

  • A Winter's Day1
  • A Summer's Day17
  • Night Scenes of other Times31
  • Address to the Muses53
  • A Melancholy Lover's Farewell to his Mistress62
  • A Cheerful-tempered Lover's Farewell to his Mistress65
  • A Proud Lover's Farewell to his Mistress68
  • A Poetical or Sound-hearted Lover's Farewell to his Mistress71
  • A Reverie74
  • A Disappointment79
  • A Lamentation84
  • A Mother to her Waking Infant 89
  • A Child to his Sick Grandfather92
  • Thunder95
  • The Horse and his Rider100
  • Fragment of a Poem102

  • Lines on the Death of Sir Walter Scott 120
  • Epilogue to the Theatrical Representation at Strawberry Hill 128
  • The Banished Man 131
  • To a Child 135
  • Song, (to the Scotch Air of "My Nanny O.") 138
  • London 140
  • Lines on the Death of William Sotheby, Esq. 143
  • Verses to our own Flowery Kirtled Spring 147
  • Lines to a Parrot 153
  • Lines to a Teapot 161
  • The Moody Seer. A Ballad 168
  • The Merry Bachelor 184
  • Two Songs 187
  • Song, written for the Strawberry Hill Foundling Play 189
  • To Sophia J. Baillie, an Infant 191
  • Verses added to the foregoing, by the Baby's Paternal Grandmother 193
  • The Kitten 194
  • School Rhymes for Negro Children 201
  • Rhymes 203
  • Rhymes for Chanting 204
  • Devotional Song for a Negro Child 205
  • Second Devotional Song 206
  • Third Devotional Song 207
  • A Nursery Lesson (Devotional) 208
  • Second Nursery Lesson (Admonitory) 209
  • Hymn 211
  • Two Brothers 215
  • Lines to Agnes Baillie on her Birthday 219
  • Verses sent to Mrs. Baillie on her Birthday, 1813 226

  • Verses written in February, 1827 230
  • The Traveller by Night in November 233
  • Lines for a Friend's Album 246
  • Address to a Steam Vessel 248
  • The Elden Tree. A Ballad 255
  • Song. Woo'd and Married and a' 267
  • A Song 271
  • Fy, let us a' to the Wedding 275
  • Hooly and Fairly 281
  • Lord John of the East. A Ballad 284
  • Malcolm's Heir. A Tale of Wonder 294
  • Song, called the Country Lady's Reveillie 309
  • Volunteer's Song, written in 1803 311
  • Song, written for an Irish Air 314
  • Song, for an Irish Air 316
  • A Scotch Song 318
  • Song, Poverty parts Good Company 321
  • Song, for a Scotch Air 324
  • A Sailor's Song 326
  • Song, A New Version of an Old Scotch Song 328
  • Sir Maurice. A Ballad 331
  • To Mrs. Siddons 350
  • A Song, written for an Irish Melody 354
  • Song, for an Irish Melody 356
  • Song 358
  • Song 360
  • The Black Cock 362
  • Song 364
  • Song 365
  • Song, written for a Welch Melody 367
  • Song 369

  • Hymn 373
  • Hymn 375
  • Hymn 378
  • Hymn 381
  • Hymn 383
  • Hymn for the Scotch Kirk 386
  • A Second Hymn for the Kirk 387
  • A Third Hymn for the Kirk 388
  • St. Matthew, v. 9 390
  • St. Luke, xviii. 16 392
  • St. John, xxi. 1 394
  • St. Luke, vii. 12 396
  • Job, xiii. 15 398
  • Hymn 400
  • A Hymn for the Kirk 402
  • A Hymn 404
  • Select Verses from the 147th Psalm 406
  • Thoughts taken from the 93rd Psalm 407