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Dooman (Eugene Hoffman) papers
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Correspondence 1943-1965

Scope and Contents note

Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
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Baldwin, Hanson W. 1964-1965

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Feis, Herbert 1949

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Lilienthal, Philip E. 1948

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Lilly, Edward P. 1947

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Mandel, Benjamin 1955-1957

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Martin, Truman M. 1943-1944

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Mitchell, Jonathan 1956


Speeches and Writings 1931-1973

Scope and Contents note

Speeches, lectures, writings, and translation of a diary of a Japanese official, arranged alphabetically by title or subject.
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"The A-Bomb and American Foreign Policy," speech to the St. Michael's Church Men's Club, 1 typewritten copy 1960 January 12

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"Aggression in the Atomic Age," 1 carbon copy

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"The American Council on Japan and Its Influence on Relations Between the United States and Japan" 1963 January 25

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American foreign policy, speech notes

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"Asia's Problems and Ours," speech to the Foreign Policy Association, handwritten notes and newspaper clipping 1945 November 5

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"China and Japan," possibly written by Eugene H. Dooman, 1 typewritten copy

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"Diary of an Official of the Bakufu," translated for the Asiatic Society of Japan by Eugene H. Dooman, 6 printed copies 1931

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"How Long Will It Take to Defeat Japan?", speech at Walter Reed Hospital, 1 carbon copy 1945 May 23

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Japan. Lectures at Harvard to personnel in the military government preparing to go to Japan during the occupation undated

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Miscellaneous pages, speeches and/or writings undated

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"The Open Door and the Iron Curtain" (Part 1); "Bridges of Friendship" (Part 2); "Asia's Problems and Ours" (Part 3), 1 carbon copy of each part undated

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Oral History Interview with Eugene H. Dooman for the Oral History Library, Columbia University 1962

Scope and Contents note

Includes 2 microfiche copies and typed and handwritten draft with comments, circa 1970s.
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"The Peace Treaty and "Democratization'," 1 typewritten copy undated

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U.S. reply to Japanese surrender offer, carbon draft with annotations undated

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Speech to the American-Japan Society, Tokyo, 1 mimeographed copy 1952 September 26

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Speech to the American-Japan Society, Tokyo, 1 typewritten copy, 2 newspaper clippings 1961 October 11

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"Spiritual Evaluation Lacking Among Young Japanese," article by Eugene H. Dooman for The Mainichi Daily News, Tokyo, 1 newspaper clipping 1961 November 18

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"Tokyo: December 8, 1941," article in the Foreign Service Journal, 1 printed copy 1966 December

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"Whose State Department?", outline of lecture, 1 carbon copy undated

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Untitled speech and articles on U.S. policy in Asia 1950


Subject File 1918-1966

Scope and Contents note

Articles, pamphlets, correspondence, and interviews, arranged alphabetically by title or subject.

Atomic bomb

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Correspondence, Joseph C. Grew and Henry L. Stimson, February, June, 1947; Joseph C. Grew and Eugene H. Dooman, April, May, 1948

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Excerpts from letters, articles, book

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Carbon copies of Joseph C. Grew's diary entries 1945 May 28-29

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Leighton, Alex H., "Atomic Bomb Wasn't Necessary," carbon copy of article which appeared in Science 1947 April 20-26

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Mumford, Lewis, "The Human Way Out," Pendle Hill Pamphlet 1958

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National Broadcasting Company (NBC), correspondence and interview with Eugene H. Dooman 1964-1965 undated

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Stimson, Henry L., "The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb," Harper's 1947 February

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Togo, Shigenori, translation of Togo's Memoirs 1945 April-August

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Baldwin, Hanson W., "Our Worst Blunders in the War: Europe and the Russians," article undated

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Biographical material

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Bulletin, International House of Japan, Inc. 1966 October



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History - Yuan Dynasty, 1260-1368

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Conference on British and American Policies Toward China 1964 November

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Dooman, Isaac, message of congratulations from the Governor of Nara Prefecture, Keigen Kitagawa (in Japanese) 1918

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Emmerson, John K.

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Grew, Joseph C.

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Hornbeck, Stanley K.

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"The Hull-Nomura Conversations: A Fundamental Misconception," reprint from the American Historical Review 1960 July



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History - Allied occupation, 1945-1952

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Reports, trip reports by Eugene H. Dooman

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Levine, Isaac Don, "Yalta Aftermath," American Affairs 1945 July

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Marshall, General George C., "Did Marshall Prolong the Pacific War?" by Forrest Davis, 3 reprints from the Freeman 1951 November 19

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Miscellaneous, notes by Mrs. Eugene H. Dooman, newspaper clippings, unidentified typewritten pages, and handwritten outline

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Pearl Harbor, "The Truth about Pearl Harbor," by John T. Flynn 1944 October

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Perry, Commodore Matthew C., "Commodore Perry at Okinawa," by William Leonard Schwartz, reprinted from the American Historical Review 1946 January

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Potsdam, "Stalin Merely Smiled," by Charles Curran, The Spectator 1959 September


United States

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Department of State


Foreign relations

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Foreign Service

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Diary 1941 December - 1942 June 16

envelope A


Scope and Contents note

1 print of Eugene H. Dooman, Norman Davis, Admiral William Standley, Commander R.E. Schuirman and others (unidentified).