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Subversive Activities Control Board Exhibits 1919-1972
Docket 51-101: Communist Party of the United States of America
Communist Party minutes
Communist Party internal documents
Memorandum of Communist International decision, and report on activities of Workers (Communist) Party by William Z. Foster and Alexander Bittelman 1925
Communist Party pre-convention discussion bulletin, and transcript of convention report 1950
Educational bulletins, and curricular and study outlines
"Background of the Berlin Crisis," and related material 1948
"The Struggle against the Tito Fascists, Agents of Imperialism" 1949
Stalin's Speeches on the American Communist Party; What Is To Be Done?
Program of the Communist International
Thesis and Resolutions for the Seventh National Convention of the Communist Party of U.S.A.
Foundations of Leninism
The Struggle against Imperialist War and the Tasks of the Communists
Problems of Leninism
The Way Out: A Program for American Labor
The Communist Party: A Manual on Organization
Why Communism? Plain Talks on Vital Problems
Resolutions of the Ninth Convention of the Communist Party
1940 (cont'd.)
14th National Convention proceedings
The Communist Manifesto; The New York Herald Tribune's 23 Questions about the Communist Party Answered; 1948 Election Platform of the Communist Party
General (cont'd.)
15th National Convention proceedings
The Negro People in the Struggle for Peace and Freedom; Peace Can Be Won!
Communist International directive re women's work, and printed articles from Communist International and International Press Correspondence 1927-1935
Communist Information Bureau printed articles from For a Lasting Peace, for a People's Democracy! 1947-1950
World Federation of Democratic Youth manifesto and resolution 1949
Soviet publications
English-language bulletins and printed articles from Moscow News, New Times, Soviet Monitor and USSR Information Bulletin 1939-1951
Pronouncements in United Nations Security Council 1947-1950
English translations of Soviet press articles, many made by the U.S. Department of State 1919-1951
U.S. District Court indictment of Communist Party leaders 1949
U.S. Department of State foreign agents registration records
Daily Publishing Company 1940
Freedom of the Press Company 1941
Inter-Continent News 1942
U.S. Congressional hearing testimony of Paul Crouch 1949
Election records with statistics of votes for Communist Party candidates in California 1938
American Trade Union Delegation to the Soviet Union printed report ( Russia after Ten Years) 1927
Congress of Industrial Organizations delegation to the Soviet Union printed report ( Report of the CIO Delegation to the Soviet Union) 1945
United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America report and circular 1949
Mainstream press newspaper articles 1941-1950
Lists of exhibits and receipts 1951-1952
Subversive Activities Control Board correspondence and memoranda 1951-1952
Subversive Activities Control Board report, 1953, and memorandum opinion and order, 1956
Memoranda of remarks by counsel before the U.S. Court of Appeals, 1954; and memoranda of remarks by counsel and amici curiae brief before the U.S. Supreme Court, 1955
Docket 102-53: Labor Youth League
Labor Youth League radio broadcast transcripts 1949-1952
Mainstream press newspaper articles 1949-1954
Miscellaneous legal records 1949
Lists of exhibits and Subversive Activities Control Board certification
Correspondence 1924-1953
National Council of American-Soviet Friendship internal documents. By-laws, minutes, and annual reports 1943-1951
National Council of American-Soviet Friendship newsletters and press releases 1943-1953
National Council of American-Soviet Friendship leaflets and brochures 1943-1953
National Council of American-Soviet Friendship pamphlets 1942-1953
An American Policy for Peace; Dear Unknown Friend; The Educational System of the Soviet Union; A Family of Nations; Is There Freedom of Religion in the Soviet Union?; On American-Soviet Friendship; Organized Labor in the Soviet Union; Our Soviet Ally; Partners for Peace; Religion Today in the U.S.S.R.; Salute to Our Russian Ally
Soviet Children and Their Care; Soviet Farmers; Soviet Impressions; Soviet Russia and the Post-War World; Soviet Sports; The Soviet Union in the Service of Peace; Soviet Women; The Soviet Workers and Their Unions
A Statement on American Foreign Policy; The Truth about the Book the Nazis Like; U.S.A./U.S.S.R.; U.S.A.-U.S.S.R., Allies for Peace; We Have Seen America; We Proudly Present; Women in the Soviet Union
National Council of American-Soviet Friendship film script, "The Bridge" undated
Other publications 1944-1953
Strength for Struggle: Christian Social Witness in the Crucible of Our Times 1953
Mainstream press newspaper and journal articles 1933-1953
Legal records, including certificate of incorporation and applications for licenses and permits 1940-1950
Lists of exhibits and index
Docket 106-53: Civil Rights Congress
Civil Rights Congress internal documents, including draft constitution and resolutions, minutes, bulletins, programs, circular letters, and financial records 1946-1954
Civil Rights Congress leaflets and flyers 1948-1953
Communist Party and related internal documents. Circular letters, bulletins, and miscellany 1943-1952
Communist Party and related publications (cont'd.) 1932-1953
Other publications
A Petition to the United Nations for Relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People 1951
Bail bond records (cont'd.) 1948-1954
Bail bond records (cont'd.) 1948-1954
Legal records of Civil Rights Congress applications for fundraising events 1946-1950
Subversive Activities Control Board documents, including lists of exhibits, and Communist Party legal responses to proceedings 1950-1951
Docket 107-53: Jefferson School of Social Science
Jefferson School of Social Science course catalogs
1947 (cont'd.)
1950 (cont'd.)
Communist Party and related books and pamphlets 1932-1952
The Communist Position on the Negro Question; Constitution of the Communist Party of the United States of America; Dialectical and Historical Materialism; Negro Representation; On Practice; The Path of Negro Liberation
The State; State and Revolution; Theory and Practice of the Communist Party; Thirty-fourth Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution
Foundations of Leninism
Political Economy: A Beginners' Course
Lists of exhibits
Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade internal documents. Circular letters, membership cards, service records, and transcript of a speech apparently by Milton Wolff 1947-1954
Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade newsletter issues ( Volunteer for Liberty) 1937-1954
Communist Party and related miscellany 1947-1950
Mainstream press newspaper and journal articles 1936-1947
Lists of exhibits
Docket 109-53: American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born. Attorney General's petition to Board and lists of exhibits 1953
United May Day Committee internal documents. Memoranda, programs, resolutions, and credential certificates 1946-1955
United May Day Committee public issuances
United May Day Committee financial records 1946-1955
Leaflets and flyers 1941-1954
Communist Party publications (cont'd.)
Mainstream press newspaper articles and miscellany 1948-1953
Legal records. United May Day Committee applications for parade permits and associated permits 1935-1955
Docket 115-55: California Labor School
California Labor School catalogs
Year not indicated
Communist Party and related publications. Pamphlets and printed articles
Articles from Daily Worker, Political Affairs, and People's World
The American Way to Jobs, Peace, Equal Rights and Democracy; The Case of Puerto Rico; Facts on the Korean Crisis; Falsificators of History; McCarthyism in the Courts; New Stage in India's Liberation Struggle; The Progress of Soviet Science
Shall Brothers Be?; Shame of a Nation
Socialism: What's In It for You; The State; The Truman Doctrine in China; The Truth about Guatemala
Miscellaneous printed matter 1947-1954
Docket 116-56 (subsequently reopened as Docket 125-62): International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers programmatic statements 1957-1963
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers constitutions and bylaws 1955-1961
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers minutes
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers convention proceedings
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers expense account records 1946-1947
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Research Department reports and bulletins 1958-1962
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers newspaper issues and articles ( CIO News [International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers edition]; Mine-Mill Union; Union) 1939-1962
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers newspaper issues and articles (cont'd.)
Congress of Industrial Organizations documents 1943-1950
U.S. National Labor Relations Board documents 1954-1956
U.S. Department of Labor registration records for International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers 1949-1960
Congressional hearing documents 1952-1961
U.S. Federal Court trial testimony
United States vs. Jencks (U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas) 1954
United States vs. Travis (U.S. District Court for Colorado) 1955
United States vs. Pezzati et al. (U.S. District Court for Colorado). Testimony of Fred Gardner, former Communist Party member and former International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers offical undated
Gold vs. United States (U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia) undated
Federal Bureau of Investigation documents
Agent reports and memoranda 1950-1960
Informant reports 1954-1957
Fred Gardner statement to Federal Bureau of Investigation with associated Bureau reports 1955-1956
Docket 123-57: California Emergency Defense Committee
California Emergency Defense Committee bulletins 1952-1955
Financial records 1955-1957
California Emergency Defense Committee resolution of dissolution 1957
Docket 127-66: W. E. B. DuBois Clubs of America. Legal motions before Subversive Activities Control Board, including petition to register and motion for discontinuance of proceedings following dissolution of W. E. B. DuBois Clubs of America 1966-1970
Docket 129-71: Young Workers Liberation League
Communist Party internal documents. Circular letters 1970
Docket I-1-62: William Albertson. Communist Party constitution 1957
Docket I-5-62: Betty Gannett Tormey. Informants' reports 1962
Docket I-7-62: Dorothy Healey. Federal Bureau of Investigation report, informant's report, Communist Party report, and Communist Party constitution 1957-1962
Docket I-8-62: Albert Jason Lima. Communist Party report and press release 1957-1961
Docket I-11-63: Samuel Krass Davis. Transcript of testimony of Davis in Minnesota court case 1961
Docket I-17-63: Mildred McAdory Edelman. Communist Party report 1957
Un-American Activities Subject File 1920-1976
ACT [black organization; Washington, D.C.]. HUAC memorandum and clippings 1965-1966
Abraham Lincoln School [New York City]. Pamphlet ( Why Work for Nothing?) and leaflet 1943-1946
Abzug, Bella. Testimony and press releases 1971-1973
Action-Communication Center [Los Angeles]. Circular letter 1968
Action Coordinating Committee to End Segregation in the Suburbs [ACCESS; Washington, D.C. area]. Correspondence, police reports, and clippings 1966-1967
Actors' Laboratory Theatre [Hollywood]. Leaflet 1944
Ad Hoc Citizens Committee to Sponsor Debate on Vietnam [Chicago]. Clipping 1966
Ad Hoc Committee for a Revolutionary Contingent [New York City]. Flyers 1967
Ad Hoc Committee for International Days of Protest against the War in Vietnam [Philadelphia]. Clipping 1966
Ad Hoc Committee for Open Letter on Vietnam. Printed appeals 1966-1968
Ad Hoc Committee for Open Letter to the American People. Printed appeal 1966
Ad Hoc Committee for Peace in Vietnam [Columbia, Missouri]. Clipping 1966
Ad Hoc Committee for the Days of Protest [Detroit]. Clippings 1966
Ad Hoc Committee of Concern for Vietnam [Easton, Pennsylvania]. Clipping 1965
Ad Hoc Committee of Episcopalians Concerned about Vietnam. Clipping 1967
Ad Hoc Committee of Patriots to Stand Up for Our Boys in Vietnam. Flyer advertising American Nazi Party, Hell's Angels and Ku Klux Klan speakers 1965
Ad Hoc Committee of Sociologists for Peace in Vietnam. Pamphlet 1967
Ad Hoc Committee of Students Concerned about the War in Vietnam [University of Vermont]. Clippings 1966
Ad Hoc Committee on Anti-Semitism, Racism and the Energy Crisis [Chicago]. HISC memoranda and printed appeal 1974
Ad Hoc Committee on Protest for Polish Political Freedom [Berkeley]. Printed appeal 1966
Ad Hoc Committee on the Middle East. Pamphlet ( The War in the Mideast), newsletters, and printed appeal 1967-1968
Ad Hoc Committee on Vietnam. Printed appeal 1968
Ad Hoc Committee on Vietnam at Syracuse University. Printed appeal 1967
Ad Hoc Committee on Vietnam War. Printed appeal 1965
Ad Hoc Committee to Defend the Black Panther Party. Leaflet and flyer 1970
Ad Hoc Committee to End the War in Vietnam [Detroit]. Clipping 1966
Ad Hoc Committee to Honor Julius Hobson. Circular letters and list of sponsors 1972
Ad Hoc Committee to Save Lives in Vietnam [New Brunswick, New Jersey]. Clipping 1965
Ad Hoc Congressional Conference on Vietnam [antiwar members of Congress]. Congressional speech and clipping 1966
Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on Vietnam [faculty members of various universities]. Printed appeals and clippings 1967
Ad Hoc Faculty Peace Committee [Diablo Valley College, California]. Clipping 1967
Ad Hoc Physicians Committee on Vietnam. Printed appeals 1965
Ad Hoc Students Committee for a Fast for Peace in Vietnam [City College of New York]. Clipping 1966
Adams, Clarence C. Congressional speech and clippings 1966
Advance [Canadian publication]. Journal articles 1961
Advance [U.S. organization]. Flyers and circulars 1962
Africa (General). Pamphlet ( A Preliminary Report on the Atrocities Committed by the Congolese Army against the White Population of the Republic of the Congo before the Intervention of the Belgian Forces ), serial issues, and circulars about Africa 1960-1973
African Aid Committee. Circulars 1949
African National Congress [South Africa]. Serial issues ( Sechaba) 1970-1973
Afro-Americans against the War in Vietnam. Flyers and clippings 1966
Air War Study Group [Cornell University]. Printed report ( The Air War in Indochina) 1972
Albania. Albanian government pamphlet ( Marxist-Leninist Ideology Will Certainly Overcome Revisionism) 1964
Albanian Affairs Study Group [New York City]. Newsletters ( Albania Report) 1970-1972
Alexander Defense Committee [re Neville Alexander, South Africa]. Letters, flyers and newsletters 1965-1967
All Points of View [book distributor, San Antonio, Texas]. Catalogs 1973
Alliance for Action [San Francisco]. Flyer 1965
The Ally [GI newspaper, Berkeley]. Circular letter 1967
Amerasia. Serial issues of the publication, and pamphlet ( The Shocking Story of the Amerasia Case) 1937-1950
America First Committee. American Legion pamphlet ( Subversive Activities in America First Committee in California) 1941
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Printed appeal and clipping 1968
American Artists' Congress. Printed appeal, journal articles, and HUAC memorandum 1935-circa 1942
American Association for the United Nations. Leaflet, and American Legion pamphlet ( Preliminary Report on the American Association for the United Nations, Inc.) 1955
American Association of University Professors. Clipping and printed report 1963-1967
American Association to Combat Fascism, Racism and Anti-Semitism. Newsletter ( Fact Memorandum) 1971
American Bureau for Medical Aid to China. Correspondence 1938-1941
American Business Committee on National Priorities. Circulars and press releases 1971
American Civil Liberties Union
American Civil Liberties Union issuances. Statements, leaflets, and circulars 1949-1972
American Civil Liberties Union serial issues ( American Civil Liberties Union News; Civil Liberties; Open Forum) 1966-1973
American Civil Liberties Union pamphlets and annual reports 1955-1970
Material about the American Civil Liberties Union 1939-1973
American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom. Pamphlet ( Can You Name Them?), clipping, and list of sponsors 1939-1940
American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born internal documents. Letters, reports, memoranda, and financial records 1939-1967
American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born conferences. Programs, circular letters, and reports of proceedings
American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born issuances. Circular letters, statements, press releases, petitions, flyers, and leaflets 1938-1973
American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born pamphlets 1947-1963
Miscellany. Clippings and other printed matter, HUAC staff notes, and Federal Bureau of Investigation report 1942-1959
American Committee for Representation at World Peace Congress. Printed announcement 1950
American Committee for Solidarity with the Vietnamese People. Flyers 1969
American Committee for Spanish Freedom. Letter and clipping 1945-1946
American Committee for Struggle against War. Printed statement, and pamphlet ( The World Congress against War) 1932-1933
American Committee for the Fourth International. Statement and serial issues ( Bulletin of International Socialism) 1965
American Committee of Jewish Writers, Artists and Scientists. Clipping and serial issues ( New Currents) 1943-1948
American Committee on Africa. Circular letters and brochures 1969-1972
American Committee to Save Refugees. Circulars 1940
American Communications Association. Circular letters and pamphlet ( Why ACA Was Thrown Out of the CIO) 1941-circa 1949
American Council against Nazi Propaganda. Letter by Albert E. Kahn 1939
American Crusade to End Lynching. Leaflet 1946
American Dialog. Circular letters and serial issues
American Documentary Films. Catalogs 1969-1971
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations [AFL-CIO]. Clippings, pamphlet ( Labor Unity), brochures and leaflets 1955-1971
American Federation of Teachers (cont'd.)
American Forum for Socialist Education. Memorandum and Congressional hearing report 1957
American Friends of Cuba Association. Broadcast summary and Federal Bureau of Investigation report 1966
American Friends of the Chinese People. Serial issues ( China Today) 1937-1941
American Friends Service Committee
Clippings about the American Friends Service Committee 1966-1972
American Humanist Association. Leaflet, circular letters, newsletters, and serial issue ( Humanist) 1962-1971
American Independent Movement. Clipping, and newsletters ( AIM) 1966-1969
American Indian Movement. Bulletin 1973
American Institute for Marxist Studies [New York City]
General. Correspondence (including circular letters), brochures, programs, and clippings 1964-1971
American Jewish Conference on Soviet Jewry. Printed appeal 1965
American-Korean Friendship and Information Center [New York City]
General. Correspondence, circular letters, flyers, clippings, and pamphlet ( Operation War Shift) 1971-1974
Korea Focus. Serial issues
American Labor Party. Circulars, leaflets, clippings, and pamphlet ( Negro Representation Now!) 1940-1952
American League against War and Fascism
American League against War and Fascism petition for boycott of Japan with voluminous signatures (Chicago area) undated
Miscellany. Clippings and critical report on the American League against War and Fascism by Hillman M. Bishop 1937-1939
American League for Peace and Democracy
Correspondence 1938-1939
Clippings 1939-1954
American League of Ex-Servicemen. Circular letter 1935
American Liberation League. Circulars and serial issues ( Liberation USA) 1966
American National Party. Leaflets 1962
American Nazi Party. Clipping, and HUAC report 1967-1969
American Negro Labor Congress. Reports, and letter by James W. Ford 1928
General. Circulars, leaflets, flyers, newsletters, and clippings 1951-1955
American Peace Crusader. Serial issues 1951
American Peace Mobilization. Letter, circulars, leaflets, flyers, clippings, and pamphlets ( Conscription and the War; What Is APM?; Wives or Widows?) 1940-1941
American Relief for Greek Democracy. Articles of incorporation, statements, press releases, circulars, memoranda, leaflets, and flyers 1946-1947
American Russian Institute [New York City]
General. Flyers, clippings, and pamphlets ( The Dean of Canterbury to the People of America: We Can Keep Peace; The Soviet Union Today: An Outline Study; We Pledge Peace: A Friendship Book ) 1943-1955
American Russian Institute serial issues
American Quarterly on the Soviet Union 1939-1940
American Review on the Soviet Union
American Servicemen's Union [GI organization]. Flyers, clipping, serial issues ( Bond), and pamphlet ( Black Marines against the Brass) 1968-1971
American Slav Congress. Leaflet, clipping, and printed articles 1946-1948
American Society for the Study of the German Democratic Republic. Correspondence, flyers, and printed appeal 1970-1973
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. Newsletter 1956
American Society to Defend Children. Flyer 1966
American Sociological Association. Clippings 1967
American-Soviet Science Society. Circular letter, and leaflet 1946
American Writers against the War in Vietnam. Printed appeals and clippings 1966-1967
American Youth Congress. Circulars, flyers, pamphlet ( Youngville, U.S.A.), and flyer critical of American Youth Congress 1937-1938
American Youth Festival Committee [re World Youth Festival]. Circulars 1965
American Youth for Democracy. Letter, leaflet, circulars, and clippings 1944-1946
Americans for Democracy in the Middle East. Clippings 1967
Americans for Democratic Action. Circulars, press releases, leaflets, flyers, and pamphlets ( Putting Our House in Order: The Case against HUAC) 1962-1972
Americans for Reappraisal of Far Eastern Policy. Flyers, printed articles, and printed report ( China Survey) 1965-1966
Americans Want to Know [re Cambodia]. Circulars, leaflet, and clippings 1966
Amex-Canada ["published by Americans exiled in Canada"]. Serial issues 1972-1973
Amnesty for Dissenters. Printed appeal 1973
Amnesty International. Circulars 1969
Anarchos. Serial issue 1968
Angry Arts against the War in Vietnam. Printed announcements and clippings 1967
Ann Arbor Defense Fund [University of Michigan]. Circulars 1966
Annapolis Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Circulars and clippings 1966
Another Mother for Peace. Circular letter, leaflet, and clipping 1967-1969
Anti-draft movement (General). Flyers, leaflets, printed articles, clippings, and HUAC memoranda 1964-1968
Anti-Escalation Committee. Flyer and clipping 1967
Anti-War Union. Leaflet 1972
Antithesis. Serial issue 1965
Appeal from Social Workers in the Greater Washington Area [re Vietnam War]. Printed appeal 1966
April Action [Philadelphia]. Newsletter and clipping 1969
Army Information Company. Printed article 1965
Aronowitz, Stanley. Photocopy of index card file 1962-1971
Artists Protest Committee. Printed appeal and clippings 1966-1968
Assembly of Unrepresented People [Washington, D.C.]. Printed appeal, clippings, printed articles, Congressional speech, police reports, and HUAC memorandum and report 1965-1966
Association for Friendship and Cultural Relations/USA-USSR. Circulars 1972-1974
Atlanta Peace Action Coalition. Circulars 1971
Atlanta Workshop in Nonviolence. Circulars 1968
Atlantis Books [Hollywood]. Catalogs undated
Attica Defense Committee. Circulars, serial issues ( Attica News), and clippings 1971-1974
Attica Fund. Pamphlets ( Voices from Inside; We Are Attica) circa 1972
August 6-9 Committee [Berkeley/Oakland]. Flyers 1966
August 9th Nagasaki Day Committee. Flyer 1966
Authors' Guild. Letter and leaflet 1944
Badger for Peace [re Vietnam War]. Flyers, undated
Badillo, Herman. Press releases 1971
Baehler, John. Clipping 1966
Baez, Joan. Clippings 1967-1968
Baltimore Committee of Clergymen Concerned about Vietnam. Printed appeal 1966
Baltimore Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Clipping 1966
Baltimore Defense Committee [re Catonsville 9]. Flyers undated
Baltimore Interfaith Peace Mission. Printed appeal and clippings 1967-1968
Baltimore Teachers Concerned about Vietnam. Printed appeal 1967
Bangladesh. Flyers, printed articles, and memorandum re solidarity with people of Bangladesh 1971
Bar Committee against Test Oaths for Lawyers. Report, statement, and correspondence 1949
Baty, Donald. Clipping and HUAC memorandum 1967
Bay Area Committee for the Vietnam Ad [San Francisco Bay Area]. Printed appeal 1965
Bay Area Inter-Universities Committee on Foreign Policy [San Francisco Bay Area]. Printed appeal 1965
Bay Area Organizing Committee for Draft Resistance [San Francisco Bay Area]. Flyer 1967
Bay Area Peace Action Council [San Francisco Bay Area]. Flyer 1969
Bay Area Student Committee for the Abolition of the House Committee on Un-American Activities [San Francisco Bay Area]. Pamphlets ( In Search of Truth; The Meisenbach Case) 1960-1961
Bayh, Birch. Press releases 1971
Becker, Norma. Photocopy of index card file 1965-1971
Behavioral Scientists for Peace. Press release 1961
Beloit College Peace Education Group. Flyer 1967
Berkeley Anti-Draft Union. Flyers 1967
Berkeley Free Press. Clippings 1966
Berrigan, Daniel and Philip. Includes Catonsville 9, Harrisburg 13, and Harrisburg Defense Committee. Flyers, circulated documents, petitions (with signatures), clippings, printed articles, and pamphlet ( The Trial of the Catonsville Nine) 1970-1973
Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. Includes International War Crimes Tribunal sponsored by the Foundation. Printed appeal, flyers, radio broadcast summary, printed article, and clippings 1964-1967
Bethany Methodist Church [city uncertain]. Flyer 1965
Bethune, Mary McLeod. Correspondence and clipping 1939-1940
Bevel, James. Clipping 1967
Bill of Rights Conference (New York City, 1949). Leaflet, list of sponsors, and HUAC memorandum 1949
Bill of Rights Conference (New York City, 1971). Program, list of sponsors, circulated documents, letter by George McGovern, and HUAC memorandum 1971
Binder, Arthur. Flyer 1965
Birthday Committee for Henry Winston. Invitation 1971
Biweekly Information/Action Report [Ann Arbor, Michigan]. Bulletin 1966
Black and Spanish-Speaking Anti-Draft Front. Flyer 1967
Black Anti-Draft Union. Flyer and clipping 1967-1968
Black Liberation Army. New York City Police Department Intelligence Division report, including copies of Black Liberation Army internal documents and printed article 1973
Black Liberation Party. Serial issue ( Liberation News) 1971
Black Panther Party
Black Panther. Serial issues 1969-1974
Defense group issuances. Circular letters, flyers, reports and serial issues
Panther 21 Trial 1970-1971
HISC staff studies of Black Panther Party 1969
Black Scholar Book Club. Catalog 1972
Black United Action Front [New York City]. Flyers 1967
Blacks (General)
Miscellaneous black or support group issuances
Blacks United to Resist Now [BURN; Chicago]. Flyer undated
Blake, Eugene Carson. Clippings and press release 1966
Bliven, Bruce. Letter by Bliven to HUAC 1944
Bring the Troops Home Now Newsletter. Serial issues, circular letters, informant's report, flyer, clipping, and HUAC notes 1965-1967
British Vietnam Committee. Pamphlet ( Vietnam: United States Dirty War) 1965
Broadhead, Richard Wright. Clipping 1966
Brook, Calvin. Circular letter, Congressional hearing excerpts, and photocopy of index card file 1949-1957
Brooklyn College Ad Hoc Committee for Petition to the President and Members of the Congress on the War in Vietnam. Petition 1967
Brooklyn Forum Committee. Petition re Vietnam War undated
Brooklyn Residents for Peace. Flyers 1966
Brown, Anthony. Clipping 1965
Bryn Mawr College Alumnae Ad Hoc Committee. Printed appeal re Vietnam War 1968
Buchman, Harold. Correspondence, financial records, and Soviet passport 1964-1971
Burak, Martin. Clipping 1965
Burchett, Wilfred. Circular letter and clippings 1965-1967
Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace and New National Priorities
Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace and New National Priorities issuances. Printed appeals, circular letters, newsletters, and brochures
Clippings 1967-1969
Businessmen's Committee on Vietnam. Circular letter and appeal circa 1965
California. Assembly. Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights. Hearing transcript, and HUAC memorandum critical of the California legislative subcommittee 1957-1958
California Democratic Council. Letter and resolution 1962
California Emergency Defense Committee. Bulletins, flyers, press releases, and pamphlet ( The Truth Goes Marching On) 1951-1952
California Labor School [San Francisco]. Schedule, clippings, and letters by Holland Roberts 1951-1957
California Legislative Conference. Almanac, reports, programs, flyers, circulated documents, clippings, and HUAC memorandum 1947-1956
Californians for Liberal Representation. Circular letter, flyer, and clipping 1966
Campaign End the Air War. Printed appeal 1972
Campus Concerned Democrats. Printed appeal by faculty members of various universities 1968
Carlson, Gregg. Clippings 1966
Carrie Chapman Catt Memorial Fund [League of Women Voters project]. Brochures and pamphlets ( The Fourteenth Amendment and Civil Liberty; Freedom Agenda in the Community; Freedom of Speech and Press; How to Organize a Freedom Agenda Project; Is Politics Your Job?; Let's Talk about Liberty; The Role of Political Parties U.S.A.; Self-Government USA; Where Constitutional Liberty Came From ) 1951-1957
Case Western Reserve Medical Students for Peace in Vietnam. Petition 1968
Catholic Peace Fellowship. Printed article 1966
Catholic University Movement for Peace and Freedom in Vietnam. Clippings 1966
Catholic Worker. Flyers, serial issues ( Catholic Worker), and pamphlets ( Blessed Are the Peacemakers; Two Agitators: Peter Maurin, Ammon Hennacy) 1944-1966
Center for Constitutional Rights [New York City]. Circular letters and brochures 1971-1974
Center for Cuban Studies [New York City]. Letter and leaflet 1970
Center for Marxist Education [New York City]. Schedules, brochures, circular letter, flyer, and clipping 1969-1975
Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions [Santa Barbara, California]. Circular letters, brochures, and journal article 1966-1971
Center for United Labor Action [New York City]. Letter, serial issues ( United Labor Action), and pamphlets ( The Blast Furnace Brothers; Welfare; Working Women) 1971-1975
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors. Circular letters, flyers, program, and pamphlet ( Handbook for Conscientious Objectors) 1965-1973
Champion. Serial issues 1937-1938
Champion of Youth. Serial issues 1936-1937
Charter Group for a Pledge of Conscience. Letter, circulated documents, statement, and newsletters 1965-1968
Chemical and biological warfare protest (General). Circular letters, flyers, leaflets, journal articles, and Congressional speech 1966-1967
Cherpitel, Sidney. Clipping 1965
Chicago Action Community. Flyers re draft 1969
Chicago Area Committee to Defend All Political Prisoners. Flyers 1973
Chicago Area Council [re Vietnam War]. Clipping 1966
Chicago Area Draft Resisters [CADRE]. Circulated appeal and clippings 1967-1968
Chicago Committee for Spanish Freedom. Leaflet 1946
Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights. Letters, circulated documents, flyers, and clippings 1961-1970
Chicago Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Clipping 1965
Chicago Committee to Stop HUAC. Flyer undated
Chicago Connections [re rights of prisoners]. Newsletters 1971-1973
Chicago Defense Committee [re Chicago 8]. Circular letters 1970
Chicago Legal Defense Committee. Newsletter 1968
Chicago Movement Nonviolent Training Center. Training manual and memorandum 1971
Chicago Peace Council. Letter, informant's report, Chicago Peace Council reports, flyers, circulated documents, and clippings 1966-1973
Chicago Star. Bulletin 1940
Chicago Women for Peace. Clipping 1965
Chicago Women's Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Clipping 1966
Chicago Workshop in Nonviolence. Minutes and circular letter 1966
Chicagoans for Freedom of Travel to Cuba. Pamphlet ( New Cuba) 1964
Children's Medical Relief International. Report re Vietnam 1973
Children's Peace Union. Clipping 1966
Chile. Flyers, leaflets, newsletters, and circulated documents issued by miscellaneous Chilean solidarity groups, Library of Congress Legislative Reference Service report on change of regime in Chile, and clippings 1971-1974
Chinese government English-language issuances. Radio broadcast summaries, statement, and serial issues ( Hsinhua Weekly; Peking Review) 1956-1974
Chinese government English-language pamphlets ( Chou En-lai on Present International Situation; A Comment on the March Moscow Meeting; The Electoral Law of the People's Republic of China; In Refutation of Modern Revisionism; Mao Tse-tung's Thought Is the Invincible Weapon; Support the People of Vietnam; "Theory" and Practice of the Modern Revisonists; Who Will Win in South Vietnam? ) 1953-1968
Material about China. Press releases, flyers, journal articles, Congressional speeches, clippings, and pamphlets ( Exodus from China; Life in Mainland China Today; Mao: War or Peace?; The Press in China; Red China Speaks) 1949-1971
Christianity and Crisis. Serial issue, reprint, and circular 1969-1970
Church of Scientology. Serial issues ( Freedom Scientology) 1970
Churchman. Serial issues, and bulletin 1965-1973
Churchmen to End the Draft in 1971. Flyers 1971
Cinema Educational Guild. Report 1961
Citizen Exchange Corps [re exchange visits to Soviet Union]. Circulars and advertisement 1966-1967
Citizens' Campaign against Napalm. Letter, flyers, clipping, and pamphlet ( Napalm: Made in U.S.A.) 1966
Citizens Committee for Constitutional Liberties
General. Letters, leaflets, flyers, and clippings 1961-1969
Liberty. Serial issues 1965-1969
Pamphlets ( Concentration Camps U.S.A.; Voices for Liberty) 1964-1966
Citizens Committee for Hal Levin for Congress [New York City]. Flyer 1966
Citizens Committee for Julian Bond. Printed appeal 1966
Citizens' Committee of Inquiry [re assassination of John F. Kennedy]. Circulars, flyers, press releases, and clippings 1964-1965
Citizens' Committee on Relief [New York City]. Letters from persons seeking relief assistance, and notes 1933
Citizens' Committee to Free Earl Browder. Printed appeal and list of Cleveland branch officers 1942
Citizens Committee to Preserve American Freedoms. Correspondence, internal reports, flyers, circulated documents, informant's reports, and HUAC memoranda 1952-1959
Citizens for Kennedy/Fulbright-1968 [re Robert F. Kennedy and J. William Fulbright]. Printed appeal 1967
Citizens for Peace [Los Angeles]. Flyers, brochure, list of members, and clipping 1973
Citizens for Peace in Vietnam [Detroit]. Clippings 1966
Citizens for Victory. Articles of incorporation, statement, leaflets, and newsletter 1943
Citizens of Conscience of Washington Heights and Inwood [New York City]. Circular letters, leaflets, and flyers 1966
Citizens to Aid G.E. Strikers. Circular letter 1970
Citizens United to Abolish the Wood-Rankin Committee [HUAC]. Printed appeals 1946
City-Wide Tenants Council [New York City]. Circular letter and proposed bill 1939
Civil liberties (General)
General. Correspondence, memoranda, speeches and statements by U.S. government officials, testimony of John T. Elliff re Federal Bureau of Investigation, Congressional speeches, and clippings 1940-1973
Issuances of miscellaneous organizations regarding civil liberties, prisoners, and miscellaneous individual defense cases. Flyers, leaflets, circular letters, lists, petitions, and serial issues 1940-1973
Civil Liberties Defense Fund. Letter, circulars, and appeals 1968-1971
Civil Rights Congress. Correspondence, circulars, flyers, leaflets, petitions, pamphlets ( America's "Thought Police"; Argument to the Jury of Richard Gladstein in the New York Communist Trial; Red Tape and Barbed Wire ), and clippings 1947-1956
Clark, Pieter Romayn. Printed article 1966
Class Struggle League. Circular letters and serial issues ( Class Struggle) 1973
Clergy and Laity Concerned [originally Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam]
Clergy and Laity Concerned issuances. Press releases, printed appeals, circular letters, flyers, leaflets, and newsletters
1973-1974 and undated
American Report. Serial issues
Material about Clergy and Laity Concerned. Letter, clippings, and HISC memorandum 1967-1974
Clergymen's Emergency Committee for Vietnam. Printed appeal 1966
Cleveland Area Peace Action Council. Internal documents, lists of sponsors, circular letters, flyers, leaflets, and clippings 1969-1970
Cleveland Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Clipping 1966
Coalition for a Democratic Alternative [re Eugene J. McCarthy]. Flyer and printed appeals 1968
Coalition for an Anti-Imperialist March [New York City]. Printed appeals 1968
Coalition for an Anti-Imperialist Movement. Flyers 1969
Coalition for Economic Survival. Flyers and circulated documents 1973
Coalition for Jobs and Economic Justice. Internal document, list of supporters, and HISC memorandum 1973
Coalition on National Priorities and Military Policy. Circulated documents, flyers, list of member organizations, and testimony of Joseph S. Clark and Ronald Steel 1969-1972
Coffin, William Sloane. Clipping 1967
Columbia Independent Committee on Vietnam [Columbia University]. Newsletter and flyer 1965
Columbia Law Students [Columbia University]. Printed appeal 1965
Columbia Owl [Columbia University student newspaper]. Serial issues 1962
Columbia University antiwar protests. Printed appeals, serial issues, and clippings 1964-1968
Columbus Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights [Columbus, Ohio]. Circular letter 1965
Committee against Academic Repression [City University of New York]. Flyers 1969
Committee for a Boycott against Japanese Aggression. Clipping 1938
Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy
Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy issuances. Circular letters, flyers, petitions, pamphlet ( Facts on the Korean Crisis), and serial issues ( Far East Spotlight; Spotlight on the Far East) 1947-1950
HUAC report about the Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy with exhibit items 1948
Committee for a Democratic Spain. Letters, brochure, and flyers 1962-1965
Committee for a Peoples' Constitution [re Illinois state constitution]. Circular letter and press release 1969
Committee for Absolute Revolution [evangelical Christian organization]. Flyers 1969
Committee for Defense against Terrorist Attacks [Northern Illinois University]. Circulated document 1970
Committee for Democratic Election Laws. Leaflets, press releases, and circular letters 1971-1972
Committee for Direct Action [Madison, Wisconsin]. Clipping 1966
Committee for Draft Resistance [San Francisco]. Leaflet, list of endorsers, and clipping 1967-1968
Committee for Fifth Avenue Vietnam Peace Parade [New York City]. Letters, leaflets, internal documents, list of contacts, and informant's report 1965-1966
Committee for Foreign Policy Alternatives [Washington, D.C.]. Flyer 1965
Committee for GI Rights. Press releases, flyers, pamphlets ( The GI's Handbook on Military Injustice; Kangaroo Court-Martial; Soldiers against the War), and clippings 1967-1969
Committee for Independent Political Action. Leaflet, flyers and clippings 1965-1966
Committee for Independent Political Action on the West Side [New York City]. Flyer and clipping 1965-1966
Committee for Informed Young Americans [re draft; Washington, D.C.]. Flyer 1968
Committee for Jews of Poland. Circular letter and pamphlet ( The End of a Thousand Years) 1971
Committee for Nonviolent Action. Letter by A. J. Muste, circulated letters and documents, flyers, leaflets, bulletins, and clippings 1960-1972
Committee for Peace and Freedom [Brooklyn]. Bulletin 1964
Committee for Peace Organization [Brooklyn]. Bulletins 1961-1964
Committee for Public Justice [American Civil Liberties Union affiliate]. Statement in Congressional hearing re Federal Bureau of Investigation 1973
Committee for Puerto Rican Political Prisoners [New York City]. Flyer undated
Committee for Social Responsibility in Engineering. Serial issue ( Spark) 1971
Committee for Special Medical Aid to Cuba. Circular 1965
Committee for the First Amendment. Printed appeal and clippings 1947
Committee for the Formation of the New Party. Petition, clippings, and journal article 1968
Committee for the Fund for Milton Cohen vs. House Un-American Activities Committee. Letters, flyer, legal brief (Stamler and Hall vs. Willis et al.), and pamphlet ( Dialogue on the Constitutionality of the Committee on Un-American Activities of the House of Representatives) 1965-1968
Committee for the Presidio 27 [re GI dissidents]. Press release, flyers, and circulated letters and documents 1969-1970
Committee for the Restoration of Democratic Government in Greece. Printed appeal 1967
Committee for the Women's Peace March [New York City]. Flyer, undated
Committee for Theodore Pearson for Con-Con Delegate [re Illinois Constitutional Convention]. Circular letter, flyer, petition, and clipping 1969
Committee of Kent State Massacre Witnesses. Circular letter 1970
Committee of One Thousand [re abolition of HUAC]. Letters, press releases, flyers, and clippings 1948-1949
Committee of Outraged Parents [New York City]. Flyer undated
Committee of Parents of Students at the University of Chicago. Clipping 1969
Committee of Responsibility [re Vietnamese war victims]. Circulars, flyers, leaflets, printed appeals, and clippings 1967-1971
Committee of Returned Volunteers [former Peace Corps members]. Flyers, leaflets, bulletins, circulated documents, and clippings 1968-1970
Committee of the Planning Professions to End the War in Vietnam. Printed appeals and clipping 1967
Committee of the Professions to End the War in Vietnam. Printed appeals, circular letters, flyers, and clippings 1965-1968
Committee on Conversation [re Vietnam War; Atlanta]. Clipping 1965
Committee on Latin American Solidarity [Los Angeles]. Flyer 1969
Committee to Aid American War Objectors [Canadian organization]. Circulars and flyers 1967
Committee to Aid the Bloomington Students [Indiana University]. Letter, circulars, and flyers 1963-1968
Committee to Aid the Monroe Defendants [black defendants in Monroe, North Carolina]. Letter, circulars, and newsletter 1961-1965
Committee to Aid the Vietnamese [Ann Arbor, Michigan]. Clippings 1965
Committee to Defend America by Keeping Out of War. Circulars 1940
Committee to Defend Resistance to Ghetto Life [New York City]. Printed appeals, circulars, and HUAC report 1964-1967
Committee to Defend the Conspiracy [re Chicago 8]. Printed appeals, circulars, and journal articles 1969
Committee to Defend the Panther 21. Circular letter 1970
Committee to Defend the Rights of Pfc. Howard Petrick. Press releases, statements, circulars, and pamphlet ( Free Speech for GIs) 1967-1968
Committee to Defend the Victims of the Committee on Un-American Activities. Pamphlet ( In Defense of Human Rights) 1950
Committee to End Sedition Laws. Letter and circulars 1954-1955
Committee to End the War in Vietnam [Los Angeles]. Circular letter undated
Committee to Free Morton Sobell. Letter by Helen Sobell, circulars, and clippings 1966-1968
Committee to Impeach L.B.J. [Lyndon B. Johnson; Mill Valley, California]. Flyer 1965
Committee to Oppose the Deportation of Joseph Johnson [Minneapolis]. Letter, circulated documents, and flyers 1966
Committee to Secure Justice for Morton Sobell. Letter, circulated appeals, leaflets, flyers, pamphlet ( The Case of Morton Sobell), printed articles, and clippings 1956-1966
Committee to Stop the War in Vietnam [University of Hawaii]. Clipping and HUAC note 1965
Committee to Support Middle East Liberation. Letter, circulars, flyers, newsletters, and pamphlet ( An Israeli Worker's Answer) 1968-1970
Common Cause. Press releases, circulars, and flyers 1971
Commonwealth College. Correspondence, and report on Commonwealth College by the Lutheran Research Society 1946
Communism (General). Material about communism
Typescripts. "Talmudism and Communist Communications"; "Communist Propaganda Artifices" 1962, undated
Problems of Communism. Serial issues 1967
World Strength of the Communist Party Organizations (U.S. Department of State Bureau of Intelligence and Research annual reports)
Miscellaneous printed matter. Journal articles, clippings, "Chart of the World Revolution" (including Freemasonry and Illuminati), and pamphlets ( Peace or Peaceful Coexistence?; Communism: Threat to Freedom) 1939-1974
Communist Information Bureau. For a Lasting Peace, for a People's Democracy! Serial issues
1950 and 1952
Communist International
Communist International. Serial issues
Pamphlets ( Program of the Communist International; Theses and Decisions of the 13th Plenum of the E.C.C.I.; The Twenty-One Conditions of Admission into the Communist International; We Are Fighting for a Soviet Germany ) 1934-1936
Printed excerpts from reports, resolutions and theses of Congresses of the Communist International 1920-1935
Communist Organizing Committee (Marxist-Leninist) [Baltimore]. Flyers 1966
Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist). Serial issue ( Worker) 1970
Communist Party, U.S.A.
Correspondence. Mainly circular letters and letters to subscribers to Communist Party publications ( Daily World; People's World; Political Affairs)
Communist Party, U.S.A. internal educational materials. Educational bulletins, outlines, and syllabi 1948-1973
Communist Party, U.S.A. internal bulletins
General (miscellaneous titles) 1938-1969
Party Affairs
Communist Party, U.S.A. conference materials on Negro work 1946-1948
Communist Party, U.S.A. documentary summary of trial of Communist Party leaders ("Facts on the Trial of the 12") 1949
Daily Worker style manual undated
People's World mailing list 1961
Communist Party, U.S.A. Longview, Washington, branch. Correspondence of Longview city officials with and about the local Communist Party branch re parade permits, etc., and related leaflets, internal documents, and clippings 1932-1938
Communist Party, U.S.A. election campaign literature and petitions 1940-1973
Communist Party, U.S.A. public issuances. Leaflets, flyers, local bulletins, and miscellany 1934-1975
Communist Party, U.S.A. press printed articles ( Daily People's World; Daily Worker; Daily World; People's World; Worker)
Communist Party, U.S.A. serial issues
Indexes 1933-1939
Communist Viewpoint 1962-1963
Daily Worker
1944 and 1951
Daily World
1973 and 1975
National Issues 1939
Party Organizer 1931 and 1935
People's World 1971-1973
Political Affairs
1963 and 1969
Worker 1951-1968
Communist Party, U.S.A. pamphlets
International Publishers imprints 1926-1971
Education in Soviet Russia; Foundations of Leninism; The History of the Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels; The Lenin Heritage; Marxism vs. Liberalism
The New Europe; Packaging the News; Russia after Ten Years; Stalin on the New Soviet Constitution
Teheran: Our Path in War and Peace; U.S. over Latin America; Voices of Revolt: Speeches of Georges Jacques Danton
New Century Publishers imprints 1945-1961
The American Way to Jobs, Peace, Equal Rights and Democracy; The Challenge of the '56 Elections; The Crime of El Fanguito; Draft Resolution for the 16th National Convention of the Communist Party, U.S.A.; Marxism-Leninism vs. Revisionism
The Nation's Biggest Racket; Organized Labor and the Fascist Danger; Peace or War; The People against the Trusts; Quarantine the Warmongers; The Record of Truman's 81st Congress; The Red-Baiters Menace America; Socialism: What's In It for You; Stoolpigeon; The Strategy of Revenge; World Cooperation and Postwar Prosperity
New Outlook Publishers imprints 1967-1971
Workers Library Publishers imprints 1928-1944
Other imprints 1938-1963
Catalogs and publishers' newsletters (mainly international publishers) 1939-1972
Material about the Communist Party, U.S.A.
New York City Police Department report on Communist Party, U.S.A. conference to oppose racial discrimination 1936
Federal Bureau of Investigation documents. Deposition of Barbara Hartle, report by informant Jack Day on Communist Party, U.S.A. 1959 national convention, testimony of J. Edgar Hoover, press release, and list of identified Communist Party, U.S.A. members 1954-1970
Judicial documents. Legal brief of complaint for conspiracy filed by Ivan Francis Cox against the 13th District of the Communist Party, U.S.A. and others, 1937; dissent of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter in Sacher vs. United States, 1950
U.S. Senate Internal Security Subcommittee issuances. Report, staff study, and press release 1955-1970
HUAC documents
General. Memoranda, notes, informants' reports, and miscellany 1950-1969
"Preliminary Report of Communist Party Activities in Vicinity of Hollywood and Los Angeles, California." Typescript 1945
Communist Party, U.S.A. (Marxist-Leninist). Informant's report and clippings 1966
Community Church of Boston. Programs 1963-1969
Concerned Citizens for Peace [Washington, D.C.]. Clippings 1967-1968
Conference for Democratic Action (Los Angeles, 1940). List of sponsors 1940
Conference for Legislation in the National Interest (New York City, 1956). Program 1956
Conference for Progressive Labor Action. Letter 1935
Conference of Concerned Democrats. Clipping 1967
Conference of Greater New York Peace Groups (New York City, 1961). Program and printed announcement 1961
Conference on Pan American Democracy (Washington, D.C., 1938). Circular letters 1938
Conference on Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact. Open letter and list of sponsors 1949
Conference on Wagner National Health Bill (New York City, 1939). Resolutions, report, and circular letter 1939
Congress of American Women. Press releases and circulars 1946-1949
Congress of Industrial Organizations. Reports, circulars, leaflets, flyers, brochures, serial issue ( Labor Herald), Congressional speech, clippings, and HUAC memoranda on Communist-dominated unions 1938-1955
Congress of Racial Equality. Leaflets, circular letters, printed appeal, serial issue ( The Campus CORE-lator), and HUAC memorandum 1962-1971
Congress of Scientists on Survival [S.O.S.]. Circular letter 1962
Congress of Unrepresented People. Resolution and circulars 1965
Congress on Civil Rights (Detroit, 1946). Program and circular letter 1946
Congressional Interns for Peace. Clippings 1967
Congressional Peace Campaign Committee. Printed announcement and clipping 1968
Conklin, Geoffrey Reed. Clippings 1965-1966
Connecticut Independent Citizens' Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions. Letters 1946
Conscientious Resistance. Clippings 1967
Conspiracy, The [re support of Chicago 8 trial defendants]. Leaflets, flyers, press release by Jerry Rubin, and clippings 1969
Constitutional Liberties Information Center [Hollywood]. Leaflet and brochure 1965
Consumers Union of U.S. Circular letter 1939
Contra Costa Citizens against the War in Vietnam [Contra Costa County, California]. Clippings 1966
Cooperative Highskool Independent Press Syndicate. Directory of underground high school newspapers, and memoranda by Information Digest and HISC 1971
Cornell, Thomas C. Clippings and HUAC memorandum 1965-1966
Cornell University antiwar protests. Clippings and flyer 1966-1967
Council against Intolerance in America. Report and leaflet 1939
Council for a Livable World. Circulars 1969-1971
Council for Democracy. Bulletin 1941
Council for Pan American Democracy. Circular letters and printed appeal 1940-1941
Council for the Advancement of the Americas. Circular letter and list of sponsors 1948
Council of Churches of Greater Washington [D.C.]. Clipping 1964
Council of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists. Circular letter and announcement 1962-1965
Council on African Affairs. Leaflets, newsletter, and pamphlet ( 8 Million Demand Freedom!) 1944-1952
Counterculture (General)
General. Leaflets, flyers, and wallposters 1966-1972
Berkeley Barb 1968
Berkeley Tribe 1971
Boston after Dark 1971
Cahoots [Joplin, Missouri] 1971
Carpetbag Express 1972
Chicago Seed 1971-1972
D.C. Gazette 1970
Daily Planet [Chicago] 1971
Daily Rag [Washington, D.C.] 1973
Extra! [Providence, Rhode Island] 1968-1969
Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1971
Folk Music [New York City] 1964
Good Times [San Francisco] 1970
Great Speckled Bird [Atlanta] 1971
Harry [Baltimore] 1970
Hollywood Free Paper 1971
Indianapolis Free Press 1969
Leviathan [San Francisco] 1970
Long Beach Rising Star 1973
Los Angeles Free Press 1967
Movement [San Francisco] 1968-1969
New York Herald Tribune 1969
North Star [Del Mar, California] 1973
Old Mole [Cambridge, Massachusetts] 1970
People's Yellow Pages [Chicago and Cleveland editions] 1973
Phoenix [Boston] 1971
Quicksilver Times [Washington, D.C.] 1970-1971
Rolling Stone [San Francisco] 1970-1975
Root [Grand Rapids, Michigan] 1971
Rough Times [West Somerville, Massachusetts] 1974
Second City [Chicago] 1971
Showdown [Berkeley] 1971
Temple Free Press [Philadelphia] 1969
Tin Drum [Washington, D.C.] 1970-1971
Village Voice [New York City] 1971-1972
Virginia Weekly [Charlottesville] 1969-1972
Voice from the Mother Country [Washington, D.C.] 1970
Washington Free Press 1967-1969
Woodwind [Washington, D.C.] 1970
Word [New Orleans] 1969
Material about the counterculture. Clippings, newsletter, journal article, and Christian Crusade pamphlet ( The Beatles: A Study in Drugs, Sex and Revolution) 1968-1971
Counterdraft: An Information Exchange for Draft Counselors and Resisters. Serial issues 1969
Counterinaugural [activities in Washington, D.C., in protest of coinciding inauguration of Richard M. Nixon as President, 1969]. Invitation, program, flyers, photocopies of organizers' notes and of unidentified speaker's remarks, and clippings 1969
Crown, Joseph H. Printed appeal 1966
Crusader. Serial issues 1964-1969
Cuban government English-language issuances
General. Journal articles, posters, and pamphlets ( Hijacking of Aircraft; Second Declaration of Havana) 1962-1971
Granma. Serial issues 1969-1973
Material about Cuba. Letter, clippings, journal articles, flyers, bulletins ( Direct from Cuba), and pamphlets ( A Disgrace to the Americas: Communist Cuba; The External Information and Cultural Relations Programs of Cuba) 1963-1973
Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace (New York City, 1949). Program, printed address by Norman Cousins, and printed volume of proceedings ( Speaking of Peace) 1949
D.C. Community Coalition for Peace and Justice. Flyers 1971
D.C. People's Coalition for Peace and Justice. Circular letter and flyers 1971
D.C. Statehood Party. Leaflet undated
Dallas Committee for a Peaceful Solution in Vietnam. Printed announcement 1967
Dartmouth Conference. Correspondence and HUAC memorandum 1962-1969
Dayton Area Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Letters, flyers, and clipping 1965-1966
Declaration of Conscience [re Vietnam War; San Francisco Bay Area]. Declaration and circular letter 1967
Defenders of 3 against HUAC. Letters, press release, and leaflets 1965-1966
Democratic Party National Convention demonstrations (Chicago, 1968). Flyer, clippings, journal articles, Congressional speeches, and booklet ( Law and Disorder: The Chicago Convention and Its Aftermath) 1968
Denver Stop the War Committee. Clipping 1966
Detroit Coalition to End the War Now. Leaflet 1970
Detroit Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Letters, flyers, circulars, and newsletters 1965-1966
Detroit Women for Peace. Clippings 1961-1965
Di Tullio, Edmund. Clippings 1966
Dialectics. Serial issues 1937-1938
Dinner to Edward U. Condon. Letters, press release, and list of sponsors 1948
District of Columbia United Planning Organization. Report of the Comptroller General of the United States 1967
Dowouis, Murphy Paul. Clippings 1965-1966
Draft Denial [New York City]. Circular letter 1967
Drew University antiwar protests. Clipping 1966
Dreyfus, Dave. Clipping 1965
Drinan, Robert F. Correspondence, circulars, press releases, clippings, journal articles, and HISC memorandum and statement 1967-1973
Drug and Hospital Workers Ad Hoc Committee on Vietnam. Printed appeal 1965
Dublin, Mary. Leaflet and clippings 1940
Duncan, Donald W. Clippings, Congressional speech, and HUAC memorandum 1966
East Bay Committee for Protection of Foreign Born [California]. Informant's report and HUAC memorandum 1953-1956
East Bay Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee [California]. Circulars 1966
East Harlem Tenants Council [New York City]. HUAC memorandum 1967
Eastside Committee for Protection of Foreign Born [Los Angeles]. Leaflets 1954
Edelman, Marc P. Clippings and HUAC memorandum 1965-1966
Education/Action Conference on U.S. Crimes of War in Vietnam. Letter 1970
Edwards, H. W. Radio broadcast summary 1963
Einstein, Albert. Clippings and printed article 1954
Eldridge Cleaver Defense Fund. Printed appeal 1968
Electrical Trades Union [Great Britain]. Letter, pamphlet ( The E.T.U. Case: A Study of Communism at Work in a Trade Union), and booklet ( All Those in Favour? The E.T.U. Trial) 1962
Emergency Civil Liberties Committee issuances. Flyers, leaflets, printed appeals, and press release 1953-1968
Rights. Serial issues
Emergency Civil Liberties Committee pamphlets ( Behind the Bars for the First Amendment; Congressional Investigations and Bills of Attainder; For Abolition of the Inquisitorial Committees of Congress; Hate Groups and the Un-American Activities Committee; Louisville Travesty; The Rape of the First Amendment; The Smith Act; The Watkins Decision ) 1955-1961
Material about the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee. Clippings, journal articles, informant's report, and Federal Bureau of Investigation memorandum 1950-1968
Emergency Committee for Disaster Relief to Cuba. Letter, printed appeal, circular, and clipping 1964
Emergency Committee for World Government. Circular 1971
Emergency Committee on Nigeria and Biafra. Bulletins and circulars 1969
Emergency Conference for New Voters (Loyola University, Chicago, 1971). Statement, program, and conference handouts 1971
Emergency Conference to Defend the Right of the Black Panther Party to Exist (Chicago, 1970). Circulars 1970
Emergency Council on the Crisis in American Foreign Policy. Clipping 1966
Emergency Moratorium Committee [re Vietnam War]. Statement, printed appeal, flyers, and HISC memorandum 1972
Emspak, Frank. Photocopy of index card file 1956-1971
End Jim Crow in Baseball Committee. Circular letter and list of sponsors 1945
End the Draft in '63. Circulars and HUAC memorandum 1962
Endraft [originally End the Draft Committee]. Press releases, circulars, bulletins ( Downdraft), and clippings 1963-1971
Episcopal Church. Journal article and pamphlet ( The General Convention Special Program of the Episcopal Church) 1970-1971
Equality. Serial issues 1939-1940
Espionage (General). Clippings, HUAC press release, and texts of U.S. District Court indictments of: Rudolf Ivanovich Abel; Judith Coplon and Valentine A. Gubitchev; Nicolai Gregorovich Redin; Alfred Dean Slack; Jack Soble, Myra Soble and Jacob Albam; Alfred K. Stern and Martha Dodd Stern; Otto Verber and Kurt L. Ponger; and George Zlatovski and Jane Foster Zlatovski 1946-1967
Evergreen Review. Printed articles 1969-1971
Facing Reality. Leaflet and pamphlet ( "Be His Payment High or Low": The American Working Class of the Sixties) 1966-1967
Faculty Peace Committee [University of California, Berkeley]. Circulated appeal and letter by Linus Pauling 1965
Fair Play for Cuba Committee. Flyers, leaflets, and bulletins 1962-1968
Farm Equipment Organizing Committee. Investigator's memorandum circa 1940
Farmer, Frances. Clippings and circulars 1938-1940
February 23 Demonstration Committee [re Vietnam War; New York City]. Clippings and flyers 1966
Federal Employees against the War in Vietnam. Clippings, printed appeals, and HUAC press release 1968
Federal Employees for a Democratic Society. Clippings, flyers, circulars, leaflets, bulletin, and radio interview summary 1968-1970
Federal Employees for Peace. Clippings, flyers, bulletins, and press release 1968-1971
Federation of American Scientists. Circulars and Congressional testimony 1971-1972
Feldman, Adele. Printed letter to the editor 1965
Fellowship of Reconciliation
General. Clippings, brochures, leaflets, flyers, circulars, and press releases 1965-1973
Fellowship. Serial issues 1965-1973
Fiddick, Thomas. Clipping 1965
Fifth Avenue Vietnam Peace Parade Committee [New York City]
General. Letters, HUAC memoranda, photocopies of index card files, clippings, and pamphlet ( Communists in the Street) 1965-1969
Fifth Avenue Vietnam Peace Parade Committee issuances. Printed appeals, leaflets, flyers, and circulars
Fight for Freedom. Pamphlet ( German Communists) 1944
Film and Photo League. Letter 1935
Fisk University. Social Science Institute. Serial issues ( A Monthly Summary of Events and Trends in Race Relations) 1943
Focus/Midwest. Report by J. B. Matthews circa 1963
Fonda, Jane. Clippings, journal articles, announcements of appearances, and HISC memoranda and reports 1970-1973
Ford Foundation. Annual reports 1953-1955
Foreign Policy Association. Pamphlet ( The Future of Nuclear Tests), and American Legion report ( The Truth about the Foreign Policy Association) and resolution 1960-1963
Foreign Policy Forum [University of Hawaii]. Clipping 1965
Foreign solidarity (General). Clippings, journal articles, flyers, and serial issues ( New India; Revolution) re miscellaneous expressions of solidarity with peoples of foreign countries 1940-1974
Fort Hood Three Defense Committee. Clippings, flyers, leaflets, circulars, and pamphlet ( The Fort Hood Three) 1966-1968
Foundations (General). Printed articles, serial issue ( Foundation Center Information Quarterly), pamphlet ( The Financiers of Revolution), Congressional speech, and HUAC notes and memoranda 1953-1973
Frankfurter, Felix. Pamphlet ( The Man Behind the Men Behind the President) 1936
Free School of New York. Catalogs, serial issue ( Treason!), and statement to HUAC 1966-1967
Free Speech Front [Ohio State University]. Clipping 1965
Free Speech Movement [University of California, Berkeley]. Flyers 1965
Free University of New York. Catalogs, journal articles, and newsletter 1966-1967
Freedom and Peace Party. Statement, newsletter, flyers, and circulars 1968-1969
Freedom Associates. Serial issues ( Freedom) 1951-1952
Freedom Draft Movement [Stanford University]. Clippings 1965
Freedom House. Circular letter, report, and clipping 1943-1968
Freedom Now Committee [Los Angeles]. Informant's report, and clipping 1966
Freedom Now for Lt. Howe Committee. Leaflets and circular letter 1966
Freedom Now Party. HUAC memorandum circa 1964
Freedom Party [University of Florida]. Flyers, and announcement 1965-1966
Freedom Socialist Party. Clipping 1969
General. Letters, circulars, commemorative issuances re W. E. B. DuBois and Paul Robeson, and HUAC memoranda 1962-1972
Serial issues
Fresno Writers and Artists against the War in Vietnam. Clipping 1967
Friends and Neighbors of David Hyun [re deportation case]. Letter and circulars 1954
Friends Committee on National Legislation. Flyers, leaflets, circulars, newsletters, and testimony 1955-1973
Friends of Democracy. Clipping 1950
Friends of Edward J. Fitzgerald. Leaflet circa 1954
Friends of Maria [re mental patient rights]. Circular letter 1969
Friends of Soviet Russia. Serial issues ( Soviet Russia) 1922
Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Letters and circulars 1938
Friends of the First Amendment. Circulars 1964-1965
Friends of the Soviet Union. Pamphlet ( The Decisive Year in the Soviet Union) 1931
Froines, John. Clippings 1974
Fuchs, Klaus. Journal article 1952
Fund for Education in World Order. Circulars 1969
Fund for the Advancement of Education [Ford Foundation project]. Annual report and Congressional hearing testimony 1955-1957
Fund for the Republic [Ford Foundation project]
Fund for the Republic issuances
General. Press releases, bulletins, report, leaflets, and pamphlets ( The Fifth Amendment and the Immunity Act of 1954; The Threat to Academic Freedom) 1955-1957
Three-year report, with cover letter by Robert M. Hutchins 1956
Material about the Fund for the Republic. Letters, clippings, journal articles, Congressional speeches, reports, bulletins, radio broadcast transcripts, and pamphlets ( The American Legion Report on the Fund for the Republic; The Press and the Fund for the Republic; The Reece Report on Foundations) 1955-1962
GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee. Circulars, flyers, petition, press releases, and newsletters ( GI Defender) 1968-1971
G.I. Defense Organization. Letters, refund check, circulars, flyers, press releases, and press coverage 1969-1971
GI dissidents (General)
General. Leaflets, flyers, circulars, press releases, clippings, printed excerpts from books, and HISC study memoranda and staff study ("Subversive Activities Affecting the Military") 1964-1973
GI newspapers. Serial issues 1968-1973
Aboveground; Ally; Arctic Arsenal; Bragg Briefs; Broken Arrow; Camp News; Fed Up!; Fun Travel Adventure; MDW Post; Military Intelligence
OM; Open Ranks; Open Sights; Pawn; Shakedown
Ultimate Weapon; Up Front; Your Military Left
GI Mobilization Committee/Open Sights. Flyer 1969
GI-Student Antiwar Action Committee [Emory University]. Circulars 1969
GI Voice. Serial issue 1969
GIs United against the War in Vietnam. Legal brief, flyer, clipping, and journal article 1969
Gainesville Committee to End the War in Vietnam [Gainesville, Florida]. Clipping 1966
Garment Center Committee to End the War in Vietnam [New York City]. Flyer 1965
Garrett Park Citizens for Peace [Washington, D.C.]. Printed letter to the editor 1967
Gays and lesbians (General). Flyers and serial issues ( InterChange; Killer Dyke; Midwest Mattachine Newsletter) 1971-1972
Gelders, Joseph S. Congressional hearing excerpts, letterhead data, and clippings 1935-1946
Genovese, Eugene. Clippings, court testimony excerpts, flyers, photocopy of index card file, and HUAC memoranda 1947-1966
George Washington University antiwar protests. Clippings 1967
Georgi Dimitrov Anniversary International Theoretical Conference (Sofia, Bulgaria, 1972). Speech transcripts and press coverage 1972
Germany (East). East German English-language government issuances, including bulletins, pamphlets ( The Background to American Literature since the War; Discover the GDR), and pictorial portfolio relating to Vietnam War 1967-1973
Gettysburg Vets' March to End the War in Vietnam. Circulars 1966
Ginsberg, Allen. Clippings 1965-1967
Goertzel, Ted. Clipping 1965
Goodlett, Carlton B. California gubernatorial election campaign literature 1966
Graham, Frank P. Letters, clippings, and letterhead data (American Friends of Spanish Democracy) 1936-1940
Gray, Jesse. Clipping 1965
Greater Boston Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Newsletter 1966
Greece. Flyers and leaflets re solidarity with people of Greece 1948-1969
Greenbelt Committee for Peace [Greenbelt, Maryland]. Clipping 1966
Greene, Felix. Flyers and clippings 1966-1968
Greenwich Village Peace Center [New York City]. Circular letter 1967
Gregory, Dick. Clippings 1966-1968
Griswold, Deirdre. Clipping 1965
Group for Reconciliation of People Everywhere [GROPE; New Paltz, New Jersey]. Circulars and clippings 1970-1971
Guardian. Circular letters, serial issues, and pamphlet ( Unite the Many, Defeat the Few) 1969-1975
Gus Hall-Benjamin J. Davis Defense Committee. Circular letters and leaflet 1965-1967
Hamlin, Bryan. Printed appeals 1966
Hammett, Dashiell. Press release, leaflet, clippings, letterhead data, and HUAC memorandum 1938-1940
Harding, Timothy. HUAC memorandum circa 1965
Harlem Community Council on Housing [New York City]. HUAC memoranda circa 1964
Harlem Defense Council [New York City]. Flyers, clipping, pamphlet ( Police Terror in Harlem), and HUAC memorandum 1964-1966
Harlem Solidarity Committee [New York City]. Press release, press coverage, and HUAC memoranda 1964-1965
Harris, David Victor. Clipping 1966
Harry F. Ward 90th Birthday Committee. Circular letter and commemorative program 1963
Hartke, Vance. Printed appeals, clippings, and journal articles 1959-1971
Harvard University antiwar protests. Circular letter and printed appeal 1967
Health Professionals for Peace in Vietnam. Clipping 1967
Healy, Daniel F. Clipping 1965
Help for Imprisoned War Objectors [Glenview, Illinois]. Flyer 1969
Hemispheric Conference to End the War in Vietnam (Montreal, 1968). Program and clippings 1968
Henderson, Leon, and other staff members of the U.S. Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply. Open letter from Martin Dies (chairman of HUAC) to Franklin D. Roosevelt, with supporting letters, letterhead data, clippings, journal articles, and excerpts from books 1923-1941
Herbert Aptheker Testimonial Dinner Committee. Circular letter and program 1966
Herz, Alice. Clippings 1965
High School Students against the War. Flyers and clippings 1971
Highlander Research and Information Center [Knoxville, Tennessee]. Letters, reports, leaflets, and circulars 1966-1970
Hiroshima Commemorative Committee [New York City]. Program 1955
Hispanics (General). Circulars, flyers, clippings, journal articles, and serial issues ( Machete; La Raza) 1969-1974
Hollis, Robert. Clippings 1965-1966
Hollywood Anti-Nazi League. Circular letters and Hollywood Now journal articles 1937-1940
Hollywood League for Democratic Action. Letter and flyer 1940
Hollywood Writers Mobilization. Letterhead data and serial issues ( Hollywood Quarterly) 1945-1947
Honolulu Record. Serial issues 1948-1949
Hughes for Senate Committee. H. Stuart Hughes Massachusetts election campaign literature 1962
Humanity Guild. Letters, organizational instructions, circulars, leaflet, and serial issue ( Humanity) 1940-1962
Hyde Park Committee to End the War in Vietnam [Hyde Park, Illinois]. Clipping 1966
Hyde Park Council of Organizations for Peace in Vietnam [Hyde Park, Illinois]. Clippings 1966
I. F. Stone's Weekly/I. F. Stone's Bi-Weekly. Serial issues, printed articles from the publication, and clipping re I. F. Stone 1954-1971
Icor (Association for Jewish Colonization in the Soviet Union). Letterhead data, souvenir program, and yearbook 1931-1944
Illinois Educators' Committee on Vietnam. Printed appeal 1966
Immigration (General)
General. Letters, legal brief, leaflets, flyers, circulars, and pamphlets ( The Loyal and the Disloyal; No Work Today!) 1942-1973
Internal documents of miscellaneous and unidentified organizations opposed to McCarran-Walter Immigration Act. Letters, minutes, draft articles, and notes 1937-1960
Letters to Congressmen opposing McCarran-Walter Immigration Act 1953-1956
Congressional hearings. Printed reports ( Communist Activities among Aliens and National Groups) 1949
Imported Publications [book distributor; Chicago]. Catalog 1975
In Defense of the Right to Speak for Peace. Printed appeal, and list of endorsers 1950
In Fact. Serial issues
Independent Citizens' Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions. Letters, election campaign contribution data, list of endorsers, printed appeal, program, and clipping 1944-1946
Independent Citizens Committee to Elect Herbert Aptheker Congressman [Brooklyn]. Leaflets, flyers, and circular letter 1966
Independent Committee on Vietnam of Columbia University. Circular 1965
Independent Labor League of America. Serial issues ( Workers Age) 1939-1940
Independent Party of Washington [State]. Election affidavit and circulars 1950
Independent Progressive Party. Letter 1951
Independent Socialist Clubs. Flyers and programmatic statements 1957-1966
Independent Voters' Committee of the Arts and Sciences for Roosevelt [re Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential reelection campaign]. Circular letter and clippings 1944
Individuals (Miscellaneous)
General. Dossiers, lists, letters, and HUAC memoranda 1941-1967
Photocopies of index card files 1962-1975
HUAC list of "Communists in the Government" undated
HUAC list of "Members of Front Organizations Residing in Washington, D.C. and Employed by the Federal Government" undated
Individuals against the Crime of Silence [re Vietnam War]. Printed appeals, petitions, list of endorsers, and clipping 1967-1969
Individuals for Non-Violent Revolution [San Jose, California]. Informant's report incorporating mailing list 1965
Indochina Information Service. Leaflets and flyers 1971-1972
Indochina Peace Campaign. Flyers, circulars, bulletins ( Indochina Focal Point; Indochina Report; War Bulletin/Indochina Bulletin), and pamphlets ( Vietnam: The Struggle for Peace; Women under Torture) 1972-1974
Indochina Resource Center. Flyers, leaflets, circulars, bulletins ( Indochina Chronicle), and pamphlet ( Air War) 1971-1973
Industrial Workers of the World. Flyers, leaflet, and pamphlet ( The I.W.W. in Theory and Practice) 1920-1970
Inman, Will. Clippings 1967
Institute for American Democracy [Washington, D.C.]. Circular letter 1969
Institute for Freedom in the Church [New York City]. Printed appeal 1965
Institute for Policy Studies [Washington, D.C.]. Correspondence, internal documents, flyers, Congressional speech, and clippings 1968-1971
Institute of Pacific Relations [New York City]. U.S. Senate Internal Security Subcommittee summary of testimony, and pamphlet ( Land of the Soviets) 1942-1957
Integrated Education. Circular letter 1965
International Committee of Conscience on Vietnam. Printed appeal 1966
International Committee of Solidarity with the Youth and People of South Vietnam. Circular letter 1964
International Committee on African Affairs. Letter by Max Yergan 1939
International Committee to Defend Eldridge Cleaver. Printed appeal 1969
International Committee to Free South Vietnamese Political Prisoners from Detention, Torture and Death. Letter, flyers, and list of endorsers 1973
International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace. Clipping 1966
International Conference on Alternative Perspectives on Vietnam (Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1965). Program and statement 1965
International Days of Protest Peace March Committee [San Francisco]. Flyer 1966
International Fur and Leather Workers Union. Flyers, union election literature, American Federation of Labor statements, digest of judicial cases involving union leaders, and list of Communist Party members in union 1940-1961
International Labor Defense
General. Letters from International Labor Defense to Unemployed Council, leaflets, circulars, and printed articles and printed excerpts from Communist Party press 1925-1944
Labor Defender. Serial issues and printed articles from the journal 1926-1937
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union. Circular letters, bulletins, serial issues ( Dispatcher), and texts of legal motions in case of United States vs. Fujimoto et al 1940-1967
International Longshoremen's Association. Circular and serial issues ( Shape-Up) 1937
International Socialists. Flyers, serial issues ( I.S.; Workers' Power), and pamphlets ( The American Working Class; Women Workers) 1969-1971
International Student Movement for the United Nations. Press releases 1971
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers. Flyer, Congress of Industrial Organizations press releases, and National Labor Relations Board press release and report of hearings 1950-1954
International Union of Revolutionary Writers. Serial issues ( International Literature) 1935
International Union of Students. Serial issues ( World Student News), printed article, and flyer 1971-1973
International Workers Order
General. Circular, clippings, convention proceedings, pamphlet ( A Youth Fraternal Order), and New York state police report 1931-1954
Fraternal Outlook. Serial issues
Inter-University Committee for Debate on Foreign Policy. Circulars, printed appeals, and Congressional report ( The Anti-Vietnam Agitation and the Teach-In Movement) 1965-1967
Intourist [Soviet travel agency]. Letter and bulletin 1935-1939
Iranian Students Association. Flyers and pamphlet ( On the Shah's Celebration) 1971-1972
Ireland. Flyers, clipping, and serial issue ( United Irishman) re solidarity with people of Ireland 1969-1974
Jacobs, Paul. Clipping 1965
Japan Congress against A and H Bombs. Bulletin 1965
Japan Peace in Vietnam Committee. Clipping 1966
Japanese American Citizens League. Conference proceedings (Special Emergency National Conference, Salt Lake City) 1942
Japanese American Committee for Democracy. Letter to HUAC 1944
Jeannette Rankin Brigade [re Vietnam War]. Leaflets, resolution, and clippings 1967-1968
Jefferson Bookshop [New York City]. Order form 1966
Jefferson School of Social Science [New York City]. Circulars, press releases, statement, program, and clippings 1944-1954
Jeremiah Stamler, M.D. Legal Aid Fund. Letter, circular letters, and statement 1966-1967
Jewish Campaign for the People's Peace Treaty to End the War in Indochina. Leaflet 1971
Jewish Cultural Clubs. Open letter 1971
Jewish Currents. Circular letters and printed excerpts 1957-1972
Jim Hayes Defense Fund. Circulars 1970
Johnny Appleseed Patriotic Publications. Leaflets and serial issues ( New Patriot) 1969-1970
Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee. Printed appeals, flyers, and financial statement 1945-1951
Joint Fall Peace Fund. Printed appeal 1971
Kansas State College Vietnam teach-in. Leaflet, flyers, and clippings 1967
Kastenmeier, Robert W. Schedule, press release, and clipping re informal hearing on Vietnam called by Congressman Kastenmeier in Madison, Wisconsin 1965
Kennedy, John F., assassination conspiracy theories. Newsletter and printed articles 1968-1971
Kepner, Diane. Clipping 1966
Kiger, Peter. Clipping 1966
King, Gaylord. Clippings 1966
Klein, Mark. Clipping 1966
Knudson, Kenneth. Clipping 1966
Koch, Chris. Clipping 1966
Koch, Harold M. Clippings 1966-1967
Korea (North). North Korean government English-language issuances
General. Press releases, circular letters, radio broadcast transcripts, and serial issues ( Korea Today; People's Korea; Pyongyang Times) 1970-1973
Pamphlets ( Answers to the Questions Raised by the Iraqi Journalists' Delegation; Appeal?to the South Korean Fellow Countrymen; The Common Struggle of the Revolutionary Peoples of Asia against U.S. Imperialism Will Surely Win Victory; A Reply to the President of the Korean Affairs Institute in Washington; South Korean Reality; U.S. Imperialism: The Sworn Enemy of the Korean People ) 1969-1973
Ku Klux Klan. Membership application, oath of allegiance, and HUAC statements 1965
Kurki, Irving. Circular letter and clipping 1965-1966
Labor (General)
General. Flyers, leaflets, circulars, and excerpts from printed sources 1923-1974
Serial issues ( Ammunition; Distributive Worker; New Voices; People's Daily World; Power and Light; Spokesman; Sunday Worker; T.W.O.C. Bulletin; Voice of the Federation; We the People ) 1937-1971
Material about labor, including anti-labor publications. Clippings, journal articles, press release, pamphlet ( Labor Monopolies, or Freedom), and internal HISC notes 1931-1975
Labor Committee for Peace in Vietnam. Printed announcement and pamphlet ( The Unspeakable War) 1966
Labor League for Peace [Los Angeles]. Minutes 1952
Labor Sports Union of America. Serial issues ( Sport and Play) 1931
Labor Today. Letter, circulars, and serial issues 1962-1975
Labor Youth League. Circular letter, printed announcement, and pamphlet ( We Accuse McCarthyism) 1954
Labor's Non-Partisan League. Program and clipping 1938-1941
Lamont, Corliss. Clippings 1966-1967
Landau, Saul. Clipping 1966
Laos. Pamphlet ( Laos and the Victorious Struggle of the Lao People against U.S. Neo-Colonialism) published by Neo Lao Haksat Publications (no place of publication indicated) 1969
Law Students against the War. Clipping 1967
Law Students Civil Rights Research Council. Circular letters and leaflets 1965-1972
Lawson, John Howard, and Dalton Trumbo. Amici curiae briefs in related case hearings of Lawson vs. United States and Trumbo vs. United States before U.S. Supreme Court 1949
Lawyers against Test Oaths for the Bar [California]. Circular letter 1951
Lawyers Committee on American Policy towards Vietnam. Letters, circulars, bulletins, printed appeals, clippings, Congressional speech, and HUAC notes 1965-1970
Lawyers Committee to End the War [New York State]. Circulars 1971
League for Industrial Democracy. Circular letters, leaflets, resolution, and bulletins 1965-1969
League for Mutual Aid. Letter and leaflet 1935
League for the Protection of Minority Rights [Pittsburgh]. Serial issue ( Appeal to Reason) 1939
League of American Writers. Pamphlets ( "We Hold These Truths?"; Writers Take Sides) 1938-1939
League of Women Voters. Journal articles 1954-1957
Lee, Oliver. Transcript of radio interview 1966
Left Review [British publication]. Serial issue 1935
Lens, Sidney. Journal articles, clippings, Congressional speech and hearing testimony, American Security Council dossier, and HUAC dossier 1962-1969
Liberated Church Press [Berkeley]. Serial issues and directory 1969
Liberated Guardian. Circular letter and serial issues 1970-1971
General. Circulars, clippings, and printed articles from the journal 1966-1972
Serial issues
Liberation News Service
General. Letter, circulars, leaflets, flyers, and clippings 1969-1972
1969 January
1969 June
1969 July
1969 August
1969 September
1969 October
1969 November
1969 November (cont'd.)
1969 December
1970 January
1970 January (cont'd.)
1970 February
1970 March
1970 March (cont'd.)
1970 April
1970 May
1970 May (cont'd.)
1970 June
1970 July
1970 August
1970 September
1971 April
1971 May
1972 March
Liberator. Serial issues and HUAC memoranda 1962-1967
Liberty Book Club. Circular and serial issue ( Promethean Review) 1955-1959
Link: The Serviceman's Link to Peace [re GI dissidents]. Press releases, flyers, leaflets, and circulars 1969
Lisker, Roy. Clipping and HUAC memorandum 1965-1966
Lobby of Americans [re Vietnam War]. Press releases, leaflets, flyers, and circulars 1971
Lomax, Louis. Clippings 1966
Long March [Baltimore]. Serial issue 1966
Long March Movement Center [Los Angeles]. Bulletins, circulars, and flyers 1972-1974
Lonidier, Fred. Clipping 1966
Los Angeles Citizens for an Honorable Non-Violent U.S. Vietnam Policy. Printed appeals 1965
Los Angeles Committee for Defense of the Bill of Rights. Press releases, circulars, and programs 1966-1970
Los Angeles Committee for Defense of the Bill of Rights and the Protection of the Foreign Born. Press releases and circulars 1965-1966
Los Angeles Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Los Angeles Committee for Protection of Foreign Born issuances. Leaflets, flyers, circulars, minutes, conference proceedings, resolutions, reports, petitions, press releases, and programs
Los Angeles Committee for Protection of Foreign Born publications
Torch. Serial issues 1951-1954
Torchlight. Serial issues 1954-1965
Pamphlets ( For a People's Lobby; Shame of a Nation; Victims of the Walter-McCarran Law and How They Are Defended) 1954-1955
Los Angeles Committee for Protection of Foreign Born internal documents. Drafts of letters and writings, working materials, and notes
Los Angeles Committee for Protection of Foreign Born financial records. Canceled checks, receipts, and financial summaries 1953-1959
Fifth Annual Southern California Conference to Protect the Rights of Foreign Born Americans registration cards (Los Angeles Committee for Protection of Foreign Born event) 1955
Fifth Annual Southern California Conference to Protect the Rights of Foreign Born Americans registration cards (cont'd.)
Material about the Los Angeles Committee for Protection of Foreign Born. Informants' reports and HUAC memoranda 1953-1960
Los Angeles Institute of Marxist Studies. Flyers circa 1973-1974
Louise Pettibone Smith Birthday Committee. Testimonial dinner souvenir pamphlet 1962
Lovestone, Jay, and Rea S. Van Fossen. Related clippings 1955
Lovett, Robert Morss. Letters, journal articles, clippings, and letterhead data 1935-1940
Lower Eastside Mobilization for Peace Action [New York City]. Printed appeals, clipping, and informant's report 1967-1968
Luftig vs. McNamara Committee [re Vietnam War]. Printed appeal 1966
Lynd, Staughton. Letter and clippings 1965-1967
Lynn, Conrad. Clippings 1966
McCarthy, Eugene J. Circular letter and invitation 1971
McCloskey, Paul N., Jr. Circular letters, press releases, and bill introduced 1971
McGovern, George S. Circular letters, printed speeches, and printed appeal 1958-1972
McReynolds, David. Printed letter to the editor, and HUAC memorandum 1966-1967
Madison Citizens for a Vote on Vietnam [Madison, Wisconsin]. Leaflets, circulars, printed articles, letters, HUAC memoranda, draft speech for Congressman Edwin Willis, and photocopies of index card files 1961-1968
Mainstream. Serial issues and printed article from the journal 1947-1956
Majority Report. Serial issues 1971
Mandel, David. Printed appeal 1967
Mandel, William M. Letter and printed articles 1965
Marc Blitzstein Memorial Concert (New York City, 1964). Printed announcement 1964
March of Labor. Serial issues 1949-1956
March 25th Peace Committee [Chicago]. Leaflets 1967
March 26th Arrangement Committee [re Vietnam War; Chicago]. Leaflets and clippings 1966
Marian Davis Scholarship Fund. Circular letters and leaflets 1966-1969
Martin Sostre Defense Committee. Circulars, flyers, leaflets, clippings, printed articles, and pamphlets ( Letters from Prison; Martin Sostre in Court) 1967-1969
Mary Washington College antiwar protests. Printed appeal 1967
Maryland Freedom Union. Clippings 1966-1967
Maryland Socialist League. Constitution and flyer 1966
Massachusetts Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee. Letters, circulars, Congressional speech, petitions, and lists of endorsers 1966-1968
Massachusetts Council of American-Soviet Friendship. Clipping 1943
Massachusetts Political Action for Peace. Leaflet 1967
Masses and Mainstream. Serial issues and printed article from the journal
Mau Mau Society [New York City]. HUAC memorandum circa 1967
May 2nd Movement [originally May 2nd Committee]. Letters, circulars, leaflets, flyers, clippings, journal articles, bulletins, press releases, statements, pamphlet ( Twenty Years in Jail for Traveling to Cuba!), serial issues ( Free Student), and HUAC memoranda and speeches 1964-1966
Mayday Collective
General. Circulars, leaflets, flyers, and clippings 1969-1971
Serial issues ( Mayday; Hard Times) 1968-1971
Medical Aid Committee for Vietnam. Correspondence (including with International Red Cross), circulars, printed appeals, clippings, journal articles, and HUAC memoranda 1965-1966
Medical Aid for Indochina. Circulars, leaflets, flyers, and press releases 1972-1973
Medical Committee for Human Rights. Circulars, leaflets, flyers, press releases, clippings, journal articles, and serial issues ( Health Liberation News; Health Rights News) 1967-1973
Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Library [Berkeley]. Serial publication ( Civil Liberties Docket) 1969
Melish, John Howard. Amicae curiae brief in case of John Howard Melish et al. vs. Church of the Holy Trinity before U.S. Supreme Court 1950
Mellen, James. Clippings 1965
Members of Congress for Peace through Law. Press releases, circular letters to other members of Congress, reports, clippings, and Congressional speeches 1969-1974
Messages for Peace [Roosevelt, New Jersey]. Printed appeal 1967
Methodist Federation for Social Action
Methodist Federation for Social Action issuances
General. Annual meeting agenda and reports, circulars, resolutions, speeches, newsletters, letterhead data, and pamphlet ( The Harry F. Ward Sampler) 1928-1968
Social Service Bulletin. Serial issues and printed articles from the journal
Social Questions Bulletin. Serial issues and printed articles from the journal
Material about the Methodist Federation for Social Action. Letter, memorandum, printed articles, and pamphlets ( Information concerning the Methodist Federation for Social Action; Is There a Pink Fringe in the Methodist Church?) 1950-1956
Metropolitan Council on Housing [New York City]. Flyers, newsletter, and pamphlet ( Your Home Is Your Hassle) 1964-1971
Metropolitan Music School [New York City]. Schedules and HUAC memoranda 1954-1966
Mezey, Robert. Clipping 1965
Miami Peace Center [Coral Gables, Florida]. Clippings 1966
Michael Gold Memorial Committee. Printed announcements 1967
Michigan Committee for Protection of Foreign Born. Press releases, circulars, flyers, leaflets, and newsletters ( Defender) 1950-1956
Mid-Atlantic Committee on Fort Detrick. Flyer 1969
Middle East (General). Flyers, leaflets, printed appeals, press releases, serial issues ( Committee to Support Middle East Liberation Newsletter; Communist Party of Israel Information Bulletin; Palestine Digest), and pamphlet ( Why Do We Support the PFLP?), issued by miscellaneous groups, re solidarity with Palestinians and other peoples of the Middle East 1955-1973
Middle East Report. Photocopy of the journal's mailing list undated
Midwest Committee for Protection of Foreign Born. Conference reports, press releases, circulars, and leaflets 1951-1959
Midwest Conference for a Relevant Social Science (Chicago, 1973). Letter, program, and conference materials 1973
Midwest Faculty Committee on Vietnam. Flyer 1966
Miller, Arthur. Clippings and letterhead data 1947-1951
Miller, David John. Clippings and HUAC memorandum 1965-1969
Milwaukee 14 Defense Committee. Circular letter and leaflet 1969
Minnesota Committee for Protection of Foreign Born. Press release and bulletins 1959
Minnesota Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Circular letter and newsletters ( Crisis) 1966
Minority of One
General. Circulars and printed articles 1965-1968
Serial issues
Minutemen issuances
General. Leaflets and flyers 1961-1966
Internal documents. Bulletins, training directives, membership applications, and letter to John F. Kennedy 1961-1967
On Target. Serial issues 1963-1965
Pamphlets ( The Minutemen: America's Last Line of Defence against Communism; Principles of Guerrilla Warfare) 1961-1962
Material about the Minutemen
General. Letters, notes, Federal Bureau of Investigation wanted notices, and miscellany 1965-1968
Clippings and printed articles 1961-1968
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. Flyers, clippings, and internal proposal document 1965-1967
Mitchell, David Henry, III. Flyers, clippings, and HUAC memorandum 1965-1968
Mitchell, Parren J. Press release 1971
Mitford, Jessica. Pamphlets ( Jessica Mitford and the Red Death; Legal Aspects of the Mitford-Treuhaft Case) 1965
Mobilization for Democracy [Los Angeles]. Letters 1946
Monroe Defense Committee [re Monroe, North Carolina, black defendants]. Circulars, leaflets, flyers, and pamphlet ( Letters from Prison) 1961-1965
Monthly Review. Circulars, catalog, and Leo Huberman memorial service pamphlet 1966-1968
Mooney, Tom. Pamphlet ( Tom Mooney Betrayed by Labor Leaders) 1931
Morehouse College antiwar protests. Clipping 1967
Morning Freiheit Association. Clipping, letterhead data, serial issues ( Jewish Life), and pamphlet ( The Jewish People Face the Postwar World) 1945-1972
Morrison, Norman R. Clipping 1965
Mothers' Defense Committee [re New York City black defendants]. HUAC memoranda 1967
Movement for a Free Philippines. Printed issuances 1973
Movement for a New Congress. Booklet ( Vote Power: The Official Activist Campaigner's Handbook) 1970
Moving the Movement Fund. Circulars 1969
Music and Art Students against the War in Vietnam. Flyer 1967
Musicians Congress Committee. Brochure, ca. 1940s
Muste, A. J. Clippings 1967
Nagasaki Day Memorial (Washington, D.C., 1969). Flyer 1969
Nashville Committee for Alternatives to War in Vietnam. Serial issues ( Confrontation) 1966
Nation. Circular, serial issues, and printed articles from the journal 1950-1971
Nation of Islam. Flyers, circular, clippings, journal articles, serial issue ( Muhammad Speaks), and HUAC memoranda 1960-1974
National Action/Research on the Military Industrial Complex [American Friends Service Committee project]. Flyers and circulars 1969-1973
General. Minutes, conference proceedings, resolutions, statement, flyers, circulars, and list of officers 1973-1974
National Alliance against Racist and Political Repression publications. Serial issues ( Organizer), and pamphlet ( North Carolina: Laboratory for Racism and Repression) 1974
National Anti-Imperialist Conference in Solidarity with African Liberation (Chicago 1973)
General. Conference proceedings and documents, resolutions, press releases, flyers, circulars, serial issues ( African Agenda), and HISC memoranda 1973
United Nations bulletins re South African apartheid circulated at the conference 1972-1973
National Artists' Protest [re Vietnam War]. Clipping 1967
National Assembly for Democratic Rights (New York City, 1961). Conference proceedings, circular letters, leaflet, and clipping 1961-1962
National Association for Irish Freedom. Circular letter, leaflet, flyer, serial issue ( Saoirse Freedom), and pamphlet ( Massacre at Derry) 1971-1972
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Circular letters, flyer, leaflet, and pamphlet ( The Ugly Truth about the NAACP) 1953-1971
National Association of Social Workers. Printed appeal re Vietnam War 1967
National Black Anti-War and Anti-Draft Union. Printed article and HUAC memoranda 1968
National Campaign to Impeach Nixon [Richard M. Nixon]. Letter, press releases, circulars, flyers, list of sponsors, printed article, serial issues ( National Impeachment News), stickers and memorabilia, booklet ( "Bribery, and Other High Crimes and Misdemeanors": The Offenses of Richard M. Nixon: A Lawyer's Guide for the People of the United States ), and Congressional memorandum re impeachment proceedings against Richard M. Nixon 1973-1974
National Caucus of Labor Committees. Flyers, circulars, serial issues ( New Solidarity), and pamphlet ( Scrapping the War Machine) 1968-1974
National Citizens' Committee to Defend Academic Freedom at St. John's University. Printed appeals 1966
National Citizens' Lobby. Flyer 1969
National Citizens Political Action Committee. Correspondence, leaflets, circulars, flyers, newsletters, printed articles, clippings, lists of sponsors, and financial records 1944-1946
National Coalition against War, Racism and Repression. Conference proceedings (Chicago, 1971), list of participants, circulars, flyers, and newsletter 1970-1971
National Coalition to Fight Inflation and Unemployment. Circulars circa 1974
National Committee against Repressive Legislation. Letter, circulars, flyers, leaflets, other printed matter, and HISC statement 1972-1974
National Committee for a Citizens' Commission of Inquiry on U.S. War Crimes in Vietnam. Press release and report 1970
National Committee for a Political Settlement in Vietnam. Clipping 1968
National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy [SANE]
SANE issuances
General. Press releases, printed appeals, leaflets, flyers, circulars, and reprints of Congressional testimony and journal articles 1958-1973
SANE Report. Printed issuances 1969-1973
Material about SANE. Clippings, journal articles, and W. E. B. DuBois Club memoranda 1965-1968
National Committee for an Effective Congress. Circular letters 1970-1974
National Committee for Free Elections in Sunflower County [Mississippi]. Circular letter 1966
National Committee for the Albany Defendants [Albany, Georgia]. Petition and pamphlet ( The Albany Cases) 1966
National Committee of Inquiry [re civil rights for blacks]. Clipping 1968
National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee
National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee issuances
General. Press releases, petitions, circulars, leaflets, flyers, printed appeals, and reprints 1959-1970
Bulletins and newsletters ( Abolition News) 1964-1971
A Collection of Editorials and Resolutions in Opposition to the Un-American Activities Committee [2 editions] 1960-1962
Dialogue on the Constitutionality of the Committee on Un-American Activities; The 89th Congress and the Abolition of HUAC; House Un-American Activities Committee: Bulwark of Segregation 1965
National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee internal documents. Minutes, agenda, reports, and financial records 1960-1969
Material about the National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee. Journal articles, Congressional speeches, and HUAC press releases, reports, notes, and memoranda 1960-1969
National Committee to Defeat the Mundt Bill [predecessor of Internal Security Act (McCarran Act)]. HUAC report 1950
National Committee to Defend the Civil Liberties of the Anti-War Movement. Clipping 1966
National Committee to Repeal the McCarran Act. Letters, circulars, petition, printed appeals, memoranda, flyers, and pamphlet ( What You Need to Know about the McCarran Act) 1951-1966
National Committee to Win the Peace. Letter, Howard K. Smith radio broadcast transcript, and pamphlet ( Open Secret: Reports on the Betrayal of Roosevelt's Peace Policy and American Preparations for World War III) 1946
National Conference for New Politics
General. Letters, printed appeals, circulars, clippings, printed articles, serial issues ( New Politics News), and report 1966-1968
National Conference for New Politics internal documents re the National Convention for New Politics (Chicago, 1967). Photocopies
Correspondence, principally with other liberal and leftist organization re participation in the Convention 1967
Mailing lists and applications for delegate or observer status to attend Convention 1967
Memoranda, reports and other Convention documents, including documents received from other organizations 1967
National Conference on Amnesty [re war resisters]. Minutes, reports, press releases, circulars, and leaflet 1972-1973
National Conference on G.I. Rights (Washington, D.C., 1969). Memoranda, circulars, flyers, and clippings 1969
National Convocation of Lawyers to End the War (Washington, D.C., 1971). Circulars, flyers, and list of sponsors 1971
National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam
General. Letters, clippings, printed articles, and HUAC and Federal Bureau of Investigation memoranda 1965-1970
National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam issuances
General. Flyers, leaflets, circulars, bulletins, and mailing lists 1965-1966
Crisis. Serial issues 1965-1966
Peace and Freedom News. Serial issues 1965-1966
National Council for Prevention of War. Circular letter and list of delegates 1956
National Council for Protection of Foreign Born Workers. Circular letter 1927
National Council of American-Soviet Friendship
General. Letters, press releases, circulars, flyers, and printed appeals 1943-1974
American-Soviet Facts. Serial publications 1964-1967
Pamphlets ( Constitution of the U.S.S.R.; Education in the Soviet Union; Friendship Can Save the World; How to End the Cold War and Build the Peace; Messages [of Nikita S. Khrushchev and Lyndon B. Johnson]; The New Work-Study Program in Soviet Education; Soviet Schools Revisited; Two Decades in the Service of International Friendship and Peace ) 1941-1966
National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions. Circular letters, printed appeals, flyers, leaflets, programs, ballots, report, pamphlets ( Films for '48; "Yours for a Genuine Brotherhood"), and booklet re Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace ( Speaking of Peace) 1946-1953
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Press releases, statements, circulars, leaflets, clipping, typescript report on visit to North Vietnam, serial issue ( Tempo), and pamphlets ( Report?on the National Council of the Churches of Christ; War Crimes: U.S. Priorities and Military Force) 1963-1973
National Council to Repeal the Draft. Circulars, flyers, leaflets, newsletters, and pamphlets ( An Analysis of the Gates Commission Report; The Case for Draft Repeal in 1970) 1969-1973
National Day of Inquiry [re Vietnam War]. Clipping 1967
Programs, agenda, and committee reports 1973
Lists of delegates and sponsors 1973
Keynote address by Angela Davis 1973
Press releases, leaflets, documents distributed at the Conference, and background materials 1970-1973
HISC memoranda, speech, and index card file photocopies re the Conference 1973
HISC exhibits at hearing re the Conference 1973 July 25
HISC background materials for hearing re the Conference (continued) 1973 July 25
Rights 1968-1972
National Emergency Committee of Clergy Concerned about Vietnam. Letter, circulars, press releases, statement, clippings, and printed appeals 1966-1967
National Federation for Constitutional Liberties. Letters, circulars, leaflets, printed appeals, newsletters, petition, lists of sponsors, and pamphlets ( Investigate Martin Dies!; Oklahoma Story, 1940) 1940-1946
National Guardian. Circular letters, clipping, serial issues, printed articles from the journal, and pamphlet ( The Case of the Stubborn Editor) 1950-1968
National High School Activist League. Printed article and clippings 1965
National Inter-Religious Conference on Peace (Washington, D.C., 1966). Clippings 1966
National Labor Conference for Peace (Chicago, 1949). Circulars and printed appeals 1949-1950
National Lawyers Guild. Telegram, circulars, newsletters, printed articles, HUAC memoranda, and serial publication ( Civil Liberties Docket) 1965-1973
National Legal Aid and Defender Association. Leaflet and serial issue ( NLADA Briefcase) 1972
National Legislative Conference on Chile (Washington, D.C., 1974). Programs, circulars, list of sponsors, and HISC memoranda and Congressional speeches 1973-1974
National Maritime Union. Letter, circulars, resolutions, and printed articles 1937-1947
National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam issuances. Circular letters, leaflets, flyers, press releases, internal meeting summaries, printed appeals, newsletters ( Mobilizer), and legal brief (Davis et al. vs. Willis et al. [HUAC members]) 1967-1969
Material about the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
General. Clippings, printed articles, memorandum, and HUAC printed report ( Communist Origin and Manipulation of Vietnam Week) and printed copies of exhibits 1967-1969
Booklets ( Rights in Concord: The Response to the Counter-Inaugural Protest Activities in Washington, D.C.; The Strategy of Confrontation: Chicago and the Democratic National Convention ) 1968-1969
National Negro Congress. Flyers 1937
National Negro Labor Council. Circulars, flyers, and speech 1951-1954
National Peace Action Coalition
National Peace Action Coalition press releases 1971-1973
National Peace Action Coalition leaflets and flyers 1970-1973
National Peace Action Coalition internal documents. Minutes, resolutions, proposals, lists of endorsers, and mailing list 1971-1973
Material about the National Peace Action Coalition. Clippings, printed articles, HISC memoranda and hearing exhibits, and Congressional speeches 1968-1973
National Progressive Traction Workers League. Serial issue ( Traction Labor) 1939
National Public Housing Conference (New York City, 1940). Program, circular letter, and HUAC notes 1940
National Renaissance Party. Leaflets and bulletins ( National Renaissance Bulletin) 1960-1962
National Research Council. Organization and membership pamphlet, and clipping 1948-1961
National Research League. Bulletins ( National Research League Bulletin) 1935
National Scottsboro Action Committee. Clipping 1933
National Socialist White People's Party. Flyer 1969
National Strike for Peace. Circular letter and printed appeal 1970
National Student Antiwar Conference (New York City, 1972). Press release, statements, and HISC memorandum 1972
National Student Coalition against Racism. Flyer 1975
National Student Federation. Letter, circular, and HUAC memoranda 1938-1960
National Student League. Convention bulletins 1934
National Student Peace Rally. Printed announcement 1939
National Student Strike for Peace. Printed appeals, HUAC memoranda, and HUAC printed report ( Communist Origin and Manipulation of Vietnam Week) and printed copies of exhibits 1966-1967
National Students' Conference. HUAC memoranda 1947-1952
National Unemployed League issuances. Flyers, printed appeals, serial issues ( Mass Action; Voice of the Workers), and pamphlet ( Poverty 'midst Riches: Why? We Demand Unemployment Insurance) 1931-1936
National Unemployed League internal documents. Constitution, convention proceedings, resolutions, statements, reports, and draft documents 1931-1938
Material about the National Unemployed League. Clipping and HUAC memorandum 1936-1949
National Universal and Unconditional Amnesty Committee [re war resisters]. Program, position paper, list of participants, and flyers 1973-1974
National Urban League. Circulars and leaflet 1971
National Wallace for President Committee [Henry A. Wallace]. Circular letter and list of members 1948
National Welfare Rights Organization. Flyers, leaflets, circulars, and serial issue ( Welfare Fighter) 1968-1971
National Workers League. Leaflet and newsletters ( Nationalist Newsletter) 1940-1941
National Writers' Congress (New York City, 1937). Printed appeal 1937
National Youth Committee [possibly of Communist Party, U.S.A.]. May Day recitation script undated
Nationalist Press Association. Leaflet and pamphlets ( Abolish Private Money or Drown in Debt; War? Americans Must Think) 1938-1939
Nationalist Publishing Company. Flyers circa 1930s
Nationwide Peace Conference of Labor Delegates [Proposed]. Clipping 1949
Negotiation Now! [re Vietnam War]. Printed appeals, flyers, and clippings 1967-1968
Negro Labor Victory Committee
Negro Labor Victory Committee telegrams 1942-1943
Negro Labor Victory Committee press release telegrams to newspapers 1943
Material about the Negro Labor Victory Committee. HUAC internal letters and memorandum 1943
New American Movement. Printed articles and serial issues ( New American Movement) 1972-1974
New Committee for Publications. Circular letters and bulletins ( NCP Report) 1947
New Democratic Coalition. Flyer, printed appeal, and clippings 1969
New England Committee for Protection of Foreign Born. Flyers, leaflet, and statement 1952
New England Free Press. Printed appeal 1968
New Foundations
Circulars 1950-1971
Serial issues
New Horizons for Youth. Serial issues
New Institute for Film and Television [Brooklyn]. Catalogs, circulars, newsletters, and clippings 1947-1951
New Jersey Ad Hoc Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Clippings 1965-1966
New Jersey Committee of Veterans for Peace in Vietnam. Printed article 1966
New Jersey Conference for Jobs, Trade and Peace (Newark, 1954). HUAC memoranda and letter 1954
New Jersey Council of American-Soviet Friendship. Petitions 1946
New Jersey Jewish Labor Council. Clipping 1948
New Jersey Labor Conference for Peace (Newark, 1950). Clipping 1950
New Jersey Labor School [Newark]. Clippings and HUAC note 1943-1947
New Jersey Women's Council for Peace. Letter, HUAC memorandum, and clipping 1951-1953
New Left School of Los Angeles. Catalogs and printed article 1965-1967
New Masses. Serial issue and printed articles from the journal 1931-1944
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam issuances
Press releases 1969-1970
Leaflets, flyers, and circulars 1969-1970
New Mobilizer. Serial issues 1969-1970
Minutes 1969-1970
Strategy Action Conference (Milwaukee, 1970 June). Registration list, memoranda, reports, proposals, and documents received from other organizations 1970
Internal documents. Memoranda, resolutions, proposals, position papers, financial report, and miscellany 1969-1970
Mailing and contact lists 1969
Manuals ("Washington Action, Nov. 13-15, 1969: A Report and Comments from the Viewpoint of a Practical Organizer"; "Organizing for Civil Disobedience") 1969-1970
Material about the New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
Clippings, printed articles, and radio broadcast transcript 1969-1970
Informants' reports, together with photocopies of accompanying documents obtained by informants 1969
HISC internal memoranda, together with memoranda received from U.S. Department of Justice 1969-1970
HISC staff study synopsis ("Synopsis of Information in Committee Research Study of Subversive Involvement in the Origin, Leadership, and Activities of the New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam and Its Predecessor Organizations") 1970
HISC public issuances. Staff study ( Subversive Involvement in the Origin, Leadership, and Activities of the New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam and Its Predecessor Organizations ), excerpts from hearings and reports, press releases, Congressional speeches, and radio broadcast transcript 1969-1970
New Nation Congress (Madison, Wisconsin, 1971). Flyers, list of attendees, and internal memoranda 1971
New Negro Alliance [Washington, D.C.]. List of sponsors, serial publication ( New Negro Alliance Year Book 1939), and police informant report 1934-1939
New Party. Leaflets, flyers, clippings, and printed article 1968-1969
New Politics. Circular letter 1969
New Republic. Circular letters 1969-1970
New School Committee to End the War in Vietnam [New School for Social Research]. Flyer 1965
New South. Serial issues, and pamphlet ( Questions and Answers: The Schools and the Courts) 1939-1953
New Theatre League. Serial issues ( New Theatre) 1934-1936
New University Conference. Draft constitution, position papers, internal memoranda, convention materials, financial report, mailing lists, newsletters, leaflets, clippings, and printed articles