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Cinematic Arts Library, University of Southern California
Cinematic Arts Library
Doheny Memorial Library, Room G4
Los Angeles, California 90089-0185
Phone: (213) 740-8383
Email: ctlibarc@usc.edu
Collections with online items: 1
Physical collections: 509
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20th Century-Fox set stills
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Academy Awards programs
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences publicity collection
Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Library collection
Academy of Television Arts and Sciences television clipping collection
Academy photographs collection
Academy Players Directory collection
Aherne (Brian) papers
Ahn (Philip) scripts
Aldrich (Robert) papers
Allen (Steve) papers
Allison (Charles Gary) collection
Almost Perfect television series scripts
American Film Institute 1930s-1940s video collection
American Film Institute 1950s video collection
American Film Institute film stills collection
American Film Institute television clipping file collection
American Film Institute television scripts
American Snapshots video collection
Anhalt (Edward) papers
Anthony (John J.) papers and recordings
Argentina Silent Film handbills collection
Arlen (Richard) scripts
Armed Forces Radio collection
Arnaud (Leo) collection
Astaire (Fred) manuscripts
Audley (Eleanor) scripts
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Backus (Jim and Henny) Collection
Bainter (Fay) papers
Bakaleinikoff (Mischa) film scores
Baker (Michael) film poster collection
Banner (Bob) collection
Barnett (Joseph M.) papers
Bean (Mrs. Albert) playbill
Beimler (Hans) papers
Bender (Albert) audiotapes
Bendix (Richard) film trailers collection
Bergen (Edgar) scripts and realia
Bernstein (Elmer) papers
Bickford (Charles) papers
Biltmore Theater records
Binder (Steve) television production files
Blackhawk Films collection
Blum (Bob) set drawings
Boesche (H.F.) letter
Bolger (Ray) sheet music collection
Bono (Sonny) papers
Boyle (James) television scripts collection
Bradley (Scott) music scores
Brahm (John) papers
Brecher (Irving) recordings
Broadway Shows vinyl record collection
Broeske (Jim) vinyl records
Broeske (Pat) collection
Brown (Gilbert) "Our Family Honor" production collection
Brown (Jim) film and television press kit collection
Brown (Millie Hudson) photographs
Buck (Jerry) papers
Buford (Kate) collection of Burt Lancaster records
Burke (Billie) papers
Burns and Allen scripts and recordings collection
Burton (Jay) scripts
(Burton) Lady play scripts
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Cacavas (John) collection
Calvert (Paul) photograph
Candid Camera scripts
Capehart (Jo) collection of Ethel Barrymore photographs and clippings
Carlock (Marvin and Mary) Fireside Theatre scripts collection
Carolco Pictures records
Carr (Allan) records
Carroll (Pat) papers
Carter (Rick) collection
Cassyd (Syd) papers
Chandlee (Esme) papers
Chaplin (Saul) scripts
Chapman (Pattee) "Duffy's Tavern" scripts
Chavez (Paul) papers
Chen (Linda) papers
Cinema portraits collection
Cinema posters collection
Clagett (Thomas) papers
Clatworthy (Robert) papers
CNN research files
Colt (Samuel) Barrymore family collection
Columbia Amusement Co. records
Columbia Pictures publicity collection
Conley (Renié and Leland) costume design collection
Connors (Chuck) papers
Continuity scripts collection
Cooper (Gladys) papers
Cork (John) collection
Corwin (Norman) collection of Harry Jackson photographs
Cossette (Pierre) papers
Cotten (Joseph) scrapbook collection
Coward (Noël) papers
Cukor (George) papers
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Daniels (Marc) scripts
Dapper (John) papers
Dart (Justin) collection of Amos 'n' Andy radio recordings
David (Mack) papers
David Susskind Show tapes
Davis (Elias) television scripts
Davis (Luther) papers
De Wolfe (Billy) Collection
DeFore (Don) papers
Dekker (Albert) papers
DeMille (Cecil B.) collection
DeMille (William C.) papers
DeMots (Glenn) collection on Gary Cooper
Devine (Andy) collection of scripts and sound recordings
Diamond (Gene) Worlds Fair reels
Diamond (Ron) animation festival programs
Diana Films posters
Dicker (Brett) papers
Dieterle (William) papers
Digital Pressbook collection
Documentary stills collection
Doniger (Walter) Collection
Doolittle (James A.) papers
Dorr (William Ripley) collection on the St. Luke's Choristers
Drake (William) scripts
Dubrey (Claire) papers
Duning (George) papers
Dunne (Irene) papers
Dunne (Philip) papers
Duplicate Lobby Card collection
Durante (Jimmy) scripts and transcripts
Duryea (Dan) collection
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Eddy (Nelson) papers
Edel (Maximilian) collection
Edens (Roger) papers
Eells (George) papers
Eilers (Sally) collection
Elinor (Carli) collection
Enders (Robert) papers
Estabrook (Howard) papers
Eytel (William) scrapbooks
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Farmer (Gene) scripts
Farnum (William) papers
Film Daily publications
Film Slides collection
Film Soundtracks collection
Fine (Morton) scripts
Finkel (Bob) scripts and videotapes
Fio Rito (Ted) papers
Fisch (Alan E.) collection of radio scripts
Fleischer (Richard) film production papers
Flicker (Theodore) papers
Florey (Robert) scripts
Ford (Helen and George) papers
Fordin (Hugh) papers
Foreign Film script collection
Foreman (Carl) papers
Foster (David) collection
Fraley (Bill) scripts
Frankenheimer (John) collection
Franklin (Joel) collection of Franz Waxman music scores
Franklin (Richard) records
Fred Price scripts and production files
Freed (Arthur) papers
Freeman (Y. Frank) collection
Freeson (Lee) letters
Freiberger (Fred) papers
Friedberg (Anne) papers
Friedman (Phil M.) papers
Friendly (Ed) Productions records
Fritz (Ken) papers
Frost (Jean Sarah) scripts
Fuller (Bryan) papers
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Gable (Clark) papers
Garnett (Tay) papers
Garrison (Greg) "Dean Martin Show" production files
Garton (Dick) scripts collection
Gary (Sam) collection
General Services Studio records
Gershman (Ben) scripts
Gershman (Richard) television scripts
Gethers (Steve) scripts and videotapes
Ghana movie posters collection
Gleason (Michael) Remington Steele scripts
Glenn (Roy) photographs
Glucksman (Ernest D.) papers
Goldenberg (Billy) music scores
Goldenson (Leonard H.) collection
Goldsmith (Stanley) film production papers
Goldstein (William) papers
Goldwyn (Samuel) collection
Gollance (Richard) scripts
Gondek (Sharon) collection on Kevin Costner
Goodman (Hal) and Larry Klein television production collection
Goodman (Marsha) "Hawaii Five-0" collection
Goosson (Stephen) papers
Gordon (Al) collection of television and radio scripts
Gordon (Bernard) papers
Gosden (Freeman) and Correll (Charles) papers
Grau (Gilbert) collection
Grauman (Walter) television production records
Green Acres television scripts
Greenwood (Charlotte) collection
Gregory (Mollie) collection
Gumbiner (H. L.) collection
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Haebel (Alma) theater scrapbooks
Hajos (Karl) papers
Haley (Jack, Jr.) papers
Hamner (Robert) scripts
Hannibal (Wade) Comedy Break scripts
Hardy (Agnes B.) scrapbook
Harnell (Joe) papers
Harte (Betty) papers
Harter (Charles) collection on Frank Sinatra
Hasso (Signe) memorabilia
Hayes (Jack) papers
Head (Edith) costume notebook
Hellinger (Mark) papers
Hermanson (Hjalmar) papers
Hiers (Walter) and Gloria Williams papers
Higgins (Joe) collection
Higgins (John C.) scripts
Higham (Charles) collection
Higham (Charles) collection
Hill (Maurice) script collection
Hines (William) papers
Holland (D.J.) collection of Rotary Photographic Co. postcards
Holloway (Jean) papers
Hollywood film stills
Hollywood Foreign Press Association collection
Hollywood Insider television show collection
Hollywood Museum collection
Hollywood Reporter photographs
Hollywood Reporter publications
Hopkins (George) scrapbooks
Hopper (Dennis) papers
"House" television series scripts
Howard (James Newton) collection
Howard (Sandy) collection
Hoyningen-Huene (George) correspondence
Huggins (Roy) script collection
Humphrey (Hal) collection of clippings and press kits
Hunter (Ken) collection of television scripts
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Imhof (Roger) papers
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Jacobs (Arthur P.) collection
James (David) collection
Jarre (Maurice) scores
Jeffries (Fran) collection
Johnny Carson Tonight Show script collection
Jones (Allan) film stills
Jones (Caro) papers
Jones (Newton J.) papers
Jordan (Glenn) papers
Julian (Mac) collection
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KABC-TV Los Angeles collection
Kantor (Bernard) papers
Karabian (Walter J.) You Bet Your Life episode reel
Karns (Roscoe) collection
Kaufman (Millard) papers
Kennedy (Madge) photographs and clippings
King (Byron) and Mrs. Byron King silent film music scores
Kleiser (Randal) papers
Kline (Gertrude Hartfield) script collection
Knight (Arthur) collection
Koehler (Jim) collection
Kovacs (Ernie) collection
Kraushaar (Raoul) music scores
Krizman (Serge) scripts
Kruger (Otto) scrapbook
Kurtz (Gary) production files
Kvrovsky (Gina) collection
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Laird (Jack) scripts
Lamparski (Richard) interview recordings
Lancaster (Burt) script books
Landres (Paul) film and television scripts
Lang (Fritz) papers
Laurie Jr. (Joe) papers
Lawrence Productions radio recordings
Leader (Anton M.) scripts
Lee (Pinky) papers
Lehman (Ernest) scripts
Lemon (Dean) collection of autographs
Lerner (Irving) papers
Lesser (Sol) papers
Levant (Oscar) papers
Leven (Boris) papers
Lewin (Albert) papers
Lewis (Albert) family collection
Lewis (Albert) memorabilia collection
Lewis (Arthur) papers
Lewis (Jerry D.) papers
Lewis (Jerry) production files
Lewis (Milton) playbill collection
Lewis (Shari) scripts
Lewis (Warren M.) papers
Lipstone (Louis R.) scripts
Lobby card collection
Lord (Jack) papers
Lortel (Lucille) clippings and correspondence
Lyons (Leonard) photograph and letter
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Mackenna (Kenneth) collection of John Barrymore illustrations
MacMurray (Fred) and Haver (June) papers
Maltin (Leonard) collection
Mann (Abby) film scripts collection
Margulies (Stan) collection
Marion (Frances) papers
Martin (Mardik) papers
Martin (Ross) scripts and memorabilia collection
Matthews (Don H.) scripts
May (Billy) musical scores
Mayehoff (Eddie) papers
Mayo (Virginia) papers
McCormac (Baby Muriel) negatives
McHugh (Jimmy) papers
McKalip (Mrs. Clarke) collection of Madame Le Mar press notices
Menjou (Adolphe) papers
Merman (Doc) papers
MGM Cartoon production collection
MGM Cartoon Studio music scores collection
MGM Feature continuity script collection
MGM Production Department files
MGM Production Department files (series 2)
MGM Production Department (Film) records
MGM Production Department (TV Shows) records
MGM radio scripts
MGM scripts and treatments collection
MGM sheet music collection
MGM short films production records
MGM short films scripts
MGM short subject music collection
MGM Television Office files
MGM Television scripts collection
Microfiche film title clipping files
Milius (John) papers
Miller (Arthur) correspondence
Mockridge (Cyril) collection
Moore (Ron) collection
Moore (Tom) scripts
Morris (Rusty) collection
Musgrove (Stanley) papers
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NBC Symphony Orchestra recordings
Newman (Alfred) film scores
Niver (Kemp) collection
Nixon (Marian) collection
Nobody Knows Anything collection
Norvos (Les) photographs
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Oakie (Jack) papers
O'Brien (Liam) scripts
Olsen (Ole) papers
"Once and Again" television series collection
Orlean (Susan) collection on Rin Tin Tin
Oversize film stills collection
Oversize personality stills collection
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Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters collection
Paramount Research Library collection
Paramount Research stills collection
Paramount Studios records
Parish (James Robert) celebrity press clippings
Parsons (Louella) papers
Pascal (Ernest) collection
Pasternak (Joe) papers
Patents collection
Pearce (Alice) papers
Peary (Dannis) papers
Personality Clipping File collection
Personality stills collection
Peters (Eleanor) photograph collection
Pincus (Charles C.) collection
Pleshette (Suzanne) collection
Polaire (Hal) collection
Poledouris (Basil) film scores
Pommer (Erich) papers
Powell (William) scripts
Powers (Sally) television scripts
Powers (Stefanie) papers
Pressbook collection
Published Sheet Music collection
Pulido Islas (Alfonso) papers
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Radio Program recordings collection
Radio Records collection
Radio scripts collection
Radnitz (Robert) papers
Raksin (David) "The Subject Is Film Music" radio program recordings
Raksin (Ruby) music scores
Randall (Tony) television script collection
Reagan (Neil) papers
Redford (J.A.C.) scores
Reinkemeyer (Joe) papers
Republic Pictures collection
Republic Pictures scripts
Retting (Martin) collection
Reynolds (Adeline De Walt) collection
Reynolds (Dyer M.) circus history collection
Rhine family scripts
Riesenfeld (Hugo) musical scores
Rivers (Johnny) collection
Roach (Hal) production files
Roat (Richard) scripts
Robbins (Jess) papers
Roberts (Marty) collection
Robinson (Edward G.) papers
Roddick (Nick) collection
Rodman (Howard) papers
Romero (Cesar) papers
Roos (Elizabeth Leslie) collection
Rose (David) NBC music scores
Rose (Jack) papers
Rosenberg (E. J.) papers
Ross (Ric) audiotapes
Rubin (Benny) papers
Ruby (Harry) papers
Rush (Herman) collection of Frank Sinatra radio tapes
Russ (Patrick) music scores
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Sale (Richard) papers
Sardanis (Steve) papers
Scarface Set Designs collection
Schaefer (William) and (Margaret) papers
Scheuer (Stanley) papers
Schildkraut (Joseph) book collection
Schmitz (John) production stills
Schulman (Max) papers
Schwartz (Sherwood) papers
Scott (John) correspondence
Scott (Lizabeth) papers
Seeing Stars video collection
Segal (Alex) papers
Seltzer (Walter) papers
Seymour (Anne) newspaper clippings and photographs
Sgarro (Nicholas) collection
Shagan (Steve) papers
Shankar (Naren) papers
Shearer (Norma) collection
Sheldon (Harvey) music video collection
Sheldon (Sidney) papers
Shepard (David) collection on John Hoffman and Slavko Vorkapich
Shepard (Richmond) papers
Sidney (George) collection
Silverman (Fred) class videotapes
Simon (Al) scripts
Sisk (Robert) papers
Slide (Anthony) papers
Small (Edward) papers
Smith (Muriel I.) research papers
Solomon (Aubrey) papers
Sons of the Desert collection
Sperber (Ann) papers
Spigelgass (Leonard) theatrical prints collection
Squire (Richard) video tape collection
St. Andrews (Geoff) collection on Johnny Weissmuller
Stack (Robert) papers
Stahl (John) papers
Stein (Jim) script collection
Sterling (Ford) papers
Stern (Leonard) papers
Stern (Stewart) papers
Stewart (Marian) photographs of Ethel Barrymore
Stone (Andrew) papers
Stone (Richard) collection of Warner Bros. Animation music scores
Stromberg Jr. (Hunt) papers
Szold-Fritz (Bernardine) performing arts collection
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Television scripts collection
Televison Stills collection
Theater Playbills collection
Tiers (Alexander) photograph and sheet music collection
Tiomkin (Dimitri) papers and film scores collection
Tokar (Norman) papers
Towne (Robert) papers
Trivers (Barry) papers
Turner Entertainment and MGM script collection
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Udoff (Yale M.) papers
Universal Pictures production files
University of Southern California Cinematic Arts Library Duplicate Film Stills collection
University of Southern California Cinematic Arts Library Film Stills collection
University of Southern California Cinematic Arts Library General Scripts collection
Ussher (Bruno) collection of Charles Chaplin papers
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Van Peymbroeck (Clara) collection
Vaudeville collection
Vaudeville posters collection
Victor (David) production files
Vidor (King) papers
Vogel (Virgil) papers
Vorkapich (Slavko) papers
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Wald (Jerry) papers
Walker (Shirley) music scores
Wallis (Minna) photographs
Walters (Charles) papers
Warner Bros. continuity scripts
Warner Brothers research collection
Warner (Jack L.) collection
Warren (Harry) audiotapes collection
Warren (Richard Lewis) papers
Wayne (John) Batjac Productions records
Weaver (Pat) speech collection
Webster (Paul Francis) papers
Weddle (David) production files
Weingarten (Lawrence) papers
Weisbart (David) papers
Weitzman (Bernie) papers
Wells (Carole) and Goldman (Lawrence) script collection
Wheeler (Charles) scripts
White (Thelma) papers
Whiteman (Paul) papers
Whitlock (Al) collection
Wilbur (Crane) papers
Windsor (Claire) collection
Wise (Robert) papers
Wolper (David L.) archives
Woltman (Patricia) collection
Wray (Fay) papers
Wyatt (Richard G.) Pasadena Playhouse negatives
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Yellen (Linda) film production files
Young (Noah) photographs
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Zamecnik (John) music scores
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