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Finding Aid to the San Francisco Ephemera Collection 1850-present SFH 753
SFH 753  
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Francesca Relief Society 1907


Little Sisters of the Poor 1906


Manila Citizens 1906


Relief and Red Cross Funds 1906, 2006


Saint Catherine's Home 1906


Salesian 1906-1907


Sisters of the Holy Family 1906


Reports and studies


Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 1923


Earth movements in the California Earthquake of 1906 , by Hayford, John F. 1907


Manson, Marsden to the Mayor and Committee on Reconstruction 1906


Note on the San Francisco earthquake of April 18, 1906 by Omori, F. 1906


Progress of the fire in San Francisco April 18th - 21st, 1906 , by Kennedy, Lawrence J. 1908


San Francisco conflagration of April, 1906 1906


San Francisco Clearing House certificate 1907


Seismology 1909-1956


Sheet music undated


Sheriff's department 2006


Siemers, Ray undated, 1986


Survivors 1979-2009


Sweden 2006


Telegrams 1906


Telephone directory 1906


Theatre 1906, 1979, undated

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

United Railroads transfers 1906, 1979


United States Life Saving Service 1906-1933


Weddings undated


Western Union 1958


Wine undated, 1985


March 22, 1957 1957


April 24, 1984 1984


October 17, 1989


General 1989-1991


Berkeley Information Network 1989


Newspaper clippings 1989-2014

Physical Description: 3.0 folders



Ecology 1971-1975


Economy 1963-2014

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Economic development guide undated


Elections and Department of Elections


Annual reports 1906


Ballots and poll materials 1975-2022


Newspaper clippings 1977-2012


Northern California Assembly and Congressional district reapportionment 1961


Recall elections 1912-1921, undated


Task Force on Redistricting 2002


Timeline 2007


Voters manual, Chinese 1975


Voting instructions 1968-1972


Voting machines 1923-1952

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Elections by date





Physical Description: 12.0 folders







1868 November 3


Candidates 1868







See also:

Posters and signs (Political Union)



1882 1882, 1982





Physical Description: 2.0 folders
























See Also:

Oversize Ephemera Box: Elections. 1911






Physical Description: 5.0 folders


Physical Description: 3.0 folders


Physical Description: 4.0 folders






Physical Description: 2.0 folders


































See also:

Oversize Ephemera Box: 1939 Elections: Independent Oil News.








Physical Description: 2.0 folders




Physical Description: 2.0 folders




Physical Description: 2.0 folders


Physical Description: 2.0 folders


Physical Description: 2.0 folders








Physical Description: 2.0 folders


Physical Description: 2.0 folders



1955, Newspaper clippings 1955-1956















Physical Description: 2.0 folders






Physical Description: 2.0 folders


Physical Description: 4.0 folders



Assembly race 1968


1968 June 4


Kennedy, Robert F. 1968


McCarthy, Eugene J. 1968


Wallace, George 1968


Propositions 1968


1968 November 5


General 1968


Agnew, Spiro 1968


Humphrey, Hubert H. 1968


McCarthy, Eugene 1968


Muskie, Edmund S. 1968


Nixon, Richard M. 1968


Propositions 1968

See also:

Oversize Ephemera Box: Elections. Nov. 1968. Propositions

U.S. and State Senatorial race 1968


Wallace, George 1968



Physical Description: 3.0 folders



1970 June 2


Candidates 1970


Newspaper clippings 1970


Propositions 1970

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Sample ballot 1970


1970 November 3


Candidates 1970


Candidate guide book for the 1970 California State and Congressional elections 1970


Endorsements 1970


Newspaper clippings 1970


Propositions 1970

Physical Description: 2.0 folders







Alioto, Joseph 1971


Carberry, Matthew C. 1971


Diamante, John 1971


Dobbs, Harold 1971


Drapel, Jeff 1971


Driscoll, Mike 1971


Feinstein, Dianne 1971


Finnegan, Peter 1971


Hongisto, Richard 1971


Kopp, Quentin 1971


Mendelsohn, Robert 1971


Molinari, John 1971


Nelson, Bob 1971


O'Connor, Matt 1971


Pelosi, Ronald 1971


Tietjen, Steve 1971


Unger, Sam 1971


Westbrook, Yvonne 1971


Newspaper clippings 1971




General 1971


Proposition C 1971


Proposition J 1971


Proposition T 1971




1972 June


General 1972

Physical Description: 2.0 folders



Ashbrook, John 1972


Boas, Roger 1972


Chin, John Yehall 1972


Chisholm, Shirley 1972


Dandurand, Thomas 1972


Dunn, Sarah 1972


French, Alan 1972


Gonzalez, Bob 1972


Hallinan, Vincent 1972


Lemlow, Marge 1972


Marie-Victoire, Ollie 1972


Markel, Leon 1972


McGovern, George 1972


Mullins, William E. 1972


Nixon, Richard M. 1972


O'Kane, John A., Judge 1972


Pelosi, Ronald 1972


Reed, Tom, Father 1972


Riordan, John 1972


Sanchez, David, Dr. 1972


General 1972


Civic League of San Francisco recommendations 1972


Election results 1972


League of Women Voters voting guide 1972


Newspaper clippings 1972




General 1972

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Proposition L 1972


Proposition P 1972


Proposition 9 1972


1972 November 7


General 1972

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Candidates 1972


Propositions 1972


Results 1972


State candidates and propositions 1972


Watson initiative


Joseph L. Alioto papers, SFH5



General 1973


Candidates 1973


Newspaper clippings 1973


Propositions 1973


Results 1973




1974 June 4


General 1974

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Candidates 1974


Proposition 9 1974


Results 1974


1974 November 5


General 1974


Candidates 1974

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Fred Harris for President 1975


Newspaper clippings 1974


Propositions 1974


Voter information pamphlets 1974


1975 November 4


General 1975


Bilingual voter information 1975


Candidates 1975


Fred Harris For President 1975


Mayoral race 1975


Newspaper clippings 1975


Propositions 1975


Voter information pamphlets 1975




1976 June 8


1976 November 2


General 1976


Candidates 1976


Propositions 1976




1977 August 2


1977 November 8


General 1977


District 8 Supervisor's race 1977


Voter information pamphlets 1977


Propositions 1977




1978 June 6


Candidates 1978


Propositions 1978


Proposition 13 1978


Voter information pamphlets 1978


1978 November 7


General 1978


Candidates 1978


Propositions 1978


Voter information pamphlets 1978




1979 November 6


Candidates 1979


Barbagelata paper 1979


Propositions 1-4 1979


Proposition A 1979


Proposition M 1979


Proposition O 1979


Proposition P 1979


Proposition R 1979


Results 1979


Voter information pamphlets 1979


1979 December 11




1980 June 3

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

1980 August 19


1980 November 4


Bilingual voter information 1980


Candidates 1980


Newspaper clippings 1980


Party campaign literature 1980


Propositions 1980


Results 1980


Voter information pamphlets 1980


1981 November 3


Propositions 1981


Results 1980


Voter information pamphlet 1981


1982 June 8


General 1982


Results 1982


Voter information pamphlet 1982


1982 November 2

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Recall election April 26, 1983


1983 June 21


1983 November 8


Candidates 1983


Propositions 1983


Proposition M 1983


Proposition N 1983


Proposition P 1983


Results 1983


Voter information pamphlets 1983


1984 June 5


Bilingual voter information 1984


Candidates 1984


Propositions 1984


Voter information pamphlets 1984


1984 November 6


Candidates - municipal and state 1984


Candidates - presidential 1984


Propositions 1984


Results 1984


Voter information pamphlets 1984


1985 November 5


General 1985


Results 1985


Voter information pamphlets 1985


1986 June 3


Candidates 1986


Propositions 1986


Results 1986


Voter information pamphlets 1986


1986 November 4


Candidates 1986


Propositions 1986


Proposition M 1986


Results 1986


Voter guide 1986


Voter information pamphlets 1986


1987 April 7


1987 June 2

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

1987 November 3


Candidates 1987


Propositions 1987


Results 1987


Voter information pamphlets 1987


1987 December 8


1988 June 7

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

1988 November 8


Candidates 1988


Propositions 1988


Proposition A 1988


Propositions D and E 1988


Proposition K 1988


Propositions O-S 1988


Propositions U-Z 1988


Results 1988


Voter guides 1988


Voter information pamphlets 1988


1989 November 7


Propositions 1989


Voter guides 1989


Voter information pamphlets 1989


1990 June 5


Candidates 1990


Newspaper clippings 1990


Propositions 1990

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Results 1990


Voter guides 1990


Voter information pamphlets 1990


1990 November 6


Candidates 1990


Newspaper clippings 1990


Propositions 1990


Results 1990


Voter guides 1990


Voter information pamphlets 1990


1991 November 5


Candidates 1991


Propositions 1991


Results 1991


Voter information pamphlets 1991


1991 December 10


Candidates 1991


Proposition A 1991


Results 1991


Voter information pamphlet 1991


1992 June 2


1992 November 3


Candidates 1992


Newspaper clippings 1992


Propositions 1992


Results 1992


Voter guides 1992


Voter information pamphlets 1992


1993 June 15


1993 November 2


Candidates 1993


Propositions 1993

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Results 1993


Voter information pamphlets 1993


1994 June 7


1994 November 8


Candidates 1994


Newspaper clippings 1994


Propositions 1994


Results 1994


Voter guides 1994


Voter information pamphlets 1994


1995 November 7


Candidates 1995


Newspaper clippings 1995


Propositions 1995


Voter information pamphlet 1995


1995 December 12


1996 March 26

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

1996 November 5

Physical Description: 2.0 folder

1997 June 3


1997 November 4


1998 June 2


Candidates 1998


Propositions 1998


Voter information pamphlet 1998


1998 November 3


Candidates 1998


Propositions 1998


Voter information pamphlet 1998


1999 November 2

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

1999 December 14


2000 March 7


2000 November 7


Candidates 2000


Newspaper clippings 2000


Propositions 2000


Voter guides 2000


Voter information pamphlet 2000


2000 December 12


2001 November 6


Candidates 2001


Propositions 2001


Voter information pamphlet 2001


2002 March 5


Assembly districts 12 and 13 2002


Assessor-Recorder, Democratic Central Committee, Superior Court 2002


Public Defender 2002


Propositions and slate cards 2002


Redistricting 2002


Voter information pamphlet 2002


2002 November 5


Candidates 2002


Newspaper clippings 2002


Propositions 2002

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Voter guides and slate cards 2002


Voter information pamphlet 2002


2002 December 10


2003 October 7

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

2003 November 4


Candidates 2003

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Newspaper clippings 2003


Propositions 2003


Voter guides and slate cards 2003


Voter information pamphlet 2003


2003 December 9

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

2004 March 2


Candidates 2004


Newspaper clippings 2004


Propositions 2004

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Voter guides and slate cards 2004


Voter information pamphlets 2004


2004 November 2


Candidates 2004

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Propositions 2004


Voter guides and slate cards 2004


Voter information pamphlet 2004


2005 November 8


Candidates 2005


Propositions 2005


Voter guides and slate cards 2005


Voter information pamphlets 2005


2006 June 6


Candidates 2006


Propositions 2006


Voter guides and slate cards 2006


Voter information pamphlets 2006


2006 November 7


2007 November 6


Candidates 2007


Propositions 2007


Proposition D 2007


Voter guides and slate cards 2007


Voter information pamphlets 2007


2008 February 5

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

2008 June 3


Candidates 2008


Propositions 2008


Voter guides and slate cards 2008


Voter information pamphlets 2008


2008 November 4


Candidates 2008


Newspaper clippings 2008


Propositions 2008


Voter guides and slate cards 2008


Voter information pamphlets 2008


2009 May 19

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

2009 November 3


2010 June 8

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Slate cards 2010


Voter guides 2010


2010 November 2


Candidates 2010


Propositions 2010


Slate Cards 2010


Voter Pamphlets 2010


2011 November 8


Candidates 2011


Propositions 2011


Voter Guides 2011


2012 June 5


Candidates 2012


Propositions 2012


Slate cards 2012


Voter pamphlets 2012


2012 November 6


Candidates 2012


Propositions 2012


Slate cards 2012


Voter pamphlets 2012


2013 November 5


Candidates 2013


Propositions 2013


Slate cards 2013


Voter information pamphlet 2013


2014 June 3


Candidates 2014


Propositions 2014


Slatecards 2014


Voter Information Pamphlets 2014


2014 November 4


Candidates 2014


Propositions 2014


Voter Guides Slate Cards 2014


Voter Information Pamphlets 2014


2015 November 3


Candidates 2015


Newspaper Clippings 2015


Propositions 2015


Voter Guides & Slate Cards 2015


Voter Information Pamphlets 2015


2016 November 8


Candidates 2016


Newspaper Clippings 2016


Propositions 2016


Voter Guides & Slate Cards 2016


Voter Information Pamphlets 2016


2018 June 5


Judicial Candidates 2018


Mayoral Candidates 2018


Newspaper Clippings 2018


Propositions 2018


Supervisorial Candidates 2018


Slate Cards 2018


Voter Information Guide and Pamphlet 2018


2018 November 6


Candidates 2018


Newspaper Clippings 2018


Propositions 2018


Slate Cards 2018


Voter Information Pamphlet 2018


2019 November 5


Candidates 2019


Propositions 2019


Slate Cards 2019


Voter Information Pamphlet 2019


2020 March 3


Candidates 2020


Propositions 2020


Slate Cards 2020


Voter Information Pamphlet 2020


2020 November 3


Candidates 2020

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Propositions 2020

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Slate Cards 2020

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Voter Information Pamphlet 2020


2021 September 14


California Gubernatorial Recall Election 2021


2022 February 15


2022 June 7


Propositions 2022


Slate Cards 2022


Voter Information Pamphlet 2022


2022 November 8


Candidates 2022


Propositions 2022


Slate Cards 2022


Voter Information Pamphlet 2022


2024 March 5


Ballot 2024


Candidates 2024


Propositions 2024


Slate Cards 2024


Voter Information Pamphlet 2024


2024 November 5


Candidates 2024


Emergency-Ethnic diversity


Emergency plans circa 1970, undated




LGBTQ+. Emperors

Enterprise Zone--See: SF.City Planning


Environment, Department of 1995-2012


Escorts--See: SF.Tour Guides


Estuary--See: SF.Bay


Ethnic diversity 1984-2004


Ethnic groups


General 1971-1986


Arabs 1976, 2017


Armenians 1982


Asian 1981-2014


Basques 1975-1996


Belgian 1930




Clippings 1944-2012


Clippings, Negro in San Francisco (News-Call Bulletin series) 1961-1969


History and bibliography 1902, 1949-2002


Economic opportunity 1965-1970


Invisible Pioneers (Context statement on African-Americans in San Francisco 1770-1985) 2007


Negro League 1991


British 1971-1979


Chinese 1911-1944, 1975-2016


Chinese, Lee Family Association circa 1960s


Danes 1920


Estonians 1971


Filipinos 1906-1921, 1964-2009

Physical Description: 2.0 folders



General 1906-1998


Annick Foucrier Articles 2005-2022


German 1914-1938, 1983


Greeks 1923, 1981-1987


Gypsies 1973-1994


Hawaiians 1998


Indian (American) 1904, 1933, 1966-2012


Indian (Asian) 1969-1981

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Iranian 1978


Irish 1909-2016

Physical Description: 2.0 folders



General 1930s, 1992-2002


Bibliography 1977


Columbus Day celebrations--See: SF.Days.Columbus Day


Italian Welfare Agency Women's Auxiliary 1967-1970


Magazine articles 1980-1992


Newspaper clippings 1972-2009


San Francisco Italians during World War II, by Justice John B. Molinari undated


Theater 1975




General 1853-2010

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Alien tax receipt 1911


Newspaper clippings 1860, 1966-2012


Peace tower 1975


Jewish 1926-2004


Koreans 1972-1977


Laotians 1981


Latin Americans 1969-2004


Maltese 1942, c.1971


Mexicans 1892-1898, 1987-2003


Mexican-Americans 1970-1992


Molokans 1972-2019


Muslims 1968


Nicaraguans 1973


Norwegians 1882, 1932-2001


Palestinians 1972-1984


Peruvians 1999


Polish 1990-1996


Portuguese 1898, 1979




General 1919-2001


Newspaper Clippings 1972-2010


Samoans 1969-1998


Scots 1973-1986


Serbians--See: Yugoslavs


Slavonians--See: Yugoslavs


Swedish 1925-2006


Tibetans 1984


Ukrainian 2007-2008


Vietnamese 1967-2000


Welsh 1996-1999


Yugoslavs 1919, 1979-2005


Fairs and festivals


American Indian Film Festival 1990


Antiquarian Book Fair 1972


Asian American Film Festival 1994-2007


Black Expo '72 1972


British Week 1959-1971

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Burning Man 1997-2014


California Apple Show 1914


California Land Show 1917


California Pure Food Exposition 1895


Carnaval 1980-2006


Castro Street Fair 2008


Celtic Music & Arts Festival 1992


Century of Commerce 1935


Cherry Blossom Festival 1970-2016

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Chinese New Year 1953-2005


Cinco de Mayo 1990-2005


Citrus Fair 1902


Coin Fair 1968


Columbian Exposition 1993


County Fair Flower Show 1974-1988


Culinary Carnival 1980s


Diamond Jubilee 1925


Dickens Fair 1972-1977


Equal Opportunity Job Fair 1966


Festival of the Sea 1984-1998


Folk Fair 1972


Folsom Street Fair 1984-2013


Goethe Festival 1949


Golden Gate International Exposition (GGIE)


Aboriginal Cultures of the Western Hemisphere 1940


Advertising 1935-1939


Agriculture 1941


Airlines 1937-1939


America! Cavalcade of a Nation




50th 1989


70th 2009


75th 2014


Aquacade 1940


Art 1939-1940


Articles of incorporation and bylaws 1936


Autumn Festival 1939


Board of Directors undated


Bridges 1935-1939


Businesses--See: SF.Fairs.GGIE.Companies


Bylaws--See: SF.Fairs.GGIE.Articles of incorporation




General 1939-1940

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Artists' Day 1939


Commission report 1939


Items pertaining to the Hall of Fine Printing 1939-1940


Tourism 1939


Cavalcade of the Golden West 1939


Certificates 1939


Children's Temple 1938


Christmas cards 1939


Closing day report 1940


Coffee 1939


Committees circa 1936-1939




Bank of America 1939


Bell Telephone 1939


Crown Zellerbach Corporation 1939


Dow Chemical Company 1939


Ford Motor Company 1939


Greyhound 1939


Heinz 57 1939


Hills Brothers 1939


International Business Machines 1940


Levi Strauss Company 1939


Miscellaneous 1938-1940


Miscellaneous, Your Investment for 39 1938


Pabco 1939


Pacific Gas and Electric 1939


Paper companies 1939


Paul Mantz Seaplane Base 1939


Schilling 1939


Western Pine Association 2007


Concessions 1939


Correspondence 1933-1938

Physical Description: 6.0 folders

Covarrubias, Miguel--See: M43 and SFH STK GGIE map case


Court of the Pacific [1939], 1977-1990


Courts 1939


Days 1939


Demolition of 1941-1942


Dioramas 1944-1959


Ecuador Pavilion 1939


Eddie Cantor Week 1939


Eisteddfod 1945


Electricity 1939


Estonian Village 1939


Exhibits 1936-1939


Fashion 1939


Ferry boat 1939


Finance 1936-1939


Fine arts catalogs 1939

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Folies Bergere 1939-1940


Food and beverages 1939


Foreign participation 1939


Form letters 1939


Fourth of July 1940


French Indochina Pavilion 1939


Gayway contracts (Amusement zone area) 1937-1938


Groundbreaking 1936


Guidebooks 1939-1940

Physical Description: 4.0 folders

Guides to San Francisco 1939-1940


Hall of Flowers circa 1939


Hall of Western States circa 1939


History of undated


Horse Show 1939


Housing 1939


Incubator babies 1970


Invitations 1939


Japan 1939


Jigsaw puzzle--See: M43 Realia


Johore Pavilion 1939


Landscaping 1938-1939


Legal proceedings--See: M43


Letter (Souvenir) 1939


Letterhead 1940


Lighting 1938


Livestock 1939


Magazine articles 1935-1940, 1989-1992


Magazines 1938-1940, 1989

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Maps 1938-1940

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

See also:

GGIE flat map case

Marine Corps 1940


Matches 1939-1940


Mayor's proclamation 1936


Medicine circa 1939


Menus 1939-1940


Mickey Mouse circa 1939


Miniature rooms 1939-1940


Miss Western America 1939


Mission trails 1938


Musee Mechanique circa 1939


Music 1939


Musicals Undated


Name (Origin of GGIE name) 1936


Navy exhibit 1939


Nevada 1940


New York World's Fair 1940


Newspapers 1936-1940

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

See also:

M41, M43

Oakland, Port of 1938-1939


Oregon 1939


Pamphlets 1939-1940

Physical Description: 5.0 folders

Panoramas 1939


Photography 1939


Plans--See: SFH STKS map case: GGIE: box, Administration bldg


Plywood Undated


Police 1939


Police Ball 1939


Postcards--See: Historical Photograph Collection


Posters 1937-1939


President's letters 1937


President's luncheon 1938-1939

See also:

SF. Fairs. GGIE. Menus

Printing (Proofs of seals) 1939-1940


Programs 1940


Prospectus 1936


Publications 1937-1940

Physical Description: 4.0 folders

1939 Golden Gate International Exposition 1937


1939 World's Fair Progress on San Francisco Bay 1937


Publications layout (Original artwork) circa 1938

Physical Description: 4.0 folders



General 1937-1939

Physical Description: 4.0 folders

Magazine Division 1936-1939

Physical Description: 11.0 folders

Press Division 1939

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Press releases 1935-1939

Physical Description: 13.0 folders

Promotional 1936-1939

Physical Description: 5.0 folders

Puppets 1940


Purchasing agents convention 1939


Radio 1939


Railroads 1938-1940


Redwood Empire Building 1939


Reports 1938-1940


Rivera, Diego (Mural) 1940


Rodeo 1939


Rules and regulations 1939-1940

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Sale of personal property 1940


Science 1940


Scrapbook 1939

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Songbook 1939


Southern Basin Site 1935


Special events 1939-1940


Sports events 1939


Stamps undated


State Commission 1938


Stationery (Envelopes, etc.) 1939-1940


Temple of Security 1939


Tickets 1939-1940


Tower of the Sun circa 1939


United States government exhibit 1939


View Books


General 1939-1940


Magic in the Night 1939


Magic in the Night 1940


1939 World's Fair and the Bridges on San Francisco Bay 1939


Pageant of the Pacific 1939


Pageant of the Pacific 1940


Wine Temple 1939


Women 1939


Wrapping paper 1939


Yerba Buena Shoals


Reclamation project 1935


Dredging 1935-1938


Golden Gate Renaissance Faire 2004-2006


Golden Gate Trade and Maritime Festival 1953


Grant Avenue Street Fair undated


International Book Fair 1970-1973


International Fair 1909


International Film Festival 1958-2017

Physical Description: 3 folders

See also:

Joseph L. Alioto papers and John F. Shelley Papers

Irish Fair, Irish Festival 1898, 1972-1981

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Italian Festival 1956, 1990


Jade Festival 1933


Jagannatha Chariot Festival undated, 2017


Japan Industry Floating Fair 1967


Jazz Festival 1993-2005


Jewish Film Festival 1992-2014


Job Fair 1966


Juneteenth 2004-2009


Laborfest 2007-2013


Latin America Fiesta


John F. Shelley Papers SFH8

London Week--See: SF.Weeks.London Week


Mardi Gras 1924


May Day Festival 1949-1961


May Festival 1878


Mechanic's Fair 1877


Midwinter Fair (California Midwinter International Exposition)


A Glimpse of the Midwinter Fair 1894


All About the Midwinter Fair 1894


Boone Arena 1894


Business College Exhibition 1894


California Architect and Building News 1894


City of Paris souvenir 1894


Colored art views 1894

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Colored views 1894


Commercial Hotel souvenir 1894


East Indian artware 1894


Exhibitor information 1894


Fine Arts Building 1894


49 Mining Camp 1894


Graham, Sketches of the White City and the Sunset City 1894


Groundbreaking 1894


Guidebooks 1894

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Hawthorne 1894


Loose items 1894


Map of grounds 1894


Monarch Souvenir of Sunset City and the Sunset Scenes 1894


Mystic Mirror Maze 1894


Newspaper articles 1894


Newspaper specials 1894


Nutshell guide 1894


Opening day ceremony 1894


Poems of the Golden State and Midwinter Exposition by Daniel Oscar Loy --See: 917.9404 L956p


Souvenirs 1894


Special day program 1894


Stationary 1894


Stickers and postal markings 1894


Sunset City and Sunset Views 1894

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Synopsis 1894


Trade cards 1894


Viavi Journal 1894


Views of California 1894


Nihonmachi Street Fair 1977-2002


North Beach Bohemian Festival 1999


North Beach Jazz Festival 2006


Northern California Peace Festival 1975


Old San Francisco 1988


Other Minds Music Festival 2002


Pacific Better Homes Exposition 1924


Pacific Festival 1960


Panama-Pacific International Exposition (PPIE)


Accounting 1915




Alvin E. Pope 1916


Vice President Marshall 1916


Advertising 1915


Agriculture, Department of 1915


American Inter-Ocean Canal 1917


Anniversaries 1990-2015


Architects undated


Argentina, Argentine Republic 1915


Articles of Incorporation 1909-1910




Fountain of the Setting Sun circa 1980


Priestess of Culture 1977


Athletics 1915


Auditorium (Civic) 1914-1915


Automobiles 1912-1915


Aviation 1915, 2002




International Jury of Award 1915


Miscellaneous 1915


Rules and regulations 1915


Banquet (Governors and Directors, New York City) 1911


Bolivia 1915


Book Club of California keepsake 1970


Boston Symphony Orchestra 1914-1915




Construction 1913-1915


Costs 1915


Costs, salaries 1913


Dimensions 1913


Specifications and blueprints 1913


Bylaws 1911


Calendar--See: SF.Fairs.PPIE.Days


California 1912


Canadian pavilion 1915


Car racing 1915


Certificates 1915


China 1915


Closing day 1915


Commemorative coinage 1915


Committees, advisory circa 1915


Competition, New Orleans vs. San Francisco 1915


Comptroller's reports 1913


Concessions and admissions


Director's report 1915


Division of 1914-1915


Passes (Automobile admission) 1915


Report of Chief 1915


Congresses (Conventions) 1913-1915


Congresses & Conventions, Report of Director 1916


Congresses, Programs 1913-1915


Cuba dedication 1915




Regulations 1914


U.S. Customs and Kindred Services 1915


Customs and Deliveries Bureau report 1916




General 1915


Calendar 1915


British Empire Day 1915


Pacific Service Day 1915


Pioneer and Old Settlers Day 1915


Portola Festival Day 1915


De Young, Charles 1913


Death certificates 1914-1915


Demolition rules 1915


Denmark 1914-1915


Directory for main office 1915


Eisteddfod 1915


Education and social economy 1913


Education convention and International Congress of Education 1915


Education, Palace of 1915


Eisteddfod 1915


El Dorado County lecture of William Rantz circa 1965


Emergency hospital's report of operations 1915


Esperanto 1915


Excursions 1913-1915




Application for concession 1915


Application for exhibit space 1915


Area of exhibits


Agriculture, Palace of 1915


Areas Occupied by Foreign Countries 1915


Food Products, Palace of 1915


Great Northern Railway Bldg. 1915


Horticulture, Palace of 1915


Machinery, Palace of 1915


Manufactures, Palace of 1915


Mines, Palace of 1915


Zone 1915

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Booths (Design) 1915


Certificate of exhibition 1915


Classification of departments 1915


Deliveries and Customs Bureau 1914-1915


Directories 1915


Director's report 1915


Drafting Department report 1915


Freight record form 1915




Advance 1913-1915

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Popular 1915


Information for exhibitors


General 1914-1915


Palace of Machinery 1914


Instructions for builders of machinery 1914


Instructions for Social Economy Department 1913


New York State, films and subjects shown 1915


Rules and regulations


California Building 1914


Domestic shipments 1914-1915


Foreign shipments 1915


Intending participants 1915


Governing the location 1914


Removal of exhibits 1915




Director's report 1915


Domestic 1913-1915


Foreign 1915


Exposition builders 1913


Exposition City 1915


Exposition legion 1915


Fillmore Street tunnel 1913


Fine Arts, Palace of 1915


Fine Arts Department


Brief guide 1915


Chief's report 1915


Department report 1915


Official catalogue 1915


Official illustrated catalogue 1915


Flood Building 1915


Foreign commissions


Australia and South Pacific 1914


Central America and West Indies 1915


Europe 1912-1915


Mediterranean and Balkan states 1915


South America 1915-1916


Foreign Mission. 1915 Europe 1914


Foreign participation 1913-1915




Committee for Foreign Exhibits 1915


Pavilion 1915, 1995


Germany 1912-1915


Grand Canyon 1915


Groundbreaking 1911-1915


Guard Department 1915-1916




Art Lovers Guidebook 1915


Banca Fugazi 1915


Best Bits of the Exposition 1915


Official 1915


People's Easy Guidebook 1915


Harbor view buildings 1915


Helen Keller Day 1915


Horticulture 1915


Hotels 1913-1915


Illinois 1915


Illumination 1915-1916


Improvements, Exposition Committee of Improvement Organizations 1913


Incubator babies 1915, 1979


Indian Exposition 1915


Inscriptions 1915


Invitation to groundbreaking ceremony 1912-1915


Invitations 1912-1915

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Italy 1915


Japan 1915


Kentucky Legislature (William M. Pearce letter) 1915


Land use certificates 1915


Lectures, Bureau Of 1913


Letters, form 1913


Liberal arts, Department of 1913-1915


Liberty Bells 1912-1915


Lincoln highway 1912




Horse related material 1915


Information for exhibitors 1915


Official catalogues 1915


Preliminary classification 1915


Press bulletins 1915


Prize list rules and regulations 1915


Report of Assistant Chief of Livestock 1915


Report of Chief of Livestock 1915


Lowie Museum exhibit of the PPIE 1982


Machinery Exhibits Department, final report of Chief 1915


Machinery, Palace of 1915


Builders of machinery 1915


Machinery manufacturers 1913-1915


Magazine articles


Columbiad 1914-1915

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

California Travel 1915


Pacific Coast Architect 1915


Pacific Coast Musical Review 1915


Star 1915


Manufactures Department


General 1915


Final report 1915


Information for exhibitors 1913-1915


Maps circa 1915


Medals and emblems catalogue 1915


Menus 1912-1915

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Military 1915


Mines and Metallurgy, Palace of 1915


General 1915


Superintendent's report 1916


Final report of Chief 1915


Motion pictures 1915


Music Department 1915

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

New York City 1915


New York State 1915


New York State report 1915


New Zealand 1915


Newspaper clippings 1912-1915


Office directories circa 1915


Officers, directors, committees, architects 1915


Opening day 1915


Organ 1998-1999


Oregon 1915


Organization and description (A. H. Markwart essay) 1913




General 1913-1915

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Business Facts for Business Men 1915


By authority of the United States Government 1915


Condensed Facts 1915


Exposition Fact Book 1915


Hercules 1915


Plan and scope 1915


Universal Exposition: Notes Descriptive of the Plan 1915


Why, When, Where, How 1915


Panama Canal 1913-1915


Panama hymn 1915, 1997


Persia 1915


Personal accounts circa 1915


Philippine Islands


Pigeon Show 1915


Poetry 1915


Portola Festival Day Undated


Postage Stamps 1915


Postcards (Reproductions) circa 1915

See also:

SF Historical Photograph Collection
Oversize Ephemera Box: Fairs. Panama Pacific International Exposition. Postcards.

Poster Stamps 1915


Poultry show 1915


President's office 1913


Programs 1915


Programs, American Builders Week 1915


Publicity 1912-1915


Puerto Rico 1915


Railroad companies 1913-1915


Receptions Committee 1913


Roos Brothers 1915


Sculpture, Jewelled Star 1980


Sculpture and murals 1915


Seal 1975


Shipments 1916


Shipping labels 1915


Siam 1915


Social Economy, Palace of 1915


Social services 1915


South Africa 1914


Spanish language items 1913-1915


State and foreign organizations 1915


State participation 1915


Station directory 1915


Stationery 1913-1915

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Stock 1909


Story of the Exposition 1915


Subscriptions 1913


Suggestions for future expositions 1915


Swedish Pavilion 1915


Tapestries 1915


Telephone companies 1913-1915


Telephone system 1915


Temple of Children 1994


Tiffany exhibit 1915


Tours 1915


Tower of Jewels 1915


Trading Cards (Cardinell-Vincent Co.) 1915


Traffic 1913


Transportation 1912-1915

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Turkish building 1915


University of California Berkeley exhibit on PPIE 1982


View books circa 1915

Physical Description: 37.0 folders

War 1915


Water supply (E. C. Eaton report) 1915


Welcome poster 1915


Woman's Board 1913-1916


Women 1913-1915


Women Workers to Promote Permanent Peace 1915


Works, Division of (Rules and regulations) 1913-1915


World's Insurance Congress 1914-1915

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Yachting and boating 1913-1915


Philippine-American Fair and Exposition 1983-1986


Portola Festival 1909-1948

Physical Description: 5.0 folders

Quake Expo--See: Compact 8B


Compact 8B

Renaissance Pleasure Fair 1972-1976


San Francisco Art Festival 1932-1985

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

San Francisco Bay Area Book Festival 1990-1996


San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival 1982-1988


San Francisco Fair and Exposition 1982-1987

Physical Description: 9.0 folders

San Francisco Film Noir Festival 2012-2020


San Francisco History Days 2016-2018


San Francisco International Arts Festival 2022


San Francisco Poetry Festival 1962


San Francisco Shakespeare Festival 1986-1988


San Francisco Summer Festival 1982


San Francisco World's Fair 1962


Sex Worker Film & Art Festival Undated


Silent Film Festival 2004-2006


Swiss Singing and Yodeling Festival 1952


Trolley Festival 1983-1985

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Unity Fair undated


U.S. World Trade Fair 1964-1966

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Vietnam Veterans Fair 1983


Waterfront Fair and Nautical Exposition 1973


Wine Fair 1963


World Trade Fair 1952


Fallout shelters-Film


Fallout shelters--See: George Christopher papers, SFH7


Families 1980-2014


Farmer's markets


Alemany Farmer's Market 1943-2006


Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market 1995-2018


Heart of the City Farmer's Market 1981-2011


Fashion 1875-1888, 1979-2013

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Fears 1981


Federal Record Center 1965-1975




Ferries by name


Berkeley 1998


Blue and Gold Fleet undated


Edward T. Jeffrey--See: Calif.Railroads.Western Pacific.25th Street Slip


Eureka 1990-1994


Fresno 1928, 1990


Friday Ferry 1979


Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District 1973-2000


Golden Gate Ferry Company 1920s


Klamath 1964-1992


Red and White Fleet undated, 1974-1996


San Leandro 1985


San Rafael 1991


Sierra Nevada 1961


Southern Pacific 1869, 1905-1954


Ukiah--See: SF.Ferries.Eureka


Vallejo 1985


Newspaper clippings 1907-2019

Physical Description: 2.0 folder

Routes 1903-1967




Dubbed undated


Film festivals--See: Fairs and festivals


Film-makers handbook 1974


Films made in San Francisco


Alphabetical list undated, 1987-1995


Chronology undated, 1990


Bernaltown 1997

See Also:

Oversize Ephemera Box: Film. Films Made in SF. Bernaltown

Birdman of Alcatraz undated


Blue Jasmine 2013


Bullitt 2003


Chalk 1993


Class action 1990


Diary of a Teenage Girl 2015


Flask circa 1988


Greed 1976


Joy Luck Club 1992


Line up undated


Movie map undated


Milk 2008


La Mission 2010


Newspaper clippings 1971-2019


Patty Hearst 1987


San Francisco [1934], 2009


Sister Act 1993


Trip down Market Street 1992-2010


Tucker 1988


Vertigo 1983-2012


Woman on the Run 1951


Film production 1922, 1969-2019


Film Production Office--See: SF.Mayor's office.San Francisco Film Production Office


Fire Department


Abalone scandal 1980-1984


Affirmative action plan 1980


Annual reports 1967-1992

Physical Description: 17.0 folders

Arson 1971-1980


Arson Task Force 1978-1981

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Art exhibits undated




David Scannell Club 1929


Friends of Our Firemen Committee 1978


Phoenix Society 1950-1968


Veteran Firemen's Association of San Francisco 1912-1916

See also:

Veteran Firemen's Association of San Francisco (M43)

Widows & Orphans Aid 1946


Athletics 1978-1979


Awards 1978-1990


Balls 1881, 1943-1948


Bells 1930, undated


Bond issues 1970-1974


Cartoons undated, 1873, 1978


Certificate 1857, 1940


Charitable fund 1855


Chief engineers 1937


Chiefs--See: SF.Bio.[name of chief]


Chief's home 1922-2004


Chimney inspection 1906


Cisterns 1959, 2012


Civil disturbances 1969


Communications center 1915-1931


Computer 1977


Conventions, Fire Chiefs 1922-1981


Corporation yard 1855


Credit union 1973-1975


Disaster plans 1968-1981


Dogs 1858


Drills 1981


Engine companies


Empire #1 1947, 2014


Columbia #2 1860


Manhattan #2 1855


Volunteer Engine Company #7 1948


Engine Company #8, Truck #4 1987


Engine and Truck #13 1976-1977


Engine Company #15 1959, undated


Engine Company #17 1977


Engine Company #21 1972


Engine Company #23 1915


Engine Company #31 1979, 1997


Engine Company #35 1997


Engine Company #37, Truck #9 1987


Engines 1913


Ethnic groups 1976-1987


Exempt Fire Company 1857-1874


Fire alarm boxes 1933-1955


Fire boats 1909-1927, 1977-2016

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Fire commissioners certificates 1907-1919


Fire commissioners' reports 1871-1914


Fire hazards undated


Firehouses 1952-2002

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Fire limits 1895


Fire prevention 1934-1981


Fire reserve 1984


Fire service and its emblems 1941


Grand jury 1883-1894


Hand book undated


Hazardous materials 1983


Headquarters 1966


Helmets 1969-1984


Hiring 1985-1992




General 1850-1975


Brant, Michelle 1975


Greater alarm! The definitive history of the San Francisco Fire Department 1981


Historical review 1967-1974

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Historical sketch 1915


Horses undated


Hydrants 1927-1988


Job analysis 1989


Magazine articles 1925-1965




Auxiliary water supply system 1921


Cisterns and infirm areas 1985


Division locations 1961


Territory served by the San Francisco Fire Department 1985


Memorial mass 1956-1980


Motor apparatus and the two platoon system in the San Francisco Fire Department 1917


Museum 1968-1982


Muster 1976


National Board of Fire Underwriters 1921-1966


Newspaper clippings 1966-2016


Opera 1980


Ordinances 1880-1969


Parade 1854


Paramedics--See: SF.Health Department Paramedic division


Patron saints 1972


Permit application undated


Poetry - Fireman's bride circa 1916


Protective equipment 1960


Pumping stations 1908, 1987


Radio procedure 1969-1980




Gage-Babcock 1970


Psychological and Human Resources Consultants, Inc. 1985


Rules and regulations 1917-1981

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Salaries 1980


Shops undated


Signal codes undated


Strategic Plan 1996


Strike 1975


Telephone directory 1959


Training 1980-1985


Underwriter's Fire Patrol of San Francisco 1912


Uniforms 1970


Union--See: SF.Unions.Firefighters Local 798


Water supply 1908-1915, 1971

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Water towers 1963


Women 1982-2017


Fire departments (Non-SF)-Football


Fire departments (Non-SF) 1881-1980


Fire insurance 1922-1942

See also:

SF.Associations.Pacific Insurance Union

Fires 1855


Fireworks circa 1960




Fishing undated, 1928, 1989-2009




Civic Center 1963-1984


San Francisco flag 1916-1993

Physical Description: 2.0 folder

U.S. Army 1986


U.S. Flag, United Nations 1945


Fleas 1875-1908, 1980-1992


Fleet week--See: SF.Days.Fleet week




General 1980s


Balls 1979-1986


Ethnic 1981-1986


Exotic-Erotic Halloween Ball 1980-1982


Gay and lesbian 1980-1986


Gay Games 1982-1989


Gay - Russian River, Monte Rio, Mendocino, etc. 1980s


Music 1980s-1990s


Political 1980-2008


Protests 1970s-2003

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

See Also:

Oversize Ephemera Box: Fliers. Protest. Persian Gulf War. 1991

Street fairs 1982


Women 1980s




General 1946-2014


Dahlia (Official city flower) 1926-1984


Flower stands 1947-2012


Foghorns 1968-1992




General 1936-2005


Chocolate undated


Ice Cream 1981-1982


Food prices 1968-1974

Physical Description: 7.0 folders

Food stamps undated


Food trucks 2011




General 1938-1994


East-West Shrine Game 1935-1960


San Francisco Clippers 1940s


San Francisco 49ers


General 1951-2011


Super Bowl XVI 1982


Super season 1984


Super Bowl XIX 1985

Physical Description: 4.0 folders

Super Bowl XXIII 1989


Super Bowl XXIV 1990

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Super Bowl XXIX 1995


Super Bowl XLVII 2013


Superbowl 50 2016




General 1970-1984


Fort Cronkhite--See: Calif.Forts.Fort Cronkhite


Fort Funston 1960-1962


Fort McDowell 1949-1999


Fort Mason 1926-2017

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Fort Miley 1892-1995

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Fort Point 1889-2014

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Fortune cookie-Freeways


Fortune cookie 1968-1999


Forty-nine mile scenic drive--See: Maps.Forty-nine mile scenic drive


Foundations--See: SF.Associations


Founding of San Francisco 1847, 1927-2005

Physical Description: 2.0 folders



General 1973-1984


Aurora 1986


Hearst, Phoebe Apperson 1941


Lotta's Fountain 1878-1999

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

National Humane Alliance 1917


San Francisco Fountain (Hyatt on Union Square) 1973-2016


United Nations Plaza 1974-1981


Vaillancourt 1969-2017


Fraud undated


Freedom train 1947-1976

Physical Description: 2.0 folders



Freeways by name


Bayshore Freeway, James Lick Freeway 1943-1965

Physical Description: 4.0 folders

Central Freeway 1949-2014

Physical Description: 5.0 folders

Clay-Washington ramps 1960-1974


Crosstown Freeway 1957-1960

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Crosstown Tunnel, Blake Tunnel 1959-1966

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

See also:

SF.Freeways.Panhandle Freeway

Embarcadero Freeway 1945-1993

Physical Description: 8.0 folders

Geary Freeway 1964

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Golden Gate Freeway 1955-1973

Physical Description: 8.0 folders

Protests undated


MacArthur Maze 2007


Marginal Freeway 1945


Mission Freeway 1949-1958


Panhandle Freeway, Panhandle Parkway 1954-1965

Physical Description: 13.0 folders

Serra Freeway 1950s-1968


Skyline National Parkway 1960


Southern Freeway 1940-1970

Physical Description: 8.0 folders

Western Freeway 1953-1961

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Freeways by subject


General 1945-1971

Physical Description: 5.0 folders

Agreements 1964


Board of Supervisors resolutions 1959-1960


Comprehensive plan 1966-1969


Data 1957-1961


Design and engineering 1965-1966

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Dobbs plan 1955-1965


Earthquake damage 1990-1992


Golden Gate Park 1955-1959


Hearings 1965-1966


History 1934-1969

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Legislation 1966-1969


Maps circa 1956


Parking 1966


Regarding state, U.S. government, world opinion 1954-1964


Report to the San Francisco-State joint freeway study 1966


Revolt 1959-2009

Physical Description: 6.0 folders

Status of freeways in San Francisco 1959


Trafficways - freeway milage 1951


Transportation plans, correspondence on working paper 1966-1967


Gambling-Gun control


Gambling undated


Gangs 1993




City Sanitation Guild 1929


Disposal 1919-1982


Sea dumping 1920s-1931

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Gardens 1907-2017


Gas stations 1989


Geology 1958-1993


Germ warfare study 1950-1981


Ghosts 1893-1992

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Golden Gate (strait) 1959-2006




California Golf Club of San Francisco 1960s


Harding Park Golf Course 1923, 1981-2013


Northern California Golf Association 1967-1970

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Olympic Club 1955-2012

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Presidio Golf Club--See: SF.Associations.Presidio Golf Club


San Francisco Open 1969


Sharp Park (Pacifica, CA) 1947-2011


U.S. Open 1987

Physical Description: 2.0 folders



General 1897, 1966-1991


Citizens' committees in San Francisco city government 1950


Most powerful citizens 1971


Regional government 1967-1968


Graffiti 1992-2016


Grand jury


General 1972


Badges 1975


Civil function of the San Francisco Grand Jury: Its composition and work product 1973












Discrimination 1972


Reports 1867, 1943-1948, 1988

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Grants 1975


Great White Fleet 1907-1908, 1978-2008

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Guides to San Francisco 1879-2018

Physical Description: 103.0 folders

Gun control 1966-2013


Hall of Fame-Home care


Hall of Fame (Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame) 1981-1985


Hazardous materials--See: SF.Fire department.Hazardous materials


Health access plan (Healthy San Francisco) 2006-2013






General 1986-1998


6th International AIDS Conference 1990


Mayor's Summit on AIDS and HIV 1998


Newspaper clippings 1982-2018

Physical Description: 13.0 folders

San Francisco AIDS Foundation--See: SF.Associations.San Francisco AIDS Foundation


San Francisco Breast Cancer Summit 1996


Health Department


General 1866, 1947


Ambulance service--See: SF.Health Department.Paramedic division


Child welfare 1936-1943


City Clinic 2011


Commissioners certificates 1907-1922


Emergency hospital service 1892-1903, 1956-1979

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Media-Emergency Services Committee 1990


Mentally Ill 2014


Mortuary report 1871-1876


Newspaper clippings 1987-2012


Paramedic division 1889-2014


Newsletters 1979-1984


Vital records undated, 1940-1975


Health Service System 1938-1992

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Healthy San Francisco--See: Health access plan




General 1945-2018


Mount Davidson--See: SF.Districts.Mount Davidson, SF.Monuments.Easter Cross


Mount Sutro 2011-2016


Hippie (term) undated

See also:

SF.Districts.Haight-Ashbury for Hippies

History 1946-2012


Hockey 1962


Home care 1995


Honorary Citizens-Human Rights Commission


Honorary Citizens 1919-1968


Horoscope 1976-1983

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Horse racing--See: SF.Race tracks


Horse shows 1929


Hostels 1976-1981


House Un-American Activities Committee--See: SF.Protests




General 1907, 1969-2014


Community development program 1969-1985


Department of Homelessness & Supportive Housing 2016


Fair Housing Planning Committee 1973


Housing Authority 1944-2016

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Housing projects--See: SF.Buildings.Public housing


In-Law Units 1992-1993


Policy and surveys 1970-1980


Reports 1940s-1978

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Restrictive covenants undated, circa 1960


War housing--See: Elmer E. Robinson papers


Human Rights Commission 1963-1970s




Ice follies 1939-1960


Ice skating rinks


SF.Buildings SF.Parks.Golden Gate Park

Immigration 1970s-2014

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Income 1984


Influenza (1918) 1919-2002


Infrastructure 1989-2000s


International Hospitality Center circa 1954


Invitations 1879, undated


Islais Creek--See: SF.Water.Creeks.Islais Creek






Alcatraz primer 1970



See Also:

Oversize Ephemera Box: Islands. Alcatraz. Indians

Boss archives, Berkeley Public Library 1969-1970


Magazine articles and newspaper clippings 1967-2018

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Monument legislation 1965


Newspaper clippings 1969-2019


Park brochures 1972-1997


Prison 1937-2009

Physical Description: 6.0 folders

Prisoners undated


Prison breaks, riots 1936-1941

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Proposals for use 1963-1976

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Angel Island


General 1946-1987


Angel Island Day souvenir program 1952


Angel Island Foundation 1975


Bibliography 1970s


Brochures undated, 1995-1996


Chinese, Immigration Station undated, 1970s-2003


Creative Thinking Inc. of San Francisco 1965


Ecology study 1969


Maps 1958-1985


Newspaper clippings 1947-2017


Peace tower 1977




General 1897-1982

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Light station--See: Here today:Farallon Islands


Newspaper clippings 1950-2011


Brooks Island 1976


Treasure Island


General 1939-1994

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Mayor's Treasure Island project 1997


Naming 1973


Naval Air Force base 1949-1997


Newspaper clippings 1976-2014


Yerba Buena Island, Goat Island 1964-2017


Japanese Peace Conference-Key


Japanese Peace Conference 1951 2001

Physical Description: 11 folders, 1 album

Jazz (SEE: Music. Jazz)



Jobs 1985-2012


Jokes 1984


Journalists circa 1930-1951


Jukeboxes undated, 1977-1989


Juvenile Court


General 1932-2011

Physical Description: 5.0 folders

Handbook for personnel 1948


Manual of policy and procedure 1939


Probation Committee 1914-1919


Reports 1935-1941

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Key to the city


General 1907-2003


Designs circa 1951-1981


Keys given out and requests declined 1965-1967


Presentees circa 1943






Lake Dolores 1942, 2011


Lake Merced 1970-2011

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Mountain Lake


SF.Parks.Mountain Lake

Pine Lake


SF.Parks.Sigmund Stern Grove

Land law 1891, 1976-1986


Landmarks 2004

See also:

SF.City Planning.Landmarks

Laundries 1909-1971




AIDS--See: SF.Health.AIDS


Emperors undated


Flyers 1974-1989


Gay Freedom Day Parade (Gay Pride) 1978-2004

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Gay marriage 2004-2014

Physical Description: 6.0 folders

Guides and directories 1970-1990


Magazine articles 1964-1999


Newspaper clippings 1971-2018


Police-Gay softball game 1977


Politics 1970s-1989


Population statistics 1984-2001


Pride guide 1999-2007

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Religious views undated






General 1958


American Merchant Marine Library 1979


California Genealogical Society 1990s


Chinese Library 1963-1964


Communications Library 1971-1972


Federal Record Center 1965-1972


Fitzhugh Ludlow Memorial Library undated, 1997


French Library 2002


Holt Labor Library undated


International Trade and Shipping--See: SF.Libraries.World Trade Library


J. Paul Leonard Library, SFSU 1992-2014


Labor Archives 1996-2009

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Lane Medical Library 1912


Library for Mankind 1986


Maritime Library 1991-2006


Mechanics' Library 1900-2005


Mercantile Library--See: SF.Associations.Mercantile Library Association


Metaphysical Library 1982


National Archives Pacific Sierra Region 1971-1996

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Pacific Coast Tabard Inn Library undated


Prelinger Library 2018


San Francisco Academy of Comic Art circa 1977


San Francisco and Bay Area 1961-2006


San Francisco Law Library 1995-2013


San Francisco Performing Arts Library and Museum 1975-2007

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

SFO Aviation Museum & Library c.1993


Oversize Ephemera Box: Libraries. SFO Aviation Museum & Library

Sutro Library


Articles 1963, 2003


Bookplate undated


Brochures and pamphlets 1957-2000s


Gifts undated


History--See: SFPL.Administration.City Librarians.Clarke (Sutro)


Invitations 1983


Newspaper clippings 1959-1982

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Notes 1957


Surveys 1961-1962


World Trade Library 1957-1972


Life saving stations 1883


Lighthouses 1979-2007


Lincoln Highway--See: SF.Parks.Lincoln


Literature 1939-2011


McEnerney Act-Manhole covers


McEnerney Act 1906, 2000


Magazine articles


After Dark 1974


Aloft 1969


Atlantic Monthly 1969


California Review 1904


Christian Science Monitor advertising supplement 1985


Conde Nast Traveler 1989


Country Life 1980


Dodge News 1967


Esquire 1958-1967

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Forbes 1985-1991

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Geospecial 1988


Harper's 1960-1966

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Harper's Young People 1894


Holiday 1948-1970

Physical Description: 7.0 folders

Image 1991


Kiwanis Magazine 1956


Lamp 1969


Library Journal 1967


Life 1943, 1970s

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Los Angeles Times Home 1968-1973

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Magazine of Art 1883


Mainliner 1965-1973

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Merian 1970s


Motorland 1956-1959

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

National Geographic 1943-1985

Physical Description: 5.0 folders

Natural History 1968


New York Times Magazine 1956, 1987


Newsweek 1954


Performance 1980s


Popular Photography 1973


San Francisco Business 1968-1969

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

San Francisco Magazine 1987


San Francisco Newsletter 1916-1925

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

San Francisco Tribune 1926


Saturday Evening Post 1901


Saturday Review 1966


Sunset 1899-1907, 1957-1973

Physical Description: 5.0 folders

Town and Country 1961-1973

Physical Description: 5.0 folders

Transaction 1970


Travel Leisure 1982


Urban Land 1996


Venture 1965


Way of Saint Francis 1976


Western Advertising 1941


Western's World 1974


Westways 1962




General 1975-2014


City Magazine circa 1975


Overland Monthly c. 1894


Manhole covers undated, 1978




Early maps 1947, undated


Maps by year 1597, 1776, 1847-2016

Physical Description: 108.0 folders

Maps by subject


Aerial transit system 1955


Architecture 1991


Army Corps of Engineers 1958-1959

Physical Description: 5.0 folders

Assessment 1864, 1913

Physical Description: 2.0 folders



General, by date 1860-1998

Physical Description: 17.0 folders

3000 feet from the high water mark


Areas susceptible of reclamation


Bay edges 1981


California state atlas 1860


Reclaimed land 1850-1959

Physical Description: 4.0 folders

Shoreline before fill


U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 1934-1961

Physical Description: 6.0 folders

Bay Area 1869-1989

Physical Description: 13.0 folders

Bay Metropolitan Area 1932


Bibliography undated


Bicycle paths 1972-1988


Board of Public Works c.1936


Boulevard system 1920-1927

Physical Description: 4.0 folders

Boundaries 1850-1970

Physical Description: 6.0 folders

Buried Ships 2000

See also:


Burnham plan 1905


California State relief map 1954-1981


Cemeteries--Laurel Hill 1910-1933, undated


Census tracts 1933-1980

Physical Description: 7.0 folders

Churches--Roman Catholic 1955


Circus grounds undated


City Engineer 1924, undated

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

City map outline undated


City planning 1955-1972

Physical Description: 4.0 folders

Creek and watershed map 2007




General 1920-1929, 2000, 2017

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Chinatown 1885, undated

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Downtown 1983-2000s


Fisherman's Wharf 1977-1992


Industrial areas 1949


Islais Creek Reclamation District 1927


Marina undated


North Beach 1982


Potrero 1871


Residential undated


Rincon Hill 1963


Sunset 2006


Sutro Heights 1895-1910


Union Square 1996


Waterfront 1908-1950

Physical Description: 7.0 folders

Western Addition 1951-1952

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Wholesale district undated


Yerba Buena 2011


Early plat maps 1975-1976




Burned areas 1906-1907


Post-earthquake reconstruction 1908


San Andreas and Hayward faults 1975


Federal property owned or leased 1947


Ferry Building map--See: SF.Buildings.Ferry Building


Fire Department 1955-1979

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Fire protection 1908, 1964

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

See also:

SF.Fire Department.Water supply

Fort Funston area - Residential development 1960


Forty-nine mile scenic drive 1938-2019

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Freeways 1959, undated

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Geological 1913-1971

Physical Description: 4.0 folders

Green map 2000s


Growth lines 1950-2010 1959


Harbour 1826-1849

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Hospitals 1963


Hotels 1966


Laguna Honda Reservoir 1897


Land use 1951-1959

Physical Description: 8.0 folders

Land use survey 1964-1970

Physical Description: 7.0 folders

Land values 1926-1927


Landslides 1974


Libraries 1959


Literary map 2005


Maze map of the city undated


Merritt Terrace Addition undated


Merry-maker's map of San Francisco 1940


Model--See: SF.Model


Movie map--See: SF.Film


Mural map circa 1988


Panama-Pacific International Exposition undated, 1914

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Parking 1945-1954




Fort Funston 1960


Golden Gate--See: SF.Parks.Golden Gate Park


Interior park belt 1951


Political maps


Assembly districts 1890-1981

Physical Description: 22.0 folders

Wards 1860-1879


Population distribution 1890-1910

Physical Description: 10.0 folders

Port Facilities 1950-1961

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Postal zip codes 1978


Presidio 1946-1987

Physical Description: 8.0 folders

Public health






1912-1914 Tuberculosis


Encapsulated maps drawer, 1915 map

Pueblo lands 1883

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Ranches 1863


Recreation areas 1958


Recreation and Park Department 1970s-2000


Relief map--See: California State relief map


Sanborn--See: SF.Sanborn maps


Schools 1941-1966

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Seismic hazard zones 2000-2001


Sewerage system 1945


Street atlas 1953, 1979


Street improvements 1906


Tidelands 1869


Encapsulated maps drawer, 1869 map

Topographic maps undated, 1847-1982

Physical Description: 11.0 folders

Tourist guides 1940, 1990


Traffic flow 1934-1968

Physical Description: 2.0 folders



BART 1954-1978


Facilities 1940-1949


Market Street Railway Company 1929


Master plan 1945

Physical Description: 6.0 folders

MUNI 1940-1989

Physical Description: 5.0 folders

Proposed subway system 1949


Rapid transit corridors 1965


San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR) circa 1965


Street Railways 1895-1944

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Vacant lands 1954-1964

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Water and power resources


Cisterns 1908


Master plan circa 1946


Proposed improvements under the National Industrial Recovery Act 1933


Spring Valley Water Company 1874-1920s

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Water and power systems general map 1937


World from San Francisco 1945


World map with flags circa 1929


Yacht Harbor 1925


Yerba Buena Cove 1939


Marine Corps-Medicine Shows


Marine Corps 1972


Marriages 1855-1879, 1925-1949


Martini 1948-1983




General 1947-1997

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Duties 1927, undated


Leave of absence 1958


Oath of Office c.1970s


Succession to office 1978


Mayor's office


Disability 2004


Emergency telephone system undated


Film Production Office 1969


Office reorganization 1964


Mayor's Office of Housing and Economic Development c.1986


Motion picture coordinator 1976-1979


Medicine 2003


Medicine Formulae, Receipts & Prescriptions 1908-1909


Medicine shows--See: SF.Circuses




General circa 1900s-2000s


Abigail Hotel undated


Academy Hill undated


Adolph's undated


Adriatic Seafood undated


Albatross Saloon undated


Alexis' undated


Alfred's undated


Alioto's undated

See also:

Oversize menu drawer

All You Knead undated


Alouette undated

See also:

Oversize menu drawer

Alta Mira undated


Amelio's undated

See also:

Oversize menu drawer

American Hall undated


Ancient Mariner undated


Anjuli undated


A. Sabella's undated

See also:

Oversize menu drawer

Asimakopoulos undated


Assay Office undated


Asta undated


Atlantis Seafood Grotto undated


Attic undated


Backyard undated


Bakery Cafe undated


Balalaika undated


Balboa Cafe undated


Bambino's undated


Oversize menu drawer

Bank Exchange undated


Bar Agricole undated


Bar of America undated


La Barca Room undated


Bardelli's undated


Barretts' Pub undated


Barsocchini's undated


Basta Pasta undated


Battery Park Bar and Grill undated


Bay City Grill undated


Bay State Hotel and Cafe undated


Beach Chalet undated


Beef House South undated


Bellevue Hotel undated


Ben Johnson undated


Benihana of Tokyo undated


Oversize menu drawer

Bentley's undated


Beppino's undated


Bernini undated


Oversize menu drawer

Bernstein's Fish Grotto undated


Big Four undated


Big Yellow Front undated


Bigin's undated


Billboard Cafe undated


Bimbo's undated

See also:

Oversize menu drawer

Bino's undated


Bismarck Cafe undated


Bizou undated


Blanco's undated


Blue Fox undated


Blum's undated

See also:

Oversize menu drawer

Boarding House undated


Bob's Smorgasbord undated


Bodega undated


Bogart's undated


Bonta 1990s




Bottom of the Hill undated


Boudin Sourdough Bakery and Cafe undated


Bradley's undated


Brain/Wash Cafe Laundromat [199-]


Brasserie Chambord undated


Bratskellar undated


Brazen Head undated


Bronx Zoo undated


Brooklyn Hotel undated


Brother-In-Law Bar-B-Que [2013]


Bruno's undated