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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
Phone: (650) 723-3563
Fax: (650) 725-3445
Email: hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu
Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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"A is for atom, B is for bomb" video tape
Abdank-Kossovskii (Vladimir Konkordovich) papers
Abel (Elie) papers
Abel (Theodore F.) papers
Abenheim (Donald) collection
Abernethy (David B.) miscellaneous papers
Ab'iadnanaia hramadzianskaia partyia belarusi issuances
Abizaid (John) collection
Abkhaz subject collection
Ablard (Charles D.) papers
Abraham (Wendy) interviews
Abrams (Irwin) papers
Abramson (Joan) typescript
Abramson (Lillian) collection
Academy for Educational Development records
Accessories to the crime mimeograph
Ad Hoc Committee for the Organization of Romanian Democracy records
Adair (Fred Lyman) papers
Adam (Wilhelm) memoirs
Adamich (Zenon V.) papers
Adamishin (A. L.) papers
Adams (Arthur E.) typescript
Adams (Ephraim Douglass) papers
Adams (Marie) papers
Adams (Sidney F.) letters
Adams (Wallace E.) papers
Adamson (Bruce Campbell) typescript
Addezio (Salvatore D') photographs
Addio Lugano bella: antologia della canzone anarchica in Italia sound recording
Adenauer (Konrad) miscellaneous papers
Adenauer prints
Adleman (Robert H.) papers
Adlershteyn (Leon) and Irina Bereznaya papers
Aehrenthal (Aloys Leopold Baptist, Graf Lexa von) typescript
Afghan partisan serials collection
Afghan subject collection
African pictorial collection
African subject collection
Agassi (Joseph) correspondence
Agence telegraphique de Petrograd bulletins
Agencia Interamericana de Prensa Económica articles distributed
Agnew (Harold M.) miscellaneous papers
Agriculture subject collection
Ahlborn (Emil) letter
Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals records
Aikin (Wilford Merton) papers
Aikoku Fujinkai papers
Aitchison (Bruce) mimeograph
Ajami (Fouad) papers
Akademiia nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe otdeleniie miscellaneous records
Akaemov, Nikolai holograph
Akbar (Said Hyder) sound recordings
Akhmedov (F.) translation
Akintievskii (Konstantin Konstantinovich) memoirs
Akselrod (Yulia) papers
Alai Hussein writings
Albania newspaper collection
Albanian subject collection
Albano (Antonio) legal motion
Albert (Paul W.) letter
Albert (Steve) papers
Albertini (Georges) papers
Albertson (Earnest) papers
Albrecht (Frank M.) papers
Albrecht (Ralph G.) papers
Albrecht (Richard) papers
Aldrich (Mildred) letters
Aldrovandi Marescotti (Luigi) typescript
Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin subject collection
Aleksandra Iosifovna letters
Alekseev (Mikhail V.) papers
Alekseev (Vasilii Ivanovich) papers
Aleppo news-letter
Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, decree
Alexander (Yonah) papers
Alexandra (Mother) papers
Alexandra, Queen, consort of Edward VII, King of Great Britain photograph album
Alexandra Township collection
Alexeef (Victor V.) papers
Algerian subject collection
Alimanestianu (Dinu) papers
Alinsky (Jean Graham) papers
Alioto (Robert F.) miscellaneous papers
Alksnis (Arveds) statement
Allan (Edwin Chester) papers
Allderdice (Norman) collection
Allen (Barbara C.) papers
Allen (Benjamin S.) papers
Allen (Hollis P.) papers
Allen (Niel R.) papers
Allen (Richard V.) papers
Allen (Ronald) letter
Allen (Theophilus) letter
Alleva (Armando) photograph albums
Allgemeine Zeitung clippings
Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920) Inter-Allied Food Council records
Allied and Associated Powers Treaties
Allied Forces. South West Pacific Area. Allied Geographical Section printed material
Allied Forces. Supreme Headquarters. Psychological Warfare Division. Austrian Radio Section propaganda
Allied Forces. Supreme Headquarters. Psychological Warfare Division letter
Allison (Ernest M.) papers
Allman (Norwood F.) papers
Almond (Nina) and Ralph Haswell Lutz collection
Alsberg (Henry Garfield) typescript
Altengrabow (Germany : Prison Camp) newspaper issues
Alter (Arthur S.) collection
Altmeyer (Walter) papers
Altrocchi (Rudolph) papers
Alvarez Montalvan (Emilio) speeches
Amalrik (Andrei) lectures
America First Committee records
American Association for Higher Education records
American Children's Fund records
American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism processed volume
American Committee for the Encouragement of Democratic Government in Russia records
American Committee on United Europe records
American Committee to Keep Biafra Alive collection
American Council on Education records
American Educational Research Association records
American Emergency Committee for Tibetan Refugees records
American Forum for Global Education records
American Foundation miscellaneous records
American Friends Service Committee. Civilian Public Service records
American Friends Service Committee. Coal Relief Section records
American Institutes for Research reports
American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism records
American Law Institute. Committee to Encourage Discussion of Essential Human Rights. Statement of essential human rights mimeograph
American Library Association War Service records
American National Labor Party Platform mimeograph
American National Red Cross records
American pictorial collection
American Relief Administration European operational records
American Relief Administration Russian operational records
American Samoa interim legal code
American Slav Congress issuances
American Society for Russian Naval History collection
American songs of peace sound recording
American Spectator Educational Foundation records
American students organize : Founding the National Student Association after World War II : an anthology and sourcebook preview proofs
American Subject collection
American Volunteer Motor Ambulance Corps correspondence
America's town meeting of the air radio broadcast
Amerikas Latweetis newspaper articles
Ames (David W.) papers
Amis de la Pologne issuances
Amnesty International USA, Western Regional Office miscellaneous records
Amoedo (Julio) interviews
Amrein (Polly) letters
Amvrosii (Archimandrite) papers
Amy (Henry Joseph) papers
Anaya (S. James.) typescript
A.N.C. : V.I.P.'s of violence : video tape
Anders (Wladyslaw) collection
Anderson (Annelise G.) papers
Anderson (Charles G.) biographical writings
Anderson (Dillon) papers
Anderson (Edgar) miscellaneous papers
Anderson (Frederick L.) papers
Anderson (Jeannette) letters
Anderson (Martin) papers
Anderson (Ronald S.) papers
Anderson (Roy Scott) papers
Andersson (Kingsley) diaries
Anderthalb Jahre in einer Sowjet "Glawka" typescript
Andreev (I. M.) papers
Andreev (N. N.) letters
Andrew (A. Piatt) papers
Andreyev (Leonid) miscellaneous papers
Andreyev (Nikolay) papers
Andrushkevich (Nikolaĭ Aleksandrovich) writings
Aneks collection
Angell (Frank) papers
Angolan subject collection
Anichkov (Vladimir Petrovich) holograph
Annenkov (Boris Vladimirovich) orders
Annenkova (E. N.) diary
Anti-socialist activities in Great Britain typescript
Antonenko (V. P.)typescript
Antoniade (Constantin) letter
Antonov (O. K.) papers
Apollinariĭ (Archbishop) papers
Applebaum (Anne) collection
Applegarth (John S.) collection
Arabic newspaper collection
Arakchaa (Kara-kys Dongikovna) papers
Araki (Sadao) papers
Aras (Tevfik Rustu) typescript
Arbeiter-Zeitung (Vienna) newspaper issues
Arcelo (Adriano A.) processed volume
Archaia-Logvinov family papers
Architects and Planners in Support of Nicaragua records
Archives of the Soviet communist party and Soviet state microfilm collection: Russian State Archive of Contemporary History (Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv noveishei istorii - RGANI)
Archives of the Soviet communist party and Soviet state microfilm collection: Russian State Archives of Social and Political History (Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv sotsialno-politicheskoi istorii - RGASPI)
Archives of the Soviet communist party and Soviet state microfilm collection: State Archives of the Russian Federation (Gosudarstvennyĭ arkhiv Rossiĭskoĭ Federat͡sii - GARF)
Archiwum Wschodnie collection
Arday (Lajos) writings
Arevalo (Apolinar F. de) commission
Arey (James A.) papers
Argelander (Frank) memorandum
Argentina. Consulado General (Berlin) records
Argentina newspaper collection
Argentine subject collection
Argo (Arnold Clarence) papers
Ariadna (Mother) papers
Arima (Midori) papers
Arkhangel'skii (Aleksei Petrovich) papers
Arkus (Albert H.)
Arlon (Belgium) proclamations
Armenian subject collection
Armour (Lester) papers
Armstrong (Eunice Burton) papers
Armstrong (Hubert Coslet) papers
Armstrong (Winifred) papers
Army Industrial College memoranda
Army War College (United States) Historical Section miscellany
Arndt (Edward J. Arndt) phonorecord collection
Arnold (Julean H.) papers
Arnold memoranda
Arnold (Patricia Louise) typescript
Arnold (Ralph) typescript
Aroche Parra (Miguel) papers
Aron (Leon Rabinovich) papers
Aron (Raymond) papers
Arrigo (Jean Maria) Intelligence ethics collection
Arrowsmith (Robert) papers
Artemov (Stepan) papers
Artis (Edward A.) miscellany
Artists at the front portfolio
Arvidson (Richard A.) diary
Ascherl (Frank George) papers
Ashford (Douglas Elliott) papers
Ashizawa (Hirozumi) papers
Asia Foundation records
Asian pictorial collection
Asian subject collection
Asselstine (James K.) papers
Assistance Committee for the Democratic Opposition in Poland records
Associated News Service photographs
Association for Comparative Economic Studies records
Association of Russian-American Scholars in U.S.A. records
Association of Space Explorers records
Athanassopoulos (G. D.) letter
Atherton (John McDougal) papers
Atlantic Council of the United States records
Atlas Network records
Atwood (William G.) letter
Augusts (Gvido) collection
Ausky (Stanislav A.) collection
Austria newspaper collection
Austria (Territory under Allied Occupation, 1945-1955) records
Austrian subject collection
Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Ministerium des K. und K. Hauses und des Aussern dispatches
Autograph collection
Avisov (George) papers
Axelbank (Herman) motion picture film collection
Axentieff (N.) memorandum
Axford (W. Ian) collection
Ayau (Manuel F.) miscellaneous papers
Aymerich (Joseph Gauderique) holograph
Ayres (Leonard Porter) diary
Ayres (Paulo) typescript
Azerbaijani subject collection
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