Letters written to Jones
Additional Note
Letters written by Jones, 1943-78
Additional Note
Materials re the University of California, Berkeley
Additional Note
Academic Planning
Advisory Committee on Peacetime Uses of Atomic Energy
Campus Committee on Planning in the Field of Aging, 1950-67
Cancer Board; Meetings 1955-1958
Cancer Board; Meeting May 4, 1959
Cancer Board; Meeting, June 25, 1959
Cancer Board; Meeting, October 22, 1959
Cancer Board; Meeting, December 17, 1959
Cancer Board; Meetings, January -June 1960
Cancer Research Coordinating Committee
Chancellor's ad hoc Committee on the School of Public Health
Conference on Biological Effects of Cosmic Rays and Accelerated Heavy Ions
Conference on Research Administration
Department of Botany; Courses: Division of Medical Physics; Courses: Medical Physics 11, Fall 1970
Department of Human Development (proposed)
Department of Physiology/Anatomy
Division of Medical Physics
Division of Medical Physics; Courses: Medical Physics 103, 1967-1968
Division of Medical Physics; Courses: Medical Physics 103, Winter 1969
Division of Medical Physics; Courses: Medical Physics 103, Winter 1970
Division of Medical Physics; Courses: Medical Physics 103, Winter 1971
Division of Medical Physics; Courses: Medical Physics 103, Winter 1972
Division of Medical Physics; Courses: Medical Physics 107, Charts
Division of Medical Physics; Courses: Medical Physics 103, Handouts
Division of Medical Physics; Courses: Medical Physics 11
Division of Medical Physics; Courses: Medical Physics 11, Spring 1971
Environmental Health and Safety Committee
Group in Biophysics and Medical Physics
Institute of Human Development
Institute of Human Development; Advisory Committee on Human Biology
Institute of Human Development; A Proposal for a Research Division on Aging
Institute of Medical Physics
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory; History
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory; Omnitron
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Medical Education Study Committee
Radiation Safety Subcommittee, 1963-70
Radiation Safety Subcommittee, January -August 1971
Radiation Safety Subcommittee, September 1971 -1972
Radioactive Material License
Materials re University of California, Berkeley. Donner Laboratory
Additional Note
Atomic Energy Commission Review, 1974
Histories and Reports of Activities
Human Use Committee, 1966-77
Laboratory Study Committee
Research Grants
Staff bio-bibliographies, 1968-74
Materials re Organizations
Additional Note
American Society for Clinical Investigation; meeting, 1946
National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Division of Medical Sciences. Advisory Committee on the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, 1957-60
United States Atomic Energy Commission; Biomedical Program Directors, meeting, 1960
United States Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research
United States Public Health Service, Committee on Lipoproteins and Atherosclerosis
Manuscripts of Speeches
Additional Note
How to Live Longer, April 17, 1956
Statement before the U.S. Congressional hearings on the nature of radioactive fallout and its effects on man, June 1957
Testimony before the Special Subcommittee on Radiation of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, June 1959
Human Biology of Time, November 11, 1968
I Am a Physiologist, May 1969
Life and Pesticides, June 1969
Drugs and Booze, July 15, 1969
Statement at Seattle DDT Hearing, October 15, 1969
Testimony to Select Committee on Crime: Therapeutic approach to drug abuse and how it can be treated, October 24, 1969
Republican Women Talk, November 5, 1969
A Talk with Students About Drug Abuse, November 23, 1969
Human Biology of Time, 1969
Communication with Antagonists, February 13, 1970
Responsible Action Against Drug Abuse, March 19, 1970
Suggestions for Action for Civic Leaders Against Drug Abuse, March 23, 1970
Miseducation, April 19, 1970
Drug Abuse, May 24, 1970
Drug Abuse, May 26, 1970
Human Population, June 11, 1970
Drug Abuse, June 16, 1970
Drugs and Youth, June 17, 1970
Human Population, June 1970
The Good Life, July 18, 1970
Lakeside Club talk, July 18, 1970
Youth and Education: The Population Issue, ca. 1970
Time and Human Population, June 11, 1971
Drugs, 1971
A Talk with Students about Drug Abuse, 197l
Testimony submitted to the National Commission on Drug Abuse, April 12, 1972
Expert Testimony on Heroin Addiction and Methodone Maintenance, April 1972
KLOS Editorial Rebuttal re: Marijuana Initiative, June 6, 1972
KFI Editorial Reply, October 19, 1972
Statement before the U.S. Senate hearings on methodone use and abuse, 1972
The Science of Power Development, February 13, 1973
Environmental Litigation, April 1973
Lecture and Discussion on drug problems presented to the American Justice Institute and Nassau County officials, April 23, 1973
Environmental Litigation, April 1973
Aging and the Health Sciences, October 4, 1973
Radioactivity Distribution in the Tissues of Mice Bearing Melasarcoma after Administration of D2-Tyrosine Labeled with Radioactive Carbon: with James C. Reid, June 1948
The Distribution of Radioactivity in the Mouse Following Administration of Dibenzanthacene Labeled in the 9 and 10 Positions with Carbon 14: with Charles Heidelberger, July 1948
Studies with Colloids Containing Radioisotopes of Yttrium, Zirconium, Columbium and Lanthanum. II. The Controlled Selective Localization of Radioisotopes of Yttrium, Zirconium, and Columbium in the Bone Marrow, Liver and Spleen: with E. L. Dobson, J. W. Gofman, L. S. Kelly, and Leonard Walker, March 1949
The Uptake and Elimination of Krypton and Other Inert Gases by the Human Body: with C. A. Tobias, J. H. Lawrence and J. G. Hamilton, November 1949
The Changes Induced in Iodine Metabolism of the Rat by Internal Radiation of its Thyroid with I 131: with D. D. Feller, I. L. Chaikoff and Alvin Taurog, November 1949
Effect of Neoplastic Tissue on Turnover of Desoxypentose Nucleic Acid: with Lola S. Kelly, March 31, 1950
Lung Ventilation Patterns Determined by Analysis of Nitrogen Elimination Rates; Use of the Mass Spectrometer as a Continuous Gas Analyzer: with James S. Robertson and William E. Siri, May 1950
Blood Lipids and Human Atherosclerosis: with John W. Gofman, Frank T. Lindgren, Thomas P. Lyon, Harold A. Elliott and Beverly Strisower, August 1950
Some Physiological Factors Related to the Effects of Radiation in Mammals, 1950
Effects of Irradiation on Nucleic Acid Formation: with Lola S. Kelly, 1950
Respiratory System: Nitrogen Elimination, 1950
Lipoproteins and Atherosclerosis: with John W. Gofman, Frank T. Lindgren, Thomas P. Lyon and Beverly Strisower, April 1951
Lipoproteins in Atherosclerosis: with John W. Gofman, Frank T. Lindgren, Thomas P. Lyon, Dean M. Graham and Beverly Strisower, September 1951
The Effect of Neoplasia or Pregnancy on the Tissue Desorypentosenuclei Acid: with Lola S. Kelly, Anita H. Payne and Margaret R. White, September 1951
Blood Lipids and Human Atherosclerosis. II. The Influence of Heparin upon Lipoprotein Metabolism: with Dean M. Graham, Thomas P. Lyon, John W. Gofman, Alexander Yankley, John Simonton and Sidney White, November 1951
Testimony to the Senate Select Commitee on Control of Marijuana, January 10, 1974
Estimation of Environmental Factors in the Origin of Cancer and the Hazards of Carcinogenesis, February 25, 1974
Statements before the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security, May 1974
Testimony Regarding Senator George R. Moscone's Bill No. SB-95, February 11, 1975
Testimony on Marijuana and the Question of Personnel Security, February 1975
Marijuana Causes Brain Disease, March 22, 1975
The Effects of Dose on Latent Period in Carcinogenesis with Alexander Grendon, August 20-22, 1975
Testimony at Iowa Legislative Hearings on Marijuana, March 1, 1976
Effects of Marijuana on the Average User, April 7, 1977
Statement for the National Conference of State Legislatures, August 4, 1977
Additional Note
Radioactive Phosphorus as an Indicator of Phospholipid Metabolism, VI. The Phospholipid Metabolism of Neoplastic Tissues (Mammary Carcinoma, Lymphoma, Lymphosarcoma, Sarcoma 180) with I. L. Chaikoff and John H. Lawrence, May 1939
Radioactive Phosphorus as an Indicator of Phospholipid Metabolism, X. The Phospholipid Turnover of Fraturnal Tumors: with I. L. Chaikoff and John H. Lawrence, April 1940
Phosphorus Metabolism of the Soft Tissues of the Normal Mouse as Indicated by Radioactive Phosphorus: with I. L. Chaikoff and John H. Lawrence, October 1940
Phosphorus Metabolism of Neoplastic Tissues (Mammary Carcinoma, Lymphomis, Lymphosarcoma) as Indicated by Radioactive Phosphorus: with I. L. Chaikoff and John H. Lawrence, October 1940
Studies on the Metabolism of Zinc with the Aid of its Radioactive Isotope, I. The Excretion of Administered Zinc in Urine and Feces: with G. E. Sheline, I. L. Chaikoff and M. Laurence Montgomery, February 1943
Studies on the Metabolism of Zinc with the Aid of its Radioactive Isotope, II. The Distribution of Administered Radioactive Zinc in the Tissues of Mice and Dogs: with G. E. Sheline, I. L. Chaikoff and M. L. Montgomery, 1943
A Method of Distributing Beta-Radiation to the Reticulo-Endothelial System and Adjacent Tissues: with Charles J. Wrogel and William R. Lyons, September 1944
Recent Developments in Medical Physics Having Application to Radiation Therapy, July 1947
The Status of the Cholesterol - Bearing Lipoproteins of Serum to Atherosclerosis in the Human and Experimental Animal (Abstract): with John W. Gofman, Thomas P. Lyon, Frank Lindgren and Beverly Strisower, 1951
The Influence of Heparin Lipoprotein Metabolism and Atherosclerosis (Abstract): with Dean M. Graham, Thomas P. Lyon and John W. Gofman, 1951
Studies of the Dynamic Transfer of Isotopically Labeled Constituents of Serum Lipoproteins (Abstract): with Max Biggs, Dean Graham, Don Rosenthal, John Gofman and David Kritchevsky, 1951
Changes in Human Serum Lipids and Lipoproteins Accompanying Changes in Thyroid Function (Abstract): with Hyman Engelberg and John Gofman, 1951
Molecular Exchange and Blood Perfusion Through Tissue Regions, 1951
Gas Exchange and Blood-Tissue Perfusion Factors in Various Body Tissues, 1951
The Lipoproteins of Serum in Infancy and Childhood: with C. Henry Kempe, Henry K. Silver, Francis Scott Smyth and John W. Gofman, January 1952
Blood Lipids and Human Atherosclerosis: with John W. Gofman, Thomas P. Lyon, Frank Lindgren, Beverly Strisower, David Colman and Virgil Herring, January 1952
Further Studies of the Relationship of S f 10-20 Lipoprotein Molecules to Atherosclerosis: with Thomas P. Lyon, Dean M. Graham, John W. Gofman, Frank T. Lindgren and A. Yankley, March 1952
Colloid Disappearance Rate as a Measure of Liver Blood Flow: with Ernest L. Dobson and George F. Warner, March 1952
Lipoproteins in General and Cerebral Arteriosclerosis: with Alexander Simon, John W. Gofman, Nathan Malamud and Frank T. Lindgren, March 1952
Obesity, Fat Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease: with John W. Gofman, April 1952
The Effect of Neoplasia on the Turnover of Nucleic Acids Studied with Formate-C 14 and Glycine-2-C 14: with Anita H. Payne, Lola S. Kelly and Genevieve Beach, June 1952
Serum Lipids and Lipoproteins in Diabetic Glomerulosclerosis: with Hyman Engelberg and John W. Gofman, July 1952
Atherosclerosis, Lipoproteins, and Coronary Artery Disease: with John W. Gofman, Thomas P. Lyon, Frank Lindgren, Dean Graham, Beverly Strisover and Alex Nichols, July 1952
Lipoproteins and Xanthomatous Diseases: with James McGinley and John Gofman, July 1952
Observations on the Fate of Ingested Cholesterol in Man: with M. W. Biggs, D. Kritchevsky, D. Colman, J. W. Gofman, F. T. Lindgren, G. Hyde and T. P. Lyon, September 1952
The Incorporation of Formate-C 14, Glycine-2-C 14, Adenine-4, 6-C 14, and Phosphate-P 32 into Nucleic Acids: with Anita H. Payne and Lola S. Kelly, September 1952
Effects of Total Body Irradiation upon Lipoprotein Metabolism: with John E. Hewitt, Thomas L. Hayes, John W. Gofman and Frank T. Pierce, 1952
The Behavior of Intravenously Injected Particulate Material: Its Rate of Disappearance from the Blood Stream as a measure of Liver Blood Flow: with Ernest L. Dobson, 1952
Influence of Homologous Tissue Factors on DNA Turnover and Radiation Protection: with Lola S. Kelly, March 1953
Effects of Total Body Irradiation Upon Lipoprotein Metabolism: with John E. Hewitt, Thomas L. Hayes, John W. Gofman and Frank T. Pierce, March 1953
An Index of Coronary Artery Atherogenesis: with John W. Gofman, Beverly Strisower, Oliver de Lalla, Arthur Tamplin and Frank Lindgren, June 15, 1953
Confirmation of Radioactivity in Thyroids of Various Animals, July 15 to September 10, 1954: with Ralph L. Gunther, September 1954
Confirmation of Radioactivity in Thyroids of Various Animals, July 15 to August 19, 1954, September 1954
Hyperlipoproteinemia: with John W. Gofman, Leonard Rubin and James P. McGinley, October 1954
Autoradiographic Study of the Distribution of Radioactive Particulate Chromic Phosphate in Liver, Spleen and Lung of the Mouse: with Erik Odeblad, Ernest L. Dobson and Anne-Marie Odebland, April 1955
Det svenska folksts fysiologiska ålder med hänsyn till sjukdom och hälsa, 1955
Demographic Consideration of the Cancer Problem, February 1956
Relationships of Age and Sex to Early Mixing of Na 24 in Normal Man: with Enrique Strajman, Paul J. Elmlinger, John W. Gofman and Gertrude E. War, March 1956
Estimation of Effect of Radiation Upon Human Health and Life Span, June 1956
Factors in Longevity, September 1956
Evaluation of Serum Lipoprotein and Cholesterol Measurements as Predictors of Clinical Complications of Atherosclerosis: Report on a Cooperative Study of Lipoproteins and Atherosclerosis: with Technical Group of the Committee on Lipoproteins and Atherosclerosis October 1956
A Special Consideration of the Aging Process, Disease, and Life Expectancy, 1956
Life-Span Studies, 1957
Uptake of Iodine-131 in Human and Bovine Thyroids Following Detonation of Nuclear Weapons: with Margaret White, 1958
The Relation of Human Health to Age, Place and Time, 1960
A Symposium on Learning: The Biological Sciences, March 11, 1961
Estimation of Radiation Effects at Small Exposures, July 1961
Mechanism of Aging Suggested from Study of Altered Death Risks, 1961
The Background of Research in the Biology of Aging, 1961
Health Hazards from Fallout, November 1963
Genetic Factors in Lung Disease, July 1964
Radiation Exposure Limits and their Biological Basis, March 1967
Effects of Urethane Dose and Time Patterns on Tumor Formation: with M. White and A. Grendon, 1967
Evaluation and Reduction of Risks: A Concept of Lifetime Tolerance to Radiation, January 1969
Tumor Incidence and Cellularity in Lungs of Mice Given Various Dose Schedules of Urethan: with Margaret R. White and Alexander Grendon, April 1970
The Deception of Drugs, March 1971
Citizenship or Slavery?: Drug Toll Ahead - 25 Million Youth, 1971
A Report on Drug Abuse in the Armed Forces in Vietnam, August 1972
The Measurement of Health and Human Life Values, November 1974
The Effects of Sensual Drugs on Behavior: Clues to the Function of the Brain, 1974
Environmental Factors in the Origin of Cancer and Estimation of the Possible Hazard to Humans: with Alexander Grendon, 1974
Drug Effects on Brain Pleasure Mechanisms, 1975
What the Practicing Physician Should Know About Marijuana, January 1976
Analysis of Mathematical Models Used in Data Extrapolation, 1976
The Time Factor in Dose - Effect Relationships: with A. Grendon and M. R. White, 1976
Marijuana ... its effects on you, 1976
On the Problems Executives Must Anticipate with the Growth of Marijuana Smoking, October 1977
The Dangers of Cannabis Smoking, January 1978
Manuscripts of Papers
Additional Note
Statistical Analysis of 100, Day-to-Day Leucocyte Counts, December 1937
The Phospholipid Metabolism of Neoplastic Tissues, 1939
Aeroemphysema: Animal Investigation: with Robert Smith, Norman Sears, Chien Wu, John Larkin, Robert French, Joseph Hamilton and John H. Lawrence, May 29, 1942
Uptake of Inspired Radioactive Argon. A Method of Determining Efficiency of Inert Gas Exchange in man: with Robert Smith, Norman Sears, Chien Wu, John Larkin, Robert French, Joseph Hamilton and John H. Lawrence, May 1942
An Objective Method for the Study of the Physiology of Aeroemphysema and for the Selection of High Altitude Aircrew Using the Radioactive Isotopes of Inert Gases: with C. Tobias, W. F. Loomis, J. B. Mahoney, W. N. Sears, J. C. Larkin, J. G. Hamilton and J. H. Lawrence, December 1942
Studies of Phosphorus Metabolism in Normal and Neoplastic Tissues of the Mouse as Indicated by Radioactive Phosphorus, June 1944
Notes on Protective Denitrogenation with Summarized Recommendation to the Sub-Committee on Decompression Sickness, June 1944
Denitrogenation and Incidence of Decompression Sickness with Variation of Attitude and Activity; Nitrogen Elimination at Sea Level and at Altitude; Interrupted Denitrogenation, June 1944
The Nitrogen Elimination Curve and the Method for its Determination, 1944
Burettes for Rapid Analysis of Respiratory Gases and an Improved Method of Sample Transfer, ca. 1944
A Theoretical Approach to the Problem of Pilot Selection in Aeroembolism, ca. 1944
Gas Exchange and Circulation, April 10, 1945
Preoxygenation and the Rate of Nitrogen Elimination with Regard to Decompression Sickness, October 1945
Nucleic Acid Metabolism in Normal and Neoplastic Animals: with Lola Kelly, ca. 1945
The Liver Cirrhosis Problem, September 24, 1946
Gas Analysis Apparatus, January 3, 1946
Preoxygenation and Nitrogen Elimination, June 18, 1947
A Method of Distributing Beta-Radiation to the Reticulo-Endothelial System and Adjacent Tissues, ca. 1947
Change in Tissue Perfusion Vascularity and Inert Gas Exchange Related to Age, 1948
Additional Note
Tracer Studies of Blood-Tissue Perfusion Rates at Rest and a New Criterion of Blood Mixing Times : with Ernest Dobson and John H. Lawrence, ca. 1948
Additional Note
Metabolism of C 14 Compounds in Normal and Neoplastic Mice, 1950
The Measurement of Regional Circulation, ca. 1950
Some Early Circulatory Changes Associated with Aging, September 1952
The Effect of Radiation on Humans, ca. 1955
A Study of Human Cancer Biology Through Biophysical Methods Applied to Population Records, 1956
The Human Cancer Problem, ca. 1956
New Concepts of Prevention of Disease and its Relationship to Useful Life Span, ca. 1956
A Study of Physiological and Psychological Change with Age: with others, ca. 1956
A Summary and Evaluation of the Problem with Reference to Humans of Radioactive Fallout from Nuclear Detonations, Jan. 14, 1957
Radioactivity of Human and Cattle Thyroids Associated with Fallout, May 6, 1957
Interpretation of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission report of Physical Growth of Hiroshima Children Exposed to the Atomic Bomb, 1957
What About Fallout, 1957
Summary of Notes on the Fall-Out Problem, ca. 1957
A Survey of Information Concerning the Concentration of Radioactive Material in Humans following Nuclear Detonations, ca. 1957
The General Problem of Radiation Effect and Fallout of Radioactivity following Nuclear Detonation, ca. 1957
Estimation of the Effect of Whole Body Radiation Upon Human Longevity, ca. 1957
Human Arteriosclerosis, ca. 1957
Late Effects of Radiation, ca. 1957
Preliminary Report on Fallout of Radioactivity, California and West Coast, March 15 to April 2, 1958: with Margaret White and Alexander Grendon, April 23, 1958
Notes on the Problem of Estimation on Radiation Effects at Small Exposures, September 26, 1958
Uptake of Iodine-131 in Human and Bovine Thyroids following Detonation of Nuclear Weapons: with Margaret R. White, 1958
Study of the Findings of the ABCC Program, ca. 1958
Some Notes on Aging, 1958
The W. S. Kaufman Project to Measure the Effectiveness of Underground Reservoirs in Los Angeles, Jan. 22, 1959
Estimation of Effect of Radiation Upon Human Health, ca. 1959
Notes on Carcinogenesis: The Quantitative Aspects of the Problem in Relation to Food Additives, June 1, 1961
Human Response to Heat Exposure, ca. 1961
Constitution and Genetic Lung Disease, ca. 1963
A Concept of Life Time Tolerance to Radiation?, March 1966
Donner Laboratory: summary of major scientific accomplishments over the Period 1936-1966, 1966
A Short Report on the Political Disturbances at Berkeley and Their Effects, ca. 1967
Notes About Nursing Education, July 23, 1968
Memorandum on Drug Use, December 18, 1968
Smoking; The Benefit of Abstinence, December 1968
Personal History and Prospectus for New Studies, 1968
An American Prospectus for Peace and Freedom, 1968
Letters About the Play `Ergo' in Relation to Free Speech and Academic Responsibility, 1968
Miseducation, ca. 1968
The Crisis in Nursing Education; with Clifford Keene and William Price, Jr., January 23, 1969
Report on Cancer, March 7, 1969
The Drug Problem, September 10, 1969
Marxist Influence in Education, 1969
DDT, 1969
Comments on Sensitivity Training, ca. 1969
Comment on the Atherosclerogenic Index and Dr. John W. Gofman, May 11, 1970
Marijuana; Abilene Youth Rally, May 1970
Historical Aspects of Drugs, June 1970
The Good Life, July 18, 1970
Notes on the Red Family Attack on Professor Edward Teller, November 1970
Rx Prescription for the Rest of your Life, 1970
Historical Aspects of Drugs, 1970
What Parents Should Know About the Drug Problem, ca. 1970
The Drug Craze, ca. 1970
A Discussion of Drug Abuse for Athletes and Parents, January 1971
Pros and Cons of Methodone Therapy, July 13, 1971
Dietary Suggestions for Losing Weight over a Long Period of Time, July 15, 1971
Drugs and Religion, August 1971
Notes on the findings by Wood, Haury, and Wood: Cancer Radiochemotherapy with 7-Tritiotetracyline, September 1, 1971
A Report on Drug Abuse in the Armed Forces in Viet Nam, November 15, 1971
Addiction and Dependency, December 1971
What is the Heroin Addicts' Problem?; What can be done to Rehabilitate the Heroin Addict?, February 11, 1972
Heroin Rehabilitation, February 11, 1972
Instruction About Marijuana, February 1972
The Second Report on Drug Abuse in the Armed Forces in Viet Nam, March 1972
Marijuana, December 1972
How Heroin Addicts can be Rehabilitated, 1972
Letter to a Marijuana User, 1972
The Effect of Anabolic Steroids on Functions Regulated by Steroid Hormones, 1972
Youth and Education: Ecology, ca. 1972
Comments on the Drug Problem, January 1973
The Power Crisis, February 1973
The Magnitude of the Effect of Alcohol Use on Health in the United States, March 1973
Abusive Use of Drugs by Athletes, April 1973
Cancer and Diethylstilbestrol, April 1973
Smoking: The Benefit of Abstinence, August 8, 1973
A Study of Drug Abuse and Its Prevention for the Armed Forces of the United States: with Helen C. Jones, August 10, 1973
Summary Statement of My Views on the Physical, Psychological, and Social Consequences of Cannabis Use and on the Specific Question of Legalizing the Sale and Use of Marijuana, September 11, 1973
Biofeedback, November 2, 1973
Social and Economic Trends and Needs, 1973
Compilation of Selected Scientific Papers on Drug Effects: with Susan G. Louie, 1973
Marijuana, Hashish and the Problem of Psychotropic Drugs, 1973
The Power Crisis: Power Development and Power Need, 1973
Re: Drug Abuse in the Armed Forces, 1973
Civilization, Power, Materials and Human Resources, 1973
History of Donner Laboratory, March 1, 1974
A Proposal for a Symposium on the Origins of Terrorism and the Appeal of it, May 10, 1974
Estimation of Environmental Factors in the Origins of Cancer and the Hazard of Carcinogenesis in Regard to Nitrosamines, June 19, 1974
Effective Evidence in Drug Abuse Prevention and in Rehabilitation of Drug-Dependent Persons, September 1974
Comments on `Meditation Techniques on the Quality of Life' by B. D. Josephson, November 1974
The Measurement of Health and Human Life Values, November 1974
Harmful Effects of Smoking, 1974
Sherburne Friend Cook (1896-1974), 1974
The Consumers Union's Propaganda for Marijuana, March 6, 1975
Why Marijuana Use Should be Discouraged, March 20, 1975
The Effect of Dose on Latent Period in Carcinogenesis: with Alexander Grendon, August 1975
Science, Common Sense, and Nonsense, 1975
Nitrosamine Carcinogenesis and Latency, March 1976
Alcohol, April 6, 1976
The Magnitude of the Illicit Traffic in Heroin in the United States, 1965-1977, and the Economic and Political Implications, January 1977
The Hemp Drugs: Marijuana; The Way to be a Different Person, February 1977
Marijuana Smoking Discussed for Executives, April 1977
The Dangers of Cannabis Smoking, September 29, 1977
Drug Abuse Problems in the United States, November 21, 1977
Suggestions to the Donner Foundation on the Subject of Drug Abuse, ca. 1977
Dose-Effect Relationships in Carcinogenesis and the matter of Threshold of Carcinogenesis, February 1978
What Should be Known about Marijuana, April 19, 1978
Marijuana and Cocaine (continued), May 1978
The Sportswoman and Marijuana, 1978
The Effect on Mice of High Levels of Beta-radiation in the Liver and Spleen: with Ellsworth C. Dougherty and John H. Lawrence, n.d.
The Relationships Between Physical Disease and Mental Disease, n.d.
A Method of Distributing Beta-Radiation to the Reticulo-Endothelial System and Adjacent Tissues: with J. Wrobel and William R. Lyons, n.d.
Civilization, Power, Materials and Human Resources, n.d.
Notes and Opinion of Several Facets of the Cancer Problem, n.d.
The Biophysics of the Cancer Problem, n.d.
The Relation of Human Health to Age, Place, and Time, n.d.
An American Prospectus for Peace and Freedom: with David W. Louisell, n.d.
The Nature of the Radiation Effect with Respect to Mammalian Cells, n.d.
Notes on the Sr 90 Fall Out Problem, n.d.
Human Health and Its Change with Time in Relation to Disease, n.d.
Analysis of Carcinoma of the Cervix, n.d.
Discussion of Differences in the Sub Population of the United States with Respect to Each Specific Death Rates, n.d.
Miscellaneous writings, poems, etc. by Jones
News articles about Jones, 1952-78
Newspaper Articles written by Jones
Published Letters to Newspapers
Research Notes
Additional Note
Aging study
Cancer therapy
Death rates
Decompression studies:
CO 2 at altitude
Delayed symptoms report
Effects of Preoxygenation on the Incidence of Chest Symptoms
Nitrogen summary
Preoxygenation and gas exchange
Protective Denitrogenation, notes and recommendations
Report data
Tests at Experimental Diving Unit and Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida
Drug studies:
Annotated copy of the Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 1968
Drug abuse control among youth
Drugs and arrests
Student drug use
Energy needs
From the Health and Welfare Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, May 12-14, 1975
Gas exchange studies:
Analyses of oxygen content of oxygen tent
Errors in metabolic rate due to N 2 exchange
Interrupted preoxygenation
Molecular diffusion and solubilities
Pancake bubble growth and regression
Radioactive uptake and elimination
General tracer mechanics
Indian population, census
Life insurance study
Longevity studies
Mechanics of phosphorus metabolism
Mortality studies
Radiation studies:
Effects of Sr 90 from radioactive fallout on humans
Metabolism of Ca 45 and Sr 90 by rats
Metabolism of Sr 90 by monkeys
P 32 distribution charts
Radiation injury
Rate of genetic merging of racial types in 18th century Mexico
Rates of expiration of C 14O 2 in normal and tumor-bearing mice
Sex ratio material (conception to birth)
Sodium transfer in the normal dog
Proposals for research programs headed by Jones
Death rate statistics, 1955
Tumor experiments
Jones' answers to survey questions
Awards and degrees
(See also folder in Oversize drawer)
Biographical information
Ornithology lab book, May 1937
Scope and Content Note
Travel itineraries
Adams, Ansel, 1902-
2 letters, 1968 and 1970, addressed to Jones and E. Wayburn.
Abelson, Philip Hauge, 1913-
2 letters, 1964
Scope and Content Note
Agnew, Spiro Theodore, 1918-
Scope and Content Note
Alaska [State Dept. of Law, State Senate, etc.]
10 letters, 1973-75, re drug abuse in the state.
Scope and Content Note
Alioto, Joseph Lawrence, 1916-
Letter, Sept. 20, 1974
Allen, Charles Freeman, 1928-
2 letters, 1966
Allen, James Browning, 1912-
Scope and Content Note
Alpen, Edward Lewis, 1922-
Scope and Content Note
American Cancer Society, Inc.
8 letters, 1968-77, re awards and grants for research.
American Institute of Biological Sciences
36 letters, 1967-71, re Jones' lectures for the Office of Biological Education.
Ames, Bruce Nathan, 1928-
2 letters, 197l, addressed to the Radiation Safety Committee of the University of California.
Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-
See Jukes, Thomas H.
Anderson, Kinsey A., 1926-
2 letters, 1970 and 1972, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
See also Jukes, Thomas H.
Antell, Bertel Waldemar, 1907-
Letter, August 10, 1968
Arnon, Daniel Israel, 1910-
Letter, Sept. 27, 1971, addressed to J. L. Born
Card, 1978
Scope and Content Note
Arrhenius, Gustaf Olof Suante, 1922-
3 letters, 1967
Asling, Clarence Willet, 1913-
Scope and Content Note
Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
12 letters, 1957-74, addressed to Jones and George B. Darling.
See also Cannan, Robert K.; Darling, George B. and Materials re Organizations, carton 2.
Augenstine, Leroy George, 1928-
Letter, Nov. 14, 1956
Axelrod, Daniel Isaac, 1910-
Letter, Jan. 4, 1962, addressed to Clark Kerr.
See also Kerr, Clark
Babington, Suren H., 1894-
Letter, May 4, 1974
Scope and Content Note
Balamuth, William, 1914-
See Nichols, Alexander V.
Barnes, Thomas Grogard, 1911-
Letter, May 23, 1966
Baroody, William Joseph, 1916-
Letter, Aug. 19, 1974
Barr, Nathaniel Frank, 1927-
Letter, Aug. 27, 1973, re U.S. Atomic Energy Commission studies of low level radiation.
Bayh, Birch Evans, 1928-
2 letters, 1972
Memo, Dec. 6, 1972
Scope and Content Note
Beach, Frank Ambrose, 1911-
2 letters, 1959 and 1960
Beard, Rodney Rau, 1911-
Letter, Feb. 7, 1973
Bearden, Alan Joyce, 1931-
2 letters, 1970 and 1971
2 cards, 1971 and n.d.
Scope and Content Note
Bechtel, Stephen Davison, 1900-
2 letters, 1970
Behnke, Albert Richard, 1903-
5 letters, 1944-72, addressed to Jones and J. H. Lawrence.
Memo, Jan. 7, 1959
Berlin, Nathaniel Isaac, 1920-
Letter, Sept. 19, 1967
Bern, Howard Alan, 1920-
See Seaborg, Glenn T.
Best, Charles Herbert, 1899-
Scope and Content Note
Birge, Raymond Thayer, 1887-1980
Scope and Content Note
Birren, James Emmett, 1918-
16 letters, 1957-60
3 telegrams, 1957-58
Blackwell, David Harold, 1919-
Scope and Content Note
Blum, Henrik Leo, 1915-
Scope and Content Note
Bolt, Robert James, 1920-
Letter, Feb. 16, 1968
Boone, Pat, 1934-
3 letters, 1970-72, addressed to Jones and Herbert G. Klein.
Scope and Content Note
Borah, Woodrow Wilson, 1912-
Memo, Aug. 20, 1975
Born, James Lee, 1915-
10 letters, 1959-78, addressed to Jones and Warren M. Garrison.
Scope and Content Note
Borsook, Henry, 1897-
8 letters, 1967-78, addressed to Jones and others.
2 memos, 1968 and 1972
Scope and Content Note
Bouwsma, William James, 1923-
2 letters, 1968, addressed to F. C. Nelson and J. H. Lawrence.
Bowers, John Zimmerman, 1913-
Letter, Jan. 5, 1950, addressed to J. H. Lawrence.
Bowker, Albert Hosmer, 1919-
4 letters, 1972-78, addressed to Jones and Thomas H. Jukes.
See also Jukes, Thomas H.and Lawrence, John H.
Boyd, Philip Linnaes, 1900-
Scope and Content Note
Boyland, Eric, 1905-
12 letters, 1965-67, signed Dick.
Scope and Content Note
Bracken, James Lucas, 1913-
Scope and Content Note
Brecher, George, 1913-
Letter, May 6, 1968, with enclosure addressed to Henry Borsook.
Bremermann, Hans Joachim, 1926-
Letter, Oct. 5, 1966, addressed to Jones, John H. Lawrence, Howard C. Mel and Cornelius A. Tobias.
Briggs, George McSpadden, 1919-
See Jukes, Thomas H.
Brockman, John A., 1920-
Letter, Jan. 2, 1959, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
Brooks, Matilda Moldenhauer, 1888-
Letter, May 4, 1971
Brown, Bertram S., 1931-
Scope and Content Note
Brown, Dyke, 1915-
See Ford Foundation
Brown, Edmund Gerald, 1938-
Scope and Content Note
Bruyn, Henry Bicher, 1918-
Scope and Content Note
Bucher, Karl, 1912-
Scope and Content Note
Buckley, William Frank, 1925-
10 letters, 1970-78
See also Jukes, Thomas H.
Bugher, John Clifford, 1901-
3 letters, 1955
Bullard, Robert Winslow, 1929-
Letter, May 9, 1967
Burgess, William Henry, 1917-
Scope and Content Note
Burke, Robert Granville, 1905-
Scope and Content Note
Burnett, Cordas Chris, 1917-
2 letters, 1971
Burns, Hobert Warren, 1925-
Note, n.d.
Busse, Ewald William, 1917-
Letter, July 25, 1958, addressed to Nathan W. Shock.
Bustad, Leok, 1920-
Letter, March 24, 1966
Butz, Earl Lauer, 1909-
Letter, Feb. 12, 1973, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
Byrd, Robert Carlyle, 1918-
Scope and Content Note
California [various state departments]
4 letters, 1969-75
Memo, June 10, 1971
Scope and Content Note
California. Steering Committee on Drug Abuse Education
4 letters, 1970
14 memos, 1970-71
Scope and Content Note
California. University. Regents
3 letters, 1955-68, addressed to Jones, Robert G. Burke and Roman J. Kutsky; two from Robert M. Underhill.
California. University, Berkeley [various university offices]
21 letters, 1960-77
4 memos, 1968-69
Scope and Content Note
California. University, Berkeley. Donner Laboratory
30 letters, 1954-75
4 memos, 1968-75
Scope and Content Note
California. University, San Francisco [School of medicine]
5 letters, 1945-57
Callaham, John Robert, 1911-
Letter, Oct. 3, 1967, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
See also Jukes, Thomas H.
Calvin, Melvin, 1911-
Scope and Content Note
Campbell, Wesley Glenn, 1924-
Scope and Content Note
Cannan, Robert Keith, 1894-
2 letters, 1957 and 1958, re Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
Cannon, Howard Walter, 1912-
Scope and Content Note
Carey, Benjamin Watson, 1907-
2 letters, 1956 and 1959
See also Jukes, Thomas H.
Carter, Charles Edward, 1919-
Scope and Content Note
Carthage Foundation
15 letters, 1967-77, re grants for drug abuse research.
Cason, James, 1912-
Letter, Aug. 26, 1976
Ceithaml, Joseph James, 1916-
2 letters, 1965
Chadwick, Donald Roger, 1925-
Scope and Content Note
Chaikoff, Israel Lyon, 1902-1966
16 letters, 1955-65
Scope and Content Note
Chancellor, John William, 1927-
Scope and Content Note
Chaney, Ralph Works, 1890-1971
22 letters, 1953-71
Card, May 18, 1968
Telegram, June 23, 1954
Scope and Content Note
Chapman, Loring Fred, 1929-
Letter, Feb. 23, 1968
Chargaff, Erwin, 1905-
Letter, Apr. 29, 1955
Chernin, Milton, 1910-
Scope and Content Note
Clark, Stanley H., 1925-
See Lewis, Edward B.
Clinton, John Hart, 1905-
Letter, Aug. 20, 1969
Cohelan, Jeffery, 1914-
3 letters, 1967-69, addressed to Jones and T. H. Jukes.
See also Jukes, Thomas H.
Colson, Charles Wendell, 1931-
Letter, Aug. 17, 1970
Comar, Cyril Lewis, 1914-
Letter, Apr. 6, 1955
Commoner, Barry, 1917-
Scope and Content Note
Conant, James Bryant, 1893-
Note, March 23, 1961
Connick, Robert Elwell, 1917-
Scope and Content Note
Constance, Lincoln, 1909-
2 letters, 1955 and 1960
Cook, Marlow Webster, 1926-
Scope and Content Note
Cook, Sherburne Friend, 1896-
6 letters, 1962-69, addressed to Jones and Victor F. Lenzen.
See also Gordon, Gilbert S.
Cooper, Donald Lee, 1928-
8 letters, 1971-77, addressed to Jones and Thomas E. Shaffer.
Cooper, Eugene Perry, 1915-
Scope and Content Note
Cori, Carl Ferdinand, 1896-
Scope and Content Note
Cowdry, Edmund Vincent, 1888-
3 letters, 1960 and 1970
Cox, Harold Rea, 1907-
Letter, July 22, 1954
Creech, Hugh John, 1910-
Letter, Feb. 25, 1955
Cronkite, Eugene Pitcher, 1914-
Letter, Feb. 7, 1977
Crouch, Jordan Jones, 1909-
Scope and Content Note
Curtis, Howard James, 1906-
Letter, Apr. 8, 1969
Dammin, Gustave John, 1911-
Scope and Content Note
Danielli, James Frederic, 1911-
See Tobias, Cornelius A.
Darling, George Bapst, 1905-
3 letters, 1960 and 1962, re Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission.
See also Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
Dauer, William Eugene, 1925-
Letter, Oct. 28, 1968
Davidson, Garrison H., 1904-
Note, Dec. 6, 1968
Davis, Adelle, 1904-
Letter, March 22, 1974
Davis, Kingsley, 1908-
Letter, Apr. 28, 1959
Deutsch, Harold Francis, 1918-
Scope and Content Note
Dewey, William Cornet, 1929-
Letter, Feb. 28, 1966
Dieuaide, Francis Raymond, 1892-
See San Souci, Robert A.
Dixon, Keith Lee, 1921-
3 letters, 1967
Dobson, Ernest Lowry, 1914-1975
3 letters, 1958-74 & n.d.
Scope and Content Note
Dodd, Thomas Joseph, 1907-
Scope and Content Note
Dowben, Robert Morris, 1927-
Letter, Aug. 10, 1956, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
See also Jukes, Thomas H.
Dozer, David Marquand, 1905-
Scope and Content Note
Dragstedt, Lester Reynold, 1893-
Scope and Content Note
Drummond, Roscoe, 1902-
2 letters, 1974 and 1977
DuBridge, Lee Alvin, 1901-
Letter, Dec. 23, 1968
Scope and Content Note
Duda, George D., 1930-
Letter, Aug. 7, 1958, addressed to Henry Borsook.
Dumke, Glenn S., 1917-
No incoming letters; copy of a letter, July 20, 1973, addressed to him in Jones' outgoing letters.
Dunham, Charles Little, 1906-
4 letters, 1966-67
See also Lawrence, John H.
Dunihue, Fred Williams, 1906-
Letter, Nov. 15, 1961
Durbin, Patricia Wallace, 1927-
6 letters, 1965-73, addressed to Jones, Karl Z. Morgan and others.
Scope and Content Note
Durham, John Wyatt, 1907-
See Papenfuss, George F.
Eakin, Richard Marshall, 1910-
2 letters, 1961 and 1966, addressed to Jones and G. T. Seaborg.
See also Seaborg, Glenn T.
Eastland, James O., 1904-
2 letters, 1973 and 1974
Scope and Content Note
Ebeling, Walter, 1907-
Letter, June 1, 1977
Edsall, John Fileston, 1902-
See Jukes, Thomas H.
Elberg, Sanford Samuel, 1913-
Scope and Content Note
Ellis, John Marshall, 1903-
Letter, Feb. 28, 1966
Emerson, Ralph, 1912-
Scope and Content Note
Erlandson, Ray Sanford, 1893-
Letter, June 12, 1969
Evans, Medford Stanton, 1934-
Scope and Content Note
Evans, Robley Dunglison, 1907-
Letter, Sept. 12, 1966, addressed to H. H. Rossi.
Scope and Content Note
Evans, Titus Carr, 1907-
2 letters, 1954 and 1955
Everson, George, 1885-
7 letters, 1972-78, addressed to Jones and others.
Scope and Content Note
Ewell, Raymond Henry, 1908-
Letter, July 8, 1977
Farber, Sidney, 1903-
Scope and Content Note
Farnsworth, Dana Lyda, 1905-
2 letters, 1974, addressed to Jones and Norman Moore.
Scope and Content Note
Fay, Charles W., 1903-
Letter, Sept. 11, 1969
Fennelly, John Fauntleroy, 1899-
Letter, Dec. 14, 1970
Fertig, John William, 1911-
Letter, Apr. 1, 1950
Feuer, Lewis S., 1912-
3 letters, 1966-78
Scope and Content Note
Fidler, Harold Alvin, 1910-
Scope and Content Note
Finch, Robert Hutchison, 1925-
Letter, Jan. 30, 1969
Finkel, Asher Joseph, 1915-
Letter, May 31, 1977
Fisher, Witton Monroe, 1912-
Letter, 1960
Ford Foundation
5 letters, 1955-58, addressed to Jones, John W. Gofman and John H. Lawrence.
Scope and Content Note
Foster, Edwin Michael, 1917-
5 letters, 1974-76
Fountain, Lawrence H., 1913-
See Jukes, Thomas H.
Fox, Maurice Sanford, 1924-
Letter, Apr. 28, 1975
Frazier, Robert G., 1923-
6 letters, 1965-67
2 memos, 1966 and 1968
Freifelder, David, 1935-
4 letters, 1965-75 & n.d.
Scope and Content Note
French, Dexter, 1918-
2 letters, 1973 and 1974
Fretter, William Bache, 1916-
4 letters, 1963-67, addressed to Jones, Henry Borsook, John H. Lawrence and Norman Moore.
See also Jones, Harold E., Lawrence, John H. and Tobias, Cornelius A.
Fulton, George Pearman, 1914-
Letter, Dec. 28, 1964
Fulton, John Farquhar, 1899-
4 letters, 1944-50, addressed to Jones and J. H. Lawrence.
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1908-
Letter, Apr. 17, 1967
Ganong, William Francis, 1924-
Scope and Content Note
Gardner, Thomas Samuel, 1908-
Scope and Content Note
Garrison, Warren Manford, 1915-
See Born, James L.
Gofman, John William, 1918-
13 letters, 1954-63, addressed to Jones, George T. Harrell, Thomas H. Jukes, John L. Oncley and Wei Young.
Telegram, Feb. 5, 1954
Scope and Content Note
Goldman, Ralph, 1919-
2 letters, 1965
Gordon, Gilbert Saul, 1916-
Letter, Sept. 26, 1966, addressed to S. F. Cook.
Gordon, Paula
3 letters, 1967-68, addressed to Jones and others, re a program for education about the effects of drugs.
Scope and Content Note
Gould, Charles Lessington, 1909-
Letter, March 1, 1978, addressed to Mrs. Jones.
Govier, William Miller, 1915-
Letter, Dec. 9, 1960
Graham, William Franklin, 1918-
7 letters, 1969-71, includes letters from associate, T. W. Wilson.
Grant, Carroll Walter, 1900-
Letter, Dec. 12, 1961
Greenfield, Moses A., 1915-
Scope and Content Note
Gregg, Alan, 1890-
Scope and Content Note
Grendon, Alexander
6 letters, 1958-78, addressed to Jones and others.
Scope and Content Note
Gurney, Edward John, 1914-
Letter. Nov. 7, 1974
Hall, Lawrence Babcock, 1909-
Letter, Nov. 16, 1955
Hall, Frank Gregory, 1896-
Letter, July 26, 1944
Hall, Ross Hume, 1926-
Letter, Nov. 18, 1963, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
Hammond, Datus Miller, 1911-
Letter, Feb. 16, 1967.
Scope and Content Note
Hand, Cadet Hammond, 1920-
Scope and Content Note
Hard, Walter Leon, 1912-
Scope and Content Note
Hardin, Clifford Morris, 1915-
Scope and Content Note
Harmon (Larry J.) Memorial Trust
7 letters, 1970-74, addressed to Jones and others.
Scope and Content Note
Harrell, George Thomas, 1908-
2 letters, 1954 and 1955, addressed to J. W. Gofman.
See also Gofman, John W.
Harris, Morgan, 1916-
Letter, Nov. 10, 1944
Harris, William Herbert, 1885-
Letter, May 4, 1955
Harth, Erich Martin, 1919-
2 letters, 1965 and 1966
Hatch, Frederick Tasker, 1924-
See Shore, Bernard
Hatfield, Mark Odom, 1922-
Letter, Dec. 2, 1975
Havighurst, Robert J., 1900-
Letter, March 4, 1959
Hatakawa, Samuel Ichiye, 1906-
2 letters, 1977 and 1978
Haynes, Robert Hall, 1931-
See Lawrence, John H.
Hearst, Catherine (Campbell)
Scope and Content Note
Hearst, Randolph Apperson, 1915-
Scope and Content Note
Hearst, William Randolph, 1908-
Scope and Content Note
Heath, Robert Galbraith, 1915-
Scope and Content Note
Heiskell, Andrew, 1915-
Scope and Content Note
Helmholz, August Carl, 1915-
Memo, Dec. 2, 1968
Hempelmann, Louis Henry, 1914-
2 letters, 1943
Heslep, John McKay, 1921-
3 letters, 1965-67
Hess, Wilmont Norton, 1927-
Scope and Content Note
Hevesy, George Charles de, 1885-1966
19 letters, 1956-66, addressed to Jones and J. H. Lawrence.
Scope and Content Note
Heyns, Roger William, 1918-
2 letters, 1968 and 1969
Scope and Content Note
Himmelsbach, Clifton Keck, 1907-
2 letters, 1959, addressed to Jones and H. E. Jones.
Hinman, George Lyon, 1905-
Scope and Content Note
Hinshaw, John Carl Williams, 1894-1956
Scope and Content Note
Hirsch, George Aaron, 1934-
Scope and Content Note
Hitch, Charles Johnston, 1910-
Scope and Content Note
Hodges, Paul Chesley, 1893-
Scope and Content Note
Hodgman, Charles David, 1881-
Letter, Feb. 7, 1945
Hofstader, Richard, 1916-
2 letters, 1967
Hollaender, Alexander, 1898-
Letter, Nov. 4, 1969, addressed to J. H. Lawrence.
Holman, Halsted Reid, 1925-
Letter, Dec. 29, 1965
Hook, Sidney, 1902-
Scope and Content Note
Hoover, John Edgar, 1895-1972
Letter, Sept. 23, 1968
Horowitz, Norman Harold, 1915-
Letter, Oct. 26, 1973, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
Howard, John Addison, 1921-
2 letters, 1972 and 1973, addressed to Jones and Lee Soulé.
Huenemann, Ruth L., 1910-
Memo, Dec. 2, 1975
Huff, Rex Lamar, 1918-
See San Souci, Robert A.
Huggins, Charles Brenton, 1901-
Letter, Feb. 26, 1968
Hughes, Harold Everett, 1922-
Scope and Content Note
Hume, Jaquelin Holliday, 1905-
2 letters, 1978
Hunt, George Halsey, 1903-
2 letters, 1958 and 1960
Hussey, Hugh Hudson, 1910-
Letter, Dec. 8, 1972
Ingelfinger, Franz Joseph, 1910-
Letter, Apr. 1, 1974
Ivy, Andrew Conway, 1893-
Scope and Content Note
Jones, Harold Ellis, 1894-
18 letters, 1956-60 & n.d., addressed to Jones, W. B. Fretter and Glenn T. Seaborg, re the Institute of Human Development
Jones, Jordan L. (brother)
3 letters, 1943
Jones, Maude Blair (mother)
3 letters, 1943
Jukes, Thomas Hughes, 1906-
205 letters, 1954-78 & n.d.
67 memos, 1955-77
3 cards, 1958 and 1973
Telegram, May 27, 1957
Scope and Content Note
Kadish, Sanford Harold, 1921-
Scope and Content Note
Kalter, Seymour Sanford, 1918-
Letter, July 14, 1967
Kamen, Martin David, 1913-
Letter, Apr. 23, 1962
Scope and Content Note
Karth, Joseph Edward, 1922-
Scope and Content Note
Katsoyannis, Panayotis G., 1924-
Letter, June 2, 1967, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
Kaufman, Warren John, 1922-
Scope and Content Note
Keefer, Raymond Marsh, 1913-
Scope and Content Note
Keene, Clifford Henry, 1910-
2 letters, 1961 and 1977
Scope and Content Note
Kelly, Lola Szanto, 1924-
2 letters, 1961 and 1964
See also Lawrence, John H.
Kelso, Louis Orth, 1913-
Letter, Aug. 26, 1974
Kempe, Charles Henry, 1922-
2 letters, 1961 and 1962
Kendrick, James Blair, 1920-
Letter, Aug. 9, 1973
See also Jukes, Thomas H.
Kennedy, Edward Moore, 1932-
2 letters, 1968 and 1975, addressed to Jones and T. H. Jukes.
See also Jukes, Thomas H.
Kerr, Clark, 1911-
16 letters, 1955-65, addressed to Jones, Daniel I. Axelrod, Edwin M. McMillan and Nello Pace.
See also Axelrod, Daniel I., Lawrence, John H., Loeb, Leonard B., Pitzer, Kenneth S., Silver, Samuel, Stanier, Roger Y., Strong, Edward W., and Teller, Edward.
Kety, Seymour Soloman, 1915-
2 letters, 1950
King, Jack Lester, 1934-
20 letters, 1963-68
2 memos, 1964 and 1967
Card, Feb. 1978
Scope and Content Note
Kirby, William M. M., 1914-
Letter, Apr. 28, 1960
Kittel, Charles, 1916-
Letter, March 19, 1970
Klein, Herbert George, 1918-
See Boone, Pat
Knight, Goodwin Jess, 1896-1960
Scope and Content Note
Knight, Walter David, 1919-
Scope and Content Note
Knowland, Joseph William, 1930-
Letter, Apr. 24, 1974
Editorial, March 10, 1974
Kobler, John, 1910-
Letter, Oct. 30, 1959
Koch, Charles William, 1919-
Letter, July 12, 1971
Kornberg, Arthur, 1918-
Letter, Sept. 28, 1962
Kriss, Joseph P., 1919-
Letter, June 27, 1966, addressed to J. H. Lawrence.
Kritchevsky, David, 1920-
17 letters, 1954-62, addressed to Jones and L. J. Milch.
Telegram, ca. 1955
See also Milch, Lawrence J.
Kursunoglu, Behram, 1922-
Letter, Sept. 12, 1966
Kutsky, Roman Joseph, 1922-
6 letters, 1951-55
Telegram, Feb. 17, 1955
Scope and Content Note
Lacassagne, Antoine Marcellin Bernard, 1884-
Scope and Content Note
Lamon, Ralph
6 letters, 1970-72, re Commonwealth Club report on governing of colleges and universities.
2 letters to newspapers, 1969 and 1970
Scope and Content Note
Landers, Ann, 1918-
3 letters, 1972-75
Langham, Wright Haskell, 1911-
3 letters, 1957-58
Lasker, Mary, 1900-
Letter, March 3, 1965
Lawrence, Ernest Orlando, 1901-1958
Letter, July 28, 1950, from his secretary.
Scope and Content Note
Lawrence, John Hundale, 1904-
162 letters, 1950-77 & n.d.
3 memos, 1970 and 1973
2 telegrams, 1955 and 1960
Scope and Content Note
Layton, Wilbur Leslie, 1922-
Letter, Apr. 26, 1961
Leake, Chauncey Depew, 1896-1977
10 letters, 1970-77 & n.d.
Memo, Aug. 14, 1970
Scope and Content Note
Lebovits, Binyamin Zeev, 1925-
2 letters, 1977
LeCam, Lucien Marie, 1924-
Letter, Sept. 25, 1964
Lederberg, Joshua, 1925-
Letter, Apr. 3, 1963
Lee, Ivy Ledbetter, 1909-
Letter, Apr. 30, 1975, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
Leitmann, George, 1925-
Scope and Content Note
Lemmon, Richard Millington, 1919-
Letter, Oct. 1, 1963, addressed to J. H. Lawrence.
Lenzen, Victor Fritz, 1890-1975
See Cook, Sherburne F.
Leonard, William Augustus, 1916-
Letter, June 23, 1965
Leopold, Luna Bergere, 1915-
Letter, March 10, 1970
Lepawsky, Albert, 1908-
Letter, Feb. 15, 1967
Lewis, Edward B., 1918-
9 letters, 1956-62, addressed to Jones and Stanley H. Clark.
Lewis, Herman William, 1923-
Letter, July 1, 1965, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
Li, Choh Hao, 1913-
Letter, May 25, 1962
Libby, Willard Frank, 1908-
3 letters, 1956-66
Memo, June 1957
Scope and Content Note
Liebman, Morris Irwin, 1911-
2 letters, 1967
Lindgren, Frank Tycko, 1924-
3 letters, 1963 and 1966
See also Silver, Samuel
Linkletter, Arthur Gordon, 1912-
2 letters, 1971 and 1977
Note, Dec. 1972
Scope and Content Note
Linsley, Earle Gorton, 1910-
Letter, May 17, 1973
Lipman, Charles Bernard, 1883-1944
Letter, Sept. 8, 1944
Lisco, Hermann, 1910-
Letter, July 5, 1944
Loeb, Leonard Benedict, 1891-1978
3 letters, 1962-78
Scope and Content Note
Loeb, William, 1905-
Letter, March 8, 1975
Loevinger, Robert, 1916-
Letter, July 14, 1961
Longevity Foundation
16 letters, 1959-63 & n.d.
Scope and Content Note
Looney, William Boyd, 1922-
2 letters, 1961 and 1962
Lossow, Walter Judah, 1925-
Scope and Content Note
Louisell, David William, 1913-1977
3 letters, 1970-73
Scope and Content Note
Low, Barbara Wharton, 1920-
Letter, July 28, 1970
Lundborg, Louis Billings, 1906-
Letter, Jan. 29, 1971
Lunt, Owen Raynal, 1921-
3 letters, 1969-73
Note, June 1973
Lynch, Thomas C., 1904-
Scope and Content Note
McDaniel, Joseph Milton, 1902-
See Ford Foundation
Mackay, Ralph Stuart, 1924-
6 letters, 1962-64, addressed to Jones, Thomas H. Jukes and Burton J. Moyer.
6 notes, 1963
Scope and Content Note
McMillan, Edwin Mattison, 1907-
2 letters, 1963 and 1978, addressed to T. H. Jukes and Mrs. Jones.
See also Axelrod, Daniel I. and Kerr, Clark.
McMillan, William George, 1919-
2 letters, 1964 and 1969, addressed to C. E. Young and Rosemary Park.
Scope and Content Note
Malkiel, Yakov, 1914-
Scope and Content Note
Mann, George Vernon, 1917-
Letter, Sept. 24, 1962
Margen, Sheldon, 1919-
Letter, Jan. 27, 1964
Mark, Hans Michael, 1929-
13 letters, 1967-78, addressed to Jones, Robert F. Steidel and Dean A. Watkins.
Scope and Content Note
Master, Arthur M., 1895-
Letter, March 10, 1955
Maurer, Robert Leonard, 1912-
Letter, Dec. 3, 1962
Maxfield, James Robert, 1910-
14 letters, 1960-77
Card, Feb. 11, 1970
May, Michael Melville, 1925-
Letter, March 2, 1970
Mazia, Daniel, 1912-
3 letters, 1956 & n.d., addressed to Jones, Israel L. Chaikoff, Robert E. Connick and Thomas D. Stewart.
Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978
Letter, June 1, 1971
Medawar, Peter Brian, 1915-
Scope and Content Note
Mehl, John Wilbur, 1910-
Scope and Content Note
Mel, Howard Charles, 1926-
7 letters, 1967-78, addressed to Jones and Alan J. Bearden.
Scope and Content Note
Meselson, Matthew Stanley, 1930-
Scope and Content Note
Middleton, William Shainline, 1890-
2 letters, 1956, addressed to Jones and W. M. Stanley.
See also Stanley, Wendell M.
Milch, Lawrence Jacques, 1918-
8 letters, 1960-62, addressed to Jones, David Kritchevsky, Elie A. Shneour and Samuel Silver.
Scope and Content Note
Milhaud, Gerard Marcel, 1922-
3 letters, 1967
Miliman, Alfred V.
5 letters, 1976-78, re Mayland Drug Abuse Research and Treatment Foundation, Inc.
Note, Dec. 1976
Scope and Content Note
Miller, George Paul, 1891-
3 letters, 1960 and 1970
Telegram, Jan. 24, 1961
Scope and Content Note
Miller, Lee Wallace, 1904-
2 letters, 1962
Miller, Loye Holmes, 1874-
Letter, Jan. 14, 1954
Miller, Milton Albert, 1907-
Scope and Content Note
Moe, Henry Allen, 1894-
4 letters, 1954-56
Note, n.d.
Mohler, Stanley Ross, 1927-
3 letters, 1960-61
Mondale, Walter Frederick, 1928-
Letter, May 4, 1967
Moon, Henry Dukso, 1914-
Letter, June 3, 1963
Moos, Walter Sam, 1924-
Letter, March 30, 1961
Morgan, Agnes Fay, 1884-1968
Letter, Jan. 10, 1950
Morgan, Elmo Rich, 1913-
Letter, Feb. 27, 1961
Morgan, Karl Ziegler, 1907-
2 letters, 1961 and 1970
See also Durbin, Patricia W.
Morgan, Meredith Walter, 1912-
See Saunders, Robert M.
Morgan, Russell Hedley, 1911-
7 letters, 1958-62
Scope and Content Note
Morris, Robert, 1914-
Letter, Sept. 8, 1970
Morrison, Peter, 1919-
Letter, April 25, 1967
Mortimore, Robert Keith, 1927-
3 letters, 1973-74
2 memos, 1972 and 1977, addressed to Jones, Thomas H. Jukes, Alexander V. Nichols and Cornelius A. Tobias.
See also Jukes, Thomas H. and Lawrence, John H.
Morton, Rogers Clark Ballard, 1914-
Letter, Mar. 23, 1973, addressed to Joseph C. Fennelly.
Moscone, George Richard, 1929-1978
4 letters, 1974-76
Moyer, Burton Jones, 1912-
See Mackay, Ralph S.
Mrak, Emil M., 1901-
Letter, Nov. 13, 1973, addressed to J. H. Lawrence.
Mudd, Seeley Greenleaf, 1895-
Scope and Content Note
Murie, Adolph, 1899-
Scope and Content Note
Murphy, Franklin David, 1916-
Letter, Nov. 10, 1969
Murphy, George Lloyd, 1902-
5 letters, 1970-74
Scope and Content Note
Muschel, Louis Henry, 1916-
Scope and Content Note
Myers, Lawrence Stanley, 1919-
Letter, March 2, 1970
Nahas, Gabriel Georges, 1920-
15 letters, 1973-78, addressed to Jones and others.
Note, July 16, 1976
Scope and Content Note
National Collegiate Athletic Association
42 letters, 1972-78
4 memos, 1975-77
Scope and Content Note
Nervik, Walter Edward, 1923-
2 letters, 1958
Newcombe, Curtis Lakeman, 1905-
Letter, Oct. 30, 1964
Newell, Robert Reid, 1892-
Letter, Oct. 23, 1962
Neyman, Jerzy, 1894-
14 letters, 1959-69, addressed to Jones, Walter D. Knight, Richard F. Shaw and Michael B. Shimkin.
Scope and Content Note
Nichols, Alexander Vladimir, 1924-
10 letters, 1965-75
2 memos, 1972
Scope and Content Note
Nixon, Richard Milhous, 1913-
Scope and Content Note
Nutrition Foundation, Inc.
4 letters, 1975-76, re Jones' grant application.
Scope and Content Note
Obey, David Ross, 1938-
Letter, Aug. 14, 1969, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
Ochsner, Alton, 1896-
Letter, Nov. 3, 1975, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
Okey, Ruth Eliza, 1893-
Letter, Apr. 24, 1958
Olive, John Ritter, 1916-
Letter, Aug. 26, 1965, addressed to R. S. Mackay.
O'Loughlin, Bernard James, 1914-
2 letters, 1966
Oncley, John Lawrence, 1910-
See Gofman, John W.
Oser, Bernard Levussove, 1899-
Scope and Content Note
Oswald, John Wieland, 1917-
Scope and Content Note
Pace, Nello, 1916-
4 letters, 1955-78, addressed to Jones and John H. Lawrence.
Scope and Content Note
Packard, Daniel, 1912-
Letter, Aug. 2, 1966
Packer, Lester, 1929-
Letter, March 13, 1967
Page, Irvine Heinly, 1901-
Letter, Oct. 14, 1976
Palmer, Harold Bruce, 1908-
Scope and Content Note
Papenfuss, George Frederik, 1903-
Memo, Oct. 9, 1958, addressed to John W. Durham, Ralph Emerson, Johannes M. Proskauer and Roger Y. Stanier.
Pardee, Arthur Beck, 1921-
2 letters, 1961 and 1965
Paris, Oscar Hall, 1931-
2 letters, 1962 and 1964
Park, Rosemary, 1907-
See McMillan, William G.
Paton, William Drummond Macdonald, 1917-
15 letters, 1949-77
Telegram, June 5, 1970
Pauley, Edwin Wendell, 1903-
Scope and Content Note
Pauling, Linus, 1901-
2 letters, 1962 and 1975
Note, n.d.
Pearson, Oliver Payne, 1915-
Letter, Sept. 11, 1970
Percy, Charles Harting, 1919-
2 letters, 1976-77
Perkinson, Jesse Dean, 1914-
Scope and Content Note
Pevsner, Aihud, 1925-
See Jukes, Thomas H.
Piel, Gerard, 1915-
Letter, Sept. 11, 1974
Pigford, Thomas Harrington, 1922-
Letter, June 14, 1962
Pinson, Ernest Alexander, 1913-
Letter, May 16, 1967
Pitzer, Kenneth Sanborn, 1914-
2 letters, 1961 and 1963, addressed to Jones and Clark Kerr.
Platzman, Robert Leroy, 1918-
2 letters, 1968
Pochin, Edward Eric, 1909-
Letter, Feb. 20, 1951, from his secretary.
Poniatoff, Alexander Mathew, 1892-
4 letters, 1961-77
Poor, Russell Spurgeon, 1899-
Scope and Content Note
Portis, Alan Mark, 1926-
Letter, Nov. 15, 1965
Powell, Richard Edward, 1917-
Scope and Content Note
Prindle, Richard Alan, 1925-
Letter, Nov. 16, 1967
Prinzmetal, Myron, 1908-
2 letters, 1946
Probst, George Edgar, 1917-
Letter, March 4, 1977
Proskauer, Johannes Max, 1923-
See Papenfuss, George F.
Proxmire, William, 1915-
Letter, May 18, 1973
Pryor, William Austin, 1929-
Scope and Content Note
Puck, Theodore Thomas, 1916-
11 letters, 1958-67, addressed to Jones and C. A. Tobias.
See also Tobias, Cornelius A.
Rafferty, Max, 1917-
2 letters, 1968 and 1974
Rall, David Platt, 1926-
Letter, Feb. 19, 1976
Rauscher, Frank Joseph, 1931-
See Jukes, Thomas H.
Ray, Robert D., 1928-
Letter, Apr. 21, 1976
Reagan, Ronald, 1911-
Letter, Dec. 28, 1973
Scope and Content Note
Reeves, William Carlisle, 1916-
Letter, June 19, 1969, addressed to R.W. Heyns.
Reinecke, Edwin, 1924-
Letter, Nov. 6, 1970
Reynolds, John Hamilton, 1923-
Letter, March 11, 1966
Reynolds, Orr Esrey, 1920-
Scope and Content Note
Ridder, Daniel Hickey, 1922-
Scope and Content Note
Robertson, James Sydnor, 1920-
Letter, Dec. 10, 1965
Rogers, Edward Saunders, 1905-
2 letters, 1959 and 1967
Memo, Sept. 28, 1960
Scope and Content Note
Root, Walter Stanton, 1902-
Letter, Sept. 16, 1963, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
See also Jukes, Thomas H.
Rosenberg, Lawson Lawrence, 1920-
Letter, Feb. 28, 1968
Rossi, Herald H., 1917-
See Evans, Robley D.
Rostorfer, Howard Hayes, 1909-
Letter, March 6, 1972
Rubin, Harry, 1926-
Letter, May 27, 1975
Ruby, Lawrence, 1925-
2 letters, 1971, addressed to Jones and R. E. Connick.
Rusher, William Allen, 1923-
3 letters, 1973-74
Rusk, Howard A., 1901-
Letter, Sept. 28, 1977
Ryerson, Knowles Augustus, 1892-
2 letters, 1967 and 1978
See also Jukes, Thomas H.
Sacher, George Alban, 1917-
Scope and Content Note
Saltman, Paul David, 1928-
Letter, May 9, 1966
Sanadi, Dattatreya Rao, 1920-
2 letters, 1961 and 1963
Sanford, Robert Nevitt, 1909-
5 letters, 1960-61
San Souci, Robert A.
7 letters, 1950-55
48 memos, 1949-62
Scope and Content Note
Sapirstein, Leo Abraham, 1919-
3 letters, 1961-62, addressed to Jones and E. L. Dobson.
Saunders, John Bertrand de Cusance Morant, 1903-
3 letters, 1969-78
Saunders, Robert Mallough, 191 5-
Letter, June 26, 1962, addressed to M. W. Morgan, re Ralph S. Mackay.
Saylor, John Phillips, 1908-
See Jukes, Thomas H.
Scantlebury, Ronald Earl, 1901-
Letter, Sept. 11, 1962
Schachman, Howard Kapnek, 1918-
See Jukes, Thomas H.
Schlamowitz, Max, 1919-
Letter, July 12, 1961
Schmid, Rudi, 1922-
Letter, Apr. 4, 1968
Schooley, John C., 1928-
Memo, Apr. 3, 1968
Schwichtenberg, Albert Henry, 1904-
Letter, Aug. 5, 1963
Scott, Hugh, 1900-
Letter, Dec. 18, 1975
Seaborg, Glenn Theodore, 1912-
16 letters, 1958-66, addressed to Jones, Howard A. Bern, Richard M. Eakin, Sanford S. Elberg and Harold E. Jones.
See also Eakin, Richard M., Jones, Harold E., Jukes, Thomas H., and Lawrence, John H.
Searcy, Alan Winn, 1925-
2 letters, 1964 and 1966, addressed to Jones and Walter J. Lossow.
Selikoff, Irving John, 1915-
Letter, Apr. 4, 1968
Sessler, Andrew Marienhoff, 1928-
Letter, Feb. 17, 1978, addressed to Mrs. Jones.
Shafer, Raymond Philip, 1917-
Scope and Content Note
Shaffer, Thomas Eugene, 1908-
Letter, May 14, 1971
See also Cooper, Donald L.
Shaw, Richard Franklin, 1924-
4 letters, 1962, addressed to Jones and Jerzy Neyman.
See also Neyman, Jerzy
Shaw, Stanford Jay, 1930-
4 letters, 1970-71
Shearn, Martin Alvin, 1923-
Letter, Nov. 14, 1962
Sherriffs, Alex Carlton, 1917-
Scope and Content Note
Shimkin, Michael Boris, 1912-
2 letters, 1962
See also Neyman, Jerzy
Shipman, Thomas Leffingwell, 1905-
Letter, Nov. 23, 1965
Shneour, Elie Alexis, 1925-
4 memos, 1962 and n.d., addressed to Jones and Lawrence J. Milch.
See also Milch, Lawrence J.
Shock, Nathan Wetherill, 1906-
15 letters, 1955-60
Scope and Content Note
Shore, Bernard, 1928-
2 letters, 1969, from him and Frederick Hatch.
Shrift, Alex, 1923-
Letter, Oct. 15, 1965
Sierra Club, San Francisco
2 letters, 1970
Sikes, Robert L.F., 1906-
Letter, Aug. 14, 1974
Silver, Samuel, 1915-1976
2 letters, 1962, addressed to Frank Lindgren and L. J. Milch.
Scope and Content Note
Simon, Alexander, 1906-
Letter, Dec. 2, 1959
Siragusa, Charles, 1913-
Letter, Dec. 7, 1970
Siri, William Emil, 1919-
4 letters, 1964-72, addressed to Jones, Eric Boyland and John H. Lawrence.
See also San Souci, Robert A.
Smith, Charles Edward, 1904-
10 letters, 1953-64, addressed to Jones, Edward W. Strong and James Watt.
Scope and Content Note
Smith, Lawrence Weld, 1895-
Letter, May 11, 1950, addressed to R. A. San Souci.
Smith, Paul Francis, 1927-
Letter, June 12, 1967, re Roman J. Kutsky.
Smyth, Francis Scott, 1895-
Letter, Dec. 13, 1941, addressed to W. R. Lyons.
Scope and Content Note
Snell, Esmond Emerson, 1914-
See Yerushalmy, Jacob
Sobel, Harry, 1918-
Letter, Apr. 25, 1967
Soulé, Edward Lee, 1882-
10 letters, 1972-78, addressed to Jones and others.
2 memos, 1972 and 1977
Scope and Content Note
Sproul, Robert Gordon, 1891-1975
2 letters, 1956 and 1957
Stallones, Reuel Arthur, 1923-
2 letters, 1961
Stanford, Ernest Elwood,1888-
Letter, Jan. 11, 1961
Stanier, Roger Yate, 1916-
Letter, Oct. 29, 1957
Scope and Content Note
Stanley, Wendell Meredith, 1904-1971
3 letters, 1953-56, addressed to Jones and W. S. Middleton.
Scope and Content Note
Stanton, Frank, 1908-
Scope and Content Note
Steidel, Robert Francis, 1926-
See Mark, Hans A.
Stekol, Jakob A., 1905-
Letter, May 3, 1967, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
Stern, Curt, 1902-
3 letters, 1962-69, addressed to Jones and others.
Scope and Content Note
Stewart, Thomas Dale, 1890-1958
See Mazia, Daniel
Stewart, William Huffman, 1921-
Memo, July 1, 1966
Stiles, William Whitfield, 1908-
Scope and Content Note
Stokstad, Evan Ludvig Robert, 1913-
4 letters, 1959-60
Scope and Content Note
Stone, Frederick Logan, 1915-
Scope and Content Note
Strajman, Enrique
16 letters, 1955-78
Telegram, March 14, 1955
Scope and Content Note
Strauss, Lewis Lichtenstein, 1896-
2 letters, 1969
Note, 1968
Scope and Content Note
Strehler, Bernard Louis, 1925-
4 letters, 1961-68
Strong, Edward William, 1901-
11 letters, 1959-64, addressed to Jones, Thomas H. Jukes, Clark Kerr and Charles E. Smith.
Scope and Content Note
Szilard, Leo, 1898-1964
2 letters, 1959
Talbot, John Mayo, 1913-
Letter, Mar. 14, 1967
Taylor, John Ingalls, 1911-
Scope and Content Note
Taylor, Kenneth Monroe, 1916-
Scope and Content Note
Taylor, Lauriston Sale, 1902-
Letter, Aug. 20, 1970
Taylor, Lewis Walter, 1900-
Letter, Jan. 5, 1950, addressed to J. H. Lawrence.
See also Lawrence, John H.
Teller, Edward, 1908-
3 letters, 1960-67, addressed to Jones and Clark Kerr.
See also Lawrence, John H. and Jukes, Thomas H.
Thimann, Kenneth Vivian, 1904-
Letter, Sept. 15, 1967
Thomas, David Ansell, 1917-
Letter, Mar. 20, 1972
Thomas Jefferson Research Center
14 letters, 1968-75, most from Frank Goble re study of social problems, including drug use.
Thompson, Donovan Jerome, 1919-
Letter, Jan. 25, 1966
Thompson, Milton John, 1904-
Letter, Oct. 12, 1965
Thornburg, Wayne, 1918-
2 letters, 1958 and 1959
Thurmond, James Strom, 1902-
Letter, Dec. 9, 1975
Timiras, Paola Silvestri, 1923-
2 letters, 1969 and 1970
See also Jukes, Thomas H.
Tobias, Cornelius Anthony, 1918-
18 letters, 1955-69
6 memos, 1950-68
Scope and Content Note
Totter, John Randolph, 1914-
Scope and Content Note
Townes, Charles Hard, 1915-
Letter, May 1, 1974
Trilling, George Henry, 1930-
Letter, Nov. 12, 1975
Trytten, Meriam Hartwick, 1894-
Scope and Content Note
Tupper, Charles John, 1920-
Letter, Jan. 28, 1968
Tuttle, Lawrence Wessell, 1915-
Letter, Sept. 22, 1966
Udall, Morris King, 1922-
Letter, Sept. 8, 1966, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
Ugrin, Nick Thomas, 1909-
Letter, March 10, 1971
Underhill, Robert Mackenzie, 1893-
See California. University. Regents
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
2 letters, 1968 and 1972, addressed to Jones and Thomas H. Jukes
See also Barr, Nathaniel F. and Materials re Organizations, carton 2.
U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
13 letters, 1959-76, addressed to Jones, Thomas H. Jukes, and John H. Lawrence.
Telegram, Feb. 26, 1971
Scope and Content Note
U.S. Dept. of Justice
8 letters, 1969-78
U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration
6 letters, 1975
U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
2 letters, 1968 and 1973, addressed to Henry Borsook and T. H. Jukes.
Unruh, Jesse Marvin, 1922-
Letter, Apr. 26, 1968
VanDyke, Donald Clair, 1923-
Letter, March 29, 1968
VanMiddlesworth, Lester, 1919-
Letter, Jan. 5, 1967
Voegtlin, Carl, 1879-
Letter, June 23, 1942, addressed to W. R. Lyons.
Scope and Content Note
Vohs, James Arthur, 1928-
Letter, Feb. 1, 1974
Wallace, Roger Wayne, 1919-
2 letters, 1966 and 1967
Scope and Content Note
Warner, George Fenton, 1917-
Letter, May 17, 1956
Warren, Shields, 1898-
13 letters, 1956-72
Telegram, Feb, 1955
See also Lawrence, John H.
Wasserman, Louis Robert, 1910-
Scope and Content Note
Watkins, Dean Allen, 1922-
Scope and Content Note
Watson, Cecil James, 1901-
2 letters, 1967 and 1970, addressed to Jones and John H. Lawrence.
Watt, James, 1911-
See Smith, Charles E.
Way, Edward Leong, 1916-
Letter, July 13, 1976
Memo, May 9, 1977
Wayburn, Edgar, 1906-
Letter, May 31, 1967, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
See also Adams, Ansel and Jukes, Thomas H.
Wedding, Randolph Townsend, 1921-
Letter, Jan. 20, 1969, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
Weisiger, James Richard, 1918-
See King, Jack L.
Wellman, Harry Richard, 1899-
2 letters, 1956, addressed to Jones and T. H. Jukes.
West, Louis Jolyon, 1924-
Scope and Content Note
White, Clayton Samuel, 1912-
Scope and Content Note
Whitten, Jamie Lloyd, 1910-
Letter, Oct. 11, 1973, addressed to T. H. Jukes.
See also Jukes, Thomas H.
Wilkinson, Charles Burnham, 1916-
Letter, Apr. 1, 1970
Scope and Content Note
Willey, Richard Rendigs, 1924-
2 letters, 1959, addressed to H. E. Jones and E. W. Strong.
Williams, Harrison Arlington, 1919-
2 letters, 1967 and 1968
Williams, Robley Cook, 1908-
Scope and Content Note
Wright, Irving Sherwood, 1901-
Letter, May 8, 1952
Yerushalmy, Jacob, 1904-1973
Scope and Content Note
Yorty, Samuel William, 1909-
2 letters, 1968
See also Jukes, Thomas H.
Young, Charles Edward, 1931-
See McMillan, William G.
Young, Wei, 1919-
See Gofman, John D.
Younger, Evelle Jansen, 1918-
Letter, Jan. 21, 1974
Zachary, Frank, 1914-
Scope and Content Note
Zionuska, John Arthur, 1916-
See Jukes, Thomas H.