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Frank Mt. Pleasant Library of Special Collections and Archives, Center for American War Letters Archives, Chapman University
One University Drive
Orange, California 92866
Phone: (714) 532-7716
Email: aharman@chapman.edu
Collections with online items: 54
Physical collections: 542
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Accurso, Joseph M. (Second World War correspondence)
Adams, Charles C. (First World War correspondence)
Adams, Clarence J. (Second World War correspondence)
Adams, Noel (Second World War correspondence)
Adams, Ruth A. (Second World War correspondence collection)
Adler, Irving (Second World War correspondence)
Alder, J. Merle (Korean War correspondence)
Alderman, Roland W. (Second World War correspondence)
Alford, Ivan Robert (Second World War correspondence)
Allen, Theresa (Gulf War correspondence)
Allen [unknown last name] (First World War correspondence)
Anderson, Thomas F. (Second World War correspondence)
Armed Services Editions (Second World War book collection)
Armor, Roberta (Second World War correspondence)
Arnold, Ruth B. Post (Second World War correspondence)
Asher, Lila Oliver (Second World War correspondence, art, and realia)
Ashley, Whitman G. (First World War correspondence)
Austin, Hiram (Civil War correspondence)
Austin, James B. (First World War death notification and papers)
Ayers, Anthony (Vietnam War correspondence)
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Babbitt, Theodore (Second World War correspondence)
Baggett, Jay L. (Second World War correspondence)
Bagley, Ellis J. (Tuskegee Airmen Second World War correspondence)
Balk, Joseph (Second World War correspondence)
Barone, Anthony A. (Second World War correspondence)
Barto, Bette J. (correspondence)
Barton, Caleb S. (Civil War correspondence)
Batchelor, Elwyn (Korean War correspondence)
Bayerl, Joseph P. (Second World War correspondence)
Bealmear, Beverly B. (First World War correspondence)
Becker, Charles S. (postcards)
Becker, Maurice Edwin (Second World War correspondence)
Bedell, Charles T. (Second World War correspondence)
Bee, Laun (First World War correspondence)
Bell, Jack P. (Second World War correspondence)
Bender, Kermit Washington (Post-Second World War correspondence)
Benedict, Allen (First World War correspondence)
Benson, Vester A. (First World War correspondence)
Berger, Harry A. (Second World War correspondence)
Berry, Charles C. (Civil War correspondence)
Biddle, David B. (Second World War correspondence)
Biehler, Robert L. and Beulah M. (Second World War correspondence)
Bifulco, Michele (Second World War correspondence)
Bike, Frank J. (Second World War correspondence)
Blackburn, Jeanne (Second World War correspondence)
Blaser, Walter (Second World War correspondence)
Blazo, Erza G. (Civil War correspondence and photographs)
Bleyer, William (First World War correspondence collection)
Boadway, Walter and Betty (First World War correspondence)
Bob [unknown last name] (Second World War correspondence)
Boewe, Charles E. (Second World War correspondence)
Bogdan, Debbie (Gulf War correspondence)
Bolner, Merrill H. (Second World War correspondence collection)
Boober, Wynona L. (Second World War correspondence)
The Book Shop war correspondence
"Boom" (Second World War correspondence)
Booth, Donald (Korean War correspondence)
Borigana, Adolph and John J. Mendonca (Second World War photographs, documents, and memorabilia)
Borkowski, Stanislaus (First World War correspondence)
Bowers, Leo C. (Second World War and Korean War correspondence)
Boyden, Allen M. (Second World War correspondence)
Brace, Robert L. (Korean War correspondence)
Bradley, Vincent R. (Second World War correspondence)
Bradt, Roy Albert (First World War correspondence)
Brandt, Warren L. (Second World War correspondence)
Brasted, Austin A. (Civil War correspondence and other materials)
Briese, Raymond J. (Second World War correspondence)
Brown, George F. (Second World War correspondence and photographs)
Bryant, Charles T. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Bucior, Frank T. (Second World War correspondence and other materials)
Burch, Angelus T. (First World War correspondence)
Burdick, George and Paul Faulkner (Civil War diaries and First World War correspondence)
Burgan, Cassie (Civil War correspondence)
Burgemeister, Richard W. (Philippine American War Era correspondence)
Burgman, O.V. "Jack" (Second World War correspondence)
Burton, Tina (Vietnam War correspondence)
Bush, Clinton M. (First World War uniform and photographs)
Butler, Hope O. and Jonathan G. Second World War correspondence
Butler, John A. (First and Second World Wars correspondence, photographs and other materials)
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Cadieux, Eugene R. (Second World War correspondence)
Caldart, Roger John (Second World War poetry)
Calkins, Norris K. (Second World War correspondence)
Campbell, Keith B. (Philippine-American War clippings collection)
Carey, Joseph (Second World War correspondence)
Carroll, Andrew (Second World War newspapers)
Carroll, Roger L. (Second World War correspondence, photographs and other materials
Carter, John (unknown American soldier First World War correspondence collection)
Carver, Robert Orville (First World War correspondence)
Castagna, Louis E. (Second World War correspondence)
Center, Tom L. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Chaney, Samuel H. (Civil War correspondence)
Chinn, John A. (Second World War correspondence)
Churda, James H. (Second World War correspondence)
Cisney, Ronald E. (Korean War correspondence)
Claassen, Herbert L. (Second World War correspondence)
Clarence [unknown last name] (First World War correspondence)
Clark Family (Second World War correspondence)
Clark, Vincent Myers (Second World War correspondence)
Clay, William Graves (First World War correspondence)
Clazie Family (Second World War correspondence)
Cleage, Earl B. (First World War collection)
Cleenput Brothers (Second World War correspondence)
Clendenen, Clemens L. (Civil War correspondence)
Cochran, Willard M.(Spanish-American War correspondence)
Coffill, George B. (Second World War correspondence)
Colby, George (Second World War correspondence)
Connor, W.B. (First World War correspondence and photographs)
Conover, Ebenezer (Civil War correspondence)
Constantine, D.F. (Second World War correspondence)
Cook, Kieth L. (Second World War correspondence)
Cornwell, J Wilbur (Second World War correspondence, photographs, documents, and uniform)
Coryell, Joseph (Civil War correspondence)
Cotter Family (Vietnam War correspondence)
Coyle, John W. Jr. (Second World War correspondence)
Culbert, Elmo (First World War correspondence)
Culpepper, Capos C. (Second World War correspondence books)
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D'Ambrosio, Beverly (Afghanistan and Iraq War correspondence)
Dashevsky, Sidney (Second World War correspondence)
Davidson, Wes (Second World War correspondence)
Dean, Jennette (Spanish-American War correspondence)
DeHaan, Joseph (Korean War correspondence)
Deihl, Martha and Allen (Second World War correspondence)
DeKorn, Philip E. (Second World War correspondence and personal narrative)
Desiderio, Reginald B. (Korean War correspondence)
DeVault, Franz (Second World War correspondence)
Dever, Joseph F. (Second World War correspondence)
Diedrich, Wesley F. (First World War correspondence)
Dietrich, Daniel (Vietnam War correspondence)
Dillon, Albert W. (Second World War papers, photographs, and correspondence)
Disbennett, Marion T. (Second World War correspondence)
Dolcater, John Stewart (Second World War correspondence)
Dolgiela, Anthony E. (Second World War correspondence)
Donovan, Joe (Second World War correspondence)
Doole, James E., Jr. (Second World War correspondence)
Dooley, Fred L. (Second World War correspondence)
Doolittle, Richard N. (Second World War correspondence)
Douglas, Nathaniel E. (Civil War correspondence)
Drake, Donald E. (Second World War correspondence)
Duckworth, Kenneth B. (First World War correspondence)
Dunbar, James A. (Second World War correspondence)
Dunnigan, Daniel Ambrose (Second World War correspondence)
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"Earl" (First World War correspondence)
Earley, Charles W. (First World War correspondence)
Easterbrook, Robert S. (Second World War correspondence)
Ebersole, Robert P. (Second World War correspondence)
Ebner, David (Second World War correspondence)
Ecton, Harry L. (Vietnam War correspondence and photographs)
Edwards, Christine (Afghanistan War correspondence)
Eggeling, Charles (First World War correspondence)
Eigen, Daryl (Vietnam War correspondence)
Eoff, Clyde D. (First World War correspondence)
Erickson, David T.D. (Vietnam War correspondence and other materials)
Erickson, Jim (New York Times mid-week pictorials)
Estes, Arthur J. (Second World War, Korean War, and Vietnam War correspondence and photographic slides)
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Fages, Stephen B. (Second World War correspondence, photographs, clippings, and other materials)
Failes, Horace (Civil War correspondence)
Farmer, Malcolm F. (Second World War correspondence)
Fee, Dwight (First World War correspondence)
Fee, William (Second World War correspondence)
Feldman, Jacob L. (First World War correspondence)
Fernandez, Manuel (Second World War correspondence)
Ferrando (Vincent) Vietnam War Correspondence
Fincher, Robert B. (Second World War correspondence)
Finlay, Edward G. (First World War correspondence)
Fish, Ruth (Second World War correspondence)
Fitzgerald, Mary G. (Second World War and Korean War correspondence)
Fogelson, Jules (First World War postcards)
Foster, Blanche (Second World War correspondence)
Foutch, Argyle W. (Cold War correspondence and military documents)
Frank, Martin L. (First World War correspondence and other materials)
Franklin, Mack E. (First World War correspondence)
Fransen, David Clark (Second World War coconut letter)
Freed, Anna and Ernest G. (Second World War correspondence)
Freienmuth, Ernst E. (First World War correspondence)
Frick, Edwin G. (First World War correspondence)
Friedman, David (First World War correspondence)
Friesz Brothers (Second World War and Korean War correspondence and clippings)
Fugate, Robert Benjamin (Second World War correspondence)
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Garren, William (First World War correspondence)
Gehring, Edward Donald (Second World War correspondence)
George [last name unknown] (Second World War correspondence)
Gibson, Dayle E. (Second World War correspondence)
Gifford, Charles C. (First World War correspondence)
Gill, Harry S. (First World War papers)
Gilliam, E. (First World War correspondence)
Gilmore, Jeffrey A., Jr. (Iraq War correspondence)
Glab, Francis (Civil War correspondence)
Glickman, Harold J. (Second World War correspondence)
Golino, Loretta (Second World War correspondence)
Gordon, Claude McCoy, Jr. (Second World War correspondence)
Gordon, Robert and family (Second World War and post-war correspondence)
Gott, William O. (Civil War correspondence)
Granville, Joseph D. (Second World War correspondence)
Greagan, J.J. (First World War postcard)
Greechan, Francis J. (post-Second World War and Korean War correspondence)
Green, James R. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Greendorfer, Bernard Stein (Second World War correspondence)
Grey, John P. (Second World War correspondence)
Grigsby, Brandon J. (Iraq War correspondence)
Gritton, Kenneth L. (Second World War correspondence)
Groves, Marie Bernadette (First World War correspondence)
Guerrero, Kelly (Second World War correspondence)
Guscetti, Frank J. (Philippine-American War correspondence)
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H. Johnson (Civil War correspondence)
Haeger, Philip C. (Second World War correspondence)
Hagerty, William F. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Haley, Willard Ray (Second World War photo album and scrapbook)
Hall, George (Second World War correspondence)
Hall, Norman J. Post (First World War correspondence)
Haller, Roger W. (Iraq War correspondence)
Hamas, Alex (Second World War correspondence)
Hamilton, Don O. (First World War postcard)
Hand, Charles L. (First World War militaria collection)
Hanni, Robert D. Jr. (Second World War correspondence)
Hannon, Thomas G. (Korean War correspondence)
Harbison, Lewis D. (First World War correspondence)
Hardy, William (Civil War correspondence)
Harker, William S. (Second World War correspondence)
Harlstorm, Richard (Civil War book of psalms)
Harris, Robert (Vietnam War correspondence)
Hart, Thompson T. (Civil War correspondence and diary)
Hartman, Hagar (Second World War correspondence)
Haumann, Paula and Edward (Afghanistan and Iraq Wars correspondence)
Havel, Thomas E. (Second World War correspondence)
Heinton, Elmer E. (First World War correspondence)
Hepburn family (Second World War correspondence)
Herrington Family (Civil War correspondence)
Highland, Roger B. (Second World War correspondence)
Himes, Daniel A. (Persian Gulf War correspondence)
Hoffman, Howard (Second World War correspondence)
Hoffman, Ruth (Second World War correspondence)
Homa, John (Second World War correspondence)
Hood, Richard W. (Second World War poetry)
Hood, William B. (Second World War correspondence)
Hoppen, Stanley K. (Second World War correspondence)
Hornberger, Dorothy (First World War correspondence)
Horner, Henry H. (First World War correspondence)
Houck, Lawrence Emanuel (Vietnam War correspondence)
Howard, Edgar R. and Virginia Phillips (Second World War correspondence)
Hubert, Veronica and Leo (Second World War scrapbook)
Hubly, Marie (Second World War correspondence)
Huelsmann, David (Vietnam War correspondence)
Huff, Elmer L. (First World War correspondence)
Hull, Joseph E. (Spanish-American War correspondence)
Humphreville, Bruce T. (Second World War correspondence)
Hunt Family (Civil War correspondence)
Hurndall, John P. (Second World War collection)
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Ingham, Wayland P. (First World War correspondence)
Ingram, Lucy A. (Second World War correspondence)
Irwin, Floyd A. (Second World War correspondence and Arthur Thompson artwork)
Isely, Frederick (Civil War correspondence)
Isenburg, Thomas F. (Vietnam War correspondence)
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Jankovsky, George (Second World War correspondence)
Jeremiah, William R. (Second World War correspondence)
Johns Family (Second World War correspondence)
Johnson, Bill E. (post-Second World War correspondence)
Johnson, Elizabeth (First World War correspondence)
Johnson, Gail (Vietnam War correspondence)
Johnson, Martha (Second World War correspondence and photographs)
Johnson, Paul S. (First World War correspondence)
Joslin Family (First World War correspondence)
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Kadrmas, John C. (Second World War correspondence)
Kamprath, Eugene J. (Korean War correspondence)
"Katy" (Second World War correspondence)
Kearney, Louis E. (Second World War correspondence)
Keeler, Walter (Second World War correspondence)
Keenen, David U. (Second World War correspondence)
Kelley, A. John F. (Interwar and Second World War personal accounts, photographs and documents)
Kelley, James A. (Second World War correspondence)
Kelly, Edward T., Jr. (Second World War correspondence)
Kennedy, Henry A. Sr. (Second World War correspondence)
Kerns, Ralph W. (Second World War photograph scrapbooks and correspondence)
Kersteter, Simon B. (Civil War correspondence)
Kinder, Richard C. (Second World War correspondence)
Knerem, Ralph E. (Vietnam War toilet paper letters)
Knowles, Russell, Jr. (Cold War correspondence)
Koerper, Victor E. (Second World War booklet)
Koester, Alvin W. and Don Engel (Second World War correspondence)
Kotok, Jack B. (Second World War correspondence)
Kowal, Harry E. (Second World War journal and photographs)
Kozloff, Benjamin B. (Second World War correspondence)
Kozlowski, Walter A. (Second World War correspondence)
Kravik, Leon B. (Second World War correspondence)
Krebes, Anthony P. (Second World War correspondence)
Kress, Frank (First World War correspondence)
Krum, Herman N. (First World War correspondence)
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LaForest, John (First World War correspondence)
Larkin, James Hopkins (Civil War clipping)
Lasswell William Weston (Second World War correspondence)
Lathrap, Philip A. (Second World War correspondence)
Lauderdale, Pauline and Dorothy Labardini (Second World War correspondence)
Leblanc, Albert J. (Second World War correspondence and photograph)
Lee, William Harold (Second World War correspondence)
Lenhardt, Edward J. (Second World War correspondence)
Lenney, Fred L. Jr. (Second World War correspondence)
LeNoir, William A. (Second World War correspondence)
Lepera, Ernest O. (Second World War correspondence)
Levy (Lester B.) Second World War Correspondence
Levy, Lester B. (Second World War correspondence)
Lindsay, John N. (Philippine-American War correspondence)
Lindsley, William D. (Post-Civil War correspondence)
Lindstadt brothers (First World War correspondence)
Lobdell, Ray Claude (Second World War correspondence)
Lohnes, Forrest W. (Second World War correspondence)
"Lonesome Hubby" (First World War correspondence)
Long, Joe (scrapbook)
Louis B. Hager (First World War and various authors Second World War correspondence)
Lungren, Calvin C. (Second World War correspondence)
Lyerly, Mary Rook (Second World War correspondence)
Lykins, Alice (First World War correspondence)
Lyle, Harold J., Jr. (Cold War correspondence)
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Macurda, Neal (Second World War correspondence and family papers collection)
Malbrain, John P. (Second World War correspondence)
Manley, John K. (Second World War correspondence)
"Mansfield Cousins" (Second World War correspondence and photographs)
Mantuano, Tony (Second World War correspondence and clippings)
Marcellus, Edward R. (First World War correspondence)
Marder, Murrey (Second World War personal narratives)
Marshall, James D. (Civil War correspondence)
Masters, Romney W. (Second World War manuscript)
McCormick, Howard E. (Second World War and Cold War correspondence)
McFadden, Lee (First World War correspondence and photographs)
McFarland, Annie (Civil War correspondence)
McGinley, Dale M. (Vietnam War correspondence)
McIntyre, William M. (Second World War correspondence)
McKay, Chester (First World War correspondence)
McKie, James T. (Korean War correspondence)
McMurry, Cloyd C. (Second World War correspondence and other materials)
McNutt, James N. (Second World War correspondence)
McQuade Family (First World War correspondence)
McVay, Robert H. (Second World War correspondence)
Mendelsohn, M.J. (Second World War correspondence)
Menking, Stewart (Iraq War correspondence and memorabilia)
Mensch, Walter B. (Second World War correspondence and other correspondence)
Mertz, John G. (Civil War unit history)
Meza, Henry R. (Second World War correspondence)
Milewski, Roman (Second World War correspondence)
Miller, Donald H. (Second World War correspondence)
Miller, Mathias N. (First World War correspondence)
Miller, Melissa (First World War, Second World War, and Korean War correspondence collection)
Minshew, Davis (Second World War correspondence)
Misiur, Mathew J. (Second World War correspondence)
Mitchell, William D. (Spanish-American War correspondence)
Mock, Joseph M. (First World War correspondence)
Mofield, Johnny (First and Second World War collection)
Moody, Marguerita P. (Second World War correspondence and photograph)
Moore Family (Civil War correspondence)
Moore, Norman A. (Second World War correspondence)
Moore, Robert E. (Second World War correspondence)
Moore, Thomas E. (Second World War correspondence)
Moraitis, George (Gulf War correspondence)
Morton, James N. (Second World War correspondence)
Mower, Harrison C. (First World War correspondence)
Mulberg, Jerome (Second World War correspondence)
Mulligan, Jim E. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Mullins, Elizabeth A. (Second World War newsletter collection)
Mumaugh, Robert D. (Second World War collection)
Murace, Joseph G. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Murray, James W. (Civil War correspondence)
Musgrave, Herbert S. (First World War correspondence)
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Nall, John G. (Second World War correspondence)
Nardi, Peter J. (Second World War correspondence)
Naugle, Muard M. (First World War correspondence)
Nelson, Alice (Korean War correspondence)
Nelson, Carole (Vietnam War correspondence)
Newitt, John G. (Second World War correspondence)
Newman, Billy Ray (Vietnam War correspondence)
Newton, Ralph W. (First World War correspondence)
Nichols, Adolphus (Civil War correspondence)
Nicklas, Douglass R. (Second World War and Korean War correspondence)
Nicola, Robert E. (Second World War correspondence)
Nowak, Henry B. (Second World War correspondence)
Nyanza, Lorraina (correspondence on military harassment)
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Ohr, Franklin C. (Second World War correspondence)
Oliver, Berry N. (Afghanistan War correspondence)
Oliver, Verne Lee (Vietnam War-era correspondence)
Orbaker, Kenneth K. (pre-First World War correspondence)
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Page, Carol (Afghanistan War correspondence)
Parish, William F. (First World War correspondence)
Parks, Paul J. (Second World War correspondence, photographs and memorabilia)
Parsons, Albert (First World War correspondence)
Parsons, Robert (Second World War correspondence)
Pascoe, Neil Campbell (Second World War correspondence) and Watson, Michael L. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Pefley, Lola Cannon (Second World War correspondence)
Perlmutter, Marty J. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Perrine, Laurence D. (Second World War correspondence scrapbooks)
Petchel, John J. (Cold War and Vietnam War correspondence)
Phillips, Davis (Second World War correspondence)
Pilch, Bruce M. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Piotter, Kenneth (Vietnam War collection)
Piotter (Kenneth) Vietnam War Collection
Pistone, Stephen (Korean War correspondence)
Politeo Family (First World War correspondence)
Porstenson, Edward L. (First World War correspondence)
Powers, Kent I. (Second World War correspondence
Price, Wilson Henry (Second World War, Korean War, and Vietnam War correspondence)
Pritchett, T.H. (Korean War correspondence, photographs, and Second World War materials)
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Qulia, Arthur F. (Second World War correspondence)
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Ragland, Clay (First World War correspondence)
Rainear, "Chick" (Second World War poetry)
Rawlings, Lloyd L. (First World War correspondence)
Reames Brothers (Second World War correspondence)
Relph, Ross (Second World War correspondence)
Repper, Robert W. (Second World War correspondence)
Reynolds, Patricia (Afghanistan and Iraq War correspondence)
Ricapito, Carolyn (First World War and Afghanistan War postcard collection)
Rill, Robert W. (Second World War correspondence)
Ring, Richard F. (Second World War correspondence and other materials)
Rivinus, Jr., Edward F. (Second World War correspondence)
Roark, Barton H. (Civil War correspondence)
Robbie, Carl A. (Second World War newspaper collection)
Roberts, Bernard F. (Second World War correspondence)
Robinson, Alfred (First World War correspondence)
Robinson, Frederick (Second World War correspondence)
Robinson, K.E. (Second World War correspondence)
Robison, Berry, Jr. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Rock, Andrew Bower (Civil War correspondence)
Rogers, Joseph (Second World War correspondence)
Rowe, Patrice (Vietnam War correspondence)
Rowe, Tonya Babb (Second World War and Vietnam War correspondence collection)
Royal, Mack Hobart (First World War correspondence)
Russell, Jeffrey W. (Post-Persian Gulf War correspondence)
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Safford, James Broderick (Civil War correspondence)
Saffores, Louis J. (Second World War correspondence)
Sammarco, Joseph Williams (Korean War correspondence)
Santonocito, Phillip (Second World War correspondence)
Saum, James B. (Second World War correspondence)
Schellhorn, Walter L. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Scherer, Waldemar (Second World War correspondence and scrapbook)
Schmid, George (Second World War correspondence)
Schmidt, Eloise M. (Vietnam War slides)
Schmitz, Norbert G. (Second World War correspondence)
Scholl, Sidney A. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Schwanke Family (First World War correspondence)
Schwartz, Lenore (Second World War correspondence)
Scotidas, Harry (Second World War correspondence)
Scroggs and Rogers families (correspondence, photographs, and other materials collection)
Searing, Alonzo B. (Civil War correspondence)
Sedlacek, Albert J. (Korean War correspondence)
Seibert, Lloyd M. (First World War correspondence)
Seifert, Adeline S. (Second World War correspondence)
Shapiro, Martin (Second World War correspondence )
Sharp family (First and Second World War correspondence)
Shindledecker, John G. (Second World War correspondence)
Shumaker, Marlin L. (Second World War correspondence)
Siebenaller, Willard T. (Second World War correspondence)
Sigel, Sally (Second World War correspondence)
Sillman, George L. (First World War correspondence)
Sipherd, Arthur E. (First World War collection)
Sloan, Terry Lee (Vietnam War correspondence)
Smith, Christopher (Second World War correspondence)
Smith, Harry F. Jr. (Second World War correspondence)
Smith, Joyce (Second World War correspondence)
Smith, Walter Edward (Korean War correspondence)
Smolen, Jean (Second World War correspondence)
Snyder, Frank R., Jr. (Korean War correspondence)
Spafford, Marvin W. (First World War photograph collection)
Spear, Paul M. (First World War correspondence)
Spencer, Harold A. (First World War correspondence)
Spencer, Theodore A. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Spurgin, Hubert A. (Second World War correspondence)
Stapleton, Denise J. (Second World War correspondence)
Steinberg, Frederick L. (Second World War correspondence)
Stemler, Sharron A. (Second World War correspondence)
Stott, Hal and Melissa (Iraq War correspondence)
Stregevsky, Ruth R. (Second World War correspondence)
Strong, James W. and Eliza Jane (Civil War correspondence)
Stupar, Anthony J. (Second World War correspondence and photographs)
Summers, Harold E. (Second World War correspondence, clippings, and other materials)
Sutton, Mildred (Second World War correspondence, photographs, and other materials)
Swanson Family (First World War and Second World War correspondence)
Swanson, Robert H. (Cold War correspondence)
Swayze, Walter W. (Second World War correspondence)
Swede, Frank L., Jr. (Second World War correspondence)
Swisher, Peter N. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Switzer, Karl (First World War correspondence)
Szalay, Frances S. (Second World War correspondence)
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Taggart, Sturges Phoenix (First World War correspondence)
Taranta, Christian J. (Iraq War correspondence)
Telling, Jack E. (Vietnam War correspondence)
Temple Family (correspondence)
Thompson, David V.B. (Civil War correspondence)
Thompson Family (Second World War and Persian Gulf War correspondence)
Thomson, Wendell B. (First World War correspondence)
Thorpe, John J. (Second World War correspondence and other materials)
Thursby, John G. (Second World War correspondence)
Tompkins, Alan (Vietnam War correspondence)
Tracy, Myrtle (Second World War correspondence)
Trostle, Ronald L. (Cold War correspondence)
Tudor, George V. (Second World War correspondence)
Turner, Henry A. (Second World War correspondence)
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Umlauf, Lee (Vietnam War correspondence)
Underwood, Jesse M. (Philippine-American War correspondence)
Unknown mother (Second World War poem)
Unknown sailor (First World War photo album)
Unknown Serviceman (Civil War correspondence)
Urinka, John (Second World War correspondence)
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Van Debery, Lee (Operation Joint Forge, Bosnia correspondence)
Vasos Nick G. (Second World War correspondence)
Vasos, William (Second World War correspondence)
Verda, Cesare J. (Second World War correspondence)
Volk, Ann (Second World War correspondence)
Vollmer, Richard A. (Gulf War correspondence)
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Wafer, Alfred Paul (Second World War correspondence)
Wagner, Henry J. (First World War correspondence)
Wagner, Todd A. (Iraq War correspondence)
Waldrop, Marianne S. (Gulf War correspondence)
Walker, Hal Worth (First World War correspondence)
Walker, Spencer W. (Second World War correspondence and photographs)
Walter, Mildred H. (Second World War correspondence)
Walters Family (Second World War correspondence)
Ward, Cletus O. (Second World War correspondence)
Warner, Dudley L. (Second World War correspondence, photographs, and awards)
Watson Brothers (Civil War correspondence)
Watt, Claude Z. (Second World War correspondence and other materials)
Wayne, Henry A. (Second World War correspondence and other materials)
Weaver, Pat L. (Persian Gulf War correspondence)
Webb, John A. (Korean War correspondence)
Weber, James L. (Second World War correspondence)
Weekes, Don J. (Second World War battle reports)
Wheatley, William F. (First World War correspondence)
Whitehouse, Thomas L. (Iraq War correspondence)
Whiteley, Gary (Korean War correspondence)
Wickman family (Second World War correspondence)
Wiese Jr., Walter L. (Second World War correspondence)
Wilkinson, Joseph B. (First World War correspondence)
Wilkinson, Robert E. (First World War postcards)
Will [unknown last name] (Civil War correspondence)
Williams, George W. (Civil War correspondence)
Williams, J. Wallace (First World War correspondence)
Williamson, Buel A. (First World War correspondence)
Winterscheid family (correspondence and photograph collection)
Wissman, Louis J. (First World War correspondence)
Witty, Maude and Mack (Second World War correspondence)
Wojewoda, John (Second World War correspondence)
Woodliff, Jack C. (Korean War correspondence)
Woodrum, James C. (First World War General Pershing "thank you" letter)
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Yank Magazine collection
Yaussi, Frank D. (Second World War correspondence)
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Zaccagnini, Cipriano (Second World War correspondence)
Zichelli, Jerry T. (Second World War correspondence)
Zuber, Don, Jr. (Vietnam War correspondence)
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