New York Activists and Leaders in the Disability Rights and Independent Living Movement: Vol I
Series History
Larry Allison
Tape Guide
Interview History--Larry Allison
I. Personal Background and the Camp Jened Years, 1965-1973
II. Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities, Civil Service Employment, and Reflections, 1973-2001
Denise McQuade
Tape Guide
Interview History--Denise McQuade
I. Early Years; A Burgeoning Activist Identity; The Creation of Disabled in Action [DIA]
II. More on Dia, Promoting Accessible Mass Transit
An incident with a young woman at a United Cerebral Palsy Center, the loss that accompanies having a disability, the stages of disability
Disability culture, remembering the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA], not minimizing the difficulties of having a disability
Board member and steering committee of DIA, Student Organization for Every Disability for Progress, President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, fighting for civil rights
Promoting access to mass transit, ADA compliance in transportation, fostering dependence in children with disabilities
The trend to mainstream children, the role of the paraprofessional, the misuse of SSI, attitudes about the potential of children with disabilities
A need for role models for children with disabilities
The goal of expanding DIA nationally, Judy Heumann's decision to go to California and her role as a leader
Diversity in DIA, conflicts, and romantic involvements
A march to the United Nations on behalf of civil rights for people with disabilities
DIA strategies, funding
People with spinal cord injuries in DIA, people with other disabilities
DIA during Judy Heumann's absence, working at Independent Living for the Handicapped
Rivalry between Brooklyn and Manhattan, leaving DIA
Strategizing for accessible mass transit, participating in 504 demonstrations to force Secretary Califano to promulgate the regulations
III. The Development of the First Independent Living Center in New York, Working for New York City Transit
Marilyn Saviola
Tape Guide
Interview History--Marilyn Saviola
I. Early Years, Goldwater Memorial Hospital, Education, Activism, 1945-1973
II. Independent Living, Disability Politics, CIDNY, and ICS
III. Discussion of ADA, Societal Attitudes, and Disability Culture
Denise Sherer Jacobson