Pathogenic Effects of the Earthquake

A curious and fortunately trivial effect of the earthquake was the production of nausea. This was observed especially in the region of slower motion of the earth, beyond the zone of destructive effects, but one or two cases being reported from the region of high intensity. The sickness produced was in most cases apparently similar to seasickness, and ascribable to the swaying of the ground. In the few cases which occurred in the region of quick motion, the nausea was more probably due to nervous shock. Brief mention is here made of the cases reported, tho there were probably many others.

At Ruby, in Siskiyou County (R. E. Madden), intensity III-II, persons were slightly nauseated or rendered dizzy, but the feeling past instantly. At Upton, Siskiyou County (E. R. Dixon), intensity IV-III, people felt seasick. Mr. J. H. Roberts, of Yuba City, intensity VI-V, reports that 5 persons on his place were made quite sick. In Marysville (R. F. Watson) the shock caused a dizzy feeling. At Stockton (E. Hughes), intensity VI, a considerable number of people suffered from nausea and dizziness, with headache, for a time after the shock. With some these disagreeable symptoms persisted all the following day. At Modesto (E. Hughes), intensity VI, a number of people were affected by symptoms somewhat like those of seasickness for several hours after the shock. San Francisco (Miss F. Locke). Mrs. E. was nauseated by the earthquake and felt pains in her heart. Several people were nauseated by the motion of the ground at Pescadero, San Mateo County, intensity VIII-VII. (G. A. Waring.)

In Bear Valley, San Benito County (G. A. Waring), intensity VI-V, a man out-of-doors became dizzy and nauseated, but did not at the time realize the cause. Thru the south end of the valley several people became dizzy. Between Mendota and Coalinga (G. F. Zoffman), intensity VII-VI, many persons suffered from a nauseating sensation. At Conejo, Fresno County (E. Pickett), intensity VI, the earthquake made some people sick at the stomach. At Santa Barbara (J. A. Dodge), intensity III, a woman who was out-of-doors at the time of the shock was made slightly dizzy. In Gardnerville, Nevada (J. A. Reid), intensity IV, a number of people complained of a feeling of nausea while eating breakfast at the time of the earthquake, but they felt no motion. At Yerington, Nevada (G. D. Louderback), intensity IV-III, one person experienced a dizzy sensation. At Lone Pine, Nevada (M. S. Dearborn), intensity IV, a good many people when they first felt the shock thought that they were simply dizzy.