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The Republic by Charles Austin Beard


American Heros and Hero Worship, by Gerald White Johnson


Kaiser Wakes the Doctors by Paul De Kruif


George Washington Carver by Rackham Holt


Starbuck by John Selby

box 498, folder 8

Published by Skira undated


Van Gogh



box 498, folder 9

Chicago Sun 1944 July


Woodrow Wilson, As the Camera Saw Him First, by Gerald White Johnson


Woodrow Wilson and the Lost Peace, by Thomas Andrew Bailey


Art Reviews, 1954-1960

box 498, folder 10

Christmas recommendation list 1954 Dec.

box 498, folder 11

The Mind and Work of Paul Klee by Werner Haftmann 1955 March


The Eagle, the Jaguar, and the Serpent, by Miguel Covarrubia


Mobile Design by John Lynch


Notes About Painting by Xavier Gonzales


Four Stages of Renaissance Style by Wylie Sypher


Bruegel by Wolfgang Stechow

box 498, folder 12

Floating World by James Albert Michener 1955 May


Baroque and Romantic Stage Design by James Scholz, ed.


History of Art, College Outline Series

box 498, folder 13

The Naked Truth and Personal Vision by Bartlett H. Hayes 1955 June


Gilbert Stuart by James Thomas Flexner


Water Color, Gouache, and Casein Painting by Adolf Dehn

box 498, folder 14

Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Published by Phaidon Press 1955 Aug.


El Greco by Antonia Vallentine


Drawings and Water Colors by Vincent van Gogh, Published by Macmillan

box 498, folder 15

Christmas recommendation list 1955 Oct.-Dec.

box 498, folder 16

The Paintings of Bruegel by F. Grossmann 1956 Feb.-March


American Art from the Armory Show to the Depression by Milton Wolf Brown


Charles Burchfield by John Ireland Howe Baur


Marvels of Ancient Rome by Margaret R. Sherer


John Singer Sargeant by Charles M. Mount


Pablo Picasso by Wilhelm Boeck and Jaime Sabartes

box 498, folder 17

Lorenzo Lotto by Bernard Berenson 1956 May-July


Orozco by Alma M. Reed


Fantasy Drawings by Chaim Gross


Dictionary of Modern Painting, edited by Carleton Lake and Robert Maillard


The Disasters of War by Goya


Four Steps Toward Modern Art by Dr. Lionello Venturi

box 498, folder 18

Islamic Art by Ralph Pinder Wilson 1957 July

box 498, folder 19

Loves of Krishna by William George Archer 1957 Aug.

box 498, folder 20

Toulouse Lautrec exhibition - Los Angles Municipal Art Gallery 1959 May

box 498, folder 21

Joan Miro exhibition - Los Angles Museum of Modern Art, guest written by Frederick S. Wright 1959 June

box 498, folder 22

The Art of the Ancient Maya, Los Angeles County Art Museum - 24th Annual Festival of the Arts and Pageant of the Masters, Laguna Beach artists colony 1959 July

box 498, folder 23

Artists of Los Angeles and Vicinity - Los Angeles County Museum of Art 1959 Aug.

box 498, folder 24

"The Arts, Past and Present" conference, UCLA Extention at Lake Arrowhead 1959 Sept.


American Prints Today, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, guest written by Joseph L. Young


Californians Collect California Art, Westside Jewish Community Center

box 498, folder 25

"Works of Four Artists Exhibit Diversity" - guest-written by Edgar Ewing 1959 Oct.

box 498, folder 26

European Art Today - Los Angeles County Art Museum 1959 Nov.

box 498, folder 27

Gladys Robinson collection exhibition, Gibraltar Savings of Beverly Hills 1959 Dec.


Greek Art by G. M. A. Richter


English Art 1800-1870 by Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase


Christmas recommendation list

box 498, folder 28

Spanish Master Exhibition - UCLA Art Galleries 1960 Jan.

box 498, folder 29

Recent Sculpture USA - Los Angeles County Art Museum 1960 Feb.

box 498, folder 30

Leonardo da Vinci by Ludwig Goldscheider 1960 March


The Kremlin by David Douglas Duncan


Printmaking by Gabor Peterdi


My Adventures as an Illustrator by Norman Rockwell

box 498, folder 31

Publicity 1955-60

Box 498-499; Oversize Box 27, folders 25-20

Subseries 4.6: Contributions, 19[43?]-1987, undated

Scope and Content Note

Contributions are filed by the name of the person or publication for whom Stone wrote a contribution. Contributions includes introductions to exhibitions catalogs and brochures, introductions and articles for works written and edited by others, encyclopedia entries, as well as statements for articles written by others. Also includes three acceptance speeches written by Stone for Edward G. Robinson. Files consist of drafts of Stone's contributions, published copies of the brochures and articles, and publicity for the works edited by others. Also includes a mounted copy of his contribution to Sterling North and Carl A. Kroch's So Red the Nose, directions for making the "Lust for Life Cocktail." Some of Stone's contributions, such as a statement about Willy Droemer, were not published.
box 498, folder 32

Abramovitz, Mirtza - "Mirtza Abramovitz" [exhibition brochure] 1960 Dec., 1966 April

box 498, folder 33

The Artists' and Writers' Cookbook, Beryl Barr and Barbara Turner Sachs, eds. - "The Perfect Writer's Luncheon" undated

box 498, folder 34-38

The Aspirin Age, Isabel Leighton, ed. - "Calvin Coolidge: A Study in Inertia" 1949 Aug.-1952 March, undated

box 498, folder 39

Basic Books - "An Introduction to Fiction" [1950s]

box 498, folder 40

The Book of Knowledge - "Biography, Autobiography, and the Biographical Novel" 1962 June-1963 Jan.

box 499, folder 1

California Art Festival - "An Introduction to California's Art Festival" [exhibition catalog] 1966

box 499, folder 2

California Museum of Science and Industry, Arts and Humanities Symposium - brochure 1970 Feb.

box 499, folder 3

Call of the Wild, Kenneth S. Lynn and Arno Jewett, eds. - "Leaders of the Pack" 1961 Nov.-1962 Feb.

oversize Oversize Box 27, folder 25

Chicago Tribune - "Author's Choice: The Books They'll Give at Christmas" 1981 Dec.

box 499, folder 4

Christmas in America - "There Is Light" 1987 Dec.

box 499, folder 5

Colliers Encyclopedia - "Clarence Darrow" undated

box 499, folder 6

Delmar, Mary Daves - ["The Doni Madonna"] for [ Mother and Child] [Unpublished?] undated

box 499, folder 7

Doubleday Anthology, Bucklin Moon, ed. - publicity [1962]

box 499, folder 8

Droemer, Willy - "Willy Droemer" [festschrift] 1970 Dec., undated

box 499, folder 9

Eyrie Anthology of Writing, Thomas A. Edison Senior High School, Tulsa (Okla.) - "Introduction" 1964 April

box 499, folder 10

Focus on Fascinating Folk: Poems about People by Young People, Los Angeles Public Library - "Introduction" 1977 Nov., 1978

box 499, folder 11

Forest Lawn Memorial-Park (Glendale, Calif.) - "The Sotteraneo of Michelangelo" [exhibition brochure] [1980s]

box 499, folder 12

Fourteen Radio Plays, Arch Oboler - "The Art of Reading a Radio Play" [1940]


Hearts to Market, Westchester Senior High School, Los Angeles (Calif.) - "Preface"

box 499, folder 13

Notes, drafts, and published copy 1959 March, June, undated

oversize Oversize Box 27, folder 26

Publicity 1959 April

box 499, folder 14

Idylls of France, Proctor Jones - "Foreword" 1980 Dec.-1982 May

box 499, folder 15

Lachman, Harry - "Harry Lachman" [exhibition catalog] 1958, undated

box 499, folder 16

Ladies' Home Journal - ["If You Could Have Any Gift In the World..."] 1967 Aug.

box 499, folder 17

Lewis, Stanley - "Stanley Lewis" [exhibition catalog] 1959 Dec.

box 499, folder 18

"My Favorite Dinner--When I'm Not Working on a Book" [Unpublished?] 1977 Dec.

box 499, folder 19

New York Daily News (N.Y.) - "Travel Tips from the Stars" 1985 Oct.

box 499, folder 20

New York Times Book Review (N.Y.) - "Books to Speak for America Overseas" 1954 Nov.-Dec.

box 499, folder 21

Noble, John - "John Noble" [exhibition catalog] 1964 Jan.



box 499, folder 22

"Mary and Jesus Sculptures" [exhibition brochure?] 1977 Nov.

box 499, folder 23

"Moses" [exhibition brochure] 1976 Oct.

box 499, folder 24

Philadelphia Record (Penn.) - "The War of the Peace" 1944 Sept.-Oct.


Robinson, Edward G.

box 499, folder 25

Citizen of the Year acceptance speech 1962 March-April

box 499, folder 26

Masker's Club testimonial dinner speech 1969 March

oversize Oversize Box 27, folder 27

American Citizen Award acceptance speech undated

box 499, folder 27

The Romantic Revival [exhibition catalog], Frank Rosen - "Introduction" 1979 April-July

box 499, folder 28

Rovesnik (Moscow, Russia) - New Year's congratulations undated

box 499, folder 29

Smith, Jacob Getlar - "Jacob Getlar Smith" [exhibition brochure] 1959 Nov.

oversize Oversize Box 27, folder 28

So Red the Nose, Sterling North and Carl Kroch, eds. - " Lust for Life Cocktail" [1935]

box 499, folder 30

Staprans, Raimond - "Raimond Staprans" [exhibition catalog] 1961 March

box 499, folder 31

Teachers Make a Difference, Harris County, Dept. of Education (Tex.) - ["My Favorite Teacher"] 1987 April

box 499, folder 32

This Is My Best, Whitt Burnett, ed. - The Agony and the Ecstasy excerpt 1969 Jan.-Feb.

box 499, folder 33

U.S. Treasury Dept. ["Post-War Peace Time Planning"] [1943?]

box 499, folder 34

Universal Jewish Encyclopedia - "Jakob Wasserman" undated


The Wild Life of Jack London, Russ Kingman - "Foreword"

box 499, folder 35

Notes and drafts 1978 May-June

oversize Oversize Box 27, folder 29

Dust jacket undated

box 499, folder 36

Women's Home Companion - "Anecdotes" 1954

box 499, folder 37

Writers' Digest - "Advice from Writers" 1962

Box 499-500; Oversize Box 27, folders 30-31

Subseries 4.7: Testimonials, 1950-1987, undated

Scope and Content Note

Testimonials is further divided into two sub-subseries: Individuals and Organizations, and Publications. Individuals and Organizations are testimonials made by Stone about his friends or organizations run by his friends. Files consist of drafts of Stone's texts. Publications testimonials are those statements made by Stone about another's work and used to publicize the work. He was asked to make testimonials for the same sorts of books that he was asked to review: biographies, art books, and novels. He also wrote testimonials for Pace Magazine and Los Angeles Magazine. The files consist of drafts of Stone's testimonials and copies of the publicity for the works.

Individuals and Organizations, 1959-1987, undated

box 499, folder 38

Barker, Lee 1973 July

box 499, folder 39

Bradbury, Ray, 1920- 1978 April

box 499, folder 40

Ewing, Edgar undated

box 499, folder 41

Hammer, Armand, 1897- 1987 June

box 499, folder 42

Laine, Frankie undated

box 499, folder 43

Libby, Willard F. undated

box 499, folder 44

Smith, Jacob Getlar, 1898-1958 1959 Aug.

box 499, folder 45

Weller, Sam 1989 March

box 499, folder 46

The Wilhelm School 1978 Feb.


Publications, 1950-1985, undated

box 499, folder 47

Abraham Lincoln - Thomas, Benjamin Platt, 1902-1956 1952 Dec.

box 499, folder 48

Acanthus Series, New York Graphic Society 1961 Jan.

box 499, folder 49

All My Yesterdays - Robinson, Edward G., 1893-1973 1973 Nov.

box 499, folder 50

The Antagonists - Gann, Ernest Kellogg, 1910- 1971 Jan.

box 500, folder 1

Be Not Afraid - White, Robin, 1928- 1972 Jan.

box 500, folder 2

Big as Life - Doctorow, E. L., 1931- 1966 June

box 500, folder 3

Christopher Marlowe - Rowse, Alfred Leslie, 1903- 1964 Aug.

box 500, folder 4

The Collected Works Of Abraham Lincoln - The Abraham Lincoln Society 1953

box 500, folder 5

Comprehensive Planning - Branch, Melville Campbell, 1913- 1965 Feb.

box 500, folder 6

Correspondence de Camille Pissaro - Bailly-Herzberg, Janine 1985 Jan.

box 500, folder 7

The Cousin Jacks - Rowse, Alfred Leslie, 1903- 1969 Jan.

box 500, folder 8

The Crusades - Oldenbourg, Zoe, 1916- 1966 July

box 500, folder 9

Dana - Cater, Douglass, 1923- 1970 May

box 500, folder 10

The Devil's Advocate - West, Morris L., 1916- 1959 Oct.

box 500, folder 11

Dove - Graham, Robin Lee 1971 Nov.

box 500, folder 12

The Elizabethan Renaissance - Rowse, Alfred Leslie, 1903- 1972 March

box 500, folder 13

The Expedition - Wolport, Stanley 1967 Dec.

box 500, folder 14

The Fall of Rome - Lafferty, R. A. 1970 Dec.

box 500, folder 15

Final Warning - Gale, Robert Peter undated

box 500, folder 16

Fish the Strong Water - McDonald, Norman C. 1957 Feb.

box 500, folder 17

I, James McNeill Whistler - Williams, Lawrence 1972 Jan.

box 500, folder 18

The Immortal Lovers - Winwar, Frances, 1900- 1950 April

box 500, folder 19

The Jesus Factor - Corley, Ed 1970 June

box 500, folder 20

Journals of David E. Lilienthal - Lilienthal, David Eli, 1899-1981 1964 Sept.

box 500, folder 21

King James Holy Bible - Michelangelo, illustrator 1964 Nov.

box 500, folder 22

Land of the Long Horizon - Havighurst, Walter, 1901-, ed. 1960 Sept.

box 500, folder 23

Los Angeles Magazine 1961 July

box 500, folder 24

Masterpieces of Greek Art - Schoder, Raymond V., 1916-1987 1960 Oct.

box 500, folder 25

Michelangelo - Goldscheider, Ludwig, 1896- 1962 July

box 500, folder 26

Monet - Mount, Charles Merrill 1967 April

box 500, folder 27

My Son the Lawyer - Denker, Henry undated

box 500, folder 28

Pace Magazine 1969 April

box 500, folder 29

Pluche, or the Love of Art - Dutourd, Jean, 1920- 1969 Sept.

box 500, folder 30

Prometheus - Maurois, Andre, 1885-1967 1966 July

box 500, folder 31

A Quiet Voyage Home - Jessup, Richard 1970 July

box 500, folder 32

Rainbow in the Rock - Sanders, Irwin Taylor, 1909- 1962 April

box 500, folder 33

Sanctuary V - Schulberg, Budd 1969 Aug.

box 500, folder 34

Shakespeare's Southampton, Patron of Virginia - Rowse, Alfred Leslie, 1903- 1964 Jan.

box 500, folder 35

Stanton - Thomas, Benjamin Platt, 1902-1956 1962 Feb.

box 500, folder 36

The Thirteenth Apostle - Vale, Eugene 1965 Oct.


The Thousand Hour Day - Kuniczak, W. S., 1930-

box 500, folder 37

Correspondence 1967 March

oversize Oversize Box 27, folder 30

Clippings 1967 May

box 500, folder 38

Three Ships and Three Kings - Sallaska, Georgia 1969 Feb.


To Seize the Passing Dream - Berkman, Ted

box 500, folder 39

Correspondence 1972 Jan.

oversize Oversize Box 27, folder 31

Clippings 1972 Feb.

box 500, folder 40

The Turning Point - Van der Linden, Frank 1962 May

box 500, folder 41

The Vulgarians, New York Graphic Society 1960 Aug.

box 500, folder 42

William Shakespeare - Rowse, Alfred Leslie, 1903- 1964 Feb.

box 500, folder 43

The Winter War - Haines, William Wister, 1908- 1961 Jan.

Boxes 416, 501-526; v. 1-2; Oversize Boxes 28-29; Oversize Folders 35-37

Series 5: Professional Papers, 1928-1990s, undated

Scope and Content Note


Arranged chronologically (Appearances, Interviews, Travel Files, and Teaching Files); alphabetically, and then chronologically (Contract Files and Honors and Awards); or hierarchically (Bio-bibliographic Files), as appropriate.
Divided into seven sub-series: Appearances, Interviews, Travel Files, Bio-bibliographic Files, Contracts, Honors and Awards, and Teaching Files.
Box 501-512; Oversize Box 28, folders 1-6; Oversize folder 35 B; Vol. 1

Subseries 5.1: Appearances, 1934-1989, undated

Scope and Content Note

Appearances consists of all the papers, such as correspondence, publicity, and ephemera, related to Stone's appearances before a public audience. Includes publicity posters, itineraries, and some correspondence with his secretaries. Any notes or scripts for speeches that Stone gave have been moved to Series 4: Other Writings: Speeches. If he gave several consecutive appearances in a geographical region, such as Northern or Southern California, the Middle Atlantic or Southern States, or the Pacific Northwest (excluding California), the listings for these appearances has been combined and any appearances of special interest are listed. Stone made appearances anywhere and everywhere. At the beginning of his career as a public person, he made appearances at lecture forums, discussing economics issues as they affected American society, "the role of the writer in a troubled world," and the creation of biographical novels. He continued to lecture on the latter two topics throughout his life. Stone also appeared at universities and other schools, museums, book fairs, authors luncheons, and book signings. Later in his life, Jean and Irving Stone were guest lecturers on "enrichment" cruises for several cruise lines, appearing around the world. The Stones also made appearances when they traveled through foreign countries. While writing a book they would make almost no appearances, but once the book was published, they would go on publicity junkets that would last for several months, often making several appearances daily.
box 501, folder 1

Publicity poster 1934

box 501, folder 2-6

New York, N.Y. 1934 May-Nov.

box 501, folder 7

The Halle Bros. Co., Week of Authors, Cleveland, Ohio 1934 Oct.


Joseph Horne Co., Authors' Week, Pittsburgh, Pa.

box 501, folder 8

Correspondence and publicity 1934 Nov.

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 1

Publicity 1934 Oct.

box 501, folder 9

Women's Advertising Club, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1934 Oct.-Nov.

box 501, folder 10

Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind. 1934 Oct.

box 501, folder 11

J.L. Hudson Co., Week of Authors, Detroit, Mich. 1934 Oct.

box 501, folder 12-17

New York, N.Y. 1934 Oct.-Nov.


National Council of Jewish Juniors

box 501, folder 18

Bayonne, N.J. 1934 Nov.

box 501, folder 19

Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) 1934 Nov.

box 501, folder 20

H. C. Capwell's, Oakland, Calif. 1935 May

box 501, folder 21

Nineteenth Century Woman's Club 1935 Oct.

box 501, folder 22

Saint Paul College Club, St. Paul, Minn. 1935 Nov.

box 501, folder 23

Drama Study Club, New York, N.Y. 1935 Nov.

box 501, folder 24

Miscellaneous appearances 1936

box 501, folder 25

Lamson's Book Department [1936]

box 501, folder 26

University of Southern California, Epsilon Phi Installation Dinner, Los Angeles, Calif. 1936 Jan.

box 501, folder 27

Gimbels, Philadelphia, Pa. 1936 Jan.

box 501, folder 28

Art Students League, New York, N.Y. 1936 Feb.-March

box 501, folder 29-34

San Francisco Bay Area, Calif., including: 1936 April-Oct.


Community Playhouse, San Francisco, "On the Trail of Vincent van Gogh in Europe"


Oakland Forum, "Van Gogh and His Paintings"

box 501, folder 35-37

Midwest, including: Indianapolis Town Hall, "This Writing Game" 1936 Oct.-Nov.

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 1

Sheboygan Women's Club, Sheboygan, Wisc. 1936 Nov.

box 501, folder 38-40

Midwest, including: Sinai Temple Lecture Forum, Chicago, "Van Gogh--Inspiration for Lust for Life" 1936 Sept.-1937 March

box 501, folder 41

Miscellaneous appearances 1937 May

box 501, folder 42-44

California 1937 May-June

box 501, folder 45

Publicity poster 1938

box 501, folder 46

Miscellaneous appearances 1938 Sept.

box 501, folder 47-56

California, including: Scripps College (Claremont, Calif.), "On the Trail of Van Gogh Across Europe" 1938 Jan.-Oct.

box 501, folder 57

American Booksellers Association, Chicago 1938 Sept.-Oct.

box 501, folder 58-65

California 1938 Aug.-Nov.

box 501, folder 66-67

Boston 1938 Nov.

box 501, folder 68-86

California, including: Tuesday Evening Forum (Pasadena), "California and Its Literary Tradition" 1938 Dec.-1940 Dec.

box 501, folder 87

Publicity poster 1941

box 501, folder 88-93

California 1941 Jan.-Dec.

box 502, folder 1

Publicity poster 1942

box 502, folder 2

Manual Arts School, Los Angeles, Calif. 1942 March

box 502, folder 3

San Francisco Jewish Community Center 1942 Nov.

box 502, folder 4

Ford Hall Forum, Boston 1943 Feb.

box 502, folder 5

Columbia University, The Institute of Arts and Sciences 1943 Feb.

box 502, folder 6

Books Are Bullets, WQXR, New York, N.Y. 1943 May

box 502, folder 7-12

California, including: Oakland Forum, "A World to Come Home To" 1943 Aug.-1944 April

box 502, folder 13

Associated American Artists, New York, N.Y. 1944 Sept.-Oct.

box 502, folder 14

Philadelphia Record, Famous Authors Luncheon 1944 Oct.

box 502, folder 15

Boston Herald, Book Fair 1944 Sept.-Oct.

box 502, folder 16

Marshall Field and Co., Author's Day, Chicago 1944 Nov.

box 502, folder 17-19

California, including: Fresno Town Hall, "Your Life in Tomorrow's America" 1944 Nov.-1945 May

box 502, folder 20

May Company, New York, N.Y. 1945 June

box 502, folder 21

The John O'London Literary Circle, Los Angeles 1946 Jan.-April

box 502, folder 22

Notes, New York, N.Y. 1947 April-May

box 502, folder 23

Town Meeting - nationally broadcast radio program, "Can Free Enterprise Here Compete With Socialism Abroad?" 1947 Aug.

box 502, folder 24-25

Itinerary and notes, publication in Publishers' Weekly 1947 Sept.-Oct.

box 502, folder 26-29

Atlantic States 1947 Sept.-Oct.

box 502, folder 30-33

Midwest 1947 Oct.

box 502, folder 34-39

California 1947 Oct.-Nov.

box 502, folder 40

Town Meeting - nationally broadcast radio program, "Who Should the Republicans Nominate for President?" 1948 May-June

box 502, folder 41

Indiana University Writers Conference, Bloomington, Ind. 1948 March-Aug.

box 502, folder 42

Itinerary, New York, N.Y. 1949 Sept.

box 502, folder 43

Lit Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa. 1949 Sept.

box 502, folder 44

Book Department, [Salt Lake City, Utah] 1949 Oct.

box 502, folder 45

Author Luncheon, Chicago 1949 Oct.

box 502, folder 46-48

Southern California 1949 Oct.-Nov.

box 502, folder 49

Itinerary and notes, New York, N.Y. 1951 May-Sept.

box 502, folder 50

Hawthorn School, Los Angeles 1953 Nov. 17

box 502, folder 51

Miscellaneous appearances 1954 Aug.

box 502, folder 52-59

Southern California 1954 Sept.-1955 Feb.

box 502, folder 60-64

Louisiana 1954 Nov.-1955 Feb.

box 502, folder 65-67

Southern California 1955 Feb.-Sept.

box 502, folder 68-70

Louisiana 1955 March-1956 May

box 502, folder 71

Fellows For Schweitzer, Los Angeles 1956 Jan.-March

box 502, folder 72-75

California 1955 Oct.-1956 June

box 502, folder 76-77

Los Angeles 1956 Aug.

box 502, folder 78

Smith College Geneva Group, Geneva (Switzerland) 1956 Aug.-Sept.

box 502, folder 79

Library of Congress - Washington (D.C.), "The Biographical Novel" 1957 Jan.

box 502, folder 80

United States Information Service, Paris, France 1958 Feb.

box 503, folder 1

American Club of Rome, Italy 1958 March

box 503, folder 2

Associazione Toscana Fulbright, Rome, Italy - "Creating a New Art Form" 1958 March

box 503, folder 3

Israel 1958 May

box 503, folder 4-29

California 1959 Feb.-1961 May

box 503, folder 30

Salt Lake City, Utah 1961 May

box 503, folder 31-32

Denver, Colo. 1961 May-July

box 503, folder 33-36

Midwest 1960 Dec.-1961 May

box 503, folder 37-43

Southern California 1961 April-June

box 503, folder 44-47

Pacific Northwest 1961 March-July

box 503, folder 48

Zion Book Store, Salt Lake City, Utah 1961 Aug.

box 503, folder 49

Books and Authors Dinner, Denver, Colo. 1961 May-Sept.

volume 1

Scrapbook 1961 July-Aug.

box 503, folder 50

Max Goldberg Television Show, Denver, Colo. 1961 July-Aug.

box 503, folder 51

Boston College 1961 Sept.

box 503, folder 52

Woodward and Lothrop, Washington, D.C. 1961 Oct.

box 503, folder 53

Washington Post, Book and Author Luncheon, Washington, D.C. 1961 Oct.

box 503, folder 54

John Wanamaker (Firm), Philadelphia, Pa. 1961 Oct.

box 503, folder 55

Itinerary 1961 Oct.-Nov.

box 503, folder 56-60

California 1961 April-Oct.

box 503, folder 61-65

Texas 1961 Sept.-Oct.

box 503, folder 66

North American Defense Command Radio Series, "Our Date with History" 1961 Dec.-1962 June

box 503, folder 67

University of California, Los Angeles, Graduation, "The Pleasures of Universal Man" 1962 Jan.

box 503, folder 68-71

Los Angeles 1961 Sept.-1962 April

box 503, folder 72

University of California, Los Angeles, Symposium on the Arts, "The Vitality of the Arts" 1962 June

box 503, folder 73

Germany 1962 Sept.-Dec.

box 503, folder 74

Israel Festival of the Arts, Los Angeles 1963 Jan.-Feb.

box 504, folder 1

Rockford College Festival of the Arts, Rockford, Ill. 1962 Sept.-1963 May

box 504, folder 2

Oklahoma Council of Teachers of English, Oklahoma City, Okla. 1963 April-1964 Jan.

box 504, folder 3-4

Texas 1963 Oct.

box 504, folder 5

The Broadway, Ventura, Calif. 1963 Nov.

box 504, folder 6

California Writers' Club, Berkeley, Calif. 1963 April-1964 Jan.

box 504, folder 7

Occidental College, American Assembly conference, Palm Springs, Calif. 1963 Sept.-1964 Dec.

box 504, folder 8-12

Portland, Ore. 1963 July-1964 April

box 504, folder 13

American Field Service, annual reception, Pasadena (Calif.) 1964 Feb.-March

box 504, folder 14

National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Los Angeles, Calif. 1964 March-April

box 504, folder 15

New York World's Fair (1964-1965) 1964 April-May

box 504, folder 16

Rome, Italy 1964 April

box 504, folder 17

The Broadway, Century City, Calif. 1964 Oct.

box 504, folder 18-19

Occidental College, American Assembly conference, Palm Springs, Calif. 1964 Sept.-1965 Jan.

box 504, folder 20-22

Southern California 1964 Dec.-1965 April

box 505, folder 1-5

San Francisco Bay Area (Calif.) 1965 Aug.-Nov.

box 505, folder 6-10

Pacific Northwest 1965 Oct.-Nov.

box 505, folder 11-14

Southern California 1965 Oct.

box 505, folder 15

American Association of University Women, Denver, Colo. 1965 June-Oct.

box 505, folder 16-19

Southern California 1965 May-Dec.

box 505, folder 20-21

Midwest/Atlantic States tour - itineraries, travel information, and secretary's correspondence 1965 Aug.-Nov.


Salt Lake City, Utah 1965 Oct.

box 505, folder 22


oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 2


box 505, folder 23-24

Denver, Colo. 1965 Oct.-Nov.

box 505, folder 25

L. S. Ayers and Company, Indianapolis, Ind. 1965 Oct.-Nov.

box 505, folder 26

National Society of Arts and Letters, Washington, D.C. 1965 Sept.-Nov.

box 505, folder 27-31

Midwest 1965 Nov.-Dec.

box 505, folder 32-36

Atlantic States 1965 June-Dec.

box 505, folder 37-38

Texas 1965 Nov.-Sept.

box 505, folder 39-43

Southern States 1965 Nov.

box 505, folder 44-46

Midwest 1965 Nov.

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 2

Patio Book Shop, Los Angeles - publicity 1965 Dec.

box 505, folder 47

Itinerary 1965 Dec.

box 505, folder 48-54

California, including: The Agony and the Ecstasy movie benefits, San Diego and San Francisco 1965 Dec.-1966 Jan.

box 505, folder 55-57

Midwest 1965 June-1966 Jan.

box 505, folder 58

Name placard [1966]

box 505, folder 59-62

California State Colleges, Statewide Lecture series, "How to Write Books in an Age of Crisis," San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, California State College, Long Beach, and San Diego State College 1965 Nov.-1966 June

box 505, folder 63

Occidental College, American Assembly conference, Palm Springs, Calif. 1966 Feb.-March

box 505, folder 64-65

Southern California 1966 April

box 505, folder 66

Itinerary 1966 May-June

box 505, folder 67-70

Atlantic States 1966 April-May

box 506, folder 1-2

Columbia University, American Assembly conference 1967 Jan.-May

box 506, folder 3

American Library Association, Round Table on Library Service to the Blind, San Francisco, Calif. 1966 Dec.-1967 July

box 506, folder 4

Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, Recorded introduction for "An American Gallery" 1967-68

box 506, folder 5

League of Utah Writers, Annual Round-Up, Salt Lake City, Utah 1967 Jan.-Oct.

box 506, folder 6

Tom Reddin tribute dinner, Los Angeles [1968]

box 506, folder 7-8

New York, N.Y. 1968 Jan.

box 506, folder 9

White House dinner for the Chancellor of Austria, Washington, D.C. 1968 April

box 506, folder 10-11

American Women in Radio and Television, Los Angeles, Calif. 1968 Jan.-Sept.

box 506, folder 12

Foundation of Educational Therapy for Children, Los Angeles, Calif. 1968 Nov.

box 506, folder 13

University of California Centennial Dinner, Berkeley 1968 Oct.-Nov.

box 506, folder 14-18

Los Angeles, including: University of California, Los Angeles, Golden Anniversary Gala 1969 Feb.-Sept.

box 506, folder 19

Up With People cast discussion, Oklahoma 1969 Dec.

box 506, folder 20

Miscellaneous notes 1970-71

box 506, folder 21

California Museum of Science and Industry, Los Angeles 1970 March

box 506, folder 22-25

Southern California 1970 May-Oct.

box 506, folder 26

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Los Angeles, Calif., Lust for Life presentation 1970 Sept.-Oct.

box 506, folder 27-29

Los Angeles 1970 Oct.-Nov.

box 506, folder 30

H. C. Capwell's, El Cerrito, Calif. 1971 July

box 506, folder 31

Public Pulse, KSL [radio appearance], Salt Lake City, Utah 1971 Feb.-June

box 506, folder 32-40

California 1970 Aug.-1971 April

box 506, folder 41

Tour itineraries 1971 Jan.-June

box 506, folder 42-43

Pacific Northwest 1971 March


Salt Lake City, Utah 1971 March

box 507, folder 1


oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 3


box 507, folder 2-6

Los Angeles 1971 Jan.-March

box 507, folder 7-8

Arizona 1971 March

box 507, folder 9

Festival of the Arts, Birmingham, Ala. 1971 March

box 507, folder 10-12

Illinois 1971 Feb.-April

box 507, folder 13

Friends of the Claremont Colleges, Claremont, Calif. 1970 Sept.-1971 April

box 507, folder 14

Elizabeth Wright Evans' Community Workshop [television appearance], Seattle 1971 April

box 507, folder 15-21

Texas 1971 Jan.-May

box 507, folder 22-24

Denver, Colo. 1971 April-May

box 507, folder 25-28

Midwest 1971 April

box 507, folder 29

Lausanne Mothers' Club, Memphis, Tenn. 1971 April

box 507, folder 30-32

Midwest 1971 April

box 507, folder 33-36

Southern California 1971 Jan.-May

box 507, folder 37-38

Atlantic States 1971 Feb.-July

box 507, folder 39-47

Southern California 1971 Feb.-June

box 507, folder 48

A.M. Washington, WMAL [television appearance], Washington, D.C. 1971 June


Stewart and Company, Baltimore, Md. 1971 June-July

box 507, folder 49


oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 3


box 507, folder 50-57

Southern California 1971 Aug.-1972 March

box 508, folder 1

Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, Ill. 1972 July-1973 Feb.

box 508, folder 2

Cal Alumni Centennial, Berkeley, Calif. 1973 March

box 508, folder 3-6

Southern California 1973 April-1974 June

box 508, folder 7

Royal Viking Line, World Cruise 1975 Jan.-1977 June

box 508, folder 8

California State University, Long Beach 1974 Oct.-1975 April

box 508, folder 9

University of California, Berkeley, Dept. of History commencement 1975 April-June

box 508, folder 10

Italian television celebration of Michelangelo's 500th birthday, Rome, Italy 1975 July

box 508, folder 11

Royal Viking Line, Black Sea Cruise 1975 May-1976 March

box 508, folder 12

Itineraries and schedules 1975 Sept.-Dec.

box 508, folder 13

League of Utah Writers, Salt Lake City 1974 Nov.-1975 Oct.

box 508, folder 14-18

Southern California 1975 Sept.

box 508, folder 19

Doubleday and Company, inc. book party, San Francisco 1975 Sept.

box 508, folder 20-21

Seattle 1975 Sept.

box 508, folder 22

Robinson's, Los Angeles, Calif. 1975 Oct.

box 508, folder 23

Meier and Frank, Portland, Ore. 1975 Sept.-Oct.

box 508, folder 24-25

San Francisco 1975 Oct.

box 508, folder 26-28

Utah 1975 Sept.-Oct.

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 4

ZCMI, Salt Lake City, Utah 1975 Oct.

box 508, folder 29

Deseret Books, Salt Lake City, Utah 1975 Oct.

box 508, folder 30

Scribner Book Store, Denver, Colo. 1975 Oct.

box 508, folder 31-32

Arizona 1975 Oct.

box 508, folder 33

The Book Stack, Los Alamitos, Calif. 1975 Oct.

box 508, folder 34

Kaufmann's and Pittsburgh Press, Book and author dinner, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1975 Oct.

box 508, folder 35-36

Midwest 1975 Oct.-1976 Feb.

box 508, folder 37

Washington Post, Book and Author Luncheon 1975 Oct.-Nov.

box 508, folder 38-39

Midwest 1975 Oct.-Nov.


Friends of the Texas Christian University Libraries, Fort Worth, Texas

box 508, folder 40

Publicity 1975 Nov. Dec.

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 4

Publicity 1975 Oct.-Nov.

box 508, folder 41

Cokesbury, Dallas, Texas 1975 Nov.

box 508, folder 42-46

Southern California 1975 Nov.-Dec.

box 508, folder 47

Royal Viking Line 1975 Dec.-1976 Jan.

box 508, folder 48

Archaeology panel[?] 1976 Feb.

box 508, folder 49-50

Southern California 1976 Jan.-Feb.

box 508, folder 51

At One With... [television appearance] 1976 Feb.

box 508, folder 52

Friends of the University of Southern California Libraries luncheon, Los Angeles 1976 March

box 508, folder 53

Secretary of State luncheon, Washington, D.C. 1976 April-May

box 508, folder 54

Los Angeles Library Association luncheon 1976 April

box 508, folder 55

Dinah People Party [television appearance for CBS], Los Angeles 1976 May

box 508, folder 56

Commonwealth Club of California, San Francisco 1976 April-July

box 508, folder 57

The Mike Walsh Show [Australian television appearance], Los Angeles 1976 June-July

box 508, folder 58

California State University Headquarters dedication, Long Beach, "A University Comes of Age" 1976 Aug.-Oct.

box 509, folder 1

Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Ind. 1976 Aug.-Oct.


San Jose Mercury News, Creative Encounter

box 509, folder 2

Correspondence, ephemera, and publicity 1976 Sept.-Dec.

Oversize folder 35 B

Publicity 1976 Nov.

box 509, folder 3

Paperback Wholesalers, Las Vegas, Nev. 1976 Nov.

box 509, folder 4

Gold Shield Tea for Dr. & Mrs. Franklin Murphy, Los Angeles 1976 Nov.

box 509, folder 5

Royal Viking Line, Mexico Cruise 1976 Dec.-1977 July

box 509, folder 6

Pepperdine University, Malibu, Calif. 1976 Oct.-1977 Jan.

box 509, folder 7

Press Club of San Francisco 1977 April

box 509, folder 8

Royal Viking Line, British Isles/Norwegian Fjord Cruise 1976 June-1977 May

box 509, folder 9-14

California 1977 Feb.-1978 April

box 509, folder 15

Royal Viking Line, Alaska/Canada Cruise 1978 Feb.-Oct.

box 509, folder 16-19

California 1978 Sept.-1979 March

box 509, folder 20

Cunard Line, Yokohama to Los Angeles Cruise 1979 Feb.-March

box 509, folder 21

Broadway, Meet the Authors, Century City, Calif. 1979 April-May

box 509, folder 22

California Museum of Science and Industry, An Evening with Friends, Los Angeles 1979 June

box 509, folder 23-24

Royal Viking Line Around the World Cruise, Trans-Canal/Caribbean/Mexico Cruise 1978 Dec.-1980 July

box 509, folder 25

Itineraries 1980 Aug.-Nov.

box 509, folder 26-29

Midwest 1980 Aug.

box 509, folder 30-32

Atlantic States 1980 Aug.-Dec.

box 509, folder 33-37

Southern California 1979 Aug.-Sept.

box 509, folder 38

Wellesley College Club, Book and Author luncheon, Dallas, Texas 1980 July-Sept.

box 509, folder 39-41

California 1980 July-Oct.

box 509, folder 42

Westmont College, Santa Barbara, Calif. 1980 Aug.-1981 Jan.

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 5

Publicity 1980 Oct.

box 509, folder 43-44

California 1980 May-Dec.

box 509, folder 45-46

Denver, Colo. 1980 Aug.-Oct.

box 509, folder 47-50

Southern California 1980 June-1981 Jan.

box 509, folder 51-52

Salt Lake City, Utah 1980 Nov.


Oklahoma Independent Booksellers Association, Oklahoma Writers Hall of Fame dinner, Oklahoma City 1980 Nov.

box 509, folder 53


oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 5


box 509, folder 54-55

Tuscon, Ariz. 1980 Nov.-Dec.

box 510, folder 1-5

Pacific Northwest 1980 Nov.-Dec. 30

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 5

Washington State University, Pullman, Wash. 1980 Nov.

box 510, folder 6-10

California 1980 June-Nov.

box 510, folder 11

Itinerary 1981 Jan.-Feb.

box 510, folder 12

San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego, Calif. 1980 Oct.-1981 Feb.

box 510, folder 13

Royal Cruise Line and California Alumni Association Mediterranean Highlights Cruise 1979 Nov.-1981 Oct.

box 510, folder 14

Pepperdine University Seminar, Oahu, Hawaii 1981 Jan.-Oct.

box 510, folder 15

The Kincaid School, Houston, Texas 1981 Aug.-Oct.

box 510, folder 16

Royal Viking Line, Trans-Canal Cruise 1981 Jan.-1982 Jan.

box 510, folder 17-18

Los Angeles 1981 Dec.-1982 Jan.

box 510, folder 19

Dallas County Community College District, Dallas, Texas 1982 Jan.-March

box 510, folder 20

California State University, tribute to Chancellor, Glen S. Dumke, Los Angeles, Calif. 1982 March-April

box 510, folder 21

Los Angeles Public Library 1982 Jan.-April

box 510, folder 22

Royal Viking Line, New England/Canada Cruise 1981 Oct.-1982 Sept.

box 510, folder 23

Kiev Writers Conference, Ukraine 1982 May-Sept.

box 510, folder 24

University of California, Los Angeles Law School Alumni Day 1982 June-Oct.

box 510, folder 25-26

Gustavus Adolphus College, Nobel Conference, Saint Peter, Minn., "The Human Mind Since Darwin" 1981 Nov.-1983 March

box 510, folder 27

Royal Cruise Line and California Alumni Association, North Africa/Caribbean Cruise 1981 Sept.-1982 Dec.

box 510, folder 28

University of California, Los Angeles - Guggenheim Fellowships reception 1983 May

box 510, folder 29

Michigan Foundation for the Arts, Detroit 1982 Oct.-1983 May

box 510, folder 30

Beverly Hills Theater Guild, Beverly Hills, Calif. 1983 April-June

box 510, folder 31

Royal Viking Line, North Cape/Iceland/Canada/New England Cruise 1982 Sept.-1983 Dec.

box 510, folder 32

Pearl Cruises of Scandinavia, China Explorers Cruise 1982 Jan.-1983 Nov.

box 511, folder 1-4

Southern California, including: Soviet/American Writers Conference, Pepperdine, Calif. 1983 April-1984 June

box 511, folder 5

Delta Cruise Line - South America Cruise 1984 March-May

box 511, folder 6

Brentwood Library Expansion Committee, Los Angeles 1984 Feb.-April

box 511, folder 7

Royal Cruise Line - Scandinavia, Russia, and the Fjords 1984 Feb.-Aug.

box 511, folder 8-10

Los Angeles (Calif.) 1984 Sept.-Nov.

box 511, folder 11

Heritage Cruises - South Pacific Cruise 1983 March-1985 Jan.

box 511, folder 12

Itineraries 1985 Feb.-Dec.

box 511, folder 13

Family Service of Long Beach, Calif. 1984 Nov.-1985 Jan.

box 511, folder 14

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley Fellows 1985 Feb.

box 511, folder 15

University of California, Los Angeles, Irving and Jean Stone Honors Commons reception, open house, and dedication 1985 April-June

box 511, folder 16-17

Southern California 1983 Sept.-1985 April

box 511, folder 18

Royal Cruise Line - Athens to London 1985 March-July

box 511, folder 19-21

California 1985 June-Sept.

box 511, folder 22

Itinerary 1985 Aug.-Dec.


New York Times, Literary Brunch and Book Fair

box 511, folder 23

Correspondence and publicity 1985 Aug.-Sept.

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 6


box 511, folder 24-25

Los Angeles 1985 Summer-Oct.

box 511, folder 26-27

New York, N.Y. 1983 July-1986 Jan.

box 511, folder 28

Higbee's and Women's City Club, Meet the Author Luncheon, Cleveland, Ohio 1985 Oct.

box 511, folder 29-34

California 1985 May-Nov.


La Verne County Library, La Verne, Calif.

box 511, folder 35

Correspondence and publicity 1985 Oct.-Nov.

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 6

Publicity 1985 Oct.

box 511, folder 36

Westwood Women's Bruin Club, Los Angeles 1985 Oct.

box 511, folder 37-40

Southern States 1984 Jan.-1985 Nov.

box 511, folder 41

Johns Hopkins University and Frederick Jackson Turner Society, Baltimore, Md. 1985 May-Nov.

box 511, folder 42

Hunter's Books, Beverly Hills, Calif. 1985 Aug.-Oct.

box 511, folder 43-45

Houston, Texas 1985 Oct.-[Nov.]

box 511, folder 46-51

Southern California 1982 Nov.-1985 Dec.

box 511, folder 52

Book Browse and Benton County Medical Auxiliary, Corvalis, Ore. 1985 Nov.

box 511, folder 53

California Alumni Association of San Gabriel Valley, Pasadena, Calif. 1985 June-Nov.

box 511, folder 54

Women's Board of the Arizona Kidney Foundation, Phoenix, Ariz. 1985 Nov.-Dec.

box 511, folder 55-56

Salt Lake City, Utah 1985 Nov.

box 512, folder 1-10

California 1983 Aug.-1986 May

box 512, folder 11

University of California, Los Angeles, Naumberb Memorial Lecture, "The Science, and the Art, of Biography" 1986 March-Sept.

box 512, folder 12-25

California 1985 Sept.-1987 July


Cunard Line

box 512, folder 26

Festival of Life Cruise 1986 Feb.-1987 Sept.

box 512, folder 27

Amazon/Caribbean Cruise 1987 July-Oct.

box 512, folder 28-30

Southern California 1987 Aug.-1988 May

box 512, folder 31

Royal Cruise Line, Alaska Cruise 1988 Jan.-July

box 512, folder 32-33

Southern California 1987 Dec.-1988 Oct.

box 512, folder 34

Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C. 1988 Sept.-Oct.

box 512, folder 35

Fresno Art Museum, Fresno, Calif. 1988 Aug.-Nov.

box 512, folder 36

Seabourn Cruise Lines, Mediterranean Cruise 1989 Feb.-March

box 512, folder 37-39

Southern California 1988 Nov.-1989 June

box 512, folder 40

Photographs from unidentified appearances undated

Box 512-514; Oversize Box 28, folders 7-10; Oversize Box 29, folders 1-8

Subseries 5.2: Interviews, 1941-1988, undated

Scope and Content Note

Interviews consists of interviews with writers representing newspapers, magazines, and press agencies from America, Brazil, Italy, Australia, Israel, and Hong Kong. Topics of the interviews were primarily Stone's latest work and its subject, the process of writing his biographical novels, his history as an author, and Jean's role as his researcher and editor. If an interview was published under several different titles, the primary entry is under the first line of the interview, and the published copies follow chronologically. The material consists primarily of newspaper clippings, although there is some correspondence and drafts of interviews that were submitted to Stone. Photographs taken by interviewers or photographers for the publications have been transferred to the Irving Stone Pictorial Collection (BANC PIC 1995.064). Stone also did interviews with radio and television journalists, and over the telephone. Files for these -- which have no transcripts, only correspondence and notes -- have been grouped together at the end.

"A Politica e os Escritores de America" - Samuel Wainer, Diretrizes (Brazil)

box 512, folder 41

English translation 1941

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 1

Published copy of interview 1941 May

box 512, folder 42

"Biographer in Spite of Himself" - Keith Monroe, Writers' Markets and Methods 1942 Jan.

box 512, folder 43

"Irving Stone--if he can ameliorate..." - Fortnight 1947 Aug. 29

box 512, folder 44

"Irving Stone Tells How He Happened to Write A Book About Eugene Debs" - Carolyn Coggins, Washington Star 1947 Oct. 5

box 512, folder 45

"Biographical Novels Best Sellers, Irving Stone Says" - Indianapolis Times (Ind.) 1947 Oct. 9

box 512, folder 46

"Versatile Irving Stone" - Leon Gutterman, The National Jewish Ledger 1947, 1948 Jan. 2

box 512, folder 47

"Couple Finds Formula for Producing Bestsellers: He Writes, She Edits" - Jean Davis, Mirror (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1954 Aug. 16

box 512, folder 48

"Irving Stone Enjoying Writer's Richest Reward" - Cecil Smith, Los Angeles Times (Calif.) 1955 Feb. 6

box 512, folder 49

"Biographical Novelist: Back to Original Sources" - University of Southern California, Alumni Review 1955 April

box 512, folder 50

"Irving Stone Tries a Change of Pace" - John H. Hutchens, New York Herald Tribune 1956 Sept. 30

box 512, folder 51

"Author Oblivious to Budget Mechanics" - Mary Lou Loper, Los Angeles Times 1960 May 22

box 512, folder 52

"Irving Stone" - Allan Nevins, Book-of-the-Month Club News 1961 March

box 512, folder 53

"Irving Stone Here, Talks of Latest Books" - James Walls, San Francisco Chronicle 1961 March 22

box 512, folder 54

"How a Great Novel Was Written" - John Barkham, Lexington Herald Leader (Ky.) 1961 March 26

box 512, folder 55

"Stone Research Always Thorough" - Walter L. Scratch, The Citizen-News (Hollywood, Los Angeles, Calif.) 1961 April 14

box 512, folder 56

" Agony and Ecstacy Author Grateful to Denver Critics" - Robert L. Perkin, Rocky Mountain News (Denver, Colo.) 1961 May 10

box 512, folder 57

"Novelist: More Agony than Ecstasy" - John Barnes, Los Angeles Times 1961 May 19

box 513, folder 1

"He strode quickly over the rough, sunbaked..." - Bob Barnes, Associated Press 1961 [June]

box 513, folder 2

"Author Irving Stone set himself this target..." - Bob Barnes, Associated Press 1961 [June]


"Agony and the Accuracy"

box 513, folder 3

Sunday Gazette-Mail (Charleston, W. Va.) 1962 June 10

box 513, folder 4

Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk-Portsmouth, Va.) 1962 June 10

box 513, folder 5

"Biographer Finds Truth in Fiction" - Duluth News-Tribune (Minn.) 1962 June 10

box 513, folder 6

"Biography or Fiction?" - The State Journal Register (Springfield, Ill.) 1962 June 10

box 513, folder 7

"Biographer Stone Fulfills Dream" - San Angelo Times (Tex.) 1962 June 10

box 513, folder 8

"Fact and Fiction for Irving Stone" - Journal-Sentinel (Winston-Salem, N.C.) 1962 June 10

box 513, folder 9

"Stone Uses Techniques of Fiction to Pen Biography" - Sioux Falls Argus-Leader (S.D.) 1962 June 17

box 513, folder 10

"You Are There with Irving Stone" - The Milwaukee Journal (Wisc.) 1962 June 21

box 513, folder 11

"Author's Goal is to Make Biography Lively as Novels" - St. Paul Pioneer Press (Minn.) 1962 Aug. 19

box 513, folder 12

"Biographer Irving Stone Tells 'Secret' of Trade" - Oregonian, Portland 1961 July 27

box 513, folder 13

"'Departmental' World Stifles, Says Novelist" - Seattle Post-Intelligencer 1961 July 28

box 513, folder 14

"Stone Says Books Must Be Lived" - Jimmy Thornton, Dallas Morning News 1961 Oct. 27

box 513, folder 15

[Open-end interview], Garrison Features Syndicate [after 1962 March]

box 513, folder 16

"The Little Guy Who Duplicated the Creation" - Kenneth Allsop, Daily Mail (London, England?) 1962 April 18

box 513, folder 17

"Author Hails Great L.A. Cultural Gains" - Charles E. Davis, Jr., Los Angeles Times 1962 May 21

box 513, folder 18

"The Writer Speaks: Irving Stone" - The New American Library [1962]

box 513, folder 19

"Vendetta la sua Villa a Hollywood per Fare un Libro su Michelangelo" - Luciano Ferrari, La Notta (Milan, Italy) 1963 Jan. 10-11

box 513, folder 20

"Stone: How to Tell a Story" - Catholic Star Herald, (Camden, N.J.) 1965 Nov. 19

box 513, folder 21

"Irving Stone Talks of Life as an Author" - Max Goldberg, Rome Daily American (Italy) 1966 Jan. 3

box 513, folder 22

"Lust for Writing" - Roy Newquist, Books and Bookmen (London, England) 1966 May

box 513, folder 23

"If I can live the life, you can live it..." - Sidney Gordon, Courier (Pleasantville, N.Y.) 1966 [July]

box 513, folder 24

"Criticism and the Two Irvings" (with Irving Wallace) - William R. Melton, Jr., The Register 1967 Jan. 15

box 513, folder 25

"An Exclusive Interview with Irving Stone" - Kirk Polking, Writer's Digest: Yearbook '68 1968

box 513, folder 26

"The Man Who Knew Michelangelo and Rachel Jackson and..." - Chicago Tribune Magazine (Ill.) 1969 March 23

box 513, folder 27

"Irving Stone: He Becomes Each Man He Writes About" - New Haven Register (Conn.) 1969 March 23

box 513, folder 28

"A gray dawn in Moscow..." - Derek Gill, Pace Magazine 1969 May

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 2

"Author Sees Kennedy as Inspired Leader" - William Wingfield, San Gabriel Valley Tribune (Calif.) 1969 May 14

box 513, folder 29

"The Hardest Part of Writing a Book is the Beginning" - Anne Thompson Smith, Los Angeles Evening Herald Examiner 1969 July 4

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 2

"Distinguished Author Stone Focuses Attention on Freud" - William Wingfield, San Gabriel Valley Tribune (Calif.) 1970 Jan. 7

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 2

"Portraits in Stone" - William Wingfield, Southland Sunday (Long Beach, Calif.) 1970 April 5

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 7

"Happy Galley Slave in the Irving Stone Aerie" - Maggie Savoy, Los Angeles Times 1970 April 12

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 2

"This Must Be the Place" - Art Seidenbaum, Los Angeles Times West Magazine 1970 June 7

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 2

"Writing About All Kinds of People" - William Wingfield, UUWorld 1970 Oct. 1

box 513, folder 30

"Irving Stone Has No Favorites, But Mentions Three" - T. E. Foreman, Daily Enterprise (Riverside, Calif.) 1970 Oct. 21

box 513, folder 31

"The 'Passions' of a Contented Writer" - Genevieve Stuttaford, San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle 1971 March 21

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 3

"Stone Finds Rich Lode in Freud Project" - Malcolm Bauer, Oregonian (Portland, Ore.) 1971 March 14

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 3

"Freud's Fine" - Diana Montgomery, Seattle Post-Intelligencer 1971 March 16

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 3

"Stone's Women 'Shoulder to Shoulder' Type" - Helen L. Mirshon, Oregon Journal (Portland, Or.) 1971 March 18

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 3

"Research is the Key to Stone's Giant Novels" - William Melton, The Register, [(Hollywood, Los Angeles, Calif.)?] 1971 March 28

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 3

"Irving Stone's 'Dream' of Sigmund Freud" - Carol Karmer, Chicago Tribune 1971 April 1

box 513, folder 32

"Psychoanalyzing Freud" - James Hazelwood, Oakland Tribune (Calif.) 1971 April 4

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 3

"'Son' of Sigmund Freud Tours on Behalf of Book" - Chris Shearhouse, States Item (New Orleans, La.) 1971 April 6

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 3

"Processes of the Mind, Passion of Irving Stone" - Don Lee Keith, Times Picayune (New Orleans, La.) 1971 April 8

box 513, folder 33

"Author Became Freud to Write New Novel" - Bryan Martin, Dallas Morning News 1971 April 8

box 513, folder 34

"He Asked for Criticism and She Gave It!" - Anne Waldron, Houston Chronicle 1971 April 13

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 3

"Characters Obsess This Author" - William Gallo, Rocky Mountain News (Denver, Colo.) 1971 April 14

box 513, folder 35

"Irving Stones Bound by Love and Writing" - Sally Morgan, Kansas City Times (Mo.) 1971 April 16

box 513, folder 36

"He Couldn't 'Be' Hitler" - Judith Michaelson, New York Post 1971 April 21

box 513, folder 37

"Writer's Life Is Not an Easy One" - Robert W. Wells, Milwaukee Journal (Wis.) 1971 April 28

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 3

"Stone Defends Accuracy of Book" - Sam Newlund, Minneapolis Tribune (Minn.) 1971 April 29

box 513, folder 38

"Old World Still Beckons Irving Stone" - Joy Billington, Evening Star (Washington, D.C.) 1971 May 24

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 3

"A New Slant on Freud: Father of Women's Lib" - Nancy B. Clarke, Evening Bulletin (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1971 June 25

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 8

"You Never Quit Searching" - Gracia Caines, Morning News (Wilmington, Del.) 1971 July 13

box 513, folder 39

"Twenty Lives of Irving Stone" - Derek Gill, Modern Maturity 1973 Dec.-1974 Jan.

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 4

"Home Q&A : Irving and Jean Stone" - Marshall Bergess, Los Angeles Times 1974 May 12

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 4

"Irving Stone, o Biógrafo - Sou um Mestre Frustrado" - O Globo (Brazil) 1975 March 30

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 4

"Ele Sabe de Vida de Todos Mundo" - Christina Lyre, Fat[os e Fot]os (Brazil) 1975 April 16

box 513, folder 40

"A Career of Living in the Past" - O.J. Smith, Journal (Portland, Or.) 1975 Sept. 4

box 513, folder 41

"'Half the time I'm writing'..." - John M. Leighty, United Press International 1975 Sept. 16

box 513, folder 42

"Novelist Irving Stone Relishes Research Over Writing" - Wally Marchbrook, Oregonian (Portland, Or.) 1975 Sept. 19

box 513, folder 43

"He Writes, She Edits" (fragment) - Seattle Post-Intelligencer 1975 Sept. 30

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 4

"Irving Stone Tells Why He Digs Troy" - Georgia Hesse, San Francisco Examiner 1975 Oct. 3

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 4

"He's the Best Irving Stone He Could Be" - Frances Melrose, Rocky Mountain News (Denver, Colo.) 1975 Oct. 10

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 4

"The Irving Stones Dig Into Archeologists' World" - Linda Kauss, Phoenix Gazette (Ariz.) 1975 Oct. 11

box 513, folder 44

"Irving Stone - Speaks Words" - Candace Portnoff, Arizona Republic (Phoenix, Ariz.) 1975 Oct. 26

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 4

"Stone Age Transforms Biography" - Dorothy Kincaid, Milwaukee Sentinel (Minn.) 1975 Oct. 29

box 513, folder 45

"interview..." - The Literary Guild 1975 Oct.

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 4

"Stone Finds a Hero in the Digs of Troy" - Elaine Markoutsas, Chicago Tribune (Ill.) 1975 Nov. 1

box 513, folder 46

"Stone Still Creating His Novels" - Bob Thomas, Associated Press - The Daily Breeze (Torrance, Calif.) 1975 Nov. 1

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 4

"Irving Stone: He and His Wife Jean Form - a Team: He Writes and She Edits" - Art Harris, Atlanta Constitution (Ga.) 1975 Nov. 6

box 513, folder 47

"Best-selling Writer Knows the Answers" - Alison Oppedahl, Detroit Free Press (Mich.) 1975 Nov. 9

box 513, folder 48

"I guess there is a sizable number..." - Robert T. Smith, Minneapolis Tribune (Minn.) 1975 Nov. 11

box 513, folder 49

"Theirs Is a Partnership of Love" - Sue Gardner, Long Island Press 1975 Nov. 12

box 513, folder 50

"Irving Stone: 'I Write Great Human Stories'" - Mary Elson, (Nashville, Tenn.) 1975 Nov. 14

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 4

"Selling Books Keeps Author on the Move" - Bob Thomas, Durham Morning Herald (N.C.) 1975 Nov. 16

box 513, folder 51

"Irving Stones Have Partnership of Love" - Sue Gardner, Women's News Service 1975 Nov. 23

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 4

"Irving Stone: He Becomes the Characters His Works Portray" - Carol Lundgren, St. Louis Jewish Light (Mo.) 1975 Nov. 26

box 513, folder 52

"Irving Stone Moving but Not Rolling" - Roy Newquist, Palm Springs Life (Calif.) 1975 Nov.

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 4

"Talk Given Here by Irving Stone" - Walker A. Tompkins, Santa Barbara News Press (Calif.) 1975 Dec. 7

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 4

"Biographer Tells His Own Story" - May Kimbraugh, St. Louis Globe Democrat (Mo.) 1975 Dec. 10

box 513, folder 53

"Irving Stone Convinced Homer Not Just Greek Legend" - Leonard Sanders, Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1975 Dec. 28

box 513, folder 54

"Visiting Author, Wife Report No-Sex, No Violence Writing" - Lynn Titton, Provo Herald (Utah) [1975]


"There is cheering news across America..." - Bob Thomas, Associated Press

box 513, folder 55

"Irving Stone Has New Novel on Schliemann" [1975 Nov]

box 513, folder 56

"Stone Selling a Treasure" [1975 Nov]

box 513, folder 57

"Stone Muses on His Newest Best-selling Book" - Holly Hill, Westchester-Rockland (N.Y.) newspapers 1976 Jan. 19

box 513, folder 58

"Irving Stone" - Sherry Lynn Miller, Desert Silhouette's Tucson Magazine (Ariz.) 1976 Jan.

box 513, folder 59

"Stone Searches" - West Coast Review of Books 1976 June

box 514, folder 1

"Irving Stone on the Biographical Novel" - Martin L. Gross, Book Digest Magazine 1976 July

box 514, folder 2

"No Literary Stone Left Unturned" - Jackie Dashiell, Los Angeles Evening Herald Examiner (Calif.) 1976 Nov. 28

box 514, folder 3

"A Best Seller Every Six Years" - Cobey Black, Honolulu Advertiser (Hawaii) 1976 Dec. 10

box 514, folder 4

"King of the Biographers Doesn't Want to Write His Own Story" - Joan Wixen, The Sunday News Magazine (Detroit, Mich.) 1977 Oct. 23

box 514, folder 5

"Irving Stone and the Great Human Story" - Ursula Vix, International Herald Tribune (Washington, D.C.) 1978 July 18

box 514, folder 6

"Book Club to Reissue Classics" - Hilary Mills, Washington Star 1980 Jan. 1

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 5

"Author Irving Stone Answers What? How? of Biographical Novels" - Barbara Green, Richmond News Leader (Va.) 1980 Aug. 22

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 5

"Irving Stone: Writer with Lust for Detail" - Randy Sue Coburn, Washington Star 1980 Aug. 22

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 9

"Details Etched in Stone" - Henry Allen, Washington Post 1980 Aug. 22

box 514, folder 7

"Irving Stone: A Writer of Many Lives" - Marly Allen, Pasadena Star News (Calif.) 1980 Aug. 24

box 514, folder 8

"Irving Stone: A Lust for the Life He Writes About" - Peter Gorner, Chicago Tribune (Ill.) 1980 Aug. 26

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 9

"Not All Words Etched in Stone" - Elaine Smyth, San Diego Union (Calif.) 1980 Sept. 5

box 514, folder 9

"Stone Pursues Moment of Truth" - Linda Dudley, Evening Tribune (San Diego, Calif.) 1980 Sept. 5

box 514, folder 10

"Irving Stone" - Edwin McDowell, New York Times (N.Y.) 1980 Sept. 14

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 5

"The Frustrating, Invigorating Job of Writing" - Beth Brosseau, Dallas Morning News Focus 1980 Sept. 28

box 514, folder 11

"Engraved in Stone" - Henry Allen, International Herald Tribune 1980 Sept. 30

box 514, folder 12

"A Most Timely Controversy" - Ruthe Stein, San Francisco Chronicle 1980 Oct. 3

box 514, folder 13

"Irving Stone Must Identify with Subject of His Books" - Dave Hardy, Santa Barbara News-Press (Calif.) 1980 Oct. 4

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 6

"Prolific Author Irving Stone Becomes One of His Heros" - Bethany Korwin-Pawlowska, Oakland Tribune (Calif.) 1980 Oct. 8

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 6

"The Evolution of Irving Stone" - David N. Rosenthal, San Jose Mercury News (Calif.) 1980 Oct. 12

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 6

"Irvings Stone Steps into Darwin's Shoes" - Michelle Carter, The Times (San Mateo, Calif.) 1980 Oct. 16

box 514, folder 14

"No Stone Unturned in Quest for Perfection" - John Peck, Arizona Daily Star (Tuscon, Ariz.) 1980 Oct. 19

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 9

" Origin of a Best Seller" - Carol Fowler, Contra Costa County Times (Calif.) 1980 Oct. 19

box 514, folder 15

"What Do Writers Say About Inspiration" - Anne Japenga, Los Angeles Times (Calif.) 1980 Oct. 24

box 514, folder 16

"Writer, Wife Share Research for Books" - Mildred Ladner, Tulsa World (Okla.) 1980 Nov. 11

box 514, folder 17

"Stone's Origin a 5-Year Project" - Fred Crafts, Eugene Register-Guard (Or.) 1980 Nov. 16

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 6

"Irving Stone Re-fighting Darwin's Battles" - Judi Hunt, Seattle Post-Intelligencer 1980 Nov. 23

box 514, folder 18

"Author Irving Stone: The Legendary Master of Details" - John Marshall, Journal-American (Bellevue, Wash.) 1980 Nov. 25

box 514, folder 19

"Biographical Author by Necessity" - Michael Hudson, United Press International - Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, Calif.) 1980 Nov. 30

box 514, folder 20

"Irving Stone - The Woman Behind His Words" - Catherine Tehr, Sacramento Union (Calif.) 1980 Nov. 30

box 514, folder 21

"Darwin Letters Helped Stone Recreate Dialogue for Novel" - Nick Lackeos, Alabama Journal (Montgomery, Ala.) 1980 Dec. 1

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 6

" The Origin is Latest Success in Stones' Long Collaboration" - Larry Rumley, Seattle Times 1980 Dec. 14

box 514, folder 22

"A Conversation with Irving and Jean Stone" - Westmont College, La Paz 1980 Dec.

box 514, folder 23

"Special People: Jean and Irving Stone" - Irvin Ashkenazy, Westways 1981 Jan.-March

box 514, folder 24

"The Agony, the Ecstasy, and Irving Stone" - Susan Kleinhandler Golant, Writer's Digest 1981 March

box 514, folder 25

"Irving Stone Recalls Upton Sinclair: An Interview" - John Ahouse, The Upton Sinclair Quarterly 1981 March 25

box 514, folder 26

"Lust for Lives" - Pearl Sheffy Gefen, Jerusalem Post (Israel) 1981 April 24

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 10

"Lust for Life Studies" - Alex Hamilton, The Arts Guardian 1981 June 3

box 514, folder 27

"Research is Agony, Ecstasy Comes Much Later" - Richard Sandomin, Newsday 1981 Sept. 6

box 514, folder 28

"Dateline: Los Angeles" - Robert Windeles, Daily News Magazine 1983 April 24

box 514, folder 29

"Biographer Irving Stone Still Going Strong at 80" - Louise Egan Steele, Pasadena Star-News (Calif.) 1983 Sept. 25

box 514, folder 30

"Irving Stone, Grand Ufficiale" - Elaine Attias, La Gazetta (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1984 May-June

box 514, folder 31

"Irving and Jean Stone: A Well Published Pair" - Marshall Berges, Los Angeles Times 1984 Nov. 18

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 7

"Irving Stone, Portraits in Words" - Mei-Mei Chan, USA Today 1985 Sept. 11

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 7

"Irving Stone's Book About Pissarro Anything but Impressionistic" - Barbara Manning, Orange County Register (Santa Ana, Calif.) 1985 Sept. 22

box 514, folder 32

"Irving Stone Makes Time for Readers" - Fred Herman, The Modesto Bee (Calif.) 1985 Oct. 10

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 10

"Irving Stone Finishes No. 9" - Blake Green, San Francisco Chronicle 1985 Oct. 14

box 514, folder 33

"Stone's Latest Project: 653 Pages on Pissaro" - Grace Glueck, New York Times 1985 Oct. 16

box 514, folder 34

"The Literary Stones Roll Along Book-Talk Circuit for Glory" - Harriet Swift, Oakland Tribune (Calif.) 1985 Oct. 16

box 514, folder 35

"Writer, Editor Marry Talent with a Home" - Herb Machelson, Sacramento Bee (Calif.) 1985 Oct. 20

box 514, folder 36

"Irving Stone" - Grace Glueck, International Herald Tribune 1985 Oct. 26-27

box 514, folder 37

"The Woman Behind Irving Stone" - William Johnson, Times Tribune (Palo Alto, Calif.) 1985 Oct. 20

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 7

"Irving Stone Returns to the Passion of Impressionism" - Carol Fouler, Contra Costa Times (Calif.) 1985 Oct. 20

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 7

"Irving Stone...His Novels Bring Real People to Life, and His Life Is One Long Love Story" - Vicki Davis, Hunstville Times (Ala.) 1985 Oct. 22

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 7

"Writer Embraces Impressionistic Ideals" - John Swagerty, Arizona Republic (Phoenix, Ariz.) 1985 Oct. 22

box 514, folder 38

"'It's Nice to Have Only One Talent,' Author Irving Stone Says" - Deana Nunley, Birmingham Post Herald (Ala.) 1985 Oct. 22

box 514, folder 39

"Author of Artists Will Share Glory" - Donald La Badie, Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tenn.) 1985 Oct. 23


"Irving Stone Follows Path of 19th Century Artist" - John M. Leighty, United Press International

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 7

News wire printout 1985 Oct. 23

box 514, folder 40

Evening Herald (Sanford, Fla.) 1985 Nov. 3


"If you're talking about a mind for detail..." - A.M. Chaplin

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 7

"Irving Stone: Novels Are More Than History" - The Sun (Baltimore, Md.) 1985 Oct. 28

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 7

"Stone Wants His Novels to be Easy to Believe, Hard to Forget" - Minneapolis Star and Tribune (Minn.) 1985 Nov. 13

box 514, folder 41

"Irving Stone Knows the Depths of Glory" Digley Diehl, Los Angeles Herald Examiner 1985 Nov. 13

box 514, folder 42

"After 50 Years of Marriage, Irving and Jean Stone Are a Team" - Herb Michelson, Monterey Peninsula Herald (Calif.) 1985 Nov. 17

box 514, folder 43

"Author Stone Treasures History" - Donna Johnson, Daily Star-Progress (La Habra, Calif.) 1985 Nov. 19

box 514, folder 44

"Popular Novelist Tells Universal Stories" - Donn Fry, Seattle Times (Wash.) 1985 Nov. 19

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 7

"Stone's Subjects Like Old Friends" - Lynn Pyne, Phoenix Gazette (Ariz.) 1985 Nov. 21

box 514, folder 45

"His Books Have Built a 'Stone Wall'" - Peter C. Wyckoff, Houston Post (Tex.) 1985 Nov. 24

box 514, folder 46

"For 51 years, Irving Stone has been..." - Bob Thomas, Associated Press 1985 [Nov]

box 514, folder 47

"Living Life as an Artist" - Columbus Dispatch (Ohio) 1985 Nov. 17

box 514, folder 48

"Author Uses Novels to Capture Historical Figures" - Alburquerque Journal (N.M.) 1985 Dec. 27

box 514, folder 49

"A Visit with an Author - and His Editor" - L.M. Collins, Deseret News (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1985 Dec. 22

box 514, folder 50

"Irving Stone Finds His Latest Universal Study" - Sol H. Marshall, Jewish Telegraphic Agency 1985 Dec. 27

box 514, folder 51

"From Irving Stone, Impressions of the Artists" - Michael Kernan, Washington Post 1986 Jan. 19

box 514, folder 52

"At 82, His Future is Full of Books" - Margaret Jones, Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 1986 Feb. 8

box 514, folder 53

"Master Author Has Great Lust for Life" - Bob Wilcox, Daily News (Perth, Australia) 1986 Feb. 19

box 514, folder 54

"A Lust for Facts" - Marcia van Zeller, The West Australian 1986 Feb. 22

box 514, folder 55

"Irving Stone Has Lived His Theme of Struggle" - Guy Parson, The Mercury (Hobart, Australia) 1986 Feb. 15

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 8

"How Author Stone is Still Rolling at 83" - Winsome Lane, South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) 1986 March 10

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 8

"Beverly Hills: An Illustrated History" - Kathleen Mackay, Windsor Publications 1988 March 28

box 514, folder 56

Interview with Diane Glazer (notes) [1980s]

box 514, folder 57

"Stone Recreates the Past" - Dick Kleiner, [ The Honolulu Advertiser?] undated

box 514, folder 58

"The Novelist's Subject is Genius" - Barbara Bladen undated

box 514, folder 59

"St. Patrick's Day..." - Bob Thomas, Associated Press undated

box 514, folder 60

"He'd Like to Talk to Freud" - Barbara Flanagan undated

box 514, folder 61-76

Miscellaneous radio, television and telephone interviews - correspondence and notes 1938-75

Box 515-516; 28 11-12; Oversize Box 29, folders 9-10; Oversize folder 36 C

Subseries 5.3: Travel, 1941-1984, undated

Scope and Content Note

Travel Files consists of correspondence, notes, publicity, and ephemera from trips the Stones made in the United States and throughout the world. Trips to New York (N.Y.) during the 1940s-1960s were made to do business with his publisher, Doubleday and Co., inc. Other trips were made for pleasure, although no trip was ever made entirely for personal pleasure. Stone would often be interviewed by local newspapers or make appearances when traveling. In 1964, Stone took part in a Cultural Exchange tour sponsored by the U.S. State Department, and traveled to numerous countries in western Europe and the Eastern bloc. Stone, as an American expert on Michelangelo, was a guest on the maiden voyage of the T/n Michelangelo. Stone also took part in tours organized by local organizations such as the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Los Angeles Zoo Association. Files representing travels Stone made for research purposes are found in the research and reference files for each book.
box 515, folder 1

Rio de Janiero, Brazil 1941-42

box 515, folder 2

New York, N.Y. 1944-47

box 515, folder 3

United States 1952-54

box 515, folder 4

New York, N.Y. 1954-58


Mexico 1954 April-May

box 515, folder 5

Correspondence and ephemera

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 9


box 515, folder 6

Caribbean 1955 June

box 515, folder 7

Israel 1958 April-May

box 515, folder 8

Turkey 1958 May

box 515, folder 9

New York, N.Y. 1960-62

box 515, folder 10

United States 1961 May


United States State Department, Cultural Exchange Tour

box 515, folder 11

Travel journal 1962 Sept.-Dec.



box 515, folder 12

Correspondence and notes 1962 Sept.-1963 May

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 11

Publicity 1962 Nov.

box 515, folder 13-20

Poland, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Yugoslavia and Italy 1962 May-1964 March

box 515, folder 21

India [cancelled] 1962 Aug.

box 515, folder 22

New York, N.Y. 1963 May

box 515, folder 23

Boston, Mass. 1965 March-May

box 515, folder 24

New York, N.Y. 1965 April-May


Italy, maiden voyage of the T/n Michelangelo 1965 March-June

box 515, folder 25

Correspondence and ephemera

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 10


box 515, folder 26

Europe 1965 June-Aug.

box 515, folder 27

Europe, Los Angeles County Museum of Art Tour 1968 Aug.-Oct.


Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association Safari, including South Africa, Rhodesia, Tanzania and Kenya

box 516, folder 1-4

Correspondence and ephemera 1969 Sept.-Dec.

Oversize folder 36 C

Maps 1969 Oct.-Nov.

box 516, folder 5

Japan 1946 Oct., 1970-71

box 516, folder 6

Turkey 1977-75

box 516, folder 7-8

Hawaii 1977-81

box 516, folder 9

Polynesia 1970-71

box 516, folder 10

Athens, Greece 1971-72

box 516, folder 11

Hawaii 1976

box 516, folder 12

Athens, Greece 1980 Jan.

box 516, folder 13

Montréal, Québec 1982 May

box 516, folder 14

China 1984 April

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 12

United States - map [fragment] undated

Boxes 416, 517-522; Oversize Box 28, folders 13-14; Oversize Box 29, folders 11-13; Vol. 2

Subseries 5.4: Bio-Bibliographic Files, 1928-1990s, undated

Scope and Content Note

Bio-bibliographic Files consists of a published biography written by Joseph Henry Jackson, articles written for biographical dictionaries, material for incomplete biographies of Stone, miscellaneous biographical information, a bio-bibliography, a bibliography published by the University of Southern California, and miscellaneous bibliographic information. The unpublished biographies consist of Many More Lives to Live, and an untitled collection of photocopies of Stone's drafts and published copies of his writings. The Many More Lives to Live is made up of year-by-year lists of works and writings published, including foreign editions of Stone's works, events attended, and places traveled to and lived in by the Stones. The files also contain photocopies of correspondence and autobiographical statements corroborating the biographical information on the year-by-year lists. The information was most likely prepared for Jean Stone, as was a chronology of their lives. The untitled collection of photocopies could have been compiled for Stone. The bio-bibliography was prepared by a master of library science candidate who sent a copy of her final project to Stone. Finally, the collection includes two scrapbooks of personal publicity for the years 1928-1931 and 1933-1934, and clippings, 1934-1988, as well as material relating to endorsements made by Stone for the Bank of America, Gibraltar Savings, Italian Trade Commission, KFAC, and the New York Stock Exchange.

Irving Stone and the Biographical Novel, Joseph Henry Jackson

box 517, folder 1-3

Galley, published copy, and publicity 1954

box 517, folder 4

Reprint in California Monthly 1955 May

box 517, folder 5

Autobiography for Current Biography 1967 Aug.


Autobiographical chapter for Gale Research Company 1984 Sept.-

box 517, folder 6-7

Notes and typescript drafts 1985 April

box 517, folder 8-9

Final draft and published copy (photocopy) 1985 May

box 517, folder 10

Interview with Jean W. Ross 1987 Feb.


"Many More Lives to Live"

box 517, folder 11-14

1900-1985 [1990s]

box 518, folder 1

1986-1990 [1990s]

box 518, folder 2-3

"Work papers," including literary diary (1929-1931, photocopy) [1990s]

box 518, folder 4

Chronology of Stones' life [1990s]


Research for autobiographical[?] work

box 518, folder 5-9

Stone's writings (photocopies) undated

box 519, folder 1-3

Stone's writings (photocopies)

box 519, folder 4-6

Clippings (photocopies) undated

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 13

Clippings (photocopies) undated

box 520, folder 1

Irving Stone, Wilhelm Scholê students undated

box 520, folder 2

Lists of biographical dictionaries in which Stone appears undated

box 520, folder 3

Irving Stone: A Bio-Biobliographic Study, Betty Jean Bowling 1955 Aug.


Irving Stone: A Bibliography

box 520, folder 4-5

Research notes and correspondence 1965-72

box 520, folder 6

Frontispiece and introduction drafts 1970-72

box 520, folder 7

Published copy 1973

box 520, folder 8

Addenda 1973, [1983], undated

box 520, folder 9

Materials for revised edition [1987?]

box 520, folder 10-12

Publication announcements, distribution mailing lists and responses 1973-75


Miscellaneous bibliographic lists 1980

box 520, folder 13

"Braille, large print, tape, cassettes, etc."

box 520, folder 14

Foreign rights editions undated

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 14

Editions list undated

box 520, folder 15

Literary properties, Lust for Life through They Also Ran undated

box 520, folder 16

Screen adaptations undated

box 416

Bibliographic notes [file cards] undated


Personal publicity

box 521, folder 1

"First scrapbook" 1928-31

volume 2

Second[?] scrapbook 1932 June-1934 Aug.

box 520, folder 17-18

Loose ephemera and clippings 1934 July-Oct., undated

box 520, folder 19-40

Clippings 1934-68

box 522, folder 1-17

Clippings 1968-88, undated

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 11

Clippings 1964-66

box 522, folder 18-19

Foreign [Germany and U.S.S.R.] 1964-79

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 12

Foreign [U.S.S.R.] 1934, 1956, 1984

box 522, folder 20

Publicity material 1947, 1962, undated




Bank of America

box 522, folder 21

Correspondence and proofs 1969-71

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 13

Advertisement proofs 1968-69

box 522, folder 22

Gibraltar Savings 1982-83, undated

box 522, folder 23

Italian Trade Commission - Italian wine publicity 1977 Feb.

box 522, folder 24

KFAC [radio station] 1970 Feb.-April

box 522, folder 25

New York Stock Exchange 1971 May

Box 523; Oversize Box 29, folders 14-16

Subseries 5.5: Contract Files, 1928-1984, undated

Scope and Content Note

Contract Files relate primarily to foreign translations because Stone used one American publisher for most of his career. He also signed contracts optioning the dramatic rights to his works, as well as allowing abridgements of his works. Also included are contracts not completed by Stone, as well as contracts with Ruby H. Darrow for Clarence Darrow's literary estate, MCA Artists, the Orsatti Agency, George Simenon, and the William Morris Agency.
box 523, folder 1

Adversary in the House - Václav Petr (Prague, Czech Republic) 1947 Dec.

box 523, folder 2

Aldo Martello Editore (Milan, Italy) 1948 May

box 523, folder 3

Rosenkilde and Baggers (Firm) (Copenhagen, Denmark) 1949 May

box 523, folder 4

Noble & Noble, inc. 1949 June

box 523, folder 5

MCA Artist, Inc. - dramatic rights 1951 Nov.

box 523, folder 6

Adversary in the House/ Immortal Wife - The Falcon Press (London, England) 1948 Sept.

box 523, folder 7

Adversary in the House/ The Passionate Journey/ Immortal Wife - New English Library (London, England) 1965 Sept.


The Agony and the Ecstasy

box 523, folder 8

Editorial de Ediciones Selectos S.R.L. (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 1961 Jan.

box 523, folder 9

Universitas Verlag (Berlin, Germany) 1961 Oct., 1962 Nov.

box 523, folder 10

Bratstvo-Jedinstvo (Belgrade, Serbia) 1962 April

box 523, folder 11

Enrico dall'Oglio Editore (Milan, Italy) - paperback movie edition 1965 March

box 523, folder 12

Drzavna Zalozba Slovenije (Ljubljana, Slovenia) 1966 May

box 523, folder 13

Doubleday and Company, inc. - illustrated edition undated


Clarence Darrow for the Defense

box 523, folder 14

Livraria José Olympio Editoria (Rio de Janerio, Brazil) 1941 April

box 523, folder 15

Editions de Minuit (Paris, France) 1946 Dec.

box 523, folder 16

Skubal & Machajdikna (Prague, Czech Republic) 1947 Aug.

box 523, folder 17

M. Mizrachi (Tel Aviv, Israel) 1961 July

box 523, folder 18

The Dark Mirror - The Lenox Hill Players, Inc. 1928 May

box 523, folder 19

Dear Theo - Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur (Stockholm, Sweden) 1938 Jan.


False Witness

box 523, folder 20

Republic Productions, Inc. 1940 April

box 523, folder 21-22

Doubleday, Doran & Company 1940 April, July

box 523, folder 23

Walström & Widstrad (Stockholm, Sweden) 1941 Feb.

box 523, folder 24

Casa Editora Vecchi (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 1941 March

box 523, folder 25

Republic Productions, Inc. undated

box 523, folder 26

The Human Mind After Darwin - Harper & Row, Publishers 1983 Feb.


Immortal Wife

box 523, folder 27

Steinberg Verlag (Zurich, Switzerland) 1944 [Dec.]

box 523, folder 28

Mordecai Newman (Tel Aviv, Israel) 1945 Jan.

box 523, folder 29

The Twin Editions 1945 May

box 523, folder 30

Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur (Stockholm, Sweden) 1945 June

box 523, folder 31

Editorial Claridad (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 1945 June

box 523, folder 32

T. Werner Laurie Limited (London, England) 1945 Dec.

box 523, folder 33

Renaissance du Livre (Brussels, Belgium) 1945 Dec.

box 523, folder 34

Werner Söderstrom Osakeyhitö (Helsinki, Finland) 1945 Dec.

box 523, folder 35

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Milan, Italy) 1946 June

box 523, folder 36

Julius Albert (Prague, Czech Republic) 1946 Oct.

box 523, folder 37

Povl Branner (Copenhagen, Denmark) 1945 Dec.

box 523, folder 38

Saturnino Calleja (Madrid, Spain) 1946 Dec.

box 523, folder 39

Hajnal Publishing Co. (Budapest, Hungary) 1947 April

box 523, folder 40

Infantry Journal, Inc. 1947 Aug.

box 523, folder 41

dall'Oglio Editore (Milan, Italy) 1957 Nov.

box 523, folder 42

Naprijed (Zagreb, Croatia) 1965 Jan.

box 523, folder 43

Invincible Press (Sydney, Australia) undated

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 14

Irving Stone's Jack London Reader - Doubleday and Company, inc. 1976 Oct.


Love is Eternal

box 523, folder 44

Doubleday and Company, inc. - motion picture rights 1954 April

box 523, folder 45

Alfred Scherz Publishers (Bern, Switzerland) 1954 Oct.

box 523, folder 46

William Collins Sons and Co. (London, England) 1954 Nov.

box 523, folder 47

Shinchosha (Tokyo, Japan) 1954 Dec.

box 523, folder 48

Casa Editrice Baldini & Castoldi (Milan, Italy) 1956 Jan.

box 523, folder 49

Idith, Ltd. (Tel Aviv, Israel) 1957 March

box 523, folder 50

Reader's Digest AB (Stockholm, Sweden) - abridgement 1960 Aug.

box 523, folder 51

Naprijed (Zagreb, Croatia) 1967 March

box 523, folder 52

Cedric Chivers, Ltd. (Somerset, England) - library reprint edition 1971 Oct.


Lust for Life

box 523, folder 53

Leland Hayward Inc. - motion picture representation 1934 June

box 523, folder 54

Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur (Stockholm, Sweden) 1934 Dec.

box 523, folder 55

Modern Library (Firm) 1938 Nov.

box 523, folder 56

Albert Bonnier Förlag (Stockholm, Sweden) 1946 June

box 523, folder 57

Livros do Brasil, Limitada (Lisbon, Portugal) 1960 June

box 523, folder 58

Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy (Firm) (Warsaw, Poland) 1963 July

box 523, folder 59

Slovensky Spisovatel (Firm) (Bratislava, Slovakia) 1964 May


Men to Match My Mountains

box 523, folder 60

Editions Pierre Seghers (Paris, France) 1957 July

box 523, folder 61

Grilkhes, Michel M. - television production rights 1962 Sept.

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 15

Pageant of Youth - Alfred H. King Inc. 1933 March


The Passionate Journey

box 523, folder 62

The Falcon Press (London, England) 1949 July

box 523, folder 63

George Thomas Folster (Tokyo, Japan) 1949 Nov.

box 523, folder 64

Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur (Stockholm, Sweden) 1949 Dec.

box 523, folder 65

The Martins Forlag (Copenhagen, Denmark) 1950 June

box 523, folder 66

Plaza & Janes (Barcelona, Spain) 1961 Jan.

box 523, folder 67

The Passions of the Mind - Altin Kitaplar (Istanbul, Turkey) 1971 Oct.


The President's Lady

box 523, folder 68

Exportadora de Publicaciones Mexicanas (Mexico City) 1951 Oct.

box 523, folder 69

Les Presses de la Cité (Paris, France) 1952 Jan.

box 523, folder 70

H. Aschehoug & Co, (Oslo, Norway) 1952 Jan.

box 523, folder 71

Bokförlaget Natur ock Kultur (Stockholm, Sweden) 1952 Oct.

box 523, folder 72

Casa Editrice Baldini & Castoldi (Milan, Italy) 1953 Dec.


Sailor on Horseback

box 523, folder 73

John Martin (Copenhagen, Denmark) 1938 Oct.

box 523, folder 74

Walström & Widstrad (Stockholm, Sweden) 1938 Oct.

box 523, folder 75

Gyldendal Norsk Forlag (Oslo, Norway) 1938 Oct.

box 523, folder 76

H. P. Leopold's Uitgevers Moatschappij (Hague, Netherlands) 1938 Dec.

box 523, folder 77

Jose Olympio Editora (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 1940 March

box 523, folder 78

Editorial Claridad (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 1941 June

box 523, folder 79

Kansankuttuuri Oy (Helsinki, Finland) 1945 May

box 523, folder 80

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Milan, Italy) 1946 March

box 523, folder 81

Touzimský & Moravec (Prague, Czech Republice) 1947 July

box 523, folder 82

Editions B. Arthaud (Paris, France) 1947 July

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 16

Bodley Head (Firm) (London, England) 1947 Nov.

box 523, folder 83

Pań Instytut Wydawniczy (Firm) (Warsaw, Poland) 1957 Sept.

box 523, folder 84

Sifraith Poalim (Tel Aviv, Israel) 1960 Feb.

box 523, folder 85

Livros do Brasil, Limitada (Lisbon, Portugal) 1960 April

box 523, folder 86

Editura Tineretului (Bucharest, Romania) 1963 Sept.

box 523, folder 87

Chicago Program Group 1984 May

box 523, folder 88

They Also Ran - Pyramid Publications 1964 Feb.

box 523, folder 89

Those Who Love - Cankaijeva Zalzba (Ljubljana, Slovenia) 1967 May

box 523, folder 90

Those Who Love / The Passions of the Mind / The Greek Treasure - Cassel & Company (London, England) 1965 Nov.

box 523, folder 91

Truly Valiant - Drama Council, Inc. 1935 Dec.

box 523, folder 92

A work of fiction - Viking Press 1936 Jan.

box 523, folder 93

John Charles Fremont, textbook edition - McGraw-Hill Book Company 1950 April

box 523, folder 94

All existing titles as of 1958 June 21 - Icaros Publishing Co. (Athens, Greece) 1958 June

box 523, folder 95

All works by Stone published by Doubleday and Company, inc. 1960 Nov.

box 523, folder 96

A work about the United States - Doubleday and Company, inc. 1966 May

box 523, folder 97

Darrow, Ruby H. - Clarence Darrow literary estate 1939 July

box 523, folder 98

MCA Artists, Ltd. 1955 Oct.

box 523, folder 99

The Orsatti Agency 1945 Jan., Aug.

box 523, folder 100

Simenon, Georges, 1903- - option to purchase radio rights for Inspector Maigret stories 1949 April

box 523, folder 101-102

William Morris Agency 1943-44

Boxes 521, 524-525; Oversize Box 28, folders 15-18; Oversize Box 29, folders 17-32; Oversize folder 37 B

Subseries 5.6: Honors and Awards, 1944-1989, undated

Scope and Content Note

Honors and Awards is further divided into two sub-subseries: Honors and Awards Received, and the Irving and Jean Stone Awards. Honors and Awards Received is listed by the organizations which bestowed honors or awards on Stone, including writers' and artists' associations; cities, states and countries; schools, museums, and libraries; and companies, clubs, and non-profit organizations. The files contain correspondence, publicity, and ephemera. If Stone also received an object, such as a sculpture, plaque, medal, or a key to a city, a photocopy or photograph of the object has been placed in the file, and the object has been transferred to the Irving Stone Memorabilia and Object Collection (BANC PIC 1995.063--OBJ). The Irving and Jean Stone Award, created to encourage the writing of biographical and historical novels, was sponsored by the Stones and Doubleday and Co., inc. The material consists of correspondence, Stone's notes and statements on biographical and historical novels, drafts, and a final copy of the promotional brochures, as well as other publicity and other miscellany. The award lasted for only a few years because of a lack of candidates.

Honors and Awards Received, 1944-1989, undated


American Academy of Achievement, Golden Plate Award 1971 Feb.-July

box 524, folder 1-2

Correspondence, publicity and ephemera

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 17

Ephemera 1971

box 524, folder 3

American Longevity Association, Certificate of Appreciation - correspondence and ephemera 1983 May-Sept.

box 524, folder 4

American Revolutionary Roundtable, 1965 Best Book Published on the Revolutionary War - correspondence and publicity 1966 Feb.-May

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 18

Associated American Artists[?] - tribute certificate 1944 Sept.


Athens (Greece) 1972 Oct.

box 524, folder 5

Key to the City [photocopy]

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 19

Diploma presenting key to the city


The Authors Club of Los Angeles

box 524, folder 6

Rupert Hughes Literary Award - publicity and ephemera 1961

box 524, folder 7

Authors Club Special Award - ephemera 1971 June

box 524, folder 8

Rupert Hughes Literary Award - publicity 1980 Nov.

box 524, folder 9

Azusa Pacific College - award given for Irving Stone's Jack London at Second Author's Reception - plaque [photocopy] 1977 Nov.

box 524, folder 10

Beverly Hills (Calif.), Office of the Mayor - Letter of Commendation - letter and publicity 1964 Oct.

box 524, folder 11

Book Bank USA, Author of the Year - correspondence and ephemera 1977 Feb.-May

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 20

Books on Tape - Golden Cassette Award Certificate 1980

box 524, folder 12

Braille Institute, Certificate of Appreciation 1980 Sept.



oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 21

Legislature - Certificate of Commendation 1977 Oct.

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 21

Office of the Lieutenant Governor - Certificate of Commendation 1978 July


California Alumni Association, 1971 Alumnus of the Year

box 524, folder 13

Correspondence and ephemera 1972 Feb.-May

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 15

Certificate and publicity 1972 April-May

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 22

California Museum of Science and Industry, A&H University, Honorary Doctorate Diploma 1976 Feb.

box 524, folder 14

California State Colleges - Honorary Doctorate of Literature - correspondence, ephemera and diploma 1971 March

box 524, folder 15

California State University, Long Beach - The Michelangelo Symposium Guest Speaker - appreciation plaque [photograph] 1975 April

box 524, folder 16

California Writers Club - Honorary Life Membership Award [photocopy] 1977 March

box 524, folder 17

California Writers Guild - Award of Honor certificate 1972 Feb.

box 524, folder 18

Carrara, Italy - commendation [photocopy] 1962 May-June

box 524, folder 19

Christophers (Organization), Christopher Award - correspondence, publicity and ephemera 1957 Feb.

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 23

Coe College, (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) - Honorary Doctorate of Literature Diploma 1967 June

box 524, folder 20

Comerciantes de la Calle Overa y Los Amigos del Pueblo de Los Angeles - Certificate of Appreciation 1986 Sept.

box 524, folder 21

Commonwealth Club of California - Gold Medal for Fiction - correspondence and publicity 1962 May-June

box 524, folder 22

Community Television Foundation of South Florida, Inc. - Certificate of Appreciation [1971 May]

box 524, folder 23

Corporea Glorificans Spiritualia Michaelangelus Annuntiat - mounted medal [photocopy] undated

box 524, folder 24

Cosmos Club (Washington, D.C.), John P. McGovern Award in Literature - correspondence and ephemera 1988 Feb.-1989 May

box 524, folder 25

Council of American Artist Societies, Gold Medal Award for significant achievement in the arts - correspondence and ephemera 1966 March, undated

box 524, folder 26

Family Club (San Francisco, Calif.) - annual encampment tribute to outstanding California author - correspondence and publicity 1971 July-Aug.

box 524, folder 27

Florence (Italy), Golden Lily - correspondence and publicity 1962 March


France - Commandeur de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres 1984 Jan.-Aug.

box 524, folder 28-29

Correspondence, publicity and ephemera

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 24

Certificate and ephemera 1983 Dec.

box 524, folder 30

Gustavus Adolphus College Library Associates - honorary membership - ephemera undated


Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters

box 524, folder 31

Correspondence, publicity and ephemera 1978 Jan.-Aug.

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 16

Diploma 1978 June

box 524, folder 32

Institute Interamericano - election as a Fellow - ephemera 1970 Feb.




Knight Commander of the Order of Merit

box 524, folder 33

Correspondence and publicity 1967 March-July

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 25

Certificate of conferment 1965 Jan.

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 25

Grand Ufficiale - certificate of conferment 1982 Jan.

box 524, folder 34

Izmir (Turkey) - fragment of award [photocopy] - presented by Vice Admiral Cemal Suer 1971 Nov.


Los Angeles (Calif.)


City Board of Education - Bicentennial Pageant Distinguished Alumnus

box 524, folder 35

Correspondence and ephemera 1976 May-June

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 26

Certificate 1976 May


Office of the Mayor

box 524, folder 36

Letter of Commendation [1960s]

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 26

Proclamation of United Nations Day 1970 Oct.

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 26

Proclamation of Irving Stone Day 1983 June


Los Angeles County (Calif.) Board of Supervisors - Library Department and Forest-Lawn Memorial Park - award for literary and cultural achievement

box 524, folder 37

Correspondence and publicity 1962 June-July

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 27

Ephemera 1962 July

box 524, folder 38

Los Angeles Children's Museum - Certificate of Appreciation undated

box 524, folder 39

Los Angeles Library Association - luncheon in honor of Stones - ephemera undated

box 524, folder 40

Los Angeles P.E.N. Center - award for distinguished body of work - correspondence and publicity 1980 Jan.-May


Madera (Calif.)

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 17

Award of appreciation 1985 Oct.

box 524, folder 41

Welcome plaque [photocopy] undated

box 524, folder 42

Mark Twain Journal - Knight of Mark Twain - correspondence 1969 July

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 28

Memphis (Tenn.) - honorary citizenship - ephemera and certificate 1985 Oct.

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 29

Men of Achievement - Award for Distinguished Achievement - certificate 1974 April


National Father's Day Committee - Literary Father of the Year

box 524, folder 43

Correspondence, publicity and ephemera 1966 March-May

oversize Oversize Box 28, folder 18

Ephemera 1966 June


National Sculpture Society (U.S.) - Herbert Adams Memorial Medal

box 524, folder 44

Correspondence, notes and publicity 1970 March-Dec.

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 30

Certificate 1970 Nov.

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 28

New Orleans, La. - honorary citizenship certificate 1965 Nov.


Oppenheimer, Evelyn, 1907- - "Oppie" Awards for Best Biographical Novel - correspondence and ephemera

box 524, folder 45-46

The Passions of the Mind, and The Greek Treasure 1971-75

box 525, folder 1

Depths of Glory 1986 Jan.

box 525, folder 2

Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity - Phi Epsilon Pi Award - correspondence 1963 Jan.

box 525, folder 3

Progress Publishers (Moscow, Russia) [50th anniversary commemoration?] - medal with case [photocopy] 1981


San Francisco (Calif.)

box 525, folder 4

Lowell High School Honorary Diploma

box 525, folder 5

Office of the Mayor and Lowell High School - Alumni Association - congratulations for achievement 1965 Dec.

box 525, folder 6

Sister City program - recognition of outstanding personal and professional achievements - ephemera 1986 July

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 31

Southern California Motion Picture Council, Inc. - Certificate of Award 1965 Oct.

box 525, folder 7

Springfield, Ill. - key to the city (photocopy) 1973 Feb.

box 525, folder 8

Torrance, Calif., Office of the Mayor - proclamation of Irving Stone Week 1980 Nov.

box 525, folder 9

Union of Soviet Writers - certificate honoring Stone's 80th birthday 1983 July

box 525, folder 10

United Service Organizations (U.S.) - Citation for Distinguished Service 1946-47


University of California, Berkeley


Honorary Doctorate of Laws

box 525, folder 11-12

Correspondence, publicity and ephemera 1968 May-July

box 521, folder 2

Photograph album 1968 June 18

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 32

Diploma 1968 June

oversize Oversize Box 29, folder 32

The Berkeley Citation - certificate 1970

box 525, folder 13

University of California, Irvine, Friends of the Library - Corpus Literarum Award 1975 April-May


University of California, Los Angeles

box 525, folder 14

College of Letters and Science Award 1985 Nov.


International Student Center - Neil H. Jacoby International Award 1983 March-Nov.

box 525, folder 15-16

Correspondence, publicity and ephemera

Oversize folder 37 B

Publicity 1983 June

box 525, folder 17

University of Judaism - Author of the Year 1977 April


University of Southern California

box 525, folder 18-19

Honorary Doctorate of Letters - correspondence, publicity, ephemera and diploma 1965 April-Oct.

box 525, folder 20

Asa V. Call Achievement Award - correspondence, publicity, ephemera and award [photograph] 1980 April-Nov.

box 525, folder 21

Western Writers of America - Best Western Non-Fiction Award [photograph] 1956

box 525, folder 22

Wisdom Magazine and The Wisdom Society Wisdom Award of Honor - correspondence and ephemera 1965 Aug.-1967 Oct.


The Irving and Jean Stone Awards, 1966-1972, undated

box 525, folder 23-28

Correspondence, including Ken McCormick and other Doubleday and Company, inc. staff 1966 Dec.-1971 Jan.

box 525, folder 29

Notes and statements on biographical and historical novels [1968]

box 525, folder 30

Brochure drafts and final copy [1967-8]

box 525, folder 31

Publicity 1968-69

box 525, folder 32

Miscellany 1967-72, undated

Box 526

Subseries 5.7: Teaching Files, 1965-1985, undated

Scope and Content Note

Teaching Files consists of correspondence, Stone's notes, and transcriptions of his lectures. Stone, usually with Jean Stone as a co-lecturer, taught an English course called "The Act of Writing" at the University of Southern California, as well as a one day workshop for the English Department of Sonoma State University. He served also as a Regents Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. He taught on his theory of writing a biographical novel, and Jean's lectures on editing were included in the curriculum. Stone retained no files from his teaching experiences before the publication of Lust for Life.

University of Southern California - "Act of Writing," English 404

box 526, folder 1-3

Correspondence and notes 1965-66, undated

box 526, folder 4-8

Lecture transcriptions, edited drafts 1966 Feb.-May

box 526, folder 9

Minutes, recorded by Colleen Ferguson 1966 Feb.-May

box 526, folder 10

Sonoma State University - English workshop seminar - correspondence and publicity 1985 Feb.-Mar


University of California, Los Angeles, Regent Professorship

box 526, folder 11-20

Lecture transcriptions 1985 April-June

box 526, folder 21

Announcement of appointment 1985 Feb.

Boxes 527-545; Oversize Boxes 30-31; Oversize Box 32, folders 1-8; Oversize Box 33, folders 1-9

Series 6: Subject Files, 1923-1992, undated

Scope and Content Note


Arranged alphabetically.
Subject Files consists of files Stone collected about his works, his activities as an author and as a community member, and about topics in which he was interested. Files relating to Stone's works consist primarily of clipping files which contain best seller lists, articles containing mentions of or references to Stone's works, and articles relating to the works. Other files include correspondence about the dramatization rights of a work, analyses of the works, and ephemera, such as an original cartoon related to Love is Eternal that appeared in newspapers nationwide. Stone also collected files containing material about the subjects of his works. This material was usually collected after the publication of a work. He also collected material related to possible future subjects; these files sometimes include Stone's early thoughts on a subject. As a patron of the arts, Stone collected material relating to local organizations supporting the arts, and material relating to the artists he collected, along with material related to other organizations to which he belonged. Those organizations include community organizations such as the Beverly Hills Improvement Association, organizations related to his subjects such as the Sigmund Freud Institute, as well as material relating to the Research Institute of America. Stone also kept files on several lawsuits in which he was involved. Other information regarding his legal matters can be found in his correspondence with his lawyers, Gang, Tyre and Brown. Finally, includes notes and clippings on those people, groups, and topics which simply captured Stone's interest.
box 527, folder 1

Abraham Lincoln Sesquincentennial Association 1958-60


Adversary In the House

box 527, folder 2-9

Clipping files, including anti-communist articles 1945-50

box 527, folder 10

Dramatization rights 1948-52

box 527, folder 11

Agam, Yaacov 1964-81


The Agony and the Ecstasy

box 527, folder 12-15

Analyses of story by Vatican representatives and Italian officials 1961, 1984

box 527, folder 16-26

Clipping files 1957-92

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 1-2

Clipping files 1963-84

box 528, folder 1

Great Adventures of Michelangelo - clipping file 1965

box 528, folder 2

Screen Writers Guild arbitration 1964 Nov.

box 528, folder 3

American Peasant - rejection letters 1934-40

box 528, folder 4

[Art] undated

box 528, folder 5-11

Beverly Hills Improvement Association 1963-66

oversize Oversize Box 31, folder 1

Clippings 1963-64

box 528, folder 12

The biographical novel 1955-67

box 528, folder 13

"Biography of an American Century" [future project?] 1949-56

box 529, folder 1-4

Books given away (lists) 1949-90

box 529, folder 5

Breton, Andre [1966]

box 529, folder 6

Buffet, Bernard 1953-59

oversize Oversize Box 31, folder 2

Art magazines and newspapers 1952

box 529, folder 7

California Museum of Science and Industry - Irving Stone's Jack London 1976-78


California State University and Colleges

box 529, folder 8-12

Committee for the Arts 1967-86

box 530, folder 1

Art program proposal 1967

box 530, folder 2

Catalo 1967

box 530, folder 3

Contemporary California Art from the Lytton Collection 1967-68

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 3

Poster [1967]

box 530, folder 4

Mailing lists/Skiba, Pauline 1967

box 530, folder 5-6

Solicitation/Acknowledgment letters 1966-68

box 530, folder 7

Regrets 1967, undated


Clarence Darrow for the Defense

box 530, folder 8

Certificate of copyright 1941 Oct.

box 530, folder 9-15

Clipping files 1941-82, undated

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 4

Clipping file 1981, undated

box 530, folder 16

Contract with Ruby H. Darrow 1939 July

box 530, folder 17

Dramatization notes 1944 Dec.

box 530, folder 18

Theatrical production, Dome Productions 1973-74, undated


"Complete Story of American Painting" [future project]

box 530, folder 19

Notes and clippings 1945-48, undated

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 5

Clippings 1948

box 530, folder 20

Cook, Captain James 1979-80

box 530, folder 21-22

Copyright amendment 1975-76, undated


Darrow, Clarence

box 531, folder 1

Anthology, "Mind of Clarence Darrow" 1955-61, undated

box 531, folder 2

Clarence Darrow Centennial 1955-57

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 6

Clipping 1957 April

box 531, folder 3

Clarence Darrow Community Center 1963-67

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 7

Clarence Darrow Memorial Dedication 1987 Sept.

box 531, folder 4

Clarence Darrow Octagonal House 1963-66, undated

oversize Oversize Box 31, folder 3

Clipping 1962 July

box 531, folder 5

Television series of cases undated

box 531, folder 6

Darwin, Charles 1979-82, undated

oversize Oversize Box 31, folder 4

Clipping 1982 April

box 531, folder 7

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Exhibition 1980-81, undated


Dear Theo

box 531, folder 8

Certificate of copyright registration 1937 May

box 531, folder 9-10

Clipping files 1935-58, undated

box 531, folder 11

Theatrical reading project 1953-56, undated

box 531, folder 12-13

Depths of Glory - clipping files 1985-87


"Desert Padre"

box 531, folder 14

Lachman-Merritt 1940-46, undated

box 531, folder 15

Skirball-Manning 1945-51

box 531, folder 16

Dome Productions vs. Irving Stone 1973-80

box 531, folder 17

Dostoevski, Fyodore [future project?] 1982-84

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 8

Clipping 1976 Jan.

box 531, folder 18

Douglass House Foundation 1970-74

box 531, folder 19

Drakulic, Milka 1966-67, undated


Earl Warren

box 531, folder 20-23

Clipping files 1948-67

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 9

Clipping file 1967 Sept.

box 532, folder 1-9

Edgemont Hospital 1956-74, undated

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 10

Schedule of partner's capital accounts 1962-63

box 532, folder 10

Eisenhower 1952 campaign 1952 Aug.-Oct.

box 532, folder 11

Eugene V. Debs Foundation 1947-69

box 533, folder 1

Expo 67, Montreal, Quebec 1967

box 533, folder 2

False Witness - clipping file 1940

box 533, folder 3-4

Future projects, miscellaneous 1948-84, undated

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 11

Article relating to Beethoven 1984 May

box 533, folder 5-9

Gitlin, Paul vs. Irving and Jean Stone 1965-69, undated

box 533, folder 10-11

Doubleday attachments 1965-66, undated

box 533, folder 12

Gogh, Vincent van 1946-56, undated

oversize Oversize Box 31, folder 5

Clippings [France] undated

box 533, folder 13

Goldman, Emma undated

box 533, folder 14

Eugene V. Debs correspondence, March 1926-April 1928 undated

box 533, folder 15

Jack London correspondence, May 1911-Nov. 1913 undated


The Greek Treasure

box 534, folder 1-4

Clipping files 1955-76, undated

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 12

Clipping file 1973

box 534, folder 5

Greystone Mansion 1964-66

box 534, folder 6

Gulbenkian, Calouste [future project] 1968 Nov., undated

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 13

Le Collection de la Foundation de Calouste Gulbenkian (catalog) 1962 Nov.

box 534, folder 7-8

Hammer, Armand 1983-88

box 534, folder 9

University of California, Los Angeles, International Student Center, Neil H. Jacoby International Award 1984 Jan.-Feb.

box 534, folder 10

Project [festschrift?] undated

box 534, folder 11

Prologue [to festschrift?] by Senator Claiborne Pell undated

box 534, folder 12

Hebald, Milton undated

box 534, folder 13

Hemingway, Ernest - anecdote for Carlos Baker 1966-68


"History of Writing" [future project]

box 534, folder 14

Correspondence 1984-85

box 534, folder 15-16

Drafts 1984-85, undated

box 534, folder 17-19

I, Michelangelo, Sculptor - clipping files 1961-62


Immortal Wife

box 535, folder 1-12

Clipping files 1944-68

box 536, folder 1-3

Clipping files 1945-54

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 14

Clipping file 1945 April

box 536, folder 4

Irving Stone: An Exhibition - Barker Wright Memorial, Bath (Me.) 1964-65

box 536, folder 5

Jeremiah [future project?] 1978-81

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 15

John Birch Society - clipping 1964 Sept.

box 536, folder 6-7

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation - Fellowship application form, and correspondence 1935-43


Johnson, Lyndon Baines, "Great Society"

box 536, folder 8

Clipping files 1965 Oct.

oversize Oversize Box 31, folder 6

Clipping files 1965 Oct.

box 536, folder 9-11

League of American Writers, School for Writers - correspondence, notes and publicity 1939-45

box 536, folder 12-13

London, Jack 1971-76, undated

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 16

Map to London's cabin undated

box 536, folder 14

Samuel Bronston biography 1942-44

box 536, folder 15

To Build a Fire television adaptation 1966 Oct., undated

box 536, folder 16

Los Angeles 1965 June, undated


Love Is Eternal

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 17

Cartoon by F. Zimmer regarding best seller status undated

box 536, folder 17-22

Clipping files 1954-55, undated

oversize Oversize Box 31, folder 7-8

Clipping files 1954-55


Lust for Life

box 537, folder 1

Brazilian scrapbook 1941 April

box 538, folder 1-13

Clipping files 1934-68, undated

oversize Oversize Box 31, folder 9-10

Clipping files 1934-87, undated

box 538, folder 14

Congratulatory telegrams from first printing 1934 Sept.

box 538, folder 15

Fiftieth anniversary clippings 1984 July-Aug.

box 538, folder 16

Madera Project 1985 Oct.

oversize Oversize Box 31, folder 11

Publicity 1985 Oct.

box 538, folder 17

"The Male American" [future project?] 1962-68

box 538, folder 18

"The Master Forger: the Van Meegeren Story" 1951-52

box 538, folder 19

Matisse, Henri 1948 April


Men to Match My Mountains

box 538, folder 20-23

Clipping files 1956-86

box 538, folder 24

Television series 1962-63, undated

box 538, folder 25

Michelangelo 1960-64, undated

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 18

Clipping 1960 June

box 538, folder 26

Robert Clemens reviews 1962-65

oversize Oversize Box 30, folder 19

Robert Clemens reviews 1962-64

box 538, folder 27

Sottoterraneo 1976-79

box 538, folder 28

Mike Merrick Enterprises 1974-76

box 539, folder 1

National Library Week 1961-62, undated


Nevins, Allan

box 539, folder 2-8

Allan Nevins Memorial Fund - including correspondence with Henry E. Huntington Library 1971-78, undated

box 539, folder 9

Columbia University Oral History interview 1969 March, undated

box 539, folder 10

New York World's Fair (1964-1965) - Vatican Pavilion 1962-65, undated

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 1

Concept drawing and article undated

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 2

Niarchos, Stavros - clippings 1959 Nov.

box 539, folder 11

Nobel Prize in Literature - nominations and correspondence 1979 Feb.-Oct.


Noble, John

box 539, folder 12

"John Nobel Retrospective", Witchita (Kan.) 1981-82

box 540, folder 1-2

Art Museum, Witchita (Kan.), 1982 Oct. 1982-83, undated

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 3

Clipping 1982 Oct.

box 540, folder 3

"The Organizers of the Armory Show", University of Kansas Museum of Art, Lawrence (Kan.) 1963-64

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 4

Provincetown Winter 1988 March

box 540, folder 4

"Retrospective Exhibition," Hammer Collection 1959

box 540, folder 5

Noble, John A. 1974 March


The Origin

box 540, folder 6-10

Clipping files 1980-85, undated

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 5

Clipping file 1980-81

box 540, folder 11

The Passionate Journey undated

box 540, folder 12-16

Clipping files 1949-50


The Passions of the Mind 1971-89, undated

box 540, folder 17-20

Clipping files

oversize Oversize Box 33, folder 1

Clipping file 1970-81

box 540, folder 21

Pissaro: His Life and Work - dust jacket fragment undated

box 540, folder 22-27

The President's Lady - clipping files 1951-55

box 540, folder 28

Public Health Service - Cancer Control Series 1967-69


Research Institute of America

box 540, folder 29-30

Writings and clippings 1943-47

box 541, folder 1-3

Review 1943-44

box 541, folder 4

"Romance of Life" [future project] 1960-66

box 541, folder 5

Rome Daily American World Series Contest 1957 Oct. 11-21

box 541, folder 6

Roosevelt, Eleanor [future project] 1961, 1984

box 541, folder 7

Rosza, Miklos - autobiography 1989


Sailor On Horseback

box 541, folder 8-12

Clipping files 1938-39

box 542, folder 1-7

Clipping files 1938-72, undated

oversize Oversize Box 33, folder 2-3

Clipping files 1938-80, undated


Schlieman, Heinrich

box 542, folder 8

Commemorative stamps undated

box 542, folder 9

Film treatment undated

box 542, folder 10

Iliou Mélathron restoration 1972-79, undated

box 542, folder 11

Schweitzer, Albert 1952-79, undated

oversize Oversize Box 33, folder 4

Clippings 1951-75, undated

box 542, folder 12


box 542, folder 13

Albert Schweitzer biography [future project] 1969-80, undated

box 542, folder 14-17

Fellows for Schweitzer - including correspondence from Lee Ellerbrock and Albert Schweitzer 1952-68, undated

box 542, folder 18

Sigmund Freud Institute 1968-73

box 543, folder 1

Sinclair, Upton 1923, 1943, 1982

box 543, folder 2

Socialism 1947, undated

box 543, folder 3

Socrates [future project] 1957-67, undated

box 543, folder 4

Soviet Writers Delegation 1968-86

oversize Oversize Box 33, folder 5

Clippings 1965-67

box 543, folder 5

"Span of Glory" 1983 Jan.-Oct.

box 543, folder 6

Sponsors for Government Action Against Cancer 1946 March-July


State Committee on Public Education

box 543, folder 7-11

Correspondence and agenda items 1965-70, undated

box 543, folder 12

Report 1967 June

box 543, folder 13

Revision drafts 1968, undated

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 6

"Story of an American Century" [future project] 1987-88

box 543, folder 14-15

The Story of Michelangelo's Pieta - clipping files 1964 Jan.-April

box 543, folder 16

Studies for a book of short biographies 1938-40, undated


They Also Ran

box 544, folder 1-10

Clipping files 1943-74, undated

oversize Oversize Box 33, folder 6-7

Clipping files 1944, 1976-82, undated


Those Who Love

box 544, folder 11-14

Clipping files 1961-67, undated

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 7-8

Clipping files 1961-67 Oct.

box 544, folder 15

Tomorrow Magazine : "Hometown Revisited" series 1947-50

box 544, folder 16

University of California, Berkeley - People's Park Riots 1969 May-Oct.

oversize Oversize Box 33, folder 8

Clippings 1969 May

box 544, folder 17

Warren, Earl 1949-54

box 544, folder 18

"When Did Man Become Man" [future project?] 1987 May-Sept.


Wilhelm, Marilyn

box 544, folder 19-20

Writings 1978-84, undated

box 545, folder 1

Writings 1985-86

box 545, folder 2-7

Wilhelm Schôle 1973-89, undated

oversize Oversize Box 33, folder 9

Publicity 1974 Feb., undated

box 545, folder 8

Wright, Frank Lloyd 1961-62, 1984, undated

box 545, folder 9

Young Musicians Foundation 1960, undated

Boxes 546-552; v. 3; Oversize Box 32, folders 9-13; Oversize Box 33, 10-14

Series 7: Personal Papers, 1923-1989, undated

Scope and Content Note


Arranged alphabetically or hierarchically, as appropriate.
Divided into two sub-series: Family Correspondence, and Personal Miscellany.
Box 546-548

Subseries 7.1: Family Correspondence, 1935-1989, undated

Scope and Content Note

Family Correspondence contains correspondence with members of Stone's family. Although he corresponded with members of both his father's and mother's families, the Rosenburgs and the Tennebaums, the Stones also had extensive correspondence with her sister and brother-in-law, Irma (Norma) and Herbert Seigel, and her mother, Stella Moskowitz. Sigmund Oppenheimer was Stone's closest cousin, and the two wrote extensively. Also includes correspondence with their children, Paula and Kenneth, and with Paula's son, Vincent Hubbell. Finally, includes letters and postcards from Jean to Irving.
box 546, folder 1

Cohen, Harry and Mary Tennebaum 1949-51

box 546, folder 2

Cohen, Irwin 1942-49

box 546, folder 3

Copeland, Isabel Morris 1943

box 546, folder 4

Haskins, Howard 1942-56

box 546, folder 5

Haskins, Rebecca undated

box 546, folder 6

Howard, Jules and June Rosenberg 1957 Dec.

box 546, folder 7

Hubbell, Vincent 1967-89

box 546, folder 8

Kahn, Wendy undated

box 546, folder 9

Kahn, Shirley 1944

box 546, folder 10

Kasle, Sam, Hannah and family 1945-51

box 546, folder 11

Kollmeyer, Delphine Cohen 1951, 1980

box 546, folder 12

Levin, Joseph and Dora Tennebaum 1957-66

box 546, folder 13

Levin, Jerry Lee 1947

box 546, folder 14

Levy, Sadie and Hazel 1943-69

box 546, folder 15

Lichtman, Mary Tennebaum Cohen 1944-80

box 546, folder 16

Lord, Ben and family 1945-50

box 546, folder 17

Marcus, Isidor 1960-61

box 546, folder 18

Maxwell, Charlotte Seidkin 1944-73

box 546, folder 19

Moskowitz, Stella Factor 1944-72

box 546, folder 20

Oppenheimer, Phillip 1961

box 546, folder 21-23

Oppenheimer, Sigmund and Gertrude 1941-88

box 546, folder 24

Seidkin, Harry and Belle (Miriam) 1951-58

box 546, folder 25

Seidkin, Julia Rosenberg 1943

box 546, folder 26

Seidkin, Phyllis 1943-87

box 546, folder 27

Seigel, Dini 1957

box 547, folder 1-2

Seigel, Herbert and Irma (Norma) Factor 1936-73

box 547, folder 3

Slaner, Jessie R[osenburg] 1972-73

box 547, folder 4

Stol, Bernard and Adeline 1942-63

box 547, folder 5

Stone, Jean Factor 1935-78

box 547, folder 6-11

Stone, Kenneth 1948-83

box 547, folder 12

Stone, Kenneth and Paula 1950-55

box 548, folder 1-6

Stone, Paula 1937-88

box 548, folder 7

Symmes, Marion Lawrence 1951

box 548, folder 8

Titus, Albert 1943-46

box 548, folder 9

Titus, Bessie Tennebaum Lachman 1944-57

Box 549-552; Oversize Box 32, folders 9-13; Oversize Box 33, folders 10-14; Vol. 3

Subseries 7.2: Personal Miscellany, 1923-1989, undated

Scope and Content Note

Personal Miscellany includes genealogical and miscellaneous information relating to Stone's parents and his birth. Also includes his diploma from the University of California and final term papers from the University of Southern California. Also contains miscellany related to Stone's birthdays, including the 75th birthday testimonial dinner and exhibition hosted by the California Museum of Science and Industry; the Stones' anniversaries, and the program from his memorial service. Includes such miscellany as Stone's discharge papers from the shipping services; papers related to his service as an air warden and his communications with the Selective Service; a caricature drawn by Augusto Rodriques (Brazil, 1941); and correspondence and ephemera from the creation of the Irving Stone Memorial Bench. Stone also collected miscellaneous materials relating to his children, medical and financial history, his houses and automobiles, and his office and employees, along with miscellaneous notes and clippings collected by Stone.
box 549, folder 1

Rosenberg family tree 1989 June

box 549, folder 2

Tennebaum geneological information and family tree 1983 March

box 549, folder 3

Miscellany regarding parents 1941 March, undated

box 549, folder 4

Birth notice [transcribed] 1936 July

box 549, folder 5

Kappa Nu Record - pages depicting Stone's Chapter (copies) [1924]

oversize Oversize Box 33, folder 10

University of California, Berkeley - Bachelors degree diploma 1923 July


University of Southern California

box 549, folder 6

Graduate economics seminar term paper (photocopy, bound) [1924 June]

box 549, folder 7

Masters degree thesis (photocopy) [1924 May]

box 549, folder 8

Masters degree diploma 1924 June

box 549, folder 9

Wedding invitation [1934 Feb.]

box 549, folder 10

Wedding telegrams 1934 Feb.

box 549, folder 11

First anniversary telegrams 1935 Feb.

box 549, folder 12

Third anniversary telegrams 1937 Feb.

box 549, folder 13

Thirty-eighth birthday telegrams 1941 July

box 549, folder 14

Thirty-ninth birthday telegrams 1942 July

box 549, folder 15

Forty-third birthday telegrams 1946 July

box 549, folder 16

Thirteenth anniversary telegrams 1947 Feb.

box 549, folder 17

Twentieth anniversary cards 1954 Feb.

box 549, folder 18

Fifty-eighth birthday telegrams 1961 July

box 549, folder 19

Thirtieth anniversary party invitation 1964 Feb.

box 549, folder 20

Thirty-fifth anniversary invitation and correspondence 1969 Jan.-Feb.

box 549, folder 21

Sixtieth birthday telegrams 1971 July

box 549, folder 22

Sixty-eighth birthday cards 1971 July

box 549, folder 23

Guest list for party [forty-second anniversary?] 1976 March


Seventy-fifth birthday

box 549, folder 24-25

Cards, letters, and telegrams 1978 July-Aug.



oversize Oversize Box 33, folder 11

Birthday greeting from Los Angeles, Calif., by Tom Bradley, Mayor 1978 July

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 9

"What is a Writer?" - reprinted as broadside by Azusa Pacific College 1978 July

box 550, folder 1

California's Irving Stone: His Life and Times, testimonial dinner and exhibition, California Museum of Science and Industry - program planning correspondence 1978 April-July

box 550, folder 2

Exhibition correspondence and material 1978 May-Aug.

box 550, folder 3-4

Guest lists, invitiation mock-ups, acceptances and regrets 1978 May-July

box 550, folder 5

Publicity 1978 June-Aug.

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 10

Publicity 1978 July

box 550, folder 6

Proposals to KCET, Los Angeles 1978 June 30

box 550, folder 7

Ephemera and birthday telegrams 1978 July 12-14

box 550, folder 8

Thank you notes from Irving Stone 1978 July 12-31

box 550, folder 9

Attendees' thank you notes 1978 July-Aug.

box 550, folder 10

Passover seder invitations 1979 April 4


Eightieth birthday

box 550, folder 11

Letters and cards 1983 July-Aug.

oversize Oversize Box 33, folder 12

Ephemera 1983 July

box 550, folder 12

Birthday party correspondence and ephemera 1981-83

box 550, folder 13

Fiftieth anniversary guest list 1984 Feb.


Eighty-fifth birthday

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 11

Ephemera 1988 July

box 550, folder 14

Birthday party guest list and ephemera 1988 July

box 550, folder 15

Memorial service program 1989 Aug.



box 550, folder 16

Certificates of Discharge from shipping service 1930-32

box 550, folder 17

Air Raid Warden miscellany 1941-42

box 550, folder 18

Caricature of Stone by Augusto Rodrigues 1941

box 550, folder 19

Selective Service miscellany 1942-44

box 550, folder 20

Poem for "Gordon's Party" 1964 June

box 550, folder 21

Guest and mailing lists for miscellaneous events and exhibitions 1968-86, undated

box 550, folder 22

Snapshots from unidentified dinner parties 1982, undated

box 550, folder 23

Irving Stone Memorial Bench - correspondence and photographs 1976-78

box 550, folder 24

Paula Stone miscellany 1956 July 20

box 550, folder 25

Kenneth Stone miscellany [1970s], undated

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 12

Lithograph[?] by Paul Aizpiri, 3 out of 15, signed, "Á Kenny pour votre anniversaire Aizpiri" undated

box 550, folder 26

Guardianship of Paula and Kenneth Stone 1955-60

box 551, folder 1-2

Medical miscellany 1937-90, undated

box 551, folder 3

Financial miscellany 1937-89, undated

box 551, folder 4-7

House miscellany 1937-89, undated

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 13

Encino, Calif. home photograph and floorplan 1937 Dec., undated

volume 3

Guestbook 1939-43

box 551, folder 8

North Maple Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif., deed 1945 Aug.

box 551, folder 9-10

Auto miscellany 1945-86, undated


Office miscellany

oversize Oversize Box 33, folder 13

Calendar 1961 July

box 551, folder 11-19

Calendars 1965-75

box 552, folder 1-2

Calendar 1978

box 552, folder 3-8

Address lists and books [1940s], 1982, undated

box 552, folder 9

Notes and correspondence from secretaries 1947-75, undated

box 552, folder 10

Employment applications and letters of recommendations for staff 1944-87

box 552, folder 11

Office equipment correspondence and brochures 1952-70, undated

box 552, folder 12

Miscellaneous notes and clippings 1929, 1953-56, undated

oversize Oversize Box 33, folder 14

Miscellaneous notes and clippings 1936, 1956-62, 1985, undated

Box 553; Oversize Box 32, folders 14-16

Series 8: Jean Stone Papers, 1934-1990, undated

Scope and Content Note


Arranged hierarchically.
Jean Stone Papers includes biographical material; an article written by her; appearance, interview, travel and award files; files detailing her activities within community organizations; and personal miscellany. Although Jean often claimed that she was an editor and not a writer, she did write one article for Suburbia Today, a Sunday magazine in which Stone was often published. She often appeared and interviewed with Stone, but there were also several appearances and interviews that she performed without him. The files consist of publicity for her appearances, and published copies of the interviews. The travel file consists of an "Explorer Certificate" from her passage through the Straits of Magellan. It is likely that the Stones traveled there together, but there is no other material from that trip. Jean was often included in awards bestowed upon Stone, but she also received several awards of her own. Files contain a transcription of an acceptance speech, ephemera, and publicity. Jean Stone was involved in several local organizations supporting arts education and enrichment in some way. She was usually an officer in the organization, and collected correspondence, ephemera, and publicity related to her organizations. Her personal miscellany includes personal publicity consisting primarily of newspaper clippings.
box 553, folder 1

Biographical material, resumes 1984-89


Article, "It Takes Two to Make A Career" - Suburbia Today

box 553, folder 2

Typescript [1961]

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 14

Published copy 1962 Nov.


Appearance files

box 553, folder 3

National Council of Jewish Juniors, Jersey City, N.J. 1934 Oct.

box 553, folder 4

Soroptimist Club, Beverly Hills, Calif. 1955 May


Interview files

box 553, folder 5

"A Chat with Irving Stone's Helpmate" - Joan Hawkes, Boston Traveler (Mass.) 1965 Dec.

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 15

"Jean Stone Lives Up to Dedication" - Toni Frank, Evening Outlook (Santa Monica, Calif.) 1971 March


"Marriage is not a dying institution...", Associated Press

box 553, folder 6

"Tender Trap Changes Pace" - Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk-Portsmouth, Va.) 1971 March

box 553, folder 7

"Reasons for Marriage Today Better" - Sioux Falls Argus Leader (S.D.) 1971 April

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 15

"The Novel Life of Jean Stone" - Joan McKinney, Oakland Tribune 1971 March

box 553, folder 8

"Author's Wife is 'Editor-in-Residence'" - Marcia Schultz, Seattle Times 1971 March

box 553, folder 9

"Reflections of an Editor-Wife" - Kay Loving, Chicago Tribune 1971 April

box 553, folder 10

"To His Editor in Residence" - Bettye Auding, States Item (New Orleans, La.) 1971 April

box 553, folder 11

"Mrs. Stone Gets Her Due Credit" - Sandra Pesman, Los Angeles Times 1971 April

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 15

"Mrs. Irving Stone: The Woman Behind the Author" - Violet Dewey, Milwaukee Journal (Wisc.) 1971 April


"Author's Wife Finds Own Identity in Work" - Kathryn Boardman, St. Paul Dispatch (Minn.) 1971 April

box 553, folder 12

"Famed Author's Wife Stands Beside Him" - Hazel Neu, The Daily Californian (Berkeley, Calif.) 1971 May

box 553, folder 13

"Michelangelo, Freud Are Her Pals" - Pat McDonnell, Long Beach Press Telegram 1971 June

box 553, folder 14

"Mrs. Irving Stone Shares Husband's Lust for Life, Writing" - Eleanor Breitmeyer, Detroit News (Mich.) 1975 Oct.

oversize Oversize Box 32, folder 16

Travel files - Straits of Magellen - "Explorer Certificate" 1984 April



box 553, folder 15

The Huntington Westerners - Jessie Benton Frémont Award 1989-90

box 553, folder 16

West P.E.N. Center, Maxwell Perkings Award for Editing - acceptance speech undated

box 553, folder 17

Friends of Childcare, inc. - Woman of Achievement 1988


Community activities

box 553, folder 18

Beverly Hills Cultural Foundation 1967-73, undated

box 553, folder 19

Greystone Mansion Advisory Committee 1966, 1969-70

box 553, folder 20

Studio Watts Workshop/Institute of International Education scholarships 1968-71


University of California, Los Angeles

box 553, folder 21

Associates of the Institute of Ethnomusicology 1968-71, undated

box 553, folder 22-23

International Student Center 1963-70

box 553, folder 24

Personal miscellany [1940s]

box 553, folder 25

Personal publicity 1954, 1961, 1988

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