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The California earthquake of April 18, 1906 : report of the State Earthquake Investigation Commission, in two volumes and atlas.
The California Earthquake of April 18, 1906 Volume I, Part I
Geology of the Coast System of Mountains
The San Andreas Rift as a Geomorphic Feature
The Earth Movement on the Fault of April 18, 1906
The Fault-Trace
Humboldt County
Point Arena to Fort Ross
Fort Ross
Bodega Head to Tomales Bay
Tomales Bay to Bolinas Lagoon
Mussel Rock to Crystal Springs Lake
Crystal Springs Lake to Congress Springs
Congress Springs to San Juan
Geodetic Measurements of Earth Movements
Note on the Comparison of the Faults in the Three Earthquakes of Mino-Owari, Formosa, and California
Review of Salient Features
Provision for Measurement of Future Movements on San Andreas Fault
Isoseismals: Distribution of Apparent Intensity
The California Earthquake of April 18, 1906 Volume I, Part II
The California Earthquake of April 18, 1906 Volume II
Appendix Theory of the Seismograph