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Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
333 S. La Cienega Blvd
Beverly Hills, California 90211
Phone: (310) 247-3036 extension 2226
Fax: (310) 657-5193
Email: specialcollections@oscars.org
Collections with online items: 14
Physical collections: 574
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Academy Awards Show photographs
Academy War Film Library files
Alamo Drafthouse collection of Mondo posters
Albert (Eddie) papers
Alexander (Van) papers
Allen (Gene) papers
Allyn (William) papers
American Society of Cinematographers collection
Amestoy (Michel) papers
Anderson (Carl) papers
Angold (Edit) papers
Ardmore (Jane) papers
Arlen (Richard) papers
Art Directors Guild collection
Ashby (Hal) papers
Association of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) records
Athaiya (Bhanu) material
Atlas (Jack) papers
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Bacon (Lloyd) papers
Baird (Leah) papers
Balkan (Adele) costume design drawings
Banks (Steve) photographs
Barfoed (Janus) collection
Barker (Constance) collection
Barrymore (Ethel) papers
Barsky (Bud)
Bartel (Paul)
Barthelmess (Richard) scrapbooks
Bass (Saul) papers
Batty (Bill) papers
Beaudine (William) papers
Becher (John C.)
Behind the Lens records
Behlmer (Rudy) papers
Bellamy (Madge) papers
Bellamy (Ralph) papers
Bercovici (Leonardo) papers
Bernard (Bruno) photographs
Berne (Isidore) papers
Best (Marjorie)
Beyda (Kent) papers
B'hend (Tom) and Preston Kaufman collection
Biroc (Joseph) papers
Bjorkman (B. J.) papers
Blackton (J. Stuart) papers
Blankfort (Michael) papers
Blumofe (Robert F.) papers
Bodeen (DeWitt) papers
Bondi (Beulah) papers
Booth (Margaret) papers
Borchers (Donald P.) papers
Borowsky (Marvin) papers
Borzage (Frank) papers
Bosworth (Hobart) papers
Bow (Clara) papers
Boyer (Charles) papers
Boyle (Robert) papers
Brabin (Charles) papers
Brackett (Charles) papers
Brando (Marlon) material on ONE-EYED JACKS
Brenner (Albert) set plans and production design drawings
Bromley (Sheila) papers
Bronston (Samuel) papers
Brooks (Richard) papers
Brown Derby Restaurants photographs
Brunetti (Argentina) papers
Brusinski (George) papers
Bucquet (Harold S.) papers
Bumstead (Henry) papers
Butler (David) papers
Byrd (Ralph) papers
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Cahn (Sammy) papers
California African-American Museum negatives
Cambern (Donn) papers
Campbell (Bruce) production material for JOHNNY GOT HIS GUN
Carey (Macdonald) papers
Carré (Ben) papers
Carrere (Fernando) papers
Casting notebook for PULP FICTION
Cavett (Frank) papers
Chamberlin (Audrey) scrapbooks
Champlin (Charles) papers
Cinefantastique magazine records
Cinema Arts-Crafts technical drawings
Clark (Edward and Janet Elsie) papers
Clark (Pete) papers
Clarke (Charles G.) collection
Cohen, (Howard R.) papers
Collier, William "Buster" Jr. enter filing title
Collier (William Sr.) papers
Collis (Jack T.) papers
Communikon audience test reports
Communist activity in the entertainment industry bureau files
Connolly (Mike) collection compiled by Val Holley
Coogan (Jackie) papers
Costume Designers Guild collection
Cowan (Lester) papers
Crain (Jeanne) fan mail and correspondence
Cramer, Duncan papers
Crocker (Harry) papers
Crockett (Dick) papers
Cudequest Family collection
Cukor (George) papers
Cummings (Jack) papers
Cushman (Robert) collection of sheet music
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Daily Breeze collection
Dall (John) papers
Dallinger (Nat) photographs
Daum (Raymond W.) collection
Dauman (Florence) papers
Davies (Marion) estate papers
Davies (Valentine) papers
Davison (Jon) papers
Dawley (J. Searle) papers
Day (Richard) papers
De Laurentiis Entertainment Group photographs
DeMille (Cecil B.) collection
DeMille (Cecil B.) photographs
Dmytryk (Edward) papers
Doland (Michael) collection of auction and sales catalogs
Donen (Stanley) papers
Donfeld papers
DoQui (Robert) papers
Douris Corporation collection on Douglas Fairbanks
Dowd (Nancy) papers
Dunn (Linwood G.) papers
Dunne (Philip and Amanda) photographs
Durbin (Deanna) collection compiled by Dubravka Riedl
Dwight Cleveland collection of posters
Dyer (Elmer) papers
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Eddy (Nelson) collection compiled by Val Davison
Encounter Cinema records
Engstead (John) and Franciene Watkins papers
Eppes (William D.) collection
Epstein (Julius J.) papers
Estabrook, Howard enter filing title
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Fairbanks (Douglas) papers
Fairfax (Marion) papers
Fan scrapbooks compiled by Edna G. Vercoe
Feitshans (Buzz) papers
Ferrero (Jane Lockwood) papers
Fields (W. C.) papers
Fierro (Joyce) reader reports
The Film Society records
First National Pictures photographs
Fleischer (Richard) papers
Fleischman (A. S.) papers
Flynn (Errol) collection compiled by Trudy McVicker
Forbes (Bryan) papers
Foreman (John) papers
Fox (Charles) papers
Frank (Melvin) papers
Frankenheimer (John) papers
Franz (Eduard) papers
Freeman (Joel) papers
Freulich (Roman) papers
Friedkin (William) papers
Friedman (Harry B.) papers
Furthman (Jules) papers
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Gable (Clark) collection compiled by Lyn Tornabene
Gallant (Ara) photographs
Garrett (Murray) photographs
(Gassner Dennis) production design drawings
Geraghty (Thomas J.) papers
Gibbons (Cedric) and Hazel Brooks papers
Gibson (Wynne) papers
Gillespie (A. Arnold) photographs
Glasser (Bernard) collection of scripts
Gledhill (Donald) animation project collection
Glickman (Richard B.) collection
Goldberg (Maurice) nitrate negatives
Golden (Renee Wayne) collection
Goldsmith (Jerry) music sketches
Goldstein (Leonard) papers
Goldstone (Richard) papers
Goodman (John B.) papers
Gordon (William "Billy") papers
Gosch (Martin A.) papers
Granet (Bert) papers
Grant (Cary) papers
Gray (Michael A.) papers
Green (Guy) papers
Green (Howard J.) papers
Gregory (James) papers
Gresham (Gloria) costume design drawings
Grey (Virginia) papers
Grinde (Nick) papers
Grubel (Robert M.) papers
Guggenheim Productions records
Gunzburg (M. L.) papers
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H. N. Swanson Agency records
Hackett (Joan) collection
Hal Roach Studios scripts and production material
Hall (Gladys) papers
Hamilton (Ben) collection
Hardy (Rex) photographs
Harman (Bob) drawings
Harrington (Curtis) papers
Harris (Robert H.) papers
Haver (Ronald) collection
Head (Edith) papers
Heerman (Victor) papers
Henabery (Joseph and Jeanne) papers
Henderson (Duncan) production strip boards for THE PERFECT STORM
Hendrickson (Stephen) papers
Henreid (Paul) papers
Hepburn (Katharine) papers
Herman (Norman T.) papers
Hersholt (Jean) papers
Heston (Charlton) papers
Highway Film Service distribution records
Hill (George Roy) papers
Hill (Roland E.) drawings
Hiller (Arthur) papers
Hirshberg (Jack) papers
Hitchcock (Alfred) papers
Hogarth (Louise) material on THE GIFT
Holly (Edwin) collection of Desilu and First Artists reports
Hollywood columnists' clippings
Hollywood Coordinating Committee records
Hollywood Foreign Press Association press conference recordings
Hollywood Museum collection
Hollywood on Location records
Hollywood Women's Press Club records
Home Vision Entertainment collection
Hopper (Hedda) papers
Hornblow (Arthur and Leonora) papers
Horvath (Ferdinand) collection compiled by John Canemaker
Howe, (James Wong) papers
Hubley (John and Faith) animation cels
Hughes (Howard) collection
Hunter (Alan D.) photographs
Hunter (Ian McLellan) papers
Hunter (Tim) material
Hush (Lisabeth) collection on sex discrimination against women
Huston (John) papers
Hutchinson (Craig) papers
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Ihnen (Wiard) collection
Ince (Thomas H.) photographs
Information International motion picture project correspondence and photographs
Irene scrapbooks
Isted (Lincoln) papers
Ivens (Joris) papers
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Jaffe (Steven-Charles) papers
Jasgur (Gary "Junior") papers
Jeakins (Dorothy) costume design drawings
Jefferies (Philip M.) papers ***
Jenkins (George) papers
Johnny Guitar Society collection compiled by Malcolm Watt
Johnson (Lamont) papers
Johnston (Agnes Christine) and Frank Dazey papers
Jones (Caro) papers
Jones (Grover) papers
Jones (Larry) papers
Jonson (Tod) collection
Jung (Tom) papers
Justin (George) collection of scripts
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Kalmus (Natalie) papers
Kamp (Louis and Irene) papers
Kane (Byron) papers
Kanin (Fay and Michael) papers
Kasznar (Kurt) papers
Kaufman (Millard) papers
Keaton (Buster) papers
Keighley (William) material
Keller (Frank P.) papers
Kelley (DeForest) papers
Kerby (Elizabeth Poe) papers
King Bros. Productions records
King (Henry) papers
Kingman (Dong) papers
Kline (Marty) storyboards
Knopf (Edwin H. and Mildred O.) papers
Knox (Alexander) papers
Kozlenko (William) papers
Kramer (Ken) collection
Kreuger (Kurt) papers
Krims (Milton) papers
Kräly (Hans) script material
Kurland (Gil) papers
Kurtz (Wilbur G.) collection
Kuter (Leo "K") papers
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LaBrecque (Ron) collection
Lacy (Madison S.) albums
Lamfrom (Burton F.) set plans
Lamour (Dorothy) collection compiled by Paul Padgette
Lanchester (Elsa) papers
Landis (John) papers
Lardner (Ring, Jr.) papers
Lasky (Jesse L.) papers
Lasky Players oil painting by Alexander Z. Kruse
Lauren (Joan) photographs
Leamer (Laurence) collection
LeBorg (Reginald) papers
Lederer (Charles) family papers
Lee (Spike) scripts
Lees (Robert) and Fred Rinaldo papers
Leigh (Janet) papers
Lemer (Robert) papers
LeRoy (Mervyn) papers
Lesser (Julian) papers
Levitow (Abe and Charlotte) collection
Lewis (Ellen) casting notebooks
Lithgow (John) clippings and photographs
Lloyd (Harold) papers
Lloyd (John Robert) production design material
Loeb and Loeb files
Loew (David L.) papers
Lourié (Eugéne) production design drawings from AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE
Lubin (Arthur) scripts
Luke (Keye) papers
Lux Radio Theatre collection
Lynch (Edith) papers
Lyndon (Barré) papers
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MacDougall (Ranald) papers
MacMurray (Fred) and June Haver papers
Major (William B.) papers
Mankiewicz (Joseph L.) papers
Mankiewicz (Tom) scripts and photographs
Mann (Daniel) papers
Mapp (Edward) collection
Marton (Andrew) papers
The Masquers records
Maté (Rudolph) papers
Max (Arthur) papers
Mazurki (Mike) papers
Mazursky (Paul) papers
McCarty (Clifford) collection
McDaniel (Hattie and Sam) papers
McDonald (Roger) papers
McDougal (Dennis) research files
McGuire (Don) papers
McGuire (Dorothy) papers
McLeod (Norman Z.) papers
McQueen (Steve) and Neile Adams papers
McQueen (Steve) papers
Meeker (Ralph) papers
Merlin (Milton) papers
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Accounting Department records
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Art Department records
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer British production records
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Legal Department collection
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production and biography photographs
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer set reference photographs
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer set rental and location weather records
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Shorts Department script collection
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Wardrobe Department records
Milestone (Lewis) papers
Milland (Ray) papers
Miller (David) papers
Miller (Tom) papers
Minnelli (Vincente) papers
Mohr (Hal) and Evelyn Venable papers
Monley (Eva) papers
Monogram Pictures photographs
Moore (Colleen) scrapbooks
Moreno (Antonio) papers
Morin (Moya) papers
Morley (Ruth) papers
Motion Picture Association of America certificate books
Motion Picture Association of America clippings and radio transcripts
Motion Picture Association of America. Production Code Administration records
Motion Picture Association of America World War II records
Motion Picture Patents Company and General Film Company collection
Motion Picture Society for the Americas records
Motion Pictures and World War II files
Movietime U.S.A. collection
Mowbray (Malcolm) scripts
Mulligan (Robert) papers
Murphy (Art) papers
Murphy (Edna) papers
Murray (Feg) material
Myton (Fred K.) papers
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Nasatir (Marcia) papers
Negulesco (Jean and Dusty) papers
Neilan (Marshall) papers
Nelson (Ralph) photographs
Nesselroth (Sigmund) artwork and other material
Newman (Steve) production material
Niven (David) papers
Niver (Kemp) collection
Noerdlinger (Henry S.) papers
Normand (Mabel) collection compiled by William R. Meyer
North (Alex) papers
Nozaki (Albert) papers
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Oberon (Merle) papers
Obzina (Martin) production design drawings
Orchestra parts for KRAKATOA, EAST OF JAVA
Orlando (Guido) papers
Oscar concert music scores for nominated songs and scores from the 86th Oscars
OuYang (Lucille) production notebooks
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Pakula (Alan J.) papers
Palmer (Charles) papers
Palmer (Maria) papers
Palmer Photoplay Corp. synopses
Panama (Norman) papers
Paramount Pictures contract summaries
Paramount Pictures photographs
Paramount Pictures press sheets
Paramount Pictures production records
Paramount Pictures scripts
Parker (Kit) collection
Parry (Harvey) papers
Parsons (Louella) scrapbooks and photographs
Pathé Exchange records
Paul Kohner Agency records
Paxton (John) papers
Peck (Gregory) papers
Peckinpah (Sam) papers
Peppard (George) papers
Perrin (Jack) papers
Perry (Eleanor) papers
Phillips (Ray) collection
Photographs collected by Al Hirschfeld
Photography from the films of Woody Allen
Pickford (Mary) papers
Pickman (Milton E.) papers
Pisoni (Edward) papers
Pollack (Sydney) papers
Powell (Jane) papers
Presnell (Robert) papers
Previn (Charles) papers
Production material collected by Colin Higgins
Production material for FEDORA
Prussing (Louise) papers
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Quarberg (Lincoln) papers
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Raker (James) papers
Randolf (Anders) papers
Raye (Martha) papers
Reis (Irving) papers
Reisfeld (Bert) papers
Renie costume design drawings
Rhodes (Billie) papers
Rhodes (Leah) costume design drawings
Richardson (Frances) collection
Riddle (Melvin) papers
Ritt (Martin) papers
RKO Radio Pictures photographs
Robertson (Peggy) papers
Robinson (Phil Alden) scripts
Roland (Gilbert) papers
Roos (Fred) collection of HAMMETT script material
Rosenberg (Frank P.) papers
Roth (Sanford) photographs
Ruttenberg (Joseph) correspondence and transcripts
Ryder (Loren L.) papers
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Saint (Eva Marie) papers
Sale (Richard) papers
Sandrich (Mark) papers
Scheuer (Philip K.) papers
Schlaifer (Charles) papers
Schlesinger (John) papers
Schrager (Sheldon) papers
Schubert (Bernard) material
Screen Composers Association records
Script material for THE BIBLE
Selig (William) papers
Seltzer (Walter) papers
Sennett (Mack) papers
Sersen (Fred) papers
Shanks (William) collection of scripts
Shavelson (Melville) papers
Shedlo (Ronald) papers
Sherman (George) papers
Sherman (Vincent) papers
Silverstein (Elliot) papers
Simkin (Margery) casting notebooks
Simmonds (Robert) collection of photographs
Skolsky (Sidney) papers
Slaback (Clare) collection compiled by Kelly M. Younger
Smith (Dick) drawings and photographs
Smith (Frederick Y.) papers
Smith (Pete) papers
SMU collection of Ronald L. Davis oral histories on the performing arts
Society of Independent Motion Picture Producers v. United Detroit Theatres Corp. case proceedings
Society of Motion Picture Still Photographers photographs
Sony Pictures Entertainment collection
Sorel (Peter) photographs
SoRelle (Valerie) collection
Soundies Distributing Corporation of America photographs
Spangler (Larry G.) papers
Sperling (Milton) papers
Spisak (Neil) papers
Stanley (Leonard) collection
Stephenson (Esther) papers
Stern (Phil) collection
Stevens (George) papers
Stevens (Spooky) papers
Stone (Andrew L.) papers
Stray (Stella) papers
Strickling (Howard) papers
Stromberg (Hunt) papers
Struss (Karl) photographs
Studio Photo Imaging photographs
Sturges (John) papers
Sukman (Harry) papers
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Taft Organization collection of scripts
Tallmantz Aviation records
Taylor (Juliet) casting notebooks
Technicolor collection
Telling Pictures records
Telluride Film Festival records
Thalberg (Irving G.) and Norma Shearer papers
Theatre Vanguard records
Theisen (Earl) collection
Toddy Pictures Company collection
Toddy Pictures Company photographs
Tone (Franchot) papers
Truwe (John) papers
Tuchman (Mitch) interview transcripts
Tunberg (Karl) research notebooks
Turner (George E.) collection
Turner/MGM scripts
Turpin (Ben) papers
Tuttle (Frank) papers
Tuttle (William) papers
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation photographs
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation set reference photographs
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Ulmer (Edgar G.) papers
Underwood (Ron) papers
United Artists Corporation photographs
United Artists Corporation publicity department miscellany
United Media photographs
Universal Pictures Company negatives
Universal Pictures Company trailer scripts
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Valentino (Rudolph) collection compiled by Emily Leider
Valentino (Rudolph) material
Van Riper (Kay) papers
Vernon (Harry M.) papers
Victor (Kathrin) papers
von Stroheim (Erich) papers
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Wakeling (Gwen) costume design drawings
Wallace (Richard) papers
Wallach (George) papers
Wallis (Hal) papers
Walls (Howard) collection
Wanamaker (Marc) collection of scripts
War Film Hearings collection
Warner Bros. continuity scripts
Warner (Harry M.) scrapbooks
Wead (Frank "Spig") papers
Webb (Clifton) material
Webb (George C.) papers
Weiser (Marty) papers
West (Roland) papers
Western Electric Company photographs
Westheimer (Joseph and Katherine) collection of patents
Westmore (Perc) papers
Westwood (Carol) photographs
White (Jules) papers
White (Sam) papers
Widmark (Richard) papers
Wilde (Arthur L.) papers
Wilder (Billy) papers
Wilkinson (Jay) papers
Williams (Elmo) papers
Williams (Whitney) papers
Wolsky (Albert) costume design drawings
Woodbury (Jeanne) collection
Woody Allen collection of Brian Hamill photography
Worsley (Wallace Jr.) papers
Worsley (Wallace, Sr.) papers
Wright (William H.) papers
Wurtzel (Sol M.) papers
Wyckoff (Alvin) photographs
Wyler (William) collection compiled by Jan Herman
Wyler (William) papers
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Yorkin (Bud) papers
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Zastupnevich (Paul) costume design drawings
Zeitlin (David I.) papers
Zinnemann (Fred) papers
Zukor (Adolph) correspondence
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