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Courthouse AZ? 1968
Courthouse interior 1968
Court room 1968
Court room, jury chairs on the right, Marin County Civic Center , San Rafael, CA (designed by Frank Lloyd Wright) 1968
Court room, Marin County Civic Center , San Rafael, CA (designed by Frank Lloyd Wright) 1968
Del Norte County Courthouse exterior 1968
Dome, Placer County Courthouse, Auburn, CA 1968
El Dorado County Courthouse and cannon 1968
Entrance to Monterey County Courthouse, Monterey, CA 1968
Entrance to Riverside County Courthouse, Riverside, CA 1968
Entrance, Santa Barbara County Courthouse, Santa Barbara, CA 1968
Exterior 1885 building 1968
Facade detail at archway and column, San Buenaventura City Hall 1968
Front of Mono County Courthouse with cannon, Bridgeport, CA 1968
Front of Mono County Courthouse, Bridgeport, CA 1968
Gallows (plaque) 1968
Judge in court room 1968
Judge's bench 1968
Kings County Courthouse, Hanford, CA 1968
Library, Marin Co. Civic Center, San Rafael, CA (designed by Frank Lloyd Wright) 1968
Maricopa County Courthouse Phoenix, AZ 1928 1976
Maricopa County Courthouse, Phoenix, AZ 1968
Marin County Civic Center, San Rafael, CA 1957-1959 1976
Mariposa County Courthouse, Mariposa, CA 1968
Mariposa County Courthouse, shaded, Mariposa, CA 1968
Mission style lantern and mosaic room, Santa Barbara County Courthouse, Santa Barbara, CA 1968
Mohave County Courthouse, AZ (2 images) 1968
Old Monterey County Courthouse, Monterey CA 1968
Picture of Fresno Bar Association 1965-1966 1968
Placer County Bank with Placer County Courthouse dome in the background, Auburn, CA 1968
Placer County Courthouse, Auburn, CA 1968
Placer County Courthouse, in the background, Auburn, CA 1968
Railroad tracks in the foreground, Placer County Courthouse and downtown Auburn, CA 1968
Recorder, Placer County Courthouse, Auburn, CA 1968
Riverside County Courthouse, building facade, Riverside, CA 1968
San Mateo County Courthouse, and state seal, San Mateo, CA 1968
Skylight walkway, Marin County Civic Center, San Rafael, CA 1968
Sonoma County Hall of Justice, interior and seal of CA, Santa Rosa, CA 1968
Statue in front of courthouse 1968
Statues of justice on top of building corner, Riverside County Courthouse, Riverside, CA 1968
Storey County Courthouse, Virginia City, NV 1875-1877 1975
Virginia City, NV 1968
Portfolio Two: Twelve Photographs 1968
#1, Breaking Wave, Golden Gate, San Francisco 1952
#2, Log and Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco 1952
#3, View of San Francisco In The Rain 1952
#4, Woman With Umbrella, San Francisco 1955
#5, Sunset District and Pacific Ocean 1951
#6, Figures In The Rain 1955
#7, Worker, Saratoga, California 1958
#8, Grape Picker, Berryessa Valley, California 1956
#9, Oak Tree and Rock, Black Hawk Ranch, California 1954
#10, Cowboy, Arizona 1957
#11, Landscape, Jackson, California 1948
#12, Garden Detail, San Francisco 1947
The Black Panthers 1968-1969
Bobby Hutton, the seventeen year old treasurer of the Black Panther Party, was killed by police as he came out of this gas filled, burning house. This shooting occurred 4/6/68. #45 from A Photographic Essay on The Black Panthers, 1968 August 12
Black Panthers in Marin City, California, #58 from A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers 1968 August 31
Plate glass window of the Black Panther Party National Headquarters, the morning it was shattered by the bullets of two Oakland policemen, #80 from A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers 1968 September 10
Kathleen Cleaver, Communications Secretary of the Black Panther Party, and wife of Eldridge Cleaver at Free Huey Rally, DeFremery Park, Oakland, California, #81 from A Photographic Essay on The Black Panthers 1968 July 14
Emory Douglas, Minister of Culture and Revolutionary Artist for the Black Panther Party, with sister Barbara E, at the Free Huey Rally, Bobby Hutton Memorial Park, #88 from A Photographic Essay on The Black Panthers 1968 August 25
Balloting at the Peace and Freedom Party State Convention, when Eldridge Cleaver was nominated for President of the United States, San Francisco, California, #108 from A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers 1968 August 3
Eldridge Cleaver arrives for the rally at the University of California campus, Berkeley, held by the students to support him as a guest lecturer for the course 139x on racism in the United States, #109 from A Photographic Essay on The Black Panthers 1968 October 3
Kathleen Cleaver, Communications Secretary of the Black Panther Party, and wife of Eldridge Cleaver arrives at the Unitarian Fellowship of Marin Church, San Rafael, California, Sunday morning, #118 from A Photographic Essay on The Black Panthers 1968 October 6
Al Lowry, Chairman of the Cleaver for President campaign committee of the Peace and Freedom Party talking to Captain George Gaines (Baby D) of the Black Panther Party in Marin County, at the Unitarian Church, San Rafael, #124 from A Photographic Essay on The Black Panthers 1968 October 6
Boy eating bread, St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Oakland, California from The Black Panther Breakfast Program 1969 May 19
Charles Bursey carrying two plates, St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Oakland, from The Black Panther Breakfast Program 1969 May 19
Charles Bursey serving children, St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Oakland, from The Black Panther Breakfast Program 1969 May 19
Crowd viewing exhibition of A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers at de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA 1969 January 12
Family of five viewing Newton portraits at exhibition of A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers at de Young Museum, San Francisco 1969 January 12
Filmmakers David Myers and Agnes Varda at Panther rally, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 August 25
Four Caucasians viewing exhibition of A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers at de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA 1969 January 12
George Murray, teaching at San Francisco State College, San Francisco, CA, misc. Black Panthers 1968 October 2
Group viewing exhibition of A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers at de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA 1969 January 12
Handshake, Manzanita Center, Marin City 1968 August 31
Huey Newton #1, at Alameda County Court House jail, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 September 26
Huey Newton #2, at Alameda County Court House jail, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 September 26
Huey Newton #3, at Alameda County Court House jail, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 September 26
Huey Newton #4, at Alameda County Court House jail, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 September 26
Huey Newton #5, mouth open, at Alameda County Court House jail, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 September 26
Huey Newton #6, looking down, Alameda County Court House jail, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 September 26
Huey Newton #7, Alameda County Court House jail, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 September 26
Huey Newton #8, Alameda County Court House jail, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 September 26
Huey Newton and Charles Garry holding glasses, at Alameda County Court House jail, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 September 26
Kathleen Cleaver [mouth closed], Unitarian Church, San Rafael, CA, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 October 6
Kathleen Cleaver eyes down speaking at Unitarian Church, San Rafael, CA, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 October 6
Kathleen Cleaver in sunglasses at rally, Misc. Black Panthers 1968
Kathleen Cleaver speaking looking to the right, Unitarian Church, San Rafael, CA, Misc. Black Panther 1968 October 6
Kathleen Cleaver with David Hilliard and family, Bobby Hutton Memorial Park, Oakland, CA, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 September 22
Kathleen Cleaver with mouth closed, Unitarian Church, San Rafael, CA, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 October 6
Kathleen speaking looking sideways, Unitarian Church, San Rafael, CA, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 October 6
Lets Kill The Pigs wall, Misc. Black Panthers 1968
Mass of people at UC Berkeley listening to Eldridge Cleaver 1968
Mother and baby viewing exhibition of A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers at DeYoung Museum, San Francisco 1969 January 12
Ruth Hagwood, chin resting on hands, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 August 25
Ruth-Marion Baruch with camera, in front of St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Oakland, California 1969 May 19
Thousands at UC Berkeley to hear Eldridge Cleaver [Similar to #111] 1968 October 3
Today is Black Unity Day, Oakland 1968 August 17
Two women looking at Newton portrait, exhibition of A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers at de Young Museum, San Francisco, California 1969 January 12
Two young boys eating, St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Oakland, California from The Black Panther Breakfast Program 1969 May 19
Unitarian congregation listening to Kathleen Cleaver, young man holding chin, San Rafael CA, 1968 October 6
Young black boy eating, St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Oakland, California, at the Black Panther Breakfast for Children Program 1969 May 19
Black couple viewing exhibition of A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers at de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA 1969 January 12
Black mother and child looking at show, exhibition of A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers at de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA 1969 January 12
Black Panther Captain William Brent 1968
Black Panther holding rifle and German Shepard, Marin City 1968 August 31
Bobby Seale [mouth open], Free Huey Rally, Marin City, CA, Misc. Black Panthers 1968
Boy looking back, de Young Museum, exhibition of A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers 1969 January 12
Woman in trench coat and crowd viewing exhibition of A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers at de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA 1969 January 12
Captain George Gaines (Baby D) holding mike, at Bobby Hutton Memorial Park, Oakland, Misc. Black Panthers 1968 September 22
Chief of staff David Hilliard and family at Bobby Hutton Memorial Park, Oakland, California 1968 September 22
Children eating at table, St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Oakland, CA from The Black Panther Breakfast Program 1969 May 19
Children eating, St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Oakland, CA from The Black Panther Breakfast Program 1969 May 19
Cleaver for President Jaguar 1968 October 6
Couple viewing (bearded man) exhibition of A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers at de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA 1969 January 12
Couple viewing exhibition (from the back) of A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers at de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA 1969 January 12
Couple viewing exhibition of A Photographic Essay on the Black Panthers at de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA 1969 January 12
Gate Five 1969-1976
View of the houseboats looking south towards Gate 5 from the Van Damme ferryboat, #1, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Heather & C.C. Wilcoxen, unidentified woman and Danny Joe Crumb (back to camera), #2, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Blue heron and houseboats: Owl on the left, Madonna center right and San Rafael on the right, #3, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Piro Caro with statue and rubber tree in background, #4, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Dancer living on Varda's ferryboat the Vallejo, #5, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Young mother with toddler talking to Greg Corbin, #6, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1971
Looking north from the ferryboat San Rafael, #7, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Young girls listening to music on Spencer Michael's butterfly house boat, #8, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Maggie and Joe Tate playing piano at dry-dock party, #9, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Wayne with his parrot, Normal-Norman Carlin, Michael Scott in the center and unidentified man on the right, #10, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Captain Garbage the groom holding daisy, Mud Wedding #11, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Inspectors from the Marin County Fire Department, #12, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Portrait of woman, arms raised touching hair, #13, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Four men pulling rigging, #14, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Artist Jean Varda, #15, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Toddler and mother sewing (back to camera), #16, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1971
Three people meditating, #17, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1971
Dredge holding pistol, #18, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Leslie Dee Sirota and Jac Campbell with three friends, #19, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Two women and toddlers at Varda's wake, #20, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1971
Man in VW bus and Piro Caro on the ferryboat San Rafael walkway, #21, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Ron Martin wearing overalls, #22, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Jac Alfred Campbell in rowboat, #23, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Madonna on the left and Mt. Tamalpais to the NW, #24, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Young man with long blond hair and beard, #25, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Sculpture on right, houseboat with worm eaten hull and Madonna on the left, #26, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
"The Thumper" boat owned by Dredge and ferryboat Vallejo in the background, #27, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Houseboats and couple talking, #28, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Captain Garbage and boy, #29, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Party on the dry docks, (food buffet) #30, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Anderson eating fruit, #31 Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Bald man playing guitar, #32, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Jean Varda and two dancers on his houseboat, #33, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Woman sweeping Jean Varda's houseboat, #34, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Varda sailing with friends, #35, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Cynthia with Jean Varda, #36, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Maggie "Catfish", #37, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Jack "the Fluke" singing and guitar player, #38, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Piro Caro's living room on the ferryboat San Rafael, #39, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Piro Caro's residence (upper deck of) the ferryboat San Rafael, #40, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Man smoking pipe, #41, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Joanie McGlaughlin, #42, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Mother and child, #43, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Woman reading in bed on houseboat, #44, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Two dogs and man, #45, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
The Madonna designed by Chris Roberts, #46, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Dredge and Captain Garbage working on the Madonna, #47, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Chris Roberts, designer of the Madonna and the Owl, #48, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Ethelwyn with cat, #49, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Interior of Michael Scott's houseboat, (bass & skull) #50, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Couple, close-up, #51, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Jaguar John and Cynthia, #52, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Shel Silverstein's houseboat in the foreground, with the San Rafael to the middle left, looking north, #53, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Paul Harkless [AKA Paul St. James], #54, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Andrea, (wearing beads), #55, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Houseboat kitchen stove, #56, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Hands holding chopped peppers, #57, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Baby crib, #58, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Iassos playing flute against wall, #59, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Iassos playing flute, [tree background], #60, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Iassos' torso with shell necklace, #61, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Iassos playing piano, #62, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Ropes and power lines at low tide, #63, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Mud flats at low tide, #64, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
The Owl, San Rafael, and Madonna viewed from the hill, #65, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Young boy reading, #66, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Man building houseboat [working on ladder] #67, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Dredge caulking boat, #68, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Michael Barish, holding drill, #69, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Two men routing electrical power line, #70, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
View looking north, Madonna and Mt. Tamalpais at dusk, #71, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Man holding partially clad woman, #72, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Hermit, #73, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Young man holding child, #74, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Mother and child hitchhiking, #75, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1971
Alan Watts, #76, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Portrait of Pammy "Kooka", #77, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Mim Walker, #78, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Mim reading stones (close-up of hand), #79, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1971
Portrait of Gatanga (Mim reading) #80, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1971
Bert Walker, Mim Walker's son, #81, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Young girl in long dress, #82, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1971
Jean Varda's wake, woman in a trance, #83, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1971
Musician playing bass at Varda's wake, #84, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1971
Portrait of Leslie Dee Sirota, #85, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Jac Campbell, right hand holding face, #86, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Jac Campbell & Leslie Dee Sirota's wedding kiss, #87, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Wedding of Jac Campbell & Leslie Dee Sirota in Santa Cruz, #88, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Jac and Leslie (back to camera) on their houseboat with Anderson on the left, #89, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Mud Wedding Party group at the Tilton Hilton, #90, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
"Mud Wedding": Captain Garbage, Thunder pussy, Dredge facing front and Herman & Walter from the back, #91, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
"Mud Wedding" - Sandy White, 4 men and 3 dogs, #92, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
The Mud Wedding of Captain Garbage and Thunder Pussy with Walter Chappel, Herman and Dredge, #93, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
The Mud Wedding of Captain Garbage and Thunder Pussy with Walter Chappel, Dredge and dogs, #94, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Mud wedding party, Wayne, mud couple and dog #95, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Portrait of Thunder Pussy the bride, Mud Wedding #96, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Mud Man, Mud Wedding #97, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
The mud couple, man helping Sandy White up, Mud Wedding, #98, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Celebration, man sitting with outstretched arms, #99, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Russell Grisham, #100, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Interior of Russell Grisham's houseboat, #101, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Jack "The Fluke" and Iris Ansell, #102, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Little girl with Easter basket, #103, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Varda's sailing party, Cynthia in the center, #104, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Man working on mast rigging no.1, #105, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Bay Mud at low tide with the anchor outs, #106, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Young woman with long hair holding up left hand, #107, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Blond with hair in braids and spangles, #108, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Three men preparing sailboat rigging, #109, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Houseboat roof under construction, #110, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Low tide with shadow on the left, 111, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Musician with bamboo flutes, #112, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1971
"Mud Wedding" Party celebrators with five dogs, #113, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
"Mud Wedding" Party celebrators with dogs, #114, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
"Red Leg" Jessie (nude back-side) and woman friend, #115, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Woman dancing at Varda's wake, #116, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1971
Man dancing at Varda's wake, #117, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1971
Man working on mast rigging no.2, #118, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Iassos, (hair in face), #119, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
from the right: Dredge, Tim?, Peacock and Jessie below, #120, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Iassos holding flute in shrubbery, #121, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Portrait of Russell Grisham, #122, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1975
Jessie Bolton and young girl, #123, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Russell Grisham with East Indian deities, #124, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1975
Typewriter at low tide, #125, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1976
Styrofoam design by worms, #126, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1976
Eroded wood at low tide, #127, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1978
Kachina doll painted on door, #128, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1974
Plant screen on Taachi's houseboat, #129, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1976
Found Object wire sculpture no.1, #130, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA (plant shape) 1976
Found Object wire sculpture no.2, #131, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA (architectural form) 1976
Tree trunk designs (no bark), #132, Marin County, CA 1976
Woman, (from #13) shadowing legs, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Jean Varda and two friends sailing on his boat, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
"Crown of Thorns" euphorbia in Piro's window, Gate Five, Sausalito 1974
"Madonna" houseboat, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
"Mud Wedding": Thunder Pussy and Frank?, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
"Normal Norman" Carlin's son painting sailboat, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
"Red" Man, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
"Redlegs" Jessie, Maggie and ? man singing at the dry-docks, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
[Alan Watts in kimono robe holding ceramic bowl] 1970
[Alan Watts in kimono standing against tree] 1970
[Alan Watts kneeling, holding closed fan with both hands, tea ceremony] from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
[Blonde man in denim jacket] Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Aerial view of houseboat, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts arm on rail, wearing kimono, tea ceremony, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts in robe holding staff looking sideways, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts in robe holding staff, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts in robe holding staff, left hand on belt, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts in robe holding staff, standing sideways, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts in robe, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts in white shirt, with hand on hip, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts kneeling holding open fan, tea ceremony, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts kneeling with hands on thighs, tea ceremony, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts kneeling, holding fan to head, tea ceremony, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts kneeling, holding fan upright with both hands, tea ceremony, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts kneeling, holding fan upright with right hand, tea ceremony, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts kneeling, holding fan towards bowl, tea ceremony, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts standing near bell tea ceremony, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts wearing kimono, tea ceremony, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Alan Watts, in white shirt looking to the left, from Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Ale Ekstrom, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Almost low tide, shadow at top, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Anchor outs at low tide man in the center, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Anchor outs at low tide with man in the foreground, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Anderson at the pilot wheel, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Anderson on the left, unidentified man and Jac Campbell on his boat, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Anderson working on a boat, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Bald man on the left, Captain Garbage and future psychiatrist, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Barry, Woodstock architect/designer, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Blond man working on Chinese junk, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Blond with hair in braids and spangles, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1969
Boat restoration at the ways, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Canadian sculptor ?, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Captain Garbage and Wayne facing camera, Dredge and 1 other man and 4 dogs, Mud Wedding, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Captain Garbage looking hung over, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970
Captain Garbage, the groom, (face covered in mud), Mud Wedding #97, Gate Five, Sausalito, CA 1970