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Guide to the Bill Pronzini Archive, 1967 -1986
1425 - 1521  
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  • Descriptive Summary
  • Administrative Information
  • Access Points
  • Contents
  • Biography
  • Correspondents
  • Material Transferred from the Collection

  • Descriptive Summary

    Title: Bill Pronzini Archive,
    Date (inclusive): 1967 -1986
    Box Number: 1425 - 1521
    Creator: Pronzini, Bill
    Repository: California State Library
    Sacramento, California
    Language: English.

    Administrative Information



    Conditions of Use

    Please credit California State Library.

    Publication Rights

    Copyright has not been assigned to California State Library. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing. Permission for publication is given on behalf of California State Library as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained by the reader.

    Preferred Citation

    [Identification of item], Bill Pronzini Archive, California State Library.

    Access Points

    Pronzini, Bill
    Authors, American--California
    Detective and mystery stories, American


    Correspondence, manuscripts and drafts, book reviews, photographs, contracts, royalty statements.


    William John Pronzini was born in Petaluma in 1943, and. except for a short stint in Spain, Majorca, and West Germany, has always resided in California. His first novel, The Stalker, was published in 1971 and introduced Pronzini's famous no-name detective. Pronzini has published nearly fifty novels, more than two hundred shorter works, and has edited a number of anthologies. In addition to his fiction, the author has more recently worked as a mystery editor and critic. Pronzini has used the following pseudonyms over the years: Jack Foxx, Alex Saxon, William Jeffrey, Rick Renault, John Barry Williams, Russell Dancer, and Robert Hart Davis. Also, Pronzini writes Western fiction, science fiction, and stories of suspense and horror.


    Major Correspondents

    • Adey, Robert
    • Alfred Hitchcock's mystery magazine
    • Arbor House
    • Avalonne, Michael
    • Backus, Jean L.
    • Bennett, Eddie W.
    • Blassingame, McCauley and Wood
    • Bobbs-Merrill Company
    • Boston University, Mugar Memorial Library
    • Breen, Jon L., 1943-
    • Cecil
    • Clyde Taylor Literary Agency, Inc.
    • Cole, Don
    • Cook, Michael L.
    • Crider, Bill, 1941-
    • Curtis Brown Ltd.
    • Curtis, Richard
    • Davis Publications
    • Dennis McMillan Publications
    • Doubleday and Company, inc.
    • Ellery Queen's mystery magazine
    • Erhardt, Pat
    • Estleman, Loren D.
    • Fawcett Publications, Inc.
    • Florida State University
    • Flynn, J.M.
    • Frazee, Steve, 1909-
    • G.P. Putnam's Sons
    • Garfield, Brian, 1939-
    • Gault, William Campbell
    • Gobbett, Dan
    • Gores, Joe, 1937-
    • Granbeck, Marilyn
    • Grant, Charles L.
    • Greenberg, Martin Harry.
    • Greene, Douglas S.
    • Hagemann, E. R. (Edward R.), 1921-
    • Haley, Margaret D.
    • Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
    • Hayakawa Publishing, Inc.
    • Henry Morrison, Inc.
    • Hoch, Edward D., 1930-
    • Hubin, Allen J.
    • Hubin, Pat
    • Hunter, Evan, 1926-
    • Internal Revenue Service
    • Japan UNI Agency, Inc.
    • Jeier, Thomas
    • Johnson, Ryerson, 1901-
    • Kimura, Jiro
    • Kleinman, Cylvia
    • Leavitt, Jack
    • Lewis, Steve
    • Lowder, Christopher
    • Lutz, John, 1939-
    • Lansdale, Joe R., 1951-
    • Magazine of fantasy and science fiction (Cornwall, Conn.)
    • Marlowe, Dan J., 1914-1987.
    • Martin, Roger
    • Martin, Walker
    • Mc Daniel, Ken
    • McKinney, James
    • Malzberg, Barry N.
    • Meyerson, Jeff
    • Minter, Richard A.
    • Molson-Stanton Associate Agency, Inc.
    • Moore, Arthur
    • Mugar Memorial Library (see: Boston University. Mugar Memorial Library)
    • Mystery Writers of America
    • Nalaboff, Bernie
    • Nehr, Ellen
    • Nevins, Francis N.
    • Nussbaum, Al
    • Old Book Store
    • Outlook Book Co.
    • Overholser, Stephen
    • Panagos, Angelo
    • Patcher, Josh
    • Paulus, Alois
    • Payne, Paul F.
    • Piazza, Helene
    • Pierce, Wayne
    • Playboy Enterprises.
    • Polk, Beth
    • Powell, Talmage
    • Pronzini, Brunhilde
    • Pronzini, Cathy
    • Randisi, Robert J.
    • Random House (Firm)
    • Reagan, Thomas B.
    • Renown Publications, Inc.
    • Resnick, Michael D.
    • Robbins, Rob
    • Robert Hale & Co.
    • Roundup
    • St. James Press
    • St. Martin's Press
    • Sampson, Robert
    • Sauerwald, James K.
    • Shluck, Thomas
    • Scott, Art
    • Scott Meredith Literary Agency, Inc.
    • Seiler, Gary
    • Slung, Michelle B., 1947-
    • South African Broadcasting Corporation.
    • Southern Illinois University Press
    • Sternig, Larry
    • Stilwell, Steven A.
    • Suter, John F., 1914-
    • Swinkels, Norma
    • Taylor, Clyde
    • Thompson, Thomas, 1913-
    • Toole, Linda
    • Torgeson, Roy
    • Traylor, Jim
    • United States. Internal Revenue Service (See: Internal Revenue Service)
    • University of Wyoming. Library
    • Walker and Company
    • Wall, Michael E.
    • Wallmann, Jeffrey M.
    • Warren, George
    • Waves Press and Bookshop
    • Weinberg, Robert
    • Western Writers of America.
    • Wilhite, Virgil
    • William Morrow and Company.
    • Wright, John
    • The Writer
    • Zwack, Heinz

    Other Correspondents

    • AFS Productions
    • Academy Chicago Publishers
    • Ace Books
    • Ackerman, Forrest J.
    • Adamson, W.H.
    • Adirondack Railway Company
    • Aladdin Books and Memorabilia
    • Alan Weston Communications, Inc.
    • Aldiss, Brian Wilson, 1925-
    • Allen, Henry W.
    • Amazing science fiction stories
    • American Health Institute
    • American mystery magazine
    • Amgott, Milton
    • Anderson Book Shop
    • Anderson, Jack, 1922-
    • Anderson, Peter
    • Anderson, Poul, 1926-
    • Anne Rosenberg Real Estate
    • Apostolou, John L.
    • Archambault, James
    • Argosy
    • Arkham House.
    • Armchair detective
    • Armstrong, Carolyn
    • Arnold's of Michigan
    • Arnout, Georges
    • Arthur H. Clark Company
    • Ashe, Val
    • Asimov's science fiction magazines
    • Aspen Bookhouse
    • Attenzione
    • Australian Consolidated Press Ltd.
    • Authors Guild (U.S.)
    • Authors of the West
    • Avonlea Books
    • Avon Books
    • BC Research
    • Babcock, Ruth
    • Bacon, Terry
    • Bailes, Jack
    • Bailey, Ted
    • Baker, Al
    • Baker, Al and Marceil
    • Baker, John R.
    • Baker, Phil
    • Ball, John
    • Ball State University
    • Ballentine Books
    • Ballantine Del Rey Fawcett
    • Bank of America
    • Bantam Books (Firm)
    • Barker, Elsa
    • Barker, S. Omar (Squire Omar), 1894-
    • Barrett, Bryan
    • Barrett, Mary H.
    • Baskerville Books
    • Baudou, Jacques, 1946-
    • Bay Area Rapid Transit District
    • Bay Con 1
    • Bazaar Books
    • Beasley Books
    • Bendel, Stephanie Kay
    • Berkeley barb
    • Berkley/Jove Publishing Group
    • Berkley Publishing Group.
    • Better Book Getter
    • Beaudreau, Lou
    • Bevington, Elizabeth H.
    • Biblio and Tannen
    • Bicentennial Books
    • Billy
    • Bird's Nest
    • Birr, Wilson and Co., Inc.
    • Bjarne's Books
    • Black Gold Cooperative Library System
    • Blair, Estelle
    • Blanche C. Gregory, Inc.
    • Blau, Peter E.
    • Blaustein, Stuart
    • Blazing Publications, Inc.
    • Bloch, Robert, 1917-
    • Block, Lawrence
    • Bob
    • Bodley Head (Firm)
    • Bogie's
    • Bonham, Frank
    • Book Baron
    • Book Carnival
    • Book Digest
    • Book Look
    • Book Post
    • Book Press, Ltd.
    • Book Shelf
    • Book Store at Depot Square
    • Bookcase
    • Books End
    • Books-On-Sale
    • The Bookseller, Inc.
    • Bookslavers Rap
    • Borgo Press
    • Bortin, Jeff
    • Bouchercon
    • Boulevard Bookshop
    • Boulton Publishing Services Inc.
    • Bouma, J. L. (Johanas L.)
    • Bourgoin, Stephane
    • Bowman, Jean
    • Boy Scouts of America
    • Bradbury, Ray, 1920-
    • Bradley, Geoffrey H.
    • Brahm, Hal
    • Brandeau, Gary
    • Brandt & Brandt
    • Briens Farlag A.S.
    • Briggs, Cadet Shaun J.
    • Briney, R.E.
    • Broberg, Jan
    • Brockel, Ray
    • Brokenshire, Jon E.
    • Brooke House Publishing, Inc.
    • Brooke, Tyler and Georgie
    • Brost, Leon, Mrs.
    • Browne, Howard
    • Brownstone Books
    • Bruccoli, Clark, Inc.
    • Budd, Elaine.
    • Budd, Michael
    • Burda
    • Bundesamat fur Finanzen
    • Bungeisunji Ltd.
    • Bunker Books
    • Burgman, Virginia
    • Burke, Ruth
    • Burt, Olive Woolley, 1894-
    • Business & Management Profiles
    • Butler, Albert
    • Bygone Books
    • C. Nelson Books
    • Cabral, Edward
    • Cabrillo Community College
    • Cain, James M. (James Mallahan), 1892-1977
    • California. Franchise Tax Board (SEE: Franchise Tax Board)
    • California Historical Society
    • California Writers' Club
    • Cambodian American Foundation, Inc.
    • Campbell, Moberg & Canessa
    • Campeta, Michael A.
    • Cancellani, Mike
    • Canfield, Grant
    • Capra Press
    • Cardwell, Jim
    • Carle, Cecil
    • Carpenter, Leonard
    • Carr, John Dickson, 1906-1977
    • Carr, Terry
    • Carr, Nick
    • Carte Blanche
    • Cassiday, Bruce
    • Cereghino, Bob
    • Certo, Nick
    • Chamberlain, Narcisse
    • Chambers, William E.
    • Charles Scribners' Sons
    • Chelsea House Publishers
    • Chic
    • Chuck
    • Christian and Bridgette
    • Clark, William J.
    • Clarke's Bookshop
    • Cliff
    • Clifford, Linda
    • Cluttered Barns
    • Cohn, Barbara J.
    • Colby, Robert
    • Coleman, Ben
    • Coleman, Clark
    • Coleman, Kate
    • Collectors Book STore
    • Collins, Mary G.
    • Collins, Max Allan
    • Collins-Knowlton-Wing, Inc.
    • Columbia Pictures Television
    • Connick, Wade F.
    • Contemporary authors
    • Context, Inc.
    • Coons, Marjorie L.
    • Cooper, Nell
    • Countryman Press
    • Courtney, Rosemary
    • Coven, Larry
    • Coven 13
    • Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, Inc.
    • Cox, William R.
    • Coxe, George Harmon, 1901-
    • Craig, Mary S.
    • Creative Graphics Development, Inc.
    • Creative Marketing
    • Crime Writers 3rd International Congress
    • Crone, Paul C.
    • Crutcher, Paul
    • Cunningham, Donna
    • Cunningham, John M.
    • Curtis, Bruce Cohn
    • Curtis, Robert H.
    • Cushing, Hilda
    • Custis, John Parke, 1930-
    • Dabbs, Judy
    • Daily Camera
    • Dale Books, Inc.
    • D'Ambra, Barbara
    • Danby, Mary
    • Daniels, Norman, 1910-
    • Darling, Jean
    • Dast-Magazine
    • David T. Alexander
    • Davidson, Arthur
    • Davidson, Aubrey
    • Davidson, Avram
    • Davidson, Donald S.
    • Davis, Bob
    • Davis, Dorothy Salisbury
    • Davis, Rebecca
    • DAW Books Inc.
    • Daytime TV
    • Dean, William Morris
    • De Ford, Miriam Allen, 1888-1975
    • Dell Publishing Company
    • del Rey, Anita
    • Delta Systems, Inc.
    • Demouzon, Alain, 1945-
    • Detective Book Club
    • Dettman, Bruce
    • DiCesare, Mary
    • Dictionary of literary biography
    • Dinant, Bob
    • Dineen, Francis X.
    • Dinkytown Antiquarian Bookstore
    • Dinsmore, Mrs. George
    • DiRenzo, Constance
    • Disemone, Desi
    • Dodd, Mead & Company
    • Dold, Gaylord
    • Donovan, Frank
    • Dorchester Publishing Co.
    • Dorothy
    • Douglas, Georgia
    • Douglas, Laura W.
    • Douglas Rae (Management) Ltd.
    • Doyle, Jim
    • Drew, Bernard A. (Bernard Alger), 1950-
    • Drood review
    • Dudgeon, John R.
    • Dundee, Wayne D.
    • Dunn, Geneva
    • Dunne, Mary
    • Dunn, Saul E.
    • Dunn's mysteries of choice
    • E.P. Dutton (Firm)
    • Dykes, Jeff
    • Earline
    • Eisenberg, Don
    • Ellery Queen's mystery club
    • Ellery Queen's mystery magazine -Japanese edition
    • Ellin, Stanley
    • Ellington, Richard
    • Ellison, Harlan
    • Else Fine-Books
    • Elsevier/Nelson Books
    • Elwood, Roger
    • Empire for the SF Writer
    • Emporium
    • Enigmatika
    • Epstein, Sam, 1909-
    • Evans, Mary Ann
    • F. and S.F. Book Co., Inc.
    • Fantasy and science fiction
    • Fantasy Publishing Co.
    • Fass, Martin
    • Faunt, Doug
    • Faust Collector
    • Fieldhouse, W.L.
    • 5th Festival du 'Roman du Film
    • Finders Keepers
    • Finney, Jack
    • Fireside Books, Inc.
    • Firestone, Sylvia
    • Fish, Bob
    • Fisher, Ben
    • Florchinger, Egon
    • Floren
    • Fox, Estelle
    • Fox, James M., 1908-
    • Franchise Tax Board
    • Franklin, Carole
    • Franklin, Weinrub, Ruddell & Vassallo
    • Frazier, Jack
    • Fred and Lenore
    • Freeman, Lucy
    • Franklin, Celia
    • Frey, James N.
    • Friedman, Arlene
    • Friedman, Mickey
    • Frement, Helene
    • Fromkin, T. M., Mrs.
    • Futura Publications Ltd.
    • G.K.Hall & Company.
    • Galileo
    • Gallery
    • Gammage Cup Books
    • Gargoyle Studios
    • Garvin and Levin
    • Gates, Phyllis
    • Gelb, Jeff
    • George
    • Georges Borchardt, Inc.
    • Gerd Plessl Agency
    • Gereghty, Lois
    • Germano, Peter
    • Gershan, Suzanne E.
    • Gilligan, Kevin J.
    • Ginn, Opal
    • Gloria
    • Gold, H.L.
    • Goldberg, Lucianne
    • Goodrich, James R.
    • Goode, Greg
    • Gorman, David
    • Gorman, Edward
    • Gottfried, Frederick D.
    • Goulart, Ron, 1933-
    • Grafton, Sue
    • Gravesend Books (Firm)
    • Great N.W. Bookstore
    • Greenburg, Robert S.
    • Greene, Paulette
    • Grey House Books
    • Gribble, Gary M.
    • Griffin, Joan
    • Grigsby, W.K.
    • Grinder, Kim
    • Grochowski, Mary Ann
    • Grosse, Rick
    • Grossman, Patty and Sue
    • Grounds for Murder
    • Guerif, Francois
    • Guidon Books (Scottsdale, Ariz.)
    • Gumbel, Greg
    • Guthrie, A. B. (Alfred Bertram), 1902-
    • H.N. Swanson, Inc.
    • Haerdle, Gundel
    • Hal Wallis Productions, Inc.
    • Hancock, Joanna Steed
    • Hamlyn Publishing Group
    • Hanko, Vanessa
    • Hanner, Patrick H.
    • Hardin, Nils
    • Harnish, Virginia
    • Harold Matson Co., Inc.
    • Harper & Row (Publishers)
    • Harrington, Joyce
    • Harris, Fran
    • Harris, Ron
    • Harris, Thomas
    • Harrison, Harry
    • Haught, Jean
    • Hawaiian Holidays, Inc.
    • Hayden
    • Hedman, Iwan, 1931-
    • Held, Claude
    • Henderson, Marilyn
    • Henrietta's Attic
    • Henry, Vera
    • Henry, Will, 1912-
    • Hensley, Don
    • Hensley, Joe L., 1926-
    • Herb Kelly/Anita Mitchell Associates, Inc.
    • Herlitz Mobeltransporte
    • Herschenfeld, Larry
    • Hershman, Morris, 1926-
    • Highsmith, Patricia, 1921-
    • Hillerman, Tony.
    • Hogan, John A.
    • Hoffman, Carl
    • Holdaway, David
    • Holding, James, Jr.
    • Holmes, Lew
    • Holt, Patricia
    • Hooked on Books
    • Hornig, Doug
    • Hoskins, Robert
    • Houghton Mifflin Company.
    • Howard, Clark
    • Howard Payne University
    • Hower, Lewis F.
    • Hunmsberger, Edward
    • Hutchinson, Nancy
    • Hutter, ERnest M.
    • Indiana Manufacturers Assoc.
    • International Bookfinders, Inc.
    • International Creative Management
    • International Polygonics, Ltd.
    • International Press Agency
    • Invisible Ink
    • Irene and Bob
    • Irvine, Angie
    • Irvin, Jack D.
    • Isaac Asimov's miniature mysteries
    • Isaac Asimov's science fiction magazine
    • Isaac, Fred
    • J & J O'Donoghue Books
    • J.P. Lippincott Co.
    • Jakes, John, 1932-
    • James, P. D. (See: White, Phyllis)
    • James Fox Associates
    • Jamil, S.M.
    • Janifer, Laurence M.
    • Janus Books (Publisher)
    • Jaysnovich, Andy
    • Jean
    • Jennings, Robert
    • Joan & Bob
    • Joe
    • John H. Latham Publications
    • Johnny
    • Johns, S.B.
    • Johnson, Michelle
    • Jon and Carol
    • Joyce Literary Corporation
    • Julie
    • Juscik, Steve
    • Just in Crime
    • K., Becky
    • KFBK
    • KPFA (Radio station: Berkeley, Calif.)
    • KSAN (Radio station: San Francisco, Calif.)
    • Kaplan, Jonathan, 1947-
    • Karen
    • Kelly, Carla
    • Kevin
    • Kidd, Virginia
    • Kieling, Jared T.
    • Killian, Dave
    • Kimball, Clay
    • King, Diana
    • Kirby McCauley, Ltd.
    • Kneeland, John B.
    • Knight, Damon Francis, 1922-
    • Knight, Jim
    • Knott, Will C.
    • Knowlton, Don
    • Knox Burger Associates, Ltd.
    • Knudson, Peder H.
    • Koontz, Dean R. (Dean Ray), 1945-
    • Krauzer, Steven M.
    • Kristiansen, Ralph
    • Kugel & Bent
    • Kurland, Michael J.
    • Laurance, Alice
    • Lauer, Randy
    • Law, Carol Russell
    • Law, Warner
    • Layman, Richard, 1947-
    • Lee
    • Lee, Wayne C.
    • Legg, John
    • Leiber, Fritz, 1910-
    • Leich, Carl J.
    • Lembeck, Robert
    • Lemuria
    • Lennart Sane Agency
    • Lenninger Literary Agency, Inc.
    • Leonard, Elmore, 1925-
    • Lewin, Michael Z.
    • Lewis, Dave
    • Lewis, J. Preston
    • Lien, Dennis
    • Linda
    • Linn, Eloise
    • Lipman, Clayre
    • Little Professor Book Center
    • Lippincott, Bill
    • Literary Guild of America.
    • Lizzy
    • LoBrutte, Pat
    • Loeb uitgevers bv
    • Loeser, William R.
    • Longo, Lucas
    • Loompanics Unlimited
    • Lord, Glenn
    • Loyd, Douglas
    • Lucia, Ellis
    • Lume, E.
    • Lutz, Barbara
    • Lyczak, Joel
    • Lyles, William H.
    • Lynds, Dennis, 1924-
    • Lachman, Marvin
    • Lachtman, Howard, 1941-
    • Lackenbach, Lilling and Siegel
    • Lackritz, Richard M.
    • Ladies home journal
    • Lance
    • Lancer Books, Inc.
    • Landau, Jan
    • Landfried, Shirley
    • MD Publications, Inc.
    • M.F.C. Limited
    • Mabel
    • MacDonald and Jane's Publishers.
    • MacDonald, John D. (John Dann), 1916-1986.
    • MacDonald, Marjorie
    • Mackey, Joseph E.
    • Macmillan Publishing Company
    • Madel, Juel
    • Madonna, Mike
    • Magazine Center
    • Magnum/Royal Publications
    • Major Magazines, Inc.
    • Mailing, Arthur
    • Malzberg, Joyce
    • Mannatt, Margaret
    • Marchl, Irmgard B.
    • Margulies, Cylvia
    • Margulies, Leo
    • Marilyn
    • Marketing Consultants International.
    • Mark Twain journal
    • Marshall Field and Company
    • Martha
    • Martin, Robert, 1908-1976.
    • Martin, Robert L., Jr.
    • Martine-Barnes, Adrienne
    • Martinolich, Gay R.
    • Marty
    • Masie and Bill
    • Masur, Harold Q., 1909-
    • Matilda Ziegler Magazine for the Blind
    • Matthews, Clayton
    • Matthews, Patricia
    • Maurice F. Neville Rare Books
    • Mayfield, Joel
    • Mayhan, Ardath
    • McAuliffe, Frank
    • McClannen, Roger
    • McComas, Annette
    • McComas, J. Francis
    • McGaughey, Penny and Dean
    • McGraw-Hill Book Company
    • McGregor, Don
    • McIntosh, Jeff
    • McKee, Mary
    • McMahon, Thomas Patrick
    • McMillan, Dennis
    • McMillan, Harlow
    • McMurran, John
    • McQuaid, Michele A.
    • Mead, Jean, 1936-
    • Meeker, Norma
    • Melancholy Murders
    • Mendelson, Drew
    • Melvin, David Skeene, 1936-
    • Merha, Lester W.
    • Mertz, Stephen
    • Meticulous Records, Inc.
    • Michael
    • Michigan State University
    • Mike Shayne mystery magazine
    • Miles, Ruth
    • Miller, David W.
    • Mills, Maureen
    • Mills College
    • Milne, Terry
    • Mixon, Veronica
    • Mondadori Publishing Co., INc.
    • Monroe Books
    • Montelone, Thomas F.
    • Montenaraus, Don
    • Monterey Heights Homes Assoc.
    • Monterey Peninsula Junior College District
    • Mooney, William.
    • Moore, Arthur F.
    • Moore, Richard A.
    • Moore, Robin, 1925-
    • Morando, Theo E.
    • Morrison, Brenda
    • Moskowitz, Richard W.
    • Mostly Mystery Books
    • Murder by the Book
    • Murder for Pleasure Mystery Books
    • Murder Ink
    • Murdock, Jim D.
    • Murdock, Ken
    • Murphy, Laurence A.
    • Murray, Earl
    • Murray, Will
    • Mysterious Bookshop
    • Mysterious Mike
    • Mysterious Press
    • Mystery
    • Mystery & adventure series review
    • Mystery and Imagination Bookshop
    • Mystery House
    • Mystery Library
    • Mystery News
    • Mystery reader's newsletter
    • Napier, Bob
    • Nathans, Rhoda
    • National Arts Club (New York, N.Y.)
    • National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center.
    • Nebel, Dorothy B.
    • Nelson Doubleday, Inc.
    • Nelson, Ray Faraday, 1931-
    • New American Library
    • Newell
    • Nieminski, John, 1929-1986
    • Nietzel, Michael T.
    • Noble, Arnold
    • Noble, Don
    • Nolan, Bill
    • Norris, Carolyn B.
    • Northeastern Illinois University
    • Norville, Barbara, 1923-
    • North Country
    • Novak, Stephen R.
    • Noyes, Hugh
    • O., Jackie
    • OGM Corporation
    • Oak Knoll Books (Firm)
    • Oceanside Books, Unlimited
    • Odyssey Book Search
    • Odyssey Shop
    • Offord, Lee
    • Ohio State University
    • Ohio University Press
    • O'Keefe, Patrick
    • Oliker, Michael A.
    • Oliver, Oriole
    • Olsen, Theodore V.
    • Omni
    • Onarlene
    • Orth, Paul
    • Orbit
    • Overholser, Wayne D.
    • Owl Pen Books
    • Oxford University Press
    • Ox-Bow Studio
    • Owen, Scott
    • Pacific Gas & Electric Company.
    • Page, Jerry
    • Parekh, Iqbal
    • Parker, Percy S.
    • Parsons, Mike
    • Pat and Veronica
    • Patrick
    • Patton, Jeff
    • Payes, Rachel Cosgrove
    • Pedersen, Karen
    • Peirce, Hayford
    • Pennyfarthing Press
    • Penzler, Otto
    • Pepper and Stern
    • Perkinson, Grace
    • Petras, Herman
    • Phillips, David
    • Phillips, Elena
    • Phillips, Nizer, Benjamin, Kern & Ballon
    • Phipps, Helene Juarez
    • Pieraccini, Rolando
    • Pinnacle Books, Inc.
    • Pizzino, Virginia
    • Podolsky, Scott
    • Pocket Books
    • Politiken
    • Pollack, Helen M.
    • Porcelain, Sidney E.
    • Porges, Art
    • Powell, Steve
    • Pratt, Charles
    • Presidio Press
    • Press, Skip, 1950-
    • Presses Pocket
    • Prince, J.
    • Private Eye Writers of America
    • Pross, Pete
    • Prosser, H. L. (Harold Lee), 1944-
    • Proteus Press
    • Publisher's Incorporated
    • Pulp Press
    • Purple Unicorn Books
    • Putnam Publishing Group
    • Pyramid Publications
    • Pyritz, Arthur
    • QMG Publishing Co.
    • RLR Associates, Ltd.
    • R Thompson Books Etcetera
    • Radesky, Mike
    • Ragan, Robert W.
    • Ralston, Albert B.
    • Randall, Marta
    • Raven Books
    • Rawson, Clayton, 1906-
    • Read
    • Reasoner, James
    • Rebecca
    • Redbook
    • Redwood Writer's Club
    • Reese, John Henry
    • Reihl, Kathleen
    • Reilly, John
    • Reineke, Becky
    • Reiner Marian
    • Rem, Stanley
    • Richards, Phil
    • Richmond, Roe
    • Ripon College
    • Ritchie, Jack
    • Robbins, Wanda
    • Roberts, Daniel G.
    • Roberts, Willo Davis
    • Rog
    • Rose Tree Inn
    • Ross Roy/Colorasi Griswold, Inc.
    • Rotthaus, Ritha
    • Royalton
    • Royland, Kathleen
    • Ruby
    • Rue Morgue
    • Ruhm, Herbert
    • Ryan, Alan
    • Ryan, George P.
    • St. Nicholas Books
    • Sakamoto, Terry
    • Samoian, Bob
    • San Diego Bar Auxiliary Philanthropes
    • San Francisco Academy of Comic Art
    • San Francisco chronicle
    • San Francisco examiner
    • San Francisco Maritime Museum
    • San Jose mercury news
    • Sandulo, Sandy
    • Santesson, Hans Stefan
    • Scene of the Crime
    • Schellenberg-Barnhart, Helene
    • Scheier, Mrs.
    • Schiff, Stuart David
    • Schleret, Jea-Jacques
    • Schoenfeld, Howard
    • Scholastic Magazines, Inc.
    • Scholz
    • Schorr, Mark
    • Schwab, Ronald L.
    • Science Fiction Resources Network
    • Science Fiction Writers of America
    • Scott, Foresman and Company.
    • Scott, Jean Marie
    • Scortia, Tom
    • 2nd City Sculduggery
    • Second Story Books
    • See, Carolyn
    • Sekiguchi, Ken
    • Selavan, Ida Cohen
    • Sergenian, Sally
    • Severn House Publishers, Ltd.
    • Sexton, Elsie
    • Shaufelder, Robert F.
    • Shaw, Thomas W.
    • Shechter, Andi
    • Sherry
    • Shibuk, Charles
    • Shine, Walter, 1920-
    • Shiner, Lewis
    • Siefert Industries
    • Silverberg, Robert
    • Simenon, Georges, 1903-
    • Simon and Schuster, inc.
    • Simon-Ross, Celia
    • Sirak, Joseph J.
    • Sisk, Frank
    • Skeene Melvin, David (See: Melvin, David Skeene)
    • Slesar, Henry
    • Sloan, Dorothy
    • Smallman, Steve
    • Smith, Curtis C.
    • Smith, Julie, 1944-
    • Smith, M.J.
    • Smith, Pauline C.
    • Smith, Walter D.
    • Soltero, Gay
    • Space Age Books
    • Spector, Cohen, Hunt and Rosen
    • Springer, Cole
    • Stanley Jaffe Productions
    • Star Treader Books
    • Skin, Abner
    • Stein Productions, Inc.
    • Steinberg, Peter
    • Stephen's Book Service
    • Steve Yeager Films
    • Stewart, R.F.
    • Stillings, Nona
    • Stodghill, Dick
    • Stone, Gene
    • Stone, John Scott
    • Stowe, James L.
    • Straight Arrow Books
    • Strehlow, Loretta
    • Stumpf, Dan
    • Sumner, Jean-Teresa
    • Sun-Studio
    • Sunk, Joe
    • Suspense Unlimited
    • Swank
    • Swan, Helen R.
    • Swanson, H.N.
    • Sybil
    • Sykes, Mary
    • Symbol Productions, Inc.
    • Szabo, Brian
    • Takacs, A.
    • Takami, Hiroshi
    • Taketomi, Yoshio
    • Tales of the unexpected
    • Talisman Press
    • Tanasescu, Gino
    • Taplinger Publishing Co.
    • Tartan Book Sales
    • Taylor
    • Taylor, Samuel W.
    • Temares, Lee
    • Tempesta, Michele
    • Tenho, Arne
    • Texas Monthly
    • Theta Books, Inc.
    • Thiessen, J. Grant
    • Thomas Bouregy and Co., Inc.
    • Thomas, Mrs. Larry L.
    • Thompson, Lori
    • Thorn, Gerda M.
    • Ticknor and Fields
    • Time-Travellers Club
    • Tomlinson, Gerry
    • Tinsman, James H.
    • Tonik, Albert
    • Tower Books
    • Tower Publications, Inc.
    • Townsend, Guy M.
    • Transatlantic Books
    • Treat, Lawrence, 1903-
    • Treimanis, Valdis
    • Trimble, Louis
    • Trinity Bible Church
    • Turner, Bob
    • Turner, Ray
    • Turman, James
    • USA Today
    • Ultimate Publishing Co.
    • Uncanny Creations
    • Unicorn
    • U.S. Postal Service
    • Universal City Studios, Inc.
    • Universal Press Association
    • Universal Publishing & Distributing Corp.
    • UCLA Extension
    • University of Houston
    • University of Kentucky
    • University of New Mexico
    • University of Oklahoma Press
    • University of Oregon
    • University of Pennsylvania, Scienc Fiction
    • Group
    • University of Texas Press
    • Van Scyoc, Sydney J.
    • Vance, William F.
    • Vatavuk, William M., 1947-
    • Verlad Aenne Burda (See: Burda)
    • Viacom Cablevision
    • Vickery, Diana J.
    • WOR-TV (Television station: New York, N.Y.)
    • Wadsworth, Smith, Mohrman and Dado
    • Walberg, Bruce
    • Wallman, Helga.
    • Wallman, Jeffrey M.
    • Wallman, Manly Wade
    • Wallman, Margaret
    • Walsh, Tom
    • Walton, Barbara
    • Walton, Bryce, 1918-
    • Ward, Patrick
    • Warner Books (Firm)
    • Warren, Alan
    • Warren, Philip H., Jr.
    • Washington, Frank
    • Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.)
    • Weber, Thomasina
    • Weidenfeld and Nicolson (Firm)
    • Weiman, Barbara
    • Weinstock, Janice E.
    • Weintraub, Laurel
    • Weisinger, Mort, 1915-
    • Weiss, Anne
    • Welch, Timothy
    • Wellen, Ed
    • Wells, Basil, 1912-
    • Wells Fargo Bank
    • Wells, Helen
    • Wesleyan College
    • West Geauga Friends of the Library
    • Western Publishing Co., Inc.
    • West's Booking Agency
    • Wetzel, Mike
    • Whaley, Barton
    • Wheatley, Burnice
    • White, Phyllis
    • Whitt, J.P.
    • Who's who in America
    • Wilcox, Collin
    • Wilde, Cornel
    • Wildwood Books and Prints
    • Wilhelm Heyne Verlag
    • Willamette Week
    • William Morris Agency
    • Williams, Adrienne
    • Williams, Nick
    • Williams, Suzanne, 1949-
    • Wilson, David
    • Wilson, Jane
    • Winterowd, C.B.
    • Wirkin, J.
    • Willis, Beverly
    • Woelfel, Barry
    • Woo, Bengho
    • Woods, Sharon A.
    • Workman Publishing Company
    • Worldwide Direct Marketing
    • Worn Bookworm
    • Wright, Betty Ren
    • Wright, Lee
    • Writer's Digest
    • Writer's Digest School
    • Writers Guild of America
    • Writers House, Inc.
    • Wye-Williams, Jaime
    • Xenophile
    • Xerox
    • Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn, 1942-
    • Yates, Don
    • Yeager, J.W.
    • Young, Frank P.
    • Young, Jeffrey S., 1952-
    • Zackel, Fred
    • Zane Grey, Western Magazine, Inc.
    • Zavada, Jack
    • Zebra Books
    • Zeman, Barry T.
    • Zeppa, Bob
    • Zimmerman, Rod and Carolyn
    • Zion Bookstore

    Material Transferred from the Collection


    • Anderson, Jack and Bill Pronzini. The Cambodia File. London: Sphere Books Limited, 1983. (c* FIC A548ca 1983)
    • Greenberg, Martin and Bill Pronzini, eds. Police Procedurals. Chicago: Academy Chicago Publishers, 1985.
    • __________. Women Sleuths. Chicago: Academy Chicago Publishers, 1985. (c* PS 648 D4 W6 1985)
    • Jeffrey, William. Border Fever. New York: Leisure Books, c1983. (c* FIC P9655br)
    • __________. Duel at Gold Buttes. New York: Tower Books, c1981. (c* FIC P9655du)
    • Malzberg, Barry N. and Bill Pronzini, eds. The Fifties: The End of Summer. New York: Baronet, 1979.
    • Pronzini, Bill. Bindlestiff. London: Severn House, 1984. (c* FIC P9655bi 1984)
    • __________. Blowback. New York: Dale Books, 1978. (c* FIC P9655bl 1978)
    • __________. Blowback. London: Robert Hale, 1978. (c* FIC P9655bl 1978a)
    • __________. Blowback. Woodstock, VT: Countryman Press, 1984. (c* FIC P9655bl 1984)
    • __________. Dragonfire. London: Robert Hale, 1983. (c* FIC P9655d 1983)
    • __________. The Gallows Land. Thorndike, ME: Thorndike Press, c1983. (c* FIC P9655ga 1983b)
    • __________. The Gallows Land. London: Robert Hale, 1984. (c* FIC P9655ga 1984)
    • __________. Games. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett Books, c1976. (c* FIC P9655gm 1976a)
    • __________. Games. London: Hamlyn Paperbacks, 1978. (c* FIC P9655gm 1978) 2 copies.
    • __________. Labyrinth. London: Robert Hale, 1981. (c* FIC P9655la 1981)
    • __________. Masques. New York: Berkley Books, 1973. (c* FIC P9655ma 1983)
    • __________. Midnight Specials: An Anthology for Railway Enthusiasts and Suspense Addicts. London: Souvenir Press, 1978. (c* PN 6071 R3 M4 1978)
    • __________. Panic! New York: Pocket Books, 1973. (c* FIC P9655pa 1973) 3 copies.
    • __________. Panic! London: Sphere Books Limited, 1975. (c* FIC P9655pa 1975)
    • __________. Quicksilver. London: Severn House, 1985. (c* FIC P9655qi 1985)
    • __________. Scattershot. New York: St. Martin's Press, c1982. (c* FIC P9655sc) 2 copies.
    • __________. Scattershot. London: Robert Hale, 1982. (c* FIC P9655sc 1982a)
    • __________. The Snatch. New York: Pocket Books, 1973. (c* FIC P9655sn 1973) 2 copies.
    • __________. The Snatch. London: Robert Hale, 1974. (c* FIC P9655sn 1974)
    • __________. The Snatch. London: Sphere Books Limited, 1975. (c* FIC P9655sn 1975)
    • __________. The Snatch. Woodstock, VT: Countryman Press, 1984. (c* FIC P9655sn 1984)
    • __________. Snowbound. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett Publications, 1975. (c* FIC P9655so 1975)
    • __________. Snowbound. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975. (c* FIC P9655so 1975a)
    • __________. Snowbound. London: Futura Publications, 1977. (c* FIC P9655so 1977)
    • __________. The Stalker. London: Sphere Books Limited, 1976. (c* FIC P9655st 1976)
    • __________. The Stalker. New York: Pocket Books, 1973. (c* FIC P9655st 1973) 3 copies.
    • __________. The Stalker. London: Robert Hale, 1974. (c* FIC P9655st 1974)
    • __________. Starvation Camp. London: Robert Hale, 1985. (c* FIC P9655sv 1985)
    • __________. Undercurrent. New York: Walter J. Black, c1973. (c* FIC P9655un 1973)
    • __________. Undercurrent. New York: Pocket Books, 1974. (c* FIC P9655un 1974)
    • __________. Undercurrent. London: Robert Hale, 1975. (c* FIC P9655un 1975)
    • __________. Undercurrent. London: Sphere Books Limited, 1977. (c* FIC P9655un 1977)
    • __________. Undercurrent. Woodstock, VT: Countryman Press, 1984. (c* FIC P9655un 1984)
    • __________. The Vanished. New York: Pocket Books, 1974. (c* FIC P9655va 1974)
    • __________. The Vanished. London: Robert Hale, 1974. (c* FIC P9655va 1974a)
    • __________. The Vanished. London: Sphere Books Limited, 1976. (c* FIC P9655va 1976)
    • __________. The Vanished. Woodstock, VT: Countryman Press, 1984. (c* FIC P9655va 1984)
    • Pronzini, Bill and Barry Malzberg. Acts of Mercy. New York: Tower Books, c1977. (c* FIC P9655ac 1977b)
    • __________. Acts of Mercy. New York: Dorchester Pub. Co., 1977. (c* FIC P9655ac 1977a)
    • __________. Night Screams. New York: Playboy Paperbacks, 1981. (c* FIC P9655ng 1981)
    • __________. The Running of Beasts. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett Publications, c1976. (c* FIC P9655ru 1976a)
    • Pronzini, Bill and Martin Greenberg, eds. Great Modern Police Stories. New York: Walker and Company, 1986.
    • __________. The Third Reel West. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1986. (c* PS 648 W4 T45 1986)
    • __________. The Western Hall of Fame. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1984. (c* PS 648 W4S44 1984)
    • Pronzini, Bill, Charles G. Waugh, and Martin Harry Greenberg, eds. Murder in the First Reel. New York: Avon Books, 1985.
    • Saxon, Alex. A Run in Diamonds. New York: Pocket Books, 1973. (c* FIC P9655rn)

    Foreign Language Books

    • Anderson, Jack and Bill Pronzini. Ingen gud i Kampuchea. Oslo: Glad Kompaniet, 1982. (c* FIC A548ca N6)
    • Foxx, Jack. Fuoco Rosso. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1976.
    • __________. L`Uomo Che Non Era In Vendita. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1973. (c* FIC P9655ja I8) 2 copies.
    • Muller, Marcia and Bill Pronzini, eds. Morderishe Frauen. Munchen: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, c1985.
    • Patcher, Josh. Top SF1. Amsterdam: Nederlandse Vertaling, c1986.
    • Pronzini, Bill. Affaren Martinette. Jyvaskyla, FInland: Raben & Sjogren, 1976. (c* FIC P8655sn S8)
    • __________. Da Aren's Nur Noch Drei. Bern: Scherz, c1971. (c* FIC P9655st G4) 2 copies.
    • __________. L'article de La Mort. [Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1981. (c* FIC P9655la F7)
    • __________. Bill Pronzini's Horror Welt. Frankfort: Verlag Ulstein, 1975.
    • __________. Bindlestiff. Tokyo: Japan UNI Agency, c1984.
    • __________. C'est Pas Un Metier! [Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1982. (c* FIC P9655sc F7)
    • __________. Le Coup Tordu. [Paris]: Gallimard, 1974. (c* FIC P9655sn F7)
    • __________. La Crema del Crimen. Buenos Aires: Emece Editores, c198
    • __________. Doden Lurer. Trondhiem: Winther, 1979. (c* FIC P9655bl D3)
    • __________. Edgar 1. Hamburg: Rowohlt, c1982.
    • __________. Edgar 2. Hamburg: Rowohlt, c1982.
    • __________. Edgar 3. Hamburg: Rowohlt, c1983.
    • __________. The Edgar Winners, [Tokyo]: Hayakawa Publishing Co., 1983.
    • __________. Fantomes en Flammes. [Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1986. (c* FIC P9665ni F7)
    • __________. Fausse Cle. [Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1975. (c* FIC P9655un F7) 2 copies.
    • __________. Fausse Cle. [Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1984. (c* FIC P9655un F7 1985)
    • __________. Freudschaftsdienst. Munchen: Knaur, 1984. (c* FIC P9655dr G4)
    • __________. Fuoco Rosso. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1976. (c* FIC P9655de I8)
    • __________. Den Haltes Vedergallning. Jyvaskyla, Finland: Raben & Sjogren, 1977. (c* FIC P9655st S8)
    • __________. Hoodwink. Tokyo: Kern Associates, c1981.
    • __________. I Morti E I Morituri. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1974. (c* FIC P9655un I8)
    • __________. Ingen Gud I Kampuchea. Oslo: Bladkompaniet, 1982.
    • __________. Irrgarten. Munchen: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, 1973. (c* FIC P9655sn G4) 3 copies.
    • __________. Der Irrgarten. Hamburg: Erich Pabel Verlag, 1977. (c* FIC P9655sn G4 1977)
    • __________. Labyrinth. Tokyo: Kern Associates, 1981.
    • __________. Der Letzte Zug Zur Holle. Rastatt/Baden: Erich Pabel Verlag 1979. (c* FIC P9655un G4)
    • __________. Het Lijk in de Goudmijn. Zutphen: Thieme, 1985. (c* FIC P9655bl D8)
    • __________. Het Losgeld. Zutphen: Thieme, 1985. (c* FIC P9655sn D8)
    • __________. Mannen Som Inte Kom Tillbaka. West Germany: Bokforlaget Bra Bocker Ab, 1974. (c* FIC P9655va S8 1974a)
    • __________. Mannen Som Inte Kom Tillbaka. Jyvaskyla, Finland: Raben & Sjogren, 1974. (c* FIC P9655va S8)
    • __________. Le Mausolee de la Vengeance. [Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1985. (c* FIC P9655pa F7)
    • __________. Misstankt Lik. Falun: B. Wahlsroms, 1981. (c* FIC P9655la S8)
    • __________. Mon Pote Le Vendu. [Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1983. (c* FIC P9655dr F7)
    • __________. Ombre Cinesi. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1984. (c* FIC P9655dr I8)
    • __________. Ombre Nella Notte. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1985. (c* FIC P9655ni I8) 2 copies.
    • __________. Ou Es-Tu Militaire? [Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1974. (c* FIC P9655va F7) 2 copies.
    • __________. Oui Traque-T-On?. [Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1971. (c* FIC P9655st F7) 3 copies.
    • __________. Pa Spor Af Mord. Vibarg: Peter Asschenfeldt's Forlag, 1984. (c* FIC P9655bl D3)
    • __________. Panic! Tokyo: Japan Uni Agency, c1972. (2 copies)
    • __________. Panico! Buenos Aires: Emece Distribuidora, 1973. (c* FIC P9655pa S6)
    • __________. Panico. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1974. (c* FIC P9655pa I8)
    • __________. Panik!. Malmo, Sweden: Raben & Sjogren, 1973. (c* FIC P9655pa S8)
    • __________. Panik!. Falun: Wenther, 1977. (c* FIC P9655pa D3)
    • __________. A Persequicao. Sao Paulo: Editora Edibolso, c1981. (c* FIC P9655st P7)
    • __________. Pieta' per Gli Ingiusti. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1972. (c* FIC P9655sn I8) 2 copies.
    • __________. Preferisco La Morte. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1974. (c* FIC P9655va I8)
    • __________. Prie D'Incinere. [Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1984. (c* FIC P9655bi F7
    • __________. Quell'orrendo Week-End Di Terrore. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1977. (c* FIC P9655gm I8)
    • __________. Quicksilver. Tokyo: Japan UNI Agency, c1985.
    • __________. Rote Spur. Munchen: Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, 1981. (c* FIC P9655a G4)
    • __________. Shared Tomorrows. Tokyo: Turrle-Mori Agency, c1979.
    • __________. The Snatch Tokyo?
    • __________. Snoskredet. Jyvaskyla, Finland: Raben & Sjogren, 1975. (c* FIC P9655so S8)
    • __________. Taillons-nous! [Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1973. (c* FIC P9655pa F7) 2 copies.
    • __________. Taillons-nous! [Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1984. (c* FIC P9655pa F7 1984)
    • __________. La Terre Du Bourreau. [Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1984. (c* FIC P9655gam F7)
    • __________. Terror i hvitt. Oslo: Fredhois Forlag, c1974. (c* FIC P9655so N6)
    • __________. Ticket fur Eine Hinrichtung. Rastatt/Baden: Erich Pabel Verlag, c1972. (c* FIC P9655pa G4)
    • __________. Die Totenuhr. Hamburg: Pabel Verlag KG, 1975.
    • __________. Trauerarbeit. Munchen: Knaur, 1984. (c* FIC P9655sc G4)
    • __________. Trets per Totes Bandes. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1984. (c* FIC P9655sc S6)
    • __________. Triplo Bersaglio per Senza Nome. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1983. (c* FIC P9655sc I8) 2 copies.
    • __________. Twospot. Tokyo: Tuttle-Mori Agency, 1979.
    • __________. Undercurrent. Tokyo: Japan UNI Agency, 1980.
    • __________. Undici Anni Di Grazia. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1972. (c* FIC P9655st I8)
    • __________. La Valle Della Paura. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1975. (c* FIC P9655so I8) 2 copies.
    • __________. De Verdwenen Soldaat. Zutphen: Thieme, 1985. (c* FIC P9655va D8)
    • __________. Vier Unheimilche Gaste. Munchen: Droemer Knauer, 1979. (c* FIC P9655bl G5)
    • __________. La Vita in Bilico. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1978. (c* FIC P9655bl I8)
    • __________. De Vrouwenversierder. Zutphen: Thieme, 1985. (c* FIC P9655un D8)
    • Pronzini, Bill and Barry N. Malzberg. Gritos na Noite. [Lisbon]: Publicacoes Europa-America, 1979. (c* FIC P9655ng P7)
    • __________. Le Nuit Hurle. Paris: Editions Fleuve Noir, 1983. (c* FIC P9655ng)
    • Pronzini, Bill, Barry N. Malzberg, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Unheimliches. Munchen: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, 1985. (c*PS 648 H6 A73 G4)
    • Saxon, Alex. Dodens Diamanter. [s.l.]: Hemligt Uppdrag, 1975.
    • __________. Mord fur eine Handovoll Diamanten. Hamburg: Erich Pabel Verlag KG, 1974.
    • __________. Prendi I Diamanti E Corri. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1976. (2 copies)