Baldwin, Hanson W. 1964-1965
Feis, Herbert 1949
Lilienthal, Philip E. 1948
Lilly, Edward P. 1947
Mandel, Benjamin 1955-1957
Martin, Truman M. 1943-1944
Mitchell, Jonathan 1956
"The A-Bomb and American Foreign Policy," speech to the St. Michael's Church Men's Club, 1 typewritten copy 1960 January 12
"Aggression in the Atomic Age," 1 carbon copy
"The American Council on Japan and Its Influence on Relations Between the United States and Japan" 1963 January 25
American foreign policy, speech notes
"Asia's Problems and Ours," speech to the Foreign Policy Association, handwritten notes and newspaper clipping 1945 November 5
"China and Japan," possibly written by Eugene H. Dooman, 1 typewritten copy
"Diary of an Official of the Bakufu," translated for the Asiatic Society of Japan by Eugene H. Dooman, 6 printed copies 1931
"How Long Will It Take to Defeat Japan?", speech at Walter Reed Hospital, 1 carbon copy 1945 May 23
Japan. Lectures at Harvard to personnel in the military government preparing to go to Japan during the occupation undated
Miscellaneous pages, speeches and/or writings undated
"The Open Door and the Iron Curtain" (Part 1); "Bridges of Friendship" (Part 2); "Asia's Problems and Ours" (Part 3), 1 carbon copy of each part undated
"The Peace Treaty and "Democratization'," 1 typewritten copy undated
U.S. reply to Japanese surrender offer, carbon draft with annotations undated
Speech to the American-Japan Society, Tokyo, 1 mimeographed copy 1952 September 26
Speech to the American-Japan Society, Tokyo, 1 typewritten copy, 2 newspaper clippings 1961 October 11
"Spiritual Evaluation Lacking Among Young Japanese," article by Eugene H. Dooman for The Mainichi Daily News, Tokyo, 1 newspaper clipping 1961 November 18
"Tokyo: December 8, 1941," article in the Foreign Service Journal, 1 printed copy 1966 December
"Whose State Department?", outline of lecture, 1 carbon copy undated
Untitled speech and articles on U.S. policy in Asia 1950
Atomic bomb
Correspondence, Joseph C. Grew and Henry L. Stimson, February, June, 1947; Joseph C. Grew and Eugene H. Dooman, April, May, 1948
Excerpts from letters, articles, book
Carbon copies of Joseph C. Grew's diary entries 1945 May 28-29
Leighton, Alex H., "Atomic Bomb Wasn't Necessary," carbon copy of article which appeared in Science 1947 April 20-26
Mumford, Lewis, "The Human Way Out," Pendle Hill Pamphlet 1958
National Broadcasting Company (NBC), correspondence and interview with Eugene H. Dooman 1964-1965 undated
Stimson, Henry L., "The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb," Harper's 1947 February
Togo, Shigenori, translation of Togo's Memoirs 1945 April-August
Baldwin, Hanson W., "Our Worst Blunders in the War: Europe and the Russians," article undated
Biographical material
Bulletin, International House of Japan, Inc. 1966 October
History - Yuan Dynasty, 1260-1368
Conference on British and American Policies Toward China 1964 November
Dooman, Isaac, message of congratulations from the Governor of Nara Prefecture, Keigen Kitagawa (in Japanese) 1918
Emmerson, John K.
Grew, Joseph C.
Hornbeck, Stanley K.
"The Hull-Nomura Conversations: A Fundamental Misconception," reprint from the American Historical Review 1960 July
History - Allied occupation, 1945-1952
Reports, trip reports by Eugene H. Dooman
Levine, Isaac Don, "Yalta Aftermath," American Affairs 1945 July
Marshall, General George C., "Did Marshall Prolong the Pacific War?" by Forrest Davis, 3 reprints from the Freeman 1951 November 19
Miscellaneous, notes by Mrs. Eugene H. Dooman, newspaper clippings, unidentified typewritten pages, and handwritten outline
Pearl Harbor, "The Truth about Pearl Harbor," by John T. Flynn 1944 October
Perry, Commodore Matthew C., "Commodore Perry at Okinawa," by William Leonard Schwartz, reprinted from the American Historical Review 1946 January
Potsdam, "Stalin Merely Smiled," by Charles Curran, The Spectator 1959 September
United States
Department of State
Foreign relations
Foreign Service
Diary 1941 December - 1942 June 16