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Box 82, Folder 5


General note

Photocopied typescript draft for printer.
Box 82, Folder 6


General note

Production material.
Box 82, Folder 7


General note

Photocopy and draft.

Z Press Books

Box 83, Folder 1

Abbott, Keith. 12 SHOT: A PHOTOPOEM (1975)

General note

Box 83, Folder 2

Ashbery, John. THREE PLAYS (1978)

General note

Page proof and cover.
Box 83, Folder 3

Ashbery, John and James Schuyler. A NEST OF NINNIES (1975) 1975

General note

Miscellaneous proofs, cover boards, lists of corrections and correspondence.
Box 83, Folder 4

Ashbery, John and James Schuyler. A NEST OF NINNIES (1975)

General note

Page proofs.
Box 83, Folder 5

Berkson, Bill. LUSH LIFE (1984)

General note

Typescript draft for printer with corrections, galley proof and page proof.
Box 83, Folder 6


General note

Production material, color keys and color photocopies.
Oversize MC-149, Folder 04


General note

Photostat plates.
Box 83, Folder 8

Brainard, Joe. TWENTY NINE MINI ESSAYS (1978)

General note

Galley proof, page proof, and correspondence.
Box 84, Folder 1

Brownstein, Michael. STRANGE DAYS AHEAD (1975)

General note

Galley proof, page proof and cover.
Box 84, Folder 2

Burckhardt, Rudy. MOBILE HOMES (1980)

General note

Typescript and paste-up draft, corrections and correspondence.
Box 84, Folder 3

Burckhardt, Rudy. MOBILE HOMES (1980)

General note

Galley proofs.
Box 84, Folder 4

Bye, Reed. BORDER THEME (1981)

General note

Page proofs.
Box 84, Folder 5

Denby, Edwin. MILTIE IS A HACKIE (1973)

General note

With Rudy Burckhardt. Title page and announcements [?].
Box 85, Folder 1

Finlay, Hamilton Ian. HEROIC EMBLEMS (1977)

General note

Printing blocks for illustrations.
Box 86, Folder 1

Finlay, Hamilton Ian and Ron Costley. HEROIC EMBLEMS (1977)

General note

Page proofs.
Oversize MC-149, Folder 05

Gianakos, Steve. STEVE GIANAKOS (1981) 1981

General note

Page proofs.
Box 86, Folder 3

Kyger, Joanne. THE WONDERFUL FOCUS OF YOU (1980)

General note

Page proofs.
Box 86, Folder 4


General note

Photocopy of typescript and illustration.
Box 86, Folder 5


General note

Master proofs.
Box 86, Folder 6


General note

Page proofs.
Box 86, Folder 7

Padgett, Ron. THE TULSA KID (1980)

General note

Typescript draft from printer.
Box 86, Folder 8

Padgett, Ron. THE TULSA KID (1980)

General note

Galley proof with corrections. Part 1.
Box 86, Folder 9

Padgett, Ron. THE TULSA KID (1980)

General note

Galley proof with corrections. Part 2.
Box 87, Folder 1

Schuyler, James. THE HOME BOOK: PROSE AND POEMS, 1951-1970 (1977)

General note

Galley proof and front cover.
Box 87, Folder 2

Waldman, Anne. CABIN (1981)

General note

Page proofs.
Box 87, Folder 3

Welish, Marjorie. TWO POEMS (1981)

General note

Page proofs.


Box 87, Folder 4

Announcements, brochures, cover designs, price lists 1970 - 1990

General note

Drafts and paste-ups.
Box 87, Folder 5

Catalogues and publication nnnouncements 1975 - 1980

Box 87, Folder 6

Distributors' invoices and inventories

Box 87, Folder 7

Inventory and sales tables 1983 - 1985

General note

Box 87, Folder 8

Poetry events 1975 - 1995

General note

Announcements in newspapers.
Box 87, Folder 9

Poetry event. Flyers and press releases 1975 - 1995

General note

Printed flyers and paste-ups for Vermont readings by Rudy Burckhardt, Reed Bye, Elmslie, Ann Lauterbach, Ron Padgett, Sue Haldman, and others. Some flyers have photographs.
Oversize FB-327, Folder 5

Z Press Poetry Fest 1980 - 1990

General note

[?] Poster for a reading by Rudy Burckhardt, Ron Padgett and Ann Lauterbach, Elmslie, Anne Waldman and Reed Bye.
Box 87, Folder 10

Reviews of Z Press events and publishing activity

General note

Newspaper and magazine clippings.


Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 7) JOE BRAINARD MATERIAL: Arranged in three subseries: A) Correspondence, B) Artwork and Writings, and C) Miscellaneous Material.
A) Correspondence: Arranged alphabetically by correspondent and chronologically within folders. It contains letters from family members.
B) Artworks and Writings: Arranged alphabetically by title and contains handwritten and typescript texts, drawings and sketches, journal entries for the spring/summer of 1969. There are handwritten drafts and a corrected galley proof for Brainard's book, I REMEMBER (1968 and 1970).
C) Miscellaneous Material: Arranged alphabetically by subject and contains publicity material for his exhibitions and readings, article about him and his work, drawings and sketches, and an early award for his painting.


Box 87, Folder 11

Brainard, Becky

General note

Box 87, Folder 12-13

Brainard, Howard L. 1966 - 1977

Box 87, Folder 14

Brainard, John

General note

Box 88, Folder 1

Burrow, Ruby 1965 - 1987

Box 88, Folder 2

Shelby Hogg White Family Association 1965 - 1966

Box 88, Folder 3

A-Z - Miscellaneous

Box 88, Folder 4

A-Z unidentified correspondents.


Artwork and Writings

Box 88, Folder 5

And the Morning in an Igloo

General note

Undated. Photocopies of drawing and text.
Box 88, Folder 6


General note

Undated photocopy of typescript.
Box 88, Folder 7

Believing As I Do That "Realism"..

General note

Handwritten notes for course and curriculum vitae.
Box 88, Folder 8

Brunswick Stew 1966

General note

Box 88, Folder 9

Casualness of the Soft Collar..

General note

Undated. Handwritten with drawing.
Box 88, Folder 10

Dear Little Potted Plant

General note

Undated. Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 11

Do You Know Why Some Raincoats Are Called Mackintoshes?

General note

Undated. Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 12

E is for Elmslie

General note

Undated. Ink drawings in panels.
Box 88, Folder 13

Eating Grass 1964

General note

Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 14

Everything to You! (1976)

General note

Box 88, Folder 15

Exciting Novel of Romance and Intrigue and True Love 1977

General note

Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 16


General note

Undated. Sketches, photograph and negative. Has example for color and paper, "Many Happy Returns" cover for Ted Berrigan.
Box 88, Folder 17

Hinson's Go to the Fair

General note

Undated. Typescript and handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 18

I Like 1963

General note

Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 19

Joe the Man

General note

Undated. Typescript. Also typescript protest poem, undated.
Box 88, Folder 20


General note

1968 [?]. Handwritten pages with changes and notes.
Box 88, Folder 21


General note

Galley proof for the Angel Hair edition with corrections.
Box 88, Folder 22

I REMEMBER. Selections

General note

Undated. Limited publication with article by Bill Reed, "A Grocery List of the 1950s".
Box 88, Folder 23

Intersection 1963

General note

Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 24


General note

Undated. Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 25


General note

Undated. Published drawing and text.
Box 88, Folder 26

Joe Brainard's Laws

General note

Undated. Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 27

Journal, May 9 - August 3 1969

General note

Handwritten pages, originally torn in half then clipped together in chronological order.
Box 88, Folder 28

Lazy Day

General note

Undated. Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 29

Life Better

General note

Undated. Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 30

Long Short Story

General note

Undated. Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 31

Love Song for Mrs. Boas by Ruth Landshoff Yorck 1965

General note

Box 88, Folder 32


General note

Undated text with drawing.
Box 88, Folder 33

Mother's Love is a Blessing 1963

General note

Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 34

New Baby Was Born 1965

General note

May 23. Birth announcement.
Box 88, Folder 35


General note

Undated. Handwritten texts, "O.K. then...," "Dear Fuckface...," "White and Dusty Men," and "Fruit".
Box 88, Folder 36

People of the World: Relax!

General note

1969 [?]. Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 37

Poem 1963

General note

Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 38

Saturday, December the 11th 1965

General note

Handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 39

Selected Writings 1971

General note

Photocopy of typescript.
Box 88, Folder 40


General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 88, Folder 41

Some Notes on Doing THE SEAGULL Cover 1974

General note

Handwritten with drawings, photograph and postcard.
Box 88, Folder 42


General note

Undated. Handwritten text.

Miscellaneous Material

Box 88, Folder 43

With Xmas Greetings and Loads of Cheer Cheer Cheer Cheer Cheer Cheer for Kenward Kenward Kenward 1964

General note

[?] Signed "Love, Jimmy and Joe." Album of magazine advertisements and stamps with added handwritten text.
Box 88, Folder 44

Announcements and flyers for exhibitions and readings by Joe Brainard 1970 - 1990

Box 88, Folder 45

Articles and reviews 1960 - 1990

General note

Newspaper clippings about Joe Brainard and his work.
Box 89, Folder 1

Drawings, sketches and collage material 1964 - 1965

General note

Also name tags and Oklahoma Young Democrats membership card.
Box 89, Folder 2

Lists and notes

General note

Undated. Handwritten pages.
Box 89, Folder 3

Scholastic Award for Achievement in Art 1960

General note

Joe Brainard, Oils. Wood and metal plaque.


Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 8) JOHN LATOUCHE MATERIAL: Includes correspondence (arranged alphabetically within one folder), writings and music, and miscellaneous material.
Box 89, Folder 4

Correspondence 1950-1954


Writings and Music

Box 89, Folder 5

BALLAD OF BABY DOE (1958). Flyer, program and article by A. R. Smith 1956 - 1993

Box 89, Folder 6

GOLDEN APPLE (1954). Programs and poster 1954 - 1972

Box 89, Folder 7

Journal, August 16 - October 9 1943

General note

Box 89, Folder 8

List of songs by John Latouche

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 89, Folder 9

Notebook 1950 - 1953

General note

Bound with handwritten entries and sketches. Also loose sheets with handwritten and typescript lists, notes.
Box 89, Folder 10

Notebook 1950 - 1956

General note

Notes and lyrics for the GOLDEN APPLE and the ETERNAL EVE.
Box 89, Folder 11


General note

Undated. Initials JL and sealing wax on cover. No contents.
Box 89, Folder 12

Notes and drawings 1940 - 1956

General note

Handwritten notes and ink drawings.
Oversize FB-327, Folder 7

RIDING HOOD REVISITED (1956). Vocal score

General note

Copy of handwritten score with annotations.
Box 89, Folder 13

Sleep Rhyme for Ken and To Ken Asleep

General note

Undated. Handwritten and typescript texts.
Box 89, Folder 14

Vocal Scores. "At Home in Your Heart," "Be Discriminatory," "Blue Countries," "Jack L'Eventreur,"

General note

Also "Legitimate," "Star Song," and "World of Our Own." Undated. Handwritten and published texts.
Box 89, Folder 15

Review of "Ballad of John Latouche"

General note

1956 [?]. Unsigned typescript review and elegy.
Box 89, Folder 16

Hotel and auto cards 1950 - 1956



Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 9) WRITINGS OF OTHERS: Arranged alphabetically by author's name and title of work. It contains typescripts and photocopies of work by John Ashbery, David Rosenberg, James Schuyler, Lewis Warsh, and Trevor Winkfield, among others. There is also a transcript of a interview by John Hollander of W. H. Auden from the early 1960s.
Box 90, Folder 1

Ashbery, John. "The Case of the Reluctant Polymath" 1980

General note

January 28. Article about Rudy Burckhardt in NEW YORK MAGAZINE. Also an undated typescript, "Trevor Winkfield is a Young English Artist Living in New York...".
Box 90, Folder 2

Berkson, Bill. "Roots" 1973

General note

April 31. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 3

Berkson, Bill. "Twenty Stories High" 1969

General note

February. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 4


General note

Undated. Number Two. Edited by Sand Project Press. Works by Ted Berrigan, Tom Raworth, and John Stanton.
Box 90, Folder 5

Corbett, Bill. "Poem in December"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 6


General note

Accordion fold chapbook with captioned drawings.
Box 90, Folder 7

Guest, Barbara. "Let Us Give Up Our Trips" 1965

General note

October. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 8

Hoffman, Byrd. "Deafman Glance" 1971

General note

Box 90, Folder 9

Hollander, John. Interview of W.H. Auden 1962

General note

[?]. Typescript with annotations and March 12, 1962, letter from Don Hall and "Maggie" [?].
Box 90, Folder 10

J.C. "Triptych 1" 1977

General note

[?]. Photocopies of photographs.
Box 90, Folder 11

Kierkegaard, Soren. "Diapsalmata" from EITHER/OR

General note

Undated. Typescript transcription.
Box 90, Folder 12

Koch, Kenneth. "The Artist"

General note

Undated. Mimeograph.
Box 90, Folder 13

Katz, Vincent Isaac. "November, 1967"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 14

Lansing, Gerrit. "In the Light of the Tinctures"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 15

Lansing, Gerrit. "Working the Lower Red Field" 1969

General note

Printed broadside.
Box 90, Folder 16

Lyrics by Others File

General note

Undated. Elmslie's typescript transcriptions of lyrics by E. Denby, G. Gershwin and Lerner and Lowe.
Box 90, Folder 17

Mackenzie, Edward. "English Seaside Series: Introduction" 1993

General note

August - September. Typescript and newspaper articles.
Box 90, Folder 18

Meyer, Tom. "On Being a Blond No Longer"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 19

Notley, Alice. "For Kenward: A Happy Birthday"

General note

Undated. Handwritten and typescript drafts.
Box 90, Folder 20

O' Hara, Frank. "The General Returns from One Place to Another" 1964

General note

Spiral bound photocopy with Elmslie's [?] annotations. Elmslie listed as the General in a 1991 production directed by Arnold Weinstein.
Box 90, Folder 21

O'Hara, Frank. Four poems published in THE IOWA DEFENDER, November 4 1968

General note

"Les Luths," "Prospero,"Joe's Jacket," and "Poem." With introduction by Ted Berrigan. Also two printed pages with O'Hara's "On Rachmaninoff's Birthday" and "The Day the Lady Died", and a clipping about O'Hara's work.
Box 90, Folder 22

Padgett, Ron. "Tans" 1968

General note

February 28. Typescript with map as cover.
Box 90, Folder 23

Rosenberg, David. "Frontal Nudity" 1972

General note

Box 90, Folder 24

Rosenberg, David. "April 4," "Baudelaire: Les Bijoux," "June 12," "The Necessity of Poetry," "Rivers"

General note

Also, "Shakespearean Sonnet #29" "Shakespearean Sonnet #30," "Shakespearean Sonnet #31," "Soft Pages," and "Violence." Undated. Typescripts.
Box 90, Folder 25

Schiff, Harris. "Among the Cliff Dwellers" 1971

General note

April 27. Handwritten text.
Box 90, Folder 26

Schuyler, James. "Letter Poem #3"

General note

Undated. Photocopy.
Box 90, Folder 27

Schuyler, James. "Fireproof Floors of Witley Court"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 28

Schuyler, James. "Now and Then" 1967

General note

September - October. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 29

Schuyler, James. "Shrine Exit"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 30

Warsh, Lewis. "Landscapes" 1969

General note

August. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 31

Winkfield, Trevor. "Leeds: An Autobiography"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 32

Winkfield, Trevor. "Picassio"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 33

Winkfield, Trevor. "Sports and Pastimes" [by Erik Satie.]

General note

Undated. "Translated from the French by Trevor Winkfield." Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 34

Towle, Tony. "Poets, Inc." 1967

General note

October, 11. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 35

Unidentified. "Aide -Memoire for March 15th" 1964

General note

Typescript. Signed Michael.
Box 90, Folder 36

Unidentified. "At the Club"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 37

Unidentified. "The Bluet," "From the Next," "Standing and Watching," "The Green Door Sunset," "The Day" 1972

General note

Also, "Evening." Photocopies.
Box 90, Folder 38

Unidentified. "Blud!"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 39

Unidentified. "The Family of Man"

General note

Undated. Photocopy of typescript.
Box 90, Folder 40

Unidentified. "Give Me Flowers While I Live"

General note

Undated. Signed Kitty. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 41

Unidentified. "The New Spirit"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 42

Unidentified. "Night and Day"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 43

Unidentified. "Questions and Answers"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 44

Unidentified. "Spontaneous Bruises," "September Night" and "Blue Skies"

General note

Undated. Typescripts and photocopy.
Box 90, Folder 45

Unidentified. "To Kenward on His Birthday: A True Intergalactic Winnie-the-Pooh"

General note

Undated. Signed Tanday [?] Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 46

Unidentified. "The Yoni and the Commissar"

General note

Undated. Typescript.
Box 90, Folder 47


General note

Undated, untitled writings. Handwritten texts.


Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 10) MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL: Arranged alphabetically by topic and brings together material that sheds light on Elmslie's cultural, domestic and political activities and interests. It contains a clippings file, collage material, an album of postcards, and two scrapbooks with World War II era clippings.
Box 90, Folder 48

Announcements, brochures, flyers, and programs for the exhibitions and performances of works by others 1960 - 1990

Box 90, Folder 49

Clippings file 1936 - 1996

General note

Newspaper and magazine articles on crimes, events and politics. Includes a September, 1936, SILVER SCREEN article on Shirley Temple and brochure on monologist Lillian Loth Koch, ca. 1939.
Box 91, Folder 1

Collage material

General note

Undated. Bookplate, printed cartoons and magazine illustrations, fabric scraps, labels, and napkins.
Box 91, Folder 2

Dog breeding documents 1959 - 1967

General note

Pedigree registration certificates, licenses for whippets "Whippoorwill" and "Rossignol."
Box 91, Folder 3

Drawings and doodles by Kenward Elmslie

General note

Box 91, Folder 4

Guest lists

General note

Undated. Typescript and handwritten lists of names to receive invitations and tickets to events and performances.
Box 91, Folder 5

Hamilton College reading 1978

General note

November 15. Four student papers reviewing Elmslie's performance at Hamilton College.
Box 91, Folder 6

Hotel Register, December 25, 1976 - April 31

General note

Names and addresses of visitors to Elmslie's home in Calais, Vermont.
Box 91, Folder 7

Men's Clubs 1970 - 1980

General note

Complimentary pass and flyer. Also Chick Publications cartoon tract, "The Gay Blade," by J.T.C.
Box 91, Folder 8

Milwaukee Postcard Fair 1996

General note

April 19. Brochure, correspondence, list of items, and color photographs of Kenward Elmslie with Susan Nicholson.
Box 91, Folder 9

Political activism brochures and flyers 1965 - 1974

General note

"March on Washington," "A Tribute to Eugene J. McCarthy," and flyers for rallies to protest against Richard M. Nixon.
Oversize FB-335, Folder 2

Postcard album 1930 - 1968

General note

European art and architecture, scenes of the western United States and South American scenes and people.
Oversize FB-334, Folder 2

Scrapbook 1940 - 1944

General note

Clippings from illustrated news magazines showing progress of World War II campaigns, newspaper clippings about Gertrude Lawrence and newspaper advertisements for "Lady in the Dark" with Ginger Rogers.
Oversize FB-335, Folder 1

Scrapbook 1943 - 1944

General note

Newspaper and illustrated magazine clippings on World War II campaigns, Gertrude Lawrence and Vivien Leigh.
Box 92-94

Originals of preservation photocopies


Restrictions Apply

Accessions Processed in 2019-2021, 2024



Scope and Content of Series

Series 11) BIOGRAPHICAL: Arranged alphabetically, additional materials that document Elmslie's private and public life. Includes address books, appointment books, biographical notes for publications, portraits of Elmslie and photographs from stage productions, transcripts of interviews, and published reviews of his work.
Box 95, Folder 1

Address books

Box 95, Folder 2

Biographical sketches prepared for articles and other publications

Folder 3

Supporting biographical and website documentation 2001

Box 95, Folder 3-4


General note

Includes portraits of Elmslie and a small selection of photographs from various performances and productions.
Box 155, Folder 14

Photographs of Elmslie and family 1995-2010

Box 95, Folder 5

Reviews 1986-2005

General note

Reviews and critical commentary about Elmslie's work. Includes reviews for Palais Bimbo Lounge Show, The Seagull, LingoLand, Miss Julie, 26 Bars, Postcards on Parade (book), The Grass Harp, Routine Disruptions, and "Recent Work of Kenward Elmslie" by William Corbett.
Box 156, Folder 1

Invitations 1989, 2000

General note

Includes an invitation to Elmslie's 70th birthday party and for a celebration for Joe Brainard and Elmslie in 1989.
Box 156, Folder 2

Certificates and awards 1994, 2002

Box 156, Folder 3

Articles about Kenward Elmslie 2003, undated

Box 156, Folder 4

Biographical notes and blurbs undated

Box 156, Folder 5-7

Photographs undated

General note

Includes a photograph of Richard Thomas and negatives for the title page of "3 Plays." Also includes photographs of Kenward Elmslie and of C.W. Swets.


Scope and Content of Series

Series 12) CORRESPONDENCE: Arranged alphabetically by correspondent and chronologically within folders, correspondence documents Elmslie's writing career and his support of artistic, musical and literary communities. Notable correspondents include Stella Adler, John Ashbery, Lucia Berlin, Maxine Chernoff, James Morgan, Ron Padgett, Claibe Richardson, Ned Rorem, Kenneth Tisa and others. Also included are exchanges with family members, including voluminous correspondence primarily consisting of postcards, cards, and letters written by Elmslie to niece, Vivien Russe and her husband, Willie Russe. Other correspondence include letters with several literary presses, such as Black Sparrow Press, Skanky Possum, and Sun and Moon Press. A substantial amount of unidentified or informally addressed incoming and outgoing correspondence to Elmslie, including typescript drafts, cards and postcards, are filed under his name in "E." Correspondence dates from 1967-2011.

2019-2021 Additions

Box 95, Folder 6

A - Miscellaneous

Box 95, Folder 7

Abbott, Keith 1995-1999

Box 95, Folder 8

Adler, Stella 1982-1984, undated

Box 95, Folder 9

Ashbery, John 2001-2006

General note

Contains correspondence to and from David Rosenberg with "Group-Portrait in a Vermont Kitchen," by David Rosenberg.
Box 95, Folder 10

B - Miscellaneous

Box 95, Folder 11

Ballard, Micah 2001-2004

Box 95, Folder 12

Bamberger, Bill 1991-2005, undated

Box 95, Folder 13

Bathos Journal (Daniel Mosher) 1997-1999

Box 95, Folder 14

Belding, Vicky 2000-2002

Box 95, Folder 15

Belwin Mills Publishing Corporation 1975-1976

Box 95, Folder 16

Benjamin, Dyke and Marianne (Lazard Asset Management) 1998-2003

Box 95, Folder 17

Berkson, Bill 1998-2004

General note

Contains correspondence and mock-ups regarding "Serenade," a joint work with Joe Brainard.
Box 95, Folder 18

Berlin, Lucia (Loosha) 1995-2004

General note

Contains an "I Remember" poem written for Berlin.
Box 96, Folder 1-2

Black Sparrow Press (John Martin) 1967-1972

General note

Regarding the publications of "The Champ" and "Circus Nerves."
Box 96, Folder 3

Böhlke, Rainer undated

Box 96, Folder 4

Bouchard, Bill 2001-2006

Box 96, Folder 5

Boulte, Jean 1980-2005, undated

Box 96, Folder 6

Brainard, Joe 1987-1993, undated

Box 96, Folder 7

Brown, Lee Ann 1995-2002

Box 96, Folder 8

Brownstein, Michael 2006

General note

Regarding the sale of a Joe Brainard watercolor.
Box 96, Folder 9

Burckhardt, Rudy and Yvonne Jacquette 1982-2005

Box 96, Folder 10

C - Miscellaneous

Box 96, Folder 11

Camp, Pauline and Harold 1996-2010, undated

General note

Includes photographs.
Box 96, Folder 12

Chernoff, Maxine 1970-1971

Box 96, Folder 13

Chernoff, Maxine and Paul Hoover - Postcards and greeting cards 1983-2006

General note

Includes photographs and poetry by Chernoff.
Box 97, Folder 1-2

Chernoff, Maxine and Paul Hoover 1983-2006

General note

Includes photographs and poetry by Chernoff.
Box 97, Folder 3

Clark, Jeff 1999-2002, undated

Box 97, Folder 4

Coles, Matthew (American Civil Liberties Union) 1996-2006

Box 97, Folder 5

Conjunctions literary journal 1986-1990

Box 97, Folder 6

Corbett, William 1980-2004

Box 97, Folder 7

D - Miscellaneous

Box 97, Folder 8

Deanovich, Connie 1997-1999

Box 97, Folder 9

Doubleday publisher (Susana Peschiera and others) regarding Orchid Stories 1968-1973

Box 97, Folder 10

E - Miscellaneous

Folder 1

Correspondence - Outgoing letters by Elmslie 1998-2003

General note

11 PDF files of outgoing letters typed by Elmslie on his home computer and saved in ongoing logs. Files have titles such as "1998 Vermont letters" and "2001 Summer letters."
Box 153, Folder 1

Elmslie, Kenward - Postcards to niece, Vivien (Weir) Russe 1968-1976

Box 153, Folder 2-7

Elmslie, Kenward - Letters, cards and postcards to niece, Vivien Russe and her husband Willie Russe 1990-1997

Box 154, Folder 1-7

Elmslie, Kenward - Letters, cards and postcards to niece, Vivien Russe and her husband Willie Russe 1998-1999

Box 155, Folder 1-7

Elmslie, Kenward - Letters, cards and postcards to niece, Vivien Russe and her husband Willie Russe 2000-2006

Box 103, Folder 1-2

Elmslie, Kenward - Unidentified outgoing correspondence

Box 103, Folder 3

Elmslie, Kenward - 70th birthday cards sent to Elmslie 1999 April

Box 103, Folder 4-7

Elmslie, Kenward - Unidentified incoming correspondence

Box 98, Folder 1-2

Elmslie, Vivien (Viv) 1969-2006, undated

General note

Elmslie's sister. Includes one photograph.
Box 98, Folder 3

Equi, Elaine 1999-2002

Box 98, Folder 4

Evans, Richard B. 2004

Box 98, Folder 5

Ex-Yu Pen (Pen Center of Writers in Exile from former Yugoslavia) undated

Box 98, Folder 6

F - Miscellaneous

Box 98, Folder 7

Fagin, Larry 2000-2001

Box 98, Folder 8

First Identity Magazine (Lee Chapman) 1999-2000

Box 98, Folder 9

Fitzgerald, Stephen 2003

Box 98, Folder 10

Fox, Elizabeth 1982-1983, undated

Box 98, Folder 11

Freedberg, Kate 1969-2003, undated

Box 98, Folder 12

G - Miscellaneous

Box 98, Folder 13

Granary Books 1999-2001

General note

Includes correspondence from Anne Waldman, Lewis Warsh and others.
Box 98, Folder 14

Group cards undated

Box 98, Folder 15

Guest, Barbara 1999

Box 98, Folder 16

H - Miscellaneous

Box 98, Folder 17

Hacha Piedra Letters (George and Elizabeth) 1959-1965

Box 98, Folder 18

Hampson, David and Anne 1997, 1999

Box 98, Folder 19

Haste, Jeffrey 1997

Box 98, Folder 20

Hill, Lott 1999-2006

Box 98, Folder 21

Hudspith, Vicki 1982-1999

Box 98, Folder 22

I - Miscellaneous

Box 98, Folder 23

J - Miscellaneous

Box 99, Folder 1

K - Miscellaneous

Box 99, Folder 2

Kikel, Rudy 1981-1982

Box 99, Folder 3

Killian, Kevin 1994-2001

Box 99, Folder 4

Kite, Mary 2001-2009

Box 99, Folder 5

Kornblum, Allan (Coffee House Press) 2001

Box 99, Folder 6

Krusoe, Jim (Santa Monica College) undated

Box 99, Folder 7

Kyger, Joanne 1999-2001

Box 99, Folder 8

L - Miscellaneous

Box 99, Folder 9

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Incorporated (Kevin Cathcart) 1993-1997

Box 99, Folder 10

Lansing, Gerrit 1999

Box 99, Folder 11

Lauterbach, Ann (Anni) 1974-2004, undated

General note

Includes a watercolor painting for Elmslie's birthday.
Box 99, Folder 12

Leahy, Patrick (United States Senate) 2001-2003

Box 99, Folder 13

Leon, Oscar 1995, undated

Box 99, Folder 14

Levine, Rhoda 1999-2002, undated

Box 99, Folder 15

Levitsky, Rachel 2001

Box 99, Folder 16

Lewallen, Constance (Berkeley Art Museum) 2001-2002

Box 99, Folder 17

Lewis Cooper, Brenda 1983-1999

Box 99, Folder 18

Liu, Timothy 1999

General note

Editor of "Homotextual" poetry anthology.
Box 99, Folder 19

Livingston, Chip 2004-2006, undated

General note

Includes drafts of "Straight Acting," and "Heliconias."
Box 99, Folder 20

Lustig, Shelley 1999-2005

Box 99, Folder 21

M - Miscellaneous

Box 99, Folder 22

McCoy, David 2002-2003

Box 99, Folder 23

McGinnes, Mac 1980-2006

Box 99, Folder 24

Mike and Dale's Younger Poets 1997-1998

Box 99, Folder 25

Mikolowski, Ken 1992-2003

General note

Includes the short poem, "Gone," by Mikolowski.
Box 99, Folder 26

Moore, David Jr. 1996-2002, undated

Box 99, Folder 27

Morgan, Bill 2003

General note

Regarding Allen Ginsberg's correspondence.
Box 99, Folder 28

Morgan, James (Jim/Jimbo) 1999-2006, undated

Box 99, Folder 29

Morrow, Karen 1993, 1999

Box 99, Folder 30

Murphy, Ryan 2005

Box 100, Folder 1

N - Miscellaneous

Box 100, Folder 2

Nest (magazine) 2002

Box 100, Folder 3

New American Writing (NAW) 1997, 2000

Box 100, Folder 4

Nichols, Travis 2006

General note

Regarding Wave Books poetry tour.
Box 100, Folder 5

North Clow, Mary 2001-2005, undated

Box 100, Folder 6

Noto, John 1997-2000

Box 100, Folder 7

O - Miscellaneous

Box 100, Folder 8

O'Hara, Maureen (Frank O'Hara Foundation) 1997-2002

Box 100, Folder 9

Olson, Kirby 1982-2006

General note

Includes biographical information on Elmslie with a short review of Lingoland: A Musical.
Box 100, Folder 10

P - Miscellaneous

Box 100, Folder 11

Padgett, Ron 1995-2007

General note

Includes correspondence from wife, Patricia Padgett and son, Wayne Padgett.
Box 100, Folder 12

Parrish, Dan 1991-1994

General note

Includes photograph of Dan Parrish.
Box 100, Folder 13

Penguin Books Ltd. 1971-1973

Box 100, Folder 14

The Poetry Project (Anselm Berrigan) 1997-2006

Box 100, Folder 15

Poetry Society of America 1983-2000

Box 100, Folder 16

Powell, Adam 1999

Box 100, Folder 17

Publishing correspondence 1969, undated

Box 100, Folder 18

Q - Miscellaneous

Box 100, Folder 19

R - Miscellaneous

Box 100, Folder 20

Richardson, Claiborne (Claibe) 1981-2000

Box 100, Folder 21

Rorem, Ned 1971-2003

Box 100, Folder 22

Rubenstein, William (ACLU) 1990-1992

Box 100, Folder 23-24

Russe, Vivien (Vivy) 1995-2005, undated

General note

Contains artwork by Russe.
Box 155, Folder 9

Russe, Vivien (Vivy) and Willie Russe - Alternative Press correspondence 1994-1999

Box 100, Folder 25

Russe, Willie 1997-2002, undated

Box 101, Folder 1

S - Miscellaneous

Box 101, Folder 2

Schiff, Harris 2009

General note

Includes birthday poems and letter.
Box 101, Folder 3

Schuyler, James (Jimmy) 1999

Box 101, Folder 4

Sikelianos, Eleni (The Poetry Project) 1998-1999

Box 101, Folder 5

Silver, Alain (Bay Cities) 1990

Box 101, Folder 6

Skanky Possum Press (Hoa Nguyen and Dale Smith) 1999-2007

General note

Regarding the publication of Blast from the Past and Spilled Beans, also includes some personal correspondence.
Box 101, Folder 7

Snyder, Elsie 1983, undated

Box 101, Folder 8

Sun and Moon Press (Douglas Messerli, Director) 1992-1999

Box 101, Folder 9

Swets van Middhlar, Cornelius Wolfram (C.W.) 1995-2003

General note

Contains "Outback Taunt," with annotations by and photograph of C.W.
Box 101, Folder 10

T - Miscellaneous

Box 101, Folder 11

Tampubolon, Jimmy 1983-2007

Box 101, Folder 12

Taylor, Steven and family 1995-2006

Box 101, Folder 13

Tisa, Ken 1983-2006

Box 101, Folder 14

Torok, Karl 1974-1975

Box 101, Folder 15

Tranter, John 1997-1999

Box 101, Folder 16

U - Miscellaneous

Box 101, Folder 17

V - Miscellaneous

Box 101, Folder 18

Velsey, Don 2004-2005, undated

Box 101, Folder 19

W - Miscellaneous

Box 101, Folder 20

Waldman, Anne and Reed Bye 1995-2000, undated

General note

Includes "Let's Get This Letter off the Pike," by Elmslie and "Colorado Salutes its Native Son," by Waldman for Elmslie's birthday.
Box 101, Folder 21

Waldrop, Rosmarie 1985-2000

Box 101, Folder 22

Weinstein, Arnold 1985-1993

Box 102, Folder 1

Weir, Chester (nephew) and Kate 1999-2011, undated

Box 102, Folder 2

Weir, Cynthia (sister) 1982-1996

Box 155, Folder 8

Weir, Cynthia "Cici" (sister) - Photocopies of Elmslie correspondence 1979-1985

Box 102, Folder 3

Weir, Gordon and Susie (and family) 1998-2002, undated

Box 102, Folder 4

Weir, William and Margaret (and family) 1998-2005

Box 102, Folder 5

Weissberger and Harris, Counselors at Law (for author Ruth Goetz) 1975

General note

Regarding copyright of The Heiress, and Washington Square.
Box 102, Folder 6

The White House (Carter Administration) - Invitation and program for dinner 1979

Box 102, Folder 7

Wilson, Doric 2001-2002

Box 102, Folder 8

Wilson, Robert 1999-2006

Box 102, Folder 9

Winkfield, Trevor 1998-2006

Box 102, Folder 10

Y - Miscellaneous

Box 102, Folder 11

Yorck, Ruth 1963, undated

Box 102, Folder 12

York Theatre Company 2005

General note

Includes letters from Julio Soler and Producing Artistic Director, James Morgan.
Box 102, Folder 13

Young, Geoffrey 1976-1994

Box 102, Folder 14

Z - Miscellaneous

Box 102, Folder 15

Zivancevic, Nina 1996-2002


2024 Additions

Box 156, Folder 8

A - Miscellaneous

General note

Includes a short card from John Ashbery.
Box 156, Folder 9

B - Miscellaneous

Box 156, Folder 10

Bamberger, Bill 1986-1990

Box 156, Folder 11

Berkson, Bill

Box 156, Folder 12

Berlin, Lucia (Loosha) 1996-2003

General note

Includes outgoing correspondence from the late 1990's from Elmslie to Berlin, recovered in 2019.
Box 156, Folder 13

Boulte, Jean

Box 156, Folder 14

Brainard, Joe

General note

Includes correspondence to Brainard from others as well as outgoing correspondence. Some postcards are fragile, and others are fragmentary.
Box 156, Folder 15

Brainard, John ca. 2000

Box 156, Folder 16

Budbill, David 2000

Box 156, Folder 17

C - Miscellaneous

Box 156, Folder 18

Camp, Pauline and Harold 1997-2001

Box 156, Folder 19

Chernoff, Maxine 2001-2002

Box 156, Folder 20

Clark, Jeff (Jiffy Lark) 2000-2001

Box 156, Folder 21

Corbett, William (Bill) 1998-2001

Box 156, Folder 22

D - Miscellaneous

Box 156, Folder 23

Deanovich, Connie

General note

Includes photographs.
Box 156, Folder 24

Dempsey, Patricia Ann (Reverend Mother Placid) undated

Box 156, Folder 25

E - Miscellaneous

General note

Includes one postcard from Kenward Elmslie's mother.
Box 156, Folder 26

Elmslie, Vivien (Vivy/Vivi) 1985-2001

General note

Elmslie's sister.
Box 156, Folder 27

F - Miscellaneous

Box 156, Folder 28

Freedberg, Kate

Box 157, Folder 1

G - Miscellaneous

Box 157, Folder 2

Giorno, John - "Cum" performance invitation 1971

Box 157, Folder 3

Granary Books 1999-2000

Box 157, Folder 4

H - Miscellaneous

Box 157, Folder 5

Hall, Steven 1973-1976

General note

Includes photographs.
Box 157, Folder 6

Hill, Lott 1996

Box 157, Folder 7

Hussie, Judy and Anne Waldman 2000

General note

Concerns the Naropa Summer Writing Program and a Joe Brainard Exhibit.
Box 157, Folder 8

K - Miscellaneous

Box 157, Folder 9

Killian, Kevin 1999-2001

Box 157, Folder 10

Kite, Mary

Box 157, Folder 11

Kornblum, Allan - Coffee House Press 1999-2003

Box 157, Folder 12

L - Miscellaneous

Box 157, Folder 13

Lansing, Gerrit 1999-2001

Box 157, Folder 14

Lauterbach, Ann (Anni)

Box 157, Folder 15

Livingston, Chip

General note

Poet and assistant to Kenward Elmslie. Editor of Love Loosha, a collection of letters between Elmslie and Berlin.
Box 157, Folder 16

Lustig, Shelley

Box 157, Folder 17

M - Miscellaneous

Box 157, Folder 18

Mayer, Bernadette 2001

Box 157, Folder 19

McGinnes, Mac 2000-2001

Box 157, Folder 20

Messerli, Douglas 1994-1999

Box 157, Folder 21

Meyer, Tom 1969-1971

Box 157, Folder 22

N - Miscellaneous

Box 157, Folder 23

Nguyen, Hoa 1999-2000

Box 157, Folder 24

O - Miscellaneous

General note

Includes a photocopy of a postcard sent from Charles Olson.
Box 157, Folder 25

Olson, Kirby 2002, 2016

Box 157, Folder 26

P - Miscellaneous

General note

Includes a note from Elmlsie's aunt, Peggy Pulitzer.
Box 157, Folder 27

Padgett, Ron and Patricia 2001

Box 157, Folder 28-29

The Poets Foundation 1958-1974

General note

Includes correspondence from Edward J. Ennis. Includes copies of correspondence addressed to John Ashbery and James Schuyler. Other correspondents include Kenneth Koch, Frank O'Hara, Trevor Winkfield, Lee Harwood, Ted Berrigan, Gary Snyder, John Wieners, and A. E. Borneman. Also includes trust agreements with the trustees of The Poets Foundation.
Box 157, Folder 30

Powell, Adam - Neotrope 1999

Box 157, Folder 31

Prevallet, Kristin

Box 157, Folder 32

The Pulitzer Prize offices 1985-1987

Box 157, Folder 33

R - Miscellaneous

Box 157, Folder 34

Richardson, Claibe 1999-2005

General note

Includes a letter from 2005 concerning Claibe Richardson's work with Kenward Elmslie.
Box 157, Folder 35

Rorem, Ned 1964-1965, 1999

Box 157, Folder 36

Russe, Vivien (Vivy) and Willie

Box 157, Folder 37

S - Miscellaneous

General note

Includes a letter from Leslie Scalapino.
Box 157, Folder 38

Salerno, Mark - Arshile Magazine

Box 157, Folder 39

Smith, Dale 2000

Box 157, Folder 40

Swets van Middhlar, Cornelius Wolfram (C.W. Swets)

Box 157, Folder 41

T - Miscellaneous

Box 158, Folder 1

Tampubolon, Jimmy

Box 158, Folder 2

Taylor, Steven 2001-2002

Box 158, Folder 3

Tisa, Ken

Box 158, Folder 4

V-Z - Miscellaneous

General note

Includes a letter from Lewis Warsh.
Box 158, Folder 5-6

Weir, Cynthia (Cici)

General note

Elmslie's sister. Includes a folder of original outgoing correspondence, from the early 1980's, from Elmslie to Weir that were returned to Elmslie upon Weir's passing.
Box 158, Folder 7

Winkfield, Trevor 2000-2002

Box 158, Folder 8

Wolff, Rebecca - Fence 1999

Box 158, Folder 9

Yorck, Ruth undated

General note

Includes typed reproductions of outgoing correspondence to Ruth Yorck, originally written between 1944 and 1958.
Box 158, Folder 10

Art purchases

General note

Includes correspondence with Shelley Lustig concerning the purchase of artwork by Joe Brainard.
Box 158, Folder 11

Miscellaneous copyright and permissions correspondence 1960-1965

Box 158, Folder 12

Unidentified outgoing correspondence

Box 158, Folder 13

Unidentified incoming correspondence



Scope and Content of Series

Series 13) WRITINGS: Include drafts of Elmslie's working and personal journals, notebooks, drafts and proofs of his published writings, collages and unpublished material. Arranged in four subseries: A) Performance/Theatre Works, B) Published Work, C) Poetry, Prose, Collages and Other Writings, and D) Journals.
A) Performance/Theatre Works: Arranged chronologically, materials includes scripts, libretti, vocal scores and music to live theatricals including operas, musicals and other performance works. Highlights include Lizzie Borden (1965) with later performance materials from 1996-1999, The Grass Harp (1972) with later production materials from 1994-2003, and Postcards on Parade (1993) with production materials from 1995-2000. Also included are some related correspondence, programs, posters and Elmslie's own production notes. Digital files in this series were originally on two CDs and one DVD-R. Content includes a draft of LingoLand in PDF format, and tracks in .wav format from the musical production, kept in original performance order.
B) Published Work: Arranged chronologically, materials primarily include typescript drafts, correspondence relating to publications, and other supporting materials of Elmslie's books of poetry not already represented in the earlier accession.
C) Poetry, Prose, Collages and Other Writings: Arranged alphabetically, includes primarily undated drafts, paste-ups, notes and related materials including some of his later works such as Sung Sex (1992), Champ Dust (1994), Bare Bones (1995), Adventure in the Vermont Woods, For C. W. (1997), Routine Disruptions (1998), Nite Soil (2000) and Blast From the Past (2000). Also included is Elmslie's introduction to mother, Constance Pulitzer Elmslie's diary, and an assortment of collages and small artworks created by Elmslie.
D) Journals

Performance/Theatre Works

Box 102, Folder 16

The Ticklish Acrobat (1959)

General note

Early drafts of the musical play. Book and lyrics by Kenward Elmslie, music by Ned Rorem, based on the play by Robert Hivnor.
Box 102, Folder 17-18

Crazy Lady: A Musical Play (1959)

General note

Drafts of play with annotations. Book and lyrics by Kenward Elmslie, music by Claibe Richardson.
Box 102, Folder 19

Miss Julie: An Opera in Two Acts (1965)

General note

Undated complete draft and Boosey & Hawkes published script. Based on the play by August Strindberg. Music by Ned Rorem, with libretto by Kenward Elmslie.
Box 104, Folder 1-7

Lizzie Borden: An Opera (1965)

General note

Early drafts of libretto (with annotations) under the title Lizzie: A Family Portrait in 3 Acts. Libretto by Kenward Elmslie, based on a scenario by Richard Plant. Music by Jack Beeson; Boosey & Hawkes published libretto, reviews, programs and other performance materials for productions from 1996-1999.
Box 104, Folder 8

The Sweet Bye and Bye (1966)

General note

Libretto by Kenward Elmslie, music by Jack Beeson. Undated complete draft.
Box 104, Folder 9-10

City Junket (1972)

General note

Later draft of five scenes from the play; programs from staged reading at Grant Recital Hall, Brown University in 1990, and Poets Theatre Jubilee reading, 2002; original undated typescript draft of play.
Box 104, Folder 11-17

The Grass Harp (1972)

General note

Elmslie's musical adaption of the Truman Capote novel, originally titled, "The Yellow Drum.") Correspondence and contract agreements from 1968-2002, programs and publicity for 1994-2003 performances including Square 1 Theatre Company; Elmslie's anecdotes in "Some I Remembers: The Grass Harp"; and "I Trust the Wrong People" sheet music. Draft from 1994-1995, dedicated to Joe Brainard.
Box 169, Folder 6

The Grass Harp (1972) - Sheet music/score for "It Takes All Kinds"

Oversize FB-330, Folder 2

The Grass Harp - Full sheet music 1979 April

General note

Special edition revised in honor of Kenward Elmslie's birthday, from Claibe Richardson.
Box 105, Folder 1

The Seagull (1974)

General note

Libretto by Elmslie, music by Thomas Pasatieri. Based on the play by Anton Chekov.
Box 105, Folder 2

The Alphabet Work (1977)

General note

By Kenward Elmslie, drafts and correspondence with Bernard Welt of Titanic Books.
Box 105, Folder 3-4

Kenward Elmslie Visited (1982)

General note

Typescript texts of song lyrics with handwritten edits and draft of spoken script and notes for recording of songs.
Box 105, Folder 5-6

Lola, A Musical (1984)

General note

By Kenward Elmslie and Claibe Richardson. Based on the life of Lola Montez. Correspondence, page proofs for CD, and proofs for book of the musical.
Box 105, Folder 7

Three Sisters (1986)

General note

By Kenward Elmslie, music by Thomas Pasatieri, based on the play by Anton Chekhov. Correspondence, performance agreement, diagram of stage, and draft of Act II.
Box 169, Folder 8

Three Sisters (1986)

General note

An opera in two acts, libretto by Kenward Elmslie, music by Thomas Pasatieri, score.
Box 105, Folder 8-10

Palais Bimbo, A Cabaret Revue (1987)

General note

Music by Steven Taylor, words by Kenward Elmslie and visuals by Joe Brainard. Contract agreement, materials for Naropa performance (1991) and other readings, and sketches by Ken Tisa.
Box 169, Folder 2

Palais Bimbo, A Cabaret Revue (1987) - Scores for: Air, Bang Bang Tango, Bio, Eggs, Meat, Sin in the Hinterlands, Sneaky Pete, The Woolworth Song

Box 169, Folder 3

Palais Bimbo, A Cabaret Revue (1987) - Orchestrations by Steven Taylor for: Bio, Girl Machine, Meat, The Palais Bimbo Spa, and Sneaky Pete

Box 105, Folder 11-13

Night Emerald (1989) - Early drafts, notes, correspondence

General note

A musical play based on the life of Oscar Wilde.
Box 106, Folder 1-3

Night Emerald (1989) - Research, libretto outline and script

Box 106, Folder 4-14

Postcards on Parade (1993)

General note

A musical play with book and lyrics by Kenward Elmslie and music by Steven Taylor. Cover design for book of the musical, cover and liner notes for accompanying CD, and flyers for York Theatre Company, Trinity Repertory Company, Naropa, University of Minnesota and The Poetry Project performances, 1998-2000; correspondence and agreements, 1995-2000; slide cues.
Box 107, Folder 1-12

Postcards on Parade (1993)

Box 108, Folder 1-3

Postcards on Parade (1993) - Partial drafts with revisions

Folder 6

Postcards on Parade supporting material

Box 108, Folder 4

Taking a Chance on Love (1999)

General note

Drafts of Elmslie's poem Touche's Salon in Act II, and playbill for York Theatre Company's Off-Broadway performance.
Box 108, Folder 5-9

LingoLand: A Musical (2005)

General note

Poetry and lyrics for six-person Off-Broadway revue. Includes director's notes, flyers, errata, playbill, correspondence, master draft copy dated 2006, and an undated draft.
Box 108, Folder 10

LingoLand: A Musical 2006 January 2


Track listing for digital sound recording of the musical, Acts I and II
Folder 1-21

LingoLand: A Musical - Digital sound recording of the musical, includes Act I 2006 January 2

General note

January 2, 2006 edit.
Folder 1-32

LingoLand: A Musical - Digital sound recording of the musical, includes Act II 2006 January 2

General note

January 2, 2006 edit.

LingoLand: A Musical - Digital documents ca. 2003-2005


Supporting documentation in PDF, including script, excerpts, and "Cajun Vitrine" summary.
Box 168, Folder 4

LingoLand: A Musical (2005) - Poster for York Theatre Company performance

Box 169, Folder 1

Adele Songs, They, The World's in a Bad Bad Way, Sewerville, Nobody Dreams of Me, Valnetino, Petroleum, Every Morning, Angelica, Who Knows?, The Stranger with the Special Face, The Candygram Song, and the Beauty Part - Scores/Sheet music

Box 168, Folder 5

Alaska, Petroleum, The Stranger with the Special Face, The Crazy Old Lady Mazurka, Miss Got Rocks, Spit N' Whittle, and an untitled piece, sheet music/vocal scores 1971, undated

Box 169, Folder 4

And I Was There, Brazil, One Thing in Particular, Who'll Prop Me Up in the Rain? - Sheet music

Box 169, Folder 5

General Fong Song, by Elmslie, arrangement by Roger Trefouse - Sheet music

Box 109, Folder 1

Hollywood Koffee Klatch Fragment script, with notes and text for other spoken word performances

Box 169, Folder 7

One Night Stand, lyrics by Elmslie, music by Claibe Richardson - Sheet music/copy of original score

Box 168, Folder 4

Untitled [Wishing you a glorious 4th of July] stage production collage

Box 169, Folder 9

What do I do now?

General note

Lyrics by Elmslie, music by Claibe Richardson. Copy of original score.
Oversize FB-330, Folder 3

Kenward Elmslie Revisited scores ca. 1981

General note

Scores with edits/revisions. Music by Claibe Richardson, orchestration by Bruce Pomahac. Includes Bang Bang Tango and Brazil. Also includes the original score of Brazil for The Grass Harp.
Box 161, Folder 5

Kenward Elmslie Visited - The Candy Gram Song ca. 1981

General note

Scores with edits/revisions. Music by Claibe Richardson, orchestration by Bruce Pomahac.
Box 167

Kenward Elmslie Visited scores ca. 1981

General note

Scores with edits/revisions. Music by Claibe Richardson, orchestration by Bruce Pomahac.
Oversize FB-031, Folder 2

Kenward Elmslie Visited album inset proof

Box 161, Folder 6

Introduction for "Librettoland" 2000

Box 161, Folder 7

Promotional materials and playbills

General note

Includes materials related to The Seagull, Postcards on Parade, Lizzie Borden, The Sweet Bye and Bye, Miss Julie, Palais Bimbo, and The Grass Harp.

Published Work

Box 109, Folder 2

Tropicalism (1975) - Marked copy of book used for poetry reading

Box 162, Folder 5

Bimbo Dirt 1981

General note

By Kenward Elmslie and Ken Tisa. Published by Z-Press.
Box 109, Folder 3-6

26 Bars (1987)

General note

Visuals by Donna Dennis, words by Kenward Elmslie, music by Steven Taylor. Original paste-up of text and visuals for book.
Box 109, Folder 7

Sung Sex (1989) - First revised draft of book and correspondence

Box 109, Folder 8-10

Champ Dust (1994)

General note

Program for event. Words by Kenward Elmslie, drawings by Joe Brainard, featuring "Postcards on Parade" highlights with music by Steven Taylor. Also includes "Champ Dust Smegma" and "Champ Dust Spinoff," collages deconstructed from Champ Dust (1994); and 10 postcard collages by Kenward Elmslie, published by The Alternative Press.
Folder 11

Champ Dust slide queues

Box 109, Folder 11-15

Routine Disruptions (1998)

General note

Reviews, correspondence regarding publication of book and final edits; publishing agreement; marked copies of two books (with some marginalia) used for poetry readings; songs and scenes from Routine Disruptions and Postcards on Parade for Two Act performance.
Box 155, Folder 11

Routine Disruptions 1997 August 29


Box 110, Folder 1-3

Nite Soil (2000)

General note

Mock-ups for poem and collage postcards, published by Granary Books; correspondence, titles list for postcards; recording information and reviews.
Box 168, Folder 3

Nite Soil (2000) 1997-2002

General note

Includes Blast from the Past cover design, portrait of Elmslie by Ken Tisa; Fifties Probe materials (describing memories of John Ashbery and New York); The Alternative Press Poetry Postcards Series 4, Elmslie postcard enlargement. Prints 2, 3, and 7 for Nite Soil.
Box 110, Folder 4-11

Blast from the Past (2000)

Box 111, Folder 1-5

Cyberspace (2000)

General note

By Kenward Elmslie and Trevor Wakefield. Published by Granary Books.
Box 111, Folder 6-7

Snippets (2002)

General note

By Kenward Elmslie and Trevor Wakefield. Page proofs of book.
Box 111, Folder 8

Agenda Melt (2004) - Marked copy of book with author's marginalia, used for poetry reading


Poetry, Prose, Collages and Other Writings

Box 111, Folder 9

Adventure in the Vermont Woods, for C. W. 1997

General note

Draft. Included in Special Issue, Fifth Anniversary of Mirage #4/Period[ical].
Box 155, Folder 10

Adventure in the Vermont Woods, for C. W. 1997


Signed copy sent to Vivien Russe.
Box 111, Folder 10

Alabama, poem by Elmslie published in Via Rome, p. 29 1960

Box 111, Folder 11

The Aleutians: For Ruth Yorck (copy of a play)

Box 111, Folder 12

Alexander the Great

General note

Typescript draft of poem with handwritten annotations.
Box 111, Folder 13

Al's Nite Sky

Box 111, Folder 14

Apologia 1999

Box 111, Folder 15

Babe Dwarf (poem for Jean Boulte)

Box 111, Folder 16

Barbie and Ken at the Wednesday Club

Box 111, Folder 17

B-Day Odette for Lott

Box 111, Folder 18

Beauty Maestro (poem for Jean Boulte)

Box 111, Folder 19

Bop and Buy

General note

Inspired by "der und die" by Ernst Jandl, typescript draft.
Box 111, Folder 20

Calais Palace Welcome (for VW)

Box 111, Folder 21

Christmas Letter and Age Plaint (for Ken and Ann Mikolowski)

Box 111, Folder 22

Country Junket

Box 111, Folder 23

The Crystal Palace, draft with revisions

Box 111, Folder 24

Doll Folly

Box 111, Folder 25

Fifties Probe

Box 111, Folder 26

Fiscal Nonsense (poem for Jimmy Tampubolon)

Box 111, Folder 27


Box 112, Folder 1

Gaps, from Orchid Stories in Just Friends: A Magazine, issue #2

Box 112, Folder 2

Gordon Clan Conundrum

Box 112, Folder 3

Happy Re-return

Box 112, Folder 4

Has Been

Box 112, Folder 5


General note

Inspired by "Hosi," by Ernst Jandl.
Box 112, Folder 6

Hungry Women

Box 112, Folder 7

The Infernal Machine

General note

By Jean Cocteau. Translated by Ruth Yorck and Kenward Elmslie. Typescript draft of script arranged for the American stage.
Box 112, Folder 8

Irons in the Fire collaboration - Artwork for cover, production list 2003

General note

Includes Bill Berkson, Lucia Berlin, Joe Brainard, Maxine Chernoff, Diane Di Prima, Barbara Guest, Ron Padgett, and The Seagull. Accompanying VHS tapes include recordings of Lucia Berlin and Barbara Guest.
Box 161, Folder 12-14

Irons in the Fire 2002-2003

General note

Irons in the Fire is a series of lyrical shorts with artistic collaboration among American writers, poets and artists. Includes transcripts of interviews with: Maxine Chernoff, Diane DiPrima, Raymond Ayers, Matthew Worth, and Amy Gough. Also includes transcripts of full production shoots for Lucia Berlin, Ron Padgett, Bill Berkson, Connie Lewellyn, and Kenward Elmslie (These transcripts originally held in a binder and separated by name with tabs). Miscellaneous material includes an outline for a production and cost summaries with dates. Irons in the Fire video tapes can be viewed in series 17) AUDIOVISUAL RECORDINGS and 18) AUDIOVISUAL RECORDINGS -2020 ADDITIONS of this collection.
Box 162, Folder 1-4

Irons in the Fire 2002-2003

Box 155, Folder 12

Introduction to Elmslie's mother's published diary undated

Box 112, Folder 9

Jakarta Night Arrival, poem

Box 112, Folder 10

Jiffy Lark (for Jeff Clark) 1999

Box 112, Folder 11

Love Letter (poem for Ken Tisa)

Box 112, Folder 12

Memory Ghosts and Murders, script

Box 112, Folder 13

Night Soul

Box 112, Folder 14

No Liquor in the House (for The Drawing Center's anthology) 2001

Box 112, Folder 15

Outback Taunt (for Anni)

Box 112, Folder 16

Panopticon for Calamity Winifred

Folder 4

Poems 1999-2003

General note

3 PDF files of poems typed by Elmslie on his home computer.
Box 112, Folder 17

Real Wasted, poem

Box 112, Folder 18

Russian Bananas (for Anni)

Box 112, Folder 19

Rummage Sale (poem for CW)

Box 112, Folder 20

Scimitar for Brenda Lewis, collage and poem 1965 March 21

Box 112, Folder 21

Sin in the Hinterlands, lyrics

Box 112, Folder 22

Sky Boys 1999

General note

To be published by First Intensity.
Box 112, Folder 23

Snippets, A Revue

General note

By Kenward Elmslie, music by Bruce Coughlin and David Bishop, visuals by Joe Brainard. Draft of musical play.
Folder 5

Snippets (2002)

Box 112, Folder 24

Spilled Beans: A Conversation

General note

By Kenward Elmslie and Mary Kite, drawings by Joe Brainard. Typescript drafts of dialog with edits.
Box 112, Folder 25


Box 112, Folder 26

Squeegee Bijoux of '99: A Revue 1998

General note

Words by Kenward Elmslie, visuals by Joe Brainard, Donna Dennis, Kenward Elmslie and Ken Tisa, music by Steven Taylor. Draft of lyrics and programs for Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art performance.
Box 112, Folder 27

Sun Porch Niche

General note

For Rommelo Yu, Chris Broshears, and Andreas Schimmelpfennig.
Box 112, Folder 28

Sun Spots

Box 112, Folder 29

Tongue of Fire 2005 September 23

Box 112, Folder 30


General note

Early translations of Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Peter Hartling, Giacomo Leopardi, Phillippe de Thaun by Elmslie and Ruth Yorck.
Box 112, Folder 31

Unpacking the Black Trunk: A Play in One Act

General note

By James Schuyler and Kenward Elmslie. Typescript draft copy of play.
Box 161, Folder 11

Notes concerning the "Black Trunk" - A collaborative play with James Schuyler

Box 112, Folder 32

The Wednesday Club

General note

Typescript draft pages of collaboration with James Schuyler.
Box 112, Folder 33

"Wie die Charles von Manhattan wegzogen," Du & Ich German LGBTQ magazine 1955 July

General note

"How Charles moved away from Manhattan." Article/dialog written by Elmslie.
Box 112, Folder 34

What's in it For Me?

General note

From Beggar's Holiday, based on a lyric by John Latouche. Typescript draft of play.
Box 113, Folder 1-5

Collage originals and "reprocollages" by Elmslie

General note

Includes various untitled collages.
Box 155, Folder 13

Collages by Elmslie sent to niece, Vivien Russe 1996-1999

Box 113, Folder 6-9

Miscellaneous poems

General note

Includes "Poem for Joe Brainard," and "Celebration for Claibe."
Box 113, Folder 10

Submissions for publication 1999

General note

Contribution for the Things That Are Scary section of "Fence."
Box 113, Folder 11

Early writings

General note

Various typescript drafts.
Box 161, Folder 8

Bare Bones ca. 1995

General note

Includes outline of Bare Bones put to slides and a photograph of Joe Brainard.
Box 161, Folder 9

Nite Soil outline for Beyond Baroque ca. 2000

Box 161, Folder 10

Lord Lumley (short poem) undated

Box 161, Folder 2-3

Postcard collages 1980-2012

General note

Includes both original copies of postcard collages and photocopies.
Oversize FB-330, Folder 1

Postcard collages

General note

Includes both original copies of postcard collages and photocopies.
Box 161, Folder 4

Postcard art and marker drawings ca. 2015



Folder 2

Journals 1999-2001

General note

4 PDF files of typed journal entries.
Box 114, Folder 1-5

Blood glucose journals - Bound notebooks, with artful free-form doodles and daily notes undated

Box 168, Folder 6

Scrapbook of poetry readings and events ephemera Between 1965 and 1975

Box 158, Folder 14

Vermont album/scrapbook 1970

General note

Includes a handwriting analysis done for Elmslie.
Box 159, Folder 1

Notes on City Junket ca. 1972

Box 159, Folder 2

Journal, including Detroit notes 1976

Box 159, Folder 3

Miscellaneous pages of notes 1978-1993, undated

General note

Includes an annotated card of lyrics from "Beauty Secrets."
Box 159, Folder 4

Notebook 1981

Box 159, Folder 5

Journal entries and ephemera 1983

Box 159, Folder 6

"Mayfair journal" 2002

General note

Includes journal entry, poems, and some draft material and notes for "Joe as Performer."
Box 159, Folder 7

Journal with artwork 2014

Box 159, Folder 8

Drawings and notes inside a copy of "Aubaderrying" by Anne Waldman ca. 2014

Box 159, Folder 9-10

Journals ca. 2015

Box 160, Folder 1

Printed/typed journal entries undated

General note

April through December, years unidentified.
Box 160, Folder 2

Travel journal - Visit with Jimmy [Tampubolon] undated

Box 160, Folder 3

Travel journal (Nepal) and general notebook undated

Box 160, Folder 4-5

Sketchbooks undated

Box 160, Folder 6

Birthday books undated



Scope and Content of Series

Series 14) JOE BRAINARD MATERIAL: Includes collages, correspondence and materials relating to exhibitions and other events celebrating the work of Elmslie's partner, artist Joe Brainard.
Folder 9

Notes on Joe Brainard

Box 115, Folder 1

Joe Album, A Pressed Wafer Collage [copy]

Box 115, Folder 2

Dedication for Joe's Room, Michael Callen/Audre Lorde Community Health Center, with correspondence 1999

Box 115, Folder 3

Drawing of Joe Brainard by Kenward Elmslie

General note

Included in Blast from the Past.
Box 115, Folder 4

Drawing of Kenward Elmslie by Joe Brainard

Box 115, Folder 5

Homage to Joe Brainard outline

Box 115, Folder 6

Joe Brainard: A Retrospective, Exhibition at Berkeley Art Museum 2001 February-May

General note

Includes correspondence regarding loan of artwork and flyers for various Brainard exhibitions.
Box 115, Folder 7

Joe Brainard memorial materials 1997


Includes flyers and promotional material for Retrospective at Tibor de Nagy Gallery, Poetry Project remembrance and other materials.
Box 115, Folder 8

Kenward Elmslie interview by Joe Brainard 1964

Box 115, Folder 9

Letter to Joe - Short poem

Box 115, Folder 10

May Dye

General note

Unpublished typescript draft of short work by Brainard and other material relating to the life of Brainard.
Box 115, Folder 11

Rosy's Dilemma and other comics (facsimile) undated

Box 115, Folder 12

Presentation artwork

General note

Mounted prints of postcards or artwork by Kenward Elmslie and Joe Brainard. Includes "Sex in Suburbia" and others.
Box 115, Folder 13

Prevallet, Kristin. "Poetry and the Artful Presence of Materials: Joe Brainard at PS1," with Kenward Elmslie interview undated

Box 168, Folder 1

"Yellow Drum" - Watercolor on paper artwork by Joe Brainard undated

Box 115, Folder 14-15

Untitled graphic art/comics



Scope and Content of Series

Series 15) WORK BY OTHERS: Arranged alphabetically. Includes a small collection of postcards and broadsides by The Alternative Press, handmade cards with poems by Anne Waldman, a draft of "Letter from Paris" by Joanne Kyger and James Fagin, "Wing" by Kathleen Fraser, as well as a few other select poems by Elmslie's friends.
Box 115, Folder 16-18

The Alternative Press postcards and poetry series 1996-1997, undated

General note

Includes limited edition poems on cards and broadsides by Allen Ginsberg, Joanne Kyger, Anne Waldman, and others.
Box 165, Folder 7

Bajac, Vladislav - "Book on Bamboo" 1990

General note

Translated into English by Ida Cerne. Includes a piece of correspondence from Bajac to Elmslie.
Box 165, Folder 8

Bamberger, W. C. - "On the Backstretch," a homage to Joyce Cary undated

Box 115, Folder 19

Bye, Reed and Anne Waldman. Typescript draft of "The Secret of the Waterfall: A Domestic Visitation" 1983

Box 165, Folder 9-10

Chernoff, Maxine - "Pop Culture/Mom Muse," "Bop," and poems 1988 September 21, undated

Box 115, Folder 20

Clark, Jeff. "Little J.C. in a Conflict of Towers"

Box 115, Folder 21

Fraser, Kathleen. "Wing" poem series 1994

Box 165, Folder 11-12

Friedman, Ed - "Chinoiserie," a decoration for four plays and "Away" 1997-2002

General note

"Chinoiserie": most recent draft at the time, sent to Kenward Elmslie with a note. "Away": almost finished draft.
Box 115, Folder 22

Godfrey, John. "Kenward Elmslie Birthday Drawing" poem

Box 115, Folder 23

Gooch, Brad. "The Writer"

Box 115, Folder 24

Good, Philip and Bernadette Mayer. Untitled poem 2007 January 1

General note

First line: "Spitzer is the 3rd least 'snowiest'."
Box 166, Folder 1

Hewicker, Scott and Kevin Killian - "The Schwimmer Effect" undated

General note

A play featuring characters from the television show, Friends.
Box 166, Folder 2

Honig, Edwin - Spring Journal 1968

General note

Heavily annotated by Elmslie.
Box 166, Folder 3

Hoover, Paul - "Some Polonius" undated

Box 115, Folder 25

Kyger, Joanne and Larry Fagin. Draft letter from Paris 1966

Box 166, Folder 4

Ogawa, Ai interviewed by Okla Elliot - Transcript undated

Box 166, Folder 5

Swets, C.W. - From the Journal Notes 1997-1999

Box 115, Folder 26

Various artists - Artwork for Elmslie, some for birthday celebration

Box 115, Folder 27-28

Waldman, Anne 1969-1970

General note

"Please fix this furnace: Some country works," "Let's get this show on the road! Or The Collective Amnesia," and "It's Christmas," poems for Kenward Elmslie.
Box 115, Folder 29

Watkins, Ben - Photographs 1985-1990

Box 115, Folder 30

Yorck, Ruth - Two works and photograph 1962-1963, undated

Box 115, Folder 31

Yorck, Ruth - Unknown Soldier, signed broadside card for Elmslie 1965-1966

Box 166, Folder 6

Young, Geoffrey - "Dumbstruck" 2013

General note

With Daniel Heidkamp. With drawings/annotations written in by Elmslie.
Box 115, Folder 32

Unknown writer, poetry drafts

Box 166, Folder 7

Short works by others dedicated/sent to Kenward Elmslie



Scope and Content of Series

Series 16) MISCELLANEOUS: Includes programs, announcements and ephemera and flyers from poetry readings and other events, scripts for Elmslie's talks, materials relating to his participation in the Naropa Institute Summer Writing Program, acknowledgments of Elmslie's philanthropic activities and other miscellaneous materials.
Box 115, Folder 33

Art object inventory at Greenwich Ave. 1984

Box 116, Folder 1

Book tour 1998

Folder 7

Brown University lecture and performance 2000 March 20

Box 116, Folder 2-3

Buffalo gig - Elmslie's script for talk in Buffalo, NY

Box 116, Folder 4

Buffalo script for New York City reading 2007

Box 116, Folder 5-11

Donations - Letters and acknowledgements of Elmslie's philanthropic activities 1985-2009

Box 116, Folder 12

The New York Poets II: An Anthology 2005

General note

Elmslie was a contributor to this anthology. Includes correspondence, reviews, and edited proofs.
Box 116, Folder 13

Flyers and performance schedule - Materials from Kenward Elmslie's 70th and 75th Birthday Bashes 1999, 2004

Box 116, Folder 14-15

Flyers, postcards, and announcements for poetry events, art exhibits and appearances

Box 155, Folder 15

Flyers, postcards, and announcements for poetry events, art exhibits and appearances 1990-1999

Box 116, Folder 16

Gab-Fest script - A talk about LingoLand: A Musical

Box 116, Folder 17

Ginsberg, Allen signed poetry reading flyer

Box 116, Folder 18-21

I Remembers

General note

Various "recollection poems" Elmslie wrote for poetry readings, performances, and other events.
Box 116, Folder 22

Kenward Elmslie dream notes

Box 116, Folder 23

The Kenward Elmslie Show: A Radio Retrospective of Songs, Poems, and Plays - Flyers and show production list 1978

Box 116, Folder 24

Kenward Elmslie's World - Interview by Robert Wilder Blue for US Opera Web 2003

Box 116, Folder 25

Letters to Loosha project for Lucia Berlin

Box 117, Folder 1

List of publications 1997-2001

Box 117, Folder 2

Miscellaneous collages by Elmslie

Box 117, Folder 3

Mutiny at the Bathhouse: A Conversation with Kenward Elmslie - "Reflex" interview by Kirby Olson 1993 September-October

Box 117, Folder 4

Naropa collaboration, incomplete draft

Box 117, Folder 5

Naropa Institute Summer Writing Program - Itinerary and schedules 1993, 2001

Box 117, Folder 6

National Endowment for the Arts Music Advisory Panel meeting materials 1975-1976

Folder 8

Performances 2000-2003

General note

PDF queue scripts for Librettoland (Naropa collaboration), MIT, and Poetry Project (with Bill Berkson) "gigs."
Box 117, Folder 7

Publishing agreements

Box 117, Folder 8

Pulitzer Prize dinner program and guest list 1966 May 10

Box 117, Folder 9

Reading manuscript for Elmslie's reading at Woodland Pattern, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Box 117, Folder 10

Screen treatment, drafts

Box 117, Folder 11

Showstoppers talk given by Elmslie undated

Box 117, Folder 12

The New York Poets - Kaufman Center and the New York Festival of Song, featuring Elmslie 2003 October 15

Box 117, Folder 13

Three Chandeliers (Set II), print by unknown artist

Box 117, Folder 14

Transcription - The Diary of Constance Pulitzer, a selection read by Elmslie for an event

Folder 10

Transcription (PDF) - The Diary of Constance Pulitzer

Box 117, Folder 15

Travel itinerary and journal pages

Box 117, Folder 16

Various cards - Memberships, etc.

Box 118

T-shirt - Four designs from Elmslie's collages

Box 160, Folder 7

Subject file on Frank O'Hara undated

General note

Includes reproductions of poems and photographs.
Box 160, Folder 8

Flyers and announcements for Elmslie poetry readings and performances

Box 168, Folder 2

Flyers and announcements for Elmslie poetry readings and performances

Box 161, Folder 1

Reviews of Elmslie's works 1998-1999



Scope and Content of Series

Series 17) AUDIOVISUAL RECORDINGS: Materials date from 1963 to 2002 and include recordings of Elmslie's operas, plays, poetry readings, radio interviews and other events. Highlights include recordings of Palais Bimbo Lounge Show, City Junket and Elmslie singing various individual songs from his operas as well as reading his own poetry.
Many recordings could not be viewed or listened to at the time of processing due to volume and, in some cases, format. Descriptions were transcribed from the containers. However, many poetry-related recordings were digitized in 2023-24 and can be accessed by clicking on the links in the finding aid. Other recordings require advance notice to arrange for access.
Arranged by format in three subseries: A) Audiocassettes, B) Reel-to-Reel and LPs (recordings are on reels unless otherwise noted), and C) Videos.


Box 119, Folder 1

"Air" performance, by Steven Taylor, song by Kenward Elmslie undated

Box 119, Folder 2

Alaska Blues, Woolworth Song, Figmill Piano undated

Box 119, Folder 3

Anne Jacobsen, Steven Taylor undated

Box 119, Folder 4

Bang Bang Tango: Kenneth Deifik performance ("en estereo vocal on right channel") undated

Bang Bang Tango: Kenneth Deifik performance

Box 119, Folder 5

Bang Bang Tango (MOMA), Lola in Vermont undated

Bang Bang Tango (MOMA), Lola in Vermont

Box 119, Folder 6

Bathhouse vocal samples 1993 January 3

General note

Includes the voices of Hillary Spector, Ellen Boyce, Chris O'Connor and Faye B. Summers.
Box 119, Folder 8

Beyond Baroque 1982 November 6

Kenward Elmslie reading at Beyond Baroque

Box 119, Folder 9

Bio, Movies in my Head, Air undated

Kenward Elmslie sings: Bio, Movies in my Head, Air

Box 119, Folder 10

Bio - Song and vocal by Kenward Elmslie, harmonica by Kenneth Deifik undated

Bio - Song and vocal by Kenward Elmslie, harmonica by Kenneth Deifik

Box 119, Folder 11-12

Readings at Books & Co. 1980 February 22-29

Readings at Books & Co.

Box 119, Folder 13

Cajun Vitrine performance, Steven Taylor undated

Box 119, Folder 14

City Junket essential effects for performance undated

City Junket essential effects for performance

General note

1) "Transistor" voice - Act one, scene four. 2) "Garden Factory" - Act one, scene seven. 3) Distant Siren - Act three, Scene one. 4) Loud Siren - Act three, scene one.
Box 119, Folder 15

City Junket - John Ashbery "Museum Speech" and Sneaky Pete undated

City Junket - John Ashbery "Museum Speech" and Sneaky Pete

Box 119, Folder 16

City Junket museum speech (Chicago Jimmy) - 1. Who'll Prop Me Up? 2. A Perfect Night 1976 November

City Junket museum speech (Chicago Jimmy)

Box 119, Folder 17

City Junket - New York Cultural Center performance 1974

City Junket - New York Cultural Center performance

General note

Side A: Overture through Act 2, scene 2 (The Hotel Room). Side B: Scene 3 - "The Exposition" to conclusion "Furtive Edna."
Box 119, Folder 18

City Junket - Perfect night, end of reading undated

City Junket - Perfect night, end of reading

Box 119, Folder 20

Eggs - Music only, no vocals undated

Box 119, Folder 21

"Eggs," "Bang Bang Tango" ["my version"], and "The Woolworth Song" undated

Kenward Elmslie - "Eggs," "Bang Bang Tango" ["my version"], and "The Woolworth Song"

Box 119, Folder 22

Experts at Veneers (piano only) undated

Box 119, Folder 23-25

Kenward Elmslie - Girl Machine undated

Kenward Elmslie - Girl Machine


Includes first mix, from the record, and performance copy.
Box 119, Folder 24

Girl Machine, from the record 1998

Box 119, Folder 25

Girl Machine (NNR), performance copy 1985 March 16

Box 119, Folder 26

Hotel Firbank Spa, by Kenward Elmslie 1996 April 14-15

Kenward Elmslie - Hotel Firbank Spa

Box 119, Folder 27

Kenward Elmslie and Tony Greco rehearsing (informal) - Includes "Air" and "1967 Game Calendar" undated

Box 119, Folder 28

Kenward Elmslie at the Church Street Center, Burlington, VT 1979 September 7

Kenward Elmslie at the Church Street Center, Burlington, VT

Box 119, Folder 29

Kenward Elmslie interview: Don and Newly Preciozi 1992 December 11

Box 119, Folder 30

Kenward Elmslie live performance undated

Box 119, Folder 31

Kenward Elmslie on KPFA, Berkeley (Tinker Greene) 1980 March 25

Kenward Elmslie on In The American Tree - KPFA, Berkeley (Tinker Greene)

Box 119, Folder 32

Kenward Elmslie reading and singing poems and song at The Poetry Room undated

Kenward Elmslie reading and singing poems and song at The Poetry Room

Box 119, Folder 33

Kenward Elmslie reading at the Smolin Gallery in New York City ca. 1963

Kenward Elmslie reading at the Smolin Gallery - New York City

Box 119, Folder 34

Kenward Elmslie singing undated

Box 119, Folder 35

LA Postcard Queen (practice tape) Steven Taylor vocals 1993 January 7

Box 120, Folder 1

Libretto Land - "They" undated

Box 120, Folder 2

Libretto Land (for Columbia College: Chicago) 1984 May 3

Box 120, Folder 3

Lines: National Series, Kenward Elmslie workshop 1985

Lines: National Series, Kenward Elmslie workshop

Box 120, Folder 4

Lola: A Musical, "A New Life" undated

Box 120, Folder 5

Love letter vocal practice by Kenward Elmslie undated

Box 120, Folder 6

Love Letter with Ken Deifik undated

Box 120, Folder 7

Madonna's Milk Bar - Kenward Elmslie performance undated

Box 120, Folder 8

Madonna's Milk Bar - Practice session undated

Box 120, Folder 9

Movies in My Head (piano) undated

Box 120, Folder 10

Movies in My Head undated

General note

Song and vocal by Kenward Elmslie, harmonica by Kenneth Deifik; The Woolworth Song/General Fong Song (vocal by Kenward Elmslie and arranged by Roger Treyfousse).
Box 120, Folder 11

New Langton Arts - San Francisco 1984 October 9

Kenward Elmslie at New Langton Arts - San Francisco

Box 120, Folder 12

"Night Emerald," by Elmslie and Taylor, six songs undated

Box 120, Folder 13

"Oink" Benefit - Chicago 1984 May 3

Box 120, Folder 14

"Our Man in Havana" undated

General note

Seven songs with commentary. Music by Irvin Graham, commentary and introduction.
Box 120, Folder 15

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show - II 1986 April 14

General note

Includes: And I Was There, Beauty Secrets, Brazil, One Night Stand, Eggs, Bang-Bang Tango, Palais Bimbo Spa, Steel Genius: Scene A) Woolworth Song B) A Perfect Night, and Reach Out.
Box 120, Folder 16

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show - Madonna's Milk Bar to Sneaky Pete undated

General note

Side A: Bio, Judy's Rap, Beauty Secrets, Big Bar, Rumpus Room, One Night Stand, Puce Parrot, Eggs, Who'll Prop Me Up, Fujiyama, Air and I Was There, Hurricane Update, Bang-Bang Tango, and Vivi's. Side B: Madonna's Milk Bar, Meat, Palais Bimbo Spa, Love Letter, Sneaky Pete.
Box 120, Folder 17

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show - Finale: Girl Machine undated

Box 120, Folder 18

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show - Seattle undated

General note

Side A: Bio, Sin in the Hinterlands, Air, Eggs, Who'll Prop Me Up, They, Meat, Girl Machine, Bang-Bang Tango, Palais Bimbo Spa, Brazil, Sneaky Pete. Side B: The Woolworth Song.
Box 120, Folder 19

[Palais] Bimbo Dirt & Bang Bang Tango, versions undated

Box 120, Folder 20

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show (home) undated

Box 120, Folder 21

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show - Performance of end of Act I, complete Act II undated

Box 120, Folder 22

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show 1986

General note

Recorded by Jimmy Tampubolon for Joe Brainard. Side 1: Girl Machine, Air, Who'll Prop Me Up in the Rain, Eggs, Bio, Meat, Sin in the Hinterlands, The Palais Bimbo Spa. Side 2: Love letter, Sneaky Pete.
Box 120, Folder 23

Palais Bimbo Spa by Kenward Elmslie, vocals by Steven Taylor undated

Box 120, Folder 24

Philadelphia reading (with Kenneth Deifik) undated

Kenward Elmslie - Philadelphia reading (with Kenneth Deifik)

Box 120, Folder 26

Postcards on Parade, at Granary Books, Act I only 1993 April 8

Box 120, Folder 27

Postcards on Parade - Live performance undated

Box 120, Folder 28

Postcards on Parade: A Musical Play - 10 songs undated

Box 120, Folder 29

Rare Meat - Kenward Elmslie (WTC-132) 1977

Rare Meat - Kenward Elmslie (WTC-132)

Box 120, Folder 30

The Seagull - Act II (outside) undated

Box 120, Folder 31

Sin in the Hinterlands - Kenward Elmslie undated

Sin in the Hinterlands - Kenward Elmslie

Box 120, Folder 32

Sin in the Hinterlands - Vocal undated

Box 120, Folder 33

Slow Awakener (No can take leak...) undated

Box 120, Folder 34

Spit 'n Whittle/Where's My Sister?/You Fry undated

Box 121, Folder 1

Playback! Song with vocals by Kenward Elmslie undated

Box 121, Folder 2

St. Mark's poetry project - Kenward Elmslie and Steven Taylor 1984 February 22

St. Mark's Poetry Project - Kenward Elmslie and Steven Taylor

Box 121, Folder 3

St. Mark's reading. Piano: Tony Greco 1974 February 20

St. Mark's Poetry Project - Kenward Elmslie

Box 121, Folder 4

Three Sisters - Act 1, scenes 1-2, recorded by Jimmy Tampubolon undated

Box 121, Folder 5

Three Sisters - On Morning Edition, National Public Radio 1986

Box 121, Folder 6

Various performers doing Elmslie songs; Rare Meat 1986

Box 121, Folder 7

White Attic (vocals by Kenward Elmslie) - Alaska undated

Box 121, Folder 8

Zaniest Fair [Pair?] (Amsterdam version) undated


Reel-to-Reel and LP

Box 122, Folder 1-2

26 Bars - Amazon Club-Last Chance

Box 122, Folder 3

26 Bars - Nouvelle Kiwis 'n Art-Top o' Silo

Box 122, Folder 4-5

26 Bars - Underground Disco-Zanzibar

Box 122, Folder 6

Madonna's Milk Bar - Complete version with vocals

Box 122, Folder 7

Madonna's Milk Bar - Performance version without vocals

Box 122, Folder 8-9

Miss Julie, parts 1-2

Box 122, Folder 10-12

Three Sisters - Production recording for Z Press (A/B, C and D on 3 reels)

Box 122, Folder 13

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show (Kenward Elmslie and Steven Taylor) - Master of 16 tracks 1987 April 6

Box 123, Folder 1-4

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show (possibly at Naropa University) - Performance reels 1-4 1987 April 11

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show - Performance reels 1-4

Box 123, Folder 5

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show - Performance Master 1985 April 9

Box 123, Folder 6

They 1981 November 21

Box 123, Folder 7

Instrumental compiled master - They, Candy Gram, I Trust the Wrong People, and One Night Stand 1981 November 22

Box 123, Folder 8

Instrumental compiled master - Beauty Secrets, The One and Only Person in the World, The Richest Man in the World, Brazil 1981 November 22

Box 123, Folder 9

Tones at top - Who'll Prop Me Up in the Rain, Bang Bang Tango, Eggs 1981 November 22

Tones at top - Who'll Prop Me Up in the Rain, Bang Bang Tango, Eggs

Box 123, Folder 10

Candy Gram - Instrumental version 1981 November 22

Box 123, Folder 11

Tones at tail - Beauty Secrets, One Night Stand, The One and Only Person in the World, Brazil, They 1981 November 23

Box 123, Folder 12

Beauty Secrets - Instrumental and vox version 1981 November 24

Box 123, Folder 13

Beauty Secrets, One Night Stand, The One and Only Person in the World, Brazil 1981 November 24

Box 123, Folder 14-17

Washington Square, reels 1-4

Box 123, Folder 18

Washington Square - The Lyric Theatre, New York (Kenward Elmslie and Thomas Pasatieri)

Box 124, Folder 2


Alaska - Instrumental with Elmslie singing

Box 124, Folder 3

City Junket - Performance at the New York Cultural Center 1974 May 2

City Junket - Performance at the New York Cultural Center

Box 124, Folder 4

Reading: Southampton College. Kenward Elmslie with Kenneth Deifik 1980 February 28

Reading: Southampton College. Kenward Elmslie with Kenneth Deifik

Box 124, Folder 5-6

The Seagull

Box 124, Folder 7

Sin in the Hinterlands

Sin in the Hinterlands - Kenward Elmslie

Oversize OM-1, Folder 14

Three Sisters - Test pressing/recording on two LP records 1986 September 11

General note

Includes oversized opera program or album cover with liner notes. Recorded from original reel-to-reels in Box 122 folders 10-12.


Box 125, Folder 1

26 Bars - Live at Naropa Institute

Box 125, Folder 2

Allen Ginsberg memorial + Father Death Blues, Ah Sunflower, and Nurse's Sons 1997

General note

Recorded by Cloud House Poetry Archive (SS Kush), San Francisco Temple Emanu-El. Includes VHS cover design.
Box 125, Folder 3

City Junket 2002

General note

New Langston Arts, directed by Mac McGinnis. Recorded by Cloud House Poetry Archive (SS Kush).
Box 125, Folder 4

City Junket - Part 1 (master on Sony U-Matic) undated

Box 125, Folder 5

City Junket - Part 2 (master on Sony U-Matic) undated

Box 125, Folder 6-7

Irons in the Fire - Barbara Guest, tapes 1-2 2002 May 2

Box 125, Folder 8-10

Irons in the Fire - Lucia Berlin, tapes 1, 3-4 2002 April 5

Box 125, Folder 11

Kenward Elmslie - Mills College, Oakland 2002 February 12

General note

Introduction by Steven Ratcliffe. Recorded by Cloud House Poetry Archive (SS Kush).
Box 125, Folder 12

Kenward Elmslie - San Francisco Poet Museum 2002 February 6

General note

Introduction by Aaron Shurin with Q+A. Recorded by Cloud House Poetry Archive (SS Kush).
Box 125, Folder 13

Kenward Elmslie at San Francisco State University, Poetry Center 1990 March 1

Box 125, Folder 14

Kenward Elmslie at St. Marks, reading 1988 May

Box 125, Folder 15-17

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show - 3 VHS labelled "Tapes #1-12" 1987 May 13

Box 125, Folder 18

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show - Rough edit master undated

Box 125, Folder 19

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show - Seattle undated

Box 125, Folder 20

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show - J. West recording undated

Box 125, Folder 21

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show and Night Emerald, by Kenward Elmslie and Steven Taylor - Naropa Institute performance 1991 July 23

Box 125, Folder 22

Radio Thin Air - The Kenward Elmslie Show, produced by Mitch Corber 1990 April 27



Scope and Content of Series

Series 18) Additional audiovisual recordings donated shortly after series 17) was processed in 2019; they compliment other tracks already included in the collection. Many recordings could not be viewed or listened to at the time of processing due to volume and, in some cases, format. Descriptions were transcribed from the containers. However, many poetry-related recordings were digitized in 2023-24 and can be accessed by clicking on the links in the finding aid. Other recordings require advance notice to arrange for access.
Arranged in three subseries by format: A) Reel-to-reel, B) Videos, and C) Audiocassettes (no further arrangement within subseries).
A) Reel-to-Reel: Open tape recordings on standard 1/4" tape, unless otherwise stated in the description. Some recordings are professional-quality masters.
B) Videos: Standard VHS cassettes, unless otherwise noted.
C) Audiocassettes: Cassette tapes of performances, revues, and individual songs; at the very end of the series are three digital recordings on mini-CD.



Three Sisters - Z Press Master 2" tapes on 10.5" reels 1986

Box 126

Tapes 1, 1A, 1B

Box 127

Tapes 2, 2A, 2B

Box 128

Tapes 3, 3A, 3B

Box 129

Tapes 4, 4A, 4B

Box 130

Tapes 5, 6, 7

Box 131

Tapes 8, 9, 10

Box 132

Tapes 12, 13, 14

Box 133

Tapes 15, 16, 17

Box 134

Miscellaneous recordings - 10.5" reels 1981 November

General note

13 reels, including: Kenward Elmslie Visited; The One and Only Person in the World; Candy Gram; Beauty Secrets; I Trust the Wrong People.
Box 135

Painted Smiles - Master 1" tapes on large cores 1984

Box 136

Kenward Elmslie Visited - Z Press Master 2" tapes on 10.5" reels 1981

Box 137

Kenward Elmslie Visited - Z Press Master 2" tapes on 10.5" reels 1981

Box 138, Folder 1-2

Kenward Elmslie Visited - Z Press Master 2" tapes on 10.5" reels 1981

Box 139

Miss Julie (2) and Palais Bimbo (9) - 10.5" reels and cores 1979-1981

Box 140, Folder 1-4

Sin in the Hinterlands 1984

Box 140, Folder 5

Tones at Top 1985

Box 140, Folder 6

Kenward Elmslie Visited 1984

Box 140, Folder 7

One Night Stand, Beauty Secret, and Shuffle the Cards with Steven Marooshes on piano undated

Box 141

The Grass Harp undated

Box 142, Folder 1-3

The Grass Harp undated

Box 142, Folder 4-6

City Junket ca. 1974

City Junket

Box 142, Folder 7

La Follie undated

General note

Music by Claiborne Richardson and lyrics by Kenward Elmslie. On outside of box, "Crazy Lady."
Box 143, Folder 1-3

Chaillot undated

Box 143, Folder 4

Poetry reading at 98 Greene St. loft - Elmslie and Lee Crabtree undated

Poetry reading at 98 Greene St. Loft - Elmslie and Lee Crabtree

Box 143, Folder 5

Arthur Seigal singing Latouche; Act I of Sweet Bye and Bye undated

Box 143, Folder 6

"Rorem & me" undated

Box 143, Folder 7

Poulenc undated

Box 144, Folder 1

Untitled, with music by Taylor and words by Elmslie undated

Box 144, Folder 2

Palais Bimbo performance narration 1987 April 29

Box 144, Folder 3

Chaillot "Angelica" undated

Box 144, Folder 4-5

Adele - Steber and Rorem-Flanagan concert undated

Box 144, Folder 6-7

Sweet Bye and Bye undated



Box 138, Folder 3-4

City Junket - Master and copy on Sony 720mm videotape

Box 138, Folder 5-6

City Junket - NARM Presentation on U-Matic (Parts 1-2) 1979 April

Box 145, Folder 1

26 Bars, Naropa - Raw, unedited footage 1988 July 19

Box 145, Folder 2

Lingoland undated

Box 145, Folder 3

Blasts from the Past 2002 August 6

Box 145, Folder 4

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show excerpted from New City Theatre performance undated

Box 145, Folder 5

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show, New City Theatre, Seattle (unedited) 1986 May 12

Box 145, Folder 6

Homemade media show (cable) feat. Palais Bimbo Lounge Show and Nat Ayer 1986 July 2

Box 145, Folder 7

Palais Bimbo lecture/reading at Naropa, with Elmslie and Steven Taylor 1988 July 21

Box 145, Folder 8

Palais Bimbo undated

Box 145, Folder 9

Palais Bimbo and Night Emerald at Naropa, with Elmslie and Steven Taylor 1991 July 23

Box 145, Folder 10

Lizzie Borden undated

Box 145, Folder 11

Postcards on Parade - Elmslie performs at the St. Johnsbury, VT Athenaeum with intro. by William Corbett 1995 August

Box 145, Folder 12

Elmslie/Taylor Postcards 1993 April 8

Box 145, Folder 13

Postcards on Parade, Brown University 1993 September 22

Box 145, Folder 14

Postcards on Parade, unedited Act I 1995 August 9

Box 145, Folder 15

Postcards on Parade, unedited Act II 1995 August 9

Box 145, Folder 16

The Grass Harp - York Players undated

Box 145, Folder 17

Songs from The Grass Harp, Camera 3 1977 May 20

Box 145, Folder 18

The Grass Harp, Phoenix Rising Theatre, North Hollywood 1980 January 28

Box 145, Folder 21

Naropa reading with Elmslie and Steven Taylor 2001 July 13

Box 145, Folder 22

Ballad for Americans, Golden Apple, Grass Harp, and Pacific Overtures undated

Box 145, Folder 23

Lola Act I undated

Box 145, Folder 24

Lola Act II undated

Box 145, Folder 25

Bobbie Hawkins live in San Diego 1985 June

Box 145, Folder 26

Elmslie - Who'll Prop Me Up in the Rain from Poetry in Motion (Sony mini digital video) undated

Box 145, Folder 27-29

Irons in the Fire - Diane Di Prima 2002 October 29

Box 145, Folder 31

Ron Padgett reading event 2002 November 20

Box 146, Folder 1-4

Irons in the Fire - Ron Padgett 2002 August 7

Box 146, Folder 5

Irons in the Fire - Constance Lewallen 2002 October 11

Box 146, Folder 6-7

Irons in the Fire - Bill Berkson 2002 October 3

Box 146, Folder 8-10

Irons in the Fire - Maxine Chernoff undated


Cloud House Poetry Archives recordings

Box 147, Folder 1

Elmslie in Champ Dust, a solo revue featuring highlights from Postcards on Parade at SFAI, with intro. by Bill Berkson 1994 November 9

Box 147, Folder 2

Tom Clark, Joe Elegy, Jay DeFeo, Robin Blasé and Ladoh in special tape made for Elmslie undated

Box 147, Folder 4

Elmslie - Small Press Traffic 1997 January 10

Box 147, Folder 5

Edmund Berrigan - Small Press Traffic, first reading 1997 October 3

Box 147, Folder 6

Ed Dorn - Holloway Poetry Series, Maude Fife Room at UC Berkeley 1997 October 30

Box 147, Folder 7-8

Women of the Beat Generation book discussion 1997 February 26

Box 148, Folder 1-7

Kenward Elmslie Visited



Box 148, Folder 8-10

Madonna's Milk Bar

Box 148, Folder 11-12

Woolworth Song

Box 148, Folder 13-14

Bookworm, with Michael Silverblatt (KCRW) 1997, 1999

Kenward Elmslie on Bookworm, with Michael Silverblatt (KCRW)

Box 148, Folder 15-28


Box 148, Folder 29-31

Recordings for performance at Naropa

Recordings for performance at Naropa

Box 148, Folder 32

Bill Berkson and Kenward Elmslie 1969 December 7

Bill Berkson and Kenward Elmslie reading

General note

Described by Ron Padgett as "probably Poetry Project."
Box 148, Folder 33-34

Poetry Project group reading 1991 May 2

Poetry Project group reading

Box 149, Folder 2-3

The Seagull

Box 149, Folder 5-6

Kenward Elmslie in: Champ Dust: A Solo Review 1994 November 9

Kenward Elmslie in: Champ Dust: A Solo Review

Box 149, Folder 8


Box 149, Folder 9

Lizzie Borden Act II

Box 149, Folder 11-12

The Grass Harp - Rehearsals

Box 149, Folder 13

The Grass Harp - WQXR live program

Box 149, Folder 14-21

26 Bars

Box 149, Folder 22-26

The White Attic

Box 149, Folder 27-30

One Night Stand (and other songs)

Box 149, Folder 31

Coughlin orchestrations

Box 149, Folder 32-34

Kenward Elmslie song set Small Press Traffic at New College (Bare Bones, Elegy for Joe, and others) 1997 January 10

Box 150, Folder 1-2

And I Was There

Box 150, Folder 3-16

Postcards on Parade

Box 150, Folder 17-27

Palais Bimbo Lounge Show

Box 150, Folder 28-29

17 Years

Box 150, Folder 30-31

Sin in the Hinterlands

Box 150, Folder 32-33

NYC #1-2

Box 150, Folder 34

Bombay Gin Benefit / One Night Stand with Anne Waldman 1990 October 19

Bombay Gin Benefit

Box 151, Folder 1-3

Happy New Year / I Remember

Kenward Elmslie - Happy New Year / I Remember

Box 151, Folder 4

Kenward Elmslie - Night Emerald performance

Kenward Elmslie - Night Emerald performance

Box 151, Folder 6-9

Beyond Baroque readings 1982

Kenward Elmslie Beyond Baroque and other locations - readings and performances

Box 151, Folder 10

Kenward Elmslie singing (home recording)

Box 151, Folder 11-12

Floozies (from The Grass Harp)

Box 151, Folder 13-14

Alaska Blues

Box 151, Folder 15

Orchid Stories

Kenward Elmslie reading from "Orchid Stories"

Box 151, Folder 16-17


Box 151, Folder 18

Rose Tattoo

Box 151, Folder 19

The Middle of Nowhere

Box 151, Folder 20

Practice for Providence

Box 151, Folder 21

Area J

Box 151, Folder 22

Change Your Name

Box 151, Folder 23

Sneaky Pete

Box 151, Folder 24

Elmslie - Various songs 1981 November 24

General note

Includes Beauty Secrets, One Night Stand, The One and Only, Brazil, Candy Gram, and more.
Box 151, Folder 25

Cajun Vitrine

Box 151, Folder 26

A Secret Sacred Niche

Box 151, Folder 27

Night of my Soul 1994-1995

Box 151, Folder 28

Auden 1969 January

Box 151, Folder 29

Elmslie set 2, Bartos 1998 November 12

Box 151, Folder 30

Oink live benefit performance with Steven Taylor

Box 151, Folder 31

The Golden Apple

Box 151, Folder 32

Karen Morrow

Box 151, Folder 33

Washington Square

Box 151, Folder 34

Improvs with Lee Crabtree and Kenward Elmslie

Improvs with Lee Crabtree and Kenward Elmslie

Box 152, Folder 1

Schlock n' Sleaze

Box 152, Folder 2

Overture / Yellow Drums

Box 152, Folder 3

Indian Blues

Box 152, Folder 4

Iridescence sampler / Blind Witness News - Barry McBride, Yusef Lateef, Kenward Elmslie 1988

Box 152, Folder 5

KE with Steven Taylor at St. Mark's Church 1984 February 22

Kenward Elmslie with Steven Taylor at St. Mark's Church

Box 152, Folder 6

Interview with Don and Newly Preciosi 1992 December 11

Box 152, Folder 7

KE and Claiborne Richardson "ramble"

Kenward Elmslie and Claiborne Richardson "ramble"

Box 152, Folder 8

Squeegee Bijoux

Box 152, Folder 9-10

Postcards on Parade (R-60 DAT mastering audiocassettes)

Box 152, Folder 11-12

Elmslie interviews (3" Sony digital audio recordable mini-discs)

Elmslie interviews





Box 162, Folder 6

A-Z Miscellaneous

Box 162, Folder 7

Bamberger Books (Bill Bamberger)

Box 162, Folder 8

The Grenfell Press 1998-2000

Box 162, Folder 9

Haste, Jeffrey

Box 162, Folder 10

Lazard Asset Management

Box 162, Folder 11

Padgett, Ron

Box 162, Folder 12

Padgett, Ron and the Z-Press Board of Directors 1989-1993

Conditions Governing Access note

Restrictions Apply
Box 162, Folder 13

The Poetry Project

Box 162, Folder 14

Sun and Moon Press

Box 162, Folder 15

Swets, C.W. - Outgoing from Z Press

Box 162, Folder 16

Permissions and copyright correspondence

Box 162, Folder 17-18

Thank you notes from poets directed to The Fund for Poetry and Z Press grants 1988-2000, 2013

Box 163, Folder 1-2

Thank you notes from poets directed to The Fund for Poetry and Z Press grants 1988-2000, 2013


Z Press Books, Chapbooks & Magazine

Box 163, Folder 3

Brainard, Joe, Michael Brownstein, Kenward Elmslie, and Anne Waldman - "Almost Heaven" broadside working file 1973

Box 163, Folder 4

Clark, Jeff - Sun on 6 2000

Box 163, Folder 5

Creeley, Robert - "Thinking" 2000

General note

Title page proofs and correspondence.
Box 163, Folder 6

Denby, Edwin - Miltie is a Hackie 1973

General note

Page proofs, correspondence, and photographs. Book by Edwin Denby, one act opera edited by Kenward Elmslie.
Box 163, Folder 7

Dubie, Norman - The Funeral, poem and Ann Lauterbach - Thripsis 1997-1998

General note

2 chapbooks published during the same time. "The Funeral" with illustrations by Vivien Russe. "Thripsis" with illustrations by Joe Brainard. Includes correspondence, mock-ups, and proofs.
Box 163, Folder 8

Elmslie, Kenward - Adventure in the Vermont Woods, For C.W. 1997

Box 163, Folder 9

List of Z Press publications

Box 163, Folder 10-11

Z Magazine first issue production 1973

General note

Includes a folder of correspondence and mock-ups as well as a folder of poets' contributions with edits/notes. Participants include: Phillip Lopate, Michael Brownstein, Joe Brainard, Gerrit Henry, Pat Nolan, Charles North, Keith Abbott, and more.
Box 164, Folder 1-3

ZZ Magazine undated

General note

Table of contents, edits, and proofs of the ZZ Issue of Z Magazine.


Box 164, Folder 4

Z Press administrative documents and business proposals 1984-1998

General note

Includes by-laws. Includes information on the ISBN numbers of Z-Press books.
Box 164, Folder 5

Invoices and cost estimates

Box 164, Folder 6-12

Meeting minutes 1986-2004, 2012-2013

General note

Meeting minutes also include lists of recipients of funds from Z-Press/Fund for Poetry. The meeting minutes from 2013 include correspondence related to the closure of Z Press.
Box 165, Folder 1-2

Meeting minutes 1986-2004, 2012-2013

General note

Meeting minutes also include lists of recipients of funds from Z-Press/Fund for Poetry. The meeting minutes from 2013 include correspondence related to the closure of Z Press.
Box 165, Folder 3

Historical file on the work of Z-Press 2014

General note

Includes a summary of Z-Press' cumulative funding history. Includes an early statement on the formation of Z-Press.
Box 165, Folder 4-5

Z Press readings and events 1987-1991

General note

Includes information on a Summer poetry festival sponsored by the Vermont Council on the Arts.
Box 165, Folder 6

Grant applications and correspondence 1975-1979

General note

Including National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and Vermont Council on the Arts.
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