/JR: Alashka-79 [4 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

A combined Selected Poems of NT (Atitlan) and a joint work with Janet Rodney (Alashka). 140 page photocopied ts; later version; carbon copy version; another version 150 pp. ts corrected; 90 pp. photocopied draft; 200 pp. photocopied proof with holograph corrections (Brillig Works Press, Boulder CO)
box 5, folder 4

NT/JR: Alashka -79 [5 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

A combined Selected Poems of NT (Atitlan) and a joint work with Janet Rodney (Alashka). 140 page photocopied ts; later version; carbon copy version; another version 150 pp. ts corrected; 90 pp. photocopied draft; 200 pp. photocopied proof with holograph corrections (Brillig Works Press, Boulder CO)
box 5, folder 5

NT/JR: Alashka -79 [6 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

A combined Selected Poems of NT (Atitlan) and a joint work with Janet Rodney (Alashka). 140 page photocopied ts; later version; carbon copy version; another version 150 pp. ts corrected; 90 pp. photocopied draft; 200 pp. photocopied proof with holograph corrections (Brillig Works Press, Boulder CO)
box 5, folder 6

NT/JR: Alashka -79 [7 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

A combined Selected Poems of NT (Atitlan) and a joint work with Janet Rodney (Alashka). 140 page photocopied ts; later version; carbon copy version; another version 150 pp. ts corrected; 90 pp. photocopied draft; 200 pp. photocopied proof with holograph corrections (Brillig Works Press, Boulder CO)
box 5, folder 7

NT: AWG: The landsongs

Scope and Contents note

Photocopie ts; copy of the booklet (Shearsman Press, UK) [part of At the western gates]
box 5, folder 8

NT: Weekends in Mexico - 1982

Scope and Contents note

9 page ts; 13 draft pages with 2 pp. of notes; proofs (Oxus Press UK)
box 5, folder 9

June snow - 1983

Scope and Contents note

[original ms contained in booklet; corrected ts; clean ts]
box 6, folder 1

June snow - 1983

Scope and Contents note

[Two booklets of newspaper clippings on Chinese culture]
box 6, folder 2

NT: At the western gates - 85 [1 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

Original ms of some 30+ pages; original corrected ts of North Rim; original 80 pp. tsp drafts.
box 6, folder 3

NT: At the western gates - 85, file 2 [2 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

Ts of setting copy annotated; photocopy of setting copy.
box 6, folder 4

NT: At the western gates - 85, file 3 [3 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

2 sets of galleys (1 corrected).
box 6, folder 5

NT: At the western gates - 85 [4 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

[Setting copy, few corrections]
box 6, folder 6

NT: The desert mothers - 1984

Scope and Contents note

25 page ts with corrections (Salt Works Press, Granada, MS); [several ts drafts of several poems are included]
box 7, folder 1

NT: Palenque: new and selected poems - 1986

Scope and Contents note

48 page galley proof (Oasis Press, London)
box 7, folder 2

NT: Seeing America first - 1986, file 1 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

7 page ms drafts of the "Rectangles"; some 200 pp. of ts drafts of various versions with handwritten corrections.
box 7, folder 3

NT: Seeing America first - 1986, file 2 [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

2 sheets of ms notes on publication history of single poems; all following this point with notes and handwritten corrections, often heavily: some 85 pp. of TSP mostly of the "Narratives;" 9 pp. Conjunctions proof of "Four Poems;" & more 10 pp. Conjunctions proofs; 6 pp. Scripsi proofs; 4 pp. of Credences proof of Rectangles; 10 pp. ts of "Prefinal versions;" 24 pp. proofs on legal paper; 18 pp. ts of another version; 8 pp. original draft pages of "Persephone West" (10.9.86 - 10.14.86 in California); 17 pp. original ts draft & 2 ms pages (11.12.86 at Michael Davidson's house, Del Mar)
box 7, folder 4

NT: Seeing America first - 1986, file 2 [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

2 sheets of ms notes on publication history of single poems; all following this point with notes and handwritten corrections, often heavily: some 85 pp. of TSP mostly of the "Narratives;" 9 pp. Conjunctions proof of "Four Poems;" & more 10 pp. Conjunctions proofs; 6 pp. Scripsi proofs; 4 pp. of Credences proof of Rectangles; 10 pp. ts of "Prefinal versions;" 24 pp. proofs on legal paper; 18 pp. ts of another version; 8 pp. original draft pages of "Persephone West" (10.9.86 - 10.14.86 in California); 17 pp. original ts draft & 2 ms pages (11.12.86 at Michael Davidson's house, Del Mar)
box 7, folder 5

NT: Seeing America first - 1986, file 2 [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

2 sheets of ms notes on publication history of single poems; all following this point with notes and handwritten corrections, often heavily: some 85 pp. of TSP mostly of the "Narratives;" 9 pp. Conjunctions proof of "Four Poems;" & more 10 pp. Conjunctions proofs; 6 pp. Scripsi proofs; 4 pp. of Credences proof of Rectangles; 10 pp. ts of "Prefinal versions;" 24 pp. proofs on legal paper; 18 pp. ts of another version; 8 pp. original draft pages of "Persephone West" (10.9.86 - 10.14.86 in California); 17 pp. original ts draft & 2 ms pages (11.12.86 at Michael Davidson's house, Del Mar)
box 7, folder 6

NT: Palenque: Seeing America first - 1986, file 3

Scope and Contents note

Some 75 pp. of early version of "Rectangles;" Coffee House Catalogue announcing book; neat photocopy of"Persephone West", more Conjunctions & Scripsi proofs; tls from Laura Chester for an anthology, with proofs and notes.
box 7, folder 7

NT: Seeing America first -1986, file 4 [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

5 pp. "Narratives" proof for Conjunctions with Morrow/Tarn notes; some 200 pp. of further ts of various versions (Coffee House Press, Minneapolis).
box 7, folder 8

NT: Seeing America first -1986, file 4 [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

5 pp. "Narratives" proof for Conjunctions with Morrow/Tarn notes; some 200 pp. of further ts of various versions (Coffee House Press, Minneapolis).
box 7, folder 9

NT: Seeing America first -1986, file 4 [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

5 pp. "Narratives" proof for Conjunctions with Morrow/Tarn notes; some 200 pp. of further ts of various versions (Coffee House Press, Minneapolis).
box 8, folder 1

NT: Seeing America first: proofs

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied proof; correspondence; 2 slides]
box 8, folder 2

NT: Seeing America first: corrected final ts

Scope and Contents note

Corrected final ts, photocopy sent to Coffeehouse
box 8, folder 3

NT: Multitude of one - 80s, file 1 [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

3 page ms and 2 pp. photocopied drafts & notes; some 60 pp. ms notebook pages first drafts (10.1 - 19.86); 15 pp. of computer printout drafts; 30 further pp. of same; 16 pp. of same with excluded pieces; 25 pp. of early drafts with ms pages; 40 pp. of drafts with ms heavily corrected and another copy; 47 pp. computer printout of clean version.
box 8, folder 4

NT: Multitude of one - 80s, file [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

3 page ms and 2 pp. photocopied drafts & notes; some 60 pp. ms notebook pages first drafts (10.1 - 19.86); 15 pp. of computer printout drafts; 30 further pp. of same; 16 pp. of same with excluded pieces; 25 pp. of early drafts with ms pages; 40 pp. of drafts with ms heavily corrected and another copy; 47 pp. computer printout of clean version.
box 8, folder 5

NT: Multitude of one - 80s, file 1 [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

3 page ms and 2 pp. photocopied drafts & notes; some 60 pp. ms notebook pages first drafts (10.1 - 19.86); 15 pp. of computer printout drafts; 30 further pp. of same; 16 pp. of same with excluded pieces; 25 pp. of early drafts with ms pages; 40 pp. of drafts with ms heavily corrected and another copy; 47 pp. computer printout of clean version.
box 8, folder 6

NT: Multitude of one - 80s, file 2 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Full set of very fine Letterpress galleys from Grenfell Press with handwritten corrections (The GrenfellPress, New York).
box 8, folder 7

NT: Multitude of one - 80s, file 2 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Computer printout]
box 8, folder 8

NT: Flying the body - 93

Scope and Contents note

21 page clean computer printout of drafts; (Arundel Press, Los Angeles).
box 9, folder 1

NT: Drafts, 1980s-1990s

Scope and Contents note

Mostly with handwritten corrections: 12 pp. computer printout of "The Mothers of Matagalpa" with Karl Young proof and 1990 program; 8 pp. computer printout of "Home;" 3 pp. Notus proof of "Ethnographies I;" 2 pp. ts of "P2EX87;" 10 pp. ms first drafts of "Indian Miniatures;" 14 pp. of rejected poems in ms & computer printout; some 80 pp. of miscellaneous poems in ts or ms.
box 9, folder 2

NT: Drafts, 1990s

Scope and Contents note

All mostly with handwritten notes & handwritten corrections: 12 pp. computer printout of "A Calm on Flanders;" ms draft of "Saturn to the Venus City for Brad Morrow" & 24 pp. of drafts; 25 pp. of ts of "Red Banner's Whereabouts for Robert Kelly, with Conjunctions proofs; 12 pp. ts of "T(w)alks; 20 pp. ts of "Segalen travels with Gauguin for Lindsay Hill;" 10 pp. ts of "Breughel at Wien for Jerome Rothenberg;" 48 pp. ts for "The Army has Announced...;" with Trout Creek Press mock up of booklet; 12 pp. of "Bartok in Udaipur;" 15 pp. of NT translations from the Hungarian of Agnes Gergely; 24 pp. of miscellaneous materials.
box 9, folder 3

NT: Views from the weaving mountain (American Poetry Books with UNM Press), file 1 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Some 300-400 pp. of computer printout, many with handwritten corrections, indices, tables of contents, some papers entirely in ms.
box 9, folder 4

NT: Views from the weaving mountain (American Poetry Books with UNM Press), file 1 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Some 300-400 pp. of computer printout, many with handwritten corrections, indices, tables of contents, some papers entirely in ms.
box 9, folder 5

NT: Views from the weaving mountain (American Poetry Books with UNM Press), file 2

Scope and Contents note

Ms, photocopies, ts, and computer printouts, including a complete re-write of "Child as Father to Man in the American Uni-verse" which was combined with the separate "Dr.Jekyll, the Anmthropologist...Etc." for the volume Views.
box 10, folder 1

NT: Views from the weaving mountain (American Poetry Books with UNM Press), file 3 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Ms, photocopies, ts, and computer printouts, including a complete re-write of "Child as Father to Man in the American Uni-verse" which was combined with the separate "Dr.Jekyll, the Anmthropologist...Etc." for the volume Views.
box 10, folder 2

NT: Views from the weaving mountain (American Poetry Books with UNM Press), file 3 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Ms, photocopies, ts, and computer printouts, including a complete re-write of "Child as Father to Man in the American Uni-verse" which was combined with the separate "Dr.Jekyll, the Anmthropologist...Etc." for the volume Views.
box 10, folder 3

Tarn, Nathaniel. Views from the weaving mountain: page proofs

Scope and Contents note

Photocopied page proofs, front material, pp. 1-161
box 10, folder 4

Tarn, Nathaniel. Views from the weaving mountain: page proofs

Scope and Contents note

Photocopied page proofs, pp. 162-335 [end]
box 10, folder 5

Tarn, Nathaniel. Views from the weaving mountain: prefinal proof

Scope and Contents note

Photocopied, pp. i-xiii, 1-168
box 10, folder 6

Tarn, Nathaniel. Views from the weaving mountain: prefinal proof

Scope and Contents note

Photocopied, pp. 169-end
box 11, folder 1

Tarn, Nathaniel. Views from the weaving mountain: final proof before Blues

Scope and Contents note

Photocopied, pp. i-xiii, 1-168
box 11, folder 2

Tarn, Nathaniel. Views from the weaving mountain: Final, final proof before Blues

Scope and Contents note

Photocopied, pp. i-xiii, 1-168
box 11, folder 3

Tarn, Nathaniel. Views from the weaving mountain: more proofs

Scope and Contents note

Incomplete set of proofs, photocopied, correspondence, front cover proofs
box 11, folder 4

Tarn, Nathaniel. Views from the weaving mountain: index

Scope and Contents note

Photocopied ts of several versions of the index
box 11, folder 5

Tarn, Nathaniel. Views from the weaving mountain: front material

Scope and Contents note

Several ts versions of preface, preliminary table of contents
box 11, folder 6

Tarn, Nathaniel. Views from the weaving mountain: other material [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

Photocopied ts and journal articles considered for weaving mountain
box 12, folder 1

Tarn, Nathaniel. Views from the weaving mountain: other material [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

Photocopied ts and journal articles considered for weaving mountain
box 12, folder 2

Tarn, Nathaniel. Views from the weaving mountain: other material [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

Photocopied ts and journal articles considered for weaving mountain
box 12, folder 3

Tarn, Nathaniel. Archaeology, elegy architecture: a poet's program for lyric [original title for weaving mountain]: preliminary material

Scope and Contents note

Photocopied ts and journal articles considered for book [1 of 2]
box 12, folder 4

Tarn, Nathaniel. Archaeology, elegy architecture: a poet's program for lyric [original title for weaving mountain]: preliminary material

Scope and Contents note

Photocopied ts and journal articles considered for book [2 of 2]
box 12, folder 5

Tarn, Nathaniel. Views from the weaving mountain: miscellaneous

Scope and Contents note

Miscellaneous ts and photocopied material
box 12, folder 6

Tarn, Nathaniel. Selected poems, 1950-2000: ts [1 of 3]

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Laser print copy of ts
box 12, folder 7

Tarn, Nathaniel. Selected poems, 1950-2000: ts [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

Laser print copy of ts
box 13, folder 1

Tarn, Nathaniel. Selected poems, 1950-2000: ts [3 of 3]

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Laser print copy of ts
box 13, folder 2

Tarn, Nathaniel. Selected poems, 1950-2000: proof

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Laser print copy of ts, plastic binder
box 13, folder 3

Tarn, Nathaniel. The architextures: proof

Scope and Contents note

Laser print, photocopied, of page proofs, some handwritten corrections
box 13, folder 4

Tarn, Nathaniel. The architextures: miscellaneous

Scope and Contents note

publicity folders from Ninja Press, multiple copies
box 13, folder 5

NT: Drafts for filing (Archive)

Scope and Contents note

Ms, ts material, some with handwritten corrections
box 13, folder 6

NT: Autobiographies [1of 2]

Scope and Contents note

7 pp. "Towards Any Geography..." original ts and 3 pp. ms intention program for it; Conjunctions proof of "Dr. Jekyll..." with BM/NT notes with 17 pp original ts draft with heavy handwritten corrections & neat version; 24 pp. similar for "Child as Father..." (no proofs); 6 pp. original ts of "The Root of Exile" with heavy handwritten corrections; 12 pp. similar for "The Choral Voice" (3 drafts); 30 pp. early version of "Child" - "From the American Background to the Field of Action" with heavy handwritten corrections; some 30 pp. of notes; photocopy of Ron Sillman's "Realism" for Ironwood, Fall 1982.
box 14, folder 1

NT: Autobiographies [2of 2]

Scope and Contents note

7 pp. "Towards Any Geography..." original ts and 3 pp. ms intention program for it; Conjunctions proof of "Dr. Jekyll..." with BM/NT notes with 17 pp original ts draft with heavy handwritten corrections & neat version; 24 pp. similar for "Child as Father..." (no proofs); 6 pp. original ts of "The Root of Exile" with heavy handwritten corrections; 12 pp. similar for "The Choral Voice" (3 drafts); 30 pp. early version of "Child" - "From the American Background to the Field of Action" with heavy handwritten corrections; some 30 pp. of notes; photocopy of Ron Sillman's "Realism" for Ironwood, Fall 1982.
box 14, folder 2

NT: "Ethnographies"

Scope and Contents note

5 pp. original ts of "Willow (E I) for Edward Dorn" with heavy handwritten corrections & 2 other versions; 30 pp. of ts for other "Ethnographies"; 3 pp. mimeograph copy of NT's "Alaskan Artists of the World Unite" for Survival International 1976, with comments by other members.
box 14, folder 3

NT: Poetics

Scope and Contents note

7 pp. original ts of "Hommage a Andre Breton" for the Nouvelle Revue Francaise (for which NT was forbidden to translate Andre Breton by the successor "Surrealists") with heavy handwritten corrections, clean version & notes (1967); some 50 pp. of original ts for "Archaeology, Elegy, Architecture" with several pp. of ms notes and reprint; 7 pp. ms notes for Smith College paper on Nishitani; 10 pp. original ms version of "Fresh Frozen Fenix: Notes on the Sublime etc...." for NLH [New Literary History] with clean versions and correspondence with editor Ralph Cohen; 4 pp. original ts of "Is there, currently, an American Poetry?" for Bartlett's American Poetry with handwritten corrections.
box 14, folder 4

NT: "Pobiz" Montemora Issue

Scope and Contents note

Original ts of NT's piece with heavy handwritten corrections & clean version; materials on Eliot Weinberger's Pobiz issue of Montemora (EW claims NT invented the word "Pobiz"); & materials, mostly xerox, by EW, John Taggart, Carl Rakosi, G. & M. Oppen, Guy Davenport, Ron Johnson, Clayton Eshleman, M. DeGuy, Ed Sanders, etc. & Montemora materials.
box 14, folder 5

NT: Reviews By

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of NT's 2nd critical article on Alberto De Lacerda, for Critique; copy of London International Times, no. 34, (6.68) containing NT's "The Work Laid Before Us..."; proof of "Pop Culture" and original carbon copy of "Climbing Prague" & "Bomb Culture" for Lettres Nouvelles; original copy of "De l'Olympe a la Guinee" for Critique; original ts of "Science & the Shabby Curate of Poetry;" The Listener pages of "Pansies for Thought: on Levi-Strauss..." (5.11.67) [photocopied]; original copy of "Landscape Papers" for ABR [American Book Review?]; original copy for "Environment & Politics in the U.S." (unpublished); cutting of "Tajos" for NY Times [photocopied]; 12 pp. ts of piece on Primitive Art with handwritten notes, cuttings for NY Times (11.5.71) [photocopied]; 2 pp. piece on Wallace Stevens, 8 pp. ms piece on Tedlock's Popol Vuh with 6 pp. handwritten notes (12.29.85) and proofs, 10 pp. of reviews of John Digby s' Collage Book; Holbein and American Luminists (?unpublished) for Conjunctions.
box 14, folder 6

NT: Reviews Of

Scope and Contents note

33 page photocopy of an unpublished ts by Kenneth White "A Propos of Old Savage" (6.65) and a copy with a handwritten note from KW. 17 pp. carbon copy of the same's "English Poetry 1950-69" signed (?unpublished); 5 pp. copy of the same's "Open Letter to All Hyperboreans", signed (?unpublished); Pat Callahan (U Notre Dame) photocopied ts on NT; fair collection of early and late cuttings of reviews and photocopies of cuttings.
box 15, folder 1

NT: Interviews With [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Jed Rasula & Mike Erwin original ts of unedited interview at New Hope, 9.23.73 with NT's handwritten corrections & handwritten notes, a carbon and 2 page als from JR; 37 pp. photocopy of LeeBartlett interview with LB's corrections (11.85) & a clean copy; 28 pp. photocopyof interview by same for UNM [University of New Mexico] Press book of interviews; 33 pp. photocopy of "verbatim transcript" interview by Molly McQuade (1992) for book on writers at U Chicago with NT's handwritten notes; 14 pp. edited version and 22 pp. revised version with NT's handwritten notes and 10 pp of als from MQ; 57 pp. computer printout of a 1995 interview with William Campbell (Naropa student) with NT's corrections & 48 pp. computer printout of final version with 2als from WC; photocopy of interview with L. Murphy (Rutgers Graduate) for a publication of his own (late 80s).
box 15, folder 2

NT: Interviews With [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Jed Rasula & Mike Erwin original ts of unedited interview at New Hope, 9.23.73 with NT's handwritten corrections & handwritten notes, a carbon and 2 page als from JR; 37 pp. photocopy of LeeBartlett interview with LB's corrections (11.85) & a clean copy; 28 pp. photocopyof interview by same for UNM [University of New Mexico] Press book of interviews; 33 pp. photocopy of "verbatim transcript" interview by Molly McQuade (1992) for book on writers at U Chicago with NT's handwritten notes; 14 pp. edited version and 22 pp. revised version with NT's handwritten notes and 10 pp of als from MQ; 57 pp. computer printout of a 1995 interview with William Campbell (Naropa student) with NT's corrections & 48 pp. computer printout of final version with 2als from WC; photocopy of interview with L. Murphy (Rutgers Graduate) for a publication of his own (late 80s); reprint of Tarn interview by Shamoon Zamir (Cambridge University Press, 1997).
box 15, folder 3

NT: Interviews by NT

Scope and Contents note

13 pp. carbon of original ts of Interview with Gary Snyder (1971) with Snyder's corrections (unpublished in book form); 1 tls from Robert Fagles, 1971
box 15, folder 4

NT: Articles about

Scope and Contents note

Partial File: 25 pages photocopy of computer printout of Doris Sommer's (Amherst Coll.) 7.20.83 "America as Desire(d): NT's Poetry of the Outsider as Insider" with NT's handwritten corrections for Stanley Diamond's anthology & another version; 11 pp. of correspondence with DS; 33 pp. photocopy of ts by David Lenfest's (U Illinois Chicago Circle & Loyola U, Chicago) "NT: the Poetry of Material Transfiguration" forBoundary 2, with notes by NT & DL (DL is also author of a film on NT).
box 15, folder 5

NT: Anthologies

Scope and Contents note

Partial file: photocopy of corrected proofs of NT's poems to be included in Stanley Diamond's Dialectical Anthropology anthology.
box 15, folder 6

NT: Translations of NT into French

Scope and Contents note

Some 50+ pages of original carbon of NT in French by Michel Deguy with handwritten corrections, heavy handwritten corrections and handwritten notes by NT and MD, also 14 pp. photocopy for the Gallimard anthology "20 Poetes Americains"; photocopy of 1 p. of "The Jubilation" with handwritten notes by MD; msmaterials on NT's broadcasts on France Culture's program Poesie Ininterrompue for the week of 5.30 - 6.6.1976
box 15, folder 7

NT: Italian translations

Scope and Contents note

Notes on the Italian translations of NT's poems
box 15, folder 8

NT: Translations into Spanish

Scope and Contents note

10 page photocopy of Hector Manjarrez's translations of NT poems with ms notes; photocopy of Tomas Segovia's version of "The Great Odor of Summer" for Vuelta.
box 15, folder 9

NT: Announcements

Scope and Contents note

Small collection of flyers on readings, publications, events etc. by NT.
box 15, folder 10

Poetry Reading Announcements

Scope and Contents note

[Folder contains similar material to the previous folder, not originally listed by Tarn]
box 16, folder 1

The heights of Macchu Picchu - 66: by Pablo Neruda.

Scope and Contents note

100 page working draft ms with extensive corrections, other material (Jonathan Cape/FarrarStraus)
box 16, folder 2

Con Cuba - 1969

Scope and Contents note

Anthology of Cuban Poetry. 50 page ts and ms drafts; corrected proofs (Cape Goliard/Richard Grossman)
box 16, folder 3

NT/VS: Stelae - 1969: by Victor Segalen.

Scope and Contents note

85+ pages of drafts ms & ts (Unicorn Press)
box 16, folder 4

NT/PN: Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda - 1970 [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

[Tarn's original note reads "20 pages of drafts for the book with Robert Bly, 2 tls & carbon copy; Anthony Kerrrigan, 12 tls; W.S. Merwin, 15 tls with carbon replies and poems; Alastair Reid, 5 PC. (Jonathan Cape/Delacorte);" however, there are hundreds of pp. of ms, ts, and copied draft material]
box 16, folder 5

NT/PN: Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda - 1970 [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

[Tarn's original note reads "20 pages of drafts for the book with Robert Bly, 2 tls & carbon copy; Anthony Kerrrigan, 12 tls; W.S. Merwin, 15 tls with carbon replies and poems; Alastair Reid, 5 PC. (Jonathan Cape/Delacorte);" however, there are hundreds of pp. of ms, ts, and copied draft material]
box 16, folder 6

NT/PN: Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda - 1970 [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

[Tarn's original note reads "20 pages of drafts for the book with Robert Bly, 2 tls & carbon copy; Anthony Kerrrigan, 12 tls; W.S. Merwin, 15 tls with carbon replies and poems; Alastair Reid, 5 PC. (Jonathan Cape/Delacorte);" however, there are hundreds of pp. of ms, ts, and copied draft material]
box 17, folder 1

Rabinal Achi - 1973

Scope and Contents note

From the Quiche Maya for Rothenberg's Shaking the Pumpkin. 75 pages of drafts [ms, ts, carbons, and photcopies]
box 17, folder 2

NT/PN The penguin [Neruda] - 1975

Scope and Contents note

Original clean galley proofs (Penguin UK)
box 17, folder 3

NT: On Neruda

Scope and Contents note

7 pp. ms reading notes on Neruda; 7 pp. on "Neruda & Nobel" with handwritten notes and 3 pp. original ts, NT translated, of PN's "Watergate- but which one?", also with handwritten corrections and cuttings and 7 pp. appraisal of PN, half in ms, for the NY Times with copy of NYT for 10.22.71; 5 pp. handwritten notes for "Neruda & Ethnopoetics" for Durango Conference & Sulfur with 7 pp. handwritten notes on Neruda & the Araucanians; 5 pp. carbon of the original ts for "Naming & the Matter of Matter: notes on PN's Poetics" for the Bigus Labyrinth Press book.
box 17, folder 4

NT: Zapotec struggles- 1993

Scope and Contents note

[Ms, ts, computer printouts, and photocopied material for poetry collection edited by Howard Campbell, translated by Tarn; not orgiinally listed by Tarn]
box 17, folder 5

NT: miscellaneous translations

Scope and Contents note

12 pp. of original ts of NT translations of Andre Breton poems; some 40 pp. ms & ts NT translations of Michel Deguy; 15 pp. ms & ts NT translations of Theodore Enslin into French for Poesie; 12 pp. carbon of NT's translations of Tomas Segovia; 4 pp. handwritten notes on Mary De Rachelwitz; file of some 40 pp. of miscellaneous translations, includes Segovia's Spanish translation of NT's "The Great Odor of Summer;" some 25 pp. of NT's translations of Hector Manjarrez, with one tls from Manjarrez (6.11.69); 1968 program of 1968 Borges evening at the NY YM-YMHA] (NT's "Spinoza" translation read); NT revisions of translations of Czech poets: V.Holan; I. Divis; J.Skacel, etc.
box 17, folder 6

Drafts of early translations - 1960s

Scope and Contents note

[ts, carbon, some ms, and correspondence]
box 17, folder 7

NT: Art Work

Scope and Contents note

Original photo of NT's large collage for ICA, London's exhibition on Guillame Apollinaire; collection of photocopies of NT's drawing inscriptions of books; photocopy of The Life We Do Not Lead; collection of photocopies of NT illustrated poems; collection of photocopies of NT's drawings for an issue of Boundary 2; original ts of "Three comings to the house of leaves with Nt drawing; original mock up for NT's printing of "Three months in which to live" with NT drawing; photocopy of Hopi Katchina drawing (of which several owned by Janet Rodney).
box 18, folder 1

Bezoar on the road, June 1978

Scope and Contents note

[A selection from Alashka: cities (Janet Rodney and Nathaniel Tarn), appearing in small, mimeographed publication]
box 18, folder 2

Reprints of Tarn/Mendelson journal articles

Scope and Contents note

[Nationalism and religion in Southeast Asia: a review article (Pacific Affairs, Spring 1965); Fresh frozen fenix (New Literary History, 1984-1985); Initiation and the paradox of power: a sociological approach (International Association for the History of Religions Conference, September 17-22, 1964); Towards any geography/ towards any America whatsoever (Io, 13, 1972); A messianic Buddhist association in upper Burma (Bulletin of SOAS, XXIV, 3, 1961); The heraldic vision: a cognitive model for comparative aesthetics (Alcheringa two. 2. 1976); The structural study of myth and tokenism (Association of Social Anthropologists monographs, 1967); Metaphors of relative elevation, position and ranking in Popol Vuh (Estudios de Cultura Maya, 1981); Child as father to the man in the American uni-verse (American Poetry, I, 2); Robert Redfield (from Silverman S. ed., "Totems and Teachers," Columbia University Press, 1981); Dr. Jekyll, the anthropologist, emerges and marches into the notebook of Mr. Hyde, the poet (Conjunctions, no. 6, 1983)]
box 18, folder 3

Photocopies of miscellaneous articles, announcements, correspondence regarding Tarn

box 18, folder 4

Photocopies of journal articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, listings of radio and television appearances, etc., 1956-2000 [1 of 2]

box 18, folder 5

Photocopies of journal articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, listings of radio and television appearances, etc., 1956-2000 [2 of 2]

box 126, folder 1

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts, for copy editor, chapters 1-11; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 126, folder 2

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts, for copy editor, chapters 12-17; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 126, folder 3

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts, for copy editor, chapters 18-22, appendices; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 126, folder 4

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Laser print copy, color-coded corrections, chapters 1-12, 9/27/1997; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 126, folder 5

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Laser print copy, color-coded corrections, chapters 13-18, 9/27/1997; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 126, folder 6

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Laser print copy, color-coded corrections, chapters 18-end, 9/27/1997; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 127, folder 1

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Laser print copy of appendices, first and second corrections, 9/27- 11/4/1997; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 127, folder 2

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Miscellaneous editorial materials, 1996-1997; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 127, folder 3

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Computer print of completed version, chapters 1-11; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 127, folder 4

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Computer print of completed version, chapters 12-17; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 127, folder 5

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Computer print of completed version, chapters 18-end; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 127, folder 6

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Computer print version with some corrections, chapters 1-11; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 127, folder 7

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Computer print version with some corrections, chapters 12-17; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 128, folder 1

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Computer print version with some corrections, chapters 18-end; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 128, folder 2

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. An abundance of water [original title of Scandals in the house of birds]

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, found in binder, chapters 1-13, circa 1990; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 128, folder 3

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. An abundance of water [original title of Scandals in the house of birds]

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, found in binder, chapters 14-end, circa 1990; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 128, folder 4

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, found in binder, chapters 1-5, circa 1991; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 128, folder 5

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, found in binder, chapters 6-end, circa 1991; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 128, folder 6

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, found in binder, chapters 1-14, circa 1995; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 129, folder 1

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, found in binder, chapters 15-end, circa 1995; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 129, folder 2

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, found in binder, chapters 1-15 (2nd copy), circa 1995; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 129, folder 4

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. An abundance of waters [original title of Scandals in the house of birds]

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, several chapters excluded and changed; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 129, folder 5

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, several chapters labeled "new versions," circa 1991; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 129, folder 6

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, labeled "latest version but has no cover," chapters 1-5, circa 1991; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 129, folder 7

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, labeled "latest version but has no cover," chapters 6-end, circa 1991; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 129, folder 8

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. An abundance of waters [original title of Scandals in the house of birds]

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, chapters 1-7, some correspondence, circa 1990; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 130, folder 1

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. An abundance of waters [original title of Scandals in the house of birds]

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, chapters 8-13, circa 1990; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 130, folder 2

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. An abundance of waters [original title of Scandals in the house of birds]

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, chapters 14-end, circa 1990; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 130, folder 3

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. An abundance of waters [original title of Scandals in the house of birds]

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, chapters 1-9; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 130, folder 4

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. An abundance of waters [original title of Scandals in the house of birds]

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, chapters 10-14; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 130, folder 5

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. An abundance of waters [original title of Scandals in the house of birds]

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, chapters 15-19; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 131, folder 1

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. An abundance of waters [original title of Scandals in the house of birds]

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, chapters 20-22; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 131, folder 2

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. An abundance of waters [original title of Scandals in the house of birds]

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts, chapters 23-end; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 131, folder 3

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Chapter 24, ms and ts, several versions, hand-drawn charts, miscellaneous materials; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 131, folder 4

Tarn, Nathaniel, and Prechtel, Martin. Scandals in the house of birds [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Chapter 24, ms and ts, several versions, hand-drawn charts, miscellaneous materials; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 131, folder 5

NT: The architextures

Scope and Contents note

[Ms, ts, computer printouts, galleys, other material; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 131, folder 6

Tarn, Nathaniel. The architextures: paperback edition 2000

Scope and Contents note

[Copy from Chax Press; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 132, folder 1

Tarn, Nathaniel. Arc32:89, from the Architextures: Oasis, no. 100, 2000

Scope and Contents note

[Paperback literary publication; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 132, folder 2

Zhang Ziquing (NT in China)

Scope and Contents note

[Laser copy draft of short work on recollections of Tarn's stay in China, to accompany poems selected for publication; correspondence; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 132, folder 3

NT: Work with Sh.[Shamoon] Zamir] (1)

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied fax and ts of long interview of Tarn Shamoon Zamir, mid 1990s; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 132, folder 4

NT: Work with Sh.[Shamoon] Zamir] (2)

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, including ts, ms, and email, 1986-1998; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 132, folder 5

NT: Work with Sh.[Shamoon] Zamir] (3)

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, including ts and email; laser copies of Zamir's Scandals in the house of anthropology: notes towards a reading of Nathaniel Tarn, book review by Zamir of Scandals in the house of birds, other material, 1990s; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 132, folder 6

NT: Work into Spanish

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, including ts and email; laser copies of Tarn's Paz, anthropology and the future of poetry, address delivered at Paz tribute, 1998-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 132, folder 7

NT: Witter Bynner Foundation

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence and other material regarding Tarn's and Thomas Epstein's grant proposal for translating modern American poetry into Russian, 1998-1999; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 132, folder 8

NT: St. Petersburg poems

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopies of poems written while in Russia, some with corrections, 1996-1998; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 132, folder 9

NT: Proofs

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied page proofs of St. Petersburg poems, for First Intensity #15, Fall 2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 133, folder 1

NT: His work in Russian

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly copies of email regarding translation and publishing of Tarn poems in a Russian anthology, some copies of ts poetry, 1995-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 133, folder 2

NT: His work in Russian (2)

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly copies of email regarding translation and publishing of Tarn poems in a Russian anthology, some copies of ts poetry, 1995-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]

Series 2. Literary Correspondence

Scope and Contents note

Unlike Series I, the next two series are further divided by Tarn into subseries, listed alphabetically and topical in substance. Series II is rather long and complex, with Subseries Q, not originally divided by Tarn, further broken down into five subsubseries to accommodate textual headings denoted in the original listing. In general, the first group of Subseries, A-K, represents a geographic breakdown of individual and group correspondence, and includes American, British, French, European, Latin American, and Australian authors. The next set of Subseries, L-O, includes Literary Critics, Artists, Scholars, and Orientalists of all nationalities. Subseries P, Publishing Files, covers Tarn's stint as editor for Jonathan Cape, London/ Richard Grossman, New York. The aforementioned Subseries Q holds files relating to Other Publishers, Radio Scripts, Other Scripts, Newspapers and Periodicals, and Miscellaneous Files. Typically, all the subseries in Literary Correspondence contain correspondence, typescript and manuscript material, drafts, copies of same, and proofs. Occasionally, there is more material present in a folder than Tarn's original listing, and, if identifiable, duly noted within brackets. Over 450 correspondents are represented in the Literary Correspondence Series, with significant material from authors and poets such as: Lee Bartlett, John Brandi, Clayton Eshelman, Kenneth Irby, Pablo Neruda, Toby Olson, Octavio Paz, Jerome Rothenberg, Gary Snyder, Arnold Wesker, Hans Ten Berge, and Elliot Weinberger. Other notable authors, scholars, and poets within the Series include: Hannah Arendt, Andre Breton, John Digby, Robert Duncan, Anselm Hollo, Ted Hughes, Edward Lucie-Smith, Jackson Mac Low, Michael McClure, Edward McDiarmid, Assia Wevill, and David Wevill. Subseries P, concerning Tarn's editorship, holds letters, notes, contracts, reports, financial statements, and other material regarding the establishment of Cape Goliard Press, along with a collection of proofs and drafts from Ted Berrigan, Michel Butor, Allen Ginsburg, Louis Zukofsky, and others. In the first of five subsubseries within Subseries Q, Other Publishers, correspondence regarding the publishing of Tarn's work with publishers such as American Poetry Books, Brillig Works Press, Jonathan Cape, Chax Press, Coffee House Press, Farrar Strauss, New Directions, Ninja Press, and Random House (mostly with Nan Talese), is found here, as well as Radio Scripts by Paul Celan, Ted Hughes, and Peter Redgrove. Additionally, Other Scripts features work by Lee Bartlett, Lindsay Hill, Jed Rasula, and Philipe Soupalt, and includes many poems and discussion sheets from the 1960s United Kingdom meetings of "The Group." Within Newspapers and Periodicals, correspondence, typescript, and proofs regarding publication of articles in ACTS, Conjunctions, First Intensity, Les Lettres Nouvelles, The Times of London, and other publications are listed. The fifth subsubseries, Miscellaneous Files, gathers together General Correspondence from 1957 through 2000 with several files of individual correspondence not included in the original accession; Poetry Reading Files, from the early 1960s through the 1990s; scripts of BBC radio broadcasts from the 1950s and 1960s; and Job Offer Files, 1969-1981. Also included here are files covering Tarn's early employment by This Week In Paris (under the pseudonym Michel Tavriger), 1948-1952; poetry festivals, conferences, and readings attended, 1963-2000; and miscellaneous material including an index card file of Tarn's early publications; correspondence with Chax Press regarding the publishing of Architextures, received in a later accession; page proofs of Tarn's 1990 translation of Pablo Neruda's Four Odes One Song; photocopied newspaper and journal articles; greeting cards, announcements, etc.; artwork and photographs; and a file of unidentified, photocopied typescipt and magazine interviews with several poets.

Subseries A. American Authors Single Correspondence Files

box 18, folder 6

Benveniste, Asa

Scope and Contents note

18 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 21 pages, 1968-1984.
box 18, folder 7

Brandi, John

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 19 tls, 13 ; 3 typed postcards; 32 pages & pages of copy & art, much of it signed; "Christmas Eve, San Felipe," 5 pp. photocopied inscribed; "Return to Hopi 27.8.85," 5 pp. ts, inscribed; "Nieman Kachina, 6.2.85" 13 pp. photocopied inscribed; "Hotevilla Village, Hopi," 7 pp. photocopied; 1982-
box 18, folder 8

Brandi, John. That back road in

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of ts, 1983
box 18, folder 9

Callahan, Robert

Scope and Contents note

17 tls, 2 ts; 30 pages & 4 pages copy, 1976-80.
box 18, folder 10

Collom, Jack

Scope and Contents note

4 als, 3 tls, 5 handwritten postcards, 10 pages & 23 pages copy, 1972-
box 19, folder 1

Corman, Cid

Scope and Contents note

5 tls, 5 pages, 1963-72.
box 19, folder 2

Creeley, Robert

Scope and Contents note

1 sheet als addresses, 1 handwritten postcard; 1 page copy.
box 19, folder 3

Dauenhauer, Richard & Nora

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 10 tls, 2 handwritten postcard; 14 pages & copy.
box 19, folder 4

Davenport, Guy

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 28 tls, 5 handwritten postcards, 2 typed postcards; 42 pages, 1974-1982.
box 19, folder 5

Dorn, Edward

Scope and Contents note

2 tls, 3 handwritten postcards; 3 pages & copy: 4 pp. of photocopied work sheets on Aztec translations with profuse notes, Alaska 1976; press cut 4 pp. interview in Apr 1992, 17 pp. photocopy "To the Z-D generation" by Ed Sanders sent by ED in 1973, 1982-
box 19, folder 6

Duncan, Robert

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 3 tls, 8 pages, & 1 page ms notes by RD for an interview; Poems from the Margins of Thom Gunn'sMoly, 8 vo.[?] original wrappers; privately printed, presentation to NT, Notes on Jess's translation series & 6 pages original typescript, 1967-72
box 19, folder 7

Economou, George

Scope and Contents note

10 als, 21 handwritten postcards; 21 pages & 32 pages copy, 1970-
box 19, folder 8

Enslin, Theodore [1of 2]

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 64 tls; 81 pages & 75 pages copy, Fragmenti/Epigrammata: 40 page carbon ts, dedication to NT,1975-
box 19, folder 9

Enslin, Theodore [2of 2]

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 64 tls; 81 pages & 75 pages copy, Fragmenti/Epigrammata: 40 page carbon ts, dedication to NT,1975-
box 20, folder 1

Eshleman, Clayton [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

6 als, 27 tls, 11 handwritten postcards, 3 typed postcard;s 46 pages & 20 pages copy, "Sulfur" Ephemera, "A Prehistoric Art and Gastronomic Tour of France," 2pp.pamphlet, inscribed; "the Death of Sadat," 1 p. inscribed ts; Eshleman reading script, 2 pp. inscribed carbon; "The Named Encanyoned River," 8 pp. photocopy with ms notes at the end; "A Climacteric," 1 p. inscribed photocopy; a 6 pp. curriculum vitae; Michel Deguy translations, 10 pp.photocopy; Given.Giving: Selected Poems of M. Deguy, 91 pp. photocopy with two mss. notes and plans by CE: corrected early version with discarded translations by Ashbery, Koch, Padgett, Brownstein, NT, etc; 91 pp. transcript with note by Deguy in pencil & pen, unpublished, "Sulfur" circular of 3pp on the Arundel Press case, 1969-
box 20, folder 2

Eshleman, Clayton [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

6 als, 27 tls, 11 handwritten postcards, 3 typed postcard;s 46 pages & 20 pages copy, "Sulfur" Ephemera, "A Prehistoric Art and Gastronomic Tour of France," 2pp.pamphlet, inscribed; "the Death of Sadat," 1 p. inscribed ts; Eshleman reading script, 2 pp. inscribed carbon; "The Named Encanyoned River," 8 pp. photocopy with ms notes at the end; "A Climacteric," 1 p. inscribed photocopy; a 6 pp. curriculum vitae; Michel Deguy translations, 10 pp.photocopy; Given.Giving: Selected Poems of M. Deguy, 91 pp. photocopy with two mss. notes and plans by CE: corrected early version with discarded translations by Ashbery, Koch, Padgett, Brownstein, NT, etc; 91 pp. transcript with note by Deguy in pencil & pen, unpublished, "Sulfur" circular of 3pp on the Arundel Press case, 1969-
box 20, folder 3

Evans, George

Scope and Contents note

8 tls, 8 handwritten postcards, 9 pages, 1986-
box 20, folder 4

Everson, William

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 2 TLS, 5 pages & texts by Broughton, Gelpi etc. for WE's 75th birthday, 1984-
box 20, folder 5

Foss, Philip

Scope and Contents note

7 als, 15 tls; 4 handwritten postcards; 4 tls; 22 pages, 1984-
box 20, folder 6

Goodell, Larry and Lenore

Scope and Contents note

[4 tls; 6 als; 6 handwritten postcard; several pp ts inscribed; not originally listed by Tarn
box 20, folder 7

Grossinger, Richard

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 31 tls, 1 handwritten postcard, 2 typed postcards; 34 pages & 20 pages copy concerning IO magazine, North Atlantic Books (a venture suggested by NT) and works of RG, Lindy Hough & NT, 1972-
box 20, folder 8

Guest, Barbara

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 1 tls, 2 pages, 1994.
box 20, folder 9

Haldeman, Charles

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 1 handwritten postcard, 3 pages, 1965-66.
box 20, folder 10

Hejinian, Lynn

Scope and Contents note

3 tls, 3 pages, 1988
box 20, folder 11

Heller, Michael

Scope and Contents note

9 als, 10 tls, 4 handwritten postcards; 30 pages & 7 pp. photocopy of MH text "On Oppen," 1984-
box 20, folder 12

Heller, Michael. Living Root, other material

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied draft tss, 7/17/89; some correspondence, other photocopied ts; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 21, folder 1

Hill, Lindsay

Scope and Contents note

4 als, 16 tls, 8 handwritten postcards; 24 pages & 13 pp. printout of LH poems and materials on LH's publication of NT's "Flying the Body" with Arundel Press and the Spoken Engine record of NT "I Think this Must be Eden" & other recordings, 1987-96-
box 21, folder 2

Hollo, Anselm

Scope and Contents note

8 als, 4 tls, 7 handwritten postcards, 2 typed postcards; 15 pages & 13 pages copy & portrait photos, 1969-
box 21, folder 3

Howe, Susan

Scope and Contents note

4 tls, 1 handwritten post card, 8 pages, 1990-
box 21, folder 4

Irby, Kenneth [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

72 als, 19 a/tls, 11 handwritten postcards; 198 pages & hundreds pages of copy including: "Poems 1974-76," 13 page pp. photocopy inscribed;"A Set," 6pp. inscribed; "Prose Poem," (1.14.82) inscribed; "Equinox Variations & Other Poems," photocopy 7pp, signed on each page; "Crow Talk," 6pp. inscribed; "Overheard," 13pp. inscribed; review of Duncan's Groundwork 9 pp. xerox inscribed; "Riding the Dog," 150 pp. photocopy inscribed, unpublished; 1 p. photocopy from Bertholf re Duncan; Press cutting photo of KI as Julius Caesar (U. Kansas play); ts of poems, 16 pp. inscribed; correspondence with Conjunctions re Morrow asking KI to resign; ts of poems 1994-95, 7 pp., inscribed; "March Notes, ts 3pp. 1995, inscribed; 1975-
box 21, folder 5

Irby, Kenneth [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

72 als, 19 a/tls, 11 handwritten postcards; 198 pages & hundreds pages of copy including: "Poems 1974-76," 13 page pp. photocopy inscribed;"A Set," 6pp. inscribed; "Prose Poem," (1.14.82) inscribed; "Equinox Variations & Other Poems," photocopy 7pp, signed on each page; "Crow Talk," 6pp. inscribed; "Overheard," 13pp. inscribed; review of Duncan's Groundwork 9 pp. xerox inscribed; "Riding the Dog," 150 pp. photocopy inscribed, unpublished; 1 p. photocopy from Bertholf re Duncan; Press cutting photo of KI as Julius Caesar (U. Kansas play); ts of poems, 16 pp. inscribed; correspondence with Conjunctions re Morrow asking KI to resign; ts of poems 1994-95, 7 pp., inscribed; "March Notes, ts 3pp. 1995, inscribed; 1975-
box 21, folder 6

Irby, Kenneth [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

72 als, 19 a/tls, 11 handwritten postcards; 198 pages & hundreds pages of copy including: "Poems 1974-76," 13 page pp. photocopy inscribed;"A Set," 6pp. inscribed; "Prose Poem," (1.14.82) inscribed; "Equinox Variations & Other Poems," photocopy 7pp, signed on each page; "Crow Talk," 6pp. inscribed; "Overheard," 13pp. inscribed; review of Duncan's Groundwork 9 pp. xerox inscribed; "Riding the Dog," 150 pp. photocopy inscribed, unpublished; 1 p. photocopy from Bertholf re Duncan; Press cutting photo of KI as Julius Caesar (U. Kansas play); ts of poems, 16 pp. inscribed; correspondence with Conjunctions re Morrow asking KI to resign; ts of poems 1994-95, 7 pp., inscribed; "March Notes, ts 3pp. 1995, inscribed; 1975-
box 21, folder 7

Joris, Pierre

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 7 tls; 8 pages & copy: "The Tassili Connections," inscribed; printout of talk on Robin Blaser, 9 pp.; NT notes on phone talks with PJ, 1974-
box 22, folder 1

Kelly, Robert

Scope and Contents note

8 als, 13 tls, 6 handwritten postcards; 32 pages & copy including: "Sonnet no. 2 of Skogekar Bergbo" 6 pp.; four printed poems inscribed; 3 pp. ts poem "Flags" dedicated & inscribed to NT; ts poem "Heraldry" dedicated & inscribed to NT; 4 pp. photocopied poem "Women of the Bois de Boulogne," inscribed; 2 pp. "One More Persephone" & "The Moieties," inscribed; 6 pp. flyer on Poetry at Black Mountain Conference; five printed poem cards inscribed; 3 pp. photocopy of RK letter to poet M. Kallett, student of NT; Author's reprint of RK Gale Autobiography, inscribed, printed wedding announcement to Charlotte Mandel; 3 letters from Dick Higgins, 1970-
box 22, folder 2

Kinnell, Galway

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 1 tls; 6 pages, 1966-67.
box 22, folder 3

Levertov, Denise

Scope and Contents note

2 handwritten postcards & 6 pp. Address to the Clergy etc. sent by DL; Letter press gift poem "The Depths," from Black Oak Books, 1985.
box 22, folder 4

Mackey, Nathaniel

Scope and Contents note

6 tls, 3 handwritten postcards, 3 typed postcards; 6 pages & copy including: 16 pp. photocopy of "Septet for the End of Time"; and 15pp. photocopy "From a Broken Bottle Traces of Perfume still Emanate," 1984-
box 22, folder 5

Mac Low, Jackson

Scope and Contents note

2 tls; 2 pages & copy including; Original 6 x 9 photo by Arthur Sidofsky; 60th Birthday broadsheet fromRetrospective Concert (1982); "A Vocabulary for Annie, Brigitte, Gilles, Tardos," photocopy 37pp; "A Vocabulary for Peter Innisfree Moore," broadside 5 pp. inscribed; "42nd Light Poem: In Memory of Paul Goodman," photocopy 5pp; "A Vocabulary for Vera Regina Lachmann," large broadside, 1972-
box 22, folder 6

Mathias, John

Scope and Contents note

18 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 21 pages, 1969-1984.
box 22, folder 7

McClure, Michael

Scope and Contents note

1 als; 2 pages & 1 report; twenty pp. ts "Morelia Report," inscribed.
box 22, folder 8

Meltzer, David

Scope and Contents note

17 tls, 5 handwritten postcards, 5 typed postcards; 27 pages, 1970-72.
box 22, folder 9

Menefee, Sarah

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 2 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 5 pages & 24 pages of poetry copy, 1990-
box 22, folder 10

Mus, David

Scope and Contents note

5 als; 36 tls; 4 handwritten 62 pages, 1988-
box 22, folder 11

Nowak, Mark

Scope and Contents note

10 als, 14 tls, 6 handwritten postcards; 34 pages & 10 pp. of printouts, poems & reviews; also materials on publication of North American Ideophonics & Cross-Cultural Poetics, 1993-96-
box 22, folder 12

Olson, Charles

Scope and Contents note

1 handwritten postcard, ca.1973 & 17 pp. photocopy applications materials to the Wenner Gren Foundation for work on the Maya (from J. Rothenberg).
box 23, folder 1

Olson, Toby [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

55 tls, 2 handwritten postcards, 6 typed postcards; 59 pages & approx. 90 pp. copy including: "The Trumpetvine," 2 pp ts; "Standard 5, 7, 11, 12," total of 21 pp. photocopy; "Home" 3pp. ts, inscribed; "Introduction to NT, 1992;" 5 pp. carbon of "The Cost of Entering the World," for Montemora; "The Wrestlers," 15 pp. pamphlet; "Here's That Rainy Day, 1985," 11 pp. poem ts, inscribed; 1 p. ts "Facing," poem; "Unfinished Building, 1986," 7 pp. poem ts; 2 pp. ts Introduction to NT reading at Temple U., 1992; "An Evaluation of TO by NT," 8 pp. ms & 4 pp. carbon; Nomination by NT of TO to Governor's Award; Author's Reprint of TO's Gale Autobiography, inscribed, 1976-
box 23, folder 2

Olson, Toby [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

55 tls, 2 handwritten postcards, 6 typed postcards; 59 pages & approx. 90 pp. copy including: "The Trumpetvine," 2 pp ts; "Standard 5, 7, 11, 12," total of 21 pp. photocopy; "Home" 3pp. ts, inscribed; "Introduction to NT, 1992;" 5 pp. carbon of "The Cost of Entering the World," for Montemora; "The Wrestlers," 15 pp. pamphlet; "Here's That Rainy Day, 1985," 11 pp. poem ts, inscribed; 1 p. ts "Facing," poem; "Unfinished Building, 1986," 7 pp. poem ts; 2 pp. ts Introduction to NT reading at Temple U., 1992; "An Evaluation of TO by NT," 8 pp. ms & 4 pp. carbon; Nomination by NT of TO to Governor's Award; Author's Reprint of TO's Gale Autobiography, inscribed, 1976-
box 23, folder 3

Palmer, Michael

Scope and Contents note

1 als; 1 page & 5 pp. of poetry transcript.
box 23, folder 4

Patchen, Kenneth, and Miriam

Scope and Contents note

Kenneth: 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 3 pages & 15 pp. copy, 1966-67. Miriam: 1 tls, 6 handwritten postcards; 4 pages, 1966-69.
box 23, folder 5

Peck, John

Scope and Contents note

11 als, 7 tls, 10 handwritten postcards; 25 pages, 1970-1983.
box 23, folder 6

Phillips, Dennis

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 4 tls, 3 handwritten postcards; 6 pages, 1986-
box 23, folder 7

Quasha, George

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 3 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 8 pages & 18 pp. of copy, 1970-
box 23, folder 8

Rachelwitz, Mary De

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 2 handwritten postcards; 5 pages, 1973-74
box 23, folder 9

Rasula, Jed

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 14 tls, 5 handwritten postcards, 1 typed postcard; 28 pages, 1973-88
box 23, folder 10

Ratner, Rochelle

Scope and Contents note

29 tls, 1 handwritten postcard, 2 typed postcards; 36 pages & 17 pp. of copy; 1974-
box 23, folder 11

Rexroth, Kenneth

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 2 tls, 1 handwritten postcard, 8 pages, 1972-76.
box 23, folder 12

Reznikoff, Charles

Scope and Contents note

1 als; 1 page, 1965.
box 23, folder 13

Rich, Adrienne

Scope and Contents note

2 tls, 2 pages, 1972.
box 23, folder 14

Roth, Henry

Scope and Contents note

2 handwritten postcards, 5 original photos of HR with NT and JR, summer 1990 & 10 pp. copy from his editor Materassi on the HR-M split.
box 24, folder 1

Rothenberg, Jerome [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

8 als, 15 tls, 25 handwritten postcards, 7 typed postcards; 31 pages & copy including: Original photo by Arthur Sidofsky; "More Versions from the Neolithic Rabbis, for NT," 1 p. ts; photocopy of a page contents list to Technicians of the Sacred;" 22 pp. photocopy of Preface to "A Big Jewish Book;"; 55 pp. photocopied material for the Jewish Book; 13 pp. of notes on organization of "Second International Symposium on Ethnopoetics," & 12 pp. NT ms notes on same; 1 p. ts; "The Neolithic Dream...for Gary Snyder," 1 p.; 1 p. drawing; "Poland,1931: the Wedding," broadside, inscribed; "Prologue to the Book of Concealments," 21 pp. photocopy; "The Book of the Ward," 47 pages; "Pre-face," 22 pp. photocopy; Materials on "Poems for the Millenium;" "Introduction to a Reading by NT," ts 3pp; one JR visiting card; 1 p. original drawings by Ian Tyson, Brooklyn, 1970; "New Wilderness Letter" vol. 1 no.1, 1977, 1969-
box 24, folder 2

Rothenberg, Jerome [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

8 als, 15 tls, 25 handwritten postcards, 7 typed postcards; 31 pages & copy including: Original photo by Arthur Sidofsky; "More Versions from the Neolithic Rabbis, for NT," 1 p. ts; photocopy of a page contents list to Technicians of the Sacred;" 22 pp. photocopy of Preface to "A Big Jewish Book;"; 55 pp. photocopied material for the Jewish Book; 13 pp. of notes on organization of "Second International Symposium on Ethnopoetics," & 12 pp. NT ms notes on same; 1 p. ts; "The Neolithic Dream...for Gary Snyder," 1 p.; 1 p. drawing; "Poland,1931: the Wedding," broadside, inscribed; "Prologue to the Book of Concealments," 21 pp. photocopy; "The Book of the Ward," 47 pages; "Pre-face," 22 pp. photocopy; Materials on "Poems for the Millenium;" "Introduction to a Reading by NT," ts 3pp; one JR visiting card; 1 p. original drawings by Ian Tyson, Brooklyn, 1970; "New Wilderness Letter" vol. 1 no.1, 1977, 1969-
box 24, folder 3

Rothenberg, Jerome [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

8 als, 15 tls, 25 handwritten postcards, 7 typed postcards; 31 pages & copy including: Original photo by Arthur Sidofsky; "More Versions from the Neolithic Rabbis, for NT," 1 p. ts; photocopy of a page contents list to Technicians of the Sacred;" 22 pp. photocopy of Preface to "A Big Jewish Book;"; 55 pp. photocopied material for the Jewish Book; 13 pp. of notes on organization of "Second International Symposium on Ethnopoetics," & 12 pp. NT ms notes on same; 1 p. ts; "The Neolithic Dream...for Gary Snyder," 1 p.; 1 p. drawing; "Poland,1931: the Wedding," broadside, inscribed; "Prologue to the Book of Concealments," 21 pp. photocopy; "The Book of the Ward," 47 pages; "Pre-face," 22 pp. photocopy; Materials on "Poems for the Millenium;" "Introduction to a Reading by NT," ts 3pp; one JR visiting card; 1 p. original drawings by Ian Tyson, Brooklyn, 1970; "New Wilderness Letter" vol. 1 no.1, 1977, 1969-
box 24, folder 4

Schelling, Andrew

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 6 tls, 6 handwritten postcards, 1 typed postcard; 9 pages & 4 pp. copy on Indian poetry, 1988-
box 24, folder 5

Schwartz, Leonard

Scope and Contents note

17 tls, 5 handwritten postcards; 20 pages & 6 pp. copy text & translations, 1990-
box 24, folder 6

Schwerner, Armand [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 11 tls, 18 handwritten postcards, 4 typed postcards; 22 pages & considerable material on publication of "The Tablets;" 2 pp. photocopy of "Six Roads into the First Grave;" 4 pp. photocopy of "Tablet XXV" withConjunctions rejection material; 28 pp. computer printout of "Tablet XXVI;" 16 pp. printout of Essay on "The Tablets" by H. van Spankeren; 7 pp. ts of talk on Paul Blackburn, 1991; 19 pp. printout of AS interview with W. Gingerich, 1993; 2 pp. poem "Once Willows Brooks;" 1974-
box 24, folder 7

Schwerner, Armand [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 11 tls, 18 handwritten postcards, 4 typed postcards; 22 pages & considerable material on publication of "The Tablets;" 2 pp. photocopy of "Six Roads into the First Grave;" 4 pp. photocopy of "Tablet XXV" withConjunctions rejection material; 28 pp. computer printout of "Tablet XXVI;" 16 pp. printout of Essay on "The Tablets" by H. van Spankeren; 7 pp. ts of talk on Paul Blackburn, 1991; 19 pp. printout of AS interview with W. Gingerich, 1993; 2 pp. poem "Once Willows Brooks;" 1974-
box 24, folder 8

Snyder, Gary

Scope and Contents note

7 als, 3 tls, 4 handwritten postcards; 14 pp. & copy including "Anasazi" broadside, inscribed; "Interview with NT," 13 pp. carbon, with two additional pp. ts; galleys for edited version proposed for New Directions (interdicted by NT); GS suppressed 10 pp., comments on Olson, etc. GS deleted; ts review of Cannibals & Kings by Marvin Harris, 4 pp.; 25 pp. of correspondence NT - Scott McLean, editor, leading to interdiction by NT of Interview inclusion in New Directions book of GS essays, 1971-78.
box 25, folder 1

Taggart, John

Scope and Contents note

25 tls with frequent ms additions, 9 handwritten postcards, 1 typed postcards; 41 pages & copy including: 1 p. typed vita; 8 pp. photocopied poem "Body & Soul;" "Sappho & Aphrodite" broadside, inscribed (& about 100 pp. copy in Scripts file); 1978-
box 25, folder 2

Waldman, Anne

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 2 tls, 8 handwritten postcards; 6 pages, 1972-
box 25, folder 3

Weinberger, Eliot [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

28 als, 23 tls 13 handwritten postcards, 3 typed postcards; 58 pages & 160 pp. of copy including: "Pound after Torrey & Other Futures," 15 pp. photocopy inscribed; "At the Death of Kenneth Rexroth," 11 pp. photocopy; "The Bomb," 10 pp. photocopy; "The Country Between," 8 pp. photocopy; "Asamblea de Poetas Jovenes de Mexico," 2 pp. photocopy; "A Spook in the House of Poetry," 4 pp. photocopy; "The Great Naropa Poetry Wars," 13 pp. photocopy; "The Month of Rushdies," 28 pp. photocopy;"Letter from New York," 12 pp. copy; "On Rexroth," 5 pp. copy; "On Jerome Rothenberg," 4pp. copy; "The East German Stasi," 2 pp. photocopy; materials connected with Sulfur magazine; the APR battle with John Yau; materials on NT in Spanish, etc. 1977-
box 25, folder 4

Weinberger, Eliot [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

28 als, 23 tls 13 handwritten postcards, 3 typed postcards; 58 pages & 160 pp. of copy including: "Pound after Torrey & Other Futures," 15 pp. photocopy inscribed; "At the Death of Kenneth Rexroth," 11 pp. photocopy; "The Bomb," 10 pp. photocopy; "The Country Between," 8 pp. photocopy; "Asamblea de Poetas Jovenes de Mexico," 2 pp. photocopy; "A Spook in the House of Poetry," 4 pp. photocopy; "The Great Naropa Poetry Wars," 13 pp. photocopy; "The Month of Rushdies," 28 pp. photocopy;"Letter from New York," 12 pp. copy; "On Rexroth," 5 pp. copy; "On Jerome Rothenberg," 4pp. copy; "The East German Stasi," 2 pp. photocopy; materials connected with Sulfur magazine; the APR battle with John Yau; materials on NT in Spanish, etc. 1977-
box 25, folder 5

Weinberger, Eliot [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

28 als, 23 tls 13 handwritten postcards, 3 typed postcards; 58 pages & 160 pp. of copy including: "Pound after Torrey & Other Futures," 15 pp. photocopy inscribed; "At the Death of Kenneth Rexroth," 11 pp. photocopy; "The Bomb," 10 pp. photocopy; "The Country Between," 8 pp. photocopy; "Asamblea de Poetas Jovenes de Mexico," 2 pp. photocopy; "A Spook in the House of Poetry," 4 pp. photocopy; "The Great Naropa Poetry Wars," 13 pp. photocopy; "The Month of Rushdies," 28 pp. photocopy;"Letter from New York," 12 pp. copy; "On Rexroth," 5 pp. copy; "On Jerome Rothenberg," 4pp. copy; "The East German Stasi," 2 pp. photocopy; materials connected with Sulfur magazine; the APR battle with John Yau; materials on NT in Spanish, etc. 1977-
box 25, folder 6

Williams, Jonathan

Scope and Contents note

13 als, 1 tls, 2 handwritten postcards, 5 typed postcards; 18 pages & 7 pp. copy, 2 pp. flyer re Donald Anderson's 70th birthday, 1963-
box 25, folder 7

Wilson, Keith

Scope and Contents note

15 als, 23 tls, 13 handwritten postcards; 52 pages & 1 p. copy; 1972-
box 26, folder 1

Zukofsky, Louis

Scope and Contents note

7 als, 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 11 pages & 8 pp. copy, 1964-49.

Subseries B. American Authors Group Miscellaneous Correspondence Files

box 26, folder 2

Miscellaneous [1 of 8]

Scope and Contents note

Abbot, Keith: 1 als, 2 tls, 1 handwritten postcards; 3 pages & 12 pp. typescript of Japanese translations, 1991-Abel, David: 1 handwritten postcard, 1993. [missing]Alexander, Charles: 1 als, 1 tls; 1 page & 4pp hand printed folder on Chax Press readings; 2pp. hand printed Folder on Chaxbooks; 1 p. hand printed poem by CA; 1 p. hand printed announcement by CA, 1988-Alexander, Will: 2 tls; 5 pages, 1977-80.Anania, Michael: 4 als, 2 tls; 7 pages, 1971-1991.Andrews, Bruce: 2 als, 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcards; 4 pages & 58 pp. miscellaneous ts & photocopied texts, 1989.Antin, David: 2 tls, 1 handwritten postcards; 3 pages, 1974-76.Armantrout, Rae: 2 tls; 2 pages, 1991.Astrachan, Sam: 1 tls, 1 typed postcard; 2 pages, 1972.Augustine, Jane: 2 als; 2 pages, "Flamingo" concrete poem inscribed , 1 p., 1989.
box 26, folder 3

Miscellaneous [2 of 8]

Scope and Contents note

Auster, Paul: 2 als; 2 pages, 1980.Baraka, Amiri: Unity & Struggle handout newsletter, III, 2, May, 1993.Baro, Gene: 1 typed postcard, 1963.Baron, Todd: 3 tls; 3 pages, circa 1990s.Beckett, Tom: 1 handwritten postcard, 1986.Bell, Marvin: 1 als, 2 tls; 5 pages, 2 photocopied handout poems, 1989-Benedikt, Michael 1 tls; 1 page, 1969.Berge, Carol: 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard, 1 page & 4 pp. poetry, 1986.Berkson, Bill: 1 tls, 1 page, 1986.Bernstein, Charles: 2 tls, 3 handwritten postcards 2 pages & 5 pp. ms notes by NT on CB, 1987-90.Berry, Wendell: 1 als; 1 page, 1965.Bersennbrugge, Mei Mei: 6 tls, 9 handwritten postcards, 11 pages & 2 vitae and poem photocopies, 1981-Blaser, Robin: 1 handwritten postcard, 1995.Blevins, Richard: 2 tls; 3 pages, 1985-Bly, Robert 2 als; 2 pages, 1968.Bowles, Paul [Printed announcement for Paul Bowle's recorded reading of "A Hundred Camels in the Courtyard," inscribed "For Janet and Nathaniel...Jeffrey and Angela"] Brakehage Stan: 1 handwritten postcard, 1992.Burke, Clifford: 1 als, & handprinted poem "A Photograph," inscribed, 1991.
box 26, folder 4

Miscellaneous [3 of 8]

Scope and Contents note

Butterick, George: 1 tls; 1 page, 1978.Byrd, Bobby: 1 als, 1 tls, 2 handwritten postcards, 2 pages, 1984-Byrd, Don: 1 handritten postcard, ?1993.Carruth, Hayden: 2 tls; 1 handwritten postcard, 2 page, & long review of "Seeing America First," 1990-96.Castro, Michael: 1 als, 2 tls, 1 handwrtten postcard; 5 pages & 4 pp. ts poem, 1991.Chester, Laura 1 handwritten postcard, 1995.Church, Peggy Pond: 1 tls; 1 page & 1 ts poem, 1985.Codrescu, Andrei: 2 als, 1 tls; 3 pages, 1983-84.Cohen, Robert: 1 tls; 1 page, 1969.Cole, Peter: 3 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 5 pages, 1990-Coleman, Wanda: 1 tls; 1 page, 1986.Connor, Julia: 1 handwritten postcard, 1992.Cott, Jonathan: 1 als; 1 page, n.d.Crosby, Caresse: 1 typed postcard, 1968.Dahlen, Beverly: 1 tls; 1 page, 1986.David, Gary: 1 als; 1 page, 1994.Davidson, Michael: 1 tls; 1 page, 1978.Davis, Timothy: 2 tls; 2 pages, 1995.Donahue, Joseph: 1 handwritten postcard, 1995.Dowden, George: 1 als; 1 page, 1968.Einzig, Barbara: 2 als, 2 tls, 3 handwritten postcards; 5 pages, 1974-87.Fischer, Norman [1 tls]Frumkin, Gene: 4 als; 3 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 8 pages & (pp.?) copy, 1987.Funkhouser, Chris: 1 handwritten postcard, 1995.Gansz, David: 2 als, 2 handwritten postcards; 2 pages, 1989-
box 26, folder 5

Miscellaneous [4 of 8]

Scope and Contents note

Gerber, Dan: 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 2 pages, 1971-72.Gildzen, Alex: 2 tls; 2 pages & 22 pp. copy; 15 pp. ts on movies, 1965-Ginsberg, Allen: 1 handwritten postcard, 1965.Goodell, Larry: 6 als, 3 tls, 6 handwritten postcards; 10 pages & 12 pp. copy; ts & hand printed poems, inscribed, 1983- [missing]GREENWALD, ROGER: 1 ALS; 1 page, n.d.Haines, John: 1 als; 1 page, 1983.Harrison, Jim: 1 tls; 1 page, 1969.Harrisson, Keith: 2 als; 2 pages, 1975.Hawkins, Bobbie Louise: 2 tls; 3 pages & 7 pp. copy, 1983-6.Hickman, Lee: 2 als, 2 tls; 3 pages, 1990. [missing]Hinton, David: 1 tls; 1 page, 1994.Hirschmann, Jack: 5 als, 1 tls; 7 pages, 1971-72.Hollander, John: 1 als; 2 pages, 1967.Honig, Edwin: 1 handwritten postcard, 1971.Johnson, Ronald: 1 tls; 1 page, 1970.Karlins, Mark: 1 tls; 1 page, 1987.Killian, Kevin: 1 tls, 1 page & 7 pp. ts paper on Robin Blaser, 1995.Koller, James: 1 als, 1 handwritten postcard; 2 pages, 1971-72.Kuzma, Greg: 1 als, 1 tls; 2 pages, 1984.Lauterbach, Anne: 6 tls, 1 handwritten postcard, 2 typed postcards, 8 pages & 1 typed poem, 1972-Leenhardt, Gary: 1 tls; 1 page, 1985.Lenowitz, Harris: 3 tls; 3 pages & a vita, 1978.Lessing, Karin: 1 handwritten postcard, 1990.
box 26, folder 6

Miscellaneous [5 of 8]

Scope and Contents note

Lombardo, Gian: 2 tls; 2 pages, 1992.Lowenfels, Walter: 4 tls; 4 pages, 1973-74.Marcus, Mort: 1 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 3 pages, 1970-73.Mariah, Paul: 1 ts & vita, 1974.Mayer, Bernadette 1 als, 1 handwritten postcard; 1 page, 1975-82.Mayer, Tom (novelist): 3 tls; 11 pages, 1974.McCord, Howard: 3 tls; 3 pages, 1972-1996.McCullough, Ken: 1 tls; 1 page, 1972.McNaughton, Duncan: 2 als, 2 handwritten postcards; 2 pages, 1973-94.Magowan, Robin: 1 als; 1 page, n.d.Merrill, Christopher: 1 tls, 3 handwritten postcards, 1 typed postcard; 1990s.Metcalf, Paul: 1 tls; 1 page, 1980.Meyer, Tom (poet): 2 als; 2 pages, 1981Michelson, Peter: 1 als, 2 tls; 4 pages, ?1982.Murphy, Robert: 1 tls; 1 page & 16 pp. typescript of poems, 1996. [missing]O'Brien, Geoffrey: 5 tls; 5 pages, 1986.Ostriker, Alicia: 1 als, 1 tls; 2 pages, 1972-74.Ott, Gil: 3 als, 11 tls; 19 pages & 40 pp. script "Talk on the Avenue," (in Scripts files); 5 pp. poetry ts; 2 pp. ms poem "Smoke,"Parker, Linda: 1 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 1 page, 1973.Pearlman, Bill: 1 als; 1 page, 1988.Perchik, Si: 1 als; 1 page, 1973.
box 27, folder 1

Miscellaneous [6 of 8]

Scope and Contents note

Peters, Robert: 3 tls; 3 pages, 1979-84.Planz, Allen: 1 als, 1 tls; 3 pages, 1970.Potts, Charles: 3 tls; 3 pages & flyers, 1971-72.di Prima, Diane: 1 als, 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 3 pages & vita; 3 pp. brochure on San Francisco, Magical Arts Institute, 1974-90.Randall, Margaret: carbon ts of "So Many Rooms has one House," 15 pp., ca. 60s.Raphals, Lisa: 2 als, 2 tls; 5 pages & 42 pp. of poems, 1992-Ratcliffe, Stephen: 1 als, 2 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 4 pages, 1996Rodefer, Stephen: 1 als; 1 page, 1986.Rubinstein, Carol: 1 tls; 1 page & vita, 1980.Salisbury, Ralph: 1 tls; 1 page, & vita, 1982.Scalapino, Leslie: 1 als; 1 page & 2 pp. copy of LS poems translated by Luigi Ballerini, 1981-94.Schevill, James: 1 handwritten postcard, 1993.Skodnik, Roy: 3 pp. proposal for theoretical thesis on Charles Olson, 70s.Smith, William Jay: 1 handwritten postcard, 3 pp. ts of poem "Farewell to Villa Serbelloni," inscribed, 1988.Sobelman, Annah: 2 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 2 pages, 1992.Stafford, William: 1 TLS; 2 pages & 1 photo of NT at Library of Congress, 1971.Stein, Charles: 1 handwritten postcard, 1 holograph drawing inscribed, 4 pp. broadside "Wedding Event" poem (see also Scripts files); 1975-Sze, Arthur: 1 als, 1 tls, 2handwritten postcards; 2 pages & invitation to a reading, 1983-Tejada, Roberto: 1 als, 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 2 pages & typescript of 27 pp. of poems, ca. 1990.
box 27, folder 2

Miscellaneous [7 of 8]

Scope and Contents note

Thayer, Carl: 1 handwritten postcard, 1973.Tinker, Carol: 1 als, 3 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 5 pages & 1 p. copy, 1972-1983.Tritica, John: 1 als; 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 2 pages & 2 pp. typescript poem, 1993.Troupe, Quincy: 1 als; 2 pages, 1992.Ulewicz, Laura: 7 als, 4 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 16 pages & 1 proof, 3 pp. inscribed, 1963-76.Vangelisti, Paul: 1 als; 1 page & card announcing premiere of magazine Ribot, c.1993.Vas Dias, Robert: 2 tls; 2 pages & 3 pp. ts of poems, 1969-83.Wakowski, Diane: 1 tls; 1 pp, 1972.Waldrop, Rosemarie: 1 als, 1 tls, 2 typed postcards 2 pages, 1976-83.Walsh, Donald: 1 tls; 1 page, 1976.Watten, Barry: 1 tls; 1 page, 1988.Weiss, Theodore: 1 als; 2 pages, 1976.Whalen, Philip: 1 als; 1 page, 1986.Wheelock John Hall: 1 als; 1 page, 1962.Whigham, Peter: 1 als, 1 tls; 2 pages & two letterpress Ronsard translations, illustrated, inscribed, 1968-70.Wiater, Michael: 1 handwritten postcard, 1973.Williams, Tyrone: 16 page ts of poems, 1996.Wilson, Peter Lamborn: 5 ALS, 4 TLS, 5 handwritten postcards; 11 pages & 35 pp. of copy mostly illustrated flyers & broadsides on PLW's individualistic brand of Islam; test of NT's "Ethnographies III" with manuscript corrections; 1985-
box 27, folder 3

Miscellaneous [8 of 8]

Scope and Contents note

Wright, James: 1 als, 1 page, 1969.Yau, John: 1 handwritten postcard, 1985.Young, Geoff: 5 tls, 7 pages, 1972.Zweig, Ellen: 14pp. ts of video play installation on Atomic Bomb with Meridel Rubenstein (NT and JR among actors), 1990s
box 27, folder 4

Miscellaneous poets regarding readings, 1960s-1990s

Scope and Contents note

Acker, Kathy; Antin, Blau-Duplessis, Rachel; Butterick, George; Cunningham, J.V.; David; Dahlen, Beverly; Davie, Donald; Finkel, Donald; Fraser, Kathleen; Goehr, Alexander (Composer, re possible Opera Libretto); Hass, Robert; Hitchcock, George; Honig, Edwin; Kennedy, X.J.; Lenowitz, Harris; Loewinsohn, Ron; Miles, Josephine; Marcus, Morton; Mayer, Bernadette; Stafford, William; Stanley, George; Waldman, Anne, 1960s-90s.Also contains materials on reviewing for the New York Times.

Subseries C. British Authors Single Correspondence Files

box 27, folder 5

Anderson, Martin

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 5 tls, 5 handwritten postcards; 9 pages, 1985-
box 27, folder 6

Buchanan, George

Scope and Contents note

6 als, 7 tls, 14 handwritten postcards; 14 pages, 1966-77.
box 27, folder 7

Fowles, John (& Elizabeth)

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 11 tls, 8 handwritten postcards, 2 typed postcards; 14 pages & many cuttings, 1963-77.
box 27, folder 8

Gunn, Tom

Scope and Contents note

1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 1 page, 1993.
box 27, folder 9

Hughes, Ted

Scope and Contents note

5 als, 1 tls; 6 pages & a text "Scapegoat," and many cuttings, 1963-68.
box 27, folder 10

Lessing, Doris

Scope and Contents note

2 tls, 2 pages, 1972.
box 27, folder 11

Logue, Christopher

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 1 typed postcard; 5 pages & two broadsides inscribed, 1968.
box 27, folder 12

Lucie-Smith, Edward

Scope and Contents note

5 als, 15 tls, 2 handwritten postcards: 22 pages, materials on The Group meetings & two small Turret Press books and cuttings, 1963-70
box 28, folder 1

MacBeth, George

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 6 tls, 4 handwritten postcards; 9 pages & 3 pp. carbon of BBC talks; 7 pp. original Group sheet (1968), 1963-75
box 28, folder 2

MacDiarmid, Hugh

Scope and Contents note

7 als; 12 pages & telegram of invitation to visit plus correspondence with Cape re publishing McD.plus correspondence with Duncan Glen and others; letterpress prospectus re 75th Birthday Festschrift; NT on MCD influence on self; cuttings, (see also Scripts files), 1978
box 28, folder 3

Marx, Erica

Scope and Contents note

9 als, 2 tls; 7 handwritten postcards; 8 pages & materials on the Hand & Flower press, 1964-69.
box 28, folder 4

Middleton, Christopher

Scope and Contents note

10 als, 2 tls, 4 handwritten postcards; 17 pages & 6 pages of original ts poems; large tls proof of EastGerman poems translated by CM, 1964, inscribed; 1963-
box 28, folder 5

Mottram, Eric

Scope and Contents note

7 tls, 1 typed postcard; 12 pp. & King's College, London materials on Mottram archive, 1972-75.
box 28, folder 6

Raworth, Tom

Scope and Contents note

7 als, 3 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 10 pages, 1967-
box 28, folder 7

Selerie, Gavin

Scope and Contents note

3 als; 17 tls, 6 handwritten postcards; 34 pp., 1985-
box 28, folder 8

Silkin, Jon

Scope and Contents note

8 als, 2 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 12 pages with materials on Stand magazine, Northern House Books, London Times obituary, etc, 1962-74.
box 28, folder 9

Smith, John

Scope and Contents note

6 als, 7 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 18 pages & hand-corrected poem by JS - an early helper of NT, early 1960s.
box 28, folder 10

Smith, Ken

Scope and Contents note

5 als, 6 tls, 14 pages, 1965-83.
box 28, folder 11

Tomlinson, Charles

Scope and Contents note

18 als; 18 pages & several pp. relating to Vallejo publication, plus 1 tls from Mme Georgette Vallejo interdicting Cape publication, plus 4 tls from Stallworthy, John at Oxford U. Press, 1967-69.
box 28, folder 12

Wesker, Arnold [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

24 als; 10 tls; 54 handwritten postcards; 62 pages, and much copy including: original photo of AW & Martha Crewe by J. Svoboda; photo of AW & grandchild; photo of AW as hon. D.Phil.; 3 pp. holograph notes by NT on AW talks; 11 pp. report "That's Venezuela," with handwritten corrections; 1 drawing, Havana, 1966; ms letter & poem re kitchen employment, aetat 24; 9pp. photocopy "Accepting the Unacceptable," 1974 inscribed; 5 pp. mimeographed text "Steiner's Hitler Got it Wrong," with handwritten corrections; 8 pp. inscribed text "La Miseria de non-essere poeta," 1975-76 inscribed; 4 pp. photocopy of "Open Letter to an Assassin;" "The House," Encounter reprint 11/66 inscribed; The Jewish Quarterly, VII,1, 1959-60; Theater Quarterly, 1971 proof inscribed; Plays International 4/87; programme of "The Friends;" Plymouth Theater playbill opening night of "The Merchant;" other theatrical materials; many cuttings, etc., 1962- ; also Wesker, Dusty: 7 als, 15 handwritten postcards, 11 pages, 1980s-90s.
box 28, folder 13

Wesker, Arnold [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

24 als; 10 tls; 54 handwritten postcards; 62 pages, and much copy including: original photo of AW & Martha Crewe by J. Svoboda; photo of AW & grandchild; photo of AW as hon. D.Phil.; 3 pp. holograph notes by NT on AW talks; 11 pp. report "That's Venezuela," with handwritten corrections; 1 drawing, Havana, 1966; ms letter & poem re kitchen employment, aetat 24; 9pp. photocopy "Accepting the Unacceptable," 1974 inscribed; 5 pp. mimeographed text "Steiner's Hitler Got it Wrong," with handwritten corrections; 8 pp. inscribed text "La Miseria de non-essere poeta," 1975-76 inscribed; 4 pp. photocopy of "Open Letter to an Assassin;" "The House," Encounter reprint 11/66 inscribed; The Jewish Quarterly, VII,1, 1959-60; Theater Quarterly, 1971 proof inscribed; Plays International 4/87; programme of "The Friends;" Plymouth Theater playbill opening night of "The Merchant;" other theatrical materials; many cuttings, etc., 1962- ; also Wesker, Dusty: 7 als, 15 handwritten postcards, 11 pages, 1980s-90s.
box 29, folder 1

Wesker, Arnold [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

24 als; 10 tls; 54 handwritten postcards; 62 pages, and much copy including: original photo of AW & Martha Crewe by J. Svoboda; photo of AW & grandchild; photo of AW as hon. D.Phil.; 3 pp. holograph notes by NT on AW talks; 11 pp. report "That's Venezuela," with handwritten corrections; 1 drawing, Havana, 1966; ms letter & poem re kitchen employment, aetat 24; 9pp. photocopy "Accepting the Unacceptable," 1974 inscribed; 5 pp. mimeographed text "Steiner's Hitler Got it Wrong," with handwritten corrections; 8 pp. inscribed text "La Miseria de non-essere poeta," 1975-76 inscribed; 4 pp. photocopy of "Open Letter to an Assassin;" "The House," Encounter reprint 11/66 inscribed; The Jewish Quarterly, VII,1, 1959-60; Theater Quarterly, 1971 proof inscribed; Plays International 4/87; programme of "The Friends;" Plymouth Theater playbill opening night of "The Merchant;" other theatrical materials; many cuttings, etc., 1962- ; also Wesker, Dusty: 7 als, 15 handwritten postcards, 11 pages, 1980s-90s.
box 29, folder 2

West, Paul

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 2 tls, 5 handwritten postcards, 1 typed postcard; 4 pages & 6 pp. copy; a photocard "Trucking through the Turks" a "Sky Art Event" with Diane Ackerman, PW and others, 1994-
box 29, folder 3

Wevill, David, and Wevill, Assia.

Scope and Contents note

DW: 5 als, 11 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 26 pages & 12 pp. of photocopied poems & several poems in cuttings, 1958-86;AW: 6 als, 8 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 22 pages; plus 23 ms pp. of NT notes concerning the Sylvia Plath & Assia Wevill (& child of Ted Hughes) suicides, unpublished, plus photos & mementos, 1958-69.
box 29, folder 4

White, Kenneth

Scope and Contents note

62 als, 5 handwritten postcards; 148 pages & ms 3 pp. translation of Breton's "Girasol;" 5 pp. Jargon Paper no. 2, 1965 at time of May 1968 Paris events "On the Cultural Revolution;" 5 pp. mimeo on politics, 19[?]

Subseries D. Subseries D. British Authors Group Miscellaneous Correspondence Files

box 29, folder 5

Miscellaneous British [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

Adair, Gilbert: 1 als, 2 tls; 3 pages & 6 pp. poetry, 1987-Alexander, Michael: 1 als; 2 pages, 1963.Baybars, Tana: 1 als; 1 page, 1963.Brooke-Rose, Christine: 1 als; 1 page, 1965.Bold, Alan: 2 typed postcards, 1980.Caddell, Rick: 1 tls, 5 handwritten postcards; 1 page & 3 pp. of poetry, 1987-Cicelis, Kaye: 1 als: 1 page, 1973.Cornford, Adam: 1 als; 2 pages, 1971-Fainlight, Ruth: 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 2 pages, 1966-7.Fielding, Gabriel: 1 als, 2 tls; 4 pages, 1969.Fonteyn, Margot (dancer): 1 als, 2 pages, 1945.Ghose, Zulfikar: 1 typed postcard, 1965.Grubb, Fred: 1 handwritten postcard, 1 inscribed poem, 1960s.Guedalla, Roger: 3 tls; 4 pages, 1971-3.Hamburger, Michael: 2 als; 6 pages, 1963-4.Harwood, Lee: 3 tls; 1 handwritten postcard; 3 pages, 1969.Hignett, Sean: 1 als; 1 page, 1970.Hinde, Thomas: 1 als; 1 tls; 2 pages, 1962.Hobsbaum, Philip: 1 tls; 1 page, 1962.Jennings, Elizabeth: 1 typed postcard, 1960s.Johnson, B.S.: 1 als, 1 ts; 2 pages & 1 circular, 1963.Josephs, Wilfrid (composer): 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 2 pages, 1966.Kerrigan, Anthony: 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 3 pages, 1974.
box 29, folder 6

Miscellaneous British [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

King, Basil: 1 als; 1 page, 1992.Lewis, Cecil Day [Day-Lewis]: 1 als; 1 page, 1968.Longville, Tim: 1 als, 5 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 9 pages, 1971-3.Lowenstein, Tom: 3 als, 3 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 7 pages & a prospectus, 1981-7.Mackmin, Michael: 1 als, 2 tls; 2 pages, 1970-2.Mairowitz, David: 1 tls; 1page, 1986.Mead, Matthew: 2 als, 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 4 pages & copies of contracts, etc, 1969.Mitchell, Adrian: 1 tls; 1 page & prospectus for a U.S. tour, 1970.Nuttall, Jeff: 1 typed form with ms note, 1969.Nye, Robert: [8 tls, not originally listed by Tarn]O'Brien, Edna 1 tls; 1 page, 1965.Oran, Neill: 4 page ts poem, inscribed, 1975.Paolozzi, Eduardo (painter): 1 tls, 1 page, 1968.Pinter, Harold: 1 typed postcard, 1968.Reynolds, Tim: 1 tls; 1 page, 1973.Robinson, Ian: 3 als, 1 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 5 pages, 1985-
box 30, folder 1

Miscellaneous British [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

Rudolph, Anthony: 3 als, 4 tls, 4 handwritten postcards; 11 pages, 1969-Russell, Peter: 16 page mimeograph on archive fire in Italy with poems, 1990.Salkey, Andrew: 1 tls; 1 page, 1970.Schmidt, Michael: 1 tls; 1 page & 2 pp. of praise for Cape Editions, 1973.Sillitoe, Alan: 5 als; 5 pages, 1960s-70s (*) [not found].Sinclair, Andrew: 1 handwritten postcard, 1963.Symons, Jean: 1 als, 2 handwritten postcards; 2 pages & typed poems with corrections, 1963.Simpson, Joan Murray: 1 tls; 1 page, 1983.Thomas, D.M.: 1 als;1 page, 1968.Tonks, Rosemary: 1 als, 2 handwritten postcards; 3 pages, 1963-70.Turnbull, Gael: 1 als; 1 page, 1964.Walker, Ted: 1 als; 4 pages, 1964.Whigham, Peter: [1 p. handwritten note, not originally listed by Tarn]White, Ivan: 3 als; 4 pages, 1964.Williams, J. Hartley: 1 typed postcard, 1991.

Subseries E. French Authors Single Correspondence Files

box 30, folder 2

Auxemery, Jean Paul

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 8 tls, 12 handwritten postcards; 24 pages & 27 pp. copy on Charles Olson, 8 pp. ts of poems,
box 30, folder 3

Barthes, Roland

Scope and Contents note

2 handwritten notes, 1969
box 30, folder 4

Breton, Andre

Scope and Contents note

1 printed questionnaire on magic, signed and addressed to NT as member of Surrealist group, 1955 plus 1951Surrealist Movement documents: 17 pp. mimeo from Henri Pastoureau on The Carrouges Affair; 1 p. mimeofrom AB & Benjamin Peret: Letter to Pastoureau; mimeo letter from Maurice Henry to AB; 1 p. mimeo from Pastoureau to the Group; 3 pp. mimeo from Patrick Waldberg to the S. group; 1 p. holograph by Henri Seigle regarding the Carrouges affair; collection of contemporary cuttings on the death of AB, including tributes by Marcel Duchamp, Philippe Soupault, etc.
box 30, folder 5

Butor, Michel

Scope and Contents note

2 als: 2 pages, 1963-8.
box 30, folder 6

Deguy, Michel [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

99 als, 11 postcards, 170 pages & copy & NRF[New French Review] Gallimard files, Colloquium papers, 1963-
box 30, folder 7

Deguy, Michel [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

99 als, 11 postcards, 170 pages & copy & NRF[New French Review] Gallimard files, Colloquium papers, 1963-
box 30, folder 8

Duchamp, Marcel (Artist)

Scope and Contents note

3 als; 4 pages, 1951-68.
box 30, folder 9

Ponge, Francis

Scope and Contents note

1 als; 2 pages, 1967.
box 30, folder 10

Supervielle, Jules

Scope and Contents note

2 als; 4 pages, 1949.

Subseries F. French Group Miscellaneous

box 31, folder 1

Miscellaneous French [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

ALBIACH, ANNE MARIE: 1 als; 1 tls; 2 pages, 1966-67.CARROUGES, Michel: 8 als, 1 tls; 20pages & funeral notice, 1960-75.Couturier, Michel: 4 tls; 4 pages, 1966-67.Di Manno, Yves: 7 als, 2 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 14 pages & copy of NT translations of Di Manno's Cambodian poems, 1991-92.Emmanuel, Pierre: 1 tls, 1 typed postcard; 1 page, 1967.Faye, Jean Pierre: 1 handwritten postcard, 1 "Pere Duchesne" letterpress issue, 1967.Gaspard, Lorand: 1 als; 1 handwritten postcard; 1 page, 1968-74.Guillevic: 3 original ts poems inscribed, 1967.Guilloux, Louis: 1 als; 1 page, 1965.Jabes, Edmond: 1 handwritten postcard, 1983.Krea, Henri: 1 handwritten postcard, 1965.Oster, Pierre, 1 als; 1 page, 1962.Pleynet, Marcelin: 1 handwritten postcard, 1 typed postcard, 1981.
box 31, folder 2

Miscellaneous French [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Roche, MAURICE: 1 handwritten postcard, n.d.ROYET-Journoud, CLAUDE: 8 als, 6 postcards 18 pp, 1966-74.SEGALEN, YVON: 2 ALS; 3 pp., 1991-.

Subseries G. European Authors Single Correspondence Files

box 31, folder 3

Gergely, Agnes (Hungary)

Scope and Contents note

6 als, 8 tls, 3 handwritten post cards; 32 pages & 20 pp. of mutual translations with annotations & corrections NT/AG/NT, 1992-
box 31, folder 4

Ibsen, Arni (Iceland)

Scope and Contents note

7 tls, 3 handwritten postcards; 20 pages & 40 pp. of Ibsen and of NT in Icelandic translation.
box 31, folder 5


Scope and Contents note

16 letters [als and tls], 8 postcards [handwritten]; 35 pages & copy including: 5 original ts translation of Pessoa with handwritten notes by AL; 2 original photos of AL & NT in Boston; ms notes by NT on AL, 1957-72
box 31, folder 6

Nicolai, Giulia (Italy)

Scope and Contents note

8 als, 2 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 27 pages, 1994-6
box 31, folder 7

Sanesi, Roberto (Italy)

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 30 tls, 7 handwritten postcards; 37 pp and Sanesi's work on NT's The Beautiful Contradictions (published Milan) and letters from Arturo Schwartz (inter alia Duchamp specialist), 1968-76
box 31, folder 8


Scope and Contents note

4 als, 6 tls, 6 postcards; 19 pages & 31 pp. of mutual translations NT/JS/NT with annotations & corrections, 1992-
box 32, folder 1

Tart, Indrek (Estonia)

Scope and Contents note

4 als, 6 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 13 pages & copy, 1992-
box 32, folder 2

Ten Berge, Hans (Netherlands) [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

25 als, 43 tls, 36 handwritten postcards, 1 ts; 86 pages & much copy including: 24 pp. carbon of "From: A Case of Delusion;" 19 pp. carbon of "Autostrade;" 4 pp. original ts of "Lubeck;" 9 pp. photocopy of "Texaaanse Elegien;" original poems for NT; 12 pp. photocopy of HTB poems in French translation; photocopy of Chicago Review poems of HTB in English; large amount of material about NT into Dutch; correspondence with Prof. E.M. Beekman of U. Mass, Amherst about HTB and his own work 1961-
box 32, folder 3

Ten Berge, Hans (Netherlands) [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

25 als, 43 tls, 36 handwritten postcards, 1 ts; 86 pages & much copy including: 24 pp. carbon of "From: A Case of Delusion;" 19 pp. carbon of "Autostrade;" 4 pp. original ts of "Lubeck;" 9 pp. photocopy of "Texaaanse Elegien;" original poems for NT; 12 pp. photocopy of HTB poems in French translation; photocopy of Chicago Review poems of HTB in English; large amount of material about NT into Dutch; correspondence with Prof. E.M. Beekman of U. Mass, Amherst about HTB and his own work 1961-
box 32, folder 4

Ten Berge, Hans (Netherlands) [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

25 als, 43 tls, 36 handwritten postcards, 1 ts; 86 pages & much copy including: 24 pp. carbon of "From: A Case of Delusion;" 19 pp. carbon of "Autostrade;" 4 pp. original ts of "Lubeck;" 9 pp. photocopy of "Texaaanse Elegien;" original poems for NT; 12 pp. photocopy of HTB poems in French translation; photocopy of Chicago Review poems of HTB in English; large amount of material about NT into Dutch; correspondence with Prof. E.M. Beekman of U. Mass, Amherst about HTB and his own work 1961-

Subseries H. European Authors Group Miscellaneous Correspondence Files

box 32, folder 5

Miscellaneous European

Scope and Contents note

AMICHAI, YEHUDA (Israel): 1 als; 1 page, 1968.CEDRINS, P. (Latvia): 2 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 2 pages, 1994-DOMIN, HILDE (Germany): 6 tls, 1 ts, 11 pages, 1965-66.DRAGOMOSHENKO, ARKADY (Russia): 1 tls; 2 pages, 1991-HARDER, UFE (Denmark): 5 tls; 7 pages, 1966-67.HERSBERG, J (Netherlands): 3 als, 1 typed postcard; 6 pages, 1975.HOLUB, MIROSLAV (Czechoslovakia): 2 tls, 1 ts; 2 pages, 1971-76.JONSON, UWE (Germany): 1 tls; 2 pages, 1968.KANTOR, PETR (Hungary): 4 als, 1 handwritten postcard; 4 pages & 12 pp. copy and poems, 1991-POPA, VASKO (Yugoslavia): 1 handwritten postcard, 1968.ROKEAH, DAVID (Israel): 4 als, 1 tls, 3 handwritten postcards; 4 pages, 1964-65.SACHS, NELLY (Germany): 1 handwritten postcard, 1966.SCHIERBEEK, BERNDT (Netherlands): 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 2 pages & broadside, "de deur" signed, 1980.SPAZIANI, MARIA LUISA (Italy): 1 handwritten postcard, 1969.VAES, GUY (Belgium): 1 ALS; 2 pages & 28 pp. ts on Antwerp.VASOVIC, N. (Yugoslavia): 1 tls, 1 page, 1993.VILJARMSSON, T. (Iceland): 2 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 7 pages, 1974-5.WYDENBRUCK, NORA (Austria, friend & biographer of Rilke): 1 tls, 1967.
box 32, folder 6

Miscellaneous European: African authors

Scope and Contents note

MPHALELE, E.: 1 als, 1 page, 1976.SOYINKA, W.: no. of letters, 1960s [not found]

Subseries I. Latin American Authors Single Correspondence Files

box 32, folder 7

Aridjis, Homero (Mexico)

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 4 tls, 2 handwritten postcards, 3 typed postcards; 8 pages & 3 pp. of NT translations of HA; original ts of two poems by HA; "The Morelia Declaration, 1991", 1965-89.
box 32, folder 8

Lam, Wilfredo (Painter, Cuba)

Scope and Contents note

1 tls; 1 page with pencil drawing 1952
box 32, folder 9

Manjarrez, Hector (Mexico)

Scope and Contents note

7 als, 26 tls, 3 handwritten postcards, 1 typed postcards; 66 pages & copy including: 14 pp. carbon with handwritten corrections 1969; 1 p. poem dedicated to NT; 5 pp. ts of notes inscribed; cuttings of texts inscribed, 1969-
box 33, folder 1

Neruda, Pablo (Chile)

Scope and Contents note

5 als, 2 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 8 pages & 11 pp. copy; 4 original photographs of Oxford Mail & Times of PN in doctoral attire; 6 pp. typed list of contents by Neruda for NT's volume of Selected Poems of PN; 3 pp. carbon of PN on Watergate plus English translation; Menu, Park Hotel, Bled, Yugoslavia with some Czech signatures & Miroslav Holub list guests: Pound, Olson, Neruda, Alberti, Bachmann, Asturias, Quasimodo; Spender, etc.; several pages of Cape correspondence with PN; PN hologr. list of poems to be read at London Festival Hall 12.67; correspondence with New York Y about Neruda readings; 1 letter from Matilde N after death of PN; 1 tls from Prof. J.M.Cohen; photocopies of Neruda texts of quotes; many cuttings, 1965-73.
box 33, folder 2

Paz, Octavio (Mexico)

Scope and Contents note

4 als, 28 tls, 3 handwritten postcards; 47 pages & copy including: 4 pp. ts list of Marcel Duchamp works by OP, 1968; 8 pp. pamphlet on Mallarme from Dialogos, 1968, inscribed; Program of Paz Festival at Palacio de Bellas Artes with international caste; Program of Paz reading at New York Y, 10.43; correspondence with translators; many cuttings and documents, (Paz known since 1950 at Surrealist Group, Paris) 1966-
box 33, folder 3

Rojas, Gonzalo (Chile)

Scope and Contents note

1 als; 1 page & 27 pp. of poems with notes and comments, 1989.

Subseries J. Latin American Authors Group Miscellaneous Correspondence Files

box 33, folder 4

Miscellaneous Latin American

Scope and Contents note

ACOSTA,JUVENAL (Mexico): 1 tls; 1 page, 1986.ArMAND, OCTAVIO (Cuba): 1 tls; 2 pages, 1971.BRACHO, CORAL (Mexico): 1 als; 2 pages, 1984.CISNEROS, ANToNIO (Peru): 1 als, 1 handwritten postcard; 3 pages, 1968-74.DeLaCRUZ, VICTOR (Mexico): 1 tls; 1 page, 1989.FERNANDEZ, PABLO ARMANDO (Cuba): 1 als; 1 page, 1968.RODRIGUEZ FEO, JOSE (Cuba): 1 als, 1 tls; 2 pages, 1968.SANCHEZ, ALBERTO RUIZ (Mexico): 2 handwritten postcards, 1993.SEGOVIA, TOMAS (Mexico): 2 als, 1 handwritten postcard; 6 pages & documents, 1971-SUARDIAZ, LUIS (Cuba): 2 tls; 2 pages; 1 poem inscribed, 1969. TRUJILLO, RENATO (Chile): 1 tls; 1 page, 1990.ULACIA, MANUEL (Mexico): 1 als; 1 tls; 3 pages, 1994.VICUNA, CECILIA (Chile): 2 als; 1 handwritten postcard; 2 pages & 10 pp, copy of Martin Adan poems & brochures, 1990-

Subseries K. Australian Authors Single Correspondence Files

box 33, folder 5


Scope and Contents note

4 als, 12 tls; 40 pages & 10pp. ts poetry. 1971-
box 33, folder 6

Stoneking, William

Scope and Contents note

1 als; 1 p., see also Scripts file (*) 1996- [missing?]
box 33, folder 7

Tranter, John

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 4 tls; 1 typed postcard; 5 pages, 1993-

Subseries L. Literary Critics: Individual and Group Correspondence Files

box 33, folder 8

Altieri, Charles (Modern Poetry, U. Washington)

Scope and Contents note

3 tls; 4 pages & 42 pp. photocopied ts "The Powers & Limits of Oppositional Postmodernism, 1987"; handwritten notes by NT on CA and other notes; 1980s.
box 33, folder 9

Bartlett, Lee (American Literature, UNM) [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

8 als, 28 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 2 typed postcards; 41 pages and a great deal of copy mostly inscribed, with much description of publishing ventures, including: 26 pp. ts of various poems by LB; 11 pp. photocopy of article on Snyder in Western American Literature, 1982; 2 reprints from American Literary Scholarship for 1981, 1982; Abacus no.5, 9.84: LB; 2 pp. letter to UNM [University of New Mexico], NT for LB; 6 pp. ts of talk with NT for Alb. Journ. 1985; 6 pp. text on Language Poetry controversy; 10 pp. xerox on Everson for the Centen. Rev. & other Everson papers; materials on NT Bibliography by LB and NT's Views from the Weaving Mountain published by LB; 4 pp. letter to Campus Editor re controversy over Santiago Baca, 1991; draft of NT review of Rexroth-Laughlin book, edited by LB, with handwritten notes for Sulfur; correspondence with Schwerner re Norton Anthology; pages of NT phone notes re talks with LB; 5 pp. printout of letter to UNM Press re American Poetry Books Series crisis, 1993; materials from Mary Bartlett (poet); Jennifer Bartlett (poet); Elizabeth Bartlett (artist), see also very large collection in Scripts files; 1960s-.
box 33, folder 10

Bartlett, Lee (American Literature, UNM) [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

8 als, 28 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 2 typed postcards; 41 pages and a great deal of copy mostly inscribed, with much description of publishing ventures, including: 26 pp. ts of various poems by LB; 11 pp. photocopy of article on Snyder in Western American Literature, 1982; 2 reprints from American Literary Scholarship for 1981, 1982; Abacus no.5, 9.84: LB; 2 pp. letter to UNM [University of New Mexico], NT for LB; 6 pp. ts of talk with NT for Alb. Journ. 1985; 6 pp. text on Language Poetry controversy; 10 pp. xerox on Everson for the Centen. Rev. & other Everson papers; materials on NT Bibliography by LB and NT's Views from the Weaving Mountain published by LB; 4 pp. letter to Campus Editor re controversy over Santiago Baca, 1991; draft of NT review of Rexroth-Laughlin book, edited by LB, with handwritten notes for Sulfur; correspondence with Schwerner re Norton Anthology; pages of NT phone notes re talks with LB; 5 pp. printout of letter to UNM Press re American Poetry Books Series crisis, 1993; materials from Mary Bartlett (poet); Jennifer Bartlett (poet); Elizabeth Bartlett (artist), see also very large collection in Scripts files; 1960s-.
box 34, folder 1

Bartlett, Lee (American Literature, UNM) [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

8 als, 28 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 2 typed postcards; 41 pages and a great deal of copy mostly inscribed, with much description of publishing ventures, including: 26 pp. ts of various poems by LB; 11 pp. photocopy of article on Snyder in Western American Literature, 1982; 2 reprints from American Literary Scholarship for 1981, 1982; Abacus no.5, 9.84: LB; 2 pp. letter to UNM [University of New Mexico], NT for LB; 6 pp. ts of talk with NT for Alb. Journ. 1985; 6 pp. text on Language Poetry controversy; 10 pp. xerox on Everson for the Centen. Rev. & other Everson papers; materials on NT Bibliography by LB and NT's Views from the Weaving Mountain published by LB; 4 pp. letter to Campus Editor re controversy over Santiago Baca, 1991; draft of NT review of Rexroth-Laughlin book, edited by LB, with handwritten notes for Sulfur; correspondence with Schwerner re Norton Anthology; pages of NT phone notes re talks with LB; 5 pp. printout of letter to UNM Press re American Poetry Books Series crisis, 1993; materials from Mary Bartlett (poet); Jennifer Bartlett (poet); Elizabeth Bartlett (artist), see also very large collection in Scripts files; 1960s-.
box 34, folder 2

Corngold, Stanley (Germanic Languages, Philosophy, Princeton U.)

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 13 tls, 8 handwritten postcards, 3 typed postcards; 32 pages and copy: 1974-86.
box 34, folder 3

Felstiner, John (Neruda, Celan; Jewish Literature, Stanford U.)

Scope and Contents note

9 als; 16 pages, 1981-
box 34, folder 4

Fiedler, Leslie (American Literature, SUNY Buffalo)

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 1 tls; 2 pages, 1968.
box 34, folder 5

Finkelstein, Norman (Modern Poetry, Xavier U)

Scope and Contents note

1 als; 4 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 8 pages, 1994-
box 34, folder 6

Giordano, Fedora [not in Tarn's original listing]

Scope and Contents note

[2 als; 6 tls, 5 handwritten postcards]
box 34, folder 7

Kearns, Cleo McNelly & Kearns, George (Eliot, Derrida, Kristeva / Pound, Rutgers U) [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

29 als, 34 tls, 40 handwritten postcards, 1 typed post card; 150 pages & 13 pp. ts on Kristeva and other copy, 1971
box 34, folder 8

Kearns, Cleo McNelly & Kearns, George (Eliot, Derrida, Kristeva / Pound, Rutgers U) [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

29 als, 34 tls, 40 handwritten postcards, 1 typed post card; 150 pages & 13 pp. ts on Kristeva and other copy, 1971-
box 34, folder 9

Kearns, Cleo McNelly & Kearns, George (Eliot, Derrida, Kristeva / Pound, Rutgers U) [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

29 als, 34 tls, 40 handwritten postcards, 1 typed post card; 150 pages & 13 pp. ts on Kristeva and other copy, 1971-
box 34, folder 10

Materassi, Mario (American Literature, Firenze U)

Scope and Contents note

3 tls, 3 handwritten postcards; 3 pages, 1992-
box 35, folder 1

Paul, Sherman (American Literature, Iowa U)

Scope and Contents note

4 als; 26 tls, 1 handwritten postcard, 1 typed postcard; 67 pages; very long critical letters from NT, 1990-+95.
box 35, folder 2

Quartermain, Peter (Modern Poetry, Zukofsky, Oppen, S.Howe, U British Columbia)

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 5 tls, 6 handwritten postcards; 10 pages and 2 reprints on Zukofsky & Joyce, 1990-
box 35, folder 3

Sieburth, Richard (Pound, Modernism; French Literature; NYU):

Scope and Contents note

6 als, 1 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 13 pages, 1984-
box 35, folder 4

Steiner, George (Modern Literature, Cultural Studies, Philosophy, U Geneva) [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 28 tls, 2 handwritten postcards, 1 typed postcard; 34 pages & copy including: 7 pp. exchange of letters GS - Chomsky, 1967; 17 pp. Encounter reprint of "The Language Animal," 1969, inscribed; GS notes on meeting with Levi-Strauss; 4 pp. carbon memo on a NT/GS conversation re Adorno; pages of phone talk notes; 1965 copy of letter to Maschler of Cape with fulsome praise of NT's first book; large no. of cuttings, 1965-70.
box 35, folder 5

Steiner, George (Modern Literature, Cultural Studies, Philosophy, U Geneva) [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 28 tls, 2 handwritten postcards, 1 typed postcard; 34 pages & copy including: 7 pp. exchange of letters GS - Chomsky, 1967; 17 pp. Encounter reprint of "The Language Animal," 1969, inscribed; GS notes on meeting with Levi-Strauss; 4 pp. carbon memo on a NT/GS conversation re Adorno; pages of phone talk notes; 1965 copy of letter to Maschler of Cape with fulsome praise of NT's first book; large no. of cuttings, 1965-70.
box 35, folder 6

Watanabe, Shinji (American poetry, Kyoto, U)

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 3 tls; 4 pages & 14 pp. ts of SW poems in English, 1980s .
box 35, folder 7

Ziquing, Zhang (American Poetry, U of Nanjing)

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 11 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 19 pages & 24 pages of NT teaching to ZZ re the EP-HD-WCW lineage which changed ZZ's huge "History of 20th Century American Poetry (1995- Changchun 1997); some 20 pp., of printouts of ZZ prefaces etc., 1992.
box 35, folder 8

Miscellaneous Critic Files

Scope and Contents note

Brown, Clarence (Russian Studies, Mandelstam); Kermode, Frank (Modern Literature); Matthews, J. (Surrealism);Lang, Frances and Victor [not listed by Tarn]Niranjana, Tejaswini (Raj, Translation Theory); Pargeter, Edith (Czech Lit.); Poulet, Georges (Literature, Philosophy);Rosenthal, M.L. (Modern Poetry); Said, Edward [not listed by Tarn]Urzidil, Johannes (friend of Kafka).Weatherhead, Kingsley [not listed by Tarn]

Subseries M. Individual and Group Correspondence Files

box 35, folder 9

Amenoff, Gregory (Painter, illustrator of NT's Multitude of One, Grenfell Press)

Scope and Contents note

5 als, 1 tls, 1 typed postcard; 17 pages & 9 illustr. showannouncements; 1 catalogue; 1990-
box 36, folder 1

Berry, William (Painter)

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 5 handwritten postcard; 5 pages & catalogue with notes, 1988-92.
box 36, folder 2

Chappell, Walter (Photographer)

Scope and Contents note

2 handwritten postcards and vita & other illustrated documents, 1990.
box 36, folder 3

Digby, John (Collagist, previously self-proclaimed Pope of English Surrealism; one of NT's oldest friends) [1 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

90 als, 47 tls, 110 handwritten postcards; 195 pages & copy including: 24 pp. original ts poems; many printed poems; 9 original collages (out of larger collection); 21 original large photos of collage work; others of JD in different settings; large quantity of posters, cards and other illustrations; several reviews; 19 slides of collages; other correspondence including 2 als from Theodore Weiss, 1960s-
box 36, folder 4

Digby, John (Collagist, previously self-proclaimed Pope of English Surrealism; one of NT's oldest friends) [2 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

90 als, 47 tls, 110 handwritten postcards; 195 pages & copy including: 24 pp. original ts poems; many printed poems; 9 original collages (out of larger collection); 21 original large photos of collage work; others of JD in different settings; large quantity of posters, cards and other illustrations; several reviews; 19 slides of collages; other correspondence including 2 als from Theodore Weiss, 1960s-
box 36, folder 5

Digby, John (Collagist, previously self-proclaimed Pope of English Surrealism; one of NT's oldest friends) [3 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

90 als, 47 tls, 110 handwritten postcards; 195 pages & copy including: 24 pp. original ts poems; many printed poems; 9 original collages (out of larger collection); 21 original large photos of collage work; others of JD in different settings; large quantity of posters, cards and other illustrations; several reviews; 19 slides of collages; other correspondence including 2 als from Theodore Weiss, 1960s-
box 36, folder 6

Digby, John (Collagist, previously self-proclaimed Pope of English Surrealism; one of NT's oldest friends) [4 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

90 als, 47 tls, 110 handwritten postcards; 195 pages & copy including: 24 pp. original ts poems; many printed poems; 9 original collages (out of larger collection); 21 original large photos of collage work; others of JD in different settings; large quantity of posters, cards and other illustrations; several reviews; 19 slides of collages; other correspondence including 2 als from Theodore Weiss, 1960s-
box 36, folder 7

Dreyblatt, Arnold (Composer)

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 9 tls, 5 handwritten postcards, 1 typed postcard plus 5 concert announcements and 10 pp. ts announcement of "Whos' Who in Central Europe, 1933," 1990-
box 36, folder 8

Hamady, Walter (printer of NT/JR The forest)

Scope and Contents note

3 tls; 3 pages & 11 pp. of Letterpress items; 2 pp.printout of ironic comments on poetry publishing, 1987-
box 37, folder 1

Jacno, Marcel (Typographer, Designer for Shell, Gauloises, Teatre National Populaire etc. etc. designer of NT's very first book "La Legende de St. Germain des Pres")

Scope and Contents note

8 als, 1 handwritten postcard; 8 pages & 5 mock ups & set of logos for NT small books proposed publishing venture in early 50s (Paris Editions); catalogue of MJ painting show, 1954-+87.
box 37, folder 2

Palanker, Robin (Painter)

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 1 tls, 2 handwritten postcards, 2 typed postcards; 4 pages and many show announcements, 1993-
box 37, folder 3

Petersen, Will (Painter)

Scope and Contents note

4 als, 4 tls, 2 handwritten postcards 2 typed postcards; 15 pages, many re publication of his letterpress mag. Plucked Chicken; illutr. announcements of WP shows, 1977-1987
box 37, folder 4

Schrieber, Ilse (Painter, Printer of NT Holderlin poem)

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 1 handwritten postcard, 1 typed postcard; 3 pages & announcements, 1992-3.
box 37, folder 5

Miscellaneous Artist Files (1970s - Present)

Scope and Contents note

Ayers, Lydia [not listed by Tarn]Hocks, Paula (Book Arts); Ignatow, Rose (Art); Jackson, Brick (Landscape Architecture, Harvard U); Klosky, Linda (Film);Kush (Film); Maher, Janet (Art); Ranney, Ed (Photography); Rossing, Ulli (Art); Stolpe, Dan (Art);Valamanesh, Hossein (Art); Vasulka, Steina (Video); Walters, Ian (Sculpture)Youngblood, Gene [not listed by Tarn]

Subseries N. Scholars Individual Correspondence Files

box 37, folder 6

Arendt, Hannah (Philosophy)

Scope and Contents note

3 tls; 3 pages, 1968-70
box 37, folder 7

Biton, Lucien (Philosophy, Buddhist Studies) [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

120 als, 6 handwritten postcards, 1 typed postcard; 258 pages+; French translation of NT's Berlin Festwochen paper with notes by LB. Huge bibliographical help to NT's library) 1952-+1993.
box 37, folder 8

Biton, Lucien (Philosophy, Buddhist Studies) [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

120 als, 6 handwritten postcards, 1 typed postcard; 258 pages+; French translation of NT's Berlin Festwochen paper with notes by LB. Huge bibliographical help to NT's library) 1952-+1993.
box 37, folder 8

Brown, Norman, O. (Philosophy, UCSC)

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 1 handwritten postcard; 3 pages, 1983.
box 37, folder 9

Campbell, Joseph (Mythology)

Scope and Contents note

2 als; 3 pages, 1974-5.
box 37, folder 10

Canetti, Elias (Literature, Political Science)

Scope and Contents note

2 tls; 2 pages, 1968.
box 37, folder 11

Scholem, Gershon (Kabbalah, U Jerusalem)

Scope and Contents note

3 als; 3 pages, 1963-70.
box 37, folder 12

Miscellaneous Scholar Files (1960s - Present)

Scope and Contents note

Chomsky, Noam (Linguistics, MIT); Engel, W. (Psychoanalysis); Falk, Richard (Political Science, Princeton U); Gombrich, Ernst (Art History, Courtauld); Gorer, Geoffrey (Psychology, Anthropology); Gourou, Pierre (Human Geography, College de France) Hillman, James (Jungian Analysis); Leach, Bernard (Ceramics); Legman, Gershon (Folklore); Lewis, Bernard (Islam, Princeton U); Morris, Desmond (Ethology); Schachter, Zalman (Kabbalah); Sutton, G.M. (Ornithology, Oklahoma U); Yadin, Yigdael (Archaeology)

Subseries O. Orientalists Individual and Group Correspondence Files

box 37, folder 13

Blacker, Carmen (Japan, Cambridge U.)

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 7 tls, 5 handwritten postcards; 13 pages, 1954-61.
box 37, folder 14

Dumezil, Georges

Scope and Contents note

[4 als, 2 tls; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 37, folder 15

Durt, M. (Japan, Hobogirin, Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient)

Scope and Contents note

7 als, 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 9 pages & pages of bibliography; obituaries ofRene de Berval and Anna Seidel, 1984-92.
box 37, folder 16

Laffont Bernard (Laos, EFEO, fellow student of NT):

Scope and Contents note

8 als, 2 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 10 pages, 1952-
box 38, folder 1

MacDonald, A.W. (Tibet, U Nanterre, fellow student of NT)

Scope and Contents note

13 als, 3 handwritten postcards, 1 typed postcard; 31 pages, 1951-
box 38, folder 2

May, Jacques (Buddhism, EFEO)

Scope and Contents note

5 als, 5 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 10 pages, 1961-64.
box 38, folder 3

Morris, Ivan

Scope and Contents note

[5 als, 1 tls, 6 handwritten postcards, photocopied obituary from Japan House Letter, 1976; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 38, folder 4

Stein, Rolf (Sino-Tibet, College de France)

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 1 handwritten postcard; 2 pages, 1958-61.
box 38, folder 5

Waley, Arthur (China, Japan)

Scope and Contents note

1 handwritten postcard, 2 typed postcards, 1961-62.
box 38, folder 6

Miscellaneous Orientalist Group Files (Mostly 1950s and 1960s)

Scope and Contents note

Bareau, Andre (Buddhism, EFEO): 1 als; 2 pages, 192.Becht, M. (S.E.Asia, U. Goettingen): 1 tls; 1 page, 1981.Boyle, J.A. (Persian, U Manchester): 2 tls; 3 pages, 1962.Coedes, Georges (S.E.Asia, EFEO, Institut de France): 1 handwritten postcard, 1960s.Cuisinier, Jeanne (S.E.Asia, Musee Guimet): 1 als, 1 handwritten postcard; 1 page, 1962.Demieville, Paul (Buddhism, College de France): 1 handwritten postcard, 1965.Daniels, Frank (Japan, SOAS): 1 als; 2 pages, 1962.De Jong, Josselyn (Buddhism, Leyden U., Canberra U.) 1 typed postcard, 1962.Dumezil, Georges (Indo-European, College de France): 1 tls, 1 page,Elisseeff, Vadime (Japan, College de France, Musee Cernuschi): 1 tls, 1 page, 1962.Gourou, Pierre: (Human Geography, College de France): 1 tls, 1 page, [missing]Leroi-Gourhan (Prehistory, Sorbonne, Director EHEE, Teacher of NT) 2 tls; 2 pages, [missing]Levy, Paul (S.E.Asia; EHE, Teacher of NT): 1 als; 2 pages, 1952.Liebenthal, Walter: (Chinese Buddhism, UC Berk.): 1 handwritten postcard, 1957.Mesman, H. R. [not originally listed by Tarn]Nakayama, Shozen (Tenri Sect): 1 tls; 1 page, 1960s (* [missing])Ogata, Shaku (Zen): 1 als; 2 pages, 1960s (* [missing]Poree-Maspero, F.: (Cambodia, Musee Guimet): 1 als; 1 page, 1967.Soymie, Michel (Japan, EFEO): 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 2 pages, 1961.Tucci, Giuseppe (Buddhism, Tibet, ISMEO, U Rome): 1 tls; 1 page, 1962.Yorke, Gerald (Budhism, Publisher): 1 als, 3 tls; 4 pages, 1960.

Subseries P. Publishing Files: Working at Jonathan Cape, Richard Grossman, Cape, Cape Editions, and Cape Goliard Materials

box 38, folder 7

J. Cape: mostly Old savage/young city and poetry list set up, fol 1

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly tls, some drafts, with Tom Maschler of Jonathan Cape, early 1960s]
box 38, folder 8

J. Cape: NT as editor, Ø [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly tls, some drafts, photocopied newspaper articles regarding Cape publishing, mid to late 1960s]
box 38, folder 9

J. Cape: NT as editor 1965 -1967, Ø [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly tls, some drafts, photocopied newspaper articles regarding Cape publishing, mid to late 1960s]
box 38, folder 10

J. Cape: NT as editor, 1965 -1967, I

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly tls, some drafts, photocopied newspaper articles regarding Cape publishing, mid to late 1960s]
box 38, folder 11

J. Cape: NT as editor, 1967 -1968, II [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly tls, some drafts, photocopied newspaper articles regarding Cape publishing, mid to late 1960s]
box 39, folder 1

J. Cape: NT as editor, 1967 -1968, II [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly tls, some drafts, photocopied newspaper articles regarding Cape publishing, mid to late 1960s]
box 39, folder 2

J. Cape: NT as editor, 1967 -1968, III [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly tls, some drafts, mid to late 1960s]
box 39, folder 3

J. Cape: NT as editor, 1967 -1968, III [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly tls, some drafts, mid to late 1960s]
box 39, folder 4

J. Cape: NT as editor, 1968 -1969, IV [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly tls, some drafts, photocopied newspaper articles regarding Cape publishing, mid to late 1960s]
box 39, folder 5

J. Cape: NT as editor, 1968 -1969, IV [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly tls, some drafts, photocopied newspaper articles regarding Cape publishing, mid to late 1960s]
box 39, folder 6

J. Cape: 1969 -1971, mainly re Neruda (Merwin, Reid, Kerrigan)

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly tls, some drafts, regarding translations and publishing of Selected poems by Pablo Neruda; similar material regarding several of Tarn's works published by J. Cape]
box 39, folder 7

J. Cape: 1972 -1976, mainly re Neruda (Merwin, Reid, Kerrigan)

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly tls, some drafts, regarding translations and publishing of Selected poems by Pablo Neruda; similar material regarding several of Tarn's works published by J. Cape]
box 40, folder 1

J. Cape: Cape-Goliard, 1967-1969

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, financial statements, meeting minutes, announcements, etc. regarding publishing activities of Tarn at Cape-Goliard]
box 40, folder 2

J. Cape: NT blurbs, reports, etc. [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Ts and carbon of biographical notes on authors, book jacket blurbs, some correspondence and other editorial material]
box 40, folder 3

J. Cape: NT blurbs, reports, etc. [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Ts and carbon of biographical notes on authors, book jacket blurbs, some correspondence and other editorial material]
box 40, folder 4

Cape Goliard in Santa Fe, 1971-1973

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly ts, regarding attempt to transfer Cape-Goliard to Santa Fe]
box 40, folder 5

J. Cape: NT royalties [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Royalty statements, some correspondence regarding Tarn's published works through J. Cape, and others, 1960s-1970s]
box 40, folder 6

J. Cape: NT royalties [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Royalty statements, some correspondence regarding Tarn's published works through J. Cape, and others, 1960s-1970s]
box 41, folder 1

Berrigan, Ted: Original proofs of Sonnets.

box 41, folder 2

Blackburn, Paul: inscribed proofs of The Cities.

box 41, folder 3

Blackburn, Paul: Galley proofs of In or About the Premises

box 41, folder 4

Butor, Michel: Setting Copy of manuscript of Histoire extraordinaire

Scope and Contents note

142 page carbon typescript, corrected.
box 41, folder 5

DeGuy, Michel: Selected poems

Scope and Contents note

Ts, some ms, with handwritten corrections.
box 41, folder 6

Felstiner, John. Paul Celan: poet , survivor, Jew.

Scope and Contents note

[Uncorrected page proofs, bound, some handwritten notes by Tarn; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 41, folder 7

Ginsberg, Allen: Galley proofs of T.V.Baby.

box 41, folder 8

Hollo, Anselm: Galley Proofs of Treetop Hat.

box 41, folder 9

Irby, Kenneth: Riding the dog

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts, inscribed; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 42, folder 1

Dakers, Charles. The winter of the world

Scope and Contents note

[Carbon copied ts; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 42, folder 2

Eshelman, Clayton: Translation of Vallejo's Human Poems

Scope and Contents note

Original proofs [by Grove Press]
box 42, folder 3

Fox, Robin. The violent imagination

Scope and Contents note

[Revised copy of page proof; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 42, folder 4

Olson, Charles: First set of proofs before correction of Maximus Poems IV, V, VI

box 42, folder 5

"X": A Quarterly Review, London

Scope and Contents note

Clippings book and proofs, plus 9 page ts program by NT to save and develop the magazine in trouble.
box 42, folder 6

X Magazine 1962

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly tls, some als, regarding attempt to save magazine; ts of program regarding same,; photocopies of newspaper articles regarding magazine; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 43, folder 1

Lowry, Malcom: Galley proofs of Selected Letters

Scope and Contents note

[Contains 6pp. photocopied ms describing Lowry's relationship with Jonathan Cape]
box 43, folder 2

Morris, Ivan: Draft of "Kamikaze" chapter of "The nobility of failure"

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts, not originally listed by Tarn]
box 43, folder 3

Patchen, Kenneth: Selected Poems

Scope and Contents note

Setting copy, 148 page photocopy with pages of handwritten notes by NT
box 43, folder 4

Paz, Octavio: An Introduction to Levi-Strauss

Scope and Contents note

Typed carbon with holograph notes, approx. 90 pages.
box 43, folder 5

Ponge, Francis: Soap

Scope and Contents note

63 page carbon typescript setting copy with corrections by translator Lane Dunlop.
box 43, folder 6

Reid, Alastair: Galley Proofs of AR's translations of Neruda.

box 43, folder 7

Rothenberg, Diana. The mothers of the nation and other essays.

Scope and Contents note

[Proof with handwritten editing; 1 als from Pierre Joris; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 43, folder 8

Trakl, Georg: Selected Poems.

Scope and Contents note

30 page ts plus 30 page translation by Robert Grenier of the RG, Michael Hamburger, David Luke & Christopher Middleton.
box 43, folder 9

Weinberger, Elliot. The falls

Scope and Contents note

[Laser print copy of ts; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 43, folder 10

Zukofsky, Louis: 55 Poems

Scope and Contents note

Galley proofs, inscribed to NT.
box 44, folder 1

Zukofsky, Louis: All

Scope and Contents note

Galley proofs
box 44, folder 2

Early magazine proofs, 1960s

Scope and Contents note

[Proofs of Tarn translations for Modern Poetry in Translation, The Poetry Review, and Literary Supplement 274(?)]

Subseries Q-1. Other Publishers' Files and Literary Materials: Correspondence

box 44, folder 3

American Poetry Books, eventually University of New Mexico Press

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with regard to NT's "Views from the Weaving Mountain: Selected Essays in Poetics & Anthropology," with letters from Alain Breton, Phillip Foss, Michael Heller, Michel Deguy, Julien Blaine & Edward Foster regarding the book and much reviews material, early 1990s
box 44, folder 4

Black Sparrow Press

Scope and Contents note

51 tls, 4 cards, 50 carbons, 2 original drawings, notes, memos, etc. concerning NT's The House of Leaves.
box 44, folder 5

Book People

Scope and Contents note

10 als; 13 pages from Bob De Lapp re various projects, 1972-75.
box 44, folder 6

Boxkite Magazine

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, copies of email, publishing announcements, 1996-1998; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 44, folder 7

Brillig Works Press

Scope and Contents note

File of approx. 50 pages concerning the publication of the NT - Janet Rodney work Atitlan-Alashka.
box 44, folder 8

University of California Press

Scope and Contents note

Long, complex, eventually aborted correspondence with editor Scott Mahler re plans to publishNT's volumes in the "Autoanthropology" series, 1985-89.
box 44, folder 9

Jonathan Cape Publishers

Scope and Contents note

13 tls, 1 telegram from Tom Maschler, mostly about possibility of Cape interest in "Scandals in the Houseof Birds," 1983-, also design materials for the Cape edition of "A Nowhere for Vallejo" (1971).
box 44, folder 10

Chax Press

Scope and Contents note

4 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 6 pages from Charles Alexander, regarding various projects with the Press, 1990-
box 44, folder 11

Christopher Books Press

Scope and Contents note

Approx. 10 pages of discussion of NT's The Persephones, etc.
box 45, folder 1

Coffee House Press [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence re "Seeing America First" with design & publishing materials and correspondence mostly concerning reviews, a couple of which adverse. With reviews by Hayden Carruth, Lee Bartlett, George Myers, Jim Burns and Correspondence from Lindsay Hill; Anne Valley-Fox, Alfred Bush (Princeton U Library); Christopher Merrill; Hans Ten Berge; Peter Quartermain.
box 45, folder 2

Coffee House Press [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence re "Seeing America First" with design & publishing materials and correspondence mostly concerning reviews, a couple of which adverse. With reviews by Hayden Carruth, Lee Bartlett, George Myers, Jim Burns and Correspondence from Lindsay Hill; Anne Valley-Fox, Alfred Bush (Princeton U Library); Christopher Merrill; Hans Ten Berge; Peter Quartermain.
box 45, folder 3

Coffee House Press [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence re "Seeing America First" with design & publishing materials and correspondence mostly concerning reviews, a couple of which adverse. With reviews by Hayden Carruth, Lee Bartlett, George Myers, Jim Burns and Correspondence from Lindsay Hill; Anne Valley-Fox, Alfred Bush (Princeton U Library); Christopher Merrill; Hans Ten Berge; Peter Quartermain.
box 45, folder 4

Farrar Straus Publishers

Scope and Contents note

24 letters & carbons, mostly concerning Neruda [Also contains correspondence regarding unauthorized use by Newsweek of material from Macchu Picchu]
box 45, folder 5

Gale Publishers

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence & materials re NT's autobiography in the "Contemporary Authors" series.
box 45, folder 6

Gale Publishers, Nathan Tarn Autobiography

Scope and Contents note

[Printouts of first, and final drafts; photocopy of page proofs; photocopy of ts with handwritten corrections; not originally listed by Tarn, found in a separate folder]
box 45, folder 7

Grenfell Press

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 3 tls, 5 handwritten postcards, 2 typed postcards; 5 pages with Leslie Miller, possibly finest printer in US & materials on the designing and printing of Natasha Tarn's "Multitude of One," edited by NT, a very limited de luxe Letterpress edition, 1 als to Miller from Elizabeth Murray, painter, 1989-
box 45, folder 8

Grenfell Press

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, copy of unsigned contract with handwritten corrections, photocopy of unsigned, blank contract form, 1991; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 45, folder 9

Knopf Publishers

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with editors Angus Cameron (See also NT at Cape Files) & Alice Quinn, mid-1970s.
box 45, folder 10

Labrynith Press, Neruda 1984-1990

Scope and Contents note

NT Neruda translations with illustrations by publisher Richard Bigus.
box 46, folder 1

Marsilio Publishers, File I

Scope and Contents note

File of long correspondence with Luigi Ballerini, Eliot Weinberger, Marc Stafford etc. with much publishingmaterial, book designs, jacket designs, ms NT notes on the Marsilio crises etc, concerning the publication of NT's Scandals in the House of Birds, 1990s-.
box 46, folder 2


Scope and Contents note

File re "Scandals in the House of Birds", with correspondence to & from Max Gluksman (Simon and Schuster); Andre Schiffrin & David Sternbach (Pantheon); John Glusman (Collier); Beth Haddas (UNM Press); Donald Lamm (President, Norton); Peter Turner (Shambalah); Allen Peacock (Holt); T. David Brent (U Chicago Press); Teresa May (U Texas Press); Christopher Merrill ( Gibbs Smith); Christopher Lutz (Mesoamerica); Alain Breton (Autrement/Seuil) etc.
box 46, folder 3

Membrane Press

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 17 tls, 4 faxes; 26 pages from Karl Young, with KY poems on back of tls re NT's "The Microcosm" and later Grist website Net projects for "Alashka" and other works, 1976-
box 46, folder 4

New Directions Publishers [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Concerning NT's "Lyrics for the Bride of God" and "Alashka." 15 letters & 2 cards from James Laughlin; 23 letters & 2 cards from NT's editor; preliminary materials for Lyrics including drawings, contracts etc.; 1 als of 2 pages from Kenneth Rexroth, plus materials concerning publishing. Approx. 200 pages.
box 46, folder 5

New Directions Publishers [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Concerning NT's "Lyrics for the Bride of God" and "Alashka." 15 letters & 2 cards from James Laughlin; 23 letters & 2 cards from NT's editor; preliminary materials for Lyrics including drawings, contracts etc.; 1 als of 2 pages from Kenneth Rexroth, plus materials concerning publishing. Approx. 200 pages.
box 46, folder 6

Ninja Press

Scope and Contents note

9 tls, 4 handwritten postcards from sitcom star, rafter, photographer and printer Carolee Campbell, with press materials, leading to forthcoming publication of NT's de luxe Letterpress "Architextures 1 - 7," 1993-
box 46, folder 7

Oasis/Sherman Press

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with Ian Robinson & Tony Frazer of the Press regarding various projects including NT's "Palenque: New & Selected Poems," 1981-
box 46, folder 8

Oxus Press

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with poet printer John Stathatos re NT's Letterpress edition of "Weekends in Mexico," 1981-83.
box 46, folder 9

Perishable Press/Hamaday

Scope and Contents note

9 als from Walter Hamady, 8 proofs of collages by John Digby, carbons, notes etc. concerning theRodney-Tarn Letterpress edition of "The Forest," part of the "Alashka."
box 47, folder 1

Permanent Press

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 7 tls, from poet editor Robert Vas Dias re Letterpress edition of Tarn-Rodney "The Ground of Our Great Admiration of Nature," part of the "Alashka," 1970-79.
box 47, folder 2

Random House Publishers [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Over 150 pages of correspondence, mostly with Nan Talese, NT's editor, press releases, carbons, jacketdesigns, blurbs etc. concerning NT's The Beautiful Contradictions; A Nowhere for Vallejo etc..
box 47, folder 3

Random House Publishers [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Over 150 pages of correspondence, mostly with Nan Talese, NT's editor, press releases, carbons, jacketdesigns, blurbs etc. concerning NT's The Beautiful Contradictions; A Nowhere for Vallejo etc..
box 47, folder 4

Salt Works Press

Scope and Contents note

46 pages of correspondence from Marylin Kitchell re publication of works by NT and Janet Rodney & copy of publishing materials, 1983-89.
box 47, folder 5

Sand Dollar Press

Scope and Contents note

10 als, 3 typed postcards from Jack Shoemaker with much news of R.Duncan, G.Snyder et al literary activity in the Bay Area and some Press materials, 1970-77.
box 47, folder 6

Shambalah Publishers

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with Peter Turner of the firm and Kent Johnson/Craig Paulenich editors re the anthology "Beneath a Single Moon: Buddhism in Contemporary American Poetry," 1990s.
box 47, folder 7

Sun & Moon Publishers

Scope and Contents note

11 tls from poet-editor Douglas Messerli re contributions to his magazine La Bas, the S&M Gertrude Stein Awards, the Poets' Calendar, 1978-
box 47, folder 8

Swallow Press

Scope and Contents note

[1 als, 2 tls, other material; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 47, folder 9

Trigram Press

Scope and Contents note

1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard, mostly about NT's letterpress "October," 1969.
box 47, folder 10

Unicorn Press

Scope and Contents note

6 ALS from Teo Savory; 3 als from Allan Brilliant, plus carbon replies, regarding NT"S translation (first in English) of Victor Segalen.
box 47, folder 11

Correspondence with publishers & small presses [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Anvil; Autrement; Backwoods Broadsides[not found]; Beacon; Book People[not found]; Burning Deck[not found]; Cadmus; Carcanet[not found]; U. Chicago; Copper Beech; Collier; Continuum; Crowell; Doghair; Doubleday; Eridanos; Farrar Straus; Firefly[not found]; Fulcrum; Gale; Gibbs Smith; Godine; Grey Fox; R. Grossman; Harcourt Brace; Howling Dog[not found]; Knopf; Labyrinth; Lapis; Logbridge Rhodes; Lorrimer; McPherson; North Point; Oleander; Overlook; Oyez; Pantheon; Penguin; Red Ozier[not found]; Shambalah[not found, listed as separate folder above?]; Station Hill[not found]; Suhrkampf/Insel; Sun & Moon[not found, listed as separate folder above?]; Talon; Tanam[not found]; Temple U; Treacle; Trout Creek; U of Warwick[not found]; Van der Marck[not found]; Villa Miseria; Viking; Wild Hawthorn[not found]; Wineberry.[Several additional publishers unlisted by Tarn are in these folders]
box 47, folder 12

Correspondence with publishers & small presses [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Anvil; Autrement; Backwoods Broadsides[not found]; Beacon; Book People[not found]; Burning Deck[not found]; Cadmus; Carcanet[not found]; U. Chicago; Copper Beech; Collier; Continuum; Crowell; Doghair; Doubleday; Eridanos; Farrar Straus; Firefly[not found]; Fulcrum; Gale; Gibbs Smith; Godine; Grey Fox; R. Grossman; Harcourt Brace; Howling Dog[not found]; Knopf; Labyrinth; Lapis; Logbridge Rhodes; Lorrimer; McPherson; North Point; Oleander; Overlook; Oyez; Pantheon; Penguin; Red Ozier[not found]; Shambalah[not found, listed as separate folder above?]; Station Hill[not found]; Suhrkampf/Insel; Sun & Moon[not found, listed as separate folder above?]; Talon; Tanam[not found]; Temple U; Treacle; Trout Creek; U of Warwick[not found]; Van der Marck[not found]; Villa Miseria; Viking; Wild Hawthorn[not found]; Wineberry.[Several additional publishers unlisted by Tarn are in these folders]
box 47, folder 13

NT: Misc. publishing

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence with: Ninja Press, Heat, Quicksilver, Amazon.com, Bookworm, Shearsman, Allende, Contemoporary Authors, Routledge; and others; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]

Subseries Q-2. Other Publishers' Files and Literary Materials: Radio Scripts

box 48, folder 1

Celan, Paul: Word Trellis, translated by Helmut Bonheim

Scope and Contents note

38 page mimeograph.
box 48, folder 2

Sigma Portfolio, nos. 1-10

Scope and Contents note

Brakhage, StanCreeley, RobertLaing, R.D. McClure, MichaelTrocchi, AlexanderOthers
box 48, folder 3

Hughes, Ted. Dogs: A radio script

Scope and Contents note

29 page mimeograph.
box 48, folder 4

Merwin, W.S.: Poetry Reading, 9.28.1954

Scope and Contents note

26 page mimeograph.
box 48, folder 5

Middleton, Christopher: The Living Poets

Scope and Contents note

15 page mimograph.
box 48, folder 6

Quasimodo, Salvatore: Poetry Reading

Scope and Contents note

9 page mimeograph.
box 48, folder 7

Redgrove, Peter: Sermon, a Radio Script

Scope and Contents note

14 page mimeograph.

Subseries Q-3. Other Publishers' Files and Literary Materials: Other Scripts

box 48, folder 8

Bartlett, Lee. Talking Poetry: Conversations in the workshop with contemporary poets

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied proof of front material]
box 48, folder 9

Bartlett, Lee. Conversations in the workshop with contemporary poets

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts, chapters 1-7]
box 48, folder 10

Bartlett, Lee. Conversations in the workshop with contemporary poets

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts, chapters 8-end]
box 48, folder 11

Bartlett, Lee, ed. Kenneth Rexroth and James Laughlin, selected correspondence

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts, pp. 1-180]
box 49, folder 1

Bartlett, Lee, ed. Kenneth Rexroth and James Laughlin, selected correspondence

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts, pp. 181-end]
box 49, folder 2

Bartlett, Lee. The idea of the West in the work of Thom Gunn and Nathaniel Tarn

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts of essay, inscribed]
box 49, folder 3

Bartlett, Lee. The sun is but a morning star

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied proof, inscribed]
box 49, folder 4

Bartlett, Lee, ed. Nathaniel Tarn, American poetry contemporary bibliography series

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied proof, handwritten notes and corrections]
box 49, folder 5

Preliminary bibliography, prepared for Lee Bartlett, 7/31/85

Scope and Contents note

[Carbon copy of handwritten list]
box 49, folder 6

Nathaniel Tarn: A bibliography

Scope and Contents note

[Dot-matrix computer printout]
box 49, folder 7

[Bartlett, Lee. unfoldered, untitled material]

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied articles and ts, either authored or edited by Bartlett]
box 49, folder 8

Bartlett, Lee

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence and photocopied ts of essays edited by Bartlett]
box 49, folder 9

Beekman, E.M. Let it be: the ergatic mode of Netherlandic poetry and art

Scope and Contents note

[Laser print copy of ts, not originally listed by Tarn]
box 49, folder 10

Bersenbrugge, Mei Mei: "Kindness" a play

Scope and Contents note

Acting copy of NT as actor with NT's notes, inscribed, 1992.
box 49, folder 11

Cornelis, Jef: Tawantinsuyu, 1992-1492

Scope and Contents note

[Laser print copy of outline for Belgian television documentary; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 50, folder 1

Clifford, James (UCSC): On Ethnographic Authority; On Ethnographic Surrealism

Scope and Contents note

Inscribed reprints, with correspondence [Other journal articles, ts drafts and proofs]
box 50, folder 2

Clifford, James. Other essays, book reviews, etc.

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts, journal articles; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 50, folder 3

Cornford, Adam. Decision forest, poems 1988-1995

Scope and Contents note

[Laser printed ts, correspondence; not individually listed by Tarn]
box 50, folder 4

Digby, John. The structure of bi-focal distance

Scope and Contents note

[2 sets of galley proofs, 1 ms; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 50, folder 5

Friedrich, Paul (U Chicago): Linguistic Relativism & Poetic Indeterminacy

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied] ts together with Hymes, Dell Sociolinguistics paper, 1969.
box 50, folder 6

Heller, Michael. Some provocations concerning deep song; The true epithalamium; Poetry without credentials

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts, some with handwritten corrections, some inscribed; not originally listerd by Tarn]
box 50, folder 7

Hill, Lindsay: Socket

Scope and Contents note

Bound script together with casette andf CD recordings of long poem [unrelated correspondence; unrelated note regarding Alvarez on Sylvia Plath]
box 50, folder 8

King, Basil. Warp spasm

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 50, folder 9

Literary Ephemera & Greeting Cards, 1960s-90s [1 of 2]

box 51, folder 1

Literary Ephemera & Greeting Cards, 1960s-90s [2 of 2]

box 51, folder 2

Miscellaneous literary greeting cards

Scope and Contents note

[Not originally listed by Tarn]
box 51, folder 3

Lowenstein, Tom. Eskimo

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts of long poem, other material; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 51, folder 4

Morrow, Bradford: Posthumes

Scope and Contents note

Letterpress quality printout of Cadmus Editions script, 1982.
box 51, folder 5

Mus, David: Trop Plein/overflow

Scope and Contents note

Long bilingual printout to NT for selection for Conjunctions [L'unalternatif/the one alternative, photcopied ts; long poem not originally listed by Tarn]
box 51, folder 6

Ott, Gil: Talk on the avenue

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied laser print ts; not individually listed by Tarn]
box 51, folder 7

Poetry International, Rotterdam, 1987 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Collection of scripts by participating poets printed specially for the Festival, 1987.
box 51, folder 8

Poetry International, Rotterdam, 1987 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Collection of scripts by participating poets printed specially for the Festival, 1987.
box 51, folder 9

Poetry Society, London [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Collection of letterpress pamphlets by UK poets, leaflets and other materials, 1960s.
box 52, folder 1

Poetry Society, London [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Collection of letterpress pamphlets by UK poets, leaflets and other materials, 1960s.
box 52, folder 2

Prattis, J. Iain. Anthropology and poetry

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts of introduction; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 52, folder 3

Slater, Mariam K. The abominable straw man: how an anthropologist thinks about primitive mentality

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of thesis, dissertation?; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 52, folder 4

Soupault, Philippe. Andre Breton

Scope and Contents note

8 pp. original mimeograph text of this pionneer of Surrealism's lecture on Andre Breton at the London Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1.19.67.
box 52, folder 5

Snyder, Gary. The dimensions of a myth

Scope and Contents note

[Mimeographed copy of 1951 thesis, Reed College; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 52, folder 6

Stein, Charles. Notes on Parmenides; selections from The forestforthetrees

Scope and Contents note

Collection of 4 large ts, inscribed, of on-going magnum opus.
box 52, folder 7

Strauss, David Levi. ACTS

Scope and Contents note

Papers relating to his publication of ACTS, 1980s.
box 52, folder 8

Taggart, John. Reading William Bronk

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied journal article; photocopy of untitled ts attributed to Taggart; not individually listed by Tarn]
box 52, folder 9

Trittica, John. Book reviews

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts of several book reviews, correspondence; not individually listed by Tarn]
box 52, folder 10

Ten Berge, Hans. De witte sjamann

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopies of several poems, correspondence; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 52, folder 11

Vangelisti, Paul: Earthly science (translation); Miaow

Scope and Contents note

2 large photocopied ts of poems for submission to Conjunctions (not accepted), 1995.
box 52, folder 11

Venuti, Lawrence (Temple U). The theory of translation, 1992.

Scope and Contents note

[Collection of photocopied papers regarding translation, correspondence]
box 53, folder 1

Cape Goliard Press

Scope and Contents note

Collection of Press Design Ephermera.
box 53, folder 2

Literary epehemera USA, 1960s and 1970s

box 53, folder 3

US Literary ephemera, 1970s

box 53, folder 4

History of the U.K. Meetings of "The Group" (successor to "The Movement,") 1962-1966 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Some 225 pages of mimeograph poems & discussion sheets: including Peter Porter; George MacBeth; Edward Lucie-Smith (Convenor); Allan Brownjohn; Jean Symons; Philip Hobsbawm, Fleur Adcock & NT. NT's copies with his notes. By its very nature must be a very rare set.
box 53, folder 5

History of the U.K. Meetings of "The Group" (successor to "The Movement,") 1962-1966 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Some 225 pages of mimeograph poems & discussion sheets: including Peter Porter; George MacBeth; Edward Lucie-Smith (Convenor); Allan Brownjohn; Jean Symons; Philip Hobsbawm, Fleur Adcock & NT. NT's copies with his notes. By its very nature must be a very rare set.
box 53, folder 6

NT: The "group"

Scope and Contents note

[Not originally listed by Tarn; ts, correspondence relating to the above mentioned "the group"]
box 54, folder 1

Wagatsuma, Hiroshi, and Devos, George A. Alienation and the author: a triptych on social conformity and deviancy in the Japanese intellectuals

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of working draft; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 54, folder 2

Wilden, Anthony, translation The commentary on Freud's Verneinung by Jacues Lacan and Jean Hyppolite

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 54, folder 3

Wilson Peter Lamborn. Caliban's masque: spiritual anarchy and the wild man in colonial America

Scope and Contents note

[Copy of ts; not individually listed by Tarn; photocopied ts of Boy-love poems of Abu Nuwas, possibly by Hakim Bey, found in same folder]
box 54, folder 4

Wynter, Sylvia. Ethnopoetics--sociopoetics: the case of the black oral tradition in the New World

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied ts of conference paper,; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 54, folder 5

Poetry and essays by others [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Not originally listed by Tarn; ts, or photocopies of ts, some inscribed; list of authors:Augustine, Jane. GlorificationsHymes, Dell. Sociolinguistics and the ethnography of speakingO'Brien, Geoffrey. Late geometric grave-offering---------- ------------. Kin Azul; the steps of Tulom---------- ------------. Terrestrial...[and other poems]Bowles, Jerry G. ed. Art work, no commercial value---------- ------- -. Ancient quarry workshops in northern Labrador: a preliminary report]
box 54, folder 6

Poetry and essays by others [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Not originally listed by Tarn; ts, or photocopies of ts, some inscribed; list of authors:Frumkin, GeneGoodell, LarryLauterback, AnneSchwerner, ArmandWilson, Keithothers]
box 54, folder 7

Magazine articles regarding several poets

Scope and Contents note

[Not originally listed by Tarn; photocopied, list of authors:Chowka, Barry, on Gary SnyderDickstein, Morris, on Allen GinsbergMcClure, Michael, on Bob Dylan]
box 54, folder 8

The unity of man

Scope and Contents note

[Material relating to an international seminar sponsored by the Centre International d'Etudes Bio-Anthropologiques et Anthropologie Fundamentale (CIEBAF), September, 1974; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 54, folder 9

Foundation Royaumont

Scope and Contents note

[Booklet contains several essays and activity reports; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 55, folder 1

Journal articles by others

Scope and Contents note

[Not originally listed by Tarn; photocopied, list of authors:Chomsky, Noam. Principles and parameters in syntactic theory.Greenberg, Joseph, et al. On linguitic anthropology essays in honor of Harry Hoijer, 1979.Rogmann, Horst. Realism magico y negritude como con strucciones ideologicas. Shapiro, Warren. the place of cognitive extensionism in the history of anthropological thought.Ward, Russell. "Breaker Morant" and Australian nationalism.]
box 55, folder 2

Journal reprints by others

Scope and Contents note

[Not originally listed by Tarn; photocopied, list of authors:Benoist, Jean-Marie. Philippe Sollers: LoisBlevins, Richard. Sections from Flattened notesDeChiffe, Jerome Bosche. Art ancienDesanti, Jean T. Le champ clos de la metaphysique occidentale]

Subseries T. French Anthropologists Individual Correspondence Files

box 86, folder 5

Chiva, Isaac, and Ariane(French Rural Sociology, Europe; Assistant to Levi-Strauss, Fellow Student of NT)

Scope and Contents note

18 als, 1 handwritten postcard, 1 typed postcard; 44 pages, 1951-68.
box 86, folder 6

Chiva, I.

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, 1957-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 86, folder 7

Dieterlen, Germain (Africa)

Scope and Contents note

5 als, 1 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 10 pages, 1952-66 (in Griaule file).
box 86, folder 8

Griaule, Marcel (Africa, the Sorbonne, First Teacher of NT)

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 1 handwritten postcard; 2 pages: 1951.
box 86, folder 9

Levi-Strauss, Claude (Theory; College de France, Second Teacher of NT)

Scope and Contents note

6 als, 2 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 8 pages, 1953-70.
box 86, folder 10

Tardits, Claude, and Claudie (Africa, EHP, Fellow Student of NT)

Scope and Contents note

16 als, 9 tls, 2 handwritten postcards; 58 pages, 1951-57.
box 86, folder 11

Group files


Subseries Q-4. Other Publishers' Files and Literary Materials: Newspaper and Periodicals Files

box 55, folder 3

ACTS (San Francisco)1987-89

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 4 tls, 1 handwritten postcard, 1 typed postcard; 10 pages from editor-critic David Levi Strauss; 4 pp. printout on DLS; handwritten notes by NT on DLS.
box 55, folder 4

Alcheringa (Milwaukee, Boston)

Scope and Contents note

2 tls, Jerome Rothenberg; 1 als and 2 tls, Michael Benamou; 3 als, 12 tls Paul Kahn; 21 pp. and 4 pp. statement of intent, 1970-1977
box 55, folder 5

Boundary 2 (SUNY Binghamton)

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 13 tls, 6 handwritten postcards, 1 typewritten postcard; 17 pages from William Spanos and other correspondence re nature of postmodernism and re NT publications in B2 and special NT issue, 1973-75.
box 55, folder 6

Conjunctions (New York) [1 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

13 als, 46 tls, 12 handwritten postcards; 69 pages from Brad Morrrow in long continuing correspondence from the start of the publication, Kenneth Rexroth having advised Morrow to take NT on as a contributing editor. Also: The Book of Songs, 13 pp. of proofs corrected by BM; Papa Itzak, 21 pp. photocopied ts; Above the Chatauquas, 20 pp.; The Preferences, 8 vo, wrapper, The Grenfell Press one of 25 copies; proofs of NT's North Rim, published in C; many other items by NT and 40 pp. carbon replies to BM from NT and dozens of pages of notes of phone talks on corrections, proofs and other C related matters; 1 tls from Peter Cole, 1 page.
box 55, folder 7

Conjunctions (New York) [2 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

13 als, 46 tls, 12 handwritten postcards; 69 pages from Brad Morrrow in long continuing correspondence from the start of the publication, Kenneth Rexroth having advised Morrow to take NT on as a contributing editor. Also: The Book of Songs, 13 pp. of proofs corrected by BM; Papa Itzak, 21 pp. photocopied ts; Above the Chatauquas, 20 pp.; The Preferences, 8 vo, wrapper, The Grenfell Press one of 25 copies; proofs of NT's North Rim, published in C; many other items by NT and 40 pp. carbon replies to BM from NT and dozens of pages of notes of phone talks on corrections, proofs and other C related matters; 1 tls from Peter Cole, 1 page.
box 55, folder 8

Conjunctions (New York) [3 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

13 als, 46 tls, 12 handwritten postcards; 69 pages from Brad Morrrow in long continuing correspondence from the start of the publication, Kenneth Rexroth having advised Morrow to take NT on as a contributing editor. Also: The Book of Songs, 13 pp. of proofs corrected by BM; Papa Itzak, 21 pp. photocopied ts; Above the Chatauquas, 20 pp.; The Preferences, 8 vo, wrapper, The Grenfell Press one of 25 copies; proofs of NT's North Rim, published in C; many other items by NT and 40 pp. carbon replies to BM from NT and dozens of pages of notes of phone talks on corrections, proofs and other C related matters; 1 tls from Peter Cole, 1 page.
box 55, folder 9

Conjunctions (New York) [4 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

13 als, 46 tls, 12 handwritten postcards; 69 pages from Brad Morrrow in long continuing correspondence from the start of the publication, Kenneth Rexroth having advised Morrow to take NT on as a contributing editor. Also: The Book of Songs, 13 pp. of proofs corrected by BM; Papa Itzak, 21 pp. photocopied ts; Above the Chatauquas, 20 pp.; The Preferences, 8 vo, wrapper, The Grenfell Press one of 25 copies; proofs of NT's North Rim, published in C; many other items by NT and 40 pp. carbon replies to BM from NT and dozens of pages of notes of phone talks on corrections, proofs and other C related matters; 1 tls from Peter Cole, 1 page.
box 56, folder 1

Conjunctions (New York) [5 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

13 als, 46 tls, 12 handwritten postcards; 69 pages from Brad Morrrow in long continuing correspondence from the start of the publication, Kenneth Rexroth having advised Morrow to take NT on as a contributing editor. Also: The Book of Songs, 13 pp. of proofs corrected by BM; Papa Itzak, 21 pp. photocopied ts; Above the Chatauquas, 20 pp.; The Preferences, 8 vo, wrapper, The Grenfell Press one of 25 copies; proofs of NT's North Rim, published in C; many other items by NT and 40 pp. carbon replies to BM from NT and dozens of pages of notes of phone talks on corrections, proofs and other C related matters; 1 tls from Peter Cole, 1 page.
box 56, folder 2

Conjunctions (New York) [6 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

13 als, 46 tls, 12 handwritten postcards; 69 pages from Brad Morrrow in long continuing correspondence from the start of the publication, Kenneth Rexroth having advised Morrow to take NT on as a contributing editor. Also: The Book of Songs, 13 pp. of proofs corrected by BM; Papa Itzak, 21 pp. photocopied ts; Above the Chatauquas, 20 pp.; The Preferences, 8 vo, wrapper, The Grenfell Press one of 25 copies; proofs of NT's North Rim, published in C; many other items by NT and 40 pp. carbon replies to BM from NT and dozens of pages of notes of phone talks on corrections, proofs and other C related matters; 1 tls from Peter Cole, 1 page.
box 56, folder 3

Conjunctions (New York) [7 of 7]

Scope and Contents note

13 als, 46 tls, 12 handwritten postcards; 69 pages from Brad Morrrow in long continuing correspondence from the start of the publication, Kenneth Rexroth having advised Morrow to take NT on as a contributing editor. Also: The Book of Songs, 13 pp. of proofs corrected by BM; Papa Itzak, 21 pp. photocopied ts; Above the Chatauquas, 20 pp.; The Preferences, 8 vo, wrapper, The Grenfell Press one of 25 copies; proofs of NT's North Rim, published in C; many other items by NT and 40 pp. carbon replies to BM from NT and dozens of pages of notes of phone talks on corrections, proofs and other C related matters; 1 tls from Peter Cole, 1 page.
box 56, folder 4

Credences, (Kent State, SUNY Buffalo)

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 14 tls; 16 pages, from Robert Bertholf re NT contributions with other materials and 2 pp.publication announcement, 1975-85..
box 56, folder 5

Courrier du Centre International de Poesie (Brussels)

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence re the Journal des Poetes; the Courrier; the Knokke International Poetry Festivals; the Grand Prix de Knokke, etc. (for a great many years NT tried to represent American poetry from Pound on down. Noresult. Recently: they chose Ashbery); 1960s-
box 56, folder 6

Critique (Paris)

Scope and Contents note

26 tls from editor Yvonne Schuhl, 1 tls from editor Jean Piel; 31 pages & 8 pp. of NT reviews on Africa & Indonesia; 7 tls from the British Council regarding reviews & 1 tls from the Royal Institute of International Affairs, idem, (Georges Bataille personally commissioned NT's first article on Jules Supervielle), 1949-60.
box 56, folder 7

First Intensity (New York & Lawrence, KS)

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 32 tls, 6 handwritten postcards; 44 pages & 5 pp. proofs of poem by NT; materials on publication of magazine, etc., 1993-
box 56, folder 8

Les Lettres Nouvelles (Paris)

Scope and Contents note

File of large 1960s correspondence with Maurice Nadeau, Genevieve Serreau & Mary Hutchinson, friend of Matisse and many others, sponsor of "X", regarding NT's articles for LN, 1970s.
box 57, folder 1

Mandorla (Mexico City)

Scope and Contents note

3 als, 6 tls; 10 pages from poet-editor Robert Tejada re NT contributions etc., 1990-
box 57, folder 2

Modern Poetry in Translation (London)

Scope and Contents note

8 TLS; 10 pages from Daniel Weissbort, 1970-71.
box 57, folder 3

Shearsman (Kuala Lumpur, Jeddah, Hong Kong, Santiago de Chile, Macao, Mexico City)

Scope and Contents note

4 als, 24 tls, 1 handwritten postcard, 1 typed postcard; 33 pages from editor Tony Frazer re NT contributions and collaboration with Oasis Press et al, 1980-
box 57, folder 4

Temblor: (Los Angeles)

Scope and Contents note

7 als, 9 tls; 17 pages from poet-editor Leland Hickman, 1 TLS death announcement from CharlesMacauly and 2 pp. NT text "A Word for LH," 1988-+1991.
box 57, folder 5

The Times (London)

Scope and Contents note

22 TLS from Literary Editor MICHAEL RATCLIFFE (a few from Assistant) 22 pages 7 much copy including:reviews with NT hologr. corrections & Times proofs of Prehistoric Art in Europe; Dawn of the Gods; Ancient Sicily; The Quest for Arthur's Britain;African Art; A History of the Vikings; The End of Atlantis; Levi-Strauss's Elementary Structures of Kinship; approx. 25 pp., 1968-69..
box 57, folder 6

Triquarterly (Evanston)

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 11 tls, 1 typed postcard; 13 pages from editor Elliot Anderson; 3 tls, 1 typed postcard from editor Mary Kinzie, 1974-77; 1 tls from editor Reginald Gibbons, 1982 on various projects with NT participation and materials, 1974-82.
box 57, folder 7

Vort (Bloomington)

Scope and Contents note

1 als, 7 tls; 8 pages from editor Barry Alpert re aborted interview with NT for a Vort issue, 1973-75.
box 57, folder 8

Correspondence With Other Magazines [1 of 6]

Scope and Contents note

American Book Review; American Poetry Review; Address; Affinities; Alaska Quarterly Review; U of Alaska Mag; Am Here [not identified]; Antioch Review; Anonym; Another Chicago Mag; Antaeus; Apex of the M; Armadillo; Artes de Mexico[not identified]; Bezoar[not identified]; Boxkite; Big Deal; Blue Mesa Review; Books Abroad; Broadway Boogie; Caliban; Capilano Review; Carnegie; Central Park; Chain; Chicago Review; Clear Creek; Colorado Review; Contact; Correspondences; Crayon; Damascus Road; Disturbed Guillotine; Epoch; Exposure; Famous; Fireweed; First Offense; Floating Island; Forehead; Grand Street; Grilled Flowers; Grove; Harper's; Hills; Hodos; Illinois Review; Iowa Review; Ironwood; Issue; Kayak; Kenyon Review; Kosmos; Lampeter Muse[not identified]; Le Parvis Poetique; Luna Tack; Los; Mademoiselle; Margins; Massachussetts Review; Metanoia; Modern Poetry in Translation[not identified]; Mountain Messenger Lit. Sup.; Mojo; Mundus Artium; The Nation; National Poetry Foundation; New American Writing; New Orleans Review; New Literary History; New York Times Book Review; Nexus; Northwest [Review]; Notus; O.ARS; Object Lesson; Oblek; Open Places; Osiris; Painted Bride; Paris Review; Phantasm; Poesia y Poetica[not identified]; Poets on the Buses; Poetry New York; Quarter After Eight; Raddle Moon; Red Buffalo; River City; Sagetrieb[not identified]; Sailing the Road Clear; Sapiens; Scripsi; Seizure; Shambhala Sun; Shocks; Six Pack; Some; Stiletto; Stonechat; Substance; Suenos; Sulfur[not identified]; Sumac; Taos Review; Tarasque; Terra Nava; Text; That; To; Toothpick; Tricycle; Truck; 2 + 2; Unmuzzled Ox; Via.[and others not listed by Tarn]
box 57, folder 9

Correspondence With Other Magazines [2 of 6]

Scope and Contents note

American Book Review; American Poetry Review; Address; Affinities; Alaska Quarterly Review; U of Alaska Mag; Am Here [not identified]; Antioch Review; Anonym; Another Chicago Mag; Antaeus; Apex of the M; Armadillo; Artes de Mexico[not identified]; Bezoar[not identified]; Boxkite; Big Deal; Blue Mesa Review; Books Abroad; Broadway Boogie; Caliban; Capilano Review; Carnegie; Central Park; Chain; Chicago Review; Clear Creek; Colorado Review; Contact; Correspondences; Crayon; Damascus Road; Disturbed Guillotine; Epoch; Exposure; Famous; Fireweed; First Offense; Floating Island; Forehead; Grand Street; Grilled Flowers; Grove; Harper's; Hills; Hodos; Illinois Review; Iowa Review; Ironwood; Issue; Kayak; Kenyon Review; Kosmos; Lampeter Muse[not identified]; Le Parvis Poetique; Luna Tack; Los; Mademoiselle; Margins; Massachussetts Review; Metanoia; Modern Poetry in Translation[not identified]; Mountain Messenger Lit. Sup.; Mojo; Mundus Artium; The Nation; National Poetry Foundation; New American Writing; New Orleans Review; New Literary History; New York Times Book Review; Nexus; Northwest [Review]; Notus; O.ARS; Object Lesson; Oblek; Open Places; Osiris; Painted Bride; Paris Review; Phantasm; Poesia y Poetica[not identified]; Poets on the Buses; Poetry New York; Quarter After Eight; Raddle Moon; Red Buffalo; River City; Sagetrieb[not identified]; Sailing the Road Clear; Sapiens; Scripsi; Seizure; Shambhala Sun; Shocks; Six Pack; Some; Stiletto; Stonechat; Substance; Suenos; Sulfur[not identified]; Sumac; Taos Review; Tarasque; Terra Nava; Text; That; To; Toothpick; Tricycle; Truck; 2 + 2; Unmuzzled Ox; Via.[and others not listed by Tarn]
box 57, folder 10

Correspondence With Other Magazines [3 of 6]

Scope and Contents note

American Book Review; American Poetry Review; Address; Affinities; Alaska Quarterly Review; U of Alaska Mag; Am Here [not identified]; Antioch Review; Anonym; Another Chicago Mag; Antaeus; Apex of the M; Armadillo; Artes de Mexico[not identified]; Bezoar[not identified]; Boxkite; Big Deal; Blue Mesa Review; Books Abroad; Broadway Boogie; Caliban; Capilano Review; Carnegie; Central Park; Chain; Chicago Review; Clear Creek; Colorado Review; Contact; Correspondences; Crayon; Damascus Road; Disturbed Guillotine; Epoch; Exposure; Famous; Fireweed; First Offense; Floating Island; Forehead; Grand Street; Grilled Flowers; Grove; Harper's; Hills; Hodos; Illinois Review; Iowa Review; Ironwood; Issue; Kayak; Kenyon Review; Kosmos; Lampeter Muse[not identified]; Le Parvis Poetique; Luna Tack; Los; Mademoiselle; Margins; Massachussetts Review; Metanoia; Modern Poetry in Translation[not identified]; Mountain Messenger Lit. Sup.; Mojo; Mundus Artium; The Nation; National Poetry Foundation; New American Writing; New Orleans Review; New Literary History; New York Times Book Review; Nexus; Northwest [Review]; Notus; O.ARS; Object Lesson; Oblek; Open Places; Osiris; Painted Bride; Paris Review; Phantasm; Poesia y Poetica[not identified]; Poets on the Buses; Poetry New York; Quarter After Eight; Raddle Moon; Red Buffalo; River City; Sagetrieb[not identified]; Sailing the Road Clear; Sapiens; Scripsi; Seizure; Shambhala Sun; Shocks; Six Pack; Some; Stiletto; Stonechat; Substance; Suenos; Sulfur[not identified]; Sumac; Taos Review; Tarasque; Terra Nava; Text; That; To; Toothpick; Tricycle; Truck; 2 + 2; Unmuzzled Ox; Via.[and others not listed by Tarn]
box 58, folder 1

Correspondence With Other Magazines [4 of 6]

Scope and Contents note

American Book Review; American Poetry Review; Address; Affinities; Alaska Quarterly Review; U of Alaska Mag; Am Here [not identified]; Antioch Review; Anonym; Another Chicago Mag; Antaeus; Apex of the M; Armadillo; Artes de Mexico[not identified]; Bezoar[not identified]; Boxkite; Big Deal; Blue Mesa Review; Books Abroad; Broadway Boogie; Caliban; Capilano Review; Carnegie; Central Park; Chain; Chicago Review; Clear Creek; Colorado Review; Contact; Correspondences; Crayon; Damascus Road; Disturbed Guillotine; Epoch; Exposure; Famous; Fireweed; First Offense; Floating Island; Forehead; Grand Street; Grilled Flowers; Grove; Harper's; Hills; Hodos; Illinois Review; Iowa Review; Ironwood; Issue; Kayak; Kenyon Review; Kosmos; Lampeter Muse[not identified]; Le Parvis Poetique; Luna Tack; Los; Mademoiselle; Margins; Massachussetts Review; Metanoia; Modern Poetry in Translation[not identified]; Mountain Messenger Lit. Sup.; Mojo; Mundus Artium; The Nation; National Poetry Foundation; New American Writing; New Orleans Review; New Literary History; New York Times Book Review; Nexus; Northwest [Review]; Notus; O.ARS; Object Lesson; Oblek; Open Places; Osiris; Painted Bride; Paris Review; Phantasm; Poesia y Poetica[not identified]; Poets on the Buses; Poetry New York; Quarter After Eight; Raddle Moon; Red Buffalo; River City; Sagetrieb[not identified]; Sailing the Road Clear; Sapiens; Scripsi; Seizure; Shambhala Sun; Shocks; Six Pack; Some; Stiletto; Stonechat; Substance; Suenos; Sulfur[not identified]; Sumac; Taos Review; Tarasque; Terra Nava; Text; That; To; Toothpick; Tricycle; Truck; 2 + 2; Unmuzzled Ox; Via.[and others not listed by Tarn]
box 58, folder 2

Correspondence With Other Magazines [5 of 6]

Scope and Contents note

American Book Review; American Poetry Review; Address; Affinities; Alaska Quarterly Review; U of Alaska Mag; Am Here [not identified]; Antioch Review; Anonym; Another Chicago Mag; Antaeus; Apex of the M; Armadillo; Artes de Mexico[not identified]; Bezoar[not identified]; Boxkite; Big Deal; Blue Mesa Review; Books Abroad; Broadway Boogie; Caliban; Capilano Review; Carnegie; Central Park; Chain; Chicago Review; Clear Creek; Colorado Review; Contact; Correspondences; Crayon; Damascus Road; Disturbed Guillotine; Epoch; Exposure; Famous; Fireweed; First Offense; Floating Island; Forehead; Grand Street; Grilled Flowers; Grove; Harper's; Hills; Hodos; Illinois Review; Iowa Review; Ironwood; Issue; Kayak; Kenyon Review; Kosmos; Lampeter Muse[not identified]; Le Parvis Poetique; Luna Tack; Los; Mademoiselle; Margins; Massachussetts Review; Metanoia; Modern Poetry in Translation[not identified]; Mountain Messenger Lit. Sup.; Mojo; Mundus Artium; The Nation; National Poetry Foundation; New American Writing; New Orleans Review; New Literary History; New York Times Book Review; Nexus; Northwest [Review]; Notus; O.ARS; Object Lesson; Oblek; Open Places; Osiris; Painted Bride; Paris Review; Phantasm; Poesia y Poetica[not identified]; Poets on the Buses; Poetry New York; Quarter After Eight; Raddle Moon; Red Buffalo; River City; Sagetrieb[not identified]; Sailing the Road Clear; Sapiens; Scripsi; Seizure; Shambhala Sun; Shocks; Six Pack; Some; Stiletto; Stonechat; Substance; Suenos; Sulfur[not identified]; Sumac; Taos Review; Tarasque; Terra Nava; Text; That; To; Toothpick; Tricycle; Truck; 2 + 2; Unmuzzled Ox; Via.[and others not listed by Tarn]
box 58, folder 3

Correspondence With Other Magazines [6 of 6]

Scope and Contents note

American Book Review; American Poetry Review; Address; Affinities; Alaska Quarterly Review; U of Alaska Mag; Am Here [not identified]; Antioch Review; Anonym; Another Chicago Mag; Antaeus; Apex of the M; Armadillo; Artes de Mexico[not identified]; Bezoar[not identified]; Boxkite; Big Deal; Blue Mesa Review; Books Abroad; Broadway Boogie; Caliban; Capilano Review; Carnegie; Central Park; Chain; Chicago Review; Clear Creek; Colorado Review; Contact; Correspondences; Crayon; Damascus Road; Disturbed Guillotine; Epoch; Exposure; Famous; Fireweed; First Offense; Floating Island; Forehead; Grand Street; Grilled Flowers; Grove; Harper's; Hills; Hodos; Illinois Review; Iowa Review; Ironwood; Issue; Kayak; Kenyon Review; Kosmos; Lampeter Muse[not identified]; Le Parvis Poetique; Luna Tack; Los; Mademoiselle; Margins; Massachussetts Review; Metanoia; Modern Poetry in Translation[not identified]; Mountain Messenger Lit. Sup.; Mojo; Mundus Artium; The Nation; National Poetry Foundation; New American Writing; New Orleans Review; New Literary History; New York Times Book Review; Nexus; Northwest [Review]; Notus; O.ARS; Object Lesson; Oblek; Open Places; Osiris; Painted Bride; Paris Review; Phantasm; Poesia y Poetica[not identified]; Poets on the Buses; Poetry New York; Quarter After Eight; Raddle Moon; Red Buffalo; River City; Sagetrieb[not identified]; Sailing the Road Clear; Sapiens; Scripsi; Seizure; Shambhala Sun; Shocks; Six Pack; Some; Stiletto; Stonechat; Substance; Suenos; Sulfur[not identified]; Sumac; Taos Review; Tarasque; Terra Nava; Text; That; To; Toothpick; Tricycle; Truck; 2 + 2; Unmuzzled Ox; Via.[and others not listed by Tarn]

Subseries Q-5. Other Publishers' Files and Literary Materials: Miscellaneous Files

box 58, folder 4

NT: General correspondence, 1957-1962

box 58, folder 5

NT: General correspondence, 1963 [1 of 2]

box 59, folder 1

NT: General correspondence, 1963 [2 of 2]

box 59, folder 2

NT: General correspondence, 1964

box 59, folder 3

NT: General correspondence, 1965

box 59, folder 4

NT: General correspondence, 1966

box 59, folder 5

NT: General correspondence, 1967 [1 of 2]

box 60, folder 1

NT: General correspondence, 1967 [2 of 2]

box 60, folder 2

NT: General correspondence, 1968 [1 of 2]

box 60, folder 3

NT: General correspondence, 1968 [2 of 2]

box 60, folder 4

NT: General correspondence, 1969

box 60, folder 5

NT: General correspondence, 1970

box 60, folder 6

NT: General correspondence, 1971

box 61, folder 1

NT: General correspondence, 1972 [1 of 2]

box 61, folder 2

NT: General correspondence, 1972 [2 of 2]

box 61, folder 3

NT: General correspondence, 1973 [1 of 2]

box 61, folder 4

NT: General correspondence, 1973 [2 of 2]

box 61, folder 5

NT: General correspondence, 1974

box 61, folder 6

NT: General correspondence, 1975

box 62, folder 1

NT: General correspondence, 1976 [1 of 2]

box 62, folder 2

NT: General correspondence, 1976 [2 of 2]

box 62, folder 3

NT: General correspondence, 1977 [1 of 2]

box 62, folder 4

NT: General correspondence, 1977 [2 of 2]

box 62, folder 5

NT: General correspondence, 1978

box 62, folder 6

NT: General correspondence, 1979

box 63, folder 1

NT: General correspondence, 1980

box 63, folder 2

NT: General correspondence, 1981

box 63, folder 3

NT: General correspondence, 1982

box 63, folder 4

NT: General correspondence, 1983 [1 of 2]

box 63, folder 5

NT: General correspondence, 1983 [2 of 2]

box 64, folder 1

NT: General correspondence, 1984 [1 of 2]

box 64, folder 2

NT: General correspondence, 1984 [2 of 2]

box 64, folder 3

NT: General correspondence, 1985

box 64, folder 4

NT: General correspondence, 1986

box 64, folder 5

NT: General correspondence, 1987

box 65, folder 1

NT: General correspondence, 1988

box 65, folder 2

NT: General correspondence, 1989

box 65, folder 3

NT: General correspondence, 1990 [1 of 2]

box 65, folder 4

NT: General correspondence, 1990 [2 of 2]

box 65, folder 5

NT: General correspondence, 1991 [1 of 2]

box 66, folder 1

NT: General correspondence, 1991 [2 of 2]

box 66, folder 2

NT: General correspondence, 1992 [1 of 2]

box 66, folder 3

NT: General correspondence, 1992 [2 of 2]

box 66, folder 4

NT: General correspondence, 1993 [1 of 2]

box 66, folder 5

NT: General correspondence, 1993 [2 of 2]

box 67, folder 1

NT: General correspondence, 1994 [1 of 2]

box 67, folder 2

NT: General correspondence, 1994 [2 of 2]

box 67, folder 3

NT: General correspondence, 1995 [1 of 2]

box 67, folder 4

NT: General correspondence, 1995 [2 of 2]

box 67, folder 5

NT: General correspondence, 1996 [1 of 3]

box 67, folder 6

NT: General correspondence, 1996 [2 of 3]

box 68, folder 1

NT: General correspondence, 1996 [3 of 3]

box 68, folder 2

NT: General correspondence, 1997-1999 [1 of 2]

box 68, folder 3

NT: General correspondence, 1997-1999 [2 of 2]

box 68, folder 4

NT: General correspondence, 1998 [1 of 2]

box 68, folder 5

NT: General correspondence, 1998 [2 of 2]

box 68, folder 6

NT: General correspondence, 1998-1999 [1 of 3]

box 69, folder 1

NT: General correspondence, 1998-1999 [2 of 3]

box 69, folder 2

NT: General correspondence, 1998-1999 [3 of 3]

box 69, folder 3

NT: General correspondence, 1999 [1 of 5]

box 69, folder 4

NT: General correspondence, 1999 [2 of 5]

box 69, folder 5

NT: General correspondence, 1999 [3 of 5]

box 69, folder 6

NT: General correspondence, 1999 [4 of 5]

box 70, folder 1

NT: General correspondence, 1999 [5 of 5]

box 70, folder 2

NT: General correspondence, 1999-2000 [1 of 2]

box 70, folder 3

NT: General correspondence, 1999-2000 [2 of 2]

box 70, folder 4

Andrews, Bruce

Scope and Contents note

[Miscellaneous lecture notes, photocopied ts, correspondence, etc., 1987-89; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 70, folder 5

Baigell, Matthew. American art around 1960 and the loss of self.

Scope and Contents note

[23 pp. ts, n.d.; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 70, folder 6

Evans, George. A working boy's Whitman

Scope and Contents note

[2 ts essays, ca 2000; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 70, folder 7

Correspondence: Kuhat[?], David

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence regarding the publishing of Tarn work in Resurgence, ca 1971; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 70, folder 8

Tedlock, Dennis and Barbara

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, postcards, some ts, miscellaneous material, 1970-1992; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 70, folder 9

Auxemery, J.P. (France)

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, postcards, ts photocopied ts, 1996-1997; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 1

Auxemery, J.P. (France) 2

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, postcards, ts and photocopied ts of translations, photographs, 1998-1999; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 2

Bartlett, Lee

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, postcards, ts, photocopied ts of review article, photographs, includes correspondence with Bartlett's daughter Jennifer, 1995-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 3

Chapman, Lee (First Intensity)

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly copies of email correspondence, some ts, 1998-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 4

Cole, Peter

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email correspondence, 1997-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 5

DeGuy, Michel (France)

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, 1997-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 6

Di Manno, Yves (France)

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, 2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 7

Enslin, Theodore

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, 1996-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 8

Gergely, Agnes (Hungary)

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, postcards, photograph 1997-1998; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 9

Hill, Lindsay

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, postcards, material relating to recording of I think this may be Eden by Spoken Engine, 1994-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 10

Ibsen, Arni (Iceland)

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly copies of email, 1 fax, 1996-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 11

Irby, Kenneth

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, postcards, ts and copies of ts, photographs, 1997-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 12

Johnson, Kent

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email, some ms notes, copies of journal articles found on the internet,1999; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 13

McNelly-Kearns, Cleo (crit.)

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email, correspondence, postcards, 1997-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 71, folder 14

Mac Low, Jackson

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email, 2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 1

Manjarrez, Hector

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, 1994-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 2

Conjunctions [Morrow, Bradford]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, copies of email, ts, brochures, etc., regarding Tarn's contributions to magazine edited by Morrow, 1993-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 3

Nowak, Mark I (XCP) [Cross Cultural Poetics]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, copies of email, postcards, ts, ms, copies of journal articles,1993-1998; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 4

Nowak, Mark II (XCP) [Cross Cultural Poetics]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, copies of email, postcards, ts,1998-1999; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 5

Nowak, Mark III (XCP) [Cross Cultural Poetics]

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email, ts, photocopies of journal and newspaper articles,1999; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 6

O'Leary, Peter (Lung)

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email, correspondence, postcards, ts,1996-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 7

Olson, Toby

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email, internet articles, correspondence, postcards, ts,1997-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 8

Palmer, Michael

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email, 2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 9

Phillips, Dennis (Littoral)

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email, correspondence, postcard, ms notes,1998-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 10

Sartorius, Joachim (Germany)

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence,1999; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 11

Ten Berge, Hans (Holland)

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, postcards, 1996-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 12

Tranter, John (Australia) (Jacket)

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email, copies of articles from the internet, ts, 1998-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 13

Vangelisti, Paul (Ribot)

Scope and Contents note

[Material for conference of College of Neglected Science (CONS), 1997; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 14

Weinberger, Eliot

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly copies of email, copies of internet articles, some correspondence, 1997-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 15

Weiss, Mark

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email, some correspondence, some ts, 1999-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 16

Wesker, Arnold

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email, 2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 72, folder 17

West, Paul

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopied diagram of small glider, inscribed, 1999; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 73, folder 1

[Untitled folder: miscellaneous correspondence, 1995-1997]

Scope and Contents note

[From a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 73, folder 2

[Untitled folder: miscellaneous correspondence, invitations, etc. 1995-1997]

Scope and Contents note

[From a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 73, folder 3

[Untitled folder: miscellaneous correspondence, 1997-1998]

Scope and Contents note

[From a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 73, folder 4

NT General correspondence, 2000 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[From a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 73, folder 5

NT General correspondence, 2000 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[From a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 73, folder 6

Misc. US

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, copies of email, brochures, etc., 2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 74, folder 1

Misc. UK

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, copies of email, photocopies of newspaper articles, etc., 2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 74, folder 2

Early Proses, 1960s

Scope and Contents note

[Ts of Timbre for academe with handwritten corrections, 2 other copies; carbon of material by Tarn and others; photocopied newspaper book reviews; some correspondence; some ms material; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 74, folder 3

Early Poetry Readings File, 1960s.

Scope and Contents note

[Announcements, brochures, handbills, photocopy of first newspaper book review, etc.]
box 74, folder 4

Poetry Reading Files 1967-1971 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence connected, some 275 pages. [Announcements, brochures, handbills, photographs, etc.]
box 74, folder 5

Poetry Reading Files 1967-1971 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence connected, some 275 pages. [Announcements, brochures, handbills, photographs, etc.]
box 74, folder 6

Poetry Reading Files 1972-1975

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence connected, circa 100 pages. [Announcements, brochures, handbills, etc.]
box 74, folder 7

Poetry Readings, 1970s

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, announcements, brochures, handbills, etc.; folder not originally listed within a group of Poetry Reading Files 1975-1996 by Tarn]
box 75, folder 1

Poetry Readings, 1980s [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, announcements, brochures, handbills, etc.; folder not originally listed within a group of Poetry Reading Files 1975-1996 by Tarn]
box 75, folder 2

Poetry Readings, 1980s [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, announcements, brochures, handbills, etc.; folder not originally listed within a group of Poetry Reading Files 1975-1996 by Tarn]
box 75, folder 3

Poetry Readings, 1990s [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, announcements, brochures, handbills, etc.; folder not originally listed within a group of Poetry Reading Files 1975-1996 by Tarn]
box 75, folder 4

Poetry Readings, 1990s [2 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, announcements, brochures, handbills, etc.; folder not originally listed within a group of Poetry Reading Files 1975-1996 by Tarn]
box 75, folder 5

Poetry Readings, 1990s [3 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, announcements, brochures, handbills, etc.; folder not originally listed within a group of Poetry Reading Files 1975-1996 by Tarn]
box 76, folder 1

BBC Programs 1954-1969: participated in by NT usually but with many other authors.

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, payment vouchers, carbon of ts, other material]
box 76, folder 2

Early BBC Broadcasts, 1960s

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of radio scripts by Tarn and others, other material; folder not originally listed by Tarn]
box 76, folder 3

BBC Scripts

Scope and Contents note

Scripts for the BBC program The Poet's Voice: 105 mimeographed scripts and interviews with Tarn, Tom Clark, George MacBeth, etc.(*)[Tarn's * indicates missing material, some of which may appear in previous folder]
box 76, folder 4

Six poems read at Lucie-Smith's group, 11th May, 1962

Scope and Contents note

[Ts with handwritten notes, not originally listed by Tarn]
box 76, folder 5

Six poems read at Lucie-Smith's group, 6th October, 1962

Scope and Contents note

[Ts with handwritten notes, not originally listed by Tarn]
box 76, folder 6

Page proofs of "Benares" X7, 1962

Scope and Contents note

[Proof with handwritten notes, not originally listed by Tarn]
box 76, folder 7

Guiness poetry prize proof

Scope and Contents note

[Proof with handwritten notes, not originally listed by Tarn]
box 76, folder 8

U.K. jobs, 1969-1970

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, photocopied newspaper articles]
box 76, folder 9

Job Offer Files: Between Princeton and Rutgers professorships, 1969-71.

Scope and Contents note

box 76, folder 10

Job Offer and enquiries1972-76.

Scope and Contents note

box 76, folder 11

Job change Attempts File, 1977-81.

Scope and Contents note

box 76, folder 12

National Translation Center, Austin, Texas

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence file circa 1969-70 relating to and exploration of possibly hiring NT as head of the Center.
box 77, folder 1

Neruda Battle, 1989-1990

Scope and Contents note

Battle with Seymour Lawrence over re-edition of NT's Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda, 1989-90.
box 77, folder 2

Who's Who in the West, in America

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, ts, proofs, and other material regarding Tarn's auto-biographical sketch]
box 77, folder 3

Literary Grants, 1980s

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, grant applications, mostly from the NEA, also includes New Mexico, Pennsylvania, New York, 1980s-1993; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 77, folder 4

NEA file

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, applications, ts of submitted poems, other material regarding NEA grants program, mid 1970s-late 1980s]
box 77, folder 5

Library Contents files

Scope and Contents note

[Handwritten lists, possibly mid-1980s]
box 77, folder 6

Library moved to Santa Fe

Scope and Contents note

[Handwritten lists, n.d.; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 77, folder 7

NT sales from library, 1970s

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, sales vouchers, other material regarding auction of literary material by Sotheby's, London]
box 77, folder 8

Books sold at auction-1986

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, sales vouchers, catalogs,other material regarding auction of literary material by Bloomsbury Book Auctions, London]
box 78, folder 1

Paris, 1948-51

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, etc.]
box 78, folder 2

This Week in Paris, employment, 1948-52

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopies of columns and articles written under the pseudonym Michel Tavriger]
box 78, folder 3

Cheltenham Literary Festival, 1963

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, etc.]
box 78, folder 4

Bled: International PEN Round Table, 1965.

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, brochures, mimeographed ts of conference papers, handwritten notes, etc.]
box 78, folder 5

London Poetry Secretariat, 1967

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, newsletters; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 78, folder 6

Bratislava Translation Conference and Societe Europeene de Culture Meetings, Prague and Moscow-Leningrad, 1968

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, etc.]
box 78, folder 7

U. of Colorado Writers' Conference, 1971.

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, photocopies of newspaper articles, conference material, photographs, etc.]
box 78, folder 8

Linguistic Institute: program guide SUNY Buffalo, July5-August27,1971

Scope and Contents note

[Booklet; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 78, folder 9

National Book Award Translation Panel, 1973.

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, memoranda, lists of nominees, etc.]
box 79, folder 1

International Berliner Festwochen, 1964.

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, carbon and several photocopies of Tarn's conference paper, photocopies of conference papers by others, conference material, brochures, photocopies of newspaper articles, etc.]
box 79, folder 2

Societe Europeene de Culture, membership, 1964-68

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, memoranda]
box 79, folder 3

Cardiff Commonwealth Festival, 1965

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, festival memoranda, photocopies of newspaper articles]
box 79, folder 4

Montreal World Poetry Festival, Montreal Expo., 1967

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, festival memoranda, photocopies of newspaper articles]
box 79, folder 5

Knokke International Biennale, 1968

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, festival memoranda, journal containing article on Tarn, photocopies of newspaper articles]
box 79, folder 6

Havana, Cuba International Cultural Congress, 1968.

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, copies of ts poetry by others, photocopies of newspaper articles, etc.]
box 80, folder 1

Associated Writing Programs Conference, Richmond Va., 1973.

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, conference material]
box 80, folder 2

First Cambridge, UK, Poetry Festival, 1975

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, festival material]
box 80, folder 3

First Ethnopoetics Conference, U. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1975 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, conference material, hand written notes, ts and several copies of Heraldic vision]
box 80, folder 4

First Ethnopoetics Conference, U. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1975 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, conference material, hand written notes, ts and several copies of Heraldic vision]
box 80, folder 5

International Conference on Gianbattista Vico, School of Social Research, moderator, NY, 1975

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, photocopies of conference papers, hand written notes, ms draft and ts of Tarn's conference paper on Robert Redfield]
box 80, folder 6

Holland Festivals, 1980

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, photocopy of Theodore Enslin essay, conference materials, etc.]
box 80, folder 7

Dartmouth College Latin American Poetry Festival and Conference, 1981

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, photocopy of poem and essay, conference materials, etc.]
box 80, folder 8

Second Ethnopoetics Conference: Symposium of the Whole, Los Angeles, 1983

Scope and Contents note

[Conference materials]
box 80, folder 9

Center for Contemporary Arts Conference, Santa Fe, NM, 1984

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, carbon of third draft of essay Notes towards a program...of comparative aesthetics, handwritten notes, conference materials, etc.]
box 80, folder 10

Poetry reading at Shippensburg University, October 25, 1984

Scope and Contents note

Copies of student reviews [not originally listed by Tarn]
box 80, folder 11

Durango Conference, 10/85

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, conference materials; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 81, folder 1

Ezra Pound Conference, San Jose, 1985

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, copy of conference paper ts, conference materials]
box 81, folder 2

Ezra Pound Conference, San Jose, 1985 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Photcopies of articles about, and poetry by, Ezra Pound]
box 81, folder 3

Ezra Pound Conference, San Jose, 1985 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Photcopies of articles about, and poetry by, Ezra Pound]
box 81, folder 4

Rotterdam International Poetry Festival, 1987

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, festival material, photocopies of poetry ts by others, etc.]
box 81, folder 5

Rockefeller Center at Bellagio, Lake Como, fellowship, 1987 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, center informational material, photographs, etc.]
box 81, folder 6

Rockefeller Center at Bellagio, Lake Como, fellowship, 1987 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, center informational material, photographs, etc.]
box 81, folder 7

V. Di Suervo [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, informational material, several issues of Poetry Flash, mostly regarding National Poetry Week II and III, held at Ft. Mason, San Francisco, 1988 and 1989, respectively; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 82, folder 1

V. Di Suervo [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, informational material, several issues of Poetry Flash, mostly regarding National Poetry Week II and III, held at Ft. Mason, San Francisco, 1988 and 1989, respectively; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 82, folder 2

Telluride Conference, 1989

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, conference information, copied ts of Intercultural literacy and the politics of ethnopoetics; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 82, folder 3

Tucson Poetry Festival, 1990

Scope and Contents note

[Festival material]
box 82, folder 4

Naropa Institute, Boulder, CO., teaching, 1990s

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, institute informational material]
box 82, folder 5

Berlin, Prague, Budapest readings, 1991

Scope and Contents note

[Handout from Berlin, handpainted poster]
box 82, folder 6

International Michel Leiris Conference, NYU., 1991

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, conference material]
box 82, folder 7

International Antonin Artaud Conference, U Montreal, 1992

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, handwritten notes, 2 printouts of L'ethnopoetique Chez Artaud, 1 with hand written corrections, conference material]
box 82, folder 8

International Conference on Translation Theory, Bard College, 1992

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, handwritten notes, 2 draft printouts of Translation/antitraslation//culture/multiculture: some contradictions, copy of draft proposal for voice politic/body politic, copy of Sherry Simon's Translation and interlingual creation in the contact zone, conference material]
box 82, folder 9

Temple University Creative Writing Fellowship, 1992.

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, handwritten notes, fellowship material]
box 83, folder 1

Cultural Capital of Europe Conferences, Antwerpen, Belgium, 1992-93 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, handwritten notes, copy of Klein waar ruimte dat niet is, possibly Tarn's conference paper, conference material, brochures]
box 83, folder 2

Cultural Capital of Europe Conferences, Antwerpen, Belgium, 1992-93 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, handwritten notes, copy of Klein waar ruimte dat niet is, possibly Tarn's conference paper, conference material, brochures]
box 83, folder 3

Octavio Paz 80th Birthday Festival, New York, 1994

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, handwritten notes, copy of third draft for a talk at the N.Y.C. Paz conference, conference material]
box 83, folder 4

American-Russian poetry conferences, Stephens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, 1994-95

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, conference material]
box 83, folder 5

Robin Blaser International Conference, Simon Fraser U, Vancouver, BC, 1995

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, conference material, brochures]
box 83, folder 6

A tribute to Octavio Paz, NY, 1999

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, 2 laser copies of Paz anthropology and the future of poetry, Tarn's address at the Mexican Cultural Institute of Washington, D.C. October 1999; laser copy of talk at the Academy of American Poets Octavio Paz 80th Birthday Conference, May 14, 1994; conference material, brochures]
box 83, folder 7

[Tarn, Nathaniel. Paz, anthropology and the future of poetry]

Scope and Contents note

[Essay printed in Trans, no. 7, 2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 84, folder 1

Kalachakra for World Peace, Bloomington, IN, 1999 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Program booklet, Kalachakra Initiation booklet, meeting material, photocopied magazine article, brochures, maps, etc.; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 84, folder 2

Kalachakra for World Peace, Bloomington, IN, 1999 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Program booklet, Kalachakra Initiation booklet, meeting material, photocopied magazine article, brochures, maps, etc.; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 84, folder 3

University of Maine conference, July 2000: Poetry of the 1960s

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email, photcopies of poetry by others, conference material; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 84, folder 4

Rio Grande Writers' Association [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly quarterly publications and newsletters, 1977-1987]
box 84, folder 5

Rio Grande Writers' Association [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly quarterly publications and newsletters, 1977-1987]
box 84, folder 6

North American Ideophonics Annual, 1994

Scope and Contents note

[Draft publication, introduction and poetry by Tarn pp 1 and 2; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 133, folder 3

Chax Press

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, mostly copies of email regarding publication of Architextures, 199-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 133, folder 4

[Miscellaneous poetry, essays and journal articles by others]

Scope and Contents note

[Collom, Jack. Birds of America (excerpts), copy; Fernandez, James. The interpretation of the religious symbol, copy of draft; Niccolai, Giulia. Cosmo bar; Stein come pietra miliare, laser copies; Perruchot, Claude. The liberation of writing, journal reprint; Tejada, Roberto. (Against) the self as anacoluthon, photocopy; Interview with Gary Snyder, appearing in Mountain Gazette 36 (interviewer unknown); several poems printed by Ta'Wil books and documents]
box 133, folder 5

[Miscellaneous non-NT articles][1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Tiger, Lionel; Singer, Milton; Ames, Michael M.; Krupat, Arnold; Hastings, Rafael; Benoist, Jean-Marie;Leach, Edmund; Judson, Horace Freeland; Wantanabbe, John M.; Corngold, Stanley; Jackson; Donald Dale]
box 133, folder 6

[Miscellaneous non-NT articles][2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Steiner, George; Milner, G.B.; Humphrey, Caroline; Crystal; D.; Diamond, Stanley, ed.; Harmon, William; Heller, Michael; Ackerman, Diane]
box 133, folder 7

[Untitled folder contains photocopied ts and magazine interviews with several poets, possibly all by Lee Bartlett]

box 134, folder 1

[Untitled folder contains correspondence, photocopied articles, essays about and by Paul De Man][1 of 2]

box 134, folder 2

[Untitled folder contains correspondence, photocopied articles, essays about and by Paul De Man][2 of 2]

box 134, folder 3

[Miscellaneous photocopied newspaper articles, greeting cards, correspondence, etc., 1997][1 of 2]

box 134, folder 4

[Miscellaneous photocopied newspaper articles, greeting cards, correspondence, etc., 1997][2 of 2]

box 134, folder 5


Scope and Contents note

[Binder notepad listing journal , magazine, and newspaper subscriptions]
box 135, folder 1

Miscellaneous art, etc. [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Posters, postcards, handbills, magazine and newspaper articles, journal reprints, other miscellaneous material]
box 135, folder 2

Miscellaneous art, etc. [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Posters, postcards, handbills, magazine and newspaper articles, journal reprints, other miscellaneous material]
box 135, folder 3

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences: a prospectus, 1967

Scope and Contents note

[Brochure, Tarn mentioned as a contributor, p.27]
box 135, folder 4

City Miner, no.10

Scope and Contents note

[Community magazine of the San Francisco Bay Area, interview with Bob Callahan, founder[?] of Turtle Island Press, 1978]
box 135, folder 5

Revista, Chicano-requena: vol. XI, no. 2, Summer 1983; vol. XII, no.1, Spring 1984; vol. XII, Summer, 1984

box 135, folder 6

Le Courrier du centre international d'etudes poetiques: no. 225, Janvier-Mars 2000; no. 226 Avril-Juin, 2000

box 135, folder 7

Arts and Culture in Iceland

Scope and Contents note

[Color brochure, 1990]
box 135, folder 8

Photographs taken to Stanford, 5/21/2001

Scope and Contents note

#1: Top left: NT at show of own paintings, French Legation, Guatemala City, 1953; top right: NT smoking, with first wife Patricia, London, circa 1957; bottom left: Rikkitikitavi villa shot with daughter Andrea, Le Zoute, Belgium, early 1960s; bottom right: NT with son Marc as baby, London, circa 1963.#2:NT in Atiteco principal's dress, Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala, 1953.#3:Left: NT, Amarapura, Burma, 1958-9; right: NT smoking at 6 Kidderpore Gardens (prior to 21 K.G.) 10.6.1960#4: NT and Pablo Neruda, London Poetry Festival, circa mid 1960s (London Express Pictures).#5: Top left: NT reading, London?, or Edinburgh? 1960s. (photo: Graham Keen); top right: NT at Francis Huxley's party, London, circa 1963 (color); bottom left: NT with Seigle, No, Giacommetti, Seigle vernissage, 12.19.67; bottom right: NT with Marcel Jacno, typographer, and Henri and No Seigle, Seigle opening.#6: Left: NT at old Jewish Cemetery, Prague, circa 1966; right: NT, profile smoking and full face, Leningrad, 1968.#7: NT at Messina Museum, Sicily, Gnostic Studies Conference, ca. 1966.#8: Left: NT, Panajachel, Guatemala, 1969. (photo: George Holton); right: NT with Jerome Rothenberg, Larry Byrd et al, Santa Fe, summer 1970.#9: NT, reading, University of Colorado, writing school, summer 1971.#10: Left: NT, New Directions used shot with Eagle Mountain patch, early 1970s (photo: David Lenfest); right: NT, Random House picture by Ellen Levine, early 1970s.#11: NT, Neruda Nobel Prize reading, YMHA, NYC, 1970s (photo: Arthur Sirdofsky).#12: NT, bearded, bird watching, Everglades, 1970s (photo: Janet Rodney).#13: Left: NT, bearded, garden, New Hope, 1975/6 (photo: Janet Rodney); right: NT, principal, Atitlan, 1979 (photo: Janet Rodney).#14: NT, as the Sun god, painted by Martin Prechtel, Santiago Atitlan, 1979 (color).#15: Top left: NT with Orientalist Lucien Biton, Seigle opening, 12/19/67; top right: NT, bearded, on NY Ferry, late 60s or early 70s; bottom left: Gaspe Region, Canada, shot with Packard cap and dachshund Yaxwan, early 80s (color); bottom right: NT, at Santiago Atitlan, May, 1979 (photo: Janet Rodney, color).#16: Left: NT with Octavio Paz, Harvard, 1970s/1980s; right: NT and Janet Rodney, New York, late 1970s?#17: Top left: NT at desk, 96 New Street, New Hope, PA, 1980s; top right: NT at door of 96 New Street, New Hope, PA, 1980s; bottom left: NT, Haiti, 1974 (photo: Lucia Woods); bottom right: NT, Haiti, 1974 (photo: Lucia Woods).#18: Left: NT, reading at Andrew Smith Gallery, Albuquerque, 1985 (photo: Chris Marquez); right: NT, [smiling] at Andrew Smith Gallery, Albuquerque, 1985 (photo: Chris Marquez).#19: Left: NT and Janet Rodney Tarn, with Ainu mat from Hokkaido trip, 1977, New Hope, PA, circa 1979?; right: NT, Gallup, NM, 8.1981 (photo: Janet Rodney).#20: NT and Janet Rodney, San Ildefonso Church, NM, early 1980s (photo: Nina Subin)#21: Left: NT, north of Summer Palace, Beijing, 1983 (photo: Janet Rodney); top right: NT, foot of Mt. Omei, 1983 (photo: Janet Rodney); bottom right: NT, Soviet Air Force Monument, Changchun, Manchuria, 1983 (photo: Janet Rodney).#22: Top left: NT, Berlin Wall just come down, taking photo; top right: NT with father and son Marc, garden of 21 Kidderpore Gardens, London, late 80s (color); bottom left: NT, Santa Fe, circa 1986 (photo: Marjana Tracy).#23: Left: NT and Janet Rodney, London, circa 1998; right: NT with mother, London, late 1990s.#24: Left: NT, Samye Monastery, Tibet, with Santa Fe sheriff star, 1990 (photo: Elizabeth Napper); right: NT, Udaipur, India, 1990 (photo: Janet Rodney).#25: NT, USS North Carolina, late 80s (photo: Janet Rodney, color).
box 136, folder 1

Catalog of early publications [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Index card file, chronological, under Tavriger, Tarn, and Mendelson]
box 137, folder 1

Catalog of early publications [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Index card file, chronological, under Tavriger, Tarn, and Mendelson]
box 137, folder 2

Old membership cards

Scope and Contents note

[Membership cards for organizations, etc.]
box 146, folder 1

[Neruda, Pablo. Four odes one song: translation by Nathaniel Tarn]

Scope and Contents note

[Page proofs, art work by Richard Bigus, for Labyrinth Editions, 1990]
box 146, folder 2

[Art from sketch book for front cover of At the western gates, other material]

box 146, folder 3

[Photographs and correspondence from Adelia Parker-Castro, 1980s]


Subseries Q-6. Other Publishers' Files and Literary Materials: Posters and Oversized Artwork

box 1000, folder 17

The Language Animal: George Steiner lecture announcement [color poster, 3/26/69, 44cm x 34cm]

box 1000, folder 18

No It: John Latham/Trigram Press publishing announcement [color poster, 1967, 75cm x 51cm]

box 1000, folder 19

International Times, the Invisible Generation #5.5 publishing announcement [Color poster, 1966, 75cm x 58cm]

box 1000, folder 20

International Times publishing announcement [2 copies, color poster, n.d., 75cm x 58cm]

box 1000, folder 21

Miracle Mouth [2 copies, color poster, n.d., 75cm x 58cm]

box 1000, folder 22

Afterthought [ color poster, Bob Masse, 1/6/67, 50cm x 36cm]

box 1000, folder 23

The Doors (and others)[color concert poster, Bob Masse, 7/20?/67, 51cm x 35cm]

box 1000, folder 24

The Yardbirds (and others) [color concert poster, Bob Masse, 7/31/67, 56cm x 37cm]

box 1000, folder 25

The Jefferson Airplane/ Trips Festival [color concert poster, Bob Masse, May 27/?, 51cm x 35cm]

box 1000, folder 26

The Grateful Dead (and others) [color concert poster, Bob Masse, circa 7/13/67, 54cm x 35cm]

box 1000, folder 27

Deacons [color poster, Bob Masse, 1967, 57cm x 34cm]

box 1000, folder 28

Nu-Dimensions [color poster, Bob Masse, 1967, 56cm x 35cm]

box 1000, folder 29

Canterbury Tales [color poster, Bob Masse, 1967, 58cm x 37cm]

box 1000, folder 30

Bob Northcutt [color poster, Bob Masse, n.d., 59cm x 39cm]

box 1000, folder 31

Congreso Cultural de la Habana [poster, 1/11/68, 100cm x 32cm]

box 1000, folder 32

Untitled portrait [Mendelson, 1956, 58cm x 45cm]

box 1000, folder 33

Untitled art, graphite on paper, 1956; ballet costume designs on back, 1948 [Nathaniel Tarn, 1954, 77cm x 56cm]

box 1000, folder 1

Che Guevera [Black and white photograph reproduction, poster, n.d., 85cm x 66cm]

box 1000, folder 2

Hasta la victoria siempre [Color poster, n.d., 75cm x 46cm]

box 1000, folder 3

Salon de Mayo, 29 de Julio, 9th aniversario [Color poster, n.d., 75cm x 46cm]

box 1000, folder 4

Cien anos de lucha 1868-1968 [Color poster, 1968, 60cm x 33cm]

box 1000, folder 5

Vietnam vencera, Vietnam will win, Vietnam vaincra...: Tricontinental Committee of Support to Vietnam December 20 [Color poster, no year, 55cm x 33cm]

box 1000, folder 6

Cleaver for President: Black Panther Party, Peace and Freedom Party [Black and white poster, Jamerson Printing, circa 1968, 56cm x 44cm]

box 1000, folder 7

I shall vote labor: Christopher Logue, Turret Books/Goliard Press publishing announcement [Color poster, no. 100/1000, March, 1966, 56cm x 44cm]

box 1000, folder 8

Live five [Color poster, Bob Masse, 1967, 56cm x 33cm]

box 1000, folder 9

Love [Color poster, Bob Masse, 1967, 59cm x 43cm]

box 1000, folder 10

Fisherwoman [Color poster, Bob Masse, 1967, 60cm x 37cm]

box 1000, folder 11

Musrum: Eric Thacker and Anthony Earnshaw, Jonathan Cape publishing announcement [Black and white poster, October 24, ?, 77cm x 49cm]

box 1000, folder 12

Beeton's Book of Household Management, Jonathan Cape publishing announcement [color poster, n.d., 73cm x 36cm]

box 1000, folder 13

Transatlantic Review, Issue 16 [Magazine publishing announcenment, black and poster, n.d., 45cm x 57cm]

box 1000, folder 14

My White Bicycle, by Tomorrow [Color poster, n.d., 75cm x 50cm]

box 1000, folder 15

UFO Coming [Color concert poster, Osiris Age[n?] 1967, 75cm x 50cm]

box 1000, folder 16

Alfred Stockham: Paintings, Drawings, Prints [NYC Art Gallery show announcement color poster 6/29/68, 75cm x 50cm]


Series 3. Anthropology and General Scholarship

Scope and Contents note

Series III holds not only correspondence files from Tarn's academic and professional career as an anthropologist (under the name Edward Michael Mendelson), but also the research notes and materials from his field work in Guatemala and Burma. Among the anthropological correspondents are found: Isaac Chiva, Stanley Diamond, Fred Eggan, Sir Raymond Firth, Sir Edmund Leach, Claude Levi-Strauss, Margaret Mead, Robert Redfield, and nearly two hundred others. In addition, correspondence and material relating to Tarn's academic and professional transition from anthropology to comparative literature, his strong interest in Buddhism, lecture notes from his own undergraduate and graduate training, and later course material from teaching assignments at Rutgers University during the 1970s-1980s, are found in this series.

Subseries R. U.S. Anthropologists Individual and Group Correspondence Files

box 85, folder 1

Carson, W. (Philippines, Middle East, US Govt. fellow student of NT)

Scope and Contents note

14 als, 13 tls, 26 pages, 1957-64.
box 85, folder 2

Diamond, Stanley (Africa, General Theory, Poetry & Anthropology, The New School):

Scope and Contents note

13 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 14 pages & approx.40 pp. of varied copy re SD and poetry, 1980-+91.
box 85, folder 3

Eggan, Fred (N.America, Phillippines, Kinship Theory, U Chicago, Teacher of NT):

Scope and Contents note

4 als; 8 pages & letterpress Memorial Program, 1980-+85.
box 85, folder 4

Friedrich, Paul (Indo-European, Anthropology & Poetry, U Chicago):

Scope and Contents note

13 tls; 14 pages & copy, 1979-83.
box 85, folder 5

Leslie, Charles (Mexico, India, Medical Anthropology, NYU, U Delaware, Fellow Student of NT)

Scope and Contents note

13 als; 42 tls, 12 handwritten postcards, 2 typed postcards; 66 pages, 1957-
box 85, folder 6

Leslie, Charles

Scope and Contents note

[Copies of email, 1 handwritten postcard, 1 tls, 1997-2000; from a more recent accession, no listing by Tarn]
box 85, folder 7

Nash, Manning (Maya, Burma, U Chicago, Fellow Student of NT)

Scope and Contents note

4 tls; 4 pages, 1954-67.
box 85, folder 8

Redfield, Robert (Yucatan, General Theory, U Chicago, Teacher of NT)

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 42 tls; 1 telegram; 59 pages record of NT fieldwork and Ph.D., 1 tls from Margaret Redfield, 1953-+1956
box 85, folder 9

Silverman, Sydel, and Wolf, Eric

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence regarding Reconsidering the Ancients lecture series, 1975-1980; not originally listed by Tarn]
box 85, folder 10

Miscellaneous Group Files 1960s-1970s

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with: Arizpe, Lourdes (Mexico, UNAM); Crapanzano, Victor; Davis, Sandy; Fagan, Brian M. (Africa, UCSB); Feldman, Lawrence H.; Harnad, Stevan; Myerhoff, Barbara (Yaqui, UCLA); Metzger, Deena; Nash, June (Latin America, CUNY); Peacock, James L; Pfeiffer, John; Ramanujan, Attipat Krishnaswami; Singer, Milton (India, U. Chicago); Spiro, Melford (Israel, Burma, Psychology, UCSD); Stocking, George (History of A., U. Chicago); Tiger, Lionel (Theory, Rutgers U.) [Names followed by parenthetical information originally listed by Tarn; others found in folder but not listed; names listed by Tarn but not found in this folder: Bascom, William (Cuba, Yoruba Africa, Northwestern); Freidrich, Paul (Indo-European, Poetry, U.Chicago); Lomax, Alan (Musicology, Columbia U.); Silverman, Sydel (Theory, CUNY) ; Wolf, Eric (Theory, Peasant Societies, CUNY)]
box 85, folder 11

Miscellaneous Group Files 1980s-1990s

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with: Basso, Ellen; Benedict, Burton (Indian Ocean, U Cal. Berk.); Coggins, [?]; Clifford, James (Theory, UCSB); Fernandez, James (Theory, Princeton); Powers, William; Prattis, Iain (Poetry & A., Carlton U.); Turner, Victor (Theory, U.Virginia); Wilk, Rick (Belize) [Names followed by parenthetical information originally listed by Tarn; others found in folder but not listed; names listed by Tarn but not found in this folder: Bascom, William (Cuba, Yoruba Africa, Northwestern); Freidrich, Paul (Indo-European, Poetry, U.Chicago); Lomax, Alan (Musicology, Columbia U.); Silverman, Sydel (Theory, CUNY) ; Wolf, Eric (Theory, Peasant Societies, CUNY)]
box 85, folder 12

General anthropology

Scope and Contents note


Subseries S. British Anthropologists Individual Correspondence Files

box 85, folder 13

Conze, Edward

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence; not originally listed by Tarn}
box 85, folder 14

Firth, Sir Raymond (Oceania, Theory, London School of Economics, NT's teacher & chief there)

Scope and Contents note

2 als, 4 tls, 1 handwritten postcard; 6 pages, 1954-78.
box 85, folder 15

Fox, Robin (Theory)

Scope and Contents note

4 als, 1 tls, 5 handwritten postcards; 6 pages and copy relating to Fox's poetic interests, 1971-88; [photograph].
box 85, folder 16

Garrigue, Philippe (Theory, U. Montreal, fellow student of NT)

Scope and Contents note

15 als, 2 tls; 29 pages, 1954-57
box 85, folder 17

Leach, Sir Edmund (Theory, Burma, Cambridge U. eventually Provost, NT's College)

Scope and Contents note

9 tls; 11 pages, 1966-75.
box 86, folder 1

London School of Economics (1953-1957)

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with: Forde, Daryll (Africa, University College); Fortes, Meyer (Africa, Theory, Cambridge U); Gluckmann, Max (Africa, Theory; U Manchester); others.
box 86, folder 2

Group files

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with: Freedman, Maurice (Chinese in S.E. Asia, LSE); Lienhardt, Godfrey (Theory, Africa,Oxford U.); Madge, Charles (sociology, poet, U. Birmingham); Morris, Stephen (S.E.Asia, LSE); others.
box 86, folder 3

SOAS [School of Oriental and African Studies] files (1959-1965): [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Includes general correspondence for 7 years teaching & research at SOAS, SOAS faculty papers and international correspondence[correspondence with: Allott, Anna; Basham, A.L.; Bailey, Fred; Belche{t?]z, Rosemary; Blackmore, H.; Chavarria-Aguilar, O.L. ; Crane, Robert; de Bie, Pierre; Dore, R.; Fejos, Paul; Firth, Sir Raymond; Furer-Haimendorf, Von, Christoph; Gatehouse, M.; Heine-Geldern, R.; Henderson, E.J.A.; Henderson, James; Kyung-Bo, SEO; Lang, D.M.; Leslie, Charles; Marsh, Margaret; Mitchell, T.F.; Moyse-Bartlett, H.; Musoke, S.B.K.; Oliver, Joan; Pack, Richard L.; Pavey[sp?], Roger; Phillips, C.A.; Pilgrim, John; Scott, N.C.; Segal, J.B.; Singer, Milton; Stern, Geoffrey; Tax, Sol; Weir, D.H.; Wooding, Kathleen; Wooley, Jeffrey; Yudkin, Judith; and others]
box 86, folder 4

SOAS [School of Oriental and African Studies] files (1959-1965): [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

Includes general correspondence for 7 years teaching & research at SOAS, SOAS faculty papers and international correspondence[correspondence with: Amyot, J.; Armitage, Peter; Bivar, A.D.H.; Cowan, C.D.; Gatehouse, M.; Lloyd, P.C.; Lewis, I.M.; MacLean, Colin (The Times); Moyse-Bartlett, H.; O'Leary, Peter; Pearson, J.D.; Reynolds, Chris; Simmons, E.H.S.]

Subseries V. Burma Files

box 87, folder 4

Preparation and alternatives (ca 1957)

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with: Barnes, J.A. (Australian National U, Theory): 1 tls 1 page; Fitzgerald, C.P. (Australian National U, China History): 1 tls, 1 page; Christie, A.H. (SOAS, S.E.Asia History): 1 als, 1 page; Lobsinger-Dellenbach, M. (Ethnog. Museum, Geneva, Tibet): 2 tls, 2 pages; Mead, Margaret (American Mus Natural History; Theory, Oceania): 1 als, 3 tls, 4 pages; Metraux, A. (UNESCO, Carribean): 2 tls, 2 pages; Palmier, L. (Indonesia): 4 tls, 4 pages; Rosser, Colin (SOAS, India): 1 als, 1 page; Singer, Milton (U Chicago, India) 1 tls, 1 page; [and others]
box 87, folder 5

U.K. files (1958 - early 60s)

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with: Allen, G.F. (UK Ambassador, SOAS, Burmese): 1 als, 1 page; Allott, Anna (SOAS, Burmese): 3 als, 3 pages; Collis, Maurice (India Civil Service, Burma): 1 als, 4 tls; 4 pages; Firth, Sir Raymond (LSE, Theory): 1 tls, 1 page; Forge, Anthony (Australian Nat. U. New Guinea): 4 tls, 4 pages; Harvey, G.E. (ICS, Burma History): 2 als 2 pages; Horner, I.B (Pali Text Society): 1 als, 1 tls, 2 pages; Humphreys, Christopher (King's Councillor; Buddhism): 1 tls 1 page; Hurwitz, J. (Sociology Institute, the Hague): 1 als 1 page; Laffont, R. (EFEO, Laos): 1 tls, 1 page; Luce, Gordon (Bloomsbury Group; Burma Archeology): 1 als, 1 page & copy; Sarkisyanz, Emmanuel (Freiburg U, S.E.Asia): 3 als, 2 tls, 5 pages; Werblowsky, R.Z. (U Jerusalem): 1 als, 1 page; [and others]
box 87, folder 6

U.S. Files (1958- late 60s)

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with: Brohm, John (AID, Burma): 1 tls, 1 page; Eberhard, W. (U. California, Berk., China History): 6 tls 6 pages; Gard, Richard (Yale, Burma): 3 tls, 3 pages; Geertz, Clifford (U California, later Institute Princeton, Bali, Theory): 1 tls, 1 page; Harper, E.: (Bryn Mawr, Burma): 1 als, 1 page; Jacobson, N. (Winthrop, Burma): 1 tls, 1 page; Lehmann, F.K. (U Illinois, Burma): 2 tls, 2 pages; Mehden, F. Von Der (U Wisconsin, S.E.Asia): 1 tls, 1 page; Moerman, M. (Yale, Thailand): 1 tls, 1 page; Pye, Lucian (MIT, S.E.Asia Political Science): 3 tls, 3 pages; Spiro, Mel: (U.Washington, UCSD; Burma): 1 tls, 1 page; Sturtevant, W. (Smithsonian, Burma): 1 tls, 1 page [not found in this folder]; Textor, R. (Cornell, S.E.Asia, Japan): 2 tls, 2 pages [not found in this folder]; Trager, F. (Council Foreign Relations, S.E.Asia Pol. Sci.): 2 als, 4 tls; 6 pages [not found in this folder]; Thompson, J. (Thai Silk Co.): 1 als, 1 page [not found in this folder]; [and others]
box 87, folder 7

Asia Foundation correspondence (1950s-1960s)

box 87, folder 8

Return From Burma Files (1950s - 1960s)

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly correspondence, some handdrawn diagrams, brochures]
box 88, folder 1

Maurice, David: (Burma, Burma Govt.)

Scope and Contents note

Extensive correspondence
box 88, folder 2

SOAS Afrasian Files

Scope and Contents note

Texts connected with special issue of SOAS student magazine, on Ethnic Literatures edited by NT, [includes translations by Tarn and]: Tanar Baybars; Anthony Kerrigan; Bernard Lewis; W.S. Merwin; Omar Pound; Amelie Rorty; Dennis Silk; Ruth Fainlight Sillitoe; Alastair Reid; Assia Wevill[Anastassia Gutmann]
box 88, folder 3

Burma stuff, sales, 1985-1986

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence regarding sale of Burma material left with SOAS; not originally listed by Tarn]

Subseries Y.Miscellaneous Lecture Notes and Materials

box 123, folder 1

Lecture notes: University of Chicago, 1947-1950s [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Ms, ts, mimeographed, carbon copied notes]
box 123, folder 2

Lecture notes: University of Chicago, 1947-1950s [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Ms, ts, mimeographed, carbon copied notes]
box 123, folder 3

Lecture notes: University of Chicago and Harvard, 1950s [1 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly mimeographed handouts, some ms]
box 123, folder 4

Lecture notes: University of Chicago and Harvard, 1950s [2 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly mimeographed handouts, some ms]
box 123, folder 5

Lecture notes: University of Chicago and Harvard, 1950s [3 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly mimeographed handouts, some ms]
box 123, folder 6

Lecture notes: University of Chicago and Harvard, 1950s [4 of 4]

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly mimeographed handouts, some ms]
box 123, folder 7

University of Chicago Department of Anthropology handbook for students entering the M.A. program, 1951-1952

Scope and Contents note

[Mimeograph copy, ms notes, etc]
box 124, folder 1

Classnotes from seminar on current anthropological problems, London School of Economics, 1953-1954

Scope and Contents note

[Ms, mimeographed lecture notes]
box 124, folder 2

Lecture notes: Comparative literature, Rutgers, 1970-1971

Scope and Contents note

[Ms, ts, mimeographed lecture notes]
box 124, folder 3

Lecture notes: Heraldry, 1970s, Rutgers[?] [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Ms and ts notes, course syllabi, some journal article reprints]
box 124, folder 4

Lecture notes: Heraldry, 1970s, Rutgers[?] [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Ms and ts notes, course syllabi, some journal article reprints]
box 124, folder 5

Lecture notes: Heraldry 2/Thematics [?] Rutgers, 1975-1976

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly ms, some ts notes, some correspondence from students, some journal article reprints]
box 124, folder 6

Lecture notes: Surrealism, [Rutgers, 1970s?][1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly ms, some ts notes]
box 124, folder 7

Lecture notes: Modern poetry, [Rutgers, 1970s?][2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Mostly photocopies of poetry and prose from anthologies, etc.]
box 124, folder 8

Lecture notes: Unidentified course, possibly comparative literature, or, survey of world literature

Scope and Contents note

[Ms notes]
box 125, folder 1

Lecture notes: World mythology, Fall, 1984 [Rutgers]

Scope and Contents note

[Ms and ts notes, course material]
box 125, folder 2

Lecture notes: Several courses in literature and poetry, Rutgers, early 1980s

Scope and Contents note

[Ms and ts notes, course material]
box 125, folder 3

Lecture notes: Contemporary literary theory, Rutgers, early 1980s

Scope and Contents note

[Ms and ts notes, course material]
box 125, folder 4

Lecture notes: Structuralism [no date]

Scope and Contents note

[Ts and ms notes, course material]
box 125, folder 5

Alaska 1977: Lecture notes from educational cruise

Scope and Contents note

[Ts and ms notes, daily programs, some correspondence]
box 125, folder 6

Student papers to be kept by Tarn

Scope and Contents note

[Photocopies and printouts of student papers, some correspondence regarding departmental affairs, Rutgers, early 1980s]

Subseries W-1. General Correspondence Files: Anthropology Years

box 88, folder 4

Clifton College, Bristol, file, 1940s

Scope and Contents note

[Hardbound notebook containing handwritten notes on the history of Rome]
box 88, folder 5

Correspondence, 1962

box 88, folder 6

Correspondence, 1963

box 88, folder 7

Correspondence, 1964

box 88, folder 8

Correspondence, 1965 [1 of 2]

box 89, folder 1

Correspondence, 1965 [2 of 2]

box 89, folder 2

Correspondence, 1966

box 89, folder 3

Correspondence, 1967

box 89, folder 4

Correspondence, 1968

box 89, folder 5

Correspondence, 1969

box 89, folder 6


Scope and Contents note

[Graduation program, final examination booklets, other material]
box 89, folder 7

Cambridge lecture notes

Scope and Contents note

[Handwritten notes on binder paper, subject: political thought]
box 90, folder 1

Cambridge notebooks, 1946-1948

Scope and Contents note

[Binder contains handwritten notes, subject: survey of literature]
box 90, folder 2

Paris (1949-1950)

Scope and Contents note

[Typed and handwritten notes, subject: anthropology]
box 90, folder 3

Lecture and reading notes, Levi-Strauss, Paul Levy, etc., Paris, 1949-1950

Scope and Contents note

[Typed and handwritten notes, hand-drawn diagrams, etc., subject: anthropology]
box 90, folder 4

Musee de l'Homme Bulletins, January 1951, June 1951, July, 1952

Scope and Contents note

[Typed and handwritten notes, hand-drawn diagrams, etc., subject: anthropology]
box 90, folder 5

Musee de l'Homme notebooks, 1949-1952

Scope and Contents note

[Handwritten notes, hand-drawn diagrams, etc., subjects: asiethnographie, oceanethno.]
box 90, folder 6

Smith-Mundt-Fulbright Scholarship File (1951-3)

Scope and Contents note

[Correspondence, memorandums, ts of Tarn's Critical notes on some compared and contrasted elements in the development of American and French ethnological theory]
box 91, folder 1

Yale foreign students program

Scope and Contents note

[Pamphlets, brochures, other ephemera, ts of evaluation form]
box 91, folder 2

University of Chicago, 1951-1953 [1 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Class notes, ts and copies of several papers by Tarn, newsletters, correspondence, etc.]
box 91, folder 3

University of Chicago, 1951-1953 [2 of 2]

Scope and Contents note

[Class notes, ts and copies of several papers by Tarn, newsletters, correspondence, etc.]
box 91, folder 4

Papers for London School of Economics

Scope and Contents note

[Copies and ts of several pre-doctorate papers]
box 91, folder 5

Academic degrees file, 1948 [1 of 3]

Scope and Contents note

[Grade school and college prepatory report cards; photocopies of King's Co