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Contributing Institution: UC Riverside::California Museum of Photography
Date: [Date not indicated]
Contributing Institution: UC Riverside::California Museum of Photography
Date: [Date not indicated]
Author: Finlayson, Roderick, 1818-1892.
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Finlayson came out to Fort Vancouver in the Hudson's Bay Company's service in 1839. Describes the founding of Fort Durham or "Takow," and his service at that fort and at Fort Simpson. In June, 1843, began building Fort Camosun, later ...
Author: Douglas, James, 1803-1877.
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Extracts made for H.H. Bancroft in 1878 of five journals kept in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company, April 22, 1840-September 25, 1843 (originals now in the British Columbia Provincial Archives). They describe travels in Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, ...
Contributing Institution: UC Riverside::California Museum of Photography
Date: [Date not indicated]
Author: Eberle, George J.
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Reports on the plants and a land report of the company and its subsidiaries, 1897-1920. Two signed also by C.W. Colvin, Assistant Appraiser; one signed also by G.W. Power, Chief Appraiser for Land. Covering letters to George Kidd, General Manager ...
Author: Lewis, Phillip H., 1828-
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Remarks on the discovery of coal in Squak Valley, Washington, by David Mowery, and its development as the Andrews mine; description of other mines; emigration to Oregon in 1851; experiences in the Fraser River rush of 1858 with Joel Palmer; ...
Author: McKay, Joseph William.
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Dictation recorded by Ivan Petroff July 22-23, 1878.
Author: Warren, James Douglass, 1837-
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Dictation by a California emigrant of 1856 who mined two years in Amador County, then went to British Columbia and engaged in the coastal trade. Principally describes the 1868 attack on the sloop Thornton by Indians of Queen Charlotte Sound.
Author: Hudson's Bay Company.
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Manuscript copy made circa 1878 of notes and extracts, July 14, 1834-July 16, 1837, made by Amos Bowman, describing the founding of the fort on McLoughlin Bay, company operations, and relations with rival American traders and the Indians. The original ...
Author: Goodhue, L. A.
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Manuscript letter from a struggling gold miner to his brother giving details of his current financial situation (losing $350 dollars) and the news of a gold rush to the Fraser River in British Columbia describing it as the disputed territory ...
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Incomplete mss. memoir describing childhood in England, world travels, plantations in Cuba and Jamaica, mining and agriculture in Mexico, the California gold rush, the Fraser River gold fields, a stock brokerage and merchants' exchange in San Francisco, vigilantes in San ...
Author: Cooper, James, 1821-
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Describes his maritime service with the Hudson's Bay Company from 1844, and the early development of Victoria and Vancouver Island. Primarily an account of the Hudson's Bay Company control over the region and the evolution of local and provincial government.
Author: Dalton, Julia Ethel, 1880-1938, author.
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Class autograph book used as a diary for an automobile trip taken by four women teachers from Eureka, California through Oregon and Washington to Vancouver, British Columbia and back. The handwritten dated entries appear to have been made, at times, ...
Author: Swan, John Mumford, 1870-
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Informal remarks to H.H. Bancroft by John M. Swan, Sheriff (William) Billings, Frank Tarbell, Elwood Evans, and Antonio Rabbeson, June 9, 1878, concerning British Columbia; Vancouver Island; Governor James Douglas; the Hudson's Bay Company and its services to the settlers ...
Author: Dickinson, Charles, 1825?- author.
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Typescript narrative account of a Swedish immigrant who worked in California as a gold and silver miner. His story begins in in the Sierra foothills east of Auburn, California where he mined for gold. Details from here include descriptions and ...
Author: Pinart, A. L. (Alphonse Louis), 1852-1911.
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Copied by Alphonse L. Pinart.
Author: Deans, James, 1827-1905.
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Relating to cairns and shellmounds of Vancouver's Island. Copied by Alphonse L. Pinart, Jan. 30, 1877.
Author: Evans, Elwood, 1828-1898.
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Apparently written with a view to publication; with penciled changes in phraseology interlineated, and passages marked for condensation. An interpretation of the Fraser River gold rush of 1858 as the occurrence most influential on the history of the old Oregon ...
Author: Weed, Charles E., 1827?-
Contributing Institution: UC Berkeley::Bancroft Library
Description: Dictation by an 1849 California emigrant who then moved to Oregon and in 1851 to the Puget Sound and Olympia area.
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