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Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley, The Bancroft Library
Berkeley, California 94720-6000
Phone: 510-642-6481
Email: bancref-library@berkeley.edu
Collections with online items: 371
Physical collections: 14867
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1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Digital Collection
1916 Preparedness Day Parade Bombing, 1916-1933 - Photographs
1934 International Longshoremen's Association and General Strikes of San Francisco
1984 Free Speech Movement Memorial Rally - Photographs
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Abraham Lincoln collection of Papers
Academy of American Franciscan History Microfilm Collection
Acción Latina and El Tecolote Pictorial Archive
Acción Latina Records
Account Book for Sugar Plantation
Activities and entertainment at Heart Mountain Relocation Center Photographs
Adams (Jewett W.) Papers
Adler (Kurt Herbert) papers
African American Posters from the Elizabeth and James Abajian Collection of Afro-Americana
African Americans in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1963-1974
Agricultural Laborers in California, circa 1906-1911 - Photographs
Alameda County, California, ca. 1913 - Views
Alameda County Land Papers
Alameda County Library California literature research project records
Alameda County oil wells of the Atlantic and Western Oil Co. photograph album
Alan Dundes papers
Alarcón (Norma) papers
Alaska Indians of Yukutat Bay
Alaska to Mexico, ca. 1859-1902 - Stereoviews
Alaskan Scenery - Photographs
Albee (George S.) Papers
Album of Pacific Northwest and California Views
Album Souvenir of St. Matthews School, San Mateo, Cal.
Alexander (Annie Montague) Papers
Alexander Family Papers
Allen (J. A.) Papers
Allen (James T.) Papers
Allen (Robert L.) Papers
Altman (Robert) Photograph Archive
Altrocchi (Julia Cooley) papers
Alvarez (Luis W.) Papers
Alviso family papers: Documentos para la historia de California
Alvord (William) Papers
Amador Mining Company Records
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division - Portraits
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division Records
American Civil War era - Portraits
American Indian Community History Center Records
American Indian Community History Center Records: Pictorial Material
American Jewish Congress, Northern California Division records
American Locomotives
American Seedless Raisin Company records
American war posters from the First World War
American war posters from the Second World War
American West - Views
Anne Henrietta Martin Papers
Anthony (Gene) Summer of Love Photograph Collection
Anthony (Gertrude) photographs
Anthony P. Morse papers
Appleyard (Donald) Papers
Archivo del Obispado de Monterey y Los Angeles
Archivo General de Indias
Archivo General de Indias records : Spanish exploration and settlement related materials, circa 1530-circa 1820
Archivo Histórico de la Defensa Nacional records, 1706-1857
Archivos de las Misiones
Arequipa Sanatorium Records
Argüello (José D.) Papers
Argonaut Mining Company Records
Arif Press Records
Arizona Toxics Information Records
Arlett (Arthur) Papers
Arnon (Daniel Israel) Papers
Arnstein, (Flora J.) Papers
Arnstein (Lawrence) Papers
Artistic Homes of California, 1887-1890
Artists and Political Figures - Portraits
Ashburner (William) Collection of Photographs from the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel
Ashurst (Henry F.) Papers
Atherton (Gertrude F.H.) Papers
Atkins (David) Papers
Atkins Family Papers
Atkinson Family and Atkinson Construction Company Photograph Collection
Audubon Association of the Pacific Records
Auerhahn Press Records
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Babcock (Harry) Photograph Albums, 1881-1883
Bacon (Madi) papers
Bade (William F.) Papers
Baeck Family Papers
Bailey (Florence M.) papers
Baird, Lassen, Redding, and the Reading Adobe - Views
Bakewell & Brown Photograph Collection
Balakshin (Petr P.) Papers
Bale Family Papers
Bancroft (Hubert H.) Papers: Additions
Bancroft Library Manuscript Collections Guide
Bancroft Library Picture Drawer Miscellany
Bancroft (Philip) Papers
Bancroft Reference Notes
Bancroft Reference Notes for British Columbia and Alaska
Bancroft Reference Notes for California
Bancroft Reference Notes for Central America
Bancroft Reference Notes for Mexico
Bancroft reference notes for the western states, excluding California
Barker (Horace Albert) Papers
Barlow (George W.) papers
Baron (Frank) Papers
Barranco Bros. Vaudeville Show Photograph Collection
Barrett (Samuel Alfred) papers
Barrows (David P.) Papers
Barry (James H.) Papers
Barry (William C.) Collection of Los Angeles Area Photographs
Bascom (William R.) papers
Baum (Willa K.) Papers
Bay Area Ridge Trail Council Records
Beckwith (Loring D.) Papers
Bekins (Joan) Collection of Terwilliger Nature Education Center Records
Belden (Josiah) Papers
Bell (Clair H.) Papers
Bell (Geoffrey) Papers
Belli (Melvin M.) papers
Benicia School Board records
Benicia Tax Collector Records
Bennett (Arnold) Papers
Bennett (John M.) Collection
Berkeley and Oakland Businesses and Scenes, ca. 1900-ca. 1939
Berkeley (Calif.)
Berkeley, Calif. views: Pictorial miscellany
Berkeley Club Members, Board Members of the California Institution for the Deaf and Blind, and Others - Portrait Album
Berkeley Club Papers
Berkeley Day Nursery Records
Berkeley Fire of 1923, Photographs
Berkeley Garden Club Records
Berkeley Police Dept. Records
Bernard M. Rosenthal, Inc. Records
Bernard (Theos) Papers
Bernstein (Benjamin A.) Papers
Berton (G.A.) & Co., San Francisco
Besser (Howard) Papers and Audiovisual Materials
Beyer & Abrahamson: Los Angeles County Public and Corporate Architecture Photographs
Bidwell Family Papers
Bierce, (Ambrose) Collection of Papers
Bierce (Ambrose) Papers
Bingham (Ursula G.) Papers
Bingham (Woodbridge) Papers
Bird (Rose) Papers
Birge (Raymond T.) Papers
Bissinger and Company records
Biswell (Harold H.) papers
Black Scholar Records
Black Sparrow Press records
Blaisdell (Allen C.) Papers
Blake (Edwin M.) Collection - Photographs of the West and Canada
Blake Family Papers
Bland (Henry M.) Papers
Blauner (Bob) papers
Blom (Frans) Papers
Blum, Joe Construction Photographs of the New East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
Blumenthal (Louis and Emma) Papers
B'nai B'rith, District Grand Lodge No. 4 Records
Bogus (SDiane) papers
Bohemian Grove and California Views
Bohnett-Evans Family Papers
Bolton Family Papers
Bolton (Herbert Eugene) papers
Bolton-Wilder-Brower Family Photographs
Bonney (Thérèse) papers
Bonney (Thérèse) Photograph Collection
Book Artifacts Collection
Book Club of California records
Borax Industry, ca. 1898-ca. 1915 - Views
Boscovich (Ruggero Giuseppe) papers
Boswell (Hamilton T.) papers
Bourn (William B.) Family Papers
Bower (Richard L.) Papers Concerning the San Jacinto Tramway
Bowman (J.N.) Papers
Boyer (Ruth McDonald) Papers
Boys and Girls Aid Society Records
Branch (Francis Z.) Correspondence and Papers
Bransten and Rothmann Family papers
Brautigan (Richard) Papers
Bray (William C.) Papers
Breen (Patrick) Diary, Nov. 20, 1846 - Mar. 1, 1847
Brenneis (Jon) Photograph Archive
Bresler (Boris) papers
Brewer (Leo) Papers
Bridgman (Lilian) Papers
Bridgman (Lilian) Photograph Collection, ca. 1881-1940
British and British Commonwealth war posters from the Second World war
British political campaign posters and broadsides
British war posters from the First World War
British war posters from the Second World War
Bronston (William) Papers
Brooks (Gwendolyn) Papers
Brotherson (Robert D.) collection of the Activist group of poets and other materials
Brower (David R.) Motion Picture Collection
Brower (David R.) Papers
Brower (David Ross) photograph collection
Brown (Arthur, Jr.) papers
Brown (Arthur, Jr.) Photograph Collection
Brown (Delmer Myers) Papers
Brown (Edmund G) Papers
Brown (Edmund G.) Photographs from the Edmund G. Brown Papers
Brown for Governor Campaign Committee Records
Brown (Joan) Papers
Brown (Kirby) Collection on California Faience
Browne (John R.) Papers
Buildings of Berkeley, California, ca. 1915
Buildings of the California Wine Association, ca. 1898 - Views
Bullfrog Bank and Trust Company records
Bullion and Exchange Bank Records
Bully Hill Mine photographs relating to the Lawrence May family, ca. 1870-1919
Burgess (Gelett) Papers
Burgess (Gelett) Papers - Illustrations
Burkett (William A.) papers
Burnett (Peter H.) Papers
Burns (Daniel M.) Papers
Burnstein (Malcolm) Papers
Burton (Phillip) Papers
Businesses and Scenes in Oakland, Calif.
Byerly (Perry) papers
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Cajori (Florian) papers
Calaveras and Mariposa Counties, California - Views
Calder-Hayes Family Papers
Caldwell (James Ralston) Papers
Caliban records
Calif. Dept. of Industrial Relations, Division of Immigration and Housing Records
California and Mexico, ca. 1880-1889 - Miscellaneous Views
California and Other Western States, ca. 1890-1901 - Views
California and Other Western Views from the E.F. Mueller Photograph Collection
California and the Columbia River Gorge, ca.1880-ca.1890? - Scenic Views
California and the Pacific Northwest Landscapes and Scenery
California and the West, ca. 1867-1903 - Stereoviews
California and the West, Canada, and China Views
California Art Research Archive
California As It Is: A Collection of Questionnaires
California Banking Miscellany
California Civil Rights Initiative records
California Cornerstones: Selected Images from The Bancroft Library Pictorial Collection
California Faces: Selections from The Bancroft Library Portrait Collection
California Federation for Civic Unity records
California Gold Rush Letters
California Judges: Justices of the Supreme Court of California
California Judges: Portraits of Judges of California
California Lettersheets, 1849-ca. 1870
California Lettersheets from the Robert B. Honeyman, Jr. Collection of Early Californian and Western American Pictorial Material
California Midwinter International Exposition - Souvenir
California Militia Papers
California NORML Records
California Railroad Notes
California Scenery & Industries
California Scenic Line, ca. 1900
California Society of Printmakers records
California State Board of Forestry Records
California State Council of Lumber and Sawmill Workers, AFL-CIO records
California State Earthquake Investigation Commission Photographs
California Street Cable Railroad Company records
California, Superior Court. Complaints to Establish Title Following the 1906 Earthquake
California Water Companies Miscellany
Call (David) Linocut Prints Pertaining to the Deaf, Disability Rights and Sign Language
Callaghan (Catherine A.) papers
Calvin, Melvin papers
Camhi (Morrie) Photograph Archive
Camp (Charles L.) Collection of Stereographs, ca. 1867-ca. 1895
Camp Jened newspaper archive collection
Campaign Cards for the California State Election of 1894
Canadian war posters from the First and Second World Wars
Capra (Fritjof) Papers
Cardinell-Vincent Co. Panama-Pacific International Exposition Views on Glass Transparencies
Cardinell-Vincent Co. photographs of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition and other San Francisco subjects
Cardinell-Vincent Company and Panama-Pacific International Exposition photographs
Carney (William) Papers
Carpenter (Don) Papers
Carpenter (Gideon J.) Papers
Carson and Colorado Railroad Company Records
Carson (Kit) Papers
Carter (Jesse W.) Papers
Carter (William Alexander) Papers
Cased photographs and related images from The Bancroft Library pictorial collections
Cased Photographs from The Bancroft Library and the California State Library
Caspar Lumber Company Records
Cassidy Family Papers
Cassidy Family Papers - Portraits
Cassidy (Ina S.) Collection - Indian Paintings
Castrejón (Sara) Photographs of Mexican Revolutionaries
Castro (Manuel de Jesús) Papers
Catalina Island Views, California, ca. 1900-1909
Catlin (Amos P.) Correspondence
Center for Independent Living records
Central American Labor Defense Network Records
Chamberlain (Owen) Papers
Chambers (Willie) Papers
Chao (Yuen Ren) papers
Chapman (Charles E.) Papers: Additions
Charcoal Sketches of Los Angeles, California
Charles Lewis Camp papers
Charles S. Benson Papers
Cherkovski (Neeli) Papers
Chez Panisse, Inc. Records
Children's Hospital Medical Center (Oakland, Calif.) records
Children's Hospital of San Francisco photograph collection
Children's Hospital of San Francisco Records
Chinese in California
Chinese News Service posters from the Second World War era
Christian (Barbara) Papers
City Lights Books records
City Lights Books Records: Additions
Clar (Evelyn M.) Papers
Clark, (Thomas) Family Mining Papers
Clark (VèVè A.) papers
Cleaver (Eldridge) Papers
Cleaver (Eldridge) photograph collection
Clement Family Documents Relating to San Francisco Cable Cars
The Club Records
Clyde (Norman) Papers
Clyde Wahrhaftig papers
Coahuila, Coahuila and Tejas, and Neuvo León y Coahuila (Documents relating to)
Coalinga, California Photograph Album, ca. 1910-1925
Cobden-Sanderson (T.J.) Papers
Coblentz (Edmond) Papers
Cogswell (Henry D.) Papers
Colby (William E.) Papers
Colegio de San Fernando: concerning missions in Alta and Baja California
Collection of Account Books and Daybooks of Various Calif. Business Firms
Collection of legal files relating to the case of Robert Stanley Dollar v. Emory S. Land
Collection of linguistic material relating to the Indians
[Collection of maps on the pre-evacuation locations of Japanese Americans in California / prepared under the direction of Earl Warren, State Attorney General]
Collection of Photographs Relating Mainly to Contra Costa County, Calif.
Collins (Wayne M.) Papers
Collins (Wayne M.) Papers
Collins (Wayne M.) Papers
Colorado Scenery and Views
Colorado Scenes and Other Views
Columbia Foundation Records
Columbia Research Collection
Commission for the Preservation of Pioneer Jewish Cemeteries and Landmarks records
Committee to Re-Elect Governor Brown Records
Companies Registration Office Archive (Great Britain Board of Trade)
Companies Registration Office Archive (Scotland Treasury)
Compton (Eugene) Collection - Miscellaneous Stereoviews
Condliffe (J. B.) Papers
Condliffe (J. B.) Papers: Additions, 1919-1981
Congregation Beth Israel-Judea records
Congregation Sherith Israel records
Coni Beeson films and sound recordings on the Stanislaus River and the Warm Springs Dam
Conner (Bruce) Papers
Conner (Bruce) Photograph Collection
Conservation Associates Records
Construction photographs of Pardee Dam, California
Construction Photographs of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, 1931-1936
Consumers Cooperative of Berkeley Records
Contra Costa County (Calif.) Assessment Records
Contra Costa Park Council records
Controversy over the lands and property of the Convent of San Agustín
Cook (Jesse B.) Scrapbooks Documenting San Francisco History and Law Enforcement: Additions
Cook (Jesse Brown) Scrapbooks Documenting San Francisco History and Law Enforcement
Cooksley (Sidney B.) Papers
Coolbrith (Ina D.) Collection of Letters and Papers
Coolbrith (Ina Donna) Papers: Additions
Coolidge (Dane) Papers
Cooper Ornithological Society Records
Cooper-Molera Family Papers
Copeland (Alan) Photograph Archive
Correspondencia oficial de Sonora
Cranston (Alan) Papers
Critchlow (Edward B.) Papers
Crockett (Joseph B.) Papers
Cross (Ira) - California Labor Notes
Crowley Maritime Corporation pictorial collection
Crowley Maritime Corporation Records
Crown Zellerbach Corporation photograph collection
Crown Zellerbach Corporation Records
Cuban Poster Collection
Cuneo (Louis) papers
Custom House (U.S.), San Francisco Records
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Dakin (Fred H.) papers
Dana (Julian) - Photograph and Portrait Collection
Dana (Julian) Papers
Dance Productions - Photographs
Daniells (Truman G.) Papers
Danton (J. Periam) Papers
Darlington (Abraham) Papers
Data Center Poster Collection
Data Center Records
Dater (Judy) Portrait Photographs of Prominent Californians
David (F. N.) papers
David Weeks papers
Davidson (Donald) Papers
Davidson (George) Papers
Davis (George T.) Papers
Davis (Horace) collection of Davis-Bancroft-King family papers
Davis (William H.) Papers
Dawson, Yukon Territory - Scenes
Dayton Brown Collection of Portrait Etchings
De Quille (Dan) Papers
De Vos (George) papers
de Vries (Alfred H.) Papers.
De Young Family Business Papers
Deakin Tract of Mining and Timber Lands, Located in Butte, Plumas and Tehama Counties, California, ca. 1889 - Views
Death Valley Automobile Trip
Debreu (Gerard) Papers
DeCelle (Edward) papers
Deirup (Anne Weymouth) Collection on the Desegregation of Berkeley Schools
Dellums (Cottrell Laurence) Papers
Denman (William) Papers
Denver (James William) Papers
Derleth, Charles
Derleth (Charles) Papers - Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, 1868-1908, bulk 1906-1908
Deutsch (Monroe E.) Papers
Deutsch (Monroe E.) Papers: Additions
Development Corporation for Israel records
Diamond (Marian Cleeves) Papers
Diamond (Sara) Collection on the U.S. Right
Dibner (Eric) Papers
Didion (Joan) Papers
Dignity/San Francisco Records
Dimmick (Kimball H.) Papers
Diplomatic Papers of Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Inc., Washington, D.C. Office Records
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund Records
Disability Rights Leadership Archive Video Collection
Disabled Students' Program Records
Dissolved Companies Files (Great Britain Board of Trade)
Dixon (Maynard) Papers
Dobbs (Harold) Scrapbooks and Photo Albums
Dobie (Charles C.) Papers
Doble (Abner) Papers
Documentos de la Comisión Confidencial [Vega, Plácido]
Documentos de la Secretara de Relaciones Exteriores de Mexico, 1764-1921
Documentos originales para la historia de la Baja California y sobre todo de la Colonia Militar de la Frontera
Documentos para la historia de California
Documentos para la historia de California, 1749-1850 [Carillo, Domingo A.I.]
Documentos para la historia de California, 1799-1845 [Carillo, Jos]
Documentos para la historia de California, 1801-1851 [Carillo, Pedro C.]
Documentos para la Historia de California, 1802-1847 [Olvera, Agustín]
Documentos para la historia de California, 1821-1872 [Coronel, Antonio F.]
Documentos para la historia de California, 1827-1858 [Fitch, Henry D.]
Documentos para la historia de California, 1827-1873 [Avila, Miguel]
Documentos para la historia de California, 1828-1875 [Castro, Manuel de colección]
Documentos para la historia de California, 1846-1847, and especially concerning the Battle of San Pascual: 1846-1876
Documentos para la historia de California, 1878 [Del Valle, Ignacio]
Documentos para la historia de California [Bonilla, José M.]
Documentos para la historia de California: colección del Sr. Don Rafael Pinto
Documentos relativos a las misiones del Nuevo Mexico
Documents Concerning Government Affairs in Mexico
Documents for the history of Mexico
Documents for the history of the conquest of California
Documents Pertaining to the Adjudication of Private Land Claims in California, circa 1852-1892
Documents reflecting relations of Indians and Spaniards over tribute, wool mills, treatment of the natives, and government regulations, 1544-1608 (Morelia, Mexico)
Documents Relating to British West Indies
Documents relating to land transactions in Baja California
Documents relating to Missions of the Californias
Documents Relating to Peru
Documents Relating to Saint-Barthelemy
Documents Relating to Texas
Documents relating to the Juzgado de Indios
Dohrmann (Fred W.) -- Letters of condolence on his death
Dohrmann (Frederick W.) Family Papers
Dolbeer Carson Lumber Company Records
Dollar (Robert) papers
Dooley (E. T.) Arbor Villa: the Home of Mr. & Mrs. F. M. Smith, 1902
Dow (Wallace H.) Souvenir of Blue Lakes, Lake Co., Calif. Views, ca. 1895
Downey (Sheridan) Papers
Downieville - Panorama ca. 1860-ca. 1870
Drawings of Indians and California Scenery
Dressler's Pioneer Place, ca. 1920s
Drips (Andrew) Papers
Drobish (Harry E.) Papers
Drobish (Harry Everett) Papers - Migrant Labor Camp Photographs, 1935-1936
Drury (Newton Bishop) papers
Drury (Wells) Papers
Dubois (Mark) papers
Dunbar H. Ogden collection of theatrical materials and bookplates
Dunbar-Ortiz (Roxanne) papers
Dunham, Carrigan and Hayden Records
Dyer (Francis J.) Papers
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Early Presidio base photograph album
Early Santa Clara County and Other Views
Early tall buildings: Original drawing of California urban scenes
Earth Island Institute Records
Earthquake Damage in Santa Barbara, California - Views
Echo Lakes Association Papers
Ecology Action Records
Eggleston (Arthur D.) Papers
Eggleston (William G.) Papers
Eisner (Milton D.) Papers
Elk River Mill and Lumber Co. Records
Elkus (Albert Israel) Papers
Ellis (Henry H.) Papers
Ellis (P. B.) Papers
Emanu-El Residence Club of San Francisco records
Environmental effects of tourism at Yosemite National Park
Eragny Press Records
Erskine (Dorothy Ward) Papers
Ethics of Intelligence and Weapons Devlopment Oral History Collection
Ethnological documents of the Department and Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley
Evanoff (Mark) Papers
Everson (William) Papers: Additions
Examiner (San Francisco) Photograph Archive Negative Files
Examiner (San Francisco) Photograph Archive: Photographic Print Files
Exploratorium Records
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Fakir Musafar Archive
Falk (Adrien J.) Papers
Family Service of the East Bay records
Faragoh (F.E.) Collection - Portraits of Theatrical Personalities
Farha (Sandra) Papers
Farm Security Administration, Region IX, San Francisco, Calif.
Farnham P. Griffiths papers
Farquhar (Francis P.) Papers
Faust (Frederick S.) Papers
Federal Writers' Project source material on Migratory Labor, District no. 8
Fenlon (Roberta F.) papers
Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) Papers
Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) Papers - Pictorial Material
Fernández del Castillo y de Mier (Manuel) Papers
Fiat lux photographs documenting the University of California
Field (Stephen J.) Papers
Fieldnotes Concerning Self-help and Consumer Cooperatives
Finding Aid to the Henry H. Brodeck stereograph views of Alaska
Fine (Alvin I.) Papers
Fine Print Records
Fineman (Joel) Papers
Fischer (Emil) Papers
Fischer (Emil) Papers - Portraits of Scientists and Men of Note
Fischer (Joseph) Collection of Vietnam War Era Political Protest Posters
Fish Family Papers
Fisher (Lillian E.) Papers
Fisher (Lillian E.) Research Materials relating to Mexico
Fisk (Charles Frederick) papers
Fiske (George), Views of Yosemite, ca. 1880-1890
Fitch Family Papers
Fitch (George K.) Papers
Fixel (Lawrence) Papers
Flamm (Roy) Photographs of Buildings Designed by Bernard Maybeck
Flanner (Hildegarde) Papers
Floating Island Publications Records
Flory (David P.) Collection of San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Views
Floyd-Jones Family Correspondence
Foley (Donald and Katharine) Collection of Penguin Books : 1935-1965
Foley (Donald and Katharine) Collection of Penguin Books : post 1965
Folsom Prison Views
Fonte y Hernández de Miravete (Pedro J.) Documents
Forest History Interviews
Forester (C.S.) Papers
Fort Vancouver and the Pacific Northwest Coast
Foster (George McClelland) Papers
Foster (Mary LeCron) Papers
Foulk (George C.) Papers
Framed Items from the collections of The Bancroft Library
Franchesci (Francesco) Papers
Fredric J. Mosher papers
Free Speech Movement Participants Papers
Freedman (Ted) Papers
Freeman (Frank N.) Papers
Freeman (Paul) Video Project and Papers
Fremont Family Papers, circa 1839-1927
French (Levi R.) Letters to his Family
French political campaign posters
French war posters from the First World War
French war posters from the Second World War
French-Glenn Ranch Records
Fricot (D.) Grass Valley and Vicinity by
Friends of the Earth Records
Friends of the River Collection
Friends of the River Foundation Records
Fritz (Emanuel) Papers
Fromer (Seymour) papers
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies records
Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft Collection
Fryer (John) Papers
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Gaffey (John T.) Papers
Galloway (John D.) Papers
Gardner (David Pierpont) papers
Garrett (Samuel K.) papers
Gaytes (Herbert) Photograph Collection
Gayton (A.H.) Papers
Gee (Edward W.) family papers
Gentry (Helen) and David Greenhood Papers
Geological Survey of California Papers
Geological Survey of the Territories (U.S.) - Photographs, 1869-1874
George E. Hyde & Co. Canning Operations, 1915-1921
George Elmendorf Collection of Mexican Miscellany
German Diplomatic service papers in Mexico : ms.
German poster and broadside collection, chiefly from the Nazi party during the Second World War
Gerstley (James Mack and Elizabeth Lilienthal) family papers and photographs
Ghirardelli Co. Photograph Album of Chocolate Manufacturing Process, ca. 1919
Ghirardelli Square Architectural Records
Gibbs (Jewelle Taylor) papers
Godchaux (Rébecca) Autograph Collection
Goddard (Clark M.) photograph collection of California views
Goin (Peter) Digital Photograph Archive: Colors of California Agriculture
Goines (David Lance): Harry Dov Weininger Collection of David Lance Goines Posters and Memorabilia
Gold (Herbert) Papers
Goldberg (Rube) Archive of Cartoon Drawings and Related Pictorial Material
Goldberg (Rube) Papers
Golden Gate Bridge - Construction Photographs, 1933-1934
Goldman (Richard N. and Rhoda H.) papers
Goldschmidt (Richard B.) Papers
Goldstein (Morris) papers
Gomez de la Cortina Family Stereograph Collection, ca. 1870-1906
Goodman and Levy family papers and scrapbooks
Goodrich-Blanding Family Photographs
Goodspeed (Thomas H.) Papers
Gordon (Laura) Papers
Gossage (Howard Luck) Papers
Governor's Commission on the Los Angeles Riots Records
Grabhorn Press Records
Graff (Thomas J.) papers
Graham (Julian P.) collection of photographic negatives
Grass Valley Daily Union Records
Graupner Family Papers
Graves (Roy D.) Pictorial Collection, ca. 1850-ca. 1968
Grayson (Andrew J.) Papers
Greed (Motion Picture) - Photographs from the Erich von Stroheim Production, Adapted from Frank Norris' McTeague (February to October, 1923)
Gregorio (Renée) Papers
Grice (H. Paul) papers
Griffith (Benjamin G.) Letters - Alaskan Photographs
Grinnell (Joseph and Hilda W.) Papers
Grinnell (Joseph) Papers
Grinnell Naturalists Society Records
Grunsky Family Papers
Guayule Rubber Industry in Salinas, California, ca. 1942
Guerra (de la) Family Photographs
Gulbrandsen (Peter) Papers
Gump family papers
Gundlach (Anita Hinz) Papers
Gunn (Thom) papers
Gwin (William M.) Papers
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Haas (Elise S.) Family Papers
Haas (Elise S.) family photographs
Hadassah San Francisco, Lakeside Chapter records, cookbooks, and photographs
Hagedorn (Jessica) Papers
Hagemeyer (Johan) Photograph Collection
Hall (Harvey Monroe) Papers
Hall (William Hammond) papers
Halleck, Peachy & Billings Records
Hammond (George P.) papers
Hare (Alice I.) photograph collection
Hare (Chauncey) photograph archive.
Hare (Nathan and Julia) papers
Hart (Alfred A.) Stereograph Collection Relating to the Central Pacific Railroad, circa 1866-1869
Hart (James D.) Papers
Hart-Clark Correspondence and Family Papers
Harte (Bret) Collection of Letters and Papers
Hartnell (William E.) Papers
Harvesting Beans, Madera County, Calif., 1900
Hassid (William Z.) Papers
Hastings (John R.) Papers
Havens (Frank C.) Papers
Hawaii - Photographs
Hawaiian Views
Hawthorne Family Papers
Hazeltine Brothers. Oregon, California, Idaho, and Other Western Scenes
Hazeltine (M. M.), Logging Operations in Little River, California Photographs, ca. 1870
Hazeltine (M. M.), Logging Operations in Little River, California Photographs, ca. 1870
Hazeltine (M. M.), Mendocino County Photographs, circa 1867-1869
Hazelwood (Art) Collection of San Francisco Poster Syndicate Political Posters
Hearst (George and Phoebe Apperson) Papers
Hearst (Millicent Willson) papers
Hearst (William Randolph) Jr. Papers
Hearst, (William Randolph, Jr.) photograph collection
Hearst (William Randolph) Papers
Heinrich (Edward Oscar) Papers
Heizer (Robert Fleming) Papers
Henderson (Randall) Papers
Heney (Francis J.) Papers
Henry Roy William Smith papers
Herbert Gaytes papers
Hesse (Frederick Godfrey) Papers
Heumann (Judith E.) papers
Heyneman (Julie H.) Collection - Pictorial Material
Heyneman (Julie H.) Papers
Hibernia Bank Records
Hilder (Lara) and Peter Liederman papers
Hillers (John K.) Collection - Photographs of Zuni, Hopi and Navaho Country
Hillmer (Jack) Papers
Hinckle (Warren) Papers
Hispanic culture in the Southwest (photographs)
Historic Preservation Survey Data Sheets
History of the City Hall and Civic Center by T.B. McGinnis, 1912-1918
Hittell Family Papers
(Hochschild) Gerhard P. papers
Hodgen (Margaret T.) Papers
Hoffman (Claire G.) Papers
Hollister Collection - Photographs
Holmes (Samuel Jackson) Papers
Holway (Ruliff S.) Photograph Collection
Honeyman (Robert B., Jr.) - Collection of Early Californian and Western American Pictorial Material
Hooker Family Papers - Portraits, Drawings and Photographs
Hope (Charles W.) Papers
Hoppe (Arthur Watterson) Papers
Hopper (James M.) Papers
Horowitz (Michael and Cynthia) Collection on Psychedelics
Hotel Del Monte, ca. 1910 - Views
Hotels and apartment buildings of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Houseworth's Celebrities: Theater Portraits
Howard Family Papers
Howard (John G.) Papers
Howard (John G.) Pictorial Collection
Howard (Sidney C.) Papers - Photographs
Howard (Sidney Coe) papers
Howe (James Wong), Photographs of San Francisco's Chinatown, 1944
Howison (George H.) Papers
Hoyt (Shelley) Papers
Hubert Howe Bancroft : Records of the Library and Publishing Companies
Hume (Samuel J. and Portia Bell) papers
back to top
Imperial Valley Snapshots, ca. 1903
Incunabula Collection of the Bancroft Library
Indian complaints over payment of tribute, and related matters, in Michoacán, 1566-1573
Indian Defense Association of Central and Northern California Records
Indians and the Colorado River from the J.W. Powell Survey - Stereoviews
Indians of California and views of Mt. Whitney and the Alabama Range
International Fishermen and Allied Workers of America records
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union Papers
Ireland (Luis A.) Correspondence and Papers
Irwin (Wallace) Papers
back to top
Jackson (Joseph H.) Papers
Jackson (William H.) Photographs: Mexican Views
Jackson (William Henry) Photographs From the U.S. Geological Survey of the Territories
Jacobson (Norman) papers
Jaffe (George C.) Papers
James (Charles) Papers
Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Records
Japanese American relocation center views
Japanese-American evacuation from Berkeley, Calif. [graphic]: Photographs
Jasperson (Robert) papers
Jeffers (Una) Papers
Jenkins Family Papers
Jenkins (James A.) Papers
Jess Papers
Jewish Education Council records
Jewish Federation of the Greater East Bay records
Jewish Welfare Federation of San Francisco, Marin County, and the Peninsula Records
John M. Hague papers
John T. Knox papers
Johns (William F.) Mining Records
Johnson (Albert J.) papers
Johnson (David) Photograph Archive
Johnson (Hiram) Papers, 1895-1945
Johnson (John N.) Papers
Johnson (Robert U.) Papers
Johnson (Walter S.) Photographs from the Papers
Jones (Elbert P.) Papers
Jones (Hardin B.) Papers
Jones (R.W. and Clara McPherson) Family Papers
Jones (William Carey) Papers
Joseph Asher papers
Juarez (Cayetano) Papers
back to top
Kaiser (Edgar F.) papers
Kaiser (Henry J.) Jr. Papers
Kaiser (Henry J.) Papers
Kaiser (Henry J.) Pictorial Collection
Karlinsky (Simon) papers
Karp (Nancy) + Dancers Records
Kasten (Karl) Papers
Kataoka (Ayako Nakauchi) Family Photograph Collection
Kaufman (Edith Schoenberger) papers
Kaufman (Shirley) Papers
Kearney (M. Theodore) Papers
Kearney Ranch Records
Keeler (Charles A.) Papers
(Keeler) Leonarde Papers
Keith (Agnes Newton) papers
Keith-McHenry-Pond Family papers
Kelsey St. Press records
Kenny (Robert W.) Papers
Kent (Roger) Papers
Kent (T. J.) Papers
Kern County Land Company Promotional Photograph Album
Kerouac (Jan) papers
Kibby (Robert Milton) Papers
King (Ben) Collection of Detroit Publishing Company Photochrom Views
Kingman (Harry L.) Papers
Kingston (Maxine Hong) Papers
Kirk (Paul L.) Papers
Kniazeff (Alexis N.) Papers
Knight's Scrapbooks
Knowland (Joseph R.) Papers
Kofoid (Charles A.) Letters
Kohs (Samuel) Papers
Koret of California Records
Koshland, Jr. (Daniel E.) Papers
Koshland (Marian, Elliot) Papers
Kransky Collection of Edward H. Mitchell Postcards
Kroeber (A. L.) Papers
Kroeber (A.L.) Family Photographs
Kroeber (Theodora) papers
back to top
Ladies' Relief Society records
Lafler (Henry A.) Papers
Lal (Gobind Behari) Papers
Lamantia (Philip) Papers
Land Case Maps
Langdon (Margaret) Papers
Lantos (Tom) Papers
Laplace (Pierre Simon) Papers
Larkin (Thomas O.) Account Books
Larkin (Thomas O.) Papers
Larson (John A.) Papers
Latin American political poster miscellany
Latin American posters from the Second World War era
Lavenson (Alma) California Gold Rush Mining Towns, 1930-1968
Lawrence (D. H.) Papers
Lawrence (Ernest O.) papers
Lawrence (John H.) Papers
Lawson (Andrew C.) Papers
League of American Writers Archives
League of Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany, and Emeryville Records
League of Women Voters of the Bay Area Records
LeConte family papers
LeConte Family Papers - Photographs
LeConte Family Papers: Additions, 1856-1916
LeConte Family Papers: Additions, 1862-1928
Leebrick (Karl C.) Correspondence
Lefebvre Family Papers
Lehman (Benjamin H.) Papers
Lenoir (Henri)
Lenoir (Henri) Pictorial Collection
Lenski (Lois P.) Papers
Lenzen (Victor) Papers
Leo (Ulrich) Papers
Leopold (A. Starker) papers
Letters concerning Hetch Hetchy
Letters re loyalty oath and Professor Loewenberg's dismissal
Leuschner (Armin O.) Papers - Portraits
Levenson (Joseph R.) Papers
Levenson (Roger) papers
Levine (Lawrence W.) papers
Levinson (Robert) papers
Lewis (Austin) Papers
Lewis (Oscar) papers
Lewis (Sherman) Research Collection Relating to the Hayward Area Planning Association (HAPA)
Lewy (Hans) Papers
Liem (Channing and Popai) Papers
Limantour (José Y.) Papers
Lin (T.Y.) Papers
Lindbergh (Charles) - Photographs of Charles Lindbergh's Visit to Monterey, March 11, 1930
Lipson (Leslie) Papers
Lithographs of Los Angeles, Calif.
Litton (Charles V.) Papers
Livermore, Jr. (Norman B.) Papers
Loeb (Leonard B.) Papers
London (Jack) Collection of Papers
Long (Oscar F.) Papers
Long (Percy V.) Papers
Loomis, (C. Grant) Papers
Los Angeles Harbor at San Pedro: Two Panoramas, 1908 and 1926
Los yndios de la encomienda de Turicato contra Bartolomé de Gallego sobre pago de tributos, 1573
Louderback (George D.) Papers
Louisiana Papers
Lowie (Robert H.) Papers
López Uraga (José) Papers
Lubin (Simon J.) Papers
Luce (Edgar A.) Papers
back to top
Macaulay Foundry records
MacGugan (Kirk) Papers
Mackay (Zelda) Collection of Stereographic Views, ca. 1860-ca. 1900
Maenchen-Helfen (Otto) Papers
Magic Theatre Records
Magic Theatre Scripts
Mailliard Family Papers
Malarin Family Album
Malkiel (Yakov) Papers
Mandelbaum (David G.) Papers
Manson (Marsden) Papers
Manuscripts and notes chiefly concerning the Comstock Lode
Marcus (Neil) papers
Marcus (Steven) Free Speech Movement Photographs
Mariposa Land and Mining Company of California records
Marsh family papers
Marsh Family photographs
Marshall (George) Papers
Marshall (Robert B.) Papers
Marshall (Robert) papers
Martin (J.J.) Papers
Martineau (Harriet) Papers
Martinez, Dean, DuCasse Family Papers and Photographs
Maslenikov (Oleg A.) Papers
Mason (Richard B.) Papers
Mason-McDuffie Co. Records
Material pertaining to biography of Sinclair Lewis
Mather (Stephen T.) Papers
Matsui (Robert T.) Papers
Matthes, (François) Papers
May (Henry F.) Papers
Maybeck Family Papers
McBride (Richard) Correspondence
McCloskey (Maxine E) Papers
McClure (Michael) papers : additions
McCone (John A.) Papers
McConnell (Thomas R.) Papers
McCulloh Family Papers
McDevitt (William) Papers
McDonough (Patrick W.) Papers
McEvoy (Nan) collection
McFarland (George Bradley) Family Papers
McGinn (Elsa S.) papers
McGlashan (C.F.) Papers
McLaughlin (Donald H.) Papers
McLaughlin (Emma M.) Papers
McLean family papers
McWilliams (Carey) Papers
Mead (Elwood) Papers
Meier (Richard L.) papers
Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute Records
Meltzer (David) papers
Merriam (C. Hart) Collection of Native American Photographs
Merriam (C. Hart) Papers: Volume I
Merriam (C. Hart) Papers: Volume II
Merriam (John C.) Papers
Merrill (William A.) Papers
Mertins (Louis) Papers
Metcalf (Woodbridge) Papers
Mexía Family Papers
Mexía (Ynés) papers
Mexican Inquisition Original Documents Organized by Collection and Bancroft Manuscript Classification
Mexican photograph album documenting the American Seminar on Relations with Mexico
Mexican photographic postcards
Mexican posters on social and educational themes
Mexican Views
Mexican war posters from the Second World War era
Mexico - Views
Mexico: October 28 to November 15, 1905
Mezquida (Anna B.) Papers
Micheline (Jack) Papers
Migrant Labor Housing
Miles Brothers - San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Photographs, 1906
Miles (Josephine) Papers
Miller & Lux records
Miller (George) papers
Miller (Henry) California Mission Sketches, 1856
Miller (Joaquin) Collection of Papers
Miller (Lea Van Puymbroeck) Papers
Miller (Loye H.) Papers
Miller (Russell R.) Papers
Milliken (Randall) papers
Mining Activities and Scenes in Alaska and the Yukon - Lantern Slides
Mintzer (Oscar A.) papers
Miramón Family Papers
Miscellaneous California Dictations
Miscellaneous California Scenes
Miscellaneous Documents Relating Chiefly to Northern Mexico
Miscellaneous Glass Negatives of California Scenes
Mission Era: California Under Spain and Mexico and Reminiscences, ca. 1850-1878
Mission Inn, Riverside, California Collection (of Patrick J. Rafferty)
Mission Neighborhood Centers records
Mitchell (Sydney B.) papers
Mobilized Women of Berkeley Records
Mojave Route, El Dorado Canyon and Fort Mojave, 1863 - Photographic Views
Mojave Route, El Dorado Canyon and Fort Mojave, 1863 - Photographic Views
Molnar (Steve) Photographs Documenting Commercial Fishing in Northern California
Momo's Press Records
Monterey County Miscellany
Moody (Ralph) papers
Mooney (Thomas J.) Papers
Moore (Charles C.) Albums of Panama Pacific International Exposition Views
Moore Dry Dock Photograph Albums
Moore (Mary) papers
Moore (Mary) Papers
Moore (Richard O.) papers
Moore (William) Journals and Other Papers
Mooser (Hattie and Minnie) papers
Morgan (Agnes Fay) Papers
Morgan (Dale L.) Papers
Morgan (Julia) Architectural Drawings
Mortimer (John Clifford) Papers
Moïse (Howard) Papers
Moses (Bernard) Papers
Mott (Frank K.) Papers
Mott (William Penn, Jr.) Papers
Moulin (Gabriel) - Bohemian Grove, ca. 1906-1909
Moulin (Gabriel) - View of the Pines Estate, Oakland, California, ca. 1927 - Views
Mount Diablo Museum Advisory Committee Records
Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center records
Moyer (Burton J.) Papers
Mugarrieta (José M.) Papers
Muir (John) Correspondence
Muir (John) Correspondence
Mujica Diez de Bonilla (Francisco) Papers
Mulford (David Donald) papers
Murdock (Charles A.) Papers
Murray Reed Benedict papers
Muscatine (Charles) Papers
Muybridge (Eadweard), Lone Mountain College Collection of Stereographs and Other Photographs
Muybridge (Eadweard) Stereographic Views of San Francisco Bay Area Locations
Muybridge (Eadweard) Valley of the Yosemite, Sierra Nevada Mountains, and Mariposa Grove of Mammoth Trees, 1872
back to top
NAACP, Region 1 Photograph Collection
NAACP, Region I, Records
Nagasawa (Kanae) carte de visite photograph albums
Naglee Family Collection
Nasatir (Abraham Phineas) Document Collection
Nash (John H.) Papers
National Association of Social Workers, California Chapter Records
National Council of Jewish Women, San Francisco Section Records
National Council on Agricultural Life and Labor Records
National Lawyers Guild Records
National Organization for Women, Berkeley Chapter (Maryjean Suelzle collection of)
National Organization for Women, San Fernando Valley Chapter files (Elizabeth Jetter collection of)
National Union of Marine Cooks and Stewards Records
National Writing Project Records
Needham (Paul Robert) papers
Nelson (Helen E.) Papers
Neuhaus (Eugen) Papers
The New City Hall, San Francisco, California, 1915
New Mexico Stereograph and Card Photograph Views.
New San Francisco: Three Years after the Great Conflagration: Photographs, 1909
Neylan (John Francis) Papers
Nicaragua Information Center Records
Nicaraguan poster collection
Nicholson (Antionette Wheeler) Letters regarding the Suffrage Movement and Against Capital Punishment
Nietschmann (Bernard) papers
Nolan Northern Pacific Railroad Collection
Norris Family Papers
Norris (Frank) Collection of Papers and Related Material
Norris (Kathleen and Charles Gilman) family photographs
Norris (Thomas W.) Papers
Norse (Harold) Papers
North Berkeley and Kensington Real Estate Development
North (Hart Hyatt) Papers
Northern California Snapshots from Palo Alto to Sacramento
Northwest Boundary Survey photographs from the papers of George Clinton Gardner
Notes on the History and Resources of Washington Territory
Nowinski (Ira) California Native American Photograph Archive
back to top
Oakland and the San Francisco Bay Area - Slides
Oakland, California, ca. 1930-1939 - Views
Oakland Tribune Records
Oakland-Piedmont Jewish Community Center records
Oakley M. Hall papers
O'Brien (Mark) Papers
O'Connor (James F.T.) Diaries and Correspondence
O'Faoláin (Seán) Papers
Official Documents Relating to Early San Francisco
Oil Industry in California, 1911-1914
Older (Fremont) Papers
Older (Fremont) Papers - Portraits
Oleari (Kenoli) records of the Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
Oliver (Barbara) Collection of Theatre Materials
Oliver Family Photograph Collections
Olwell (Robert F.) papers
O'Neil (Hugh F.) Collection of Utah Documents and Reports
O'Neill, Dan Comic Art Archive
O'Neill (Edmond) Papers
Oppenheimer (Frank) Papers
Ord (Edward O.C.) papers
Oregon Miscellany
Oregon Pioneer Records
Orvana Resources Corporation records
Osborne (Selden) Papers
O'Shaughnessy (Michael M.) papers
O'Shaughnessy (M.M.) photograph collection
Osio (Antonio M.) Papers
Osumare (Halifu) papers
Otis (Harrison Gray) Album of California Scenes
Overland Monthly Records
Owings (Margaret W.) Papers
back to top
Pacific Coast Committee on American Principles and Fair Play Records
Pacific Coast Views
Pacific Counseling Service and Military Law Office Records
Packard (Walter Eugene) Papers
Page (Donald W.) Papers
Paget-Fredericks (Joseph Rous) Dance Collection
Paget-Fredericks (Jospeh Rous) Papers
Palace Hotel Records
Panama Pacific International Exposition Pictorial Miscellany
Panama Pacific International Exposition Records
Panama-Pacific International Exposition - Photographs
Panama-Pacific International Exposition - Photographs
Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 1915 - Views
Panama-Pacific International Exposition: Official Photographs
Papers Concerning Proposed Anthology of Western Poetry
Papers on European and American Printers, Illustrators, and Artists
Papers on the Bear Flag...
Papers on the History of California
Papers relating to California pioneers and to California history
Papers relating to John Wright Buckham's Book: George Holmes Howison
Papers relating to Quicksilver Mining
Papers Relating to the Jesuits in Baja California and Other Northern Regions in New Spain
Papers relating to Women's Suffrage in California, 1888-1911
Paramount Theatre Records
Pardee (George C.) Papers
Parker (Robert A.) Papers
Parker (William M.) photograph collection
Parkman (Samuel P.P.) Papers
Parks and Buildings of Sacramento, Calif., ca. 1930-1939
Parks in Oakland, California - Views
Parnassus Press records
Parodi (Roger) Collection of Art Museum and Gallery Announcements
Parsons (Edward L.) Papers
Parsons Family Papers
Parsons (James Jerome) Papers
Partington family papers
Partridge (Roi) Mills College: Record of a Campus, ca. 1940
Pascoe (Juan) collection
Patrick Purtell Collection of McLaughlin Mine Manuals
Pearson (Gustavus C.) Papers
Peixotto (Ernest and Mary) papers
People for the American Way Collection of Conservative Political Ephemera
Perkins (Kenneth) Papers
Personalities and Activities in the Self-Help Cooperatives of California: Photographs from the Exhibition, 1933-1934
Pesonen (David) papers
Pflueger (Timothy L.) Papers
Phelan (James D.) Papers
Phelan (James D.) Photograph Albums
Phelan (Mary L.) Papers
Philippine Commerce and the Manila Galleon Collection
Phleger (Herman) Papers
Photographic Views of Oakland, California
Photographs made by John K. Hillers of Zuni, Hopi and Navaho country.
Pico (Pío) Papers: Additions
Pictorial Material from the Anna Blake Mezquida Papers
Pimentel (George C.) papers
Pinart (Alphonse L.) papers
Pister (Karl S.) Papers
Pitzer, (Kenneth S.)
Placer Co., Calif., War History Committee Records
Pneumonic Plague Outbreak Sites and Rats in Los Angeles - Photographic Documentation
Point Lobos League Records
Polhemus (Charles B.) Papers
Pollack (Jack H.) Papers
Pond (C. L.), Yosemite Stereoviews
Portrait File of The Bancroft Library
Portrait Miscellany
Posada (José Guadalupe) Chapbook Collection
Posada (José Guadalupe) Collection of works published by Antonio Vanegas Arroyo
Postcard Views of California Towns
Postcards of California, Oregon, and Washington
Pratt (Haraden) Papers
Presbyterian Church in Chinatown, San Francisco, Historical Documentation Project Records
Price (Rodman M.) Papers
Pringle Family Papers
Prints and/or transcripts of documents concerning California and Mexico
Protean Press Archive
Psychedelic Promotional Handbills for San Francisco Rock Concerts Collection
Puerto Rico Documents
back to top
Quinn (Arthur) papers
Quintera Mining Company Records
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Rabinowitz (Jesse) Papers
Rainforest Action Network Photographs and Objects
Rainforest Action Network Records
Ralston (W. C.) and His Mansion in Belmont, Calif., Photographs
Ralston (William Chapman) Correspondence
Rankin (James) Sons Records
Rapoport (Henry) Papers
Rapoport (Sonya) Papers
Rapoport (Sonya) Pictorial Material from the Sonya Rapoport Papers
Rather (Lois) papers
Raun Family Photograph Album of California Scenes
Rauscher (Elizabeth A.) papers
Read (William M.) Papers
Records for the Betteravia Plant
The Records of an Unbroken Friendship but the Mortal Severance, 1907-1924
Records of the California State Parks Council
Redington (John H.) and Family - Photographs
Redwood Manufacturers Company Plant in Pittsburg, Calif., circa 1915-circa 1925
Reed (George) Miscellaneous Views From the San Francisco Bay and Monterey Areas, California
Regional Oral History Office: Catalogue I, 1954-1979
Regional Oral History Office: Catalogue II, 1980-1997
Reid (Sally M.) Papers
Reid (William T.) Papers
Relief Camps for Refugees from the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, 1906
Rice Growing and Irrigation in California, 1908-1916 - Photographs
Richard & Rhoda Goldman Fund Records
Richardson (Leon Josiah) papers
Ricketts (Norma B.) Papers
Ricks (William N.) Papers
Riley (Bennet) Papers
Riordan (Dennis P.) collection of Johnny Spain Trial and Parole records
Ritter (William E.) Papers
Ritz (Rosalie) courtroom drawings
Rivera y Moncada (Fernando Xavier de) Papers
Rivergarden Farms
Riverside and Los Angeles Area Views, circa 1880-1889
Robert Bigham Brode papers
Roberts (Edward V.) Papers
Robinson (Alfred) Papers
Robinson (Frank M.) papers
Rockport Redwood Company Records
Rodolph (Frank B.) Photograph Collection
Rogers (Charles Albert) paintings of Chinatown, San Francisco.
Rogin (Michael Paul) papers
Roney (Frank) Papers
Rosberg (Carl Gustav) papers
Rosborough (Family) Papers
Rosenshine (Annette) Papers - Photographs
Ross Collection of Theater Portraits
Rossman (Michael) Free Speech Movement photographs
Rowell (Chester H.) Papers
Rowell (Joseph C.) Correspondence: Additions
Rowell (Joseph Cummings) papers
Ryder (Worth) Papers
back to top
San Antonio de Padua Mission Documents
San Francisco and Oakland, California, After the 1906 Earthquake and Fire - Views
San Francisco Bay Area Earthquake of 1868
San Francisco Bay Area punk rock fliers and posters collected by Marshall Weber.
San Francisco Before the Earthquake of 1906 - Lantern Slides
San Francisco Chinese Community and Earthquake Damage, ca. 1906
San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1851 Papers
San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1856 Papers
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire - Lantern Slides
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire: Rotogravure Supplements to the SF Examiner
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Stereographs, 1906
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Views
San Francisco Foundation Records
San Francisco Girls' High School Class Photographs, 1877
San Francisco Graft Prosecution Collection of Records
San Francisco Graft Trial, 1907-1908 - Photographs
San Francisco Jewish Community Center records
San Francisco Labor Council Records
San Francisco Microscopical Society Records
San Francisco News-Call Bulletin Newspaper Photograph Archive
San Francisco News-Call Bulletin newspaper photograph archive and newsclipping files
San Francisco News-Call Bulletin Newspaper Photograph Archive (Free Speech Movement Selection)
San Francisco Police photograph album
San Francisco Scenes: Photographs from Waters' Nickel Series
San Francisco Shortly After the Earthquake and Fire of 1906 Photographs
San Francisco State College Poetry Center Records
San Francisco views
San Francisco Women for Peace Records
San Gabriel and Pasadena, California Views
San Joaquin Delta Land Reclamation Photographs, ca. 1904-1907
San Quentin Prison and Events, ca. 1925-1935 - Views
San Quentin Prisoners Descriptive Registers
Santa Barbara Views, ca. 1875
Sarich (Vincent) Papers
Sauer (Carl Ortwin) Research Notebooks, 1930-1955
Save San Francisco Bay Association Records
Save the Redwoods League photograph collection.
Save the Redwoods League Records
Scalapino (Robert A.) Papers
Scharrenberg (Paul) Papers
Scheffauer (Herman G.) Photograph Album, ca. 1885-ca. 1925
Schmidt Lithograph Company records
Schurmannn (Franz) Papers
Scott (Mel) Papers
Scott (William A.) Papers
Seabury (Paul) Papers
Seager (Allan) Correspondence with Watkins (A.), Inc.
Seager (Allan) Papers
Searls & Searls Records
Second World War posters pertaining to various European countries
See the Sierras from a Saddle: Robinson Pack Train, Allie W. Robinson, Prop., ca. 1930
Segrè (Emilio) papers
Selected documents on the missions of Sonora and Southern Arizona : typescripts
Senators and Officials of the State of California - Photographs
Serious Business Company Records
Service, Caroline Schulz Papers
Service (Grace) papers
Service (John S.) Papers
Sewell (E.N.) Photographs of San Francisco One Year After the 1906 Earthquake and Fire
Sewell (E.N.) Photographs of San Francisco Shortly After the 1906 Earthquake and Fire
Sewell (E.N.) San Francisco: A Few Views Showing Progress in Reconstruction Two Years After the Great Conflagration
Sexual Freedom League Records
Seymour (Bruce) - Collection of Lola Montez Materials
Shakespearan Actors and Actresses - Portraits
Shapiro (Barry) photograph archive
Shapiro (Saul E.) Papers
Sharon Family Papers
Sharp (William) Papers
Shasta Springs, July-August 1899
Shaw (James P.) Collection - Marine Photographs
Sheppard (Eli T.) Papers
Sherman (Edwin A.) Papers
Shipley (Maynard) Papers
Shirpser (Clara) Papers
Short (Alan) Papers: re laws on Alcoholic Beverages
Sierra Club Board of Directors meeting minutes, 1892-1995
Sierra Club California Legislative Office Records
Sierra Club International Program records
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund Records
Sierra Club Members Papers
Sierra Club Mother Lode Chapter Records
Sierra Club Mountain Registers and Records
Sierra Club National Legislative Office Records
Sierra Club Northern California/Nevada Regional Conservation Committee Records
Sierra Club Office of the Executive Director Records
Sierra Club pictorial collections
Sierra Club Records
Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Chapter records
Sierra Club Southwest Office records
Sierra Nevada Photographs [Joseph N. LeConte]
Sierra Nevada photographs [Theodore S. Solomons]
Sierra Railroad Records
Silver (Samuel) Papers
Simmons Family Papers
Simon (Emil J.) Autobiography and Lee de Forest Memorabilia
Sinsheimer Bros., San Luis Obispo, Calif. Records
Sisson (James E.) Papers
Slate (Frederick) Papers
SLATE Records
Sluiter (Engel) Historical Documents Collection
Small Wilderness Area Preservation records
Smith (Henry N.) Papers
Smith (Mary Perry) papers
Smith (W. S.) San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Stereographs, 1906
Snap Shooting Around the Golden Gate International Exposition, 1939
Snow and Cloud Formations in the High Sierra - Photographs
Snow Blockade, Sierra Nevada Mountains, California
Snyder, Jr. (Theodore A.) Papers
Social Protest Collection
Sonin (Bill) Papers
South Asians in North America collection
Southern California Views
Southern Pacific Company train robbery records
Southern Pacific Route, Photographs
Soviet poster collection
Spanish-American War - Photographs and Cartoons from the Graupner Family Papers
Spear (Nathan) Papers
Special Crime Study Commission on Organized Crime in California
Spicer Family Papers
Spicer (Jack) Papers
Spier (Leslie) Papers
Spira (Robert) Correspondence
Spreckels Financial Papers
Spring Valley Ranch of J.P. Whitney by Runnels & Stateler, San Francisco
Spring Valley Water Company records
Sproul (Allan) Papers
St. Sure Family Papers
Standard Gauge, Scenic Line of the World, Rio Grande Western Railway
Stanislawski, (Doris Barr) Scrapbooks
Stanley (Wendell M.) Papers
State Land Settlement, Delhi, California
State Land Settlement, Durham, California
Steele (Dwight C.) papers
Stein (Alan) papers
Stent (Gunther S.) Papers
Stephens (H. Morse) Papers
Stephens (H. Morse) Papers: Additions
Stephens (John L.) Papers
Stereograph cards of the San Francisco earthquake and fire, 1906
Stereographs of the West from The Bancroft Library Pictorial Collection, ca. 1858-1906
Stereoviews of Yellowstone, Utah, and the Snake River
Sterling, (George) Collection of Papers
Stern (Otto) papers
Stern (Otto) Photograph Collection
Stern (Rosalie Meyer) papers
Stern (William) papers
Steward (Howard W.) motion pictures
Stewart (George Rippey) Papers
Stewart, (George Rippey) Papers: Additions
Stockfleth (Craig) Zine Collection
Stoddard (Charles Warren) Collection of Papers
Stone (Irving) Papers
Storke (Charles A.) Papers
Storke (Thomas M.) Papers
Storm (Hans O.) Papers
Stowitts (Hubert Julian) Papers
Stratford Shakespearean Festival, Ontario, Canada - Photographs
Stratton (Frederick S.) Papers
Stratton (George M.) Papers
Stratton (James T.) Papers
Streetfare Journal Records
Stringham (Irving) Letters to Concerning Birthday Dinner for George H. Howison
Structures Damaged in the 1868 Earthquake in Hayward, Calif.
Struve (Otto) Papers
Sullivan (Alice P.) Papers
Sullivan (Noël) Papers
Sutro (Adolph) Papers
Sutter (John A.) Papers
Sutter/Link Family Papers
Swayne (F.L.) Autograph Collection
Swett (John) Papers
Swett-Tracy Family Papers and Photographs
Swift Family Collection of Palm Leaf Manuscripts
Swig (Benjamin Harrison) papers
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Taber and Jackson Miscellany
Taber [I. W.] Miscellaneous California Photographs
Taber [I. W.]: Yosemite Views
Taber (Isaiah West) California Scenery, San Francisco, ca. 1885
Taber (Isaiah West) California Views
Taber (Isaiah West) Family Photographs, ca.1880-1895
Taber (Isaiah West) Miscellaneous Views of California
Taber (Isaiah West) Sutro Heights, San Francisco, California, 1886
Taber (Louise) Family Papers
The Tables Turned: You Sabe Him? Kealney [i.e. Kearney] Must Go!, 1877 or 1878
Taller de Gráfica Popular collection
Tarlow (Aya) Papers
Tarski (Alfred) papers
Taylor (Paul S.) Papers
T.B. Joy & Co. Records
Teague (Charles C.) Papers
Teague (Charles C.) Papers - Agricultural Photographs
Ted Joans papers
Teiser (Ruth) papers
Terrazas (Silvestre) papers
Tevis (Henry L.) Papers
Theater Scripts
Theatre Rhinoceros Records
Theatrical Celebrities of the London Stage
Thomas H. Pigford papers
Thompson (Elizabeth Kendall) Papers
Thompson (Elsa K.) Papers
Thompson (James W.) Papers
Tibbetts (Sidney A.) Papers
Tilden (Douglas) Papers
Tilden (Gladys) Papers
Tolman (Edward C.) Papers: re loyalty oath controversy
Totheroh (Dan) Papers
Totheroh (Dan) Papers - Portraits
Tracy (Robert) Papers
Trefethen (Eugene E.) Papers
Triangle Gallery Records
A Trip to California, 1887-1889 - Views
Trip to Mining Sites in Mexico - Album
Trustees for Conservation records
Tudor Engineering Company records
Tule Lake Relocation Center views, Calif.
Tuolumne County Records
Tuolumne River Preservation Trust Records
Turn Toward Peace Records
Turrill (Charles B.) Papers
Tuthill Family Papers
Twentieth Century Club of Berkeley Records
Tyler (Hamilton A.) Papers
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Uchida (Yoshiko) Papers
Uchida (Yoshiko) photograph collection
Underhill (Reuben L.) Papers
Union Lumber Company Records
United Finnish Kaleva Brothers and Sisters, Berkeley Lodge No. 21 records
United Nations poster collection
University of California, Berkeley, University Art Museum Collection of Hans Hofmann Papers
Untide Press Records
Urban Habitat Program Records
U.S. Geographical Survey Expedition West of the 100th Meridian of 1872 - Stereoviews
U.S. Geographical Survey Expedition West of the 100th Meridian of 1873 - Stereoviews
U.S. Geological Survey of the Territories - Photographs, 1873
U.S. Geological Survey of the Territories - Portraits of Native Americans
U.S. Geological Surveys West of the 100th Meridian - Photographs
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Vacation Cyanotypes from Lake County, California
Vallejo and Mare Island, ca. 1865-ca. 1910 - Views
Vallejo Family Papers
Vallejo Family Papers: Additions
Vallejo (General M.G.) Family Members and Descendents Photograph Collection
Van der Hout (Marc) Papers
Varian Associates Records
Various San Francisco Bay Area Locations - Scenes
Verhoogen (John) Papers
Vernon (Mabel) Papers
Versteeg (Chester) papers
Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, Bay Area Post records
Victor, the pride of California: A good guide to good wines.
Vietnam: Journey of the Heart
Vietnam Veterans Against the War/Winter Soldier Organization, California Nevada Regional records
Views along Colorado Railroad Lines
Views of Macharavialla, Spain related to José de Gálvez.
Violich (Francis) Papers
Virginia & Truckee Railroad Company Records
Vischer's Pictorial of California
Vistas Mexicanas; Calendario Azteca
Vivian Low collection of materials on the Military Intelligence Service Language School, Chinese Division
Vollmer (August) papers
Vázquez (Samuel G.) Papers
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Waggoner (Earl) Photographs of Navajo in Monument Valley
Wagner (Henry R.) Papers
Wahl (Henry C.) Papers
Wald (Karen Lee) Cuban research audio visual collection
Walling (Anna Strunsky) papers
Walsworth Family Papers
War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement
Warren (James L.) Papers
Washburn (S. L.) Papers
Water Supply Methods in California Missions, 1945 - Views Related to
Watercolors of birds of the Pacific slope.
Waterman Family Papers
Waterman (R.W.) Family - California Views
Waters (R. J. and Co.) Views of Donner Lake, California, ca. 1915
Watkins (Carleton E.) Arizona photographs
Watkins (Carleton E.), Franciscan Missions of California by
Watkins (Carleton E.) Hearst Mining Collection of Views, 1871-1876
Watkins (Carleton E.) Mammoth Plate Landscape Photographs from the George Davidson Collection
Watkins (Carleton E.) Mammoth Plate Photographs of Yosemite Valley
Watkins (Carleton E.) Mammoth Plate Views in California and Oregon
Watkins (Carleton E.), Mendocino Coast, 1863
Watkins (Carleton E.) Miscellaneous Mammoth Plate Photographs
Watkins (Carleton E.) Photographic Views of El Verano and Vicinity, Sonoma Valley, California
Watkins (Carleton E.) Photographic Views of the Golden Gate Mining Claim [and the Golden Feather Mining Claim] Situated on Feather River, Butte County, Cal.
Watkins (Carleton E.) Photographs of California Scenes: A Mammoth Plate Miscellany
Watkins (Carleton E.), Photographs of the Mariposa Estate and Environs
Watkins (Carleton E.) Photographs of Yosemite: with Additional Views of Mt. Shasta, Calif. and Cape Horn, Columbia River, Oregon
Watkins (Carleton E.) San Francisco Photographs, ca. 1872- ca. 1879
Watkins (Carleton E.) Scenes of Rancho San Antonio photographed for Northern California land cases
Watkins (Carleton E.) Scenic California
Watkins (Carleton E.) Selected Mammoth Plate Photographic Prints from the Keith McHenry Pond Collection
Watkins (Carleton E.) Stereo Views of the West, ca. 1865-ca. 1880
Watkins (Carleton E.) Stereographic Views from the Eugene Compton Collection
Watkins (Carleton E.) Sun Sketches of San Mateo
Watkins (Carleton E.) Views of San Francisco, Yosemite, and Monterey, ca. 1876 - ca. 1890
Watkins (Carleton E.) Yosemite Views, ca. 1876
Watkins (Carleton E.) Yosemite Views from the Sierra Club Collection
Wax (Rosalie H.) Papers
Wayburn (Edgar) papers
Weber Family Papers
weiss (ruth) Papers
Weitbrecht (Robert) papers
Wessel (David L.) papers
West on Videotape
West Side oil fields, Kern County, California
Western Jewish History Center records
Western Jewish History Center, Vertical Files
Western landscapes in California, Nevada, Wyoming, and Washington
Western Sugar Refinery records
Western Survey Expeditions of 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874
Whalen (Philip) Papers
Wheeler (Benjamin Ide) Papers
White (Stewart E.) Correspondence: Additions
White (Stewart E.) Manuscripts
Wickman (Boyd E.) Papers
Wickson (Edward J.) Papers
Wiel (Isabel) Papers
Wildavsky (Aaron) Papers
Wilhelm (Gale) Papers
Wilkinson (Warring) Papers
William Byron Rumford papers
William Penn Mott Jr. Memorial Fund Records
William S. Sharon and William C. Ralston business records
Williams (Earle E.) Papers
Williams (Edward T.) Papers
Williams (Milo B.) Papers
Williamson (Oliver E.) Papers
Willoughby (Wes) Papers
Willsmore (Herbert) Papers
Wilson (Adrian) Papers
Wilson (Allan) Papers
Wilson (Harry L.) Papers
Wilson (John) Papers
Wilson (Lonnie H.) photograph archive
Wilson (Orlando W.) Papers
Wisser (Edward H.) Papers
Wolin (Sheldon S.) papers
Woman in the Moon Publications records
Wood (James Earl) Photograph Collection Relating to Filipinos in California, ca. 1929-1934
Woolsey Family Papers
Work Projects Administration (Calif.) Records
Works (John D.) Papers
World Institute on Disability Records
Worthington (Gladys) papers
Wright (Cedric) Papers
Wright Morris manuscripts
Wulzen (Albert H.), Panorama of Oakland, California, ca. 1879
Wurster (Catherine Bauer) Papers
Wurster (Catherine Bauer) photograph collection
Wyckoff (Florence R.) Papers
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X (Marvin) Papers
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Yaqui photograph albums
Yates (Lorenzo G.) Papers
Yellowstone and Yosemite National Parks: Views
Yerington (Henry M.) Papers
YMCA of San Francisco, Chinatown branch records
Yolo Base Line, California - Photographs
Yosemite, San Francisco, Oregon, Peru, and other locations
Yosemite Valley, Old Missions of California, Yellowstone Park - Views
Yuan T. Lee papers
Yuba Manufacturing Co. Records
Yucatan, Mexico Documents
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Zamora (Daisy) Papers
Zellerbach Family Papers
Zinke (Paul J.) papers
Zukas (Hale) Papers
Zuni, New Mexico - Photographs
Zyzzyva Records
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