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Guide to the San Francisco State College Poetry Center records, 1953-1961
BANC MSS 78/161 c  
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Key to Arrangement

Boxes 1-9


Additional Note

Include copies of letters from Mrs. Witt-Diamant and others associated with the Center, to poets, inviting them to participate, making arrangements for the readings at the Center and also at other institutions in the West, etc.; letters from the poets, declining or accepting, and also commenting on their work, on the information they wanted to include in introductory remarks, on their reactions to the readings, on other poets and their work, etc. Arranged alphabetically by name of person, with copies of letters emanating from the Center interfiled chronologically with the incoming letters. Program notes for readings, publicity material, biographical information submitted by poets, etc., have been placed in their respective correspondence files. Some of Mrs. Witt-Diamant's personal correspondence, of later date, is also included. A partial list of the correspondents follows the Key to Arrangement. Unlisted letters (fan mail, letters from other colleges and institutions, inquiries from the community regarding the Center, etc.) are in alphabetical miscellanies preceding each letter of the alphabet.
Box 1

A - B

Box 2

C - D

Box 3

E - Hd

Box 4

He - L

Box 5

M - O

Box 6

P - R

Box 7


Box 8

T - Wh

Box 9

Wi - Z

Unidentified correspondents

Box 9

Correspondence re San Francisco Art Festivals, 1957-1958


Papers re the history, organization, financing, program, etc. Include copies of by-laws, budget data, minutes of meeting of advisory board, etc.


Account book, 1954, for disbursements, membership receipts, etc.


Program notes, press releases, etc. re poetry readings, workshops, etc. [N.B. Most of these are filled in the correspondence files for poets appearing at the Center.]


Material relating to brochures, posters, etc.


Appeals for support (primarily form letters)


List of Bay Area poets; reference file of poets' names


List of poets who read at the Center


Form letters for bookings for readings


Ruth Witt-Diamant's lecture, ca. 1966, presenting history of the Center



Partial List of Correspondents


Abbe, George


Letter, Nov. 1, 1957


Abbett, Melville


2 letters, 1961. Also included: program note.


Adams, Leonie, 1899-


12 letters, 1958-1959. Also in the file: letters from other universities and colleges concerning readings; itinerary for her trip; publicity announcements for the reading.


Aiken, Conrad Potter, 1889-


Letter, June 9, 1956. Declining invitation to appear at the Wallace Stevens reading.


Albert, Richard E., 1932-


2 letters, 1958. Also included: program note.


Aldan, Daisy


3 letters, 1955-1960


Allen, Donald Merriam, 1912-


3 letters, 1959-1960. Also included: copy of an agreement, Feb. 1961, re his participation in "Poets' Seminar."


Anderson, Jack, 1935-


3 letters, 1958-1959. Also included: biographical information, announcement of reading, program notes.


Arnstein, Flora


2 letters, 1957-1958. Also included: announcement of reading and press release.


Auden, Wystan Hugh, 1907-1973


9 letters and telegrams, 1954. Also included: telegram, Oct. 15, 1954, from Christopher Isherwood to Auden; letters from other colleges and universities about readings; biographical notes on Auden; "notes on conversation with Auden;" his itineraries; publicity announcements.


Barker, Eric


12 letters & cards, 1958-1960. Also included: biographical information, announcement of readings.


Barker, George


Letter, [ca. Oct. 5, 1959]. Included also: letters from other institutions; biographical information; publicity announcements.


Bathurst, William, 1935-


Postcard & note, 1959-1960. Also included: program note and publicity announcement.


Bentley, Wilder, 1900-


2 memos & 1 letter, 1957-1958. Re a Poetry Center workshop.


Birney, Earle, 1904-


7 letters, 1959-1961. Included also: publicity announcements, offprints and typed copies of some of his poems, curriculum vitae, etc.


Blaser, Robin


Letter, Nov. 8, 1959


Bliven, Bruce, 1889-1977


Letter, Jan. 11, 1958


Bogan, Louise


16 letters, 1954-1959. Also included: letters from Northwest College Lectures and Concerts Association; publicity material.


Bowers, Edgar


6 letters, 1958-1959. Included also: program note, announcements.


Boyd, Bruce, 1928-


2 letters, 1958. Included also: program note; publicity material.


Brakhage, Stan


Letter, May 2, 1962


Brinnin, John Malcolm


4 letters, 1953-1955


Broughton, James Richard, 1913-


16 letters, 1952-1960 & n.d. Included also: publicity material for the Center's readings, workshops, etc.; biographical material; two poems (typescript); mimeographed copy of his play, "Mother, Reality, & Happiness;" birth announcement for his son, Orion; etc.


Burke, Kenneth, 1897-


2 letters, 1957-1958. Included also: biographical and bibliographical information; publicity releases; clipping.


Bynner, Witter, 1881-1968


2 letters, 1957-1959. Also included: two clippings and a theater program for one of his plays.


Caen, Herbert Eugene, 1916-

See San Francisco Chronicle


California. State College, San Francisco


205 letters & interoffice memos, 1954-1961 & n.d. Correspondence with members of faculty, administrative staff, student organizations, etc., re program and activities financing the Center's operations and other administrative matters, calendaring events, etc.


Church, Peggy Pond


Letter, Feb. 7, 1957


Ciardi, John, 1916-


5 letters, 1957-1960


Clark, Walter Van Tilburg


2 letters, 1960 & n.d.


Combs, Tram, 1924-


7 letters, 1957-1958. Also included: publicity material for reading, copies of his poems, program notes, etc.


Corman, Cid, 1924-


5 letters, 1959-1960. Also included: publicity material for reading and biographical material.


Cornford, Frances (Darwin), 1886-1960


Letter, n.d. Also included: MSS of poems (some holographic).


Corso, Gregory

See Ginsberg, Allen


Couletti, Henri, 1927-


2 letters, 1959. Also included: letters from other institutions re readings, program for reading, biographical material.


Cowley, Malcolm, 1898-


2 letters, 1955. Included also: letters from Viking Press and Muriel Cowley; announcement of his lecture at San Francisco State.


Creeley, Robert, 1926-


3 letters, 1959. Also included: publicity material for his reading: program notes (1959) by Robert Duncan; biographical material.


Davie, Donald Alfred, 1922-


4 letters, 1957-1958. Also included: publicity material for the reading; signed copy of his poem, "Anecdote of Transitions;" biographical information; program note.


Deutsch, Babette, 1895-


24 letters, 1958-1959. Also included: letters from other colleges and universities re readings; publicity material for her reading; biographical information; itinerary; etc.


Drake, Carol Christopher, 1933-


3 letters, 1957. Among copies of Poetry Center letters addressed to her are some by Robert Duncan, as assistant director.


Duffy, Clinton Truman, 1898-


Letter, May 19, 1950


Duncan, Robert Edward, 1919-


37 letters, 1954-1960. Include personal and business letters and copies of letters written while assistant director. Also included: a few letters addressed to him, including one from Lawrence Clark Powell (1/30/57); program notes for his own readings; program notes he wrote for others; publicity material; etc. [N.B. Most of the program notes written by Duncan for other poets have been filed in the correspondence files for the poets concerned.]

See also: Carol C. Drake; Robert Creeley; William Everson; Jean Garrigue; Elsa Gidlow; Allen Ginsberg; Madeline Gleason; Thom Gunn; Rolfe Humphries; Randall Jarrell; Weldon Kees; Walter E. Kidd; Denise Levertov; Lawrence Lipton; Robert Lowell; Archibald MacLeish; James Merrill: William S. Merwin; Josephine Miles; Marianne Moore; Rosalie Moore; Charles Olson; Anthony Ostroff; Poetry Center, New York; John Crowe Ransom; Kenneth Rexroth; Sue Rosen; May Sarton; Richard Wilbur; Gerd Stern; William Jay Smith; Gael Turnbull


Eberhart, Richard, 1904-


31 letters, 1954-1960. Also included: letters from other institutions relating to readings and from Mrs. Eberhart; copy of his address on Robert Frost; itineraries; publicity material for readings, etc.


Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 1888-1965


Letter, Oct. 11, 1955. Written for him by his secretary.


Emerson, Richard Wirtz, 1924-


4 letters, 1954-1955. Some relate to work done for the Center by the Golden Goose Press.


Engle, Paul Hamilton, 1908-


3 letters, 1959


Everson, William, 1912-


12 letters, 1949-1959. Writing primarily as Brother Antoninus; some letters addressed to Robert Duncan.


Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 1919-


8 letters, 1954-1961. Also included: publicity material for readings; biographical information; mimeographed copy of "The Alligation."


Fiedler, Leslie A.


5 letters, 1954-1955


Garrigue, Jean


12 letters, 1956-1957. Among copies of Poetry Center letters are some written by Robert Duncan, as assistant director. Also included: Duncan's program notes for her reading publicity material, etc.


Gibbs, Barbara


2 letters, 1956. Also included: letters written on her behalf by her husband, Francis Golffing.


Gidlow, Elsa


5 letters, 1957-1958. Among copies of Poetry Center letters are some from Robert Duncan, as assistant director. Included also: press release and program note for reading.


Gilbert, Jack


3 letters, 1957 & n.d. Also included: publicity material.


Ginsberg, Allen, 1926-


8 letters, 1957-1959. Enclosure to letter, n.d., signed also by Philip Whalen: copies of some of their poems. Included also: publicity material re readings; "program note" by Ginsberg and Gregory Corso; program note for reading, written by Robert Duncan.


Gleason, Madeline, 1913-


Letter, Aug. 1960. Included also: program note for her reading written by Robert Duncan; biographical information; publicity material.


Golden Goose Press

See Emerson, Richard W.


Golffing, Richard

See Gibbs, Barbara


Gregor, Arthur


2 letters, 1956 & 1960


Gunn, Thom, 1929-


10 letters, 1955-1959. Among copies of Poetry Center letters is one from Robert Duncan as assistant director. Included also: program note, publicity announcement.


Hall, Carol


6 letters & telegrams, 1960-1961. Included also: press release, book announcement.


Halpern, Martin, 1929-


3 letters, 1961-1962. Included also: program note; biographical information; publicity material.


Hart, Lawrence


4 letters & postcards, 1954-1959 & n.d. Letter, May 11, 1959, is a photocopy of one addressed to William Hogan.


Hatfield, Lee, 1932-


5 letters, 1959-1960. Included also: publicity announcement; copies of some of his poems


Hedley, Leslie Woolf


5 letters, 1954-1958. Include also: press release and program note.


Henderson, Helena


5 letters, 1959. Included also: program note and publicity material.


Hirschman, Jack


Letter, [June 28, 1961]


Hogan, William 1914-

See San Francisco Chronicle


Holmes, Theodore


4 letters, 1959. Included also: announcement of reading.


Horan, Robert, 1922-


2 letters, 1954-1961. Included also: biographical material, review of his poetry; publicity material.


Horwitz, Leonard


3 letters, 1959. Included also: copies of some poems; announcement of workshop.


Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967


14 letters, 1958-1959. Included also: letters from other colleges re readings; biographical information; publicity material; program notes for reading; bibliography; itinerary; etc.


Humble, Christopher, 1935-


3 letters, 1958-1959. Included also: program note for his reading and publicity announcements.


Humphreys, [John R.], 1918-


Letter, n.d. Signed Dick Humphreys.


Humphries, Rolfe


14 letters, 1956-1957. Among copies of letters from the Poetry Center are some written by Robert Duncan as assistant director.


Isherwood, Christopher

See Auden, W. H.


Jackson, Joseph Henry, 1894-1955

See San Francisco Chronicle


Jarrell, Randall, 1914-1965


4 letters, 1956. Among copies of letters from the Poetry Center are some from Robert Duncan as assistant director. Included also: letters from other colleges re readings; letter from Mary Randall; publicity material; itineraries; program notes prepared by Robert Duncan; notes, "Randall Jarrell on Muriel Rukeyser;" etc.


Jones, Le Roi


Letter, Feb. 4, 1965. Form letter written on behalf of The Black Arts Repertory Theater.


KPFA, Berkeley


4 letters, 1954-1964


KQED, San Francisco


Letter, Feb. 7, 1956


Kaffke, Robert


3 letters, 1959-1960. Included also: copies of some of his poems; announcement of reading and workshop.


Kees, Weldon, 1914-1955


Letter, Aug. 4, 1954. Addressed to Robert Duncan.


Keith, Joseph Joel


4 letters, 1960-1961


Kidd, Walter E.


11 letters, 1956-1957. Among copies of letters from the Poetry Center are some from Robert Duncan, as assistant director. Included also: copies of some poems; biographical information; etc.


Kizer, Carolyn


4 letters, 1956-1959. Included also: program note for her reading.


Koch, Kenneth, 1925-


Letter, n.d.


Kunitz, Stanley Jasspon, 1905-


10 letters, 1956-1960. Included also: letters from other colleges re readings; biographical material; itineraries; publicity material.


Langland, Joseph


11 letters, 1960-1961. Included also: program note for his reading.


Laughlin, James, 1914-


Letter, Mar. 1, 1960


Lechlitner, Ruth, 1901-


5 letters, 1957-1958. Signed: Ruth Lechlitner Corey.


Lengyel, Cornel, 1915-


Letter, Feb. 14, 1958. Included also: copy of a poem, "Fool's Song;" biographical material.


Levertov, Denise, 1923-


Statement, Jan. 1961. Included also: program notes, including note for 1953 reading, written by Robert Duncan.


Levine, Philip, 1928-


6 letters, 1958-1960. Included also: program note for his reading; announcement and publicity material.


Lipton, Lawrence, 1898-


Letter, Jan. 29, 1957. Among copies of letters from the Poetry Center are some from Robert Duncan, as assistant director.


Logan, John, 1923-


3 letters, 1961-1964. Also included: publicity material for readings; broadside with his poem, "Only the Dreamer Can Change the Dream," with note on verso.


Lowell, Robert, 1917-


16 letters & telegrams, 1956-1966. Among copies of letters from the Poetry Center are some by Robert Duncan as assistant director. Included also: letters from other colleges; postcards from Mrs. Lowell; program notes and publicity material for his reading, etc.


McClure, Michael, 1932-


Postcard, ca. June 11, 1958. Also included: publicity material; typescript copies of some poems (some signed).


McGahey, Jeanne


3 letters, 1954-1958. Also included: program note for joint reading with Rosalie Moore.


McHugh, Vincent, 1904-


5 letters, 1957-1959. Included also: program note.


MacLeish, Archibald, 1892-


3 letters & telegrams, 1956-1958. Written on his behalf by his wife, Ada. Among copies of letters from the Poetry Center are some from Robert Duncan, as assistant director.


Macleod, Norman, 1906-


4 letters, 1954


Malanga, Gerard


Letter, Jan. 26, 1961


Meltzer, David


Letter, Jan. 26, 1961. Included also: publicity material for a 1968 reading.


Meredith, William


1 letter, 2 postcards, 1960


Merrill, James


Telegram & letter, 1956. Among copies of letters from the Poetry Center are some written by Robert Duncan, as assistant director.


Merwin, William S., 1927-


8 letters, 1958-1961. Among copies of letters from the Poetry Center is one from Robert Duncan, as assistant director. Also included: publicity material and program note.


Mezey, Robert, 1935-


3 letters, 1960-1963. Included also: program note and publicity material.


Miles, Josephine, 1911-


10 letters and postcards, 1954-1967. Among letters from the Poetry Center is one written by Robert Duncan as assistant director. Included also: program note and publicity material.


Miller, Henry, 1891-1980


Letter, Oct. 6, 1955


Montgomery, John, 1916-


2 letters, 1959. Included also: copies of two poems.


Moore, Daniel, 1940-


Letter, [ca. Aug. 1963]. Included also: program note.


Moore, Marianne, 1887-1972


30 letters and notes, 1956-1960. Among letters from the Poetry Center are some written by Robert Duncan, as assistant director. Included also: letters from other colleges; program note for the reading, prepared by Robert Duncan; publicity material, etc.


Moore, Rosalie


9 letters, 1954-1958. Among letters from the Poetry Center are some written by Robert Duncan, as assistant director.

See also McGahey, Jeanne.


Morley, Grace Louise (McCann), 1900-

See San Francisco. Museum of Art


Naim, C. M.


8 letters, 1958-1960. Included also: program note for reading, publicity material, etc.


Nathan, Leonard Edward, 1924-


4 letters, 1960-1961. Included also: biographical statement and publicity material.


Nichols, Luther

See San Francisco Examiner


Nin, Anais, 1903-


13 letters & cards, 1954-1959 & n.d. Personal letters.


Norse, Harold


Letter, Jan. 15, 1963. Also included: publicity announcement.


O'Hara, Frank, 1926-1966


3 letters, 1960-1961. Also included: letters from other colleges re readings.


Olson, Charles


8 letters, 1954-1961. Among copies of letters from the Poetry Center are some from Robert Duncan, as assistant director. Included also: letters from other colleges, etc.; publicity material, itinerary, program note by Robert Duncan, etc.


Orlovitz, Gil, 1918-


16 letters, 1958-1959. Included also: publicity material.


Ostroff, Anthony, 1923-


3 letters, 1954-1957. Among letters from the Poetry Center is one from Robert Duncan, as assistant director. Included also: press release, program note, biographical information, etc.


Parkinson, Thomas Francis, 1920-


2 letters, 1957-1958


Paschal, Claude


2 letters, 1958


Patchen, Kenneth, 1911-1972


5 letters, 1957-1958. Included also: letters from other colleges, etc. re readings; biographical information; program note; publicity material, etc.


Perkoff, Stuart Z., 1930-


2 letters, 1957-1958. Included also: press release and program note.


Peters, Robert Louis, 1924-


2 letters, 1960


Poetry [magazine]


7 letters, 1951-1960


Poetry Center, New York


13 letters, 1956-1960. Some refer to efforts to set up reading dates for Robert Duncan's eastern trip, 1959.


Pomeroy, Ralph, 1926-


2 letters, 1957. Included also: program note.


Powell, Lawrence Clark, 1906-

See Duncan, Robert


Raine, Kathleen


Letter, Feb. 9, [1959]


Ransom, John Crowe, 1888-


4 letters, 1954-1958. Among letters from the Poetry Center are some written by Robert Duncan as assistant director. Included also: biographical information, program note, publicity material, etc.


Read, Sir Herbert, 1893-


2 letters, 1956


Rexroth, Kenneth, 1905-


6 letters, 1954-1957 & n.d. Among letters from the Poetry Center are some written by Robert Duncan as assistant director. Included also: letter from Marie Rexroth, biographical information, program notes, publicity material, etc.


Roditi, Edouard


Letter, Oct. 18, 1959


Rodman, Seldon, 1909-


3 letters, 1955-1956. Included also: letters from Rodman's publisher, program note and publicity material.


Roethke, Theodore, 1908-1963


10 letters, 1954-1959. Included also: letters from other colleges and institutions, and from Mrs. Roethke; biographical information, program note, publicity material, copies of some poems, etc.


Rosen, Sue


Letter, May 2, 1957, addressed to Robert Duncan. Also, copy of letter from Robert Duncan as assistant director.


Rossman, Michael, 1939-


2 postcards, 1958. Included also: program note.


Rukeyser, Muriel, 1913-1980


16 letters, 1954-1962. Included also: publicity material, program note, clippings, etc.

See also Jarrell, Randall


Salz, Helen (Arnstein), d. 1978


4 letters, 1958-1959. Included also: announcement, press release, program note, etc.


San Francisco. Museum of Art


6 letters, 1954-1959. Some written by Grace L. McCann Morley. Re arrangements for the Center's use of museum facilities for readings.


San Francisco Chronicle


9 letters, 1954-1961. Include letters from Joseph Henry Jackson, William Hogan and Herb Caen.


San Francisco Examiner


Letter, June 12, 1956. From Luther Nichols, book editor.


Sandburg, Carl


Telegram, Dec. 25, 1958.


Sarton, May, 1912-


7 letters, 1956-1957. Among letters from the Poetry Center are some written by Robert Duncan as assistant director. Included also: program note and publicity material.


Schevill, James Erwin, 1920-


4 letters, 1956-1966. Among letters from the Poetry Center is letter, Feb. 28, 1966, from Mrs. Witt-Diamant providing information on the founding of the Center.


Schorer, Mark, 1908-1977


4 letters, 1956-1959


Schwartz, Delmore, 1913-


3 letters and telegrams, 1961. Also included: biographical material, program note, publicity material, etc.


Scott, Winfield Townley, 1910-1968


7 letters and telegrams, 1960. Included also: biographical information.


Scribner's (Charles) Sons


3 letters, 1957-1960


Shapiro, Karl Jay, 1913-


6 letters, 1954-1956. Included also: publicity material and program note.


Sherman, Jory, 1932-


3 letters, 1960. Included also: copies of his poems and publicity material.


Siemens, Ed


Letter, Oct. 14, 1957


Simpson, Louis, 1923-


4 letters, 1959-1960. Included also: announcements, program note, press release, etc.


Smith, William Jay, 1913-


11 letters, 1957-1960. Among letters from the Poetry Center are some written by Robert Duncan as assistant director. Also inclued: announcements, program note, etc.


Snodgrass, William Dewitt, 1926-


5 letters, 1960-1961. Included also: publicity and biographical material.


Snyder, Gary, 1930-


4 letters, 1958-1972. Included also: biographical information, publicity material, transcripts of some of his poems, etc.


Spender, Stephen, 1909-


4 letters, 1950 (?)-1958 & n.d. Also included: biographical information, bibliography, publicity material, tear sheet of his article, "On English and American Poetry."


Spingarn, Lawrence Perry, 1917-


3 letters, 1955-1958


Stafford, William Edgar, 1914-


6 letters, 1958-1959. Included also: biographical information, program notes, publicity material, clipping, etc.


Stanford, Ann


10 letters, 1957-1960. Included also: program note and press release.


Stanley, George


Letter, Nov. 17, [1957]


Stegner, Wallace Earle, 1909-


2 letters, 1954-1958


Stern, Gerd


6 letters, 1957 & n.d. Among letters from the Poetry Center are some from Robert Duncan as assistant director.


Stock, Robert, 1923-


2 letters, 1958. Included also: program note.


Swallow, Alan, 1915-


2 letters, 1954-1960


Swenson, May


8 letters, 1958. Included also: biographical information, program note, publicity material, etc.


Tate, Allen, 1899-


16 letters, 1954-1960. Included also: copy of his itinerary and announcement of his reading.


Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Association


7 letters, 1955-1959. Re Poetry Center events held at the Neighborhood House.


Thomas, Caitlin [Mrs. Dylan Thomas]


4 letters, 1955-1977. Included also: 3 letters written by Thomas' children and 2 by his mother, Florence.


Todd, Ruthven, 1914-


16 letters, 1957-1960. Included also: biographical material, program notes, publicity material, itinerary, etc.


Triem, Eve, 1902-


4 letters, 1954-1957


Turnbull, Gael, 1928-


5 letters, 1960-1961. Included also: program note written by Robert Duncan; biographical information.


Untermeyer, Jean (Starr)


2 letters, 1956 & 1959


Viereck, Peter


4 letters, 1958-1961. Included also: announcements of book publication and of play production and clippings.


Wakoski, Diane, 1937-


4 letters, 1958-1960. Included also: biographical information, program notes, copies of some of her poems, etc.


Walter, Eugene


Letter, n.d.


Warren, Robert Penn, 1905-


Letter, Mar. 25, 1958


Weiss, Theodore Russell, 1916-


Letter, Sept. 17, 1960


Welch, Lew, 1926-


6 letters, 1958-1960. Also included: program notes.


Wernham, Guy, 1905-


Letter, July 17, 1957. Included also: biographical information and press release.


Wescott, Glenway, 1901-


Letter, Jan. 30, 1959


Whalen, Philip


3 letters, 1956-1961. Also included: copies of a few poems (one holograph); biographical information; program note; publicity material.

See also Ginsberg, Allen


Wieners, John


2 postcards & 1 letter, 1958-1959. Included also: publicity material, program note, etc.


Wilbur, Richard, 1921-


8 letters & postcards, 1955-1956. Among letters from the Poetry Center are some written by Robert Duncan as assistant director. Also included: program note written by Robert Duncan.


Williams, Jonathan


4 letters, 1955-1957. Also included: announcements of publications, etc.


Williams, William Carlos, 1883-1963


16 letters, 1955-1960. Letters from Mrs. Williams and from his publishers also in the file. Included also: program note, biographical information, itinerary for readings, etc.


Winters, Janet


Letter, July 25, 1958


Winters, Yvor, 1900-1968


7 letters, 1954-1958. Also included: program note, publicity material, biographical information.


Witt, Harold V., 1923-


3 letters, 1959


Woodcock, George, 1912-


2 letters, 1951 & 1955


Wright, Celeste Turner


8 letters, 1958-1962. Included also: copies of some of her poems, announcement of reading, program note, news release, etc.


Zukofsky, Louis, 1904-


9 letters, 1958. Included also: publicity material, book announcements, etc.