Political Burnout


Early on, my practice wasn't so terribly busy, and so I could do a few things like this, but by 1987, it became so incredibly busy that I didn't want to do any of it. I was really burned out of any of those political activities by 1987.


Did you drop out at that point?


I sort of dropped out. I've continued to be a member of BAPHR, but my [medical practice] partner, Wayne Bayless, retired in the fall of '87, and the practice responsibilities became incredibly onerous. I was probably an officer in BAPHR and doing a little bit with the Scientific Affairs Committee in 1987-1988. What was the latest publication of this booklet? 1989, yes, I was actually working on that in 1989. It really became a hardship. I was working harder than I wanted to.


According to your CV, you were a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the AIDS Foundation until 1990.


Yes, but not very much into it. Those dates might be stretched a bit. It was mainly about '84 to '86 that I was very active on that committee.


According to your CV, '86 is the last year that you were on the Scientific Affairs Committee of BAPHR.


That's probably not accurate. I think that I probably got them turned around. I think probably '84 to '86 would have been the Scientific Advisory Committee of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, and probably '82 to 1990 would be the BAPHR Scientific Affairs Committee.