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Special Collections, Getty Research Institute
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
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Collections with online items: 205
Physical collections: 497
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AC Martin Partners drawings and records on microfilm
ACHAC collection
Al Djazair and Tunis
Alary & Geiser Algerian Carte-de-visite Album
Alascheir (railway)
Album de vistas y costumbres
Album fotografico della Persia
Album of Mexican and French cartes-de-visite
Album Photographique: Amélie-les-Bains et Cambodge
Alloway (Lawrence) papers
Altounian-Lorbet Study Photographs of Sculpture and Decorative Arts
Antin (David) Papers
Antin (Eleanor) Papers
Arntz (Wilhelm) collection of rare exhibition catalogs and printed ephemera
Arntz (Wilhelm) Papers
Arthur Tooth & Sons stock inventories and accounts
Asher (Betty) Papers
Asprucci (Mario and Antonio) architectural drawings relating to the Villa Borghese in Rome and other Borghese commissions
Assorted Papers Relating to Bauhaus Designers
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Baird (Joseph Armstrong) collection
Baltz (Lewis) Archive
Baltz (Lewis) notebooks and ephemera
Banham (Reyner) Papers
Basset (Urbain) views of Angkor
Bauhaus student work
Bauhaus Typography Collection
Becket (MacDonald) Papers Documenting the Work of Wurdeman and Becket, Welton Becket and Associates and the Becket Group
Becket (Welton) Architectural Drawings and Photographs
Berckmans (Jean) Architectural drawings
Bienal Americana de Arte records
Bloch (E. Maurice) papers
Bo lan Zhonghua tu zhi albums
Boccioni (Umberto) papers
Bonnemaison (Joachim) collection
Bontempelli (Massimo) Papers
Born (Ernest) architectural drawings of medieval aisled timber halls
Brazilian cordel literature collection
Brehme (Hugo) Views of the Mexican Revolution
Breslin (James E. B.) Research Archive on Mark Rothko
Breton (André) drafts of publications and letters
Bridaham (Lester) Photographs and Papers Relating to Gargoyles
British Occupation of Kandahār Album, 1881
Brittin (Charles) Papers
Brown (Jean) papers
Bruce album of views of the Holy Land, Lebanon, Damascus, and Turkey
Buchanan (Nancy) papers
Butterfield (William) Architectural and design drawings
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C Project records
Callot (Jacques) Etchings
Cameron (Julia Margaret) Family Papers
Caricatures of Salons and Artists
Carlhian Records
Carte-de-visite album of Algeria
Cassas (Louis Fran
Cephas (Kassain) Views
Champier (Victor) Papers
Chappman (Edward Francis) photographs
CIAM Belgian Section records
Cities and Sites Glass Stereograph Collection
Cities and Sites Photograph Collection
Claire Copley Gallery Records
Clara Diament Sujo Papers
Clark (Anthony M.) papers
Cointet (Guy de) audiovisual material and storyboards
Coop Himmelblau architectural models & drawings for five projects
Cooper (Douglas) papers
Copley (William and Noma) foundation and collection records
Coracle Press Records
Cornell (Joseph) Letters to Susanna De Maria Wilson and other papers
Corot (Jean-Baptiste-Camille) Letters
Corris (Michael) Papers of the Art & Language New York Group
Courthion (Pierre) Papers
Cruces y Campa Mexican carte-de-visite album
Curtis (Edward S.) papers
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DDR Collections
De Herrera (Gloria) Papers
De Hooghe (Romeyn) Etchings
Della Bella (Stefano) Etchings
Desmond (Lawrence) Mesoamerican Archive and Research Project (MARP) Photographs
Desmond (Lawrence) Papers
Dichter (Gretl) photographs and personal papers
Dieterle Family Records of French Art Galleries
Donati (Enrico) Letters received and manuscripts
Drinkwater (Harry) Photographs
Duits Ltd. (Gallery: London, England) Records
Durlacher Bros. records
Duveen Brothers Records
Duveen Brothers stock documentation from the dealer's library
Dwan Gallery Publications and Ephemera, 1960-1971
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Eagle (Arnold) Papers and Films Related to Hans Richter
Eckstein (Hans) Research Files
Eisenman (Peter) Architectural drawings for House VI
Eisenman (Peter) Architectural Drawings for House VI
Ellin (Everett) papers
Erenberg (Sam) Papers
Evans (James) Mail Art Collection
Experiments in Art and Technology Los Angeles Records
Experiments in Art and Technology Records
Exposición Universal Barcelona 1888
Exposition Universelle de Paris 1867 Album
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F. Weber and Co. Records
Fassio (Juan) pataphysique collection
Feinblatt (Ebria) Research Papers
Fellows (Charles) Correspondence
Feminist Art Workers records
Ferrez (Gilberto) collection
Finlay (Ian Hamilton) Papers
Fischer (Ernst O.E.) Collection of Max Ernst Prints
Fisher (Robert) Collection of Views of Europe
Fitchen (John) Papers
Folgore (Luciano) Papers
Ford (Charles Henri) Papers
Fotocelere Coloniale, Asmara and the roads of Eritrea
Francis (Sam) Papers
Frank Brothers Records
Fredericks (Claude) Banyan Press archive
Fredericks (Claude) journal and letters
Fredericks (Claude) papers
French and Company Records
French and Company Stock sheets and ledgers
Freuler (D.), Holyrood, 124, avenue de Wagram, Paris
Friedman (Yona) Papers
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G. Cramer Oude Kunst Gallery Records
Galerie Bonnier Records of the Svensk-Franska Konstgalleriet (Stockholm, Sweden) and the Galerie Bonnier
Galerie Paul Maenz Koln Records
Galerie Schmela Records
Galleriea dell'Ariete Records
Gallis (Michael Alexander) papers
Geissler (Heinrich) Papers
Gelder (J. G. van [Jan Gerrit]) Papers
Gentili - Barnabei archive
Georgescu (Haralamb H.) Papers
Gere (John) Research papers and photographs regarding Italian Old Master drawings
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Ancient Architectural Sculpture
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Ancient Architecture
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Ancient Coins
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Ancient Inscriptions
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Ancient Minot Arts Objects
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Ancient Mosaics
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Ancient Mural Painting
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Ancient Portrait Sculpture
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Ancient Relief Sculpture
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Ancient Sarcophagi
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Ancient Vases
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Belgian paintings and drawings
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Flemish paintings and drawings (post-1600, pre-1800)
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Medieval Sculpture
Getty Research Institute Study Photographs of Museum Displays of Ancient Art
Getty Research Institute Study Phototgraphs of Ancient Sculpture in the Round
Gigord (Pierre de) Collection of Photographs of the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey
Gjerstad (Einar) Research Papers
Glicksman (Hal) Papers
Goldberg (Donald) Collection of French Caricature
Goldscheider (Ludwig) Papers
Gomez-Correa (Enrique) Papers
Grabar (Oleg) Papers
Gray (Eileen) Architectural Drawings
Greenberg (Clement) Papers
Guerrilla Girls Records
Gutiérrez (Tonatiúh and Electra) collection of maps and images of the Americas
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Hadid (Zaha) Drawings and slides for "The Great Utopia" Exhibition, 1992
Hall (Manly Palmer) Collection of alchemical manuscripts
Hammersley (Frederick) sketchbooks, notes, prints, and working materials
Hassinger (Maren) papers
Hausmann (Raoul) Correspondence
Heim Gallery records
Heinecken (Robert) Materials, Getty Research Institute collection
Held (Julius S.) Papers
Hemmerdinger (William) papers, 1871, 1941-2007
Herms (George) Papers
Hervé (Lucien) photographs of architecture and artworks by Le Corbusier
Higgins (Dick) Papers
High Performance Magazine Records
Hildebrandt (Hans and Lily) papers
Hines (Thomas S.) Interviews Regarding Richard J. Neutra
Hinkefuss (Carl Ernst) Papers
Hoffman (Malvina) Papers
Hofman (Vlastislav) Papers and Drawings
Hopkins (Henry) Papers
Horn (Walter) papers
Huelsenbeck (Richard) Papers
Huidobro (Vicente) Papers
Hutzel (Max) Photographs of Art and Architecture in Italy
Huxtable (Ada Louise) papers, 1859-2013 (bulk 1954-2012)
Huxtable (L. Garth) papers
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Images from Tahiti
Indian portrait album
Ingholt (Harald) papers relating to Gandharan art, 1897-1985 (bulk 1954-1978)
International Design Conference in Aspen Records
Internationale Situationniste Emphemera
Interviews with art historians
Irwin (Robert) Papers
Isabelle (Charles-Edouard) Drawings of Ancient Sites in Italy
Israel (Franklin D.) Papers
Italian theater prints
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Jan Baum Gallery Records
Jastrow (Elisabeth) papers
Joanie 4 Jackie videos and records
Johnson (Philip) Architectural Projects
Johnson (Philip) papers
Josef Franz Maria Hoffmann papers
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Kandinsky (Wassily) Papers
Kappe (Ray) Papers
Kaprow (Allan) Papers
Karras (Maria) collection of Woman's Building papers and photographs
Kasmin Limited Records
Keller (Harald) Papers
Åkerström (Åke) Papers
Khudaibergen (Divanov), Views and people of Khiva
Kipper Kids records
Kitchen videos and records, The
Kitzinger (Ernst) Papers
Kleinschmidt (Hans J.) Research Files
Knoedler & Co. artist files
Knoedler Kasmin Limited Records
Koch & Wilz, Panoramas of Paris
Koenig (Pierre) papers
Komor (Mathias) Photographic Archive
Kopelman (Gabrielle) Papers
Krisel (William) Papers
Kurtz (Charles M.) Archive
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L.A. Artists for Survival records relating to Target L.A.
Laemmle Gallery photographs documenting the Laemmle art business, Munich and Los Angeles, 1894-1993
Lamelas (David) Papers
Lang (Lothar) Collection
Lanman (Charles) Papers
L'Architecture lettriste collection
Lautner (John) Papers
Le Pautre (Jean) Etchings
Le Plongeon (Augustus and Alice Dixon) Papers
Le Plongeon (Augustus and Alice Dixon) Photographs
Lechter (Melchior) Papers
Lemasson (Henri) Views of Tahiti and Moorea
Letter and papers of British artists
Letters of British architects
Letters of British art patrons, collectors, and dealers
Letters of British authors
Letters of British dignitaries and professionals
Lettrism Papers
Lettrist Movement Papers
Liberman (Alexander) papers
Liberman (Alexander) Photography Archive
Libeskind (Daniel) Papers
Lihn (Enrique) Papers
Lissitzky (El) letters and photographs
Long Beach Museum of Art Video Archive
Lorant (Stefan) collection
Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery video collection
Lubliner (Malcolm) Photographs of the Los Angeles Art Scene
Lunn (Harry) Papers
Lyman (Frederic) Papers
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M. Knoedler & Co. records
Macpherson's Vatican Sculptures
Magyar Jubileumi Album
Mahoney (Tom) Research Materials
Maigné (Léopold) Monuments remarquables de Tlemcen XI, XII, XIII siècles
Man Ray Letters and Album
Mapplethorpe (Robert) papers
Maps of Paris collection
Maps of Vienna
Margo Leavin Gallery records
Marinetti (F. T. and Benedetta Cappa) papers
Marinetti (Filippo Tommaso) correspondence and papers
Marinetti (Filippo Tommaso) Student Notebooks and Other Papers
Martinique: vues & types
Materials Relating to the Building of a Bridge at Bergerac
Maunoury (Eugène ) album
Maximilien-Étienne-Émile Barry, Mission scientifique de Mr. Ernest Chantre
McElroy (Robert R.) Photographs of Happenings and Early Performance Art
McMillan (Jerry) photographs of the Los Angeles art scene in the 1960s and 1970s
Mendelsohn (Erich and Luise) Papers
Mesens (E. L. T.) papers
Messe en Bretagne (Mass in Brittany)
Metropolitan Dade County, Florida architectural proposals
Meulen (Jan van der) Photographs of Chartres Cathedral
Mexican carte-de-visite Portrait Album from the era of Maximilian and Napoleon III
Mexican religious engravings collection
Mühl (Otto) papers, circa 1918-circa 1997
Michel de Maynard lantern slides of early twentieth-century China
Michelson (Annette) papers, 1861-2014 (bulk 1969-2002)
Middeldorf (Ulrich Alexander) Papers
Middeldorf (Ulrich Alexander) study photographs of sculpture and minor arts
Middeldorf (Ulrich Alexander) study photographs of sculpture and minor arts
Middle Eastern and North African Portraits
Middle Eastern and North African Views and Portraits
Minimal and Conceptual Art Documents
Mizuno Gallery Records, 1955-2005, bulk 1966-1988
MOD-X Building System Records
Moro (César) Papers
Mother Art records
Moulin, Algérie album
Moulin (Félix) photographs of Algerians
Moulin (Félix) Views of Algeria
Mourey (Gabriel) Letters received
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Nadar (Paul), photograph album of Turkestan
Nadel (Leonard) Photographs and other material relating to housing and urban redevelopment in Los Angeles
Nekes Collection of Optical Devices, Prints, and Games
Nemser (Cindy) Papers
Neuerburg (Norman) papers regarding Getty Villa design and construction
New York World Fair 1940
Newhall (Beaumont and Nancy) Papers
Nineteenth century French artists' letters and other papers
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Oakeshott (Walter Fraser) Papers
Ochoa (Horacio) photographs
Ohff (Heinz) Collection of Wolf Vostell Papers
Oldeberg (Andreas) papers
Olds. H. G., Views of Buenos Aires
Olschki (Leonardo) Papers
Oppenheim (Felix Alexander), Photographies d'Athènes
Orr (Eric) documentary photographs and papers
Orth (Myra Dickman) research papers
Osbert Chadwick album
Otto Wittmann papers relating to the Art Looting Investigation Unit of the United States Office of Strategic Services
Outerbridge (Paul) Papers
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Palanti (Mario) architectural records, Montevideo, Uruguay
Panunzi (Benito), Fotografia Artistica
Panza (Giuseppe) Papers
Patricia Faure Gallery Records
Payne (Oskar Birkett) views of China
Payro (Julio) Letters received
Pearlman (Judith) interviews with Bauhaus masters and students
Pecci-Blunt (Anna Laetitia) collection of maps of Rome
Pecci-Blunt (Anna Laetitia) Print Collection of Views of Rome
Petronio (Arthur) Papers
Pettoruti (Emilio) Letters to Julio Payr
Pevsner (Nikolaus) Miscellaneous Papers
Pevsner (Nikolaus) Papers
Photograph Album of Canton
Photograph albums of Indochina
Photographic album of Rangoon
Photographs of the Middle East and North Africa
Photographs of Twentieth-Century Artists, Exhibitions, Installations, and Studio Views
Pillement (Jean) Etchings
Piper (David) Papers Relating to British Museums and Art Institutions
Pélissier (George) Photographs and Papers
Poona Plague Pictures
Pope-Hennessy (John) Papers
Porter (Arthur Kingsley) Study Photographs of Romanesque Architecture and Sculpture
Porter (Bern) Mail Art Collection
Portier (Claude Joseph) Algérie
Portier (Claude-Joseph), Algérie pittoresque
Portraits of a British merchant family in Brazil
Portraits of Performers
Portraits of Peruvians
Posada (Jose Guadalupe) Prints
Potteau (Jacques-Philippe) Collection anthropologique
Potteau (Jacques-Philippe) Portraits of Algerian Soldiers
Poupard-Lieussou (Yves) Correspondence and Collected Papers on Dada and Surrealism
Prat (G.) Photograph Album of China and Japan
Pratt (Henry Marsh) Album
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Qajar (Abdullah Mizra) album of Iran
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Raffaëlli (Jean-François) papers, 1870-1929
Rahon (Alice) papers
Rainer (Yvonne) Papers
Raphael (Max) Papers
Reichardt (Jasia) Archive of Concrete and Sound Poetry
Reichardt (Jasia) Correspondence
Reis (Bernard and Rebecca) papers
Renger-Patzsch (Albert) papers
Repton (Humphry) architectural and landscape designs, 1807-1913
Research Institute Study Photographs of Netherlandish paintings and drawings
Rey (E. G.), Photographs of Syria and the coastal regions of the Levant
Richards (Mary Caroline) papers
Roh (Franz) Papers
Rolf Nelson Gallery Records
Rose (Barbara) papers
Rosenberg (Harold) Papers
Rossi (Aldo) Papers, 1943-1999
Roszak (Theodore) Papers
Roth (Elizabeth) Research Papers on Festivals
Rousselet (Louis) photographs
Rudofsky (Bernard) Papers
Ruhlmann (Émile-Jacques) Drawings and Papers
Ruscha (Edward) Photographs
Ruscha (Edward) Photographs
Rusicade: théâtre romain, Philippeville
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Salerno (Luigi) Research Papers
Sandler (Irving) Papers
Sauvaire (Henri Joseph) Photographs
Sébah (Pascal ) Views of Bursa
Sébah (Pascal), People of the Ottoman Empire
Schaeffer Galleries Records
Schardt (Alois) Papers and Photographs, 1917-1983, undated, bulk 1917-1956
Schmidt (Bill) collection of Frank Lloyd Wright printed material
Schneemann (Carolee) Papers
Schneider (Karl) Papers
Schuitema (Paul) Graphic Designs
Schwarz (Heinrich) Papers
Scowen & Co. Views of Sri Lankan Archaeological Sites
Semper (Gottfried) and Carl von Hasenauer, Dekorationsdepot für die k.k. Hoftheater
Sevruguin (Antoin) photographs
Shulman (Julius) Photography Archive
Shulman (Julius) Photography Archive: Series IV. Job files
Shunk (Harry) and Shunk-Kender photographs, 1957-1990s, undated
Signac (Paul) Letters and Signac Family Correspondence
Simms (Dr. Richard A.) collection of prints and drawings by Käthe Kollwitz and other artists
Simon (Michael and Carol) collection of Hungarian photography
Siqueiros (David Alfaro) Papers
Sisters of Survival records
Sleigh (Sylvia) Papers
Smith (Barbara T.) Coffin series and related material, 1966-1967
Smith (Barbara T.) papers
Smith (Harry) papers
Soby (James Thrall) Papers
Society of Dilettanti drawings, prints, and letters
Souvenir d'Algérie
Souvenir du Sahara, 1901-1904
Souvenir of Java
Soviet Photographs from 1918
Spain and Belgium travel album
Spark (Clare) Interviews with Artists, Curators, and Intellectuals
Starr (Sandra Leonard) Papers
Starving Artists' Cookbook records
Steinberg (Leo) Research Papers
Steindl (Josef) Furniture Design
Stendahl Art Galleries records
Stephen White Gallery of Photography records
Stoerchle (Wolfgang) Papers
Stollman (Israel) collection
Stone (George E.) photographs of architecture, fine arts and decorative arts
Suhr (William) Papers
Sutnar (Ladislav) papers, Getty Research Institute collection
Swann (Wim) photograph collection
Szeemann (Harald) artist files
Szeemann (Harald) Papers
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Terpak (Frances) Photographs of Romanesque Architecture and Sculpture in Southern France and Northern Spain
Teske (Edmund) papers
Thing Quarterly, The
Thomson (David Croal) Papers
Torres-Garcia (Joaquin) Papers
Tour in Algeria
Tschichold (Jan and Edith) Papers
Tuchman (Maurice) papers
Tuchman (Phyllis) Interviews with Artists
Tucker (Marcia) Papers
Tudor (David) papers
Tunisie et Tripolitaine
Turnbull (Betty) interviews with Southern California artists and related ephemera
Turpin (Georges) Journals and Letters
Tzara (Tristan) manuscripts from the collection of René Gaffé
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Valancay (Robert) correspondence
Valença (Francisco) papers
Vander Poel (Halsted) Campanian collection
Varias fotografias
Varnedoe (Kirk) Papers
Ver Heyden de Lancey (Cornelius) collection of French letters and documents by painters, sculptors, architects, and printmakers
Views and Peoples of Algeria
Views and scenes of China
Views from the Iltis in China
Views of Algeria
Views of Algeria
Views of Algeria and Algerians
Views of Asia Minor
Views of Belém, Brazil
Views of Cambodian monuments
Views of Chile
Views of Chile and Peru
Views of Greece, Egypt and Constantinople
Views of India
Views of India
Views of India album
Views of Korea and Japan
Views of Madagascar
Views of Mexico during the French intervention
Views of Naples and Pompeii
Views of Shanghai, Canton, and Peking
Views of Southeast Asia
Views of the Belgian Congo album
Views of the Caribbean
Views of the railroad from Saigon to Mỹ Tho
Views on the Isthmus
Vignes (Louis) Views and Panoramas
Vizetelly and Company letters and documents
VKhUTEMAS Collection
Vollard (Ambroise) Miscellaneous papers regarding
Vues d'Algérie prises au daguerréotype
Vues de Phénicie, de Judée, des pays de Moab et de Petra: photographiées par M. Vignes Lieutenant de Vaisseau pendant son voyage, en 1864, avec le duc de Luynes de Beyrouth á la Mer Rouge et son retour avec M. Lartet de Jérusalem á Damas par la Rive Gauche du Jourdain
Vues et photographies France, étranger
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Wagner (Otto) Correspondence
Wagstaff (Samuel) Papers
The Waitresses records
Waterhouse (Ellis Kirkham) notebooks and research files
Watts (Robert) papers
Weltausstellung in Wien 1873
Westphalen (Emilio Adolfo) papers regarding surrealism in Latin America
Wijdeveld (H. Th.) graphic and architectural designs
Wilder (Nicholas) Gallery records
Willan (Anne) Papers
Williamson (Colin) collection
With (Karl) Papers
Woman's Building records
Worswick (Clark) Collection of Photographs of China and Southeast Asia
Wright (Frank Lloyd) Correspondence with R. M. Schindler
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Zwart (Piet) Views of Manufacturing and Architecture
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