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Rappaport (Roy) Papers
MSS 0516
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Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: men examine shell valuable [frame 9] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: woman with food to be shared with visitors [frame 15] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: men with elaborate headdresses dance [frame 11] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: man wearing shell valuables, marsupial fur and feather headdress [frame 8] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: people in visitors' house, sharing food [frame 14] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: woman wears large shell valuables, children play in background [frame 17] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: women and children smile at photographer [frame 16] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: decorated men with drums move in formation on dance ground [frame 12] Church service in Tsembaga: attentive men in front row [frame 29] Church service in Tsembaga: Anglican priest Peter Robin and Solomon Islander missionaries lead service [frame 30] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: women and children near Rappaport's house [frame 20] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: ancestral shrine, including sacrifice house [frame 19] Church service in Tsembaga: men prepare to dance at service held by Solomon Islander Anglican missionaries [frame 25] Church service in Tsembaga: decorated men prepare to dance at service held by Solomon Islander Anglican missionaries [frame 26] Church service in Tsembaga: Anglican priest Peter Robin leads service [frame 31] Woman holds infant [frame 32] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: decorated men approach dance ground [frame 1] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: decorated men behind fence above dance ground [frame 6] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: decorated man with fur and feather headdress, shell valuables [frame 7] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: decorated men kneel together on dance ground [frame 4] Smiling woman wearing shell valuables, beaded necklace and mirror [frame 35] Smiling woman with beaded necklace and shell valuable, carries netbag slung from her head [frame 36] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: decorated men at ritual fence, prepare to enter dance ground [frame 2] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: decorated men approach dance ground [frame 3] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: man with white face paint, headband of shell valuables [frame 23] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: women wearing shell valuables, one woman carries a pig [frame 18] Woman wearing shell valuables [frame 33] Woman with crescent shell valuable, holds young child [frame 34] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: decorated men and women on dance ground [frame 10] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: women and children near Rappaport's house [frame 22] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: women and children near Rappaport's house [frame 21] Church service in Tsembaga: local people gather with Solomon Islander Anglican missionaries [frame 24] Adolescent wearing marsupial fur headdress, shell valuables, and beaded necklace [frame 37] Church service in Tsembaga: people gather with Anglican missionaries from Solomon Islands [frame 27] Church service in Tsembaga: local people gather with Anglican missionaries from Solomon Islands [frame 28] Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga hosts Tsengamp: decorated men with kundu drums on dance ground [frame 5]
Roll 5
Bismarck Range mountains: foggy scene [frame 1] Children look at pig (not pictured) which has been slaughtered [frame 12] Food preparation: small pig which has been clubbed, will be shared with visitors [frame 11] Food preparation: men club a pig to share with visitors [frame 10] Food preparation: man with small slaughtered pig [frame 9] Man wearing barkcloth cap, netted loincloth, beaded necklace, woven armband and belt, carries an axe [frame 8] Woman with netbag holds infant, firewood stacked nearby [frame 7] Woman with netbag holds infant, firewood stacked nearby [frame 6] Gardening: secondary growth on old garden clearing [frame 5] Gardening: distant view of garden clearing on a steep slope [frame 4] Simbai River Valley: tributary joins a larger river [frame 20] Simbai River Valley: boulders and small river [frame 19] Food preparation: bristles are singed off a small dead pig [frame 18] Food preparation: small pig which has just been clubbed [frame 16] Food preparation: small pig that has been clubbed [frame 13] Gardening: luluai and another man in garden carry netbags (bilum) full of food [frame 2] Gardening: Luluai and another man in garden with taro and manioc plants, carry netbags full of food [frame 3]
Roll 6
Food preparation: pork covered with ferns in banana leaves for earth oven [frame 13] Simbai River Valley: large river and garden clearing [frame 2] Simbai River Valley: men and boy relax on bank of a large river [frame 1] Simbai River Valley: river in steeply-sloped valley [frame 3] Simbai River Valley: man and child relax on bank of a large river [frame 4] Food preparation: pig entrails being cleaned in a river [frame 5] Food preparation: pig entrails being cleaned in a river with a sharpened bamboo knife [frame 6] Food preparation: pig entrails being washed [frame 7] Food preparation: pig meat being washed in a stream [frame 8] Food preparation: tubers and pork being cooked in earth oven [frame 9] Food preparation: pork on banana leaves [frame 10]
Roll 7
Pig festival, singsing, Tsembaga: decorated man in headdress carries kundu drum [frame 17] Young child sits on a fence [frame 18] Ritual exchange, Tsembaga: shells, shell valuables, steel axes, woven armbands [frame 1a] Ritual exchange, Tsembaga: men examine shell valuables [frame 4] Ritual exchange, Tsembaga: shells, shell valuables, steel axes, woven armbands [frame 2] Man (l) wears luluai badge and wig, man (r) with feather and marsupial fur headdress [frame 13] Man wears fabric and ribbon headdress with kinship chart pinned to it [frame 11] Child touching latch on door of Rappaport's house [frame 14] Smiling woman [frame 6] Man wears fabric and ribbon headdress with kinship chart pinned to it [frame 10] Ritual exchange, Tsembaga: man displays shell valuables [frame 5] Two men by fence, drainage ditch on right [frame 9] House, detail of a doorway [frame 19] Woman breastfeeds a child, netbag of food and older child nearby [frame 20] Food preparation: heating oven stones in a fire [frame 15] Food preparation: man and boys squeeze juice from cooked pandanus fruit into bowls [frame 16] Ritual exchange, Tsembaga: man examines shell valuable, steel axes and other shells in background [frame 7] Ritual exchange, Tsembaga: men gathered in front of Rappaport's house [frame 3] Ritual exchange, Tsembaga: man examines shell valuable, steel axes and other shells in background [frame 8] Men wear headdresses and shell valuables, stand near fence and ditch [frame 12] Man and boy stand next to Rappaport's house [frame 1]
Roll 8
Distribution of wild pig meat: women and children eat pork which has been shared [frame 3] Distribution of wild pig meat: women and children share of pork [frame 2] Distribution of wild pig meat: men and women receive their shares [frame 8] Distribution of wild pig meat: children by fence near large pieces of pork [frame 9] Distribution of wild pig meat: men discuss division of cooked pork, shared with every Tsembaga [frame 21] Distribution of wild pig meat: woman and children outside of fence waiting for pork [frame 20] Distribution of wild pig meat: man cuts cooked pork, watched by others [frame 17] Distribution of wild pig meat: men discuss distribution of cooked pork [frame 18] Distribution of wild pig meat: men and boys inside fence, awaiting pork [frame 19] Distribution of wild pig meat: man cuts pork for distribution [frame 12] Distribution of wild pig meat: man cuts cooked pork, closely watched by children [frame 13] Distribution of wild pig meat: man pulls child away from pork [frame 14] Distribution of wild pig meat: child eats pork [frame 15] Distribution of wild pig meat: people inside low fence [frame 10] Distribution of wild pig meat: women and children eat pork [frame 11] Distribution of wild pig meat: women and children await share of pork [frame 4] Distribution of wild pig meat: woman cuts pork to share with waiting children [frame 5] Distribution of wild pig meat: woman cuts pork which will be shared with waiting children [frame 6] Distribution of wild pig meat: pork is handed through fence to man, larger cuts of pork on right [frame 7] Distribution of wild pig meat: man shares cooked pork with children [frame 16]
Roll 9
Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork, men in background sing and play drums [frame 9] Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork [frame 10] Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork [frame 11] Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork [frame 12] Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork [frame 17] Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork [frame 19] Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork [frame 7] Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork [frame 8] Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork, while some make music [frame 13] Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork, man playfully salutes [frame 14] Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork [frame 6] Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork [frame 16] Distribution of wild pig meat: men discuss division of pork, watched by children [frame 1] Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork [frame 18] Distribution of wild pig meat: Tomegai and Kwibigai clans feast on pork [frame 15] Distribution of wild pig meat: woman receives cooked pork to share with family [frame 4] Distribution of wild pig meat: pork is divided [frame 5] Distribution of wild pig meat: man carries large piece of cooked pork [frame 2] Distribution of wild pig meat: man with share of pork, pigs in background [frame 3]
Roll 10
Carving: stone tool being used to smooth an arrow [frame 4] Carving: stone tool being used to smooth an arrow [frame 5] Ritual exchange: men measure strand of cowrie shells against blade of stone axe [frame 18] Ritual exchange: men measure strand of cowrie shells against blade of stone axe [frame 19] Carving: stone tool being used to smooth an arrow [frame 8] Carving: stone tool being used to smooth an arrow [frame 9] Carving: stone tool with rattan binding [frame 6] Carving: stone tool with rattan binding [frame 7] Carving: stone tool being used to smooth an arrow [frame 12] Carving: stone tool being used to smooth an arrow [frame 13] Ritual exchange: men with strand of cowrie shells [frame 16] Ritual exchange: men measure strand of cowrie shells against stone axe [frame 17] Carving: stone tool being used to smooth an arrow [frame 14] Ritual exchange: men with cowrie shell band, note stone adzes on right [frame 15] Ritual exchange: man measures strand of cowrie shells against blade of stone axe [frame 20] Carving: stone tool being used to smooth an arrow [frame 2] Gardening: man using a stone adze [frame 21] Carving: stone tool being used to smooth an arrow [frame 10] Carving: stone tool being used to smooth arrows [frame 11] Carving: stone tool being used to smooth an arrow [frame 3] Carving: stone tool being used to smooth an arrow [frame 1]
Roll 11
People cut grass around government rest house in Tsembaga, anticipating visit of patrol officer [frame 1] People cut grass around government rest house in Tsembaga, anticipating visit of patrol officer [frame 1a] People cut grass around government rest house in Tsembaga, anticipating visit of patrol officer [frame 2] People cut grass around government rest house in Tsembaga, anticipating visit of patrol officer [frame 3] People cut grass and relax on grounds near government rest house in Tsembaga, anticipating visit by patrol officer [frame 9] People cut grass around government rest house in Tsembaga, anticipating patrol officer's visit [frame 10] Men on grounds of government rest house in Tsembaga, one holds small pig [frame 16] Men on grounds of government rest house in Tsembaga, their bows and arrows propped beside them [frame 15] People gather plant debris and cut grass around government rest house in Tsembaga, anticipating patrol officer's visit [frame 18] Young child with bundle of long grass, by government rest house in Tsembaga, anticipating patrol officer's visit [frame 17] People cut grass around government rest house in Tsembaga, anticipating patrol officer's visit [frame 12] People cut grass around government rest house in Tsembaga, anticipating patrol officer's visit [frame 11] Men on grounds of government rest house in Tsembaga, their bows and arrows propped beside them [frame 14] People cut grass around government rest house in Tsembaga, anticipating patrol officer's visit [frame 13] Men on grounds of government rest house in Tsembaga, their bows and arrows propped beside them [frame 6] Women with digging sticks clean grounds of the government rest house in Tsembaga [frame 7] Woman cuts grass near government rest house, anticipating visit of patrol officer, while mother breastfeeds child [frame 5] Woman cuts grass near government rest house in Tsembaga, anticipating visit of patrol officer [frame 4] Women gather plant debris and cut grass around government rest house in Tsembaga, anticipating visit from patrol officer [frame 20] Men stand in doorway of government rest house in Tsembaga, one wears western-style hat and another wears luluai badge [frame 19] Smiling group of boys and men gather plant debris by government rest house in Tsembaga [frame 8] Men on grounds of government rest house in Tsembaga, bows and arrows propped beside them [frame 21]
Roll 12
Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man with hornbill beak ornament builds elevated oven [frame 12] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man with hornbill beak ornament builds elevated oven [frame 11] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men build fire to cook sacrificial pig [frame 6] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man builds elevated oven to cook sacrificial pig [frame 13] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: steam rises from oven in which sacrifical pig is being cooked [frame 21] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men place hot stones in oven to cook sacrifical pig, note woven belt (r) [frame 18] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: elevated oven for cooking sacrifical pig [frame 14] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: steam rises from oven in which sacrifical pig is being cooked [frame 20] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man places small pig in elevated oven [frame 16] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man with hornbill beak ornament places food in elevated oven [frame 15] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men prepare ritual meal with small sacrificial pig [frame 10] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man places hot stones in oven to cook sacrifical pig [frame 17] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man pierces ground with stake and places cordyline leaves at gate [frame 4] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man at gate marked with cordyline and stakes [frame 3] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man at boundary gate marked with stakes and cordyline [frame 2] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man places leaves at boundary gate marked with stakes and cordyline [frame 1] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men butcher small pig for ritual meal [frame 9] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men butcher small pig for ritual meal [frame 8] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men build fire to cook sacrificial pig [frame 7] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men drip water from bamboo tube onto hot stones in oven [frame 19]
Roll 13
Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: stakes and aglaomena leaves, netbag at left may contains ritual fight stones [frame 13] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: heated bamboo explodes, indicating time for Tsembaga men to leave for Tuguma [frame 27] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tsembaga men pierce ground with stakes, expelling enemy spirits [frame 28] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tsembaga men put bamboo on fire, when it explodes they will leave for Tuguma [frame 25] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tsembaga men expel enemy spirits by touching ground with bespelled stakes and plants [frame 30] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men use bespelled stakes and aglaonema to mark territory and expel enemy spirits [frame 29] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Akis (r) and other Tsembaga pierce ground with bespelled stakes to expel enemy spirits [frame 32] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tsembaga men expel enemy spirits by touching ground with bespelled stakes and plants [frame 31] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men at boundary gate marked with painted stakes [frame 34] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tsembaga men carry bespelled painted stakes, bamboo, and drum [frame 33] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man pierces ground at gate with a stake, expelling enemy spirits [frame 36] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man at boundary gate marked with painted stakes [frame 35] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tsembaga man puts bamboo on fire, when it explodes group will leave for Tuguma [frame 22] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men with stakes, bamboo and cordyline for boundary ritual [frame 21] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Akis thrusts stake into Tsembaga ground to drive out enemy spirits [frame 24] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tsembaga men, Akis and Noma drive out enemy spirits with bespelled stakes and cordyline [frame 23] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man sharpens stake [frame 7] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tsembaga man heats bamboo which will explode, signaling time to leave for Tuguma [frame 26] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man applies substance from small packet to sharpened stake [frame 9] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man sharpens stake [frame 8] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man bespells stakes [frame 11] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man applies substance from small packet to sharpened stakes [frame 10] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man pierces ground at gate with a stake, expelling enemy spirits [frame 37] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man bespells stakes [frame 12] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: stakes, bamboo, cordyline and aglaonema leaves for ritual [frame 14] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man bespells stakes, cordyline and aglaonema leaves for ritual [frame 15] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man bespells stakes, cordyline and aglaonema leaves for ritual [frame 16] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man bespells stakes, cordyline and other materials for ritual [frame 17] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man bespells cordyline, stakes, bamboo and aglaonema leaves for ritual [frame 18] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men gather aglaonema leaves, cordyline, stakes and bamboo for ritual [frame 19] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man bespells bamboo sections [frame 20] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man sharpens stake [frame 6]
Roll 14
Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated Tsembaga men with ritual items to expel enemy spirits and establish boundary [frame 19] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tsembaga men with stakes, cordyline and aglaonema leaves, expel enemy spirits [frame 20] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated Tsembaga men wait for bamboo (on fire, center) to explode, signaling depature [frame 17] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated Tsembaga men with ritual items to expel enemy spirits and establish boundary [frame 18] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man in newly-cleared garden site hits drum with bespelled bamboo [frame 6] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men bind stakes, aglaonema leaves and cordyline [frame 7] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tsembaga men with stakes, cordyline and aglaonema leaves, expelling enemy spirits [frame 21] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men bespell stakes, cordyline and aglaonema leaves for boundary ritual [frame 9] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men in new garden expel enemy spirits with bespelled stakes [frame 2] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men in new garden site wait for bamboo on fire to explode [frame 3] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men in new garden site wait for bamboo to explode [frame 4] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men in garden site expel enemy spirits, bamboo (center) explodes [frame 5] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: steam rises from ritual meal cooking in elevated oven [frame 1] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tsembaga men with ritual items to expel enemy spirits and establish boundary [frame 11] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men prepare stakes, cordyline and aglaonema leaves for boundary ritual [frame 8] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated Tsembaga men with ritual items to expel enemy spirits and establish boundary [frame 13] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man applies magical substance from small paper bundle to sharpened stakes [frame 10] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated Tsembaga men with ritual items to expel enemy spirits and establish boundary [frame 15] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated Tsembaga men with ritual items to expel enemy spirits and establish boundary [frame 12] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated Tsembaga men wait for bamboo (on fire, center) to explode, signaling depature [frame 16] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated Tsembaga men with ritual items to expel enemy spirits and establish boundary [frame 14]
Roll 15
Gardening: woman chops pitpit or sugarcane with a stone adze [frame 2] Bride price ritual: bride (wearing large shell valuables) walks behind other women [frame 13] Smoking woman with netbag of firewood, two children [frame 12] Bride price ritual: bride wearing shell valuables and other finery [frame 14] Bride price ritual: bride, wearing large shell valuables, sits with other women [frame 16] Women and children eat while dog watches [frame 7] Bride price ritual: bride wearing large shell valuables sits with women and small children next to a house [frame 17] Young boys stand on fence, holding spears [frame 8] Bride price ritual: bride wearing large shell valuables sits with other women and small children [frame 18] Women sit together, one working with string, the other holding infant [frame 9] Bride price ritual: bride wearing shell valuables [frame 19] Woman holds string, another woman with infant [frame 10] Hunting: Akis in forest pokes undergrowth, seeking marsupials or other game [frame 20] Gardening: woman chops pitpit or sugarcane with a stone adze [frame 3] Hunting: man in forest, seeking marsupials or other game [frame 21] Woman eating next to a fence [frame 4] Hunting: in forest, Akis cuts ferns with machete [frame 22] Women smoking, kundu drum hanging from fence [frame 5] Hunting: in forest, Akis with length of vine and a machete [frame 23] Women breastfeeds infant in house yard [frame 6] Hunting: Akis setting a snare in forest [frame 24] Hunting: man in forest, out-of-focus image [frame 33] Hunting: in forest, Akis, in large barkcloth cap, sets snare in tree above [frame 30] Hunting: man in forest examines ground for sign of marsupials or other game [frame 36] Hunting: man in forest, out-of-focus image [frame 31] Hunting: man on steep slope in forest, pokes at undergrowth, seeking marsupials or other game [frame 37] Hunting: Akis, wearing a barkcloth cap, cuts materials for a snare [frame 28] Hunting: Akis in forest [frame 27] Woman works on a woven item around kina shell necklace [frame 11] Hunting: Akis, in large barkcloth cap, holds a machete, setting a snare in tree above [frame 29] Bride price ritual: bride wearing shell valuables and other finery [frame 15] Hunting: in forest, Akis, in barkcloth cap, holds a machete [frame 34] Hunting: Akis in forest, setting a snare [frame 26] Hunting: in forest, Akis, in barkcloth cap, sets a snare [frame 35] Hunting: Akis setting a snare in forest [frame 25] Hunting: man in forest setting a snare [frame 32]
Roll 16
Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men inside house fence join procession to enemy boundary [frame 7] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: procession of Tuguma allies [frame 3] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men brandish stakes, bundles of cordyline and other items for boundary ritual [frame 10] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men inside house fence join procession to enemy boundary [frame 6] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: procession of Tuguma allies [frame 1] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: long procession of Tuguma and allies, going to perform rituals at enemy boundary [frame 16] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men dance inside fence, prior to joining procession to enemy boundary [frame 8] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men inside house fence [frame 4] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: procession of Tuguma allies [frame 2] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated and armed men join procession to establish enemy boundary [frame 14] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men expel enemy spirits from residential area [frame 13] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men charge with stakes, on way to help allies mark enemy boundary [frame 9] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men inside house fence join procession to enemy boundary [frame 5] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men with stakes for enemy boundary, sing beside house [frame 11] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men expel enemy spirits from residential area [frame 12] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man gestures with spear while other men gather [frame 18] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men descend to a stream, in procession to enemy boundary [frame 15] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tuguma man rubs fight package on tree to be felled at enemy boundary [frame 20] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: boys follow procession of decorated men going to enemy boundary [frame 17] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men watch as fight package is rubbed on tree to be felled at enemy boundary [frame 21] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated man rubs fight package on tree to be felled at enemy boundary [frame 19]
Roll 17
Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men file past newly-planted cordyline on enemy boundary [frame 18] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tuguma men and allies perform rituals to establish boundary with enemy territory [frame 2] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men carrying cordyline, sugarcane, stakes and weapons, at enemy boundary [frame 19] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men carry cordyline, stakes and weapons to establish enemy boundary [frame 20] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men perform ritual to establish enemy boundary [frame 13] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men establish enemy boundary with cordyline and stakes [frame 14] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men plant cordyline and stakes, establishing enemy boundary [frame 15] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men plant cordyline and stakes, establishing enemy boundary [frame 16] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men plant cordyline and stakes, establishing enemy boundary [frame 17] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men plant stakes and cordyline at enemy boundary [frame 9] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men with stakes and bamboo stand next to cordyline planted beside a trail [frame 10] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men mark tree for felling at enemy boundary [frame 7] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man marks tree for ritual felling at enemy boundary [frame 8] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men watch as fight package is rubbed on tree to be felled at enemy boundary [frame 5] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men fell trees in ritual to mark enemy boundary [frame 6] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tuguma man rubs fight packet on tree which to be felled at enemy boundary [frame 3] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tuguma and allies watch fight package rubbed on tree to be felled at enemy boundary [frame 4] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men charge with stakes along trail [frame 11] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: ritual aggression by armed and decorated men, establishing enemy boundary [frame 12]
Roll 18
Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: painted stakes driven into ground at enemy boundary [frame 21] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: painted stake is driven into ground near cordyline plants at enemy boundary [frame 22] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: women in conversation next to a house, small children nearby [frame 23] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men expel enemy spirits from dance ground with bespelled stakes and leaves [frame 16] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men dance, sing and play kundu drums [frame 17] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men dance, sing and play kundu drums [frame 18] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: three stakes planted in path next to boundary fence [frame 19] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: women cook food for visitors [frame 25] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: women build earth oven to cook food for visitors [frame 24] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: woman tends cooking fire for visitors' food [frame 27] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men sacrifice pig in ancestral shrine [frame 26] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: man adjusts headdress worn by unmarried woman [frame 20] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: Tsembaga men men cross boundary fences on way to dance ground [frame 11] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men on path to help allies establish enemy boundary [frame 10] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men pierce dance ground to expel enemy spirits [frame 15] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: men expel enemy spirits from dance ground with bespelled stakes, leaves, and singing [frame 14] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated man pierces dance ground with painted stake to expel enemy spirits [frame 13] Pig festival, stake-planting, Tuguma: decorated men sweep dance ground with cordyline to expel enemy spirits [frame 12]
Roll 19
Gardening: woman with sugarcane and taro plants [frame 11] Gardening: small pig with tethered leg in owner's garden [frame 13] Gardening: woman with sugarcane and taro plants [frame 10] Gardening: a Maring garden [frame 6] Gardening: man by garden fence among cassava, sugarcane and banana plants [frame 12] Gardening: woman with sugarcane and taro plants [frame 9] Gardening: woman tends pitpit or sugarcane plants next to fence [frame 5] Gardening: woman among sugarcane and sweet potato plants [frame 18] Gardening: man and woman with sweet potato plants [frame 19] Gardening: garden produce being weighed on scale for Rappaport's research [frame 20] Gardening: ascending a steep garden slope [frame 21] Gardening: woman with taro, banana and sugarcane plants [frame 14] Gardening: young child and adults in garden [frame 15] Gardening: woman with banana, taro and sugarcane plants [frame 16] Gardening: woman among sugarcane plants [frame 17] Gardening: man uses a digging stick [frame 3] Gardening: woman maintains garden fence [frame 4] Gardening: woman with netbag, digging stick, and shell valuable [frame 1] Gardening: woman in garden with sugarcane, banana, and other crops [frame 2] Gardening: men cut pitpit or sugarcane [frame 7]
Roll 20
Hunting: Kalam men with marsupial, Korumbon area [frame 9] Schrader Range: Kalam man with netbag sits by trail [frame 18] Aiome: white women on path beside field, mountains of Schrader Range on right [frame 19] Aiome: field, landing strip and government and mission buildings [frame 20] Aiome: white women path beside field and kunai grass, Schrader Range on right [frame 22] Aiome: government or mission building, water tank, Schrader Range in background [frame 23] Aiome: unidentified white man, may be a patrol officer [frame 25] Schrader Range: Kalam woman with netbag [frame 17] Schrader Range: carriers and Ann Rappaport on Korumbon-Ambaiat trail [frame 11] Schrader Range: carriers on trail from Korumbon to Ambaiat [frame 10] Schrader Range: kunai grassland [frame 21] Schrader Range: carriers and Ann Rappaport cross Anjimamp River on Korumbon-Ambaiat trail [frame 12] Hunting: Kalam man holds small marsupial, Korumbon area [frame 8] Hunting: Kalam man holds marsupial that his dog has found [frame 7] Hunting: Kalam men search for marsupials, Korombun area [frame 6] Schrader Range: forest with thick undergrowth [frame 5] Schrader Range: Fainjur-Korumbon trail, Ann Rappaport [frame 4] Schrader Range: Fainjur-Korumbon trail, Ann Rappaport [frame 3] Schrader Range: carriers ascend grass-covered ridge [frame 2] Schrader Range: Fainjur in distance, with forest and clearings [frame 1] Schrader Range: man carries cargo across Anjimamp River between Korumbon and Ambaiat [frame 15] Schrader Range: men carry cargo across Anjimamp River between Korumbon and Ambaiat [frame 16] Schrader Range: carriers and Ann Rappaport cross Anjimamp River, Korumbon-Ambaiat trail [frame 13] Schrader Range: Ann Rappaport crosses Anjimamp River, Korumbon-Ambaiat trail [frame 14]
Roll 21
Roy Rappaport (5 feet, 10 inches tall) with much shorter Maring men and boys [frame 22] Pete Vayda with men and boys [frame 21] Simbai: government patrol post and Anglican mission buildings [frame 24] Gardening: slash-and-burn preparation of gardens, fence to exclude pigs visible [frame 23] Pete Vayda brushes his teeth, watched by men and children [frame 18] Pete Vayda brushes his teeth, watched by men and children [frame 17] Pete Vayda with men and boys [frame 20] Pig festival, stake planting, Tuguma: boundary gate, marked with shields, stakes, bamboo arch and cordyline [frame 19] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: man with feather headdress and nose ornaments, kina shell valuables, kundu drum [frame 31] Simbai River Valley and Bismarck Range [frame 27] Jimi River and Kundagai bridge [frame 30] Jimi River and Kundagai bridge [frame 29] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: men in fur headdress and crimped leaf bustles, one holds packet of exchange valubles [frame 32] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: men with feather headdresses, face paint and kina shell pendants [frame 33] Simbai: government patrol post and Anglican mission buildings [frame 26] Simbai: government patrol post and Anglican mission buildings [frame 25] Simbai region: mountains [frame 28] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: man with facial scarification, face paint, feather headdress and nose ornament [frame 36] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: man with feather headdress, face paint and kina shell valuables [frame 35] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: man with feather headdress and nose ornament, face paint [frame 34] Men, one with scarred back, carry cargo [frame 11] Gunts: smiling men eat corn [frame 8] Gunts: child with necklace [frame 9] Gunts: young man with feathers in his hair [frame 10] Gunts: smiling luluai (government appointed leader) with nose ornament, marsupial fur and shell-ring headdress [frame 5] Gunts: luluai (government-appointed leader) with nose ornament, marsupial fur headdress [frame 3] Gunts: shy smile of woman wearing shell valuable and netted head covering [frame 7] Gunts: smiling older woman with strings of shell valuables [frame 6] Gunts: men and boys [frame 1] Smiling man on a river bank holds mirror [frame 16] Gunts: women with shell valuables and netbags [frame 2] Gunts: women with shell valuables and netbags [frame 1a] Roy Rappaport crossing river [frame 13] Men wearing bark belts, including Kapul of Gari, carry cargo [frame 12] Man on river bank examines himself in mirror [frame 15] Man on river bank examines himself in mirror [frame 14]
Roll 22
Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: man with shell valuables and white marsupial fur cap [frame 7] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: group of men with feather headdresses play kundu drums [frame 6] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: decorated boy with feather headdress and kundu drum [frame 9] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: women and children sit near ritual gate [frame 8] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: preliminary ritual at men's house [frame 29] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: small child [frame 25] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: procession of decorated men with feather headdresses and kundu drums [frame 14] Kwiop: Nancy Cook carries lantern into clearing by the Cooks' house [frame 28] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: portrait of decorated man with feather headdress [frame 16] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: procession of decorated men with feather headdresses, they play kundu drums and sing [frame 13] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: boys participate in the dancing [frame 18] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: decorated men with feather headdresses and kundu drums [frame 15] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: woman with marsupial furs and shell valuables weaves a netbag [frame 20] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: decorated men with feather headdresses dance with kundu drums [frame 17] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: decorated men with feather headdresses dance [frame 19] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: man with shell valuables and white marsupial fur cap [frame 4] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: group of men dance and play kundu drums [frame 3] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: men with feather headdresses cluster at edge of dance ground [frame 2] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: man and woman with feather headdresses and face paint [frame 1] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: decorated men with feather headdresses dance and play kundu drums [frame 12] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: decorated men play kundu drums and sing [frame 11] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: procession of decorated men on the dance ground [frame 10] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: decorated men with feather headdresses [frame 32] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: ritual at men's house, men with feather headdresses [frame 33] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: ritual at men's house, feather headdress and marsupial fur necklaces [frame 30] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: decorated men with feather headdresses are displayed to women [frame 31] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: decorated man plays kundu drum at ritual before singsing [frame 36] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: decorated men with feather headdresses and kundu drums at ritual before singsing [frame 37] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: ritual at men's house, decorated men with feather headdresses [frame 34] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: decorated men with feather headdresses and kundu drums [frame 35] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: procession of drumming men and boys with feather headdresses [frame 5] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: girls and adolescents with shell valuables and feather headdresses [frame 26] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: decorated men with feather headdresses play kundu drums and dance in a circle [frame 22] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: woman with shell valuables, body smeared with mud as sign of mourning [frame 21] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: woman spins twine for weaving a netbag [frame 24] Pig festival, singsing, Kwiop: woman spins twine for weaving a netbag [frame 23]
Roll 23
House-building for Rappaports: wall support posts are lashed to top pole with lengths of vine [frame 36] House-building for Rappaports: men with steel axes prepare lumber for frame [frame 24] House-building for Rappaports: men prepare lumber for house frame [frame 25] House-building for Rappaports: rafters being added to ridgepost [frame 26] House-building for Rappaports: Kavali and Aindim install rafters [frame 27] House-building for Rappaports: rafters being added to central posts [frame 23] House-building for Rappaports: framing with x-shaped backing for pandanus leaf siding, supports from wall to center posts [frame 16] House-building for Rappaports: pandanus leaf siding added to wall, secured with stakes, note men's large barkcloth caps [frame 17] House-building for Rappaports: siding made of pandanus leaves being added to wall frame [frame 18] Mbabi wears luluai badge [frame 19] House-building for Rappaports: men build frame, top post splinted on right [frame 5] Large lizard, held by interpreter Kavali, flanked by Gana (l) and Ann Rappaport (r) [frame 4] House-building for Rappaports: sharpened stakes on perimeter for frame, rectangular shape marked with poles [frame 7] Weaving: an armband is intricately woven from orchid fibers [frame 31] Weaving: an armband is intricately woven from orchid fibers [frame 30] Weaving: an armband is intricately woven from orchid fibers [frame 29] House-building for Rappaports: Kavali and Aindim install rafters [frame 28] House-building for Rappaports: rafters being lashed together with lengths of vine [frame 35] House-building for Rappaports: hole for central support post being dug with a stick [frame 34] House-building for Rappaports: framing for interior walls [frame 33] House-building for Rappaports: ridgepole is placed in notched support posts [frame 32] House-building for Rappaports: pandanus palm siding being attached to frame [frame 10] House-building for Rappaports: central post, one of three [frame 11] House-building for Rappaports: men frame with sharpened posts topped with long poles [frame 8] House-building for Rappaports: site has been levelled and rectangular shape is laid out [frame 9] House-building for Rappaports: center posts with notches at top hold central roof beam [frame 14] House-building for Rappaports: x-shaped supports being added behind palm left siding [frame 15] House-building for Rappaports': flattened pandanus leaves for siding being attached to frame [frame 12] House-building for Rappaports: notched center post on left, interior detail of frame and siding visible on right [frame 13] House-building for Rappaports: men level site, perimeter is staked [frame 1a] House-building for Rappaports: men smoke, taking a break from sharpening support posts with machetes [frame 6] House-building for Rappaports: site being levelled, sharpened timbers in foreground will be used for frame [frame 3] Pig festival, singsing: men and boys sing and play kundu drums on way to dance ground [frame 1] House-building for Rappaports: men in barkcloth caps add stakes and pandanus leaf siding to wall [frame 22] House-building for Rappaports: corner posts in place [frame 2] Man holds a frog for boy to touch [frame 20] House-building for Rappaports: sharpened lengths of wood for side supports and other timbers have been gathered [frame 21]
Roll 24
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Accession Processed in 2005
FIELD NOTES, 1962-1963
FIELD NOTES, 1981-1982
Accession Processed in 2015