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Scope and Contents note

Appointment calendars, articles, bibliographies, biographies, conversation transcripts, correspondence, research files, schedules, clippings, and other printed matter, arranged alphabetically by physical form.
box 1, folder 1


box 1, folder 2

Appointment calendars and schedules 1956-1985

box 1, folder 3

Articles on Alfred M. Lilienthal [hereafter Lilienthal] 1957-1982

box 1, folder 4


box 1, folder 5

Biographical data

box 1, folder 6



Clippings and other printed matter mentioning Lilienthal (publicity file)

Scope and Contents note

Includes some correspondence, in particular regarding radio or television appearances, undated or in Arabic.
box 1, folder 7

Clippings and other printed matter mentioning Lilienthal (publicity file)

box 1, folder 8-14


box 2, folder 1-16


box 3, folder 1-11


box 152, folder 23


box 152, folder 36


box 3, folder 12

Comments on Lilienthal

box 3, folder 13

Conversation transcripts


Fan mail

box 3, folder 14


box 3, folder 15


box 3, folder 16


box 3, folder 17


box 4, folder 1-5


box 5, folder 1-5


box 152, folder 40

Freedom of Information Act request 1991

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with the State Department and released photocopies of reports on Lilienthal, 1960-1988.
box 5, folder 6-7

Hate mail

box 6, folder 1

Job review 1943

box 6, folder 2

Letters of note

box 6, folder 3


box 6, folder 4

Printed matter (reprints of speeches, publicity brochures, etc.)

box 6, folder 5-7

Research file

box 7, folder 1-7

Research files

box 7, folder 8

Sketch of Lilienthal by Prince Mohamed bin Saud


Subject file

box 7, folder 9

Ad placed in the New York Times 1958

box 7, folder 10

Charitable contributions

box 7, folder 11

Excommunication by the Supreme Rabbinic Court of America 1982

box 152, folder 41



Libel suits

box 8, folder 1

Raphael, G.

box 8, folder 2

Giesen, Edna

box 152, folder 42

Lilienthal 40th Anniversary Fund

box 8, folder 3

"Middle East Caravan"

Scope and Contents note

Brochures, itineraries, and correspondence of a trip that Lilienthal planned for the beginning of 1958 (eventually canceled).
box 8, folder 4

Points of controversy


Public relations [See also: CORRESPONDENCE, Kuwait. Ministry of Foreign Affairs]

box 8, folder 5-7


box 8, folder 8

Baldwin, Donald

box 8, folder 9

Denton, Dorothy

box 8, folder 10

Dorney, C. Kelly

box 8, folder 11

Eaton, Louise

box 8, folder 12

Keedick, Robert

box 8, folder 13

Lynch, Ware

box 8, folder 14

Wade, Clint

box 8, folder 15

Questions to be asked of Lilienthal when interviewed by the media

box 8, folder 16

U.S. Army service

box 153, folder 27

United Nations Organization

Scope and Contents note

Material relating to the San Francisco UN50 Charter Commemorative Ceremony, San Francisco, California, 26 June 1995, which Lilienthal attended. Includes a photocopy of a clipping relating to his participation in the 1945 Conference and of his admission ticket.
box 153, folder 12

Tributes in the form of letters and telegrams upon Lilienthal's 80th birthday celebration and 40th anniversary of What Price Israel?, University Club, Washington, D.C. 1993 December 18

Scope and Contents note

Includes 1994 correspondence.


Scope and Contents note

Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.


box 9, folder 1-3

Telegrams 1973-1984

box 9, folder 4-12


box 10, folder 1-11


box 11, folder 1-14


box 12, folder 1-8

1979 February - 1980 February

box 13, folder 1-9

1980 February - 1981 March

box 14, folder 1-10

1981 March-December

box 15, folder 1-8

1982 January-August

box 16, folder 1-10

1982 September - 1983 June

box 17, folder 1-12

1983 July - 1984 November

box 18, folder 1

Aamiry, Muhammad 1970-1971

box 18, folder 2

Abaza, Ibrahim 1970-1976

box 18, folder 3

Abourezk, James 1973-1980

box 18, folder 4

Abukishk, Saud S. 1968-1969

box 18, folder 5

Acheson, Dean 1968-1969

box 18, folder 6

Ad Hoc Committee on the Middle East 1968

box 18, folder 7

Adler, Frank J. 1977-1978

box 18, folder 8

Agnew, Spiro 1969-1978

box 18, folder 9

Ahmed, S. S. 1968-1977

box 18, folder 10

Aiken, George D. 1969

box 18, folder 11

Ajami, Fawad 1978

box 18, folder 12

Akins, James E. 1973

box 18, folder 13

Albertson, Jim 1961

box 18, folder 14

Algeria. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1971

box 18, folder 15

Algeria. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1977-1982

box 18, folder 16

Ali, Muhammad 1968-1977

box 18, folder 17

Ali, Wijdan 1979-1984

box 18, folder 18

Alia Airlines 1983-1984

box 18, folder 19

Allan, Douglas 1960-1961

box 18, folder 20

Allen, Richard V. 1968-1981

box 18, folder 21

American-Arab Affairs Council (George A. Naifeh) 1984


American Broadcasting Company

box 18, folder 22

General 1956-1980

box 18, folder 23

Re "Directions" programs of 5 March and 2 April 1978

box 26, folder 8

American Committee for Cultural Freedom [See: National Broadcasting Company]

box 18, folder 24

American Committee for Justice in the Middle East 1970-1972

box 18, folder 25

American Committee for the Preservation of Abu Simbel 1964

box 18, folder 26

American Council for Judaism 1947-1966

box 18, folder 27

American Enterprise Institute 1971-1978

box 18, folder 28

American Friends of the Middle East 1954-1970

box 18, folder 29

American Independent Oil Company 1956-1961

box 18, folder 30

American International Oil Company 1964

box 18, folder 31

American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism 1969-1979

box 18, folder 32

American Psychiatric Association 1976

box 18, folder 33

American University of Beirut 1957-1970

box 18, folder 34

Americans for Justice in the Middle East 1969-1981

box 18, folder 35

Americans for Middle East Understanding 1978

box 18, folder 36

Anaf Foundation 1970-1971

box 18, folder 37

Anber, Fred G. 1969-1970

box 18, folder 38

Anderson, Francis W. 1948-1949

box 18, folder 39

Anglo-Arab Association 1966

box 18, folder 40

Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith 1949-1952

box 18, folder 41

Anti-Zionist Committee of Soviet Public Opinion 1983-1984

box 18, folder 42

Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 1969-1980

box 18, folder 43

Antone, K. E. 1970

box 18, folder 44

AP to AP (Arab People to American People) TV 1982

box 18, folder 45

Apostolic Nunciature, United States of America 1987

box 18, folder 46

Arab-American Dialogue Committee 1978-1979

box 18, folder 47

Arab-American Friendship 1979

box 18, folder 48

Arab British Centre 1977

box 18, folder 49

Arab Information Center 1970-1979

box 18, folder 50

Arab News 1978-1980

box 18, folder 51

Arabian American Oil Company 1956-1984

box 18, folder 52

Arafat, Yasir 1969-1991

box 18, folder 53

Arizona Daily Star 1958-1960

box 18, folder 54

Arthur, Paul 1960

box 18, folder 55

ASKME 1970

box 18, folder 56

Assad, Hafez 1975-1991

box 18, folder 57

Association of Arab-American University Graduates 1968-1982

box 18, folder 58

Association parlementaire pour la coopiration euro-arabe 1984-1985

box 18, folder 59

Atlantic Richfield Foundation 1973

box 18, folder 60

Attwood, William (Look) 1967

box 18, folder 61

Augustinian Historical Institute 1979

box 18, folder 62

Australian League of Rights 1979-1980

box 18, folder 63

Austria. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1981

box 18, folder 64

Avnery, Uri 1964-1965

box 18, folder 65

Azkoul, William N. 1978

box 18, folder 66

Azzam, Abdul Rahman 1966

box 19, folder 1

Baghdad Observer 1980

box 19, folder 2

Bahrain. Ministry of Information 1974-1983

box 19, folder 3

Bahrain. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1980

box 19, folder 4

Baker, Harold D. 1977-1979

box 153, folder 16

Baker, James A., III 1992-1994

box 19, folder 5

Baldwin, Donald 1968-1985

box 19, folder 6

Baldwin, Hanson W. 1956

box 19, folder 7

Balfour, Lord 1960

box 19, folder 8

Balfrey, Thomas F. 1983

box 153, folder 17

Ball, Douglas B. 1994

box 19, folder 9

Ball, George W. 1985-1992

box 19, folder 10

Bancroft, Harding 1966-1977

box 19, folder 11

Barakat, Joseph 1968

box 19, folder 12

Barbanel, Howard Stephen 1972

box 19, folder 13

Barnes, Harry Elmer 1965

box 19, folder 14

Baroody, Mrs. Jamil 1979

box 19, folder 15

Baruch, Bernard M. 1954

box 19, folder 16

Baton, Virginia 1957

box 19, folder 17

Bazzaz, Abdel Rahman al- 1966

box 19, folder 18

Beate Klarsfeld Foundation 1982

box 19, folder 19

Beatley, Charles E. 1982

box 19, folder 20

Beautiful People Publishers 1980

box 19, folder 21

Beer, Ethel S. 1965

box 19, folder 22

Begin, Menachem 1978-1980

box 19, folder 23

Begum, Paul G. undated

box 19, folder 24

Bellmon, Henry 1970-1971

box 19, folder 25

Benoist, Alain de 1980

box 19, folder 26

Berger, Elmer [See also: American Council for Judaism and American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism] 1979

box 19, folder 27

Berger, Morroe 1957

box 19, folder 28

Berlin, Michael J. 1981

box 19, folder 29

Bernazani, Paul J. 1977-1981

box 19, folder 30

Bevin, Ernest 1947

box 19, folder 31

Bogardus, George F. 1979

box 19, folder 32

Bolt, Robert 1963

box 19, folder 33

Bonar, John and Roxanne 1975

box 19, folder 34

Booth, John Nicholls 1967-1982

box 19, folder 35

Booth, Newell S., Jr. 1968

box 19, folder 36

Bosco, Philip 1982

box 19, folder 37

Bourguiba, Habib, Jr. 1964-1969

box 19, folder 38

Boutros, Eli 1969

box 19, folder 39

Brady, Lawrence J. 1982

box 19, folder 40

Breslin, Jimmy 1978

box 19, folder 41

British Anti-Zionist Organization, Palestine Solidarity 1979-1982

box 19, folder 42

British Broadcasting Corporation 1980

box 19, folder 43

British League of Rights 1981

box 19, folder 44

Brizendine, Richard 1979-1983

box 19, folder 45

Broadcast Interview Connection 1981-1982

box 19, folder 46

Brossard, Stratford 1976

box 19, folder 47

Brown, George S. 1974

box 19, folder 48

Brown, L. Dean 1978-1981

box 19, folder 49

Brown, Philip 1957

box 19, folder 50

Brownfeld, Allan C. 1957-1984

box 19, folder 51

Brzezinski, Zbigniew 1983

box 19, folder 52

Bucci, Maurizio 1976

box 19, folder 53

Buchanan, Patrick J. 1978-1988

box 19, folder 54

Buck, Pitman, Jr. 1977-1982

box 19, folder 55

Buckley, William F., Jr. 1957-1986

box 19, folder 56

Bull, Odd 1977

box 19, folder 57

Burleson, Omar 1962-1978

box 19, folder 58

Burns, Alice 1956-1968

box 19, folder 59

Bush, George H. 1978-1992

box 19, folder 60

Bushnaq, Abdul 1970-1980

box 19, folder 61

Bustani, Emile 1961

box 22, folder 61

Butros, Antoine E. [See: Institute for Palestine Studies]

box 29, folder 21-22

Butros, Antoine E. [See: Tamari, Ludwig W. and Joseph]

box 19, folder 62

Byrd, Harry F., Jr. 1955

box 19, folder 63

Caldwell, Taylor 1971

box 19, folder 64

California Texas Oil 1956-1957

box 19, folder 65

Canada-Palestine Association 1979

box 19, folder 66

Canadian Arab Friendship League 1963

box 19, folder 67

Canadian Arab Friendship Society of Toronto 1965-1966

box 19, folder 68

Canadians for Justice in the Middle East 1982

box 19, folder 69

Canadians for Peace in the Middle East 1983

box 19, folder 70

Capell, Frank 1971

box 19, folder 71

Capital Speakers 1985

box 19, folder 72

Carleton, Alford 1958

box 19, folder 73

Carmichael, Kenn and Sue 1967

box 19, folder 74

Carter, Jimmy 1978-1985

box 19, folder 75

Carvely, Andrew 1969

box 19, folder 76

Cavett, Dick 1972-1977

box 19, folder 77

Centro-Cultural Cubano-Arabe 1971

box 19, folder 78

Chaplin, G. G. 1970

box 19, folder 79

Chicago Daily News 1959-1960

box 19, folder 80

Childs, J. Rives 1977-1979

box 19, folder 81

Chisholm, A. H. T. 1960

box 19, folder 82

Chomsky, Noam 1978-1984

box 20, folder 1

Christian Science Monitor 1978

box 153, folder 18

Christopher, Warren 1994

box 20, folder 2

Church, Frank 1979

box 20, folder 3

Clark, Gerald 1969

box 20, folder 4

Clark, William P. 1982-1984

box 20, folder 5

Cleveland, Ray L. 1968-1983

box 152, folder 56

Clinton, Bill [See also: SPEECHES AND WRITINGS, 1995 June] 1992

box 152, folder 24

Coates, David 1989

box 20, folder 6

Coe, Richard 1971

box 20, folder 7

Collins, John P. [See also: SUBJECT FILE, Virgin Islands. Water and Power Authority] undated

box 20, folder 8

Columbia Broadcasting System 1952-1985

box 20, folder 9

Columbia Forum 1970

box 20, folder 10

Columbia School of Journalism 1981

box 20, folder 11

Committee for the Single Six-Year Presidential Term 1983

box 20, folder 12

Committee on Truth in the Middle East 1978

box 20, folder 13

Committee to Support Middle East Liberation 1971

box 20, folder 14

Common Cause 1974

box 20, folder 15

Congressional Record 1970-1971

box 20, folder 16

Connolly, Joseph V. 1957

box 20, folder 17

Connors, Michael F. 1966-1969

box 20, folder 18

Conservative Book Club 1965

box 20, folder 19

Continental Oil Co. 1976-1983

box 20, folder 20

Cooper, Edward A. 1959

box 20, folder 21

Cooper, John M. 1960

box 20, folder 22

Cooper, John S. 1971-1972

box 20, folder 23

Cornell Alumni News 1965

box 20, folder 24

Cornell Daily Sun 1955

box 20, folder 25

Cornell University 1979

box 20, folder 26

Cosmopolitan Magazine 1954

box 20, folder 27

Costello, Clement 1982

box 20, folder 28

Cottam, Howard R. 1965-1978

box 20, folder 29

Cotten, Richard B. 1970

box 20, folder 30

Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding 1970-1980

box 20, folder 31

Cousins, Norman 1965-1973

box 20, folder 32

Crane, Philip M. 1978

box 20, folder 33

Cranston, Alan 1983-1984

box 20, folder 34

Crider, John H. 1963

box 20, folder 35

Crystal, John C. 1966

box 20, folder 36

Curry, W. A. 1981

box 20, folder 37

Czechoslovakia. Mission to the United Nations 1980-1981

box 20, folder 38

D'Amato, Alfonso M. 1980-1983

box 20, folder 39

D'Amours, Norman E. 1981

box 20, folder 40

Dacey, Norman F. 1972-1985

box 20, folder 41

Daily Pantagraph (Bloomington) 1960

box 20, folder 42

Dajani, Ali 1969

box 20, folder 43

Dajani, Burhan 1981

box 20, folder 44

Dallas Morning News 1959

box 152, folder 43

Dattelbaum, David 1987

box 20, folder 45

Daoud, Mohammed 1970

box 20, folder 46

Davis, John H. 1964

box 20, folder 47

De Courcy, John 1982

box 20, folder 48

Delaney, Edward L. 1965-1968

box 20, folder 49

Denton, Charles R. 1980-1982

box 20, folder 50

Denton, Jeremiah 1981-1982

box 20, folder 51

Diab, Jamil 1969-1979

box 20, folder 52

Dole, Elizabeth H. 1984

box 20, folder 53

Dole, Robert 1987

box 20, folder 54

Donaldson, Sam 1987

box 20, folder 55

Dorney, Cathryn 1973-1974

box 20, folder 56

Douglass, Paul 1981

box 20, folder 57

Du Brul, George 1978-1979

box 20, folder 58

Eaks, Louis 1973-1979

box 20, folder 59

East, John P. 1981

box 20, folder 60

East-West Foundation 1979

box 20, folder 61

Eaton, Charles A. 1948

box 20, folder 62

Ecevit, Bulent 1979

box 20, folder 63

Economic Club of New York 1981

box 20, folder 64

Eddy, William A. 1950

box 20, folder 65

Egolf, James E. 1979-1981

box 21, folder 1

Egypt. Consulate (New York) 1960-1979

box 21, folder 2

Egypt. Consulate (San Francisco) 1957

box 21, folder 3

Egypt. Embassy (Great Britain) 1969

box 21, folder 4

Egypt. Embassy (United States) 1975-1985

box 21, folder 5

Egypt. Ministry of Economy and Foreign Trade 1969

box 21, folder 6

Egypt. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1981

box 21, folder 7

Egypt. Ministry of Information 1960-1968

box 21, folder 8

Egypt. Ministry of National Guidance and Culture 1967

box 21, folder 9

Egypt. Ministry of Petroleum 1974-1975

box 21, folder 10

Egypt. Office of the President 1959-1969

box 21, folder 11

Egypt. People's Assembly 1975-1980

box 21, folder 12

Egypt. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1969-1985

box 21, folder 13

Egypt. State Information Service 1982

box 21, folder 14

Egypt. Tourist Office 1958-1961

box 21, folder 15

Eichler, Franklin C. 1971

box 21, folder 16

Eilts, Hermann Frederick 1975-1985

box 21, folder 17

Eisenhower, Dwight D. 1962-1967

box 21, folder 18

Eisenhower, Mamie Doud 1969-1971

box 21, folder 19

Elias, Gertrude 1964-1965

box 21, folder 20

Ellender, Allen J. 1957-1971

box 21, folder 21

Emmons, Frederick E. 1965

box 21, folder 22

Epp, Frank H. 1969

box 21, folder 23

Ernst, Morris L. [See also: St. Martin's Press] 1952

box 21, folder 24

Esquire 1967-1968

box 21, folder 25

Estes, Carol K. 1981-1983

box 21, folder 26

Ethridge, Willie Snow 1949-1950

box 21, folder 27

European Coordinating Committee of Friendship Societies with the Arab World 1981

box 21, folder 28

EXXON 1975-1983

box 21, folder 29

Fahd ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz, King of Saudi Arabia 1985

box 21, folder 30

Fahmy, Awatef 1960-1961

box 21, folder 31

Fahmy, Mostafa Hussein 1961-1964

box 21, folder 32

Faisal, King of Saudi Arabia 1974

box 21, folder 33

Faisal, Mohammed al- 1975

box 21, folder 34

Fakhro, Ali 1979-1983

box 21, folder 35

Farber, Barry 1979

box 21, folder 36

Fateh 1970

box 21, folder 37

Fauntroy, Walter E. 1984

box 21, folder 38

Faurisson, Robert 1982

box 21, folder 39

Federal Communications Commission 1968-1982

box 21, folder 40

Federation of American-Arab Organizations 1968-1977

box 21, folder 41

Feisal, Abdul Aziz Masaad 1968

box 21, folder 42

Fennekohl, Arthur C. 1967

box 21, folder 43

Findley, Paul 1978-1979

box 21, folder 44

Finletter, Thomas 1950

box 21, folder 45

Fisk, Fred 1986

box 21, folder 46

Flynn, Patrick F. 1980-1982

box 21, folder 47

Forbes, Edith E. 1966-1967

box 21, folder 48

Fordham University 1943

box 21, folder 49

Foss, Joe 1978

box 21, folder 50

Foundation for Christian Theology 1975

box 21, folder 51

Frame, Flora 1960-1963

box 21, folder 52

Fraser, Alexander 1958

box 152, folder 44

Friends of Palestine (Martin Zammit) 1989

box 21, folder 53

Frost, David 1970-1971

box 21, folder 54

Fry, Ian R. 1981

box 21, folder 55

Fulbright, J. William 1971-1983

box 21, folder 56

Gagen, Wilfred 1963-1964

box 21, folder 57

Galbraith, Evan G. 1981

box 21, folder 58

Garrity, Devin A. 1965-1978

box 21, folder 59

GEM Publications 1981

box 21, folder 60

General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture for Arab Countries 1970

box 21, folder 61

Gerstenfeld, Norman 1949

box 21, folder 62

Getty, J. P. 1956

box 21, folder 63

Ghandour, Ali 1980

box 21, folder 64

Ghilan, Maxim 1970-1981

box 21, folder 65

Gibbs, Willa 1970

box 21, folder 66

Gildersleeve, Virginia C. 1954

box 21, folder 67

Glubb, John 1970-1983

box 21, folder 68

Goldwater, Barry 1961-1984

box 21, folder 69

Goodell, Charles E. 1968-1969

box 21, folder 70

Gose, Emory E. 1959-1968

box 21, folder 71

Graham, Billy 1971

box 21, folder 72

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem 1954

box 21, folder 73

Grant, Robert 1979

box 21, folder 74

Gray, Barry 1977-1979

box 21, folder 75

Great Britain. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1969-1979

box 21, folder 76

Green, Theodore 1955-1956

box 21, folder 77

Greene, Betty and Gordon 1960

box 21, folder 78

Greenstein, Tony 1981

box 21, folder 79

Greenwood, Edwin M. 1963-1969

box 21, folder 80

Gulf Eastern Company 1960

box 21, folder 81

Gulf Oil Corporation 1956

box 21, folder 82

Gulf Times 1980

box 22, folder 1

Habib, Mohamed 1964

box 22, folder 2

Hackley, Roy C. 1974-1975

box 22, folder 3

Hagopian, Elaine C. 1967-1969

box 22, folder 4

Haig, Alexander M. 1981

box 22, folder 5

Hakim, Georges 1966

box 22, folder 6

Hakki, Mohamed 1975-1977

box 22, folder 7

Halabi, Naim M. 1979-1980

box 22, folder 8

Halaby, Najeeb E. 1978

box 22, folder 9

Haley, Martin R. 1967

box 22, folder 10

Hallmark, Ruthann 1981

box 22, folder 11

Halpern, Seymour 1960-1971

box 22, folder 12

Hamilton, Hugh A. 1965-1969

box 22, folder 13

Hamilton, Lee H. 1984

box 22, folder 14

Hammond, James S. 1959

box 22, folder 15

Hanna, Edward A. 1977

box 22, folder 16

Harper's Bazaar 1964

box 22, folder 17

Harper's Magazine 1953-1981

box 22, folder 18

Harris, Christina P. and David 1957-1968

box 22, folder 19

Harrison, Malcolm 1972

box 22, folder 20

Hartman, David 1983

box 22, folder 21

Harvard Middle East Center 1961

box 22, folder 22

Hassan bin Talal, Crown Prince of Jordan 1983

box 22, folder 23

Hatami, S. 1960

box 22, folder 24

Hatfield, Mark O. 1966-1985

box 22, folder 25

Hawley, Frank 1957

box 22, folder 26

Hayakawa, S. I. 1981

box 22, folder 27

Hayeck, Joseph 1969

box 22, folder 28

Hays, Arthur G. 1949

box 22, folder 29

Heckler, Margaret H. 1983

box 22, folder 30

Heikal, Hassanein 1967-1975

box 22, folder 31

Heim, Michael 1969

box 22, folder 32

Heiss, Ruth 1967-1979

box 22, folder 33

Helms, Jesse 1979-1984

box 22, folder 34

Helon, Charles 1966

box 22, folder 35

Henderson, Loy W. 1973-1982

box 22, folder 36

Herrman, Irwin 1965

box 22, folder 37

Herzog, Jaacov 1961

box 22, folder 38

Heymann, Hartwig 1961

box 22, folder 39

Hicks, Bernice 1968-1981

box 22, folder 40

Hodges, Fletcher, III 1978

box 22, folder 41

Holland, Cliff 1971

box 22, folder 42

Hollingsworth, L. H. 1964-1968

box 22, folder 43

Holton, Linwood 1975

box 22, folder 44

Holy Land Center 1970

box 22, folder 45

Hoover, Herbert C. [See also: SUBJECT FILE, United Youth for Victory] 1937-1938

box 22, folder 46

Hoover, J. Edgar 1970

box 22, folder 47

House, Edwin B. 1960

box 22, folder 48

Howar, Barbara 1977

box 22, folder 49

Howard, Harry N. 1964

box 22, folder 50

Howard University Broadcasting 1986

box 22, folder 51

Howell, Margaret J. 1967-1982

box 22, folder 52

Hugger, L. T. 1956-1957

box 22, folder 53

Humphrey, Hubert H. 1965-1973

box 22, folder 54

Hurst, Virginia 1966-1967

box 22, folder 55

Hussein, Galal 1960

box 22, folder 56

Hussein, King of Jordan 1961-1981

box 22, folder 57

Hussein, Queen Noor al- 1984-1985

box 22, folder 58

Indianapolis Star 1959-1960

box 22, folder 59

Ingram, George, Jr. undated

box 22, folder 60

Institute for Historical Review 1979-1983

box 22, folder 61

Institute for Palestine Studies [See also: Tamari, Ludwig W. and Joseph] 1968-1969

box 23, folder 1

International Air Transport Association 1972

box 23, folder 2

International Progress Organization 1980-1984

box 23, folder 3

International Trading and Commodities 1977

box 23, folder 4

Interplay 1971

box 23, folder 5

Ionides, Michael 1961

box 23, folder 6

Iran. Embassy (United States) 1979

box 23, folder 7

Iran. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1980

box 23, folder 8

Iraq. Consulate (New York) 1962-1964

box 23, folder 9

Iraq. Council of Ministers' Office 1958

box 23, folder 10

Iraq. Embassy (Austria) 1981

box 23, folder 11

Iraq. Embassy (Great Britain) 1964-1965

box 23, folder 12

Iraq. Embassy (United States) 1959-1981

box 23, folder 13

Iraq. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1958-1983

box 23, folder 14

Iraq. Ministry of Information 1979-1983

box 23, folder 15

Iraq. Ministry of Oil 1980-1981

box 23, folder 16

Iraq. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1979-1984

box 23, folder 17

Irwin, Josephine 1960-1961

box 23, folder 18

Islamic Council of Europe 1980

box 23, folder 19

Islamic Items 1975

box 23, folder 20

Ismael, Tareq Y. 1968-1969

box 23, folder 21

Israeli Foreign Affairs 1985

box 23, folder 22

Jabbour, Charles 1965

box 23, folder 23

Jackson, C. D. 1958-1959

box 23, folder 24

Jamal, Jasim Yousif 1980

box 23, folder 25

Jamali, Mohammed Fadhel 1969

box 23, folder 26

James, Basil 1962

box 23, folder 27

Jarrah, Adel 1964-1966

box 23, folder 28

Javits, Jacob K. 1955-1977

box 23, folder 29

Jeune Afrique 1969-1970

box 23, folder 30

Jewish Alliance against Zionism 1980

box 23, folder 31

Jewish Community Bulletin 1957

box 23, folder 32

Jewish Currents 1979

box 23, folder 33

Jewish Newsletter 1956

box 23, folder 34

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, D.C. 1986

box 23, folder 35

Johnson, James P. 1979

box 23, folder 36

Jordan, Barbara 1977

box 23, folder 37

Jordan. Consulate (Houston) 1967

box 23, folder 38

Jordan. Embassy (Great Britain) 1977

box 23, folder 39

Jordan. Embassy (United States) 1969-1982

box 23, folder 40

Jordan. Ministry of Education 1965-1967

box 23, folder 41

Jordan. Ministry of Finance 1975

box 23, folder 42

Jordan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1961-1977

box 23, folder 43

Jordan. Ministry of Information 1969-1981

box 23, folder 44

Jordan. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1965-1984

box 23, folder 45

Jordan. Royal Palace 1981-1984

box 23, folder 46

Juma, Saad 1967

box 23, folder 47

Kaelter, Wolli 1967-1968

box 23, folder 48

Kassim, Abdul Karim 1959

box 23, folder 49

Kazan, Elia 1983-1984

box 23, folder 50

Keating, Kenneth 1963

box 23, folder 51

Keene, J. Calvin 1969-1979

box 23, folder 52

Kelsey, Andrew S. 1979

box 23, folder 53

Kemp, Arthur 1957-1960

box 23, folder 54

Kemp, Jack 1986-1987

box 23, folder 55

Kennedy, Edward M. 1971-1984

box 23, folder 56

Kennedy, John F. 1952-1961

box 23, folder 57

Kennedy, Robert F. 1962

box 23, folder 58

KGO Talk 1983

box 23, folder 59

Khalidi, Walid 1969-1981

box 23, folder 60

Khalifa, Isa Bin Saliman 1978-1981

box 23, folder 61

Khatib, Rouhi al- 1979

box 23, folder 62

Kheel, Theodore W. 1970

box 23, folder 63

Khouri, Fred J. 1969

box 23, folder 64

Kildee, Dale E. 1982

box 23, folder 65

Kiselev, Vladimir 1978-1979

box 23, folder 66

Kissinger, Henry A. 1970-1980

box 23, folder 67

Kittani, Ismat T. 1981

box 23, folder 68

Klestil, Thomas 1992

box 23, folder 69

Kobacker, Arthur J. 1980

box 23, folder 70

Koch, Edward I. 1970-1982

box 23, folder 71

Koch, Henry and Denise 1968

box 18, folder 26

Korn, Richard [See: American Council for Judaism]

box 23, folder 72

Kouri, Donald 1969-1970

box 23, folder 73

Kreisky, Bruno 1979-1983

box 23, folder 74

Krock, Arthur 1968

box 24, folder 1

Kuwait. Embassy (United States) 1965-1981

box 24, folder 2

Kuwait. Ministry of Education (re Kuwait Student Project) [See also: Kuwait. Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and American Independent Oil Company] 1961-1962

box 24, folder 3

Kuwait. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1961-1981

box 24, folder 4

Kuwait. Ministry of Health 1961

box 24, folder 5

Kuwait. Ministry of Information 1963-1982

box 24, folder 6

Kuwait. Office of His Highness The Crown Prince and Prime Minister 1981

box 24, folder 7

Kuwait. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1967-1984

box 24, folder 8

Kuwait. Printing and Publishing Department 1961

box 24, folder 9

Kuwait News Agency 1981

box 24, folder 10

Kuwait Oil Co. 1960-1963

box 24, folder 11

Landon, Alf M. 1936-1987

box 24, folder 12

Lapham, Lewis 1981

box 24, folder 13

Lasky, Victor 1979

box 24, folder 14

Lassen, Robert 1975

box 24, folder 15

Lassner, Franz G. 1982-1983

box 24, folder 16

Law, John 1970

box 24, folder 17

Laxalt, Paul 1984

box 24, folder 18

Lazarus, Mary 1972

box 24, folder 19

Lazerowitz, Morris 1978

box 24, folder 20

Leader and Press 1981

box 24, folder 21

League of Arab States 1960-1984

box 24, folder 22

Lebanon. Consulate (New York) 1960-1981

box 24, folder 23

Lebanon. Embassy (United States) 1979-1981

box 24, folder 24

Lebanon. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1969

box 24, folder 25

Lebanon. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1970-1975

box 24, folder 26

Lee, Edwin 1956

box 24, folder 27

Lerner, Max 1977

box 24, folder 28

Levine, Arthur A. 1981

box 24, folder 29

Levy, Arnold 1973-1982

box 24, folder 30

Lewis, Anthony 1981

box 24, folder 31

Libya. Embassy (United States) 1965-1979

box 24, folder 32

Libya. Ministry of Education 1967

box 24, folder 33

Libya. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1965-1980

box 24, folder 34

Libya. Ministry of Information and Culture 1967-1981

box 24, folder 35

Libya. Ministry of Planning and Development 1966

box 24, folder 36

Libya. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1966-1981

Scope and Contents note

Includes letters from various people thanking Mansur R. Kikhia for having sent them a copy of The Zionist Connection.
box 24, folder 37

Libya. Prime Minister's Office 1966-1969

box 24, folder 38

Life Magazine 1958

box 24, folder 39

Lilienthal, David E. 1962

box 24, folder 40

Lilly Endowment 1976

box 24, folder 41

Lippmann, Walter 1964

box 24, folder 42

Little, Bob 1969

box 24, folder 43

Lockwood, Paul E. 1942

box 24, folder 44

Lodge, John Davis 1948

box 24, folder 45

Lord, Winston 1972

box 24, folder 46

Los Angeles Freedom Club 1959

box 24, folder 47

Loughran, Clayton D. 1971

box 24, folder 48

Love, David R. 1976

box 24, folder 49

Love, Kennett 1969-1979

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Anita Vitullo (Journal of Palestine Studies).
box 24, folder 50

Luce, Clare Boothe 1965

box 24, folder 51

Lugar, Richard G. 1984-1985

box 24, folder 52

Lungren, Daniel E. 1981


MacNeil-Lehrer Report (Television program)

box 24, folder 53

General 1975-1984

box 24, folder 54

Re program of 19 May 1977 1977-1978

box 24, folder 55

MacPherson, James 1957

box 25, folder 1

Macron, Mary H. 1979

box 25, folder 2

Mahgoub, Mahmoud 1965-1966

box 25, folder 3

Maksoud, Clovis 1969

box 25, folder 4

Malik, Charles 1971

box 25, folder 5

Mallakh, Ragaei 1967-1968

box 25, folder 6

Malta. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1983

box 152, folder 34

Maltzman, Jonathan Z. 1989

box 25, folder 7

Manchester Union 1959

box 25, folder 8

Marathon Oil Company 1976

box 25, folder 9

Marayati, Abid A. al- 1967-1968

box 25, folder 10

Maria, Frank [See also: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese] 1962-1982

box 25, folder 11

Markel, Hazel 1969

box 152, folder 45

Marlow, Tony 1982

box 25, folder 12

Marsh, Robert E. 1979

box 25, folder 13

Marshall, Douglas B. 1969-1970

box 25, folder 14

Martin, Abram V. 1977

box 25, folder 15

Massaeed, Abdul Aziz al- 1963

box 25, folder 16

Massoud, Mohamed 1961-1969

box 25, folder 17

Mathews, William R. (Tucson Daily Star) 1954-1957

box 25, folder 18

Mattyasovszky, Ladislaus 1966

box 25, folder 19

Maxwell, Genevieve 1962-1970

box 25, folder 20

Mayhew, Christopher 1969-1986

box 25, folder 21

McCloskey, Paul N., Jr. 1981-1986

box 152, folder 25

McConnell, Mitch 1987

box 25, folder 22

McCormack, John W. 1956

box 25, folder 23

McGovern, George 1978

box 25, folder 24

McGrath, J. Howard 1950

box 25, folder 25

McGraw-Hill Book Company 1975-1976

box 25, folder 26

McGrory, Mary 1977-1978

box 25, folder 27

McKay, Margaret 1969-1971

box 25, folder 28

McKee-Norton, John 1960-1977

box 25, folder 29

McKeever, Warren W. 1961-1967

box 25, folder 30

McNeill, William H. 1978

box 25, folder 31

Meese, Edwin, III 1986

box 25, folder 32

Mehdi, Mohamed T. 1968-1979

box 152, folder 46

Mehrez, Samia undated

box 25, folder 33

Meir, Golda 1971

box 25, folder 34

Mennonite Central Committee 1968

box 25, folder 35

Menuhin, Moshe 1958-1982

box 25, folder 36

Michener, James A. 1965-1967

box 25, folder 37

Middle East Co-ordinating Committee 1969

box 25, folder 38

Middle East Institute 1956-1982

box 25, folder 39

Miller, Sigmund 1948

box 25, folder 40

Milligan, Melvin Lee [See also: TRIPS, 1975] 1975

box 25, folder 41

Mitchell, Alex, (News Line) 1976-1978

box 19, folder 41

Mitchell, George [See: British Anti-Zionist Organization]

box 152, folder 26

Mitchell, George J. 1989

box 25, folder 42

Mobil Oil Corporation 1977-1982

box 25, folder 43

Moorer, Thomas H. 1971-1978

box 25, folder 44

Morley, Felix [See also: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith] 1976

box 25, folder 45

Morocco. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1965-1966

box 25, folder 46

Morocco. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1964-1966

box 25, folder 47

Mostofi, Khosrow 1968

box 25, folder 48

Mouasher, A. M. 1980

box 25, folder 49

Mourad, Rashad 1959-1965

box 25, folder 50

Moyers, Bill 1979

box 25, folder 51

Moynihan, Daniel P. 1975-1981

box 25, folder 52

Mrowa, Kamel 1953-1963

box 25, folder 53

Mt. Holyoke College undated

box 152, folder 27

Mubarak, Muhammad Husni 1985

box 25, folder 54

Muhtady, Adly 1969

box 25, folder 55

Muhtasib, Mohamed 1966

box 25, folder 56

Murphy, Richard W. 1983

box 25, folder 57

Muskie, Edmund S. 1971-1972

box 25, folder 58

Mutual Broadcasting System [See also: SPEECHES AND WRITINGS, 1979 April 14] 1952-1956

box 26, folder 1

Nabti, Michel 1968

box 26, folder 2

Nader, M. Jaber 1980-1981

box 26, folder 3

NAJDA (Women Concerned about the Middle East) 1978-1983

box 26, folder 4

Nashashibi, Nasir 1960

box 26, folder 5

Nashville Banner 1958-1959

box 26, folder 6

Nasser, Gamal Abdel 1959-1971

box 26, folder 7

National Association of Arab Americans 1978-1981

box 26, folder 8

National Broadcasting Company 1951-1983

box 26, folder 9

National Catholic News Service 1979

box 26, folder 10

National Council of Churches 1968

box 26, folder 11

National Observer 1975

box 26, folder 12

Naylor, Tom 1982

box 26, folder 13

Near East College Association 1957

box 26, folder 14

Near East Report 1965

box 26, folder 15

Nelson, David M. 1981

box 26, folder 16

Nes, David G. 1971

box 26, folder 17

New American Library 1967

box 26, folder 18

New Dramatists 1983

box 26, folder 19

New York Herald Tribune 1948-1958

box 26, folder 20

New York Post 1971-1975

box 26, folder 21

New York Times 1950-1983

box 26, folder 22

Newsome, David D. 1978

box 26, folder 23

Newton, James-Eliot 1957

box 26, folder 24

Nierengarten, William J. 1977-1979

box 26, folder 25

Nixon, Richard M. 1957-1981

box 26, folder 26

Noland undated

box 26, folder 27

Nordic Middle East Institute 1974

box 26, folder 28

Northeast Ohio Committee on Middle East Understanding 1970

box 26, folder 29

Norton, Augustus R. (United States Military Academy, West Point) 1985

box 26, folder 30

Nzeribe, B. Uzoukwu 1962

box 26, folder 31

O'Connor, John J. 1979

box 26, folder 32

Olayan Group of Companies 1983

box 26, folder 33

Oldham, Gip D., Jr. 1977-1983

box 26, folder 34

Oman. Embassy (France) 1976

box 26, folder 35

Oman. Mission to the United Nations 1978-1981

box 26, folder 36

O'Neill, Thomas P. 1975

box 26, folder 37

Orebi, Zaki 1965

box 26, folder 38

Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries 1979-1980

box 26, folder 39

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries [OPEC] 1965-1967

box 26, folder 40

Osgood, Charles 1976-1981

box 26, folder 41

Otaibi, Abdulaziz M. 1963-1966

box 18, folder 28

Overton, Edward W., Jr. [See: American Friends of the Middle East]

box 26, folder 42

Owens, Charles W., Jr. 1977-1981

box 26, folder 43

Palestinakommitten i Goteborg 1969

box 26, folder 44

Palestine 1979

box 26, folder 45

Palestine Congress of America 1980-1982

box 26, folder 46

Palestine Information Office 1980-1981

box 26, folder 47

Palestine Liberation Organization 1975-1984

box 26, folder 48

Pan American World Airways 1961

box 26, folder 49

Parade 1968-1978

box 26, folder 50

Peace Corps 1961

box 26, folder 51

Pepper, Claude D. 1984

box 26, folder 52

Percy, Charles H. 1980-1981

box 26, folder 53

Peters, James 1962

box 26, folder 54

Petroleum Week 1960

box 26, folder 55

Phillips, Wendell 1968

box 26, folder 56

Pierce, Samuel R., Jr. 1984

box 26, folder 57

Piety, Harold R. 1976-1977

box 26, folder 58

Pinkham, Richard 1952

box 26, folder 59

Plimpton, Calvin H. 1966

box 26, folder 60

Pogson, T. W. S. 1962

box 26, folder 61

Pogue, Forrest C. 1978

box 26, folder 62

Ponomarenko, Paul J. 1964

box 26, folder 63

Posner, Steve 1985

box 26, folder 64

Powers, Donald L. 1965-1967

box 26, folder 65

Presbyterian Life Magazine 1968

box 26, folder 66

Preston, Robert 1977

box 26, folder 67

Pulitzer, Michael 1979

box 26, folder 68

Purcell, R. W. 1973-1984

box 27, folder 1

Qabas, al- 1975-1984

box 27, folder 2

Qaddafi, Muammar 1982-1983

box 27, folder 3

Qatar. Consulate (New York) 1981

box 27, folder 4

Qatar. Embassy (Great Britain) 1980

box 27, folder 5

Qatar. Embassy (United States) 1984

box 27, folder 6

Qatar. Ministry of Information 1979-1982

box 27, folder 7

Qatar. Office of the Amir 1981-1983

box 27, folder 8

Qatar. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1980-1983

box 27, folder 9

Qubain, Majib 1970

box 27, folder 10

Quinn, John N. [See also: Augustinian Historical Institute] 1979

box 27, folder 11

Rahall, Nick J., II 1983-1986

box 27, folder 12

Rahman, Kamel Abdul 1969

box 27, folder 13

Rainbow, Fred 1978

box 27, folder 14

Random House 1969

box 27, folder 15

Rarick, John 1970

box 27, folder 16

Reader's Digest 1949-1983

box 27, folder 17

Reagan, Ronald 1980-1985

box 27, folder 18

Redgrave, Vanessa 1979

box 27, folder 19

Reed, Gordon W. 1956-1979

box 27, folder 20

Reformed Journal 1972

box 27, folder 21

Regnery Gateway 1954-1981

box 27, folder 22

Rehne, Ib 1967

box 27, folder 23

Republican National Committee 1971-1980

box 27, folder 24

Richardson, H. S., Jr. 1965

box 27, folder 25

Riesman, David 1968

box 27, folder 26

Rifai, Samir 1964

box 27, folder 27

Rifai, Zaid al- 1980

box 27, folder 28

Rockefeller Foundation 1952

box 27, folder 29

Rogers, Dorothy 1956-1968

box 27, folder 30

Rogers, William Lister 1983

box 27, folder 31

Rogers, William P. 1960-1978

box 27, folder 32

Romney, George W. 1962-1970

box 27, folder 33

Rosenblatt, Milton B. 1968

box 40

Rosenblum, William F. [See SPEECHES AND WRITINGS, 1957 May 14]

box 27, folder 34

Rosenwald, Lessing 1963

box 27, folder 35

Rotary Club 1982

box 27, folder 36

Rothbard, Murray 1980

box 27, folder 37

Rothmann, John F. 1983

box 27, folder 38

Rouchdy, Mohamed 1959-1960

box 27, folder 39

Rowland, J. Carter, Jr. 1967

box 27, folder 40

Rumpf, Eileen 1969-1980

box 27, folder 41

Rusk, Dean 1977-1988

box 27, folder 42

Saab, Hassan 1957

box 27, folder 43

Sadat, Anwar 1970-1977

box 27, folder 44

Sado, Sandra and Joe undated

box 27, folder 45

Safire, William 1985

box 27, folder 46

Said, Edward W. 1979-1981

box 27, folder 47

Said, Mohammad H. 1982

box 27, folder 48

Saint-Hilaire, Alain 1982

box 27, folder 49

Salaam, Saeb 1960

box 27, folder 50

Salem, Sam E. 1960-1961

box 27, folder 51

Salinger, Pierre 1981

box 27, folder 52

Salisbury, Harrison 1971-1972

box 27, folder 53

Salmawy, Mohamed 1972

box 27, folder 54

Sami, Riad 1967

box 27, folder 55

Sartre, Jean-Paul 1967

box 27, folder 56

Saturday Evening Post 1949-1962

box 27, folder 57

Saturday Review (Russell Warren Howe) 1977

box 27, folder 58

Saud, King of Saudi Arabia 1960

box 27, folder 59

Saud, Prince Fahad bin Khalid 1979

box 27, folder 60

Saudi Arabia. Civil Service Council 1980

box 27, folder 61

Saudi Arabia. Embassy (United States) 1957-1983

box 27, folder 62

Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Education 1980

box 27, folder 63

Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1966-1980

box 27, folder 64

Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Industry 1980

box 27, folder 65

Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Information 1960-1983

box 27, folder 66

Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Petroleum 1962-1983

box 27, folder 67

Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Planning 1980

box 27, folder 68

Saudi Arabia. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1969-1983

box 27, folder 69

Saudi Arabia. Secretariat General 1980

box 27, folder 70

Saudi Arabian Educational Mission 1971-1979

box 27, folder 71

Saudi Consultative House 1980

box 27, folder 72

Saudi Maintenance Company 1971

box 27, folder 73

Saudi Research and Marketing Co. 1979-1980

box 28, folder 1

Saunders, Harold H. 1974

box 28, folder 2

Sayre, Francis B., Jr. 1978

box 28, folder 3

Sayyagh, Fawwaz 1975-1976

box 28, folder 4

Scanlan, Daniel C. undated

box 28, folder 5

Schaap, Richard 1966

box 28, folder 6

Schlafer, Leonard S. 1982

box 28, folder 7

Schlafly, Phyllis 1981

box 28, folder 8

Schleck, Robert W. 1977-1980

box 28, folder 9

Schleifer, Abdullah 1968

box 28, folder 10

Schmidt, Benno C., Jr. 1987

box 28, folder 11

School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University (Majid Khadduri) 1967

box 28, folder 12

Schreiber, Mark 1981

box 28, folder 13

Scranton, William W. 1968-1976

box 28, folder 14

Scurlock, Bayne P. 1972

box 28, folder 15

Sedgeley, Carlton 1970-1972

box 28, folder 16

Seifeddine, Sami 1981

box 28, folder 17

Seliger, Ralph G. 1975

box 28, folder 18

Shadid, George 1968

box 28, folder 19

Shadyac, Richard C. [See also: Arab-American Dialogue Committee] 1969-1983

box 28, folder 20

Shahak, Israel 1978-1980

box 28, folder 21

Sharaf, Abdul Hamid 1980

box 28, folder 22

Sharp, Eliot H. 1985

box 28, folder 23

Sheehan, Edward R. F. 1973

box 28, folder 24

Shereshevsky, Simon 1965

box 28, folder 25

Sherif, Mahmoud I. el- 1978

box 28, folder 26

Sherif, Mehmet and Betty Anne 1964-1968

box 28, folder 27

Shibley, George E. 1968-1969

box 28, folder 28

Shoman, Abdulrahman 1979

box 28, folder 29

Shukrallah, Ibrahim 1968-1969

box 28, folder 30

Shultz, George P. 1984-1988

box 28, folder 31

Shumway, Norman D. 1979-1984

box 28, folder 32

Siddique, Kaubab 1982

box 28, folder 33

Siegel, Stanley 1978

box 28, folder 34

Sign 1964

box 28, folder 35

Silver, Abba Hillel undated

box 28, folder 36

Sima'an, Ne'meh J. 1974-1980

box 28, folder 37

Simon and Schuster 1971

box 28, folder 38

Simon Wiesenthal Center undated

box 28, folder 39

Simpson, Dwight James 1980

box 28, folder 40

Sirhan, Mary 1969

box 28, folder 41

Skeini, Mutih 1981

box 28, folder 42

Smith, Elizabeth 1980-1982

box 28, folder 43

Smith, H. Alexander 1949

box 28, folder 44

Smith, Lawrence H. 1949

box 28, folder 45

Smith, Richard 1976-1978

box 28, folder 46

Smith, Richard K. 1978-1981

box 28, folder 47

Societe tunisienne de banque 1965

box 28, folder 48

Solarz, Stephen J. 1981-1984

box 28, folder 49

Somalia. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1970

box 28, folder 50

Sorensen, Thomas C. 1961

box 28, folder 51

Souder, M. Attie 1965

box 28, folder 52

Southern State College 1967

box 28, folder 53

Southern Yemen. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1968

box 28, folder 54

Southport Congressional Church 1978-1980

box 28, folder 55

Soviet Union. Embassy (United States) 1983

box 28, folder 56

Sparkman, John 1975

box 28, folder 57

Spears, Edward L. 1955

box 28, folder 58

Spehl, Helmut 1970-1981

box 28, folder 59

St. George Orthodox Church (Cleveland) 1976

box 28, folder 60

St. Martin's Press 1964

box 28, folder 61

St. Nicholas Syrian Orthodox Cathedral of Brooklyn 1970

box 28, folder 62

St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce 1979

box 28, folder 63

Standard Oil 1960-1978

box 28, folder 64

Stassen, Harold E. 1948-1951

box 28, folder 65

Stendahl, Kirster 1985

box 28, folder 66

Stephen, Fares 1982

box 28, folder 67

Sterling, Jan 1977

box 28, folder 68

Stetson University 1981

box 29, folder 1

Stevenson, Adlai 1964

box 29, folder 2

Stinespring, William F. 1966-1984

box 29, folder 3

Stoddard, George 1960

box 29, folder 4

Stone, Hyman 1959

box 29, folder 5

Stone, I. F. 1979

box 152, folder 47

Stone, Oliver 1992

box 29, folder 6

Strauss, J. 1975

box 29, folder 7

Strauss, Lewis L. 1964-1967

box 29, folder 8

Suchman, Rae 1954-1957

box 29, folder 9

Sudan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1967

box 29, folder 10

Sudan. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1967

box 29, folder 11

Suez Canal Authority 1960-1966

box 29, folder 12

Suja, Stanislav 1985

box 29, folder 13

Susskind, David 1965-1972

box 29, folder 14

Sussman, Leonard R. undated

box 29, folder 15

Sylvester, Robert 1956

box 29, folder 16

Syria. Embassy (United States) 1975-1976

box 29, folder 17

Syria. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1977-1981

box 29, folder 18

Syria. Presidential Palace 1978-1980

box 29, folder 19

Syrian Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese 1969

box 29, folder 20

Talcott, Burt L. 1969


Tamari, Ludwig W. and Joseph

box 29, folder 21


box 29, folder 22


box 29, folder 23

Tariki, Abdullah H. 1963-1980

box 29, folder 24

Tell, Wasfie el- 1962

box 29, folder 25

Terry, Janice J. 1986

box 29, folder 26

Theberge, James D. 1960

box 29, folder 27

Thimmesch, Nick 1978

box 29, folder 28

Thomas, Bruce A. 1961-1969

box 29, folder 29

Thomas, Lowell 1981

box 29, folder 30

Thomas, Norman 1957-1964

box 29, folder 31

Thompson, Cliff F. 1955

box 29, folder 32

Thompson, Dorothy 1950

box 29, folder 33

Thorpe, Merle, Jr. 1979-1981

box 29, folder 34

Thurmond, Strom 1970

box 152, folder 48

Tikkun (Michael Lerner) 1987

box 29, folder 35

Time 1962-1985

box 29, folder 36

Tonkon, I. Edward 1957

box 29, folder 37

Toukan, Jamal 1969-1970

box 29, folder 38

Toynbee, Arnold 1964-1966

box 29, folder 39

Trager, Frank N. 1981

box 29, folder 40

Trans World Airlines 1960

box 29, folder 41

Travis, Maury M. 1981-1983

box 29, folder 42

Tri-Lateral Commission 1979

box 29, folder 43

Truman, Harry S. 1952-1969

box 29, folder 44

Tueni, Ghassan 1973

box 29, folder 45

Tunisia. Embassy (Great Britain) 1965

box 29, folder 46

Tunisia. Embassy (United States) 1980-1984

box 29, folder 47

Tunisia. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1983

box 29, folder 48

Tunisia. Ministry of Information 1965

box 29, folder 49

Tunisia. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1981

box 29, folder 50

Tunisia. Secretariat of State 1965-1966

box 29, folder 51

Tuquan, Fawwaz A. 1968

box 29, folder 52

Turner, Edward H. 1966-1967

box 29, folder 53

Twitchell, Karl S. 1956

box 29, folder 54

Tyndale, Harry undated

box 30, folder 1

U.S. Labor Party 1979

box 30, folder 2

Ulman, William A. 1979

box 30, folder 3

Union des progressistes juifs de Belgique 1984

box 30, folder 4

United American-Arab Congress 1970

box 30, folder 5

United Arab Emirates. Chief of Staff 1974

box 30, folder 6

United Arab Emirates. Council of Ministers 1979

box 30, folder 7

United Arab Emirates. Embassy (United States) 1977-1981

box 30, folder 8

United Arab Emirates. Ministry of Information 1980-1981

box 30, folder 9

United Arab Emirates. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1981-1983

box 30, folder 10

United Church Board for World Ministries 1968

box 30, folder 11

United Church of Canada 1979

box 30, folder 12

United Nations Organization 1977-1982

box 30, folder 13

United Palestinian Appeal 1982

box 30, folder 14

United States Arab-Asian Institute 1965-1966

box 30, folder 15

United States. Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations Committee 1984-1985

box 30, folder 16

United States. Department of Energy 1978

box 30, folder 17

United States. Department of State 1954-1981

box 30, folder 18

United States. Embassy (Iraq) 1965

box 30, folder 19

United States. Embassy (Syria) 1976

box 30, folder 20

United States. Postmaster General 1970-1972

box 30, folder 21

United States. Strategic Institute 1979

box 30, folder 22

University Christian Movement 1968

box 30, folder 23

University of Cairo 1970

box 30, folder 24

Uris, Leon 1982

box 30, folder 25

US Farmers Association 1978

box 30, folder 26

Van Renssalaer Thayer, Mary 1971

box 30, folder 27

Vance, Cyrus R. 1983

box 30, folder 28

Vatican 1973-1981

box 30, folder 29

Vetter, Ruthe 1965

box 153, folder 19

Vidal, Gore 1993

box 30, folder 30

Vital Speeches 1970

box 30, folder 31

Von Foeppel, John 1978

box 30, folder 32

Von Roijens, Robert D. 1969

box 30, folder 33

Waldheim, Kurt 1972-1976

box 30, folder 34

Walker, Harry 1975

box 30, folder 35

Wallace, Mike 1978

box 30, folder 36

Wallen, Norman 1985

box 30, folder 37

Walters, Barbara 1975-1976

box 30, folder 38

Walters, Dennis 1981

box 30, folder 39

Walz, L. Humphrey 1958-1981

box 30, folder 40

Wandel, Fridtjof 1969

box 30, folder 41

Watkins, David 1977

box 30, folder 42

Weber, William D. 1980-1981

box 30, folder 43

Wedemeyer, A. C. 1979

box 30, folder 44

Weigle, Richard D. 1971

box 30, folder 45

Weinberger, Caspar W. 1982-1984

box 30, folder 46

Wells, Marion W. 1983

box 30, folder 47

Western Guard Party (Canada) 1979

box 30, folder 48

Westmoreland, W. C. undated

box 30, folder 49

Wetherhill, Samuel P. 1959

box 30, folder 50

Wheeler, R. A. undated

box 30, folder 51

White, W. L. 1949

box 30, folder 52

Wicker, Tom 1985

box 30, folder 53

Williams, Bob 1976

box 30, folder 54

Willkie, Wendell L. 1943

box 30, folder 55

WKPA 1982

box 30, folder 56

Women's National Republican Club 1979-1981

box 30, folder 57

Woodrow Wilson Center 1978

box 30, folder 58

Woolfson, Marion 1973-1981

box 30, folder 59

World Muslim Congress 1968

box 30, folder 60

World Without War Council 1973

box 30, folder 61

Wouk, Herman 1949

box 30, folder 62

Youman, Roger J. 1979

box 29, folder 11

Younes, Mahmoud [See: Suez Canal Authority]

box 30, folder 63

Young, Andrew 1977

box 30, folder 64

Young Arab Organization, UCLA 1961

box 30, folder 65

Younis, Adele L. 1966

box 30, folder 66

Yugoslavia. Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1978

box 30, folder 67

Zablocki, Clement J. 1981

box 30, folder 68

Zahid, Yussif 1965

box 30, folder 69

Zakaib, George N. 1981

box 30, folder 70

Zanopoulo, George 1965-1966

box 30, folder 71

Zayyad, Fuad S. Abu 1974

box 30, folder 72

Zeidane, Georges Z. 1967-1969

box 30, folder 73

Ziegler, Ronald L. 1973

box 30, folder 74

Zind, Frederic F. 1969

box 30, folder 75

Zschau, Ed 1984

box 30, folder 76

Zu'bi, Mohammed Sharif 1981

box 30, folder 77

Zunes, Helen 1974-1982

box 30, folder 78

Zurayk, Costi [See also: Plimpton, Calvin H.] 1966

box 30, folder 79

Zwan, A. G. 1967-1969



Scope and Contents note

Articles, book drafts, essays, letters to the editor, press releases, radio broadcasts, speeches, and statements, arranged chronologically.
See also: SUBJECT FILE, Arab boycott, NAAA Conference; Bahrain; Israel, Letter-bomb campaign; Media, Writings of Lilienthal; MIDDLE EAST PERSPECTIVE, Writings of Lilienthal.
box 31, folder 1

"Lecture/Radio/TV schedule" compiled by Lilienthal, listing lectures and media appearances of Lilienthal, from to the present 1947

box 31, folder 2-4

Fragments and short unpublished pieces


Notes and quotes

box 31, folder 5-8


box 31


box 32



"Agony and Ecstasy" [See also: TRIPS TO THE MIDDLE EAST, 1958, 1976, and 1978]

Scope and Contents note

Writings and research material for a projected book (still being contemplated).
box 33, folder 1


box 33, folder 2


box 33, folder 3


box 33, folder 4


box 33, folder 5

Personal - for autobiography 1966-1978

box 33, folder 6

Personal - for autobiography 1970-1975

box 34, folder 1

White House 1971-1973

box 34, folder 2


box 34, folder 3


box 34, folder 4


box 34, folder 5


box 34, folder 6

Ma'alot 1974

box 34, folder 7

Nixon, Ford, Sadat 1974-1976

box 34, folder 8


box 34, folder 9


box 34, folder 10


box 34, folder 11

Media 1977

box 34, folder 12


box 35, folder 1

"The Balfour Declaration," typescript radio broadcast undated

box 35, folder 2

"Bomb Me not! Still What Price Israel?," undated

Scope and Contents note

Typescript of an unpublished book (precursor of The Zionist Connection).
box 35, folder 3

"A Federated Europe, the Answer to the German Dilemma," typescript undated

box 35, folder 4

"How Is One a Jew?," typescript undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes research notes on the subject "religion versus nationalism."
box 35, folder 5

"A Mini-Study of the Volcanic Middle East," typescript undated

box 35, folder 6

"O My People: The Only Road toward Middle East Peace," typescript undated

box 35, folder 7

"Semite and Anti-Semite: A Cover-Up for Israelism?," typescript undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes several drafts that were originally meant for a book on the same subject.
box 35, folder 8

"What Price Middle East Peace?," typescript undated

box 36, folder 1

Letter to the editor (date written), The Judge, carbon copy 1938 April 2

box 36, folder 2

Open letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, mimeographed copy 1938 May 5

box 36, folder 3

"Economic Warfare in Portugal: The Battle for Wolfram," study for the Department of State, Division of Defense Materials, carbon copy 1943?

box 36, folder 4

Statement on the United Nations charter before the Foreign Relations Committee, mimeographed copy 1945 July 13

box 36, folder 5

Speech, Rotary Club of Brooklyn, New York, mimeographed copy 1945 September 12

box 36, folder 6

Letter to the editor (date written), New York Times?, carbon copy 1945 October 2

box 36, folder 7

Comments, special radio broadcast commemorating the first anniversary of the San Francisco Conference, with members of the One World Club discussing the subject "Food or Famine in One World," Mutual Broadcasting System, St. John's Church, Washington, D.C., mimeographed copy 1946

box 36, folder 8

Letter to the editor (date written), Washington Post, carbon copy 1946 January 9

box 36, folder 9

Introduction of Hon. Henry C. Usbourne, member of Parliament, before the Public Relations Force, Hotel Lafayette, Washington, D.C., carbon copy 1947 September 29

box 36, folder 10

Letter to the editor (date written), Washington Post, carbon copy 1947 November 6

box 36, folder 11

Letter to the editor (date written), New York Times, carbon copy 1948 January 16

box 36, folder 12

"Palestine Policy," Washington Post, printed copy 1948 March 10

box 36, folder 13

"Dear Mom" letter used in radio broadcast after the Republican Convention, carbon copy circa 1948 June

box 36, folder 14

Letter to the editor (date written), New York Herald Tribune, carbon copy 1948 August 16

box 36, folder 15

"Man Can Split Atom but not 2 Lilienthals," Washington Post, printed copy 1948 October 17

box 36, folder 16

Letter to the editor (date written), Washington Evening Star, carbon copy 1948 October 29

box 36, folder 17

Letter to the editor (date written), New York Times, carbon copy 1948 November 1

box 36, folder 18

Letter to the editor, New York Herald Tribune, printed copy 1948 November 14

box 36, folder 19

Letter to the editor, New York Times, handwritten draft circa 1949

box 36, folder 20

"A Mecca for Communists," typescript 1949


"Israel's Flag Is not Mine," Reader's Digest 1949 September

Scope and Contents note

See also Letter to the editor, Baltimore Sun?, circa September-October 1949.
box 36, folder 21

Printed copy

box 36, folder 22

Carbon copy drafts

Scope and Contents note

Includes revisions approved by Elmer Berger.
box 36, folder 23-24

Readers' letters

box 36, folder 25

Letter to the editor, Baltimore Sun?, printed copy circa 1949 September-October

box 36, folder 26

"Dual Loyalty: The Jerusalem Case," Human Events, printed copy 1950 January 18

box 36, folder 27

"The State of Israel and the State of the Jew," speech, Temple Israel Meeting, New York City; printed copy, Vital Speeches 1950 March 3, April 15

box 36, folder 28

Remarks, round table: The American Jew Looks at Israel, Montgomery County Jewish Community, Silver Spring, Maryland, correspondence with Marcus Cohn and clippings 1950 March 14

box 36, folder 29

Letter to the editor (date written), Washington Post, typescript and printed copy 1950 May 16

box 36, folder 30

"Storm Clouds over the Middle East," Human Events, printed copy 1950 August 2

box 36, folder 31

Account of trip to Portugal, carbon copy 1950

box 36, folder 32

Press release calling for immediate admission of Portugal into the United Nations, carbon copy 1950 September 15

box 36, folder 33

"Which Way to World Government?," Headline Series, Foreign Policy Association, printed copy 1950 September-October

box 37, folder 1

"The Next President," 1951-1952

Scope and Contents note

Series of four political commentaries, intended for a program on YMCA Radio but also sent to the New York Herald Tribune.
box 152, folder 49

Letter to the editor, New York Times, printed copy 1951 January 10

box 37, folder 2

"Analysis of News for the Week Ending on 8 April 1951," The Light from Capitol Hill radio program, typescript and carbon copy

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Helen Moodie, Atlantic Union.
box 37, folder 3

"Dear Whitey" letter, 30 December 1951. Carbon copy. Includes correspondence with Whitelaw Reid ( New York Herald Tribune)

box 37, folder 4

"The Challenge of the Arab Refugees," 1952. Typescript and carbon copy. Includes letter to the editor of Readers' Forum, regarding Arab refugees in Gaza undated,

box 37, folder 5

"Revolt along the Nile," Mercury, Printed copy February 1952

box 37, folder 6

Letter to the editor, New York Times, Printed copy 4 February 1952

box 37, folder 7

"Is there a Jewish Vote?" Human Events, Printed copy 26 March 1952

box 37, folder 8

Press release asking Dwight D. Eisenhower and Robert A. Taft to state Middle East plans, Mimeographed copy and clipping 1 July 1952

box 37, folder 9

"The Explosive Middle East," The American Legion Magazine, Printed copy September 1952

box 37, folder 10

Press release urging immediate joint action on the part of presidential candidates to save the Middle East, Mimeographed copy 17 October 1952


What Price Israel? 1953

box 37, folder 11


box 37, folder 12-18


box 37, folder 19

Mailing lists

box 37, folder 20-21


box 37, folder 22

Publicity material

box 37, folder 23


box 38, folder 1

Thank you notes and acknowledgements

box 38, folder 2

Writings of Lilienthal regarding the Japanese translation. Includes correspondence

box 38, folder 3

"The Real Meaning of the Prague Trials," Typescript outline January 1953

box 38, folder 4

Two radio broadcasts for NBC, on the arrival of Secretary John F. Dulles in Cairo, Egypt. Typescript c. May 1-6 1953,

box 38, folder 5

Interview of Gamal Abdel Nasser, (radio broadcast cancelled by NBC). Typescript and clipping 7 May 1953

box 38, folder 6

Statement, (two different versions). Carbon copies 10 May 1953

box 38, folder 7

Press release, demanding a "clean break" with pressure groups in order to better relations with Middle East states. Mimeographed copy c. October 1953,

box 38, folder 8

Press release, suggesting 7 points to strengthen Mid-East ties. Mimeographed copy c. October 1953,

box 38, folder 9

Press conference, American Friends of the Middle East headquarters, New York City, Clipping 2 October 1953

box 38, folder 10

Letter to the editor, Arizona Daily Star, Printed copy 28 October 1953

box 38, folder 11

Speech, New York Young Republican Club, Schwartz Restaurant, New York City, Press release c. November 1953

box 38, folder 12

Memorandum to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and accompanying press release, Mimeographed copy and typescript drafts 30 November 1953

box 38, folder 13

"Big Shoes - Little Men," Series of six articles for a column also entitled "Dear Abdullah." Typescript copies 1954

box 38, folder 14

"Cairo Revisited," Carbon copy 1954

box 38, folder 15

"The King and I," Carbon copy 1954

box 38, folder 16

"Stranded in Gaza," Carbon copy 1954

box 152, folder 50

"Jews of the Arab States and Israel," Council News, Printed copy January 1954

box 38, folder 17

"Middle East: Friend or Foe?" Speech, British Empire Club, Providence, Rhode Island. Clipping 15 January 1954

box 38, folder 18

"Middle East: Friend or Foe?" Speech, City Auditorium, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Clipping and subsequent letter to the editor, 9 February 1954, commenting on that review of his talk 29 January 1954

box 38, folder 19

"The Inscrutable Smile on the Sphinx," American Mercury, Carbon copy February 1954

box 38, folder 20

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Carbon copy 2 February 1954

box 38, folder 21

Interview, Denver Post, Printed copy 7 February 1954

box 38, folder 22

"The Road to Middle East Peace," Speech, Hoover Library, Stanford, California. Clipping 17 February 1954

box 38, folder 23

"Peace in the Holy Land," The Sign, Printed copy July 1954

box 38, folder 24

Press conference, Cairo Press Syndicate, Cairo, Egypt, Press release 5 August 1954

box 38, folder 25

"Justice before Peace for the Middle East," Human Events, Printed copy 25 August 1954

box 38, folder 26

Interview of King Saud, 9 September 1954. Clippings and printed account in My King and Country, issued by the Saudi Arabian Legation in New Delhi

box 38, folder 27

Press release, Typescript October 1954

box 38, folder 28

Speech on Senator Estes Kefauver, Rotary Club, Cairo, Press release 12 October 1954

box 38, folder 29

Letter to the editor, New York Times, Printed copy 23 December 1954

box 38, folder 30

Remarks, radio program Answers for Americans: "What's Ahead for the Middle East?" New York City, Typescript copy of panel discussion with Devin Garrity, Charles Hodges, and George Hamilton Combs 26 December 1954

box 38, folder 31

"Smears and Fears," 1955. Series of short essays with the following headings: Slanted Liberal Press (Atlantic Magazine); NBC; Radio; Overseas Press Club; 1955 Tour; Harvard Invaded; Libraries; Review of What Price Israel? in the New York Times. Typescript

box 38, folder 32

Speech, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, Correspondence with Richard Muniz c. January 1955

box 38, folder 33

"Which Way the Middle East?" Speech, Knife and Fork Club, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Clipping and account by the club's secretary-treasurer 11 January 1955

box 38, folder 34

"What's ahead for the Middle East?" Speech, American Friends of the Middle East, American Middle East Policy, and Federation of Syrian and Lebanese-American Clubs, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Clipping 12 January 1955

box 38, folder 35

"Report of a Jewish Visitor to Arab Lands," Speech, Chicago Council for Foreign Relations, Chicago, Illinois. Clipping 14 January 1955

box 38, folder 36

Press release, Carbon copy 25 January 1955

box 38, folder 37

"The New Egypt," Speech, Louis W. and Maud Hill Center of Area Studies, St. Paul, Minnesota (broadcast over KUOM). Press release and correspondence 22 February 1955

box 38, folder 38

Letter to the editor, Minneapolis Morning Tribune, Carbon copy 1 March 1955

box 38, folder 39

Letter to the editor, New York Herald Tribune, (date written). Carbon copy 8 March 1955

box 38, folder 40

Letter to the editor, Life, (date written). Carbon copy 13 March 1955

box 38, folder 41

Debate with Harry Torczyner, radio program The State of the Nation: "Should the Arab States Receive Arms from the United States?" Facts Forum, Mutual Broadcasting System, New York City, Typescript 17 March 1955

box 38, folder 42

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Rotary Club, Nantucket, Massachusetts. Press release and correspondence 9 August 1955

box 38, folder 43

"What Price Elections!" Human Events, Printed copy 10 September 1955

box 38, folder 44

Letter to the editor, Time, (date written). Carbon copy and response of the assistant to the publisher, Frank R. Shea 26 September 1955

box 38, folder 45

Press release, Carbon copy 19 October 1955

box 38, folder 46

Speech, National Federation of Syrian-Lebanese Clubs, Asbury Park, New Jersey, Press release 23 October 1955

box 38, folder 47

"Should the United States Arm Israel?" Radio debate with Congressman Emanuel Celler (broadcast over WGTH) and two speeches: "The realities of the Middle East" and "Arabs, Israelis and American foreign policy," Hartford, Connecticut. Press releases and clippings, and listeners' reactions 27 October 1955

box 38, folder 48

Letter to the editor, New York Herald Tribune, (date written). Carbon copy 7 November 1955

box 38, folder 49

Letter to the editor, Providence Journal, Printed copy 25 November 1955

box 38, folder 50

Press conference, Press release 1956

box 38, folder 51

"Middle East: Friend or Foe?" Speech, Allegheny County League of Women Voters, Carnegie Music Hall, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Press release and clipping 13 January 1956

box 152, folder 51

Participation, The Allegheny Roundtable, KDKA Radio, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Letter from John C. Weaver 22 January 1956

box 38, folder 52

Letter to the editor, New York Times, Printed copy 29 February 1956

box 38, folder 53

Speech, Stamford Women's Club, Stamford, Connecticut, Press release 7 March 1956

box 38, folder 54

"What Price U.S. Middle East Policy?" Speech, First Congregational Church, Los Angeles, California. Carbon copy of review by Herb Brin 3 April 1956

box 38, folder 55

Speech, Los Angeles Breakfast Club, Los Angeles, California, (broadcast over KPOL). Printed copy and clipping 4 April 1956

box 38, folder 56

Press conference, San Francisco, California, Clippings 9 April 1956

box 38, folder 57

Letter to the editor, World Telegram, Printed copy and reactions of readers to Lilienthal's letter, 2 May 1956 25 April 1956

box 38, folder 58

Debate with Congressman Emanuel Celler, Dumont television program "Between the Lines," Press releases; and typescript transcript of conversation with Charlotte Armstrong and her letter to Lilienthal 6 May 1956

box 38, folder 59

Conversation with Herbert C. Hoover, Typescript account 16 May 1956

box 38, folder 60

Press release, Carbon copy 18 May 1956

box 38, folder 61

Letter to the editor, Long Island Daily Press, (date written). Carbon copy, and correspondence with managing editor Edward Gottlieb 16 July 1956

box 38, folder 62

Press release, Mimeographed copy 17 July 1956

box 38, folder 63

Statement on the Suez Canal, Mimeographed copy 29 July 1956

box 38, folder 64

Press conference, New York City, Press release 30 July 1956

box 39, folder 1

"Peace for Palestine," The Sign, Printed copy August 1956

box 39, folder 2

Open letter to Karl S. Twitchell, Mimeographed copy 1 August 1956

box 39, folder 3

Convention diary, Printed and typescript copies, and handwritten notes 4-24 August 1956

box 39, folder 4

Statement submitted to the Platform and Resolutions Committee of the Democratic National Convention, Mimeographed copy 7 August 1956

box 39, folder 5

Press conference, San Francisco, California, Press release 13 August 1956

box 39, folder 6

Statement submitted to the Resolutions Committee of the Republican National Convention, Mimeographed copy 16 August 1956

box 39, folder 7

Open telegram to the delegates of the Republican National Convention, Typescript 21 August 1956

box 39, folder 8

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Carbon copy 10 September 1956

box 39, folder 9

Statement issued at an emergency meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Committee for Security and Justice in the Middle East, Press release October 1956

box 39, folder 10

Memorandum to the United States representatives on the Security Council of the United Nations, Mimeographed copy 7 October 1956

box 39, folder 11

Press release, Carbon copies of two different versions 8 October 1956

box 39, folder 12

"Arabs, Israelis, and Suez," Speech, Rotary Club, Hotel Commodore, New York City. Mimeographed copy 1 November 1956

box 39, folder 13

Press release, Carbon copy 1 December 1956

box 39, folder 14

Press conference, Semiramis Hotel, Cairo, Egypt, Press release 6 December 1956


There Goes the Middle East. See also card file box 146 for readers' reactions



box 39, folder 15


box 39, folder 16-22


box 40, folder 1

Mailing lists

box 40, folder 2


box 40, folder 3

Publicity material

box 40, folder 4




box 40, folder 5


box 40, folder 6


box 40, folder 7

"Arms, U.S. Policy, and Zionist Pressure," Speech, Propeller Club, Hotel Capitole, Beirut, Lebanon. Clippings 7 January 1957

box 40, folder 8

Speech, Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, Chicago, Illinois, Press release 14 January 1957

box 40, folder 9

Press conference, New York City, Mimeographed copy 24 January 1957

box 40, folder 10

Statement on King Saud's visit to New York City, Mimeographed copy 29 January 1957

box 40, folder 11

Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, Washington, D.C., on President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Middle East program as delivered before a joint special session of Congress on January 5, 1957 (included). Mimeographed copy 4 February 1957,

box 40, folder 12

Press release, Mimeographed copy 18 February 1957

box 40, folder 13

Press release, Mimeographed copy c. March 1957

box 40, folder 14

Remarks as moderator, Middle East seminar, Intercollegiate Conference, Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, Clipping 9 March 1957

box 40, folder 15

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Carbon copy 22 April 1957

box 40, folder 16

"Those Myths about the Middle East," American Mercury, Printed copy May 1957

box 40, folder 17

Press release, Mimeographed copy 15 May 1957

box 40, folder 18

Radio appearance, Barry Gray Show, 15 May 1957. Press releases and correspondence with Rabbi William F. Rosenblum, as well as correspondence between William F. Rosenblum and Barry Gray. Includes correspondence with Aaron Sapiro and Eugene B. Block, editor of the Jewish Community Bulletin

box 40, folder 19

"There Goes the Middle East," Speech, American Friends of the Middle East headquarters, New York City. Press release 28 May 1957

box 40, folder 20

Radio appearance, Nightbeat, New York City, Mimeographed announcement and correspondence 11 June 1957

box 40, folder 21

Radio appearance, Tex and Jinx Show, Peacock Alley, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City, Typescript account of programming 13 June 1957

box 40, folder 22

"What Do We Do about the Middle East?" Speech, Syrian-Lebanese Federation of Eastern States, Henry Hudson Hotel, New York City. Press release 23 June 1957

box 40, folder 23

Press conference, Bellevue Hotel, San Francisco, California, Press release 11 September 1957

box 40, folder 24

"Bookburning 1957," Speech, Young Men's Christian Association of the City of New York, William Sloane House, New York City. Correspondence 3 October 1957

box 40, folder 25

Letter to the editor, Jewish Community Bulletin, Printed copy 4 October 1957

box 40, folder 26

Open letter to the National Association of Syrian-Lebanese Clubs, Printed copy 25 October 1957

box 40, folder 27

"There Goes the Middle East," Speech, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Correspondence and press release 31 October 1957

box 41, folder 1

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, American University, Washington, D.C. Correspondence 18 November 1957

box 41, folder 2

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Correspondence 20 November 1957

box 41, folder 3

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana. Correspondence 21 November 1957

box 41, folder 4

"How the U.S. Can Promote Peace in the Middle East?" Speech, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Correspondence 25 November 1957

box 41, folder 5

"Middle East 'Peace with Justice Plan'," 29 November 1957. Mimeographed copy. Includes correspondence and a first draft entitled "Middle East Peace Proposals," which was to be submitted to Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold and was first distributed as an enclosure to a circular letter of 17 October 1957 to the members of the National Committee for Security and Justice in the Middle East. Includes also two internal memoranda at the Daily Pantagraph regarding Lilienthal and editorial policy

box 41, folder 6

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida. Correspondence 2 December 1957

box 41, folder 7

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Emory University, Georgia. Correspondence 3 December 1957

box 41, folder 8

"Middle East: Friend or Foe," Speech, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina. Carbon copy of excerpts and correspondence 5 December 1957

box 41, folder 9

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, University of California at Berkeley. Correspondence 6 December 1957

box 41, folder 10

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Merced County Republican Women's Club, Merced, California. Correspondence with Lorena Sischo 9 December 1957

box 41, folder 11

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Mills College, Oakland, California. Correspondence 10 December 1957

box 41, folder 12

"The Middle East: Friend or Foe?" Speech, First Baptist Church, Burlingame, California. Correspondence 11 December 1957

box 41, folder 13

"The Middle East: Friend or Foe?" Speech, Claremont Graduate College, Claremont, California. Correspondence 12 December 1957

box 41, folder 14

"Crisis in the Middle East," Speech, Arabian Club of San Francisco, San Francisco, California. Mimeographed copy 13 December 1957

box 41, folder 15

"The J-I-L Plan: A Suggestion for the Middle East," Carbon copy 1958

box 41, folder 16

Press release, Carbon copy 27 January 1958

box 41, folder 17

"There Goes the Middle East," Speech, Brooklyn Woman's Club, Towers Hotel, Brooklyn, New York. Handwritten notes 3 February 1958

box 41, folder 18

Series of articles on the Middle East for the Arizona Daily Star and the Nashville Banner, Printed copies April-August 1958

box 41, folder 19

Press conference, Beirut, Lebanon, Carbon copy 1 April 1958

box 41, folder 20

Statement, New York City, Clipping 28 June 1958

box 41, folder 21

Article on the need for a new Middle East policy, Carbon copy c. July 1958

box 41, folder 22

Outline of an article on Gamal Abdel Nasser, as described in a letter to Charles W. Ferguson, Reader's Digest, Carbon copy 14 July 1958

box 41, folder 23

Statement issued to UPI, New York City, Mimeographed copy 16 July 1958

box 41, folder 24

"To the American People," 29 July 1958. Carbon copies and reprint from the Congressional Record of 20 August 1958

box 41, folder 25

Interview, "Mike Wallace Asks," Carbon copy c. July-August 1958

box 41, folder 26

"A Visit with Prince Mashhur: A Story with Pictures," Typescript and carbon copy. Includes correspondence c. August 1958

box 41, folder 27

Press release, Mimeographed copy September 1958

box 41, folder 28

Review of Wilton Wynn, Nasser of Egypt, Carbon copy c. 1959

box 41, folder 29

"The Balfour Declaration: Forty Years Later," 1959. Reprint from Issues and Conflicts, George Anderson ed., University of Kansas Press (374 pp., Includes mimeographed copies, handwritten notes, research material, and correspondence with George Anderson 1959)

box 41, folder 30

"Book Burning: Fashion," 1959. Typescript 1959


"The Turbulent Middle East," Film lecture, YMCA, Coatesville, Pennsylvania 13 March 1959

box 41, folder 31


box 42, folder 1

Comments and reviews 1959-1962

box 42, folder 2


box 42, folder 3

Correspondence 1958-1967

box 42, folder 4

Flyers 1959-1961

box 42, folder 5

Notes (including those for a never-completed film on Jordan)

box 42, folder 6

"The Turbulent Middle East," Film lecture, Brown Engineers International, New York City. Correspondence 29 December 1959

box 42, folder 7

Series of articles on the Middle East for the Arizona Daily Star, Printed and carbon copies February-April 1960

box 42, folder 8

"The Turbulent Middle East," Film lecture, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. Correspondence 25 March 1960

box 42, folder 9

"The Turbulent Middle East," Film lecture, Town Hall, New York City. Clipping and correspondence with George Stoddard and others 31 March 1960

box 42, folder 10

"The Turbulent Middle East," Film lecture, Jersey State College, Jersey City, New Jersey. Correspondence 28 July 1960

box 42, folder 11

Press release, Typescript September 1960

box 42, folder 12

"Kennedy, Nixon and the Middle East," Middle East Forum, Printed copy November 1960

box 42, folder 13

Film on Kuwait, Budget estimates and correspondence c. 1961

box 42, folder 14

"Are Arabs Right?" 9 January 1961. Speech, Knights of Columbus, Hotel Hollenden, Cleveland, Ohio. Letter to the editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, commenting on letters to the editor by others regarding his speech, and ensuing correspondence with readers. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Irwin, Josephine; Salem, Sam 22 March 1961,

box 42, folder 15

"Peace and Justice for the Middle East," Typescript draft and mimeographed copy. Includes correspondence February 1961

box 42, folder 16

"The Turbulent Middle East," Film lecture, Spokesman Review Charities, Spokane, Washington. Clippings and correspondence 9 February 1961

box 42, folder 17

"A New Approach to the Middle East," Speech, Canadian Friends of the Middle East, London, Ontario. Clippings and correspondence with Tom Cunningham 26 April 1961

box 42, folder 18

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, St. George's Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas. Correspondence with Thomas Skaff 28 April 1961

box 42, folder 19

"The Turbulent Middle East," Film lecture, St. Thomas University, Houston, Texas. Press release and correspondence with Marguerite J. Barnes and Mrs. John O'Hare 14 May 1961

box 42, folder 20

"World's Most Unusual Hospital," The Rotarian, Typescript draft and printed copy September 1961

box 42, folder 21

"The Turbulent Middle East," Film lecture, Marines Memorial Theater, San Francisco, California. Notes, correspondence, and clippings 5 December 1961

box 42, folder 22

Speech, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, Correspondence 8 December 1961

box 42, folder 23

Speech, First Baptist Church, Burlingame, California, Correspondence with Cecil G. Osborne 12 December 1961

box 42, folder 24

Letter to the editor, National Jewish Post, Printed copy 9 February 1962

box 42, folder 25

"Still, What Price Israel?" Speech, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Press release, clippings, and correspondence 7 May 1962

box 42, folder 26

"The Turbulent Middle East," Film lecture, Proctor Academy, Concord, New Hampshire. Correspondence 23 October 1962

box 42, folder 27

"The Turbulent Middle East," Film lecture, City Auditorium, Concord, New Hampshire. Clipping 24 October 1962


Book on Kuwait, See also CORRESPONDENCE, Abdul Aziz al-Massaeed c. 1963

box 42, folder 28

Typescript outline and correspondence

box 42, folder 29

Research notes and material

box 43, folder 1

"Big Shoes for Little Men," 1963. Carbon copy of outline for an unpublished book, and correspondence with several publishers 1963-1964

box 43, folder 2

"Prologue (Epilogue): The Parable of the Goys and the Kikes," Typescript and carbon copies 1963

box 43, folder 3

Letter to the editor, Lebanese-American Journal, (date written). Carbon copy 29 January 1963

box 43, folder 4

"The New Middle East," Speech, American-Arab Association for Commerce and Industry, Waldorf-Astoria, New York City. Typescript 27 May 1963

box 43, folder 5

"Arabia, Israel, Oil and Trouble," Speech, Rotary Club, Nantucket, Massachusetts. Typescript and carbon copy 17 July 1963

box 43, folder 6

Open letter to Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, (date written). Mimeographed copy and press release of 16 December 1963 13 December 1963

box 43, folder 7

Letter to the editor, New Statesman, (date written). Carbon copy 20 December 1963

box 43, folder 8

Review of David Ben-Gurion, Israel: Years of Challenge, Carbon copy c. 1964

box 43, folder 9

Review of Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem, Carbon copy and handwritten draft 1964

box 43, folder 10

Letter to the editor, Washington Evening Star, Printed copy 29 January 1964

box 43, folder 11

"The Middle East: Friend or Foe?" Speech, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut. Correspondence and clipping 4 March 1964

box 43, folder 12

Speech, American Management Association, general management briefing session on investing and operating in the Middle East and North Africa, New York City, Carbon copy 20 July 1964

box 43, folder 13

Press release condemning the film Johnny Goldfarb, Please Come Home, Carbon copy and correspondence 9 December 1964


The Other Side of the Coin, See also card file box 146 for readers' responses and CORRESPONDENCE, American Friends of the Middle East 1965

box 43, folder 14-20


box 44, folder 1

Draft (partial)

box 44, folder 2


box 44, folder 3

Mailing list

box 44, folder 4

Opinions of Elmer Berger and Edward W. Overton, Jr. as expressed to Devin A. Garrity, and Lilienthal's reaction

box 44, folder 5


box 44, folder 6

Publicity material

box 44, folder 7


box 44, folder 8

Press release, Mimeographed copy c. March 1965

box 44, folder 9

Radio appearance, John Nebel Show, WNBC Radio, New York City, Press release 11 April 1965

box 44, folder 10

Speech, American Whig-Cliosophic Society, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, Correspondence with Roger W. Jones, Jr. 29 April 1965

box 44, folder 11

Interview, The Daily Star, Beirut, Lebanon, Printed copy 27-28 June 1965

box 44, folder 12

Press conference, Cornell Club, New York City, Press release c. July-August 1965

box 44, folder 13

Radio appearance, Night Talk, WCAU Radio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Program outline and letter of M. T. Mehdi 16 September 1965

box 44, folder 14

"Land of What Free, Home of What Brave?" Speech, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Correspondence, press release, and clipping 21 October 1965

box 44, folder 15

"Let's Bury Hitler: The Road to Middle East Peace," Speech, American Whig-Cliosophic Society, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. Handwritten notes, correspondence, press releases, and clippings 18 November 1965

box 44, folder 16

"The Middle East: Another Vietnam?" Speech, Columbia University, New York City. Press release 13 May 1966

box 44, folder 17

Statement on the cancellation by Mayor John Lindsay of the dinner for King Faisal, Mimeographed copy June-July 1966

box 44, folder 18

"Opening Thoughts on First Visit to Vienna," Carbon copy November 1966

box 44, folder 19

"The Arabs Have a Case too," Typescript, handwritten notes, and research material c. 1967

box 44, folder 20

"Arab Night in New York City," Carbon copy 1967

box 44, folder 21

"J'accuse: An Open Letter to the American Friends of the Middle East," (originally drafted in Spring 1965). Typescript 14 March 1967

box 44, folder 22

"The Middle East: Another Vietnam?" Speech, Youngstown University, Youngstown, Ohio. Clipping 15 May 1967

box 45, folder 1

"The Middle East: Another Vietnam?" Speech, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Correspondence 16 May 1967

box 45, folder 2

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Carbon copy 24 June 1967

box 45, folder 3

"J'accuse: A Memorandum," (regarding Arab public relations and the Arab-American Association for Commerce and Industry). Typescript c. July 1967

box 45, folder 4

Letter to the editor, Washington Star, (date written). Carbon copy 6 July 1967

box 45, folder 5

"Memorandum re Public Relations," Photocopy 7 July 1967

box 45, folder 6

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Bradford Junior College, Bradford, Massachusetts. Printed copy and notes 6 October 1967

box 45, folder 7

"The Middle East: Modern Political, Economic, Religious and Ethnic Conflicts," Speech, Flint Junior College, Flint, Michigan. Correspondence, press releases, notes, and clippings 15 November 1967

box 45, folder 8

"The Arab Refugee Problem," Speech, Kiwanis Club, Flint, Michigan. Clipping and article on Palestinian refugees 16 November 1967

box 45, folder 9

"The Turbulent Middle East," Film lecture, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Correspondence and press release 20 November 1967

box 45, folder 10

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Federation of Arab-American Organizations Dinner, Pick-Congress Hotel, Chicago, Illinois. Correspondence 26 November 1967

box 45, folder 11

Letter to the editor, (date written). Carbon copy 28 November 1967

box 45, folder 12

"The Turbulent Middle East," Film lecture, Choate School, Wallingford, Connecticut. Mimeographed account 11 December 1967

box 45, folder 13

"The Independent Order of B'nai B'rith," Typescript and handwritten draft and notes 1968

box 45, folder 14

"This We Do Believe: If this Be Anti-Semitism, then Make the Most of It," Typescript copy of a seven point Middle East program put out by the Organization Committee of the Americans for Justice and Security in the Middle East, and draft dated 22 December 1967 January 1968

box 45, folder 15

Speech, Women's Club, Town Hall, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Press release 15 February 1968

box 45, folder 16

Speeches, McNeese College, Lake Charles, Louisiana, Clipping 19-20 February 1968

box 45, folder 17

"The Other Side of the Arab-Israeli Conflict," Speech, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. Clippings and correspondence 21 February 1968

box 45, folder 18

"What Price Israel?" Speech, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Clipping 26 February 1968

box 45, folder 19

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Claremont Graduate School and University Center, Claremont, California. Handwritten notes and typescript introduction by William H. Brownlee, as well as correspondence with William H. Brownlee 6 March 1968

box 45, folder 20

"The Middle East: Friend or Foe?" Speech, Freedom Club, First Congregational Church, Los Angeles, California. Correspondence with Ed Delaney 11 March 1968

box 45, folder 21

"What Price Militant Zionism?" Speech, College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio. Correspondence 18 March 1968

box 45, folder 22

Letter to the editor, Utah Chronicle, (date written). Carbon copy 26 March 1968

box 45, folder 23

Letter to the editor, San Jose News, (date written). Carbon copy 26 March 1968

box 45, folder 24

"Fantastic Victory," Debate between Lilienthal and W. Cleon Skousen, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Correspondence and clipping 18 April 1968

box 45, folder 25

"Memorandum to Believers in American-Arab Friendship," May 1968. Typescript form letter announcing the creation of Lilienthal's newsletter Perspective

box 45, folder 26

Letter to the editor, Daily Star, Printed and carbon copies 4 August 1968

box 45, folder 27

Radio appearance, "Night Call," New York City, Correspondence 9 October 1968

box 45, folder 28

Press release, Typescript copy and handwritten notes November 1968

box 45, folder 29

Press release, Typescript January 1969

box 45, folder 30

Open letter to President Richard M. Nixon, Typescript and press release, and ensuing press release on the exchange of telegrams between Lilienthal and Rabbi Leonard Poller regarding that open letter 20 January 1969

box 45, folder 31

"The Middle East Conflict," Speech, London Public Library, London, Ontario, Canada. Clipping 26 January 1969

box 45, folder 32

"The Middle East Problem," Speech, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Clippings 27 January 1969

box 45, folder 33

Speech, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, Clippings and press release regarding Lilienthal's telegram to Lester B. Pearson 28 January 1969

box 45, folder 34

Press conference, Hotel Laurentien, Montreal, Canada, Clippings 30 January 1969

box 45, folder 35

"Is de-Zionization of Israel a Necessity?" Speech, Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, Rochester, New York. Clipping 8 February 1969

box 45, folder 36

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Carbon copy 12 February 1969

box 45, folder 37

"The Crisis in the Middle East Today," Speech, American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt. Clipping 22 March 1969

box 45, folder 38

Press release, Carbon copy 8 April 1969

box 45, folder 39

"De-Zionization of Israel," Speech, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut. Clipping and press release 23 April 1969

box 45, folder 40

"There Goes the Middle East," Speech, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. Clipping 15 May 1969

box 45, folder 41

"The Failures in U.S. Middle East Policy," Speech, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota. Clippings 16 May 1969

box 45, folder 42

"What Price Israel?" Speech, Eastern Washington State College, Cheney, Washington. Press release, correspondence, and clippings 20 May 1969

box 45, folder 43

"There Goes the Middle East," Speech, World Affairs Council of Seattle, Seattle, Washington. Correspondence and clipping 22 May 1969

box 45, folder 44

Speech, Kiwanis Club, Montreal, Canada, Clipping and certificate of appreciation presented to Lilienthal 15 July 1969

box 45, folder 45

Letter to the editor, The Christian Science Monitor, (date written). Carbon copy 29 September 1969

box 45, folder 46

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Carbon copy 26 October 1969

box 45, folder 47

Press release, Carbon copy November 1969

box 45, folder 48

"The Other Side of the Coin," Speech, Platte Valley Forum, Scottsbluff, Nebraska. Clipping 20 November 1969

box 45, folder 49

Speech, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, Clippings 21 November 1969

box 45, folder 50

Speech on terrorism, Tucson, Arizona, Clipping 22 November 1969

box 45, folder 51

"Resolution of the Middle East Conflict," Speech, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas. Press releases 26 November 1969

box 45, folder 52

"U.S. Policy vs. U.S. Interests in the Middle East," Speech on "Iranian event". Typescript 1970

box 45, folder 53

"U.S. Bias on the Middle East," Speech, Westminster College, Westminster, Utah. Clipping 6 January 1970

box 45, folder 54

Convocation address and two speeches, Asian Institute, Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa, Idaho, Clippings 8 January 1970

box 45, folder 55

"The Middle East: Another Vietnam?" Speech, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. Clippings 13 January 1970

box 45, folder 56

Speech, Central Lions Club, Spokane, Washington, Clipping 14 January 1970

box 45, folder 57

Speech, University Lecture Series "Education and Social Change in the Middle East," University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Typescript, handwritten notes, and correspondence 3 February 1970

box 45, folder 58

Press conference, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Clipping 4 February 1970

box 46, folder 1

"A Jew Demands Justice for the Arabs," Speech, Islamic Center, Detroit, Michigan (coast-to-coast broadcast, with 15 cities piped in on a national private hook-up). Carbon copy of highlights, handwritten notes, and correspondence 1 March 1970

box 46, folder 2

Press conference, Detroit, Michigan, Clipping 2 March 1970

box 46, folder 3

"There Goes the Middle East," Speech, Rotary Club, Montreal, Canada. Mimeographed copy of highlights and correspondence 24 March 1970

box 46, folder 4

"Israel's Flag Is Still Not Ours," Press release 24 March 1970

box 46, folder 5

Speech, Women's City Club, Louisville, Kentucky, Correspondence 1 April 1970

box 46, folder 6

"De-Zionization of Israel," Speech, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. Press release and clipping 2 April 1970

box 46, folder 7

Statement, Tripoli, Libya, Printed copy 24 April 1970

box 46, folder 8

Speech, Libyan University, Tripoli, Libya, Typescript 26 April 1970

box 46, folder 9

Press conference, Nile Hilton Hotel, Cairo, Egypt, Typescript 14 May 1970

box 46, folder 10

Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Humanist Society of Greater New York, Hotel Ansonia, New York City. Correspondence 26 July 1970

box 46, folder 11

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript and letter from George Palmer, assistant to the managing editor 5 August 1970

box 46, folder 12

Press release, Typescript October 1970

box 46, folder 13

Letter to the editor, New York Times, Printed copy, typescript draft, and ensuing letters to the editor in answer to Lilienthal's letter 7 October 1970

box 46, folder 14

"Zionism vs. Judaism," Speech, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Clippings and correspondence 15 October 1970

box 46, folder 15

"World War III and Middle East Policy," Speech, Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania. Correspondence, clippings, and press release 10 November 1970

box 46, folder 16

Debate with Evan M. Zuesse, Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania, 11 November 1970. Clippings and ensuing letters to the editor of Campus from the debaters themselves and others. See also speech of for correspondence 10 November 1970

box 46, folder 17

"The Middle East: Another Vietnam?" 3 December 1970. Speech, Park Sheraton Hotel, National Economic Council, New York City. Typescript drafts, press release, and reprints from the Congressional Record of 10 December 1970 and from The Herald of Freedom, 8 January 1971, as well as a printed copy under the title: "The Israel Quagmire: Thoughts for the U.S. Citizen," Vital Speeches of the Day, Includes introduction by Willard F. Rockwell 15 January 1971

box 46, folder 18

Press release, Typescript January 1971

box 46, folder 19

"The Middle East: Another Vietnam?" Speech, Pennsylvania State College, Hazelton, Pennsylvania. Clipping and press release 12 January 1971

box 46, folder 20

"The Middle East: Another Vietnam?" Speech, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. Clipping and press release 17 February 1971

box 46, folder 21

Press release, Mimeographed copy 22 February 1971

box 46, folder 22

"The Middle East: Another Vietnam?" Speech, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Clippings 23 February 1971

box 46, folder 23

"U.S. Middle East Policy Changes," Speech, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Clippings 1 March 1971

box 46, folder 24

"Complexity of Middle East Conflict," Speech, Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington. Correspondence and clippings 2 March 1971

box 46, folder 25

"What Price War?" Keynote address, Borah Symposium: The Clash of Cultures as a Cause of War, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Printed copy, typescript, handwritten draft, correspondence, and clippings 4 March 1971

box 46, folder 26

"The Turbulent Middle East," Film lecture, Washoe County Republican Central Committee, Reno, Nevada. Clippings and correspondence 7 March 1971

box 46, folder 27

Speech and seminars, Northwestern State College, Alva, Oklahoma, Clippings 6-7 April 1971

box 46, folder 28

"Middle East: Friend or Foe?" Speech, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Clippings 8 April 1971

box 46, folder 29

Speech, Kiwanis Club, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Clipping 19 April 1971

box 46, folder 30

"The Middle East: Another Vietnam unless U.S. Policy Changes," Speech followed by a panel discussion including Duncan E. Littlefair, Fountain Street Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Clippings, press releases, correspondence, and ensuing letters to the editor from Lilienthal and others challenging statements made by Duncan E. Littlefair in his letter to the editor. Includes three sermons by the latter 20 April 1971

box 46, folder 31

"What Price Anti-Anti-Semitism?" Mimeographed copy of editorial in the Middle East Perspective issue of and press release June-July 1971,

box 46, folder 32

Letter to the editor, Boston Globe, (date written). Carbon copy 6 July 1971

box 46, folder 33

"Can We Avoid Another Vietnam in the Middle East?" Speech, Town Hall Meeting, Unitarian Church, Nantucket, Massachusetts. Handwritten notes and two dictablets 13 August 1971

box 46, folder 34

Open letter to Golda Meir, Mimeographed copy and press release 24 September 1971

box 46, folder 35

"The Rape of Jerusalem," Speech, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. Clipping 24 October 1971

box 46, folder 36

"Will there Be a War in the Middle East?" Interview by Douglas Stuart, The World Tonight, BBC, London, Great Britain. Typescript 27 October 1971

box 46, folder 37

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, St. Cloud State College, St. Cloud, Minnesota. Correspondence, press release, and clipping 1 November 1971

box 46, folder 38

Speech, University of Minnesota Technical College, Crookston, Minnesota, Clipping and correspondence 2 November 1971

box 46, folder 39

Speech, St. Mary's College, Winona, Minnesota, Clipping 3 November 1971

box 46, folder 40

Press conference, Cornell Club, New York City, Press release 17 November 1971

box 46, folder 41

Reply to WRFM commentary of Mimeographed copy 2 December 1971, 17 December 1971

box 47, folder 1

Letter to the editor, Washington Star, Printed copy 10 January 1972

box 47, folder 2

Statement following Moshe Dayan's appearance on "Face the Nation," Carbon copy February 1972

box 47, folder 3

Press releases, Mimeographed copies 22 February 1972

box 47, folder 4

"The Road to Middle East Peace," Speech, Society of International Law, Columbia Law School, New York City. Correspondence March 1972

box 47, folder 5

"The Middle East: Another Vietnam?" Speech, Triton College, River Grove, Illinois. Clipping and correspondence 17 April 1972

box 47, folder 6

Press release, Typescript 19 April 1972

box 47, folder 7

"Israel: Our Next Vietnam," Speech, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Clippings, correspondence, and letters to the editor from listeners 24 April 1972

box 47, folder 8

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Carbon copy 6 September 1972

box 47, folder 9

Letter to the editor, The Christian Century c. December 1972

box 47, folder 10

Letter to the editor, New York Times, 6 March 1973 (date written). Typescript, press release, and open letter to the readers of Middle East Perspective

box 47, folder 11

Speech, Extraordinary International Conference for Political Movements of European and Arab Countries Youth, Tripoli, Libya, Typescript, correspondence, and conference material 15 May 1973

box 47, folder 12

Resolution to have Arab leaders welcome back Oriental Jews who fled, proposed in Tripoli, Handwritten draft as well as handwritten letter to Major Hawadi defending his resolution against the criticism levelled against it 17 May 1973

box 47, folder 13

Open telegram to Henry A. Kissinger, Press release 8 October 1973

box 47, folder 14

Press conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, Clipping and correspondence 25 October 1973

box 47, folder 15

"Israel: Our Next Vietnam," Speech, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Clippings and correspondence regarding controversy over scheduling of talk 26 October 1973

box 47, folder 16

Panel discussion, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, New Jersey, Clipping 8 November 1973

box 47, folder 17

Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Washington, D.C., on emergency military assistance for Israel, Typescript, printed copy, and press release 13 December 1973

box 47, folder 18

Reports to Roy C. Hackley, Typescript copies, correspondence, and contract establishing the hiring of Lilienthal as a consultant to "make studies and reports in connection with the Middle East" 1974-1975

box 47, folder 19

"Outline of Political Philosophy of Middle East Perspective," Typescript January 1974

box 47, folder 20

Letter to the editor, Sunday News, Printed copy 6 January 1974

box 47, folder 21

Letter to the editor, New York Daily News, Printed copy 7 January 1974

box 47, folder 22

Press release, Mimeographed copy 7 February 1974

box 47, folder 23

Letter to the editor, Center Magazine, Printed copy March-April 1974

box 47, folder 24

Interview, "Headliner," WMAL TV, Washington, D.C., Typescript 10 March 1974

box 47, folder 25

Press release, Typescript April 1974

box 47, folder 26

Press release, Typescript 24 May 1974

box 47, folder 27

"No Mideast Peace without Justice for the Palestinians," June 1974. Typescript and correspondence with the New York Times

box 47, folder 28

Letter to the editor, The Guardians, Printed copy and typescript 30 July 1974

box 47, folder 29

"The Contrived Myth of New Anti-Semitism," The Word, Printed copy September 1974

box 47, folder 30

Commentary, "Feedback," WINS Radio, New York City, Typescript 26 October 1974

box 47, folder 31

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 28 October 1974

box 47, folder 32

Debate with Arnold Forster, Barry Gray show, WMCA, New York City, Handwritten notes 1 November 1974

box 47, folder 33

Letter to the editor, New York Daily News, Printed copy and typescript 7 November 1974

box 48, folder 1

Interview, "Let's Find Out," WCBS Radio, New York City, 10 November 1974. Typescript and Middle East Perspective reprint

box 48, folder 2

Letter to the editor, Esquire, (date written). Carbon copy 2 December 1974

box 48, folder 3

Reply to WCBS editorials of Typescript 26 and 27 November 1974, 2 December 1974

box 48, folder 4

Debate with Martin Abend, Channel 5 (?), Typescript 11 December 1974

box 48, folder 5

Commentary, "Feedback," WINS Radio, New York City, Typescript 22 December 1974

box 48, folder 6

Interview, Universal Press Syndicate, officially released on 29 December 1974 (after changes reflecting Lilienthal's comments) and published at various dates in the Chicago News, the St. Louis Globe, and 38 other newspapers and magazines. Typescript, correspondence with interviewer Philip Nobile, and ensuing letters to the editors from several readers

box 48, folder 7

"A New Look at the Zionist State of Israel," Libertarian Review, Printed copy of Lilienthal's essay review and of his subsequent reply, in the May 1975 issue, to several letters to the editor January 1975

box 48, folder 8

"Israel: Our Next Vietnam," Speech, William Patterson State College, Wayne, New Jersey. Clippings and transcript of interview of Lilienthal on Metromedia/WPIX-TV on an attack by members of the Jewish Defense League during his speech 5 February 1975

box 48, folder 9

Press release, Typescript 5 February 1975

box 48, folder 10

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 18 February 1975

box 48, folder 11

Open telegram to President Gerald R. Ford, sent to newspapers, wire services, and TV networks as a press release. Typescript 27 February 1975,

box 48, folder 12

Letter to the editor, Daily News, (date written). Typescript 26 March 1975

box 48, folder 13

Letter to the editor, New York Post, Printed copy 28 March 1975

box 48, folder 14

Letter to the editor, Libertarian Review, (date written). Typescript 30 March 1975

box 48, folder 15

Letter to the editor, Murray Hill News, Printed copy April 1975

box 48, folder 16

Letter to the editor, Daily News, Printed copy 5 April 1975

box 48, folder 17

"Still, What Price Israel?" Speech, Army-Navy Club, Washington, D.C. Press release and clipping 1 May 1975

box 48, folder 18

"What Price Middle East Peace?" Typescript and modified printed copy, The Reformed Journal, May-June 1975. Includes letter to Charlotte Curtis, New York Times, who rejected the piece

box 48, folder 19

"The Palestinians and the Right of Self-Determination," Speech on Palestine Day, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria. Carbon copy 15 May 1975

box 48, folder 20

Speech, Information and Foreign Affairs Committee of the Peoples' Assembly, Cairo, Egypt, Typescript and subsequent comments 10 June 1975

box 48, folder 21

Press release, Mimeographed copy c. July 1975

box 48, folder 22

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 23 October 1975

box 48, folder 23

Press release, Typescript c. November 1975

box 48, folder 24

"A White Paper on Zionism and Racism: A Critique of the UN Resolution," 14 November 1975. Printed copy and attached cover letter sent to Middle East Perspective subscribers

box 48, folder 25

Reply to WCBS editorial of Typescript 12 and 13 November 1975, 17 and 18 November 1975

box 48, folder 26

Letter to the editor, National Observer, (date written). Typescript 23 November 1975

box 48, folder 27

"The Zionist Vote," 29 November 1975. Debate with Paul Riebenfeld on Firing Line, with William F. Buckley, Jr. Printed copy and clipping

box 48, folder 28

Letter to the editor, Santa Barbara News-Dispatch, (date written). Typescript 28 December 1975


Columns for al-Qabas, daily independent newspaper of Kuwait, as its correspondent to the United Nations 1976-1977

box 48, folder 29-30

Typescript and carbon copies

box 48, folder 31

Handwritten notes and drafts

box 49, folder 1

Printed copies

box 49, folder 2

Letter to the editor, New York Post, (date written). Typescript 13 January 1976

box 49, folder 3

Press conference, United Nations, New York City, Typescript notes, press releases, and list of questions asked by the press. Includes suggested introduction of Lilienthal by Zehdi Labib Terzi 23 January 1976

box 49, folder 4

Press release, Typescript. Includes clipping on the New York City Council's proposal to change the name of UN Plaza to Zion Square February 1976

box 49, folder 5

Letter to the editor, Santa Barbara News-Press, Printed copy and correspondence regarding possible legal action against the newspaper for printing Rabbi I. B. Koller's statements about Lilienthal 3 February 1976

box 49, folder 6

Letter to the editor, Chapel Hill Newspaper, Printed copy and ensuing letters to the editor by others 8 February 1976

box 49, folder 7

"The True Significance of Brussels II," Typescript copy of a study of the Brussels Conference on Soviet Jewry, 17-19 February 1976 14 February 1976

box 49, folder 8

Letter to the editor, Washington Post, (in answer to I. F. Stone's letter to the editor of 30 January 1976). Printed copy 22 February 1976

box 49, folder 9

"Why I Must Be an Anti-Zionist," Speech, Cultural Center, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Typescript and handwritten draft 1 March 1976

box 49, folder 10

Conversation with Hafez al-Assad, Typescript of condensed transcript 17 March 1976

box 49, folder 11

Press conference, Cairo, Egypt, Clipping 28 March 1976

box 49, folder 12

Press release, Typescript 1 April 1976

box 49, folder 13

"The Middle East: Our New Vietnam," Speech, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California. Correspondence and clippings 23 April 1976

box 49, folder 14

"The Middle East Crisis: What Should America's Role Be?" Speech, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California. Clipping and questions asked by students 27 April 1976

box 49, folder 15

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, California. Correspondence with Stratford Brossard 1 May 1976

box 49, folder 16

"Israel: Our New Vietnam?" Speech, Cosumnes River College, Sacramento, California. Correspondence 4 May 1976

box 49, folder 17

"The U.S. and Palestine," Guardian, Typescript and correspondence with Louis Eaks 14 May 1976

box 49, folder 18

"The Power of Israel's American Constituency," Palestine Digest, Printed copy June 1976

box 49, folder 19

Press release, Typescript June 1976

box 49, folder 20

Press release, Typescript 8 June 1976

box 49, folder 21

"Zionist Manipulations to Induce Immigration to Israel," Conference paper, Conference on Zionism and Racism, Tripoli, Libya. Typescript. Includes papers and statements by other participants, and clippings 24-27 July 1976

box 49, folder 22

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 25 August 1976

box 49, folder 23

"Zionist Manipulations to Induce Immigration to Israel," Conference paper, National Conference on Zionism and Racism, Washington, D.C. Typescript and letters from the Oppressed People's Affairs Committee. Includes typescript copy of introduction of Lilienthal 16-17 November 1976

box 49, folder 24

"The Arab Boycott: An Arab Perspective," Appearance on Accent On, WABC-TV, with Mohamed T. Mehdi. Typewritten transcript 16 January 1977

box 49, folder 25

Reply to WCBS editorial of Typescript 13-14 January 1977, 18-19 January 1977

box 49, folder 26

Letter to the editor, New York Post, (date written). Typescript 19 May 1977

box 49, folder 27

Statement given to Eric Pace of the New York Times, Typescript 3 June 1977

box 49, folder 28

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 15 July 1977

box 49, folder 29

Letter to the editor, Sentinel Star, Printed copy, and correspondence with John Von Foeppel 4 August 1977

box 49, folder 30

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 12 September 1977

box 49, folder 31

"Palestinian-Israeli Co-Existence without Zionism," Speech, American Humanist Association, New York City. Handwritten notes, press release, and clipping 14 November 1977

box 49, folder 32

Letter to the editor, New York Post, (date written). Typescript 22 November 1977


The Zionist Connection, 1978. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Christian Science Monitor and card file box 146 for readers' responses

box 50, folder 1

Address list for book party

box 50, folder 2


box 50, folder 3-14



Drafts. Typescript and carbon copies, and handwritten notes


Final version

box 51, folder 1


box 51, folder 2-4

Chapter I

box 51, folder 5-6

Chapter II

box 51, folder 7

Chapter III

box 52, folder 1-4

Chapter III

box 52, folder 5

Chapters I, II, and III (fragments)

box 52, folder 6-10

Chapter IV

box 53, folder 1-3

Chapter V

box 53, folder 4-8

Chapter VI

box 54, folder 1-4

Chapter VII

box 54, folder 5-7

Chapter VIII

box 55, folder 1

Chapter VIII

box 55, folder 2-3

Chapter IX

box 55, folder 4-6

Chapter X

box 56, folder 1

Chapter XI

box 56, folder 2-3

Chapter XII

box 56, folder 4

Chapter XIII

box 56, folder 5-7

Chapter XIV

box 57, folder 1

Chapter XV

box 57, folder 2

Chapter XVI

box 57, folder 3

Chapter XVII

box 57, folder 4-5

Chapter XVIII

box 57, folder 6

Chapter XIX

box 57, folder 7

Chapter XX

box 57, folder 8

Chapter XXI

box 58, folder 1

Chapter XXII

box 58, folder 2-3

Chapter XXIII

box 58, folder 4

Chapter XXIV

box 58, folder 5-8


box 59, folder 1-3


box 59, folder 4


box 59, folder 5



Preliminary version

box 59, folder 6


box 59, folder 7

Chapter IV ("The Arab Image")

box 59, folder 8

Chapter XXII ("The Arab World")

box 59, folder 9

Chapter addendum 2

box 59, folder 10

Chapter addendum 3

box 59, folder 11

Chapter addendum 4

box 59, folder 12

Chapter addendum 6

box 59, folder 13

Chapter addendum 8

box 59, folder 14

Chapter addendum 10

box 59, folder 15


box 60, folder 1

Original "pre-73 war" draft (fragments)

box 60, folder 2


box 60, folder 3-6

Publicity material

box 60, folder 7-9

Research material

box 61, folder 1-11

Research material

box 62, folder 1-3

Reviews. See also CORRESPONDENCE, National Catholic News Service

box 62, folder 4-6


box 63, folder 1

Interview by Philip Nobile, Sunday Magazine, Rockford, Printed copy 7 January 1978

box 63, folder 2

Letter to the editor, Cleveland Press, (date written). Typescript 9 January 1978

box 63, folder 3

Letter to the editor, Tribune (New York City), (date written). Typescript 24 January 1978

box 63, folder 4

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 6 March 1978

box 63, folder 5

Open telegram to President Jimmy Carter, Press release 12 March 1978

box 63, folder 6

Letter to the editor, Washington Star, (date written). Typescript 14 March 1978

box 63, folder 7

Letter to the editor, New York Times, Printed and typescript copies 8 April 1978

box 63, folder 8

Letter to the editor, Boston Globe, Printed and typescript copies 10 July 1978

box 63, folder 9

Letter to the editor, Sentinel Star, Printed and typescript copies 25 July 1978

box 63, folder 10

Interview (Part I), Palestine, Printed copy 15 August 1978

box 63, folder 11

Letter to the editor, New York Daily Press, (date written). Typescript 28 August 1978

box 63, folder 12

Interview (Part II), Palestine, Printed copy 31 August 1978

box 63, folder 13

Press conference, National Press Club, Washington, D.C., Press release 31 August 1978

box 63, folder 14

Letter to the editor, Daily News, Printed and typescript copies 28 September 1978

box 63, folder 15

Letter to the editor, Sentinel Star, (date written). Typescript 9 November 1978

box 63, folder 16

Reply to WCBS editorial of Typescript 20 September 1978, 21 November 1978

box 63, folder 17

Letter to the editor, Washington Post Magazine, (date written). Typescript 24 November 1978

box 63, folder 18

Statement, United Nations "International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People" press conference, Typescript. Includes suggested introduction of Lilienthal by Zehdi Labib Terzi 29 November 1978

box 63, folder 19

"The Lessons of Iran: Will We Ever Learn?" Typescript c. 1979

box 63, folder 20

Interview by press syndicate and press conference, WTJX TV, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, 4 January 1979 (taped on 2 January). Printed copy, Daily News 3 January 1979

box 63, folder 21

Letter to the editor, Daily News, Printed and typescript copies 24 January 1979

box 63, folder 22

Interview, Colombian, Printed copy 28 January 1979

box 63, folder 23

Letter to the editor, St. Croix Avis, Printed and typescript copies 5 February 1979

box 63, folder 24

Reply to WINS commentary by Rabbi Tanenbaum on Typescript 11 February 1979, 18 February 1979

box 63, folder 25

Letter to the editor, Colombus Dispatch, (date written). Typescript 23 February 1979

box 63, folder 26

Press releases, Typescripts 5 March 1979

box 63, folder 27

Speech, Holiday Inn, San Francisco, 16 March 1979. Printed copy of highlights, NAJDA Newsletter May 1979

box 63, folder 28

Speech, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, Clippings 19 March 1979

box 63, folder 29

Open telegram to Walter Mondale, Harry Byrd, and Howard Baker, Typescript 21 March 1979

box 63, folder 30

"After Iran, Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, San Diego State University, San Diego, California. Correspondence and clippings 22 March 1979

box 63, folder 31

Letter to the editor, New York Times Magazine, Printed and typescript copies, and letter to Barbara Dubivsky 25 March 1979

box 63, folder 32

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, American School of International Management, Glendale, Arizona. Clippings 26 March 1979

box 63, folder 33

"What Price Middle East Peace?" Speech, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Clippings 28 March 1979

box 63, folder 34

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, St. George's Church, Houston, Texas. Clippings 6 April 1979

box 63, folder 35

"The Mideast Peace Treaty," Arizona Daily Star, Printed copy 8 April 1979

box 63, folder 36

"Now that Treaty Is Signed ... Has Palestinian Fuse Been Lit?" San Diego Union, Printed copy 8 April 1979

box 63, folder 37

Letter to the editor, U.S. News and World Report, (date written). Typescript 9 April 1979

box 63, folder 38

"After Iran: Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, School of Politics, Women's National Republican Club, New York City. Press release and correspondence 11 April 1979

box 63, folder 39

Radio appearance, Larry King Show, Mutual Broadcasting System, Arlington, Virginia, Handwritten notes and correspondence with Larry King, Gip Oldham, and others 14 April 1979

box 63, folder 40

Letter to the editor, San Diego Union, (date written). Typescript 23 April 1979

box 63, folder 41

"Violence, Oil, and Middle East War," Speech, New York State University, New Paltz, New York. Press release and correspondence 1 May 1979

box 63, folder 42

Reply to WCBS editorial of Typescript 26 March 1979, 3 May 1979

box 63, folder 43

"The Zionist Connection: What Price Peace?" Speech, Moorehead State University, Moorehead, Minnesota. Press release and clipping 14 May 1979

box 63, folder 44

"There Goes the Middle East," Speech, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Handwritten notes, correspondence, and clipping 15 May 1979

box 63, folder 45

Interview, Ohio State Lantern, Printed copy 18 May 1979

box 63, folder 46

Radio appearance, David Gold Show, WITS, Boston, Massachusetts, Correspondence 10 June 1979

box 63, folder 47

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech and panel discussion, 18th Annual Unitarian-Universalist Assembly, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Printed and typescript copies, correspondence, and press release 27 June 1979

box 63, folder 48

Reply to WCBS editorials of (date written). Typescript letter 16-17 and 23-24 August 1979, 24 September 1979

box 63, folder 49

"The Zionist Connection Reviewed," America, Printed copy, typescript (originally entitled "What Price Repression?"), and correspondence with Joseph O'Hare 6 October 1979

box 63, folder 50

"What Price Israel?" Speech, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. Handwritten notes, clipping, press release, and correspondence with Robert W. Andrews 31 October 1979

box 63, folder 51

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 10 November 1979

box 63, folder 52

"What Price Peace in the Middle East?" Speech, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. Handwritten notes, clippings, and correspondence with Ismail Zayid 13 November 1979

box 63, folder 53

Letter to the editor, Dartmouth Free Press, (date written). Typescript 26 November 1979

box 64, folder 1

Draft letter to presidential aspirants, Typescript 1980

box 64, folder 2

Testimony, "Blue Ribbon" Middle East panel, National Council of Churches, New York City, Typescript, press release, and correspondence. Includes statement by the Palestine Congress of North America 6 February 1980

box 64, folder 3

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 21 February 1980

box 64, folder 4

"Why not a Palestinian State?" Speech, College of Virgin Islands, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. Announcement and clippings 4 March 1980

box 64, folder 5

Letter to the editor, Newsweek, (date written). Typescript 10 March 1980

box 64, folder 6

Letter to the editor, Washington Star, (date written). Typescript 21 March 1980

box 64, folder 7

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Press release, clippings, and correspondence 26 March 1980

box 64, folder 8

"The Middle East: Friend or Foe?" Speech, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. Correspondence 28 March 1980

box 64, folder 9

Interview by Janet Langhart, WMCA Radio, New York City, Handwritten notes 2 April 1980

box 64, folder 10

"The Zionist Connection and How it Affects You," Speech, Southport Congregational Church, Southport, Connecticut. Press release and correspondence 3 April 1980

box 64, folder 11

Reply to WINS commentary by Rabbi Tannenbaum, Typescript and letter to WINS executive director Joe Gillespie 2-3 May 1980

box 64, folder 12

Interview, al-Dustour, Printed copy (in Arabic) and typescript translation 26 May 1980

box 64, folder 13

Letter to the editor, The Times, (date written). Typescript and handwritten draft 31 May 1980

box 64, folder 14

"Zionism and American Jews," Arab Perspectives, June 1980, and The Journal of Historical Review, Printed copies undated

box 64, folder 15

Letter to the editor, La Presse, L'Action, and al-Sabah, (date written). Typescript copies 2 July 1980

box 64, folder 16

"Palestine, the 1980 Captive Nation," 20 July 1980. Speech, "Captive Nations Day," Sherwood Inn, Epsom, New Hampshire. Handwritten notes and clippings. Includes mailgram of 26 August 1980 to William Loeb, publisher of the Union Leader, re his editorial of 25 July 1980

box 64, folder 17

Interview by Pia Lindstrom, "Live at Five," NBC, New York City, Typescript excerpts 23 September 1980

box 64, folder 18

Interview, Spotlight, Printed copy 27 October 1980

box 64, folder 19

"A Positive Middle East Policy," Speech, Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, Westminster Hall, London, England. Press release 28 October 1980


"The Right of Self-Determination: Why not the Palestinians?" Conference paper, International Progress Organization Conference on Palestine, Vienna, Austria 5-7 November 1980

box 64, folder 20

Typescript drafts

box 64, folder 21


box 64, folder 22


box 64, folder 23

Press release, Typescript 17 November 1980

box 64, folder 24

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Library Associates, University Club, Washington, D.C. Printed copy, typescript, press release, and correspondence. Includes typescript copy of introduction of Lilienthal 19 November 1980

box 65, folder 1

Debate with Martin Abend, Women's National Republican Club, New York City, Correspondence 2 December 1980

box 65, folder 2

Press release, Typescript 15 December 1980

box 65, folder 3

Letter to the editor, Jerusalem Post, (date written). Typescript 17 December 1980

box 65, folder 4

Press release, Typescript 12 January 1981

box 65, folder 5

Letter to the editor, Seattle Times, (date written). Typescript 19 January 1981

box 65, folder 6

Open letter to President Ronald Reagan, Press release 20 January 1981

box 65, folder 7

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. Correspondence with Issam M. Hamadeh (Ohio University Palestine Club). Includes the by-laws of the O.U.P.C. 12 February 1981

box 65, folder 8

Press release on Stephen J. Solarz, Typescript 27 February 1981

box 65, folder 9

"U.S. Policy: Good or Bad for the U.S.?" Speech, Dutch Treat Club, New York City. Correspondence with Lowell Thomas 17 March 1981

box 65, folder 10

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Press release, clipping, and correspondence 3 May 1981

box 65, folder 11

Open letter to the people of the Virgin Islands, Daily News, St. Thomas, Typescript and correspondence 7 May 1981

box 65, folder 12

Letter to the editor, US News and World Report, (date written). Typescript 11 May 1981

box 65, folder 13

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, Canadians for Justice in the Middle East, Windsor Hotel, Montreal, Canada. Press release, clipping, and correspondence 15 May 1981

box 65, folder 14

Letter to the editor, Commentary, (date written). Typescript 20 May 1981

box 65, folder 15

Speech, The Secretary's Open Forum, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C., Typescript and correspondence with George S. Dragnich 3 June 1981

box 65, folder 16

"Semite and Anti-Semite: A Confusion Stifling American Freedom," Speech, Holy Land State Conference, Washington Marriott Hotel, Washington, D.C. Typescript, press release, program, and clipping 27 June 1981

box 65, folder 17

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 30 August 1981

box 65, folder 18

Comments after Evan G. Galbraith lunch, Women's National Republican Club, Washington, D.C., Typescript 5 October 1981

box 65, folder 19

Reply to WCBS editorial of Printed and typescript copies, correspondence, and memorandum regarding the broadcast of Lilienthal's reply 8-9 October 1981, 16-17 October 1981

box 65, folder 20

Debate with Stephen Solarz, "What's the Point?" WNYM Radio, Staten Island, New York, (scheduled date; debate was cancelled when Solarz changed his mind about appearing). Typescript list of questions 26 October 1981

box 65, folder 21

Informal talk, City Council, Dundee, Scotland, Typescript account, clippings, and correspondence 17 November 1981

box 65, folder 22

"Breaches of International Law and our Communications Systems," Statement, Baghdad International Seminar on the Legal Effects of Attacking Iraqi Nuclear Installations and the Right to Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Baghdad, Iraq. Printed copy 29 November 1981

box 65, folder 23

Reply to Channel 2 editorial, Typescript December 1981

box 65, folder 24

"How Can American Public Opinion Be Captured?" Speech, al-Najah University, Nablus, West Bank. Typescript 7 December 1981

box 65, folder 25

Interview by Mona el-Said, Monday Morning, Printed copy 14-20 December 1981


The Zionist Connection II : What Price Peace? 1982


English edition 1982

box 65, folder 26


box 65, folder 27

Draft of new chapter and last words

box 65, folder 28


box 65, folder 29

Publicity material

box 65, folder 30



Czech and Eastern European edition 1985-1988

box 65, folder 31


box 65, folder 32

Draft of last words (updated)

box 65, folder 33


box 66, folder 1

"A New U.S. Middle East Policy: Our Crying Need," Speech, Stetson University, Deland, Florida. Press release, clipping, and correspondence 6 January 1982

box 66, folder 2

Press release, Typescript 12 January 1982

box 66, folder 3

Letter to the editor, New York Post, (date written). Typescript 20 January 1982

box 66, folder 4

Letter to the editor, Post (West Palm Beach), (date written). Typescript 2 February 1982

box 66, folder 5

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 13 February 1982

box 66, folder 6

Eulogy of Moshe Menuhin, New York Times, Printed copy 14 February 1982

box 66, folder 7

Press release, Typescript March 1982

box 66, folder 8

Statement relative to the lawsuit over the bequest of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Typescript 5 March 1982

box 66, folder 9

"What Price Middle East Peace?" Speech, Princeton University Graduate School, Princeton, New Jersey. Press release, correspondence, and handwritten notes (also used for speech of 25 May 1982, and possibly also in November 1981 in Scotland). Includes account of speech by Peter Coveney 10 March 1982

box 66, folder 10

Letter to the editor, Daily News, 20 March 1982, and San Juan Star, Printed copies. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Rotary Club. Includes notes on Lilienthal's trip to St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, March 1982 6 April 1982

box 66, folder 11

Letter to the editor, Lowell Sun, Printed copy 30 March 1982

box 66, folder 12

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 10 April 1982

box 66, folder 13

"There Positively Goes the Middle East," Speech, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Press release and correspondence 29 April 1982

box 66, folder 14

Press release, Typescript 30 April 1982

box 66, folder 15

Letter to the editor, San Juan Star, (date written). Typescript 7 May 1982

box 66, folder 16

"Zionist Connection," Speech, Delta College, University City, Michigan. Correspondence and press release 18 May 1982

box 66, folder 17

"There Goes the Middle East," Speech, Canadians for Justice in the Middle East, Ottawa, Canada. Press release and correspondence. See also 10 March 1982 25 May 1982

box 66, folder 18

Appearance on Newsmakers, WTMJ, Milwaukee, Letter from Kathleen Dumm June 1982

box 66, folder 19

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 6 September 1982

box 66, folder 20

Letter to the editor, Honolulu Star Bulletin, (date written). Typescript 21 September 1982

box 66, folder 21

Letter to the editor, New York Times, 19 October 1982 (date written). Typescript. Also sent to America

box 66, folder 22

"Israel's Flag Is still not Mine," Typescript and correspondence November 1982

box 66, folder 23

Letter to the editor, New York Post, (date written). Typescript 22 November 1982

box 66, folder 24

"What Kind of an Israel?" Middle East Perspective, February 1983. Typescript of editorial. Includes printed copy, U.S. Farm News August 1984

box 66, folder 25

Letter to the editor, Minnesota Daily, (date written). Typescript 3 February 1983

box 66, folder 26

"There Goes the Middle East," Speech, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona. Press release and clipping 3 February 1983

box 66, folder 27

"U.S. Middle East Foreign Policy: Good or Bad?" 7 February 1983. Speech, American Graduate School of International Management, Glendale, Arizona. Printed copy of a letter to the editor, Das Tor, by Laura E. Chatfield 2 March 1983,

box 66, folder 28

Press conference, Student Union, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Clipping 9 February 1983

box 66, folder 29

"Where Goes the Middle East?" Speech, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Clipping 10 February 1983

box 66, folder 30

"The Role of Peacekeeping Forces in the Middle East," Speech, United Nations Association, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterey, California. Press release and correspondence with Betty Anne Sherif 14 February 1983

box 66, folder 31

"Einstein and Israel: A Reply to Morton Ryweck," Minnesota Daily, 17 February 1983. Printed copy and a subsequent letter to the editor by a reader. Includes an article by Thomas N. Dikel, Minnesota Daily, mentioning Lilienthal's article 24 February 1983,

box 66, folder 32

"There Goes the Middle East," Speech, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Press release and correspondence 18 February 1983

box 66, folder 33

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 10 March 1983

box 66, folder 34

Letter to the editor, Chicago Tribune, (date written). Typescript 11 April 1983

box 66, folder 35

Letter to the editor, Boston Globe, (date written). Typescript 11 April 1983

box 66, folder 36

"Hussein Cannot Represent Palestinians," USA Today, Printed copy 11 April 1983

box 66, folder 37

Letter to the editor, Daily News, (date written). Typescript 13 April 1983

box 66, folder 38

"Repression Must Lead Inevitably to Tragedy," USA Today, Printed copy 19 April 1983

box 66, folder 39

Letter to the editor, New York Times Magazine, (date written). Typescript 30 June 1983

box 66, folder 40-41

Remarks, European Regional Preparatory Meeting of the International Conference on the Question of Palestine, Geneva, Switzerland, 4-8 July 1983. Typescript copies, clipping, and correspondence. Includes statements of other participants 6 July 1983,

box 66, folder 42

Letter to the editor, International Herald Tribune, (date written). Typescript 19 July 1983

box 67, folder 1

"The Realities of Public Opinion in North America (with Special Emphasis on the United States) and Middle East Peace," Conference paper, International Conference on the Question of Palestine, Geneva, Switzerland, 29 August-7 September 1983. Typescript, handwritten notes, and correspondence. Includes papers by other participants 5 September 1983

box 67, folder 2

"The Middle East: Our New Vietnam?" Speech, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Adam's Mark Hotel, Houston, Texas. Press release and correspondence with Ellen M. Mansoor 30 September 1983

box 67, folder 3

Letter to the editor, USA Today, (date written). Typescript 23 October 1983

box 67, folder 4

"The Middle East: Our New Vietnam?" Speech, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. Press release, clippings, and correspondence 2 November 1983

box 67, folder 5

Interview by J. Mark Brady and G. A. Selgin, Libertarian Broadside, Printed copy 21 November 1983

box 67, folder 6

"Toward a New Middle East Policy," 21 November 1983. Typescript article sent to the New York Times op-ed editor, written by Lilienthal and Kenneth Love

box 67, folder 7

Letter to the editor, Sun (Lowell, Mass.), (date written). Typescript 6 December 1983

box 67, folder 8

"What Kind of Israel?" Middle East International, Printed copy 27 January 1984

box 67, folder 9

Letter to the editor, Time, (date written). Typescript 2 March 1984

box 67, folder 10

"Does It Serve the United States' Own National Interest to Be the Arsenal and Treasury of Israel?" Speech, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. Press release, announcement, and clipping 12 April 1984

box 67, folder 11

"Politics and Religion in the Middle East," Speech, 14th Annual National Convention of American Atheists, Lexington, Kentucky. Printed copy, typescript, press release, clipping, and correspondence 21 April 1984

box 68, folder 1

"Zionism: The Occupying Power," Paper, International Progress Organization symposium, Vienna, Austria. Printed copy, typescript, clipping, and correspondence 2-4 May 1984

box 68, folder 2

Interview by Kathy Kakish, Jerusalem Star, Printed copy 26 July 1984

box 68, folder 3

"The Gulf War, the Palestinian Question, and Zionism," Speech, International Conference on the Impact of the Gulf War on World Peace and Security, Baghdad, Iraq. Typescript, handwritten notes, and clipping. Includes speeches by other participants 8-10 July 1984

box 68, folder 4

Remarks, Sabra and Shatila Memorial Meeting, Commemoration Program, Organizational Coalition, Hotel Washington, Washington, D.C., Typescript 15 September 1984

box 68, folder 5

Remarks, Sabra and Shatila Memorial Meeting, Commemoration Program, Holy Land Committee, Hotel Washington, Washington, D.C., Typescript 18 September 1984

box 68, folder 6

"To the Victor Belongs ..." Typescript op-ed sent to various newspapers and individuals 8 November 1984

box 68, folder 7

Letter to the editor, American Sunbeam, Printed and typescript copies 19 November 1984

box 68, folder 8

"Lebanon: What a Stinking, Horrible Mess," National Educator,Printed copy December 1984

box 68, folder 9

"Depoliticize the Middle East Conflict through Bi-Partisanship or Face Nuclear War," Speech, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. Press release and clipping 6 December 1984

box 68, folder 10

"Everyone Culpable for Sabra-Shatila Massacres," Jerusalem Palestinian Weekly, Printed copy 28 December 1984

box 68, folder 11

"The Zionist Lobby in the United States," March 1985. Handwritten draft of article intended for Signal Magazine

box 68, folder 12

Letter to the editor, New York, week ending Printed and typescript copies 29 April 1985

box 68, folder 13

"The Media and American Foreign Policy in the Middle East," 2 May 1985. Speech, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Handwritten notes and letter from Nadia Sa'd

box 68, folder 14

Interview by Grace Halsell, Arab News Features, Printed copy 8 May 1985

box 68, folder 15

"U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East: In Whose Interest?" Paper, Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge seminar, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 2-7 June 1985. Typescript and correspondence 4 June 1985

box 68, folder 16

Press conference, National Press Club, Washington, D.C., Typescript, press release, and clipping 12 June 1985

box 68, folder 17

Interview by Abdul Salem Y. Massarueh, Daily Gulf Times, Printed copy 16 June 1985

box 68, folder 18

"Pro-Israel Policy Feeds Violence," USA Today, 3 July 1985. Printed copy and reprint from the Congressional Record of 7 November 1985

box 68, folder 19

Interview by Abdul Salem Y. Massarueh, Palestine, Printed copy 15 July-1 August 1985

box 68, folder 20

Interview by Abdul Salem Y. Massarueh, Arabia, Printed copy September 1985

box 68, folder 21

Remarks, Authors' Roundtable, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Annual Convention, Washington Hilton, Washington, D.C., Correspondence 8 September 1985

box 68, folder 22

"What Price Middle East Peace?" Speech, Cornell Club of Washington, Washington, D.C. Typescript, typescript introduction by Robert F. McKinless, and correspondence 10 September 1985

box 68, folder 23

"Count Folke Bernadotte: A Man to Remember," Sermon, Communion Service on the 37th Anniversary of Count Folke Bernadotte's Assassination in Jerusalem, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. Typescript 17 September 1985

box 68, folder 24

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 14 October 1985

box 68, folder 25

"Middle East Terror: The Double Standard," Phi Beta Kappa Association of Washington, D.C. Printed and typescript copies, and correspondence 16 October 1985

box 68, folder 26

Remarks, International Progress Organization colloquium on "Democracy in international relations," Plaza Hotel, New York City, Typescript and correspondence 31 October 1985

box 68, folder 27

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 11 November 1985

box 68, folder 28

Letter to the editor, Arizona Daily Star, (date written; appeared sometime in December 1985). Typescript 27 November 1985

box 68, folder 29

Letter to the editor, The Wall Street Journal, Printed copy 10 December 1985

box 68, folder 30

"The Middle East: Is there a Solution?" 1986. Printed copy of a fictive interview by Juraj Racz based on the lectures, interviews, press conferences, and articles that appeared or were used in the Czechoslovak mass media during and after his visit to Prague, Czechoslovakia, Includes clippings from the Czech press 27-30 May 1985

box 68, folder 31

Open letter to President Ronald Reagan, (not released). Typescript 24 January 1986

box 68, folder 32

"Delivering for Israel," Middle East International, Printed and typescript copies 7 March 1986

box 68, folder 33

"Middle East Terror: The Double Standard," Speech, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. Clippings and correspondence with Edward C. Corrigan, as well as his report on Lilienthal's visit to London 21 March 1986

box 68, folder 34

"Middle East Terror: The Double Standard," Speech, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Clippings 22 March 1986

box 68, folder 35

Appearance, Rod MacDonald talk show, CFCF Radio, Montreal, Canada, Clipping 25-26 March 1986

box 68, folder 36

"Middle East Terror: The Double Standard," Speech, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Introduction of Lilienthal 26 March 1986

box 68, folder 37

Speech, Parliamentary Middle East Group, Ottawa, Canada, Clipping April 1986

box 152, folder 52

"I Dare Speak Out," Typescript 7 April 1986

box 68, folder 38

Teach-in on the United States' bombing of Libya, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Clipping 8 May 1986

box 68, folder 39

Letter to the editor, Washington Post, Printed copy and typescript draft 14 May 1986

box 68, folder 40

Letter to the editor, International Herald Tribune, Printed copy 22 May 1986

box 68, folder 41

Letter to the editor, Atlanta Constitution, (date written). Typescript. Includes correspondence with T. J. Campbell 28 May 1986

box 152, folder 53

Statement on the elections of Kurt Waldheim, Typescript 10 June 1986

box 152, folder 28

"Semite and Anti-Semite: A Confusion Stifling American Freedom," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Printed copy 14 July 1986

box 68, folder 42

Remarks, Press conference on Israeli attack on U.S.S. Liberty, Capitol Hill Club, Washington, D.C., Typescript and newspaper article reproducing Lilienthal's letter to Rep. Connie Mack, 1986 November 28 1 October 1986

box 68, folder 43

Letter to the editor, Washington Jewish Week, Printed copy 13 November 1986

box 68, folder 44

Letter to the editor, Washington Post, (date written). Typescript 22 November 1986

box 68, folder 45

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Typescript 26 November 1986

box 68, folder 46

"Semite and Anti-Semite: A Confusion Stifling American Freedom," Typescript 1987

box 68, folder 47

Comments, Forum on Terrorism, 1987 Student Symposium on International Terrorism, Millsaps College, Jackson, Mississippi, Typescript and clipping 20-21 January 1987

box 68, folder 48

Letter to the editor, Tikkun, Printed copy September/October 1987

box 68, folder 49

Message read by John Collins at the memorial service for Leonard S. Schlafer, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Typescript 7 November 1987

box 152, folder 1

"What Price Middle East Peace?" Speech, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Typescript and invitation 26 January 1988

box 152, folder 2

"What Price Middle East Peace?" Speech, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee. Typescript, press release, and announcement 1 February 1988

box 152, folder 3

Press release, Typescript 24 February 1988

box 152, folder 4

Statement after a 10-day stay in Jerusalem, Typescript March 1988

box 152, folder 5

Speech, Bridgewater College, Virginia, Press release 17 March 1988

box 152, folder 6

Speech, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Clippings 23 March 1988

box 152, folder 7

Interview, Réalités, Printed copy 26 March 1988

box 152, folder 8

"Middle East Terror: The Double Standard," Speech, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Clipping 26 March 1988

box 152, folder 9

Speech, Canadian Arab Society of London, London, Ontario, Canada, Correspondence with Omar Jabara and clippings 27 March 1988

box 152, folder 10

Letter to the editor, Christian Science Monitor, Printed copy 7 April 1988

box 152, folder 11

Letter to the editor, Stanford Daily, Printed copy 12 May 1988

box 152, folder 12

Letter to the editor, London Free Press, 18 May 1988. Printed copy. Includes article by Jack Briglia, London Free Press 20 April 1988

box 153, folder 15

"All the News that's Fit to Slant," Typescript 5 July 1988

box 152, folder 54

Notes, Typescript 16-17 July 1988

box 152, folder 13

"Doing Anything Better Than You Can," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Printed copy September 1988

box 152, folder 14

"Witness to History: New York, 1947 - Tunis, 1988," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Printed copy October 1988

box 152, folder 15

Letter to the editor, Christian Science Monitor, 3 October 1988. Printed copy. Includes an article by George D. Moffett III, Christian Science Monitor 14 September 1988

box 152, folder 16

Open letter to Yasir Arafat, 2 November 1988. Typescript and printed copy, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs November 1988

box 152, folder 17

"A State Is Born: Obstacles That Lie Ahead," The Return, Printed copy December 1988

box 152, folder 18

Speech, Model International Peace Conference on the Middle East, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Typescript and proceedings 6 December 1988

box 152, folder 29

Proposed resolution sponsored by Lilienthal and Hans Koechler, Typescript 8 December 1988

box 152, folder 19

"The U.S. Media and the PLO: Will Things Ever Change?," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Printed copy. Includes mimeographed copy for the March 1989 newsletter of Americans for Better Government February 1989

box 152, folder 55

"Eyewitness to History: What Price Middle East Peace?" Speech, Virginia. Typescript April 1989

box 152, folder 20

"Eyewitness to History: What Price Middle East Peace?" Speech, Rotary Club of Washington, D.C. Typescript, correspondence, and announcement 14 June 1989

box 152, folder 30

Statement, Press Conference, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Typescript 6 July 1989

box 152, folder 21

Contribution, Forum, Guild Hall, East Hampton, New York, Clipping 16 August 1989

box 152, folder 22

Speech, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, Press release, flyer, and clippings 6 November 1989

box 152, folder 31

"On Anti-Semitism and Self-Censorship," Return, Printed copy January 1990

box 152, folder 32

Letter to the editor, intended for the Washington Post, written 30 November 1989, but published in Washington Report, Printed copy February 1990

box 152, folder 33

"Why the Palestinians Lose Out in the U.S.," Middle East International, Printed copy 16 February 1990

box 152, folder 37

"After the Gulf War: What Price Middle East Peace?" Speech, University United Methodist Student Center, Gainesville, Florida. Flyer, press release, and clipping 8 April 1991

box 152, folder 38

"What Price the Gulf War?" Speech, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Flyer 10 April 1991

box 152, folder 39

Letter to the editor, Washington Post, (date written). Typescript 6 July 1991

box 153, folder 1

"The Grand Illusion of Jewish Ethnicity," Middle East Policy, Printed copy 1992

box 153, folder 2

"What Price Middle East Peace," Speech, University Club, Washington, D.C. Printed copy 23 April 1992

box 153, folder 3

"U.S. Middle East Policy: What It Has Been and What It Ought to Be," Testimony before the Platform Committee of the 1992 Republican National Convention, Washington, D.C. Press release, typescript, and printed excerpts 15 June 1992

box 153, folder 4

Speech, Daughters of the American Revolution, Nantucket, Massachusetts, Clipping 27 August 1992

box 153, folder 5

"Using Israel to Pander for the Jewish Vote Hasn't Changed Since 1948," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Printed copy August-September 1992

box 153, folder 6

Letter to the editor, Stanford Daily, printed copy 23 November 1992

box 153, folder 7

"What Price Middle East Peace?" Speech, National Association of Arab Americans, Los Angeles, California. Program, tributes read at the dinner honoring Lilienthal, printed copy, and clipping 5 December 1992

box 153, folder 8

"Shielding Israel From Sanctions Recalls Failed Policies of Past," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Printed copy March 1993

box 153, folder 9

"Israel's Flag Is Not Mine," 3 May 1993. Interview by Ghassan Bishara, Al-Fajr. Printed copy

box 153, folder 10

"The Changing Role of B'nai B'rith's Anti-Defamation League," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Printed copy June 1993

box 153, folder 13

"Lilienthal Remarks at 80th Birthday Commemoration," Remarks, The University Club, Washington, D.C. Typescript 18 December 1993

box 153, folder 14

This I Do Believe! Selections from the Writings, Lectures and Statements of Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal, Printed copy 18 December 1993

box 153, folder 20

Statement upon returning from Beirut and Amman, Typescript 19 May 1994

box 153, folder 21

"What Price Middle East Peace?" Speech, Freedom Party of Austria, Vienna, Austria. Typescript 23 June 1994

box 153, folder 22

"The Middle East: Will There Really Be Peace?" Speech, University Club, Washington, D.C. Typescript and printed copy 13 October 1994

box 153, folder 23

"The Tragedy of Ma'alot Casts a Shadow on Peace Negotiations," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Printed copy November/December 1994

box 153, folder 24

"The King and I: Eyewitness to History," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Printed copy March 1995

box 153, folder 25

"J. William Fulbright: A Giant Passes," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Includes letter to the editor. Printed copy April-May 1995

box 153, folder 26

Letter to the editor, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Reproduces a letter to Bill Clinton, 20 April 1995, and a letter from John F. Kennedy to Lilienthal, 30 September 1960. Printed copy June 1995


SUBJECT FILE 1942-1989

Scope and Contents note

Conference proceedings, correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, studies, clippings, and other printed matter, arranged alphabetically by subject.
box 69, folder 1

Abend, Martin

box 69, folder 2

Abourezk, James

box 69, folder 3

Acheson, Dean

box 69, folder 4

Action Committee on American-Arab Relations

box 69, folder 5

Adenauer, Konrad

box 69, folder 6

Affirmative action

box 69, folder 7

Africa, North

box 69, folder 8

Agnew, Spiro

box 69, folder 9

Alexander, Holmes

box 69, folder 10

Alia Report

box 69, folder 11

Allah, Fadl

box 69, folder 12

American Aid for Arab Refugees

box 69, folder 13

American Arab Society

box 69, folder 14

American Christians for Justice in Palestine

box 69, folder 15

American Committee for Justice in the Middle East

box 69, folder 16

American Council for Judaism. See also Israel, Constitution and United Nations, Resolutions, (Partition plan) 1947

box 69, folder 17

American Council on the Middle East

box 69, folder 18

American Egyptian Society

box 69, folder 19

American Friends Service Committee

box 69, folder 20

American Friends of Lebanon

box 69, folder 21

American Friends of Palestinians


American Friends of the Middle East. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Eddy, William

box 69, folder 22


box 69, folder 23

Committee for Reorganization

box 69, folder 24

American-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry

box 69, folder 25

American Israel Public Affairs Committee

box 69, folder 26

American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism

box 69, folder 27

American Middle East Council

box 69, folder 28

American Middle East Rehabilitation. See also American Near East Refugee Aid

box 74, folder 10

American Palestine Committee. See Dacey, Norman

box 70, folder 1

American Near East Refugee Aid

box 63, folder 38

American University in Cairo - Board of Trustees. See SPEECHES AND WRITINGS, for list of members 11 April 1979

box 70, folder 2

American University of Beirut

box 70, folder 3

Americans for Justice in the Middle East

box 70, folder 4

Americans for Middle East Understanding

box 70, folder 5

Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry. Report April 20, 1946

box 70, folder 6

Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Miller, Sigmund



box 70, folder 7


box 70, folder 8


box 70, folder 9

Arab American Dialogue Committee

box 70, folder 10

Arab American organizations


Arab boycott. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Mahgoub, M. M.; AMERICAN-ARAB ASSOCIATION FOR COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, Subject file, Ouster of Lilienthal

box 70, folder 11


box 71, folder 1-2


box 71, folder 3

Lilienthal's letters of to David Steinberg (in answer to his column of 15 April 1962 in the New York Herald Tribune) and of to Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, New York Times 25 April 1962 13 December 1963

box 71, folder 4

Mancroft case

box 71, folder 5

Media coverage

box 71, folder 6

National Association of Arab Americans Conference, Washington, D.C., Includes writings by Lilienthal 18 November 1976

box 71, folder 7

Arab-British Centre

box 71, folder 8

Arab investments in the United States


Arab-Israeli Conflict

box 71, folder 9


box 71, folder 10

Suleiman, Michael W., "Development of World Opinion on the Question of Palestine," undated

box 71, folder 11


box 72, folder 1-2


box 72, folder 3


box 72, folder 4

Arab propaganda in the United States



box 72, folder 5


box 72, folder 6


box 72, folder 7

United States

box 72, folder 8

Arafat, Yasir. See also Vatican

box 72, folder 9

Australian Broadcasting Company (re investigation of Radio Station 3CR)

box 72, folder 10


box 73, folder 1


box 73, folder 2

Balfour Declaration

box 73, folder 3

Begin, Menachem. See also CORRESPONDENCE, American Council for Judaism and Anderson, Francis W.; SPEECHES AND WRITINGS