Series I. General Correspondence
19-- to 1941
1950 (1)
1950 (2)
Belt, Elmer
Burke, Kathleen, 1917
Campbell, Douglas H., 1938
Elliott, Orrin, 1930-35
Faircough, H. Rushton, 1926-34
Francis, W.W., 1930-50
Fulton, John F., 1943-50
Hoeber, Paul, 1929-31
Major, Ralph, 1945-46
Maugham, W. Somerset, 1939
Mencken, H.L., 1939
Morgan, Julia, 1937-41
Radbill, Samuel, 1938-50
Schwerlin, Stephanie, 1940
Steinitz, Kate, 1948-50
Wood, Beatrice, 1938-49
Wood, Beatrice, 1950
Wood, Beatrice: condolences on the death of her aunt, Esther Rosencrantz, 1950
American College of Chest Physicians, 1937-40
American Academy of Tuberculosis Physicians, 1937-40
American Trudeau Society, 1923-40
California Medical Association, 1931-40
National Tuberculosis Association, 1931-40
San Francisco Tuberculosis Association, 1920, 1930-32
Series II. Tuberculosis
Subseries A. Manuscripts
Fixation test: typescript, ca. 1924
The effect of epidemic influenza upon pulmonary tuberculosis: typescript
Tubercle bacilli in the gastric contents of tuberculous children: notes, ca. 1937
An unusual case of generalized tuberculous lymphadenitis: typescript, ca. 1938-39
The frequency of tubercle bacillus in the urine of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis...: typescript (pub. in J. Urology, 1940 Oct;44).
Tuberculosis of the tonsil of children..., by E. Rosencrantz and Samuel Hurwitz: typescript and notes (pub. in Amer. Rev. TB, 1941 Mar;43
Misc. manuscripts, typescripts, notes.
Subseries B. Case Histories
Milan Ratkovich, 1922-24
Robert Evans, 1923-25 (see also folder 61)
Isaac Cacamindin, 1930-32
Lyle Miller, 1934
John Ermides vs Tip Top Tavern, 1937
Subseries C. Statistics/Reports
Los Berros Sanitorium, 1934-37
San Luis Obispo County Chest Clinic, 1935-37
San Luis Obispo County Chest Clinic, 1938-40
San Luis Obispo County Health Dept., 1935-37
San Luis Obispo County Health Dept., 1939
San Luis Obispo County Tuberculosis Sanitorium, 1938-40
UC Tuberculosis Service: Children's ward, 1929-34
Subseries D. Related Materials
Artificial pneumothorax: typescript, 1932
Chest films, 1936
Clippings for teaching, 1935-36
Complement fixation (s.d.)
Diagnostic statistics, ca. 1930
Diets, 1920, 1934
Generalized tuberculous lymphadenitis: paper by Jennie A Schwab, typescript, 1927; case history of Robert Evans, 1923-25
Conditions of Use
Hassler Health home, 1936-37: patient lists
Influenza cases, 1927
Medical preparedness, ca. 1940
Procedures; treatment room
Time reports: Tuberculosis Division, SFGH, 1920
Expense account, San Luis Obispo Tuberculosis Sanitorium, 1931-38
Narcotics license, IRS, 1922-43
State Compensation Insurance Fund, 1924-24: forms and correspondence
Subseries A. UCSF
List of students, 1938-40
Third year schedule, 1934-37
Fourth year schedule, 1937-38
Interns, 1936-37
Elective courses, 1922-28
Graphs: student works, 1929-30
Library lists
Research requests, 1931-36
Correspondence, notices, 1929-50
Subseries B. UC Berkeley
Herbert C. Moffitt Memorial Chair, 1926-28
Daniel Coit Gilman Memorial Fund, 1925-43
Henry Francis Wagner-Marion Owen Grimstead Memorial Fund, 1934
Correspondence, notices, 1927-41
Series IV. Golden Gate International Exposition San Francisco, 1939-40
Collected correspondence re medical exhibit, 1936-38
Science in the service of man: exhibit booklet
Series V. Rosencrantz Collections
Osler portrait photographs; Osler article reprints
Osler bibliography: drafts, copies, check-lists
Osler collection correspondence, general
Correspondence: Norman B. Gwyn, William G. Ricker, Grant Selfridge, Helen Taussig, William Pepper, Owsei Temkin
General cabinet: contents list
Collection statistics
Miniature of Esther Rosencrantz, ca. 1898 (?)
John Fulton bibliography
Bookplate data
Osleriana miscellany
Series VI. Stanford University; Misc.
Misc. pamphlets (libraries, artists
Guide books to museums
Stanford pamphlets
A Decennial of Stanford Song... 1895-1905. M.H. Thorpe, R.E. Snodgrass, eds. (Stanford University, 1905)
The First Year at Stanford; Sketches of Pioneer Days at Leland
Stanford Junior University. (Stanford University, Published by the English Club, 1905)
Field, Charles, K., and Will H. Irwin. Stanford Stories. Tales of a Young University. (New York, Doubleday, Page, 1900).