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California History Room, California State Library
900 N Street, Room 200, P.O. Box 942837
Sacramento, California 94237-0001
Phone: (916) 654-0176
Email: cslcal@library.ca.gov
Collections with online items: 1
Physical collections: 1249
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Aaron Gallup papers, 1893-2001.
Abraham Lincoln memorabilia.
Abstract Dep. of Thos. A. Sanchez [ca. 1868]
Abstract of title [manuscript].
Across Grand Canyon, 1921
[Acts, ordinances, proclamations, passed by the Legislative Council of British Columbia and the Legislative Council of the Colony of Vancouver Island] 1858-71.
Addison Newell correspondence, 1855-1856.
Addison Newell correspondence, 1855-1856.
Adolph Sutro correspondence, 1869 Oct. 30-1890 Jan. 17.
Adolph Weber murder case document, 1904.
African American Episcopal Church ephemera, ca. 1890s.
Agnews Asylum collection, 1859-1978.
Ah Tem vs. Pacheco Pass Wagon Road Co. : collection, 1876.
Alameda City Schools Radio Scripts
Alameda City Schools Radio Scripts, 1938-1940.
Albert Dressler collection, 1854-1960
Albert E. Sederquist Collection, 1920-1959.
Albert Powell Letters, 1843-1852.
Album conmemorativo del 450 aniversario de las apariciones de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe /
Alfred E. Beaumont diary, 1918-1919.
Alfred E. Beaumont diary, 1918-1919.
Alfred John Rivett Diary, 1876.
Alverson (Margaret B.) Papers
Amador County Legal Records
Amador County Legal Records, 1853-1868.
Ambrose Bierce letters, 1892-1911.
Ambrose Bierce letters, 1892-1911.
American Land and Trust Co. Records
American Land and Trust Co. Records, ca. 1887-1911
Amos Parmalee Catlin Collection, 1850-1900
Anastacio de Jesus Chabolla will, 1852.
Anastasio Chaballo promissory notes, 1851.
Anderson, Kay (Kay F.) Papers, 1940-2002, 1990-2002
Andrew Jackson Gregg Collection, 1885-1917.
Angel de Vera Collection, 1423-1735.
Angels Camp Gold Mine materials, 1937-1938.
Anita Loos correspondence.
Anna Houseman Sentiment Books, 1869-1878.
Annie Ellicott Kennedy Bidwell Collection, 1842-1918.
[Announcements for faculty members of the Los Angeles City College].
Anonymous diary of American Serviceman, 1944-1945.
Anonymous letter, April 17, '08, USS Minnesota, written at San Diego 1908.
Ansel Adams: America, 2008-2010.
Anthony Lewis Tasheira Collection, 1849-1860.
Antonio María Suñol collection, 1854-1869.
Antonio María Suñol collection, 1854-1869.
Appellate decisions, 1951-1975 [manuscript]
The Archives of Edward Francis Dolan.
Arequipa Sanatorium, Ross, California : scrapbook, 1910-1986.
Articles of agreement for gold mining in California entered into in the state of Missouri, 1850
Artificial Tie Manufacturing Company, 1914-1918.
Asa Merrill Fairfield Collection, 1904-1928.
Ashes from dead campfires [manuscript] /
Associated General Contractors of America ledger, 1945-1955.
Atascadero Colony archive, 1904-1983.
Aull, Charles Letters discussing 'Cherokee Bob', 1890.
Author's Manuscripts
Automatic impact compaction apparatus
[Award and meeting programs for Los Angeles City College organizations and other Southern California organizations].
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Bachtal/Humbert family correspondence, 1864 Jan. 8-1871(?) July 17th.
Bandel (Eugene) Papers
Banks of Wheatland collection, 1870-1930.
Barnum family correspondence, 1875-1879.
Barnum family correspondence, 1875-1879.
Barrett (Robert) Collection
Bay Cities Gilder Club Collection, 1930-1932
Bay Cities Glider Club
Bayliss Family archive, 1906-1955.
Beal (Johnson) Papers
The bean ticket letter collection : an unpublished manuscript by Nellie Blair Greene; edited by Beverlee Calvert, 1930-1948.
Beckwourth-Wilson research.
Beeckman (John H.) Papers
Belcher and Belcher, 1864-1871.
Belcher and Belcher Collection
Bench books, Oct. 12, 1950-April 20, 1976 [manuscript].
Benjamin A. Watson Gold Rush Letters, 1849-1851.
Benjamin Francis Mauldin Collection, 1867-1890.
Benjamin Francis Tarr Letters, 1848-1852.
Benjamin Franklin Folger Collection, 1848-1877.
Benton (Joseph A.) Papers
Bidwell (Annie E.K.) Papers
Bidwell (John) Papers
Bidwell (John) Papers : Sutter's Fort Pioneer Collection
Bigler Family collection, 1852-1918.
Bill Pronzini Archive, 1967-1986.
Birmingham (Lillian) Collection
Bisbee family gold rush letters, 1854-1865
Bixby correspondence, 1867-1923.
Bixby (Nelson A.) Papers
Black, Mary A. Correspondence, 1856.
Black Panther Party collection.
Blodgett pre-emption notice, 1854.
Bolsa Oil Lease documents, 1941-1999.
[Bond offerings submitted to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 1935-1941] [manuscript].
Bradner and Kezia Curtis collection, ca. 1850s.
Bret Harte Book Review.
Bret Harte letter to Charles Warren Stoddard, 1868.
Bret Harte letters and postal cover, 1874-1986.
Brewster (Georgiana) Papers
Brown Family Papers
Brown Family Papers, 1830-1898.
Brown (James A.) Papers
Brown, Jared Comstock Letters, 1850-1857.
[Brunswick Consolidated Mining Company letters and description].
Buck McKee Letters, 1906-1909
Bud Cary San Francisco opera collection.
Bud Cary San Francisco opera collection.
Buffalo Brewing Company. Records, 1888-1945.
Building a legacy for the future : litigation practice and service to the Bar, 1952-2000 /
Bull (William H.) Collection
Bushnell family papers and gold rush letters, 1848-1860
Butte County Tax Receipts, 1884-1885.
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C. C. Young Newspaper Clippings, 1926-1929.
C. E. Thomsen correspondence, 1890-1916.
C. Moody letter on John C. Fremont stationary, 1856.
C. Moody letter on John C. Fremont stationary, 1856.
C. S. Blake letter, 1863.
C. W. J. Johnson Collection, 1857-1898.
California Alpine Club collection, 1921-1959.
California and Oregon United Stages Mail Line documents, 1855-1871.
California assaying documents, 1934-1950.
California Assessors' Association Records, 1932-2006.
California Aviation Company letters. 1911-1912
California Chamber of Commerce. Records, 1922-
[California city charters, 1911-27.
California. Commission to Revise the Laws of California. [Publications]
[California county charters, 1913-1961.
California court rules.
California court rules : superior courts.
California Exposition Dedication
California Exposition Dedication, May 22, 1967.
[California gold discoveries and other related stories] /
California Historical Society Correspondence, 1886-1888.
California Historical Society Records
California. Justice Court (Coloma, Calif.) Records of Justice's Court from Oct. 1859 to Jan. 18, 1888.
California Legal Records
California Legal Records, 1848-1897
California. Legislature. Joint Committee for the Revision of the Penal Code. [Miscellaneous papers]
California miners' correspondence, 1850-1855.
California miners' correspondence, 1850-1855.
California Mining Miscellany
California Mining Miscellany, 1890-1937
[California Pacific Railroad miscellaneous items collected by Wm. E. Frisbie].
California Pioneers' letters, 1851-1862.
California Postcard collection.
California Quarter Design Project, 2002-2004.
California Raisin Growers' Company bylaws, 1905.
California Scholarship Federation, 1925-1981.
California Society of Natural History documents, 1857-1859.
California. State Council of Defense. California War History Committee. Records of Californians who served in World War I, 1918-1922.
California. State Council of Defense. World War I History Committee. Records of Californians who Served in World War I, 1917-1918.
California State Library correspondence, 1890-1930.
California State Parks Council Publicity Plan, 1928.
California Tax Reform Association Collection
California Tax Reform Association Collection, 1976-1979
California Theatre silk program, 1891.
California Vertical and Textual materials.
California Water Color Society
California Water Color Society
Californians to Defeat Rose Bird
Californians to Defeat Rose Bird, 1985-1986.
Campbell, George B. Correspondence, 1850 Sept. 24-1874 April 5.
Campodonico Family Papers
Campodonico Family Papers, 1870-1900.
Capitol Restoration
Capitol restoration collection, 1979-1980.
Carl Eytel correspondence, 1910-1926
Carma Leigh papers, 1920-1994.
Caroline Wenzel Collection, 1890-1969.
Carson Hill Gold Mining Corporation
Carson Hill Gold Mining Corporation Collection, 1917-1942.
Carter (Oliver J.) Collection
Cary House guest ledger, 1893.
Cased photographs selected from the collections of the California History Section of the California State Library
Castagna (Edwin) Collection
Catalog of pamphlets relating to California, 1845-1893.
A catalog of rare books & manuscripts including general literature -- Americana and a superb selection of fine press books recently acquired from the library of a well-known collector offered for sale by the Caveat Book Shop, 450 1/2 Sutter Street, San Francisco /
Catlin (Amos P.) Papers
Cecil Trevithick correspondence with Arthur Carol Alvarez, 1934-1937.
Cemetery deed from Society of California Pioneers to Sacramento Spiritualists Union, 1883.
Central Pacific Railroad Company Collection
Central Pacific Railroad Company collection, 1861-1899.
Central Pacific Railroad lawsuit and investigation documents, 1876-1887.
[Certificates and awards designed and printed by Richard J. Hoffman, 1961-1984]
Chaffee (Joseph B.) Letters
Charles A. Strong legal papers and correspondence, 1906-1923.
Charles and Cora Wilson papers, 1899-1996.
Charles and Daniel McCall Collection, 1849-1857.
Charles Bigelow Cutting Collection, 1859-1910.
Charles D. Semple Papers, 1847-1870.
Charles E. DeLong Collection, 1853-1869
Charles E. H. Bates family correspondence, 1899-1930 inclusive: 1918-1920 bulk.
Charles Fayette Lott papers, 1856-1858.
Charles Gladding Civil War letters, 1862-1900.
Charles H. Cheney, Garden City Project, 1917-1918.
Charles H. Purcell Collection, 1936-1951
Charles Henry Crocker letters, 1896-1900.
Charles J. O'Connor, 1915-1919.
Charles John Reed Collection, 1862-1976.
Charles Lummis letter.
Charles S. Miller Civil War letters, 1863.
Charles S. Miller Civil War letters, 1863.
Charles T. Patriarche Collection, 1890-1910.
Charles Warren Stoddard manuscripts, 1860-1906.
Charles William Hendel Collection 1853-1918
Charline Erwin collection.
Chessman-Asher Collection, 1921-1996.
Chiura Obata internment camp prints, 1941-1943.
Chiura Obata internment camp prints, 1941-1943.
Chollar Mine articles of incorporation, 1904.
[City of Los Angeles water works bond certificates and campagin ribbon] [realia].
Civil War diaries, 1862-1863
Clapp (Louise A.K.S.) Collection
Clara Cornwell diary, 1899.
Clarence Lininger letters from the California-Mexican border, 1910-1911
Clarence Urmy Collection, 1900-1923
Clark Ashton Smith collection, 1930-1978.
Clark-Burr Family Archives, 1825-2002.
Cliff House renovation, 1998-2006.
Clifford L. Warner collection, 1917-1955.
Clough (Edwin H.) Papers
Clough (Frank M.) Papers
Coit (Lillie H.) Collection
Coit Tower Mural Survey, 1975.
Colburn (Frona W.) Collection
Collage Dance Theatre collection, 1974-2006.
Colonel Remisio Yarza military documents.
[Columbian 415 Chappel meeting/dinner invitations designed and printed by Richard J. Hoffman].
[Commencement programs for Los Angeles Junior College/Los Angeles City College].
Commendation to Zachary Taylor, 1847.
Commendation to Zachary Taylor, 1847.
Company correspondence, 1855.
Constitution and minutes of the Sacramento Society for Medical Improvement, 1868 March 17-1924 Dec. 16
Constitutions and by-laws ... : corporate charters [of various American Indian tribes]
Coolbrith-Lummis papers.
Cordtz Billboard Advertising Collection, 1916-1958
Coronel, Manuel F. (Manuel Franco) Letters to Antonio F. Coronel, 1869 March 7 and 1871 May 20
Corporal Steven A. Scanavino World War I Diary, 1918.
Corporal Steven A. Scanavino World War I Diary, 1918.
Correspondence of D.P. Heap, manager of the North Hill Placer Mine, 1901-1903.
Correspondence of D.P. Heap, manager of the North Hill Placer Mine, 1901-1903.
Corum Family Collection
Corum Family Collection, 1844-1986.
Count Gaston de Raousset-Boulbon Collection, 1837-1854.
Cox (Palmer) Collection
Coy (Owen C.) Collection
Coyote Post Office ledgers, 1916-1984.
Cozzens (John B.) Letters
Crawford (Ellison L.) Collection
Cross (William B.) Papers
Currey, John Papers, 1906-1912
Curtis, Ada Florence White, 1882-1982.
Cutting (Charles B.) Collection
Cyrus K. Daugherty documents, 1836-1926.
Cyrus T. Wheeler Collection, 1855-1930.
back to top
D. B. Pratt letters from El Dorado County, 1852-1856.
Daggett (John) Collection
Darling (Ebin O.) Collection
Darrah, William. Letters, 1840-1854
Dart (John P.) Papers
Dart, John Paul. Collected letters of John Paul Dart, 1849-1856.
Daubenbiss/Smith collection.
Daubenbiss/Smith collection.
David Hewes Collection, 1850-1913.
David Spence land claim letter, 1853.
David Warren Ryder Archive, 1892-1975.
Davis (Jerome C.) Collection
Davis Louderback Collection, 1864-1901
Days of '49 Collection
Days of 4̀9 Collection, 1923.
Decker-Jewett Bank Collection, 1850-1890
Decker-Jewett Bank Papers
Delepine (Alphonse A.) Papers
Delepine, Alphonse Antoine Papers, 1848-1852
Delepine Papers, 1850-1852.
DeLong (Charles E.) Collection
Delta country [photograph] : a portfolio of ten photographs /
Denison letters, 1856-1869.
Denison letters, 1856-1869.
Denver (James W.) Letters
DeWitt Clinton Thompson Collection, 1858-1900.
DeWitt L. Lee Collection, 1910-1966
Diane Garcia Aires letters, 1953-1975.
Diggers/Communications Company collection 1966-1968.
Dippel family collection, 1853-1920.
Disposition of F. B. Davis (Jefferson F. Howell) regarding robberies of dredging companies in Idaho and California, 1919.
Disposition of F. B. Davis (Jefferson F. Howell) regarding robberies of dredging companies in Idaho and California, 1919.
Dobbin (Hamilton H.) Collection
Documents, 1852-1856.
[Documents concerning Gothenburg liquor system] [manuscript].
Documents from the Sutro Collection.
Documents of the Mendocino War, 1859-1860.
Documents relating to Pious Fund for missionaries in California, 1785-1788.
Documents relating to Pious Fund for missionaries in California, 1785-1788.
Dolwig (Richard J.) Collection
Donna Levin collection.
Dorman, Jerubial Gideon Correspondence, 1850 Jan. 1.
Dorothy G. Shay and Walter E. Shay World War II collection.
Dorothy G. Shay and Walter E. Shay World War II collection.
Dougherty Family Correspondence
Dougherty family correspondence, 1853-1969.
Doyle (John T.) Collection
Dr. James A. Brown Collection, 1850-1867.
Dressler (Albert) Collection
Dwight Stuckey World War II flying ace correspondence 1996-2001.
Dwight Stuckey World War II flying ace correspondence 1996-2001.
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E. H. Lewis letter, 1899.
E. L. Welling Journal, 1849.
Earl Craig collection, 1940-1961.
Earl Craig collection, 1940-1961.
Early American gazetteer, 1833 and 1853 editions [electronic resource]
Eberlein Mexican War letter, 1847.
Ebin Orvis Darling Collection, 1858-1888.
Eddie C. Bateson papers 1987-2002
Eden Wadsworth Collection, 1857-1891.
Edinger and Johnston Company, 1884-1923.
Edinger and Johnston Company Collection
Edmund Cavileer Hinde Journals.
Edmund Cavileer Hinde Journals.
Edmund G. "Pat" Brown letters, 1975-1993.
Edward O. Strong Collection, 1922-1984.
Edward T. Stewart, Jr. World War II photo album, 1942-1944
Edward Welch Family, 1891-1960.
Edward Welch Family, 1891-1960.
Edwards Family Collection
Edwin Castagna Collection, 1909-1983
Edwin Crocker Family papers, 1885-1936.
Edwin H. Clough Collection, 1874-1922
El Dorado Canal Company records, 1852-1855.
El Dorado Canal Company records, 1852-1855.
El Dorado County Deeds
El Dorado County Deeds, 1873-1930.
El Dorado County Justice Court, 1855.
Eleanor McKamy Collection, 1845-1901.
Ella Sterling Mighels Collection, 1890-1932
Elliott Family Papers
Elliott Family Papers, 1854-1960.
Ellison Lassell Crawford Collection, 1860-1871.
Empire Mill and Mining Company Collection
Empire Mill and Mining Company Collection, 1861-18881
[English to Spanish language usage materials developed for the Los Angeles Police Department and the California Highway Patrol].
Epes Ellery documents.
Ephraim W. Morse Papers, 1849-1906
The Ernest Bulpitt collection of Inyo/Mono Water wars memorabilia.
The Ernest Bulpitt collection of Inyo/Mono Water wars memorabilia.
Etnyre (Mentor) Collection
Eudora Garoutte Collection, 1908-1943.
Eudora Garoutte Collection, 1908-1943.
Eugene Bandel Collection, 1853-1889.
Eugene William Sawtelle Collection, 1860-1898.
Exactus Photo-Film Corporation Archive
Exactus Photo-Film Corporation archive, 1914-1940.
Exchange of correspondence relating to the proposed "removal" of the California State capital from Sacramento, 1852 June 30
[Exhibition announcements for Los Angeles Junior College, Los Angeles City College, Kappa Tau Sigma and Art Teachers Association of Southern California].
Expediente promovido por los hijos de Dn. Tomas O. Larkin, 417, 1860 Oct. 20.
Ezio Mario Paolini interview, 1980.
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Fairfield (Asa M.) Collection
Father Manuel Gonsales letter, 1733.
Fay Brothers Collection
Fay Brothers Collection, 1850-1868.
Feather River Canal Company, 1889-1897.
Feather River Canal Company Collection
Federal Theatre at Treasure Island : Golden Gate International Exposition 1939 : a division of the Works Progress Administration Program [scrapbook].
Financial records, 1880-1893
Folger (Benjamin F.) Collection
Folsom (Joseph L.) Collection
Foreign Miners Tax documents, 1850-1867.
Francine Porad papers, 1980-2005.
Francis Martin Hilby Collection, d1880-1923.
Frank A. Leach letters, 1908-1915.
Frank G. Edwards papers, 1858-1906.
Frank M. Clough Letters, 1876-1888.
Fred Finch Children's Home, Oakland [scrapbook].
Fred Toyosaburo Korematsu papers, 1934-1987.
Fred Uhl Ball, 1945-1985.
Fred Uhl Ball, 1945-1985.
Frederic F. Lane letters, 1849-1853.
Frederic H. Pratt letter on Golden Gate Wheelman stationery, 1888.
Frederick Wemmer research on founding of Grace Church, 1955-1956.
Frederick William Macondray Letters, 1850-1862.
Freeman (Otis K.) Collection
French Camp letter, 1853.
French Camp letter, 1853.
From Everett Wash. to Los Angeles Cal., by wagon, 1911 May 30-Aug 7 correspondence.
Frona Wait Colburn Collection, 1900-1942.
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Galen Clark letter, 1903.
Gallup (Josiah) Collection
Gann (Paul) Archive
Garden Valley Mining Properties Collection
Garden Valley Mining Properties Collection, 1934-1938
Garoutte (Eudora) Collection
Garritt (William H.) Papers
Gary Noy Gift Collection.
Gatewood-Goodwyn Duel, 1859.
George Chase diary, 1865.
George E. Outland Japanese Internment Collection 1942-1967.
George E. Outland Japanese Internment Collection 1942-1967.
George Ezra Dane collection, 1934-1941.
George F. and Janey Smith letter, 1862
George Gordon Letters, 1866-1867.
George Henry Goddard, 1850-1861.
[George Henry Pierce Civil War Letters, 1861-1862]
George Holbrook Baker collection, 1848-1965.
George Luman Kingsley Collection, 1827-1890.
George McKinstry Collection, 1816-1890.
George R. Dorman Collection.
George Reeb Collection, 1862-1910.
George S. Phillips Collection, 1846-1859.
George Sterling letters, 1905-1925.
George Sterling real estate development title abstracts, 1895-1903.
George Sterling real estate development title abstracts, 1895-1903.
George Stoneman recommendation, 1886.
George Wharton James letters, 1902-1923.
George Wharton James letters, 1902-1923.
George Wheeler Gibson collection, 1857-1866.
George William Stewart Collection, 1870-1930.
Georgiana Brewster Collection, 1854-1889.
German Bar Gold Mine Archive, 1920-1949.
German Letters
German Letters, 1852-1888.
Gertrude Atherton correspondence.
Gertrude Atherton correspondence.
Gibson (George W.) Collection
Gibson (John C.) Papers
Gildersleeve Berkeley social protest collection, 1966-1976
Gillett (James N.) Collection
Gillis Family collection.
Gilman (Thomas) Papers
Gladding, McBean and Company. Archives : job order documents, 1888-1966
Global Haiku Festival (2000 : Millikin University) [Publications]
Goddard (George H.) Papers
Gold rush collection, 1840-1867.
Gold rush diary, 1849-1853
Gold rush letter, 1853 June 5.
Gold rush letters, 1848-1850
Gold rush letters, 1849.
Gold rush letters, 1850-1852
Gold rush letters, 1850-1853.
Gold rush letters, 1852.
Gold rush letters, 1852-1853.
Gold rush letters, 1852-1856.
Gold rush letters, 1853
Gold rush letters, 1853-1861. Civil War letters, 1863-1864.
Gold rush letters, 1859.
Gold Rush letters and contract, 1848-1858.
Gold Rush letters and contract, 1848-1858.
Gold rush reminiscences : "An overland trip to the California gold fields".
Golden Gate International Exposition, 1936-1946
Golden Gate International Exposition Collection
Golemac aviation correspondence, 1942-1990.
Goodwin (John D.) Collection
Goodyear-Zeppelin airship dock collection, 1920-1959.
Goodyear-Zeppelin airship dock collection, 1920-1959.
Gordon (George) Letters
Grace Carpenter Hudson/Maynard Dixon correspondence and memorabilia, 1907-1931.
Grand Army of the Republic medals and ribbons, 1888-1956.
Grand Army of the Republic medals and ribbons, 1888-1956.
Grass Valley grocer's ledger, 1894-1895.
Grass Valley grocer's ledger, 1894-1895.
Grass Valley mining helmets and equipment.
Gregg (Andrew J.) Collection
Gregory Yale, 1852-1872.
Greyhound union letter, 1941.
Griffitts Family Collection
Griffitts Family Papers
Griffitts Family Papers, 1860-1900.
Guildford Gold Mining Company.
Gutleben Collection, 1916-1959.
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H. Works Gold Rush letter, 1855.
H. Works Gold Rush letter, 1855.
Haight, Geo. W. (George W.) Correspondence, 1887-1897.
Haight (Henry H.) Family Collection
[Haiku booklets] /
[Haiku broadsides] /
[Haiku broadsides] /
Haiku Canada : twentieth anniversary holographic anthology /
Haiku North America (1997 : Portland, Or.) [Publications]
Haiku papers, 1982-2004.
Haiku Society of America documents.
Haiku Society of America documents.
Haines (Samuel S.) Papers
Hall (William H.) Collection
Hamilton & Young Family collection, 1864-1963.
Hamilton (Ezra M.) Collection
Hamilton H. Dobbin Collection, 1880-1930
Hamilton (Lorenzo and Lavinia) Letters
Hammon papers, 1898-1968
Hardy & Kennedy store records, 1856-1869.
Harriet G. Eddy papers, 1918-1967.
Harry Wertz steamboat runner letters, 1852-1856.
Harry Wertz steamboat runner letters, 1852-1856.
[Helena Modjeska miscellanea].
Hendel (Charles W.) Collection
Henry A. Sanborn vs. the Madera Flume and Trading Company, 1882.
Henry Bradley Sheldon Letters, 1851-1858.
Henry Curtiss Journal, 1852-53.
Henry Curtiss Journal, 1852-53.
Henry D. Platt letters, 1843-1850.
Henry Dittrick correspondence, 1882-1913.
Henry Evans memorabilia, 1962-1971.
Henry Evans memorabilia, 1962-1971.
Henry H. Haight Family Collection, 1888-1920.
Henry Halleck letter to George W. Cullum, 1846.
Henry Halleck letter to George W. Cullum, 1846.
Henry Maxwell McCartney Collection, 1869-1911
Henry Sterling Bloom gold rush letters and Bloom family miscellany, 1850-1867
Henry Syme, 1862-1882.
Herbert Lumis collection, 1890-1892.
Herbert Lumis collection, 1890-1892.
Hero Eugene and Ethel Grace Rensch Collection, 1924-1971.
Hewes (David) Collection
Hickman Family Papers and Business Records
Hickman Family Papers and Business Records, 1849-1933.
Higby (William) Letters
Higgins, Frank Wayland Letter by Gov. of New York state, Frank W. Higgins dated April 25, 1906 regarding raising sums for money for earthquake relief.
Hilby (Francis M.) Papers
Hiller (Stanley, Sr.) Collection
Hilton F. Lusk collection, 1928-1975.
Hinsdale Truman Shepard dairy, 1852-1880.
Hinsdale Truman Shepard dairy, 1852-1880.
Hiram Dwight Pierce Letters, 1849-1881.
Hiram Lodge of El Dorado treasurer's report, 1877.
Hittell Family Papers
[Hoffman family social announcements and stationary designed and printed by Richard J. Hoffman].
Hollenbeck hotel letterhead, 1902.
Homer "Tod" Sanborn collection, 1903-1919.
Horn Family (Maude H.) Collection
Hotel del Coronado letter, 1938.
Houghton (James F.) Collection
Howard Allen Peairs Papers, 1913-1914.
Howard Jarvis Collection, 1970-1986.
Hubert Howe Bancroft letters, 1875-1907.
Humboldt Mining & Tunnel Co. records, 1852-1859.
Humboldt Mining & Tunnel Co. records, 1852-1859.
Hume (Samuel J.) Collection
Hutchinson (William H.) Collection
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I. O. O. F. notices, 1852-1868.
Imperial Valley Water Supply, 1915-1916.
Imperial Valley Water Supply, 1915-1916.
Ina Coolbrith letters, 1873-1920.
Ina Coolbrith letters, 1873-1920.
Ina Coolbrith poem, 1907.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.), Alturas Lodge No. 80
Ingalls family reminiscences and correspondence.
Ingalls family reminiscences and correspondence.
Ingram (John W.) Collection
[Institutional printed ephemera designed and printed by Richard J. Hoffman].
[International renku : a collection by Masahisa Fukuda (Shinku)]
In-Time Press collection, 1940s-2001
Inyo Cerro Gordo mining and Power Company, 1913-1919.
Inyo Cerro Gordo Mining and Power Company Collection
I.O.O.F. Alturas Lodge No. 80 collection, 1858-1986.
I.O.O.F. Alturas Lodge No. 80 collection of regalia [realia]
I.O.O.F. Capitol Lodge No. 87, Sacramento, CA.
I.O.O.F. Capitol Lodge No. 87, Sacramento, CA.
I.O.O.F. miscellany.
Ira. C. Barber letter, 1924.
Ira Hill Reed collection, 1890-1915.
Irene Childrey Hoch Shannon Collection, 1928-1936.
Isaac J. Frazee correspondence. 1892-1942.
Isaac J. Frazee correspondence. 1892-1942.
Isaac Perkins Letters, 1850-1852.
Isaiah W. Lees Collection, 1863-1903.
[I.W. Taber medals and lockets] [realia].
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J. A. Welch Letters, 1917-1928
J. C. Morrill Company, 1859-1867.
J. C. Morrill Company Collection
J. F. B. Marshall letter, 1890.
A. J. Mills Mexican War letter, 1847
J. S. Holliday papers, 1959-2006.
Jack LaLanne collection, 1914-2011.
Jack London Collection 1893-1977.
James C. Nealon pre- and post- election letters, 1885-1886.
James C. Purcell collection.
James Canney letter, 1876 Aug. 16.
James Canney letter, 1876 Aug. 16.
James Clark Strong, 1862-1899.
James Everett Stuart Collection, 1882-1921.
James Franklin Houghton Collection, 1853-1855.
James Frazier Reed Collection, 1843-1851.
James Gillis and Newton Spencer correspondence regarding James Marshall materials, 1913.
James Gillis and Newton Spencer correspondence regarding James Marshall materials, 1913.
James Guthrie California Indians letter, 1853.
James Guthrie California Indians letter, 1853.
James Jerome Smith collection, 1888-1908.
James L. Gillis collection, 1899-1957.
James M. Hutchings collection, 1873-1942
James M. Short Collection, 1859-1887.
James Marshall note, 1873.
James Norris Gillett Collection, 1880-1971
James Rolph Jr. correspondence,
James William Denver Letters, 1851-1863.
James Wilson Marshall collection, 1885-1888.
Jane B. Hayes cemetery plot, 1865.
Jane B. Hayes cemetery plot, 1865.
Japanese Internment : Tule Lake, 1935-1988.
Japanese Internment : Tule Lake, 1935-1988.
Japanese Relocation Center, Tule Lake Collection
Japanese Relocation Center, Tule Lake Collection, 1943-1943.
Jarvis (Howard) Collection
Jay Eslick collection, 1934-1950.
Jay Eslick collection, 1934-1950.
Jean Jacques Vioget Papers, 1829-1852.
Jeanne Emrich papers.
Jeremiah Burke Sanderson collection, 1859-1915.
Jerome C. Davis Collection, 1843-1865.
J.H. Mankins' Recollections of Early Days manuscript.
J.H. Mankins' Recollections of Early Days manuscript.
Jim Norris research material.
Jo Anderson Print Shop cards, 1914.
Joan Frank papers, 1990-2017.
JoAnn Levy papers.
Joaquin Miller and Juanita Miller correspondence, 1888-1961.
John Albert McIntire Collection, 1880-1931
John Augustus Sutter collection, 1839-1880.
John Augustus Sutter, Jr., collection, 1850-1890.
John B. Cozzens Letters, 1846-1875.
John Barry streetcar and bus memorabilia.
John Barry streetcar and bus memorabilia.
John Bidwell collection, 1841-1917.
John Bidwell (Sutter's Fort Pioneer Collection), 1841-1902.
John Breuner Company. Records, 1897-1974.
John C. Gibson Letters, 1847-1879.
John C. Perry manuscript for "Bear Valley Trip", 1899 Aug. 7 - 15.
John C. Perry manuscript for "Bear Valley Trip", 1899 Aug. 7 - 15.
John Charles Meussdorffer Collection, 1862-1895.
John Daggett Collection, 1864-1919, 1931, 1957
John Daniel Goodwin Collection, 1857-1885
John Flynn letters of introduction, 1879.
John Franklin Miller Collection, 1855-1890.
John G. North Collection, 1857-1869.
John H. Beeckman Collection, 1849-1852.
John J. Doyle collection, 1901-1911.
John L. Cooper diary, 1852.
John L. Cooper diary, 1852.
John Marsh Letters, 1823-1850.
John Marsh Smith Collection, 1849-1857.
John Marshall Pierce diaries, 1863-1873.
John Marshall Pierce diaries, 1863-1873.
John McCrackan letters, 1849-1850.
John Milcane papers, 1898-1901.
John Paul Dart Letters, 1849-1856.
John Purcell San Mateo County documents, 1868-1893.
John Stanton Political Campaign Collection, 1860-2007.
John Steinbeck letters.
John Steinbeck letters.
John Thomas Doyle Collection, 1893-1902.
John W. Borden ephemera collection, 1960s-1990s
John W. Edwards letter, 1901.
John W. Ingram Collection, 1850 - 1854.
Johnson Beal Collection, 1852-1869.
Johnson (C. W. J.) Collection
Johnson (Lester A.) Collection
Jonas Winchester Collection, 1829-1917.
Jose Maria Tornel Mexican War letter, 1846.
Jose Tiburcio Vasquez Collection, 1839-1865.
Joseph Andrew Rowe Papers, 1857-1861.
Joseph Bennett Chaffee Letters, 1850-1851.
Joseph Bryant Crockett obituaries, 1884.
Joseph Emory Clark World War II diary, correspondence, and ephemera, 1930-1980.
Joseph Libbey Folsom Collection, 1848-1859.
Joseph Melville Kennick Collection, 1933-1980
Joseph Moore letter, 1879.
Joseph Moore letter, 1879.
Joseph Mora Moss Collection, 1849-1915
Joseph P. Neto Camp Roberts letters, 1943.
Joseph P. Wheeler letter, 1854.
Joseph P. Wheeler letter, 1854.
Joseph Warren Mason Letters, 1877-1885.
Joshua H. Corwin Mexican War letters, 1845-1847.
Joshua H. Corwin Mexican War letters, 1845-1847.
Josiah Gallup Collection, 1852-1860.
Josiah Johnson Collection, 1880-1886.
Journal of the Sisters of St. Joseph on route to Arizona in 1870.
Juan A. Salas Mexican War letters, 1847.
Judge David Belden, 1868-1889.
Judge John J. Murphy papers.
back to top
Karma Tenzing Wangchuk (Dennis H. Dutton) papers.
Karma Tenzing Wangchuk (Dennis H. Dutton) papers.
Katharine R. Maurer Collection, 1913-1977.
Kenneth Rank - New Idria Mines Collection, 1867-1973.
Kennick (Joseph M.) Collection
Kevin Starr papers, 1969-
Kilbride (Jerry) Papers
Kilbride, Jerry. Papers, 1950-
Kingsley (George L.) Letters
Kiyoshi and Kiyoko Tokutomi papers, ca. 1940-2003.
Klondike Grub-Stake Company stock certificate, 1897.
Knox (John T.) Papers
Korean War letters from California, 1948-1954.
back to top
La Fiesta de Los Angeles brochure and letter, 1931.
La Gloria Gold Mine and Mill, 1950-1958.
Lamb, Elizabeth Searle. Papers, 1917-
Lanchlin McLaine Bank Collection
Lanchlin McLaine Bank Collection, 1860-1883.
Landon Fellom San Jose document transcriptions, 1791-1850.
Lathill T. Chase letter, 1856.
Lathill T. Chase letter, 1856.
Laurel Rand Mines collection, 1935-1983
Laurence B. Haste Christmas cards.
Lease of Woodwards Garden by Sarah B. Melone, Mary C. Raum, Helen J. Woodward to Robert B. Woodward from Feby 1st, 1885 inc. to Jany 31st, 1886.
Leask Family papers, 1861-2002.
Lee (DeWitt L.) Collection
Lees (Isaiah W.) Collection
Leese & Vallejo vs Clark, 1851-1856.
Leinberger Family collection, 1884-1950.
Leon J. Pinkson automobile photographs and miscellany, 1878-1967.
Leonard F. Starks Collection, 1916-1923
Leslie O. Brooks World War I letters, 1917-1919
[Leslie Salt clippings and advertisements scrapbook].
Lester A. Johnson Collection, 1918-1961.
Letter from Nevada City, 1852.
Letter from Nevada City, 1852.
Letter from Placerville, 1854 March 20.
Letter from Placerville, 1854 March 20.
Letter from Will to Ada, 1897.
[Letterhead, envelopes and cards designed and printed by Richard J. Hoffman].
Letters Regarding San Francisco Earthquake, 1865.
Letters written during honeymoon trip to California and Oregon, 1872.
Lewis J. Ashby World War I letters, 1917-1919.
Lewis Lauriat letters, 1849-1857.
Lewis Lauriat letters, 1849-1857.
Lewis Ransome Freeman collection, 1931-1955.
Library and Courts Building artifacts, 1927-2012.
Library and Courts I collection.
Library-Courts Building
Library-Courts Building, 1910-1930.
Lillian Birmingham Collection, 1889-1973
Lillie Hitchcock Coit Collection, 1865-1880
Linda Salz Hirschler Earthquake and Fire letter, 1906.
Littleton family collection.
Littleton (James and Micajah) Letters
Live Oak Farm Center meeting minutes, 1918-1930.
London (Jack) Collection
Lorenzo and Lavinia Hamilton, 1851-1869.
Lorenzo Palmer Latimer San Francisco earthquake letters, 1906.
[Los Angeles City College drama department playbills, theatre programs, and miscellanea].
[Los Angeles City College Music Department recital/concert announcements and programs]
[Los Angeles Junior College awards and recognition announcements and programs].
[Los Angeles Junior College commencement exercises admission cards].
Losh (William J.) Collection
Lottie Ruggles letters.
Lottie Ruggles letters.
Louderback (Davis) Collection
Louis J. Stellman Papers, 1910-1989.
Louise A. K. S. Clapp Collection, 1834-1849.
Lowden (William S.) Collection
Lowden, William Spencer Papers, 1858-1915 [manuscript].
Lucy Thompson letters, 1916.
Luther Burbank typescript, 1911-1912.
Lyman Bridges letters, 1896.
back to top
M. F. K. Fisher correspondence and articles, 1983-1992.
Mabel Gillis correspondence, 1917-1948.
Mabel Gillis correspondence, 1917-1948.
Macomber Brothers, 1866-1867.
Macomber Brothers Papers
Macondray (Frederick W.) Letters
Macy Family History, 1867-1984
Mae Helene Bacon Boggs collection, 1929-1963.
Maggie Westoby's St. Mary's College autograph book, 1874-1881.
Manhattan Silver Mining Company, 1863-1888.
Manhattan Silver Mining Company, 1863-1888.
Marcel Mailhebuau, Old Poodle Dog Restaurant.
Mare Island Navy Yard Petition, 1854.
Mare Island Navy Yard Petition, 1854.
Margaret Blake Alverson Collection, 1880-1920.
Margaret Ryder Sanborn Archives, 1914-2004.
Marion M. Sickler Collection, 1880.
Mark Ryser papers, 1980-2009.
Mark S. Lusk diaries, 1933-1943.
Markleeville Sheriff's sale document, 1864 July 14.
Markleeville Sheriff's sale document, 1864 July 14.
Marsh (John) Letters
Marshall (James W.) Papers
Martin E. Thomas World War II documents, 1920-1953.
Mary Austin letters, 1913-1914.
Mary Austin letters, 1913-1914.
Mary Sims California Schoolhouse research.
Mason, Annie. Letters, 1852-1862
Mason (Joseph W.) Papers
Mason-Reep Family collection.
Mathews and Bradney photographs and albums.
Mathews and Bradney photographs and albums.
Maurer (Katharine R.) Collection
Max Shaffrath Coalinga correspondence, 1903-1930.
Maxine Tarlton travel letters, 1927.
Maynard Dixon correspondence, 1906-1974.
Maynard Dixon ephemera.
Maynard Dixon ephemera.
Maynard Dixon poetry, catalog, and drawing, 1896-1904.
Maynard Dixon-Donald J. Hagerty collection, 2012.
McCall (Charles & Daniel) Papers
McCartney (Henry M.) Collection
McClelland Gold Rush letter, 1854.
McIntire (John A.) Papers
McKamy (Eleanor) Papers
McKee (Buck) Letters
McNab Family collection.
McNeill Club Collection
McNeill Club Collection, 1921-1940.
Meadow Lake Mill and Mining Company, 1865-1866
Meadow Lake Mill and Mining Company Papers
[Meeting announcements for the Northeast-Metro Region of the Haiku Society of America].
[Meeting invitations for the Barlow Society for the History of Medicine and the Los Angeles County Medical Association Library designed and printed by Richard J. Hoffman].
Melones Mining Company collection, 1901-1924.
Memorial Grove Committee Collection
Memorial Grove Committee Collection, 1896-1903.
Mentor Etnyre Collection, 1910-1934.
Merle Agnes Clark McCaleb/granddaughter of Kitty Brophy
Meussdorffer (John C.) Letters
Mexican War letter describing the Battle of the Sacramento, 1847.
Mexican War letter describing the Battle of the Sacramento, 1847.
[Mexican-American War documents, decrees and broadsides].
Michael S. Bernick writings, 1970-2015.
Mighels (Ella S.) Collection
Miller (John F.) Collection
Mills, Edgar Papers, 1852-1888.
Milton Mining and Water Company Collection, 1873-1881
Milton Mining and Water Company Papers
Mining Collection descriptions.
Mining Companies Miscellany
Mining Companies Miscellany, 1900-1935
Mining papers, 1912-1926
[Minutes of L'Union Française d'Oakland].
Miscellaneous campaign material.
Miscellaneous mining documents, 1868-1944.
[Miscellaneous printing jobs designed and printed by Richard J. Hoffman]
[Miscellaneous programs and clippings of events held at the Grand Opera House in San Francisco between 1888 and 1905].
Miyoko Takagi letter, 1943.
Mono County Records
Mono County Records, 1861-1911
Montagne Cleeves diaries, 1898-1916.
Moore, George [Letters].
Moore Shipbuilding Company letter, 1921.
Morse (Ephraim W.) Papers
Moss (Joseph M.) Papers, and Dr. J. Mora Moss, III Papers
Mother Lode births, deaths, marriages.
Motion Picture Industry, ca. 1914-1930.
Motion Picture Industry Collection
Music Teachers' Association of California, 1992-2007.
My Dear James letter.
back to top
N. Corbin letters, 1860-1862.
N. Corbin letters, 1860-1862.
Nash, John Henry Collection of announcements, 1927-1939.
Nathaniel Wyche Hunter Mexican War letter, 1846.
National Bank of D. O. Mills and Company collection, 1847-1927.
National Bank of D. O. Mills and Company Records
National Bank of D. O. Mills letters, 1910.
Native Sons of the Golden West ribbons and badges, 1884-1931.
Nelson A. Bixby Collection, 1860-1890.
Nevada County gold mine deed, 1877.
Nevada County gold mine deed, 1877.
Nevada County Justice Court, 1883-1887.
Nevada. Executive Dept. Records, 1911-1912.
New Almaden Mines Collection
New Almaden Mines Collection, 1845-1944.
New Idria Mining Company Collection, 1854-1867.
New Idria Mining Company Records
New Idria Quicksilver Mining Company Collection #2
New Idria Quicksilver Mining Company Collection #2, 1854-1973.
New Valley Connexions [reports] : a partnership program of the Great Valley Center and the California Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency, Division of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Newcastle Development Association minutes and hydraulic mining news clippings, 1896-1927.
[Newspaper articles pertaining to George Moore].
North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company, 1868-1897.
North (John G.) Papers
Notarized Papers Miscellany, 1854-1908.
Notre Dame des Victoires mechanics lien court transcript, 1890.
back to top
Oakland Paving Company ledgers, 1909-1923.
Oakland Paving Company ledgers, 1909-1923.
Occidental Gold Mining Company Records, 1877-1973.
Ogden Hoffman habeas corpus, 1851.
Ogden Hoffman habeas corpus, 1851.
Oliver Hazard Perry White letter, 1849.
Oliver J. Carter Collection, 1951-1976
Otis K. Freeman Collection, 1838-1881.
Ottley (Allan) Papers
Ottley, Allan R. Papers, 1955-1979.
Owen C. Coy Collection, 1860-1940
Owens Valley Water Wars Reference File and Correspondence from the personal file of Senator, Joseph E. Riley, 1924-1938.
back to top
Pacific Coast League baseball ephemera, 1944-1950.
Pacific Coast League baseball ephemera, 1944-1950.
Palmer Cox Collection, 1871-1924.
[Pamphlet collection from the People's Law School in San Francisco, California /
Paradise Incorporation Clippings, 1978-1980.
Partner and participant : University of California chancellor's and president's wife, 1984-1995 / 2002.
Patent issued to Alfred Ropp of Selby, California for roasting and oxidizing furnace, 1899.
Patent issued to Alfred Ropp of Selby, California for roasting and oxidizing furnace, 1899.
Patent petition for gold washing machine, 1849.
Patent petition for gold washing machine, 1849.
Patriarche (Charles T.) Papers
Paul Gann archive, 1978-1989
Paul Jorgen Gothesen papers, 1911-1956.
Peairs (Howard A.) Papers
Pearl Church diary, 1928.
Peck-Jardine -1902.
[Pencil drawings by Caroline Bacon Coleman, 1864-1868]
Pennell (William D.) Letters
Penry (William C.) Collection
Perkins (Isaac) Papers
Peter F. McDermott collection, 1892-1909.
Philip A. Embury World War I collection, 1917-1919.
Phillips Family ledger, 1883-1884.
Phillips (George S.) Correspondence
Phipps (William T.) Letters
Phoebe Hearst documents, 1915-1933.
[Physical accessibility/mobility] : a collection of materials primarily fom the Mental and physical disability law reporter (formerly the Mental Disability law reporter).
Pierce (Hiram D.) Letters
Pierson Barton Reading Collection, 1843-1868
Pioneer Congregational Church
Pioneer Congregational Church Collection, 1849-1878.
Pioneer Manuscript Collection
Pioneer Reduction Works Collection, 1898-1926.
Pioneer Reduction Works Records
Pittman (Tarea H.) Papers
Pittman, Tarea Hall. Papers, 1951-1970.
Placer County Legal Records
Placer County Legal Records, 1851-1856.
Placer County liquor licenses, 1851.
Plantin Press Project, 1967-1983.
Pollie Denver Sacramento Flood letter, 1853.
Pony Express Centennial documents, 1958.
Poodle Dog Restaurant and Marcel Mailhebuau collection.
Portuguese Protective and Benevolent Association collection, 1885-1913.
Portuguese Protective and Benevolent Association collection, 1885-1913.
Powell (Albert) Papers
[Programs for the Alcazar Theatre, San Francisco, California].
[Promotional material from Los Angeles City College].
Pronzini (Bill) Archive
[Publications from the Family History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints].
Publications of several chapters of the Ebell Society, 1919-1927.
Purcell (Charles H.) Collection
Purissima voter list, 1888-1898.
Pvt. Henry. A. Eckhardt 18th Infantry World War I letters, 1916-1920.
Pvt. Henry. A. Eckhardt 18th Infantry World War I letters, 1916-1920.
back to top
Quentin L. Kopp papers, 1970-1998.
Questionnaire, 1886 April 23-May 8th.
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R. B. Symington letter and invoice, 1882.
R. D. Stephens, 1888-1890.
Race horse document of sale, 1861
Rank (Kenneth) - New Idria Mines Collection
Rankin family genealogy.
Raousset-Boulbon (Gaston R., comte de) Papers
Reading (Pearson B.) Collection
[Record book of convicts sent to Folsom and San Quentin prisons, or to jails, 1899-1905].
Reeb (George) Papers
Reed (James F.) Papers
Reichhold Papers
Reichhold papers, 1979-
Reid/Leffingwell items, 1773-1892.
Reminiscences, 1879.
Reminiscences of overland journeys during the gold rush period, 1912 Sept. 24
[Report and specifications for construction of streets in the City of Los Angeles].
Report on uranium deposit near Enterprise Gold Mine, Madera County, 1955.
Report on uranium deposit near Enterprise Gold Mine, Madera County, 1955.
Research material for book on California's first women legislators, 1978-1981
[Research material on General Mariano G. Vallejo's bookplate] [manuscript].
Reward poster for escapees from Folsom Prison, 1890.
Reward poster for escapees from Folsom Prison, 1890.
Rhoda Kremnitz-Martin collection, 1923-1974.
Richard J. Dolwig Collection, 1950-1981.
Richard Lyons naval documents, 1860-1866.
Richard Press Wine Ephemera, 1976-1999.
Richmond, Cyrus C. Papers, 1812-1903, inclusive; 1859-1851, bulk
Riders of the plains : [collection of Western fiction taken from various magazines].
[Rights of disabled persons/patients generally] : articles from the Mental and physical disability law reporter (formerly the Mental disability law reporter).
Robert Barrett Collection, 1978-1987.
Robert Edgar Sanderson World War II letters, 1944-1948.
Robert Frost letters, 1928.
Robert Gordon Sproul oral history project /
Robert McGuffey Mexican War letter, 1848.
Robert McGuffey Mexican War letter, 1848.
Robert Stacy-Judd Collection circa 1923-1962.
Robinson and Una Jeffers letters, 1917-1937.
A. Roman & Co. invoice, 1873.
[Rounce & Coffin Club announcements].
Rowe (Joseph A.) Papers
Royal Mine Archive, 1903-1935.
Ruth Ann Holmes Philippine internment diary and correspondence, 1937-1960.
Ryerson, John N. Correspondence, 1849 Jan. 7-1854 Oct. 24.
back to top
S. C. Shaw Letters, 1859-1861.
S. Phillips diary 1864.
Sacramento County vote tally sheet, 1858.
Sacramento Genealogical Society Cemetery Records
Sacramento Genealogical Society Cemetery Records, 1864-1951.
Sacramento Property Deed, 1853.
Sacramento State College Claim Jumpers, 1956-1958.
Sacramento State College Claim Jumpers, 1956-1958.
Sacramento War Ration Books, 1942-1943.
Saint-Saens letter, 1915.
Samuel A. Shumway diary, 1853.
Samuel A. Shumway diary, 1853.
Samuel Brannan land transfer papers, 1865-1870.
Samuel Brannan land transfer papers, 1865-1870.
Samuel Breck sentencing statement, 1872.
Samuel Hieb World War II letters, 1944-1946.
Samuel J. Hume Collection, 1946-1956.
Samuel Martin, 1920-1952.
Samuel S. Haines Diaries, 1884-1922.
San Francisco Bay navy yard site survey, 1852.
San Francisco Delinquent Tax Lists, 1876-1893.
San Francisco earthquake and fire collection, 1906.
San Francisco Municipal Railway, San Francisco, California.
San Francisco Superior Court Cases, 1905-1922.
San Francisco Superior Court Cases Collection
San Francisco tax bill and invoice, 1870.
San Francisco's Literary Frontier manuscript page, 1939.
San Juan Water District. Records, 1854-1994
Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company records, 1877-1948.
Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company records, 1877-1948.
Saturday Club Collection, 1893-1946.
Saturday Club Records
Savings and Loan Society Collection, 1857-1910.
Savings and Loan Society Records
Sawtelle (Eugene W.) Papers
Sawyer, H. C. (Herbert Carleton) Correspondence, 1882 May 19-1885 May 17.
Schwarzenegger-Shriver collection.
Scrapbook, 1994.
[Scripps Institution of Oceanography leaflets].
Searls & Searls Papers
Searls & Searls Papers, 1920-1923.
Sederquist (Albert E.) Papers
Selby Smelting & Lead Co. Papers, 1852-1976.
Selby Smelting & Lead Company Records
Semple (Charles D.) Papers
Sesquicentennial Exhibits, 1999-2000.
Settlers Ditch Company. Records, 1874-1900.
Sexton (Warren T.) Papers
Shannon (Irene C.H.) Collection
Shasta County Library Closing
Shasta County Library Closing, 1987-1988.
Shaw (S. C.) Papers
Sheldon (Henry B.) Papers
Shenk Family Papers
Shenk family papers, 1898-1940.
Shikishi collection honoring the tenth anniversary of the Haiku Society of America, 1978
Short (James M.) Collection
Sickler (Marion M.) Papers
Sierra Buttes Gold Mining Company. Records, 1869-1912
Sierra City letter, 1917.
Sierra County Writ of Attachment, 1907.
Silk and Satan, 1952.
Simon Stevens letter, 1874.
Sincerity Lodge, 1854-1893
Sincerity Lodge Collection
Skar Chinese collection.
Skar Chinese collection.
Smith (John M.) Papers
Snowball, John W., 1860-1905
Snowball (John W.) Papers
[Social announcements and invitations printed by Richard J. Hoffman 1960-1990]
Somerville letter, 1903.
Sonoma County Election materials, 1879.
Southard & Co. receivers of California redwood lumber and shingles.
Southern California Artists, 1908-1975.
Southern Pacific Waybills, 1909-1914.
Southworth Brothers Papers
Southworth Brothers Papers, 1850-1877
Souvenir of European travel, 1875 [photograph].
Sowden, William P. Papers, 1872-1920.
Spanish and Mexican Materials
Spanish and Mexican materials, 1781-1882.
Specifications for Second Church of Christ Scientist, Berkeley, 1915.
Specimen collection of haiku periodicals.
Specimen collection of haiku periodicals.
Specimen collection of haiku periodicals.
Specimen collection of haiku periodicals.
Specimens of job printing from the Inland Printer.
Spring Tunneling Company, 1855-1860
Spring Tunneling Company, Nevada County
St. Louis and Portland Exposition Medals, 1904-1905.
Stanislaus Electric Power Company. Records, 1897-1917.
Stanley Hiller, Sr. Collection, 1922-1962
Stanton Delaplane collection, 1907-1988.
Stanwood letters, 1852-1854.
Stanwood letters, 1852-1854.
Starks (Leonard F.) Collection
State Library Collection (SLC)
State of California vs. Yuba Goldfields and the United States, 1979-1985
State of California vs. Yuba Goldfields Collection
Statement of the Condition of the Sespe Light and Power Company, 1919.
Stellman (Louis J.) Papers
Stephen Davis letters, 1844-1858.
Stephen Davis letters, 1844-1858.
Stevenson's "Amateur Emigrant" corrected galleys, 1880.
Stewart (George W.) Collection
Stickney Family collection, 1848-1972.
Stickney Family collection, 1848-1972.
Stow, J. W. (Joseph Washington) Correspondence, 1863-1869.
Stow, J. W. (Joseph Washington) Letterpress copybook, 1870 Aug. 30 - 1873 Sept. 24.
Stowe Gold Rush letter, 1856.
Strong (Edward O.) Collection
Stuart (James E.) Collection
Sumner Whitney & Co. invoice, 1873.
Sun Sun Wo Store, 1909-1910.
Sutherland, Jasper. Letter from French Gulch, 1888 Nov. 24
Sutter (John A., Jr.) Papers
Sutter (John A.) Papers
Sutton & Co. letter, 1855.
Sutton & Co. letter, 1855.
Sweasey Family Papers
Sweasey Family Papers, 1850-ca.1948.
back to top
Tahoe Council-Camp Pahatsi Boy Scout ledger 1924-1974.
Tahoe Council-Camp Pahatsi Boy Scout ledger 1924-1974.
Talisman Press Archives
Talisman Press archives, 1958-1969.
Tarr (Benjamin F.) Papers
Tasheira (Anthony L.) Papers
Taylorsville Store Collection
Taylorsville Store Collection, 1858-1949
Teaching notebook, 1883-1909.
[Telephone card haiku] /
Thomas B. Bishop Company deeds,
Thomas B. Godden Mexican War letter, 1848.
Thomas Gilman Collection, 1853-1907.
Thomas Vano World War II letters, 1944-1945.
Thomas Vano World War II letters, 1944-1945.
Thompson (DeWitt C.) Papers
Tiburcio Vasquez Collection.
Tiburcio Vasquez Collection.
Tom Fante correspondence and draft of talk, 1985-1986.
Tom Gorelangton family trees.
Tom Mooney collection, 1916-1942.
Transcontinental Railroad Journey description, 1889.
Tregellas-Ferguson Family 1906-2011.
Trinity Church Collection
Trinity Church Collection, l862-1935.
Tule Lake Relocation Center
Tule Lake Relocation Center, 1942-1945
Tuolumne County Water Company check stubs and business papers, 1855-1879.
Tuolumne County Water Company Records
back to top
[Union Mining Inc., Boundary Cone Gold Mine Company, and Black Range Mining Company scrapbook].
Union Turnpike Road Company notice of intention, 1864.
United Spanish War Veterans and Auxiliary, Paradise, California, records, 1940-1965
University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Governmental Studies. Correspondence regarding the case of Thomas N. Truax, 1968 Feb. 9-1976 April 20.
[University of the Pacific scrapbook /
Upton Sinclair's End Poverty in California (EPIC) campaign collection, 1934.
Uren manuscript for "Field notes of the town of Dutch Flat [California]", 1871 June 21.
Uren manuscript for "Field notes of the town of Dutch Flat [California]", 1871 June 21.
Uriah Wood West Side Irrigation Bill letter, 1878.
Uriah Wood West Side Irrigation Bill letter, 1878.
Urmy (Clarence) Collection
U.S. Land Office, Sacramento, 1858-1908.
U.S. Land Office, Sacramento (Calif.) Records
USS West Grama photos, 1919.
back to top
Vasquez (Jose T.) Papers
Venice Club documents, 1907.
Venice Club documents, 1907.
Vera (Angel de) Collection
Victor and Mamie Forni papers, 1900-1949
Vigilance collection, 1856.
Vigilance Committee Records
Vioget (Jean J.) Papers
Vito Sgromo collection, 1968-2006.
Volle Family Collection
Volle family collection, 1838-1978.
back to top
W. E. Hoskin Sonora beer wagon ledger, 1897-1908.
W. F. Witherell, 1878-1886.
W. W. Light papers, 1851-1893.
W. W. Light papers, 1851-1893.
Wadsworth (Eden) Papers
Warner Family Letters, 1871-1901.
Warner Family Papers
Warren T. Sexton Collection, 1850-1878.
Washington Bartlett letter, 1887.
Washington DC Slave Deed, 1836.
Weinberger Winery collection, 1830-1893.
Welch (J. A.) Letters
Wells, Fargo & Company collection, 1853-1906.
Wells, Fargo & Company Papers
Wenzel (Caroline) Collection
West & Harry receipts, 1906-1908.
Western Overland Trails Collection manuscript material collected by the Oregon-California Trails Association.
Wheaton & Luhrs file letter, 1889.
Wheeler (Cyrus T.) Papers
Wilkinson, H. F. Correspondence, 1887 Oct. 16 and 1889 Jan. 17
Will C. Wood Collection, 1900-1939
Willard Davis collection.
William B. Johnson Panama letter, 1853.
William C. Mathes collection, 1921-1976.
William C. Penry Collection, 1868-1895.
William Colbert manuscript journal and autobiography, 1881.
William Colbert manuscript journal and autobiography, 1881.
William Cooper letter to Captain Moses I. Muliken, 1849.
William Cooper letter to Captain Moses I. Muliken, 1849.
William Doyle Pennell Collection, 1849-1885.
William Earp collection, 1862
William F. Losch, Jr. Douglas Aircraft letters, 1941.
William G. Clark copybook, Coloma, 1859.
William G. Clark copybook, Coloma, 1859.
William Green Bullard Collection, 1852-1863.
William H. Bull Collection, 1891-1919.
William H. Crocker letter, 1903.
William H. H. Garritt Collection, 1861-1864.
William H. Hutchinson Collection, 1947-1990
William Hammond Hall Collection, 1817-1915
William Heath Davis Collection, 1837-1905
[William Henry Snyder : programs and announcements from Los Angeles Junior College and Los Angeles City College].
William Higby Letters, 1837-1859.
William Jackson Losh Collection, 1908-1973.
William L. Hughson Company collection, 1906-1937.
William Lee letters, 1846-1850.
William N. Davis, Jr. World War II collection.
William N. Davis, Jr. World War II collection.
William P. Warren family correspondence, 1850-1852.
William R. Bryant World War II collection.
William R. Bryant World War II collection.
William R. Olden gold rush letters ; pioneer letters, 1849-1877
William S. Thomas collection, 1849-1912.
William Spencer Lowden Collection, 1870-1930
William T. Phipps Letters, 1871-1905.
Winchester (Jonas) Collection
[Winchester Mystery House].
Wine cellar book [scrapbook].
Winfield Scott correspondence, 1847-1848.
Winfield Scott correspondence, 1847-1848.
Wong Mee Shee collection.
Wong Mee Shee collection.
Wood (Will C.) Collection
World Series Newspapers, 2012.
World War I History Committee, 1917-1919.
World War I letters, 1917-1919
World War I letters, 1917-1919
World War I letters, 1918-1919.
World War I letters, 1918-1919
World War I Soldiers File
World War II Home Front and GI Bill materials, 1943-1944.
World War II letters, 1942-1945.
World War II letters, 1942-1945.
World War II letters, 1942-1945.
World War II letters, 1942-1945.
World War II letters, 1943.
World War II letters, 1943-1945
World War II letters, 1943-1945
World War II letters, 1943-1945.
World War II letters, 1943-1945.
World War II letters, 1944-1946
World War II letters, 1944-1946.
World War II letters, 1945-1946.
WPA-Federal Arts Projects in Calif. [scrapbook] /
[Wu series] /
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Yellow Aster Mining and Milling Company. Records, 1898-1918
Yosemite Park & Curry Co. letterhead, 1926.
Young Brothers Letters
Young Brothers Letters, 1852-1856.
Young (C. C.) Newspaper Clippings
Young Ladies' Institute minutes, 1912-1996.
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