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Air legislation 1963
Air pollution 1962-2008
Regional plans and planning
Bay Area airport plan 1949
Heliports 1956-1965
India Basin Airport 1966-1967
Moffett Field 1979
Treasure Island Airport 1965
San Francisco International Airport
Airports Commission reports 1970-1995
Annual reports 1996-2000
Exhibits program 1993
Fairs and exhibitions 1949-1954, 2013-2018
Farewell to Mills Field 1966
Fire department 1965
Guides circa 1967-1980s
History 1947-1979
International carriers circa 1960
International terminal
Dedication 1983
New international terminal 2000
Newspaper clippings 1998-2011
Newspaper clippings 1963-2017
Parking 1965-1980s
Plans and planning
General 1945-1957
Lindbergh Day 1927
Master plan kit 1959
Seaplane terminal 1937-1944
Topographical map 1948
Airships 1929, 1971-1979
Alcoholics circa 1965-2004
Archaeology 1986-2011
Arches 1991
Architects 1991-2013
General 1949-2014
Modernism 2014
Shingle style 1972
General 1965-2011
Builders 1977-1987
Construction and Reconstruction 1975
Interiors circa 1884, 1978-1985
Preservation 1972-1990
Reading lists 1975
Specimen books 1878
Tours 1956-2001
Art Galleries
General 1974-2017
Art Against AIDS 1989
Nanny Goat Hill Gallery 1978-1997
Artists 1983-2011
Arts organizations 1963-2013
Cultural Affairs Task Force 1991-1992
Poster Movement 1987
Underground art 1968-2001
Arts Commission
General 1950-2013
Art collection 1953-1984
Art in Public Places Program 1969-1988
Gallery catalogs 1978-1998
Neighborhood Arts Program 1970, undated
Arts Resources Development Committee 1967-1970
Assessor 1912-1995
ABAG (Association of Bay Area Governments)
General 1964-1968
Preliminary regional plan 1966
Overall work program for the San Francisco Bay Area, 1975-1980 1975
ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) 1989-2000s
African-American Historical and Cultural Society 1967-1995
African Nationalist Independence-Partition Party of North America undated
Afro-American African Relief Institute 1969
Agricultural Society 1860
Ahepa [19--]
AIDS Action Pledge 1988
Alcatraz Alumni Association 1975
Alcoholics Anonymous undated
Alice B. Toklas Memorial Democratic Club 1972-1988
All Slavic Committee of San Francisco undated
American Association of Retired Persons (Chapter 99) circa 1978-1998
American Association of University Women 1922
American Born 1968
American Civil Liberties Union 1963-1983
American Friends Service Committee 1968-1981
American Fuchsia Society 1992
American Indian Center 1962
American Institute of Wine and Food 1984-1991
American Italian Historical Association 1979-1992
American Legion 1984
American Lung Association 1990-1992
American Neutral Conference Committee Undated
American Russian Institute of San Francisco 1944-1951
Anansi: S.F. Women's Learning Network 1973-1977
Ancient Egyptian Order of Sciots 1920-1924
Ancient Order of Foresters 1890-1924
Ancient Order of Hibernians 1959
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith 1993-1994
Anti Digit Dialing League 1963
Anti-Monopoly Association 1878
Anti-Monopoly League of California 1881
Arcadia Operatic Club 1886
Ariel Boat Club 1996
Army and Navy club 1911-1942
Art Deco Society of California 1987-1989
Artists Liberation Front 1966
Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center 2018
Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach 2005-2018
Asiatic Exclusion League 1906-1908
Associated Charities 1915, 1989
Association of Chinese Teachers 2004
Association of Marine Underwriters 1926
Association of Pioneer Women of California 1969
Astronomical Society of the Pacific 1898, 1989
Audubon Society 1996-1999
Bar Association of San Francisco undated
Bay Area Aviation Committee circa 1947
Bay Area Committee to Save the Rosenbergs 1953
Bay Area Center For Alternative Education 1970-1978
Bay Area Council 1945-1958
Bay Area Indochinese Mental Health Project 1979
Bay Area Labor History Workshop 2000
Bay Area Marine Institute 1978
Bay Area Neighborhood Development 1966
Bay Area Social Planning Council 1966
Bay Area Socialist Organizing Committee 1981
Bay Area Theatre Critics' Circle 1986-1988
Bay Area Travel Writers 1998
Bay Counties District Council of Carpenters [c.1968]
Bay View Boat Club 2005
Beringer Musical Club 1910-1914
Better Business Bureau undated, 1981-1987
Bible Breakfast Club 1958
Billboard Liberation Front 2003
Biotic Baking Brigade 1999
Blue Cross Medical Aid undated
Board of Trade of San Francisco 1910-1968
Booker T. Washington Community Service Center 2010
Boy Scouts of America 1931-1958
Boy's Brigade 1892-1894
Boys and Girls Aid Society 1889-1930
British Benevolent Society of California 1986
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineering. Women's Auxiliary, Mrs. Leland Stanford Division No. 106
Browning Society 1912-1926
Business and Professional Women's Club of San Francisco 1942, 1991
Caledonian Club of San Francisco 1958-1991
California Alpine Club 1936-1965
California Artists Protective Association 1932
California Association of Civil Engineers 1891
California Bankers Association 1978
California Camera Club 1894-1919
California Club 1898
California Crusaders Undated
California Democratic Council 1974
California Emergency Defense Committee Undated
California Genealogical Society 1977-1980
California Grays 1912-1984
California Heritage Council 1990-1991
California Historical Society
General 1931-2000s
Exhibitions 1928-2006
Friends 1988-1989
Newspaper clippings 1978-2019
California Housing and Planning Association 1944
California Immigrant Union 1973
California Miners' Association 1906
California Mining Bureau Association 1865
California Outdoor Rollerskating Association 1996
California Press Association 1945, 1978
California Promotion Committee 1903-1908
California Social Action Coalition 1971
California Society of Printmakers 1988
California State Geological Society 1877
California State Parks Foundation undated
California Tennis Club 1940
California Theatre Boat Club 1996
California Tomorrow 1971
California Wool Growers Association undated
Los Californianos 1996
Californians for Preservation Action 1975
Cathay Club 2004
Cayuga Park Seniors Club 1978-1981
Cenacolo 2004
Center for Feminist Spirituality and Counseling 1982
Center for Young Women's Development 1998
Centro Latino de San Francisco 1987
Century Club 1888, 1963
Cercle de L'Union 1962
Chamber Music Society of San Francisco 1916
Children of God 1973-1974, 2017
Children's Home Society of California 1941
Chinatown Community Development Center 1997-2014
Chinatown Co-operative 1970s
Chinatown Neighborhood Center 1997
Chinatown Optimist Club of San Francisco 1953, 1988
Chinese Chamber of Commerce 1977
Chinese Historical Society 1966-2014
Chinese Performing Arts Foundation 1994
Chinese Young Men's Christian Association Commission 1916
Chit-Chat Club 1879-1954
Chung Lau Drama Club [1968]
Church Union 1876, undated
Circolo la Taverna 1995
Citizen Alert circa 1960s
Citizen's Alliance of San Francisco circa 1900s
Citizens' Building and Loan Association 1895
Citizens Committee for American-Allied Defense 1941
Citizens Committee for Entertainment 1925
Citizens For Irish Justice 1968
Citizens For Victory 1942
Citizens United Against Taxing Schools 1952-1958
City and County Federation of Women's Clubs 1918-1920
City Club of San Francisco 1987-1988
City Homestead Association 1865
Civic Federation 1896
Civic Light Opera Association 1945-1948
Civil Service Association 1952-1973
Clement Street Merchants Association 1956
Clinic by the Bay 2010
Coalition For An Affordable City 2014
Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods 1987-2000
Coastal Conservancy 2012
Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth 1987-1994
Columbia Park Boys Club 1905, 1996
Columbus Civic Club 1974
Comité Mexicano Cívico Patriótico de San Francisco 1967-1995
Committee Against Nihonmachi Eviction 2018
Committee for Full Enjoyment circa 1999-2000s
Committee for Non-Violent Action 1970s
Committee for Safe and Decent Schools 1969
Committee For The Protection Of California Public Schools [1939]
Committee to Stop the Giveaway 1997-1998
Commonwealth Club 1903-2017
Communion of Mankind 1887
Communist Political Association of California 1944
Community Chest
General 1922-1971
Annual reports 1941-1953
Directory of agencies 1935-1952
Geriatrics circa 1950
Group Work and Recreation Council 1942
News Letter 1941-1943
Community Congress 1977
Community Music Center (544 Capp Street) circa 1968
Community Design Center 1987
Compact 2007
Companions of the Forest 1931-1956
Conard House 1998
Concordia-Argonaut Club 1968-1982
Conference of California Historical Societies 1992
Confucian Society Undated
Congress of Racial Equality 1964
Convention of One Hundred 1897
Corona Club 1904-1965
Council for Civic Unity of San Francisco 1948-1962
CounterPULSE 2003
Coyote 1975
Critical Mass 1993-2012
Crusade for Freedom 1950
Culture on the Corner 1993
Dania Dannebrog 1930
Danish Brotherhood and Danish Sisterhood Lodges of California 1935
Daughters of the American Revolution
California State Officers Club Chapter 1937-1938
In memory of 1939
Commodore Sloat Chapter 1937-1939
John Rutledge Chapter 1926-1937
Martin Severance Chapter 1916-1937
Mojave Chapter 1937
Mother Colony Chapter 1937
Oakland Chapter 1923-1936
Oneonta Park Chapter 1936-1937
Pacific Grove Chapter 1931
Palo Alto Chapter 1935-1937
Pasadena Chapter 1936
Piedmont Chapter 1937
Pomona Chapter 1936
Presidio Chapter 1935
La Puerta de Oro Chapter 2010
Rubidoux Chapter 1922-1936
Santa Ana Chapter 1936-1937
Santa Barbara Chapter 1932-1937
Santa Clara Chapter 1936-1937
Santa Monica Chapter 1936
Santa Rosa Chapter 1936
San Vicente Chapter 1937
Santa Cruz Chapter 1937
Sequoia Chapter 1935-1937
Sierra Chapter 1927-1936
State of California yearbook 1917-1935
State Conference 1929-1939
Tamalpais Chapter 1930-1934
Willows Chapter 1936-1937
Daughters of Bilitis 2005
Daughters of California Pioneers 1908
Deaf Friends of the Soviet Union 1934
Deaf Services Network 1983
Delancey Street Foundation 1972-1994
Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee [1979]
Democratic Women's Forum 1988
Dental Society of San Francisco 1967-1968
Dharma-Sangha of Buddha 1900
Digger 2016
Disabled American Veterans 1943
Dolphin Swimming and Rowing Club 1975-2004
Dominican Club 1919
Double Dutchess 2004
Down Town Association 1918-1968
Downtown Ballpark Boosters Club 1986
Draymen and Teamsters Benevolent Society 1944-1952
Druids 1934
E Clampus Vitus 1956-2004
Economic Club 1913-1918
Economic Opportunity Council 1960s-1970s
Economic Roundtable 1939
Educational and Dramatical Club "Slovenia" 1926
18th and Castro 1940's Gang 1990-1991
El Camino Club and Auxiliary 1930
Electric Club of San Francisco 1950
Elks Club (Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks)
General 1889-1930, 1997-1998
Shasta Lodge 254 and Guiding Star Temple 181 1948-1950
Embarcadero Citizens Committee undated
Engineers Club of San Francisco 1927-1945
English-Speaking Union 1982
est 1973-1976
Eureka Benevolent Association 1895
Eureka Valley Club 1949
Eureka Valley Promotion Association 1998-2007
FACE (Federally Assisted Code Enforcement) 1970-1973
Family and Children's Agency undated
Family Club 1907-1986
Farmers' Market Advisory Board 1950
Feminist Men's Alliance undated
Filipino Cultural and Trade Center 1968-1969
Fillmore Merchants undated
Fire Underwriters' Clerks' Association 1894
Fire Underwriters Forum 1939
Fire Underwriters of the Pacific 1897-1949
First Voice 2016
Food Not Bombs 1993-2001
Forensic Club 1915
Fort Point and Presidio Historical Association 1992-2006
Forum Club of California 1924-1927
Foundation for San Francisco's Architectural Heritage 1972-1997
Foundation of Revelation undated
Francisca Club 1955-1958, 2011
Franklin General Benevolent Society 1947
Free Society Group 1898
Friends of Recreation and Parks 1972-2001
Friends of the Commission on the Status of Women 1977
Frisco Bay Mussel Group undated
Fund for Labor Culture and History 2000-2007
Gamma Eta Kappa 1901-1913
Garfield Invincibles 1880
GLBT Historical Society 1995-2007
Gay Men's Chorus 2001
Geographical Society of the Pacific 1978
German Ladies' General Benevolent Society 1893-1902
German Roman Catholic Staatsverband of California 1911
Germania Club 1908-1923
Giants Booster Club 1972
Girls' Club 1931-1935, 2009
Girls Club of San Francisco circa 1912
Godfather Service Fund 1988
Golden Gate Angling And Casting Club 2011
Golden Gate Business Association 1978-1988
Golden Gate Kennel Club 1978, 2013
Golden Gate Kindergarten Association 1892-1979
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy 1992-2011
Golden Gate Valley Neighborhood Association 1986
Goodwill Industries of San Francisco undated
Grand Army of the Republic
General 1867-1893
Lincoln Post, Number 1 1916
Garfield Post, Number 34 1887
Grass Roots Alliance 1980
Grassroots for Alioto 1971-1972
Gray Panthers of San Francisco 1983
Greenpeace 1990
Guardian Angels 1981-2004
Guardians of the City undated
Guardsmen 1953-1954
Guide Dogs for the Blind 1938-1950
Haight-Ashbury Community Cultural Center 1970-1983
Haight-Ashbury Neighborhood Council 1970-1988
Haight Union [1967]
Haines Foundation 1976
Harmonie Club, Harmony Singing Society 1893-1925
Harvard Club of San Francisco 1933-1949
Harvey Milk GLBT Democratic Club 2000-2008
Hearing Society for the Bay Area 1978-1994
Hells Angels 1965-2004
Helpers of the Mentally Retarded 1971-1983
Hidden Garden Steps 2011
Hillcrest Club undated
Holocaust Center of Northern California and Bay Area Holocaust Oral History Project 2007
Holy Name Society 1924
Home Industry League of California 1919
Homeownership SF 2010
Homewood Terrace 1922-1926, 1979-2007
Howard Social and Literary Circle 1869
Humanist Community of San Francisco 1972
Improved Order of Red Men 1901-1939
Independent Order of Good Templars 1883-1884
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 1858-2000
Independent Progressive Party 1948-1950
Indoor Yacht Club
General undated
Ribbons 1913-1918
Song Sheets 1912-1914
India Basin Property Owners Association 1871-1909
Industrial Association of San Francisco 1926
Ingleside Terraces Homes Association 1990
Institute for the Study of Labor and Economics
International Association of High School Natural History Clubs 1923-1925
International Association of Pipe Smokers Clubs 1945-1961
International Geneva Association 1919-1930
International Marine Mammal Project undated
International Re-Education Foundation 1970s
International White Cross Anti-Narcotic League, Inc. 1934
Inventors Institute 1883
Italian-American Chamber of Commerce 1966
Italian Board of Relief of San Francisco 1934
Italian Catholic Federation 1963
Italian Community Services 2016
Italian Federation of California 1969
Japan Society of Northern California 2001-2005
Japanese American Citizens League 1976
Japanese Benevolent Society of California 2001
Japanese Camera Club of San Francisco 1985
Japanese Cultural Community Center of Northern California 2011-2021
Japanese Speaking Society
John McLaren Society 1969-1973
Junior Chamber of Commerce 1967-1970
Junior League of San Francisco 1968-1992
Kearny Street Workshop 1984-2019
Kerista Commune 1979-1991
Kimochi, Inc. 2017
Knights of Columbus 1908-1927, 1982-2007
Knights of Honor 1972-1975
Knights of Pythias 1881
Knights Templar 1856-1931
Kokoro Assisted Living 2000-2003
Koret Foundation 2013
Ku Klux Klan undated
La Casa de Las Madres 1986
Ladies' Christian Commission 1864
Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic 1911
Lafayette Club 1916, 1966
Lakeshore Acres Improvement Club 1967, 2001-2008
Laurel Hall Club 1896-1899
League For Supreme Court Independence 1937
League of the Cross Cadets 1898-1914
League of Freedom of San Francisco 1886
League of Women Voters 1923-1985
Legal Aid Society of San Francisco 2006
Liberty Hill Neighborhood Association 2004
Ligue Henri IV 1930
Lincoln Monument League 1898
Lion's Club 1967
Litho Club undated
Living History Foundation 1976
Loong Kong-Tien Yee Undated
Loring Club of San Francisco 1887-1980
Lotus Club 1883
Loyal Order of Moose, San Francisco Lodge No. 26 1931
Maltese Falcon Society 1984
Mango Athletic Club 2013
Manufacturers and Wholesalers Association 1940
Market Street Railway Company 1995
Marina Home Owner's Protective Association 1926-1963
Marina Merchants Association 1967
Marine Underwriters 1926
Marines Memorial Club [1961], 2012
Mariposa Boat Club 1959
Maritime Writers Association 1975
Mary Elizabeth Inn 1989, 2013
Mary Very Club 1962
Masonic Amity Lodge No. 370 1941
Masonic Board of Relief 1909
Masonic Directories 1937-1939
Masonic Doric Lodge No. 216 1908-1910
Masonic Forest Hill Lodge 1950
Masonic Hermann Lodge No. 127 1868
Masonic Mission Lodge No. 169 1903, 1934
Masonic M.W. Grand Lodge 1907-1950
Masonic Mt. Davidson Lodge No. 481 1923-1928
Masonic Royal Arch Masons 1920
Master Mariners' Benevolent Association 1913
Marines Memorial Club circa 1961
Master Painters' Association 1884
Mechanics' Institute 1874-1995
Mercantile Library Association 1853-1889
Merchants Association of San Francisco 1910
Metropolitan Club 1996
Mission Creek Harbor Association 1980
Mission Economic Development Association 1993-1994
Mission Literary Union 1873
Mission Neighborhood Centers, Inc. 1960
Mission Section Unemployed Council undated
Mission Street Merchants Association 1938-1955
Mission Rebels 1966
Modern Woodmen of America 1912
Monday Group 2004
Montgomery Guard 1860
Muggins Club undated
Musicians Club 1913-1950
Mutual Aid and Protection Society of the Arcadians 1922
Names Project 1989-2001
National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, San Francisco Chapter 1976
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 1954-1967
National Association of Bank Women, Inc. 1974
National Association of Democratic Clubs 1888
National Association of Fashion & Accessory Designers, Inc. 1965
National Association of Real Estate Boards undated
National Automobile Club 1929-1930
National Council of Negro Women 1962-1969
National Defense League of California circa 1917
National Home Fashion League, Inc. 1976
National Industrial Peace Association 1910
National Japanese American Historical Society 2012-2019
National League for Woman's Service undated
National Organization for Women 1978-1996
National Sojourners, Inc. 1975
National Union 1898
National Viticultural Association 1887
Native Daughters of the Golden West 1990
Native Sons of the Golden West, Mission Parlor No. 38 undated
Needlework Guild 1897, 1983
Neighborhood Environmental Caucus 1975
Neighbors developing Divisadero (New Liberation Garden) undated
Neighbors of the Excelsior 1988-1994
New Orient Society of America 1927
Nihonmachi Little Friends 2014-2015
Nobiru-Kai 1997
Noh Oratorio Society 1986
Nomads 1934
NORCALSTOL (Northern California Short Takeoff and Landing) 1970s
North Beach Association of Merchants and Professionals 1980-1981
North Beach Merchants Association 1936
North of Market Voters Club 1986
Northern California Alliance 1977
Northern California Coalition for Full Employment 1978-1979
Northern California Junior Hockey Association 1969
Northern California Political Science Association 1967
Novo Club 1973
Old Saint Mary's Housing Committee 1986-1989
Olympic Club
General 1906-2006
Song sheets 1912-1924
Omega Boys Club 1995-2007
One Brick 2006
Order of Hermann's Sons circa 1923
Order of the Eastern Star 1901-1950
Order of Pendo 1895
Pacific Coast Numismatic Society 1950, 1989-1993
Pacific Coast Women's Press Association 1914-1965
Pacific Highway Association 1920s
Pacific Insurance Union circa 1927
Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association 1933
Pacific Maritime Association 1972
Pacific Philatelic Society 1890s, 1984
Pacific Rod and Gun Club 1934-2012
Pacific-Union Club 1966-2004
Pacific Yacht Club 1889
Pan African People's Organization undated
Park-Presidio Improvement Association 1927-1930
Park Presidio Lion's Club 1951
Parkside District Club 1923
Peace and Freedom Party 1967
People for Open Space 1980-1985
People's Action Coalition 1971
Phi Gamma Delta 1908
Philomath Club 1899
Planet Drum 2004
Playboy Club 1965
Polish Arts and Culture Foundation 1976-2004
Potrero Commercial and Manufacturers Association 1908
Prairie Fire Organizing Committee 1970-1977
Preservation Group 1975
Presidio Golf Club 1956-1989
Presidio Society 1968
Press Club of San Francisco 1893-2006
Pride Foundation 1982
Prisoners Union 1972
Project Open Hand 1990-2013
Project Pull 2013
Propeller Club 1963-1973
PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) 1932-1945
Public Education Society of San Francisco 1952
Public Relations Round Table 1979-1989
Public Relations Society of America 1960
Railroad Athletic Club 1918
Rainforest Action Network 2004
Rebel Cork Benevolent Association 1912-1983
Rebel Worker Organization 1978-1980
Recreation Center for the Handicapped, Inc. 1967-1987
Recreation For The Blind undated
Red Cross 1910-1958
Regional Plan Association 1925-1926
Regional Young Adult Project 1976
Rescue MUNI 1997-2002
Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) 1938
Retail Butchers 1911-1912
Retired Employees of the City and County of San Francisco 1986-2006
Retirement Life Payments Association [1939]
Right to Life League 1967
Roosevelt Boys Club undated
Roxburghe Club 1956
Royal Arch Masons, California Chapter No. 5 1906
Russian American Society
Russian Hill Neighbors 1983-2007
Sadik Club 1888
SAFE (Safety Awareness for Everyone) undated
Saint Andrew's Society 1867-1880, 1958-1964
Saint Anthony Foundation 1950-2014
Saint Francis Hook and Ladder Society 1975-1985
Saint Francis Riding Club 1927-1958
Saint Francis Yacht Club 1927-1978
Saint Ives Law Club 1944
Saint Joseph's Unterstützungs-Verein 1916
Saint Mary's Chinese Mission c. 1965
Saint Mary's Park Improvement Club 1998
Saint Paulus Unterstützungs-Verein 1911
Saint Vincent DePaul Oliver House 1967-1992
Saints and Sinners 1958
Salvation Army
General 1964-2006
James House 1957
San Francisco Band Foundation 1986
San Francisco Wartime Harvest Council 1943
San Franciscans for a Better Library circa 1957
San Franciscans for Clean and Quiet Transit 1970
San Franciscans for MUNI Reform 1998-1999
San Franciscans Seeking Consensus 1984
San Francisco Advertising Club 1953-2002
San Francisco AIDS Foundation 1987-1995
San Francisco Amateur Astronomers, Inc. 1967
San Francisco Aquarium Society undated, 1970
San Francisco Art Association 1873-1997
San Francisco Art Dealers Association 1977
San Francisco Association for Mental Health 1965
San Francisco Association for the Blind 1938
San Francisco Association of Morticians 1939
San Francisco Beautiful 1967-1997
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition 1974-2006
San Francisco Boosters 1978
San Francisco Bowling Association 1949
San Francisco Boys Club 1951-1980
San Francisco Bureau of Governmental Research 1967-1968
San Francisco Bureau of Urban Secrets 2002-2006
San Francisco Cartoonist Conspiracy undated
San Francisco Chamber Music Society 1966
San Francisco Chamber Orchestra 1984
San Francisco Chapter of the Embroiderers Guild of America 1976
San Francisco City and County Federation of Women's Clubs 1944
San Francisco City Employees Credit Union 1989
San Francisco Classroom Teachers Association circa 1950
San Francisco Clean City Coalition c.1991
San Francisco Club undated
San Francisco Colony of New England Women circa 1932
San Francisco Commercial Club 1920
San Francisco Committee for the Aid of Russian Disabled Veterans Outside of Russia, Inc. 1960
San Francisco Consortium 1972
San Francisco Consumer Action 1974
San Francisco Council of Churches 1980
San Francisco Dental Society 1969
San Francisco Ecology Center 1970s
San Francisco Employers Council 1939-1948
San Francisco Farmers' Club circa 1897
San Francisco Federation of Teachers 1929, undated
San Francisco Folk Music Club 2001
San Francisco Food Bank 1994
San Francisco Forward 1984
San Francisco Foundation 1953-2014
San Francisco Fruit and Flower Mission 1943-1947
San Francisco Garden Club 1934-1973
San Francisco Gem and Mineral Society 1954-1964
San Francisco Golf Club 1950-1983, 2018
San Francisco Grütli-Verein 1915
San Francisco Green Community 1997
San Francisco History Association 1982-2016
San Francisco Historical Society 1975-2002
San Francisco Horsemen's Association 1946
San Francisco Housing Association 1911
San Francisco Hussars 1876
San Francisco Indymedia News Media Center 2002
San Francisco Inspirational Choir 1971
San Francisco Jazz 2010-2013
San Francisco Kennel Club 1900-1912
San Francisco Ladies Protection and Relief Society 1901-1982
San Francisco Latino Historical Society [2014]
San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners 2000-2004
San Francisco Made 2012
San Francisco Mannerchor 1927
San Francisco Medical Society 1945-1998
San Francisco Microscopical Society 1892-1919, 1967-1978
San Francisco Mining Exchange 1967-1969, 2017
San Francisco MUNI Coalition 1980-1982
San Francisco Museum and Historical Society 2002-2013
San Francisco Musical Club 1963
San Francisco Neighborhood Legal Assistance Foundation 1968-1971
San Francisco Neighborhood Theater Foundation 2002-2014
San Francisco Nursery for Homeless Children 1896
San Francisco Ocean-Ingleside Lions Club 1985-2002
San Francisco Opera Guild 1962-1992
San Francisco Planning and Housing Association 1947-1952
San Francisco Planning and Urban Research 1962-2009
San Francisco Post Rifle Club 1922
San Francisco Presbyterial Society 1933
San Francisco Professional Food Society 1983-1993
San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute and Society 1992
San Francisco Public Relations Round Table 1979-1989
San Francisco Racquet Club 1974
San Francisco Rationalist Association undated
San Francisco Real Estate Board 1913
San Francisco Rowing Club 1976
San Francisco School Volunteers 1978
San Francisco Schuetzen-Verein 1909-1919, 1959
San Francisco Settlement Association 1895
San Francisco Society of Women Artists undated
San Francisco Special Olympics undated
San Francisco Tenants Union 1981-2014
San Francisco Tennis Club 1985
San Francisco Tesla Society 1998
San Francisco Theatrical Club 1932
San Francisco Tomorrow 1973-2013
San Francisco Tour Guide Association 1983-1985
San Francisco Tour Guide Guild 1985-1990
San Francisco Trades Union Promotional League 1927
San Francisco Traffic Club 1955
San Francisco Vegetarian Society 1976
San Francisco Verein 1890-1891
San Francisco Volunteers for Better Government 1955
San Francisco Wholesale Dairy Produce Exchange circa 1906
San Francisco Women Artists 1970-1992
San Francisco Women's Club 1909-1927
San Francisco Women's Press Club 1924
San Francisco Yacht Club 1896-1904, 1955-1977
San Francisco Young Adult Network 1976
San Quentin Military Band 1919-1924
Save Hetch Hetchy Committee 2002
Save San Francisco Bay Association 1966-2011
Scottish Rite 1905-1910. 1979-1986
See and Know San Francisco First Club 1946
Self-Help For The Elderly undated
Shanti Project 1993-1994
Shaping San Francisco 1997-1998
Show Folks of America 1972
Shriners circa 1922, 1974
Sierra Club 1935-2015
Simon J. Lubin Society of California 1938
Skating Club of San Francisco, Inc. 1958
Slavonic Alliance 1914
Socialist Workers Party
Sociedades Espanolas de San Francisco 1930
Societa Italiana di Mutua Beneficenza 1927-1943 1983-2008
Society for Asian Art undated
Society for Individual Rights undated
Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America 1995
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 1896-2014
Society of California Pioneers 1862-2014
Society of Engineers 1926
Society of Progressive Spiritualists 1896
SOMA Pilipinas undated
Sons in Retirement 1979
Sons of Norway 1958, 2008
Sons of Revolutionary Sires 1876-1888
Sons of the American Revolution 1893-1904, 1947
South End Rowing Club 1996-1998
South of Market Boys 1927-1992
South of Market Community Center 1969
South of Market Girls 1933
South of Market Neighborhood Association 1983
Southern Council of Civic Clubs 1939
Spinsters of San Francisco 1967
Square and Circle Club 2004-2007
Square Rigger Club 1965-1993
State of the World Forum 1995
Statesman's Club 1970
Steuben Society of America 1974
Student League of San Francisco 1980
Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in SE Asia 1970
Students for a Democratic Society [circa 1967]
Study Center circa 1975
Sunset-Parkside Education and Action Committee 1974
Swedish Society 1901, 1925, 2000
Swiss-American Gymnastic Association 1954
Swiss Athletic Club 1953
Swiss Gymnastic Club 1958
Swiss Rifle Club of San Francisco 1910
Swords to Plowshares 1979
Symbionese Liberation Army 1974-1975
Synanon 1972-1977
Take Back San Francisco 1992-1994
Taxpayers Defense League, Inc. 1939-1940
Teachers' Association of San Francisco 1938
Technical Society of the Pacific Coast 1894-1892
Telegraph Hill Dwellers 1979
Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Association 1908-1917
Tenderloin AIDS Resource Center 2001
Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp. 2016
Territorial Pioneers of California 1877-1878
To Kalon Club 1940
Tourist Association of Central California undated
Touristenverein "Die Naturfreunde" 1925-1927
Town and Country Club 1951, 1971
Traveler's Aid undated, 2004
Triangle Hiking Club 1935-1939
Turriseburnea Club 1964
Twentieth Century Club 1971
Twenty-First Assembly Democratic Club 1937
Union League Club 1909-1926
Union League (secret organization) 1864, 1992
Unitarian Club of California 1897
United Ancient Order of Druids 1946, undated
United Bay Area Crusade 1962
United Endowment Association 1887
United European American Club 1972
United Humanitarian Mission 2004
United Irish Cultural Center 1973-2009
United Lodge of Theosophists 1939
United Nationalities of San Francisco 1959-1962
United Nations Association of San Francisco 1970-1994
United Organizations of the Bay Area c.1940s
United Spanish Societies 1937
United States Lighthouse Society 1984
United Way 1983
Unity Foundation 1986
University Club 1902-1927
University Mound Ladies Home 2008
University of San Francisco Alumni 1945
Urban League 1965
Vedanta Society of Northern California 1911-2016
Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade 2000
Victorian Alliance 1973-2008
Vietnam Veterans Against the War undated
Vittoria Colonna Club 1937-1983
WACO (Western Addition Community Organization) 1968, 2004
WAIF (Travelers Aid International Social Service of America, Children's Division) 1976, 2014
WALL (War and Law League) 2006-2019
War Camp Community Service circa 1918
War Resisters League 1967-1987
Waterfront Employers Association of the Pacific Coast 1921-1948
Wellsprings-Communion Undated
Western Addition Literary and Social Club 1884-1895
Western Addition Nationality Center undated
Western Furniture Exchange 1931-1935
Western Neighborhoods Project 2006-2019
Western Women's Club 1933, undated
Westerners, San Francisco Corral 1971-1975
White American Resistance 1985
William Hammond Hall Society 1978-1980
Wine Advisory Board 1950-1962
Wine Institute 1986-2019
Winter Count Cultural Arts, Inc. 1980
Woman's Athletic Club 1917-1991
Woman's Board of Missions for the Pacific 1925
Women Against Violence in Pornography and Media 1978-1979
Women's Abortion Coalition 1971-1972
Women's City Club of San Francisco 1927-1931
Women's Educational and Industrial Union 1896
Women's Irish Education League 1916
Women's Job Rights 1972
Women's Party for Survival 1981
Women's Relief Corps 1888
Woodmen of the World 1897-1915
Work Horse Parade Association 1909
World Affairs Council of Northern California 1947
World Friendship Society 1995
World Trade Association 1957-1965
World Trade Club of San Francisco 1955-2006
Yoke Choy Club 1926
Young Ladies' Institute 1933
Young Men's Institute 1896
Y.M.C.A. (Young Men's Christian Association) 1909-1948, 1998
Y.W.C.A. (Young Women's Christian Association) 1971-1978, undated
Astrology 1976-1989
Auction catalogs
General 1872
Eldridge, J. O. 1880
Johnson, Kate art collection 1894
La Grange, Dr. collection 1892
Nixon, Cecil E. estate 1962
Auditor 1861, 1911
General 1878-1913, 1960-2012
Auto show 1907
Golden Gate Concours d'Elegance 1971
Kleiber 1925, 1989
Pioneer, built by J.A. Meyer 1969-1990
Racing 1965
Aviation 1950, 1987
Awards 1981
Ballet-Bar pilots
General 1985-2010
Company biographies 1993
Programs 1950-2008
Balloon ascension 1901, 1965
Beaux Arts 1969-1980
Black and White Ball
Invitations 1981-1989
Booster Ball 1921
Cockey O'Brien's Ball 1907
Cotillion 1962-1998
Exotic Erotic Ball 1987-2004
Jewel Ball 1968
Pacific Fleet Reception and Ball 1923
Parilia Ball 1927-1938
Prosperity Ball 1915
Stenographers' Ball undated
Bar pilots 1850, 1967-2013
General 1960-2019
Bank Exchange Saloon 1912, undated
Black Cat Café 1911, [1972]
Bocce Ball Club 1974-1978
Breen's 1975-1980
Buena Vista Cafe 2002-2011
Columbus Cafe 2011
Corner Grocery Store undated
Court Room 1983
Double Play 1991-2013
Dylan's Pub, Old Homestead undated, 2001
Esta Noche 1988
George's Cave [1942]
Gold Rail undated
Hotel Utah Saloon 2007
Ireland's 32 1983, undated
Jerry and Johnny 1980
Little Shamrock 1993
Lord Jim's 1985
Mason Street Wine Bar undated
New Manhattan Bar undated
Old Ship Saloon 1994-2007
Our House circa 1900
Persian Aub Zam Zam undated
Polk Gulch Saloon 1986
Saloon, Wagner's Beer Hall 1986
Specs 2004-2018
Tosca 1991-2013
Warner's Cobweb Palace 1893-1895
Yellowstone c.1907
General 1869-2017
Centre's Bridge 1863, 1980
Giants 1957-2014
Magazine 1987-2000
Mission Rock Development 2015
2010 World Series
2012 World Series 2012-2013
2014 World Series 2014
Yearbooks 1958-2002
Pacific Coast League 1948, 1993
Seals 1947-2018
Basketball 1945-1948, 1982
Baths, public 1904, 1972
Bay (San Francisco Bay)
General 1964-2014
Bay Edges 1981
Bay Trail Adventure 2003
Early Discoveries of San Francisco Bay 1968
Fill 1965-1970
History 1946-1999
Oil spills
Arizona Standard and Oregon Standard 1971
Cosco Busan 2007-2011
Pollution 1974-2016
Reber plan 1946-1998
Sea Level Rise 2018
General 1934-2004
Tide and Current Tables 1980, 2010
Wetlands 1990-2003
Wildlife 1986-2013
Bay Conservation and Development Commission
General 1965-1985
Air transportation and San Francisco Bay 1966
Annual reports 1970-1992
Appearance and design 1967
Atmospheric effects on proposed man-made islands 1970
Barrier proposals 1968
Bay Plan 1969-1981
Economic and population growth 1967
Fill 1967-1969
Flood control 1967
Geology 1967
Government 1967
Marshes and mudflats 1966
Municipal, state, and federal programs 1966
Oil and gas production 1968
Ownership 1968
Pollution 1967
Ports 1968
Powers 1968-1969
Progress Report 1967
Public facilities and utilities 1967
Recreation 1968-1976
Report to legislature 1968
Salt, sand and shells 1967
Sedimentation 1966
Smog and weather 1967
Solid waste disposal 1966
Staff memos to commissioners 1966
Tides 1966
Transportation 1968
Waterfront housing 1967
Waterfront industry 1968
Bay Conservation Study Commission 1965
Beat generation
Bibliographies 1974-1975
Clippings and articles 1958-2014
Kerouac, Jack 1957
Poems and poets 1958-1985
Poetry workshops 1957-1958
Beauty queens 1960
Bibliographies after 1945
Bicycling 1887-1925, 1997-2013
Block books 1894-1906
Bloggers 2012
Blotters Undated
Board of Appeals 1985
Bonds undated
General 1958-2017
Newspaper Clippings 1966-2015
Bootblacks 1981
Bottles 1966-2006
Boundaries 1895-1898, 1962-2003
General 1912-2005
Corbett - Fitzsimmons 1940, 1997-1999
Lahey, Joe 1904-1913
Newspaper Clippings 1902-1927
Breakdancing 1984
Breweries 1937, 1979-2017
General 1934-2001
Bay Bridge
Folder list undated
General 1933-1964
Anniversaries 1971-2011
Annual progress reports 1934-1939
Comparisons 1930s
Costs 1949
Design and construction 1934-1936
Division of San Francisco Bay Toll Crossings circa 1962
Eastern span 1997-2017
Legislation 1928-1942
Maps 1953
Newspaper clippings 1916-1936, 1991-2019
Opening day 1936
Pamphlets 1934-1971
Parking proposal 1941
Reconstruction 1957
Relief of congestion on transbay crossings 1949
General 1935-1951
Board of Engineers 1927
Hoover-Young San Francisco Bay Bridge Commission 1930
James B. McSheehy, Chairman Special Bridge Committee 1928-1929
Rolph, James, Jr. 1934
Seismic Safety 2003-2010
Toll plaza and tolls 1965-2004
Trade publications 1928-1936
4th Street Bridge 1980-2005
Golden Gate Bridge
Accident report 1937
Commemorative cachets 1936
Correspondence 1936
Dedication 1930
Dedication address 1937
Engineering News-Record article 1935
Golden Gate Bridge Fiesta Gold Book 1937
Golden Gate Bridge Fiesta Municipal Record Official Directory 1937
Golden Gate Bridge Fiesta Official Program 1937
Progress report 1934
Standard Oil Bulletin 1933-1937
Western Construction News 1930-1936
Workmen 1979-2012
Plans and planning
Bridge Celebration Founding Committee 1933
Bridge district establishment 1923
Bridging famed Golden Gate 1930s
Bridging "the Golden Gate" circa 1932
Chamber of Commerce report 1930-1931
Commonwealth Club report 1930
Definite steps taken toward construction of Golden Gate Bridge 1930
Earthquake damage and insurance 1924-1934
Financing 1930-1932
Geologists' reports 1931-1934
Insurance 1934-1937
Malatesta Bridge Highway plan 1936
Newspapers 1937
Objections 1931-1934
Proposed Golden Gate Bridge - map 1924
Resolution 1919
Additional Marin crossing 1966-1967
Anniversaries 1962-1987
Awards 1936, 1988
Bonds and funding 1939, 1971
Brochures 1933-1972
Derleth collection 1970
Earthquake preparation 1991
Engineers undated
Environmental assessment 1980
Facts 1936
Free wartime pass 1941
Golden Gate Bridge and Rapid Transit 1961
Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District
General circa 1942-1998
Annual reports 1940-1985
Golden Gate corridor 1969-1972
Landmark 1997-1998
Newspaper clippings 1969-2017
Opening day 1937
Painting 1984-2010
Prize bridges 1928-1940 1941
Second deck 1964-1968
Souvenirs 1937, undated
Speed limit 1983
Suicides 1973-2012
Suicide barriers 1973-2019
Suicide prevention study 1971-2010
Technical description in ordinary language 1935
Tolls 1961-2017
Tower model 1982
Traffic barriers 1991-1998
Traffic problems 1968-1972
World's Longest Bridge Span 1937
Our Bridges [1936]
Proposed crossings
General 1947-1959
Bay Area Council 1949
Butterfly Bridge 1953
Commonwealth Club 1948
Great Pacific and Atlantic Bay Bridge 1871
Newspaper clippings 1965-1972
Parking and traffic 1947-1949
Southern crossing
Assembly Committee hearing, Sacramento 1949
Chamber of Commerce 1949
City Planning Department 1946-1964
Commonwealth Club 1947-1953
Costs and access routes 1944-1949
Division of San Francisco Bay Toll Crossings report on additional toll crossings 1948
Joint Army and Navy Board reports 1941-1948
Segoe and Associates 1949
State Department of Public Works 1947-1949
Toll Bridge Authority reports on vehicular crossings 1949
Vensano papers 1948
San Jose Avenue Bridge 1925
3rd Street Bridge (Lefty O'Doul Bridge) 1931-2018
Tiburon crossing 1957
1988 deficit 1988
Builders 1991-2005
Building Inspection Department 1972-1995
Construction 1965-1974
General 1926, 1963-1975
Newspaper clippings 1967-2014
Landmarks 1974-2013
Laws 1906-2016
Preservation 1961-2013
Adam Grant Building 2000
Addison Head Building 1940s
Agriculture Building 1977
Airline Bus Terminal 1960s
Alaska Commercial Building 1972-1975
Albert Pike Memorial Temple 1905
Albion Hall 1983
Alcoa Building 1960s-2000
Alemany Health Center 2012
All Hallow's Hall 1946
American Hall undated
Anchorage 1980
Apartments and condominiums
Apartments and condos by name
General 1944-1993
Avery 2019
Baycrest 1991
Bayside Village 1980s
Beacon 2006
Bellaire 1978
Broadway Sansome Family Apartments 2010
Brocklebank undated, 1992
Buena Vista Manor 1988
Carlisle 1991-1994
Castle Apartments 2011
Church Street apartments 1999-2000
Crescent Hill 1992
Daniel Burnham Court 1986-1987
Eastern Park Apartments 1997-1998
Eichler Summit 1960s
Episcopal Home 1991
Fontana undated
Fulton Grove 1992
Galleria 1990
Glenridge 1992
Golden Gateway Center 1964
Harrison undated
Huntington Apartments 1924
Lombard Plaza 1992
Madonna Residence 1960s
Mandarin Tower 1972
Mercy Terrace 1983-1994
La Mirada undated
Monsignor Lyne Community Apartments (Diamond St., 118) 1990
Museum Parc 1991
Natoma Mews 1991-1993
Nob Hill Manor 1956
North Beach Place 2004
North Beach Village 1992
Northpoint Apartments 1967-1968
Ocean Parc Village 1990
One Rincon Hill 2005-2006
Opera Plaza 1981-1982
Panoramic 2015
Paramount 1989-2001
Parkmerced 1957-2008
Parkview Commons 1991
Playland 1991-1992
Plaza Apartments 2006
Polk Village 2007
Richardson Apartments 2012
Rincon Hill 1991
San Francisco Towers 1980s
South Beach Marina Apartments 1991
Steamboat Point 1992-1993
Summit 1960s
Telegraph Landing 1970s
Trinity Plaza 2010
Woolf House 1981-2001
Apartments and condos by Street address
Alta Street, 20-30 1992
Arguello Boulevard, 345 1973
Broadway Street, 1818 1961
Chestnut Street, 1080 undated
Clay Street, 1340 (Montaire) 1991
Dolores, 38 2014
Gough Street, 1801 1993
Gough Street, 1950 1979-1982
Jones, 1155 Undated
Larkin Street, 500 undated
Montgomery Street, 1360 1981-2001
Pine Street, 111 circa 1960s
Potrero Avenue, 338 2016
Powell Street, 840 circa 1970s
Sacramento Street, 1298 (Chambord Apartments) 1983
Third Avenue, 695 1947
Van Ness Avenue, 1901 1990
Arden Wood Care Facility 1929-1984
Armory 1912-2018
Arnold Laub Building 2002
ArtSpan Onondaga Art Center undated
Audiffred Building 1978-2005
Babin (Landry C.) Company c.1910
Baker and Hamilton Building 1989-1995
Bakewell-Brown Plaza 1984-1988
Baldwin House undated
Ballet Building 1981-1984
Bankers Investment Building 1983
American National Bank 1906-1978
American Savings and Loan Association 1974-1975
American Trust Company 1928-1972
Anglo and London Paris National Bank 1919
Banca Popalare Fugazi 1924-1985
Bank of America
Montgomery, 550 1969, 2008
Bank of California (California St., 400) 1874-1978
Bank of Canton (Montgomery St., 555) 1934, 1987
Bank of Italy 1921-2005
Bank of London 1874-1968
Barclays Bank of California (Pine St., 111) 1965
Bay View Federal Savings c.1996
California First Bank 1977
California Trust Company 1867-1871
Canadian Bank of Commerce 1964
Chartered Bank of London circa 1970s
Citizens Federal Savings 1964-1980
Columbian Banking Company circa 1892
Continental Savings and Loan 1980-1995
Crocker-Citizens National Bank (Montgomery Street, 1) 1951-1989
Donohoe-Kelly Banking Company (Sutter Street, 68) 1920
Eureka Federal Savings 1966-1979
Federal Reserve Bank 1923-2003
Federal Savings undated
First Nationwide Savings 1985
First National Bank of San Francisco 1888-1917
First San Francisco Bank 1964
First Savings 1967-1968
French American Bank of Savings (Sutter Street, 108) 1902-1918
French Bank of California 1978
French Savings and Loan Society 1889
German Savings and Loan Society 1868-1925
Glendale Federal 1975-1979
Golden Gate National Bank 1963
Great Western 1978
Hibernia Bank (Jones Street) 1978-2016
Home Mutual Savings & Loan Association 1962
Home Savings 1971-1989
Humboldt Bank 1909-1985
Imperial Savings 1973-1975
ING 2011
Italian-American Bank 1907
Merchants National Exchange Bank undated, 1984
Miners Bank of Savings of Alta California 1859
Mission Bank 1916-1933
Nevada Bank of San Francisco undated
Pacific Bank 1888
Pacific Coast Savings Society undated
Pacific Securities Deposit Trust Company 1978
Pacific States Savings and Loan 1891-1945
People's Home Savings Bank undated
Portuguese-American Bank 1912-1920
San Francisco Federal Savings 1972-1985
San Francisco Bank 1933-1978
San Francisco National Bank 1962-1977
San Francisco Savings and Loan Society 1923
San Francisco Savings Union 1902
Wells Fargo 1867-2012
Bayview Hunters Point Center for Arts and Technology 1999
Beach Chalet 1927-2017
Bechtel Tower 1991
Belli Building 1966-2004
Bloomingdales 1998-2008
Blue Shield of Northern California 1974
Brooks Hall 1955-1961, undated
Building Trades Council's Temple 1908
California/Front Building Company 1979
California Hall 1982-1983
California Masonic Memorial Temple 1952-2014
California Scottish Rite Memorial Temple 1965
California State Automobile Association 1972-2000
Call Building 1938-1993
Cannery 1965-2010
Canon Kip Senior Center 2006-2012
Casa Costanzo 1994
Chase Center 2019
Chinese Cultural Center 1965-1971
Chinese Telephone Exchange 1933-1963
African Methodist Episcopal Church 1961, 2012
All Hallows Catholic Church 1950-1997
All Saint's Episcopal Church 1879, 1961
Apostleship of the Sea 1948-1995
Ascension Church 1960
Assembly of God 1960
Bayview Lutheran Church 1955-1961
Bethel AME Church (916 Laguna Street) 1965
Bethel Temple 1991
Buddha's Universal Church 1960-1969
Buddhist Church of San Francisco 1974
Buen Pastor Church, el 1987
Calvary Methodist Church 1926-1960
Calvary Presbyterian Church 1889-2004
Cathedral Chapel of Saint Francis 1959-1960
Cathedral of the Annunciation 1989-1992
Central Methodist Episcopal Church 1884-1915
Chinese Community Church 1954
Chinese United Methodist Church 1969
Church of Saint Paul of the Shipwreck 1959-1960
Church of Scientology 1968-2008
Church of the Advent of Christ the King 1886, 1946-1966
Church of the Epiphany 1950-2000
Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples 1949-2004
Church of the Holy Names 1943-1952
Church of the Immaculate Conception 1940
Church of the Incarnation 1922, 1959
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ 1970
Church of the Nativity 1948
Church of the Visitation 1950-1955
Cornerstone Evangelical Baptist Church 1995
Corpus Christi Church 1950-1998
Dolores Street Baptist Church 1993-1995
Ebenezer Lutheran Church 1982
Eleventh Church of Christ, Scientist 1960
Emanuel Church of God 1970
Emmanuel Baptist Church 1895-1901
Episcopal Church of Saint John the Evangelist 1955
Episcopal Church of Saint Mary 1960
First African Methodist Church 1875
First Apostolic Faith Church 1981
First Baptist Church 1881-1897, 1949-1999
First Congregational Church 1880-1974
First Church of the Nazarene 1961
First Friendship Institutional Baptist Church 1960
First Holy Rosikrucian Church of San Francisco 1921
First Lutheran Church 1890
First Orthodox Presbyterian Church 1961
First Saint John's Methodist Church 1974-2010
First Southern Baptist Church 1960
First Union Baptist Church 1948-1976
First Unitarian Church 1850-2000
First Universalist Church 1874
Fishermen's and Seamen's Memorial Chapel 1982-1994
Forest Hill Christian Church 1961
Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist 2009
Fourth Congregational Church 1881-1878
Glide Memorial Church 1941-2017
Gold Mountain Monastery 1979
Golden Gate Christian Church 1961
Good Samaritan Episcopal Church 1936
Grace Cathedral 1927-2012
Grace Evangelical Lutheran 1960-1961
Grace Methodist Church 1885-1934
Greek Orthodox Church 1943-1961
Grace United Church 1966-1967
Hamilton Square Baptist Church 1941-1981
Holy Cross Church 1995
Holy Name of Jesus Church 1964
Holy Trinity Cathedral 1950-2018
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 1955-1961
Holy Virgin Cathedral 1960-1977
Howard Presbyterian Church 1873, 1902
Howard Street Presbyterian 1873
Howard Street Methodist Episcopal Church 1930s
Hua Zant Si Temple circa 2006
Ingleside Presbyterian Church 1992-2017
Inner Mission churches 1974
Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall 1961
Jones Memorial Methodist Church 1961-2009
Korean Methodist Church 1992-1994
Lakeside Presbyterian Church 1961
Lebanon Presbyterian Church undated
Lutheran Church of Our Savior 1960
Macedonia Missionary 1989-1992
Metropolitan Community Church San Francisco 2008
Mission Bay Community Church 2000s
Mission Dolores 1889-2012
Missionary Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 1995
Most Holy Redeemer 1946-2011
Mount Zion Baptist Church 1958
New Civilization Church and School 1929
New Liberation United Presbyterian 1979
Noe Valley Ministry 1977-2005
Norwegian Lutheran Church 1918
Norwegian Seamen's Church 1995-2005
Notre Dame des Victoires 1935-1985
Ocean Avenue Presbyterian Church 1990
Old Cathedral of the Holy Virgin 1990
Old First Presbyterian Church 1906-1996
Old Saint Mary's Church 1918-2005
Open Bible Church 1960
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church 1912-1993
Our Lady of Lourdes Church 1942-1950
Our Savior's Scandinavian Evangelical Lutheran 1882
Peoples Temple 1964-2008
Philadelphia Seventh Day Adventist Church 1960-1992
Pilgrim Community Congregational Church 1949-1960
Pine Methodist Church 1961-1989
Plymouth Congregational Church 1892
Portalhurst Presbyterian Church 1949
Presbyterian Church in Chinatown 2003
Rock of Ages Baptist Church undated
Sacred Heart Church 1909-2014
Saint Agnes Church 1915-1945
Saint Anne of the Sunset Church 1912-2004
Saint Anthony's Church 1902, 1977
Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church 1961
Saint Benedict the Moor 1949-1997
Saint Boniface Church 1935-2014
Saint Brendan's Church 1947-1951
Saint Brigid's Church 1913-2007
Saint Cecilia's Church 1942-1990
Saint Charles Church 1942-1956
Saint Cyprian's Episcopal Church 1960-1961
Saint Dominic's Church 1940-2008
Saint Edward's Church 1998
Saint Elizabeth's Church 1908-1990
Saint Emydius Church 1945-1955
Saint Finn Barr's 1945-1961
Saint Francis Episcopal Church 1940-1958
Saint Francis Lutheran Church 1981
Saint Francis Methodist Church 1961
Saint Francis of Assisi Church 1910-2000
Saint Gabriel's Church 1942-1982
Saint Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church 2001
Saint Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church 1995-2006
Saint Ignatius Church 1908-1998
Saint James Church 1945-2013
Saint James Episcopal Church 1960
Saint James Presbyterian Church 1958-1978
Saint John Coltrane African Orthodox Church 1958-2019
Saint John of God Catholic Church 2007
Saint John the Baptist Church 1884, 1954
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church 1948-1950
Saint John's Armenian Apostolic Church 1953-1958
Saint John's Federated Church 1951
Saint John's Italian Methodist Church 1942, 2002
Saint John's Presbyterian Church 1970-2007
Saint Joseph's Church 1945-2019
Saint Luke's Church 1886-1991
Saint Mark's Lutheran 1949-2006
Saint Mary the Virgin 1902-2003
Saint Mary's Cathedral
Gough St., 1111 1963-2004
Van Ness Ave., 1001 1941-1989
Saint Michael's Church 1949-1994
Saint Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Church 2008
Saint Monica's Church 1950-1951
Saint Nicholas Cathedral 1942-1958
Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church 1962
Saint Patrick's Church 1941-2001
Saint Paul's Church 1980-2005
Saint Paul's Presbyterian Church 1907, 1956-1966
Saint Paulus Lutheran Church 1940-1995
Saint Peter's Church 1949-2000
Saint Peter's Episcopal Church 2007
Saints Peter and Paul's Church 1917-1994
Saint Rose's Church 1939-1940
Saint Stephen's Church 1950-2000
Saint Teresa's Church 1940-1980
Saint Thomas More's Church 1950-1997
Saint Thomas the Apostle Church 1948-2008
Saint Vincent de Paul Church 1941-1958
Science of Man Church 1966
Seaman's Church Institute 1935
Second Unitarian Church 1896
Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church 1961
Shinnyo-En Buddhist Temple 1981
Shinto (Konko Kyo) 1961
Star of the Sea Church 1939-1994
Swedenborgian Church 1915-2010
Swedish Tabernacle 1935
Temple Methodist Episcopal Church 1930-1953
Tenth Church of Christ, Scientist 1961
Third Baptist Church 1960-1982
Tin How Temple undated
Trinity English Lutheran Church 1978
Trinity Episcopal Church 1877-1999
Trinity Methodist Church 1942-1981
Trinity Presbyterian Church 1958-1983
Unification Church 1974
United States Mission 1987
Unity Temple 1987
Voice of Pentecost 1979-1981
Welsh Presbyterian Church 1942-1953
West Portal Lutheran Church 1982
West Side Christian Church 1946-1960
Zion Lutheran Church 1995-2003
Chutes 1924-1949
Citicorp Center (Sansome St., 1) 1979-1985
City Hall
General 1886-1991
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place (New City Hall)
General 1912-1995
Architects 1956-1958
Centennial 2015
Coffee room 1958-1968
Elevations 1914
Flag case 1927
Newspaper clippings 1960-2017
Ramps 1982-1984
Renovation 1995-2004
Time capsule 1913, 2001
Tours and training material 1953-2000
Fulton Street, 100 (City Hall Avenue)
General 1872-2012
Goddess of Progress 1894-1975
Graham House 1850
City Lights Books 2001
Civic Auditorium 1915-1996
General 1915-1996
Programs 1915-1955
Rehabilitation 1956-1958
Clayburgh Building 1999
Cliff House 1863-2013
Coca-Cola Plant 1994
Coffin-Riddington Warehouse 1991
Coit Tower 1931-2014
Coleson Building 1944
Colombo Building 1992-1999
Columbarium 1980-2009
Continental Building 1982
Convention Center 1961
Co-operato 1898
Civic Center Courthouse 1992-1997
U.S. Court of Appeals 1897-1999
Cow Palace
General 1937-1982
Brochures 1955-1968
Grand national programs 1941-1960
Grand national junior livestock exhibition 1946-1947
Newspaper clippings 1938-2017
Crocker Center 1982-1984
Crocker Home (Old People's Home) 1932, 1982
Crocker Plaza 1969
Crown Tower 2004
Crown Zellerbach Building 1959-1986
Custom House 1855 1902-2000
Daphne Funeral Home 1998-1999
Datamart 1985
Davies Symphony Hall 1973-1992
Del Monte Square 2004
Don Lee Building 1927, 1992-1998
Donaldina Cameron House 1971
Duquette Pavilion 1987-1989
Earthquake Refugee Shacks 1907, 1983-2014
Edgewood Orphanage 1900-2008
837-851 Montgomery Street 2000
1886 Mission Street
Embarcadero Center 1967-2013
Embarcadero Office Terraces undated
Embarcadero Triangle (Delancey Street) 1989-1991
Episcopal Sanctuary 1995-1997
Equitable Life Insurance 1954
Eureka Grain Warehouse 1973-1974
FAO Schwarz circa 1989
Fallon Building 1995-2005
Fashion Center 1992-1999
Federal Building
7th and Mission Street 1992-2017
Golden Gate Ave., 450 1956-1999
50 U.N. Plaza 2009-2011
Federal Home Loan Bank Board Building 1989
Ferry Building 1889-2018
Ferry Port Plaza 1970
Fifty Beale Street 1968
Fillmore Auditorium 1971-2000s
Fillmore Center 1963-2010
Fire Boat House 1998
Fireman's Fund 1983-1984
Fitzhugh Building 1920-1978
580 California Street 1983-1984
595 Market Street 1977
505 Montgomery Street 1985-1989
573-575 Castro Street 2000-2010
560 Mission Street 2002
525 Golden Gate Avenue 1998-2013
524 Howard Street 1988
Flood Building 1986-2005
Florence Crittenton Home 1954
Folger Coffee Company Building 1996
49 Stevenson Street 1989
450 Sutter Street 1939-2007
444 Market Street 1978-1979
425 Market Street undated
Fox Plaza 1961-1965
Franciscan Towers 2016
Franklin Hall 1941
Fugazi Building undated
Downtown Center Garage 1955
Fifth and Mission Parking Garage 1956-1992
North Central Garage [1925]
Parking stubs 1954-1958
Performing Arts Garage 1983
Portsmouth Square Garage 1959
Proposed 1947
Saint Mary's Square Garage 1947-1954
Sutter-Stockton Garage 1984, 2014
Union Square Garage 1941-1993
Washington Square Garage 1965-1968
Garcia and Maggini Warehouse 2002
General Electric Service Shop 1950s
Ghirardelli Square undated, 1963-2019
Goodman Building 1869-1913, 1973-1980
Grabhorn Press 1983-1996
Gum Moon Women's Residence 1987-2004
Hall of Justice 1895-1993
Hallidie Building 1987-2013
Haslett Warehouse 1965-2000
Hearst Building 1989, 2012
Heritage 1958-1970
Hobart Building 1982-2001
Hospitality House 1941-1992, 2018
General 1965-2008
Almshouse 1998
California Pacific Medical Center 1992-2019
California Woman's Hospital 1885
Children's Hospital of San Francisco 1891-1975
Chinese Hospital 1925-2016
Corley Health Institutes undated
Dante Hospital undated, 1975
Dr. Juilly's Sanitarium undated
Emanu-El Sisterhood Polyclinic 1904
French Hospital 1934-1989
Garden Hospital undated
Greens' Eye Hospital 1932
Hahnemann Hospital undated
Harkness Hospital 1968-1982
Hassler Hospital 1972
Italian Hospital 1978
Kaiser Permanente 1970-1997
Laguna Honda 1868-2016
Letterman General Hospital 1940s-1996
Lying-In Hospital and Foundling Asylum 1875
Morton Hospital undated
Mount Zion Hospital 1946-1999
Pacific Medical Center 1972-1992
Park Emergency Hospital 1991
Saint Francis Hospital 1928-2005
Saint Joseph's Hospital 1921-1985, 2013
Saint Luke's Hospital 1876-2012
Saint Mary's Hospital 1969-2002
San Francisco Female Hospital 1874
San Francisco General Hospital
General 1959-1996
Contract 1980
History 1915-1976
Newsclips 1933-2015
Scandal 1984
Service Plan 1942
Shriners' Hospital 1926-2002
Southern Pacific Company Hospital Complex 1982-1990
Sutter Hospital [1938]
U.C.S.F. Benioff 2015
U.S. Public Health Service Hospital 1972-2003
University of California, San Francisco 1906-2011
University of California, San Francisco (Mission Bay) 2010-2011
Veterans Administration Medical Center 1984-1990s
Waldeck Sanitarium undated
General 1971-2011
Abigail Hotel 1985-1989
Adelaide Inn undated
Alamo Square Inn 1980s
Alexander Hamilton Hotel 1944-1985
Alexander Inn 1980s
Ambassador undated
American Exchange Hotel circa 1920
Amsterdam Hotel 1980s
Ansonia Hotel 1989
Apollo Hotel undated
Argent Hotel 2007
Argonaut Hotel 1913-1915
Arlington Hotel circa 1915
Art Center Bed and Breakfast 1986
Atherton Hotel 1986
Baldwin Hotel 1876-1898
Baldwin Hotel (Grant Street, 321) circa 1910, 1942
Barrett Motor Hotel undated
Bayanihan Hotel 2003
Bedford Hotel 1982
Bella Vista Hotel 1894
Bellevue Hotel circa 1919-1960s
Bentley Motor Inn 1970s
Beresford Hotel 1980s
Beresford Arms Hotel circa 1989
Beresford Manor 1989
Beverly-Plaza Hotel 1960s-1987
Bijou Hotel 1999
Britton Hotel 1986
Brooklyn Hotel undated
Cadillac Hotel 1984
California Hotel undated
Californian undated, 1986
Campton Place Hotel 1987-circa 1999
Canterbury Hotel 1929-1970s
Carlton Hotel 1984
Cartwright Hotel 1980s
Cathedral Hill Hotel, Jack Tar Hotel 1960-2013
Cecil Hotel 1920s-1950s
Central Hotel 1994
Chancellor Hotel circa 1923
Charlie's Hotel 1989
Chateau Tivoli 1989
Clifford Hotel undated
Clift Hotel 1915-2001
Columbia Hotel 1920s
Cosmopolitan Hotel 1868
Dahlia 1907
Del Webb's Towne House 1961
De Ville undated
Diva Hotel 1999
Dolores Park Inn 1980s
Donetello 1988
El Capitan Hotel 1993
El Cortez Hotel 1970s
El Drisco Hotel 1974-1998
Emperor Norton Inn 1984-1985
Empire Hotel circa 1930-1989
Essex Hotel 1993
Eugene Hotel circa 1919
Evangeline undated
Fairmont Hotel 1906-2016
Federal Hotel 1940s
Fitzgerald Hotel 1980s
Folsom Street Hotel 1993
Franciscan Undated
Francisco Civic Center Motel 1968
Franklin Hotel circa 1900
Garden Inn 1980s
Garfield Hotel undated
Gaylord Hotel 1929, 1975-1982
Golden State Hotel 1957
Golden West Hotel circa 1910-1915
Gotham 1989
Governor undated
Granada undated
Grand Hotel (Taylor Street, 57) 1890s-1920s
Grand Hotel (Market Street and New Montgomery Street) 1877-1895
Grand Union Hotel undated
Griffon Hotel 1989-1990s
Hamlin Hotel 1900s
Hartland Hotel 1999
Herald Hotel 1915-1919, 1980-1983
Herbert Hotel 1975
Herb'n Inn 1990s
Hilton Hotel 1960-1988
Holiday Inn (Kearny Street, 750) 1965-1971
Holland Hotel circa 1919
Hotel Via 2017
Howard Hotel undated
Hugo 2008-2018
Hunter House undated
Huntington Hotel 1977-2012
Hyatt at Fisherman's Wharf 1989
Hyatt on Union Square 1972-1990
Hyatt Regency 1971-2011
Hyde Park Suites 1989
Inn at the Opera 1986
Inn at Union Square 1990s
Inn San Francisco undated
Intercontinental Hotel 2005
International Hotel (Jackson St.) 1854-1874
Jefferson Hotel circa 1908
Kensington Park 1985
Keystone Hotel 1915-circa 1920
King George Hotel 1915, 1986
Kyoto Inn 1985
Langham Hotel undated
Lankershim Hotel circa 1939
Larne Hotel circa 1915
Liberty Inn Undated
Lick House 1868-1892, 1950
Lotus Hotel 1989
Majestic Hotel undated, 1990s
Mandarin Oriental 1987
Mansion Hotel 1977-1991
Manx Hotel 1915-1940
Marina Inn 1990s
Marina motel 1950s-1970s
Mark Hopkins Hotel 1927-1989, 2014
Mark Twain Hotel 1988-1989
Marriott (4th Street, 55) 1985-2014
Marriott Fisherman's Wharf (Columbus Street, 1250) 1984
Mary Elizabeth Inn 1983-1989
Maryland Hotel circa 1913
Maurice Hotel 1935
Meridien Hotel 1983
Milano Hotel 1994
Mission Bell Motel Undated
Miyako Hotel 1971-1980s
Niantic Hotel undated
1979 Mission Street 2014-2019
Nippon Hotel undated
Nob Hill Inn 1981
Nob Hill Lambourne 1989
Normandie undated
Obrero Hotel 1979
Occidental Hotel undated
Ocean Park Motel 1982-1987
Olympic Hotel 1960s-1980s
Orchard Hotel 1986
Orchard Garden Hotel 2006
Oriental Hotel 1862
Ormond c.1909
Oxford Hotel 1939
Oxford-Cambridge Inn 1989
Pacific Bay Inn undated
Pacific Plaza 1970s
Pacific States Hotel 1937
Padre Hotel 1981
Palace Hotel
General 1876-1989
Floor plans 1907-1985
Illustrated guide to the Palace Hotel undated
Magazine articles 1957-1991
Newspaper clippings 1923-2017
Pied Piper Bar Grill 1915-2013
Programs 1914-1975
Promotional brochures 1877-1960s
Reopening 1991-1992
Pan Pacific Hotel 1990
Parc Fifty-five Hotel (Ramada Renaissance) 1984-1993
Pensione International undated
Pickwick Hotel 1980-1993
Pierre Hotel 1971
Plaza Hotel circa 1909-1967
Pleasanton Hotel 1891-1896
Pontiac Hotel 1993
Portman Hotel 1988-1989
Potter Hotel 1915
Powell Undated
Powell Place 1989
Prescott House 1878
Queen Anne Hotel 1981-1990
Railroad House undated
Ramona Hotel undated
Raphael Hotel 1989-1990s
Red Victorian 1980s-1990s
Richelieu Hotel 1890s-1920
Ritz undated
Ritz-Carlton 1989-1999
Roberts at the Beach Motel 1940s-1960s
Roosevelt undated
Royal Pacific Motor Inn 1970s
Russ House 1882-circa 1900
Saint Francis Hotel 1904-2008
Saint James Hotel undated
Saint Nicholas Hotel 1902
Saint Regis Hotel (4th Street, 85) undated
Saint Regis Hotel (3rd Street, 125) 2001-2005
San Franciscan Hotel 1910, 1968-1984
San Remo Hotel 1907-1998
Savoy Hotel 1980s
Senate Hotel 1971-2010
Senator Hotel 1993
Seneca circa 1915
Sheehan Hotel 1989
Sheraton at Fisherman's Wharf 1973
Sherman House 1985-1993
Sir Francis Drake Hotel 1928-2022
Somerton Hotel circa 1915
Stanford Court 1972-1985
Stanyan Park Hotel 1982-1983
Stewart Hotel 1913-1988
Stewart-Grinsell House 1980s
Stratford Hotel circa 1900
Sutter Hotel undated, 1975-1982
Sutter-Larkin Hotel 1989
Terminal Hotel 1915
Thomas Hotel 1961
Ticino Hotel undated
Touraine Hotel 1989
Town House 1980s
Towne House Hotel 1977
Travel Lounge Motor Hotel 1980s
Travelodge at Fisherman's Wharf 1992
Triton Hotel 1990s
Trocadero Inn undated
Turpin Hotel 1900s-1920s
U.N. Plaza Hotel 1988
Union Square Hotel 1989
Union Street Inn 1980s
Verona Hotel 1989
Via undated
Victoria Hotel circa 1910
Victorian Hotel 1965, 1990s
Villa Florence 1986
Villa Roma undated
Vitale Hotel 2004
Von Dorn Hotel 1907
W 1999-2012
Warner Embassy 1984
Washington Hotel 1920s-1930s
Westbury Hotel 1972
What Cheer House 1858
Whitcomb Hotel 1910-1968
White Palace Hotel 1906-1908
Willard Hotel 1974
Winchester Hotel 1906-circa 1915
Windsor Hotel 1989
Women's Pioneer Hotel undated
Yamato Hotel undated
Yerba Buena Hotel 1970s
York Hotel 1984
Yorke Hotel 1920s
Yuba Hotel circa 1915
Hunter-Dulin Building 1996
Ice House 1970
Ice rink (48th avenue, 1557) 1981-1991
International Building 1960-1962
Japanese Cultural Center 1962-2006
Jazz Center 2013
Jewish Community Center 1936-2004
Jewish Community Federation (Steuart Street, 121) 1984
John A. Ortelle Building 1986
John Hancock Building 1959-1961
Juvenile Court and Detention Home 2009-2010
KHC Plaza 1984
Kohl Building 1909
Kolping House 1946
Kong Chow Temple undated, 1977-1978
Levi Strauss (1155 Battery St.) 1974
Levi Strauss and Company Sewing Facility (Valencia Street, 250) 1906, 1979-2005
Levi's Plaza 1973-1982
Lick Baths undated, 2004
Lincoln Realty Building 1962-1986
Macromedia Building 2000
Maennerbund Hall c. 1892
Marine Cooks Stewards [1956]
Marines Memorial Club 1981-2001
McClintock Building undated
Mechanics Pavilion 1878-1991
Mercantile Center Building 1975
Merchants Exchange Building 1975-1997
Masonic Auditorium--See: SF.Buildings. California Masonic Memorial Temple
Metreon 1999-2019
Metropolitan Club 2004
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Head Office 1983
Metropolitan Temple 1885-1902
Millennium Tower 2010-2017
Mills Building 1972-1992
General 1875-1879, 2004
Commercial Street, 608 1936-2004
Fifth Street, 55 (Old Mint)
Architecture 1875-1973
Brochures 1973-2000s
Granite lady film script 1973
Magazine articles 1964-2006
Newspaper clippings 1960-2018
Press releases 1976-1977
Renaissance at Fifth and Mission undated
Restoration 1968-1976
Sandstone 1967-1969
Hermann Street, 155 1954-2012
Monadnock Building 1905-1987
Montgomery Block circa 1860, 1912-1984
Moose Building 1946-1947
Moscone Center 1980-2010
Moscone West 1981-2015
Mosques 2006
Motion picture theaters 1971-2014
Moulinie Building 1969
Mount Shasta Mineral Springs Co. 1899-1967
National Center 1984, undated
901 Market Street 1912-2001
North Beach Malt House 2002
North Point Sewage Treatment Plant 1950
Northpoint Shopping Center undated
Ocean Beach Pavilion 1905
Octagon House 1861, 1952-1997
Olympic Club 1892-1893
185 Post Street 2006
111 Pine Street circa 1965
150 California Street 2000
155 Sansome Street 1955
1 Hallidie plaza circa 1967
One Jackson Square 1962
1 Kearny 2009
100 First plaza 1986
101 California Street 1980s-2014
1 Market Plaza 1975-1995
101 Second Street 1988
130 Montgomery Street 1990
133 Geary Street 1976
1 Union Square 1988
178 Townsend 2010
Opera House
General 1939-1989
Newspaper clippings 1963-2001
Restoration 1997
Oriel Block 1888
Oriental Warehouse 1989-1995
Pacific Bell (New Montgomery, 140) 1925, 1986-2014