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[Becoming bald]

box 242, item V18

"Becoming bald for Full Jar, Empty Jar 1974 Ulrike Birkhof / Allan Kaprow / Lennie camera," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS) (32 min. 10 sec.): sound, black and white; 1/2 in., labeled "Audio: mixed 1&2 / Remaster of 1/2" open reel 1/01," original paper case in box 246.
box 306, item V455

"Becoming bald UCSD / Original edit," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videotape reel; 1/2 in., papers in box 256 folder 22, original case in box 308.
box 242, item V19

" Full Jar, Empty Jar / Becoming bald Original edit 1974 / UCSD B+Wh. / Ulrike Birkhoff / Allan Kaprow," undated

Full Jar, Empty Jar (1974 November 21): Full Jar, Empty Jar / Becoming bald Original edit 1974 / UCSD B+Wh. / Ulrike Birkhoff / Allan Kaprow (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS) (32 min.): sound, black and white; 1/2 in., labeled "Audio: mixed 1&2 / Remaster of 1/2" open reel 1/01," original paper case in box 246.

[Rachel, Barbara T. Smith, John Duncan]

box 294, item R21

"About 1/2 = voice of John Duncan + B. Smith 23rd Psalm + Rachel, Rachel,... for Full Jar, Empty Jar / 3/27/02 Recorded on DAT tape #21 / 2nd half Chip Arp LAICA / Chip Arp + introduction to LAICA discussion / Recorded on DAT tape #31," undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog, 7 1/2 ips; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 297.
box 229, item C157

" Full Jar, Empty Jar 1974 Rachel, Rachel 23rd Psalm BTS+voice of John Duncan 7 min / Ordinary Life (Part II) 3/1977," 1977?

Full Jar, Empty Jar 1974 Rachel, Rachel 23rd Psalm BTS+voice of John Duncan 7 min / Ordinary Life (Part II) 3/1977 (digital version available on-site only): 1977?

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in. Labeled "21".

To Draw Together (1974 December 8), undated

box 242, item V13

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., undated

To Draw Together (1974 December 8): 1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

Original paper case in box 246.
box 306, item V457

1 videotape reel; 1/2 in., undated

Scope and Contents

Papers in box 256 folder 24, original case in box 308.
box 229, item C156

"1. F Space - sounds by Michael Brewster 1974 / 2. Cat purring chimes 1974 (approx 21 min) / 3. 1973 Josef Bird + Jeff: stars (2 min) Void (5 min) Comet in stars (2 min)," undated

1. F Space - sounds by Michael Brewster 1974 / 2. Cat purring chimes 1974 (approx 21 min) / 3. 1973 Josef Bird + Jeff: stars (2 min) Void (5 min) Comet in stars (2 min) (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in. Labeled "20".

Color Transformation (1974), 1974, 1997

Scope and Contents

Video piece.
box 242, item V21

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., undated

Color Transformation (1974): 1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in. (digitized version available on-site only)

box 307, item V587-V588

2 videotape reels of 2: color; 1 in., 1974

Scope and Contents

V587 labeled "Original / Source / Color Transformations for NHAM 1974 / Edited color tape 1" / Original for Newport Harbor Art Museum 1974 / 1 abc Light Transformations - Color / 2 Of Birth, Death and the Invisible / Tape # 10 VHS / Commercial video 1" videotape," V588 labeled "Original videodetic color tape / Copy onto 3/4" video / Long Beach may have a copy / VHS tape #11."
box 272, item V374-V375

"COLOR TRANSFORMATIONS: eggs, nests words - recreation / Studio directors: David Sheetenhelm of Videodetics Co. + John Jebb of APPS 1997 - titles," 1997

Scope and Contents

2 videocassettes of 2 (U-matic) (14 min.): color; 3/4 in., V374 labeled "3rd generation master with titles," V375 labeled "4th generation dubbed from 3rd generation edited master w/titles."

Light Transformations (1974), undated

Scope and Contents

Video piece.
box 274, item V400

1 videocassette (Beta SP); 1/2 in., undated

Light Transformations (1974): 1 videocassette (Beta SP) (digital version available on-site only)

box 242, item V20

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., undated

Scope and Contents

Labeled "VTR #63," original paper case in box 246.

The Uncertainty Principle (1974?), undated

box 242, item V14

1 videocassette (VHS) (16 min. 45 sec.): sound, black and white; 1/2 in., undated

Scope and Contents

Labeled "Audio: mixed 1&2 / Remaster of 1/2" open reel 1/01,"
box 306, item V453

1 videotape reel; 1/2 in., undated

Scope and Contents

Papers in box 256, folder 20, original case in box 308.
box 242, item V15

"9 minutes. Time lapse. Moving monuments a+b Reaching out / Heisenberg's Uncertainty Prin. / Barbara T. Smith / Camera: Bruce Lyon," undated

The Uncertainty Principle (1974?): "9 minutes. Time lapse. Moving monuments a+b Reaching out / Helen Burg's Uncertainty Prin. / Barbara T. SMith / Camera: Bruce Lyon" (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS) ; 1/2 in.
box 274, item V401

" Scan I (commercials w/ scan titles) rt: 9:47 / The Uncertainty Principle rt: 16:45," undated

The Uncertainty Principle (1974?): "Scan I (commercials w/ scan titles) rt: 9:47 / The Uncertainty Principle rt: 16:45" (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Beta SP) (26 min. 45 sec.): sound, black and white; 1/2 in., labeled "Remaster of 1/2" open reel 1/01 / B&W TRT: 26:45 / Audio: Mixed 1&2 / TC: NDF."
box 272, item V371-V372

" UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE / 1. MOVING MONUMENT / 2. A.E. Monument / 3. Reaching out / 4. Heizenberg's Uncertainty Principle a. arm b. water c. confetti d. coins / 1974 by Barbara T. Smith / Camera: Bruce Lyon - Videodetics Co. time lapse," undated

Scope and Contents

2 videocassettes of 2 (U-matic) (9 min.): black and white; 3/4 in., labeled "3rd generation from master w/ titles."

Kiss a Spot Forbidden (1975 March 3), undated

box 305, item R80

1 audiotape reel: analog, 7 1/2 ips, 4 tracks; 7 in., 1/2 in. tape, undated

Kiss a Spot Forbidden (1975 March 3): 1 audiotape reel: analog, 7 1/2 ips, 4 tracks; 7 in., 1/2 in. tape (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

Original case in box 303.
box 287, item D4

"1. Kiss a Spot / 2. Shatter House," undated

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

1 audio disc: digital; 4 3/4 in., labeled "2.25.2003 / Trasfered from 1/4" tapes."

Outside Chance (1975 March 3), 1975?, undated

box 243, item V26

1 videocassette (VHS) (2 min. 18 sec); 1/2 in., undated

Scope and Contents

Labeled "LAS VEGAS - at PLAZA HOTEL / glitches."
V26 duplicates the contents of F77.
box 348, item V596

1 videotape reel (2" quad); 2 in., 1975?

Scope and Contents

Labeled "Original / Source," original container in box 351.
V596 duplicates the contents of F77.
box 346, item F77

1 film reel; 16 mm, 1975?

Outside Chance (1975 March 3): 1 film reel; 16 mm, (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

Labeled "Film out - Outside Change? / Orig film," original container in box 304.
box 273, item V381

" Outside Chance #1 Barbara Smith performed at Plaza Hotel, LAS VEGAS for U. of Nevada 1975 / FAIR CONDITION/ CAMERA: MEGAN WILLIAMS / Rec 12/1/77 / Dub from Outside Chance? No AUDIO," 1975?

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic) (2 min. 18 sec.): silent; 3/4 in.
V381 duplicates the contents of F77.
box 274, item V403

"Outside Chace 1975 #2 Master / Camera: Megan Williams / Plaza Hotel Las Vegas for U. of Nevada," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic) (1 min. 31 sec.); 3/4 in., labeled "02/13/95 D59212 / DFTC ADD TRK."
V403 duplicates the contents of F77.
box 299, item R63

Wha Do Dogs Say When They Bark? (1975 March 27), undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog, 2 tracks; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 301. Labeled "Recorded on DAT tape #22."

A Week in the Life of... (1975 March to 1976 February), 1979?, 1998, undated

box 307, item V589-V590

2 videotape reels of 2; 1/2 in., undated

Scope and Contents

V589 labeled "1/2 / 5/25/75 / copy by BAVC to Beta'" V590 labeled "2/2 / 5/25/75 / copy by BAVC to Beta / Return to IMS tape #2."
box 274, item V406

"#1 End of A wk. in the life of... (reel 1) #2 2nd end of A wk in the life of... from reel 2 (bad skew) / very bad tape: A Negotiation 1978 pc. done at Chapman College / Do not lose!," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic): black and white; 3/4 in., papers in box 256 folder 14.
box 296, item R31

"1 Sine+box waves w/ Gordon / 2 Psychodrama w/ Don Miller at MTMS / Mary Leversee's. Rick Burns, Neil Jay Michsle! / 3 Interview with Bob + Ray Green Walker A Week in the Life of...," undated

1 Sine+box waves w/ Gordon / 2 Psychodrama w/ Don Miller at MTMS / Mary Leversee's. Rick Burns, Neil Jay Michsle! / 3 Interview with Bob + Ray Green Walker A Week in the Life of… (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 297.

15 performers


"15 Performers Reel #1 32:32 / 15 Performers Reel #2 32:08 / 7/18/75 / A week in the Life of... stay at Larry Grobely,"

Language of Material: English.
box 242, item V24

1 videocassette (VHS) (32 min. 10 sec.); 1/2 in., undated

box 272, item V379

1 videocassette (Beta SP) (65 min. 08 sec.): sound, black and white; 1/2 in., 1998

A Week in the Life of... (1975 March to 1976 February): 15 performers: 15 Performers Reel #1 32:32 / 15 Performers Reel #2 32:08 / 7/18/75 / A week in the Life of... stay at Larry Grobely: 1 videocassette (Beta SP) (65 min. 08 sec.): sound, black and white; 1/2 in. (digital version available on-site only): 1998

Scope and Contents

Labeled "1/2" open reel remastered to BetaSP / Technician: J. Selsley 12/98 / TC stars 01:00:00:00 / Black and White / TC: NDF Audio: Mixed to 1&2 / TRT: 65:08, / Gathering of performance artists @ Larry Grobel's apt during my Week in the Life of... stay @ his place."
box 306, item V460

1 videotape reel; 1/2 in., undated

Scope and Contents

Papers in box 256 folder 26.
box 307, item V461

"15 performers tape #2," undated

Scope and Contents

Papers in box 256 folder 27.

"15 Performers Reel #3,"

box 243, item V25

1 videocassette (VHS) (32 min. 32 sec.); 1/2 in., undated

box 272, item V380

1 videocassette (Beta SP) (32 min. 32 sec.): sound, black and white; 1/2 in., 1998

A Week in the Life of... (1975 March to 1976 February): 15 performers: 15 Performers Reel #3: 1 videocassette (Beta SP) (32 min. 32 sec.): sound, black and white; 1/2 in. (digital version available on-site only): 1998

Scope and Contents

Labeled "1/2" open reel remastered to BetaSP / Technician: J. Selsley 12/98 / TC stars 01:00:00:00 / Black and White / TC: NDF Audio: Mixed to 1&2 / TRT: 32:32, / Gathering of performance artists @ Larry Grobel's apt during my stay at his place for the Week in the Life of..."
box 307, item V462

1 videotape reel; 1/2 in., undated

Scope and Contents

Papers in box 256 folder 28.


box 242, item V23

"Auction reel #1 64:06 / Auction reel #2 8:15 / 1975 - TRT: 72:30 / The actual auction / Window dub," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS) (72 min. 30 sec.); 1/2 in.,
box 272, item v378

"The actual auction / Auction Reel #1 64:06 / Auction Reel #2 8:15," undated

A Week in the Life of... (1975 March to 1976 February): Auction: The actual auction / Auction Reel #1 64:06 / Auction Reel #2 8:15 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Beta SP) (72 min. 30 sec.): sound, black and white; 1/2 in., labeled "1/2" open reel remastered to BetaSP / Technician: J. Selsley 12/98 / TC stars 01:00:00:00 / Black and White / TC: NDF Audio: Mixed to 1&2 / TRT: 72:30."

"Gary Lynch, conversation regarding A Week in the Life of..., November 1977,"

box 230, item C175

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in., undated

Gary Lynch, conversation regarding A Week in the Life of... , November 1977: 1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

Labeled as "39".
box 226, item C8-C10

3 audiocassettes of 3: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, 1979?

A Week in the Life of... (1975 March to 1976 February): Gary Lynch, conversation regarding A Week in the Life of... , November 1977: 3 audiocassettes of 3: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape (digital version available on-site only): 1979?

Scope and Contents

C10 labeled "Gary Lynch, conversation regarding A Week in the Life of..., November 1977; at about 49: interview with Bob Walker + Ray Green about A Week in the Life of... after dinner at Club 32; Ordinary Life Part II introduction."
box 296, item R32

1 audiotape reel (115 min.): analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, undated

Gary Lynch, conversation regarding A Week in the Life of... , November 1977: 1 audiotape reel (115 min.): analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

Original case in box 297.
box 274, item V405

Reel #1, undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic): sound, black and white; 3/4 in., labeled "copied also to Beta at Bauc / 1 hour / Very bad skew line," papers in box 256 folder 13.
box 288, item D76

Stills, undated

Scope and Contents

1 computer disc (CD-R): digital; 4 3/4 in.

I Am Not Lost but Hidden (1975 November 1), 1975, undated

box 229, item C158

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in, undated

I Am Not Lost but Hidden (1975 November 1): 1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

Labeled "22", includes What Do Dogs Say When They Bark?
box 294, item R24

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, undated

Scope and Contents

Original case in box 297, labeled "Recorded on DAT tape #22 / Brian - Lauren / About 1/2 blank."
box 273, item V382-V384

3 videocassettes of 3 (U-matic) (11 min.): color; 3/4 in., 1975

I Am Not Lost but Hidden (1975 November 1): 3 videocassettes of 3 (U-matic) (11 min.): color; 3/4 in. (digital version available on-site only): 1975

Scope and Contents

V382 Labeled "Master," V383 labeled "Original edited master / Thought to be the master / I Am Not Lost but Hidden / Performed at Johnstone College, University of Redlands, Saturday, November 1, 1975, by Barbara Smith / Video Technology by Dave Sheetenhelm of Kawasaki Corp., Santa Ana and his crew; Mike Pool and Larry Quarrels of Johnstone College / Final version Peter [Kirby?] at Long Bch / Video segments: Martin Carbajal, Read Miller, Jim Fox, Mike Pool, Tom Bowman / Assistants to the performance: Libby Laurie, Karen Fladger, Lee Harrington, Bill Condon, Stu Sappidin, Michel Landa, Frank Blume. Audio: John Duncan, voices: Thea Ranson ride out B. Smith / Photographers: David Resenak, Michael Nelson, and Dave Bowman / Plus a lot of stuff at end from original / 11 min," V384 labeled "2nd generation." V383 papers in box 256, folder 11.
box 243, item V29, V31

2 videocassettes of 2 (VHS) (11 min. each); 1/2 in., undated

box 307, item V465

1 videotape reel; 1/2 in., undated

Scope and Contents

Papers and original case in box 309.

An Experiment with Glasses (1975), undated

box 226, item C5

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, undated

An Experiment with Glasses (1975): 1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

Side A is labeled "Dialogue with Richard Newton", side B "almost empty".
box 302, item R67

"1. Some electronic sound / 2. 1/4 is noise from some party? / ? is An Experiment with Glasses / 3. Barbara story / 4. Ambient outdoor sounds of neighborhood - birds chipping, dogs barking, a lawn mower or blower occasional car/airplane (overhead) / Recorded at different speeds / Spliced / 1 2 + 4 recorded on DAT tape #43 / 3 recorded on DAT tape #44," undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 301.

The Absent Lover (1976 May 26), 1976, 1998, undated

box 243, item V28

1 videocassette (VHS) (20 min.): Black and white; 1/2 in., 1998

The Absent Lover: 1 videocassette (VHS) (20 min.): Black and white; 1/2 in.: 1976 May 26

Scope and Contents

Labeled "Remaster of 1/2" open reel to VHS 12/98," priginal paper case in box 246.
box 307, item V464

1 videotape reel; 1/2 in., undated

Scope and Contents

Papers in box 256 folder 30, original case in box 308.

[Sounds at Forest Fall]

box 294, item R25

"Approx 1/2 hrs / Absent Lover / 1/20/76 / At Forest Falls meal: w/ Linda Gellman, Kathy Niles, Shawn Mayes, David Paul Corneil 1/20/76 / Absent Lover / Recorded on DAT tape #23 / Added to tape: sounds at Forest Fall / Sounds F/show at Mills College f/Tom Marioni," 1976

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 297.
box 229, item C159

"Motorcycle sounds / 4/76 Sounds at Forest Fall (12 min) / 1/72 Sounds for show at Mills College for Tom Marioni (4 min) / 1/72 Joni Mitchell Absent Lover meal w/ Linda Gellman Kathy Niles Shawn Mayers," undated

Motorcycle sounds / 4/76 Sounds at Forest Fall (12 min) / 1/72 Sounds for show at Mills College for Tom Marioni (4 min) / 1/72 Joni Mitchell Absent Lover meal w/ Linda Gellman Kathy Niles Shawn Mayers (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in. Labeled "23".
box 243, item V30

"Footage for I Am Not Lost / Source / remastered from 1/2" open reel original 03/00 / Technician: J. Selsley," undated

The Absent Lover (1976 May 26): Footage for I Am Not Lost / Source / remastered from 1/2" open reel original 03/00 / Technician: J. Selsley (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS) (28 min.): black and white; 1/2 in.,

The Cloistered Study (1976 May)

box 226, item C6

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, 1988

The Cloistered Study (1976 May): 1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape (digital version available on-site only): 1988

Scope and Contents

Labeled "Tape=1988. The Cloistered Study; for Johnston College. Redlands University exhibition April 5-25 1988. Collaboration with Marsha Adams for exhibition A Meeting Place 1988."

The Cover Up (1976 August 10)


" Cover Up interview ATA Convention Baltimore 8/10/1976 / Maid 5 min / Young man 15 min," 1976?, undated

box 230, item C173

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in, undated

Cover Up interview ATA Convention Baltimore 8/10/1976 / Maid 5 min / Young man 15 min: 1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in (digital version available on-site only): undated

box 294, item R26

1 audiotape reel (20 min.): analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, 1976?

Scope and Contents

Original case in box 297.

Ordinary Life (1977 January to March), undated

box 296, item R33-R34

Ordinary Life, Part II, undated

Scope and Contents

2 audiotape reels of 2: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 297. R33 labeled "Time: about 30-40 min. / Recorded on DAT tape #21," R34 labeled "Duplicate / Orig recorded on DAT tape #2."

With Love from A to B (1977 February 3), undated

box 273, item V385-V387

3 videocassettes of 3 (U-matic); 3/4 in, undated

Scope and Contents

V385 labeled "3/4 copies 2 color 1 b&W N. Buc [Nancy Buchanan] has color orig. / 15 min +- / 2nd generation tape / Camera: Peter Kirby / Based from b+wh version from David Ross talk show 1977 CAA convention at L.A. Hilton Hotel / color version #2 / DUB from ORIGINAL 2nd gen.," V386 labeled "Tape #2 / Version I black & white," V387 labeled "Stereo color / 8' 45" / 2nd generation tape."
box 243, item V32-V34

3 videocassettes of 3 (VHS); 1/2 in, undated

With Love from A to B (1977 February 3): 3 videocassettes of 3 (VHS); 1/2 in. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

V32 labeled "1977 Barbara T. Smith + Nancy Buchanan / Camera: Peter Kirby," V 33 labeled "Black & white 1977 / Barbara T. Smith & Nancy Buchanan / At CAA Convention / David Ross' talk show," V34 labeled "1977 color 15 min. Barbara T. Smith + Nanacy Buchanan (based on a B+WH version from David Ross' talk show 1977 CAA Convention) Camera Peter Kirby." Papers from V33 in box 246, folder 2.

The Round Table (1977), 1977?

box 226, item C7

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, 1977?

The Round Table (1977): 1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape (digital version available on-site only): 1977?

Scope and Contents

Side B labeled 'Contexts panel UCSD April 1977."

Vaya con Dios (1977), 1977, undated

box 226, item C11

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, undated

Vaya con Dios (1977): 1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape (digital version available on-site only): undated

box 226, item C12

Close Cassette 2, 1977

Scope and Contents

Includes Sound Drawings by Doug [Douglas] Huebler, Vaya con Dios by Barbara T. Smith, Wiretap by Chris Burden, 14' 7'' by Tom Recchion.
box 288, item D43

"Close Radio," undated

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

1 audio disc: digital; 4 3/4 in.

It's Either Him or Me (1978 June 13), 1978, undated

box 226, folder C13

"B. with Dick Kilgroe, Allan Kaprow at Musso & Frank," undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.

[Allan Kaprow, Dick Kilgore, Ed Miller, Allan Smith]

box 230, item C171

"Allan Kaprow Ed Miller Dick Kilgore 6/19/78 1:30 hrs / Allan Smith+BTS 11/21/78 30 min," 1978?

Allan Kaprow Ed Miller Dick Kilgore 6/19/78 1:30 hrs / Allan Smith+BTS 11/21/78 30 min (digital version available on-site only): 1978?

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette : digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in. Labeled "35".
box 296, item R29

"Allan Smith + me 11/21/78 / Added to: It's Either Him or Me / Recorded on DAT tape #35," 1978

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel (30 min.): analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 297.
box 296, item R30

"June 13 1978 Allan K. Dick K + Ed M. / Allan Kaprow, Ed Miller, Dick Kilgore / Recorded on DAT tape #35 / 1:30," 1978

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 297.

A Negotiation (1978 October 28), undated

box 243, item V35

1 videocassette (VHS) (33 min.): sound, black and white; 1/2 in., undated

A Negotiation (1978 October 28): 1 videocassette (VHS) (33 min.): sound, black and white; 1/2 in. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

Labeled "Audio: mixed 1&2 / Remaster of 1/2" open reel 1/01."
box 307, item V591

1 videotape reel: silent; 1/2 in., undated

Scope and Contents

Labeled "No sound / Chapman College / Very bad image."
box 226, item C14

"Ed Wortz biofeedback session with metronome," undated

Ed Wortz biofeedback session with metronome (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 290, item V567

" Negotiation 1978 + butterfly / Rancho La [Puerta?] butterfly [2000?] / The Negotiation 1978 / xfer from [nts?]," undated

A Negotiation (1978 October 28): Negotiation 1978 + butterfly / Rancho La [Puerta?] butterfly [2000?] / The Negotiation 1978 / xfer from [nts?] (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (MiniDV); 1/4 in.
box 226, item C15

"Self-dialogue, voice for A Negotiation," undated

Self-dialogue voice for A Negotiation (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, side B labeled "blank".


box 287, item D5

"From reel #A / Sound for A Negotiation," undated

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

1 audio disc: digital; 4 3/4 in., labeled "5/19/2007 / 1 "At the Point Where My Father's Life became a Voice" traffic / 2 / 3 / 4 whales / 5 with narration / 6 voices / 7 / 8 / 9 American Indian / 10 whales (lower) / 11 singing / 12 / 13 incomplete (no end)."
box 296, item R35

"Sound for A Negotiation," undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel (30 min.): analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 297.

Just Passing (1979 October 1), 1971?, 1979-1981

box 226, folder C16

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, 1979

Just Passing (1979 October 1): 1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape (digital version available on-site only): 1979

Scope and Contents

One side labeled " Just Passing original October 1, 1979"; other side labeled "Richard Johnson + B. in S.F. December 1979."
box 274, item V404, V407

2 videocassettes of 2 (U-matic); 3/4 in., undated

Scope and Contents

V404 labeled "15 min + preliminary time / Produced for Television Series La Mamelle Inc. San Francisco + Channel 26 / was live on T.V. Oct. 1 1979 / Edited master / 2nd generation," V407 labeled "Color / 15 min. / Performance "Live on T.V." series w/ Burden, Hershman + Lord," papers in box 256 folder 15.
box 243, item V36

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., undated

Just Passing (1979 October 1): 1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

Labeled "copy from 3/4."
box 274, item V412

"1-3 min. segments of Barbara Smith swinging for Just Passing Oct 1 '79 La Mamelle - on Ch. 26 San Francisco - Nancy Buchanan, camera 1981 ORIGINAL / 3 segments / 10 min max," 1981

Just Passing (1979 October 1): 1-3 min. segments of Barbara Smith swinging for Just Passing Oct 1 '79 La Mamelle - on Ch. 26 San Francisco - Nancy Buchanan, camera 1981 ORIGINAL / 3 segments / 10 min max (digital version available on-site only): 1981

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 296, item R39

"Audio mix SFX + voice over / Corrected version 12/11/71," 1971?

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog, 7 1/2 ips, mono; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 300.
box 298, item R40

"General sound effect original / Oct 1, 1979," 1979

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 300.
box 305, item R82

Mix outs, undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog, 7 1/2 ips, mono; 7 in., 1/2 in. tape, original case in box 303.
box 305, item R81

SFX, undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/2 in. tape, original case in box 303.

Voice over

box 305, item R83

1 audiotape reel: analog, 7 1/2 ips, mono; 7 in., 1/2 in. tape, undated

Scope and Contents

Original case in box 303, labeled "Master."
box 296, item R36-R38

3 audiotape reels of 3: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, undated

Scope and Contents

Original cases in boxes 297 and 300.

Nada, Nada, Nada (1978 December 5), 1978, undated

box 296, item R28

1 audiotape reel (25 min.): analog, 7 1/2 ips, 2 tracks, stereo; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, undated

Scope and Contents

Original case in box 297.
box 339, item F20-F24

5 film reels of 5; standard 8 mm, 1978

Nada, Nada, Nada (1978 December 5): 5 film reels of 5; standard 8 mm (digital version available on-site only): 1978

Scope and Contents

F20 labeled "Tape #2 / 11/26/78 fire escape walk PASA / 1st part of this reel is orig. edit for NADA NADA NADA the walking sequence + eating sequence (last strip is an out for same pc);" F21 labeled "Tape #3 / Also 2 surfers sand shot little girl - pier / ALISO PIER - GIRL - (CHILD) on BEACH in water. Entire roll is 1sdt orig. segment of B+W film sequence for NADA NADA NADA. Beach sequence Aliso pier / 11/78;" F22 labeled "Tape 34 Pier etc. Aliso 11/78;" F23 labeled "Tape # [?] 11/78 studio - eating at 240 So. Broadway Nada Nada Nada Franklin Furnace;" F24 labeled "11/78 Fire escape shadow. Dk shirt eating 240." Original containers in box 344.


box 229, item C160

" Nada, Nada, Nada 1978 22 min / Sounds for Nada, Nada, Nada Aliso Beach 11/25/75 sounds of sea+pier 3 hrs," undated

Nada, Nada, Nada 1978 22 min / Sounds for Nada, Nada, Nada Aliso Beach 11/25/75 sounds of sea+pier 3 hrs (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette (22 min.): digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in. Labeled "24".
box 296, item R27

"Sound of sea + pier for Nada Nada Nada / Date: 4/25 / Recorded on DAT tape #24," undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 297.

Watching Her Go (1979 April 8),

box 230, item C181

"The Doobie Brothers What a Fool Believes 2 tracks for Watching Her Go 1979," undated

The Doobie Brothers What a Fool Believes 2 tracks for Watching Her Go 1979 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in.

Audio Transart Inc. (1979), 1979-1980

box 226, item C18

Vol. 1, n. 1, 1979

Audio Transart Inc. (1979): Vol. 1, n. 1 (digital version available on-site only): 1979

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. Includes works by Relly Tarlo, Hank Bull, Federica Marangoni, Gary Willis, Marshalore, Terry Fox, Fujiko Nakaya, Sam Schoenbaum, Barbara T. Smith, Nan Hoover.
box 226, item C19

Vol. 1, n. 2, 1980

Audio Transart Inc. (1979): Vol. 1, n. 2 (digital version available on-site only): 1980

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. Includes works by White Bird, Giuseppe Chiari, Marten Lindblom, Wally Stevens, Wolf Kahlen, Noel Sheridan, Dieter Froese, Jill Scott, Planstudio Siepmann, Byron Black.

Piercing the Corporate Veil (1980 October 3), 1980, undated

box 273, item V391

"For Antho[logy] / Window dub A, B selections from 1+2," undated

Piercing the Corporate Veil (1980 October 3): For Antho[logy] / Window dub A, B selections from 1+2 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in., papers in box 256 folder 12.
box 274, item V408-411

4 videocassettes of 4 (U-matic); 3/4 in., 1980

Piercing the Corporate Veil (1980 October 3): 4 videocassettes of 4 (U-matic); 3/4 in. (digital version available on-site only): 1980

Scope and Contents

V408 labeled "In the coffin... all 20 min / Tape #1 / [Seligman?] / Oct 4 1980 / Orig. A," V409 labeled "B tape / coffin carried in / Goes in coffin etc. / Oct 4/80 / [James Seligman?]," V410 labeled "2 / 20 min of 3/4 [in?] / Oct 1980 / Coffin / [Lifting?] in coffin / Jim Seligman camera / Original color," V411 labeled "A / color / In prep. to go into coffin - Re: [?] / Camera James Seligman / tc channel 2."

The Perpetual Napkin (1980-1981), 1981, 2007, undated

box 226, folder C20

General, undated

The Perpetual Napkin (1980-1981): General (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, labeled "original".
box 275, item V418-V420

3 videocassettes of 3 (U-matic); 3/4 in., 1981, undated

Scope and Contents

V418 labeled "#3 / Run thru / The meditation part / 3/4 empty," V419 labeled "Run thru #2," V420 labeled "Color / Segments 1981 / #1."
box 298, item R41

"1 DTLA / SFX 1. 3800 [Canon?] / 2. Kaprow at Linda Rosa Ave.," undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 300.
box 226, item C26

"Brenda, Paula," undated

The Perpetual Napkin (1980-1981): Brenda, Paula (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, papers in box 256, folder 32.
box 226, item C21

"Chicago version," undated

The Perpetual Napkin (1980-1981): Chicago version (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 291, item V577

" Council of Neighbors / Perpetual Napkin / Time: WINDOW DUB / COUNCIL has some bad sound etc.," undated

The Perpetual Napkin (1980-1981): Council of Neighbors / Perpetual Napkin / Time: WINDOW DUB / COUNCIL has some bad sound etc. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS): sound; 1/2 in., original case in box 309.




box 305, item R84

1 audiotape reel: analog; 7 in., 1/2 in. tape, undated

The Perpetual Napkin (1980-1981): Interviews: General: 1 audiotape reel: analog; 7 in., 1/2 in. tape (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

Original case in box 303.
box 287, item D6

1 audio disc: digital; 4 3/4 in., 2007

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

Labeled "5/19/2007 / Perpetual Napkin / Interviews / From reel #PerpNap / 1 Male 1 back ground music / 2 Female 1 / 3 Female 2 / 4 Male 2 / 5 Male 3 / 6 Male 4 / 7 Female 3 / 8 Female 4 / 9 Male 5 / 10 Male 6 / 11 Female 5 / 12 Female 6 / 13 Female 7 / 14 Female 8 / 15 Male 7 / 16 Female 9 / 17 Female 10 / 18 Male 8 / 19 Male 9."
box 226, item C25

"David Askevold interview," undated

The Perpetual Napkin (1980-1981): David Askevold interview (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, mono; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 298, item R45

"L. Ch. interviews," undated

The Perpetual Napkin (1980-1981): L. Ch. interviews (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 300.
box 226, item C22

"Laura, interview Linda,"

The Perpetual Napkin (1980-1981): Laura, interview Linda (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 226, item C23

"Richard Newton interview,"

The Perpetual Napkin (1980-1981): Richard Newton interview (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 226, item C24

"Materials, no oscillation no interview,"

The Perpetual Napkin (1980-1981): Materials, no oscillation no interview (digital version available on-site only): 1981, 2007, undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 298, item R46

"Oscillator dialog / Oscillator dialog w/ background / 5-80," undated

The Perpetual Napkin (1980-1981): Oscillator dialog / Oscillator dialog w/ background / 5-80 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog, 7 1/2 ips; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 300.
box 298, item R42

" Perpetual Napkin all good / No oscillation 10 min max / No insert of interview," undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 300.
box 298, item R43

"Richard at end re: the stars focusing for Perpetual Napkin / Repeats of tape segments for Perp Napkin," undated

Richard at end re: the stars focusing for Perpetual Napkin / Repeats of tape segments for Perp Napkin (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 300.
box 298, item R44

"Sound effects / Auto / Birds / Bird spund w/ buzz (Kaprow) / Birds w/out buzz + cars," undated

Sound effects / Auto / Birds / Bird spund w/ buzz (Kaprow) / Birds w/out buzz + cars (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 300.
box 273, item V388-V390

Window dub, undated

The Perpetual Napkin (1980-1981): Window dub (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

3 videocassettes of 3 (U-matic); 3/4 in. V388 labeled "Window dub #1," V389 labeled "Window #2," V390 labeled "Window dub #3."

Birthdaze (1981 July 17), 1980-1982, 2011, undated

box 244, item V37

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., undated

Birthdaze (1981 July 17): 1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

Labeled "Barbara T. Smith w/ Vic Henderson camera: Sue Dakin."
box 226, item C30-C31

"Anna Howles Francis Schesshein [?]," undated

Birthdaze (1981 July 17): Anna Howles Francis Schesshein [?] (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. Anna Howles [?] part is in C30, papers in box 256, folder 33.
box 226, item C29

"Audio for Tortue Performance - voice and sound / music - Birthdaze - Sound / music excerpts: 1. Pandean pipes, 2. The Hyaline, 3. Gjallar (interviews of men in the war St. Barbara / Learning to shoot), 4. Campanile - the shot, 5. Coronach - the healing - Copyright © 1978 Michael Le Donne-Bhennet - All works published by: Coranach Music - BMI," undated

Audio for Tortue Performance - voice and sound / music - Birthdaze - Sound / music excerpts: 1. Pandean pipes, 2. The Hyaline, 3. Gjallar (interviews of men in the war St. Barbara / Learning to shoot), 4. Campanile - the shot, 5. Coronach - the healing - Copyright © 1978 Michael Le Donne-Bhennet - All works published by: Coranach Music - BMI (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 275, item V413-V417

Comin out party June 1981 / Ritual w/ Vic Henderson for Birthdaze," 1981?

Birthdaze (1981 July 17): Comin out party June 1981 / Ritual w/ Vic Henderson for Birthdaze (digital version available on-site only): 1981?

Scope and Contents

5 videocassettes of 5 (U-matic): color; 3/4 in., V413 labeled "#1," V414 labeled "#2," V415 labeled "#3," V416 labeled "#4," V417 labeled "V417."
box 291, item V578

" Coming Out Party / DUB Birthdaze / Part II As Above/So Below," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Betamax); 1/2 in.
box 226, item C32

"Dialogue w/ Dalya van Gelden for video tape for Birthdaze 7/81," 1981

Birthdaze (1981 July 17): Dialogue w/ Dalya van Gelden for video tape for Birthdaze 7/81 (digital version available on-site only): 1981

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 275, item V421

"Edit master 7/9/81 by Barbara Smith / Piece called Birthdaze or Coming out Party / for part III called As Above as Below / Dalya van Gelden ed.," 1981

Birthdaze (1981 July 17): Edit master 7/9/81 by Barbara Smith / Piece called Birthdaze or Coming out Party / for part III called As Above as Below / Dalya van Gelden ed. (digital version available on-site only): 1981

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic): sound, color; 3/4 in., papers in box 256 folder 16.


box 298, item R49

"2/4/81 / Richard Johnson: interview about being a marine Vietnam / Recorded on DAT tape #40," 1981

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel (190 min.): analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, priginal case in box 300.
box 287, item D12-D17

Anna, 2011

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

6 audio discs of 6: digital; 4 3/4 in., D12 and D14 labeled "Cassette 1 / CD 10-2011 / Side 1," D13 and D15 labeled "Cassette 1 (dark Bob) / CD 10-2011 / Side 2," D16 and D17 labeled "Tape 2 (dark Bob) / CD 10-2011."
box 227, item C37

"Aug 1980 interview w Rahula Theravada monk at I.B.M.C. talk about Vietnam Birthdaze," 1980

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, side 2 labeled "empty".
box 226, item C35

" Birthdaze interviews Elizabeth Canelake 1/23/82 - Anne Mavor 1/24/82 - Emily Hicks 1/24/82," 1982

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.

Blum, Stephen

box 226, item C36

"5/28/81 Stephen Blum Birthdaze," 1981

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 227, item C41

"5/28 Stephen Blum Vietnam part II - Michael P. de Blennet [?]," undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.


box 287, item D18-D19

A., Deena, 2011

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

2 audio discs of 2: digital; 4 3/4 in., both labeled "Cassette tape / CD 10-2011."
box 227, item C39-C40

"Deena 3/16/82 - Victor Henderson Birthdaze," 1982

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 226, item C28

"Deena one side only," undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 287, item D8-D9a

"Elizabeth cassette," 2011

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

4 audio discs of 4: digital; 4 3/4 in., D8 and D8a labeled "Side 1 / CD 10-2011," D9 and D9a labeled "Side 2 / CD 10-2011."
box 298, item R48

"End Richard Johnson short part / Kim Jones long part #1 / 1981 / Richard Johnson 1/4 Kim Jones 3/4 / Recorded on DAT tape #41," 1981

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel (165 min.): analog, 7 1/2 ips; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, priginal case in box 300.

Hicks, Emily

box 287, item D10-D11

2 audio discs of 2: digital; 4 3/4 in., 2011

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

Both labeled "Birthdaze cassette tape 1 of 1 / CD 2011."
box 226, item C33

"Emily Hicks 1/24/82 Birthdaze interview,"

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 230, item C176

"Interview: Richard Johnson re: being a marine in Vietnam ( Birthdaze) 2/4/81 (3:10)," 1981

Interview: Richard Johnson re: being a marine in Vietnam ( Birthdaze ) 2/4/81 (3:10) (digital version available on-site only): 1981

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in. Labeled "40".
box 287, item D7

Interviews edit, 2011

Birthdaze (1981 July 17): Interviews edit (digital version available on-site only)

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

1 audio disc: digital; 4 3/4 in., labeled "CD original EQ 9-2011 / Bottom not rolled off / Birthdaze not used in audio oc. / Interview after perf Worst."

Jones, Kim

box 227, item C38

"Kim Jones interview after Birthdaze," undated

"Kim Jones interview after Birthdaze," (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 287, item D22-D23

2 audio discs of 2: digital; 4 3/4 in., 2011

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

D22 labeled "Cassette tape / CD 1-2011," D23 labeled "Tape / CD 10-2011."
box 230, item C177

"Richard Johnson interview f/ Birthdaze 1/4 / Kim Jones interview f/ Birthdaze 3/4 2 hrs 45 ms," undated

Birthdaze (1981 July 17): Jones, Kim: Richard Johnson interview f/ Birthdaze 1/4 / Kim Jones interview f/ Birthdaze 3/4 2 hrs 45 ms: 1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in. (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in. Labeled "41".

Kilgroe, Dick

box 287, item D20-D21

"Dick cassette," 2011

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

2 audio discs of 2: digital; 4 3/4 in., both labeled "CD 10-2011."
box 226, folder C34

"Dick Kilgroe 1/24/82 about Birthdaze," 1982

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 287, item D24-D25

"Victor cassette," 2011

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

2 audio discs of 2: digital; 4 3/4 in., both labeled "CD 10-2011."

"Richard Johnson teaches BTS to shoot a 22 rifle + automatic pistol 6/7/81 very lo volume,"

box 230, item C178

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in.,

Scope and Contents

Labeled "42 / Very lo volume," papers in box 256, folder 50.
box 298, item R47

1 audiotape reel: analog, 3 3/4 ips, stereo; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape,

Scope and Contents

original case in box 300, labeled "Recorded on DAT tape #42."
box 226, item C27

"Short end of tape w/ Vic Henderson re: Birthdaze - 7/81;" "Me reading tantric tects to Vic cut short by door bell."

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 289, item DVD5

Video documentation

Scope and Contents

1 videodisc (DVD): digital; 4 3/4 in., labeled "Loop / Camera Susanna Dakin."

Alien Drone (1982), undated

box 227, item C42

"Good quality," undated

Alien Drone (1982): Good quality (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 227, item C43

"Improves... last only 1/3 of tape - buzzing sound," undated

Alien Drone (1982): Improves... last only 1/3 of tape - buzzing sound (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.

Alien Ambassador (1982 May 23), 1982, undated

box 339, item F25, box 340, item F26-F35, box 350, item F93

12 film reels of 12; standard 8 mm, 1982, undated

Alien Ambassador (1982 May 23): 11 film reels of 11; standard 8 mm (digital version available on-site only): 1982

Scope and Contents

F25 labeled "#5 / 5B / Freeway color LA into Pasa to end at A. Kaprow's Camelia - cloud - fixed point;" F26 labeled "#6 Black+White Fway to L.A. underpass etc;" F27 labeled" Roll one 1A bouncy driving;" F28 labeled "#7 B+wh. Pasa fway outbound to Pas. from LA - Pasa tunnels - good - regular tro. From outs. Out PAS;" F29 labeled "#9 / 76 / B+W up Lake Ave telephone poles sign Chevron could be color grainy overexposed;" F30 labeled "2 Linda Vista Angelus Crest;" F31 labeled "10 to LA underpasses river / flowers;" F32 labeled "B.T.S. jumping in alien suit w/ walkman etc.;" F33 labeled "Car DTLA '82 2nd St tunnel +-;" F34 labeled "Hand held drive to DTLA;" F35 labeled "Water/swim pool. B. T. S. jumps garden golfer." F25, F26, F28, F29, F31-F35 original containers in box 344. F93 is in box 350 with original case in box 303. F93 was originally assigned item number R85.
box 227, item C44-C45

" Begal Light / Death of the Snow Queen - Copyright Coranach Music - BMI (Buma Suisa, SIAE) 1978 + 1982 - All Rights Reserved - Made for Alien Ambassador," 1982?

Alien Ambassador (1982 May 23): Begal Light / Death of the Snow Queen - Copyright Coranach Music - BMI (Buma Suisa, SIAE) 1978 + 1982 - All Rights Reserved - Made for Alien Ambassador (digital version available on-site only): 1982?

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C44 labeled "Tape A", C45 labeled "Tape B".
box 287, item D26-D27

2 audio discs of 2: digital; 4 3/4 in., undated

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

D26 labeled "Master [benjal?] / by Michael [Bennett?]," D27 labeled "Drone 1 hr."

Mother/Me (1982 February 13), 1982, undated

box 227, item C47

"Discussion Barb - Fred Back - Rachel - Sue - Deena - Back," undated

Mother/Me (1982 February 13): Discussion Barb - Fred Back - Rachel - Sue - Deena - Back (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 227, item C48

"Sasha Stuan [?] 2/26/82 re: Birthdaze + Mother/ Me," 1982

Mother/Me (1982 February 13): Sasha Stuan [?] 2/26/82 re: Birthdaze + Mother/ Me (digital version available on-site only): 1982

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 227, item C49

"Deena 2/16/82 Mother/Me + ritual," 1982

Mother/Me (1982 February 13): Deena 2/16/82 Mother/Me + ritual (digital version available on-site only): 1982

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.

One Mind (1982 December), 1982

box 227, item C50

"Interview: Daryl Dee Hegeton [?] Ruth Ehrenkrantz Dorland Mtn Colony Dec. 1982," 1982

One Mind (1982 December): Interview: Daryl Dee Hegeton [?] Ruth Ehrenkrantz Dorland Mtn Colony Dec. 1982 (digital version available on-site only): 1982

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, original papers in box 256, folder 34.

Conjuring the Crone (1983 March 19), 1983, undated

box 227, item C53-C54

Margit Mustopa interview, undated

Conjuring the Crone (1983 March 19): Margit Mustopa interview (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape,
box 227, item C57

"Lucia Warren 3/5/83 for Crone," 1983

Conjuring the Crone (1983 March 19): Lucia Warren 3/5/83 for Crone (digital version available on-site only): 1983

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.

Vera & Victoria (1983 October 1), undated

box 227, item C51

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, undated

Vera & Victoria (1983 October 1): 1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape (digital version available on-site only): undated


Shatterhouse (1983 October 29),

box 227, item C52

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, undated

Shatterhouse (1983 October 29): 1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape (digital version available on-site only): undated

box 305, item R96

1 audiotape reel: analog, 15 ips, 2 tracks; 10 1/2 in., 1/4 in. tape, 1983

Scope and Contents

Labeled "Barbara Smith for Shatterhouse Oct 29 1983 collaboration with Liz Rymland / Recorded at Control Center / Master 10/20/83 / Transfered to CD 3/03 / Commercial reel to reel 1/4" audio."
box 244, item V38

Food (1983 December 17), undated

Food (1983 December 17) (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.

Capp Street project (1984 October to December), 1984, undated

box 227, item C61

General, 1984

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): General (digital version available on-site only): 1984

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, labeled "Audio for Guyerville voice dialog 10 min. - Interview Rafael Gutierrez 11/27/84 - Garden cutting Coco [?] - [?] - Barbara Smith - Template Capp St."

Dinner, 1984, undated

box 276, item V437-V438

I, 1984, undated

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): Dinner: I (digital version available on-site only): 1984, undated

Scope and Contents

2 videocassettes of 2 (U-matic); 3/4 in., V437 labeled "11/17/84," V438 labeled "WINDOW DUB / Audio: BOTH channels."
box 276, item V439-V440

II, undated

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): Dinner: II (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 videocassettes of 2 (U-matic); 3/4 in., V440 labeled "WINDOW DUB / Audio: BOTH channels."

Group discussion, 1984, undated

box 276, item V432

I, undated

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): Group discussion: I (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic): sound; 3/4 in., labeled "Capp St. / Group discussion I + street scenes, lecture / slide show / WINDOW DUB / Audio: BOTH channels (ch. 2 only on street footage)."
box 276, item V433-V434

II, undated

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): Group discussion: II (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 videocassettes of 2 (U-matic): sound; 3/4 in., V433 labeled "Sat 11/11," V434 labeled "WINDOW DUB / Audio: BOTH channels."
box 276, item V435-V436

III, 1984, undated

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): Group discussion: III (digital version available on-site only): 1984, undated

Scope and Contents

2 videocassettes of 2 (U-matic); 3/4 in., V435 labeled "Sun 11/11/84," V436 labeled "Group discussion III+dinner / WINDOW DUB / Audio: BOTH channels."

Council of Neighbors (1984), 1984, undated

box 275, item V423

" Council of Neighbors + stills Scan I / Stills of sky nebulae objects / Video of Piercing the Corporate Veil," undated

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): Council of Neighbors + stills Scan I / Stills of sky nebulae objects / Video of Piercing the Corporate Veil (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic) (47 min.): sound, color; 3/4 in., labeled "Dub / Protection copy."
box 227, item C60

"Interview Victor Miller No. Mission News - for Capp St. Project Council 1984," 1984

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): Council of Neighbors (1984): Interview Victor Miller No. Mission News - for Capp St. Project Council 1984 (digital version available on-site only): 1984

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.

Slide tapes, 1984, undated

box 275, item V424

"Source tape: slides + audio for Council of Neighbors," undated

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): Council of Neighbors (1984): Slide tapes: Source tape: slides + audio for Council of Neighbors (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 276, item V441

#1, 1984

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): Council of Neighbors (1984): Slide tapes: #1 (digital version available on-site only): 1984

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in., labeled "Slide shots #1 11/25/84 / 4:00:00:00 to 4:22:12:00."
box 275, item V425-V428

#2 - #5, undated

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): Council of Neighbors (1984): Slide tapes: #2 - #5 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

4 videocassette of 4 (U-matic); 3/4 in., V425 labeled "Slides #2 4:22:12:00 on," V426 labeled "Slides #3 AT LAST 5 MIN 6:23:00:00," V427 labeled "Slide tape #4 starts 6:00:00:00," V428 labeled "Slide tape #5."
box 275, item V429-V431

Street scenes, 1984, undated

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): Council of Neighbors (1984): Street scenes (digital version available on-site only): 1984, undated

Scope and Contents

3 videocassette of 3 (U-matic); 3/4 in., V429 labeled "Street scenes / Group discussion I / 11/11/84 / w/ trees slide lecture," V430 labeled "Capp Street / Street scenes / WINDOW DUB / Audio: Channel 2," V431 labeled "Capp St. 11/9/84 Street shoot."
box 275, item V422

Window dub, undated

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): Council of Neighbors (1984): Window dub (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 227, item C58-C59

Tree (1984), undated

Capp Street project (1984 October to December): Tree (1984) (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, labeled " Tree soundtrack for Barbara Smith by Todd Boekelheide."

Rainbow Bleed (1985 May 30), 1985, undated

box 227, item C62

"A. Surftdeer [?] 5/29 #2 - 6/5 #1 of 1 B. UCLA Raquet Ball [?] tape for Rainbow Bleed 5/30/85," 1985

Rainbow Bleed (1985 May 30): A. Surftdeer [?] 5/29 #2 - 6/5 #1 of 1 B. UCLA Raquet Ball [?] tape for Rainbow Bleed 5/30/85 (digital version available on-site only): 1985

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 291, item V579

1 videocassette (Betamax); 1/2 in., 1985

Rainbow Bleed (1985 May 30): 1 videocassette (Betamax); 1/2 in. (digital version available on-site only): 1985

Scope and Contents

Labeled " Rainbow Bleed / Tape for UCLA pc / May 30 1985 / Camera: CHICO / (original) / 1/2 hr. cue up," original case in box 309.
box 244, item V39

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., undated

Rainbow Bleed (1985 May 30): 1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

Labeled "UCLA May 30 1985 / BARBARA T. SMITH Perf. class / Chico McMurty Camera / Daryl Hegdon hand ball."
box 289, item DVD4, DVD13, DVD22

The Transmission (1985?), undated

The Transmission (1985?)

Scope and Contents

3 videodisc of 3 (DVD): digital; 4 3/4 in., DVD4 labeled "Edit w/ titles," DVD13 labeled "w/ Liz Rymland / 1985 / Lahsa Club," DVD22 labeled "No titles."
box 244, item V40-V41

Autumnal Equinox (1985 September 21), 1985, undated

Autumnal Equinox (1985 September 21) (digital version available on-site only): 1985, undated

Scope and Contents

2 videocassettes of 2 (VHS); 1/2 in., V40 labeled "Equinox / 9-21-85 / 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM only / Original MASTER / Barbara Smith et al / video by James Seligman," V41 labeled "original tape video by Stanley Petite / #2 Master / Angels Gate San Pedro." Papers from V41 in box 246, folder 3.

Sheer Cliffs and Natural Bridges (1986), 1986, undated



box 227, item C63-C66

General, undated

Sheer Cliffs and Natural Bridges (1986): Audiocassettes: General (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

4 audiocassette of 4: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C64 labeled as "Tape 2 one side only end of piece," C65 labeled "Audio: B. T. Smith + Warren Burt," C 66 labeled "Please listen to the tape as cued (SIDE A)." C63, C64 and C65 papers in box 256, 36-38.
box 227, item C67-C68

Copies, 1986?

Sheer Cliffs and Natural Bridges (1986): Audiocassettes: Copies (digital version available on-site only): 1986?

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C67 labeled "Tape 1 Liz Rhym / and [?] 1986 Shatter House," C68 labeled "Tape 2," papers in box 256, folders 39-40.
box 227, item C69-C71

Masters, undated

Sheer Cliffs and Natural Bridges (1986): Audiocassettes: Masters (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

3 audiocassettes of 3: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C69 labeled "Ch 1. Radio / Billy Joel [?] - Ch 2. Voices Speakers [?] - Ch 2. Flutes - Recorded at 33/4 Warren Burt mix Barbara sound," C70 labeled "Ch 1. Gong - Ch 2 - Flute+Electronics - Ch 3. Speaking voices - can't play this at regular speed recorded at 33/4," C71 labeled "Ch 2 Voices + Ocean - Ch 3 Flutes - Ch 4 Voice chant." Papers in box 256, folders 41-43.
box 227, item C72

"1. [?] drone - 2. Water - 3. Trip home to LA from Denver May 84 - B. 5 min chant Group audio PC Space [?] available Denver 1984 - Audio piece," undated

Sheer Cliffs and Natural Bridges (1986): Audiocassettes: 1. [?] drone - 2. Water - 3. Trip home to LA from Denver May 84 - B. 5 min chant Group audio PC Space [?] available Denver 1984 - Audio piece (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 244, item V42

"Sheer Cliffs + Natural Bridges: Chicago 1986 Art Institute ? [Rondreph?] St. Gallery my generation / Very BAD VISUAL QUALITY," 1986

Sheer Cliffs and Natural Bridges (1986): Sheer Cliffs + Natural Bridges: Chicago 1986 Art Institute ? [Rondreph?] St. Gallery my generation / Very BAD VISUAL QUALITY (digital version available on-site only): 1986

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.

La Comida del Arte (1986-1987), 1986, undated


Ting - The Cauldron (1986 September 27), 1986, undated

box 305, item R86

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/2 in. tape, undated

Ting - The Cauldron (1986 September 27): 1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/2 in. tape (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

Original case in box 303.
box 240, item C444

"About The Cauldron 9/30," undated

La Comida del Arte (1986-1987): Ting - The Cauldron (1986 September 27): About The Cauldron 9/30 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 240, item C443

"About The Cauldron [new my future?]," undated

La Comida del Arte (1986-1987): Ting - The Cauldron (1986 September 27): About The Cauldron [new my future?] (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 228, item C73

"Live recording by Scilra [?] Viebland (missing section - long group chant)," 1986?

La Comida del Arte (1986-1987): Ting - The Cauldron (1986 September 27): Live recording by Scilra [?] Viebland (missing section - long group chant) (digital version available on-site only): 1986?

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 228, item C76

"Master tape [?] A - 9/12/86 On Fostex Music [?] spource," 1986

La Comida del Arte (1986-1987): Ting - The Cauldron (1986 September 27): Master tape [?] A - 9/12/86 On Fostex Music [?] spource (digital version available on-site only): 1986

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, papers in box 256, folder 44.
box 228, item C75

"Practice/ source chanting for Cauldron - [?]," undated

La Comida del Arte (1986-1987): Ting - The Cauldron (1986 September 27): Practice/ source chanting for Cauldron - [?] (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 228, item C74, C77

"Recorded at Sue Dakins - Tom Pincinee tech engr. - A history of Western Music," undated

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C74 labeled "Copy 3rd generation,", side B labeled "empty." C77 papers in box 256, folder 45.
box 228, item C79

"Meeting for Allan Kaprow's pc - Apples+Oranges - Oct 25 1986," 1986

La Comida del Arte (1986-1987): Meeting for Allan Kaprow's pc - Apples+Oranges - Oct 25 1986 (digital version available on-site only): 1986

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 244, item V43

"Pre edit master of Shiro Ikegawa's pc. Sakana No-Niwa for La Comida del Arte series #4 11/22/86 camera: Nancy Buchanan," 1986

La Comida del Arte (1986-1987): "Pre edit master of Shiro Ikegawa's pc. Sakana No-Niwa for La Comida del Arte series #4 11/22/86 camera: Nancy Buchanan" (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 228, item C78

"Richard Newton," undated

La Comida del Arte (1986-1987): Richard Newton (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, papers in box 256, folder 46.
box 244, item V44-V45

"Sheila Pinkel 12/20/86 Comida del Arte," 1986

La Comida del Arte (1986-1987): Sheila Pinkel 12/20/86 Comida del Arte (digital version available on-site only): 1986

Scope and Contents

2 videocassettes of 2 (VHS); 1/2 in. V44 labeled "Tape #1," V45 labeled "Tape #2."
box 245, item V55-V57

Radial Landspeak (1988 April 6 to 24),

Radial Landspeak (1988 April 6 to 24) (digital version available on-site only): 1969-2011, undated

Scope and Contents

3 videocassettes of 3 (VHS); 1/2 in., V55 original paper case in box 250.
box 245, item V58

Ground Zero (1989 April 7 to May 6),

Ground Zero (1989 April 7 to May 6) (digital version available on-site only): 1969-2011, undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., labeled "May 6 (SPARC) Unedited orig. Camera: Ulysses J," original paper case in box 250.

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24), 1987-1989, undated


Audiocassettes and audiotape reels, 1987-1989, undated

box 228, item C87

"4 tracks solo segment - source tape - slow speed up tape - Birds etc.," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): 4 tracks solo segment - source tape - slow speed up tape - Birds etc. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 228, item C84-C85

"Anthropological field study," 1988, undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Anthropological field study (digital version available on-site only): 1988, undated

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C84 labeled "Source tape slow - Live study for Celebration of Holy Squash NY," C85 labeled "Barbara's entry Fashion Moda 21/21/88 Pageant of Holy Squash."
box 298, item R50

"Audio segments for Holy Squash. Laurel Paley, Lakshmi Lambert, Ann Mavor, Betsy Richardson / Uher #2 speed / Date: 11/12/88," 1988

Audio segments for Holy Squash. Laurel Paley, Lakshmi Lambert, Ann Mavor, Betsy Richardson / Uher #2 speed / Date: 11/12/88 (digital version available on-site only): 1988

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog, stereo; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 300.
box 228, item C86

"Audio segments / Lakshmi, Laurel, Julie N., Ann Mavor, Betsy Richardson, Bruce Rudolph drumming, Squash stories. SOURCE Old Mother Hubbard Squash. Cow bell / drum + whistle flute," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Audio segments / Lakshmi, Laurel, Julie N., Ann Mavor, Betsy Richardson, Bruce Rudolph drumming, Squash stories. SOURCE Old Mother Hubbard Squash. Cow bell / drum + whistle flute (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 228, item C99

"B. Nursery rhymes. Old Mother Hubbard for tableau with Bill and Aviva - Farmer and Cook. Side A: one sentence: Merry Xmas all + for all a good [?]. Solo voice: Ann Mavor SOURCE," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): B. Nursery rhymes. Old Mother Hubbard for tableau with Bill and Aviva - Farmer and Cook. Side A: one sentence: Merry Xmas all + for all a good [?]. Solo voice: Ann Mavor SOURCE (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 299, item R53

"Blank / Bruce Rudolf drumming 1988," 1988

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 300.
box 305, item R92

"Bruce Rudolf drums - Magi," undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 7 in., 1/2 in. tape, original case in box 304.
box 305, item R93

"Chanting / Non solo / Out at head," undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 7 in., 1/2 in. tape, original case in box 304.
box 228, item C88-C89

"Cathedral darkness Michael Blaire," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Cathedral darkness Michael Blaire (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C89 labeled "copy."

Cathedral drums, undated

box 228, item C90-C91


The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Cathedral drums: #1 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 305, item R87

"Cathedral drums / Heads,"

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Cathedral drums: Cathedral drums / Heads (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 7 in., 1/2 in. tape, original case in box 303.
box 228, item C92, C96

"Dance / Cathedral w/ hoops tape #4," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Dance / Cathedral w/ hoops tape #4 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C96 labeled "copy."

"Drum processional," undated

box 228, item C93, C101-C105


The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Drum processional: Audiocassettes (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

6 audiocassettes of 6: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C101, C102 and C103 are labeled "Source, Bruce Rudolph drumming", C102 is also labeled "Play side A, then side B, then side A, then side B, then side A, then side B, then side A, then side B."

Audiotape reels,

box 305, item R89


Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 7 in., 1/2 in. tape, original case in box 304.
box 305, item R91

"3 - fast post snare,"

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 7 in., 1/2 in. tape, original case in box 304.
box 305, item R90

"Drums snare to slow 2," undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 7 in., 1/2 in. tape, original case in box 304.
box 228, item C80-C81

"Farmer + cook entry," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Farmer + cook entry (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C80 labeled "Side A: Farmer + cook entry + bird + city noises (overdubbed on music) at end #2 - Side B: "Anthropological field study" Barbara's entry #1."
box 228, item C94

"I give thee to the fire copy #2," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): I give thee to the fire copy #2 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 228, item C95

" It's Time to Go Tibet - Gregory's Enchantment - © Michael Blair '86/'87 - music excerpts for Barbara Smith squash proposal," 1987?

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): It's Time to Go Tibet - Gregory's Enchantment - © Michael Blair '86/'87 - music excerpts for Barbara Smith squash proposal (digital version available on-site only): 1987?

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 298, item R52

"Joan O'Day audio track for Holy Squash / 3/4 used recorded on Uher #2 speed / 11/12/88," 1988

Joan O'Day audio track for Holy Squash / 3/4 used recorded on Uher #2 speed / 11/12/88 (digital version available on-site only): 1988

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 300.
box 228, item C97-C98

"Lullaby," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Lullaby (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C97 labeled "Solo voice mix - mostly wordless. #5 for very end when good news litany + slides are played," C98 labeled "copy source."
box 298, item R51

"Ocean waves / about 1/4 of tape [last?] blank / Date: 87," 1987

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Ocean waves / about 1/4 of tape [last?] blank / Date: 87 (digital version available on-site only): 1987

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog, 4 tracks; 5 in., 1/4 in. tape, original case in box 300.
box 228, item C82-C83

"Magi drums," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Magi drums (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C82 labeled "For Olen For [?] [?] Nitsch Arlene Raven," C83 labeled "A. Magic drums - B. Nursery rhymes + surging [?]."
box 228, item C100

"Processional," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Processional (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 305, item R88

"Snare drums fast snare," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Snare drums fast snare (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiotape reel: analog; 7 in., 1/2 in. tape, original case in box 303.
box 228, item C106

"Solo voice + group w/ deep bell. (Short) not used. Women's voices about 1/2 of tape very appsionate. SOURCE," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Solo voice + group w/ deep bell. (Short) not used. Women's voices about 1/2 of tape very appsionate. SOURCE (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 228, item C107-C108

"Solo voice w/ bells FM," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Solo voice w/ bells FM (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C107 labeled "copy, Laura in NYC," C108 labeled "Ann Mavor's voice + others."
box 228, item C109, box 229, item C110

Stoke the Furnace, Bake the Squash, Feed the People [panel at Franklin Furnace, 1989 January 14], 1989

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Stoke the Furnace, Bake the Squash, Feed the People [panel at Franklin Furnace, 1989 January 14] (digital version available on-site only): 1989

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. C109 labeled "Nina Sobell, Eva Brenner, Helaine Alon, Alisa Knowles, Nancy Chun, Betsy Dagnon, Esperanza Cartes, Bonnie Sherk, Aviva Rohmani," C110 labeled "tape 2."

Videocassettes, 1988-1989, undated

box 263, item V232

"1. 12/21/88 Fashion Moda / 12/22/88 F.M. to St. John / Clean," 1988

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): 1. 12/21/88 Fashion Moda / 12/22/88 F.M. to St. John / Clean (digital version available on-site only): 1988

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 245, item V53

"10 min. documentary," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): 10 min. documentary (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS) (10 min.); 1/2 in., original paper case in box 246.
box 290, item V239

12/21/88 Nativity / Tableau / Roving camera Fashion Moda," 1988

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): 12/21/88 Nativity / Tableau / Roving camera Fashion Moda (digital version available on-site only): 1988

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm., labeled "3" and "4."
box 290, item V236

12/22/88 / Equinox / Holy Squash / St. John the Divine / Interview Olean," 1988

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): 12/22/88 / Equinox / Holy Squash / St. John the Divine / Interview Olean (digital version available on-site only): 1988

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm., labeled "2."
box 290, item V241

"12/28/88 Fashion Moda part II / Nativity tableau slides," 1988

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): 12/28/88 Fashion Moda part II / Nativity tableau slides (digital version available on-site only): 1988

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm., labeled "7."
box 245, item V49

"Documentary of a performance by Barbara T. Smith," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Documentary of a performance by Barbara T. Smith (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS) (10 min.); 1/2 in., original paper case in box 246.
box 244, item V46

"Edited master / 12/21/22 1988," 1988

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Edited master / 12/21/22 1988 (digital version available on-site only): 1988

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., original paper case and papers in box 246.
box 290, item V240

"Franklin Furnace / 1/14/89 - Stoke," 1989

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Franklin Furnace / 1/14/89 - Stoke (digital version available on-site only): 1989

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm., labeled "3."
box 245, item V50

" Holy Squash 1988 Dec 21 Fashion Moda - Nativity (bad audio interference) Bill Gian, Aviva Rahmani, Joe Piazza, Twylah Nitsch, Olene For, Arlene Raven, 3 kids. Camera Anne Jepson 3rd generation / Also street procession." 1988

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 244, item V47

"Interview: Olean for Garden 3rd St.," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Interview: Olean for Garden 3rd St. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., labeled "5."
box 245, item V54

" Pageant of the Holy Squash by Barbara T. Smith at Fashion Moda / Bronx 21/21 + Cathedral of St. John the Divine post. prod. EZTV L.A. 12/22/88," 1988?

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 245, item V51

" Pageant of the Holy Squash Dec 21 1988 Fashion Moda (bad visual..) Bill Gian, Aviva Trahmani, Joe Piazza, Twyla Nitsch (Yowehnod) Olene For, Arlene Raven, 3 Bronx Kids. Camera: Nina Sobell. N.Y.C. Procession," 1988

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 244, item V48

" Stoke, Bake, Feed Jan 14 1989 Council of women," 1989

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Stoke Bake Feed Jan 14 1989 Council of women (digital version available on-site only): 1989

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., original paper case in box 246.
box 245, item V52

"Street scenes / Fashion Moda / Tableau / Slides / Katja / [Ama/]," undated

The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): Street scenes / Fashion Moda / Tableau / Slides / Katja / [Ama/] (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., labeled "7," original paper case in box 246.

U-matic videocassettes, numbered sequence, undated

box 276, item V442


Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in., labeled "Fashion Moda - nativity / Processional (part) Camera I."
box 276, item V443

1B 2A,

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in., labeled " Processional / Cathedral / Graphics, arrival @ cathedral - fire / Ceremony / Full."
box 276, item V444


Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in., labeled "End of ceremony of Holy Squash at cathedral - cleaning up / N.Y. garden - People's garden / Meeting w/ Olean at her garden."
box 276, item V445


Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic): sound; 3/4 in., labeled "Nativity / Tableau / Camera II bad sound / Beginning of processional / Maybe 1/2 processional."
box 276, item V446


The Pageant of the Holy Squash (1988 December 15 to 24): U-matic videocassettes, numbered sequence: 3B (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in., labeled "Processional to cathedral arrival / Roy, Kim Jones, Stephan Eins."

Seed (1989 June 17 to 18), 1988-1989, undated

box 247, item V62-V63

"Anthology: Seed & Out of the River, She... presented by Hallowed Ritual Players directed by Barbara T. Smith / Edit by H.A.R.P.," undated

Seed (1989 June 17 to 18): Anthology: Seed & Out of the River, She... presented by Hallowed Ritual Players directed by Barbara T. Smith / Edit by H.A.R.P. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 videocassettes of 2 (VHS); 1/2 in. V63 original paper case in box 250.

Rehearsal for Seed, workshop for Hallowed Aire Ritual Players (HARP), 1988-1989, undated


[Dress rehersal], 1989

box 276, item V449

"Hallowed Aire 6/16/89 Dress reherseal Wright Ranch / Seed / Reel 1 of 3 Original,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 307, item V592

"Hallowed Aire 6/16/89 Dress reherseal Wright Ranch / Seed / Reel 2 of 3 Original,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 307, item V593

"Hallowed Aire 6/16/89 Dress reherseal Wright Ranch / Seed / Reel 3 of 3 Original,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 247, item V61

"Rehersal tape Seed good quality 1989 / B. Smith dress rehersal Wright Ranch Hallowed AIRE 6/16/89 #1-3,"

Seed (1989 June 17 to 18): Rehearsal for Seed , workshop for Hallowed Aire Ritual Players (HARP): [Dress rehersal]: Rehersal tape Seed good quality 1989 / B. Smith dress rehersal Wright Ranch Hallowed AIRE 6/16/89 #1-3 (digital version available on-site only): 1989

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 245, item V60

"Section of Harp workshop Ames Hall, Annusia Pomaska, Si Rod, Trish Doherty, Blu, Anna Fertik / Edit version of Seed / + Lakshmi Lambert Dub fr. 3/4," undated

Seed (1989 June 17 to 18): Rehearsal for Seed, workshop for Hallowed Aire Ritual Players (HARP): Section of Harp workshop Ames Hall, Annusia Pomaska, Si Rod, Trish Doherty, Blu, Anna Fertik / Edit version of Seed / + Lakshmi Lambert Dub fr. 3/4 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 276, item V448

"Workshop Hallowed Air Ritual Players HARP at YWCA Santa Monica / Ahna Fertik, Anusia Pomaska, Sirod [Bludonal], Trish [Doherty?], Ames Hall / Blu donald Blustein / Lakshmi Lambert / B. Smith / Reherseal for Seed," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 276, item V447

"Workshop w/ Hallowed Aire / Ritual Players 1988 / Source," 1988

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 245, item V59

"Robert Jompinks," undated

Seed (1989 June 17 to 18): Robert Jompinks (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 229, item C113

Moon Reflection (1989 September), undated

Moon Reflection (1989 September) (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape, labeled "copy."

Parallel Journey I and II (1989), 1989?, undated

box 307, item V594

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in., 1989?

Scope and Contents

Labeled "Parallel Journey I w/ Roy Walford, Bernd Zabel, "Chubasco" Steven Sotrm, Safari Silkie Snyder / 1989 / Parallel Journey II w/ Barbara T. Smith, Harlequin Jane Pynter, Ben Epperson / at Biosphere II / With time coding / Priject Ornell [tg?] Sunspace Ranch / Performance w/ 2 video and camera 2 groups taking parallel walks / Source tape / 1988."
box 290, item V235

"Parallel Journey I / Roy Walford / Bendt Zabel / Chubasco / [Safariu?] / (10-15 min)," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm. Case is labeled "Parallel Journey I," cassette is labeled "Parallel Journey II."
box 263, item V233

"Parallel Journey II / Barbara T. Smith / Harlequin / Ben Epperson," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8) (20 min.); 8 mm.
box 247, item V72

Communications Practicum 101 (1990 May 18), 1990

Communications Practicum 101 (1990 May 18) (digital version available on-site only): 1990

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., labeled "OSU Source May 18 1990 Communications Practicum 101 Paul Marienthal + B. Smith Shery [?] Camera?"

Out of the River, She... (1990 September 8 to 9), 1990?, undated

box 247, item V64-V66

3 videocassettes of 3 (VHS); 1/2 in., undated

Out of the River, She... (1990 September 8 to 9): 3 videocassettes of 3 (VHS); 1/2 in. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

V64 labeled "1," V65 labeled "2," V66 labeled "3." V64 original paper case in box 250.
box 247, item V71

"1st perf," undated

Out of the River, She... (1990 September 8 to 9): 1st perf (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., original paper case in box 250.
box 247, item V69

"1st version / Source," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 247, item V67

(2 versions) / Camera: 2 UCLA students (2 tape) copy of 2," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 229, item C112

"A: David Hykert harmonic choir Current Circulation voice harmonies + [?] beels at end. Henry Walpet [?] Nancy Hennings good-meditation [?] / B: L.A. river sounds / telephone re: permit for pe.," undated

Out of the River, She... (1990 September 8 to 9): A: David Hykert harmonic choir Current Circulation voice harmonies + [?] beels at end. Henry Walpet [?] Nancy Hennings good-meditation [?] / B: L.A. river sounds / telephone re: permit for pe. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 229, item C111

"Audio selects / Water - River - DRUMMING / The [?] - LAKSHMI / Kelly - Air / Segments: 1990 / side A only," 1990?

Out of the River, She... (1990 September 8 to 9): Audio selects / Water - River - DRUMMING / The [?] - LAKSHMI / Kelly - Air / Segments: 1990 / side A only (digital version available on-site only): 1990?

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 247, item V70

"DUB Barb Smith River excerpts," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in., original paper case in box 250.
box 247, item V68

"[Run thm John Dov?]," undated

Out of the River, She... (1990 September 8 to 9): [Run thm John Dov?] (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993), 1990-1997, 2006, undated


Audiocassettes, 1991-1994, undated

box 229, item C125

"1: Trip to Kates for Xmas w/ Curtis/ Rick / Java Airport / 2: 3/3 Todd 3/5 Umas B-day," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): 1: Trip to Kates for Xmas w/ Curtis/ Rick / Java Airport / 2: 3/3 Todd 3/5 Umas B-day (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 292, item C480

"#5 Thailand Jerry [?]," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): #5 Thailand Jerry [?] (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape, papers in box 256 folder 57.
box 229, item C119

"10/12 Roy phone conversation w/ Marg.," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): 10/12 Roy phone conversation w/ Marg. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 292, item C477-C478

"Barbara / Maureen Murdoch 6/94," 1994

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Barbara / Maureen Murdoch 6/94 (digital version available on-site only): 1994

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 229, item C128

"Barbara Smith / Biosphere / Dialogue w/ Roy + Linda from ECI to Bio2 + Music Exchange [?]," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): "Barbara Smith / Biosphere / Dialogue w/ Roy + Linda from ECI to Bio2 + Music Exchange [?]" (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 292, item C475

"Bio 2 opening 9/26/93 / Bio2 opening - talk w/ John Thomas etc. / Lunch in apt/room / DAT in my pocket." 1993

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Bio 2 opening 9/26/93 / Bio2 opening - talk w/ John Thomas etc. / Lunch in apt/room / DAT in my pocket. (digital version available on-site only): 1993

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 229, item C115, C118

"BTS w/ Katya [Katja?] phone 10/6," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): BTS w/ Katya [Katja?] phone 10/6 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 audiocassettes of 2: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 292, item C476

"Conversation w/ Bill Ransom 1993 about India - gurus - Chip/Swami (Nepal Etc)," 1993

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Conversation w/ Bill Ransom 1993 about India - gurus - Chip/Swami (Nepal Etc) (digital version available on-site only): 1993

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette (45 min.): digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 229, item C124

"Dalai Lama 5/5/92 Umas B-day," 1992

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Dalai Lama 5/5/92 Umas B-day (digital version available on-site only): 1992

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 229, item C116

"Fritj [?] of Capra 8/91," 1991

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Fritj [?] of Capra 8/91 (digital version available on-site only): 1991

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 229, item C117

"Interview Ben Epperson 4/9/91," 1991

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Interview Ben Epperson 4/9/91 (digital version available on-site only): 1991

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape.

Interviews by Barbara T. Smith, 1991 March 26,

box 229, item C129

"3/26/91 Interview Biosphere II Bernel Zobel Margaret Augustine to 3/4 tape tape jammed fragile," 1991

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): 3/26/91 Interview Biosphere II Bernel Zobel Margaret Augustine to 3/4 tape tape jammed fragile (digital version available on-site only): 1991

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 229, item C130

"3/26/91 Interview Bill Dempster "Freddie" engineer of Biosphere II 1/2 hr., Mark van Thillo "Laser" 15 min, + Scott John Allen," 1991

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): 3/26/91 Interview Bill Dempster "Freddie" engineer of Biosphere II 1/2 hr., Mark van Thillo "Laser" 15 min + Scott John Allen (digital version available on-site only): 1991

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 229, item C123

"Meeting?," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Meeting? (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 229, item C120

"Meeting / Leo [?], Camille, Phyllis, Katya Dec 23 91 / B. day party July 1991 SF phone message," 1991

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Meeting / Leo [?], Camille, Phyllis, Katya Dec 23 91 / B. day party July 1991 SF phone message (digital version available on-site only): 1991

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 229, item C126

"Nepal," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Nepal (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 229, item C114

"Phone call of Roy from Bio II Mar 22, 1991," 1991

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Phone call of Roy from Bio II Mar 22, 1991 (digital version available on-site only): 1991

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 229, item C122

"Phone Roy Aug 91 / Phone + Sequoia 11/19/91," 1991

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Phone Roy Aug 91 / Phone + Sequoia 11/19/91 (digital version available on-site only): 1991

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 292, item C482

"Poem / Whiter Well / Mute Point," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Poem / Whiter Well / Mute Point (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape, papers in box 256 folder 57.
box 229, item C127

" R+B's Show / Highways 6/6/91 voices Al Hibas + Sirod / Barbara T. Smith Roy L. Walford audio: David Deavalon," 1991

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): R+B's Show / Highways 6/6/91 voices Al Hibas + Sirod / Barbara T. Smith Roy L. Walford audio: David Deavalon (digital version available on-site only): 1991

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog; 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in., 1/8 in. tape. Labeled "21st C. Odyssey #1."
box 292, item C479

"Roy 10-8-94 Mission Inn," 1994

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Roy 10-8-94 Mission Inn (digital version available on-site only): 1994

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 292, item C481

"Swami / Gert / Kathmandu / Nagarrot / [Mohssan?] radio," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Swami / Gert / Kathmandu / Nagarrot / [Mohssan?] radio (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape, papers in box 256, folder 57.
box 229, item C121

"Talk w/ Sacha Morgan 9/26 kids," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Talk w/ Sacha Morgan 9/26 kids (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: analog, 2.4 cps; 2 x 1 1/4 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 292, item C474

"Taped music for trip 1992 / 1991-1993 / 1) Himalaya / 2) Invocation of the Free Woman / 3) Hymn to the Goddess / 4) Beethoven #9 / 5) Kodo," 1993?

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Taped music for trip 1992 / 1991-1993 / 1) Himalaya / 2) Invocation of the Free Woman / 3) Hymn to the Goddess / 4) Beethoven #9 / 5) Kodo (digital version available on-site only): 1993?

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in., 1/8 in. tape.
box 292, item C473

"Tour bus in Dehli w/ David deAvalon 2/1992," 1992

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Tour bus in Dehli w/ David deAvalon 2/1992 (digital version available on-site only): 1992

Scope and Contents

1 audiocassette: digital; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in., 1/8 in. tape.

Videocassettes, 1990-1997, undated


R & B show (1991 June 6), 1991?, undated


General, undated

box 283, item V530-V531

Long version,

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): R & B show (1991 June 6): General: Long version (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

2 videocassettes of 2 (VHS) (25 min. 47 min.): sound; 1/2 in., V530 labeled "Edit master 1."
box 283, item V532

Short version,

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): R & B show (1991 June 6): General: Short version (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS) (5 min.): color; 1/2 in., original case in box 309.
box 259, item V159-V161

Hi8 camera masters, undated

Scope and Contents

3 videocassettes of 3 (Hi8); 8 mm. V159 labeled "#1 / Camera: Michael Dobo / TRT: 54 min.," papers in box 256 folder 8. V160 labeled "TRT: 1 hr 43 min," T161 labeled "#2 / Camera: Michael Bodo / TRT: 41:10."
box 283, item V526-V529

Source tapes, 1991?

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): R & B show (1991 June 6): Source tapes (digital version available on-site only): 1991?

Scope and Contents

4 videocassettes of 4 (VHS); 1/2 in., V526 labeled "Original / Dub Cam #1 / Source / Hr 1," V527 labeled "Original / Source Hr 2," V528 labeled "Dobo Cam #2 Source Hr 3," V529 labeled "47:00 Source Hr 4."
box 264, item V247-V251

U-matic videocassettes, undated

Scope and Contents

5 videocassettes of 5 (3/4" Umatic); 3/4 in. V247 labeled "Edit master," V248 labeled "Source / Hr 1," V249 labeled "Source / Hr 2," V250 labeled "Source / Hr 3," V251 labeled "Source / Hr 4."

"Window dub," undated

box 248, item V77


Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS) (54 min.); 1/2 in., labeled "Camera: Dobo from Hi-8."
box 248, item V78


Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS) (41 min. 10 sec.); 1/2 in, labeled "Camera: Dobo from Hi-8."
box 248, item V79

#3 part 1 (hr 3),

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS) (54 min.); 1/2 in, labeled "
box 248, item V80

#3 part 2 (hr 4),

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS) (43 min.); 1/2 in, labeled "from video 8."
box 248, item V81

"Work copy B. Smith,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4" U-matic and VHS), 1990-1993, undated

Scope and Contents

Most of The 21st Century Odyssey material was shot on Hi8 and later reversed on 3/4" Umatic and VHS. The original numbering does not match between the different formats, as usually two 3/4" Umatic cassettes were generated from one Hi8 cassette. The material has been reorganized by ordering the original Hi8 cassettes, using the original numbering of that series. Under each single Hi8 cassette the VHS and 3/4" Umatic copies have been grouped, with their original number.
box 259, item V162

A, 1990

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): A (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8) (17 min.); 8 mm., labeled "Roy+Barbara on 21st Century Odyssey / Interview by Ben [Epperson] + Kit [Galloway] + Sherrie [Rabinowitz] + Electronic Cafe / Dec 4 1990."

B, 1991,undated

box 259, item V163

"Biosphere 2 closure 9/26/91," 1991

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): B: "Biosphere 2 closure 9/26/91" (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8) (32 min.); 8 mm.
box 264, item V252

"#1 / O_Ø1 / Hi8 tapes #A - 17:00 #B - 32:00 / 1. Pre-closure dialogue - Roy&BTS / 2. Biosphere post-closure," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (3/4" Umatic); 3/4 in. Damaged; same content as in V162-V163.
box 259, item V164

C, 1991

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi 8) (6 min.); 8 mm., labeled "Airport interview / Roy's kids 9/27/91."

D, 1991, undated

box 259, item V165

Labeled "Dec 1991 - 1st tape / Images at home - [?] / Images in S.F. w/ Rick + Curtis / Holy Squash KOKO / Party Dec 24 - etc. / Meeting w/ [?] group w/ conversation about issues 12/1991 - on beach piece / Conversation about [abuse?] + [?]," 1991

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi 8); 8 mm.
box 264, item V256

"#3 / O_Ø2 / Hi8 film #C - 6:00 / #D - 48:00 / 1. Post Bio2 closure / Airport restaurant/bar / 2. House meeting," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (3/4" Umatic); 3/4 in.
box 277, item V469

"Tapes A B C D / Meeting for 21st C. Odyssey," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 279.

E, 1992?, undated

box 259, item V166

Labeled " Meeting about Love+other pressing issues / Ritual / Beach + Grandmother / 1/2/92," 1992?

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi 8); 8 mm.
box 264, item V257

"#4 / O_Ø3 / Hi8 #E / 1. Prelim. meeting - planning for send off event / 2. 57 min - [?] ceremony @ Wright's Land," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (3/4" Umatic); 3/4 in.

F, 1991-1992, undated

box 259, item V167

"S.F. Xmas 1991 / Rick+Curtis / Clocks in their home / Marsha Adams in S.F. / Barbara+Katya / Katie's house Dec 28 92 / Bruce, Erik, Nick w Curtis+Rick / Lisa at Roy's about S.F. / Roy's place," 1991-1992

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi 8); 8 mm.
box 264, item V258

"#5 / O_Ø5 / from Hi8 F ? 1. Xmas @ Rick's / San Francisco / 3. @ katie's house - Xmas," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (3/4" Umatic); 3/4 in.
box 277, item V470

"Tape E+F / 1991 Xmas + N.Y. Rick's place w/ clocks / S.F. streets - Wharf / Marsha Adams. Katie's Xmas w/ Rick Curtis, Julie + fam. Lisa at Roy's / Katya [Barb?] Owen / N.Y. eve / at E.C.I. / 21 C. Odyssey," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): F: Tape E+F / 1991 Xmas + N.Y. Rick's place w/ clocks / S.F. streets - Wharf / Marsha Adams. Katie's Xmas w/ Rick Curtis, Julie + fam. Lisa at Roy's / Katya [Barb?] Owen / N.Y. eve / at E.C.I. / 21 C. Odyssey (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case and papers in box 279.

G, 1992, undated

box 259, item 168

"21st Century Odyssey / 1st performance Venice / Love+Other Pressing Issues / 2/17/92 / odd sequence. 1st part is somewhere late in tape," 1992

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi 8); 8 mm.
box 264, item V259

"Tape #6 TC 6 Hi8 #G (1 hr only) O_Ø6 / Beach Ceremony Love + Other Pressing Issues (on beach) [odd sequence - look at end 1st], undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (3/4" Umatic); 3/4 in.
box 277, item V471

"G / Mostly b+wh / Entirely a connection to Bio2 after Love + Other Pressing Issues / 2/17/92 / Love & Other Pressing Issues / Ceremony for BTS leavetaking 2/17/92 on Venice Beach & ECI contact w/ Roy in Bio2," 1992?

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): G: G / Mostly b+wh / Entirely a connection to Bio2 after Love + Other Pressing Issues / 2/17/92 / Love & Other Pressing Issues / Ceremony for BTS leavetaking 2/17/92 on Venice Beach & ECI contact w/ Roy in Bio2 (digital version available on-site only): 1992?

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 277, item V472

"#6 1/2 empty from G / Dharamsala and Love + Other Pressing Issues," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): G: #6 1/2 empty from G / Dharamsala and Love + Other Pressing Issues (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case and papers in box 279.

1, undated

box 259, item V169

"Malaysia 2/26 / Delhi, India 2/29 / Dehra Dun 3/3/-3/9 / HR 1&2 #1,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi 8); 8 mm.
box 264, item V260

"Tape #7 TC #7 Hi8 #1 pt 1 O_Ø7 / 1. Malaysia bad shape / 2. Dehli-Nerielis, Danielle - walk / 3. Drive to Dehra Dun / 4. Chandra Hotel - David walks,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 264, item V261

"Tape #8 TC 8 Hi8 #1 pt 2 O_Ø8 / Party Baba + family at Chandra hotel / Ajanta hotel / Drive to Rishikesh / Interlock hotel - roof of hotel - B+D talk (part [one?] on 3/4 #9),"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 1: Tape #8 TC 8 Hi8 #1 pt 2 O_Ø8 / Party Baba + family at Chandra hotel / Ajanta hotel / Drive to Rishikesh / Interlock hotel - roof of hotel - B+D talk (part [one?] on 3/4 #9) (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 277, item V473

"#7 from Hi8 #1 / Malaysia - India (new Dehli, Dehra Dun) / Seems to stop recording part way thru. Needs to be re-done,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 1: "#7 from Hi8 #1 / Malaysia - India (new Dehli, Dehra Dun) / Seems to stop recording part way thru. Needs to be re-done (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

2, undated

box 259, item V170

"Dehra Dun / Risikesh / #2 HR 3&4 start at 03:03:00,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi 8); 8 mm.
box 265, item V262

"Tape #9 TC #9 Hi8 #2 pt 1 O_Ø9 / Ajanta hotel - India, Baba / En route Rishikish, bank story,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 265, item V263

"Tape #10 TC 10 Hi8 #2 pt 2 O_Ø10 / Rishikish - Ganges offerings,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 277, item V474

"Tape 2 hr 3&4 Hi 8: #2 / Ajanta Hotel Dehra Dun / Story about getting tickets in Dehra Dun. Monkey en rout Rishikesh / Walk to Ganga / 2x etc.,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 2: Tape 2 hr 3&4 Hi 8: #2 / Ajanta Hotel Dehra Dun / Story about getting tickets in Dehra Dun. Monkey en rout Rishikesh / Walk to Ganga / 2x etc. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

3, undated

box 259, item V171

"Dharamshala / #3 HR 5&6 start at 05:06:00,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi 8); 8 mm.
box 265, item V264

"#11 TC 11 from Hi8 #3 pt 1 O_Ø11 / Cab ride w/ Swami, Ashram, Holy Cave, Presad meal, Ganges, Dharamsala,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 265, item V265

"#12 TC 12 from Hi8 #3 pt 2 O_Ø12 / Dharamsala,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 277, item V475

"Tape 3 Hi8: #3,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 279.

4, 1992, undated

box 259, item V172

"Dharamshala / Drive to Kulu / Trip to Agra / End: Thimi Mask dance 3/27/92 / Vajra [Hotel] Nepal / HR 6+7 #4," 1992

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 265, item V266

"#13 TC 13 from Hi8 #4 pt 1 O_Ø13 / Dharamsala - nuns, HHDL [His Holiday Dalai Lama], This Is It, Kulu en route," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 265, item V267

"#14 TC #14 from Hi8 #4 pt 2 O_Ø14 / India-Kulu, train to Agra, Red Palace, Taj Mahal, Kathmandu dance," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 277, item V476

"#13 + #14 from Hi8 tape #4 / Dharamsala: nuns. Monks await HH DL. This is it. Drive to Kulu. Train to Agra / Ethnic dance / Vajra," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 279.

5, undated

box 259, item V173

"Vajra / Nepal / Sarod+tabla [players] / Mohan Sunder and Rajindra Lal / HR 8&9 #5,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 265, item V268

"#15 TC #15 from Hi8 #5 pt 1 O_Ø15,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 265, item V269

"#16 TC #16 from Hi8 #5 pt 2 O_Ø16 / Mohan Concert - 40 mins / Raga,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic) (40 min.); 3/4 in.
box 277, item V477

"#15 + #16 Hi8/5 parts 1+2,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 5: #15 + #16 Hi8/5 parts 1+2 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 279.

6, undated

box 260, item V174

"Ram temple [Kathmandu] w/ Swami / Swami's art / Rehearsal Pagoda for perf / David / HR 10&11 #6,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 265, item V270

"#16 should be #17 from Hi8 6 pt 1 Hi8 2 - tail at beginning O_Ø17 / Vajra hotel / Swami w/ Tarai paintings,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 265, item V271

"#18 from Hi8 #6 pt 2 O_Ø18 / Swami w/ Tarai paintings / Vajra - preparing for performance,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 277, item V478

"Tape 6 Hr 10&11 Hi8 #6,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 6: Tape 6 Hr 10&11 Hi8 #6 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 279.

7, 1992, undated

box 260, item V175

"4/92 Nepal: trip to Dakshinkali / Keemari goddess / Effigy burning / Dunbar Square Kathmandu," 1992

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 265, item V272

"#19 TC 19 from Hi8 tape #7 pt 1 O_Ø19 / Kali temple, Newari, nuns, Lakshmi & Bindu, Rahmayana," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 264, item V252

"Tape 7 Hour 15 / Same as O_Ø19," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
This video unavailable for reformatting due to material deterioration. Content is also available on V162-3.
box 265, item V273

"#19 Hi8 #7 pt 2 O_Ø20 / Swami temple / Kathmandu. Central - temples, Kumari, chariot stuck," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 264, item V253

"Tape 7 Hour 16 / Nepal Ram Temple highlights," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 277, item V479

"#19 + 20 from #7 Very unstable beginning," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 7: #19 + 20 from #7 Very unstable beginning (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case and papers in box 279.
box 283, item V525

"Hi8 #7 Hour #15 + 16 Window dub," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 7: Hi8 #7 Hour #15 + 16 Window dub (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

8, undated

box 260, item V176

"Performance/ varja Hotel w/mahan Sunbar / Rabrinda Lol / Dragar Kot,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 265, item V274

"#21 TC 21 from Hi8 pt 1 O_Ø21 / Nagarkat, perform. w/ Mhan,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 265, item V275

"#22 TC 22 Hi8 #8 pt 2 / Dance at Vajra / Interviews / Walk thru Kathmandu,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 277, item V480

"Hour #17 + 18 Hi8 #8 Window dub,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 8: Hour #17 + 18 Hi8 #8 Window dub (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

9, undated

box 260, item V177

"Vajra / Walk to Swayamo / Interview Toby,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 265, item V276

"Tape #23 TC #23 Hi8 #9 pt 1 / Walk to Swayambunath / Interviews,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 265, item V277

"Tape #24 TC 1 [layer?] Hi8 #9 pt 2 1/2 hr pnly / Interviews / Blng behing Vajra [etc.?],"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 9: Tape #24 TC 1 [layer?] Hi8 #9 pt 2 1/2 hr pnly / Interviews / Blng behing Vajra [etc.?] (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.

10, undated

box 260, item V178

"Kathmandu filed / Pashupatinah - Ghats / Interview/ Hotel Vajra / HOUR 22+23,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 266, item V278

"#25 TC #2 Large from Hi8 #10 pt 1,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 266, item V279

"#26 TC #3 Large from Hi8 #10 pt 2 O_Ø26 / Varja-interviews / Nepal-streets,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 278, item V481

"Tape 25 + 26 TC Large 3 + 4 Hi8 10 1 + 2,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 10: Tape 25 + 26 TC Large 3 + 4 Hi8 10 1 + 2 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 279.

11, undated

box 260, item V179

"Thailand arrival / Interview/B / End Nepal,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 266, item V280

"Tape #27 T.C. 4 Large from Hi8 #11 pt 1 O_Ø27 / Nepal-Ghats / Lingam temple / Hermitage, Shiva temple, Bodenath,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 266, item V281

"Tape #28 TC 5 Large from Hi8 #11 pt 2 O_Ø28 / Bodenath-Kathmandu (sec.) / Vajra-mng. [manager] interview, Bangkok-rm. talk, city images,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 278, item V482

"Tape 27 + 28 Hi8 #11,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 11: Tape 27 + 28 Hi8 #11 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 279.

12, undated

box 260, item V180

"Thailand. Hotel / River view guest homes / Grand Palace / Wot / Walk w/ Jonathan to Golden Temple ? Chiang Mai. Doi Soutep,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 266, item V282

"Tape #29 TC 6 Large from Hi8 #12 pt 1 O_Ø29 / Bangkok, Grand Palace, Jonathan,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 266, item V283

"Tape #30 TC 7 Large from Hi8 #12 pt 2 O_Ø30 / Bangkok w/ Jonathan / Chiang Mai, motel, village, temples,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 278, item V483

"#29/30 from Hi8 #12,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 12: #29/30 from Hi8 #12 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case and papers in box 279.

13, undated

box 260, item V181

"Chiang Mai - Doi Soutep+village / Chiang Rai / Wat Umong U[niversity] of Chiang Mai - Elephants!!,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 266, item V284

"Tape #31 T.C. 8 Large from Hi8 #13 pt 1 O_Ø31 / Chaing Mai temples / Hill tribe village / Chiang Rai,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 266, item V285

"Tape #32 TC 9 Large from Hi8 #13 pt 2 O_Ø32 / Chaing Rai. Rick Shaw ride / Wat Umong, elephants,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 278, item V484

"#31 + 32 Hi8 #13,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 279.

14, undated

box 260, item V182

"Elephants, sick, luquer, umbrella, Nong+Dun's place, Bangkok, walk w/ Jonathan,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 266, item V286

"Tape 33 TC 10 Large from Hi8 #14 pt 1 O_Ø33 / More elephants, elephant ride, silk weaving, lacquer, umbrellas,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 266, item V287

"Tape 34 TC 11 Large from Hi8 #14 pt 2 O_Ø34 / Parasols, Indigo w/ Dong's son, train, room, Bangkok,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 278, item V485

"#33 + 34 from #14,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 14: #33 + 34 from #14 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 279.

15, undated

box 260, item V183

"Thailand Buddhist fair / Sanam Luang / Shops. Express boat / Walk w/ Jonathan / FCCT-Jerry Mavine / Australia/Sydney - Art gallery of NSW [New South Wales]. Rainy Sydney / B-yoga,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 266, item V288

"Tape 35 TC 12 large Hi8 #15 pt 1 O_Ø35 / Bangkok. Buddhist fair, bazaar, Jerry [Mavine] Intl Press Club, Australia,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 266, item V289

"Tape 36 TC 13 large Hi8 #15 pt 2 O_Ø36 / Australia - Museum, streets, yoga,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 278, item V486

"#35 + 36 from H8 15,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 15: #35 + 36 from H8 15 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 279.

16, undated

box 260, item V184

"Melb. air from Syd. / Jill Orr's. Bonita Ely's show / Party at Jill's+Margaret Wade / W/ Ann Marshm Jill Dwyer, Julien Engberg+Jane,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 266, item V290

"Tape 37 TC 14 large Hi8 #16 pt 1 O_Ø37 / Australia - Sydney space / Melbourne w/ Jill Orr, walking, park, party,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 266, item V291

"Tape 38 TC 15 large Hi8 #16 pt 2 O_Ø38 / Melbourne - party @ Jill Orr's,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 278, item V487

"#37 + 38 from #16,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 16: #37 + 38 from #16 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

17, undated

box 260, item V185

"Jill Orr+ Margaret Wade's party / Travel to Grampions (Geriverd) / Walk to pinnacles,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 266, item V292

"Tape 39 TC 16 large Hi8 #17 pt 1 O_Ø39 / Melbourne. Party @ Jill Orr's cont... / Driving to Grampions,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 266, item V293

"Tape #40 TC 17 large Hi8 #17 pt 2 O_Ø40 / Australia. Traveling to Grampions / Grampions park,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 278, item V488

"39 + 40 from 17,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 17: 39 + 40 from 17 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

18, undated

box 260, item V186

"Australia / Grampions / Pinnacle w/Jill Orr,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 267, item V294

"Tape #41 TC 16 large Hi8 #18 pt 1 O_Ø41 / Grampions, Marsh, en rout abo[riginal] drawings,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 267, item V295

"Tape #42 TC 19 large Hi8 #18 pt 2 O_Ø42 / Australia. Cave paintings / Driving back to Melbourne,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 278, item V489

"#41 + 42 tape 18,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 18: #41 + 42 tape 18 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

19, undated

box 260, item V187

"Australia / Return from Grampion / Petersborrough to Melbourne w/Dell (host?) / Hawaii,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 267, item V296

"Tape #43 TC 20 large Hi8 #19 pt 1 O_Ø43 / Driving to Melbourne / Ocean, 12 apostoles, arriving in Melbourne,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 267, item V297

"Tape #44 TC 21L Hi8 #19 pt 2 O_Ø44 / @ home in Melbourne / Hawaii / Lisa & BF, fishery, b&b,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 278, item V490

"#43 + 44 tape 19,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 19: #43 + 44 tape 19 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

20, undated

box 260, item V188

Melb[ourne], Ayers [Rock], Alice [Springs], Sydney,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 267, item V298

"Tape #45 TC 22 L Hi8 #20 pt 1 O_Ø45 / Flying to Sydney, Alice Springs airport Ayers Rock,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 267, item V299

"Tape #46 TC 23 L Hi8 #20 pt 2 O_Ø46 / Australia - tour of caves, bus to Ayers Rock & Alice Springs, Women's Center, Sydney - perf location, military museum,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 278, item V491

"#45 + 46 from 20,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 20: #45 + 46 from 20 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

21, undated

box 261, item V189

"Sydney: w/Bonita / Hike to Bundeena w/ Naelina / B/ nude 1/2 empty,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 267, item V300

"Tape #47 TC 1 above Hi8 #21 pt 1+2 O_Ø47 (1/2 hr only) / Sydney Australia - ferry boat, ocean cliffs / Studio (nude),"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 278, item V492

"#47 only 1/2 hr from #21,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 21: #47 only 1/2 hr from #21 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

22, undated

box 261, item V190

"Australia / Air to Hawaii,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 267, item V301

"Tape #48 TC #2 above Hi8 #22 pt 1 O_Ø48 / Ceremony Sydney - Student talks w/ B - Bonita's studio,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 267, item V302

"Tape #49 TC #3 above Hi8 #22 pt 2 O_Ø49 / End Sydney / Airport to Hawaii,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 278, item V493

"#48 + 49 tape 22,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 22: #48 + 49 tape 22 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

23, undated

box 261, item V191

"End Australia / Mostly Hawaii,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 267, item V303

"Tape 50 TC 4 above Hi8 #23 pt 1 O_Ø50 / End of Aust[ralia] at U[niversity] of N[ew] S[outh] W[ales] , very disturbed / Waipio Valley trip hawaii - around island - botanical garden / Flight home - Roy's Bday here / Some nice stuff left in end of Hi8),"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 267, item V304

"Tape #51 TC 5 above Hi8 #23 pt 2 O_Ø51 / Hawaii / Return to L.A. / Roy's birthday / Mo, Matt, [Mira?] Barb,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 280, item V494

#50 + 51 from 23 catch end of Hi8,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 23: #50 + 51 from 23 catch end of Hi8 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

24, 1992, undated

box 261, item V192

"8/8/92 Travel tales @ ECI [Electronic Cafe International] / BTS travel report," 1992

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 267, item V305

"Tape #52 TC 6 above Hi8 #24 pt 1 O_Ø52 / (Fund raiser) World report at E.C.I.," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 267, item V306

"Tape #53 TC 7 above Hi8 #24 pt 2 O_Ø53 / World report at ECI," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 280, item V495

"Tape #52 + 53 from Hi8 #24," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 24: Tape #52 + 53 from Hi8 #24 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

25, 1992, undated

box 261, item V193

"1. Aug 92 Hare Krishna - Chariots Celebration / 2. Big Pink/Jan / 3. Shaw's Cove talk to George / 4. "Granpa" - tortoise, Venice / 5. Fig Tree [restaurant] Venice Board Walk Sunday Oct.," 1992

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 267, item V307

"Tape #54 TC #8 above Hi8 #25 pt 1 O_Ø54 / Hare Krishna. Venice CA / George - Laguna / The beach," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 267, item V308

"Tape #55 TC #9 above Hi8 #25 pt 2 O_Ø55 / Shaw's Cove / Venice Board Walk," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 280, item V496

"#54 + 55 from Hi8 25," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 25: #54 + 55 from Hi8 25 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

26, 1992, undated

box 261, item V194

"Roy's studio / 1. Festival of masks 10/26/92 / 2. Household Thanksgiving / 3. Coeur d'Alene Idaho Thanksgiving w/ family / tiny bit of empty tape," 1992

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 267, item V309

"Tape #56 TC 10 above Hi8 #26 pt 1 O_Ø56 / Roy's studio / Festival of masks L.A. 10.26.92 / Household Thanksgiving - Big Pink / Coeur d'Alene Idaho - Julie & Russ's - Thanksgiving," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 268, item V310

"Tape #57 TC 11 above Hi8 #26 pt 2 O_Ø57 / Coeur d'Alene Idaho . Julie+ Russ's - Thanksgiving / Rick, Katie, Curtis too," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 280, item V497

"#56 + 57 tape Hi8 26," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 26: #56 + 57 tape Hi8 26 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

27, 1992, undated

box 261, item V195

"1. 2nd tape of Coeur d'Alene Idaho - Xmas trees / 2. Gathering of Anusia+her mother Maricia, Lakshmi, Kaballah, Larkin 92," 1992

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 268, item V311

"Tape #58 TC 12 above Hi8 #27 one hr only O_Ø58 / 1. End Coeur d'Alene / 2. Dinner at Big Pink - Anusia + her mum (Marcia), Lakshmi, Kaballah, Larki, Nina / 3. Xmas in S.F. w/ Waldorfs + Smiths / 4. Open hand deliveries / 5. Dorothy Knecht's roast pig 12/25/92," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.

28, 1992, undated

box 261, item V196

"1. Long snow... / 2. Eggnog party at home 12/14/92 Mo Whelan, Matt Dolin, Nina Canal, Jan Wmson, Gary, Gregg / 3. Plus Dorothy Knecht's - Xmas w/ the [stuffed?] pig + the difficult man," 1992

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 268, item V312

"Tape 59 TC 13 above Hi8 #28 1 hr only O_Ø59 / 1. Eggnog Big Pink w/ Mo Wheelan, Matt Doolin, Jan Wmson [Williamson], Nina Canal, Gary Shaw + Gregg? - humor / 2. Xmas day Dorothy Knecht's Suckling Pgi. BJ, Sheila, Rick Curtis - 2 friends," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 280, item V498

"#58 + 59 from Hi8 #27 + 28 (one hr only ea.)," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 28: #58 + 59 from Hi8 #27 + 28 (one hr only ea.) (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

29, 1993, undated

box 261, item V197

"T.V. of Rose parade N.Y. Day 1993 / Rain at 801 / Gathering in Kitchen: Andy, Karen, Jan, Matt, Mo / 1/18 Surf after wks of storm / Conversation w/ Roy about piece / close up / me," 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 268, item V313

"Tape #60 TC 14 above Hi8 #29 pt 1 O_Ø60 / The 1993 Rose Parade as seen on TV / Entirely 1993 Rose Parade on video," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 268, item V314

"Tape #61 TC 15 above Hi8 #29 pt 2 O_Ø61 / 1. Rose Parade / 2. Kitchen conversation w/ Matt, Mo, Andy Jan+Karen / 3. Big surf - Venice / 4. Conversation w/ Roy - Close up B," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 280, item V499

"#60 + 61 from Hi8 #29," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 29: #60 + 61 from Hi8 #29 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

30, 1993, undated

box 261, item V198

"2/93 Joshua Tree w/ Georgeanne Cowan / Women's Caucus Convention CAA Seattle / Stay w/ Ruth Askey / Lecture+workshop S.F.," 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 268, item V315

"Tape #62 TC 16 above Hi8 #30 pt 1 O_Ø62 / 1. Joshua Tree w/ Georgeann Cowan / 2. Flt [flight] to WCA Convention Seattle w/ Ruth Askey / 3. Workshop S.F.," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 268, item V316

"Tape #63 TC 17 above Hi8 #30 pt 2 O_Ø63 / WCA Convention Seattle 2/1993 / Workshop in S.F.," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 280, item V500

"#62 + 63 tape Hi8 #30," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 30: #62 + 63 tape Hi8 #30 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

31, 1993, undated

box 261, item V199

"Ritual cleaning of the airways, Seattle, WCA 2/2/93," 1993

box 268, item V317

"Tape #64 TC #18 above Hi8 #31 pt 1 O_Ø64 / Seattle 911 [Media Arts] Transmission," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 268, item V318

"Tape #65 TC #19 above Hi8 #31 pt 2 O_Ø65 / 911 [Media Arts] transmission to Bio2 + ECI [Electronic cafe International] / S.F. State workshop (holy grail)," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 280, item V501

"#64 + 65 from Hi8 31 / See tape 70 for [tad?] end of this," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 31: #64 + 65 from Hi8 31 / See tape 70 for [tad?] end of this (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

32, 1993, undated

box 261, item V200

"2/93 / Workshop outdoors / SF State U transmission / Prep to leave L.A. / Arr. October Gallery - Environs / Walk w/ Rob [LeFrenais] in London to Hybrid," 1933

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 268, item V319

"Tape #66 TC #20 above Hi8 #32 pt 1 O_Ø66 / 1. Transmission from S.F. Ste workshop to Bio2 / Roy 2/14/93 / 2. Leaving L.A. / 3. October Gallery (London) Environs / 4. Walk w/Rob LeFresnais," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 268, item V320

"Tape #67 TC #21 above Hi8 #32 pt 2 O_Ø67 / 1. Workshop S.F. - Talk to Roy 2/14/93 - V[alentine's] day / 3. Travel to London - views of October Gal. / 4. Walk w/ Rob LesFresnais," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 280, item V502

"#66 + 67 from #32 Hi8," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 32: #66 + 67 from #32 Hi8 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

33, 1993, undated

box 261, item V201

"2/93 / 1. LONDON STREET WALK HYBRID office, street encampment inner court / Lincoln Inn Pk walk back to Oct. / Chili in kitchen / guy at film nite at Oct. / Talk by Dr. NATSAGDORJ. Mongolian lama+dr. / 21st C. Odyssey," 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 268ii, item V321

"Tape #68 TC 22 above Hi8 #33 pt 1 O_Ø68 / London: walk to homeless park w/ Rob LesFresnais - talk with homeless man / Inner Court October Gall / Lincoln Inn Park - walk / Film Festival @ Oct / talk by Dr. Natsagdorj from Mongolia," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 268, item V322

"Tape #69 TC 23 above Hi8 #33 pt 2 / Talk by Dr. Natsagdorj of Mongolia at Oct. Gall," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 280, item V503

"#68 + 69 Hi8 tape #33," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 33: #68 + 69 Hi8 tape #33 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

34, undated

box 261, item V202


Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 268, item V323

"Tape #70 TC 1 above large Hi8 #34 pt 1 O_Ø70 / October Gallery. Contact dancing - workshop - the piece / To museum+walks,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 268, item V324

"Tape #71 TC 2 above large Hi8 #34 pt 2 O_Ø71 / End London to Berlin at Ulrike's,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 280, item V504

"#70 + 71 from Hi8 #34,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 34: #70 + 71 from Hi8 #34 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 281.

35, 1993, undated

box 261, item V203

"Berlin 3/93 Ulrike Bierkhoff's apt./st Drive to train st. / Streets of E. B. [East Berlin] / Ubahn / E. BERLIN TO PERGAMON MUSEUM / TRAIN TO OSLO / end ARR. OSLO / Eli's apt.," 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 268, item V325

"Tape #72 TC 3 above lrg. Hi8 #35 pt 1 O_Ø72 / Ulrike's apt. Drive to E[ast] Berlin (wall down) Subway to E. Berl Pergamon Museum," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 269, item V326

"Tape #73 TC 4 above lrg. Hi8 #35 pt 2 O_Ø73 / Train to Oslo - Talk w/ Norsh a Swedish woman who went to Boonies / Arr. Eli's apt. Scan... Interview Eli re: her school in Denmark," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 280, item V505

"#72 + 73 Hi8 #35," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 35: #72 + 73 Hi8 #35 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

36, undated

box 262, item V204

"Norway / Something wrong w/ camera / Long conversation Eli / car/ Phone place / At big old house / Norway. Choir rehearsal long bad sound / Eli+B. talk en route to SON (radio) / Home - About family - Great grandparents home / Eli's man / Meeting about EC+the arts,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 269, item V327

"Tape #74 TC 5 above large Hi8 #36 pt 1 / Norway. Long talk Eli (bad break up) / equip place, driving / choir rehearsal,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 269, item V328

"Tape #75 TC 6 above large Hi8 #36 pt 2 O_Ø75 / Soon Norway / Family house, Going around Soon, visiting ELi's mother, artists agst EU meeting,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 280, item V506

"#74 & 75 from Hi8 36,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 36: #74 & 75 from Hi8 36 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

37, undated

box 262, item V205

"Train to Trondheim - Marit's home / En route to Hollenkollen / World ski jump / Drive back / Dinner at Bjorne+Tove's / Drive: train / Trondheim. Boat builder. Duke's Palace+old Abbey / Marit's house view/ loom / [?] w/ loom / Meeting at Eli's,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 269, item V329

"Tape #76 TC #7 above lg. Hi8 #37 pt 1 O_Ø76 / 1. Short seg. of train to Trondham + Merit's home ?? / 2. En route to Hallman Kollen World Cup hi jump,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 269, item V330

"Tape #77 TC #8 abo. l. Hi8 #37 pt 2 O_Ø77 / Drive home from Hallman Kollen, Dinner Bjorne+Tove's, Trondheim, boat bldr, nunnery w/ Marit, loon, meeting at Eli's (short),"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 282, item V507

"#76 + 77 Hi8 tape #37,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 37: #76 + 77 Hi8 tape #37 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

38, undated

box 262, item V206

"Norway. Signe+Haakon's home (phone person?) / desserts / Drive to: Eli' school / Odd Einer/s - goat ch[eese] / Meeting w/ group at Ruins / B reads from myths / lake w/ ducks - thaw - Eli / Driving to: Soon?,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 269, item V331

"Tape #78 TC #9 above lg. Hi8 #38 pt 1 O_Ø78 / Visit Signa+Haakon / Elis's school / Odd Einer's perf group at ruins+at Melinda's,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 269, item V332

"Tape #79 TC #10 above l. Hi8 #38 pt 2 O_Ø79 / Meeting of perf. group at Melinda's in Aaskar / Arild, John, Paivi, Ellen, Eli / Lunch on (1st thaw) pond / Eli's mom at restaurant+drive to Soon,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 282, item V508

"#78 + 79 from tape #38,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 38: #78 + 79 from tape #38 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 284.

39, undated

box 262, item V207

"Coffee w/ Lap neighbor / SOON / Justin house / to mkt / to beach / Tunnel (1 hour only) 1/2 empty Viewed only 1 hr?,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 269, item V333

"Tape #80 TC 11 above lg. Hi8 #39 one hr only O_Ø80 / Soon: tea w/ Lapp neighbor friend - conversation re: history etc. / Walk thru town to Justin's house / Beach at Soon / Drive back thru tunnel!,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 282, item V509

"Tape #80 from Hi8 39 (1 hr only),"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 39: Tape #80 from Hi8 39 (1 hr only) (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

40, 1993, undated

box 262, item V208

"March 1993 Norway: Odysseus Blind Date / L.A. Interview/Michael Lane MONK / Pomona Reunions," 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 269, item V334

"Tape #81 TC #12 above lg. Hi8 #40 pt 1 O_Ø81 / 1. Odysseus' Blind date / 2. Michael Lane: visiting Venice: The Monk," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 269, item V335

"Tape #82 TC #13 above lg. Hi8 #40 pt 2 O_Ø82 / 1. Michael Lane. Interview great / 2. Pomona reunion - 40th," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 282, item V510

"#81 + 82 from Hi8 #40," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 40: #81 + 82 from Hi8 #40 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 284.

41, undated

box 262, item V206

"Household conversation Duncan food meal together - Matt leaves - Julie, Nick, Katie, Rick, Curtis, Highways Linda+Steve benefit - Curtis tape it / Surfers / waves Encinitas / Allan K's+Coral / Office ? UCSD [?] Center / Tom Brumley install. / Class / Drive home / Prelim/ Venice Moon,"

box 269, item V336

"Tape #83 from Hi8 #41 pt 1 O_Ø83 / Dinner @ Big Pink / Highways 4th anniversary,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 269, item V337

"Tape #84 TC #15 above lg. Hi #41 pt 2 O_Ø84 / Highways 4th anniversary / UCSD Kaprow house / Office,campus, art gallery piece, Moon over Venice,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 282, item V511

"Tape #83, 84 from Hi8 #41,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 41: Tape #83, 84 from Hi8 #41 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 284.

42, 1993, undated

box 262, item V210

"May 1993 Pomona College: 40th reunion," 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 269, item V338

"Tape #85 TC #16 above lg. Hi8 #42 pt 1 O_Ø85 / Pomona 40th reunion. Various gatherings - choir in Big Bridges / Foyer," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 269, item V339

"Tape #86 TC #17 above lg. Hi8 #42 pt 2 O_Ø86 / Pomona reunion (40th) choir, events on lawn / Parade of alumni. Torch beares, women's brunch, drive around campus etc. (end slightly before VHS ends)," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 282, item V512

"#85 + 86 Hi8 tape #42," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 42: #85 + 86 Hi8 tape #42 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

43, undated

box 262, item V211

"Venice Moon / UCSD Pc. w/ Bio 2 June 9+art (perf.) art hist class / Dinner Sheldon Nodelman / Susan Smith, Carol Rees (Getty) Adele Santos Sch. of architecture,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 269, item V340

"#87 TC #18 Hi8 #43 pt. 1 O_Ø87 / Moon over Venice / UCSD talking to Roy,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 269, item V341

"#88 TC #19 above lg. Hi8 #43 pt 2 O_Ø88 / UCSD talking to Roy - cont. / Dinner @ Sheldon [Noldelman]'s,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 282, item V513

"Tape #87 + 88 TC 18-19 Hi8 #43,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 43: Tape #87 + 88 TC 18-19 Hi8 #43 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case and papers in box 284.

44, undated

box 262, item V212

"Dan Gornell's house / USCD - Sculpture / Tom Brumley's conversation / pc w/ Rothman Grove / Library/ acquarium / Driving home / Annie Sprinkle / Robbie Canal doing butt piece / Venice Moon,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 270, item V342

"Tape #89 TC #20 above Lg. Hi8 #44 pt. 1 O_Ø89 / 1. Dan Gornele's UCSD Tom Brumley + Roman's pc / 2. Office - walk to UCSD library. Alex [Smith]'s snake / Drive home w/ Annie Sprinkle,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 270, item V343

"Tape #90 TC #21 above Lg. Hi8 #44 pt 2 O_Ø90 / 1. Annie Sprinkle / Robbie Canal - Venice Moon / 3. Jill Burnham, Linda Burnham, Steve Durland,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 282, item V514

"#89 + 90 Hi8 tape #44,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 44: #89 + 90 Hi8 tape #44 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 284.

45, 1993, undated

box 262, item V213

"1. June 29 '93 Roy's birthday / 2. Studio tests w/ Sound=remote / Outdorr dinner Big Pink. Nina Mo Jan (Avin is visiting) (July 93) / 3. Beginning of trip No to Humbolt July 93 Cathy+Syds - Moro Bay 7-93 / Driving up Calif., sequence, the sea / Nepenthe need S.F. / Pauline-Chas yes! / talk about family," 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 270, item V344

"Tape #91 TC #22 above Lg. Hi8 #45 pt. 1 O_Ø91 / 1. Roy's birthday. Transmission from [students?] / 2. Summer dinner outside - Avin, Jan, Nina, Mo, me hilarity / 3. Travel to Humbolt - Moro Bay w/ Syd + Cathy Brown," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 270, item V345

"Tape #92 TC #22 above Lg. Hi8 #45 part 2 O_Ø92 / Drive to Humbolt. Valley Ford P.O. - Christo's image / Visit to Pauline + Charlie," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 282, item V515

"#91 + 92 Hi8 #45," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 45: #91 + 92 Hi8 #45 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 284.

46, undated

box 262, item V214

"Bill+I talking etc. 1st meeting / Trip to Humbolt - in house ? Carolee - at house at Humbolt / Bus - to Tues w/ class / Odysseus Oar / Bus/ car back to L.A. / Mexican restaurant for lunch / Yard sale - Mo / Liz Ashburn re: article in N.Y. / Mo's party+next day AM,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 270, item V346

"Tape #93 TC #1 Hi8 #46 pt 1 O_Ø93 / 1. Bill + I talk: 1st meeting / 2. Drive to Humbolt from Arcadia / 3. House at Humbolt: Arthur Hills, Carolee [Schneemann] / 4. Bus: Odysseus Oar / 5. Drive So,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 270, item V347

"Tape #94 TC #2 Hi8 #46 pt 2 O_Ø94 / 1. Mexican Cafe / Drive South - long / 2. Coeur d'Alene, yard sale. For Mo / 3. Conversation: Liz Ashburn + Party Mo + next day ants,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 282, item V516

"#93 + 94 from Hi8 46,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 46: #93 + 94 from Hi8 46 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 284.

47, 1993, undated

box 263, item V226

"7/93 Sea ranch. Pauline+Charlie tell story about Turner fam. / Heading North / Baile Oaks / Garberville / Bill's - re-acquaintance conversation," 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 270, item V348

"Tape #95 TC #1 Hi8 #47 part 1 O_Ø95 / Arrive at Sea Ranch. Pauline tells family history / Baille Oaks, Bill + B converse," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 270, item V349

"Tape #96 TC #4 Hi8 #47 part 2 O_Ø96 / Bill + Barb. converse / drive," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 282, item V517

"#95 + 96 Hi 47," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 284.

48, 1993, undated

box 262, item V215

"9/93 Sunflowers at Bill's / Ants in my studio," 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 270, item V350

"Tape #97 TC #5 Hi8 #48 + 49 pt 1 (48 is only 6 min) O_Ø97 / 48 Bill's sunflowers, ants my place / 49 (Steven + Jan liver transplant trip) Bill's, Humbolt at Cove etc. conversations / E Cafe, 5 min video hook up w/ Bio 2," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.

49, undated

box 262, item V216

"Short section: Steve at airport for organ transplant / Ros. Felson Gallery. My books, Nina Guatti's pc. Paul's pc. my books. Attraction meeting. Contact w/ Bio2 at ECI via Picture tele. - In the air - en route: to No. / Bill conversation / Streams / Walk to beach. Gulls etc. / Guy / Long conversation w/ guy / Elk+baby,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 270, item V351

"Tape #98 TC #6 Hi8 #49 pt 2 O_Ø98 / 1. Conversation w/ guy in cove / Elk on drive back / Ceremony in Humbolt,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 282, item V518

"97 + 98 from Hi8 48 + 49,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 284.

50, 1993, undated

box 262, item V217

"9/26/93 Biosphere 2 opening. Press event / Roy gets box / Event at lunch hotel / Party night briefly / Conversations Roy Hart / PR guy from [?] Art Week (S.F. [artist?])," 1993

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 50: "9/26/93 Biosphere 2 opening. Press event / Roy gets box / Event at lunch hotel / Party night briefly / Conversations Roy Hart / PR guy from [?] Art Week (S.F. [artist?])" (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 270, item V352

"Tape #99 TC #7 Hi8 #50 pt 1 O_Ø99 / Opening of Bio2 - press conf / Completion of #49 1st 5 min," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 270, item V353

"Tape #100 TC #8 Hi8 #50 part 2 O_100 / Biosphere 2 opening press, celebration in room etc / The Box!," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 282, item V519

"#99 + 100 from Hi8 50," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 50: "#99 + 100 from Hi8 50" (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 284.

51, 1993, undated

box 262, item V218

"9/27/93 Bio2 Opening: / 1. Edith "Silk Route" talks to Roy Hart / 2. Walk around SBV - Bio2 / 3. T.V. Interviews of Roy et al. / 4. Bruce, Peter, Larry, Edith, B. on tape / 5. Larry's story about rescuing Roy's boxes / 6. 8:30 AM air lock - hanging out. Waiting for boxes: electrician story / 7. Roy' stuff - drive to Oracle / Lisa+I talk about being a good daughter / 9. At Taber+Jane's w/ boxes Jasmine etc. / 10. Roy at SBV talks to Lisa / 11. Walk around Bio2 at night / 12. Roy as Bobeep / 13. Tree planting at Coeur d'Alene," 1993

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 51: "9/27/93 Bio2 Opening: / 1. Edith "Silk Route" talks to Roy Hart / 2. Walk around SBV - Bio2 / 3. T.V. Interviews of Roy et al. / 4. Bruce, Peter, Larry, Edith, B. on tape / 5. Larry's story about rescuing Roy's boxes / 6. 8:30 AM air lock - hanging out. Waiting for boxes: electrician story / 7. Roy' stuff - drive to Oracle / Lisa+I talk about being a good daughter / 9. At Taber+Jane's w/ boxes Jasmine etc. / 10. Roy at SBV talks to Lisa / 11. Walk around Bio2 at night / 12. Roy as Bobeep / 13. Tree planting at Coeur d'Alene" (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 270, item V354

"Tape #101 TC #9 Hi8 #51 pt 1 O_101 / Edith Zeller conversation about Asia w/ Roy Hart silk route / 2. Walk around Bio2 grounds / 3. News casts / 4. Conversation in rm. w/ Edith, Larry, Bruce, Peter / 5. Down to Bio2 to pick up boxes," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 270, item V355

"Tape #102 TC #10 Hi8 #51 pt. 2 O_102 / 1. Boxes out of Bio2 to Jayne + Taber's in Oracle / 2. Back at room: w/ Roy / 3. Bio 2 at night / 4. Tree planting at Coeur d'Alene," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 270, item V356

"Tape #103 TC #11 Hi8 #51 end #52 pt 1/ 1. End of 51=Malibu fire / 1. 52=Malibu fire, altar; Viacom mtng ECI + Roy / Bird Trees / 2. Fashion show Nina / 4. Conversation Roy = me," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 283, item V520

"# 101 + 102 from Hi8 #51," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 284.

52, 1993, undated

box 263, item V219

"Oct. Nov. 1993. Beach+house ("Bird Trees") Shots of Malibu fire / Viacom event at ECI- talk to Gene Youngblood / Nina's fashion show at Big Pink Nov 1993 / Roy+B. discuss piece," 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 270, item V357

"Tape #104 TC #12 Hi8 #52 / Conversation Roy + Barbara," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 283, item V521

"#103 + 104 Hi8 #51 end + 52 / Conversation B + Roy after opening 1993 / Malibu fire / Fashion show," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 52: #103 + 104 Hi8 #51 end + 52 / Conversation B + Roy after opening 1993 / Malibu fire / Fashion show (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 284.

53, undated

box 263, item V220

"Rajendra class. Performance: Pacific Asian Museum,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 271, item V358

"Tape #105 TC #13 Hi8 #53 pt 1 / Rajendra in L.A.,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 271, item V359

"Tape #106 TC #14 Hi8 #53 part 2 / Rajendra at Pacific Asian Museum,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 283, item V522

"#105 + 106 from Hi8 #53,"

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 53: #105 + 106 from Hi8 #53 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in.

54, undated

box 263, item V221

"1. Party for end of Odyssey / 2. Rajendra at 801 practise / 3. Xmas at 801 - Rick, Kate Johnson's,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 271, item V360

"Tape #107 TC #15 Hi8 #54 1 hr. only O_107 / 1. Party at E.C.I. end of Odyssey / 2. Rajendra at Big Pink - practice / 3. Xmas at Big Pink w/ family,"

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.

55, 1991-1992, undated

box 263, item V223

"1991-92 / 1. N.Y. Eve Odyssey at ECI 92 / 2. Garage sale - Bruce - Jon, 3 guys from Sarajevo Croatia / 3. Waky Wok food w/ meeting for Odyssey - David, Barb Owens, Katya, Nina, B. about Bev Abdo mtg.," 1991-1992

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 271, item V361

"Tape #108 TC #16 Hi8 #55 1 hr. only O_108 / 1. N.Y. Eve E.C.I. 1991-92 / 2. Garage sale for Odyssey w/ Jan + Bruce / 3. House mtng re: mtng w/ Bev Abdo on merit of piece," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 283, item V523

"107 + 108 from Hi8 54 + 55," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 55: 107 + 108 from Hi8 54 + 55 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 284.

56, 1992, undated

box 263, item V224

"HOUSE MEETING 2/92 / 1. Earphones: David, B+Katja, Nina / B. has backed off from Roy / 2. Talk to Nina, Jan shaves / Matt / Koko [meeting?] / 3. Meeting prior to Love and Other Pressing Issues," 1992

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (Hi8); 8 mm.
box 271, item V362

"Tape #109 TC #17 Hi8 #56 1 hr only / 1. Continuation from 108 of meeting of staff / 2. Another house talk / 3. Meeting planning Love and Other Pressing Issues," undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (U-matic); 3/4 in.
box 283, item V524

"#109 from Hi8 #56," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Numbered sequence of original videocassettes (Hi8) and copies (3/4 U-matic and VHS): 56: #109 from Hi8 #56 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassettes (VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 284.

Video conferences, 1991-1993, undated

Scope and Contents

Three-way videophone conferences were realized during Barbara T. Smith's travels with Roy Walford inside Bio2, and Sherrie Rabinowitz and Kit Galloway at Electronic Cafe International in Santa Monica. The material was ordered chronologically using the information in the archive list.
box 285, item V533

"Sampler 1977-1982 (The work continues) / Composite Image Space Work by Mobile Image / Kit Galloway + Sherrie Rabinowitz / 700 Cedar Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405 / 213/399-1051," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Sampler 1977-1982 (The work continues) / Composite Image Space Work by Mobile Image / Kit Galloway + Sherrie Rabinowitz / 700 Cedar Street. Santa Monica, CA 90405 / 213/399-1051 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 285, item V534

"Bio2 review," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): "Bio2 review" (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 285, item V535

"Joseph Goldin / Videophone Bio2," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Joseph Goldin / Videophone Bio2 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 285, item V536

"Promo segments - Kit + Sherrie visit Bio2 / Biosphere tapes 1st transmission from closure 9-25-91 / First connect: Barbara sez bye to Roy," 1991

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): "Promo segments - Kit + Sherrie visit Bio2 / Biosphere tapes 1st transmission from closure 9-25-91 / First connect: Barbara sez bye to Roy" (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette(VHS); 1/2 in., original case in box 309.
box 285, item V537-V539

"Fundraiser Nov. 1991 21st Century Odyssey at Electronic cafe Intl. for Barbara T. Smith," 1991

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Fundraiser Nov. 1991 21st Century Odyssey at Electronic cafe Intl. for Barbara T. Smith (digital version available on-site only): 1991

Scope and Contents

3 videocassettes of 3 (VHS); 1/2 in., V537 labeled "Color," V538 labeled "Black & white / Linda a poem transmissions to Bio2 Satori Shakkor / Master," V539 labeled "Dub." Original cases in box 309.
box 285, item V540

"0_ECI_01 / Barbara T. Smith / First picture from India 3-12-92 / Nepal - Bio2 - 4-15,16-92 Barbs performance," 1992

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): 0_ECI_01 / Barbara T. Smith / First picture from India 3-12-92 / Nepal - Bio2 - 4-15, 16-92 Barbs performance (digital version available on-site only): 1992

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 285, item V541

"ECI_02 / 21st Century Odyssey / Thailand / Australia," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): ECI_02 / 21st Century Odyssey / Thailand / Australia (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 285, item V542

"ECI_03B / Barbara in Australia / Bio2 / ECI / Roy's sax solo / Dub from Patric's Hi8 Feb. 26," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): ECI_03B / Barbara in Australia / Bio2 / ECI / Roy's sax solo / Dub from Patric's Hi8 Feb. 26 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 285, item V543

"ECI_03 / End of Australia / Australia ends 11 min.," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): ECI_03 / End of Australia / Australia ends 11 min. (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 285, item V544

"Bio2 1-30-93 / Michael Jackson Super Bowl," 1993

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): "Bio2 1-30-93 / Michael Jackson Super Bowl" (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 285, item V545

"ECI_04 / Barbara in Seattle ECI Bio2 2-2-93," 1993

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): ECI_04 / Barbara in Seattle ECI Bio2 2-2-93 (digital version available on-site only): undated

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 286, item V546

"ECI_05 / Barbara / Roy + saxophone serenade London 2-28-93," 1993

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): "ECI_05 / Barbara / Roy + saxophone serenade London 2-28-93" (digital version available on-site only)

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 286, item V547

"Bio2 Music with Larry Jimmy Nicole 3-20-93," 1993

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Bio2 Music with Larry Jimmy Nicole 3-20-93 (digital version available on-site only): 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 286, item V548

"ECI-06 / Barbara T. Smith Bio2 Norway 3-27-93," 1993

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): ECI-06 / Barbara T. Smith Bio2 Norway 3-27-93 (digital version available on-site only): 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 286, item V549

"Life extension 4-7-93 / Roy, Bio2; Steve, ECI, Larry, UCLA," 1993

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Life extension 4-7-93 / Roy Bio2; Steve, ECI, Larry, UCLA (digital version available on-site only): 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 286, item V550

"ECI_08 Butt mural Barb, Roy 5-31/6-1, '93," 1993

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): ECI_08 Butt mural Barb, Roy 5-31/6-1 '93 (digital version available on-site only): 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 286, item V551

"ECI_09 Barbara's class with Roy 6-9-93," 1993

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): ECI_09 Barbara's class with Roy 6-9-93 (digital version available on-site only): 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 286, item V552

"ECI_07 / 7-27-93 21st Century Od / Barbara in Humbolt - Roy and Linda," 1993

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): ECI_07 / 7-27-93 21st Century Od / Barbara in Humbolt - Roy and Linda (digital version available on-site only): 1993

Scope and Contents

1 videocassette (VHS); 1/2 in.
box 286, item V554

"Biosphere link w/ Roy / Hollywood 2000; MacTV; Steey Dan video; 9w/ Kevin & Rick) (towards end of stay)," undated

The 21st Century Odyssey (1991-1993): Biosphere link w/ Roy / Hollywood 2000; MacTV; Steey Dan video; 9w/ Kevin & Rick) (towards end of stay) (digital version available on-site only): undated