Paul Iselin Wellman (1898-1966) worked as reporter, writer, and editor for various Wichita newspapers (1919-36) and the
Kansas City Star (1936-44) before becoming a screenwriter for Warner Brothers and M-G-M (1944-46). He also wrote histories of the west and
many historical novels, including
The iron mistress (1951) and
The fiery flower (1959). The collection consists of manuscripts, typescripts, and galley proofs of Wellman's screenplays and published books.
Wellman was born October 14, 1898, in Enid, Oklahoma; AB, Fairmont College (now University of Wichita), 1918; worked as reporter,
writer, and editor for various Wichita newspapers, 1919-36, and the Kansas City Star, 1936-44; became a screenwriter for Warner Brothers and M-G-M, 1944-46; published histories of the west and many historical
novels, including The iron mistress (1951) and The fiery flower (1959); member, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and Society of American Historians; died September 17, 1966 in
Los Angeles.
14.5 Linear Feet
(29 boxes and 3 oversize boxes)
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