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Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley, The Bancroft Library
Berkeley, California 94720-6000
Phone: 510-642-6481
Email: bancref-library@berkeley.edu
Collections with online items: 371
Physical collections: 14868
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O. Bendeleben to Robert F. Stockton mortgage : Santa Clara, Calif., 1855 Jan. 1.
O Gydweli i Galifornia : oral history transcript : from Kidwelly to California / November 19, 21, and December 14, 1999.
Oakland and Calaveras County views [graphic]
Oakland and the San Francisco Bay Area - Slides
Oakland, Antioch and Eastern Railway records : mss., 1911-1920.
Oakland Army Base Oral History Project, 2007-2009.
Oakland Benevolent Society articles of incorporation and related material : DS, 1890.
Oakland, Berkeley, and the University of California, 1880-1895 : oral history transcript / and related material, 1963.
Oakland business district views relating to the Lionel Wachs Co. [graphic].
Oakland, California, ca. 1930-1939 - Views
Oakland California, Jan-Feb 1909.
Oakland, California political scrapbooks.
Oakland Harbor Light Station ledgers, 1892-1910.
Oakland harbor training walls [graphic] : (Oakland inner harbor jetties) final report: May 12, 1999 /
Oakland Moving and Storage : Entrepreneur, Rotarian, and Philanthropist : oral history transcript / 1973.
Oakland Municipal Airport and other aviation related views.
Oakland Oral History Project : oral history transcripts, 1997-1999.
Oakland Paving Co. receipts, 1882-1885.
Oakland Post-Enquirer reporters' information file, [ca. 1947-1950]
Oakland road and bridge projects of the Civil Works Administration [graphic]
Oakland skyline, Mills College, and Mission San José views.
Oakland Technical High School ephemera, 1918-1957.
Oakland the beautiful : official song of the Oakland centennial, 1957-1977 /
Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company title insurance policies : Oakland, Calif. : DS, 1920-1924.
Oakland Tribune Records
Oakland views which include automobiles [graphic] /
[Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Arena construction photographs].
Oakland-Alameda Estuary Subway construction photograph album [graphic].
Oakland-Berkeley Hills Fire of 1991 collection, 1970-1997 (bulk 1991-1992).
Oakland-Berkeley Hills fire photograph collection.
Oakland-Piedmont Jewish Community Center records
Oakley M. Hall papers
Obadiah Haight Hoag family papers, 1855-1917.
Obituaries and other articles relating to Adrian Wilson, 1988 : photocopies.
[Objects from the Donna M. Garaventa collection of Great Chefs at Mondavi Winery ephemera].
[Objects from the Mark Evanoff papers].
Objects pertaining to Allen Ginsberg from the Bill Morgan papers [graphic].
Obras de Diego de Silva y Mendoza : Spain : ms., 17th cent.
Obras del R[ea]l Palacio ... : Mexico City : ms., 1795 June 30-Aug. 8.
Obras poeticas : n.p. : ms., 1794.
O'Brien (Mark) Papers
Observations and Records : typescript, 1916.
Observations of San Francisco Bay from 1900 to 1971 : oral history transcript / and related material, 1970-1972.
Observations on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, 1900-1940 : oral history transcript / and related material, 1980-1981.
Occupational photographs taken in Mexico [graphic]
Oceanography, population resources and the world : oral history transcript / 1986-1998.
O'Connor, Charles J. (Charles James) Photographs of Red Cross activities in Texas and Mexico, from the Charles J. O'Connor papers.
O'Connor (James F.T.) Diaries and Correspondence
Octavia Hamblin Sexton and Harry H. Sexton correspondence, approximately 1844-1900 (bulk 1844-1860).
"Of the reception of His Majesty King Philip, in the year 1557" Santiago : ms., 1557.
O'Faoláin (Seán) Papers
Office de radiodiffusion-télévision française boycott letters.
Officers of California Chapter No. 183, Order of the Eastern Star.
Offices of George Caswell, 412 Sacramento Street, San Francisco [graphic]
Official Documents Relating to Early San Francisco
Official papers relating to the Administration of Sinaloa and Sonora : Mexico : DS, 1740-1752.
[The Ohio Tree, Mariposa grove].
Oil and gas in California reports, circa 1932-1939.
[Oil drilling on a desert ranch].
Oil Industry in California, 1911-1914
Oklahoma and New Mexico, 1938 /
Olazábal, José Juan. Letters of José Juan Olazábal : Mexico : transcript, 1819 Jan. 23-1825 Aug. 12.
Old California Dance Hall and Dibble's Tavern, Barbary Coast, San Francisco, Ca.
Old Orchard Santa Clara pears fruit labels.
Old Poodle Dog Restaurant ephemera, approximately 1890-1922.
Older (Fremont) Papers
Older (Fremont) Papers - Portraits
Oleari (Kenoli) records of the Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
Olema Hotel, Marin County, Calif. [graphic]
Olive Mayer collection of aerial photographs of San Mateo County.
Olive Mayer papers, approximately 1968-2000.
Olive Vore Kirk poems : typescript, 1901 and 1917.
Oliver (Barbara) Collection of Theatre Materials
Oliver Boardman Huntington journals, 1843-1900.
Oliver Cromwell Applegate papers.
Oliver E. Williamson papers, approximately 1962-2015.
Oliver Ellsworth autograph collection, circa 1846-1913.
Oliver Everett papers, [ca. 1849-1945].
Oliver Everett photographs and prints.
Oliver Family Photograph Collections
Oliver George Wolcott materials relating to his teaching experience in the Philippines, 1904-1909.
Oliver R. Parvin letters to Quinton Gibbon, Salem, New Jersey.
Oliver Wendell Holmes collection of letters and papers, 1853-1892.
Olmsted, Frederick Law Reports to the California State Park Commission, 1943-1947.
Olney family papers, 1861-1978.
Olney family papers, [ca. 1889-1957]
Olwell (Robert F.) papers
Omaha Magic Theatre records, [1968?-ongoing].
Omer Call Stewart field notes, 1935 June-July.
Omissions in Alaska writings : ms.
On balance, one woman's life and view of University of California management, 1954-1990 : an oral history memoir of the life of Afton E. Crooks, 1994.
On our trip to Lake Tahoe, June 25-29, 1909.
On schedule : oral history transcript : recollections of a planning and scheduling manager at the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District / 2003.
On the road to the ADA: a reenactment of the 1988 congressional hearings, 1988 September 27.
One hundred photographs with botanical descriptions suitable for coloring of the wild flowers of Yosemite and the High Sierra.
One man - one vote and Senate reapportionment, 1964-1966 : oral history transcript / and related material, 1978-1980.
One man's dynamic role in California politics and water development, and world affairs : oral history transcript / and related material, 1977-1980.
One woman's role in Democratic Party politics : national, California, and local, 1950-1973 : oral history transcript / and related material, 1972-1975.
O'Neil (Hugh F.) Collection of Utah Documents and Reports
O'Neill, Dan Comic Art Archive
O'Neill (Edmond) Papers
One-room school houses of California, 1933.
Ongoing: poetry, teaching, family in San Francisco, 1885-1985 : oral history transcript / and related material, 1984-1985.
Ontario Mill and Park City, Utah.
[Opaque projector] [realia].
Ophir Hill Consolidated Mining Company record books for engine repairs : Ophir, Utah : ms., 1922-1925.
Opinion in the case of Spier v. Duane : delivered in the Supreme Court of California, ms., 1880 Jan. 30.
Opium articles : San Francisco, Calif., 1882-1911.
Oppenheimer (Frank) Papers
Optics and laser spectroscopy, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1951-1961, and Stanford University since 1961 : oral history transcript / 1998.
Oral history interview with Anthony C. Beilenson ... oral history transcript, 1997-1998 /
Oral history interview with Brieuc Bouche, 1991. Transcript. /
Oral history interview with Charles A. O'Brien, 1987. Transcript. /
Oral history interview with David Donald Mulford : oral history transcript : California State Assemblyman, 1957-1970 / 1988-1989.
Oral history interview with Edward V. Roberts : oral history transcript : director, California Department of Rehabilitation, 1975-1983, activist for severely disabled students, UC Berkeley, 1962-1967 / 1994.
Oral history interview with Frederick S. Farr : oral history transcript / [1992].
Oral history interview with General Oliver P. Smith : Los Altos, Calif. : oral history transcript / 1969.
Oral history interview with J. Anthony Kline : oral history transcript / [1991].
Oral history interview with Joe Russell, 1977 Aug. 18.
Oral history interview with John F. Burby : oral history transcript / 1987.
Oral history interview with Martin Huff : oral history transcript / 1988.
Oral history interview with Rube Goldberg : New York City, New York : oral history transcript / 1971.
Oral history interview with T. Anthony Quinn ... oral history transcript, 1991 /
Oral history interview with William H. Lancaster ... oral history transcript 1994-1995 /
Oral history interviews on the history of the Berkeley Co-op : with related illustrative materials, 1977-1983.
Oral history of Elsa Springer Meyer, 1969 : oral history transcript / 1994.
An oral history with David Blackwell : oral history transcript / 2003.
An oral interview of Tom Greig : oral history transcript / and related material, 1970.
Orange county jail photographs.
Orchard Gould Bristol letters : Stockton, Calif., to wife Loisania Bristol, Coventry, N.Y., 1849-1852.
Ord (Edward O.C.) papers
Orden dirigida a la Real Audiencia de Guadalajara : Mexico City : ms., 1802 June 12.
Ordenanca ... para que los alcaldes mayores de las minas ... no consientan que ningun pasajero ... ponga tienda ... ni asiente ... en ... las dichas minas ... : Mexico City : DS, 1620 Sept. 15.
Ordenanzas generales para el régimen, subordinacion y servicio del ejercito : ms., [16--]
Ordenanzas para Corregidores y Alcaldes Mayores : Manila, 1739-1764.
Ordenanzas para los Hospitales, 1552.
Ordenanzas vigentes para las medidas de Tierras y Aguas de esta America Septentrional ... : Mexico City, 18th cent.
Order of Santiago documents, 1776-1786.
Order of the Eastern Star records, 1920-1936.
[Order of the Sons of Hermann Golden Jubilee group portrait, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco].
Order, taste and grace in architecture : oral history transcript / and related material, 1959-1968.
Orders from the Office of Power Administrator : typescripts, 1918 June-1921 March.
Orders to Major General Lincoln to prepare for a march : "Camp at Middle Brook." : ADS, 1777 June 4.
Ordinances concerning treatment of the Indians : Valladolid : photocopy, 1513 June 23.
Oregon 1915 /
Oregon and California views.
Oregon autograph collection, 1862-1930.
Oregon City flood.
Oregon dictations, 1885-1887 /
Oregon dictations for Klamath County, 1888.
Oregon miscellany.
Oregon Miscellany
Oregon myrtlewood catalog, price list, envelope, 1925 November 14.
Oregon Pioneer Records
Oregon postcards.
Oregon postcards.
Oregon Stage Company records, 1862-1867.
Oregon Stage Company records, 1866-1872.
Oregon Stage Company way-bill and receipt, 1866.
Oregon State Hydroelectric Commission records, 1949-1959.
Oregon (Territory) Archives: letters, reports, messages, memorials, and other papers not published in the Office of the Secretary of State : Salem, Oregon : ms., 1878.
Oregon Trail photographs.
Oregon views [graphic]
Organizing women, careers in volunteer politics and government administration : oral history transcript / and related material, 1976-1977.
The Oriental Mine, 1938-1991 : oral history transcript / 1996.
Origen de los Mexicanos : ms., 16th cent.
[Original art from the Izzy Young collection on Jack Micheline].
[Original art from the Mariana Ruybalid papers].
The original documents : old spanish land grants listed as missing after the fire of 1906. San Francisco : ms. S, 1964 Feb. 13.
[Original drawings from the exhibition La república 150 años después].
Original Hidden Treasure Mining Company records, [1869-ca. 1885]
Original illustrations done for Curtis Publishing Company [graphic] /
Original photo and negative of Inceville, California, 1919.
Original sketches, drawings and color renderings for large California WPA frescos.
An original voice in twentieth-century music : oral history transcript / 1999.
Origins and early years of the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering : transcript, 1970.
Origins of the California Schoolmasters' Club : Berkeley, California, 1941-1970.
Oriole on the bay, Sausalito Yacht Club, 1916-1917 [graphic].
Orlando Winfield Wilson photograph collection.
Orleans Longacre letters : to Jim Longacre : ALS, 1864-1865.
Oro Grande Mines [graphic].
Oroville and Virginia City Railroad Company papers, 1867-1868.
Oroville Dam site slides [graphic].
Orrin K. McMurray papers, 1912-1943 (bulk 1920-1930)
Orrin Letters to H.A. Avery : San Francisco, Calif. : ALS, 1852 Oct. 13 & 28.
Orrin S. Payne letters, 1854-1859, to his brothers.
Orrin W. Peasley papers, 1850-1858.
Orson Pratt letters to H.H. Bancroft : Salt Lake City, Utah, 1880.
Ortega family documents : DS, 1833, 1842.
Ortega family papers, 1846-1868.
Orvana Resources Corporation records
O.S. Lang letters : Calif., to family members, Me., 1870-1889.
Osborne (Selden) Papers
Oscar Burdick collection of letters and miscellany relating to the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1960s and 1970s, 1966-1979.
Oscar F. and Charlotte Ann Mount Spaulding letters : to family, Napa Valley and San Francisco, Calif., 3 ALS, 1863-1932.
Oscar Hecht papers, 1950-1965.
Oscar L. Starr papers, 1910-1967.
A. Oscar Riehl letters relating to his re-instatement with the Southern Pacific Company, 1913-1915.
Oscar V. Lange papers, 1887-1913.
Oscar W. White letter : San Francisco, Calif., to J.H. Thomas, La Porte, Calif., 1877 Aug. 29.
Oscar Weil papers, 1921-1943.
O'Shaughnessy family papers, circa 1905-1984.
O'Shaughnessy (Michael M.) papers
O'Shaughnessy (M.M.) photograph collection
Osio (Antonio M.) Papers
Osmond Kessler Fraenkel files, 1970.
Osro Clift letters received from members of his family in Albion, New York, 1890-1893.
Osumare (Halifu) papers
The other Bidwells : typescript, 1972.
[Otis Carrington paintings of California landscapes].
Otis H. Lockhart records : Los Angeles, Calif., 1898-1917.
Otis (Harrison Gray) Album of California Scenes
Otis L. Bridges letters, 1852-1853.
Otto Bremer class notes, 1882-1883.
Otto Fischer papers.
Otto Grazier papers, 1855-1858.
Otto Joseph Mitchell Smith papers, 1969-1971.
Otto N. Toomey papers, circa 1848-1940 (bulk 1922-1935).
Otto Stern papers, circa 1888-1969.
Otto Wallace Peterson papers, 1900-1957.
Our 18th century heritage of united democracy : ms., circa 1940 /
Our tour of Alaska '05.
Our trip of 1956.
Our trip west, 1938 : Linden to Los Angeles.
Outdoor scenes in California.
Outdoors in California : an album of hiking, hunting, Yosemite, and coastal views
Outline history of the National Guard.
[Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival promotional posters].
Overcoming barriers in education : oral history transcript / 1984-1985.
Overland journey ... recollections.
Overland Monthly Records
The Overland route to California : holograph ms. : journal and sketchbook, 1861.
Overland stage line : papers, [1901-1902].
Overland to California : notes from a journal kept by Mrs. Francis H. Sawyer on a journey across the plains : typescript, 1852 Apr. 25-Aug. 17.
Owen, Alan. Manuscripts of stories relating to California and the West : typescript, [ca. 1885-1900]
Owen, Albert Kimsey. Letters to Senator Henry W. Blair 1895.
Owen P. Adkins correspondence and notes relating to the Rambo family, approximately 1958-1966.
Owens, J. A. Letters from J.A. Owens, 1866-1869.
Owings (Margaret W.) Papers
Owl Club records, 1880-1881.
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981 : oral history transcript / 1996.
Owyhee Co., Idaho, Silver City Precinct, Justice of the Peace docket : DS, 1895-1899.
Owyhee County mining miscellany, 1869-1941.
Owyhee County miscellany.
Owyhee Meat Company accounts, 1884-1917.
Owyhee Silver Mining Company records : Silver City, Idaho, 1869-1919.
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