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box 535

Howe, Jonathan 1992

box 535

Humphrey, Muriel 1978

box 535

Hussein I, King of Jordan 1976-1991

box 535

Inouye, Daniel 1982-1989

box 535

Johnson, Claudia "Lady Bird" 1970

box 535

Kaiser, Edgar 1972-1974

box 535

Keeley, Robert 1989

box 535

Kemp, Jack 1980 November 16, 1989

box 535

Kennedy, John F. 1959

box 535

Kennedy, Richard T. 1989

box 535

Khan, S. Yaqub 1987-1989

box 535

Kirk, Roger 1989

box 535

Kissinger, Henry 1977-1994

box 535

Knight, Andrew 1979-1988

box 536

Knight, Andrew, continued 1979-1988

box 536

Koch, Edward 1978

box 536

Kohl, Helmut 1983-1989

box 536

Kollek, Teddy 1991

box 536

Kornberg, Arthur 1990

box 536

Labor-Management Advisory Committee 1973

box 536

Lasser, Arthur B. 1986

box 536

Lederer, Eppie (Ann Landers) 1985

box 536

Lee Kuan Yew 1978-1988

box 536

Levy, Mrs. Nissam 1989

box 536

Littlefield, Edmund Wattis 1994

box 536

Lyng, Richard 1974

box 536

Mahathir Bin Mohamad 1988

box 536

Major, John 1990

box 536

Mansfield, Mike 1980-1992

box 536

Marks, Leonard 1951 October 18, 1989

box 536

Martin, William McC., Jr. 1989

box 536

McClellan, John L. 1974

box 536

Menuhin, Yehudi 1986

box 536

Miller, G. William 1981

box 536

Mitchell, James P. 1959

box 536

Miyazawa, Kiichi 1988-1989

box 536

Moses, John Bromley 1983-1984

box 536

Motley, Langhorne Anthony 1984-1989

box 536

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick 1970-1986

box 537

Mulroney, Brian 1992

box 537

Nakasone, Yasuhiro 1983-1989

box 537

Nassikas, John 1974

box 537

Netanyahu, Benjamin 1986

box 537

Newsweek 1989

box 537

Nitze, Paul 1985-1989

box 537

Nixon, Patricia 1974

box 537

Nixon, Richard 1961-1994

box 537

Peres, Shimon 1984-1988

box 537

Pichler, Joseph A. 1974

box 537

Powell, Colin 1988

box 537

Powell, Lewis P., Jr. 1984

box 537

Rabin, Yitzhak 1972-1989

box 537

Reagan, Nancy 1985-1988

box 537

Reagan, Ronald 1972-1994

box 538

Reagan Administration: Executive Level Presidential Appointees Organization 1988

box 538

Regan, Donald 1968-1987

box 538

Roh Tae Woo and Kim Ock Sook (Mrs. Roh) 1989-1992

box 538

Roosevelt, Selwa 1981-1989

box 538

Rubenstein, Ely 1985-1989

box 538

Rumsfeld, Donald 1969-1988

Scope and Contents

2 folders.
box 538

Rusk, Dean 1984

box 538

Salinas de Gortari, Carlos 1992-1994

box 538

Saud Al-Faisal 1980-1988

box 538

Schmidt, Helmut 1974-1989

box 539

Schmults, Edward C. 1974-1977

box 539

Scott, Hugh 1974

box 539

Seitz, Ray 1989

box 539

Shamir, Yitzhak 1989

box 539

Shevardnadze, Eduard. See also Mikhail Gorbachev 1985-1990

box 539

Simon, William 1974-1987

box 539

Smith, William French 1981-1985

box 539

Sofaer, Abraham 1985-1989

box 539

Sommer, Peter 1980

box 539

Stahl, Leslie 1986

box 539

Stein, Herb and Mildred 1985

box 539

Stigler, George J. 1987

box 539

Stockman, David 1980-1984

box 539

Strauss, Lewis 1969

box 539

Thatcher, Margaret 1981-1993

box 539

Timmons, William E. 1969-1974

box 539

Trevor, Claire 1988

box 539

Uchida, Hiroshi 1988

box 539

Ullman, Al 1974-1980

box 539

Ussery, Michael 1989

box 539

Volcker, Paul A. 1985

box 539

Volpe, John 1972-1974

box 539

Wachtmeister, Wilhelm 1982-1989

box 539

Waggonner, Joe D., Jr. 1974-1978

box 539

Walesa, Lech 1991

box 539

Wallich, Henry 1974

box 539

Weinberger, Caspar 1971-1986

box 539

Whitman, Marina v. N. 1974-1987

box 539

Wiesel, Elie 1985

box 539

Wirtz, Willard 1969-1995

box 539

Wisner, Frank 1989

box 539

Wong, Marcia 1990-1992

box 539

Writson, Walter B. 1982

box 539

Younger, Evelle J. 1978

box 539

Zilk, Helmut 1989

box 539

Zumwalt, E. R., Jr. 1974-1984


Letters received when George Shultz left the Department of the Treasury, A-Z 1974 March-April

box 540, folder 1


box 540, folder 2


box 540, folder 3


box 540, folder 4


box 540, folder 5


box 541

Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs, album of appreciation letters from world leaders 1988-1989 January


Special Letters File II 1988-2014

Scope and Contents

Photocopies of letters previously kept by George Shultz in an album before they were integrated into this file of special letters.
box 1964

List of Special Letters in album prepared for George Shultz circa 1993

box 1964

Allen, George 2006

box 1964

Alois, Prince of Liechtenstein 2006

box 1964

Amos, James F. 2011

box 1964

Annan, Kofi 1999

box 1964

Annenberg, Walter and Lee 1989-2002

box 1964

Aznar, Jose Maria 2004

box 1964

Bessmertnykh, Alexander 2000

box 1964

Blair, Tony 2004

box 1964

Brown, Gordon 2005

box 1964

Brown, Willie L., Jr. 2014

box 1964

Bush, George H. W. 1994-1999

box 1964

Bush, George W. 1998

box 1964

Bush, Jeb 1998

box 1964

Bush, Laura 2006

box 1964

Campbell, Tom 2005

box 1964

Cheney, Dick 2003

box 1964

Cheney, Lynne 2006

box 1964

Chesin, Sorrell 1993

box 1964

Chirac, Jacques 1995

box 1964

Clinton, Bill 2000

box 1964

Clinton, Hillary 2009-2012

box 1964

Clinton, Hillary and Leon Panetta 2011

box 1964

Christopher, Warren 1993

box 1964

Daschle, Tom 2009

box 1964

Dole, Robert 1996

box 1964

Dreier, David 2006

box 1964

Dunford, Joseph F., Jr. 2012

box 1964

Eshoo, Anna 2010

box 1964

Evans, Donald 2005

box 1964

Feinstein, Dianne 2004

box 1964

Fischer, Stanley 2005

box 1964

Ford, Gerald 1995

box 1964

Frist, William 2001

box 1964

Gingrich, Newt 1996

box 1964

Glazer, Guilford 1995

box 1964

Gorbachev, Mikhail 1995

box 1964

Graham, Donald 2001

box 1964

Graham, Lindsey 2012

box 1964

Gramm, Phil 1994

box 1964

Greenspan, Alan 2001

box 1964

Hagel, Chuck 2002

box 1964

Ham, Carter 2011

box 1964

Haney, C.D. 2012

box 1964

Harriman, Pamela 1995

box 1964

Hastert, Dennis and Trent Lott 2000

box 1964

Hawke, Robert 2010

box 1964

Hennessey, John 2006

box 1964

Heubusch, John D. 2012

box 1964

Hill, Charlie 2014

box 1964

Holton, Linwood 2005

box 1964

Hussein, King of Jordan 1994

box 1964

Jiang Zemin 1998

box 1964

Kagame, Jeannette 2006

box 1964

Kerry, John 2013

box 1964

Kim Dae-jung 1998

box 1964

Kissinger, Henry 1998

box 1964

Kohl, Helmut 1994

box 1964

Lee Kuan Yew 1995

box 1964

Lee Myung-bak 2009

box 1964

Littlefield, Edmund and Jeannik 1993-1998, 2004

box 1964

Lott, Trent. See Hastert

box 1964

Lougheed, Peter 2010

box 1964

Lugar, Richard 2007-2012

box 1964

Mabus, Ray 2011

box 1964

McCain, John 1998

box 1964

Medvedev, Dmitry 2010

box 1964

Miyazawa, Kiichi 1995-1998

box 1964

Nakasone, Yasuhiro 2003

box 1964

Netanyahu, Benjamin 1996-2012

box 1964

Newsom, Gavin 2004

box 1965

Obama, Barack 2009

box 1965

O'Connor, Sandra Day 2004

box 1965

Pace, Peter 2006

box 1965

Paulson, Henry 2006

box 1965

Pelosi, Nancy 2010-2013

box 1965

Peres, Shimon 1993-2012

box 1965

Planinc, Milka 2002

box 1965

Powell, Colin 2001

box 1965

Price, Carol 2000

box 1965

Quintrell, Tom 2006

box 1965

Rabin, Yitzhak 1993-1994

box 1965

Reagan, Nancy 1995

box 1965

Reagan, Ronald 1978

box 1965

Rice, Condoleezza 2001-2003

box 1965

Roberts, John 2006

box 1965

Roh Moo-hyun 2003

box 1965

Romney, Mitt 2006

box 1965

Rove, Karl 2002

box 1965

Rumsfeld, Donald 2002

box 1965

Schifter, Richard 2009

box 1965

Schmidt, Helmut 1988

box 1965

Schwarzenegger, Arnold 2003

box 1965

Seitz, R. G. H. 1994

box 1965

Shamir, Yitzhak 1994

box 1965

Shevardnadze, Eduard 1994-1998

box 1965

Shinseki, Eric 2009

box 1965

Shriver, Eunice 2006

box 1965

Shriver, Maria 2004

box 1965

Shultz, Tyler 2013

box 1965

Steinitz, Yuval 2012

box 1965

Tang Jiaxuan 2000

box 1965

Tatum, Frank 2001

box 1965

Thatcher, Margaret 1998

box 1965

Trichet, Jean-Claude 2010

box 1965

Tung, C. H. 2012

box 1965

Unruh, H. Kirk 1945

box 1965

Usery, Bill 2004

box 1965

Volcker, Paul 2000

box 1965

Wang Yunxiang 2000

box 1965

Weber, Arnold 2001

box 1965

Weld, William 1994-1996

box 1965

Whitman, Christine 1997

box 1965

Wilson, Gayle 2013

box 1965

Wilson, Pete 1994

box 1965

Zinns, Ginny 1994


Special Letters File III 1959-2015

box 2148

Abe, Shintaro 1990

box 2148

Abe, Shinzo 2006

box 2148

Abraham, Spencer 2003

box 2148

Abu Ghazala, Mohamed Abdel Halim 1989

box 2148

Allen, George 2006

box 2148

Amos, General James F. 2011

box 2148

Andersson, Sten 1988

box 2148

Annan, Kofi A. 1999

box 2148

Annenberg, Walter H. 1997

box 2148

Aquino, Corazon 1989

box 2148

Armstrong, Anne 1986

box 2148

Aznar, Jose Maria 2004

box 2148

Baker, Howard H., Jr. 1987

box 2148

Bandar Bin Sultan Bin Abdulaziz 1983

box 2148

Barber, Anthony 1974

box 2148

Bechtel, Stephen D., Jr. 1976

box 2148

Bessmertnykh, Alexander A. 2000 2010

box 2148

Blair, Tony 2004 2006

box 2148

Boschwitz, Rudy 1986

box 2148

Bowen, William G. 1984

box 2148

Brock, William E. 1984

box 2148

Brown, Gordon 2005

box 2148

Brown, Willie 2014

box 2148

Burns, Arthur F. 1984

box 2148

Bush, George 1994 1999 2007 2009

box 2148

Bush, George W. 1998-2008

box 2148

Bush, Jeb 1998 2006

box 2148

Bush, Laura 2006 2010

box 2148

Campbell, Tom 2005

box 2148

Carlucci, Frank 1986

box 2148

Carter, Jimmy 1977

box 2148

Cheney, Dick 2003-2005

box 2148

Cheney, Lynne 2006

box 2148

Chesin, Sorrell E. 1993

box 2148

Chirac, Jacques and Bernadette 1995

box 2148

Christopher, Warren 1993 1994

box 2148

Clark, Joe 1989

box 2148

Clinton, Bill 1994 2000

box 2148

Clinton, Hillary 2009 2011 2012

box 2148

Crocker, Chester A. 1985

box 2148

Crowe, William J., Jr. 1989

box 2148

Dam, Kenneth W. 1973

box 2148

Daschle, Tom 2008

box 2148

Dobrynin, Anatoly 1986

box 2148

Dole, Robert 1996

box 2148

Dreier, David 2006

box 2148

Dunford, General Joseph F., Jr. 2012

box 2148

Eagleburger, Lawrence S. 1982

box 2148

Eshoo, Anna 2010

box 2148

Evans, Donald L. 2005

box 2148

Feinstein, Dianne 2004-2009

box 2148

Fischer, Stanley 2005 2006

box 2148

Fonda, Jane 1987

box 2148

Forbes, Malcolm 1969

box 2148

Ford, Gerald 1974 1995

box 2148

Friedman, Milton 1984

box 2148

Frist, William H. 2005 2006

box 2148

Galbraith, John Kenneth 1984

box 2148

Genscher, Hans-Dietrich 1990

box 2148

Gingrich, Newt 1996

box 2148

Giscard d'Estaing, Valery 1974

box 2148

Glazer, Guilford 1995

box 2148

Gorbachev, Mikhail 1989-2015

box 2148

Graham, Donald E. 2001

box 2148

Graham, Katharine 1986

box 2148

Graham, Lindsey 2012

box 2148

Gramm, Phil 1994

box 2148

Greenspan, Alan 2001 2006

box 2148

Hagel, Chuck 2002

box 2148

Haig, Alexander M., Jr. 1982

box 2148

Ham, General Carter F. 2011

box 2148

Haney, Admiral C. D. 2012

box 2148

Harriman, Pamela 1995

box 2148

Hastert, Dennis, and Trent Lott 2000

box 2148

Hawke, Robert 1989 2010

box 2148

Henderson, Loy W. 1984

box 2148

Hennessy, John L. 2006

box 2148

Heubusch, John D. 2012

box 2148

Hodgson, James D. 1986

box 2148

Holton, Linwood 2005

box 2148

House, Karen E. 1988

box 2148

Hussein, King of Jordan, and Marwan Kasim for King Hussein 1988 1994

box 2148

Jiang Zemin 1998

box 2148

Kagame, Jeannette 2006

box 2148

Kennedy, John F. 1959

box 2148

Kenny, Enda 2013

box 2148

Kerry, John F. 2013

box 2148

Kim Dae-Jung 1998

box 2148

Kissinger, Henry A. 1977-2011

box 2148

Knight, Andrew 1983

box 2148

Kohl, Helmut 1989-2010

box 2148

Laffer, Arthur B. 1986

box 2148

Lederer, Eppie (Ann Landers) 1985

box 2148

Lee Kuan Yew 1988-2011

Scope and Contents

7 letters.
box 2148

Lee Myung-bak 2009

box 2148

Liechtenstein, Prince Alois 2006

box 2148

Littlefield, Edmund Wattis 1993-1998

Scope and Contents

4 letters.
box 2148

Lougheed , Honourable Peter 2010

box 2148

Lugar, Richard G. 2007 2010 2012

box 2149

Mabus, Ray 2011

box 2149

Mansfield, Mike 1992

box 2149

Menuhin, Yehudi 1986

box 2149

Medvedev, Dmitry Anatolyevich 2010

box 2149

Miyazawa, Kiichi 1989 1995 1998

box 2149

Moynihan, Daniel P. 1984

box 2149

Nakasone, Yasuhiro 1989 2003

box 2149

Netanyahu, Benjamin 1986-2012

Scope and Contents

5 letters.
box 2149

Newsom, Gavin 2005 2006

box 2149

Nitze, Paul 1989

box 2149

Nixon, Richard 1990 1993 1994

box 2149

Obama, Barack 2009 2010 2015

box 2149

O'Connor, Sandra Day 2004 2008

box 2149

Pace, General Peter, USMC, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff 2006 2007

box 2149

Paulson, Henry 2007

box 2149

Pelosi, Nancy 2010 2013

box 2149

Peres, Shimon 1993 1994 2010 2012

box 2149

Planinc, Milka 2002

box 2149

Powell, Colin 1988-2006

box 2149

Powell, Lewis F., Jr. 1984

box 2149

Price, Carol 2000

box 2149

Rabin, Yitzhak 1973 1993 1994

box 2149

Reagan, Nancy 1985-2012

Scope and Contents

13 letters.
box 2149

Reagan, Ronald 1978-1994

Scope and Contents

5 letters.
box 2149

Rice, Condoleezza 2001

box 2149

Roberts, John G. 2006

box 2149

Roh Tae Woo 1991 2003

box 2149

Romney, Mitt 2006

box 2149

Rove, Karl 2002 2004

box 2149

Rumsfeld, Donald 1984-2006

Scope and Contents

7 letters.
box 2149

Rusk, Dean 1984

box 2149

Schifter, Richard 2008

box 2149

Schmidt, Helmut 1980-2013

Scope and Contents

8 letters.
box 2149

Schwarzenegger, Arnold 2003-2012

Scope and Contents

9 letters.
box 2149

Seitz, Ray 1989

box 2149

Shamir, Yitzhak 1994

box 2149

Shevardnadze, Eduard 1989 1994 1995 1998

box 2149

Shinseki, General Eric K. 2009

box 2149

Shriver, Maria 2004-2010

Scope and Contents

7 letters.
box 2149

Simon, William E. 1974

box 2149

Smith, William French 1985

box 2149

Sofaer, Abraham D. 1989

box 2149

Stahl, Leslie 1986

box 2149

Stein, Herbert and Mildred 1985

box 2149

Steinitz, Yuval 2012

box 2149

Stigler, George J. 1987

box 2149

Tang Jiaxuan 2000

box 2149

Tatum, Frank D., Jr. 2001 2002

box 2149

Thatcher, Margaret 1993-2002

Scope and Contents

6 letters.
box 2149

Trevor, Claire 1988

box 2149

Trichet, Jean-Claude 2010

box 2149

Tung, C. H. 2012

box 2149

Ullman, Al 1974

box 2149

Usery, Bill 2004

box 2149

Volcker, Paul 1985 2000 2009

box 2149

Volpe, John A. 1974

box 2149

Waggonner, Joe D., Jr. 1974

box 2149

Wang Yunxiang 2000

box 2149

Weber, Arnold R. 2001

box 2149

Weld, William F. 1994 1996

box 2149

Whitman, Christine Todd 1997 1999

box 2149

Wiesel, Elie 1985

box 2149

Wilson, Pete 1994

box 2149

Wirtz, W. Willard 1969

box 2149

Wriston, Walter B. 1982

box 2149

Zinns, Ginny 1994

box 2149

Zumwalt, W. R., Jr. 1974




Series closed, boxes 725-852, 858-883, 933, 1103, 1108, 1177-1178, 1265, 1281-1282, 1336, 1342-1343, 1345, 1350, 1390, 1393, 1450-1454, 1530, 1537, 1573, 1581-1582, 1615-1616, 1673, 1760-1762, 1765, 1780-1781, 1829, 1860-1863, 1872-1876, 1931-1932, 2155-2161, 2184.

INCREMENT (photographs) 2000 January


Series closed, boxes: 1281-1282


Scope and Contents

Collection of public record material chronicling George Shultz's career, primarily during his years in government service.


Series closed, boxes: 543-587

TAPES 1959-2009


Series closed, boxes: 588-607, 884-914, 931-932, 1001-1002, 1063-1066, 1101-1102, 1105, 1171-1173, 1176, 1262-1264, 1330-1335, 1346-1349, 1391, 1394-1398, 1402, 1455, 1574-1575, 1769-1770, 1864, 2162



Series closed, boxes 1576-1578, 1767-1768, 1782, 2162.


Scope and Contents

Awards, gifts, mementos, cartoons, albums, diplomas, honorary degrees, appointments, certificates, and art.


Series closed, boxes 608-724, 853-857, 915-930, 1067, 1175, 1258-1261, 1266-1269, 1337, 1392, 1450-1454, 1526-1529, 1532-1534, 1535-1536, 1615-1616, 1624, 1630-1643, 1674-1681, 1763-1764, 1766, 1771-1776, , 1777-1781, 1822-1824, 1862-1863, 1873-1874, 1876, 1901-1903, 1931-1932, 1935-1951, 2155-2161, 2163.

Memorabilia XI, contains photographs and oversize 2007 June


Series closed, boxes: 1581-1582


Scope and Contents

Formerly security classified records of the U.S. government that have been released in full or in part in circa 2001.


Series closed.
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