
Manuel Reyes.

Box 69597.
San Quinten, Calif.

July 12, 1943.
Dear Alice.

Recived your very nice letter and was glad to hear from you, well Iam getting along fine, and Iam in good health. Iam still working at the O.P.A. we will finish with that work this week some time. After Iam out of that job Iam going back to the tailor shop, there I have a good office job, working in the cutting room. I have my oun desk, and a radio, all I do is type and keep the stock in order, and also the filles. But when I dont have anything to do I help at the cutting table, cutting out suites. Well to changethe Iam very glad to hear that the people outside are still helping us Boys, I cant tell you glad I am to know that the people out side are hepling us. I recived the book that was written about our case, and it sur tells the truths about the case, I think it was a good idea to let the people know what really happen in our trail. Well to change the subject, we had a good time here on the 4th of July, we seen the figths that rae put on for the boys, it was pretty good five of the boys, fougth, but only two of them won, the best figth [illegible data] was put on by Smiles, Well any way I had a good time. I hope you had a good time also. Well Iam runing out of words, so Ill close now, so until I hear from you again,

I Remain Yours Truly

Manuel Reyes
Ps. Give my Regards to all of the Committee.
Excuse the typing