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K. Douglas Brooms Collection of SFSC Strike Publications
K. Hope Hamilton scrapbook.
KABC-TV Los Angeles collection
Kachamba (Donald)
Kaczmar (Olga) papers
Kadane (Joseph) Papers
Kader (Boris M.) collection
Kadoike (Hiroshi) papers
Kadrmas, John C. (Second World War correspondence)
Kaestle (Carl F.) papers
Kaesz (Herbert D.) Papers
The Kafrissen Contemporary Yiddish Cultural Ephemera Collection
Kagan (Paul) Papers
Kagel (Sam) Collection
Kagel (Sam) Oral History
Kageyama (Glenn) photographs of UC Irvine
Kagiwada Brothers papers
Kahgan (Philip) Collection
Kahn (Erika) print collection
Kahn family papers, 1887-1902.
Kahn (Gus) musical compositions and papers
Kahn (Louis E.) letters
Kahn (Marvin) papers
Kahn (Matt) Papers
Kahn (Michael and Susan) collection of political cartoons
[Kahn's Department Store photographs] /
Kahrs (Katherine) Photography Collection
Kaihara (George and Miko) collection of Japanese internment ephemera
Kaim (Samuel C.) papers
Kairos Institute publications, 1971-1971
Kaiser (Armin Dale) Papers
Kaiser (Bill) Milano Archives Photographs
Kaiser community homes and miscellaneous housing developments [graphic]
Kaiser (Edgar F.) papers
Kaiser Engineering Department: boilers, engines, and facilities.
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Hawaii Region records, 1958-1988.
Kaiser (H. G.) Collection
Kaiser Hawaiian operations : including development designs.
Kaiser (Henry J.) Jr. Papers
Kaiser (Henry J.) Papers
Kaiser (Henry J.) Pictorial Collection
Kaiser, Henry J. Scrapbooks, chiefly concerning Henry J. Kaiser's activities in Hawaii, 1955-1956.
Kaiser (Herb and Joy) Collection of Medical Education for South African Blacks (MESAB) documents
Kaiser Hospitals [graphic].
Kaiser Industries, Trefethen Vineyards, the University of California and Mills College, 1926-1994 : oral history transcript / 1997.
Kaiser (Jakob) speech transcript
Kaiser Metals pictorial collection: Magnesium, Aluminum.
Kaiser (Nina) Papers
Kaiser pictorial collection : Hawaii albums [graphic].
Kaiser pictorial collection : miscellaneous projects
Kaiser pictorial collection : portraits of business executives and associates.
Kaiser pictorial collection: aircraft.
Kaiser pictorial collection: road building.
Kaiser pictorial collection: ships. Classifications by type.
Kaiser pictorial collection: shipyard events, including celebrations, ceremonies and visitors.
Kaiser pictorial collections [graphic] : miscellaneous operations, projects, and affiliated companies.
Kaiser Steel photographs.
Kaiser-Frazer Corporation photograph collection.
Kaiser-Permanente Medical Care Program oral history records and related materials, 1955-1987.
Kaiulani (built 1899; bark, 3m) news clipping
KAIULANI plans, design history and specifications
Kakis, Frederic J. (academic papers)
Kalayjian (Pat) Collection
Kalenborn (Arion Siegfried) Photograph Album
Kaler family papers relating to Murphys, California, 1847-1959 (bulk 1850-1900).
Kalia (Ravi) collection relating to the planning of Chandigarh, Punjab, India
Kalil Family papers
Kalish (Donald) papers
Kalish, Max [Photographs from the Max Kalish papers].
Kall (Alexis) papers
Kallis (Stanley M.) Scripts
Kalmer (Nicholas) radio broadcast
Kalmus (Natalie) papers
Kalnins (Eduards) papers
Kalpakian (Laura A.) papers
Kalpakian (Laura) papers
Kalt (Elisabeth) correspondence
Kaltenbach (Frederick Wilhelm) miscellaneous papers
Kalter (Suzy) Collection of Dallas Television Scripts
Kalugin (Nikolai Petrovich) papers
Kamakura Maru (built 1930; passenger vessel) photograph
Kambara (Dr. George) Papers
Kamchatka Photograph Album
Kamel (G.W. Levi) Papers
Kamen (Martin David) Papers
Kaminski (Leszek) papers
Kamishibai collection
Kamm, Ray Personal Papers
Kammerer (Albert) typescript
Kammerer (Kam) Papers
Kamp (Louis and Irene) papers
Kampanakes (Patroklos) letter
Kamprath, Eugene J. (Korean War correspondence)
Kamyshnikova-Pervukhina (Natalii︠a︡) papers
Kanaar, M.D. (Adrian C.) papers
[Kanae Nagasawa photograph collection].
Kanai (Lincoln) papers
Kanamori (Tsugitada) Collection
Kanaye Nagasawa photographs of Yosemite Valley, 1904
Kandel (Isaac L.) papers
Kandel, Lenore [Photographs from the Lenore Kandel papers].
Kandel (Stephen) papers
Kandinsky (Wassily) Papers
Kane (Anita) Papers
Kane (Ari) Papers
Kane (Ariadne) Outreach Institute of Gender Studies Collection
Kane (Byron) papers
Kane (Elisha Kent) Papers
Kane (Gerald John) Autograph Collection
Kane (Gerald John) Collection
Kane (Gerald John) Literary Collection
Kane (Thomas Leiper) Papers
Kanehara (Setsu) Papers
Kaneko (Hiroshi) Papers
Kanelos, Constantine "Gus" Collection
Kanemoto (Lisa) Photographs
Kanemoto (Lisa) Photographs
K'ang (Ching-lien) papers
Kang (Young-Hoon) oral history
Kanghu Jiang papers, 1915-2008 (bulk 1917-1950).
Kanin (Fay and Michael) papers
Kanitz (Ernest) papers
Kanitz (Ernest) papers
Kanner Architects records
Kanner (Heinrich) writings
Kansas (built 1905; battleship: U.S. Navy) photograph
Kansas City, El Paso and Mexico Railroad Company Contract
Kansas City Trucking Co. Collection
Kansil (Joli Quentin) papers
Kanter (Hal) Collection
Kantner (Harold DeWolf) Personal Collection
Kantor (Bernard) papers
Kantor (Harry S.) papers
Kantor (Kenneth) papers
Kantor (Saul and Yakov) Papers
Kanzaki (Kiichi) papers
Kanzler (H. A.) Travel Journal
Kao (Tsu) papers
Kapiloff (Lawrence) Papers
Kaplan (Abraham A.) papers
Kaplan (Abraham) Papers
Kaplan (Allan) and Robert Kaplan political memorabilia collection
Kaplan (Bert) UCSC audio and visual recordings collection
Kaplan (Celeste S.) Papers
Kaplan (Gene) photograph collection
Kaplan (Henry S.) Papers
Kaplan (John) papers
Kaplan (Joseph) papers
Kaplan (Karel) collection
Kaplan (Nathan O.) Papers
Kaplan (Oscar and Rose) Public Opinion Surveys
Kaplan (Oscar J.) Collection
Kaplan (Phillis Abry) Papers
Kaplan (Robert) political campaign, ballot measure, and fundraising papers
Kaplun (Irina) writings
Kapnist (Lieutenant) papers
Kappa Phi Zeta, Alpha Chapter Records
Kappa Phi Zeta sorority records
Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Beta-Zeta Chapter (Stanford University), scrapbook
Kappe (Ray) Papers
Kappes (Marion) research material re folk tunes
Kapps (Joseph Richard) Photograph Album and Artifacts
Kaprow (Allan) Papers
Kaptur (Hugh M.) Collection
Kapusta (Alvin) collection
Kapustianskii (A. P.) typescript
Karaberis (Constanatine) Personal Papers
Karabian (Walter) collection on Norman H. Topping
Karabian, Walter J. Papers
Karabian (Walter J.) You Bet Your Life episode reel
Karachi Photograph Album
Karaolos No. 1 Headquarters Camp directives
Karasik (Theodore William) collection
Karcz (Jerzy F.) papers
Karczag (Dezso) Papers
Karen Lee Wald research collection on Cuba, circa 1982-2010.
Karen Newman papers, 1974-2016.
Karen Topp Goodwyn materials relating to California Dept. of Rehabilitation, 1975-1986.
Karklis (Arved Andreevich) papers
Karl Aschenbrenner papers, 1917-1984.
Karl Bach papers
Karl Friedrich May western scenes cigarette cards [graphic].
Karl Friedrich Meyer photograph collection [graphic].
Karl Friedrich Meyer photograph collection [graphic] : additions.
Karl Kasten collection of baggage labels advertising hotels from around the world
Karl Kasten photograph collection.
Karl Meyer papers : additions, circa 1900-1975.
Karl Meyer papers, 1900-1975.
Karl S. Pister papers, 1948-2002.
Karl Strauss Brewing Company Business Records
Karl (Terry L.) papers
Karla Andersdatter papers, 1985-1990
Karlinsky (Simon) papers
Karlson (Phil) Papers
Karma Tenzing Wangchuk (Dennis H. Dutton) papers.
Karma Tenzing Wangchuk (Dennis H. Dutton) papers.
Karmilof (Olga) mimeograph
Karmin (Otto) miscellaneous papers
Karno, M.D. (Marvin) professional papers
Karnow (Stanley) papers
Karns (Roscoe) collection
Kaross (Sonia Baltrun) Oral History
Karov (D.) typescript
Karp (Nancy) + Dancers Records
Karpinski (Louis C.) Collection
Karpov (Mikhail Pavlovich) papers
Karr (John B.) Pathology photostat typescript
Karras (Maria) collection of Woman's Building papers and photographs
Kars Photograph Album
Karsh (Audrey) Collection
Karsh Yousuf photograph, circa mid 20th century
Karski (Jan) papers
Karubian (Richard [Rouhollah]) collection of Arabic and Persian manuscripts
Kasai Family papers
Kasak (Elias) typescript
Kasakow (Sergei Vladimirovich) typescript
Kasch (Frederick W.) Papers
Kaschnitz von Weinberg (Rudolf) papers
Kashi Ashram collection
Kashiwagi (Hiroshi) papers
Kashmir photograph album, 1912
Kashmir photograph album, 1936
Kashmir Photograph Album, ca. 1930s-1940s.
Kaslas (Bronis J) papers
Kasmin Limited Records
Kasmire (Robert) Papers on Produce Refrigeration
Kaspar Sternberg hand colored plate, 1820-1838
Kasprzycki (Piotr Pawel) mimeograph
Kassie Koledin collection of Consumers Cooperative of Berkeley recipe and informational fliers, approximately 1971-1975.
Kassis Family collection
Kasson (John Adam) letters
Kastchenko (Marie) typescript
Kasten (Karl) Papers
Kasznar (Kurt) papers
Kataev (Vitalii Leonidovich) papers
Katalog der Spielwaren Ausstellung in Titograd typescript
Katano Family Papers
Kataoka (Ayako Nakauchi) Family Photograph Collection
Katchadourian (Herant A.) Papers
Katchongva (Chief Dan) Collection
Kate Bigelow Montague papers, 1906-1971.
Kate Davenport (ship) and Red Cross (ship) logbook
Kate Felton Elkins Collection
The Kate Johnson Papers
[Kate Kline May archive of City of Berkeley photographs].
Kate O. Sessions Collection
Kate Pope collection of California political ephemera.
Kate Severance Spencer Goewey paper read before the San Francisco Browning Society, 1917, Dec. 21.
Katharine Adams correspondence : and other material, approximately 1898-1960.
Katharine E[des] Beecher letter, 1836 April 17
Katharine Luomala papers, 1923-1984.
Katharine Miller Johnson papers pertaining to Point Reyes, 1961-1987 (bulk 1969-1971).
Katharine R. Maurer Collection, 1913-1977.
Katharine Whiteside Taylor papers, approximately 1938-1989.
Kathe Schwent Robbins Collection
Katherine Amelia Towle collection of clippings, mainly relating to the Free Speech Movement at the University of California, Berkeley, 1964-1966.
Katherine Amelia Towle papers, 1948-1968 (bulk 1964-1965)
Katherine Browning Miller papers, 1910-1947 (bulk 1925-1928)
Katherine Esau oral history, 1988-1981
Katherine Garrison Chapin letter, 1962 March 7
Katherine M. Ball papers, ca. 1900-1920.
Katherine Mackay Hawkins papers mainly as member of Nevada DAR and Monday Club of Reno, 1861-1964 (bulk 1957-1964)
Katherine McNabb oral history, 1971
Katherine Shumard Sanders plays : typescripts, ca. 1937.
Kathleen (built 1904; sloop: yacht) photograph
Kathleen Dickenson Mellen papers, 1928-1969 (bulk 1961-1969).
Kathleen Norris and Charles Gilman Norris letters : Palo Alto, California, to Tilly and Malcolm Johnson, Long Island, New York, 1943-1945.
Kathleen Norris and Charles Gilman Norris letters to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ernest Todd, 1927-1928.
Kathleen Norris letters to Margaret A. Hartigan, 1897-1964 (bulk 1910-1964).
Kathryn Conlon Childress correspondence : ALS, 1886-1937 (bulk 1886-1902).
Kathy Sloane photographs of jazz musicians.
Katie Reed O'Neal family papers, 1800-1972 (bulk 1800-1865).
Katkov (George) typescript
Kato Family photography collection
Kattermann (Heinrich) photographs
Katy Raddatz news photograph archive, approximately 1975-2008.
"Katy" (Second World War correspondence)
Katz (Allan) scripts
Katz (Demian) gamebook collection
Katz (Friedrich) collection
Katz (Joseph) Papers
Katz (Richard) Papers
Katz (Rudolf) papers
Katz (Samuel Irving) papers
Kaucher (Dorothy) Publications Collection
Kaufman (Alfred) musical scores
Kaufman (Anne and Michael) Papers
Kaufman (Dr. Morris P.) photographs
Kaufman (Edith Schoenberger) papers
Kaufman (Franklin John) papers
Kaufman (Harry) Papers
Kaufman (Lawrence) Collection
Kaufman (Mary) Collection
Kaufman (Millard) papers
Kaufman (Millard) papers
Kaufman (Miriam Stirberg) Letters
Kaufman (Polly Welts) Collection
Kaufman (Shirley) Papers
Kaufmann (Gordon B.) drawings
Kaujewa (Jackson) sound recording
Kauke (Ruth Richardson) correspondence
Kaul (Byran) collection
Kaul'bars (Aleksandr Vasil'evich) typescript
[Kaumakapili Church, Chinatown, Honolulu fire photographs].
Kaumheimer family papers
Kautsky (Benedikt) biography
Kautsky (Karl) typescript
Kavanaugh-Hecker (Frances) Clippings, Scrapbook, and Photographs
Kavka (Gregory) papers
KAW issuances
Kawamoto, Casey Collection
Kawamoto (Tazu) Photo Album Collection
Kawano (Shigeichi) Papers
Kaweah and Tule Rivers Flood Control records
Kaweah Colony and views of the Kaweah River valley, California.
Kaweah Colony group leisure scenes.
Kaweah Colony material.
Kaweah Colony views [graphic]
Kaweah Cooperative Colony Company records, 1885-1892.
Kay (Alan), "Mice, Windows, and the Great Comet"
Kay (Jack) Papers
Kay (Margaret Hawtof) collection on Stanley G. Weinbaum
Kay Willis oral history, circa 1998
Kayashima (Shizuko) Photograph Album
Kayden (Eugene Mark) typescript
Kaye (Lisa) papers
Kayitani Family Photo Album
Kayser (Josef) papers
Kayser, (Paul) Collection
Kazakh newspaper collection
Kazakh subject collection
Kazantsev (Nikolai) papers
[Kazayra Miranda González political prints].
KC PZPR records
KCET-TV Collection of "California Connected" production files
KCET-TV Collection of "California Connected" video recordings
KCET-TV Collection of "Life and Times" production files
KCET-TV Collection of "Life and Times" video recordings
KCRA-TV film collection (Part 1 of 3)
KCRA-TV film collection (Part 2 of 3)
KCRA-TV film collection (Part 3 of 3)
KCSB Audiotape Collection
KCSB-FM collection
KCSM-TV (Television Station : San Mateo, Calif.) The computer chronicles : television series
Keane (James) Collection of Fritz Burns Biographical Materials
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center (KARE) Tea Trials Records
Kearney (Gene) papers
Kearney, Louis E. (Second World War correspondence)
Kearney (M. Theodore) Papers
Kearney (M. Theodore) Papers
Kearney Ranch Records
Kearney Vineyard Company papers, 1903-1948 (bulk 1940-1948).
Kearns (Henry) papers
Kearns (Kenneth) video tape
Kearns (Michael) papers
Kearny Street Workshop archives
Keast (Phillip) Collection
Keaton (Buster) papers
Keats (Mark) Photograph Collection
Keats (Steven) Scripts
Keck School of Medicine Trials and Transformations oral histories
Keddie (Arthur Walter) Family Papers
Keddie (Nikki R.) papers
Keehn (Joseph) Collection
Keeler (Charles A.) Papers
Keeler (Charles Augustus) Papers
Keeler (Charles) Document
Keeler, Charles Photographs from the Charles Augustus Keeler papers.
Keeler, Eloise. Papers and family materials.
Keeler family pictorial collection.
Keeler (James E.) Papers
(Keeler) Leonarde Papers
Keeler (Robert E.) Photo Collection
Keeler, Walter (Second World War correspondence)
Keeley (Joseph C.) miscellaneous papers
Keeling (Charles David) Papers
Keeling (Richard) Collection 1979.02
Keen (Harold) Papers
Keen (Myra A.) Papers
Keene (Barry) Papers
Keene (Florence R.) Papers
Keene, Herman Collection
Keenen, David U. (Second World War correspondence)
Keeny (Spurgeon Milton) newsletters
Keep Christ in Christmas (KCIC) Records
Keep (Josiah) Papers
Keep (Rosalind) Papers
Keesing (Roger M.) Papers
Keesling family collection of John Henry Barbat papers, photographs, and realia, 1895-1920
Keesling family collection of Stebbins family materials, 1882-1953.
Keesling Sr. (Francis V.) diaries and reprints
Keesling Sr. (Francis V.) papers, 1889-1973
Kefauver (Grayson Neikirk) papers
Kegley (Hugh Paul) Papers
Kegley (Hugh Paul) Photograph Album
Kehoe (Monika) Papers
Kehoe (Monika) Papers
Keighley (William) material
Keil (Robert H.) letters
Keiser (Glen) Comic Books, Fantasy Drawings, and Realia Collection
Keitel (John Fitzgerald) film collection
Keith (Agnes Newton) papers
Keith (Alexander Perkins) Personal Papers
[Keith Dannemiller photographs of Guatemalan Mayan refugees in Chiapas].
Keith (Gerald) and Cary Hayward miscellany
Keith (Joseph Joel) Papers
Keith Kellum papers, [ca. 1960-1989].
Keith Lampe column, circa 1969-1970
Keith (Todd), "Standardized Testing, Affirmative Action, and Stanford Admissions Policies Before 1970"
Keith Walker papers, 1955-1998.
Keith, William Letter and two receipts to Mrs. I.W. Hellman : San Francisco : ALS, 1900-[undated]
Keith-McHenry-Pond collection of C.E. Watkins photographs.
Keith-McHenry-Pond Family papers
Keith-McHenry-Pond family pictorial collection [graphic].
Keizer (Joel) Papers
Kelco Aerial Photograph Collection
Kellam (Frederick) Papers
Kelland (Clarence Budington) letters
Keller (Clara Druzilla) Photograph Album
Keller (Frank P.) papers
Keller (Harald) Papers
Keller (Helen) Letter and Printed Braille Card
Keller (Henry W.) Papers
Keller (Henry Workman) Papers
Keller (Irwin E.) Papers
Keller (Joseph B.) Papers
Keller Latin American Diary
Keller, Margaret, Oral History
Keller (Matthew) Papers and Addenda
Keller (Sheldon) Collection
Keller (Vicki) Papers, White House Central Files, 1971-1972
Keller (Woodrow Wilson) Timebooks
Keller-Frick (Ines) papers
Kelley, A. John F. (Interwar and Second World War personal accounts, photographs and documents)
Kelley, Bob Video Collection
Kelley (Chas. H.) Letter
Kelley (David) Papers
Kelley (DeForest) papers
Kelley (Douglas McGlashan) Papers
Kelley (George F.) Correspondence
Kelley, George H. Papers
Kelley (Gerard William) papers
Kelley (Gorman F.) Papers
Kelley (H. Roy) papers
Kelley (Harold H.) papers
Kelley, James A. (Second World War correspondence)
Kelley (James Leo) Personal Collection
Kelley (John R.) Los Angeles Board of Education collection
Kelley (Michael) Papers
Kelley (Robert L.) Papers
Kelley (Robert Lloyd) papers
Kelley (William J.) papers
Kelliher (M. S.) Collection
Kellman (George) papers
Kellner (Josef) papers
Kellner (Robert) papers
Kellock (Harold) letter
Kellogg (Charlotte H.) papers
Kellogg Family Papers
Kellogg family snapshots [graphic]
Kellogg (Louise) field notes
Kellogg (Marjorie) papers
Kellogg, Martin Correspondence and papers regarding Martin Kellogg, 1939 May 21- 24 & n.d.
Kellogg (R. H.) collection
Kellogg (Ralph H.) Papers
Kellogg (Sheldon I.) Jr. shooting contest scrapbook
Kellogg (Vernon L.) papers
Kelly (Charles) Photograph Collection
Kelly, Edward T., Jr. (Second World War correspondence)
Kelly (Ellsworth) prints from Stéphane Mallarmé Un Coup de Dés series
Kelly (Frances Maria) Papers
Kelly (Frank K.) Papers
Kelly (James J.) papers
Kelly (Kathleen Lesley Margaret) Papers
Kelly (Laura A.) Travel Diary
Kelly (Lorelei) collection
Kelly (Paul) Los Angeles Typographical Union, Local 174 Collection
Kelly (Robert) Papers
Kelly (Samuel Taylor) papers
Kelly-Holiday collection of negatives and photographs, 1954-1971
Kelps. Ephemera and memorabilia.
Kelsey, Bill. Photographs of Sierra Nevada scenery /
Kelsey family papers, 1933-1978.
Kelsey (Jeannette G. W.) Family Papers
Kelsey (Richmond) woodblock prints
Kelsey St. Press records
Kelton (Stanley M.) radio collection
Kelzer, Marie Collection.
Kemble Ephemera Collection
Kemble (E.W.) - Collection of illustrated books by E.W. Kemble
Kemble (Fanny) Papers
Kemble (John Haskell) commercial maritime ephemera collection
Kemble (John Haskell) maritime art collection
Kemble (John Haskell) maritime, travel, and transportation collection
Kemble (John Haskell) Papers
Kemble (Milton Frank) Papers
Kemble Newspaper Collection
Kemble Type Specimen Collection
Kemnitz (Hans Arthur von) essays
Kemp (Arthur) papers
Kemp, Bob Personal Papers
Kemp (Earl) collection on Science Fiction
Kemp (Kathryn) Girl Scouts Collection - Stockton (Calif.)
Kemper (James S.) papers
Kempkey (Augustus) papers
Kempton (Grace A.; and Willett Main) family papers
Ken Darby Bohemian Club music manuscript collection, 1950-1983 (bulk, 1962-1976)
Ken Kesey Merry Pranksters collection, (bulk 1964-1969).
Ken Light photographs from To the promised land and With these hands [graphic] /
Ken Miller portraits of the Art Deco Society of San Francisco, 1989.
Ken Stein papers, circa 1982-2007.
Ken Yamamoto letter and clippings, 1942
Kenady Legal Papers on Joseph L. Alioto v. Cowles Communications., Inc. Trials
Kendall (George Wilkins) Collection
Kendall (Paul W.) Papers
Kendall (T. Robert) Papers
Kendall (Willmoore) papers
Kendall-Frost Marsh Preserve Collection
Kendrick (Baynard H.) Typescript
Kendrick (Charles) papers
Kendrick (James Blair) Correspondence
Kenilworth (bark, 4m) and Star of Shetland (bark) logbooks
Kenji Sayama letters, 1942-1944
Kenjinkai Publications
Kenjiro Akune Personal Collection
Kennard (Robert A.) papers
Kennebec and Portland Railroad Lists of Tickets
Kennedy (Alex D.) Collection
Kennedy (Amos Paul Jr.) collection
Kennedy (Arthur Garfield) Papers
Kennedy (Bari L.) Papers
Kennedy, B.L., Guide To
Kennedy (Charles R.) papers
Kennedy (David M.) Papers
Kennedy (Donald) Clipping File
Kennedy (Donald) Personal papers
Kennedy (Donald), President of Stanford University, papers
Kennedy (Eugene) papers
Kennedy (F.C., Mrs.) Account Book
Kennedy (Fred Conoway) Papers
Kennedy, Henry A. Sr. (Second World War correspondence)
Kennedy (Jay) video tapes collection
Kennedy (John F. and Robert) Ephemera Collection
Kennedy (John F.) Assassination Newspaper Collection
Kennedy (John F.) assassination newspapers, clippings and documents
Kennedy (John F.) assassination printed ephemera
Kennedy (John F.) Non-Book Collection
Kennedy (John F., President) Collection of Material about his Assassination
Kennedy (John F.) speeches
Kennedy (Karen) Papers
Kennedy (Lawton) Ephemera
Kennedy (Madge) photographs and clippings
Kennedy (Mary Alice) Scrapbook
Kennedy Mining and Milling Company records, 1887-1895.
Kennedy (Philip B.) typescript
Kennedy (Richard T.) papers
Kennedy (Robert E.) Japan Photograph Album
Kennedy (Robert F.) Assassination Investigation, Los Angeles Police Dept. Records
Kennedy (Shirley) papers
Kennedy Space Center Image Collection
Kennedy-Minott (Rodney) papers
Kennel (Charles F.) Papers
Kenneth and Ruth Yearns papers, 1962-1980.
Kenneth C. Sample Civilian Conservation Corps photograph album, circa 1933-1935
Kenneth C. Zwerin papers, 1924-1983.
Kenneth Carpenter papers, 1959-1961.
Kenneth G. Goode photographs, circa 1974
Kenneth Gordon Scott papers, [ca. 1932-74]
Kenneth Hart collection of San Francisco Bay Area concert handbills and posters [graphic].
Kenneth J. Carpenter correspondence with Lewis M. Allen and Roger Levenson, 1964-1987.
Kenneth J.H. Reid letters received, 1966-1969.
Kenneth Joseph Colvin oral history interview
Kenneth L. Kann collection on the Petaluma Jewish Community, 1939-1989 (bulk 1950-1978).
Kenneth M. Kendall College Avenue Trees Collection
Kenneth M. Kendall Photograph Collection
Kenneth M. Stampp papers, 1938-2007.
Kenneth Millar, circa 1957
Kenneth Patchen Festival Records
"Kenneth Patchen: Hurrah for Anything" Film Production Records.
Kenneth R. Farrell oral history transcript : taking the University to the people, University of California Cooperative Extension / c2009.
Kenneth Rank - New Idria Mines Collection, 1867-1973.
Kenneth Rexroth papers, approximately 1960-1982.
Kenneth Rowland Germann railroad collection [graphic].
Kenneth S. Beam papers, 1931-1971 (bulk 1931-1956).
Kennett, California Photograph Album
Kenney (Louis A.) Papers
Kennick (Joseph M.) Collection
Kenny Fries papers, 1976-2014.
Kenny (Herbert) Collection of Photographs of South Pasadena
Kenny (Robert W.) Papers
Kenny (Robert W.) Papers
Kensinger (Michael) papers
Kensington Ladies’ Erotica Society Collection
Kensington Ladies' Erotica Society papers, 1984-2002 (bulk 1984-1987).
Kent (Danny) Collection of Lesbian/Gay Freedom Day Parade Records
Kent (England) Deeds, 1400-1799
Kent Family Papers
Kent family papers, 1907-1975 (1927-1966)
Kent family. Photographs from the Kent family papers.
Kent G. Dedrick papers, circa 1950-1990.
Kent Gill Sierra Club papers, 1965-1977.
Kent (Roger) Papers
Kent, Roger Photographs from the Roger Kent papers.
Kent (T. J.) Papers
Kent Taylor papers, approximately 1940-2014.
Kentucky Mining Company accounts, 1858-1861.
Kenworthy (Aubrey Saint) Papers
Kenyan subject collection
Kenyatta (Jomo) sound recordings
Kenyon (Charles Patterson) Collection
Kenyon (John) Autograph Album
Kenyon, Stanley, and Crellin families papers
Kenyon (W. Houston) diary
Keogh Family Papers and Photographs
Keohan (Constance and Emily) Papers
Keown (Ralph D.) album
Kepes (György) papers
Kephart (Larry C.) Christopher Street West Collection
Kephart (Larry) Gay Male Erotic Short Stories
Kepner (Jim) Papers
Kepner (Richard E.) Papers
Keppel, Charles. Manuscripts of writings of Charles William Keppel, [ca. 1938-1956]
Keppler (Joseph) Papers
Kerby (Elizabeth Poe) papers
Kerby (Philip P.) Papers
Kerckhoff-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Company Records
Kerensky (Aleksandr F.) miscellaneous papers
Keres Language of New Mexico
Kerista Commune Collection
Kerl (Simon) Manuscripts
Kerley (Robert V.) Personal Papers
Kerman (Joseph) Papers
Kermit Sheets pictorial collection [graphic].
Kern (Andrew C.) Collection
Kern County Land Company Promotional Photograph Album
Kern County Local History Photograph Collection
Kern County Newspaper Collection
Kern (George A.) Papers
Kern River Flood Control records
Kernan (Rosemary) correspondence
Kerner, Robert Joseph Photographs from the Robert J. Kerner papers.
Kerno (Ivan S.) papers
Kerns, Ralph W. (Second World War photograph scrapbooks and correspondence)
Kerns (Thaddeus S.) Personal Papers
Kerouac (Jan) papers
Kerr (Clark) Personal and Professional Papers
Kerr, Clark Photographs from the Clark Kerr personal and professional papers [graphic].
Kerr (Darrell) Correspondence with American Poets and Publishers
Kerr family correspondence, 1862.
Kerr (George H.) papers
Kerr (Jack and Anna) Papers
Kerr (Keith) Uniform
Kerr (Margaret Ann) papers
Kerr (Stanley Elphinstone) typescript
Kerr (William J.) Papers
Kerr-Hurd Family Collection
Kerridge, (Captain P. Markham) Angling Collection
Kerrigan (Thomas) Papers
Kershaw (Greet) papers
Kerstan (Wilhelm) typescript
Kersteter, Simon B. (Civil War correspondence)
Åkerström (Åke) Papers
Kertesz (Stephen D.) papers
Keskula (Aleksander) papers
Kesler (Frederick) Papers
Kessler (Chester) Dance Photography Collection
Kessler (Chester) Papers
Kessler (David R.) Papers
Kessler (Friedolin Edward) Art Collection
Kessler (Friedolin Edward) Papers
Kessler (Jascha F.) Papers
Kester (Frank) Papers
Kesterson Reservoir and the San Joaquin Valley Drainage Problem collection
Ketcham (Allen Francis) typescript
Ketcham (W. Egbert) photographs
Kettleman North Dome Association collection
Kettlewell collection of photographs, primarily of northern California.
Kettner (William) Papers
Keuhn (Lucille) Collection on the "Challenge: Women in Higher Education" Institue
Keusink (Richard W.), "Fire mission 109, the history of Stanford University Class of 1944, Officer Candidate Class 109 and the experiences of its members in World War II"
Kevin L. Seligman Collection
Kevin Starr papers, 1969-
Kevles (Barbara L.) collection of computer technology
Kevles (Barbara L.) collection on Gordon Parks
Kew (Darren) papers
Kew (Kenneth) Papers
Key (Al) photographs
Key (Kerim Kami) typescript
[Key Route transit system photographs].
Key System Newspaper Clippings
Key (Troyce) Papers
Keyes (Cheryl) Collection
Keyes (Edith Thurston) Papers
Keyes-McIntire-Voorheis-Clark family papers, circa 1849-1970.
Keyfitz (Nathan) papers
Keylor (Jim) Collection
Keynes (John Maynard) typescript
Keys (James M.) The Spanish missions of California and their influence today
Keys to Introducing Disabilities in Schools records, 1978-1990.
Keystone Photo Service, Inc. Photograph Albums of Scenes of Southern California, ca. 1920
Keystone Photo Service, photographer. [Photographs of Henry E. Huntington library and art gallery buildings and paintings].
Keystone Stereograph Visual Aids Collection
Keystone View Company Photo Albums of Scenes from Around the World, ca. 1920
Keystone View Company Stereocard Collection
[Keystone View Company stereograph views of Native Americans of the West].
Keystone View Company World War Through the Stereoscope Collection
Keystone-Mast Collection
KEYT News video archive
KEYT television station records
KEYT-TV News Collection
KGB connections: an investigation into Soviet espionage operations in North America video tape
Khachigian (Kenneth L.) Papers, White House Special Files, 1970-1973
Khan (Shujaat) Collection 2003.07
Khantamour (Krikor M.) papers
Kharbinskie kommercheskie uchilishcha collection
Kharbinskii komitet pomoshchi russkim bezhentsam miscellanea
Kharlova (Lidiia Aleksandrovna)
Khayyam (Omar) Collection of Material
Kheel (Curtis) scripts
Kherdian (David), Saroyan and Armenian American Literature Talk
Khim (Richard) collection
Khisamutdinov (Amir Aleksandrovich) writings
Khitrovo (Vladimir Sergeevich) papers
Khlodovskiĭ (Vsevolod Vladimirovich)
Khmer Arts Records
Khmer Girls in Action records
Kühne (Franz Ludwig) Wanderbuch
Khokhlov (Nikolaĭ Evgen'evich) papers
Khoo (Dr. Joo Ee) Slides
Khorvat (Dmitrii Leonidovich) memoirs
Khoshev (Boris Aleksandrovich) service record
Khrabroff (Nicholas) typescript
Khristianskii Soiuz Molodykh Liudei v Kharbine miscellany
Khudaibergen (Divanov), Views and people of Khiva
Kibby (Robert Milton) Papers
Kibler (Belva) and Donald Morgan Collection
KidSat Project Files
Kidshows miscellany, 1982-1998.
Kiely (John R.) papers
Kiernan (Brendan) papers
Kiernan (Jim) Papers
Kiers (Margriet) and Hicks (Kenna) papers
Kiesel (Conrad) Correspondence
Kiess (Paul) papers
Kight (Morris) Papers
Kight (Morris) Papers and Photographs
Kihara (Ted) Photograph Collection
Kiiashchenko (Georgii Titovich) papers
Kikel (Rudy) collection
Kiki Gallery Records
Kikuchi (Charles) papers
Kilbracken (Arthur Godley, Baron) Letters
Kilbride (Gerald) papers
Kilbride (Jerry) Papers
Kilbride, Jerry. Papers, 1950-
Kilburn (Fern) Photograph Collection
Kilgore, Jr. (Thomas) papers
Kilgroe (Louisa) typescript
Kilian (Dorothy B.) papers
Killalee (Jack Adelbert) papers
Killam (Keith and Eva) papers
Killian (Joe) photographs and papers
Killie (Charles A.) photographs
Killingsworth (Edward A.) papers
Killion (Tom) papers
Killion (Tom) Prints Collection
Kilpatrick (Wylie) writings
Kilroy (John B.) XXI Olympiad Papers
Kim (Chang Sei) family papers
Kim (Chan-Hie) papers
Kim (Charles) collection
Kim family papers
Kim (Kyeng Bo) recordings and slides
Kim (Ronyoung) and Richard Hahn papers
[Kim Steele photographic archive of industrial imagery in the American West].
Kim (Yin) papers
Kim (Young Oak) Biography papers
Kim (Young Tak) and Annabelle Kim papers
Kim (Yung-chol) papers
Kimball & Cutting, Murphys, Calif. papers, 1851-1867.
Kimball (Alice Windsor) Scrapbook
Kimball Carriage and Car Manufacturing Company (San Francisco) Letter
Kimball (Charles P.) Diaries, Vol 1
Kimball, (Charles P.) Papers, 1840-1920
Kimball (Charles P.) Papers, 1876-1908
Kimball (Katrine Rushton Fairclough) papers
Kimball (Laura F.) Papers
Kimball (Margaret) Interview for "Becoming Stanford, the Making of an American University"
Kimball (Rebecca M.) Papers
Kimball (Ruth Laird) Scrapbook
Kimball, Sandy Collection
Kimball (Thomas Lord) Papers
Kimiko Matsui Kaneko : oral history transcript : an oral history / 24 April and 22 June, 2000.
Kimm (Diamond) collection on
Kimmel (Jess) papers
Kimura (Toshio) Letters
Kincaid, George F. Photographs of a cabin from the George F. Kincaid papers.
Kincaid Rolle (Sojourner) papers
Kinch (Don) Collection
Kincheloe, Joe (papers)
Kinder, Richard C. (Second World War correspondence)
Kindlerska (Stefania) typescript
Kinet (Urbain Joseph) papers
King (Ben) Collection of Detroit Publishing Company Photochrom Views
King Bros. Productions records
King (Byron) and Mrs. Byron King silent film music scores
King (Charles) papers
King (Charles) Papers
King Charles ye First His Physick Books
King City, Monterey County, California photograph album
King (Clarence) Papers
King (Coretta Scott) at Stanford University [Videorecording]
King (David R.) Gay Rights Collection
King (David W.) papers
King Family papers
King (Frank H. H.) motion picture film
King (Frank Haviland) papers
King (Frank M.) Papers
King (Gertrude Besse) writings
King (Gertrude) papers
King (Gertrude) typescript
King (Gwendolyn B.) Papers, White House Central Files, 1969-1974
King (Henry L.) Documents
King (Henry) papers
King Huber Collection
King James Bible leaves, 1611
King (Jay) Memorial Boards
King (Joseph Choate) papers
King Kong collection
King (Leland W.)
King (Lillie Mae Ransom) Photographs and Papers
King (Martin Luther), Jr., Birthday Celebration Videorecording
King, Molly Oral History
King (Noel Q.) papers
King (Norman D.) papers
King (Paul R.) Collection
King Petar II Karadordevic miscellaneous papers
King (Robert B.) Fuze Collection Documents
King (Robert Lee) Family Papers
King (Rufus) Papers
King (Thomas M.) Papers
King (Thomas Starr) Collection
King (Tom) photographs
King Wyles letter to his brother, R. B. Wyles, 1862 March 11.
Kingery (Ralph T.) Collection
Kingman (Alden H.) Gold Rush Letters
Kingman (Daniel) Papers
Kingman (Dong) papers
Kingman (Harry L.) Papers
Kingman (Ruth W.) Papers Related to the Pacific Coast Committee on American Principles and Fair Play
Kingmasters records
[Kings and princes of England] [graphic].
[Kings County Packing Co. (Armona, Calif.) photograph collection].
King's River Canyon Sierra Club Trip photograph album
Kings River collection
Kings River Flood Control records
Kingsbury (Albert G.) lantern slide collection
Kingsley Art Club records
Kingsley (Charles) Correspondence
Kingsley family papers, [ca. 1859-1902]
Kingsley (George L.) Letters
Kingston Collection
Kingston (Maxine Hong) Papers
Kingston (Tim) Papers
Kinney (Troy) Etchings and Engravings
Kino (Gordon S.) Papers
Kinsey Anderson anti-war poster collection.
Kinsey Anderson papers, circa 1950-1993.
Kinsey (Darius R.) Photograph Album
The Kinsey Sicks Collection
Kinsler (F. Ross, Theological Education by Extension) Collection
Kinsley (Wil) Plaques
Kinter (Dean) photographs of the Golden Gate Bridge and Bay Bridge construction
Kintner (William R.) papers
Kinzie, Robert A. Photographs from the Robert A. Kinzie papers.
Kiosko (Literatura de)
Kiperash Family Farm Records
The Kipling Club [graphic]
Kipper Kids records
Kirby Brown collection on California Faience, 1877-2018 (bulk 2005-2015).
Kirby (Edmund) Papers
Kirby (Gustavus T.) papers
Kirchner (Klaus) collection
Kirchner (Mark) Proposition 8 Photographs
Kirgo (George) Papers
Kirk family Papers
Kirk (Mary) Document
Kirk (Paul L.) Papers
Kirk (Ruth Falkenburg) Collection
Kirk, William A. Letters, 1864 May
Kirkendall (Emit A.) Papers
Kirk-Greene (A. H. M.) papers
Kirkhuff & Schaaf drawing of the San Marcos building addition
Kirkland (John F.) Documents
Kirkland (John F.) Letter
Kirkpatrick (Paul Harmon) Autobiography
Kirkpatrick (Paul Harmon) papers
Kirk/Spock Slash Fiction Zine collection
Kirkwood (Carla) Collection
Kirrene, Gerald Ephemera Collection
Kirsch (Adam)
Kirsch (Robert R.) Collection
Kirsch (Robert R.) Papers
Kirschbaum (Mark W.) collection
Kirschbraun, Son and Company correspondence, 1879-1880.
Kirschenbaum (Howard) papers
Kirst (Michael W.) papers
Kirstein (Roman) collection
Kirwan (Ed) ASUC Photograph Archive
Kirwan (J. W.) typescript
Kiss (Istvan) papers
Kissinger (Henry A.) Office Files, National Security Council Files, 1968-1975
Kissinger (Henry A.) Telephone Conversation Transcripts (Telcons), National Security Council Files, 01/21/1969 - 08/08/1974
Kistler Family papers
Kistler (Jessie Rua), "Tennyson's Flora" Thesis
Kistler Printing and Lithography Collection
Kistner, Wright & Wright drawings of the Betsy Ross School Extended Day Care Center addition
Kiszczak (Czeslaw) papers
Kit Carson Ranch Records
Kit Robinson papers, 1970-2014.
Kita Shina Fūbutsu Shashin Gashū - Northern China and Tibet Scenes Photograph Album
Kitagawa (Kay I.) collection
Kitaj (R.B.) papers
Kitaji (Masuo) papers
Kitano (Harry H. L.) Papers
Kitch (Kenneth Haun) Papers
Kitchel (Denison) papers
Kitchen videos and records, The
Kitchin family USC memorabilia
Kitchin (George) typescript
Kititsyn (Captain) order
Kittredge (George Lyman) collection
Kittredge (Letain Thom) Papers
Kittredge (Mabel Hyde) miscellaneous papers
Kittredge (Tracy B.) papers
Kittson (W. A.) Central Australia Collection
Kitzinger (Ernst) Papers
Kivelson (Margaret G.) papers
Kiyohara (Danzo) Papers
Kiyoshi and Kiyoko Tokutomi papers, ca. 1940-2003.
Kizer (Harry J.) Collection, ca. 1898
Kjellson (Per) video tapes collection
KKSF Collection
Klain, James M. Photographic images of Royce Hall.
Klain, James M. School of Theater, Film & Television photographs.
Klain (Julius) Collection of Collection of Photographs
Klamath Forest Alliance Collection
Klaminskii (Sergei N.) writings
Klapp (Orrin Edgar) Papers
Klara Furst-Heinam diary, circa 1879-1950
Klatil (Frantisek) papers
Klatt (Werner) collection
Klauber (Alice E.) Papers
Klauber Family Theater Scrapbook Collection
Klauber (Laurence M.) Field Notes
Klauber Theater and Concert Programs Collection
Klaus (Vaclav) miscellany
Klavins (Aleksandrs) letters
Klebingat (Captain Fred K.) collection of Ernest Aderman photographs
Klebingat (Captain Fred K.) photograph collection
Kleczynski (Bohdan) papers
Kleiber (Max) Papers
Kleiman (Herbert S.) interviews conducted for his book "The Integrated Circuit"
Klein (Allen) "Moon Over Miami" Fundraiser Collection
Klein (Arthur L.) Papers
Klein (Barbara) for Los Angeles City Council
Klein (Donald F.) papers
Klein (Edward L.) photographs
Klein (Eleanor) papers
Klein (Fred) papers
Klein (H. Arthur) Papers
Klein (Herbert G.) papers
Klein (Herbert G.) Papers
Klein (Herbert G.) Papers, White House Special Files, 1969-1973
Klein (Herbert S.) collection
Klein (Jay Kay) photographs and papers on science fiction fandom
Klein (Jessica) Collection
Klein (Jonathan H.) Papers
Klein (Julius) correspondence
Klein (Julius) papers
Klein (Ken) collection of Korean American history
Klein (Ronald), "The Challenge of Individualism," Senior Class Oration Typescript
Klein (Violet Atkins) Papers
Klein (Walther) Papers
Kleinberg (Judy) papers
Kleiner (Herman) Collection
Kleiner Perkins, venture capital, and the chairmanship of Genentech, 1976-1995 : oral history transcript / 2002.
Kleingartner serial issue
Kleinhans (Eleanor M.) collection
Kleinrock (Leonard) papers
Kleinschmidt (Hans J.) Research Files
Kleinsmid (Rufus B. von) papers
Kleiser (Randal) papers
Klemin (Alexander) papers
Klemm (V.) writings
Klemperer (Otto) Collection of Musical Scores
Kleptko (Frank) Photographs of Stanford University
Klien (Ferdinand) collection
Kliene Family Collection
Kliene (Gloria Watson Curtis) Collection
Kliewer (W. Mark) Papers
Kligman (Gail) Collection
Klimas (Petras) diary excerpts
Kline (Gertrude Hartfield) script collection
Kline (Lee B.) papers
Kline (Marty) storyboards
Kline (Samuel H.) papers
Kling (Arthur S.) collection
Klingberg (Frank J.) Papers
Klinger (Walter A.) papers
Klinger (Walter) papers
Klochkov (Pavel Vasil'evich) papers
Klondike and Atlin [British Columbia] Gold Rush photographs, 1898-1899
[Klondike gold rush and Alaska photographs.]
Klondike gold rush stereoviews.
Klondike Grub-Stake Company stock certificate, 1897.
Kloss (Robert Marsh) Papers
Klotz (Esther) collection on Miné Okubo
Klotz (Esther H.) papers
Klotz (Leo J.) collection on plant disease
Klotz (Sergius) Papers
[Klub Dekadence nightclub fliers].
Klub Psikhicheskoi Kul'tury records
Klure (Laura) collection on the Riverside Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)
Klus (L. L.) postcard collection
Kluss (Walter L.) letter
Klussmann (Friedel) San Francisco Beautiful Records
KMEX-TV film strips
[KMIC, Inglewood, radio station photographs]
Knabenshue (Roy) Collection
Knapp (Erich) papers
Knapp (J. Burke) papers
Knapp Plow Company Records and the Knapp (Norman E.) Papers
Knapp (Robert T.)
Knapp (Sewell A.) Papers
Knauer (Georg Nicolaus) papers
Knauft (Bruce M.) Papers
Kneass family school portraits and ship launching photographs [graphic].
Kneeland Family Papers
Kneeland Family Photographs
Kneeland (Frederick) letters
Kneeland (Norman L.) letters
Kneiss (Gilbert H.) photographs
Kneiss (Gilbert Harold) Collection
Kneiss (Karl. E.) Certificate
Knerem, Ralph E. (Vietnam War toilet paper letters)
Knezevich (John) papers
Kniazeff (Alex N.) papers
Kniazeff (Alexis N.) Papers
Kniazev (N. N.) typescript
Knibbs (Henry H.) Papers
Knies (Donald Arthur) collection
Knight (Arthur and Kit) Beat Collection
Knight (Arthur) collection
Knight (Clifford) Papers
Knight Dunlap Correspondence
Knight, Emerson collection
Knight Family Photograph Albums, ca. late 1800s
Knight (Frances) scrapbook
Knight (Francis Putnam) papers
Knight (Goodwin J.) papers
Knight (Goodwin J.) Papers
Knight (Joseph A.) Collection
Knight Management Center
Knight (Vick Jr.) Papers
Knight (William) Collection
Knights Deep Mine photographs [graphic]
Knights of Columbus collection, circa 1950-1961
Knights of Labor Railroad Strike Scrapbook
Knights of Labor records, 1886-1892.
Knights of Pythias, Beatific Lodge No. 7 receipts, 1874-1903.
Knights of Pythias, California, Oakland Lodge No. 103 minute books, 1904 November 3-1911 January 26.
Knights of Pythias, Mono Lodge, No. 59, records : Bodie, Calif., 1879-1911.
Knights of Pythias name cards, circa 1890-1910.
Knights of Pythias records
Knights of Pythias, Sacramento Lodge, No. 11 weekly minutes, 1875-1911.
Knights of the Clocks collection
Knight's Scrapbooks
Knoche family souvenir photograph album collection
Knoche family souvenir photograph album collection
Knoche (Johann Edward) Memoirs, 1819 -- 1901
Knochen (Helmut) memoirs
Knoedler & Co. artist files
Knoedler Kasmin Limited Records
Knoles Family Collection
Knoles (George Harmon) Papers
Knoll (Polly) Papers
Knoll (S.) collection
Knollin (Robert) papers
Knopf (Edwin H. and Mildred O.) papers
Knopoff (Leon) papers
Knorr (E.A.) Patient Case Notes
Knorr (Wilbur Richard) Papers
Knott (W. W.) Letter
The Knowland Family and the Oakland Tribune, [ca. 197-?]
Knowland, Joseph R. (Joseph Russell) Photographs from the Joseph R. Knowland papers [graphic].
Knowland (Joseph R.) Papers
Knowland (Joseph R.) Papers
Knowland (William F.) miscellaneous papers
Knowledge engineering: artificial intelligence research at the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project
Knowledge Representation: Pat Hayes and Nils Nilsson [videorecording]
Knowles (Joseph) Collection
Knowles (Josiah N.) Letter
Knowles (Paul F.) Papers
Knowles, Russell, Jr. (Cold War correspondence)
Knowles (William) Papers
Knowlton (J. Edward) Pathology notebook
Knowlton (Lucerne H.) papers
Knox (Alexander) papers
Knox family papers, 1849-1925.
Knox (George) and Harry Lawton collection on Sadakichi Hartmann
Knox (Harley) Collection
Knox (Jessie Juliet) Collection
Knox (John T.) Papers
Knox (John T.) Papers
Knox, Julian F. Collection
Knox (Kenneth R.) Collection
Knox (Mertice McCrea Buck) Collection
Knox (Ronald) Papers
Knox (Samuel B. P.) Papers
The Knoxville Mining District, the McLaughlin Gold Mine, northern California, 1978-2002 : oral history transcript / 1998-2002.
KNTV Channel 11 News Archive
Knud Dyby oral history interview
Knudsen (Vern Oliver) papers
Knut (Sargeant Prentiss) Papers
Knute Stiles papers, 1948-2005.
Knuth (Donald E.) papers
Knuth (Ginny) Papers
Knuth (Hertha) miscellany
KNX collection (ARA)
KNXT Channel 2 press releases
Ko, Timothy Photograph Album
Ko (Won) papers
Koala Motorcycle Club Photographs
Kobal (Daniel) collection
Kobata Family Photographs
Koch & Wilz, Panoramas of Paris
Koch (Beth) Photographs of the University of California, Irvine
Koch (Burkhard) writings
Koch (Erik J.) Collection
Koch (G. R.) papers
Koch (Girard) collection
Koch, Honor
Koch (Howard Everard) papers
Koch (Peter Rutledge)
Koch,Carl Record Book
Kocój (Henryk) typescript
Koda Family Papers
Koebele (Albert) papers
Koechlin (Charles) Manuscripts
Koegel (John) Collection
Koehler (Jim) collection
Koehler (John O.) papers
Koelsch (William A.) Papers
Koenig (Laird) papers
Koenig (Louise H. "Ila") 1906 Earthquake Collection
Koenig (Pierre) papers
Koenigs (Folkmar) collection
Koepfli (Joseph B.) Papers
Koerber (Hans Nordewin von) papers
Koerper, Victor E. (Second World War booklet)
Koester, Alvin W. and Don Engel (Second World War correspondence)
Koestner (Nicolai) miscellaneous papers
Koether (George F.) papers
Kofoid (Charles A.) Letters
Kofoid (Charles Atwood) Papers
Koford (Carl B.) papers
KOFY TV Pride Parade Videotapes
Kohan (Silvia) Papers
Kohl (Franz) diary
Kohlberg (Alfred) papers
Kohler (Benno) typescript
Kohn (Walter) papers
Kohner family papers
Kohnstamm (Oskar) papers
Kohs (Samuel) Papers
Koike (Kenzo Robert) Papers
Kojeve (Alexandre) typescript
Kojima family papers
Kok (Anton H. J.) papers
Kokkai research reports
Kokovtsov (Vladimir Nikolaevich, graf) typescript
Kokuritsu Kyoiku Kenkyujo collection
Kokusai Shashin Joho (the International Graphic)
Kolaczkowski (Ryszard) papers
Kolanik (Michael) papers
Kolb (Dr. Leon) William Hogarth Engravings Collection
Kolb, Leon Print Collection
Kolb, Leon Print Collection
Kolchak (Aleksandr Vasil'evich) correspondence
Kolchin (Ivan Andreevich) papers
Kolesnikoff (George) papers
Kolia Levienne papers ca 19XX-19XX.
Kolin (Alexander) papers
Kolker (IUrii) papers
Kolmsperger (M.) typescript
Kolobov (Mikhail Viktorovich) typescript
Kologrivov (Constantine Nikolaevich) memorandum
Kolosov (Andrei Ivanovich) diary
Kolsky (Harwood G.) Papers
Koltypin (Peter) papers
Kolupaev (Eugenia Ritter) notes
Komitee der Bewegung Freies Deutschland für den Westen issuances
Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie records
Komitety obshchestvennogo samoupravleniia records
Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands report
Komor (Mathias) Photographic Archive
Komor (Paul) letters
Komorowski (Tadeusz) papers
Kompaneiskii (Boris Nikolaevich) papers
Kompfner (Rudolf) Papers
Komunisticka partija Jugoslavije. Centralni komitet issuances
Komunisticka strana Ceskoslovenska Ustredni vybor records
Kondo Family papers
Kondolf (G. Mathias) Landscape Architecutre Term Projects collection
Kondrat'ev (Mikhail Mikhailovich) papers
Konecna (Hana) papers
Kong Chow Benevolent Association miscellany, 1901-1954.
Kongres Polakow w Niemczech issuances
Konig (Rudolf) writings
Konokovich (General) typescript
Konoye (Fumimaro) holograph
Konspiracja w Kraju pod Okupacja Sowiecka typescript
Konstantin Nikolaevich (Grand Duke) letter extracts
Konstantin Stanislavsky writings, 1923.
Konstantinov (Il'ia Vladislavovich) papers
Konstantinov (P. F.) printed material
Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskaia partiia records
Kontsevich (Elena Iur'evna) papers
Koolish (Lynda) Photographs Collection
Koon (Alpheus) Papers
Koontz (Giacinta Bradley) Aviation Sheet Music Collection
Koontz (Louis K.) Papers
Koosis (Ella S.) Collection of Material Relating to Dance
Kopaska-Merkel (David C.) collection on Dreams and Nightmares
Kopelman (Gabrielle) Papers
Kopp (Quentin) Papers
Koppel (Stanley) Papers
Koppelmann (Max) papers
Koppett (Leonard) papers
Koran - Commentary, 1245 A.H. (A.D. 1829-1830)
Koran leaf, circa 1200
Koran (Lorrin) Piano Music Collection
Koran [Sudan], 1964.
[Koran?], undated
Koranda (Lorraine Donoghue) Collection (1963.02)
Korbonski (Andrzej) Collection of Research Materials on Communist Poland
Korbonski (Stefan) papers
Kordmann (Ursula) collection of German theater programs
Kordysh (Inna) papers
The Korea Journal
Korea photograph albums, 1962-1963
Korea (Territory under U.S. occupation, 1945-1948) Military Governor issuances
Korean American Coalition collection
Korean American Leftists in the 1950s collection
Korean American National Museum collection
Korean American Oral History Project Collection
Korean American Pioneer Council records
Korean Broadcasting System radio broadcast transcripts
Korean collection files
Korean commemorative items
Korean film booklets
Korean Independence newspaper collection
Korean Language and Culture photos
Korean movie scripts
Korean National Association in Hawaii and related lawsuits collection
Korean Postcards Collection
Korean subject collection
Korean underground report newsletters
Korean War collection
Korean War letters from California, 1948-1954.
Korean War Photograph Album, ca. 1951.
Korean War photographs
Korean-American Oral History Project collection
Korematsu (Fred T.) v. United States Coram Nobis Litigation collection
Koret of California Records
Korf (K. Frank) papers
Korfanty (Zbigniew W.) typescript
Kornberg (Arthur) Papers
Kornilov (Lavr Georgievich) miscellany
Kornweibel (Dr. Theodore Jr.) Collection
Korol'kov (M.) typescript
Korologos (Thomas C.) Papers, White House Special Files, 03/1974 - 08/1974
Koron (Alex) Collection
Korotych (Vitalii Oleksiioych) papers
Korrespondentsii︠a︡ : Sitka, Alaska, 1802-1867.
Korsunsky (Irina) papers
Kortner (Fritz) "Ein Traum, kein Leben" annotated script
Kortum, Bill (William M.) Papers
Kortum (Jean) papers
Korvin-Kroukovsky (Eugenie A.) diary
Korzenik (Diana) Collection of Art Education Ephemera and Books
Kosak (Georges) typescript
Koscinska (Marja) typescript
Kosciol polski a walka z antysemityzmem conference proceedings
Koshetz (Nina) collection of vocal music
Koshland, Jr. (Daniel E.) Papers
Koshland (Marian, Elliot) Papers
Kosinskii (Vladimir Andreevich) typescript
Koske (Walter) prison diary
Koskovich (Gerard) Papers
Koskovich (Gerard) Papers
Kosmos Club records : additions, 1974-[on-going].
Kosmos Club records : Berkeley, Calif., 1913-1973.
Kosovo subject collection
Kossack family papers
Kostencka (Marina) papers
Kostenko (IUrii Ivanovich) papers
Kostenko (Mikhail Mikhailovich) papers
Kostopoulos (Mark) papers
Kostriukov (Nikolai F.) papers
Kostura (William) Historic Building Reports
Koszorus (Ferenc) typescript writings
Kotake (Masajro and Sugi) Family Papers
Kothe (Sylvia and Karl) Collection
Kotler (Edith) B'nai B'rith Scrapbook
Kotok, Jack B. (Second World War correspondence)
Kotschoubey (Maria Nicolayevna) processed item
Kottmann (J.B.C.) collection of Johann Christian Stark lectures
Koudinoff (George) papers
Kouns (John A.) Collection
Kouvaras (Kostas) papers
Kouw (Arnold Joseph) Notebook
Kovach (Robert L.) papers
Kovacs (Ernie) collection
Kovacs (Ernie) papers
Kovalenskai︠a︡, Nina. Letters written to Nina Kovalenskai︠a︡, 1948-1967.
Kovalev (Sergei Petrovich) papers
Kovic (Ron) papers
Kovick (Kris) Drawings
KOVR-TV film collection
Kowal, Harry E. (Second World War journal and photographs)
Kowalczuk (Ilko-Sascha) typescript
Kowalik (Jan) papers
Kowalski (Ludwik) papers
Kownacki (Richard) Collection of Material about Ruhollah Khomeini
Kozai (Jiro) Papers
Kozlenko (William) papers
Kozloff, Benjamin B. (Second World War correspondence)
Kozlowski (Leon) typescript
Kozlowski, Walter A. (Second World War correspondence)
Kozy (James W.) papers
KPFA history miscellany : photocopy typescripts, 1960-1969.
KPFA radio demonstration fliers [graphic].
KPFA-FM Music Dept. Audio Collection
KPFK Tape Recording Collection
[KPIX photograph album].
KPIX-TV Kitchen recipes, 1950-1951.
KQED 'The Castro' Videotapes
Krader (Barbara L.) Collection
Kraemer (Walter) typescript
Kraemer-Milligan Family Collection
Kraft (Charles H.) Papers
Kraft (Rose) collection
Kraft (William) Collection of Musical Compositions
Krajina (Vladimir J.) memoirs
Kralin (M. M.) correspondence
Kralj (Kim) papers
Krall Family Papers
Kramer (Howard D.) papers
Kramer (Jack) papers
Kramer (Ken) collection
Kramer (Richard) Manuscript of “Tales of the City”
Kramer (Stanley) papers
Kransky Collection of Edward H. Mitchell Postcards
Krasil'nikov (Mikhail Mikhailovich) papers
Krasil'nikov (S. A.) collection
Krasno (Rena) Collection
Krasno (Rena) papers
Krasnov (Petr Nikolaevich) papers
Krasnov (Vladislav) writings
Krasovskii (Oleg Antonovich) papers
Krassovskii (Vitol'd) memoirs
Krassovsky (Vadim) papers
Krat (Vladimir Vasil'evich) papers
Krathwohl (David R.) papers
Kraucs (Eduards) papers
Krause (Johannes) typescript
Krause (Lucjan) Warsaw Uprising postcards
Krause (Martin, Dr.) essays
Kraushaar (Raoul) music scores
Krauskopf (Konrad Bates) Notebooks
Krauss (Friedrich S.) Papers
Krauss (Wilhelm W.) Papers
Kravchinskii (Sergei Mikhailovich) papers
Kravik, Leon B. (Second World War correspondence)
Krebes, Anthony P. (Second World War correspondence)
Krebs (Ernst) Papers
Krebs (Katherine) Gay Games Uniforms
Krebs (Rudolf) clipping collection
Krehbiel (Edward) typescript
Kreider (Samuel L.) Papers
Kreisauer Kreis memoranda
Kreisel (Georg) Correspondence with Jean van Heijenoort
Kreisel (Georg) Papers
Kreissman (Bernard) Papers
Krejci (Jaroslav) photographs
Krenek (Ernst) Letters to Mildred Kayden
Krenek (Ernst) Manuscript and Letters to Will Ogdon
Krenek Festival tapes
Kreps (Robert E.) Photo Collection
Kreps (Theodore John) Papers
Kreps (Theodore John) Papers
Kresge College records
Kress, Frank (First World War correspondence)
Kress (Phyllis J.) Papers
Kresy-Siberia Foundation collection
Kretschmer (Ernest T.)Archive
Kreuger (Kurt) papers
Kreutzberg (John) Collection
Krevans (Julius R.) Papers
Krick (Irving P.) papers
Krieger (Martin) papers
Krieger (Murray) papers
Krieger (Stu) papers
Kriegs-Nachtrichten Collection
Kriger (Jeffrey S.) Photographs
Krim (Mendel) Collection
Krims (Milton) papers
Krisel (Marcella S.) Collection of Lectures by Alan Watts in Los Angeles
Krisel (William) Papers
Krishnabai Nimbkar papers, [ca. 1931-1945].
Krishnamurti (Jiddu) Papers
Krisitn Ockershauser Papers
Kristanoff/Dade Family Papers
Kristen (Christine) Burning Man ephemera collection
Kriuchkov (Petr) holograph
Kriukov (Boris A.) papers
Krizis partii typescript
Krizman (Serge) scripts
Kräly (Hans) script material
Kroc Foundation archives
Kroczak (Stanislaw) papers
Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis) Photographs of Indian artifacts from the A.L. Kroeber papers [graphic]
Kroeber (A. L.) Papers
Kroeber (A.L.) Family Photographs
Kroeber (Alfred L.) Ethnographic Photographs of California Indian and Sonora Indian Subjects, 1901-1930
Kroeber family papers, approximately 1802-1972.
Kroeber residence.
Kroeber (Theodora) papers
Kroeker (Al) Papers
Krogh (Egil) Papers, White House Special Files, 1969-1973
Krol' (Moisei Aaronovich) writings
Kroll (Dennis) Collection
Kroll (Lois Ann) Papers
Kron (Gerald E.) papers
Kronfeld (Marion) Collection
KRON-TV Palm Drive Television Spot
Kropiwnicki (Jerzy) scrapbook
Krough (Edward B.) Papers
Krstulovic (Vicko) papers
Krueger (June and Gilbert) collection of Civil War letters
Krueger stammbuch
Krug family photograph album [graphic]
Krug Photograph Collection
Kruger (Fr. W.) diaries
Kruger (Lawrence) papers
Kruger (Otto) scrapbook
Kruger (Paul) Papers
Krum, Herman N. (First World War correspondence)
Krumboltz (John D.) Papers
Krupenskii (Aleksandr Nikolaevich) papers
Kruse (Alexander Z.) Papers
Kruse (Jim) Collection of Lincoln Steffens Photographs
Krushevan (P. A.) papers
Krushkhov (Abraam) Collection
Kruska Japanese Internment Collection
Kruzenshtern-Peterets (IU.) papers
Krymskoe Kraevoe Pravitel'stvo records
Krystufek (Zdenek) typescript
Krythe (Maymie Richardson) Scrapbook Collection
Kryzytski (Serge) papers
Krzeczunowicz (Kornel) typescript
K/S Star Trek fan fiction collection
Kseniia Aleksandrovna (Grand Duchess) papers
KSFO Collection
Ku (Feng-hsiang) papers
Ku Klux Klan collection, 1920s-1930s
Ku Klux Klan ephemera collection
Ku Klux Klan photographs, circa 1890s
Ku Klux Klan, Realm of California Records
Ku Klux Klan Scrapbook
Kuban Cossack Association records
Kubick (W. G.) papers
Kübler-Ross (Elisabeth) papers
Kuchel family papers
Kuchel, Thomas H. Photographs from the Thomas H. Kuchel papers [graphic].
KUCI records (University of California, Irvine)
Kucklick (Ted) collection
Kudrik (Peter) papers
Kuehl (Sheila J.) Papers
Kuehmsted (Eleanor) Navaho Acculturation Masters Thesis
Kuehn (Truman C.) White Rock Advertisement Collection
Kugel (Bernard) collection
Kuhlman Family Papers
Kuhlman, (Hazel M.) Collection
Kuhn (Bob) 1984 Olympics photographs, ephemera and realia
Kuhn (Cecilia) Frightwig Collection
Kuhn (Gene H.) Collection
Kuhn, Richard Personal Papers
Kuhn (Sylvester E.) papers
Kuhner (David) Papers on Tom Mix Bookplate
Kuist (Gordon) collection on Science Fiction and Fantasy
Kukal (Ronald G.) papers
Kularts Records
Kulik (Buzz) papers
Kulski (Wladyslaw W.) papers
Kulstad (Captain Alv) and George Kulstad Collection
Kultura issue
Kulu [Northern India] Photograph Album, ca. 1920.
Kulzick, Alfie Chatterbox Bar Collection
Kumanev (Viktor) typescript
Kump, Ernest J. Collection
Kump, Ernest J., Sr. Collection
Kun (Agnes) Papers
Kun (Miklos) papers
Kuna Collection
Kunc (Frank James) photographs of the Dachau concentration camp
Kunes (Steven) Scripts Collection
Kung (H. H.) papers
Kunin (Claudia) Photographs of Catherine Mulholland Collection
Kunina (Irina) Aleksander papers
Kunkee (Ralph) Papers
Kuno, Emma Fong [Photographs from the Emma Fong Kuno papers].
Kuno (Katsuo) Gift of Kazuo Shibata paintings scrapbook and catalog
Kunstgrafik, circa 1920-1925
Kunz (George Frederick) Papers
Kunze (Richard E.) Collection
Kunzle (David) papers
Kuo (Pin) papers
Kuper (Hilda) papers
Kuper (Leo) Papers
Kuper (Theodore F.) Papers
Kuperskaia (M. N.) typescript
Kupfer (David) Collection
Kupperman (Robert H.) papers
Kuppermann (Aron) papers
Kurai (Reverend Shuichi Thomas) papers
Kurdish missionary letters, 1851, 1853
Kurdish subject collection
Kurenkov (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich) papers
Kurganov (Ivan Alekseevich) papers
Kurguz (Peter Nicholas) writings
Kurland (Gil) papers
Kurnik (Stanley) Papers
Kuroki (Chikayoshi) papers
Kuromi Photo Album Collection
Kurt E. Fritsch photograph collection [graphic]
Kurt Herbert Adler and the San Francisco Opera : oral history transcripts / 1994.
Kurt Herbert Adler and the San Francisco Opera [graphic] /
Kurtz (Adolf) papers
Kurtz (Charles M.) Archive
Kurtz (Gary) production files
Kurtz (Wilbur G.) collection
Kurtzig (Sigismund Samuel) typescript
Kurtzman (Allan H.) collection of material about Beat Writers and Artists
Kurylo (Friedrich) Collection
Kurz Papers on John F. Kennedy Presidential Campaign, 1960
Kurzweil (Jack) Papers
KUSC records
Kusnierz (Tadeusz) collection
Kusonskiĭ (Pavel A.) papers
Kusovac (Radovan) papers
Kuter (Leo "K") papers
Kutner (Luis) papers
Kutnick (Lisette and Sam) Abraham Lincoln Brigade Collection
Kutras (Pete) Collection
Kutsche (Paul) Non-Discrimination Policy in Higher Education Papers
Kutukov (Leonid N.) papers
Kutzevalov (Boniface Semenovich) holograph
Kuwahara Family Papers
Kuzio (Taras) papers
Kvasnicka (Jerry) collection of dance ephemera and photographs
Kvrovsky (Gina) collection
Kwiatkowski (Antoni W.) papers
Kwiatkowski (Jerzy) papers
Kwiatkowski (Maciej Jozef) papers
Kwitko (Ludmilla) typescript
Kwong Cheung Lung Co. Collection
Kwong Tai Wo business records, 1870-1896.
Ky Ebright : crew coach for the University of California and the Olympics : oral history transcript / 1967-1968.
Kybal (Vlastimil) papers
Kyger (Joanne) Correspondence
Kyger (Joanne) Papers
Kyoi/Kuksu Archives
Kyper (John) Collection of Gay Liberation Ephemera and Publications
Kyrgyz subject collection
Kyriak (Theodore E.) collection
KZSC Santa Cruz records
KZSU Collection
KZSU Project South Interviews