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Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA
A1713 Charles E. Young Research Library
Box 951575
Los Angeles, California 90095-1575
Phone: (310) 825-4988
Fax: (310) 206-1864
Email: AskLSC@library.ucla.edu
Collections with online items: 133
Physical collections: 2169
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18th and 19th century cartoons and caricatures
1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire photograph album
19th-century American political and literary figures album of carte de visite portraits
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A. Brown Co. records
Aaron (Benjamin) papers
Abbeys - Collection of Material
Abdullah (Achmed) papers
Abel (Rudolfe) collection of material about Dance in Southern California
Abernathy (Charline) papers
Abiko Family Papers
Ackerman (Fremont) papers
Ackerman (Rhea C.) papers
ACT UP/Los Angeles records
Actors' Laboratory records
Adams (Agnes A., Lady) Papers
Adams (Ansel) papers
Adams (Charles K.) Santa Fe Railroad collection
Adams (John M.) Papers
Adams (Peggy H.) papers
Adams (William B.) papers
Adams (William S.) Papers
Addington (Gerald, 4th Viscount Sidmouth of Devon, England) carte de visite photograph album of family and Oxford friends
African Slavery in Cuba Documents collection
Ahn (Hyung-ju) Korean Materials Collection
Ainslie (Douglas) letters
Ainsworth (Ed) papers
Ainsworth (Katherine) papers
Air Pollution - collection of material
Akahori Family papers
Akins (Zoe) papers
Albert and Charles Boni, Inc. records
Albertype Company Souvenir Viewbooks
Albright (Horace M.) papers
Album de photographie [graphic]
Alexander (Paul J.) papers
Alfin-Slater (Roslyn) papers
All World Hebrew Central Organization records
Allan (Maud) Papers
Allen (Bennet M.) Papers
Allen Family Collection of Kennedy-Johnson Inaugural Ephemera
Allen (Henry W.) Papers
Allen (John H.) Papers
Aller (Lawrence H.) papers
Allied Architects Association of Los Angeles records
Aloni (Ami) papers
Altman (George) papers
Alvin (Joe) papers
American Academy of Ophthalmology (Foundation) Oral History Series
American Cities, a collection of perspectives
American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California records
American Composers Forum Los Angeles Chapter records
American Hotel (The) and Al's Bar Project records
American Institute of Landscape Architects records
American Newspapers (Various) collection of Reprints and Facsimile Reproductions
American pamphlets collection
American paperback fiction collection
Amesti (Jose) Cuaderno de Cuentas dela Casa del J[os]e Amesti del Año de 1840 a 1850
Amestoy (Helen) Collection of Materials on Lawrence Clark Powell
Ammen (Daniel) papers
Anderson (Arthur J.O.) papers
Anderson (Eugene N.) Papers
Anderson (Hugh H.) Papers
Andrews (Colman) Papers
Andrews (Robert H.) papers
Angulo (Jaime de) papers
ANTA West records
Anthony (Gordon) Ballet and Theatrical Photograph Albums
Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America (Southern California Chapter) records
Arabic manuscripts collection
Arai Family papers
Architecture and Urban Planning collection
Ardizzone (Edward) papers
Ardrey (Robert) papers
Arlt (Gustave O.) papers
Armenian Manuscripts Collection
Arnold (Bion J.) reports on operating procedures of suburban railways in the Eastern United States
Arobateau (Red) papers
Aroeste (Jean L.) Papers
Artists Exhibition Announcements collection
Ashcraft (Richard) papers
Ashizawa (Riichi) papers
AT & T Records of the Olympic Torch Relay
Augsburg photographs from 1890-1905
Ausmus (Delbert) papers
Austin (John C.) Papers
Austin (Mary H.) Carey McWilliams collection of material about
Austin (Verne) Papers
Avant-garde poetry tape recordings
Avawatz Salt and Gypsum Company records
Avidan (Danielle) and Abitbol (Anna M.) papers
Avon Books collection
Axe (Ruth F.) collection of material about H.H. Bancroft and Company
Ayres & Fiege architectural drawings
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Babitz (Mae) papers
Bacher (William A.) papers
Baden (Nancy) collection about Brazilian Literature
Baerwald (Hans H.) papers
Bagnall (Sandra) collection on Millicent Hamburger, 1928-2009
Bagni (Gwen) papers
Bail (Hamilton V.) Harvard Collection
Bailey (Paul D.) papers
Baird (William M.) papers
Baker (Betty) papers
Baker (Frank) papers
Baker (Frederick) collection of Avalon City Council Minutes
Balcena (Antony) papers
Baldensperger (Fernand) papers
Ball (Gordon H.) Papers
Ball (Jane E.) Papers
Ballantyne (R.M.) papers
Ballin (Hugo) papers
Balser (Bob) papers
Balter (Sam) papers
Bancroft Library oral history transcripts
Bandini Family Papers
Bangs (John A.) collection of George Edwin Burnell and Mary Lamoreaux Burnell lectures
Baraka (Amiri) papers
Barbara Morgan collection
Barnett (Linda D.) Collection of Materials about Bret Harte
Barnhart (Edward N.) papers
Barron (Lester) Collection of Performing Artist Autographs
Barry (Bert B.) Collection of Material about Pinocchio
Barrymore family collection of scrapbooks, stills, and ephemera
Barrymore (Lionel) Music manuscripts
Bartlett (Adelbert) Papers
Bartlett (Paul A.) Collection of Submissions to the Literary Annual, Workshop
Bartlett (Paul A.) Papers
Barton (Rick) drawings and paintings
Bass (Ellen) papers
Basset (James E.) Papers
Bast (William) papers
Bauer (John) papers
Baum (Richard) papers
Bauman (Jacob) Papers
Baumfeld (Rudolf L.) papers
Baxter (George) Color Prints and Books
Beck (Frank) Papers
Becket (Marta) papers
Becks (Hermann) Papers
Beebe (Charles A.) Papers
Beerbohm (Max, Sir) Papers
Beers (Jinx) papers
Beilenson (Anthony C.) papers
Belcher (Ernest) Papers
Bell (Alexander G.) collection
Bell (Alphonzo E.) papers
Bell (Mackenzie) papers
Bellem (Robert) papers
Bell-Muir Family Papers
Belt (Elmer) Collection of Vinciana Graphic Arts
Bennett (Raphael F.) The shelter of the cloth
Bennett (Walter E.) photographic collection
Benny (Jack) papers
Benoliel (José) papers
Benson (Arthur C.) papers
Benson (E.F.) Papers
Benson (Mary) research material about the African National Congress, South Africa
Benson (Robert L.) papers
Bentley (Ester F.) papers
Bentley Family papers
Benton (Douglas) papers
Berg (Dave) Papers
Bernstein (David) papers
Berryman (Mildred) papers
Bethune Theatredanse records
Beyer (Helen P.) Cookery Collection
Beyer (Walter) Papers
Biafra-Nigeria War Collection of Material
Bibliographical Subject Index
Bibo (Irving) papers
Bierce (Ambrose) Carey McWilliams collection of material about
Bikel (Theodore) papers
Biles (Rosemary) collection about Ralph J. Bunche
Bilitis (Daughters of) records
Billingsley (Ray) papers
Binyon (Laurence) Papers
Biobooks Records
Bird (Isabella) travels on horseback from Baghdad to Tehran in 1890 photograph album
Birdwell (Russell) papers
Biscailuz (Eugene W.) Papers
Bishop (Joey) papers
Bixby Smith (Sarah) correspondence
Bjerknes (Jakob) Papers
Bjork (David K.) Papers
Black Mask Issues
Black (Noel) papers
Blackburn (Francis A.) Papers
Blair (Maurice G.) papers
Blake (Harry E.) Papers
Blanchard (Frederick T.) Papers
Blaney (Harry F.) papers
Blanton (John) papers
Bleefield (Therese) Papers
Blevins (Melvin L.) Collection of Material about Water Resources in the San Fernando Valley
Blinn (Marjeanne J.) collection on Frances Clarke Sayers
Blood Relatives and Tomorrow Never Comes motion picture scripts and publicity material
Bloom (Nancy J. Fostvedt Tice) Collection of Family Photographs by Will Connell
Blue (Ben) Papers
Board of State and Territorial Commissioners of the North, Central and South American Exposition - Minutes of meetings
Boder (David P.) Papers
Bolger (Ray) papers
Boll (Theophilus E.M.) Papers
Boni (Albert) Collection of Material about Photography
Bonpane (Blase) Papers
Boodin (John E.) Papers
Book of Wealth and the Book of the Fair (H.H. Bancroft & Co.) Collection
Book Publishers Assn. of Southern Calif.
Booker (Bob) scripts and record albums
Bookplate Collection
Booksellers' catalogs of Beat literature collection
Booksellers' Correspondence and Letters Written by Women
Booth (Bradford A.) Papers
Born (Ernest) Collection of Italian Medieval and Renaissance Architectural and Art Photographs
Borough (Reuben W.) papers
Bound Manuscripts collection
Bourbon del Monte di San Faustino Family papers
Bowers (Edgar) papers
Bowring (John, Sir) Papers
Bowron (Fletcher) Collection of Material about the Los Angeles Metropolitan History Project
Boyer (Charles) French Research Foundation Collection
Boyer (Charles) papers
Boyer (Paul D.) papers
Boynton Teachers' Agency Records
Bradbury (Ray) papers
Bradley (Marion Zimmer) papers
Bradley (Mayor Tom) Administrative papers
Bradley (Tom) Collection of Material about Rapid Transit and Urban Development in Los Angeles
Brady (Roy) Collection about Wine Societies
Brady's National Photographic Portrait Galleries album of Civil War-era carte de visite portraits
Bran (Mary) papers
Brand (Max) stories
Brandon (William) Papers
Brandt (George) Papers
Braver (Michael) collection of Americanist material
Brazil (Collection of 18th Century Maps of)
Brazilian Newspapers Collection
Brennan (Frederick H.) papers
Breslow (Lester) papers
Briggs family papers
Bright (Reginald G.) Papers
Brightfield (Myron F.) Papers
Brinskele (Angela) photographs
Bristow (Gwen) papers
British and American Book Auction Catalogs collection
British Charity Commission Endowed School Department Records
British Political Engravings Collection
British political texts from the nineteenth century collection
Britton (Nan) papers
Brüning (Eberhard ) Papers
Broad (Eli) papers
Broadcasting Equipment photographs
Broadside Ballads from England, Ireland, and the United States collection
Brodie (Bernard) papers
Brodkin (Karen) research files and recorded interviews
Brooke (Henry) 13 Weeks on the Lord Warden
Broomstick magazine records
Broske (Octavia) and George Bancroft Papers
Brown (Bob) papers
Brown (Theodore V.) Papers
Brown (Truesdell S.) Papers
Brown (Vanessa) Papers
Bruman (Henry J.) papers
Brunvand (Jan H.) Papers
Buckles (Margot) Collection about Women in Argentina
Buddhist Churches of America records
Buell (Llewellyn M.) Postcard collection
Bullfighting Collection
Bullock (Georgia P.M.) papers
Bullock (Paul) papers
Bunche (Ralph J.) papers
Burchell (Sidney H.) Papers
Burnett (Sidney) papers
Burns (E. Bradford) Papers
Burns (Robert) Collection of Material about
Burns (Robert I.) papers
Burns (Walter L.) Papers
Burroughs (Edgar R.) papers
Burton (Pamela G.) papers
Bush (Albert F.) papers
Bush (Irvin T.) Papers
Butterworth (Edward) Diary
Buxton (Frank) papers
Byers (Nina) papers
Bywaters (Mary M.) collection of dance ephemera
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Caddell and Davies Records
Caine (Hall, Sir) Papers
Calif. Assn. for Adult Education Records
Calif. Banks and Banking Collection
Calif. Committee on Therapeutic Abortion records
Calif. Council on Teacher Education Records
Calif. Democratic Council Records
Calif. Federation of Teachers Records
Calif. Fruit Labels collection
Calif. ("Green Gates," Coldwater Canyon, Beverly Hills) Photograph album
Calif. Inst. of Tech. Management Library Collection of Labor Union Contracts
Calif. Intl. Woman's Year Support Coalition Papers
Calif. Labor Camps Collection of Material
Calif. Library Assn. Library History Committee Records
Calif. Library Assn. Minutes
Calif. Medical-Economic Survey Records
Calif. Republican Assembly Records
Calif. State Capitol (Sacramento) Collection of Material about the Restoration of
Calif. State Univ. (Fullerton) Oral History Program - Japanese American Project - Oral History collection
Calif. State Univ. (Long Beach) Center for Women's Studies ACLU lawsuit records
Calif. State Univ. (Long Beach) Center for Women's Studies records
Calif. Works Progress Admin. Translation Project Records
California Calendar Collection
California Congress of Parents and Teachers records
California ephemera collection
California land claims, v. 1-24, and misc. vols.
California postcards collection
California to Portland, Oregon trip by steamer and train photograph album [graphic]
Call (Lamoni) papers
Calloway (Betsy) papers
Calvert (Mellie M.) Papers
Camões(Luís de) Collection of material relating to
Cammermeyer (Margarethe) papers
Campbell (James D.) Collection of Material about Charles Lamb
Campbell (Lily) B. papers
Campbell (Robert) papers
Cantor (Eddie) Papers
Caperton (Lady) - Fac=simil of the album presented to Lady Caperton by the Directorate of the Port of Montevideo
Carnap (Rudolf) papers
Carpenter (Edwin H.) collection on Lawrence Clark Powell
Carr (Donald E.) Papers
Carr (William C.) papers
Carrick (Edward) Papers
Carter (Henry E.) Papers
Cartier (Marie) Papers
Cartoons and caricatures collection
Cartter (Allan M.) papers
Caruso (Dee) papers
Carver (Thomas N.) papers
Carvey (Tom B.) Papers
Cashin (Bonnie) collection of fashion, theater, and film costume design
Cate (Garth) Papers
Caughey (John W.) Papers
Cernuda (Luis) Library Collection
Chalmers (Stephen) Papers
Chamberlain (Ernest R.) Papers
Champion (Gower) Papers
Chandler (Dorothy) Papers
Chandler (Philip E.) papers
Chandler (Raymond) papers
Chapin (Anne M.) papers
Chapman (Frank A.) collection of Newspaper Political Cartoons
Charlot (Andre) Papers
Chase (Stanley) papers
Chatto & Windus (Firm) Records
Chicago to California - photograph album of a trip
Child Development Collection
Children's books relating to Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific collection
Children's Literature in Semitic Languages collection
Chilean Electoral records (reproduced) collection
Chin (Hei Sop) Archival Collection
China Democracy Movement and Tiananmen Incident Archives
Chinese Community Newspaper Archive
Chinese Historical Society (S. Calif.) Southern California Chinese American Oral History Project
Chuman (Frank F.) Papers
Chuquet Indexes to Pamphlet and Book Collections
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Collection of Material
Church of Scientology - Collection of Material Related to
Church of World Messianity Records
City of Burbank underground water rights litigation records
Clark (Burton R.) papers
Clark (Cumberland) Cuneiform Tablet collection
Clark (David L.) Los Angeles Oral Histories Collection
Clark (Susan) papers
Clark (Tom) Papers
Clayton (William) Papers
Clements (George P.) Papers
Cleveland (Robert C.) papers
Clewe (Jane) papers
Clifton's Cafeteria collection of circulars
Clinton (Clifford E.) Papers
Clothing and Dress - Collection of Material about
CLUE records
Cobden (Richard) Letters
Cohen (Henry) papers
Cohen (Sidney) collection
Cohen (Theodore) Papers
Colburn (Tara) photographs of India, Iran, and Nepal
Cole Family papers
Coleman (James S.) Papers
Coleman (Wanda) papers
A Collection of Material from the Trianon Press
Colles (William M.) letters
Collier (John Payne) Shakespeare glossary
Collignon (Raymonde) Papers
Collings (Jesse) Tour in the United States and Canada
Colodny (Nikki) papers
Colorado River and creation of the Salton Sea photograph albums
Columbia Pictures stills and key books
Comfort (Will L.) papers
Commercial Catalogs Collection
Committee for Simon Rodia's Towers in Watts Records
Commonplace Book
Community Playhouse Association of Pasadena Records
Compton-Burnett (I.) literary manuscripts
Compulsory Military Conscription and the Vietnam Conflict Collection of Material
Condee (Newcomb and Grace) Theater Playbill scrapbooks
Conder (Charles E.) Papers
Conference Press Records
Conley (John) Papers
Connell (Del) Comic Book Art Collection
Connell (Will) papers
Connelly (Philip M.) Collection of Los Angeles CIO Industrial Union Council Records
Connexxus/Centro de Mujeres collection
Conrich (Robert S.) Collection of Material Relating to the Incorporation of West Hollywood, Calif.
Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics : Records of the UCLA Website
Cook (James, Captain) Playbills
Cooley (Spade) papers
Coolidge (Clark) Correspondence
Cooper (Alice C.) papers
Cooper (Charles E.) Papers
Cooper Ornithological Society, Southern Division records
Copp (Joseph) Papers
Corelli (Marie) Papers
Corle (Edwin) Papers
Corleone (Sophia) papers
Cornell (Ralph D.) papers
Corsini collection of manuscripts from their collection of books on the Plague
Corwin (Norman) collection of material by and about
Cory family papers
Cote (Renee) papers
Cotsen (Lloyd E.) cuneiform tablets collection
Council for the Study of Mankind Records
Council of Social Sciences Data Archives (U.S.) Records
Cousins (Norman) papers
Couts (Cave Johnson) [Diary]
Cowan (Robert E.) collection of early California manuscripts
Cowan (Robert E.) Library and Bibliographical Lists
Cowan (Robert E.) Papers
Cox (James R.) Bibliography of the Albright Library
Cox (James R.) Papers
Crabs (Donald) papers
Crabtree (Charlotte) papers
Craft and Folk Art Museum records
Craftsman Style homes in West Park Tract of Los Angeles photograph album
Craig (Edith) Papers
Craig (Edward G.) Notes and Drafts for a Plea to George Bernard Shaw
Craig (Edward G.) papers
Craig (Robert F.) Papers
Cram (Donald J.) papers
Crandall (Shannon) Papers
Crawhall (Joseph) Papers
Cray (Ed) Papers
Crews (Judson) Papers
Crites (Arthur S.) illustrations for Pioneer days in Kern County
Crites (Arthur S.) Papers
Cromwell (P.W.) Detroit Political Cartoons collection
Crouch (Lois) Papers
Crouch (Winston W.) Papers
Cruikshank (Margaret) papers
Crum (Dorothy B.) collection
Crystal Ice Mfg. Co. Records
Cuban railroad documents collecton
Cuban Revolution Collection
Cuban slavery documents collection
Cummings Collection of Hebraica and Judaica Card Index
Cummings Collection of Hebrew Manuscripts
Cunningham (Janet) papers
Cure (Alfred C.) photograph albums
Curran (Pauline G.) papers
Curry (Dan) papers
Curtis (George de C.) Papers
Curtis (Tony) Papers
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Dakin (Susanna B.) A Scotch paisano: Hugo Reid's life in California (1832-1852)
Dalton (Melville) papers
Daly (Carroll J.) Papers
D'Amico (Jeanne) Papers
Dance Programs Collection
Daniels (Danny) papers
Dated Documents from England, France, Italy, Spain, and Austria Collection
Davidson (Gordon) papers
Davis (Elizabeth G.) papers
Davis (H.L.) Papers
Davis (John E.) Log of H.M.S. Samarang
Davis (Joseph L.) Papers
Davis (William H.) Copies of Manuscripts Holdings in the Calif. State Library, Sacramento
Davis (William H.) Papers
Dawson (John M.) papers
Dawson's Book Shop records
Day (A.L.) Collection of Photographs of the Philippines
de la Pena (Terri) Papers
De Lacy (Robert) photographs
De Mille (Agnes) papers
Dearing (Vinton A.) Reproductions of Eighteenth Century Imprints
Decorative Designers Firm - Collection of Materials by and Relating to
DeForest (Charlotte B.) Papers
Del Amo Foundation Spanish Civil War Collection
Delabere family papers
Democracy and Unification in Korea collection
Dennis (Faith) Travel Journals and Scrapbooks
Denslow (Pat) papers
Dent (J.M.) & Sons - File Copies of Printed Books
Derkum (Adam C.) Papers
Derrick (Clarence J.) Papers
Desti (Mary) Papers
Diamond Jubilee procession photograph album
Diana Press records
Dick (Hugh G.) Papers
Dickens (Charles) Playbills Relating to
Dickey (Donald R.) Papers
Dickson (Edward A.) Cuneiform Tablet collection
Dickson (Edward A.) Papers
Diemer (Robert B.) papers
Diller (Phyllis) papers
Dillon (Fannie C.) papers
Dillon (Richard H.) Collection of Photographs of San Francisco and the Mother Lode
Dillon (Richard H.) papers
Dimon (W. Eugene) papers
Disclosure records
Diseños: maps and plans of ranchos of Southern California
Dissertations on Greek and Roman Antiquity Collection
Dixon (Compton C.) vs. State of Calif. Transcripts
Dixon (Wilfrid Joseph) papers
Dixon (William H.) Papers
DjeDje (Jacqueline C.) papers
Dobson (Sylvia) Papers
Dodd (Lawrence E.) papers
Dodd (Paul A.) papers
Doheny (Estelle) Miscellanea
Donaldson (Will) collection of material by Theodore Dreiser and Dreiseriana
Donated Oral Histories collection
Douglas (Norman) Papers
Doumani (Roy and Carol) Papers
Dow (Arthur W.) and Students of the UCLA Dow Assn. Collection of Material
Dowdy (Andrew H.) Collection of Material about John F. Kennedy
Dramatic Arts Sales Catalog collection
Draper (Barbara) Papers
Drawings of cities collection
Dreier (Hans) Collection of Motion Picture Set Designs
Druks (Renate) Collection of Material by and Relating to Anaïs Nin
Duarte (Calif.) Chamber of Commerce Minutes
Duarte Reading Circle Records
Duggan (Robert D.) Communist Party Collection
Dumani (Sharif) collection of punk flyers
Dunne (John G.) papers
Duque de Palmella manuscripts collection
Durham (Philip) Index and Bibliography collection
Durham (Philip) papers
Durrell (Lawrence) papers
Dwan (Robert) papers
Dwiggins (Clare V.) papers
Dwyer (Sandy) papers
Dyer (Brainerd) Papers
Dykstra (Clarence A.) papers
Dyson (Verne) papers
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E Clampus Vitus Records
Early American Documents Collection
Early California residents' portraits
Early Los Angeles photograph album
Earthquake Photographs Collection
Ebsworth (Joseph W.) Papers
Edelstein (J.M.) Correspondence
Edson (Katherine P.) papers
(Edwards) Anne papers
Eggers (John H.) Papers
Egly (Paul) papers
Egypt (antiquities of) photograph album
Egyptian Manuscripts in Arabic Collection
Ehrlich (Richard) Photographs of the Holocaust Museum
Eichelberger (Robert L.) Papers
Eisenberg (Frances R.) L.A. City Schools Loyalty Oath Collection
Eldredge (Helen W.) Papers
Ellis and Campbell records
Ellis Booksellers Records
Ellis (Havelock) Papers
Elster (Ernestine S.) Files of the Calif. State Resources Commission
Elston (Allan V.) papers
Emerson (Robert M.) Papers
Emmy Awards Collection of Music Scores
Enderton (Herbert B.) papers
Endore (S. Guy) papers
Engelke (Marian E.) Printing Ephemera Collection
Englekirk (John E.) Papers
Englund (Ken) papers
Engravings (Hand-Colored Wood) of Fairgrounds Collection
Engravings of theaters and stage sets collection
Ennis House Foundation Records
Entzmann (Arnold) Papers
Ephemeral Mexican Popular Literature Published by Antonio Vanegas Arroyo Collection
Epitome Publications Records
Epstein (Marsha) Papers
Escondido Land and Town Company Records
Esper (Dwain) papers
Espey (John J.) Papers
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg collection
Ethiopian Poster Collection
Ethiopic manuscripts Collection
Eugster (Donald C.) papers
European Photograph Albums and Los Angeles Area Documents Collection
Evans (Edmund) Etchings After Randolph Caldecott Collection
Evans (Edmund) Letters to
Evans (Rex) Papers
Evans (William T.) Wentworth Manor, Montclair, New Jersey American collection of paintings - album of photographs
Everest (F. Alton) papers
Everest Rancho, Arlington, Calif. photograph album
Everson (William) papers
Ewart (Wilfrid) Papers
Ewing (Majl) Hogarth Press manuscripts collection
Ewing (Majl) literary correspondence and manuscripts collection
Ewing (Majl) papers
Exhibit Collection of Near Eastern Manuscripts
Expositions and Fairs collection of material
Extremist Book Collection
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Fadem (Joyce A.) papers
Faderman (Lillian) papers
Fahey (John) papers
Fainer (Joseph L.) papers
Fairbanks (Harold W.) papers
Fante (John) papers
Faragoh (Francis) theater arts images collection
Farin (Linda) papers
Farington family correspondence
Farmer (Moses G.) papers
Farquhar (Francis P.) collection of offprints, ephemera, and other material
Farquhar (Francis P.) Papers
Farquhar (Robert D.) architectural drawings
Farr (Lee) papers
Farrar (Irwin E.) Papers
Farrell (Charles H.) Collection of Plays
Farrell (Cliff) Papers
Federal Records Center Misc. Records
Federal Theatre Project collection of material
Federal Theatre Project Scripts and Publications
Federal Writers' Project of California records
Federation of Hillside and Canyon Associations Records
Feldman collection of Hebrew manuscripts
Feldman (Ruthe) collection of Ansel Adams photographs of Yosemite printed by Alan Ross
Felver (Christopher) photographs
Fenichel (Otto) papers
Ferrocarril Central from Callao to Chicla, Peru Photograph album of views
Figueiredo (Fidelino de) Letters to
Fiji photograph album
Filter (Karen) photographs
Finci and Musafia families papers
Fine (Mort) Papers
Firmage (George J.) Papers
Fish (Wendell W.) Papers
Fisher (Hugo) Papers
Fisher (John W.) papers
Fisher (Margery T.) papers
Fisher (Sandra) papers
Fiske (John) Papers
Fitzsimmons (Cortland) Papers
Flatau (Kurt L.) papers
Fleischmann (Ernest) papers
Fleishman (Stanley) Collection of Material About Obscenity and its Legal Aspects
Fleishman (Stanley) Papers
Foley (Rudy T.) papers
Foley (William I.) papers
Forbes (Jack D.) Papers
Forman (Henry J.) Papers
Forrester (A. Theodore) Papers
Forster (John) Pioneer data from 1832
Fortress Monroe photograph album
Foster (Joseph O.) Papers
Foster (Martha) papers
Fowler (Josephine) papers
Fowler (Matthew Van Benschoten) [Diary]
France, Egypt, Greece, and Italy photograph album
Frankel (Bessie H. [Bartlett]) Papers
Franklin (Bonnie) Papers
Free Church Training College in Aberdeen, Scotland photograph album of faculty and students
Freedman (Daniel X.) papers
Freedman (David) Papers
Freespirit (Judy) Papers
French Autograph Collection
French Political Broadsides collection
French Revolutionary Period Collection of Print Material
Freud (Ralph) Theatre, Motion Pictures and Television Interviews
Frey (Charles D.) papers
Friedlander (Jonathan) collection of Middle Eastern Americana
Friedlander (Sheldon K.) papers
Friedländer (Paul) Papers
Friedman (Arthur B.) Prison Record Interviews
Friedman (Arthur B.) Turning Point interviews
Friends of the Los Angeles River records
Frierman (Jay D.) papers
Frierman (Jay D.) photographs of S. Calif. architecture collection
Fritz (Bernardine) Papers
From the Earth to the Moon - collection of research materials for the HBO Television Series
Frumkin (Si) papers
Fujii (Ryoichi) Papers
Fujioka (Shiro) Papers
Fujita (Akira) papers
Fultz (Francis M.) papers
Furbay (John H.) papers
Further Adventures of Ellery Queen, Collection of Scripts for the Television Series
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Gabrielson (Walter) papers
Gaer (Joseph) papers
Gaines (Laurell) papers
Galloway Family papers
Galpern (Lasar) papers
Galsworthy (John) papers
Gamble (David P.) papers
Gamet (Kenneth) papers
Gans (Edward) Collection of Materal about Numismatics
Gant (Charles G.) California Democratic Council records
Garber (Linda) papers
Gardner Family papers
Garemani Family collection of Persian and Arabic manuscripts and books
Garfinkel (Harold) papers
Garin Compatriotic Union Records
Garnier (Ralph L.) papers
Garrett (Alexandra) papers and Records of the Beyond Baroque Foundation
Gaspar (Bela) Collection of Patents for Color Photography
Gautereaux (Standley) Papers
Gawsworth (John) Papers
Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center records
Gehry Nelson (Doreen) Method of Design-Based Learning (formerly City Building Education™) records
Gelpke (Rudolf) collection of Arabic and Persian manuscripts
Genie (pseudonym) - David Rigler collection of research materials related to the linguistic-psychological studies of Genie
Germain (Diane) papers
Gernreich (Rudi) papers
Gerson (T. Perceval) Papers
Gerston (Larry N.) Calif. Democratic Council Collection
Gertrude's Silver Eighth Note Cafe records
Gibbs (Jewelle T.) research material on the police beating of Rodney King
Giles (Herbert A.) Papers
Gilien (Ted) Photographs of postwar Japan and the Philippines
Gilks (Al) papers
Gillespie (Archibald H.) Papers
Gillett (Clarence) Papers
Gillett (P.T.R.) collection of Dustwrappers of Popular Fiction
Gilmore (John) papers
Glasgow (Lukman) papers
Glass (Maude E.) Papers
Glassford (Pelham D.) Papers
Glazer (Benjamin F.) Papers
Gleason (J. Duncan) papers
Gleason (Madeline) Papers
Glen Tilt 1871 photograph album
Glück (Gustav) papers
Gold (Julius) papers
Goldberg (Gerald J.) papers
Goldberg (Jackie) papers
Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company records
Goldman (Eric F.) Papers
Goldman (Henry) papers
Goldschmidt (Walter R.) Papers
Goldstone (N.J. "Bud") collection on Simon Rodia's Towers
Golove (Degania) papers
Gonzalez (Manuel P.) Papers
Goodman (Henry) collection of theater playbills
Goodspeed (Edgar J.) Papers
Goodwin (John E.) Papers
Goodwin (Mary P.) Antarctica Collection
Goodwin (Willard E.) papers
Gordon, Jr. (Walter L. )/Beverly, Jr. (William C.) collection
Gores (Walter W.) Papers
Gorney (Roderic) papers
Graham Family Papers
Graham (Margaret C.) papers
Granby (Joe) papers
Granger (William P.) Papers
Grant (Gogi) Collection of Musical Arrangements
Grant (J.A.C.) papers
Gray (Charles E.) Papers
Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands photograph album
Greek antiquities in Athens Photograph album
Green (Dorothy) Papers
Greenson (Ralph) papers
Greenwood (Barbara) papers
Gregory (Elizabeth H.) Collection of Material About American Aviation
Grier (Barbara) Periodical Collection
Griffin (S.A.) collection of underground poetry, Scott Wannberg, and The Carma Bums
Griffis (Elliot) papers
Griffith (Edward H.) Papers
Griffith Family Papers
Griswold (Wesley S.) Papers
Gross (Milt) Papers
Grot (Anton) papers
Groves-Lord (Gianna) papers
Gruen (Victor) collection
Guenther (Adaline C.) papers
Guest (Barbara) Papers
Gullans (Charles B.) Papers
Guy (Roma) Papers
back to top
Haas (Charles E.) Papers
Haas (Robert B.) Collection of Material about William Chauncey Bartlett
Haase (John) Papers
Hachimonji (Kumezo) papers
Hagemann (E.R.) Papers
Hagemann (E.R.) Papers and Collection of Detective Fiction
Haggard (H. Rider) book collection
Haggard (H. Rider) papers
Hagman (Donald G.) papers
Hailmann (W.N.) Kindergarten collection
Haines, Evans, and Merrell Family Papers
Halasz (George) scrapbooks
Hale (Randolph) Valley Music Theatre Scrapbooks
Hall (David S.) Papers
Hall (D.J.) papers
Hall (Doris D.) collection of travel and recreation ephemera and La Dow family documents
Hall (Nancy L.) papers
Hall (Norman S.) papers
Hall (Warren A.) papers
Halleck, Peachy & Billings Correspondence and Papers
Halleck, Peachy & Billings Records
(Ham) Ho Young papers
Hamilton (Andrew) papers
Hamilton (Donald) Papers
Hamilton (Harold L.) papers
Han (Yu-shan) collection
Hanke (Lewis) Papers
Hanna (Phil T.) Papers
Harary (Isaac) Papers
Hardie (Martin) Correspondence
Har-ma Press records
Harmon (John B.) Papers
Harmon (Larry) zine collection
Harris (Ellen S.) papers
Harris (Robert E.G.) Collection of Material about the Spanish Civil War
Harris (Townsend) Papers
Harrison (Benjamin) Papers
Harrison (Gilbert A.) collection of material by and relating to Gertrude Stein
Harrison (Gilbert A.) Papers
Harte (Bret) Letters
Hartman (Paul) papers
Hartzell (James) papers
Harvey (Rowland H.) Papers
Haugen (Genevieve) papers
Havet (Louis) papers
Hawkins (Alma) papers
Hawkins (Augustus F.) papers
Hayden (Jeffrey) Primary Colors: The Story of Corita video logs
Hayes (Robert M.) Papers
Hayman (Al) letters
Haynes (John Randolph) papers
Hazard-Dyson Los Angeles photograph album
Healey (Dorothy) Papers
(Heard) Gerald papers
Hearn (Guy E.) papers
Heavy Metal Music Material Collection
Hedrick (E.R.) papers
Heghen (Mary) Papers
Heifetz (Harold) Nineteenth Century English Illustrations Collection
Heisler (Stuart) Papers
Hellman (Irving H.) Papers
Helstien (Melvyn B.) papers
Hendrix (Kathleen) collection on Paul Monette
Herbert M. Baruch Corporation Records
Herrscher (Edmond) papers
Hershberger (William D.) Papers
Herzig (Jack and Aiko) papers
Hesser (Edwin B.) papers
Heusken (Henry C.J.) Papers
Hibi (Matsusaburo) Papers
Hichborn (Franklin) Papers
Hickman (Charles S.) Papers
Hickok (Beverly) papers
Hicks (Frederic) papers
Higa (Taro) Papers
Higgins (Colin) papers
Higgins (Ethel B.) Papers
Hileman (Sam) papers
Hill (Gladwin) papers
Hines (Jack) Papers
Hinkley (Don) papers
Historic Monterey photographic album
History of Photography collection of material
Hoage (Leon) collection of material about the Lindbergh Kidnapping Case
Hockett (John A.) Papers Regarding the CA State Commission on School Districts
Hodge (Frederick W.) Papers
Hodgson (James D.) collection on labor
Hodgson (James D.) Papers
Hodgson (Robert W.) Papers
Hodkinson (W.W.) papers
Hoff (Syd) Papers
Hoffberg (Judith) artists and mail art files
Hoffman Library Card Index
Holling (Holling C.) papers
Holling (Lucille W.) papers
Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.) Collection of Books About in Literature
Hollywood Park records
Hollywood Studio Strike collection
Hollywoodland and Dana Point, Calif. - Collection of Material about
Holmes Book Co. (Los Angeles) Records
Holstein (Theodore D.) Papers
Holt (Frances L.) Journal
Holtzman (Howard) collection on Isadora Duncan
Holzapfel (Rudolph) Collection About Edward Gordon Craig
Hood Family Papers
Hooker (Edward N.) Papers
Hooker (Evelyn C.) papers
Horn (Zoia) papers
Horner (Harry) papers
Horner (James) papers
Horsley (William) papers
Horst (Henry M.) Papers
Hoshide (Chiyoko) Papers of Kaku Aiso (née Kaku Sato)
Hoshimiya Family Papers
Houghton (Vernon W.) Papers
Hougland (Willard) Papers
Houseman (John) Papers
Houser (Frederick F.) Papers
Houston (Ivan J.) papers
Howard (Donald S.) papers
Howard (Eric) Papers
Howard (George) Papers
Howell (Thomas R.) papers
Hubbard (Jack M.) Papers
Huberty (Martin R.) Papers
Huff (Sidney L.) papers
Hundley (Norris) papers
Hunt (Violet) Manuscript Notebook
Hunter (Todd) papers
Huntington Hartford Foundation records
Huntsman-Trout (Edward) papers
Hussey (Roland D.) papers
Hustvedt (Sigurd B.) Papers
Hutchinson (John) Papers
Huttenback (Dorothy) Papers
Huxley (Aldous and Laura) papers
Hyatt (Edward) papers
back to top
I Spy Collection of Scripts and Production Material for the Television Series
Ichioka (Yuji) papers
Ilmiyah collection of Arabic and Persian manuscripts
Immigrant Research Collection
In the Life records
Independent Progressive Party and Californians for Liberal Representation records
Inesita papers
Inglis (John B.) collection of manuscript transcripts of rare books and tracts, and Latin and Greek classics
Institute for Dance and Experimental Art Records
International Times records
Int'l. Senior Citizens Assn. Records
Intriligator (Michael D.) papers
Iraq Out-of-Country Voting Program Ephemera and Posters
Irish Independence Movement Scrapbooks
Irrigation and Soil Science Collection
Irrigation Canals in Fresno County - Collection of Material about
Ishigo (Estelle) papers
Ishioka (Eiko) papers
Islamic manuscripts collection
Isthmus of Tehuantepec Map Collection
Italian Broadsides Collection
Italian campaign in Somalia and Ethiopia Photograph album
Ivins (Stanley S.) Papers
Iwasaki (Shuko) Papers
Iwasaki (Yasukichi) Papers
back to top
Jackson (George P.) Collection of Southern Hymnody Index
Jackson (Holbrook) Papers
Jacobs-Bond (Carrie) Papers
Jacobson (Carl) collection of Hollywood Anti-Nazi League records
Jacoby (Grover) Records of the Variegation and Recurrence Poetry Journals
Japan trip in 1901 photograph album [graphic]
Japanese American Incarceration Collection
Japanese American Research Project (Yuji Ichioka) collection of material about Japanese in the United States
Jarvis Family Papers
Jeffers (William M.) Papers
Jefferson Family Papers
Jefferson (Gail) papers
Jennings (John) papers
Jensen (Joseph) Papers
Jesuits. Paraguay. [Documents concerning the Investigation of the Documents concerning the Investigation Dispute between Bishop Bernardino de Cardenas and the Jesuits of Paraguay.]
Jetter (Betty) papers
Jewish Feminist Conference records
Jikihara (Toshihei) papers
Jimenez (Mario A.) Costa Rica Collection
Joglars Records
Johnson (Elle) papers
Johnson (Frederick) Papers
Johnson (George P.) Negro Film collection
Johnson (Martha E.) Papers
Johnston (Michelle) papers
Jones (A. Quincy) papers
Jones (Adrienne) Papers
Jones (Archdale J.) Papers
Jones Family papers
Jones (Idwal) Papers
Jordan-Smith (Paul) papers
Judaic Pamphlets Collection
Jurmann (Walter) papers
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Kaesz (Herbert D.) Papers
Kagiwada Brothers papers
Kahn (Marvin) papers
Kahn (Michael and Susan) collection of political cartoons
Kalia (Ravi) collection relating to the planning of Chandigarh, Punjab, India
Kalil Family papers
Kalish (Donald) papers
Kall (Alexis) papers
Kalpakian (Laura A.) papers
Kanai (Lincoln) papers
Kanehara (Setsu) Papers
Kaplan (Abraham A.) papers
Kaplan (Joseph) papers
Kappa Phi Zeta, Alpha Chapter Records
Karlson (Phil) Papers
Karubian (Richard [Rouhollah]) collection of Arabic and Persian manuscripts
Kasai Family papers
Kaufman (Harry) Papers
Kawano (Shigeichi) Papers
Kay (Jack) Papers
Keddie (Nikki R.) papers
Keiser (Glen) Comic Books, Fantasy Drawings, and Realia Collection
Keller (Henry W.) Papers
Kelley (John R.) Los Angeles Board of Education collection
Kemble (E.W.) - Collection of illustrated books by E.W. Kemble
Kennard (Robert A.) papers
Kennedy (Charles R.) papers
Kennedy (John F., President) Collection of Material about his Assassination
Kerby (Philip P.) Papers
Kern (George A.) Papers
Kessler (Jascha F.) Papers
Keys (James M.) The Spanish missions of California and their influence today
Khantamour (Krikor M.) papers
Khayyam (Omar) Collection of Material
Kiers (Margriet) and Hicks (Kenna) papers
Kight (Morris) Papers
Kikuchi (Charles) papers
King Family papers
Kingman (Ruth W.) Papers Related to the Pacific Coast Committee on American Principles and Fair Play
Kiosko (Literatura de)
Kirsch (Robert R.) Papers
Kitaj (R.B.) papers
Kitano (Harry H. L.) Papers
Kivelson (Margaret G.) papers
Kiyohara (Danzo) Papers
Klein (H. Arthur) Papers
Kleinberg (Judy) papers
Kleinrock (Leonard) papers
Klemin (Alexander) papers
Klingberg (Frank J.) Papers
Knight (Clifford) Papers
Knopoff (Leon) papers
Knudsen (Vern Oliver) papers
Kolin (Alexander) papers
Koontz (Louis K.) Papers
Koosis (Ella S.) Collection of Material Relating to Dance
Korean-American Oral History Project collection
Korematsu (Fred T.) v. United States Coram Nobis Litigation collection
Kovacs (Ernie) papers
Kownacki (Richard) Collection of Material about Ruhollah Khomeini
Kralj (Kim) papers
Kramer (Stanley) papers
Krauss (Friedrich S.) Papers
Krauss (Wilhelm W.) Papers
Krick (Irving P.) papers
Krisel (Marcella S.) Collection of Lectures by Alan Watts in Los Angeles
Kulik (Buzz) papers
Kuper (Hilda) papers
Kuper (Leo) Papers
Kuper (Theodore F.) Papers
Kurnik (Stanley) Papers
Kurtzman (Allan H.) collection of material about Beat Writers and Artists
back to top
L.A. Rebellion collection
La Tourette (Frank) papers
L.A. Watts Times newspapers and ephemera collection
L.A. Youth newspapers and records
Laban (Juana de) papers
Laird (Brian) collection of readings by Lawrence Clark Powell
Lamb (Harold) Papers
Lambert (Gavin) Collection of Books and Tapes
Lamers (William M.) papers
Lamis vs. Doyle and Sachs collection of court records
Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society records
Lancey (Thomas C.) Papers
Landes Manufacturing Co. Portfolios Collection
Lange (Harold M.) collection of material about Malawi
Langsner (Jules) papers
Lankes (J.J.) collection of bookplates designed by
Lanman (Charles) papers
Larkin (George) Papers
Larson (Arnold B.) Collection About the Los Angeles Press Club
Lask (George E.) Papers
Lassen (Harry S.) Papers
Last Call at Maud's collection
Latin American Labor Movements collection of newspapers
Laughlin (Helen M.) Papers
Laughton (Charles) Papers
Lauritzen (Jonreed) Papers
Lawrence Architectural Pottery (Max and Rita) records
Lawrence (D.H. and Frieda) collection of material about
Lawrenson (Harry) papers
Layne (J. Gregg) Articles Submitted to the Historical Society of Southern California Quarterly
Layne (J. Gregg) papers
Le May (Alan) papers
Leader (Roz) Art Poster collection
League of Allied Arts records
Lee (Bradner W.) papers
Lee (Edwin A.) Papers
Lee (Peter H.) collection of books and letters from Wallace Stevens
Lee (Rose H.) papers
Lee (S. Charles) papers
Leeds (Charles T.) Papers
Leeper (John P.) Correspondence
Legal Broadsides (Mexico, printed by Pedro Ocharte)
Leibniz (Gottfried W., Freiherr von) Papers
Leicestershire - Views of ancient buildings
Lengyel (Cornel A.) Papers
L'Enseignement de l'Universite du College de France et des colleges a Paris
Leonard (Harold) motion picture research files
Leonard (Robert W.) Papers
Leopold (Werner F.) Costa Rica Photograph Collection
Lerner (Arthur) Papers
Lesbian Catholics Together records
Lesbian Love records
Lesbian Nurses of Los Angeles records
Lesbian Schoolworkers records
Lesbian Visibility Week records
Leslau (Wolf) papers
Lesperance (Leo B.) Papers
Lessa (William A.) papers
Levin (Emanuel) Collection of Bonus Army Materials
Levine (Gene N.) Japanese American Research Project Records
Levy and Goldwater families of Los Angeles, California photograph album
Lewis (Harry L.) and Mooers (De Sacia) papers
Lewis (Jerry) papers
Lewis (M.G.) Commonplace Book
Lewis (William) Papers
Ley (J.W.T.) Correspondence
Leyda (Jay) Papers
Libby (Willard F.) papers
Liega (Carlos) Collection of Material about Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Lillard (Richard G.) papers
Lima to Huanuco, Peru - Photograph albums of journey from Lima to Huanuco, Peru
Lincoln (Abraham) collection
Lincoln (Abraham) photographs from the collection of Frederick H. Meserve, New York
Linden (Robin R.) papers
Linderman (Frank B.) Papers
Lindsay (Vachel) Papers
Lindsey (Ben B.) papers
Lingenfelter (Richard E.) Papers
Lipton (Lawrence) papers
Literatura de Cordel collection
Lithographs of French churches and chateaux collection
Littlefield family correspondence
Litz (Robert) papers
Lockey (Joseph B.) Papers
Lofchie (Michael) collection of Zanzibar Publications
Long (Alice L.) Papers
Long Beach Collection of Material
Long (Haniel) papers
Long (Philomene) Papers
Longeuil (Alfred E.) papers
Longmire (William P.) papers
Longstreet (Stephen) Papers
Lonyay (Gróf K.) papers
Lopez (Enrique H.) papers
Lorson (James) collection of material about Frederic Prokosch
Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy records
Los Angeles and surrounding areas photograph album
Los Angeles Block Book Company Records
Los Angeles, California, the United States, and the World collection of maps
Los Angeles Chamber Symphony Society records
Los Angeles City and County Consolidation Collection
Los Angeles County Chicano Employees Association (LACCEA) collection
Los Angeles County flood control materials collection
Los Angeles County tax collector property index map books
Los Angeles Daily News negatives
Los Angeles Daily News Photographs
Los Angeles Daily News records
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner Employees - Collection of Printed Material about Strikes by
Los Angeles Historical Society Records
Los Angeles Municipal Court Records
Los Angeles Olympic Games (1932) Collection
Los Angeles Olympics Organizing Committee Government Affairs records
Los Angeles Olympics Organizing Committee records
Los Angeles Realty Board records
Los Angeles School Monitoring Committee Records
Los Angeles Times bombing collection of photographs
Los Angeles Times Oriental Excursion Party to Japan, China, Hong Kong, and the Philippines in 1906 photograph album
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archive
Los Angeles Unified School District Architect's Renderings and Campus Photographs
Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education records
Los Angeles Urban League records
Los Angeles War Council Official Bulletins
Los Angeles, Whittier, and surrounding area photograph album
Los Angeles Women's Community Chorus records
Louie (Steve) Asian American Movement collection
Louis (Debbie) Collection on Civil Rights
Lowenfels (Walter) Papers
Lubetzky (Seymour) papers
Luce Family Papers
Lucile, Lady Duff-Gordon drawings
Luckenbill (Dan) papers
Lumet (Baruch) papers
Lummis (Charles F.) Papers
Lurie (Alison) papers
Luthardt (Robert) Papers
Lybeck (Ruth) Papers
Lyman (John) papers
Lynch (Henry B.) papers
Lyon (Charles W.) Papers
Lyon (Margerie) Collection about Ted Shawn and the Dance
Lytton (Edward B.) Letters to Camille Ernst
back to top
MacAdams (Lewis) papers
Macartney (George) 1st Earl Macartney papers
MacBeth (George) Papers
MacCulloch (Bunny) papers
Macdonald (Barbara) papers
MacDonald (Jeanette) Papers
Macgowan (Kenneth) papers
MacIntyre (Carlyle F.) Papers
MacKenna (Kenneth) collection of material about George Bernard Shaw
MacKnight (Ninon) papers
Macomber Family Collection about Race Horse Breeding
Macpherson (Robert) Vatican sculptures photograph album
Maghribi manuscripts collection
Magoun (Horace W.) Papers
Malanga (Gerard) Papers
Mamoru (Eto, Reverend) Papers
Mandel (Frank) Papers
Mandell (Alan) papers
Mandell Gallery records
Manes (Hugh R.) papers
Manners (Sam) papers
Manuel (Alvin G.) business correspondence with Richard Aldington
Manus (Carmen) Collection of Dutch Underground Newspapers
Manuscripts in Tamil, Sanskrit, and Malayan, and Indian Palm Leaf Books Collection
Manuzio Family Collection of Portraits
Manzanar War Relocation Center records
Maquet (Jacques J. P.) papers
Mardirosian (Vahac) papers
Margolis (Ben) Papers
Marmor (Judd) papers
Marryat (Frederick) Collection of Engravings from the Michael Sadleir Collection
Marschak (Jacob) Papers
Marsh (Dorothy) Collection of Calif. Osteopathic Assn. Records
Marsh (Elizabeth) Narrative of her Captivity in Barbary [...et al.]
Marsh (Warner L.) Papers
Marshall Family Papers
Martin Breslauer, Inc. collection of catalogues
Martin (Harold H.) papers
Martin Janis Gallery Papers
Martin (John) Papers
Marvick (Dwaine) papers
Masaoka (Joe G.) Papers
Mashbir (Sidney F.) papers
Material about cooperatives collection
Material about socialism collection
Mathias (Mildred) nursery catalogs collection
Mathies (M. Lorraine) Papers
Matthews (Miriam) collection of Los Angeles Newspapers on African Americans
Matthews (Miriam) papers
Matthews (Miriam) photograph collection
Matthews (William) papers
Maull (Otto) papers
Maxwell Hunley rare books records
Mazarinades Collection
Mazer (June L.) papers
McAdoo (William G.) Papers
McAfee (Byron) papers
McAtee (Waldo L.) Pamphlets
McAvoy (May) papers
McBride (George M.) papers
McCallum (Donald F.) papers
McCandless (Ruth S.) Collection on Nyogen Senzaki
McCarthy (Eugene J.) presidential campaign material collection
McCormick (Deborah) papers
McCoy (Herbert N.) Papers
McCoy (Horace) papers
McCroskey (Samuel L.) Papers
McCue (Andy) collection of baseball fiction books
McCutchan (Joseph W.) Papers
McDermott (Genevieve A.) Collection of Calif. Assn. of Student Councils Records
McDill (George W.) Papers
McFee (William) Papers
McFie (W.T.) Well Supply Co. Records
McGovern for President Committee records
McGovern (Melvin P.) Papers
McGrath (Alice G.) papers
McGuire (Ruth) Papers
McKay (Todd) musical compositions and papers
McKee (Ruth E.) papers
McKinlay (Arthur P.) Collection of Arator Manuscripts
McManus (George) papers
McWilliams (Carey) - Collection of Material about Carey McWilliams
McWilliams (Carey) correspondence
McWilliams (Carey) papers
McWilliams (Carey) Papers - Card Files
Meals for Millions Foundation records
Medavoy (Mike) papers
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts Collection (Ferrari-Rouse)
Meehan (Elizabeth) Papers
Meggendorfer (Lothar) Papers
Mellon (Knox) California Democratic Council papers
Mellon (Knox) collection of material about the John Birch Society and other radical conservative organizations and causes
Melnitz (William W.) papers
Memos (Roger) scripts
Mendenhall (Ruth) papers
Mennevée (Roger) collection of research material relating to French political, social, economic, and artistic life, 1910-1965.
Menosky (Joseph) papers
Menu collection
Menzies (A.) and Capt. James Colnett Journals
Merritt (Ralph P.) papers
Mesmer (Joseph) Papers
Mexican Pamphlets and other printed material collection
Mexican postcards collection
Mexican proclamations issued during the Mexican-American War collection
Mexico, Chalco - Collection of original manuscripts… relating to famine
Mexico City Treasury (Tesorería) - Account book for the year 1715, under the charge of Don Juan Antonio Vasquez Yañes
Mexico Photograph album
Meyerstein (Edward H.W.) Papers
Middle Eastern Posters Collection
Middlebrook (J.E.) South African souvenir
Mikels (Elaine) papers
Military and Govt. Material Issued in France During WWII Collection
Miller (Freyda) photographic portfolios
Miller (Geoff) Los Angeles Magazine records
Miller (Henry) papers
Miller (J. Evan) collection of Cinerama Theater Plans
Miller (James M.) Calif. Missions Collection
Miller (Jean) papers
Miller (Loye) Papers
Mills (George P.) Papers
Mills (Hugh) Papers
Millspaugh (Jesse F.) Papers
Minasian (Caro) collection of Armenian material
Minasian collection of Near Eastern Manuscripts
Miner (Earl R.) Papers
Mink (James V.) papers
Minkowski (Hermann) mathematical notebooks
Mirisch Corporation records
Misc. Ephemera Collection
Misc. Phonograph Records Collection
Miscellaneous manuscripts collection
Mistral (Gabriela) collection
Mittler (Elliot) collection of Welton Becket and Associates Photograph Archives
Miyakawa (T. Scott) papers
Mockingbird (Tequila) LA Punk Museum collection
Moede (Helen M.) papers
Moll (Elick) Papers
Mommaerts (W.F.H.M.) papers
Monash (Paul) Papers
Monday Evening Concerts of Los Angeles Programs
Monette (Paul) papers
Monhoff (Fred) Papers
Monro (Harold) papers
Monrovia (Calif.) Records
Montague (Richard) papers
Montevideo Photograph album
Montevideo Vistas 1919 photograph album
Monuments de l'Egypte ancienne et moderne photograph album
Moody (Alan) papers
Mooney (Thomas J.) legal documents and papers
Moore (Ernest C.) Papers
Moore (Everett T.) Papers
Moorhead (Carlos J.) papers
Moreland (Watt L.) Papers
Morgan (Barbara and Willard) photographs and papers
Morgan (Barbara) photographs
Morgan (Barbara) Wight Gallery collection
Morgan (Charles) KPFK radio commentaries collection
Morgan (John A.) papers
Morgan (Sydney) Commonplace Books
Morris (Donald R.) papers
Morrison (Jack) Papers
Morse (Willard S.) Collection of Material About Bret Harte
Morton (Lawrence) collection of materials relating to the Monday Evening Concerts
Morton (Lawrence) papers
Morton (Marjorie) Collection of Material about Charlotte Chorpenning
Mortzschky (Herbert) Color Slide Collection
Moser (Barry) Wood Engraving Blocks and Prints
Moser (Barry) Wood Engraving Blocks Illustrating the Gold Rush
Moser (James E.) Scripts
Mosk (Richard) and Yoshida (Shinzo) correspondence
Motion Picture Background Stills collection
Motion Picture Patents Company trial records
Motive posters
Mountaineering Bibliographies collection
Muir (John) Egyptian views brought home photograph album [graphic]
Muir (Percy H.) papers
Mulholland Highway, City of Los Angeles photographs
Mullendore (Joseph) Music Manuscripts
Mulock Family papers
Munby (A.N.L.) papers
Muñoz (Rosalio) papers
Murakami (Noboru) papers
Murchison (Austin H.) Papers
Murmann (Eugene O.W.) Papers
Murphy (Franklin D.) Collection of Material about Sean O'Casey
Murphy (Franklin D.) Papers
Murphy (Marilyn) papers
Music Center records
Music manuscripts leaves collection
Musicians' Autographs collection
Muybridge (Eadweard) photographs
Myers (Willys A.) collection of material about magic
Mystery Writers of America Records
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Nadeau (Remi A.) Papers
Nagrin (Daniel) Collection of Material
Naiditch (Sally) recordings of "The Monday Night Class"
Naples - Collection of Material about the History of
Naples, Pompeii, Sorrento, and Capri Photograph album of views
Nassar (Cheryl) papers
Nathan (Robert) papers
National Coalition for Japanese American Redress (NCJAR) class action litigation trial records
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force records
National Lesbian Conference records
National Lesbian Feminist Organization Records
National Socialism in Germany and the U.S. collection of material
Nava (Michael) Papers
Naval review photos
Naylor (William E.) papers
NBC Matinee Theater (Television Series) Collection of Scripts and Production Material
Neilson (Harry B.) Papers
Nelson (Ralph) papers
Neuhart (John and Marilyn) papers
Neumann Family Papers
Neutra (Richard and Dion) papers
Neutra (Richard J.) blueprints and materials related to Auerbacher Lodge
New York Poets Audiotapes
New York to California photograph album of a cross-country trip
New Zealand - Photograph album of a trip through the South Island of New Zealand
Newhouse (Robert M.) Papers
Newmark Family papers
Newnes' Penny Library of Famous Books
Newnham (Anthony) Papers
Nichols (Dudley) collection of material about
Nichols (Dudley) Papers
Nichols (Frederick G.) Papers
Nicholson (Henry B.) papers
Nicodemi (Giorgio) papers
Nielson (Layne) collection on George Hoyningen-Huene
Nielson (Layne) papers
Nielson (Sass) papers
Nin (Anaïs) papers
Nishimura (Yoshio) papers
Nitze (William A.) Papers
Nixon (Charles R.) papers
Noel (Frances) Papers
Nomland (John B.) Correspondence
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Pamphlets and Publications Collection
Nordell (Pat) papers
Norfolk County, England Carte de visite photograph album of families
Norris (Charles G.) Papers
Norris (Kathleen T.) papers
North American Indian cultures collection
North (Edmund H.) Papers
Norton (Morgan G.) papers
Norwegian fjords album of photographs
Noviomagus (Society) Records
Nunis (Doyce B.) reprints of published articles
Nutting (Myron C.) papers
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Obama (Barack) Presidential Election Memorabilia from Kenya
Objects collection
O'Connor (Frank B.) Collection of Materials of or about Los Angeles County Agencies
Ogden (C.K.) Papers
O'Gorman (Ella F.) papers
Oi (Matsunosuke) Papers
Oka (Shigeki) Papers
Okura (Pat and Lily) papers
Old Lesbians Organizing for Change records
Oliver Eckhardt Players records
Olson (Everett Claire) papers
O'Neil (Edward N.) material on Index Plutarcheus
Orange County historical project collection
Ordenanzas del baratillo de Mexico Compuestas por don Pedro Anselmo Chreslos Jache
Original Works of Art on Paper Collection
Orphanos (Stathis) papers
Orsini Family Papers
Osborne (Henry Z.) Papers
Ouspenskaya (Maria) Papers
Owens (Trudy) Collection of Materials Relating to the Credentials Committee of the 1968 Democratic National Convention
Owens Valley photograph album
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Pace (Irene G.D.A.) Papers
Pacht (Jerry) papers
Pacific Electric Railway Company motor coaches and railroad cars photographs
Pacific Palisades Property Owners Association records
Pacific Photo Club collection
Pacifism collection
Packman (Ana Bégué de) papers
Padgett (Ron) Papers
Padve (Martha) papers
Pala and San Diego County, California Photograph album
Palmer Family papers
Pamphlet maps collection
Panorama Postcards collection
Panoramic Photographs collection
Panunzio (Constantine) collection of material on Japanese American Incarceration
Parish (John C.) Papers
Parsons (George W.) Scrapbooks
Partido Social Cristiano (Venezuela) Collection of Material
Passchendaele campaign, in and around Ypres, Belgium during World War I photograph album of battlefield scenes
Pateman (Carole) papers
Paul (Elliot) Papers
Pauley (Edwin W.) papers
Paulist Productions records
Paxton (John) papers
Payn (James) Papers
Payne (Robert) Papers
Payne (Theodore) papers
Peace and Freedom Party Collection
Pearcy (Susan D.) wood and linoleum block prints of United Farm Workers
Pearlstein (Leo) papers
Peer (John A.) Papers
Pegge Family Papers
Peggy Christian (Firm) Records
Pena (Terri de la) Poster
Penn (William) collection of genealogical research on William Penn and his descendants
Perceval (Don Louis) Illustrations Collection
Percival (Olive) papers
Perkins (Harry) Correspondence
Perkoff (Stuart Z.) Papers
Perloff (Harvey S.) Papers
Persian and Arabic manuscripts in Special Collections Catalog
Persian Calligraphic Samples Collection
Peruvian 18th and 19th Century Correspondence and Documents Collection
Peruvian Manuscript Account Books Collection
Peruvian Manuscripts collection
Peters (House) papers
Peters (Thomas K.) Papers
Petersen (Herman) Papers
Pezoldt (Sylvia R.) Papers
Phelps (Waldo) papers
Phi Delta Delta Legal Fraternity (International) Records
Phi Delta Delta: Magazine of Phi Delta Delta International Legal Fraternity Collection
Philippine comics collection
Philippine Zines Collection
Phillips (J.J.) Papers
Phillpotts (Eden) Collection of Material
Philmus (Lois C.) papers
Photograph Album collection
[Photograph album of city and landscape views of Brazil]
Photographers' collection
Photographic Exhibitions Catalogs Collection
Photographic Postcards Including Scenes of New Mexico, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Panama Canal and Hawaii collection
Photographs referred to in Engineer's Report (Buenos Aires Southern Dock Company, Ltd.)
Pictorial Calif. Photographic Mockup Boards Collection
Picture collection
Pieraccini collection on Aldous and Maria Huxley
Pierce and Company, San Francisco Records
Pierce (C.C.) Photographic Collection
Pierre (Dorathi B.) dance collection
Pilcer (Harry) papers
Pillsbury (Arthur F.) Papers
Pinal Dome Oil Company records
Pinckney (Charles Cotesworth) papers
Pisa, Florence, Pavia, Milan, Naples, Pompei, and Fontainebleu - photograph album of art and architecture
Plagens (Peter) papers
Platt (Benjamin) Papers
Pleasants (Ben) papers
Plummer (Edna C.) papers
Poe (James) Papers
Political Cartoons and Caricatures Collection
Political Newspapers from Buenos Aires
Pollner (Melvin) papers
Polonsky (Abraham) papers
Polsky (Don) papers
Pomeroy (Everett) 1/2 Snap shot at Mexico
Pope (Alexander) [Letter, 1735 June 22?, to William Fortescue]
Pope (James H.) Papers
Pope (Laura M.) papers
Popper (Daniel M.) papers
Porphyry Paving Company records
Porter (Bern) papers
Porter (Cole) Foreign Language Grammars
Porter (Jane) Papers
Porter (Katherine A.) Letters to Margaret Winkler
Porter (Margaret A.) papers
Porterfield (William H.) Scrapbooks and Ephemera
Post (Dianne) papers
Postcards and postcard albums collection
Poster Collection
Posy (Arnold) papers
Potocki de Montalk (Geoffrey, Count) Collection of Letters and Ephemeral Material
Poulson (Norris) papers
Pound (Ezra) Papers
Povey (John) papers
Powell (Dick) Papers
Powell Family papers
Powell (Lawrence Clark) papers
Powys (Llewelyn) papers
Pratt (Ernest M.) Photograph Collection
Pratt (Ernest M.) Photographs of Architecture Work of Mark Daniels
Prefabricated housing studies in Europe and the U.S. Collection
Prejudices - Collection of Material about
Presidents of the U.S. Collection of Material
Price (Monroe E.) Collection about Prisons
Price (Monroe E.) Papers about School Integration
Price (Rodman M.) Papers
Printed material relating to rare books collection
Printers' Devices and Title Pages Collection
Printing Ephemera Collection
Pritikin (Nathan) papers
Prod'homme (J.-G.) collection of material about Ludwig van Beethoven
Project Blue Book (U.S.) Copies of Records
Prokosch (Frederic) papers
Propaganda Material from Europe, the Caribbean, Latin America, and Asia
Prosin (Sue) papers
Prospect records
Protest Movements collection of materials
Prudden (George H.) Papers
Prussing (Eugene E.) Papers
Pryce (Richard) Papers
Publishers' advertising pamphlets collection
Publishers' dummies collection
Publishing and Self-Publishing - collection of material about the processes, including Samizdat
Publishing Ephemera Collection
Pucciani (Oreste F.) papers
Puce photographic album
Puckett (Thomas L.) Papers
Punk zines and ephemera collection
Puppets and Puppet Plays collection of materials
Pyle (Howard) and Katharine Pyle papers
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Qayani Collection of Arabic and Persian Manuscripts
Quackenbush (Edward A.) Papers
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Raab (Edmund W.) collection of photographic slides
Rademaker (John A.) Papers
Radigan (Corinna) papers
Radin (Paul) papers
Rady (Donald) papers on the Brazilian Steel Industry and Volta Redonda
Raebel (Hermann C.) papers
Raemaekers (Louis) reproductions of World War I political cartoons
Railroad Publications from the United States, Mexico, and Panama Collection
Ramboz (John H.) Papers
Rancho San Pedro documents
Randolph (Donald) papers
Rawn (A.M.) papers
Razorcake/Gorsky Press, Inc. records
Rea (Charles, Dr.) Papers
Reams (David W.) Papers
Recuerdo de Montevideo / por Bate y Ca., Calle 33, ns. 170 y 172
Recuerdos del Perú
Red Bird, Oklahoma glass plate negatives
Redpath (Kenneth V.) papers
Reed (Alan) papers
Reeve (Henry, Mrs.) Papers
Reher (Sven) Papers
Reid (Ruth) and Kent Hyde papers
Reinhardt (Max) Prompt Books for Faust
Reinsch (F.H.) Papers
Remondino (P.C.) papers
Reps (Paul) papers
Republic Pictures Corporation records
Reshovsky (Ernest E.) Photographs
Rex Evans Gallery Records
Rexroth (Kenneth) papers
Rich (Alan) Papers
Richard Bentley and Son papers
Richards (Richard) Papers
Richardson (James H.) Papers
Richardson (James) papers on the Ku Klux Klan in Southern California
Richardson (John V.) papers
Richardson (Ralph G.) Papers
Riley (Frank) Papers
Riley (Jay) papers
Ring (Frances) collection of Lawrence Clark Powell
Ring (Sidney) Papers
Rio de Janeiro Photograph album
Riseley (Jerry B.) Papers
Robbins (George W.) papers
Robert Bénard engravings for the 1763 Diderot Encyclopédie collection
Robert (Elyse) collection on Ruth St. Denis
Roberts (Clete) Papers
Roberts (L. G. (Lawrence G.)) papers
Robertson (Sara Anne Catherine Whinyates) letters and estate documents
Robertson (W. Graham) Papers
Robin (Eva) papers
Robins (Joan) papers
Robinson (Jerome) theatrical photographs collection
Robinson (W. Heath) The Child's Arabian Nights
Robinson (W.W.) papers
Robson (Mark) Papers
Roccaforte (Francesca) papers
Rochlin (Davida) papers
Rochlin (Fred) papers
Rochlin (Harriet) Collection of Material about Women Architects in the U.S.
Rochlin (Harriet) Collection of Photographs of Western Jewish Life
Rochlin (Harriet) Collection of Western Jewish History
Roditi (Edouard) papers
Roemer (Ruth) papers
Rogers (Will) State Historic Park Collection of Scrapbook Material about Will Rogers
Rohrbaugh (James and Marion) collection of Ethiopian manuscripts, letters, photographs and objects
Rolfe (Franklin P.) Papers
Rolfe (Henry W.) Papers
Romeo (Darby) Collection of Zines
Roof Climbing Around Cambridge University - Collection of Material
Rose (David) collection of Scripts and Storyboards
Rosecrans (William S.) Papers
Rosenberg (Betty) collection of genre literature
Rosenberg (Betty) papers
Rosenberg-Lewin Collection of Hebrew Manuscripts
Rosove (Michael H.) collection of South with Scott editions by E.R.G.R. Evans
Ross (Lillian B.) Papers
Ross (Sam) Papers
Rotha (Paul) papers
Rothenstein (Sir William) Drawings
Rothschild (Otto) photographic archive
Rowberry (John W.) Papers
Rowell (Chester H.) Copies of Editorials from the Fresno Republican
Roybal (Edward R.) papers
Royce (Josiah) Memorial collection
Roycroft Shop collection of publications and ephemera
Ruby (Jay) Collection on Coffee House Positano
Rudnick (Isadore) papers
Rudolph (Richard C.) Collection of Japanese Maps
Ruggles (Charles) Papers
Russell (Bruce A.) Papers
Russell (Peter) Papers
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Sachtleben (William L.) papers
Sackett (Samuel J.) papers
Sacks (Harvey) papers
Sadleir (Michael) papers
Sadler (Michael, Sir) Papers
Sado-Masochism - Collection of Material about
Saenz Pena (Roque) Scrapbooks
Sakai (Yoneo) papers
Sakurai (J.J.) papers
Sales (Ephraim) Collection of Tapes and Transcripts of Interviews by Roy Newquist
San Buenaventura Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee Records
San Francisco City Government collection of printed material
San Martín (José de) collection of printed material
San Mateo County Recorder's Office Records
San Rafael (Calif.) Docket Books
Sanborn (James M.) papers
Sanborn (John M.) Papers
Sand Dollar Collection of Publications, Posters, Catalogs, and Ephemera
Sanders (Marilyn) Photographs
Sanjian (Avedis K.) papers
Sankary (Wanda) Papers
Santa Maria Buenavista and San Geronimo in Central Mexico (Haciendas) records
Sant'Angelo (Giorgio di) papers
Santisi (Donna) collection of ephemera
Sarnat (Bernard G.) papers
Saroyan (Aram) papers
Sasaki (Fuju) Papers
Saucedo (David) Collection of Punk Ephemera
Saunders (Judith) papers
Savage (George W.) papers
Sawyer (Charles H.) Papers
Saxton (Alexander) Papers
Sayers (Frances C.) papers
Sayers (Frances Clarke) Eugene Hutchinson photographs collection
Schaefer (George) papers
Schaertlin (Alberto M.) The yellow count
Schenk (Congresswoman Lynn) papers
Schiller (Ferdinand Canning Scott) papers
Schneider (Walter Otto) papers
Schnitzler (Arthur) papers
Schoichet (Nathan L.) papers
Schou (Esther Van Vleet) Ephemera Collection
Schram (Violet) papers
Schreck (Frank E.) Collection of Material about Homosexuality
Schroeder (Charles A.) Collection of Glass Slides
Schroeder (Linda) papers
Schwartz (Delmore) papers
Schwinger (Julian S.) Papers
Scotland photograph album of views
Scotland, the West Country, and Surrey photograph album
Scott (Clement) Papers
Scott (Donald O.) Papers
Scott (Flora M.) Papers
Scott (Joseph) Collection of Materials
Scott (Robert H.) papers
Scrapbooks collection
Seaborg (Glenn T.) Papers
Security-First National Bank of L.A. records
Sedgwick (Stephen J.) Papers
Sedillo (Victor) photographs
See (Carolyn) papers
See (Lisa) papers
Seeds (Corinne) Documentation project
Seeds (Corinne) papers
Segal (Lewis) collection of Dance and Theater Materials
Segaloff (Nat) papers
Seidenbaum (Art) papers
Seler (Eduard) Papers
Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel records
Serling (Rod) papers
Serrurier (Zenna L.) papers
Service Employees International Union, United Service Workers West records
Servoss (Mary) Papers
Sevenpenny novels collection
Severance Club records
Sevir (Anton) Papers
Shank (Russell) papers
Shankland Family papers
Shapiro Family collection of ephemera
Shapiro (Victor M.) Papers
Shaughnessy (Alfred) papers
Shaver (Ruth M.) Collection of Material about the Kabuki Theater
Shaw (Joseph E.) Papers
Shaw (Joseph T.) Papers
Shawn (Ted) and Dougherty (John) correspondence
Shaykhiyah collection of Arabic and Persian manuscripts
Shearman (Warren C.) collection of English and American documents
Shellhorn (Ruth P.) papers
Shelton (Charles E.) Collection of Photographs of the Southwest
Shepherd (Theodosia B.) Papers
Sherer (Lorraine M.) Papers
Sherwood Family Papers
Shevky (Eshref) papers
Shields (Currin V.) Papers
Shima (Shinkichirō) papers
Shipman (Harry W.) Papers
Shippey (Lee) papers
Shirreffs (Gordon D.) Papers
Shneidman (Edwin S.) papers
Shorthand (History of) Collection of Material
Shrader (E. Roscoe) Papers
Sidy (Richard) collection about civil rights
Siegfried (Thorvald) papers
Sierra Club Angeles Chapter records
Sierra Club Ephemera Collection
Sierra Club Oral History Project transcripts
Sigler (Ronald F.) papers
Silliphant (Stirling) papers
Simpson (Roy E.) papers
Simpson (Russell) Papers
Singh (Gwen) papers
Sisson (Richard) Collection of Research Material on South Asia
Skelton (R.A.) Papers
Skene (Ralph) papers
Sleepy Lagoon Defense Committee records
Slichter (Louis B.) Papers
Sloat (Florence M.) Collection of Material about the House Committee on Un-American Activities
Small (Alice Jean) Sketchbooks
Smirnoff (Nick) Papers
Smith (Albert E.) Papers
Smith (Ann C.) collection of letters from Juanita Harrison to Alice M. Foster
Smith (Bradford) Papers
Smith (Duncan S.) Papers
Smith (Jack C.) Papers
Smith (Page) papers
Smookler (Helene V.) Collection of Material About the Desegregation of the Los Angeles Unified School District
Snow crystal photomicrographs album
Snyder (Allegra F.) papers
Snyder (Elizabeth) Collection of Material about Women's Rights
Socialist and Labor Movement Pamphlets and Books Collection
Society for Psychophysiological Research records
Solomon (George F.) papers
Sonnenschein (Ralph R.) bookplate collection
Sontag (Susan) papers
Sorrell (Herbert K.) Scrapbooks About Los Angeles and the Hollywood Strike
South Coast Air Quality Management District records
South (Garry) campaign papers
South Pasadena Americanism Center records
Southern Calif. Streets Photograph Collection
Southern California Folk Dance Federation records
Southern California photograph album
Southern California Women for Understanding (SCWU) collection
Southern Pacific Railway collection of material
Souvenir of Lude
Souvenirs d'Egypte 1862 photograph album
Spanish Civil War collection
Spaulding (George) papers
Special Collections serial backlog
Spelman (Dick) papers
Spencer (J.E.) Papers
Speroni (Charles) Papers
Spingarn (Arthur B.) collection of Negro Literature Ephemera
Spingarn (Arthur B.) Papers
Spinoza pamphlet collection
Spiro (Leon) papers
Spoto (Donald) papers
Squire (John C., Sir) Papers
St. Denis (Ruth) papers
St. Mark's Poetry Project Records
Stalvey (Dorrance) papers
Stamps (Pearl P.) Abel Stearns : California pioneer 1798-1871
Stanley (Jackson) Holman Day Materials collection
Stanley (Jackson) Papers
Stanley (Leo L.) narrative about the Los Angeles Steamship Company cruise to Central and South America
Stansill (Peter) BAMN Collection
Starr (Ben) Scripts
Starr (Frederick) collection of material relating to Mexico
Steadman (Ralph) Collection of Materials
Stearns (Abel) [Letters]
Steele (Joan) Collection of Material about Mayne Reid
Stein (Gertrude) Plaque Ceremonies at Bilignin, France Collection of Material
Steiner (H. Arthur) Papers
Steinitz (Kate Traumann) Papers
Stephens (W.H.) My journey from Sydney
Stereoscopic Views Collection
Sterling (George) Collection of Materials
Stern (Arthur) papers
Stern (Charles F.) Papers
Stevens (Henry) Papers
Stevens (Norman D.) collection of word and reading games
Stevenson (Jonathan D.) papers
Stevenson (R.C.) ethno-linguistic research manuscripts collection
Stewart (Paul) papers
Stiff (E.) Commonplace Book
Stocks (Hugh) collection on community involvement in Los Angeles schools decentralization
Stoermer (Grace) papers
Stoller (Robert J.) papers
Stolz (Rose C.) collection of theatrical autographs
Stone (Gladys I.) Papers
Stone (Joseph) Papers
Stone (Peter) Papers
Story (Harold H.) papers
Story (Ralph) papers
Stratford Works photograph album
Strong (William A.) Papers
Stuart de Rothesay (Charles) Papers
Stuart de Rothesay (Charles S., Baron) Collection of Maps
Student Protests, Paris 1968
Studley (Vance) collection of Barry Moser prints
Sturak (Tom) collection on Horace McCoy
Sturges (Preston) papers
Sturges (Tom) papers
Sugahara (Kay) papers
Sully (Frank) papers
Sumitomo Bank of California photographs
Sumner (Ann) papers
Suski (P.M.) papers
Sutherland (A.R.) collection of material about the Hungarian Revolution
Suto (Kotaro) papers
Suto (Kotaro) Papers - JARP
Suttles (Omar) papers
Swallow (Alan) papers
Swan Press Records
Swartzburg (Susan G.) papers
Swedish National Theatre Collection of Materials
Swing (Philip D.) Papers
Swordsman Publishing Co. Records
Sylmar Earthquake photograph collection
Synanon Foundation records
Szego (Clara M.) Papers
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Taguchi (Kichimatsu) ppers
Tahrir Documents Project flyers, newspapers, and other ephemera
Takamura (Kango) paintings
Takayanagi (Shasui) Papers
Targ (William) letters from Lawrence Clark Powell
Tate (E.) Collection of Material about the Study of Anthropology in France
Taylor (Edgar D.) Papers
Taylor (Frederic W.) Papers
Teaching Workshop on U.S. Women's History records
Teague (Charles C.) Papers
Teatro Experimental and El Teatro Ensayo de la Universidad Catolica de Chile Collection of Material
Tejon Hills Oil Co. Records
Tekes collection of Ottoman Persian and Arabic Manuscripts
Television press kits collection
Television Stills collection
Telewoman Newsletter records
Terry (Dame Ellen) Papers
Texas oil fields photograph album
Theater arts ephemera collection
Theater, Motion Picture, and Concert Programs Collection
Theater Playbills Collection
Theater prompt books collection
Theater Scripts Collection
Thomas (Annie) papers
Thomas (Grace M.) Collection about Ralph Bunche
Thomas (Peter and Donna) papers on the History of Papermaking in the Philippines
Thomas (Stephen S.) papers
Thompson (Harlan H.) Papers
Thompson (Jim) Papers
Thrope (Martin) Papers
Thrower (Norman) papers
Tibby (Ardella) papers
Tiller (Ann Q.) papers on Juarez Távora
Titus (Charles H.) Papers
Tobey C. Moss Gallery records on Lorser Feitelson and Helen Lundeberg
Todd (Arthur) Dance collection
Toews (Emil O.) Collection of Material about Georg Kerschensteiner
Togawa (Akira) Papers
Tonkin postcards collection
Toor (Frances) papers
Toparovsky (Simon) papers
Torrey Canyon Oil Company properties in Ventura County, California photograph album
Tournament of Roses Parade (11th Annual) photograph album
Townsend National Recovery Plan Records
Toyota family papers
Tract Maps and Cadastral Maps of Southern California collection
Tract Maps (Los Angeles) Collection from a Real Estate Business Scrapbook
Trade Cards collection
Traven (B.) Collection of Material
Trebay (Guy) Collection of Fashion Ephemera
TreePeople Records
Trieb (Martin H.) Papers
Trollope (Anthony) Letters
Trollope Family Papers
Trueblood (Kenneth N.) papers
Trumbo (Dalton) Papers
Tryout Theatre collection of radio plays
Tsui (Kitty) Papers
Tsuneishi (Shisei) Papers
Tulancingo (Hildago, Mexico) Manuscript Collection
Tully (Jim) papers
Tupper (Jeanne) Collection about Jane Austen
Turin, Italy Photograph album
Turkish manuscripts collection
Turman (Lawrence) papers
Turner (Arthur A.) Papers
Tyger-Womon papers
Tzu Hsi (Dowager Empress) of China, Princess Der Ling's collection of photographs of the
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UCLA Library Department of Special Collections audio recordings from lectures collection
Ueno (Harry Y.) Papers
Underground, Alternative and Extremist Literature collection
Union Oil Company of California (UNOCAL) records
UNITE HERE records
United Arab Emirates 2011 Parliamentary Election ephemera
United Nations Association of Los Angeles records
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration records
United Office and Professional Workers of America records
United Republicans of California records
United States Building and Loan League records
United States Eclipse Expedition Collection
United States Ephemera collection
United States naval cadets and officers photograph album
United States v. Anthony Joseph Russo and Daniel Ellsberg Transcripts
Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Institute of Industrial Relations Oral History Project Transcripts
Universal Pictures Corporation Walter Lantz Productions scripts and music cue sheets
University Club of Los Angeles Photograph album of members
University High School architectural drawings
Uno (Edison) papers
Uplifters Club Records
Urban (Clarence) Papers
Urquhart (Brian) collection of material about Ralph Bunche
U.S. Farm Security Admin. and the U.S. Office of War Information Photograph Collection
USA for Africa records
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Vale (V.) Collection of Search and Destroy and RE/Search Publications Records
Van der Veer (Judy) papers
Vanity Fair Caricatures
Vaughan (Clifford) musical compositions
Vaun (Ted) Papers
Venezuela - copies of calendars and transcripts of various records in the Archivo General de Indias
Venezuelan vistas : Spanish American life, and some notes on a year in Caracas, the capital city of Venezuela
Venice, Murano, Padova, and Pisa photograph album of churches and palaces
Ventura County Junior College District records
Vercoe (Frederic H.) papers
Victorian Newspapers Collection
Vidor (King) papers
Viglini (Janelle) Papers
Villa (Simeon A.) Flight and wanderings of Emilio Aguinaldo
Volkersz (Evert) Collection of Material Relating to the UCLA Library and Labor Unions
Von Grunebaum (Gustave E.) Papers
Vosper (Robert) papers
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Waddell (Charles W.) papers
Wade (Ruth C.) Papers
Wagner (Eleanor R.) papers
Wagner (Gordon) papers
Wagner (Henry R.) Papers
Wagner (Rob) papers
Waldie (John) Papers
Walker (Albert R.) papers
Walker (Emery) papers
Walker (Theodore) A trip to the West Indies
Walley (David) research material about Ernie Kovacs
Walnut Grove Japanese Methodist Church Records
Ward (Max) Collection of Powerviolence Material
Warde (Frederick B.) Prompt Book Collection
Warner Bros. Research Department research albums
Warren (James L. La Fayette) Papers
Warren (Stafford L.) papers
Warren (Viola L.) Papers
Warton (Robert G.) Papers
Watkins (Carleton) collection of photographs
Watson (Diane E.) papers
Waxman (Henry A.) papers
Waymire (Carol) collection of periodicals and ephemera
Wayne (June) papers
Weathers (Carolyn) papers
Weaver (Harriett) Collection about Residential Development and Fire, Flood, and Landslide Management in the Santa Monica Mountains
Weaver (Harriett) papers
Weaver (John D.) Collection about the 1984 Olympic Games
Weaver (John D.) collection of Los Angeles ephemera and research materials
Weaver (John D.) Collection of Material about Thomas Mann
Weaver (John Downing) papers
Weaver (William) Papers
Webb (James R.) Papers
Weber (Eugen J.) Papers
Weinberg (Max) papers
Weiner (Gerald and Barbara) collection of Ethiopic manuscripts
Weinstock (Matt) Papers
Weintraub (Hyman) and William Goldberg Collection of Socialist Party Material
Weixlgärtner-Neutra (Pepi) collection of prints
Welch (d'Alté A.) papers
Welch (d'Alté) Bibliography of English Children’s Books Printed before 1821, with annotations and additional entries by Wilbur Jordan Smith
Weld (John) Papers
Wellborn Family Papers
Wellcome collection of Near Eastern Manuscripts
Wellman (Paul I.) papers
Wells (Carlton F.) Collection of Material about The Moon is Down by John Steinbeck
Welmers (William E.) papers
Wenner-Gren Foundation research conference materials on Bantu origins
Werfel (Franz) papers
West (Andrew) Photographs of the Guelaguetza
West (H.H.(Henry Hubbard)) photograph album
West (Louis Jolyon) papers
Westergaard (Waldemar) Papers
Western Behavioral Sciences Institute records
Western States Jewish History Archive
Western Writers of America Records
Westfall (Victor B.) Papers
Weston (Edward) photographs
Westwood Chamber of Commerce Records
Westwood-Holmby Historical Society records
Weyman (Stanley J.) Papers
Weyse (Alice W.) Correspondence
Whipple (Derek) Collection of Zines
White Fathers Records
White (Lynn T.) papers
White (Thomas P.) papers
Whitley (H.J.) lands near Corcoran, California photograph album
Whitley (Hobart J.) Papers
Whittlesey (Enid C.) Papers
Wickenden (Ida E.) Papers
Wilde (Irene) papers
Wilkinson Collection of Library Postcards
Williams (J. Harold) Papers
Williams (Tennessee) papers
Williams (William Carlos) recordings
Willkie (Wendell L.) Collection of Material
Wills (William H.) Papers
Wilshire Family Papers
Wilson (Donna M.) Collection of Brazilian Slides by John S. Stiles, Jr.
Wilson (Richard A.) Papers
Winchell (Walter) papers
Wine and Food Society of Los Angeles Collection of Menus
Wine Material Collection
Wingfield (Michael A.) papers
Winstein (Saul) Papers
Wire recordings of Japanese performers in Sacramento, California
Wirth (Dawn) punk ephemera collection
Woellner (Frederic P.) Papers
Wolff (Victoria) Papers
Wollman (William B.) collection of material about Calligraphy
Wolper Productions Records
Wolpert (Stanley A.) Papers
Wolt (Irene) papers
Wolverton (Terry) papers
Woman's Building records
Woman's Christian Temperance Union (Duarte, Calif.) Records
Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW) collection
Wood (Edith M.) of Long Beach Photograph album containing snapshots of California
Wood (Fred B.) Papers
Woodfield (William R.) Papers
Woodruff (S.H.) album of photographs and renderings of homes in Hollywoodland
Woodruff (S.H.) album of photographs relating to development of Hollywoodland and Dana Point, California
Woodruff (S.H.) community developer : Hollywoodland, Dana Point, California photograph album
Woodruff (S.H.) Hollywoodland album of photographs of homes
Woods Family Papers
Work (Stuart A.) collection of material about automobile history
World War I Collection of Material
World War II Collection of Material
Worrell (Edward) A journal of a campaign through the south western and western prairies in the months of May and June, 1833
Wright (Harold B.) Papers
Wright (John M.) Papers
Wright (Lloyd) papers
Wright (M.) diary of a Surveyor
Writers' Congress records
Wurtele (Morton G.) collection of Brechtiana
Wyatt (Joseph L.) California Democratic Council records collection
Wylie (James F.) papers
Wynn (Ed) Papers
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Yadgâr-i Istanbul : Constantinople photographs
Yale (Gregory) papers
Yamazaki (Shinichi) Papers
Yankwich (Leon R.) papers
Yasui Family Papers
Yates (Edmund H.) Papers
Yellowstone Park : color photogravures by F. Jay Haynes
Yerby (Lorees) papers
Yoneda (Karl G.) papers
Yoshida (Yoshie) Papers
Young (Ella) Papers
Young (Ethel) papers
Young (Gordon R.) Papers
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Zamin (Ki Dost) papers
Zeitlin (Jake) Collection of Material
Zeitlin (Jake) Graphic Arts Ephemera Collection
Zeitlin (Jake) papers
Zeitlin (Jake) Papers on D. H. Lawrence Manuscripts
Zeitlin (M.A.) collection of reproduced manuscripts in Spanish
Zeitlin (M.A.) papers
Zen Center of Los Angeles records
Zermeño (Andy) papers
Zitron (Isidore) collection of papers of Sydney Leyton
Zitta (Victor) Papers
Zuckerman (Bessie) papers
Zugsmith (Albert) papers
Zylbercweig (Zalmen) Collection of Yiddish Theater Scripts
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